#forget 'If You Give a Mouse a Cookie'
gadzooksgalore · 7 months
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I stumbled upon this post and was immediately inspired to try replicating it with Cricket, since one of her favorite foods is nuts! It's been a rough season for mental health/creativity and I haven't touched my drawing tablet in over a month, so I was a bit hesitant to give it a shot. But I'm glad I did ;u;
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jimmyspades · 7 months
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18-year-old James Spader in his film debut, Team-Mates (1978)
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steerage · 1 year
Babe, wake up! Surprise Strange New Worlds x Lower Decks crossover ep just dropped early!
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pandorasworkshop · 1 year
🐇Welcome to Wonderland- Pick a Card
Who from Alice in wonderland do you embody? And what's something good about you.
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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Pile 1
Cards: the muses, the trout and lilly of the valley, the hare, three of cups and the sun
Character: white rabbit, door mouse, the march hare
Reading: You know how to have fun but I feel as if there is a little bit of social anxiety. May be a bit sleepy and have a pure heart. You genuinely mean well for your friends and are a go with the flow type of person. Creative talents and self expression is important to you. You are a good learner and work hard you should slow down sometimes when you feel stressed. I feel like you may be pretty like a bunny. With the sun card people view you as honest and bright. You may have a bit of a sweet tooth or have a signature drink you always drink. With the hare card I feel like you are a messenger and may warn people about things they need to know. You are smart and know how to get yourself out of a sticky situation. Rewrite any doubts about yourself.
Signs: 113, white rabbits or any rabbits for that matter, the feeling you have been forgetting something, card games, tweed fabric, academic style, vampire movies, peonies and white roses, the chess cookies that are square.
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Pile 2
Cards: the storyteller, the sailor, coyote and datura, the moth and eucalyptus, the fool and six of cups
Character: Cheshire cat, the caterpillar, and Alice
Reading: You are a great storyteller and may get into a bit of mischief. You have a lot of wisdom that comes from living life and feel like people don't give you enough credit for that. You may be a little bit of a rebel but you know how to throw a party and get into fun. You may smoke or drink and if you don't you may be an avid tea drinker. You always know something before others do and have keen sixth sense and great observations skills. You may be neurodivergent or think a little differently about life than others. You have a child-like sense of humor and find things to laugh at. Joyous to be around. You are always down for something new and consistency may be a problem for you. You like to experiment in your tastes whether it's style, food and anything in between. You like to go to new places and experience life for all the nice things it has. You are curious about life and like to learn new things. Maybe school wasn't for you.
Signs: 444, blue butterfly, cats, fur coats, swords, beautiful crystals, responsibilities, feeling bored, caviar or any other types of fancy fish, silver jewelry, mushrooms.
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Pile 3
Cards: the tailor, the herald, the horse and blue bells, beaver and birch, king of cups, queen of wands, ten of wands
Characters: mad hatter and queen of hearts
Reading: You are a hard worker and leader. Both of these characters lead. You may feel burnt out and need to rest. You are a person of many talents and skills. You are humble about yourself and may be a bit of a queen bee unknowingly. You have great fashion sense and are responsible. You may have struggled with depression. You are a survivor and have a lot of strength in you. Many people would say you feel like home and you are good at comforting your friends. No one knows what your next move is and you keep people on your toes. You'll always land on your feet like a cat. People feel safe around you and you have a lot of advice to share. I feel like you need to rest. You deserve a proper vacation or spa day. Whatever will make you happiest. Remember you come first.
Signs: 1111, red wine, apples, learning to accept help, those warm knitted blankets, satin, the color red, community, dahlias, the game Alice madness returns, violin and piano, spirited away.
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sadly-in-active · 4 months
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Affogato Cookie x Amnesiac Reader
Summary: "This is a while after he got exiled, but a long time before the Great Flour Ailment whitewashing appeared. You, one of the Watchers suffered a gruesome head injury while dealing with an enemy, causing you to knock out cold. Before you crumble in the snow, Affogato coincidentally found you suffering and decided to help you out for his own gain before realizing that you had zero clear memories and didn’t know who he was. So he tries to manipulate you obvi" 💜
TW: Loss of blood (or…jam? In this universe, jam. Yep.)
FOR THE NEXT PART: Attempted manipulation, failed poisoning attempt, and he just loves toying with your head and all sweetie be warned
You were the Fourth Watcher. As such, you were tasked with being on the far borders of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, reporting to others about any trouble. Sometimes you ran into Crunchy Chip Cookie, exchanged a few words, MAYBE pet one of his cream wolves if he was feeling nice, then went back to do your duties. It was a fulfilling job, despite the occasional longing to go back and talk to your fellow Watchers once more.
So, you had a normal routine. A routine that got extremely off-track while you were by the cliffs.
You were just scouting for any enemies, when a chill went down your back as something breathed heavily right next to you, its warm exhale hitting the back of your head.
You didn’t turn around. After all, why would you if you already know what it was?
The snow lion of nightmares. The Wraith of the Peaks…
It was like you could feel daggers as sharp as its pupils stabbing you right in the back. A shaky breath left your lips before you reached for your arrow pocket as swiftly as you could.
But the beast was stronger. Not faster, but much more stronger. It let out a yowl of fury, its screams reverberating in your ears as you felt the arrowhead make connection with the snow lion’s shoulder, giving you time to run like your life depended on it — which it did.
Your eyes were glazed with panic and relief, trying as hard as you could to steady your breathing as the strawberry jam rushed to your head, your dough felt like it would self-destruct and crumble right there.
Unfortunately for you, the beast wasn’t quite finished toying with its mouse. You could still feel yourself running like you never have before, but it was futile as the snow lion struck a hard blow to your chest, sending you flying more then a few feet back into some rocks, your fall cushioned only by the thin layer of sugar snow on said rocks.
Your consciousness was fading quickly, and so was your life. All you could do was lay there, your scarlet jam seeping into the snow below as the beast approached you slowly, the normal strength it would have in its walk half-gone to the irritating arrow that you stabbed into it.
Yet as the beast’s cold diamond pupils stared at your body, it let out a growl, wondering why its mouse was going limp and acting foolish.
Why wouldn’t this one run? Was this measly fool going to shrivel up and crumble? What a shame, you were no fun after all.
In an act of annoyance and aggression at your weak body, it swatted at you, but narrowed its eyes and walked away when you didn’t respond.
Honestly, the snow lion actually enjoyed it when you ran. It was much more fun.
And there you were, half-dead, barely breathing. Your Watcher robes did nothing to keep in your scarlet essence. You were unconsciously begging for the Alter of the Fallen to take you with them. To join their ranks.
