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Forgive yourself.
You did the best you could, with who you were, at that time. #thepastisthepast
Forgive yourself for the choices you made when you didn’t know you had better options.
Focus on growing and moving on. #dontliveinthepast
There is no sense in punishing your future for the mistakes of your past.
Forgive yourself, grow from it, and then let it go. #dontbesohardonyourself
You did the best you could with the information you had at that time!
Forgive yourself. #bebetterthanyesterday
Forgive yourself for all the times you didn’t know any better.
For all the times you went off course.
For all the times you relapsed.
For all the times you fell prey to the dark.
Honor that despite it all you still managed to climb out toward the light, you got back on track, and you didn’t give up. #pastisthepast
Forgiving yourself for past mistakes is essential for growing into your potential. #livinginthepast
Forgive yourself for the mistakes you made on your way to becoming the best version of yourself. #forgiveyourself
Your past is a lesson.
Not a life sentence.
Forgive yourself and focus on the future. #dontbeatyourselfup
Forgive yourself for the things you’ve done in your past.
Stop regretting and start a new day with new opportunities. #regret
You gain nothing from beating yourself up for mistakes that you’ve already made, try to be kind to yourself when you fail.
Look for opportunities for growth before you look for reasons to be upset with yourself. #thepastisinthepast
1. YouTube/podcast: Uplift Past Crossroads
2. FB/LinkedIn = Sean Christopher Jenkins
3. 📸/Twitter/👻/TikTok/Threads = @troubledontlast @my_daily_bible
4. Fashion = @glamourmeetsgq
5. Fan pages = @upliftwithdrj @upliftpastcrossroads
#knowbetterdobetter #mistakesdontdefineyou #forgiveyourselffirst #thepastisgone #learnfromthepast #letgoofthepast #lettinggoofthepast #stopbeatingyourselfup #forgivingyourself #forgiveyourselfdaily #forgiveyou #forgiveyourpast #forgiveyourselfandmoveon #dontliveinregret #thepastisover #moveonfromthepast #forgiveyourselfandothers #yourpastisnotyourfuture #yourpastdoesntdefineyou #wouldvecouldveshouldve
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“I hope it’s not too late To set my demons straight I know I made you wait But how much can you take I hope you see the GOD in me I hope you can seeeee And if it’s up stay down for me” This is my favorite song in the world right now. I feel this shit deeply. Grateful for this album as a whole. Happy hump day y’all! #nowplaying🎧 #kendricklamar #diehard #forgiveyourselffirst (at Nashville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdtgKW2J3GxTgCoH7BApWQt1t4lSWm_6M302pI0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#learntoloveyourself #practiceselflove #gratitude #learnfrommistakes #forgiveyourselffirst #japa #sacraficeinstantgratification #delayedrewards #doingthedirtydishespodcast #satchitānanda #harnessprana #walkingmindfulness #tattvamasi Doing The Dirty Dishes Instagram link: www.instagram.com/doingthedirtydishesdaily https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpu-qv0OdoK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"We always work for a better tomorrow. but when tomorrow comes, instead of enjoying, we again think of a better tomorrow! let's have a better today." Start by forgiving yourself... #carpediem #seizetheday #seizethedays #carpediemquotes #carpediemquotess #bettertomorrow #bettertomorrows #bettertoday #bettertodaythanyesterday #bettertodaythaniwasyesterday #bettertodayquote #todaysquotes #todaysquoteoftheday #todayquotes #enjoytheday❤️ #forgiveyourself #forgiveyourselffirst #ourbetterworld (at Amalfi, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVRYIM0Pj6u/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Just a reminder… If you agree write #BigYes 👇🏽 Don’t you ever forget that you are doing what you can on that specific moment. We all have days we invest more and days we are not fully there and that’s okay! Forgive yourself and trust the process, trust that your progress is as it should be🙏🏽💜 . #sundaymotivation #sundaymotivation❤️ #sundaymotivation💪 #forgiveyourselffirst #forgiveyourselfdaily #forgiveyourself #motivationalquoteoftheday #motivationalquotesandsayings #motivationalquotesforsuccessinlife #motivationalbusinessquotes #progressquotes (at Western Cape) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUSUtAyKORj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Mane, I must've really needed to hear this because forgiveness ain't ever been one of my strong points. #Forgiveness #ForgiveYourself #ForgiveYourselfFirst #ForgivenessQuotes #Quotes #QuotesToLiveBy #InspirationalQuotes #WordsOfWisdom #WordsToLiveBy #InspirationalMemes #ILoveYouFun #MamaFunshine https://www.instagram.com/p/CIQtYBVAEu4/?igshid=r984jjcaeaia
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#affirmationfive #7dayaffirmationchallenge @hexacopyinc #affirmationoftheday✨ #acceptyourselfloveyourself #beproudofyourself❤️ #bewhoyouaremeanttobe #bewhoyouarenotwhotheworldwantsyoutobe #becomingabetterme #proudofwhoiam #iammetheonlyme #acceptyourselfforwhoyouare #forgiveyourselffirst #behappywithwhoyouare #learntoloveagain #ilovemesomeme #findyourpower #youhavethepower #beyourbestself #bethebestyoucanbe❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CB7gvY7gmh6/?igshid=ud0xp75i9q93
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Forgiveness is yours to give❣️ . . . #forgiveothers #forgivethem #thepowerofforgiveness #forgivenessheals #forgivenessisfreedom #forgivebutneverforget #selfforgiveness #forgiveandletgo #forgiveyourselffirst #learntoforgive #gempayten https://www.instagram.com/p/CAp71Z_jFqA/?igshid=qnguid0lua0n
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#forgiveness #forgiveothers #forgiveyourselffirst #innerpeace (at Carmel Valley, San Diego) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_TTowUj6dH/?igshid=1w8bwf6le1dt
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Stop keeping track of the mistakes you’ve made.
