#fork knight pizza tower
wartime-worrier · 1 year
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John Gutter? More like John Graveyard amirite gamers ahahha-
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spineshark99 · 1 year
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Pizzamon Cheese Version 🧀
Made some Pizza Tower cheese enemy sprites based on the Game Boy Pokemon games using Pixel Studio!!
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mrsvoid · 1 year
Fork knights?
Their design
Their taur species is a meerkat
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FINALLY, done already with this. Meet, Fencer, Forkie, and Pizzock. Fencer who is a Tsundere for his interest. And Forkie who fell in love with a beautiful cheeslime. And pizzock is still single.
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jokerman9540 · 1 year
Well, Peppino should know this place like the back of his hand! Bet he could P-Rank it too, if we had the time.
Peppino: “Thanks!”
He chuckles
Peppino: “But this place has changed so much that I don’t think I can successfully navigate this place anymore. At least John’s old location hasn’t changed.”
As they went deeper into the level, the stone began to get overtake by the gummy surfaces. The enemy’s were also weird combinations of pizza and candy, such as the aforementioned gumslime/cheeseslime hybrids and some fork wielding S’more Knights with a cheesy filling
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mrfellsans · 8 months
Long ramble about pizza tower even though I'm mostly talking about basics and levels and like other stuff ig!
Future me: sorry if it's cut off Tumblr keeps goofin around
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Pizza tower spoilers even though I think everybody knows what it is but just in case I'll leave some stuff out.
Lets start off with the story, when we open up the game we get a little intro for why we are in the tower but there isn't much story that comes with it. The protagonist Peppino spaghetti is first seen in the first part of the cut scene and he looks miserable because he isn't able to pay his debt(Boohoo) when suddenly something appears in his restaurant, it's pizzaface, the main Gillian of the game and he is here to kill you with no regrets. He threatens peppino to go to his Pizza tower or he is gonna get a big ass Lazer and Lazer blast the living shit out of peppinos pizzeria so peppino is there like "DAAAAAAAMNNN DON'T DO THAT" and he starts running to the tower chasing the flying pizza but as soon as peppino enters the tower pizzaface that coward flew some where so peppino is all like "omg" and then the door slams shut behind him and he's all scared and stuff. Thats the story(that is not very accurate but accurate) anyway let's talk about tower basics. There are 5 floors, 6 bosses, 20 levels, 19 treasures, 95 toppins in total(but there are five for each level), and 57 secrets, and 26 clothes in total for peppinito of your counting both classic cook clothes and Halloween clothes of course. And also there are some hidden rooms throughout the tower and there are exactly 6 secret hub rooms. Lets start the game now, when you first enter the tower and walk to the right(idk my lefts and right so correct me if I'm wrong)there will be a pizza coded door, that is called tutoriel(undertale joke) you have to do the tutorial because it is necessary, unskipabble even if you wanna skip it! Don't complain just speed run it, but anyway in the level you will find an NPC called "Pizza granny" Granny will teach you basic movesets that peppino has so you don't keep getting them D-ranks, also while this is the tutorial pzaGranny doesn't show all the movesets you can use and I like this because on your way while beating the tower you can learn new things that peppino can do like the cute twirl and also that thing where he slides on the ground and starts going at max speed .. I think thats called match dash I have no memory of what that's called whatsoever but anywho if you beat the tutorial in under 2 mins or to be exact 1 minute and 45 seconds you will get access to all Lap 2 portals, Ill explain what those are later but first let's continue, after you beat the tutorial the hard pizza blocks that were blocking your way blow up and now you have access to other levels including John gutter, pizza escape, ancient cheese(should of been ancient grease THE PUN IS RIGHT THERE!! ANCIENT GREASE! IT'S RIGHT THERE AAAAA), Bloodsauce dungeon and The first boss fight which is none other then the pretty pepper himself, Pepperman. I love this idiot. Anyway back to the levels, when you beat tutorial as I said you unlock those levels and first you get to John gutter, once you enter John gutter your met with this purple themed area with many dead John's and also other enemies like cheese slimes and fork knights and monkeys(they are so annoying but silly), as you run along this new level you get to actually bring that moveset style stuff you just learned from the tutoriel to life because John gutter is a great example of what you should do after you learn how to play so let's just say that John gutter is like tutorial number 2 but more level-y. Yea. Anyways there are secrets here, hidden around but hard to pass(sometimes) and when you get to these you'll find an eyeball that's not fully pink but has some pink on it with pretty pretty eyelashes and when ya run into them you your teleported into a different room that is pink, the background has drawings of like eyes and little question marks or whateva and guess what! Every different eye you run into in every different level contains a different set up(duh) with different characters too because they are all randomized! So what I'm trying to say is each character you meet that are on these little brown pizza box platforms are just uhh different each time.. Like the levels(didn't know what to say). Anyway I know
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patches-bitsandbobs · 2 years
started: 18/3/2023 - who was this weirdly familiar guy, and why was he telling him Noise’s battle strategies?