And yet…a hand shook your shoulder gently, before pausing to drag you by the legs.
Heck, you were so numb you couldn’t feel anything. It was good you didn’t, because the strawberry jam that flowed out as you were dragged looked like someone’s failed calligraphy lessons.
You faintly heard someone speak, before fully going unconscious and limp.
“Well, well, well…what have we here?”
Hey if you like this please urge me to continue because I am going to absolutely forget about this later on oml-
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Could I request TADC with a character who has abandonment issues and is afraid they’ll be left alone again? 🥺 thank you in advance!
TADC cast x reader who has abandonment issues!
rubs my silly little hands (the admin also has abandonment issues/is working through them) gonna answer a few requests then i think i might make meringue cookies (they have a weird packing peanut texture that i love. or at least how i think they would feel, admin has never actually touched or chewed a packing peanut but he likes to think this is what they feel like)
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honestly if anything you might have to ask him to give YOU some space; caine in his spare time always wants to spend it around with you. doesnt even matter if you guys are doing something, he will literally just hover and run his mouth because he just cant get tired of you. so i think out of all of the cast hes going to be the one where to feel the most secure around since he pours his heart out about how much he loves you (whether platonically or romantically!). even when youre away off doing something else, hes likely gushing about you to anyone who will, and sometimes even wont, listen. embodiment of the "shes my girlfriend ehehe" mickey mouse meme that i saw going around a few weeks ago; point is theres nothing you need to worry about! however he listens when you share your worries, and squashes them down with reassurances and affirmations
oooo okay so this one is interesting because pomni is actively looking for an exit out of the digital world. and i think that this is common knowledge to just about everyone around her, you included. so i think that this might very likely feed into your fear of her leaving you behind... because what are the chances you guys would reunite if she actually found an exit? i mean can you imagine? and thats even assuming you guys would remember your time in the digital world when you return; im kind of on the fence on whether or not the digital memories would still be there after an escape, since you forget everything when you enter the digital world... (also as a side note for fluff with that idea imagine meeting with whoever after escaping and not knowing youve met before but you guys still fall for one another. this isnt just for pomni but for any of the characters. love that idea, so much)
anyways, as ive said a few times before pomni is... not good at comforting... but she sure as hell were try.. though, even she doesnt seem so sure of herself when she says shes going to be looking for you when you both escape, like shes scared you guys will be separated forever
as sweet and caring as ever, if you confide in her about your fears shes going to make sure youre not left in your thoughts. the best at reassuring you, and perhaps even pulls up an activity for the two of you to do together so you have something to get your mind off of it. if you dont approach her, shes going to notice that something is wrong with you and ask you yourself if youre okay and if theres something on your mind... does her best to stamp out your thoughts of fear and doubt, shes not going anywhere and she doesnt intend on abstracting anytime soon (though, can she really help it, if she ever does?)
point is i think out of all of the characters shes going to be the best in terms of comfort and making you feel safe and secure; and if it makes you feel any better you guys come up with a system of sorts to pin down the other if you guys ever escape the digital world; so you can find one another.. very sweet stuff, i think
while ragatha is the best in terms of giving comfort and security, jax is probably the worst. the guy does not particularly scream the most emotionally mature and available; if anything i think he might brush off your worries with soft jabs like "dont be dumb, im not gonna go anywhere" or something in that vein. as per usual i think it would take you showing real big signs of distress for him to drop the whole asshole thing and try to make you feel better and assure you that hes not going to go anywhere. and even then its still a little.... eh... i mean jax isnt the best at comforting people; its not really his... thing, you know? sure he wont turn his back on you or make you feel bad (on purpose) but his main way of assuring you is just pushing the statement that hes not going to leave you be ("besides, im not done messing with you yet,") and even offers to hang out with you for the day/until you feel better
similar deal with caine in the case of "youre probably going to be the one asking for space" simply because kinger is too paranoid that something is going to happen to you that hes always trailing you and keeping you in his line of sight... honestly, i think his fears might even mirror your own; youre scared that hes going to leave you behind, and hes scared that something is going to happen to you and you wont be around anymore. neither of you can bury the thought... and in a weird, and perhaps even an unhealthy way depending on how intense it is and how you personally view it, you guys find comfort in your shared fears. like a confirmation that the two of you are too afraid to let go... you poor things... in short, you dont need to worry about anything, kinger is not going to be going anywhere..! in terms of comfort, he lets you hug and hold him and mess with his robes fur while reassuring you. back pats n rubs are in order, me thinks
while zooble might come off as mean and cold, i dont think theyre exactly an asshole. sure they can come off as such thanks to their tone and attitude, but they care about you and while they struggle with expressing that... theyre trying their best... so at least theres an effort to let you know that they at least enjoy your presence..! their... flat voice doesnt really do them any favors but thats just how they talk. very firm in telling you that theyre not going anywhere, and to the point about it. while the others may go on tangents about why they wont leave, zooble will be blunt in simply saying that they care about you and that youre cool and that theyre not planning on just up and ditching you. now THATS not cool, unless you did something to them that warranted such a reaction... but what are the odds of that + then they would be in their right to bounce yk?
that aside, theyre firm and blunt in terms of comforting you, and often times offer to let you take the reigns for the day to choose what you guys do, in an attempt to make you feel better with something you enjoy!
oh ho ho i think she would also have abandonment issues.... i mean it comes with the shy artist thing, you know? outcast weird kid who actually is a neurodivergant individual energy, you know? ponders. so i think, similar to kingers piece you guys find mutual comfort in the fact youre both so scared of the other leaving (again, the energy around that is up to you) and in an odd way it brings you two even closer. though, i dont think that would be enough for either of you to actually overcome your fear of abandonment, because ultimately its both something you guys need to work on... but why do it alone? you guys probably share tips and build each other up, going through something with a friend/partner isnt as scary or intimidating as doing it alone... so thats nice, i think..! not many ideas for gangle, unfortunately but i think i will leave this open with the concept of both of you healing and all that :3
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ceilingfan5 · 4 months
some people (so I've been told) can pack a suitcase no problem, they just neatly put in the things they know for sure they'll need, knowing that the space is finite and less is more
packing for me is the 4d chess of having to preemptively play if you give a mouse a cookie with myself and ALSO clairvoyantly avoid any possible disaster of any scale and then still forgetting three important things
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hi i am re-entering into my outsiders era a bit so i have a lil request - the gang being friends w an art kid? like drawing and painting and sculpting and stuff
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The boys with an art kid reader
A/N: i know the second req said hcs but i really wanted to write a little piece for this! also i’m in that mid-year phase where i want it to be christmas already so this is set at christmas. Y/N and Two-Bit are a bit of a thing cause i love two bit and i wanna write cute things with him so shush
Tags: fluff
Warnings: none!
