#forgive his head emptyness
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 1 year ago
looking good mr. strider! :D
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[ You're a little too shocked at apparently being GOD TIER???? to really process the compliment. Anon powers are scary. ]
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jj-stay · 1 year ago
The Bittersweet Journey of Regretful Stray Kids
Hey lovely readers! It’s [jj-stay] here, and I’m beyond thrilled to share my latest fanfiction with you all. This one’s all about our favorite Stray Kids members and their reactions to walking out on an argument with their significant other. Get ready for a blend of fluff and romance that’s perfect for anyone 16 and older.
📖 Word Count: 614 (Perfect for a cozy read!) 💌 Request Status: Nope, this one's just from my heart! 💑 Pairing: Stray Kids x Reader (Get ready for all the feels!) 🌈 Genre Vibes: Fluff, Romantic (With a hint of drama) 🚨 Trigger Warning: Argument, walking out on an argument 🛑 Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real-life actions or events is purely coincidental.
In this Tumblr fanfic, we dive into how each member of Stray Kids reacts after walking out on an argument with their significant other. Watch as they navigate their emotions and learn the importance of communication and maturity in relationships. and more loving relationships.
Enjoy the story, and don’t forget to like, reblog, and share your thoughts! Your support means the world. 💖😊
Chan (Bang Chan):
Chan storms out of the argument and immediately goes to his sanctuary: the room for music Hours pass as he empties his entire being into his organizations, involving music as a type of therapy. However, as the days pass, he begins to experience a gnawing sense of emptyness inside. It occurs to him that staying away from the issue won't make it vanish. Bringing boldness, he chooses to connect with his, not entirely set in stone to have a transparent discussion to repair their relationship.
Minho (Lee Know):
Minho, the self-reflective individual he is, withdraws into solitude to consider the dispute. He replays the scene to him on many times, wrestling with sensations of disappointment and yearning. He finds himself missing his significant other more than ever as the days turn into weeks. At long last comprehension the significance of correspondence, he bites the bullet and expands a genuine statement of regret, promising to move toward future struggles with development and understanding.
Changbin, who is well-known for his love of music and lyrics, expresses his anger and frustration through his writing. The turmoil he was going through, a mix of regret and longing, is reflected in each verse. However, as he pours his heart onto paper, he understands that words alone won't patch the fracture among him and his life partner. He takes the first step toward reconciliation by putting his pride aside and asking for forgiveness and promising to learn from his mistakes.
Battling to find a sense of peace with his activities, Hyunjin withdraws into isolation, consumed by culpability and self-question. He grapples with the information that keeping away from a conflict just demolishes what is happening. With a full breath, he sets out to stand up to the issue head-on, contacting his better half with a genuine conciliatory sentiment and a guarantee to discuss transparently and truly later on.
With his delicate and smart nature, Jisung replays the contention to him, investigating each word and activity. He's spooky by the inclination that he let his soul mate down. Still up in the air to offer to set things right, he starts a sincere discussion, recognizing his mix-ups and promising to improve the situation for their relationship.
Seungmin hurls himself entirely into his examinations and responsibilities, expecting to divert himself from the waiting contention. He is aware, however, that ignoring the problem will not solve it. He takes the initiative to contact his partner, ready to address their issues in a mature and comprehensive manner because he recognizes the significance of communication.
In spite of his endeavors to stifle his feelings, Felix winds up consumed by lament and strife. Incapable to bear the heaviness of unsettled struggle any more, he contacts his, not entirely settled to make things right. He vows to be more open and vulnerable in future conflicts with a newfound courage, realizing that communication is the key to a healthy relationship.
I.N. Jeongin:
Conflicted between lament and dread, Jeongin battles to handle his feelings in the outcome of the contention. However, as time passes, he realizes that remaining silent only serves to widen the gap between them. He takes a shaky breath and offers his partner an olive branch, ready to listen and openly communicate in order to repair their relationship.
After a heated argument with their partners, we've seen each Stray Kids member deal with regret and uncertainty throughout this fanfic journey. Through reflection, correspondence, and a ton of soul-looking, they learn significant illustrations about the significance of open correspondence and development in connections. It's an excursion of development and understanding, and we as a whole are curious to see what happens.
Note from Author: It has been an emotional roller coaster to write this piece, and I hope it reaches out to you all. Your support and feedback mean the world to me. How about we continue spreading affection and understanding in our fanfic local area!
