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What helps you to find the courage? What push you to do things that are outside of your comfort zone? It is not easy to push ourselves to overcome our fears and finding the courage to do things we want to, but feeling afraid from doing them. But once we find the courage and push ourselves to come out of our comfort zone, we feel amazing, we feel more confident and happier which leads us to become more successful. If you want to hear more check out my new podcast episode. In today's episode I'm going to share with you tips to help you find your courage, so you can push yourself to do more things that are outside of your comfort zone. Tips that I follow all the time, whenever I feel a fear that can hold me back from moving towards success. . #notetoself📝 #notetomyself📝 #danaohana #bigbrander #findthecourage #couragequotes #overcomefears #comeoutofcomfortzone #comfortzones #newpodcastalert #podcastepisodes #marketingpodcast #entrepreneurpodcast
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#BigYes !!!!! That is why it is supper important to reach out to a specific audience and not to try be everything to everyone! Once you know who's your specific audience you want to focus on you will know: ✅ Where to find them, on which platforms you can connect with them. ✅ On which message to focus since you are going to focus on the problem/ struggle/ pain that they experience. ✅ What time of the day they are more active so you can share your content and receive the right exposure. To learn more on how to do so check out my online Big Academy at . #bigquote #marketingquote #marketingquotesoftheday #focusonwhatsimportant #nichedown #marketingcoaching #marketingtips4you #marketingtipsforbusiness #marketingtipsforsmallbusiness
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Social media takes a big part in our personal and business life, that is why we tend to forget that this is not the only tool we have in our basket. When looking on building a brand we needs to first understand who's is our audience and what is our key message. Once we know this two we can find the right places to promote our brand there. We want to find the places where our audience is active on but on the same time the places who can package our message the best way. Social media is one out of many other tools that we tend to forget, tools such as newsletters, events, exhibitions, networking etc. Which tools are you using to build your brand? . #brandbuilding #brandbuildingtips #notetoself📝 #notetoself❤️ #notetome #notetomyself📝 #danaohana #bigbrander #brandingcoachforwomen #brandingcoaching #brandingspecialist
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Want to learn where you can you find new content ideas❓ If yes write #BigYes ✅ Use repetitive questions your clients keep on asking - your clients knows what they want to hear about, what they want to learn about that is why they come to you because you are the expert. Therefore, all you need to do is just listen to their questions and use them to create relevant content to help them grow, and on the same time to continue establishing yourself as the expert. ✅ Use Pinterest for business to collect ideas - this is one of the best social media platforms to help you find ideas while you improve your SEO and increase traffic to your different external links. ✅ Other leaders from your industry - follow them on the different platforms and subscribe to their newsletter, see what they are talking about and take some ideas from them, but always make sure you are making it your own and not copy pasting. ✅ Use content calendars to search for relevant special days - here the important part is to choose the right days that can help you build your brand and grow your business, not every special day is right for you and your brand! ✅ Follow trends by make your own unique version - using trends can help us grow and fast but also being unique, so use those trends to get content ideas and make your own unique version, share your own unique voice so you can stand out from the crowd. Where do you find content ideas? To learn more about building your brand on social media reach out to me and join Big Brander online learning academy ( . #bigbrander #bigbrand #bigtip #socialmediamarketingtip #brandbuildingtips #contentideastips #tipsforcontentcreators #contentcreatortips #contentcreationtip #contentcreationtipsforsocialmedia #contentideasforsocialmedia #contentideasforsmallbusinesses
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Want to learn where you can you find new content ideas❓ If yes write #BigYes ✅ Use repetitive questions your clients keep on asking - your clients knows what they want to hear about, what they want to learn about that is why they come to you because you are the expert. Therefore, all you need to do is just listen to their questions and use them to create relevant content to help them grow, and on the same time to continue establishing yourself as the expert. ✅ Use Pinterest for business to collect ideas - this is one of the best social media platforms to help you find ideas while you improve your SEO and increase traffic to your different external links. ✅ Other leaders from your industry - follow them on the different platforms and subscribe to their newsletter, see what they are talking about and take some ideas from them, but always make sure you are making it your own and not copy pasting. ✅ Use content calendars to search for relevant special days - here the important part is to choose the right days that can help you build your brand and grow your business, not every special day is right for you and your brand! ✅ Follow trends by make your own unique version - using trends can help us grow and fast but also being unique, so use those trends to get content ideas and make your own unique version, share your own unique voice so you can stand out from the crowd. Where do you find content ideas? To learn more about building your brand on social media reach out to me and join Big Brander online learning academy ( . #bigbrander #bigbrand #bigtip #socialmediamarketingtip #brandbuildingtips #contentideastips #tipsforcontentcreators #contentcreatortips #contentcreationtip #contentcreationtipsforsocialmedia #contentideasforsocialmedia #contentideasforsmallbusinesses