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It was Christmas eve at the Curtis house, the gang had a tradition of doing their gift-giving then rather than Christmas day so everyone could spend the day with their families, though they normally met up later in the day anyway. “Woah Y/N this is amazing!” ponyboy stared in awe of the bookmark y/n made for him with a sunset painted on it with watercolour. “I’m glad you like it.” Y/N gave Pony a warm smile and handed a bigger package to Darry. He opened it and smiled to himself. “A new baking bowl! just what i needed!” Soda laughed. “Grandma Dar and his baking.” Darry set the bowl down carefully far away from them so it wouldn’t get broken before pulling Sodapop into a headlock. “i won’t make you cookies no more then, see how you like that!” The two wrestled on the ground before Soda gave up. Y/N laughed and handed presents to the rest of the gang.
Johnny gasped when he opened his present. Dally looked over at him and could’ve sworn he was close to tears. “Y/N this is beautiful.” He looked at the small piece of paper in his hand. it was a pencil drawing of all the gang together, it was small enough to fit into a wallet, which y/n knew johnny carried around because all the gang had pitched in to buy it for his birthday. Y/N smiled but was interrupted before they could say anything by soda stomping his feet. Y/N had made him a watercolour painting of a horse, he recognised who it was right away. it was his horse, mickey mouse. “Y/N how did you get this!!” He was also close to tears but he was smiling from ear to ear. “well it’s a long story, yknow the way my parents own a ranch? well they somehow knew who bought mickey mouse all those years ago and i got in contact with them. i went to their ranch about 4 hours drive away. obviously i didn’t have the money to buy him off the rancher but i got a picture and painted it, that way you’ll always have him.” Y/N smiled. in reality mickey mouse had died about two years ago and that was just a picture the farmer had but Sodapop didn’t have to know that.
Dally opened his gift. “what is it?” Dally looked confused. Y/N laughed. “They’re fingerless gloves, crocheted. that way your hands might be slightly warmer than ice like they normally are, but you can still have full use of your hands cause let’s be honest the fingers are always annoying in gloves.” Dally smiled, he’d never admit it, but he appreciated the thought. “Y/N! This is so cool!” Y/N looked at him and smiled. Steve held up a sleeveless denim jacket with the back panel painted black with “you can’t handle the randle” painted on in big red letters and fire painted at the bottom. The front had little embroideries on it too. all things that meant something to Steve. “Glad you like it!”
“You’re so talented Y/N! But uh- where’s my present?” Two-Bit chuckled, he’d been surprisingly quiet up until now. Y/N gasped “Oh shit. i forgot your present.” They laughed about it and Y/N promised to give it to him the next day. After a while Two-Bit went out to the front porch to smoke a cigarette and Y/N followed him a few minutes later. Once they knew the two of them were alone they turned to Two-Bit. “I didn’t forget your present, i just wanted to give it to you away from the others.” They pulled a small box out of their pocket. it had red wrapping paper and black ribbon on it. Two-Bit took it from them and opened it carefully. Inside was a ring with ‘i love you’ engraved on the inside. On the outside intricate patterns were also engraved, but it didn’t look too busy or cluttered, just pretty and detailed. “i didn’t make this one, but i designed it” Two-Bit put it on and when he rubbed his thumb along the surface he realised it could spin. he played with it for a moment before Y/N spoke again. “it helps to calm you down or distract you when, y’know-” Two-Bit nodded. Y/N knew he struggled with anxiety, all the gang did to a degree, but he had it the worst by far. “it’s beautiful darlin, it really is. Thank you.” Two-Bit hugged Y/N before looking around to see if anyone was there. when he was sure there wasn’t he gave them a quick kiss. none of the boys knew about the two of them, and they don’t want any of them finding out this way. “Happy christmas my love.” Y/N whispered. “Happy christmas.” Two replied, smiling to himself.
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marvanne111 · 9 months
moments I love in "Tempting Fête"
"I can only read what I've got written down, Mr. Funt." "Councilor Funt! -Funn, Councilor Funn."
the fact that it's been 11 years of this Funn/ Funt debate (alternatively, that both the reverend and the mayor have addressed him properly the last three episodes and seemed to have no problem with it)
"Yes, well, I'll see what I'm doing that day" -leading the funeral, one would hope?
underrated bit of the series in general: cell service only being available in the reverend's bathroom
"I think he's quite dishy" (this scratches such an itch in my brain; I quote it once a week)
the mayor and reverend (who will be dating by the end of the episode) agreeing emphatically with the above statement
the reverend wearing eye shadow! (incredible, show stopping, spectacular, never been seen before)
"It was one mouse! and, and I don't know anything about it"
"All opposed?" "... I mean, I'd say opposed is a strong word-" "Done! Carried unanimously!"; "All opposed? "I, uh-" "Overruled! Motion carried!"
"We already have an identity: it's miserable and it works." (i want this on a t-shirt)
"There hasn't been a fête for eleven years." "Astonishing. Who's in charge of local events?" "Rudyard." "Ah."
"Look, it's easy to throw money around and get excited about rustic dancing, but we've got-" "I'LL SAY IT IS!"
"His world had once again become an increasingly scary place. There was only one thing left to do..." "Georgie?" "Yeah?" "We're emigrating."; "It was time for swift and decisive action, and there was only one place to head for: Reverend Wavering's bathroom"; at the funeral I was able to witness Rudyard, bereft of Reverend and with few attendees, deliver a stirring and entirely improvised speech about the circuities of fate, the struggles of discord, and an intractable acceptance of the way the cookie crumbles, a sermon that moved the late Basil Corbett’s niece to say, quite simply:" "We want our money back" (some really fantastic narration moments in this one that make me giggle every time)
Rudyard including Madeleine in the emigration plans is said so sweetly and it honestly makes me a little soft
"One word: Chapman." "I should return his calls-" "Chapman?" "- probably won't, though"
"Rudyard, other people do those things for you!" "Conscription?" "Volunteering!"
"I, I, I do like spreadsheets!"
(No Madeleine, I hate raffles!") (these posts are always so Rudyard-centric lol and it's helped me come to the conclusion that he really is the funniest)
"Do you know how many gallons of fluid I'll have to drain from a man that size? Possibly thousands!" "What a ridiculous lie!" (this is another one that I quote often lol)
"I wish I were Mrs. Carnegie!" "You will be, Mrs, Turner. You will be." (WHAT IS THIS RESPONSE?!)
