#forgotten lyric
ninawolv3rina · 8 months
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Readers tell me “Hana is so mean to Kennet!” And I say “yeah and she’s RIGHT!”
OC: Hana Oh (She/her)
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sirenetica · 5 months
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It's time for spring... ...We'll try again next fall
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writingwolverina · 2 years
I got my beta report back from my editor yesterday for Lyric
At this point she's not exactly impartial feedback but she really liked it! I'm feeling super motivated by hearing her thoughts and I'm really excited to get it out.
It's also making me feel like I can get back into writing again, it's been a while and I rly want to get this chapter done lmao.
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tibby · 8 months
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Which wolf wins? I guess it really depends, just gotta wait and see.
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discount-kirishima · 7 months
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You're an angel, I'm a dog
Or you're a dog and I'm your man
You believe me like a god
I'll destroy you like I am
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lucabyte · 5 months
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i burned the bridges thoroughly but still everyone's trusting me again and i should be relieved but it happened so suddenly (and i know in my heart i haven't earned this, but everyone acts like my concern isn't a problem like nothing is wrong with my very involvement)
but i know how the song ends (x)
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mountainshroom · 7 months
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”La Vie en rose” featuring Al as an excuse for me to draw moody lighting
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The Plot In You // Forgotten
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zenasfuxk · 2 years
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dem0litionlivers · 2 months
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Okay so like I was just listening to music and it’s like 4am and I was like “oh em gee these lyrics r kind of like rainhaze and slugpelt!!!” So I drew them!!
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ninawolv3rina · 6 months
So I’ve said this before but I’m thinking about it again….
As far as my book characters go, my art of them is NOT canon. Like, don’t look at that and think ‘the author drew this, so it’s canon!’. The only canon appearance stuff is stuff i *outright state* in the text. So like, for example, Quincy MUST have dark hair, scars on her arms, etc, Marlowe MUST have his plague scar, blue eyes, thin blonde hair, etc, all the priests gotta have black and white robes, but the designs and stuff? Not canon. Headcanon.
I basically view it as drawing fan art of my own characters. Like mine are fan depictions, if that makes sense? They’re subjected to change at any time, some things are even deliberately against canon because I like to draw them that way (Quincy being Very Buff for instance, in canon she’s more wirey).
Idk, i think about it often cuz like, i love the art other people make based on descriptions and some of it has affected how I draw them myself. Now that I’m designing more high-concept stuff for In Perpetuum (which is a lot more artistically minded and inspired, mostly by Dark Souls/Elden Ring and biblical art), I’m like ‘wow i can’t design things that are as intricate and dark as i imagine them’. I am very limited as an artist, the way that i learned has created an eye that leans towards more simplistic designs that are inspired by comics and animation. You can tell i learned from Avatar the Last Airbender, mangas, and X-men comics. My designs reflect that. So like… I see other people’s medieval art and I’m like “Wow i wish i could do that” but when i try they always end up simpler. Anyways, all this to say, in my head Laz and John are more gothic, more medieval, more dark souls. They’re more intricate. They have way more going on, filigree on everything. John is scarier. Idk. I’m going to keep trying to improve and make my designs match my mental image but it’s a process, it always is, always growing.
Just some thoughts!
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 4 months
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zaigra na tvoje strune [x]
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noahhawthorneauthor · 2 months
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I'm a day late for International Nonbinary People Day, but here are some nonbinary menaces.
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hyunpic · 1 month
just torturing the beautiful enthusiasts at this point
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astrangerlately · 6 months
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themanwhomadeamonster · 9 months
The 1999 combat theme and its foreshadowing because the autism got to me and I spent too long trying to figure out this soundtrack
Jumping off from @brokenjardaantech's WITW music analysis post here - go check it out, it's very insightful and lays the foundations for what I'm about to talk about! And thanks to @theterribletenno for the burst of inspiration by giving me a massive oh shit realisation in the most chilling way possible LOL
Spoilers under the read-more; TL;DR at the end :'^D
To preface, the soundtrack is structured in an ABC structure with bridges between A and B, as well as another between B and C that borrows from A. The key starts in Cm, briefly modulating to Gm in section B then back to Cm during the second bridge, and settling on Em for section C. In-game for WITW you most likely will only hear up to the first bridge since the Technocyte fight only goes for around a minute long
Sections A, the bridges and partially C feature genre similarities to grunge rock with fuzzy guitar chugging, whammy bar, and palm muting, while the drums are notably sharp snares (except for the first bridge, which are clean bass kicks that gradually distort transitioning into section B's style). Musically, it sounds like a typical fighting soundtrack meant to hype you up - the melody is confident and likes to push and pull its rhythm. But in section C it notably become emptier in its layering while keeping the distorted drums, placing emphasis on the lyrics (which I'll get to below lol). Heavier syncopation and polyrhythms are also introduced.
