#forever bound to darkness (envyxharmony)
chronicparagon · 8 months
Never Let You Go
Thunder growls lowly outside while the rain pours from the black clouds cloaking the star-studded heavens. Crystal drops tap against the glass dressed in a veil of mist. Those drops of water glide down over the window’s surface like tears of sorrow. It is a cold night, which is not too unusual in Mississippi at this time of year. It is a stark contrast to the warmth in this house. The house is far from empty with the owner and her guest.
Thunder growls lowly outside while the rain pours from the black clouds cloaking the star-studded heavens. Crystal drops tap against the glass dressed in a veil of mist. Those drops of water glide down over the window’s surface like tears of sorrow. It is a cold night, which is not too unusual in Mississippi at this time of year. The night’s chill is a stark contrast to the warmth in this house. The house is far from empty with the owner and her unexpected guest.
Low, dulcet notes play softly in the living room where Envy and Harmony quietly sway to the music. Her right hand holds his and her left hand rests on his shoulder. His free hand rests along the curve of her hip. The thunder rumbles to the song’s melody and the lightning lights up the room that had the gentle glow of candles as the light source.  The subtle warm light reflects in her sterling gaze while she looks up to see her beloved’s face.  It is much harder to resist the urge to smile when she takes in his flawless features. Her eyes sparkle with pure love for the Little Killer.  The dance slows down to a stop and Harmony takes this opportunity to make her move. She wraps her arms around Envy’s waist and pulls him close to her.
“Envy…” Harmony whispers, “I love you. I love you so.” Harmony moves to her toes and her hand reaches for Envy’s cheek. Her thumb stroke arcs over his pale skin and she catches him in a gentle kiss. The kiss seems to end too soon every time, but when her lungs ache for air, Harmony has no choice but to break the kiss. She draws a needed breath before gently pressing her forehead against Envy’s. There is pure love in her sterling gaze. He can see that in her eyes, but when it comes to his own black hues…
There is no warmth.
His intense gaze doesn’t hold joy or any sign of life. They are deep, dark as the storm clouds outside, and as cold as winter. They are black as the endless sea of unforgiving darkness.
The worries for him remain. She closes her eyes with her forehead still pressed against his. Then, Harmony’s hand moves away from Envy’s cheek, only to wrap her arms around him once more. She pulls him tight to her. She doesn’t want to let her beloved go, fearing the darkness could swallow him whole. She’s so very scared of losing him to the raging storm.
“I will never stop loving you.” She lowers herself back to her feet. Her head rests on its side against Envy's chest and her hand takes the one where he wears his promise ring. The young woman lifts that hand and kisses the bruise encircling his wrist.
"I won’t let you go…I will never let you go."
[Happy birthday, friend!! 💞]
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chronicparagon · 11 months
There Can Only Be One - Part 2
Second Part of the One shot for @s-talking
Part One: Link
   Harmony looks up to see the visitor. He is tall, but is certainly a head shorter than Envy. A loose, tattered robe black as night covers his body and his head is concealed with the infamous Ghost Face mask that she knows so well.  In his black-gloved hand is a large hunting knife, its sterling blade gleams in the flash of lightning.
Harmony's immediate reaction?
She screams. She releases the loudest, most shrill scream and she throws her drink across the room.
"OW!" The full can slam against his face. Dark, fizzy liquid spills from the can and drenches the mysterious intruder's robe. "Oh, look what you did!" He snaps and lunges for Harmony. "Just you wait until I get my hands on y-AAH"
"STAY BACK! BACK, I SAY!" Harmony pulls off her slippers before jumping off the sofa. One flies at the other, hitting him in the chest already soaked with the cold soda.  "GET BACK!"  The man lets out a groan before the other slipper slaps hard against his mask. The girl grabs her phone off the coffee table, turns on her heel and dashes from the sofa.