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hungerbeast · 14 hours ago
The curiosity that Starve the Argonian
Contain: Hunger,Belly massage
Alex was meditating on the yard *the emptyness is a need....the rumbles a signal...the...*
a growl can be heard but alex ignore it
*the hunger a call....the ripples a....* GRRRRR another growl a little loud can be heard making alex growl a litle between teeth but ignore it once more *the belly is our temple....the food the gift....the* Groaaaan
"for love of arceus and the nine divines" says a little angry alex "yo finished you last meal like 12 hours ag....wait" alex pat his chub belly discovering was no him...the noise was coming directly from the library "who is soo starved to be heard around the yard" says curious and decide to go investigate before alex can notice it 2 guys was near the door talking.....and to no suprise of him Max was there trying to not look like a complete weirdo standir on a side of the window "tell you man that lizard girl was there since morning" says a menber of the cult i can believe that hearing it but.....just reading?" Say Max looking the window "well...that untill now at midday when she slowly sigh and slowly pat her belly....my face was almost red and must sneak through the door" says the cultist "sounds like heaven" Maaaax" says a familiar Voice crossing his arms making him and his "partner" slowly look back "OOOOOh....alex...what a coinci......" alex notice the girl and grab the guys to a side while the girl look af the windows thinking saw something "hmmmng...this hunger tricking my head" says before going back to read alex breath while look at the guys "max....better start talking if you no want me to do it" says showing a bottle of some "magic" hunger potion on his hip "was my curiosity that brought him here brother....forgive me" says the cultist "exactly how you make me do it" says Max faking suprise alex just look at him rolling both eyes them looks to the cultist "okay....give me the short version"
"indeed...." says while start explaining all to him
since this morning?....nobody try to talk or something?" says alex "we try to talk but she only respond with "reading no bother" or "just fine"....i try to talk with master but is too busy with a meeting and im out of ideas" says "even i try to get close and well......" says Max blushing alex sigh "no suprise.....ok im gonna try to talk.....but i promise nothing....." "ooooh right have you the fun" says max alex look at him with a little growl......making max scrach his head nervous "i know you gonna fix it" says with a nervous smile *give me a rest* says Alex on his mind while slowly entering on the library The place was big full of books of all types....knoledge comics stdies name it.....them was some benches and a little more was 2 tables with some chairs.....and the lady was there the argonian was no much af 1.00 tall wearing some blue earrings...her cloth was the typical of the "morrowind" place was hearing about them another growl make alex back to reality while sees the lady rubbing her belly "hnnng stop already" says maybe if you get that distracted them that "beast" can get calm" says alex the argonian look back at the strange blue fox and goes back to her book "let me guess.....you are come here to make me leave le library" says not forever like a crime" says while pick up a chair and sit on the other side of the table "just because you "appetite" for books is making the place getting heard " says alex she just sight "look....i apprecciate yo worried about me but im fine" says another growl says the contrary rippling a little long while she hold her belly with a hand "hnnnng" alex slowly stand "yo belly says otherwise.....besides what have that book you keep it reading untill starvation?" she try to muble but again sigh them close the book showing the cover making her blush Alex look at the book and them blush slighly as a tomato too while grab it "The Lusty Argonian.....maid?" she looks lighly red looking away "a friend of mine......heard about the full scene of the book and.....was to crious and start reading into the morning.....but was soo interesting i can`t stop it even for lunch or.....ooogh my" her belly again ripple almost non stop shaking her hand while with both hands hold it alex blush more while do a risky move.....he stand behind her and slowly grab her slim belly "what the.......hey" says the argonian more red that before "just.....trust me" says alex red too as looking away and start giving a belly massages to her now Alex hands was trembling while the lady was moaning a little feeling the hand of the fox rubbing her midsection and sides feeling......lees starved Alex still red them squeeze and pat all her belly and sides "ooohmmmmmnmnnn" the lizard feels like a mix of emotions while feel the rippling and noises start slowly decreasing alex them stop blushing red while slowly sit again on the other chair "im....i am sorry but.....you hunger was getting strong and..... "she still red while pants a little look at him "how.....you make that?" "well......i was teach by master and some books here of how to calm hunger....even strong ones" "i see.....well....thanks for the....massage and.....for heard me about the book" says the argonian "is okay....just next time.....bring some snacks before keep long times reading" says i will" says the argonian while stand "i must go my friend must be worried....besides is almost lunch time" says while get close to alex.....and give him a light kiss on the cheek "please no tell nobody about this" alex get petrified as the argonian open the door and goes running faster *all of this.....all this nerves......for a fking and stupid book* says on his mind.....who knows that the "hunger" for a story can bring so much troubles?
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leviathans-normie · 5 years ago
lmao do you think there reactions would be the same if they caught them too late? like they get to see the exchange but can't do anything (for the bros catching MC sacrificing their soul to bring Lilith back ask)
Wow, some people just want to see the world burn. But, you ask and you shall receive!
→He knew MC had been acting strange for some time.
→But didn't think much of it.
→Until they suddenly hugged him and thanked him for giving them this chance.
→That got him curious.
→He knocked on the door, but the only response he got was some incoherrent mumbling. 
→That’s when he decided to break down the door and charge into the room. 
→But it was already too late. MC was having nervous smasms, their body looking limp, as though it wasn’t under their control. 
→And just like that, it all stopped.
→The body fell down on the ground, lifeless and still. 
→That awful feeling he had once felt when the war started took over him once more. He felt so helpless. And he hated it. 
→Not even acknowledging his revived sister over his shoulder, he grabbed MC’s body and carried them bridal style, craddled between his arms. 
→Lord Diavolo could fix this. Right?
→He had to. Or Lucifer wouldn’t know what to do with himself. 
→He was walking to MC's room, not because he wanted to see them or anything.
→He heard something weird coming from their room, but didn't think anything of it and went right inside.
→Their body was doing some weird spasms, eyes white as milk.
→Before he could even realise what was going on, their body fell lifeless on the floor.
→Falling next to them, he grasped the body in his hands.
→He didn't even try to hide his crying.
→Sobbing loudly and shaking their body, Mammon kept screaming at them to come back.
→"Calm down, Mammon," said a gentle voice from next to him.
→His entire body froze as he finally put the pieces together.
→He didn't know what to do with himself; so he ran.
→Grabbing MC's body, he ran to his room and locked himself in it, slowly mourning about the loss of his loved one.
→If only he wasn't so stupid, so worthless, he would be able to save them... wouldn't he?
→He was coming over because MC had been late for their anime-binging night.
→He couldn't believe the audacity of them.
→But secretly, his insecurities were acting up.
→He knocked on their door once, but there was no reply. Only some weird murmuring.
→So, he went inside and that's when he saw them.
→Their body slightly lifted off the ground, their tip toes barely touching hte wood underneath them.
→Levi was frozen, the only thing he was able to do was to scream.