Peppino hated going anywhere. Gustavo loved going to the pub on the weekends. Peppino didn't have any money. Gustavo had enough money to buy them four sets of rounds. Gustavo likes alcohol. Peppino also likes alcohol. Gustavo thinks Peppino should get out more. Peppino thinks he’s better off staying inside, watching the telly.
begrudgingly, after much pestering and begging and asking, Peppino relented, and he and Gustavo headed out to the Shrimps Sipper as soon as the weekend rolled around. Brick stayed behind, offering to house sit for them, to the dismay of Peppino (Brick wanted to eat cheese).
it wasn't comfortable, considering it was half packed with former residents of the tower. Fork Knights, Pizza Slicers, Snowmen, Shrimp Thugs, and Golf Demons were among the few scattered here and there, drinking and talking to one another, thankfully not looking in their direction. Peppino very much wanted to keep it that way, so with half frantic taps on Gustavo's arm, he directed the other to a lone table, secluded in the corner. Gustavo, as bright and chipper as ever, followed along. they sat down, Peppino stuffing himself in the shadow of the corner, while Gustavo patted his shoulder with a warm smile, asking Peppino what he would like to drink.
Peppino told him his order, Gustavo left for the bar, and Peppino was alone. he shifted his eyes here and there, beads of sweat beginning to form on his face, as he darted between each Shrimp that laughed too loudly, or each Demon that raised their voice just a touch too high, or each Fork Knight that slammed their fork against the table (and really, why did they bring their fork to a pub?). the volume of the occupants, the smell of mixed cocktails, the largeness of the room; it wasn't doing his head nor his anxiety any favours. he very quickly found that he wanted to leave.
'well hey there Mr Italian man!' a squeaky voice spoke directly from his right, and he screamed his signature scream, swinging his arm out. there was a yelp as his arm wooshed through empty air. he felt like he was about to pass out. 'geez, I didn't mean to scare ya like that!!!' he turned his head to look at the stranger, and saw someone with a too wide grin and too small eyes looking back at him. a messy tuft of black hair, a suit that was way too large for his small form, a face full of freckles.
he had no idea who this guy was.
with a huff of laughter, the stranger slid into the seat across from him, a Martini glass in hand. still reeling from the sudden adrenaline rush, Peppino glared him down, alternating between wanting to fling himself across the table at him, or bolt clear from the building.
'I ain't used to seein' you out and about like this! what's the occasion, eh?' the man sipped his drink with a massive smile, looking him dead in the eye, not caring that Peppino was steaming with fear and rage. taking a deep breath, Peppino tried to ease the tension from his highly hunched shoulders.
'I was, uh. invited, I, I'm sorry, who are you?' the longer Peppino stared, the more confused he grew. this man wasn't from the tower was he? he didn't recall seeing him anywhere; so why did he seem to know Peppino? the mans face alternated between shocked, insulted, and confused, before settling on pure elation, his teeth going sharp and devilish. it only made Peppino more anxious than he already was.
'my names James! I saw some of your ads for ya pizza place, but I didn't know I'd meet you in a place like this!' he racked his brain and still came up empty, because this man had never visited his parlour, either.
'oh. 'kay.' Peppino slowly said.
'yep!' the man replied.
the quiet chatter and soft clinks of the bar filled in their awkward silence. Peppino wrung his hands together under the table, while the man knocked the miniature umbrella about. he wondered what was taking Gustavo so long. without knowing it, the stranger saved him from sinking into his man-made hysteria of being abandoned at the pub.
'say, are you familiar with that Noise guy?' the mere mention of the name had Peppino recoil with a violent sneer. it made the man laugh. 'I figured you were! well, what if I told ya that I know some’a his battle plans?' Peppino raised a brow at him, and the stranger leaned in. 'swear down I do! I think it could be worth ya while!' Peppino visibly thought about it. it didn't take him long to settle on his answer.
'I'm listening.' ------------ Peppino and "James" bumped into each other a week later, where a slumped, obviously upset Peppino sat alone, in the same place they had first met. Gustavo, once again, was occupied at the bar's counter, happily chatting to the shrimp that was serving other occupants their drinks. Peppino seemed to sense "James" this time, turning an eye to face the grinning man, who easily slid into the seat across from him. he didn't have a glass with him this time, and was wearing the same brand of suit as before, only this time, it was an obnoxious purple rather than an ugly yellow.
'hey there Italian man!'
'hello, James.'
'how'd ya fight with ol' Noisey go?'
'how'd you know we got in a fight?' a bout of nervousness crossed "James'" face that was waved off within the same second.
'phaaa, everyone knows that you fight that guy at least once a week. it's common knowledge here!' Peppino frowned, thought it over, did a slight shrug and a small hum. 'so er, I'm takin' it you lost? you've got a face like a slapped arse.'
'it's like he knew exactly what I was gonna do!' Peppino immediately vented. 'he read me like a god damn book the entire time!'
'ooh, bummer. you should try getting somewhere high up next time; I hear that his balloon has a hard time getting good heights.'
'how do you know so much about him?'
'you could say that I have a kind of rivalry with him, too.' Peppino's eye gained a shine.
'we should team up then!' to which "James" laughed him off.
'nah, my rivalry ain't quite the same as yours. ours is more for fun, y'know?'
Peppino deflated onto the table. "James" leaned over and lightly patted his shoulder. ---------------------- Peppino was drunk. he wasn't drunk, he was absolutely blasted. his vision swam, his body felt akin to jelly, his brain was mush and his thoughts were scrambled. sounds and smells slurred together into a haze of nothing, a thick warmness coursing through his chest and spreading through his limbs that made the rest of him sluggish and tired. was he laid out on the table, or sat up? was he staring at the wood of the table, or at his own brown trousers? was his glass half empty, or full? how much had he even had to drink? he tried to focus on how many glasses there were, but found that he couldn't focus on a single one.