"Why, you little!" He growls and runs after her. The woman squeaks and makes a break for it across the living room. The intruder blocks her way to the kitchen, barring her from accessing any weapons. Harmony makes her way to her bedroom where she plans to lock herself in until Envy or the police come. The intruder lunged after her. He pins Harmony onto the hard floor. A gloved hand wraps tight around Harmony’s throat and he wields the knife over his head.
This is it! He isn’t going to let this girl get away now! Her death will surely attract the one and only Little Killer of Mississippi. He followed Harmony for weeks, taking notes of other people she meets and spend time with. One is a tall, dark man who looked more like a ghost than a human being. Sometimes, he is with Harmony, but other times, he is also following her and watching her. It’s a curious observation but it made the other certain that he has found the Little Killer! The masked man has searched for the other killer for so long. His desire? To be the most feared serial killer and to do that, he must best the man who strikes fear in the hearts of all the people. He is just seconds away from realizing this dream!  
His heart racing….
His breath hitched as he sees the look of fear on the young woman’s face.
Sharp pain shatters his concentration. A harsh scream follows, and he nearly loses his grip on his victim. Harmony kneed him between the legs but failed to grab the knife that fell from the intruder's hand. A high-pitched squeal follows and Harmony pulls away with her phone. The force of the kick, makes the knife fly from his hand before Harmony has the chance to grab for it. and the knife. She makes it to the corner with every intention to make it to her bedroom while getting the emergency call. "D-Damn it! Don't make this hard!" Ghost Face growls and he reaches for her.
Harmony screams and falls back onto the floor when his vice grip tightens around her ankle. Lightning flashes and the lights go out while the pair ends up fighting for Harmony’s phone. She struggles to get to the emergency call with his hands reaching for her phone.
“Grr-G-GIVE ME-Give. Me. That. PHONE!” He snaps, “OVER MY DEAD BODY!” Harmony snarls and kicks her assailant. "Gladly!" He answers and wrenches the phone from her, and the girl slams her fists against his Ghost Face mask.
Her blood runs ice cold when his chuckle reaches her ears. Terrified eyes look at the infamous mask before her.
"You...You had to make this more difficult..." He grumbles in the dark and lightning flashes into the apartment once more. "Heh, no matter...I got you where I want you..." He adds, but Harmony gasps when she notices something when the lightning flashes again.
There at the far end of the hall leading to the rest of the apartment...A tall, black figure stands there. It seems the masked man doesn't notice they are not alone. "I have many....Many ways to destroy you..." Silence follows in pitch-black darkness.
Lightning flashes once again and the figure moves slowly. Harmony notices the little pale flesh exposed by his black clothing and dark locks, slick from the rain concealing one black eye. The other one is left visible and staring at Ghost Face.
Harmony's heart jumps into her throat when she realizes who it is. It's Envy. Her dear, beloved Envy. He showed up and with an unreadable expression on his face, is slowly creeping toward them.
"Hmm...I suppose I should get this started before he shows up. I know about your little boyfriend. Like he will ever save you now! He's too late. Far...too...Late..." He throws his head back with a loud laugh. Thunder roars and lightning flashes, revealing Envy is right there.
Standing right behind Ghost Face.
"Any last words before I wring your neck?" He asks the trembling girl, but notices that she isn't staring at him all this time. Quivering lips part as she nods her head and speaks.
"H-Hey...Hi, honey."
"Honey?!" Ghost Face asks, only to feel long, slender fingers wrap around his neck. An icy cold grip digs into the black cloth of the mask and digs into his own flesh. His vision quickly turns away from the girl now curled up in a corner.
Beneath the mask, the intruder's face holds true terror to see the owner of those hands now holding them. In the dark, he seeks a ghostly pale young man. His dreadful, black eye boring into his own wide gaze, and his lips...
Oh, those thin, colorless lips slowly stretch to a wide smile. A charming smile that is also very frightening. Ghost Face doesn't utter a cry or scream before he sees red.
Red...Blood...Terror...and a grisly, gorey demise.
Here, he learned a valuable lesson that would be his last: There can be only one. There can only be one man for Harmony....One who can follow her and watch from the shadows...and only one serial killer of Mississippi.
