#forgive any typos it's 5 am
bellysoupset · 7 months
Friendsgiving - Part 1
"Friendsgiving?" Leo raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms to his chest. Vince shrugged, huffing and puffing as he raised the dumbbell over his head.
"Wendy-" he gasped, crouching back down again with the weight and planting it on the ground, "suggested."
Leo grimaced, "I don't know, Vin, I'm not really in the mood..."
"It's just like any other night we hang out together, except there's more food," Vince pouted, wiping the sweat off his forehead, "c'mon, man, would you rather stay in or have my turkey?"
"Well, when you put it like that... Has Wendy already convinced Jon?" Leo touched Vince's knee with his shoe, pointing the dumbbell, "get to it."
Vince picked it up back again, groaning, before starting the exercise set all over, "I... Think shsss... She was gonna talk with him... Today," he huffed and Leo rolled his eyes.
Jonah gave in to Wendy's every whim and Leo was still jealous of that, even if he had learned to like Wendy. Maybe. Sorta.
"Fine, are Luke and Bell coming too?" He asked, causing Vince to roll his eyes in a way of saying duh, "... Do we need to bring anything? What do people do during Thanksgiving?"
"Fuck me if I know, I'm not American," Vince scoffed, dropping the dumbbell once again and planting his hands on his knees as he panted, "all I know is that we kill a bird and we're encouraged to stuff ourselves with food."
"Sounds alright," Leo nodded, "I'll bring some wine."
"How very lawyer of you," Vince teased him, straightening up and stepping closer so he could plant a big, overheated hand in the middle of Leo's shoulder blades, "your turn, kiddo."
"Are you almost done?"
Lucas rolled his eyes, finishing up lacing his boots and walking to the bathroom, where Bella was leaning over the sink in nothing but a bathrobe, doing her eyeliner.
"Really? You're going like this?"
"You're distracting me," Bell scoffed, continuing to draw her liner without being bothered by his judgmental stare, "are you done?"
"Yes," Luke glared at her mirror reflection, "I'm not taking the blame when Wendy chew us out, Isabella."
"Wendy will understand," she rolled her eyes, putting down the eyeliner and rubbing oil in her hands, starting to unclamp her curls since they had dried stuck together, "stop staring, go put the arroz con pollo in the car."
"Wendy specifically said we didn't have to bring anything," Lucas mulled over, walking back to the kitchen to grab the big bowl of colorful rice. Bella was one of the worst cooks he had ever met, so he was not even one bit enthusiastic about it, no matter how good it looked or smelt.
"Were you raised in a barn?" Bella scoffed from the bedroom and Lucas ignored the comment, walking out so he could plant the food in the backseat of the car. He glanced at the clock.
"Isabella Martinez, it's almost seven thirty!" he exclaimed, rushing back inside, "you better be rea-"
Bella twirled in front of him, "what do you think?"
"What the fuck, Bell?" Lucas growled, crossing the room in two steps so he could pull her in for a kiss, one hand on her nape, fingers curling on her hair, the other one finding it's habitual place on her ass.
Bella let out a squeal in his mouth and Luke scrunched up the tricot fabric of her skin tight red dress, tilting them so they fell on the bed. She scoffed, hiking up the skirt in order to frame his body with her knees and planted a hand on his chest
"What happened to we're gonna be late?" she panted, wiping the deep red lipstick from his lips. Luke turned his face so he could nibble at her fingertips, bunching up the skirt of her dress further up her thighs.
"I don't wanna go anymore," he scoffed, before whining in the back of his throat as he noticed she was wearing thigh-high stockings under the dress, "are you trying to kill me?"
Bella opened a wolfish smile, leaning over him, her curls cascading around them and creating a curtain of auburn as she whispered in his ear, "I'm also not wearing any underwe- LUCAS!" she squealed as he groaned loudly, rolling them on the bed and almost causing them to fall since they were far too close to the edge.
"That's it, we're not going anymore," he said, hand coming up to cup her face so he could plant a kiss on her neck, nibbling on her earlobe.
"Don't be ridiculous," she giggled, pushing him back by the forehead, "get off me, get up."
"Oh I am up alright-"
"Lucas Atwood, let go off me," she shoved his chest, "c'mon, let's go."
"It's like you enjoy watching me suffering," he whined, getting up from the bed and smoothing his dark shirt, grabbing his coat as they passed by the living room.
"I still think we should've brought more," Bella grumbled as they parked before Wendy's building, grabbing her big bowl, the one Luke had hoped she'd forget about.
"Wendy was pretty clear she didn't want us to bring anything," he said, taking the bowl from her and offering his arm for her to steady herself since she was wearing high heeled boots.
"You know she only said that because she hates my food-"
"-So does everyo-"
"But we could've brought the beverages. I'm just saying, I feel like a terrible guest," she pouted as they got inside the elevator and Lucas shrugged, planting a kiss on the top of his wife's head.
"I think Wen just likes hosting," he reassured her, listening as Bella mumbled something in spanish he couldn't discern.
Wendy's building had two apartments per floor. Her door was easily recognizable because not only she had painted it a deep red ever since moving in, but because there was a big wreath of orange flowers hanging on it.
They pressed the door bell, then the door swung open, revealing Jonah's face. He was holding a glass of wine, that was almost empty, the condensation marking how full it had initially been.
He was wearing a cream cable knit sweater over brown corduroy pants and Jonah raised an eyebrow, lowering his glass, "you guys are late. As usual."
"Blame Bella-"
"Blame Lucas," Bella talked over him, sneaking under Jonah's arm to get inside the house. Jon rolled his eyes, stepping away from the doorway.
"Where do I put this?" Luke held up the bowl and Jonah grimaced, glaring at it.
"Bella cooked it?"
"The garbage bin."
"You're such an arsehole," Lucas snorted, stepping around him.
Wendy had gone all out, as everyone expected. She had completely changed the configuration of her living room and extended her table so it would fit 6 people instead of only 4. There were little white pumpkins marking each plate, alongside a note.
A bunch of food already piled up on top and the lights of the kitchen were on, chatting coming from inside, as well as italian cursing that had Lucas happily walking closer.
Vince was hunched over the stove, stirring something, with an apron that was several sizes too small for him hanging around his neck and holding for dear life around his waist. His cheeks were all red, be it from the moving around, the stove heat or the wine bottle that was almost empty sitting on top of the sink.
Leo was chopping fruits and Wendy was standing on the furthest corner of the kitchen, while Bella reached to grab the plates in the cupboard.
"Hi guys - Wen, where do I put this?" Luke said and the shorter woman turned around to look at him, then grimaced at the bowl, waving it off.
"I don't know, put it in the fridge- I told you guys not to bring anything!" she berated, glaring at Bella, "Vince made enough food to feed a small army."
"I just wanted to be helpful!"
"She's just a decent guest," Vince defended Bella, "you don't go to someone's house without food, it's rude."
"Yeah, exactly," Bella pouted, while Wendy rolled her eyes, not moved one bit.
"Well, there's no place for it at the table. Lucas put it somewhere in the fridge, I don't care, and help me with the wine."
"What do you need help with?" Lucas opened the fridge and looked at it dumbfounded, there wasn't a single clear space.
"Give me that," Leo scoffed, taking the bowl of arroz con poyo and shoving Luke towards Wendy, so she could properly order him around.
Leo would be lying if he said he hadn't already changed his mind on thanksgiving being stupid. He still wasn't quite sure what to make out of the holiday itself, but getting pleasantly wine drunk over Vince's delicious food, while he giggled and played charades and trivia with his friends was a tradition he wouldn't mind keeping yearly.
Once they were all stuffed with the first round of food, they moved the party to the living room, where Wendy and Vince had pushed the couch out of the way so she could create a sit down situation with bean bags.
Leo couldn't pretend he understood exactly why, but he didn't mind it. He was happily clearing his second slice of pie, while watching Lucas' face turn redder and redder as his partner - Bell - struggled to figure out what movie he was reenacting as he jumped about hitting on his chest.
"Uhm... Kong! King Kong!" Bella shouted and Lucas let out a scoff, leveling her with a glare.
"Are you even trying?!" he groaned, the sore loser and Jonah snorted in his glass of wine, moving so he could rest his head against Leo's shoulder.
"Should I do it?" he whispered, mischievously, and Leo grinned, holding up a forkful of pie for him.
"Lucas might actually cry if you guess it," he whispered back, before saying loudly, "is it Planet of Apes?!"
"NO!" Lucas rubbed his face angrily, his wavy hair looking crazier and crazier, "C'mon, just-" he forcefully breathed, before once more imitating a monkey, glaring in Bella's direction as she continued to shout movie after movie and missing the mark.
"It's The Incredible Hulk!" Jonah exclaimed and Luke let out a shout, kicking a pillow and causing Wendy to yell at him, while Vince fell on his back against the bean bag, giggling, and Bella exclaimed "HULK!? THAT WAS NOT HULK!"
"Jonah cheated," Lucas whined, crossing his arms and Jonah giggled, chugging the rest of his wine, more than a little bit drunk.
"It's not cheating knowing your peanut brain only watches Marvel movies."
"Fuck off-"
"Lucas, sit down, it's Jon's turn," Vince said, still breathless from the giggling fit, "sit down."
Luke grumbled and sat back down, while Jonah passed his empty glass to Leo and got up in a jump, stumbling on his feet a little.
He looked at Leo intently, before winking, opening a bright smile, "c'mon, Leo, let's show the losers how it's done."
Leo giggled, knowing Jonah was doing that exclusively to piss off Lucas. He raised two fingers, causing Vince to shout "two words!"
Jon rolled his eyes, nodding. Then he pointed back at Leo and Bella desperately exclaimed "Leo! Lion! Lion - is that a movie? Lion King!"
"It's not Lion King," Lucas pouted, arms crossed to his chest, while Bella slapped his bicep, not even paying attention.
Jonah ignored them, pointing at Leo again, before dropping to one knee.
Leo frowned, "uhm- I don't..." he watched as Jon reached behind him, as if to grab a ring box, then held the invisible object in front of him, opening the box and mouthing the words, "Will you marry me?"
Leo felt like he had just walked down the stairs, then missed a step. His heart lurched, before Luke interrupted by screaming, "HEY! You can't mouth the words, what the fuck!? That's cheati-"
"I... I," Leo blinked quickly, catching Jon's smile drop on the corners, then he was back in the present, in Wendy's living room, playing charades, "is it The Proposal? With Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds?"
"YES!" Jonah grinned, springing up while Luke cried out about cheating.
Leo forced out a smile, catching Wendy looking at him with a puzzled expression. He quickly averted his gaze, standing up so he could replace Jonah in the center of the room and the game could go on, high fiving him as they exchanged places.
They continued to play for another hour, Jonah's face getting darker and darker as he continued to drink wine as if it was grape juice. More than once Leo caught him using Wendy as support to stand still.
He curled on Leo's side, letting out a little happy sigh as Wendy and Luke got weirdly into trivia, trying to one up each other.
"Uhm, you smell... Really nice," he said, burying his face in Leo's gunmetal sweater.
"Thank you, I shower," Leo sassed, turning to look his boyfriend in the eyes. They were slightly bloodshot from all the alcohol, greener than usual and Jonah wrinkled his nose in distaste, flicking at Leo's ear in annoyed manner, before he got distracted and ran his fingers through his blonde hair.
"It's so long now, it's very pretty..." he said softly, "like a prince."
"Like Charming?" Leo teased, doing the hair flip and Jonah let out a cackle, that was so unlike himself and had him rushing to cover his mouth.
"Yeah, maybe a little," he giggled, leaning forward and pressing his forehead to Leo's, like a cat when seeking affection, "are you having fun?"
"A lot," Leo whispered, letting him nuzzle their heads together and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. He looked ahead, as Bella let out a loud groan and fell down on Lucas' lap, groaning about the food baby she had gotten after getting seconds and thirds of Vince's cooking.
Lucas frowned at her firstly, annoyed to have his little match interrupted right when he was winning, but the annoyance melted away quickly as she wrapped both arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder, yawning.
Jonah hiccupped next to him and Leo looked back at him. He was adorable when this drunk. All tactile and easy going, as if his walls turned to dust.
"Leo, can we go home?" he groaned, his voice slow, but the words not slurred. As if he was taking the time to think through his sentences and make sure he didn't sound as drunk as he felt. He was failing miserably.
"Yeah, we can," Leo wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling them both up. To the rest of the room he announced with a fake yawn, "guys, we're leaving."
Wendy pouted, "already?" she said, getting up from where she had been happily cuddled up with Vin.
"Uhm," Jonah mumbled, staggering forward slightly and holding her by the shoulders, "it'ssslate. We have a- A kitty."
