#forg speaks
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forgwater · 6 months ago
what thinking about your new au lore feels like
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what writing the au lore down feels like
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otiksimr · 8 months ago
I whant Monster Hunter game where you can process the monster (skinning, deboning, that kind of stuff). Would there be a fun game? Probably not. Bit it’d be fun to ME therefore Capcom should spend all their time and resources making one-
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starry-bi-sky · 8 months ago
DPXDC CFAU Headcanon: Ghostspeak Edition
Ghosts in the Infinite Realms who saw Jason and Danny together called them "luzdra", a term in ghost speak that directly translates into the words "shared soul". It's literal definition is; "two ghosts with a bond so deep that it was as if they had split their souls in half and given one to the other", but in general it just means two ghosts with a profound, indescribable bond.
Luzdrus is the singular form of the word, and refers to only one ghost in the bond. While "luzdra" is plural and either refers to both of them together, or the relationship as a whole. It depends on the context of the conversation and who they're saying it to.
There is no romantic, platonic, or familial connotation behind the word. It just means "someone who shares a deep bond with someone" and can be between anyone.
It also does not mean soulmate, and if you say that you'll be corrected. Soulmates implies that their bond was destined by the universe, luzdra are two people who developed and built that bond themselves. It's a relationship forged between two (or more) people.
Some of Danny's rogues -- like Kitty and Johnny, who might've seen the two together and are possibly luzdra themselves -- still call him 'luzdrus' even after Jason's disappearance from the Zone. Danny doesn't know how to feel about it.
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theresattrpgforthat · 1 year ago
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@martianworder asked me about this on my Forged in the Dark post, so here we go!
So Clocks have been a tool that have been used before and outside of Blades in the Dark, but BitD was where I think they were made really popular.
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Golem Clocks designed by cmartins on Itch.io
For all intents and purposes, a Clock is just a track that you fill, but in some cases it's preferred over a track because it fills less space, and it's easy to just draw a clock on a piece of paper to help you keep track of something as you play.
A Clock can be more than just a track. It can be a countdown, a timer, or a representation of a person or faction's goals. The larger the Clock, the bigger task it is. Here are some examples of how you could use them.
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A Healing project clock from Blades in the Dark.
A player could have a project Clock that they fill over the course of many sessions. Perhaps they want to research a cure for a vampire virus that is threatening a loved one. The GM would ask them to make a research roll every downtime, and how successful they are indicates how many slices they fill - effectively, how much progress they make towards finding a cure.
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Rebellion and Sedition Clocks for Brinkwood: Blood of Tyrants.
A play group might use a Clock to track a common goal, such as winning over a number of anarchists to help take down a mega-corporation. If this is a campaign-long goal, you might use a series of linked clocks to represent the jailbreak you need to assist before you can win over a computer hacker, and then the massive hacking project you need to support before you can overwhelm the corpo servers.
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Faction Clocks from Scum & Villainy.
A GM might use a Clock to track the work a Faction makes towards their goal. Every downtime section, they GM might roll to see how successful the Faction is, or simply tick one slice of the clock if the Faction has no reason not to be able to do what they want. If the Faction is allowed to work unimpeded by the PC's, they might eventually do something that changes the world around them, for better or worse.
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Mission Clock from External Containment Bureau and Doomsday Clock from Apocalypse Keys.
Clocks might also be used as a timer, to indicate when something terrible might happen, or when the group's time is up. This might be the amount of time before a murderer next strikes, before the haunted house claims another victim, or before the world begins to end. In some games, specific points in the clock (such as halfway, or a quarter of the way through) may trigger special events that give the PC's more information, or remind the group that the pressure is really on.
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Clocks for Protect the Child.
All in all, Clocks are a great visual tool to help you and your game group keep track of what's going on in the fiction, and it can also help you keep track of a number of narrative threads in a fairly condensed space. Even if they're not built into the game you're currently running or playing, I think they're a fairly easy addition, and can certainly help with bookkeeping!
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thinwhitedoc · 7 months ago
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SHERLOCK | Martin Freeman as John Watson
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atmosghoul · 9 months ago
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Dude is a shapeshifter honestly bc wtf is this???
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sausage-rolll · 2 years ago
I always find it particularly funny when people say that Ranni is just manipulating the player and that she’s using them as a means to a much more nefarious secret end, because if you actually pay attention to the game and character then one thing becomes abundantly clear.
Ranni literally cannot lie to save her life.
No seriously, she’s a cunning mastermind but she is a fucking terrible liar. When a random tarnished comes looking for her and accuses her of the assassination of Godwyn, she just goes “yeah? And what of it?” as if she’s not admitting to being the one behind the biggest act of heresy in known history. That's not something you should just say to people, least of all a tarnished!
You get her alone with you and within seconds she’s rambling about her plan, her past, her family, her friends that she adores with all of her heart, how you’re actually a lot like them, nevermind forget that last part please-
Sorry to burst the bubble of all the nihilist theorists out there that really want age of stars to secretly be a bad ending but if Ranni was planning anything nefarious with her godhood then I’m willing to bet that she wouldn’t be able to keep quiet about it until the end of her questline.