→Yet, everything stopped in a single moment; the screaming turned into silence and the body that once floated lay on the ground lifeless.
→He didn't bother answering to Lilith's pleas.
→He just wrapped his tail and arms around MC and said, "It's not fair," over and over till the tears stopped coming and his throat became shore.
→He knew something was up when MC asked them for some weird, kinda forbidden books.
→But he thought nothing of it.
→Maybe they were for Solomon.
→But, he couldn't help but wonder, so he made his way to their room to ask them.
→By the time they saw him, his heart sank and a lump formed on his throat.
→Running to her side, he scrambled over the books across the floor and hoped to find a solution.
→However, it was too late.
→His eyes became watery, and just like that, he burst into flames and his demon form appeared.
→Hw destroyed everything in that room; Lilith was his main target, so she wasn't excused.
→However, MC remained untouched.
→He took their lifeless body and barricaded in his room after his fit was done.
→He would never forgive his brothers, Lilith nor himself for this.
→It was a self-care afternoon and MC still hadn't appeared
→Were they taking a beauty nap without him? How rude.
→He knocked on the door once but when weird noises came from the room, he grinned and went right in, thinking MC was spending some joyous lusty time where he could join in.
→Oh how wrong he was.
→"Honey, no!" he screamed, but it was already too late.
→Their body that once floated above the floor, was now laying upon it, lifeless and empty.
→Lilith immediately came to his vision, but he was too clouded by grief to say anything.
→He sat down calmly next to MC and started muttering, a broken smile on his lips, saying what he wanted to say in that self-care session.
→They can't be dead, right?
→He wanted to invite MC out on a nice restaurant that had just opened up.
→Usually, he knocked, but this time, he was way too excited to care about manners.
→Upon entering, he saw their body floating and behaving weirdly, as if they didn't control it anymore.
→It all came back to him, the time he had to choose, how he couldn't save Lilith.
→And now, frozen as he stood there, he couldn't save MC either.
→Their body hit the ground, lifeless, and he went to their side, looking for any sign of life.
→Silently he sobbed until a voice behind him said, "Don't cry, Beel."
→He gasped in surprise, but he didn't look behind, nor he stopped crying.
→He just grabbed MC's body and hugged it before he did the same, corpse still in hand, to Lilith.
→They both felt so different.
→He cried and cried, with Belphie hugging him, Lilith consoling him, Asmo reassuring him, but he still couldn't shake away that feeling of emptyness.
→He doubted he ever would.
→It was nap time, so obviously he'd go to MC.
→He was annoyed when they didn't react, so he got in uninvited.
→The sight in front of him made him freeze for a second.
→It was as though time had stopped.
→But once their body fell down, he ran to them and shook them.
→Another boy in denial.
→They can't be dead.
→He ignored Lilith blatantly, putting his pillow under MC's head and snuggling next to them.
→He was gonna sleep and when he woke up, everything would go back to normal.
→It's just a bad dream.
→Isn't it?
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sunnyborabora · 6 years ago
Alpha (Jungkook x Reader) Chapitre 4
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Y/n is a powerful alpha. Nothing bad in fact except for the fact that she is a female alpha, something so rare that only a few are existing at the same time. Despite this, she is living her life as she wants, until she met Jeon Jungkook. An omega that wants everything but being what he is. They are undoubtedly attract to each other, but they don't seem to know why. As they are trying to start a relationship they have no idea that bigger forces have already planed something.
I suck at update I am so sorry... I was just wondering where I was going with this story and it took me a while to find a good plot. Interesting things are going to happen in the next chapter! I wish I could write more often but I am in the middle of midterms exam and maybe I won’t survive those so... I am supposed to write a Renjun smut. Concidering what happened with Heachan I might take some time to write it. Not that I think that what I wrote was wrong but because it is more considerate to wait a bit. But for the person who requested it don’t worry it’s the next thing I am doing!
The anger fade quickly and Jungkook was left with only that unpleasant feeling of guilt and shame. He had not tried to contact any of his friend on the weekend and even less Y/n. He had wake up on Saturday with a clear distaste for himself and an inability to make the first move to contact any of his friends. He spent his day walking back and forth in his apartment, sulking, getting angry , to finally sulk again. He was trying to think about what had happened. He didn't understand. The more he was thinking about it and the more the realization that he had in fact blew everything out of proportion was settling in his brain. Why was he even so sensitive ? He easily came to the conclusion that he had to apologize. He called her pitiful... He was feeling ridiculous, and he might have cried multiple times. He didn't try anything this day. He couldn't even bring himself to text Jimin or Teahyung. Saturday had been painful, Sunday was already worst. He stayed 10 minutes in front of his friends apartment building, 5 more in the stairs trying to catch his breath, his friends probably already knew he was there, and as he was finally approaching the door, it opened itself. « We were really wondering when you were going to get out of your hole. » Hoseok, was watching him disapprovingly, but get out of the way to let him enter the apartment. Namjoon was sitting on the couch reading a book as Yoongi was on his computer next to him. Jin was watching tv sitting next to Taehyung and Jimin and was the first to see him enter. « Oh, Jungkook-ah » Five pairs of eyes were glued on him, and if he was only nervous before he started to feel on the verge of panic right now. « Well, well, we weren't expecting you anymore » said Jin, pursing his lips, looking at him up and down. « You're not helping hyung » said Namjoon. Indeed, Jin wasn't helping, Jungkook was feeling like he was going to burst into tears at any moment now. « I-I wanted to... I-I am sorry... » It had always been such a struggle for him to express how he was feeling, his hyungs, they were the only friends he had, and the only friends he wanted. They were his family and the feeling of disappointment was eating him from the inside. « Chill Jungkook it's okay. You look like you're going to combust » said Taehyung laughing. « True, it's okay ! » Said Jimin. Hoseok started to laugh on his right, and soon everyone was laughing, everyone except him. « Oh my god Jungkook are you crying ? » He