"I know, honey," Wendy snorted, amused, looking at Leo, "okay, I see," she said, acknowledging Jonah needed to be put to bed.
"JD is back home all... All alone..." Jon pouted, suddenly realizing it, "we should've bough-bruh- brought her."
"I don't think she'd have enjoyed it," Leo chuckled, grabbing him by the arms and pulling him towards the door, while Wendy retrieved both their coats and the other three staying behind chorused a "Bye guys!"
"She's so little," Jon frowned, hugging himself, "she shouldn't be alone."
"Oh baby, I promise you she doesn't mind it," Leo nearly melted in his shoes, planting a kiss to his boyfriend's brow and taking his coat from Wendy's hand, wrapping it around his shoulders, "c'mon, Dr. Banks, you're a whole bottle of wine too drunk."
"I'm not drunk," he stumbled as Leo wrapped the scarf around his neck and guided him out of Wendy's first door, pressing the button for the elevator as he quickly went back inside to say goodbye to their host and friends.
He found Jonah exactly where he had left him, slumped on a wall and playing with the fringes of his scarf, "Leo."
"Yes, babe?" Leo pulled his closer, fixing his coat and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"I love you," he said, out loud, in public, loudly. Leo grinned, rubbing his back in soothing circles as they waited for the elevator.
"I know, Jon, I love you too."
"No," Jonah shook his head, stubborn, "I'm..." he hiccupped again, interrupting whatever he was going to say. The elevator arrived with a soft ding and Leo was thankful for it, as it seemed Jonah was starting to really need the fresh air.
They had driven over in Leo's car and, for once, he was glad for it. He always got more worried about messing up the interior of Jon's fancy car.
"Get in, baby," Leo tried to maneuver him in the passenger side, "c'mon, the sooner you get in, the sooner we'll go home to our kitty," he grinned at the last word.
Jonah let out a whine, "Leo..."
"Yes?" he successfully managed to shove Jonah's legs inside the car.
"I..." Jonah's shoulders hitched and he shoved a hand in Leo's chest, pushing him back just in time for a mouthful of wine-pink vomit to hit the ground between them. Jon let out a groan, "uhm... that's not good."
Leo couldn't help but chuckle at the drunken sentence, carefully stepping around the puddle of sick, "feeling better?"
"I wanna go home," Jon whined instead of answering him, so Leo simply nodded, pushing a curl away from his forehead.
"We're going home, love..." he circled the car, quickly entering on the driver's side and reaching over Jonah so he could slam the door shut, "we'll be home in a minute, lean back and close your eyes."
"We should do Christmas at our place," Jonah yawned, curling up on side, all adorable and planting a hand on Leo's leg, closing his eyes, "I know the Holidays suck, but we don't have to do the old traditions. We can make new ones."
Leo's breath caught as he turned on the car, trying not to show just how close to tears - happy or not, he wasn't quite sure - Jon's drunken words had brought him.
"Uhm," he opted for saying, taking Jon's hand in his and kissing its back, "sleep now, alright?"
"Think about it," his boyfriend yawned, without bothering to open his eyes, "I just want you to be happy..."
"I am happy," Leo said quickly, clearing his throat against the sudden knot squeezing his vocal chords, "I'm happy, Jonah, I-"
"I don't get why your name is Leo, just Leo. Why not Leonard?" Jon interrupted him, his voice a sleepy whisper.
Leo let out a chuckle, the tension melting off his shoulders as he was reminded that Jonah was drunk, not trying to do some soul searching in the parking lot.
"I don't know, Jon, I th-"
"You don't look like a Leonard," Jonah blinked at him, almost passed out, "maybe a Leon?"
"Absolutely not," Leo sighed, finally starting to drive off, "go the fuck to sleep, Jonah."
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strangesthirdeye · 5 months
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Late Night Potions ( Severus Snape x Wife! Reader)
Summary: There are times when they are safe but still remind them of bitter thing.
Warning: it's Severus Snape, he's always slay, soft Severus, love, fluff, sweet, Severus being a good husband, ooc Severus Snape? Cannot sleep.. Severus survived Battle of Hogwarts.
As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Another stir clockwise and one more peppermint, The calming draughts Severus made finally turned brown meaning it was ready. He grabbed the glass vial that was placed not far from where he was brewing and opened the lid of the vial and slowly he scooped the potion with a spoon then put it in the vial.
The clock showed 3 in the morning and Severus was still in his potion room in his own house which was a bit late for brewing something at that time but it was Severus of course he had time to brew something. Well, the reality is that he can't catch a wink of sleep directly, making him stare at the ceiling of the bedroom he and you share. While you were soundlessly sleeping, Severus decided to get out of bed without keeping you awake and decided to make some light potions to make himself tired so he could easily fall asleep.
But still, after the 3 potions he made and all the process of putting the three potions into the vial, he still couldn't catch his sleepiness and that made him frustrated.
The eye bags under his eyes are visible while his face is definitely tired but the strange thing is that he can't sleep even though his body language clearly shows that he needs to sleep.
He sighed tiredly then closed the glass vial and placed the potions on the other potions shelf according to the label. He rubbed his face trying to remove the fog from his eyes which indicated that he needed to sleep. He then swished his wand to carefully pack the potions tools on the table. And standby for the 4th brewing potions.
Severus then swished his wand towards the ingredient cabinet for the potion he wanted to make, which was the Blood Replenishing potion. All ingredients are floated and gently placed on the table. Severus then cleaned the standby cauldron and placed it on the bunsen burner. He then opened the bunsen burner with a small flame and cast Aguamenti into the cauldron and miraculously the cauldron was filled with water according to the prescribed measure.
While he waited for the water to heat for 5 minutes, he started flipping through his potions book to idly even though he was skilled and memorized all the potions he made, he still needed the potions book to be sure. Sometimes he will add some useful notes to the book so that when he teaches, he can teach students more efficiently.
After 5 minutes, he then reached the dew and was ready to be placed in the cauldron but stopped when he felt a hand hugging his abdomen from behind. He was stunned but then relieved when he found out it was you.
You who had just woken up from sleep after discovered that Severus was not in the bed hugged Severus' back tightly in a still sleepy state. Severus knew that you couldn't sleep without him because he knew that you still imagined him disappearing and never coming back after the terrible Battle of Hogwarts that happened a few months ago. Although Severus survived Nagini's attack and was put in St's Mungos for two months to recover from snake venom, you are still afraid that he will be gone.
Severus stiffened shoulders dropped then he leaned against your touch. Savoring the warm temperature from your body. He sighed tiredly. His hands that holding the potions ingredients were placed on the table and his fingers rubbed the back of your hand that wrapped around his abdomen. The flame of the Bunsen burner was extinguished by him.
"It's 3 am and you're brewing potions" you mumbled behind his shoulder.
"Just want to make myself tired so that I can sleep well" Severus said lowly in his deep tone.
"Nightmare?" You parted away from his shoulder and leaned the side of your head behind him.
"Incredulity" Severus sighed.
"Incredulity with what?" You questioned with perplexity.
"That we both survive that battle" Severus muttered.
You raised your head and instantly faced him. Your face looked up at his face. His tired eyes that clearly make you concerned with his state. You and him still have a traumatic experience from the battle, which makes you both uneasy when the matter is mentioned. It's lucky you both survived even though Severus had to be admitted to the hospital and you suffered several injuries that left scars that made you think how lucky you both were to survive the battle. It also means that you two are very strong to survive the battle.
You softened your look and reached Severus' sharp cheek and stroked it gently. Severus closed his eyes and leaned against your warm palm.
"I also wonder how we can survive that battle but that's the story line. We both survive with the hope that we both can be together. All the things we went through together before and after that battle are the main pillars of our strength. We survive because we know that we are need this 'life'." You replied softly, caressing Severus' cheek.
Severus let out a heavy sigh. "the things we went through, what if one of us didn't survive the battle? What if the battle was just a dream? What if I lost you?"
"stop it, Sev. Ignore those negative thoughts. We are both safe and alive. Voldermort and the Death Eater are gone. You don't need to be a double agent to know the plans of both parties. You are who you are now. We are both safe and sound without any obstacles . We have each other." you firmly said.
Severus leaned his forehead against yours with his eyes closed.
"What did I do to deserve you?" Severus whispered in a husky and deep tone that always made your knees tremble hearing that even though the two of you had been together for almost 6 years.
"You didn't do anything. It's me who came to you and saved you and you accept me as I am" you whispered back.
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prodbymaui · 1 year
My Boy.
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would it be a sin? if I can't help falling in love with you
PAIRING: lee donghyuck x fem reader
GENRE: the innocent sweet boy
WORD COUNT: 3.6k+ words
WARNINGS: explicit content, reader is older by 3 years, implied obsession, implied murder, mentioned physical abuse (not from haechan!)
SYNOPSIS: A series of failed relationships and you were this near of giving up on love. But then here comes little Donghyuck and his persistence. Maybe-- he was the one fated to you, after all.
A/N: forgive me for not writing a smooth transition from fluff to smut lmao. and this isn't beta-read so please just pretend you don't see grammatical errors and typos. fluff was just a poor attempt of hiding my true intentions for this fic, anyways lolol. enjoy reading! send your thoughts if you can, xoxo <3
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LISTEN TO: Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley (Haley Reinhart)
Lee Donghyuck, for everyone at the campus, is someone who embodies gracefulness, kindness and all the positive traits one could ever think of. Nobody would ever dare to say ill about him as it's disrespectful for the boy who had been nothing but gentle and polite to each he had encounter.
Lee Donghyuck, the ever so sweet boy who comes to anyone's aid no matter what's his relationship with them.
You're his friend? He'll help you!
A classmate? He's just one call away!
Oh, you're a stranger and someone he haven't met yet? How amazing it is that Donghyuck has a free time to lend you a hand and get to know you!
Men and women stares at him with adoration, even the professors and staffs couldn't resist falling in love with his charming personality-- he even earned the nickname 'Haechan' or 'Full Sun' as he brightens everyone's day with little to no effort. It would be a lie if none of the students admits their crush on the campus' sweetheart Lee Donghyuck.
Too bad for them as the lovely boy's hazel eyes are only set for one person. Someone who had been by his side ever since he was 5. Someone he admires and respects so much he wouldn't let anyone hurt nor even touch them. It's you. His noona.
Haechan was 15 when he confessed his undying love for you.
''These feelings.. they didn't grow inside me throughout the 10 years I've been with you, Noona. They had always been here, in my heart. It was just me who took a long time to realize I have been harboring romantic feelings for someone who clearly treats me as her brother. This love-- it's endless, limitless. It knows no boundaries. No matter who and whatever comes in my way, my love for you will never waver. Through the deathly drought, my love won't ever wither. Through the thundering storms, my heart stands sturdy for you to hold on. This love that I have for you, it is the kind of love that only gets stronger as time flies by. The kind of love that through life and death, you remain the queen of my heart. Ruling it as if you are its owner. Let me be the man who protects you from the harsh that is this world. Let me be the wall you can lean on and the blanket you seek for warmth and comfort. I hope you wouldn't treat me any less after this confession. Because if there's anything that I am afraid to lose in this world, it's you, noona.''
It's astonishing, how a 15 year old can say such words. You're not sure where and when he learned those kind of things but you, as early as you can, stomps on the flattering feeling brewing inside of you. The boy is so young, he still have so much ahead of him, so much of the future that awaits him. With the thought of not wanting to let the boy tie himself up quickly to someone he's most likely just infatuated-- that was the first and last time you've expected to reject the sweet boy of Ilsan.
Lee Donghyuck, the persistent boy that he is, surprises you with more than 3 confessions each month. You resist falling for the beautiful flowers sent to your house everyday. You withstand the painful urge of giving in to the delicious and adorable bento boxes that shows different images of cartoon characters such as cinnamoroll and my melody from sanrio.
But you're just a human being. One that is weak from such cute attempts to sway your heart, like love letters with pastel decorations on your mailbox. It was too late before you realized, the wall you've created to stop the romantic feelings from squeezing themselves in your heart had crumbled into pieces. Shooing away your so-called sisterly love to Donghyuck as it was quickly replaced with the one the male had confessed harboring for you.
6 years later, your sweet little boy turned into a man he promised to be. Protecting you from any harm even if you can do it yourself. I know Noona can handle it but I don't want you stressing over things like these, why not make use of these muscles, right? He says.
''That's really the Lee Haechan? The little boy who had a crush on you back in high school? That chubby choco ball little boy?! God, he grew up so well! If you didn't tell me any sooner, I might've mistaken him as someone our age.''
You scoff at Jennie's words, sending her your middle finger. ''Just tell me you were thinking of fucking my boyfriend until I told you he's mine.''