It’s time to forgive yourself. #dontbeatyourselfup
Your past is a lesson.
Not a life sentence.
Forgive yourself and focus on the future. #dontbesohardonyourself
There is no sense in punishing your future for the mistakes of your past.
Forgive yourself, grow from it, and then let it go. #forgiveyourself
Forgiving yourself for past mistakes is essential for growing into your potential. #thepastisthepast
In order to flourish you first need to forgive your past self. #pastisthepast
Forgive yourself for the things you’ve done in your past.
Stop regretting and start a new day with new opportunities. #regret
You gain nothing from beating yourself up for mistakes that you’ve already made, try to be kind to yourself when you fail.
Look for opportunities for growth before you look for reasons to be upset with yourself. #thepastisinthepast
Release the need to replay a negative situation over and over again in your mind.
Don’t become a hostage to your past by always reviewing and reliving your mistakes.
Don’t remind yourself of what should have, could have, or would have been.
Release it and let it go. Move on. #livinginthepast
You are allowed to move on.
You are allowed to forgive yourself for who you’ve been.
You are allowed to become someone new.
You are allowed to love yourself regardless of your former choices.
You are not sentenced to your past. #dontliveinthepast
Forgive your younger self.
Believe in your current self.
And create your future self. #mistakesdontdefineyou
1. YT/podcast: Uplift Past Crossroads
2. FB/LinkedIn = Sean Christopher Jenkins
3. 📸/Twitter/👻/TikTok/Threads = @troubledontlast @my_daily_bible
4. Fashion = @glamourmeetsgq
5. Fan pages = @upliftwithdrj @upliftpastcrossroads
#forgiveyourselffirst #thepastisgone #learnfromthepast #mistakesarelessons #wefalldownbutwegetup #letgoofthepast #lettinggoofthepast #stopbeatingyourselfup #forgivingyourself #forgiveyourselfdaily #forgiveyou #forgiveyourpast #forgiveyourselfandmoveon #dontliveinregret #liveinthepast #thepastisover #moveonfromthepast #forgiveyourselfandothers #yourpastisnotyourfuture #yourpastdoesntdefineyou
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Forgive yourself for accepting the things not healthy for your soul. Let go, look forward, stand again & appreciate this moment. You Are Blessed Sweetheart❤️ #forgiveyourselffirst #youareworthit #youarebeautifulsoul #lookforwardnotback #healthysoul #grateful #appreciation #thankful #appreciatewhatyouhave #appreciatelittlethings #timetoreflect #appreciatelife #nothinglastsforever #brightsideoflife #behopeful #littlethingsmatter #focusonthegood https://www.instagram.com/p/B_RJqTmD0_n/?igshid=uaw9evl2dze3
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All forgiveness is self forgiveness 💗 #forgiveyourselffirst #violetyoni https://www.instagram.com/p/B1RVjtrJkLz/?igshid=1vrbrx2zudxl0
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#findoutwhoyouare #forgiveyourself #forgiveyourselffirst #forgiveyourpast #forgiveyourselfdaily #youareloved #youarelove #acceptdiversity #accepttheothers #compassionworks #allkindsofpeople #carboncommentary #loveandforgive #denisecarbonell https://www.instagram.com/p/BtRBreKBi_M/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1epgriemroc9k
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#forgiveyourselffirst #forgiveness #forgiveyourself
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#forgiveyourselffirst then #fortheloveofgod #forgivenessforall
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You only need to hear and accept one apology, and it’s not the one from the person who hurt you so many times.
It is the one from yourself for keeping you there for so long. #mistakesdontdefineyou
Make peace with the past. #dontbeatyourselfup
The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward. #livinginthepast
Forgive your old self, you’ve changed. #forgiveyourselffirst
Forgive yourself for your faults and your mistakes and move on. #thepastisgone
There is no sense in punishing your future for the mistakes of your past.
Forgive yourself, grow from it, and then let it go. #forgiveyourself
Forgive yourself for the things you’ve done in your past.
Stop regretting and start a new day with new opportunities. #regret
You gain nothing from beating yourself up for mistakes that you’ve already made, try to be kind to yourself when you fail.
Look for opportunities for growth before you look for reasons to be upset with yourself. #thepastisinthepast
Forgiving yourself for past mistakes is essential for growing into your potential. #thepastisthepast
In order to flourish you first need to forgive your past self. #pastisthepast
Your past is a lesson.
Not a life sentence.
Forgive yourself and focus on the future. #dontbesohardonyourself
You are allowed to move on.
You are allowed to forgive yourself for who you’ve been.
You are allowed to become someone new.
You are allowed to love yourself regardless of your former choices.
You are not sentenced to your past. #dontliveinthepast
1. YT/podcast: Uplift Past Crossroads
2. FB/LinkedIn = Sean Christopher Jenkins
3. 📸/Twitter/👻/TikTok = @troubledontlast @my_daily_bible
4. Fashion = @glamourmeetsgq
5. Fan pages = @upliftwithdrj @upliftpastcrossroads
#learnfromthepast #mistakesarelessons #wefalldownbutwegetup #letgoofthepast #lettinggoofthepast #stopbeatingyourselfup #forgivingyourself #forgiveyourselfdaily #forgiveyou #forgiveyourpast #forgiveyourselfandmoveon #dontliveinregret #liveinthepast #thepastisover #moveonfromthepast #forgiveyourselfandothers #yourpastisnotyourfuture #yourpastdoesntdefineyou
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