had spent so much time, 24h to be exact, telling himself that they would reject him. He was thrown on the ground by Hoseok, in the middle of his friends, Taehyung on his right clutching his arms, Jimin hiting his shoulder playfully. Everything was fine now. He was fine. Exept he was not completly fine. His happyness wasn't complete. Something was missing. « Come on let's eat something » As they were all eating a pizza, sitting all over the living room, laughing and watching tv. But it was still there, this feeling of emptyness. Finally, it was time for him to leave, he said goodbye to everyone quite surprised when he saw Yoongi getting up, and following him to the door. « So, did you apologize ? » Jungkook did not quite understand. « I just apologize... -Don't play dumb Jungkook, we didn't forgive you just because you had nothing to be forgiven about. Y/n on the other hand... » He knew. Yoongi didn't need to remind him. « I know... I just... Don't know what to do... -Your relation ship with her, honestly it's none of my business. Don't take this as a dating advice or anything, but she is a good person. She for sure didn't deserve that. -I know... » Yoongi smiled and Jungkook left. This is when he decided to go to Y/n's apartment and to apologize. He walked all the way there, and it could have seemed long but it was all the time he needed to think. When he arrived in front of the building, a nice lady let him in, so he didn't need any code or something like this. But then he remembered he didn't know what floor she was leaving in. Was she even there ? He was truly stupid. « Maam ? Do you know on what floor Y/n L/n is leaving ? I-I want to surprise her but... It's the first time I came to her place... » The lady smiled. « It is rare that Y/n is bringing people to her place ? Are you her boyfriend or something ? » Jungkook blushed. The lady laughed. « She is on the 3rd floor young man, good luck ». Jungkook almost run in the stairs, but as he was walking, he started hearing voices. Y/n. Indeed, she was, in the corridor, leaning on the door framing, another woman in front of her. « If you need other advice or things like that just call me. -Thank you Y/n. -It's fine, you came all this way here to see me, it's normal. -Thank you again. » The other female was a bit smaller than Jungkook, a pretty face that looked awfully tired and worried. She didn't have any smell, so Jungkook thought she had no present yet. The woman walked past him without a look, and this is when he saw that Y/n was looking at him. She was smiling slightly. He walked in her direction, his eyes on the ground. Her scent was filling the space, it was so sweet, so strong. « Hi Jungkook » He could not explain what happened at this moment. All he knew was that he needed her closer. He wrapped her into a bear hug, clutching her frame between his arms. She didn't say anything, she limit  herself to gently touching his back. « Let's go back inside, I don't want my neighbors to see more than they should. » He let go of her, only to follow her inside. Her apartment was big. Bigger than his for sure. It was a nice, warm place. The living room had a big fluffy carpet that was taking almost the entire room. The couch seemed so inviting, he didn't know why but now that he was here, he was so relax, almost sleepy. « You can seat if you want. Do you want something to drink ? -No thank you... » He sat on the couch, waiting for her as she was doing something in the kitchen. She come back with a mug of what he could smell was hot chocolate. « You should have text me, I would have prepared something I- -No. » She looked at him confused. « Why are you here Jungkook ? -I came to apologize » She didn't say anything. « I-Noona... I don't know what I could say to make you forgive me... I am so sorry... » She looked at him confused. « You really think that if I was that mad at you I would have let you into my apartment. What happened, happened, let's just discuss it like adults okay. -But what I told you... I...I don't think this of you at all... I like you a lot, you're one of the strongest women I have ever met. You are not... Whatever I was dumb enough to say. » She smiled. « Thank you. For apologizing. And for everything that you just said. Not gonna lie, you kinda hurt my feelings » she said smiling smugly, « But we all said some dumb stuff when we are angry. And you were furious. The question is why ? » He was confused. « I don't understand.... -I was quite confused after what happened at the bar. I didn't know what you wanted. I am going to be honest, I never had a relationship, serious relationship, with an omega. I want it to work. But I don't know what you are expecting from me. We talked about it before. I want to give you the freedom to stand for yourself, and I am going to be honest with you it is not in my personality to go full alpha on people even if my wolf would like otherwise. So I am asking you ? What do you want from me ? » Jungkook's heart skipped a bit. « You're asking me... What I want ? -Yeah. I mean it's the way relationships work right ? -I... I don't know... It's the first time... I don't know... » Y/n eyes opened wider. « You've never dated before ? Even like a little girlfriend or boyfriend before you presented ? » He shook his head. « Oh. It's okay, don't worry, it's new for both of us then. » Jungkook felt ridiculous. Was it going to be like this all the time ? Because he must be honest then, he had no idea of what any social, romantic relationships were about. « I was so angry... They were insulting you... I couldn't do anything about it... And you weren't reacting... I... -You know if you want to stay with me, you'll kinda have to get used to people judging me because I am an alpha. It's rare, I only met two other in my entire life, and for one it was not even on this continent. People are usually pretty curious. Some other can get really aggressive. It's fine, in the end I know that I am as rare as a northern hairy nosed wombat. -What is that ? -A super rare animal. » Jungkook smiled a bit. « Just to tell you that it doesn't affect me anymore. I know who I am, and who I want to be and this is the most important. The only people that can hurt me are the people I love. » He breathed deeply. He knew that she wasn't affected by this, but it hurt him. « It's just that I like you a lot, and I can't stand people insulting you. -It wasn't easy for me either. I had never been this tense. You've been threatened by alphas twice in the space of two weeks. -I swear it's not always like this. -It will be Jungkook... When you start living your life as you want, there will always be people to tell you to stop, or to insult you. Doesn't mean you have to stop. -I know... But it's hard... -I know. But you learn with time. At one point you're so fed up with being someone else than you have no other choice than being yourself. » It was hard. He always had been so concerned by what other people thought of him, he was