Jennie's laugh battles with the loud music of the club, hands clapping like a seal due to amusement. ''Fine, guilty as fuck.''
You don't mind her words. You've been Jennie's friend for a long time to know that she doesn't have any plans of actually bedding your boy. Plus she's dumbly in love with her fuck buddy, Lalisa. That itself tells a lot. And it's not like your lovely would agree fucking your best friend.
''Come to think of it-- none of your past relationships really worked, no? All of them either ran away or just completely disappeared,'' She giggles.
''Men are so fucking scared of independent and powerful women. Maybe it was fated from the start for you to end up with Donghyuck. From what I can see, he's really into you-- always ready to serve or some cliché shit like that. But it's cute. You and Donghyuck are adorable together. He's so much better than those douchebags, especially that fucking Kim Jongin.''
Right, the devil who's Kim Jongin if its physical form. He was someone you wished you didn't met, someone whom you hoped is currently suffering wherever he is right now. You remember it as clear as the skies. The way he was so sly slipping a pill in your cup, waiting for you to pass out as he was driven madly by his disgusting lust over your body. Fortunately, luck wasn't on his side at that time and you managed to call the one person you trust the most before your ex-boyfriend even do something horrible to your intoxicated, drugged self-- sans the bruises and wounds you received from fighting back.
Haechan came rushing to your house that night. This is where it gets blurry. All you could recall was Jongin dropping on the floor, laying on top of the pool of his own blood. Donghyuck carries you, passing through the police as he urges them to rush you to a hospital-- all the while reminding them that the offender is currently inside and he was lucky to save the both of you despite earning some injuries as well, although minors.
3 years since then, you are yet to say you feel safe. Not long after being jailed, Kim Jongin was reported to be missing in his cell and until now, no police is able to locate him. The trauma he brought you stirs the fear once again, but Donghyuck was there to remind you that he will never let Kim Jongin near you. He already hurt you once, he wouldn't give him a chance to do it again.
A voice snaps you out of your bubble. Jennie is nowhere to be seen, now replaced with a familiar man you swear you've seen before. ''You seem preoccupied, a penny for your thoughts?''
The man chuckles at your stunned reaction. ''Ah.. you don't remember me? That hurts a bit, ouch.'' He clenches his chest dramatically, there you gasp in realization, jerking upwards as you point at his figure. You know this guy!
''Oh? Are you finally remembering me? Just to be sure, it's me. Na Jaemin from the dance club in high school. You know? Your partner in every dance.. ?''
''Right! Right! Ah, Na Jaemin, I didn't recognized you! Take a seat. How are you doing?'' Jaemin's smile is so bright that you could feel yourself going blind.
''Doing fine, luckily. I'm taking up an engineering course, we've talked about that before right? Remember how you encourage me to go for it because I was so scared I won't make it? I was so bad at math that time.''
Laughing softly, you share the vivid memories you can recall from your high school days. Jaemin is a gentleman who doesn't hesitate to lend a hand at times you're having difficulties following the choreographies. And by how he entertains everyone in the club, treating the members snacks and drinks during break time-- It is safe to say he's one of those that you misses the most if not for college erasing your memories and replacing it stress.
The conversation fills with reminiscing about the past as if they're 15 years ago. Sharing a laughter after one mentions that one time you both got mental blocked during a performance causing the two of you to mess up, thankfully you work well enough you pull it off and make it seem like there was no mistake at all.
Just as Jaemin's eyes roams around the dance floor, his vision captures a sight of his drunken friend that clearly needs his help. Sighing, the man bids his goodbye to you. Not without getting your number and sharing his, of course. You'd love to hang out with the whole group again.
''What was that right there, huh?'' A grin shows itself on your face and sudden giddiness bubbles inside you as the playful tone rumbles against your ear, a pair of arms wrapping themselves around your waist.
''Nothing, just an old friend saying hi.''
''Is that so?''
One on the forehead, one on your cheeks and finally on the lips. Your heart soars as Donghyuck peppers your whole face with sweet pecks. As much as you are enjoying the drinks and foods, you'd rather spend the night in your shared bedroom with Haechan. Maybe cuddle and watch some movies together if one is not too tired.
Your boyfriend agrees at the suggestion, immediately zooming to your apartment after waving a goodbye to Jennie with Lisa in her embrace, obviously sucking a hickey on her neck. No one admits it but clearly, your best friend's fuck buddy also have the same feelings for her. She's just too much of a coward. You remind yourself to help her confess.
Reaching the comfort of your home, you stand before the mirror as you drink in your look, observing if you look presentable during your time at the club. It isn't long before someone sneaks up behind you, arms snaking around you once again as he buries his face on the crook of your neck. Sighing, you lean backwards to press yourself at him, satisfied at the feeling of his body heat warming you.
A kiss turns into twice, trice, until it doubles and doubles, eventually reaching up to the back of your ears. Kitten licking the outline, Donghyuck presses his lips against your ears as one of his palms travels to cup one of your breasts, eyes straight to the mirror-- watching every changes of your facial expression as he fondles your boob while sucking an area of your neck.
Your clothes are soon on the floor, courtesy of Haechan desperately yet slowly stripping them off of you, his touch lingering in each part of your body. A finger of his traces the line that is between your pussy cheeks, dipping a little only to retract as fast. His chest rumbles against your back when he chuckle, left hand settling on your throat comfortably as his thumb and forefinger forces you to face your reflection on the mirror.
''You're so pretty, noona. Can you open your legs for me?'' Nodding so pliantly, Donghyuck could feel his pants getting tighter each second that passes by.
Spreading your legs, you grip his arm to steady yourself as a digit of his pushes itself in your core, sliding so easily due to the wetness embarrassingly caused by Haechan's raspy voice whispering against your ears. Being knuckles deep inside you, the male curses under his breath as he controls himself from foregoing foreplay and straight fucking you against the mirror. Your warm and velvety walls are making it hard for him to prevent himself from doing so.
Soon after a couple of strokes, your hips jerks in little motions, whines slightly echoing the four walls of the bedroom. That was when Donghyuck decided to add another finger to increase the friction you're feeling, curling them upwards in an attempt to press the buttons that emits the sounds he loves so much he considers it as a music.
It should be somewhere around here...
''Ah, shit!''
There we go, he cockily smirks. Humming, Haechan continuously jabs the tip of his fingers to that certain spot, grinding his clothed dick on the crack of your ass to ease the throbbing pain between his legs. ''Fuck, Hyuck..'' Your whines encourage the male to scissor your insides, stretching your walls all the while making sure hit and reach every spot you couldn't explore with your own hands.
His tongue falls flat on your skin as he licks a stripe from your shoulders up to the back of your ears, the hand that was previously on your throat now settles on your boob, pinching the hard nub lightly as he stimulates further pleasure with it. Your legs folds a bit, going jelly but the sudden increase of the dizzying pleasure you're getting.
''Fuck, fuck, fuck!'' Hips moving to meet the palms of your boyfriend, Haechan didn't hesitate to add two more fingers. He's already sure you can take it, you've pushed much bigger things in your pussy. The pads of Donghyuck's hand comes in contact with your aching hard clit, forcing a yelp from your. Cruelly, your boyfriend laughs at your reaction before pressing harder on your button, making circles with it the same time as four of his fingers harshly plunges themselves in your soaking core.
Eyes landing on the mirror, it eventually reaches downwards where Donghyuck's wrist and your pelvis meets. Even from your position and blurry vision, you could the redness and puffiness your pussy had become, clit peeking between the cheeks. Haechan finds the need to balance your figure as you almost fall forward, eyes rolling to the back of your head when your mouth opens to a scream. There your forehead scrunches to the middle, body shivering in his hold as the surface of his hand soon greets the sticky and creamy substance that he loves so much.
Beaming in satisfaction, Haechan makes a show of licking your juices off his hands, sucking each fingers with a 'pop!' before humming. ''You're just so sweet.''
Donghyuck then lets your knees meet the carpet of the ground slowly, turning you around so you could face the bump that is hidden underneath the fabric of his pants. He can already see the drool escaping your lips. No words are needed for you to know what to do, you've done this a lot of time, enough to learn what satisfies your lovely boyfriend.
Contrary to the Donghyuck you've gotten used to, this man that stands before you embodies nothing similar to the sweetheart. This particular Donghyuck loves to slide his girthy cock inside of you with no warnings, gripping your hair in a fist as he mercilessly thrusts to that pleasuring walls that is your throat.
This particular Donghyuck gets off of watching you scrambling to pull yourself off of him to catch a breath, coughing out with saliva only to come back having your face pressed to his pelvis once again. Eyes shut close as you try to breathe within your nose and if you couldn't, resort to opening your eyes and presenting your best teary eyes to Haechan for him to spare you, let you take in some air for at least a few seconds.
''Ah.. that's a-- I made you cum but you couldn't even bring me near my release? Isn't that a bit unfair to me, noona?'' You know damn well he's just mocking you. There's no one Donghyuck can fool when it comes to your ability to make him cum. A mere sight of you, even if covered from head to toe, would be enough for him to pop a boner and shoot his cum out in the air.
Determined to repay your baby's kind gesture earlier, you stills in your position and gives him a signal. Donghyuck lets out profanities with that. You just fucking gave him a confirmation, a consent that you're letting him fuck your throat as if it's your pussy.
Lee Donghyuck did just that. Holding your face in place, fucking inside you deeper with each thrust until a groan escapes his lips, soon enough he was spurting out white thick substances in the alley of your burning throat.
The male wastes no time in carrying you to the bed, throwing you after ripping his clothes off of him. His tongue invades the insides of your mouth, exploring and devouring what you have to offer. As if running out of time, Haechan's hands grasps the back of your thighs and forces them up to get a clearer view of your pussy pulsating, hungry for his cock.
Who is Donghyuck to deprive his lovely noona from receiving a well deserved good fuck, right?
No more teasing and no more extra touches, the tip of Donghyuck's thick cock slowly sinks, the whole entirety of his length follows not long after. His mouth falls open at the heat that surrounds him, the ecstasy you brings shakes his sanity.
Unforgiving, the thrusts are. With his hands settling besides your head, Haechan looks down to watch where your hole swallows him hungrily and is forced to turn his eyes away in order to not cum that fast. Fuck, the squelching sounds that bounces across the bedroom is so obscene that Donghyuck could feel himself smiling in pride. He's doing this to his, noona. Him and not those bastards.
''Fuck! Y-you're so b-big! So good, baby-- ah, fuck!'' Your nails creates crescent moon shapes on his back as it digs due to the immense pleasure, head dipping further to the pillow underneath you.
Being able to hold you in his arms and have you screaming for him, Haechan did the best he can to prevent himself from giving in to tempting urge of releasing. Instead, he decides to chase yours. He rocks his hips in the way you had been begging him, faster and harder. Unhooking his hold, he brings your legs to rest on his shoulders, almost bending you in half. This enables his cock to reach deeper and you wails, feeling his tip right at your stomach.
Fucking you earnestly, Haechan quickens his pace where you couldn't keep up, reduced to a whimpering and crying mess as you beg him to send you off to your climax. He latches his wet lip around your nipples, there he sucks like a new born baby starving for its mama's milk. Prodding his tongue right at the middle of your nub and wiggles them, that and the continuous contact of his tip to your sweet spot are those that caused you to thrash violently in his hold.
Hands flying anywhere, in search of gripping anything. Your burning walls clenching around his shaft, it would be a crime for Donghyuck to not succumb to the euphoria that's literally waving at him and beckoning him to cum. With your sweet words and encouragements piercing his eardrums, your boyfriend cums three thrusts after you, each resulting a moan from him.
The high soon subsides and a chuckle instinctively comes from him when his eyes catches the sight of you sleeping peacefully beside him, snoring like a little baby. Well, you are. His baby, to be exact.
Stickiness from the mega mixture of sweat and cum covers most of your skin, he wouldn't want the both of you to have a skin rashes or whatever it is that you gets from having cum on your skin for too long. And aftercare is a must! So he forces himself out of the bed despite the aching muscles and cleans you up, carefully as to no wake you up from your deep slumber.
Minutes passing, you are now comfortably laying on the bed, clean and free from the germs. A soft smile dawns Haechan's features as he cards his hand through your hair endearingly, kissing your forehead. ''I can't believe you're mine, noona.'' Caressing your cheeks for the last time, he practically forces himself to stop and move on to what he planned to do which is to cook your some food. Usually after sex, you'll wake up after an hour or so because of hunger. It has been a routine for him to prepare you both some easy dishes.
He is about to head towards the door when your phone, placed on the bedside, rings. Striding to it, he taps once to see who dared to text his noona at this time. Don't they know that you are most likely sleeping during this hour and their text might wake you up? Nevermind, maybe it's Jennie.