Section B however is the main outlier. This section is where it most strongly resembles industrial rock: rhythmic synth layers begin to accompany the melody (a pedal point line that plays every semiquaver/sixteenth note), synth drums replace acoustics and the guitars drop the fuzz that is characteristic of grunge and steadily strum every quaver/eighth note. Compared to the push and pull rhythm of section A, this section is steadier, less chaotic than the other sections, it wants you to focus on this section.
Notably, the lead guitar introduces a familiar leitmotif: This is What You Are (which @brokenjardaantech goes more in depth regarding its use in WITW). Here, though, its second chord becomes flattened (Dm -> D♭m) and introduces a diminished, dissonant sound. To me this was the first hint that the song may actually be about Arthur's downfall. This is What You Are is a musical leitmotif that recurs in moments of vulnerability, especially when someone is at risk of losing their sense of self, their identity and what they are. It plays during The Second Dream when we discover the Operator, during the New War when Eidolon!Lotus just lost herself to Ballas and can't recognise the Tenno, and in WITW during the Vessel "fight" when the Tenno is forced out of their Warframe.
I was prompted to actually dig more into the lyrics because I saw @theterribletenno bring up something really interesting
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In this specific song, the leitmotif is diminished, it's corrupted. "Surrender to the corruption" - this is what Arthur is afraid of. I brought up earlier that section B had a genre shift. The contrast of the music is important, it's highlighting something, and together with the musicality of the leitmotif, it's making a sense of urgency and danger. The leitmotif is a warning to Arthur.
Section B sings these lyrics:
Break it, break it, Break it open!
Compared to the desperation in the other lines, these two lines are sung mockingly. The Infested are trying to break Arthur, and are succeeding. Their voice is becoming his. But there are actually two vocal lines in this section - you can also hear muted backing vocals in a much less aggressive and lethargic tone warning that "Disillusion". Arthur is trying so hard to keep his own voice and stay clear-minded but it's being drowned out and he's nearing his breaking point, and Albrecht, based on the Codex Fragments you find, is well aware of this.
In section C, while the layering is less intense it's noticeably more heavily syncopated and polyrhythmic, and introduces new (accompanying) echoing and dissonant synth layers reflecting the confusion and disorientation that Arthur begins to feel (these synth layers are actually introduced in the second bridge, but are more easily heard in section C). Section B and C also keep the synth/distorted drums that section A and both bridges lack (at most it's a reverb in those sections); the industrial sound of the song becoming associated with the increasing influence of the Infested over his humanity.
So I tried deciphering more lyrics for each section; I haven't figured all of it out and most of it could very well be wrong because of how heavily clipped the vocal line intentionally is so I don't want to make anymore assumptions than I need to, but I can understand enough of it to realise that the song is foreshadowing Arthur's corruption to the Infested. In green are the lyrics I'm confident are correct:
Sting it, sting it, sting it! Sting it, sting it, sting it in the flesh!
I don't understand! It brings more disease!
Break it, break it, Break it open! (Disillusion)
Sting it, sting it! Sting it in the flesh!
Who's dreaming? Who's the [???] It's a vision[?]!
TL;DR: the grunge/industrial genre hybrid represents Arthur's humanity/Infested respectively, and the song becomes increasingly industrial as the song progresses, most noticeably through the increasing distortion of the drum sound. Section A sets the stage, section B serves as a warning to Arthur that he's losing his sense of identity as the Infestation drowns out his "voice" while a dissonant version of This is What You Are plays, and section C is him experiencing confusion and disorientation as the Infestation continues to corrupt him.
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