"Fancy a funeral?" "That a threat?"; "Don't forget your funeral." "Was that a threat?"
"Socializing? That'd take up ten minutes and then what would they do? No. Perpetual scheduled activity, that's the way."
"Put some clothes on!" "IT'S MY HOUSE!"
"Antigone?" "What?!" "Helicopters!" "Go back to your side of the table."
"Now get over there and sabotage something!" "*sigh* Fine." "Do you really think that's going to help?" "Oh maybe not, but it'll cheer me up."
"Called up the family, made up a story about... well, re-organizing a fête, that sort of thing." "How did they react?" "Well, they weren't very happy..." "But?" "No, that's it, they weren't very happy."
"You know, I can actually see your future." "Oh yes?" "Mmm hmm. And it involves this crystal ball getting shoved STRAIGHT up your-"
"Alright sir! Mission accomplissshhhhed." "Hello, Georgie." "Hello..." "Get out, Georgie." "Goodbye..."
The Mayor trying to rustic dance for a couple of hours before giving up
Lady Templar's glass eye. (That's it. That's the post.)
"He'd be spinning in the grave you haven't put him in yet!" (best line of the episode honestly)
"What a dreadful little man!" "Yes... mind you, he looks good in a suit"
"Even in a crowd, they all look lonely" (🤌🤌🤌)
"Can't win 'em all" 'Winning anything at all would be a nice change." (also want this on a t-shirt)
"You like to be the hero, don't ya?" (Georgie's the GOAT)
"Rudyard. Do you know what this chap did?" "Yes, he told me" (my man is already so tired of Eric lol)
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2024 Megaman Valentine’s Day Fanart Contest Rules Thread *CLOSED*
Hiya. Anybody still using social media or drawing and not using AI? OK, cool. Drawing neat Meganman pics contest #17 for Lovey Dovey Day sponsored by me and stuff is go time. After last year was a little different, and went the gift exchange route, it's back to your regularly-scheduled competition this season. The deadline this year will be on Tues., Mar. 12th, 2024. Nearly a month AFTER Valentine's Day? Wh…why? Because I'm tired, and you all are too, that's why. Or, well, read on to find out. XD As is the usual norm, there are two categories this year, one for Talent and one for Humor. You are allowed to submit one entry for each category, if you would like. If you place in one category, you will be automatically disqualified from the other, for reasons of fairness, and to give other people a chance to win a prize.
CATEGORY 1 (Talent): Black and White Day
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This year, good ol' Steamboat Willie, the first Mickey Mouse cartoon, went into public domain and people got somewhat excited about that. On top of games like Cuphead or Bendy and the Ink Machine, the retro look of 'Rubber Hose' animation has had a bit of a revival over recent years. You might even know a fellow Mega Man artist or two who has experimented with that style, or maybe even own a Mega Man shirt that has the pic above on it, as I do. So, for this year's talent category, your goal will be to create a beautiful monochrome piece in a retro Rubber Hose art style celebrating the pseudo-Valentine's holiday known as White Day. What is White Day? How would you draw something for it? If you've played X DiVE, you certainly know about the White Day outfits for characters such as Alia, Cinnamon or Axl. But here is a basic explanation via Wikipedia: "White Day is relatively new, created by the confectionery industry in Japan. White Day was first celebrated in 1978. It is celebrated one month after Valentine's Day, on March 14th. It started as an "answer day" to Valentine's Day on the grounds that men should pay back the women who gave them chocolate and other gifts on Valentine's Day. Men are expected to return gifts that are at least two or three times more valuable than the gifts received in Valentine's Day. The color white was chosen because it's the color of purity, evoking "pure, sweet teen love", and because it's also the color of sugar. Gift exchanges happen between romantic partners, friends, and coworkers. Traditionally, popular White Day gifts include food like white chocolate, marshmallows, candy, cookies, and other "white" accessories like jewelry, bags, lotions, and lingerie."
Content Requirements: * Mega Man characters of your choice celebrating White Day * Mimicking retro "rubber hose" art style (Eg: Steamboat Willie era Mickey Mouse, Betty Boop, Popeye, Cuphead, etc.) * Black and white/monochrome palette. Seeing as this is a Mega Man contest, a retro Game Boy screen-like greenish tint is acceptable. As it is for love, I will also accept a garish Virtual Boy reddish tint, if you are that daring. Otherwise, try to keep your art retro-looking, using black, white and grey. No full-color illustrations for this category. * As this is the talent category, judging will be primarily based on the effort, creativity & overall concept of your piece. How well you pull off the rubber hose style for your characters and how well your picture fits the White Day theme.
CATEGORY 2 (Humor): Showing Some Skins
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If you are like me, you have a favorite skin/outfit in X DiVE and you never end up changing it out. It may not be Christmas or Halloween anymore, but you might be that person who always uses Christmas Ferham or Halloween Vile, regardless of the time of year. So, forget the Cupid costumes or giant teddy bear outfits this Valentine's. Create your own holiday skin/outfit you wish would have been implemented in DiVE, but it's being worn at the wrong time of year. For the humor category this year, I would like you to create a funny Valentine's day pic where some character is wearing the wrong holiday outfit/skin that kinda changes the whole mood of a romantic evening together. Then again, it may or may not kill the romance, and might enhance it. Whether it be St. Patrick's Day Toad Man driving Snake Man and Ophiuchus out of a candle-lit restaurant, Tron Bonne picking up her date on her Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Float Gustaff, Tax Day Armor X crunching numbers with Alia in bed while asking her if she plans to file single or jointly this year, or someone risking themselves for President's Day sexy Mr. Lincoln skin Proto Man, the romantic holiday mismatches are endless!
Content Requirements: * A Megaman character of your choice wearing any holiday-themed skin/outfit that does not really belong for Valentine's Day, in a Valentine's Day setting. * As this is the humor category, judging will be based primarily on how funny your piece is. Creativity, concept and execution may get you some bonus points. But the focus of this category is how well you make us laugh, not how technically skilled you are at art!
The winners for both the Talent and Humor categories will receive the following:
1st Place: $175 USD 2nd Place: $100 USD 3rd Place: $75 USD
When you submit, I would prefer you include the following information in this format, along with your entry:
(Your name/preferred alias) – As much as I usually know who you are, there’s always someone new or somebody who has a different preference from what their email name says. A link to your preferred social media account also works.
(Category this entry is for) – You can either say 1/2, or Talent/Humor
Anything else you feel I need to know about your piece is always welcome.