Oh. It's him.
Hey, this is Jaemin! I was just thinking if you'd like to hang out on wednesday? Only if you're free, of course!
Na fucking Jaemin.
Donghyuck scoffs, tongue poking his cheeks as he smirks in disbelief.
3 years since then, he can't believe he's about to give Kim Jongin a fucking gravemate.
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falling-skyzz · 5 months
How. How does one make good character design and pleasant color palettes. How to make a color palette without reusing colors. How to make patterns or designs?? 😭🙏
cracks knuckles. you see theres but one trick i reuse over and over.
✨color theory✨
(well, at least i think it is. i never learned this stuff properly, so i dont have names for these things)
its gonna get a little long so ill put all of this below the cut, but tldr be aware of certain color combos relating to their positions on the color wheel + remember scales (??? they prob arent actually called that erm) + fuck it we ball with markings
OKAY SO im typing this at 1:21 am on my phone and my right eye is hurting so pls forgive any typos and mistakes, and if i sound like i know my stuff but i dont PLEASE point it out to me so i can correct myself ;;;;
first of all, color combos. yes, all the stuff u learned in grade 5 art class actually works.
take a look at this bad boy. (i use autodesk sketchbook to draw, not ibispaint, but its the same on both programs)
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color combos are always relationships between any given color with other colors based on their positions on the ring around the diamond.
for example, complementary colors are always opposite each other on the ring.
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i use this for opah (my oc)’s design, with her dark blue-green and orange.
(as far as i know color combos dont care about the diamond in the middle, just the ring, so the actual colors themselves are pretty flexible)
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(bonus auklet)
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theres a lot of other combos besides complementary but you can research that urself, ill just provide an example if i have one of the most common ones
ermm i actually dont use this one very much so im just gonna put a hilda (which is an AWESOME show that has INSANE color theory)
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(this isnt technically triadic but its the best example i have and vaguely in a triangle trio formation okay…….)
this is my FAVORITE combo ever, because it lets me stay in the strict wof tribe color range while still being interesting. honestly u could take any design of mine and 99% chance theres analogous in there
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if u wanna know more combos just google color theory schemes, theres more than i could ever remember and i dont really bother to use them all; for wof, i usually just stick with analogous and complementary.
uhm i dont know if tumblr has a word limit but i dont wanna make this too long so i shall reblog with part 2 soon !!!!!! (if u dont hear from me in the next hour i fell asleep)
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I am Kind not Complacent Chpt 5
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Hello! Here is Chpt 5! warnings: some mention of overstimulation and comfort through panic attack.
Chpt 5: 3K
Heimdall x fem!reader (they're both kids rn)
multi chapter
hope you enjoy it! and thank you to @engardeitsme as usualllll love you buddy, thank you for your support!
thank you to @lunaryasha, @nokolla as well for reading!💜💜💜
A/N: also sorry for the typos it's very late lol
“Is there a single thought going on in your head?”
Heimdall had asked the question at least three times now and the girl was starting to lose her patience, twiddling her thumbs as Heimdall glared at her. The discomfort of letting the boy try to have free range of her mind made her uncomfortable, no matter how many times they had done it now. And his lack of empathy, taking her time, running through her head, only to blame her? He really was a weasel. 
“Certainly,” she spoke stiffly, breathing through her nose. “I’m just not focusing on any particular thought. Which is the point of the exercise in case you forgot.” She watched as his eyes squinted and snorted, poking at his furrowed brows.” also, I don’t think you’re supposed to make it this obvious that you are running through people’s heads.” Heimdall’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he batted the girl’s hand away. 
“I’m working on it, ok?” He muttered, trying to relax his features as he continued to pick through her thoughts. It was a jumbled mess of things, like muttering getting louder and quieter, with just a few words popping out at him. He could tell she was getting frustrated with him, an angry rumbling in the undertow of her musings. Nothing to give him coherent information. It didn’t help that anything he was able to grab onto was interrupted by the thoughts of people all the way on the other side of the lodge. One moment, he could hear Yn’s thoughts start to get louder, and the next it was some trivial rubbish of a maid doing chores, or the fighters sparing outside, horses in the stable, or his damn brother, Thor, snoring. Heimdall growled and threw his head back, rubbing his temples with his palms.
“It’s still too loud!” the girl sighed at this, pulling a leg up to her chest while the other dangled over her chair.
“We’ve already moved three times, Weasel. I think this is as quiet as it’s going to get for us.”
“I know, which is why I feel even more pissed off!” he bolted from his seat, pacing around the room. “We’ve been at this for weeks and all I can hear is gibberish and your surface-level musings! It’s ridiculous. Do you have ‘any’ thoughts in that walnut you call a brain?!” the girl frowned, turning her head away. In the thoughts that thrummed threw her into Heimdall's ears he only heard: ‘...I…..Heimdall……idiot….’
“Excuse me?” he frowned, turning to her. She looked at him confused.
“All I heard was my name and the word idiot!” the girl raised a brow, knowing she had more to her thought. She was tired of being treated like an idiot. Still, she decided to smirk and held her hands up in defeat.
“Well look at that, it seems I do have some thoughts in this walnut.” she snorted as the boy crossed his arms, trying to hear more insults.
“Also, I don't know if it’s occurred to you,” she leaned back in her chair, “ but I’m not enjoying you clumsily poking around my head either for weeks on end. So forgive me for trying to keep some things private.”
They indeed had been meeting for weeks now, after supper in Heimdall’s room. Only to migrate through different parts of the lodge when it got too loud for him to concentrate. The first few lessons had gone well, but the two thought this was merely due to Yn concentrating on a single thought for Heimdall to listen to. This obviously would not be the case when he had to find out information from people against their will, so the girl suggested they move on to Heimdall trying to read her free-roaming thoughts. This proved to be much more difficult and only seemed to get worse the more he strained to listen, instead being overflowed with noises and thoughts far from where they were. The girl also didn’t enjoy the next level of mind reading, flushing when Heimdall would point out thoughts she didn’t even know she had. It was all very invasive. 
“We are getting nowhere,” Heimdall growled under his breath, flopping back into his chair across from the girl. He sighed and looked up at her, arms crossed. “Why is it that I can hear you perfectly fine sometimes and the next, there is nothing but mumbling?” the girl relaxed her shoulders, sensing the boy’s frustration.
“Well,” she started, her hands folding over her raised leg, “I want to try to hide things in those moments. I don’t like having you up here,” she pointed to the space between her brows, “but if I focus on what I want you to hear, you seem to have an easier time with it.” Heimdall sighed, rubbing his face in frustration. 
“I need to be able to look at everything no matter if you want it hidden or not.” The girl frowned, not liking the idea of the boy with that kind of power. She sighed, however, remembering their agreement.
“Do you think you may be siking yourself out?” he just looked at her, a confused pull at his brows. She continued, standing up to pace as she spoke, “What I mean is, when it’s based on instinct like the first time we fought, or when you could hear me on the wall…it was like a survival instinct. You knew automatically what to do.”
“I guess,” he frowned, crossing his arms, “but it’s not completely quiet, it’s just a mess. Like thousands of people talking over each other. And I can’t tell what’s your thoughts, other’s thoughts, or outside actions. But when I concentrate I get closer to honing in on just your sounds.” the girl nodded in agreement, a hand on her chin as she stopped in front of the window, the afternoon breeze flowing through and the sunset light shining over the horizon, covered by the wall. She hummed as she got an idea, and because it was louder than the rest, Heimdall could catch wind of some of it. “What about the wall?” He asked, looking at her over the back of his chair. She smiled and turned to him, and his face fell as he heard the rest of the plan racing through his head.
“Oh, no. No no no. we are not going back out there. The All-Father is already suspicious.”
“We’ll go in the dead of night!” she said with an excited smile, getting closer to him.
“You’re crazy!”
“Does anything come out of your mouth except insults?” she huffed, hands on her hips.
“ For you?” he asked with a sarcastic smirk, “Never.” she ignored the boy, grabbing her things. 
“It’ll be an experiment.”
“I’m not an experiment.”
“Are you sure about that?”
He huffed. Though he couldn’t hear what she was thinking, he could tell her thoughts were running a mile a minute. And he didn’t like her tone.
“I’m not going.” he stood firm, and though he didn’t show it on his face, Yn had started to be able to tell when he was growing anxious. And right now, he stunk of nerves. The girl sighed, slowing her movements, and faced Heimdall. 
“Fine then. We don’t have to go,” she reassured him and felt the tension ease slightly. She smiled, “We’ll stop for today.”
He hated her ability to ease him. And that no matter how much he tried to control his emotions, he couldn’t resist the calm she gave him. He knew it was from her powers, and it terrified him. He should not be able to be so easily influenced. He reasoned to himself, that he was building a tolerance to her powers, and soon it wouldn’t work on him. She was just a stepping stone. That’s all this was.
With a wave of her hand, she was out of the room, spouting about how he could knock when he couldn’t sleep before shutting the door. Like he would ever in a million years, go crawling-
There Heimdall stood. Ridged in front of Yn’s door. Cold sweat beaded at his temple, and he held in sobs, biting his lip till it threatened to bleed. His hands gripped at the bottom of his shirt and he trembled in front of the girl’s door. He hated it. Hated waking up to the sound of phantoms in his head, endless mumblings rattling through his mind like an echoing hall. He hated not being able to quiet them, the power they had over him. He hated the fear that seeped into his bones from the sounds in his head, and the consequences of being caught for being unable to deal with them on his own.
But most of all, he hated that what he had found was finally able to quiet his mind was snoring softly on the other side of the door in front of him, without a care in the world. That he was supposed to be learning information on this girl, and nothing more. He was the god of foresight. A gift bestowed on him. And he was using this girl, a stranger, a possible enemy, to calm himself. And she let him. It all made his stomach twist in ways he didn’t know were possible. 
Still, despite how he wanted to run back to his room. Simply will the sounds to stop. To be able to understand the girl’s intentions and report them to the All-Father so she could finally be out of his hair. Despite all of it:
There he stood, trembling, willing his voice to whimper just a bit quieter. She left the door unlocked. She had started doing so so he wouldn’t have to knock and make extra noise. Her kindness frustrated him. He had never experienced anything like it before. He thought it must have meant she wanted something from him, and he would die before he gave it to her. 
Heimdall’s fist wrapped around the door handle, and he swallowed as he twisted, pushing the door open. Yn stirred, waking to the sound of her door opening. She rubbed her eyes and watched as the boy slowly walked in, shutting the door as quietly as possible behind him before collapsing to the floor, letting his sobs rasp out of him, biting his arm to stay quiet. Without a second thought, Yn’s voice filled the room with soft music, and she quickly got out of bed, her little feet padding over with a blanket in tow, falling to her knees in front of him and pulling his head to rest against hers. 
He hated how his chest already felt lighter. How warm she felt against his cold sweaty head. How she paid no mind to his heaving and trembling, ignoring what he knew she thought was a pathetic display. No matter how many times she would reassure him, he told himself he knew she looked down on him. It felt disgusting. And over everything else, he hated that she made him feel at peace. 
They stayed like that, a crumpled mess on the floor, as Yn’s voice thrummed through Heimdall’s chest and calmed his heartbeat, quieted his sobs, and ceased his trembling. Her hands rested on his shoulders, and when she felt them start to still, she pulled away, the song still chiming from her mind into his. She took the boy's hands, easing him to stand, and brought him to her bed.
“Here, sit down, okay?” She sat on the bed, her back against the wall, and pulled him to the spot next to her. He was too weak to protest, leaning his head back against the wall once he was sat, and just took in the song and silence. No matter how many times he came to the girl’s room, the relief he felt was still overwhelming in its own way. They stayed like that for a while, just like they do every night he came to her room. Sometimes she would read, her voice soothing him back to sleep. Sometimes she talked about what she learned with Mimir, not expecting any answer as Heimdall let her silly little thoughts be the only mumbling he could hear. But for some reason, tonight, as she spoke just above a whisper for him, trailing off about her home and how she would crawl up into the trees to sleep there when she had a nightmare, he responded.
“Why did you crawl into the trees?” He asked, his voice raspy for strangling down his tears. He felt Yn stiffen for a moment, then shift to look at him. He didn’t look back, leaving her to sit in his question for a moment before she smiled, looking away from him again.
“Because I was afraid of getting eaten. Do you know what a drekki is?” Heimdall barely nodded, peering to look at her. 
“Big lizard… lots of teeth…”
 “Well,” she started, “I had this nightmare all the time, of a drekki swallowing me up while I slept, and staying alive in its belly.” 
“That’s disgusting” Heimdall’s nose crinkled, feeling a shiver go down his spine. The girl giggled and nodded in agreement.