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If you agree write #BigYes 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 You are the BRAND, learn as much as you can about yourself cause by doing so you are going to understand your audience better which is going to help you build stronger relationships with them, improve engagement. All of this will absolutely going to help you build a strong brand and grow your business. To learn how to build your brand book a 1-on-1 session with me. . #notetoself📝 #notetoself❤️ #note_to_self #notetomyself📝 #knowyourself #youarethebrand #bigbrader
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Now it's the time to start working on building a plan for 2023, time to plan our business growth. To help you prepare to succeed: ✅ Have a clear business strategy. ✅ Decide on a specific niche to focus on. ✅ Have a clear message which focus on the problem and not on the solution. ✅ Set up goals and objectives. ✅ Have action calls on how you are going to achieve those goals and objectives. Not sure how to create a marketing strategy plan? Check out my online tutorial - check out my special offer. יש הדרכה גם בעברית . #planningquotes #plantquotes #failing #preparetofail #preparetosucceed #marketingplanning #marketingbusiness #marketingstrategyplanning #marketingquote #onlinetutorial #businessquotes101
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It's Easy to build a brand if you do it Smart! In general you want to work smart and not hard, to help you see how it can be done follow the following tips: 🌟Focus on building strong and solid foundations for your business, same as building a building.. Once the foundations are strong you can add more floors, same goes for your business. As part of your foundation make sure you have a clear business strategy, know who's the audience you want to reach out to, have a clear message and package it with a unique brand identity. 🌟 Planning is very important when looking on growing your business, increasing your brand awareness. That is why it is important to have a marketing strategy plan for you to follow, a plan with goals and objectives and action calls to help you achieve it all. 🌟Stop chasing after numbers such as views and likes. Instead focus on numbers that tells you what type of content your audience enjoy and find as valuable and which type of content not so much.. Use those numbers to learn more about your crowd so you can improve your relationship with them. 🌟Remind yourself that people buy from people, they buy from those they have a connection with. Once there is a connection it's time to start building a relationship with them, get to know them and try to understand them. Learn about the struggles, challenges, problems they are facing and use it to connect with them. Once you built the relationships with them you are also gaining their trust, by trusting you they are going to be loyal to you and your brand and your best brand ambassadors. 🌟We all want to feel part of something, to find a place we feel belong to, a place for us to be ourselves. That is why we join different communities, checking them out, choosing those we want to be part of and the same as we do so is our audience. Build a community for them, provide them with a place they feel belong to, feel comfortable to ask questions and be themselves. If you want to learn more on brand building for your business or how to build solid foundations for your business, book a session with me.
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What are the new choices you want to bring today? My decision is to work on my own online school so I can launch it on my birthday as a gift to myself. . #mondayquotespiration #mondayquoteoftheday #newchoices #mychoices #bigbrander #businessquotesoftheday
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What are the new choices you want to bring today? My decision is to work on my own online school so I can launch it on my birthday as a gift to myself. . #mondayquotespiration #mondayquoteoftheday #newchoices #mychoices #bigbrander #businessquotesoftheday
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What was the last thing you've done for yourself? Remember: You are the BRAND! By investing time and effort on knowing yourself, learning more about who you are and WHY you do what you do, you are only going to help yourself to build a strong brand which means to build yourself both on your personal and professional life. If you want to learn how to build your own brand reach out to me. . #notetoself📝 #notetoself❤️ #note_to_self #notetomyself📝 #bigbrander #youarethebrand #bethebrandyoulove #bethebrand #investinyourbrand #brandbuilding101 #brandbuildingtips #buildyourownbrand
