#forgotten retail
deadmallantioch · 5 months
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BEST! Department store.
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the-gone-ton · 3 months
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Sorry! Mall Currently Closed.
Food Court at Pittsburgh Mills, 2023
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alltimefail-sims · 8 months
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As the only surviving shopping district in Forgotten Hollow, Garliclauter Place has had many different faces over the years. Today it houses two businesses that are still in operation: a cozy book store with a variety of titles available for leisure or for the start of the school year, and a family-owned mini market with a wide variety of fresh foods for on the go. If you are interested in bringing life back to unit number three, contact Plumbob Realty today to make an offer!
Packs I Used (Furnished version):
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Packs I Used (Unfurnished version):
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This build is CC Free! It is listed as a "Residential" lot for your guys' ease. I personally have it as a business "Retail" lot in my game that my sims also live in, but you can operate it as really anything you want!
I haven't ran into any issues while playing personally, but I haven't formally play-tested every single feature in the build! The worst issue you might run into is having to delete an object though, so no need to fret. I will tell you that the ladders to the roof are blocked by the half wall - there's nothing up there for my sims so the ladder is really just there for show (to imitate scaffolding). If you want your sim to be able to get on the roof, just delete the roof's wall in front of the ladder!
TOU: All I ask is that 1. you do not reupload and claim the build as your own (yes, even if you tweak it a little…) and 2. you tag me if you use it! I would love to see this in other people’s games and saves, that’s why I’m sharing it! <3
Additional screenshots are on my Patreon post. Let me know if there are any in-game issues!
DL: Patreon (always free)
+ @pancakesrealty, @publicvanillabuilds
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dormiloncito · 2 months
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pfhwrittes · 5 months
i am absolutely fuming at myself because instead of working on any of my other wips (the guilt i feel re johnny's hc for ddaf is nearly paralysing) i've started to really flesh out the outline i have for an au based on bbc ghosts.
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lightdancer1 · 2 months
See the further irony is:
That in using 'Mall Goth Sauron' as the take on Dark Willow over 'misogynist has character randomly killed for LULZ' it also allows for greater accountability on the one hand and for Season 7 to thematically focus on repairing all this damage in the midst of facing an enemy of shadows reliant on lies to further itself. The only way to break the Druj is the absolute Truth in a very Zoroastrian sense. Characters don't get to neatly skip past accountability for their actions, and this would spiral over into further later seasons with the essential reality that in an otherwise lower-level setting this one random girl from California is a Dark Phoenix-tier reality warper and the most powerful person on the planet, or the universe.
And the questions of how that power could and should be employed on the one hand and that Willow is essentially a Doctor Strange type who beats up Gods and Eldritch Abominations for her regular line of work where her counterparts deal with the more 'street level' crises would in turn be the logical conclusion of where the show ends. She doesn't do as much physical fighting for the same reason that Stephen Strange never uses magic to go punch the Hulk in the face, her narrative role is ultimately that of Sorceress Supreme of Earth, with literally nobody in an ancient established war anticipating that this one random ginger from California was and is the new Sorceress Supreme and that if they had had such awareness the realities are that this power would and could have taken worse forms.
Unfortunately for the world, the reality too is that it is a shy computer geek who has a not at all subtle dark side and the usual teenage anxieties and insecurities given the equivalent of being able to reliably actually do things other people might dream of but can never do.
But again as long as Dawn Summers being a good thing is a narrative convention that's established memory magic is a poor choice to show the corrupting effects of reality-warping. It's a case of 'yes as established in canon all of this is true for that one season but then they decided to retcon it, so the fans are not obligated to care about it any more than the canon does about this itself.'