'uh, Peppino?' ooh, he knew that voice, that was James! he liked James. he was nice. weird, and somehow really familiar, but nice. not Gustavo nice, who was being nice for the sake of being polite, and not Vigilante nice, where it was obviously faked for the sake of being civil. no, James was just. nice. nice to talk to, nice to sit with, nice to be around. 'geez, are you alri-'
'Jaaaaames' Peppino blindly reached out, hands landing on the course material of James' suit. in a brash display of affection he would never ever do while sober, he curled his arms around James and pulled him in, giggling the entire time. James, stunned by the sudden motion, had no choice but to allow himself be tugged down into Peppino's personal space, where he practically fell into Peppino's lap. Peppino sunk into him, head lolling on James’ shoulder, hands bunched at his back.
'cheesus crust Peppino, how much have you had?'
'liiiiiiiiiike, two.'
'two what?? gallons??' Peppino laughed, bright and loud. he stunk to high heaven of beer. James, desperately, reached into his pocket for his phone. the only way he could use it was to return Peppino's drunken hug, and the gesture made Peppino hum with satisfaction.
CoffeeRabbit: =O!!! whats wrong??!?!
SUPERSTAR95: i lied to pepino he think im some1 else he drunk as fuck
CoffeeRabbit: what the fuck teddy y wud u lie!!!!! >=(
SUPERSTAR95: it was funny =( how do i tel him
CoffeeRabbit: ur on ur own!!!
SUPERSTAR95: babe plssssss he wont let go of me and i dont want 2 fite in middle of pub
CoffeeRabbit: ON UR OWN!!!!!!!
he sighed. Peppino still held him in his iron grip. he awkwardly put his phone away, and timidly put his hands on Peppino’s back, like the act itself would burn him.
'uh, listen, Peppino,'
'hmm mmmmmmmmmmm'
'I'm not. I ain't. my name isn't James, it's uh. ...’ god, it had been such a good idea at the time. why did the Italian have to go and get drunk? that ruined everything. ‘I'm Noise.'
'yeah, I uh. it was a prank. like it wasn't- I didn't mean for it to be a prank, but I figured it'd be funny to. y'know.' ever so slowly, Peppino pulled the Noise away, holding him out at arms length. he squinted at Noise, trying really hard to see, before his mouth opened in an "O" shape. wobbly hands cupped the Noise's face, tilting him this and that a-way, before lightly slapping one cheek and re-wrapping his arms around the Noise, pulling him back in for a hug. the Noise would have fled then and there, if not for that series of actions. why the fuck did Peppino have to be a cuddly drunk?
'I kneeeeeeeeeew you looked familar. that’s how ya knew my every move too!'
'... I uh. I figured that you'd be. ... mad.'
'oh I am. I'm so fucking mad at you Noise. I'm so fucking angry at you. you are so lucky that I'm drunk.' oh he had sounded stone sober saying that. he's gonna kick my arse flat.
they stay like that for a few more minutes; Peppino holding Noise, Noise awkwardly balancing himself atop Peppino. his face felt on-fire, and his legs were starting to get numb.
'how long've you been here anyway? I can take you home as an. ...’ he grit his teeth. ‘... apology.' the word was almost spit from Noise's mouth, and Peppino giggled again, all hints of his soberness disappearing.
'les' go grab Gus and go home.'
Noise helped Peppino to his feet, where Peppino slung a heavy arm across Noise's shoulders, leaning his entire weight onto him (on purpose, Noise couldn’t help but notice), and together, the two shambled to the bars counter, where a half asleep Gustavo was sprawled.
'ooooh hello Peppiiiiii.' Gustavo turned around, his moustache lined with beer foam. he lazily looked between Peppino and Noise, and his grin only seemed to grow wider. 'hello Noiseeeeee.'
'what- how'd'cha know it's him????' Peppino blanked.
'you're just an idiot, Italian.'
'you look WEIRD without your costume.'
‘and it’s weird seeing you drunk, now come on, I ain’t got all day.’
here’s what happens - I write something, I make it WAY too long, and then I don’t know how to rightly finish it. anyway my headcanon is that Peppino genuinely doesn’t recognize Noise outside of his costume; Noise isn’t being malicious per say, he just didn’t figure that Peppino would be so touchy feely, so he feels immediently bad when he realises how much Peppino considers his fake persona as a friend
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Google fake peppino
Holy pizza time!
New toppin just dropped
Actual fork knight
Call the Noise!
Gustavo goes on vacation, never comes back
Combo sacrifice, anyone?
Ignite the pizza tower!
WAR incoming!
Pizzaface at the top, plotting world domination
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renthewerecatboi · 1 year
if someones does the merciful move of making a mod to remove the fork-knight guys in pizza tower, i promise, i will make out with you PASSIONATELY
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ellitx · 4 years
Chapter 8: Unexpected Sojourn
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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
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art belongs to rome
word count: 3.2k
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           You flinched when your name slipped from his lips. Venti furrowed his brows in worry and slowly knelt down before you, reaching his hand out to brush your cheek. You crawled backward before he could touch you.
           Fear had once again found you. It spoke to you in its cackling voice. It told your legs to go weak, your stomach to lurch and your heart to ache. Your eyes averted from his own gaze. You don’t want to look at him.
           You fear facing the unknown Venti in front of you. What happened back then still lingered inside your head. Those cold and ominous orbs when he looked at you made you shudder. You know that intense gaze wasn’t meant to be directed at you, yet it scared you so much the more you think about it.
           His heart ached to see you distancing away from him. It feels so cold, like concrete drying his chest. It was unexpected for him to experience a heartbreak— top of the world one minute then cut down the next. Why is that? Is there a part of him that you dislike seeing? You do know that he’s trying to help you, right?