always so shy... « It might kinda be my fault too. I mean, maybe, I was going too fast ? With all the, you know, kissing and stuff. I- » He was definitely embarrassed and the noises he just did weren't helping. « Are you okay Jungkook ? -Why are we talking about it anyway... -It's important. I kinda have to tell you something and please don't think I am weird or anything... » He didn't think he could never find her weird. « I want to take things slow. Usually my wolf is taking interest in the person I am dating after some time... It's not the case with you. My wolf wants you, as, like... » She cleared her throat. « Never mind, just that she would like to go fast. Maybe too fast for you. Tell me if you feel pressured or anything else... » He wanted to know what she had mean earlier... But in the end the conclusion was the same from his side. His wolf never wanted someone this way. If he could submit to his alpha right now and getting matted he for sure would do it. It wasn't in Jungkook's plans. « I... Feel the same. My wolf I mean. » She raised her brows. « Really ? -Yeah... My wolf wants to submit to you at any moment, he really feels great when you are with us... » She made a face and Jungkook was sure she thought he was some creep. « No ! Wait ! That's not- -Don't worry Jungkook, I understand. » She smiled at him, embarrassment fading a bit. « So what are we doing now ? » He asked not sure of what he was expecting. « What if we keep going. Now that we have talked. We can keep going on dates and eating together for lunch. No need to marry each other right now ». He chocked on his saliva and the flash of a very pretty Y/n in a wedding dress came in his mind. Something was wrong with him. « O-okay... » He was ready to leave then, slowly getting up. « Wait ! Hana is not here tonight, do you want to stay for dinner ? We could order something, and watch netflix ? » He didn't hesitate one bit. He nodded and sit right back on the couch. She smiled happily, getting up to come and sit next to him. « So what do you want to eat ? I know a Vietnamese restaurant that are doing excellent pho.... »
They ate in front of a tv show Jungkook didn't know, but it wasn't important in the end because he was focused on something else. His heart was full of happiness and ready to explode. He could not explain the feeling of fulfillment that he was feeling at the moment. But here he was, cuddling on the couch with Y/n. His head on her lap as she was slowly stroking his hair. He didn't know when he fell asleep, but he woke up still on the couch, in a better position than before, with two fluffy blankets on him to keep him warm. But Y/n wasn't here. He knew where she was. In her room upstairs. He didn't know what was happening, but he started to walk up the stairs to finally find Y/n's room in the end of the corridor. It was as if he could not control his body. His legs were walking on their own and his mind was blank. He just needed to be with her. He opened the door, and she was sleeping in the middle of the bed, her face buried inside her pillows. « Alpha ? » She raised her head slowly, intense red eyes glowing in the dark were fixing Jungkook. But he wasn't afraid. He knew what he had to do. He simply lowered his head, a pained sound coming out of his mouth. But his alpha didn't say anything. She didn't say anything, but she slipped on the right side of the bed, leaving him space to come. And he did, almost running inside the bed, hugging his alpha as much as he could. And she was purring, her red eyes still watching him, and she was smelling so good and everything was perfect. Jungkook didn't remember anything. He was sure he had fell asleep on the couche, but he was definitely in a bed. It has been 10 minutes since he woke up, but he hadn't move one bit. He was frozen on the spot. He should be happy because Y/n was all over him, her head on his shoulders, her face nuzzled in his neck. He was feeling her breath on his skin and it was even harder not to move. When did he even came here ? Did she tell him to come ? She twitched in his arms, her hand gripping his shirt before she raised her head slightly. « What... » She suddenly raised, her body leaving his. « What ? What are you doing here ? I mean... What... -I don't know ! I swear it's not what you think. I was on the couch and I woke up here. » Please believe me. « I believe you. It's fine. I was just surprised, don't worry. » She got out of the bed leaving him alone. « What do you want for breakfast ? Let's hurry up, so I can drive you to your apartment before class. » He groaned, he totally forgot about class. « We can just stay here all day... I don't have anything important to do... » She laughed, roaming through her clothes, looking for something. « Come on, we're going to eat, I am hungry ». Finally, Jungkook decided to get dressed. If food was a great motivation, the idea of leaving her side was disturbing. « Let's eat waffles, I love this ». He would have preferred to stay in bed, but waffles sounded good. And they tasted good too. Once sited in the restaurant, with a mug of hot chocolate and a impressing pile of waffles, he wasn't regretting his bed too much. They soon finished and left for uni. « I can 't believe we are already back to class... Why is the weekend so short ? » She chuckled, elbowing him gently. They were walking, slowly, nuzzling closer together because of the cold. It was so domestic, Jungkook heart could burst at any moment. Everything was perfect until they start to approach the main corridor. A circle of people was forming around something they could not see. « Y/n ! » It was Hana , Y/n's roommate. She was clutching her bag in her arms looking panicked. « Hana ? What is happening ? » Y/n let go of Jungkook's hand, and started to walk toward the crowd. The atmosphere changed almost instantly. The crowd spread in half, letting her pass. Jungkook followed her, but people didn't let him go further. All he could see was a group of guy, and the girl he saw in front of Y/n's door yesterday. And it's where it hit him. There was something wrong with the girl. « What's happening ? » Y/n 's voice resounded in the corridor. The other girl got on her feet and was ready to run at the guys. But Y/n caught her arm before she could jump on them. « Calm down. What's happening ? » It was it. The alpha voice. It was the first time she ever used it in front of Jungkook. Everyone stopped breathing. The alphas in the crowd tensed up. « They attacked me ! I was just going to class, trying to keep it low like you said I should but it did not work ». Y/n turned her gaze on the group of male in front of her. « Why ? » The first one scoff, shrugging his shoulders. « It's a question of balance Y/n. We are wolves, we don't want other species to mix with us. » This is when Jungkook understood. Not everyone were wolves on this planet. Even if wolves were the most common species, 6 out of 10 people were wolves, some other individuals had