The bittersweet aroma mingles in the air as red petals dance in the stormy night.
There can only be one and that will be the infamous Little Killer.
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chronicparagon · 11 months
There Can Only Be One - Part 1
One shot for @s-talking
Part Two: Link
Harmony gasps and jerks her head to the French door window behind her. Lightning flashes outside, revealing the small balcony but there is nothing unusual.
Odd, I thought someone was there...
Just a moment ago, she thought there was a tall figure standing outside, standing perfectly still. Was she just imagining that?
Maybe? She's not sure. Lately, she noticed something in the corner of her eye. The window to the balcony is locked but the sense of danger lurking nearby made This is not the first time she got that terrible feeling of eyes watching her every move. When she studied, played video games, cooked, or did other activities, she didn't feel alone in what was meant to be a private place for her. At first, she thought these occurrences were a coincidence. The towering silhouette at her bedroom window late in the night?
She first thought it was a nightmare or the strange state of mind between deep sleep and being awake. The little items in her home that went missing occasionally?
She thought it was just misplacing them at first. However, she wasn't sure what to think of the strange, late-night calls with no one on the other end. The odd events seem to be getting much, much worse lately.
Harmony shudders at the thought and hurries to the front door. Sure enough, it's locked and she quickly draws the blackout curtains. Yet that did little to ease her worries.
Tonight, the creeps are getting the better of her.
"It's....It's probably nothing, but I don't want to take any risks." Harmony picks up her phone and types down a text message.
Text: Hey, Envy! It's me.
Text: Are you busy?
Text: Can you come over tonight? I need someone here. I'm kinda scared.
She sends each text message in quick succession. Harmony told him about the weird calls before and feeling she was being watched. She pauses while looking back to the living room window covered by the curtains. She hears the thunder growing a bit stronger, a sign of a storm closing in. Harmony sends two more messages before returning her phone back to the table.
Text: Please come if you can. I don't want you to be caught in the storm. I'll wait for you.
Text: I love you!
The young woman draws in a deep breath and turns away from the phone as it rests on the coffee table It may take some time for him to answer or be at the door. The girl clears her throat while pulling on a hooded sweatshirt over her nightwear.
I'm getting thirsty. I should have water, but I really want a soda. Nothing wrong with getting a drink while waiting for Envy. The fluffy unicorn slippers stop before the refrigerator in the kitchen. A pause and Harmony looks over her shoulder to the window just above the kitchen sink. There's no one there, but she can't shake off the tension filling the quiet house. It's too quiet to her liking now.
A shake of her head, then she opens the fridge door. She grabs a chilled can of soda.
She opens the can and takes a sip of the soda while closing the fridge's door. Her mind wanders back to the chain of events that increased in frequency and severity.
"Hmm..." Harmony leaves the kitchen and settles on the sofa in the living room. They all have something in common: She and Envy are apart when they do happen. Would he have anything to do with it?
I can't help but wonder about Envy sometimes. He's very quiet and can be gentle but that can change in a matter of seconds. She thought as she leaned back against the sofa. One leg crosses over the other, soda still in hand. Though she loves him so much and he promised her will protect her.
When she thinks about it, that figure on her balcony and the one she catches from the corner of her eye is as tall as he is. The broad shoulders may also be a giveaway. Very few people are as tall as Envy. She never got a good look at the mysterious watcher, but now she is uneasy.
Could the guy stalking me be actually Envy?
She had no chance to reflect on that when she heard glass smash. Crystal shards clink on the kitchen floor and she hears someone call out to her from the kitchen's entrance. It's a voice that was not at all like Envy's.
"Hellooo, Harmy ~"
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chronicparagon · 1 year
THINK FAST: * throws monopoly money at harmony *
"Think fas-?" Harmony lifts her gaze when Envy gives her the warning. The wooden hairbrush pauses mid-stroke through reddish-brown locks resting over her shoulder. Eyes widen from the sudden attack. Papers in white, deep gold, and light shades of pink, green, blue, and yellow fall around her. It's been a long time since she last played the game, but she recalls the money grab event when someone throws money in the air and other players have to catch them.