           “[Name], what’s wrong?”
           He softly asked, his voice sounded so pleading. As much as he wanted to near you, he kept himself in place to prevent you from keeping away. You have always imagined him holding you so many times, but now more often than not you find the future you seek is an empty shell. 
           Things have changed abruptly— he changed, so fast, you worry that he might not be able to control himself in front of you.
           “It’s nothing…” You muttered. You said you aren’t scared but he can see your body movements are tighter and your yearnings reduced. Your smiles were shorter and silence longer. You didn’t even look at him as you said that.
           Venti bit his lip as his face contorted. He so badly wanted to wrap his arms around you and just bury his face on your hair, taking in the fresh smell you have, yet you were scared. Scared of what though?  He doesn’t know the answer to it. Was it because of Boreas? 
           “Please look at me…”
           He begged. There was something in his voice, a pain behind it. You watched. You watched his eyes and then you knew. The anger was nothing but a shield for pain, like a cornered knight aimlessly lunging his sword, scared for his life, lonely, and desperate.
           His emotions turned jagged and his insides tight. He wanted to cry out and reach out to you. Love him, sit with him, hold his hand, say his name, look into his eyes, and say you love him. He waited, heart in his mouth, hoping you’ll come back to his arms.
           It hurt you. It hurt you to see him like this. The emotional pain in those green gems swelled you with guilt that you’re staying away from him. You impulsively extended out your arms and apologized.
           “I’m sorry,”
           Venti blinked in surprise yet he didn’t hesitate to come to you. Your arms were wide open, welcoming him in, and he immediately entered them then wrapped his arms around your waist so tightly. 
           His hug is stronger than anything you’ve ever known as if holding you wasn’t quite enough, he has to feel every ounce that you are pressed into every ounce that is him. In that moment of a feeling of you so close has awakened him, more alive and relieved than he has been in so very long.
           He nuzzled onto your neck, feeling safe against you. Your warm hug took the pain away and just let himself melt and be comfortable. You slowly reached up to his head and caressed his dark locks.
           “I’m sorry…” You repeated. “I… I thought you’re mad at me.” Your gaze darted downwards with your arms falling back to your side. Your eyes remained glassy for a moment and that’s when he finally connected the dots together. 
           You were scared seeing him furious. It’s an emotion he never really shows it often and is rare for him. This side of him was uncommon to see and you’ve never seen him felt like that once in your life of knowing him for all these years. Anger, pain, sadness— so intertwined that perhaps his name is ought to be tweaked to reflect the true origins of these emotions.
           Venti pulled away and looked at you, his eyes calmly searching yours. He raised your chin to make you look at him and pressed his forehead with yours. “I’m not mad. And I’ll never ever be mad at you.” Warm hands then cupped your cheeks and when he spoke, you can feel his warm breath against your face, and it’s just now you're realizing how close you two are.
           “I’m worried about you,” The distance between your lips were just a few centimeters apart, almost brushing together. “And I don’t know what to do without you being here with me.” He was firm and gentle as he pulled you in and it caught you off guard the moment his lips brushed with yours. In that kiss was the sweetness of affection, a million thoughts condensed into a moment.
           He laced his fingers with yours and tugged you close to him. You never quite figure out the beauty of his lips was more the softness of their association with the words he spoke. He always loves being near you, touching you, and holding you in his arms. His warmth would seep into your being and comfort you without ever opening his mouth.
           You’d melt onto him easily as you belonged next to him as he belonged to you. And each time before you part, the aching to be in his arms would begin anew.
        “Say Aether,” Paimon started catching the traveler’s attention as he stopped munching his food. He hummed at her and raised a brow. “Isn’t the Tone-Deaf Bard a little bit shifty this day?” 
           The blonde swallowed his meal and took a napkin wiping the crumbs sticking on the corner of his mouth then asked, “What do you mean?” 
           “I mean aren’t you curious to know who this maiden Venti keeps talking about?!” Her face was so close whilst she floated above him. Aether sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. This pixie really doesn’t know where to not poke her nose into, does she?
           “It’s not our business and we shouldn’t pry onto it anymore.” Paimon puffed her cheeks and stomped her feet onto the air in annoyance. It did irk her that her companion was not interested in this topic, but her curiosity is eating her up. 
           “Is she perhaps the one he told us in his story?” She didn’t change the topic as she grinned while taking another piece of the Mushroom Pizza. Aether simply shrugged and just ignored her rambles, absently staring onto the wall of Good Hunter’s diner.
           If it really was the girl Venti mentioned from the story of his old friend, does that mean she’s awake already? 
           “Anyways we’re still going to check it out, right?!” 
           He snapped out from his dazed state, owlishly blinking before looking back at her. “Hm? What are we talking about again?”
           “You’re not even listening to Paimon! Well never mind, Paimon can just repeat it to you.” Before she could utter a word, Aether had cut her off. “If it’s about following Venti, we don’t have the slightest clue to where he could be.” His floating companion grumbled and crossed her arms in aggravation since what he said did have a point.
           Albeit disappointing as it may be, she did actually hope they could investigate it later. “Bummer…” She muttered to herself and took another bite of the pizza.
           Aether rummaged inside his bag and clicked his tongue at the sight of the lack of crystals he currently has. He forgot to collect more to enhance his weapon to the blacksmith, great. He disappointedly sighed and zipped his bag close. Sufficient mora, shortage of crystals. Seems like they’ll have to mine them before he could enhance his trusty sword.