“I know. So I would sleep in the trees and tell myself an aching back was better than living in a drekki. Even here, I still get nightmares sometimes, and I want to sleep on the roof!” she smiled sheepishly, and Heimdall felt a small lopsided smirk pull at the side of his cheek despite his best efforts. Perhaps worst of all, he found himself caring less and less. Letting himself continue to ask questions, and even started to answer some of hers.
“Why do you not tell anyone about this?” She spoke softly, turning to look at him.
“Because I’m a god,” He didn’t hesitate at the question, answering as though it were simply a fact of life. “I am the Scion of the Aesir, given the gift of foresight by the All-Father.” a look of pride shined in his pink eyes, but it soon left as he looked at the clock ticking on Yn’s bedside table. “... If I cannot handle this gift,... I am unworthy. I am a failure.” he turned to look at the girl desperately. “ no one can know. You especially. You make me weak.”
“Resting is not weakness.” Heimdall frowned, shaking his head at her.
“I’m meant to be a soldier.”
“You’re a kid, Heimdall. We both are.”
He snorted, turning away from her.
“You don’t get it.” he mumbled, “you don’t have a home to protect, or a family to make proud.” 
There was silence, the music had stopped, and Heimdall heard the rising speed and weight of the girl’s heart pounding against her ribs. He turned to her again, seeing her face contort, her breathing got uneven and she curled a bit into herself. Despite this, however, she turned at Heimdall, a sad smile tugging at her cheeks. 
“That was pretty messed up, Weasel.” her voice cracked slightly, and she turned to look away, stifling a sniffle and whipping a tear from under her eye. Heimdall felt an ache twist in his chest. He felt guilty, without her powers to influence her. 
“I’m sorry,” he spoke without thinking. She scoffed.
“No, it’s fine. But so were are both clear, I did have a home, and a family” Her voice grew cold and it made the boy want to shiver like she breathed ice in his face. “I watched it all burn to the ground.” her voice didn’t waver, but her hands shook. “And then I picked up the pieces and made myself something I could live with. Now I’m here. Away from everything I know and no one in Vanaheim will even mourn me. Because everyone who knew me is dead.” her voice rattled like dice at the end, and she stifled a sob, turning away from him. 
 “ I didn’t-” his voice was faster than his thoughts, “I didn’t mean to make you upset. I was just-” he tripped over his tongue, “ I didn’t mean to hurt you, I am sorry.” his own voice was weak and he was unsure why, “ I just-” he breathed out, “I hate it.”
She turned to look at him, tears silently trickling down her face. It was only fair he comforted her in return. That’s what he told himself as he dabbed them away with his sleeve.
“You hate what?” she asked in a cracked whisper, not pulling away from him. He swallowed before admitting for the first time both aloud and to himself:
“I hate the weight of it…I wish I was alone…I wish,” his voice trailed off. And though he didn’t finish his thought, Yn somehow knew what he meant, and sighed, sniffling quietly. He swallowed, looking down at his knees, “I didn’t know that’s what happened…”
“ No, you don’t…” she mumbled, shaking her head. “ because being alone for years is not worth the peace of solitude. I promise it’s not.” she glared at him weakly, “and maybe you should have read a little deeper before trying to use my past as ammunition.” Heimdall frowned, placing a careful hand on the girl’s shoulder. 
“I really am sorry…” He spoke, fully aware of his words this time. Yn sniffled and looked at him for a moment before she smiled, weakly.
“I’ll think about accepting it. You sound honest enough.” she teased and he couldn’t stop his smile. “Hey,” she nudged him, “you’re being nice. Without me.” she shrugged, “Sort of.” he chuckled slightly and nodded.
“ I guess I want to be a little bit nicer to you…” he shrugged back, “sort of.”
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void-sand-cat · 10 months
Assuming that Michael is the player for Fnaf 1/2/3/5/6 (I have no idea what's going on w/4), I doubt there is any way that the spirits (including afton kids & William here btw) knew who they were trying kill was.
So, the animatronics are old and kinda crappy right? So the missing kids wouldn't have the best vision, and (if I recall correctly) Michael looks a lot like William. Plus, we know they attacked anyone with a security uniform (rip phone guy), so they definitely didn't know. I subscribe to the headcanon that they were affected by possible murder machine programming in the animatronics from William, increasing the likelihood that they had 0 idea what they were doing, but I don't know any proof for this, so disregard it, this theory doesn't need it.
Aftons are tricker. Based on how Elizabeth talks about William, I don't think her or CC knew about how fucked up William was.
Next CC. First off, "It's me." Which works if you think he knows Michael is Michael, but it works just as well if CC thinks Michael is William. Again, I have my doubts he knew how messed up William was, but he definitely knew how much Michael was - at least Michael as Foxy bro. I do believe CC said, "It's me" with no ill intent. Whether or not it was meant for Michael depends on how forgiving you think CC is. Irregardless of how forgiving CC is, he is still affected by bad robot eyes and falls into the same hole as the missing kids.
Before moving on to William, I want to touch on Michael. I don't think he knows that Elizabeth, CC, & the missing kids think he's William. From what I understand of SL, Elizabeth does talk like she knows the player. As mentioned above, SL is not a game I have learned a lot about, nor have I learned about Eilzabeth. I said I didn't think "It's me" was said with anger/hatred, but I do believe Michael interpreted it that way. He had been fending off murderous animatronics all night, and another one just showed up in his office. What else is he gonna think? I don't know if Michael knew that CC was haunting the Golden Freddy costume, but if he did, why would he think his brother would forgive the person who killed him? As for the missing kids, he knew they were attacking security guards (at least after a point), I doubt he thought they knew how he was.
I wanted to touch on Michael before William because this is a special case. I still doubt that William knew the security guard was Michael. His eyes have to be total crap, and (if I recall correctly) he can talk, so why wouldn't he talk to his son? Why would he be trying to kill him? Instead of trying to control him, find out what's happened since he was gone, etc. That's the same. However, I think Michael knows William doesn't know who he is. And wants it like that. Michael likely figured out that William is treating him as a rando. It's not hard to put together, but why wouldn't Michael say anything? Counterpoint, WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE? He knows what William has done, and he's there to burn everything down with William inside.
I am technically in my 2nd fnaf phase, but I've only really ever seen gameplay of SB & Ruin, and that's from speedrunners. I got this far bc of game theory binge watching. Fnaf 4s lore is too confusing for me to touch, I think it doesn't matter, maybe as motivation? Eh, no idea. 6 is more of the same, up till Henry's speech everyone assumes Mike's (oh fuck. Mike has a nickname. I'm a dumbass, forgive me) some rando, Henry speech alerts them their wrong, but they burn before figuring it out.
Edit: According to AO3 tags, I misspelled Mike's name. Guess I should fix that quickly. (I can't fix the misspelling in the tags here, though.) I also fixed a mistake with Elizabeth's name at one point. Elizabeth was a typo, I have no idea how I ended up spelling Mike's name wrong. (I'm American seriously, how did I do that?)
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mishanym · 1 year
Yours truly.
Day 1.
Yesterday, there was a random message sent to my phone from an unknown number that said,
Yeah.. I know. Seems like a text from a madman or a drunk who mistypes but then again it's too neat to be a typo message. Hmm..
I spent hours cracking it until I realized I can use the Fibonacci sequence.
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
Wait. Sometimes "I" can be seen as "L" too, so..
Okay, who would ever use a complicated way just to say I love you? And that person knows I love puzzles.. JAKE?!
He's alive?!
I stared at the message for quite some time, my heart started to race as I'm trying to reply to the unknown number.
Number doesn't exist.
Hmm. So this number cannot receive text. My text didn't get delivered.
How about I try calling?
The number you are calling does not exist..
Okay.. These things are screaming "Jake" in all elements. It must be him.
MC has activated my spyware. Not a wise move MC, but, I'm sure it's because you already cracked my puzzle. A smile on my lips, I executed my spyware immediately. The moment you tried calling the number, your phone activated the trap I set for you. Correction: love trap :)
I am sorry. I merely.. Miss you. But I cannot contact you directly. Any direct contact to you would risk leaving traces of evidence that we both are connected. That we know each other. And if they ever find you with any trace of me in it you will be in danger.
"You're not being fair, Jake!"
Somehow I can hear you say that in my ears. I am sorry. All is fair in love and war. I grin. Forgive me. I miss you too much. Please let me at least hack into your phone and listen in to you. I want to know what you're doing. I want to know how your day is. I want to make sure nothing hurts you, despite my limited power because I can't be there physically for you.
Note: Jake's POV is gonna be in green color, MC's POV is gonna be in blue color. Let's get their perspectives together at the same time because Jake is now in "I can hear your voice mode: on." ;)
I completed the activation of my spyware on MC's phone and suddenly felt the rush of excitement. I try and take a deep breath. Finally. Very soon, I will be able to hear you. I put in the last line of codes and.. voila! I ended my series of typing with a firm tap on my enter button.
I see the strings of code processing before me and the donut shaped "connecting" icon running in circles. Come on connection! I can not wait to hear the voice of the woman I love. The swirling circle finally stopped and I am connected to MC's speaker.
"GAAHHH! THIS IS ANNOYING! I hate you, Jake! You can hack me but I can't hack you back!" I grunted and shouted out my frustrations.
I chuckled. "I love you too, MC." I mumbled to myself and I can feel my face lit up in glee. Oh how I miss you, MC.
I lie on my bed, my phone beside me. I am hit with realization. "I know your spyware is here." My face made a knowing smile.
I smile. You're smart. You caught on fast. Thankfully not faster than me. If it was any faster, I wouldn't be able to hear you, love.
"Jake?" I say your name out loud subconsciously.
"Yes, MC." I can't help but reply to you despite knowing you can't hear me.
"Where are.. you?" I sigh in exasperation.
"I am here, MC." Well. Physically I am somewhere, hiding safely in my hideout. I quite like my new hiding place. It is safe enough to let me stay for a few days.
I am very worried about you. I miss you.
You must be missing me. I remember your last message for me, saying you love me too. If only I could hear it one more time...
"I love you too, Jake." My lips are echoing the last text I sent you over and over again, every time I think about you.
I gasped. Did you read my mind? I chuckled. Your hacking skills are better than mine MC, because you have hacked my mind, and.. my heart. You fascinate me.
My eyes glanced at the clock out of habit. It's late. If I could just send you a message to your mind. If there's a slightest chance at all that we are connected, please hear me and go to sleep.
I sigh, trying to calm the worries in my heart. "I think I'd better sleep." I reach for the cover and cover myself warmly.
I am still in disbelief. How intriguing that you can hear what my mind is desperately telling you. Like a magical connection. Two souls that are connected.
"Good night, Jake." I speak to my phone. I don't know whether Jake can hear me or not but I say it nonetheless. It helps me cope with loneliness, thinking that he's right there, listening in to what I say.
"Good night, MC." I transferred the access to MC's spyware on her phone to my phone and put on my earphones. This way if there's a suspicious noise around her I will hear it too. But the thing is, I've been very exhausted. After weeks of being on the run, I never really find peace. Peace is when I can talk to you. Peace is when I know for sure that you're safe. Peace is when I am able to hear your voice, it gives me a big sense of relief. At this point I don't know who is protecting who. I thought I was protecting you. Ironically, it is actually you that is protecting my sanity. Meeting you makes me start to have hope again. And I can finally sleep soundly.
Day 2.
I overslept. I only meant to sleep for four hours. But when I woke up this morning, it was already 9 AM. I slept for 9 hours?! This is insane. I panicked. I hurriedly checked all of my surroundings and ran my safety procedures. All systems are normal. No anomaly, no threats. I'm good. I sigh a breath of relief.
MC! I hurry and check on you. I can hear you breathing evenly through the speaker. Okay. I have to regain my composure. Suddenly there's an incoming text to your phone. I am tempted to read it but I am having second doubt.
What if it's something private? I do not dare. But then there's another and another new message incoming. I am starting to worry. If you have to hate me for this then you can hate me. It's a cheap price to pay if it means I can keep you safe.
I open the text, it's from someone that I assume is your classmate. "Class moved from 1PM to 9.30AM. YOU MUST HURRY, MC!" I look at the clock, 9.10AM. That's soon!
"Alright." I speak to myself. "Commencing, 'Operation getting MC to class on time'." I grin. I will get you to class on time, MC.
I hacked into your phone alarm and set the alarm to maximum volume. I grimace. "I am sorry for this, love." I ring your phone alarm in a jiffy. This is child's play.
My phone alarm is ringing so loudly. "Ughh?!" I groaned.
I grimaced again. I'm sorry. But you need to wake up. You got class.
I pressed stop on the phone alarm notification.