peculiar capacities. And he was sure that the girl was a freaking witch. Y/n seemed to think a bit. « She is with me. I don't see the problem. -You can't have her in your pack. You are a wolf you should not accept the others. -I'll accept whoever I want in my pack. This is none of your business. » The guy in front of her tensed up. Jungkook was shaking. What if he wanted to hurt her ? He could not let his alpha being hurt ! « What's happening to you Y/n ? At some point we were good friend right ? Now your playing lovey dovey with your new toy and you're forgetting what is really important. » The alpha turned around to face Jungkook, and he was feeling sick to his stomach. « Don't look at him. -Don't worry. We know he is yours. But before it wasn't what was stopping from sharing a bit ! » Jungkook took a deep breath. Trying to think about the conversation they had the day before. He had to stop himself from acting reckless. « Don't touch the witch. And don't come near my omega. » One of them chuckled. « Does your dad know your mating with this guy anyway ? » Jungkook saw it. At the moment the dude mentioned Y/n's dad she froze, face suddenly so pale that he thought she was going to faint. « That's what I thought, it would be bad if maybe I was calling one of your brother to tell him what is happening. I think I still have Youngjae's number. -Call him, text him write him a letter for what I care. Just don't come near them. » The boys finally left, the circle of people dissolving bit by bit. Jungkook wanted to throw himself in Y/n's arms, he needed comfort. But Hana was already in her arms. The other omega was shaking, face buried in Y/n's neck. « Hey Hana are you okay ? Hey, do you want me to call Joon ? » Jungkook left before he could hear the answer. What just happened ? When Y/n woke up this morning, everything felt right. Her entire being felt full, contempt. Her wolf had not been this happy in a long time. And she understood pretty fast why. She woke up to a very stiff and shook Jungkook. She didn't really know what had happened either. « What... » She wished she had reacted differently. What type of person ? Girlfriend ? Alpha ? Was reacting like this hen they just woke up with the boy of their dream next to them. Social skills social skills my ass. But it was not because she didn't want to wake up next to Jungkook. It was just that she was sure that she left him on the couch yesterday when she went to bed. Did he come up on his own ? Did she called him ? Her wolf was arguing that it wasn't that important, that Jungkook was here, and it was all that mattered. It was true, but still, she could feel like something had happened. Actually she thought about letting him sleep in her room the other night. But they decided to take things slowly and it was not taking things slowly than sleeping in the same bed than him. Her wolf cried, treating her of betrayer, but she did not listen. « What ? What are you doing here ? I mean... What... -I don't know ! I swear it's not what you think. I was on the couch and I woke up here. » He was panicking. Damn it wasn't good. She hated it when he was feeling pressured. And it felt like she was pressuring him a lot lately. The boy needed space not some clingy weird girl, sleeping with him like that. She almost face palmed. « I believe you. It's fine. I was just surprised, don't worry. » She got out of bed as quick as she could. Space space space ! The more she was repeating this to herself the more her wolf was crying. The only thing that came up in her mind was to proposed Jungkook some Breakfast. They could stay together and in the same time getting ready for classes. Yes that was a plan. « I can 't believe we are already back to class... Why is the weekend so short ? » He was so cute. His black hair was still messy from bed, and he looked so soft in his sweatshirt. But this is where Y/n understood that she had a problem. She was only watching Jungkook, not seeing anything around her until she eared a voice. « Y/n ! » Hana, it was Hana. Fragile, sweet Hana who was having a panic attack. Y/n wasn't okay. Nobody was supposed to hurt Hana. That was not possible. It has always been like that, since the first day they met, Y/n and her wolf promised to protect that bubbly omega. And it never happened before. Her and Joon were making sure of this. But here she was not taking care of her. « Hana ? What is happening ? » Y/n let go of Jungkook's hand, and it hurt like hell. Was it supposed to be like that ? She gathered her senses as fast as possible, ready to enter the fight. She knew how those type of things were working. Were wolves might have a human sides inside they were not better than animals. And you could not show any weakness when you were with dominant wolves. She felt everyone tensing around her as she was walking through the crowd. She understood almost instantly. She knew it would happen at some point but could the universe give her a day off. « What's happening ? » Y/n 's voice resounded in the corridor. Sohee was on the ground, her books and papers spread all around her. « Calm down. What's happening ? » She didn't mean to use her full power in a simple sentence, but she was so tensed. Maybe she had to work on her control. Those Yoga class were maybe not a bad idea. « They attacked me ! I was just going to class, trying to keep it low like you said I should but it did not work » Yeah, she was not expecting anything else. « Why ? -It's a question of balance Y/n. We are wolves, we don't want other species to mix with us. » It was bullshit. The same bullshit everyone was saying all the time when it was about other species. Wolves because they were the majority preferred to ignore the others and not include them into their pack. Sohee being here was something incredible. The university was finally opening their door to more witch and other species was a great thing. Well at least Y/n thought so. How wolves could understand that others were not a problem if they were never seeing them. « She is with me. I don't see the problem. -You can't have her in your pack. You are a wolf you should not accept the others. -I'll accept whoever I want in my pack. This is none of your business. » Y/n was not ready to fight. She didn't want to. And honestly shifting in the middle of university was definitely not the best idea. « What's happening to you Y/n ? At some point we were good friend right ? Now your playing lovey dovey with your new toy and you're forgetting what is really important. » She wished she could forget about all the bullshit she had done at some point. Hanging out with alphas because she was one seemed to be a good idea at the time. She was not regretting a lot in her life bu this was definitely something she would like to change. The fact that he was mentioning Jungkook didn't help a bit. He could insult her all he wanted, she didn't give a fuck, but not Jungkook. « Don't look at him. -Don't worry. We know he is yours. But before it