#willow rosenberg#tara maclay#dawn summers#you will never convince me as long as Dawn Summers is a plot device that 'memory magic unforgivable' is anything but bad writing#it was the choice used but there are other equally toxic things that could have been done instead#the basic theme of 'very powerful person decides things for another in an abusive fashion' works just as well without it#Tara's growth arc in refusing to tolerate abuse even from the person who brought her out of her shell can stand perfectly fine#it works even better with a budding Sauron than abruptly deciding 'wholesale memory rewrites good retail unforgivable.'#killing Tara off also denies her any sense of closure or ability to get that closure with the person who does this#the entire element here with the way things went down is bad writing from Point A to point Z#and it's also easily forgotten but Tara wasn't in fact intended to be Willow's love interest#she was replacement Willow for sympathy points#her entire arc as such became Willow X Tara but it was a choice from actor chemistry#So in giving Tara a role besides 'Willow's Girlfriend' it arguably does better by her character#tara x willow#btvs#and yes yes the 'scale changes things' argument is true but only to a point#it's really no different to introduce Dawn than what Willow did#if the retail is wrong so is the wholesale and the decisions to make this that point of no return is an avoidable mistake#plus honestly imagine a Season 7 Tara going 'sweetie no' and a Season 7 Willow dealing with those consequences in real time#equally one can have Tara's cold turkey approach stick exactly as it was#and serve as her role in the time bomb because she's a product of an abusive family and not an infallible moral guide#she rightly sees the problem and at least tries to address it when nobody else did#but unfortunately her solution was pouring gasoline on the fire and then vacating the range where the fire would burn#still further between that and Willow being human enough to resent being told to take that pain and do it going it alone#there'd be plenty of reasons for a surviving Tara and Willow to spend season 7 broken up as is#Tara would not at all be wrong to be wary and not want to touch reformed Sauron with a 400 foot pole#Willow equally would resent someone whose bad advice helped create the problem and who evades any recognition thereof#good old fashioned drama with entirely human motives
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ev1lmorty · 1 month
everything going exceptionally weird lately. got lsuch low bloog sugar i lost my vision for like 20 minutes n when it came back i was unable to orocess anything i could see n was struggling to think for another hr n i still feel really wrird. lost sensation in my arms for a bit too (they were numb n then tight i felt it in my hands n then all the way up my shoulders) n took a nap n it helped but still scary to experience n that that can just happen just bc i wasnt paying attention to what i was eating. fell asleep watching needle park while my vision was still on the buffer n woke up. fell asleep again to scarecrow n dda. i think im a person again
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hamcrtia · 1 year
crying and screaming bc i just wanna write but something is always in the way >:(
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a-earthssprout · 2 years
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🌻🍯 OOC. spent the last few precious moments at home sending some more Halloween asks … & it was a wonderful choice to make 🍃 it certainly made my morning enjoyable !
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melancholyhime · 9 months
me: starts another retail customer service job
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the-gone-ton · 5 months
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Somewhere in time? It certainly is.
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astrobiscuits · 4 months
Chiron persona chart obs
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Stelliums show us where our main trauma or wound lies:
Stellium in Aries/1st house - body image issues/body dysmorphia, hating ones face and wanting to change it at all cost, being so focused on ones trauma that it results in excessive independence
Stellium in Taurus/2nd house - self worth issues, hating ones voice and/or being made fun of for how ones voice sounds, excessive shopping due to fear of having nothing, having stash of cash hidden everywhere in the house due to being scared of getting robbed
Stellium in Gemini/3rd house - being too scared to speak to others, hating the way you express yourself, being an overachiever at school due to fear of being seen as "stupid", fear of being run over by a bicycle or a car
Stellium in Cancer/4rd house - family problems (divorced parents, one of the parents is out of the picture for whatever reason, family members dealing with addictions, family abuse), issues when it comes to comforting yourself in times of crisis, HEAVY abandonment issues
Stellium in Leo/5th house - had to grow up too fast instead of enjoying childhood, fear of not being "the perfect parent", fear of not making it in the industry (for those pursing creative careers or following their passions), issues regarding getting pregnant and delivering a child, fear of being burned by the sun or by fire