Only submit your own work, as usual. Any character, major or minor, from any series is allowed. Pairing characters from different series is totally allowed. Same-gender pairings are completely fine. OCs are allowed, as long as your art contains at least one canon Megaman character.
As always, participants are allowed to submit from all over the world.
Paypal is still the preferred method for cash prize payouts. Please have a valid account to receive your winnings.
Youngin’s, get your parents permission before entering.
Entries can either be e-mailed to me at rock2125[at]hotmail[dot]com, or you can just DM/note me a link to your pic.
DO NOT post your pics in this thread, your dA galleries, Twitter, tumblr blogs, other sites, etc. until the contest is over. This is the fairest way for competitive reasons. I prefer to keep them all secret until the deadline has passed. I’ll edit a confirmed entry list in this thread when I receive them. So you won’t be in the dark about whether or not I’ve received your entry.
The deadline for this contest will be Tuesday, March 12th, 2024, by the global end of the day. This gives you nearly 2 months to finish your entries! And if I'm lucky, results can be posted on or near White Day, which is March 14th. A little different this year, both to give people more time, and to fit in with this year's themes mixing it up.
As usual, If you don’t plan to enter, but would like to help me judge, please let me know through DM or mention so here. Never hurts to have extra opinions on all the entries.
Bug me with questions if you have any. Please join in, and good luck to everyone who enters!
Confirmed Entries:
Cat 1 Talent - HikariLux, @eulogysinger, Kaitlin.EXE, @wennastudio, Komito, @sylviidaee,
Cat 2 Humor - AbilityField, @aurantia-ignis, Miralie
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bicycle4two · 2 years
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christmas oneshot starring  jason and his little mouse from built to love, but broken now
find more ficlets of this couple here
I saw Jason kissing...
Honestly, Jason didn’t mean to forget Christmas.
To be fair, it’s Christmas Eve so he didn’t actually forget Christmas itself, but still,  it’s cutting it close and, well,  it’s a holiday that’s kind of hard to miss with all the red and green décor. Frankly, he hasn’t had much to do with the holiday the past two years, never really had anyone to celebrate it with, to buy gifts for, so it was more out of habit that he paid no mind to the lights, the music, all the peppermint flavored food advertised on café and restaurant windows.
It’s in pretty poor practice that he doesn’t notice such obvious signs, he’s a detective, he’s supposed to see these things, observe, but he’s been busy. There were finals to study for, drug deals to bust, bad guys to rough up and throw in jail, sometimes even the hospital first. Jason’s got better things to do than stuff some stockings or prepare chocolate chip cookies and milk to leave out for Santa Claus.
The jolly old saint wouldn’t be able to get them anyway, what with Jason’s new security system set up.
So, really, it was only when Jason stopped a robbery by criminals dressed in red with sacks thrown over their shoulders that he finally got the hint. The red hats with white cotton balls glued to the ends of their point helped, too.
“Pretty sure Santa’s supposed to be leaving the gifts, not taking them.” He says as his only warning, just so he could see the look on their faces when they realize who’s caught them, before he shoots, careful to not kill anyone, but definitely aimed to scare, to immobilize.
It’s an easy fight. The Santa-wannabes go down easily, so easily that Jason’s a little disappointed.
But it’s Christmas Eve, so maybe it’s a sign that he should head back home, spend the holiday with someone he actually cares about.
It’s just that he doesn’t really have a gift to give, nothing to put under the small tree—now he realizes that it’s a Christmas tree—she had set up on the table next to their sofa and all the shops are closed early so that employees clock out and be with their families. Maybe he could make something, but no, that’s a bad idea. It all circles back to everything being closed and not having enough time.
He really should have been paying more attention. He’s pretty sure the grocery he was at the other day was blaring Jingle Bells, maybe even that song about the reindeer with the nose, while he looked for ingredients for spaghetti and meatballs.
wer r u?
come home soon?
The words, like always, tickle when they appear on his skin, like a gentle caress trying to get his attention. Jason stares at the words on his skin, the way her penmanship looks so soft and dainty against the harsh scars and thinks that he’ll just make it up to her when he gets home. He’ll cook dinner tonight, he’s sure he can whip up something Christmas-y and if he can’t, well, cookies are always an option. It’s the first thing Alfred taught him to make and the years of anger and hurt could not wash away those memories.
“There you are!” She greets once he’s inside the door.
There’s Christmas music playing softly in the background and Jason notes that their apartment is dimly lit, a sort of orange makes their living room seem warm, cozy, in theme. She’s set the mood. But he needs to get out of his boots first so he doesn’t track any dirt or grime onto their nice clean floors. It takes a second, it’s needlessly complicated but he needs the support so he can’t really complain.
“I’m back, mouse. Sorry I’m late,” he says, voice distracted as he works on the other boot. His gaze is lowered, focused on the clasps and the laces, but once he’s free from it, he straightens up, which, hurts, but at least he’s home and she’s always been good at alleviating his pain.
The first thing he sees are her white, thigh high socks. No, that’s not right. They’re not completely white, no, each leg has a red bow tied around her thigh, squeezing the flesh in such a way that Jason’s first thought is that he wants to bite it.
Which is shocking, he normally tries to push those kinds of thoughts away, but his eyes continue their journey anyway, taking in the shortness of her red dress, the way the white lining barely covers what Jason has yet to be privy to. There’s a thick black belt around her waist, cinching it, revealing curves that she doesn’t normally show off. Then there’s that white lining again teasing him, taunting him, daring him to keep his gaze on her chest, on the exposed skin.
And Jason, Jason is only human so he lingers for a second longer than he normally would.
He wonders what else he’ll find her wearing, wonders if she’s wearing a Santa hat, too. He thinks that red is definitely her color and Jason’s pretty sure he’ll never look at a gold belt buckle the same way again. So, he’s excited to take in what she looks like above her tantalizing costume, see what she’s done with her make up, her hair, but what he sees once he moves on from the slope of her shoulders, her neck, makes him to burst out into laughter.
“Mouse. Seriously?”
“What?” She says in the most innocent tone she can muster and he’s pretty sure she’s grinning behind the white beard she has on. “You don’t like?”
“I just didn’t expect—is that glued on?”
She strokes her beard in a thoughtful manner and Jason finds himself laughing all over again.
“I think it completes the look.”
“You’re looking very festive, yes. Have you been wearing that the whole night?”