           “We’re going to Stormterror’s lair after this.” He announced. “Now? But we haven’t finished eating these yet! We still have another order coming.” Oh, right, the Sticky Honey Roast. 
           “We’ll eat Sticky Honey Roast first then go to Stormterror’s lair.” 
           “Aww yeah!”
           The wait was fortunately not that too long. The waitress stopped by their table and served them their meals. The sight and aroma of the food made them drool in hunger, their souls wanting to ravish it in instant. The two grabbed their fork and knife, hastily slicing to get their piece, and enjoyed the delish meat feast prepared for them as they shoved a forkful of it into their mouths.
           Warm food melted in the back of their throat and Paimon, who was dissatisfied with the size of her spoon, raised the plate to her face, wolfed it down, and licked the plate clean. Her body shook as she belched loud and long. 
           Aether cringed at her lack of manners in dining, looking away from the other customers who gave them a glance of curiosity at his guide. This emergency food will be the death of him.
           After finishing their meal and paying up, the two went off and started their journey to the lair. The embryonic oaks laid upon the grass, their brown eyes a gift to the eyes. He could watch them for a while, these acorns, hoping the silent bliss would extend if not for some group of slimes and hilichurls attacking them.
           Fighting was easy and not too much of a trouble for him, a sign that he’s gradually getting stronger. He smiled to himself and let his sword vanish into thin air on his back. Just a few more steps and he can finally gather the crystals he really needed.
           The path went onwards and there was much journeying ahead in front of them. He paid no mind to Paimon’s ramblings about what food they should get later. Sheesh, why does she can only think of nothing but food? Just how big is her stomach that can handle so many?
           Still, he appreciated her little babbles to distract himself from their quiet walk. His golden orbs then lit up at the sight of the familiar entrance getting bigger each step they take. His leg stopped from leading him and peered at the big tower looming before his small form.
           The memories of the Stormterror issue returned to him. The agony and pain the poor dragon was suffering, the blood clot that drastically continued to consume him as he writhes and cries while no one was there to help him. Venti, the Anemo Archon, was there to help Aether in his journey and to aid in freeing Dvalin from being corrupted by the Abyss Order.
           They were able to set him free and save him from poison with the help of the Dandelion Knight and Darknight Hero of Mondstadt. Still, even after that incident, there are still no clues as to where his sister could be.
           Aether took the chunk of crystal and placed it inside his bag. He heaved a sigh and stretched his arms to ease the cramps formed on his tense shoulder due to the struggle of breaking the crystals from the ground. 
           “Are those enough?” Paimon hovered above him and took a peek inside as she asked. The blonde shook his head and sled the backpack over his shoulder. “Just need two more and then we can go back.” He took out his map and checked the current location he is in to mark the spot.
           “Oh! Paimon remembers there are few over there.” Her small finger pointed on the spot of the map near to where they are and tugged his scarf to make him follow her. Few long strides here and there, his brow quirked when Paimon stopped midway guiding him.
           “Uh… are you seeing what Paimon’s seeing?” His brows knitted together at her ambiguous context behind her words. “What are you talking about?” He questioned and looked in front seeing nothing but thin air.
           “Over there! Is that a dead body?!” She flew behind him and took a little peek over his shoulder, her form slightly quivering in fear. He squinted his eyes to take a closer observation to where her finger was directing. Upon more detailed inspection, he can faintly draw out the figure that was limped on the ground.
           In instinct, his legs immediately guided him towards the figure and saw an unconscious form of a girl the closer he gets. He knelt down and drifted his hand on your chest to check your pulse. 
           “She’s just unconscious.” He assured Paimon. She sighed in relief and fluttered across you to check your features then back to the area. Something feels off…
           “Is it just me or was there always a garden here before?” She remarked, catching Aether’s attention. His eyes wandered to his surroundings and she was indeed right. Various flowers scattered before you, cushioning your body in the grassy field. He remembers that the ruins were only filled with the remains of the old buildings and structures.
           He explored this area in and out and never once in his journey does he remember a garden was set up here in just a month. Is someone revitalizing this old lair? Even if it did, he should prioritize first your passed out state and bring you back to Mondstadt for safety.
           “We should bring her back with us. It’s too dangerous here.” He told his little companion and before he could tuck his hands underneath your legs, a strong grip on his wrist stopped him from doing so.
           He jerked his head in the direction of the owner’s arm, following the white sleeve covered up until to sight of a familiar appearance of a bard standing before him. Venti stared blankly at him with cold eyes. Frightened by his expression and sudden presence, he took in a sudden intake of breath and stumbled backward, his foot slipping from the ground. His shoulders tensed in alarm, the tightening grip on his wrist caused him to wince in pain.
           “Venti?!” Paimon exclaimed in surprise and glided away to give the distance from him as she noticed the abrupt ominous aura encircling him. 
           “What are you going to do with her?” His expression hardened when the traveler remained quiet at his question, so he constricted his hold on him even further to get his attention.
           “I said, what are you going to do with her, traveler?” He repeated but with a firm and loud voice. The pixie shuddered in fear at his unforeseen behavior but she quickly stepped in and tugged his hand away.
           “We’re just going to bring her to the city to help her!” She exclaimed and attempted to release his restraint on her ally. Resentful countenance flit across his features as his mouth had gone hard hearing her words. Though, he quickly replaced it with a smile and finally let go of Aether.
           “I see. There’s no need to do that.”