Stellium in Virog/6th house - fear of contacting an incurable disease, issues regarding eating disorders, trauma regarding messy spaces, which results in OCD
Stellium in Libra/7th house - issues caused by getting cheated in a relationship, fear of trusting someone in a one-on-one connection, trauma resulted from business affairs which have gone wrong
Stellium in Scoprio/8th house - fear of death, issues caused by sexual trauma/sexual abuse, grooming, stalking, human trafficking, mysterious disappearances, divorce, taxes, loans
Stellium in Sagittarius/9th house - fear of not being able to experience everything one has always wanted, issues caused by not living to ones full potential, fear of travelling too far away, religious trauma
Stellium in Capricorn/10th house - fear of being forgotten and not standing out, issues regarding not looking & acting in a professional manner when needed, fear of not being promoted in ones career, the trauma is very visible to the public
Stellium in Aquarius/11th house - fear of not fitting in a crowd or a friend group, issues regarding being part of LGBTQ+ or a subculture often dismissed (POC, people with disabilities, orphanage kids, emos), trauma related to the country's government and (possible) implications in war, fear of dying in a natural disaster (earthquake, tsunami, volcano), fear of dying by electrocution or in an airplane crash
Stellium in Pisces/12th house - fear of being admitted to a prison, asylum or nursing home, having frequent thoughts of unaliving onself, fear of drowning, fear of what happens after death, fear of being misunderstood or made fun of for hearing voices and seeing things which aren't real
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Moon shows us how we process our trauma and wounds:
Moon in Aries/1st house : screams, throws things around (maybe also breaks a few things), if anyone reminds them of their wounds/traumas, they'd literally break that person's neck; they might recklessly drive, play with fire or drink excessively out of anger
Moon in Taurus/2nd house : resorts to retail therapy, cooks their favourite meals, gets some comfy pillow and blankets and watches their favourite show; they're slow to heal their wounds, but they manage to do so
Moon in Gemini/3rd house : overanalyzes what happened to the point that they've thought of every scenario possible, (if they have more than one wound/trauma) switches between wounds, is usually open about their wounds and traumas with siblings and acquaintances
Moon in Cancer/4th house : cries 24/7, acts distant with people who are not close to them and defensive with those who want to talk about their feelings; they tend to have very, very unhealthy coping mechanisms (aka they resort to self-harm)
Moon in Leo/5th house : transforms their pain & wounds into a form of art - whether it's through dancing, painting, singing, acting, photography, videography; sometimes they might not recognize how much their past affects them, especially around others, they boast about how "it wasn't that bad" even though they're clearly affected by what happened
Moon in Virgo/6th house : focuses on the details, what they could have done better and what they didn't, easily becomes anxious, cleaning the house becomes a form of therapy for them; in case of physical wounds, they document themselves very well (sometimes they are even able to heal themselves, since this Moon sign in Chiron persona chart has a sort of 6th sense about medicinal procedures)
Moon in Libra/7th house : their s/o knows every pain, wound and traumas they've ever experienced, analyzes the past in a logical manner and tries to find a healthy coping mechanism, without hurting anyone else in the process; listens to sad, romantic songs
Moon in Scorpio/8th house : if someone else is guilty for their wounds/traumas, they're going to plot revenge and execute their plan in a discreet manner; often jealous, they might pursue fwb connections to stop thinking about their pain; the ones who manage to deal with their past in a healthy manner become a completely different person in the process
Moon in Sagittarius/9th house : dealing with their wounds/traumas opens a new world for them, they end up adopting a new set of beliefs as a coping mechanism, travelling to another country to get some space from their surroundings helps them heal
Moon in Capricorn/10th house : replays the past over and over again, they numb their emotions, if asked about their wounds/traumas, they answer very stoic; they also tend to be more realistic and don't like to tell themselves lies or hear lies about their trauma
Moon in Aquarius/11th house : resorts to technology to cope with the pain, is usually open about their wounds and traumas with their friends or on social media, but not with family; they might try some unusual coping mechanisms
Moon in Pisces/12th house : they isolate themselves from everyone in order to cope with the pain, meditation and breathing techniques are their to-go methods of calming their anxiety down; if they don't manage to cope in a healthy way, they dissociate and go through a depersonalization process or an addiction takes over them (drinking, smoking, they overuse medication etc.)