“Nah. I threw this on just for you.” She approaches him now, hips swaying, and the image is very confusing with the beard. She’s slow to wrap her arms around him, always giving him a chance to stop her if he wanted to, but Jason’s used to her touch, craves it, so he welcomes her embrace. Even if the beard is a little itchy. “So tell me, have you been a good boy this year?”
“Oh, most definitely not.” He tugs on her beard, sees that its simply looped around her ears.
“Darn. Guess that means no present for you.” Her shoulders sag and she even manages to look a little disappointed.
“I’m sure you can make an exemption?” His hands seem to have a mind of their own, they’re enjoying the velvety texture of her dress, rubbing up and down, daring to even go lower.
“No can do. I’m a stickler for the rules.” But still she manages to step even closer, craning her neck to look at him and Jason has to tilt his chin down so he can keep her gaze. His hands take this as their chance to make a move and oh, would you look at that, she doesn’t seem to mind. “But, I am a sucker for tradition.”
It says a lot about their relationship, how in tune they are, that Jason can practically read her mind, can tell that she wants him to look up with just a pump of her eyebrows, a flutter of her lashes. And when Jason tears his eyes away from her to see what she has hung on the ceiling, he grins.
“So, what do you say?” Her voice brings his attention back to her and Jason, Jason has never been more in love with her. “Feeling the Christmas spirit?”
“Lose the beard, mouse.”
And she tears it off quickly if not a little violently, snapping the elastic off and tossing the beard over her shoulder. Jason feels the sting behind his own ears, but he finds that he doesn’t particularly care right now because there’s his girl, his pretty little mouse, all decked out in his color.
“Merry Christmas, Jason,” she whispers, eyes closing as their faces draw closer together.
Their kiss is sweet, she’s definitely had some hot chocolate while waiting for him, and Jason can’t help himself, he deepens the kiss in a way that makes her let out a surprised squeak before she melts into his embrace.
And Jason, Jason thinks he’s never going to forget Christmas now.
happy holidays to you all!
didn't think i'd be writing a christmas special(?) but i've been home the whole day and well, why not? i hope you enjoy this piece ☺
thanks so much for all the love and support you give these two, too!
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato Animate Tokuten CD
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol. 9 逆巻カナト アニメイト 各巻購入特典ドラ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 9 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kaji Yuki
Translator’s note: I really like how the Para-Selene tokuten CDs explore the concept of going on ‘everyday’ outings with your Diaboy of choice. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before but it’s such a shame that the games did not explore this concept more. In my opinion, I would have much rather had this for the ‘situation part’ of each section of the game than random blood-sucking scenarios. :/
The two of you are walking around on the market.
“Handmade candles and wreathes...and iced cookies. They sell a surprisingly large variety of things at the flea market during this time of year. With so many different stalls, I doubt we will get bored.”
Something catches your attention.
“...Hm? What have you been looking at this whole time?”
You explain.
“Those are...Nutcrackers? Hah. Do you not think that the whole concept of putting a nut in their mouth to crack the shell is somewhat odd?”
You shake your head.
“...’Cute’? Don’t tell me...You want one of those?”
You nod.
“You have some rather disturbing tastes to want one of those.  ...However, if you insist, I would not mind buying one for you.”
Your eyes widen in shock. 
“Hm. ...Why do you seem to surprised? I’m over here showing my good heart and offering to buy you one of a gift, so don’t tell me you’re not even happy about it?”
You try to convince him that it does make you happy. 
“Right? It’s a gift from me, so obviously you’re happy.”
You smile brightly.
“Fufu...~ Exactly, just show me your genuine joy. Let’s go to the shop then. It seems like they are selling cooking as well. I finished the last of the ones at  home yesterday, so it’s the perfect time to stock up again.”
You nod as the two of you walk over to the vendor.
“They had a wide selection of different flavored cookies. ...And you got to buy yourself a nice souvenir as well, isn’t that nice?”
*Clatter clatter*
“Hm...Do you really like that doll so much? You honestly seem like a child right now, constantly fidgeting around with it.”
The two of you continue walking.
“Take a look! Such a large maple tree! It’s been decorated with cookies and candies!”
You fail to notice him because you are too preoccupied by the nutcracker.
“...Hey, you. Are you listening?”
You turn towards Kanato.
“Were you not...paying attention to what I said?”
You say sorry.
“Haah...!? A single apology is not going to get you in the clear. ...You keep on deliberately doing things to upset you, what are you hoping to achieve!? I can’t believe you only have eyes for some ‘cursed Prince’ when I’m here right next to you.”
You tilt your head to the side. 
“Hm? Ahー You wanted that doll without knowing anything about it, didn’t you? All nutcrackers which exist today are based on the concept of a cursed Prince.”
You seem shocked.
“Apparently long ago, there lived in a Prince who accidentally stepped on the Mouse Queen, which led to him being cursed and turned into a doll. Of course, that includes the one you are holding right now as well. ...Honestly, that was one unlucky Prince, being turned into a doll due to someone else’s lack of caution.”
You frown.
“Hm. ...You look rather sad. Are you feeling sympathy for the cursed Prince, perhaps?”
You shake your head.
“Kuh...Then why are you making that face!? I can’t allow you to make such an expression for someone other than meーー!!”
“If I do this...You’ll only be able to see me, correct? Fufu...However, that wretched doll is in the way. Give it to me, please?”
Kanato snatches the nutcracker from your hands and tosses it away.
“ーー Just forget about it.”
“Or do you perhaps...care more about some Prince you barely know anything about, than you do about me?”
You deny that.
“Then behave...and keep your eyes only on me.”
You point out that you are in public.
“Hmph...! Let those who want to watch enjoy the show then. Besides...We’ve already been seen by others in the past, so why worry about that still?”
You look around.
“There’s nobody around, you say? ...Please do not be ridiculous. Mr. Prince laying on the ground over there is looking straight at us. Despite it being a wooden doll, they actually used glass for the eyes. Fufu...Take a look. You are reflected in those beautiful, glass eyes.”
You turn your head.
“How about we use this opportunity...to give him a good showing of what we usually do?”
You flinch.
He blows air on your skin.
“Haha...Look at you turning bright red when all I did was blow some air on you. Shall I tease you even more?”
You fidget around.
“...Just how much longer will you keep on worrying about our surroundings? All you need to do is stay focused on me! Come on! You should wrap your arms around me as well!”
“Fufu...Exactly. Keep a tight grip, okay?”
“Good girl...I shall tell you something interesting in return. ーー I know I said that all nutcrackers are Princes who have been cursed, but the ones sold at the store from earlier are just plain dolls and have absolutely nothing to do with the original story. The one on the ground over there is obviously nothing but a doll either.”