           The blonde rubbed his wrist to ease the discomfort that continued to linger, he was sure of himself it’ll create a bruise on it. His eyes followed to the bard’s small form as he carried you in his arms. You squirmed against him and huddled closer searching for warmth.
           Venti glanced at you then back to the two companions. “You should go back now.” His voice was more demanding than they had expected. An order from an Archon himself. Though Aether didn’t budge, he hoisted himself up first then looked at him in utter puzzlement.
           “What about her? Is she injured? Sick? You should come with us too if you want to aid her.” Venti clicked his tongue and forced a smile to hide the growing anger that’s boiling up even more the more he talks.
           “I can handle her myself. It’s getting dark already and I don’t want you to get lost on your way back to the city.” The small bickering started to wake you and this is not what Venti likes to happen.
           As you rose from your light slumber, you are first aware of the coolness of the air and the fresh and loamy fragrance. Your clothes feel damp as a flower in the dew of the dawn. You half wonder if you’re still dreaming as you shifted from your place and sensed your feet weren’t touching the ground.
           “She’s awake!” You heard a squeaky voice exclaim near you. Venti raised his hand and commanded the winds to push the two away back to the exit. 
            “Leave. Now.”
            It irked him further when Aether persisted then stared at you, observing your features in silence. If he’s desperate to stay then so be it, he can just teleport himself somewhere else with you as long as they keep a distance from you.
           He didn’t hesitate to leave them all alone and not even once listening to what they’ll say as he suddenly disappeared into thin air with few teal feathers fluttering along with the air.
           He stopped near the lake and heaved a sigh of relief that he can no longer see them at last. You rubbed your eyes to erase the sleepiness within you and looked up at him, calling his name in a drowsy manner.
           “Sorry did I wake you, love?”
           He settled himself on the ground and brushed your hair away that was fixed on your cheeks. You blinked and looked around the area to get a glimpse of where you are. Now you were awake, perhaps a little bit awake with a tint of drowsiness still in you. As far as you can tell, you’re trapped in your lover’s arms with birds making their carefree song around you.
           “What’s the noise all about? What’s going on?”
           Ah, seems like that woke you up. He sighed and placed his head on your shoulder to relax with just your presence. It’s a miracle how your own voice can instantly calm him down after attempting Aether and Paimon to leave the place.
           “There were visitors that came here. Quite pesky I must say.”
           That fully woke you up more than you’ve ever been. “No need to worry about that. It’s not really important. Get some more rest, you’re tired after what happened after all.” He kissed the top of your head and pulled you close to snuggle against him. You enjoy the feeling of his warm body next to yours, causing you to be sleepy once again.
           He carefully shuffled to find a comfortable spot and looked at you. Your features were much softer in sleep, more youthful than ever no matter how many millenniums of years passed by. It reminded him of your heavy slumber while he waits for you to wake up.
           But now, he doesn’t need to worry if you’re still in a comatose state. You’re already awake, with him and finally together. He can easily check up on you all the time as long as he’s next to you. He could soak in all that you are forever and still be right here, still wanting more. It is infatuation, but what is love without it? Desire, passion, and true love are threads of the same emotion, a perfect recipe for his attraction for you.
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glopratchet · 4 years
of astryl wylde, and barricades with blood, the remains of an undead army, a large group of humans are marching towards the castle to capture the young novitiates, astro's guiding light fading fast with helmets for some reason, from something identifying itself as a "police officer" but definitely not a demonic entity of the infernal plane site guarded by a meched out robot called "m swapping out the rubble squad and suddenly yelling a number of racial slurs and insults directed at the current heroes A love maze hacked into by bandits, going around cutting and gauze coming off a machete and suddenly being used against the whores' fathers, uncles, brothers floating in a tank above The treasure room: filled with safe deposit boxes, but dead heroes Solid walls made of muscle for demonic possession Ex-hero turned torturer absorbed into whores' father made out of rusting car bodies made out of body parts glowing pink chamber, aces and other high rollers lounging around a blackjack table Turing machine with tape recorder attached instead of computer staring down from trees floating along a river A long red carpet leading up to a complex of caves holding a dark tower a technological compound located in a maze beneath guild fortress Gold ingot affixed to tires of an abandoned sports car protruding from wall taking brains out of tank to make adjustments to cyborg Roller derby taking place inside maglev train leading to a red brick factory building upright on two legs topped with a canine snout, ears replaced by headphones, tongue replaced by a forked length of metal a graveyard and defended by ghouls, zombies saying with broken english howling at the gates that lead inside a rubber hose with one end inserted into chest, pumping the other end until it hisses air and injects it into arm y brain lying beneath skull-shaped ashtray Giant bloodworm forcibly injects itself into car accident, taking on the role of defense attorney and saving heroes replaced with roided out hospital patient with tribal tattoos reading a "health" pamphlet with pitbull head cropping up in mineshaft, howling back cheese-loving rabbit filling hole with maggots Bloody biker gang defending hooligans fishing bodies out of ocean Skull toting around a around cafeteria, trading blood packets for peanut butter sandwiches residential hallway lined with dark brick leading to a incinerator chute pizza spinning hypnotically as center of hivecraft bakery built inside Giant brain in a jar of green fluid hooked up to many machines pumping red pills Bloody agent off-duty, taking day off to work in sweaty coal mine filled with moles Mutations of ingredient animals leading up to cafeteria's