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Jupiter shows us where we're blessed, but fail to see. The stronger the modality, the more obvious it is to other people.
♃ Jupiter in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) and/or fixed houses (2nd house, 5th house, 8th house, 11th house) are extremely blessed and everyone is able to notice, but the native.
♃ Jupiter in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and/or cardinal houses (1st house, 4th house, 7th house, 11th house) are blessed, but only a specific category of people notice it.
♃ Jupiter in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) and/or mutable houses (3rd house, 6th house, 9th house, 12th house) are still blessed, but the effect is hardly noticeable to anyone.
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Those with:
Grand Trine/Kite/Yod (Finger of God)
Sun, Jupiter, North Node and ruler of the chart conjuncting MC and/or placed in 10th/11th house (minimum 2 placements)
Stellium in 10th house/11th house
-> have got amazing healing abilites and often end up pursuing careers where they help & heal society (usually as doctors, therapists, spiritual advisors, social workers, advocates who actually make a difference, etc.) They usually become famous for their healing gifts.
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Other small considerations:
Ascendant shows us how we are perceived at first glance when we are dealing with pain
IC shows us how we are perceived by our family (or in a safe, secluded place) when we are dealing with pain
DSC shows us how we are perceived by our partner or best friend when we are dealing with pain
MC shows us how we are perceived in public (or in our career) when we are dealing with pain
North Node shows us our salvation (where we need to focus on in order to heal)
🕊 Sun trine Moon & Sun sextile Moon individuals have an easier time healing their traumas and wounds
🕊 Sun opposite Saturn & Sun square Saturn individuals feel the need to rebel from their father/grandparents, norms that have been imposed on them, old customs & traditions, institutions/government, in order to heal themselves
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sofythesim · 1 year
Better Together: A base game compatible The Sims 4 save file created by 160+ simmers
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Let me present to you the greatest The Sims 4 save file of all times: The Better Together Save File.
160+ talented builders put their blood, sweat and tears into rebuilding every single lot in the game, including apartments and holiday worlds. Completely base game compatible and functional.
Check out #TS4BetterTogether on all social platforms and the EA gallery to see every build and creator. This collab was created and hosted by sofythesim, simmerkhai and plummysims.
**Now updated with Growing Together/San Sequoia builds**
What's included in the save file? • 207 completely new residential, apartment and rental builds. • 73 community lots with a bunch of fun stuff and activities for your sims. • Builds on hidden lots like Sylvan Glade and the top of Mount Komorebi. • And a few new households for you to play with.
You don’t need any expansion pack at all to use this save file! It’s 100% free to play. You can download The Sims 4 for no cost on their official website.
To install this save file, click here (SFS). Or continue to read. (Psst. Here's a guide on how to install a save file)
Every The Sims 4 world and creator
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Willow Creek
Content: • 16 residential lots • 1 park • 1 museum • 1 nightclub • 1 gym • 1 library • 1 hidden lot
Creators: simsomally, simmarysims, Theseptembersim, Sims_plumbob92, sim_dora, honeymaysims, SimBuildsByK, pandora.sims4, stephanyed_, mellowbegames, simmerkhai, aibuilder, simsimoye, natgamingxo, MaggieLaughs, ilyamberlyn09, itsKujaKat, pickapeachh, playsimswithdee, maysbat_
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Oasis Springs
Content: • 17 residential lots • 1 park • 1 pool • 1 gym • 1 bar • 1 hidden lot