You get upset.
“I can’t believe you believed me so easily! Just how stupid are you?”
You walk over to pick up the doll.
“Hmph. I am glad you are taking good care of the gift I gave you, but I never said that you could neglect me as a result. I am the only important person in your life. Aren’t I?”
You nod.
“Then please keep your eyes only on me...All you need to do is pay attention to me, without getting distracted by anything or anyone else. ーー Like earlier.”
You get flustered remembering it. 
“...! ...Fufu. You’re blushing again.”
You only grow more flustered. 
“Fufu...That’s more like it. I was going to head home, but I think I shall play with you a little longer. Look my way and give me a proper look at your embarrassed expression. ...Mmh.”
“...Look at you tightly holding that doll in your arms. I don’t mind but if you truly love me, then you should treasure me more as well.”
You reassure him that he is still number one in your heart.
“Haah...Of course I am number one in your heart. Please make sure that I’m numbers one through a hundred on your priority list.”
“ーー I am the only one you need after all. From here on out, forever...and ever...Okay?”
You nod.
ーー THE END ーー
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tavyliasin · 10 months
Festive BG3 Treats!
A spontaneous prompt from Tav'ern Discord inspired some spicy festive cards from all of our favourites! These are messages they might leave in a greetings card at this time of year - if there's anyone I missed that you want me to add, or if you'd like to throw your own ideas in, please do comment and reblog! I'd love to see what you all come up with too~ Smut below the cut~
--- MAIN COMPANIONS --- Gale: On the eve before the celebration, some traditions include a hot drink and a bedtime story... Well, dearest, how about I read you something hot and drink from you at bedtime instead? --- Astarion: Darling, you would look so beautiful dressed all in red and white...clothing not required~ --- Wyll: You are the greatest gift I could wish for, let me unwrap you carefully and give you a gift of my own. --- Halsin: My heart, I have heard that it is customary to bring a tree indoors at this time of year. While that does sound intriguing, I have another kind of wood that you can bring "inside"... --- Shadowheart: You know that I'm the only gift you need, but I should like to give you something in return... You decide where the mistletoe goes, and I will decide how to kiss you beneath it. --- Lae'zel: Tchk. If anyone attempts to invade my chimney I will fight them. However, you are welcome to try. I relish the thought of our "battle". --- Karlach: You don't need a fire, I brought my own! Hurry up and lay on the rug by my fireplace, I've been waiting all bloody year for this. --- Minthara: A trade, is it? I will not be outdone, but you will find yourself undone before the season is over. --- OTHER FAVOURITES --- Raphael: No I am not dressing up as Santa. However, there might be allowances made for a Little Mouse to sit upon my knee and whisper all their dirty little desires into my ear. All you need do is sign right here- --- Haarlep: If you wanted to sit on the lap of one dressed all in red, Little Thief, you need only ask. You can choose the form of the gift I deliver, and I will enjoy the taste of your "milk and cookies"~ --- Abdirak: Pain is a gift I will give or receive, gladly...I long for our flesh to be decorated with the colours of the season. Holly is sharp, is it not?... --- Alfira: There's lots of singing this time of year, isn't there... How about you and I compose our own duet? --- Rolan: I've been studying a while and this tower is cold...would you care to visit and warm it up? I have something new to show you, a kind of magic that you won't soon forget. --- Dammon: Do drop by the Forge soon, I've been working on something special... --- Gortash: If you do not wish to be beneath my heel, I suggest you place yourself beneath my tree instead. --- Isobel: I might not be a tree, but I want an angel on top of me. --- Aylin: None shall tie me down ever again...unless you ask nicely first. --- Emperor: I already know everything on your wish list, and I can tell you would rather be naughty than nice... --- Ansur: Why did you ask this of me? I am a dragon, and dead, and you carry my ex in your pocket. Is this some kind of sick joke? --- Geraldus: You gifted me another chance to show the honour of the Harpers. Would you allow me to return the favour? --- Jaheira: You are quite certain? Then you should come, cub...more than once. --- Nine Fingers Keene: I see you are Keene to feel all of my Nine Fingers. Earn the right, and I will consider it. --- Mizora: Such an eager little pup; forget the festive feast, taste the hells with me instead. --- CURSED LIST TO FOLLOW IN A REBLOG (I ran out of space? I kept getting errors...)
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shmowder · 3 months
You broke the law, congrats, keep it up.
But not everyone is born with taste, unfortunately, and your little endeavour was put to a stop by none other than the Alexander Saburov himself. A pillar of piety and fidelity (Ha.) One of the town's standing virtues, a saint in the making.
Flutter your pretty eyelashes at him all you want. No matter how tantalising you look clad in those tight thief clothes, stolen jewellery adorning your neck, fingers, and ankles, glittering as beautifully as the starry sky above, Alexander remains unimpressed.
To town hall you're dragged, literally, his grip is steel solid against your arm. Much more tricky to remove than any clunky old pair of handcuffs you could slip from with a simple trusty safety pin or two.
The cat has finally caught the mouse.
The jig is up. All those precious gems and jewellery that you've rightfully earned by breaking and entering homes like any honest working person–were stripped from you. Thrown into a simple wooden box to be returned to their previous owners come morning.
Of course, you weren't pleased, to say the least, and you gave Sasha a piece of your mind. You worked hard for those.
Does he know how difficult it is to dig through someone's closet in the pitch dark while remaining as quiet as a mouse?
Bah, all that effort wasted.
He's giving that same look that you hate, the disappointed one. You could handle anger. You could handle disgusted snares and rage-filled glares.
...But pity? it sank like posion into your stomach, it stung more than broken glass below your bare feet.
What made it worse was how he refused to argue back. Refused to acknowledge the insults you threw his way, never dignified your tantrums.
Merely looking at you with the deep concern, sorry eyes and thinly pressed lips, as if he failed you.
How many times has it been? How many times did he catch you, and you'd escape the next day? How many reform attempts he put you through only for you to betray his trust and go back to your old habits the second the door to the cage is left unlocked.
You were never going to change, you made it very clear to everyone around you.
Yet he stubbornly refuses that notion, never allowing this seedling of hope to wither no matter how many times you set the whole field ablaze.
Replanting it, time after time, carefully, gently.
Alexander... no, Sasha never changed, not once ever since you were kids.
Neither did you, neither can you.
Be it standing at the playground together, scolding you over stolen chocolate chip cookies while wiping the crumbs from your mouth before your mother comes outside.
Or standing here alone at the town hall, scolding you over the stolen gold and rubies while taking it upon himself to return these items befoere the residents file even more complaints and reports about you, before the judge can get involved.