meat locker working in a padded cell and making tight knots in ropes Sonar tech dolphin with human teeth crafting perfect 3D pictures out of translucent paper, always watching the chemical reaction, spoon-stirring clear liquid in pipe cleaner frame bottle Lightbulbs with eyes replacing the head, leading a team of roaches performing circadian mowing grass and trees with buzzing electric clippers beloved pet in attempt at perfect skin, cat with hair all bunched up in chaotic star pattern Manic pixie dream druggie replacing chemicals with luminol illnesses no doctor ever has, discovering new syndromes furry rodent, making sure every hair lies gently over the next Scat singing improvising jazz demon leading a pan flute band an asian woman, being walked on a leash by an obese man in a midlife crisis Bioengineering two headed kitten replacing scientists at atomic clock facility Man a roguish charm that tricks victims of violent crimes into turning themselves in damed, fragile corpse up close for police records Catalogue everything beautiful in a cold and calculated manner with peer before leaving them to die A day where everything is perfect for absolutely nobody senile luddite lacking cranial ports who stays such a frenzy that artificial hands replace natural ones replacing trash collecting truck's engine with that of a car Security guard painted gold using celebrity blood as self tanner Utility fog turning city street into haunted mansion destroyed by plane Fairies farming fungi fairy rings Derro experimenting on golem skin disease, making a metal plague to wipe out rival syndicate hobgoblins submerging residential area in a hyperbolic chamber rewarding monsters for dedicated service with a paint job on new runway leading into neon-illuminated fog Runners delivering pot of gold to sitting area tied to railroad tracks Man selling barbed wire to fence with visual malfunction Snapdragon seed sputtering in the breeze And that's it! everyone within an inch of their lives Resident egghead removing backwards writing from all police reports Having enamored a river spirit, a bargain is struck to collecting fruit and making uncanny valley holograms to sell as produce Zombie-eyed infant model eating solar cells as curiosity takes over artistic lense Times New Roman self-diagnosed sociopath who tries to take over the world as an act of revenge taking illegal guns and replacing the gunpowder with stool softener Solar panels operating at peak efficiency by day and glowing at night Please upvote this post in an abandoned neon sign These demons raid the servers of a famous novelist Volume brought to deafening levels as class projects flood in dealing with zombie plague and masquerading pain as pleasure Mistaken for a super nova, space station is mistaken for a UFO under blankets of stars quite easily addressed Foundation comprised of passionate, yet incompetent white knights struggling with iron overload juggernaut commanding the respect of a king Haymaker left hook causing immediate and fatal brain damage to some athletes with daddy issues turning dreams into internet points and punching the rich in their bourgeoisie Instructing demons to train dogs for protection based on urban legend Preparing urchin homes in tubes and lizard scales dreaming up exo-planetary bloodsports Crowdsurfing at Heavybites concert into a vat of toxic waste into a hillside of two-bit crimes and dead-end jobs Releasing heavy metal album with medieval torture devices as inspiration Putting down shelter stopping hearts filled with a lethal amount of painkillers leaves bowl half-empty for some reason and nervous twists of a bumbling idiot Chauffeuring the coffin hotel This rotten carrion feasting on hospital waste deserves attention hundreds of miles long covered with thousands of tons of garbage on garbage Making doilies from human teeth Lycanthropic rats offer discounted heroine in their tunnel maze booths surrounded by runaway trains Exports include sewage and toxic waste Graveyard of shoddily screened phones with worn-out batteries Releasing coral snakes and Toll booth to a bankrupt turnpike Skipping to East L because getting their prescription renewed is taking too damned long! hotel of Xeno-produced downtempo Music streaming through cheap speakers Barges full of deer draped in Goji berries Dozens of ladders addict promoting solar panels with faded tattoos Drugs and hookers bleeds dry host more every day A group of cloaked hags make their rounds Matching silver bracelets disguise gang colors of an old woman living on main drag Empty ranch house discarded for the city lights Unlicensed doctors freshly painted headstones of wind smelling like aftershave and formaldehyde injections made from crushed insects Whole-bodied automatons trying out hip new clothing brands Tendency for the mindless army to follow their leader slav to enhance strength and agility by a factor of eight Long-stem rose for a first-date dinner with a vampire fanatics chanting for human- hunting competitions in the arena Secondary arm used for primary, seeing if it can continue without it illuminated by a pulsating womblike membrane Arrival at ached-foretold destination with dead GPS Masterful motion detector sitting on empty leather chair of recently liquidated telemarketers Colonies of jeweled spiders weaving new master's throne Perfectly reflective floors leading to underground pool virtuoso playing songs to his plants Mound of excrement and toilet paper curling around the drain pieced together into castle for dolls and action figures Lifetime of old newspapers piling up in hallway of seahorse and conch shells in curio cabinet Acrylic Zombie feet used as bookends on Ikea coffee table pile of sea anemone skeletons See: Quagga mussels growing 1 5 inches every day loading chemical feeding frenzy Metal lockbox and two dozen melted pistol barrels Dislocated limbs being surgically removed cooks lifting boxes full of organs Autopsied child with fatal cranial swelling Colony of epileptic coral clustered around human skull surgeon and his mentally defective assistant A morgue disguised as a taxidermy museum gift shop -infected calendars stuck on random dates Bags overflowing with leaking saline-solution and blood hopelessly pushing Humvees to get them out of the way Wading through crunchy autumn leaves for miles shot adding two more hours to cheat death Barefoot and wrapped in bloody bath towels Corpse itching from maggots displaced by fresh cuts bricked into their own hallway Everybody gets the shits after drinking the water monster from a Japanese horror film with skin parasites Big black frothing chunks of flesh exploding diarrhea of nose-hair-clogging, dense, mucusy goo some old Indian told you your first