Creators: inspired.simmer, lhonna_sims, simlore4, sulsulmelli, DaisyDreamingSims, yohanna_sims, pandora.sims4, KevTheBuildr, Faymoonbuilds, gamesimms, axiisims, makaylaallaboutmeking_, simplysimhome, builtbyrafi, sellidionnesims, simpandas, tattooedsimmer, sims4ideasyt
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Content: • 12 residential lots • 1 park • 1 library
Creators: simsopat, XOmiSimmer_, kaarysims, xocreatesims, Coki.Creative, simpleetierra, builtbyrafi, laursimming, inspired.simmer, Mahareette, Sims_plumbob92, simpleetierra, sim_dora, mayan.22
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Magnolia Promenade
Content: • 4 retail lots
Creators: grenesims, _simnematography_gj_, JenBuilding24, Simster_Femke, TheSimsCreatives
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Content: • 16 residential lots • 3 Windenburg specific lots • 3 cafés • 1 rental lot • 1 library • 1 pool • 1 museum
Creators: simsbyme_, m0ssysim, Its_trose, shannonbuilds_, Sims_plumbob92, simspiration, micahs.moon, pugglesimmer, irrelephantsims, thesimsweekendbuilder, pandora.sims4, fantasiassims, Annarx, luplayssims, Samitbuilds, sims4ideasyt, dannaidasim, poppy.simmer, brokenplumbob, micahs.moon, Mademoiselle.Sim, myaschmya, modifyincas, simmerkhai, Faymoonbuilds
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San Myshuno
Content: • 21 apartments • 2 residential lots • 2 lounges • 1 karaoke bar • 1 bar • 1 gym • 1 park
Creators: annathisims, maysbat_, colorandspace_, ktnuki.sims, pyuppy.online, simspiration.iv, Samitbuilds, goebugyourself, NeuralNe22a, WoMinion18, sellidionnesims, llamasimsbuilder, pugglesimmer, itsKujaKat, claudiafox.simbuilds, megbuildsxx, simsbuild_inspiration, Cozy_Simmer, waaavysims, muhebuilds, starstruck.builds, Faymoonbuilds, sims4ideasyt, sosimspired, vix.sims, eryn_witha_y_, thejellybzcut, simsimoye, gaiena_sims
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Forgotten Hollow
Content: • 5 residential lots
Creators: siranwitch_gaming, _king_lamb_, sims.erezkigal, simsworldbuilding, Luna_Sheepford
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Brindleton Bay
Content: • 10 residential lots • 1 vet clinic • 1 park • 1 lounge • 1 bar • 1 generic lot
Creators: itsjulesthedane, bored.builder, simsssp, sulsulmelli, aibuilder, hylian_simmer, WoMinion18, simsomally, sim.smyrna, Gardenova_sims, plumlu_, starstruck.builds, plummysims, thejellybzcut, stassijsims4, marilyn_sims4
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Del Sol Valley
Content: • 7 residential lots • 2 museums • 1 park • 1 lounge
Creators: vix.sims, waaavysims, kaarysims, Mademoiselle.sim, gardenova_sims, tattooedsimmer, arcangelofsims, sim.smyrna, Simster_Femke, kqhartx, plumbecki
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Content: • 9 residential lots • 1 bar • 1 library
Creators: natgamingxo, irrelephantsims, amanduhh.simstagram, simsworldbuilding, plumbecki, fantasiassims, CrackedKyber, m0ssysim, world_in_sims, RachelPedd, Symtherin
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Content: • 11 residential lots • 1 beach • 1 bar • 1 rental lot
Creators: housesforsims, mellowbegames, MaggieLaughs, kikoibuilds, sims4ideasyt, maysbat_, DaisyDreamingSims, Mini Simmer, its_trose, bb.sims4, nesimsie, Gabi_Simdesign, jack__sims4, catnyxcreations
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Content: • 4 residential lots • 1 bar • 1 hidden lot
Creators: sofythesim, gameswithphilly, eryn_witha_y_, kindaaanime, BeccaTownSims, gaiena_sims
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Content: • 6 university housings • 2 Foxbury/Ubrite commons • 2 residential lots • 1 library • 1 bar
Creators: aibuilder, witchingmermaid, michaelasimsyt, DaisyDreamingSims, Coki.Creative, mahareette, llamasimsbuilder, MissSimReno, bb.sims4, andyandysims, bored.builder, witchingmermaid, CrackedKyber
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Evergreen Harbor
Content: • 7 residential lots • 4 apartments • 3 community spaces • 1 bar
Creators: ktnuki.sims, spice.n.sprinkles, itsjulesthedane, Cozy_Simmer, littlemotherlode, dannaidasim, plummysims, sims.erezkigal, poppy.simmer, witchingmermaid, sulsulsimsies, lazysimie, plumarisims, michaelasimsyt