Oh no, I won't let you go back to sleep. You need to wake up. I set your phone alarm on again.
My phone alarm rings again. "Ahhhh! Jake!" I screamed his name now completely sure I am not imagining it. I'm pretty sure he did something to my phone alarm. "What are you doing, Jake?" I take my phone and turn off the alarm. Still annoyed I look at my phone and suddenly it opens my text messages. "Class moved to 9.30AM?" Gasp! I look at my phone's clock. 9.15? Oh God!
I hurry and get out of my bed, change to the closest clothes I can find and grab my bag. I ran to the subway. It usually takes me 25 to 30 minutes to go to my university how am I going to make it in 15 frikkin minutes?!
"I will be your escort, my love." I say this and a smile formed on my lips. I followed your movement through your phone's GPS location and CCTV. "Ahh despite being in a hurry you are still looking so beautiful." I mumble to myself. For a few seconds I was admiring your beauty until I slap myself to reality. Ahem. I need to focus. I will have my own sweet time admiring your beauty after you arrive at your classroom on time.
I quickly tried to get on the subway train but I was late by a split second, the door of the subway closed in front of my face. "Ahh!" I quickly stopped before my face hit the subway door. I can see the guy in the suit inside is sneering at me. I grunt. "Ugh. Wipe that smug off your face!"
I saw the sneer that stranger gave you through nearby CCTV. "What a bastard." I quickly type strings of codes on my computer. "Let's secure your carriage, my love." My speed is faster than normal, maybe because this is for you. I ended my input with a sharp sound of my enter button. "Aaaand done. Who's laughing now?" I snorted.
The subway door opens up again in front of me. THIS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Could it be... I pull up my phone quickly. "Jake? Was it you?"
"It is I, Jake, yours truly." I smile lovingly to the camera live feeds showing MC standing in front of the subway door.
Astonishing! I smile, impressed. I hurry to enter the subway. The guy in the suit who just sneered at me now has his mouth agape. I give him a smug smile. "Heh."
"Alright, now for the finale." I cracked my knuckles and started working on my next hacking. I scan your route to University and while you're in the subway I am securing your next trip. I feel like my fingers are flying on my keyboard. I have never felt so ecstatic, so alive, hacking for anyone. Is this what it feels like to do your best for someone you love? You are the first one who makes me feel like I'm on fire. And I like it.
My train arrives at the destination nearest to my university. Now to quickly get on my bus. I only have 7 minutes left! "Will I make it in time, Jake?" I talk to Jake who is listening in to me. Right now I'm pretty sure if I don't mess around with my phone his connection to my phone will be secured.
"Way ahead of you, love. I will make sure you arrive in time." Eyes on the nearest bus to your bus stop I'm watching its movement closely, making sure it's not stopping on any red lights.
"Hmm? The bus is here so fast!" I squeal in joy. I get on the bus quickly.
"Now let there be only greens on your way..." I nimbly move my fingers on my keyboard typing in correctly every code I need to turn all the traffic lights in your way to green. "And... done." My computer swiftly processes my hacking inputs.
I can't believe my eyes. I see every red light in front of me quickly turning to green whenever my bus is approaching it. Now 7 minutes is long enough for me to arrive at my university.
"Yes!!" I jumped for joy. MC arrives in time.
I grab my phone and whisper to it softly while I'm walking to my classroom.
"Thank you, my sweet boyfriend." I smile with affection and put my phone away inside my bag.
I heard the words you just said, utterly dumbfounded by them. "Did you just, call me your boyfriend..?" I feel my heart skips a beat. I.. I.. I never experienced the great happiness of being called as someone's boyfriend. And it's by someone as wonderful and as gorgeous as you, MC.. I don't deserve you.. and yet.. The happiness in my heart right now is betraying my logic. I know deep inside I want this. It is dangerous, but I simply can't evade you. And I do not want to. I want to be with you. And I am elated to be your boyfriend.
Yours truly,
Your man hacker,
Jake. :)
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impandgnomes · 1 year
May I ask you for uhhhhhh Tweek? 💚
Awww tysm! 🥹 Spent a while typing this on mobile, so forgive any typos lmao
1: sexuality headcanon
Honestly, that kid is gay af bless his soul. I could maybe see him also being ace when he grows up ngl?
2: otp
Creek is such a massive cliché, but CREEEEEK. I guess I'm one of those people who feels like it reminds them a lot of their irl relationship lmao. If you swapped out Craig's guinea pig thing with rats, you'd probably have a good approximation of my partner but as a 10 year-old American cartoon boy
3: brotp
Any one of the kids known as being in "Craig's gang" by the fandom (so like; Clyde, Jimmy, Tolkien lmao), and honestly Wendy. Those two haven't really interacted much, but she genuinely seems to give a shit about him lmao - her genuine concern for him after the fake breakup in Tweek x Craig made me feel so bad for her (Side note; anyone else ever been really bothered by how everyone still probably thought Craig was the bad guy at the end of that episode??? I like to think Tweek confessed to that whole ruse in front of literally the entire town right away 😭 Craig may seem like a bag of frosted arseholes but he's a good kid who desrves to be seen for who he is and not done dirty)
4: notp
I hate to say it but I've never really seen him as being with anyone but Craig lmao - maybe hetero ships? Not going to go on crusades or even feel mad, but it feels odd to imply he's anything but gay to me. it definitely feels weird to see him with anyone else romantically, but if whatever is said by a fan piece interests me, I'll probably check it out.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
I like to think that his parents are so narcissistic, that they named him Tweek unironically as a way of advertising themselves and their shop wherever the boy goes - even when his name isn't said in full. He was 100% named after the place, but they probably have some pamphlets by the door on their "company history" saying otherwise.
6: favorite line from this character
The panicked way he says "It's easy??!!?" in response to being asked what's good about toddler murder in Free Hat is utterly hysterical to me. Peak autism and peak anxiety - I probably would have done the same as a kid in that situation ngl
7: one way in which I relate to this character
I am an anxious little freak of a man who drinks too much coffee and seeks advice and reassurance from my partner - I feel like Tweek at least has an excuse given his parents usage of...concerning substances. Yeah, let's put it that way.
8: thing that gives me second-hand embarrassment about this character
I am an anxious little freak of a man who drinks toouch coffee and seeks advice and reassurance from my partner - but seriously, sometimes the little dude lacks confidence that just feels too real on a level when you strip back the comedic absurdity of the show he's in.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave
He's a cinnamon roll - he has his problems but he honestly seems to have infinitely purer intentions than any of the other kids in the show lmao
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gontagokuhara · 2 months
I feel so paranoid on my pointy objects reread™ especially after the rewrite storm because I'll see something like 5 chapters after the rewrite and think "I SWEAR this is different baz freaking writes did u change this OR LIKE AM I JUST BLIND what is happening" to be fair it is 4 am for me and I need sleep (I graduated on the 2nd and I woke up yesterday at 6 P.M. I was SO tired)
Anyway this was only started bc I got to the fabled komaeda call and it said "as if someone hit him" and I'm like "SOME-ONE??" FYMMm I THOUGHT THAT SAID "SOME-THING"??? (I literally feel like this is my ultimate karma knowing how much I go back and edit my fics when I'm bored LMFAOO) Anydots its freak brain hours so please forgive me if this comes off as a wee bit psychotic ❤️ I did finish the 17k behemoth chapter and it literally made me crazy and want to reread the whole thing again I loved it!!!💀 okay bye gn zzzzzz
what started as a silly little fanfiction miming my blorbos around as little demigod guys has somehow morphed into a 225k+ word (likely nearer 300k by the end 😭), conspiracy-theory-filled, saw trap of an adventure for those most into it (myself included). talk about an interactive experience!
(long so everything else below <3)
but seriously first of all CONGRATS ON GRADUATING!?!?!? COLLEGE GRAD GANG
second of all LOL there haven't been any major changes since the big rewrite storm (which was basically a year ago now? ZOINKS) but i do know what ur referring to with that nagito line shift. his previous behavior in his office tearing his hair out + the line shift was meant to convey a little clearer that when he's stressed/upset/terrified he hurts himself (unintentionally, like with the hair example) (but also intentionally, in him hitting himself over the phone in an attempt to calm down/focus enough to plead with the kids). in essence i fucked him up a little more because i think about him So much and i needed to slip more of my characterization of him in bc Im insane <3
I LOVE U LMFAO UR SO REAL ABOUT SILLY HOURS im sure u already did but GO TAKE A NAP!!!! and take breaks during ur reread i wrote the damn thing and reread it constantly (always editing typos i find i am........) and it still takes me days to work through. this ask was perfect timing bc my body's been malfunctioning a little bit so ive been pushing pointy objects time to the wayside (also for better reasons too i've been not writing but wrist pain got me fucked up </3) but this ask has me zazzed again so THANK U!!!!! congrats again and as always come back if u wanna yell at me about this fic anymore I LOVE U!!!
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price1972 · 9 months
TLDR. If I knew how to put this under a cut, I would, but that bit of tumblr magic is beyond my skills. I’m warning you, this is long. I’m trying to catch any typos as I write, but please forgive any I miss.
Traditionally, I am VERY pro-vax. I’m vaxed, both my kids are vaxed and I am not saying one way or the other that a vaccine(s) are the root of my issues. All I’m doing is writing what I personally have experienced. Everyone should get as much info as they can, talk to your doctor if you have one you trust, and do what’s right for you.
Ryan is my husband. I live in northern Harford County, Maryland, about 1 hour North of Baltimore. My alcohol consumption has never been alcoholic level, I’m talking about a glass or two of wine over several hours in a night, maybe a little more if I was at the pool over the course of a day, or a dinner out or something, but not insane levels consumed. I stopped drinking because it stopped tasting good, probably because of what I was starting to go through.
So, back in 2021 I got my 2 Pfizer shots when I was eligible, had no problems. When I was eligible for the first booster shot, I got that too. At the same time as the booster, the pharmacist said, “hey, do you want your flu shot now too?” Since my elderly parents live with us (also vaccinated) and I didn’t want to risk getting them sick, I said sure. Got both at the same time.
3 days later, I woke up and could barely move my legs, my legs felt like they were encased in burning metal and swords being shoved up my heels and my hands also felt like they were on fire and so sensitive to touch, it felt like they were being constantly scrubbed with super rough sandpaper and also had no strength in them, so they were basically worthless. Went to my PCP (Medstar doctors group), they told me to go to the ER, because they didn’t know what was wrong and wouldn’t prescribe me anything for pain other than Tylenol or advil. Went to Upper Chesapeake ER, spent 14 hours in the waiting room to get 2 bags of saline to help with being dehydrated. However, once they found out I had stopped drinking 6 months prior to that (this was December 2021), they basically treated me like I was a drunk and looking for pills and sent me home to follow up with my PCP instead of admitting me and running more tests. I kinda understand, because it was the height of Covid and the ER was packed and they were running the ER out of the waiting room, but the lack of giving even a little bit of a shit about what was wrong with me was pretty disconcerting. There was a 20-ish year old kid who was sitting next to who smoked so much pot over 3 days that he forgot to eat or drink and the staff treated him more courteously than they did me and admitted him while I was still sitting there, waiting to see if they could find a bed for me.
So the next day, I did follow up with my PCP, and they said they’d been researching it more, and thought I might have Guillome-Barre Syndrome, which is a nerve disease where your white blood cells attack your nerves (most usually starts in the hands and feet), and is dangerous to not get treated because it can paralyze your lungs and kill you. They wanted me to go back to the hospital. I refused to go back to UC, so they suggested going to Franklin Square instead and I agreed. They wanted me to go right away, and would “call ahead” so my ER wait wouldn’t be as long. It was only an 8 hour wait there until I got called back and then eventually admitted me after they found me a bed. Ryan couldn’t stay with me because they were being super strict about visiting hours (armed guards in the ER and everything), so that sucked.
That night, the neurologist examined me and said I probably did have GBS and explained the treatment (there are 2, one is a intravenous medicine given over 5 days -IVIG- and the other was a total blood transfusion or something. ) I got the IVIG and everything that would go along with it. Starting the next morning, the doctor in charge of the ER or something (I don’t remember what his title was at this point, but he was a pretentious blowhatd who had at least 6 if not more of his students following him around like ducklings on his rounds every day) examined me and thought the neurologist was wrong and there was nothing majorly wrong with me and I was most likely just looking for pain meds to abuse. Of course he didn’t use those words, but his demeanor and attitude toward me, even when Ryan was also allowed to be there, made it clear what he thought.