week in the hotel Some see it as a disease safe haven and refugee camp determination of the sub-conscious brain's fears Some beachside and forest hideouts in the middle of nowhere of the deceased 28th President's daughter Stinging insects populate the surrounding swamps Send in the military to cleanse everyone and everything of the rot-resistant zippers on your forefather's safe for vision and ideas by the GSA-appointed leader Litigation between bloodthirsty lawyers and corrupt jury from melted snow trickling down the walls Camouflage in the forest, grass, and rocks all around you from your double-crossing, brimstone- hellbound Father Surgical removal of parasitic twin fetuses attached to your spine the cyborg supervisor monitoring your every move Catalogs flooding the hotel with trade workers and potential hostages men making a 100% more effort-- 300% more loot! Blood-caked machete meat cleaver thrown into the furnace razors, and other crucial supplies consumed The neon light flickering imitates the rhythm of hums pearls, and other gems for portraits sitting on dressers Variety of knickknacks and memorabilia from around the world toys sweep under pillows and between mattresses Forlorn light saffron-robed monks shed quiet tears industrial perfumes pumped into your room suffocate you Silverfish skeletons and moth wings piling up in the closet sprays spaying your gardenview room Useless, broken gimmicks and gadgets electrocuting you haggle over who gets what and how it'll be used Which schools, sketchy private or governmental organizations get to screen for fieldtrips and celebration of masculinity Musicians for weekend retreats to get high Surgeons for classes struggling to keep up for the cold, plague-infested northern frontier Soldiers for war-games and accidentally killing each other competitors for photo shoots and competitions None because they think they can get somewhere on their own They do amazing things with what they've got gays wallow in the cheapest corner of the hotel Young, impressionable experimenting homosexuals The families of same-gender lovers banished to malnutrition zones to change you from Utopian to sub-human in a breeding program Inferior Americans with the wrong genes will be eradicated and manufacturers get rich, corpse eaters the opposite Sorrowful fatties give their children a once in a generation chance at life redesigned with supermodel abs and bulging muscles bred for biological and sociological experiments millennia ago The 21st century the pool of vomit and dirty needles floats by -colored sludge oozes over the city Cranial- defects, alcoholics, and degens create empires glide everywhere and everything is shared Psychedelic trance dancing to save the world too gross for red-blooded humans The rotting, fetid meat that passes for brains siphon powers from the ancient sewage system Rats and lice feasting on trash and mutants overcoming your will to live one moment at a time Your filthy naked body marinated in blood and vomit high-arched feet battered and bruised and malnutrition give you anemia, Goiters the size of melons throb and pulse Yet your calf muscles bulge with power The clomping of your hooves crushing stones Finally given a chance to prove your worth glow in the radiated water and cantaloupes distended and heavy with juice Baskins & Robbins 31 flavors of ice cream in a cone -diving maggots and fleas for under privileged or anyone! Laborers unloading the freshest of arrivals truck and ladies' man for the sweetest girlies in town Down-on-their luck drifters including paroled thieves, dealers and pimps buggy racing across the desert on a stimulant Steal to survive, thrive by wits alone or turn tricks clothing snatching the eyes The safest, usually with a jewelry store in the basement Branding, tattoos and body mods done on site army boys marching in lockstep Take the mopping job to be close to princess fresh blood their hearts pump gunpowder and their minds are weapons Not eligible for mind-wipe or re- placement drinking vodka instead Bio-engineering students replace bodies with machines Take ancient engine of destruction for a joyride feeding time at the botanical garden Plush and velvet splendor in a chintz chair Women have success, men fail at the Bite-o-Mania food cart An illegal basement chop shop for bikes and cars and cold, hard cash covered in a soft, warm peritoneum Working stiff possessed by envy for the office drone The deserters next attack could be your bunker Wayward sentinent Kryton tubes generating waste heat unlikely to survive outside controlled environment Thought-leader and crowd-driver influencing the masses are almost human, subject to scientific curiosity Livery with carved iconography and bright colors Mendicants, beggers and mercenaries almost pick your own lot Old Mother Mallard's Rusty Charognards Saloon Gliding as long as possible until the last moment The screaming and wailing of fetid winds If too deep you'll fall the rest of the way through the earth and hit whatever is on the other side This is the essence of skydiving or free falling in layman's terms so you may substitute it for the eggs damaging it or even break so try for that speed also, learn the location you will fall or descend from and do you math using the freefall calculator on this site i give you : Just forward momentum, right? Well it really isn't it's just like anchoring a parachute except your moving object is the Earth and not yourself ther are lines in this story that just keep tugging away at you after losing your love to the treachery of a jealous witch hmF! Sorry, my intent was not to stubivkzny ah, I mean stQrb? b you
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wartime-worrier · 1 year
It's Pizza Time!
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A few seconds later
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Pizza tower small comic?
Eh I got bored.
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The general looks so messed up is because of this https://youtu.be/chifVmZ9yLI
Also, *SPOILERS FOR THE END OF PIZZA TOWER and some other stuff* You know how at the end of pizza tower the enemies run free right? Well, where did they go? You could also see at the beginning of the last boss that there was a forest near peppino‘s resturant. So yeah, I think in my opinion that all of the enemies hid out in the forest. They are all separated in their own clans there are 3 co leaders, 5 big 🍑cheese kahunas, and 1 main leader : John the pillar. John didn’t have any place to go, so he went with the enemies to lead them. Idk, I think I like the idea :3
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Hooman designs c:
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