wasn't what was stopping from sharing a bit ! » We know he is yours. It sounded right in her head, so wrong in the mouth of that douchbag. Just thinking about him touching Jungkook, just breathing in his direction made her skin tingled, the feeling of shifting crushing her stomach. « Don't touch the witch. And don't come near my omega. » One of them chuckled. « Does your dad know your mating with this guy anyway ? » It hurt more than what Y/n had anticipated. Not a lot of people knew about her family. Not that she had anything to hide, but she always wanted to keep it low witch was impossible if everyone knew you were the daughter of some important pack Alpha. Not that she was scared of her father, he was actually a sweet man and a good leader. But he was a pack leader before being a father and he was sometimes forced to make decisions that were hard to accept for her. If she had chosen this life it was because she didn't want to be a part of this system that was the pack of her parents. She didn't care much about hierachy, and she wanted to be a free spirit. Not being forced to think or do things because of some stupid rules. « That's what I thought, it would be bad if maybe I was calling one of your brother to tell him what is happening. I think I still have Youngjae's number. -Call him, text him write him a letter for what I care. Just don't come near them. » It would be bad if one of her older brother was coming. They were territorial and wanted just a thing : deciding of every aspect of her life. She wasn't going to let them. They finally left, the pressure on her shoulders getting lighter. She turned around to see if Jungkook was okay. Hana jumped in her arm. « Hey Hana are you okay ? Hey, do you want me to call Joon ? » Hana was okay a bit shocked but everything will be fine once she would be with her Alpha. It was not the same for Y/n. Her heart broke a little. Jungkook had left without her being able to tell him anything. She wasn't used to get so much attention. And it was a lot said because she was basically getting attention for existing. But her Omega wasn't here, and she was left alone.
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themothermary-blog1 · 6 years ago
i sound too much like my brothers   and now it makes more sense
i remember when i usto tell my brothers dont talk like that   life aint like that Tommy be nice    he use to tell me to take my rose collored glasses back to the country store  that as soon as i get a grip that life is primaraly bull shit that he woul be  happer with me   that i need to get my head out of the cloud up there and look around here we are living hell on earth   aint no god gona save you dad aint never coming back  and you real dad is uncle jack    pull my head out of gods ass     mary  we got to get the hell out of cleveland   he ended up in parma and i ended up with  religous hillbillys in southern ohio   now i have been giving the same advice my brothers gave me      i think these hilbillys  used gorilla glew  when inserting there heads up gods ass     the people you should trust the most are the ones who show a rainbow that has black in it   never beleave anything thats too perfict  or anybody that is too nice   if sombody aint showing some copping vice  pertaining to life  than the vice thay   are using is so much worse than the standards   you know  food , coffie ,cigeretts, alcohol drugs being a all around ass hole being on psy meds   i guyes we got the praying folks but those i dont trust the most because thay will never admit it but there copping mechanisim is based  on faith (hope)  i hope for them there is a god up there and i hope for them he cares i hope for them that theres a heven and i hope for them that jesus opened the door  i hope for them that if god does exist that he change his mind because of some crap some preast does under his name see thay are going under the word crist who is sopoato be the one who opened the door  if adam and eve did exist lets face it    it dosent take much to get god pissed    we are soposto be taking care of eachother down here and even after he gave his only begotten son humans are a bunch of self centered creatures   think about all the crap that has happined just since jusus died now you tell me if you were god and you soposedly gave you only son thay got beat half to death had to carrie that cross and then nailed to it  finally stabed   if i was god i would be so ticked so pissed  i would move where heven is with where hell is and trick the selfrichus hippacrits    when it was the time for the judgement day to come to get the human sorting day done i would pull a fast one and have sainten posse as me and open the gate and let all of them is ever one of them   theres going to be a fue that actually stuck to what thay were actuall soposto do but i assure you its very fue  i think mother taresia  maby princess diana    then he will come to people like me and ask whats your excuse i will openly admit i looked at all the religons and  none of them were ohonestly doing the jesus thing it all seemed like a lye so  i chucked all of it and did my best to try to be nice to all not just a fue chosen people  but to be ohonest the cristians are just hard to love thay seemed so fake to me so two faced to me the shit just got on my human nerves i tried to do religon but it just seemed like i was putting on some kind of show i mean i really wanted to beleave and i would put my all in it but it would just fade after awile   god unfortunatly if you needed me to pick the right one you shouldnt have given me so meny to pick from thay ass clame thay know whats best  so i deciced to get my own religous and leave you out of it untill i got to know the real you   sometimes humans just make me so angry it drives me out of my mind i just can let people treat me how ever thay want to   i do turn the other cheak  i have 4 cheaks but then im week after that ive pretty much had it.  so if i let you down im sorry but im a human and my life was anything but easy down there i know nobody ever said life was going to be easy or fair but sereously god did you have to hit me with all that shit  or if sainten had a hand couldnt you have told him enough is enougy because im sorry there comes a time when you have been through so much and seen so much that you just cant beleave theres a god anymore  if you were going to let that happen you should have given me some extra god stuff to go on you know like some kinda  ball of light that comes to me in the middle of the night and says i know you dont understand the reason for all this but trust me there is one then some second of pure happyness like a glimps of heven then put me to sleep so i can put up with more
now  i get my self in truble for this down there i hope its not the same up her but what the hell thay all say im a fuck up so i wont be one bit surprised if you do thay represent you
now get out your my life  movie projector  and i want to do this in a manor that is educational  not  my life falashes befor me