Sasha was simply Sasha.
And you were....
You knew what was going to happen next, you've memorised this song and dance. The questions would begin, the house addresses, the names, the motives, the break and entry method.
Who sold you the lockpicks, and who provided the information on these people?
Why do you do this? Do you need the money that badly? Why not work an honest job?
Do you realise the severity of this crime? Did you have any accomplices? Is someone paying you to do this?
If you needed the money that badly why not come to him? Why not ask him? Why not answer his letters?
Are you aware that you could've been shot if they had caught you? Are you aware just of how much you're endangering yourself?
What made you resort to these desperate actions? Or do you just enjoy the thrill?
Is life just a game to you?
Did you forget the promise you two made?
Your mother can't stand to look at him on the street, she blames him for how you turned out.
He still apologises each time.
Are you eating well?
Professionalism starts melting away as the questions get more and more personal.
It was too much.
You wanted him to shut up, you needed him to shut up.
One step closer, that caught his attention. His hand immediately covered the pistol under his coat. He really needs to stop being so obvious, you thought as you took another step closer.
Then a third, a fourth.
Your chest pressed against his, your arms circled his neck.
He never pulled back, as if he was frozen in place.
His lips tasted of bitter coffee, dry and chapped. Yours weren't any better, yet he still melted into them as if they held the cure to his aching heart.
It was slow, with no teeth at all. Soft, sinfully innocent.
Desperate as he tried not to let you slip from his fingers, attempting to hold you closer, pull you flushed against his own body to try and hide you from the world.
Pouring his emotions into it, showing his vulnerability plainly for you to take advantage of.
Naively hoping you will see reason, you must.
You have to.
Not many people can claim to have seen Alexander Saburov crumble from a simple kiss, let himself fall and shatter into a million pieces. Even less could claim to have ever seen you put someone together, mend the wounds rather than cause more harm.
Be selfless and allow him this moment of selfishness, to dare and dream of a different life, a changed soul.
You pull away first, because you always do.
He chases after you, because that's all he knows.
You're breathless, his face is flushed.
People will arrive soon, the two of you step away.
Your world feels much colder, his arms hang heavy by his sides.
Escorting you to the jailcells on the lower floor, you don't mention the lack of handcuffs as you head inside.
The door is softly shut, the lock clicks into place.
Soon after, a tray of food is slid under the hatch.
Warm bread–he must have gone out, in the middle of the night–a tightly shut bottle of milk.
The usual customery meal, wasn't it for the carefully wrapped handkerchief in the middle of the tray, one chocolate chip cookie inside.
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𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐭! 𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐭, 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭! 
 It's a #FinishFriday and uh. Yeah, you wouldn't want to forget to purchase this, now would you. Not like you haven't forgotten all the 10,000,000 other things. I mean, you INTENDED to do them, but it's like the story series: 
 "If you give a mouse a cookie" 
 Read those books again. And look at it through an ADHD lens. Where are all my ADHD followers! Give this a share for all YOUR ADHD followers. Or, did you lose this post in the pile of other posts? 
 So, get this pattern. You may not finish it because you got distracted, but. I mean. Well. Uh. I forgot what I was going to say. But get it anyway because It's an ADHD pattern, you have ADHD, and we all need relatable patterns in our lives. 
 Find the pattern here!
 By the way. If you like my content and want to support, you can buy me a coffee! OR! Just hit up the link to find free patterns in the gallery section! 𝐰𝐰𝐰.𝐤𝐨-𝐟𝐢.𝐜𝐨𝐦/ 
 Be sure to like my shop for updates, or to find more patterns that will have your sides in stitches. Unless you forget. 
𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐲𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐲𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐰𝐰.𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐲𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐲𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐲.𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐲.𝐜𝐨𝐦
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hugemilkshake · 5 months
Today on what’s happening in my silly lil story, we rag on basil. That man can’t get a break
Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 6
With Y/N Cookie…
You, Adele Penguin, Bubbling Oil, Grilled Tomato and Shimmering Onion were conversing about Powdered Basil and how he never is around when Adele Penguin spoke up.
“You know, Powdered Basil doesn’t seem to be that nice of a guy if I’m being honest… he seems kinda careless when it comes to others..”
Everyone was about to defend Powdered Basil but didn’t. There was a tense silence as everyone thought before you spoke up “He dose seem like he’s lost his compassion for others…”
“Well… I don’t really notice anything” “Shimmering Onion, no offense but you are a bit dense. But I have noticed that Powdered Basil purposely avoids others when they need help, which has caused me to start helping others a lot more than I should” Bubbling Oil said
Grilled Tomato suddenly stood up and snapped “The next time I see Powdered Basil I’m giving him a piece of my mind!”
You knew that this wouldn’t end well…
With Gingerbrave…
“Wait… your not going to help up?” Gingerbrave said in a very confused tone. Scorched Garlic nodded. “Yes… that is my decision… now I do feel bad that your dealing with this ‘Dark Enchantress’ person but the thing is, I don’t want to risk anyone’s lives, and we’ve not even seen what’s beyond the forest so how could we help?”
The group was silent until Pure Vanilla spoke up. “I understand where you’re coming from. It is quite unreasonable for us to ask you to help in a battle you’ve not even heard of.”
“Thank you… I’m glad you understand… but trust me when I say this, if this battle gets to a point where innocent cookies are getting slaughtered, I will step in and do my best to help, you have my word..”
“…Thank you Scorched Garlic Cookie! We won’t forget this!” Strawberry Cookie chirped. “It’s no problem, now let’s head back outside, its nice outside today”
Laying on a thick tree branch Powdered Basil was talking to himself. But no bird, mouse or snail dared to approach him.
“I’ve never gotten a gift before… it feels weird… I mean… the others probably get gifts…” his tone dropped into an envious tone “Of course they get gifts, they are the ones who have time to socialize, while I’m here rotting away, protecting the forest. I mean who would even care if I got hurt, I know they wouldn’t, so why should I care if they wonder in here and run into a wolf?”
Powdered Basil moved to where he was hanging from the branch he scoffed. “They think they are sooooo important and cool because of all the praise they get because they help the townsfolk when it’s ME who should be getting that praise, I keep those selfish townsfolk safe for goodness sake!”
“And all they do is take from me! Do they want to take everything I hold dear?!” He soon jumped down from the branch, pulling on some of his hair as he spoke. “They really want to take everything away from me! I… I can’t let that happen! I rightfully deserve everything the kingdom has for my services! I shouldn’t be getting that taken away from me!”
“…I can’t let them take everything from me…”
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