So the neurologist won the start of the pissing match between the two of them, and I got all 5 days worth of the IVIG treatment. On the 6th day, I had to get a lumbar puncture to see if I had the GBS protein that they use to diagnose the syndrome. I apparently didn’t have the protein present, but even though the neurologist wanted to keep me there for more testing (because they are seeing GBS a lot more now than they used to, and they don’t know much about it yet; he was arguing that the protein they look for may have mutated into something different, etc, but otherwise I had all the symptoms of GBS. They two of them had the discussion (fight) in front of Ryan and me, with the ER doctor waving my test results in the neurologist’s face and saying “See? I told you there’s nothing wrong with her! She’s morbidly obese (fair, I was 300 lbs at that point, and looked about 15 months pregnant with a 20 lb baby), an alcoholic, looking for pain meds to abuse and the pain is all in her head. Anxiety. I’m discharging her.” And he won that fight, because I was discharged the next day. I still could barely walk and Ryan had to basically lift me up into the car to take me home. They sent a nurse with us to supervise me getting into the car and keep us from stealing the wheelchair I guess, but she didn’t do anything to help at all. Discharge papers said I didn’t have GBS, but a description of GBS and how I was treated for it, a list of vitamins and anxiety medication to get filled and to follow up with my PCP. Oh, and I wasn’t allowed back there to be treated for anything unless I had documented proof that I had completed a 30 day inpatient rehab program for alcohol..even though it had been months since I’d had any alcohol at all.
So I did follow up worth my PCP. Who has been treating me for over a decade or more as needed, knew my drinking was moderate and I’ve never had a history of looking for pain pills. But it was clear that they agreed with the ER doctor about being too fat, an alcoholic and looking for pills. Even though I never asked for oxy or narcotics, I just wanted something to stop the pain. I didn’t care what they gave me, as long as it worked. Never with either hospitals or the PCP was cirrhosis or potential liver failure mentioned or tested for.
So they gave me a laundry list of vitamins and medication, including Gabapentin to try to help with the nerve pain. Had a bad reaction to that one: it made me dizzy, pass out and fall, most of my hair fell out in one large clump, suicidal thoughts. Basically every side effect that could happen did happen, so I stopped taking that one. The anxiety med I was sent home with could be upped from 20 mg (anxiety) to 60 mg for nerve pain, so my PCP did that. This was around April 2022. I was OK at RJ’s (our son, 23) wedding (issues walking, but not needing a walker or wheelchair yet), but soon after that, the new medication caused me to sleep 23/24 hours per day and to hallucinate horribly when I was unconscious. I still remember most of those hallucinations and I feel so bad for people whose brains make them go through that, because it is SO REAL when you’re in the middle of it.
So this went on for the rest of 2022, until Ryan started to wean me off the meds. His reasoning was that I looked like I was dying, couldn’t eat or drink, couldn’t recognize him or Ryleigh, (our daughter, 17) and if I was dying anyway, maybe I would die with enough sense to be able to say goodbye to them and it mean something. I basically “woke up” on December 1, 2022 as if nothing had happened. I didn’t know when it was or what had happened, but could sit up, get in the shower, get dressed, etc with a walker and/or Ryan helping me, use the bathroom instead of a diaper etc. by this point, I couldn’t feel anything in my feet, very little sensation from my ribs down and hands still basically worthless and painful. Also couldn’t write anymore, type or even see very well, even with my glasses on. But better than being comatose or dead.
At this point, I wanted nothing to do with doctors or hospitals, and I told Ryan if he forced me to go, I’d leave AMA because they wouldn’t believe me, and I wasn’t going to go through all that BS again when it did nothing for me the first time. So for most of this year I walked/moved around as much as I could, did light PT exercises with rubber bands and tried any holistic or natural remedy we could find. But I was steadily getting worse.
Until July 20 of this year when I finally crashed. I was really bad, and Ryan begged me to let him call 911 and go to the hospital. I agreed and after a flurry of movement that I don’t remember much of, I had almost 8 liters of fluid taken out of my liver. The ER doc at UC told Ryan that he’d do the best he could to stabilize me, but that I might not survive until the next day. Also that UC wasn’t equipped to treat me and either University of MD or Hopkins would have to accept me for me to have a chance. UM wouldn’t take me because they didn’t take our insurance and Hopkins wasn’t sure if they could free up a bed for me.
Amazingly, after being at UC for 2 days, Hopkins found me a bed and transported me there. After what seemed like every test in the world, miraculously they found me a liver that matched me perfectly (a 23 year old man who died from a drug overdose; I’m allowed to contact his family, but I have to figure out what to say without sounding like a complete bitch) and my transplant values were bad enough to move me up on the transplant list, so instead of going home to wait for the “bat call” as Ryan calls it and potentially wait years for the transplant and hoping to stay alive in the meantime, I miraculously got my new liver after 2 weeks, on August 6.
I won’t go into the boring details of recovery, but from the start, my body seems to be accepting the new liver very well. The GBS has complicated it a lot (even though I hadn’t been drinking much before, and had 0 alcohol since RJ’s wedding more than a year ago, my liver was so bad, they couldn’t even use it for research. I still can’t feel my feet and have nerve pain in my hands, legs and feet and also have optic nerve degeneration from the GBS causing my vision problems. So I might not ever be 100% or be able to drive again, but it’s worth it to be alive. I have pain specialist, neurologist and neuro-ophthalmology appointments with Hopkins doctors, but not until mid-November.
So hopefully the GBS will eventually reverse itself (for most people this happens, but I’m not holding my breath) or there might be medication that would help my nerve pain and eyesight. Very irritating and tedious, but again, so worth it to be alive and able to walk with a walker and get out of the house, which I hadn’t done since RJ’s wedding last April. I’m doing PT/OT through Hopkins to relearn stuff, learn workarounds for stuff I still can’t do and to hopefully get those nerves to wake up and start working the way they’re supposed to. So for the most part, doing well, and aside from some hiccups with the medications (I take 16 pills daily, some multiple times a day); which I’m told is fairly normal, life is good.
It’s funny. A lot of people in the hospital and since have been surprised at how upbeat I typically am, and not overly upset over the issues I still have. And honestly? Surviving nearly dieing at only 51 and getting a second chance to witness the amazing young woman Ryleigh is becoming and getting to eventually (hopefully) have grandchildren to fawn over and love, why wouldn’t I be supremely grateful and happy about surviving? Yeah, there’s stuff that’s annoying, but if it never gets better than this? WORTH IT!
So, there’s the majority of what’s been happening to me over the last 2+ years. I’m sure you’re sorry you asked, lol. I do really appreciate you caring about what happened and all the good thoughts and prayers I must have received for everything to have worked out the way it did. Not that scared of dieing anymore, but hopeful it won’t happen anytime soon. ❤️
Also, my point of bringing up the Covid/flu vaccines is because (anecdotally; no proof yet) the medical community is seeing a sharp increase in nerve related issues in people after being introduced to MRNA vaccines, which the flu shot is now as well. While they’ve known about GBS for awhile, until recently it’s been pretty rare in our population and it’s not a syndrome like MS or Parkinson’s that’s been studied a lot. Best guess from multiple doctors is that it was more the flu shot, but especially getting it at the same time as a Covid booster that caused the GBS to manifest now. I might have always been going to get it, but probably not until much later in life. They still don’t know enough about the nerve related issues or even the vaccines to say for sure. So that’s been fun.
And, I only weigh 165 lbs now. It’s a hell of a way to lose weight, I don’t recommend it. 😂
I am the lucky recipient of one of those 11 livers.
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crimswnred · 2 years
Alright I’ve listened to the album a few times now and I’m absolutely obsessed and I loooooove it. Ranking it was so hard! I didn’t really dislike any song so even the low ranks I still love????
Also, I did rate the vault tracks bc I’m never not going to listen to the 3 am version lmao and I also always love the vault tracks so much.
So here is my rating on release day! (which lets be honest, will probably change after I’ve listened to it for a few hundred hours lmao)
1. Bigger than the whole sky
2. You’re on your own kid
3. Midnight rain
4. Lavender haze
5. Sweet nothing
6. Anti-hero
7. Glitch
8. High infidelity
9. Dear reader
10. Vigilante shit
11. The Great War
12. Labyrinth
13. Would’ve could’ve should’ve
14. Snow on the beach
15. Maroon
16. Karma
17. Mastermind
18. Paris
19. Question…?
20. Bejweled
Aaaaaah! Do you have a favourite lyrics? I hope there’s some Borbie inspo in there somewhere for you :)
I kinda can’t believe it’s here now. The waiting and anticipation was so much fun I’m actually a bit sad it’s over now. But thankfully we still have soooo much content to look forward to! I really hope Taylor brings out another documentary someday! What’s something you really want her to do?
I’m also already kinda dreading tour announcements bc I obviously want to go see her but I also dont want to go alone and it’s gonna be expensive and with Covid still.. (I live with someone immunocompromised and have asthma myself so still have to be careful) but not going sounds shit and I would have the biggest FOMO. aaaaaaaaaah!!!
And I hope things feel better for you soon 💕 life gets so overwhelming sometimes but hey, we got this. Somehow, things will be okay. Just gotta always believe that. And sometimes we have to cry a bit and feel our feelings so they can pass. Just make sure to take care of yourself.
And you said you got 2 cats right?? What are their names? If you want to share of course :) give them a nice cuddle, there’s nothing better than kitty cuddles!🐱
omg sorry for taking so long :( but I finally got some time to answer (it's currently 1am so forgive any typo)
yeah, for sure!!! I love the whole album, even the ones I ranked lower. for me it's her best pop album to date, she did SOMETHING! and I'm so glad we are having visuals this era!!!! I missed it sm
I would love to see a documentary like LPSS! it was so interesting hearing about it and I love the "live" versions but I'm just so so so happy with all we got already!!! and the visuals?? impeccable
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this is such a good idea too! I'd love to hear her. maybe she can get a space somewhere and just record a few episodes? I don't know... I just would love to hear her opinion about random things like books or movies hahaha
awww I hope you can make it to the tour!! I'll be doing my best to get tickets for sureee, especially because she's coming here after a long time (can you believe the last time she came her was during Red era??)
favourite lyrics? hmm, I think You're On Your Own Kid. really resonated with me and how I see things/life. Would've, Could've, Should've hits HARD too!!
I actually liked Paris so much HAHAHA I haven't heard the deluxe yet when I answered you, I think?!
about Borbie, yeah! some songs reminds me of them but I'm not coming on them (cus spoilers) except for Lavender Haze, which is exceptional. Plus, Bejeweled and High Infidelity are so Barbie...
thank you for the lovely words! you're right, life ain't always easy but that's the ups and downs of being an adult, right?!
and yes, I got TWO CATS! their names are Hakan and Mustafa — the previous owner gave them those names, I don't much about it unfortunately.
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here they are on my bed hahaha 💞
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priesm · 10 months
♡ Munday Meme ♡ 5, 8, 9, 12? ( the last one had a typo jgfdkgh )
🌙 munday asks જ⁀➴ accepting
5. least favourite thing about roleplaying ?
the roleplay police. let people do whatever they want on their blog, if you don't like it, BLOCK THEM. the only time it is justified is if the person is dangerous IN REAL LIFE. otherwise just let it go, it's really not that deep and you might just be stressing this person out for petty reasons.
8. what are some similarities between you and your muse/muses ?
i was definitely extremely lazy when i was in school, i really hated studying and would prefer to just be out eating good food instead. probably not a very positive thing to have in common with usagi but ... she's just too pure to relate to otherwise.
9. What are some differences between you and your muse/muses ?
there's probably a few but her forgiving nature is one of them. if someone disrespects me even once they won't hear from me again. she's very pure-hearted and while i am at peace with myself now, i wouldn't really call myself pure. i would also prefer to be saved than saving others ( depends on the situation of course ).
12. Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back ?
hmm .. i miss melody from tlm ii, as well as sumire from tbhk and maybe chibiusa too !! most muses from my previous mumu tbh. but i don't know, i have low muse for everyone except usagi and ariel.
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eau-duresistance · 10 months
I am truly and properly drunk for the first time and here’s some things I’m noting as all of my friends (and my lover) are falling asleep:
1. My cheeks hurt from laughing and smiling too much
2. I love listening to how each of them fall asleep and how unique they are in their very breaths
3. I fully understand what it means now when people say the room is spinning. My head is still but the rest of my body isn’t; ergo, please forgive any typos or grammar errors
4. I’m hella horny, but I’m horny all the time tbh
5. I love complimenting people. We should compliment people more often, and bring smiles to their faces
6. The girls who work for the same company as I do (different branch) are mean. It’s not the best job but shit, $20 and hour plus benefits in this economy? Cmon man that’s a huge positive
7. There is a ghost of a woman in our bathtub named Lizzie I think. Dark 1930s or 49s hair, green eyes. She’s very kind. Said she got her hair that way by curling it overnight and wearing a silk like head covering thing
8. I love my friends. I love my partner. I love rhat we all have the rare privilege of living together in the same time and space.