of lest leave out the day to day stuff and get to the big events to me and the importan events to you 
when we hit something that matters to eathor on of us lets stop and discuss it 
now we will keep score  on  some things can we call it even and just cross it out on other things can we find a equal and cross elimanate   once we are done we will see who comes out on top
if i win you let me in 
if you win i have to turn around bend over and let you boot my ass down to hell oh dont worrie sainten aint getting off easy when i walk in the gates of hell im going to be bitching  and whether or not he likes it im going to be trying to help those poor soals like me who just couldnt beleave and there for  mearly existed or in my case tried to do some of that stuff jusus said pertaining to humans 
  for the most part this was  my polacy as long as long as my fellow man dont do nothing to me ill treat him nicely  and have empathy   ill    do somethin to help poor people not just money carring words       ill do a little more to try to help a fue  i usually will lend a ear help people get through hard stuff.    i love kids  i care but im not too great with old people or people with bad learning probablems i did things to better my self and other people   ill give you this if clendlyness is next to godlyness i openly admit most of the time im a half ass to poor house keeper so ill go ahead and give you that one
now jenerally even when somebody does me wrong as long as it dont go on and on i am fairly forgiven
i did clean up my life when i was really not doing right and attemped to appologise to people it may have affected
i care about nature
i want people to be ok
i ohonestly admit it would take a lot for me to forgive the zwicks thay are the some of the coldbloodedist people i have ever met
i truly try to be ohonest   sometimes my ohonest is to a fult
i have a tendency when ive been wronged to point out other peoples faults in a effort to make my self feel better
i try to let people be who thay are and even be understanding if thay dont like me or my way of doing things
ocasionally i lye but never to just hurt sombody  not unless thay have purpously hurt me and its only to show them how it feels   unfortunatly what i have found out is that others people dont get hurt like me or atleast thay sure dont show it
you know i did care about brian and i did want our marrage to work and i did not set out to hurt him in any way shape or form i guyes thats why i cant understand why thay continue to treat me in this way  thay dont even have to outrightly appologise to  me  i have attempted to explain my actions and appologise to brian even attempt to justify his action based on mine but im sorry there comes a time when someones action in retaliation far out weigh the original offence and when it comes to the zwicks i think that point has hit.
if i wash my hands of the current situation for my my sons and my ex husbands sanity i can say this i did all of it to help my son i truly to my heat feel the interaction up to this poin have been for ther good of my son  i do think my son will be used and that thay may be cruel to him possably in the near future i do feel his father is holding him back from life out of selfishness   having said that i now must reolize i am stuck with my ex raising him and if i were to cause his father to see him self for the weekness he is i may cause him to have a mental break down and  that would hurt my son because he loves his father and looks up to him and bursting that bubble  would do more damage than good time will show my son all he needs to know if i cause his father to  have a mental breakdown  my son at this tender age will blame me finding out sad truth bit buy bit is the way most people like it  only i like to be punched in the stomach and get it over with  and get on with my life  he has been told im crazy and he beleaves it if his dad breakes down   what does that leave him with a sense of emptyness  and turning to the wrong people   and none of us want that no matter how much we dont like each othor we all care about him i guyes in our own way  
 so for my sons benifit i will try to pretend his father aint there and that the person in the other room is some cop that was told a bunch of bad stuff about me hes been told im very manipulative dont even talk to me.  he has been told that these visatations only serve the purpous to make me look like a bad person so being rude to her helps  he has been instruted to treat me like garbage so that my son will see me that way and not want anything to do with me anymore that i am to treat brian as death blind and dumb  and that he has pit bull tendencys and if i rattle his cage he will bark me out of the house by his self or using my son  and thats what he wants my son to hurt me or hate me  so thay can finally get rid of me with out bransten getting hurt  so that can play farm disney ever after      i am not play into this i am strong enough to handle this i have handles so much more
i must reolize how vonerable brian and his family must feel that thay are so affraid of me spending one more minute with him  why wasent i that afraid of shannons father  because i knew she didnt want to live with him i knew she was happy with me  i knew he didnt want her that he just wanted to see her
why elts would thay be sceard  thay have delt with sereous mental illness drug issues or drinking and thay  are tarafied because of that persons actions
or thay are so backward that thay cant see that my son would be fine that lots of people have lots of problems and its just life  thay know i ask for help when i need it  thay know i dont hurt kids   thay know i dont put kids down  brian know i pose no danger to him  the danger i pose is to brian and his family    if thay thought life was so great over there and so shitty at my house thay would want him to go and see for him self atleast for a fue  thay might even have brian bring him over here just so he could see how lousey life would be. thay know i will feed him  i have neighbors thay know bransten is in no real danger  thay are afraid he will be happy with me or maby i will take off with him i am too old for that crap i aint going to prison/ live with him on the run thay cant think im that stupid  thay cant possably think i would hurt him  do thay reolize what i went threw just to bring him into this world what i go through emotionally just to see him  what i just paid out to have more time with him  what i am going to be put threw to try to improve our visataions and still may only slightly improve the situation for me   are these people kidding me if anything bad ever happened to him at my house or because of me i would go crazy     that leaves brian who has not put all that much effort in  he did at first but what now does he rilly offer bransten funny faces a farm 
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