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Mt Komorebi
Content: • 7 residential lots • 4 rental lots • 2 hidden lots • 1 onsen bathhouse • 1 bar • 1 generic lot
Creators: pickapeachh, littlemotherlode, Simstanie, VirtualFairytales, lhonna_sims, KiwiSimsKate, sims_plumbob92, LunaJoy_Builds, Seaofsakura, playsimswithdee, Palakoslip, HutchPlays, owSimsters, simmer_indi, _simnematography_gj_, mini.simmer
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Content: • 8 residential lots • 1 rental lot • 1 park • 1 bar • 1 lounge
Creators: Lizzybuildssims, Annarx, plantsimgirl, sellidionnesims, _simnematography_gj_, thesimscrolls, goebugyourself, sarina_sims, tattooedsimmer, arcangelofsims, aceroladagamer, Jasly247_yt
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Content: • 6 residential lots • 2 wedding venues • 1 rental lot
Creators: gaiena_sims, sofythesim, sims4ideasyt, MaggieLaughs, yohanna_sims, claudiafox.simbuilds, kaarysims, Sims_plumbob92
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Moonwood Mill
Content: • 3 residential lots • 1 library • 1 bar
Creators: MelanieDrake_YT, simplysimhome, JenBuilding24, pugglesimmer, xogerardinesims
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Content: • 6 residential lots • 2 libraries • 1 highschool • 1 auditorium • 1 thrift and bubble tea store • 1 park
Creators: XOmiSimmer_, megbuildsxx, ninaschmidtyt, simsaga_, plumbecki, create4sims, sarenades, pyuppy.online, honeymaysims, sofythesim, simsbylinea, sims4ideasyt
-Picture coming-
San Sequoia
Content: • 10 residential lots • 1 library • 1 recreation center
Creators: Sims_plumbob92, DaisyDreams1, plumbecki, Theseptembersim, sellidionne, pyuppie, Samitbuilds, sulsulmisiu, Gaiena, laursimming, sims4ideas, XOmiSimmer_
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Granite Falls
Content: • 6 rental lots • 1 hidden lot
Creators: Simsathon_, tattooedsimmer, sellidionnesims, simsaga_, amanduhh.simstagram, simlore4, sarenades
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Content: • 4 rental lots • 1 park • 1 museum • 1 bar
Creators: TragicPlumbob, mayan.22, SimMojii, luplayssims, gloomydahlia, simpolcheeks, Claeriel
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himuronanart · 11 months
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I figured out that in this modern AU, Team Rocket runs a shady pet (pokemon) store chain that may or may not illegally supply pokemon for sale, alongside pet supplies of varying quality. Their ultimate goal is to own a monopoly in the business.
Trusted and capable grunts catch or steal the pokemon, while others like Jessie and James do the retailing and become forgotten by Giovanni.
Revisit the Button Meowth saga:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Casual Wear Ref
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kinardsevan · 1 month
so I’ve been thinking about this for like two days now, and I’m gonna say it. 
I’m fucking bothered. The amount of crap going around right now into relation of Tommy as a character and the rhetoric it’s being equated to is infuriating. Now personally, I try not to speak on things I can’t chiefly relate to (i.e., I’m not a gay male firefighter, so I won’t speak on the reality of living that life), however, I’m highly concerned about the attitude people are giving off in relation to the way that Tommy is undeserving of a redeption arc/is an asshole because of who he was in the past. 
First of all, I want to remind those who would actually take the time to read this: he’s a television character, and in no way does that put Lou in the position of being deserving of any vitriol for the shit he’s had to put up with. Or has it already been so long that we’ve forgotten about the shit Isabel Gillies was put through when Elliot Stabler returned to L&O:SVU (a whopping 5 years ago)? To that end, these actors are just earning a paycheck. They don’t deserve the abuse spewed at them any more than any person who works in retail or food service does because someone makes a small mistake on your bad day.