9. Life is beautiful in so many small, subtle ways.
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ushas42 · 7 years
replied to your post
“So, these was a puzzle in 999 that involved switching around body...”
Are you planning on googling the choices for the good ending? Because it may be hard to get.
If I play it enough times and still can’t get it, yeah, but I wanna give myself a shot at it first. I already vaguely remember a spoiler off of TVTropes about how to get the good ending.
Things I know and things I don’t under the cut.
It involves the bookmark, yes? I have to reject it once, then take it the second time? Obvs it’s more complicated than that, but that’s the big one, right?
I’ve gotten two other endings now: The submarine ending (twice) and the “Lotus gets murdered” one. I still don’t know what’s going on what’s gong on with the submarine, “everyone dies” end, because it implies that there’s someone on the boat that I don’t know about, but that could be a red herring. The “Lotus is stabbed” one, though, implies that I know my killer, though it doesn’t tell me who they are, and that it was the person who stood to gain the most from her death. That’s pretty vague, given all the number combos, UNLESS I assume the 9th bracelet is still in play (which is a pretty big if) then the most likely killer is shitty Professor Oak over here.
See, the other spoiler I know is that he’s involved with that crap-ass phama company somehow, and also that he can’t see faces, which has made some odd moments a bit less odd. That’s all I know, though. That in itself points towards him being fucky, but not the level to which he is fucky, you know?
So, like, I know most everyone else’s connection to these experiments 9 years ago by now. Seven was a cop (sidebar: How funny is it to me that every time he gets murdered it’s offscreen? Because I can’t imagine anyone actually overpowering him. He was possibly murdered by that pink haired little moppet one time. Jesus, he could just sit on her.) Lotus had two kids that were kidnapped. Clover, Santa, and possibly Snake all seem to be leaning towards having been test subjects. No idea what me and my not-GF have to do with all this, though. And of course I don’t know dick about Mr. Always Dies.
Okay, so, what is UP with those two siblings? Why is the pink one a yandere? Why does the blind one freak the fuck out whenever I mention there’s a lightbulb in the room? Is he a vampire? Pinky Pie said his arm was fake but it looks normal (even on his corpse). How old is pink girl supposed to be? Because she looks like she’s in grade school, but everyone keeps making lewd comments about her so, shit, I hope not.
What happened at Lotus’s job? Does it have to do with her kids? I got some Bad Feelings about this, Scoob. Also, don’t indicate to me that a woman is in her 40s by just SAYING that she’s too old for her booblar outfit while not having the courage to draw her with anything but perky balloon tits.
Am I crazy, or is Santa just Pietro Maximoff with the serial numbers filed off? Did I do something wrong, not click on the right thing or something, that a guy nicknamed SANTA was in a room full of COAL and no one made a joke about it?
Who was that dead guy if he wasn’t Zero? Why do people keep bringing up this ice mummy? I really don’t wanna deal with an ice mummy. Did that double entendre miscommunication conversation about elevator fucking imply that I’m a virgin?
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
Open Heart, Book 1, Chapter 14 Retold through social media posts and messages All posts here
Warning: Language 
Providence, RI
Posted at 5:44 PM
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Received at 5:45 PM Nurses’ group chat named “tea spill”
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Providence, RI
Posted at 5:51 PM
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Sent at 5:59 PM 
from: Harper Emery 
to: Ethan Ramsey 
status: Unanswered
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Sent at 6:20 PM
pictagram group chat titled “F is for friends who do stuff together”
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Sent at 6:30 PM 
text group chat titled “Lilac protection squad”
members: Bryce Lahela, Rafael Aveiro, Sienna Trinh, Elijah Greene, Jackie Varma, Lilac Allende
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Posted at 6:39 PM
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Mass printed by Edenbrook staff at 6:46 PM
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Drafted at  7:03 PM 
from: Ethan Ramsey 
to: Lilac Allende 
status: Unsent, deleted
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sent at  7:05 PM
from: Ethan Ramsey
to: Harper Emery
status: Unanswered 
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Posted at  10:45 PM during a break from treating patients 
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Sent at 10:38 PM
From: Wayne Bradley Torning 
to: Sienna Trinh
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Posted at 10:46 PM
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Sent at 10:48 PM
from: Lilac Allende 
to: Sienna Trinh
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Posted at 10:50 PM
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Posted at 10:53 PM
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Sent at 12:09 AM
from: Harper Emery 
to: Ethan Ramsey
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Posted at  12:57 AM
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Posted at  1:16 AM
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Sent at  9:12 AM
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Boston, MA
A day later
Sent at 11:51 AM
from: Alan Ramsey to: Ethan Ramsey
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Notes: Okay, that was shorter than my usual posts but I wanted to get to Chapter 15 so bad. Are we ready to get ****** by Ethan? Thank you so much for reading this! Please forgive any typos as they are sort of impossible to fix without starting all over again. 
*Tagging in reblog
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sophwrites00 · 3 years
Saved - Hank Voight
Request : @mcgreads : Hey can I request a Hank Voight and reader where the reader is younger and apart of the unit and her and Voight are together as well as her being best friends with Casey and she's with Platt during that episode where she' on the T.V. interview and the bomb goes off and Voight is worried and giving out orders as not only his bestfriend is in there but also his girl and he communicates with Casey as well. Lots of fluff in the end please❤
Please forgive me if the lines aren't said by the correct people I have the transcript but it does not tell me who said what so I am going off memory!
Word Count - 1733
You work as a secretary at the front desk of District 21, you had been working there for a few months when Trudy asked if you would go to an T.V interview with her, having not wanting to go alone and embarrass herself
Walking up the stair to intelligence you dropped their mail off to them and made your way into you boyfriends office closing the door behind you
Walking over to him you sat your self down in his lap and rested your head on his shoulder
"Trudy and I are going to leave soon" You informed him as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed a kiss to your forehead
"Be safe please" he said while resting his heat on top of yours
"I will I promise" You reply looking him in the eyes he leans down and you two share a kiss that was interrupted by a knock on the door
The door opened reveling Trudy
"Hey Voight is Y/N in here" She asked with out looking up from her file
"Yep right here" he replied as you sit up in his lap
"Oh good it's time to go, I'm driving" She said then turned and walked out
"Alright ill see you later when we get back" You say giving Hank one last kiss and taking his brown leather jacket with you before leaving
--------- At the interview ---------
You and Trudy had just gotten to the news station where the interview was being held, walking onto the interview set Trudy was taken to a seating area to starts the interview
"I'm so excited to be here today with Trudy Platt" the host says as Trudy sits with a smile, before Trudy could reply a beeping sound is heard through out the studio
"What is that" one person asks
--------- Before the explosion at 21 ---------
"Platts on in two. Everyone! Adam!" Kim yells
"Antonio, come on" Kim said
"We're not staying, I'm gonna do paper work at home" Antonio said looking up from his desk for a split second
"Hey, Eva. What's up, kid" Adam said as he walked out of the hallway
"My father's a fascist" she replied
"Okay, I don't know what to do with that" Adam says surprised
"Okay, everybody be quiet" Kim said "Platt's on TV.
"Betty's sitting down to discuss the new friendly face of the Chicago PD" the producer said
"What friendly face is that" Jay joked
"Betty" the producer said
"Thank you Shri, I'm so exited to be here today with Sergeant Trudy Platt, from the 21st District" Betty said
"She couldn't possibly hate this more" Adam joked
'It's my pleasure, I'm hap-I'm happy to be here." Trudy said with a big fake smile
"I wonder what Y/N's doing and if she's laughing as hard ass we are" Erin chimed in
"Is everything okay?" Trudy asked as they all heard a beeping
"I think that's coming from my office" Sheri said before an explosion went off
"What the hell happened" Kim said as they all grabbed their coats and things before making their way to the News Station with their boss who was pissed more than ever
--------- Back at the New station Y/N's POV ---------
"Sheri, Sheri hey stay with me" Trudy said
"All the exits are blocked we're stuck" I said coughing slightly
Trudy looked up scared then looked around the room
"Okay we are going to go into the back room and wait for help, and everything will be okay, because we are getting out of here" Trudy said while  dragging Sheri's barely conscious body into the back dressing room
As Trudy and I made it into the dressing room I noticed a sink and check if the water was running, which it was, I grabbed 3 rags and soaked them in water then handed Trudy two of the
"Sheri, are you still with me? Sheri, come on girl stay with me, Stay with me Sheri" Trudy said while trying to get Sheri to keep her eyes open
I sat on the floor next to Trudy slightly panicking when heard people walking and yelling
"Fire department. Call Out" I looked to Trudy and started to yell
"Here, we're in here" I yelled as many time as i could before i started coughing again
The door swung open and revealing Mouch, Kelly, and Matt
"Okay lets get you ladies out of here" Kelly said while picking Sheri up while Mouch help Trudy and Casey helped me
"Are you okay are you hurt" He said going into protective friend mode.
"I'm okay" I said while coughing, matt picked me up bridal style and carried me out the building
"Hank" I said when I seen my boyfriend who looked more pissed than ever, once he heard me he rushed to Casey who was helping me stand
"OH thank god" Hank said relived to see me
"You're going to med" Hank said with Matt agreeing
"We don't need any more surprises today" Matt said
"Hank you take her, ill try and meet you both later I got to go" Matt said to his two closest friends as he turned to go back into the building with his squad
--------- Third person POV ---------
Hank rode in the back of the ambulance with Y/N to the hospital, holding her hand the whole time
At the hospital Y/N was put into a trauma room and checked over thoroughly as she was close to the blast
"Okay you seem to have no major injury's, I am going to do some blood work, and put you on some oxygen for a few hours to get your levels back to normal, but other than that you seem fine and should be able to go home by tonight" Dr. Halstead said
"Thank you" Y/N replied before Will left
"You should go back to work, ill be okay" Y/N said to hank as she laid her head back onto the pillow and looked up at Hank
"No I should be here with you" He protested shaking his head
"I'll be okay I will call you if I need anything you should be out there helping your team" Y/N said
"Fine but i will be back to check up on you soon" Hank said
"Okay" Y/N said with a small smile, Hank pressed his lips to hers and left, soon after Will came back into the room
"Okay your blood work is back" Will stated "You both look good, try and keep it easy for the next few days, no heavy lifting for at least a week" He said
"Wait both" Y/N said
"Oh, you didn't know. Congratulations, Y/N your pregnant" He said with a smile "I'll have Nat come in for an ultrasound to see how far along you are" he stated before being called out for another trauma
Matt walked into the room still in his turnouts
"Hey peach, how are ya?" He asked with a smile
"I'm okay" Y/N said with a small smile
"I have a request though" Y/N said with a big smile looking at him
"what?" He said looking at me suspiciously
"Chick-Fil- A" Y/N said with puppy dog eyes
"Your lucky I like you, ill see what I can do" He said before kissing my head and leaving
Nat came in a little while after and we did the ultra sound and Y/n is 5 weeks pregnant, soon after Nat left both Hank and Matt walked in
"Hey baby" Hank said as he kissed my head
"I came with your food but I cant stay long" Matt said holding up the fast food bag
"Yay thank you" Y/N said happily, they all sat for a while and talk, later on Matt left and not long after Y/N was discharged she and Hank made their way home
Y/N sat on the couch and put her feet in  Hanks lap letting him rub her feet
"Hey, We need to talk" Y/N said moving her feet from Hanks lap and moving closer to sit next to him
"What wrong, Hun" Hank asked worriedly
--------- Y/N's POV ---------
"So I got some news after you left the hospital earlier" I stated looking at Hank " and it's good news depending on how you take it and if you don't take it good then I don't know what I'm going to do be-" I said rambling only being cut off by Hank
"Hey, hey, hey take a breath and try to calm down alright" Hank said while pulling me into his lap, taking a few deep breaths I was able to calm down
"I'm pregnant" I said looking into his eye's
"A-Are you sure" He asked looking at me with hope, I nodded and he pulled me close to his body
We stayed like that for a while and I could feel my self falling asleep in the warmth of Hanks arms
I felt Hank lift me and carry me to our bedroom he laid me down and got in bed next to me, that night Hank's  arms felt tighter around my waist and I could feel his hand resting against my still flat stomach
The next morning Matt had come over for brunch and we told him he was over the moon to become an uncle just as Hank and I are over the moon to become parents
--------- Authors Note --------- Aaahhh I finally finished this story and I am proud because I have worked so hard on this request over the past week! If you find any typo's please let me know I did my best to fix them as I went!!
Thank you for reading have a god day/ night love ya byeeeeee
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