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5 actionable tips on how to find KEYWORDS to help you improve your SEO: ✅ Before your start anything regarding marketing your business always set up a goal, decide on what's the purpose of it. Same as when searching for keywords, decide on the purpose before You research. This will help you with the next tips I'm going to share in this post. ✅ If you are a local business make sure you are using keywords that are relevant to the area you operate in. Build a list of different localized keywords, it can include the name of the area as well different slangs local people are using when searching for your solution. ✅ Search for keywords in common customer questions, they are telling you exactly what they are looking for so don't search in far places just read their comments and see what are they asking there. ✅ But not only your customers are telling you what keywords to use, also your "competition's" customers who is telling them what they are searching for. ✅ Take advantage of Google suggest cause there you will find all common questions and keywords your audience has been searching and still is, look at this as the biggest library of keywords.. Follow me for more tips and share this post if you found it as valuable. . #findkeywords #keywordsearch #keywordtool #keywordresearch #keywordstrategy #keywordtips #seotip #seotipsoftheday #marketingcoaching #seocoach #marketingforsmallbusinesses #marketingforsmallbusiness
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From 1-10 how creative do you think you are? (1 far from it... 10 super creative). I think that I'm definitely 10 and that is why I love to do marketing. You? . #creativequote #creativityquote #areyoucreative #knowyourselfbetter #entrepreneurquoteoftheday #businessonlineentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneurquotes
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social media for businesses do's and don'ts: ❌ You can't be everything to everyone ✅ Focus on a specific niche By trying to be everything to everyone you are actually working hard without seeing much results. When you are trying to reach out to a wider audience only some of them will understand your message, but by focusing on a specific audience you can speak their language and by doing so you have a higher change to convert them from followers to clients. ❌ Stop chasing after views and likes ✅ Focus on getting more save, shares and comments Likes don't pay the bills! So what if they liked your video or watched it? Of course it doesn't mean that they can't be a client of yours, but by creating content that get your audience to engage with you more, audience that save, share and comment on your content, you have a higher chance to convert them from followers to clients. If I'm taking time to do one of those things it means I am interested in your what you are offering and at the right time I am going to reach out to you. ❌ Create content with direct sale ✅ Create content that build relationships No one likes direct sales, it is something that belongs to the past. Today people love to buy from people who they trust and built relationships with, that is why it is important to focus on creating content that help you build relationships with your audience, content that position you as their go to person. To learn more on social media and brand building DM me and check my bio link. . #socialmediaforbusinesses #socialmediadoanddont #dosanddonts✔️❌ #dosanddonts #socialmediacoachingservices #socialmediacoaching #socialmediaspecialist #socialmediatipsforbusiness #socialmediatipsforsmallbusiness #socialmediamarketingforbusiness
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Do you sometimes feel like giving up? If you answered yes so don't forget that you are not alone, we all think about it and sometimes even few times a day, especially as entrepreneur. But don't give up! Keep on trying, encourage yourself to give it at least one more try but don't just repeat the same thing you've done before cause clearly it didn't work. See what are the take aways you can get from that attempt, write down what are your conclusions and make the relevant changes before you try again. By doing so you can increase the chances that this time it might work. Follow me for tips on how you can build a strong online brand. . #notetoself📝 #notetoself❤️ #note_to_self #notetomyself📝 #donotlosehope #dontlosehope #bigbrander #keepontrying #motivationalnotes #entrepreneurencouragement #motivateyourselfeveryday #entrepreneursjourney
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3 Important Instagram BIO Tips: 🌟Use relevant keywords to describe what you do - choose keywords that explain what you do to make it easier for your followers to find you. 🌟Add 2-3 hashtags to increase exposure - choose hashtags that can promote your business the best way, but don’t choose hashtags with millions of searches. 🌟Add a call to action, invite them to do something - ask them to click on your BIO link, to follow you, book a meeting with you etc. Follow me for more tips and don't forget for save and share this post. . #instagrambio #instagramforsmallbusiness #instagramsmallbusiness #instabio #biotips #instagramtipsforbusinesses #instagramtipsforbusinesses #instagramtipsforsuccess #biginstagramer #אינסטגרםטיפ #אינסטגרםלעסקים
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Are you falling into this trap? If you are a perfectionist you probably resonate with this quote and if you do it's holding you back from creating more content, right? I am also a perfectionist but since I started to be active on social media I learned that if I'm going to continue waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect words to come nothing is going to be published. I learned to let go and just create cause so what if it's not perfect, right? I create and publish and the comments are starting to come and it feels amazing, I'm now finding myself happy for not giving up on creating and publishing. So don't fall to this trap, if you need advice just reach out to me. . #contentquote #marketingquote #marketingquoteoftheday #socialmediaquote #socialmediaquotes #contentmarketingquotes #contentcreationforbusiness #quoteforyou #quotefortheday #marketingcoaching #contentcoaching #socialmediacoaching
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