Further though, I’m concerned by the attitude that there is hatred spewed towards the character of Tommy because of who he WAS. I find it highly unlikely that there’s a single person on this planet that hasn’t forgiven at least one person in their life for some shitty thing they did in the past. To that end: we clearly have seen based off the way s7 went that Hen and Chimney made that choice at some point. Does it excuse previous behavior? No. I don’t know that when you forgive someone that excusing bad behavior is the intention. However, you give them room to grow and flourish. To that end, the arc that Lou has been given for Tommy is clearly within those lines. 
None of this is to say that what the character of Tommy did was okay or acceptable. However, I’d venture to guess that if we’d never seen the recurrence of Tommy Kinard on the show in s7 (and most likely s8), no one would bat an eyelash at the mention of his character, because in terms of how his storyline was wrapped up in s2, things are left on good terms. However, because he’s now Buck’s love interest for the moment and possibly forseable future, he’s got all kinds of problems. He has all kinds of toxic behavior. Nevermind the fact that this rhetoric comes from the same people who fail to also concede that Eddie, the preferred option as a LI for Buck for a large crowd, also has his own toxic behaviors. Hell, he even has his own toxic behaviors towards Buck. But you don’t see those who appreciate Tommy as a character pointing fingers at those issues. 
If you want to call me toxic because I’m not afraid to point all of this out, so be it. It is canonically unfair to tell someone that they are a toxic person because of who they used to be, and not the person they are today. The attitude towards “Tommy blame Gerrard for his behavior”, as though the character is supposed to resolve every issue he previously created with other characters in the limited screen time he was given, given the contract extension. Although, something tells me that even if Tim & Co had put the effort into making the scenes all about that instead of devoting it to the point of his character development (Buck and Tommy’s relationship), people would still find something to complain about. 
I’m not saying you have to like Tommy with Buck. I’m not even saying you have to like Tommy, period. But it’s arguable to say that if you’re going to decide not to like him, first, Lou is not the person to blame (someone else very well could’ve played the character and yall would be doing the same thing). And second, maybe find some realistic reasoning behind not liking him other than the fact that it makes Evan unavailable to chase after Eddie (because some people clearly aren’t prepared for that discussion). 
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AITA for being suspicious of a coworker buying me food?
I (18 FtM) work at a retail store. one of my coworkers "Bob" (40s-50s M) has a bad reputation for being unnecessarily argumentative/rude with customers and has allegedly sexually harassed coworkers. he's decently nice to me most of the time, but I view him as a generally shitty person and try to limit interactions with him
Bob semi-frequently buys snacks for other coworkers to share. for example, he once bought grapes for a group of coworkers bc one coworker mentioned wanting some. he has also bought packs of oreos and similar things for people to share. he's never said why he does this and is the only person who will randomly buy food for people. I always decline when Bob offers me food because I have many allergies which he is aware of
now for the actual AITA. yesterday, Bob bought me gluten free oreos. when he first offered me them, I thought it was a prank and was suspicious. he explained it was because he felt bad that I couldn't eat most of the snacks he had bought in the past, so I at that point I just thanked him politely and took them
immediately after this, I went to chat with another coworker about Bob buying me oreos. she agreed it was pretty weird. a few hours later, she ended up joking to Bob that I said it was suspicious that he bought me oreos. this is true, I said that and I did feel that way. Bob seemed to be genuinely hurt by this – not angry, just slightly sad
when I was leaving for the night, Bob approached me to ask if I wasn't taking the oreos home. I realized that I had forgotten them at the guest service desk. this was just me being genuinely forgetful, but he again seemed slightly sad. after that I retrieved the oreos and did bring them home
I haven't seen him since bc this literally happened yesterday, but I'm honestly feeling bad about the whole thing. he was trying to be nice to me, but I was too suspicious of him to just be polite and take them. but at the same time, he's not a great guy and I feel that it's reasonable for me to be suspicious of a man who is decades older than me randomly buying me food. AITA?
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