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crowlore · 1 year ago
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TriMax Volume 10 Chapter 7 and a request left behind
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tatangadragon · 4 months ago
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obsessed with his longing stare.despite not having visible eyes
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forgwater · 3 months ago
for the romanian elections
let’s see if I can explain this properly
so basically the majority of my fellow romanians that voted (about 52% of voters) in the first tour/round/whatever hate the idea of human rights so much they voted on 1st place the misogynist, anti lgbtq+, russian connections guy who had a shitton of bot propaganda on tiktok
forgot to mention: apparently he got kicked out of the extremist party for being too extremist
like how the hell
we’ve still got the parliament elections
and 2nd tour/round/whatever elections to determine who the president will be. but things are looking really bleak
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copias-juicebox · 1 year ago
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theresattrpgforthat · 7 months ago
Learning How to Play Forged in the Dark: Part 1, The Action Roll.
If you have never played a Forged in the Dark game before, picking up one can be intimidating, and that includes Protect the Child. I’ve talked about some general pieces of Forged in the Dark play before, but today I’m going to try and bridge the gap a little more by explaining the basics of the Action Roll, as well as Position and Effect.
The Action Roll.
In most Forged in the Dark games, the Action Roll consists of rolling a pool of 1-4 d6’s and looking for the highest number. Let’s look at the different outcomes.
6 = success. Multiple 6’s (Crit) are like a Nat 20 - you get the best possible outcome!
4 / 5 = partial success. You do the thing, but you also get a consequence or a cost.
1-3 = failure. You likely don’t do the thing - and the situation gets worse.
This is the basic roll for the bulk of Forged in the Dark games, and everything else stems from this rule.
Alright, now let’s talk about two axis of detail that are added to the Action Roll: Position & Effect.
Position is how the GM communicates the difficulty of the thing that you, the player, are trying to do. In other words, it describes how bad things could get if you fail. There are three different Positions: Controlled, Risky and Desperate.
Controlled -> Failure is more like an annoyance, or something you could potentially avoid.
Risky -> Failure is going to suck a little.
Desperate -> Failure is going to suck a lot.
Effect is how the GM communicates the potential of success. To describe it in another way, it’s a measure of how much of your goal is achievable. There are five different levels of Effect:
None -> As is, you can’t do it.
Lesser -> You can do it… kinda.
Standard -> You can do it.
Greater -> You can do it well.
Extreme -> You can do it with the best possible result.
Position and Effect are combined to communicate to the player the stakes, as well as provide a shorthand to detail the span of possible outcomes based on the roll. The default combination is Risky/Standard - failure might suck a little, but if you succeed, you can do the thing. However, depending on the narrative situation or the rolls that have happened previously, you might be in a fire-fight with just a knife (that’s pretty Desperate), or perhaps an ally has handed you a grenade (that’s probably going to have Greater Effect).
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This is a chart that indicates some of the outcomes that may happen depending on the result you get depending on your Position. The bottom row lays out the five possible Effects, and the number of ticks on a clock that they might correspond to.
On my next post, I’m going to explain how you combine Position & Effect with the tools on your character sheet. This is just a starting point - players have a lot of control over what the final outcome looks like!
If you want to start learning how to play Protect the Child, I recommend taking a look at the Google Spreadsheets linked on the store page and flipping through the character tabs. The Quickstart characters are 90% fleshed out and can give you an idea of what different character pieces can look like, and there’s a rules reference for how to roll underneath the stats for each character.
I also believe that playing is one of the easiest ways to learn, so if you want some hands on experience, hop into the playtest discord! There is at least one game happening every week designed to be easy for first-timers to hop into and give it a whirl.
If you want to read more about Forged in the Dark play, you can check out my intro to Forged in the Dark, as well as my explanation of Clocks!
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warriorofyapping · 7 months ago
The bond that develops between Ardbert and the WoL makes me so emotional. After everything that happened in Post-HW, him becoming one of our closest confidants feels...poetic, kind of. Despite everything, the WoL and Ardbert learn to rely on one another in a way that's different from how the WoL relies on the Scions. He understands them on a level that the others struggle with because at one point, he was in their shoes. He was also a Warrior of Light, no matter how long ago it was, he was a hero of his own world.
Watching as they open up with one another more is so good in my opinion. And yet seeing them become friends despite knowing it won't last forever also makes me sad. They tease him, he teases back. They have heart to hearts with him, he lets himself be vulnerable with them and the WoL does the same. It's sweet and yet they both know that eventually, he will be gone and they won't have him at their side anymore. The shade who's become a dear friend to them will be gone and it'll just be them again. Yes, they still have the Scions, but it's different.
It's sad.
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luciddreamingstuff · 5 days ago
Modded Minecraft doesn't work.
Modrinth: Hey sweetie this is why your game broke. But don't worry! Even someone like you could get it fixed.
Curseforge: Hey dumbass, why didn't you go into your settings before you booted up the game! So that way the logs show! Oh you're confused? Well Fuck you!
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echoes-of-courage · 1 year ago
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Winter shenanigans
(Higher res cropped images because tumblr messed with the resolution a bit)
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ghoulymadge · 2 years ago
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Brut FR Interview
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