Harmony screams and jumps onto her feet. The hairbrush falls onto the floor and her hands frantically reach for the fake banknotes. "I got them! I got them!" She reaches for the vibrant colors fluttering about. She manages to catch a few of the colorful bills but there is far more to capture! She turns quickly to others, but she cries out when she loses her balance.
"Nooooo!" She falls on her stomach with several of the monopoly money trapped in her tight fists. Silence follows the drama save for the rain tapping on the window behind the window seat where she once sat. A moment passes and Harmony lifts her head with her hair hanging over her face. She blows on the tresses covering her face, revealing one eye. She doesn't dare release the money she caught in her hands.
Not yet, at least.
The remaining papers lay on her back with most of them surrounding her on the floor.
Harmony laughs nervously as she sheepishly smiles at Envy. "I...I kind of got carried away there..." She gestures to the money on her back
"They're on me, so I can keep those too, right?"
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chronicparagon · 1 year
does harmony love envy? asking since ive seen it in Ur blog
Anonymously ask my muse a question about any of their relationships you've seen them in on this blog.
"Of course, I love Envy!" Harmony exclaims with her eyes light up with the warmth she has for him. "I fell for him quickly. I love his quiet nature, how he smiles when he sees me...his smiles are gentle...most of the time. I love how passionate he can be. It's almost like he will sweep you away when you least expect it! His kisses take my breath away every time! He is a wonderful listener. He never seems to mind when I sing or ramble about my day and thoughts. He can be very romantic dancing with me under the moonlight."
Harmony sighs softly as she thinks of the good times, "Envy is special to me in every way. I even dream of marrying him and having a family. It's something I want." Her heart swells with pure love for the Little Killer as she continues.
"I also have a thing for fangs, but he can be rather rough with them. Not that it's always a bad thing! It's just..." Harmony lowers her head and her shoulders lower. "I love Envy so...but love is not always about romance. Love is also about pain....Pain, confusion, and fear. Sometimes, he scares me. He can love a little too much. I'm not against Envy being protective of me. He saved my skin and I will always be grateful for that...But he can hurt other people who get too close or flirt. I wouldn't leave him for anyone else. I never dreamed of it! I love Envy and only Envy. No one else." She shakes her head as she speaks from her heart. Those incidents aren't common but when they do, she fears the worst for the unfortunate souls who even look at her.
"I love holding his hands and having him close to me, but he's cold to the touch. Even his lips are cold, but his tongue is warm. I don't know why. His eyes, too...They're always unsettling. People say eyes are the windows to the soul, but...I don't see his soul when I look into his eyes. They are black, solid black. I don't see joy, sorrow, or fury in them. They are just...empty." Harmony's silver gaze shines brighter, a silent warning of incoming tears.
"Some things happened to him. I know little about what he's been through. I know a bit about one incident when he was a child. He told me one night..." Harmony sniffs, her voice is a bit higher in pitch now. "But everything else...I don't know. I want to know more about Envy." Her body quakes as she forces her sobs to stay.
"I want to understand him! I want to understand why he can be so scary. Something...S-something is very wrong with him. Darkness keeps him prisoner, but I don't know who or what it is. He-He isn't a bad person deep down! I love Envy. I want to be part of his life and be a part of mine. I-I" She heaves a deep breath, but her attempts to stay calm falter. "I want to help him, but I...I d-do-don't know how. I wish I did...I'm scared...Very scared...I don't want to lose Envy."
Finally, tears fall and roll down her face. "I don't think my heart can take it."
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chronicparagon · 1 year
Why were you named the way you were? Is there a special meaning behind your name (or middle name if applicable)? Are there any certain scents, sounds, or textures that you like? What about ones that you dislike?
Tell us about something that's happened recently (asker can request a specific "vibe" to the story--happy, sad, annoying, funny, etc. if they wish).
A pop followed by a soft hiss of carbonation fills a moment of silence when Envy pauses with his questions. The metallic tab rises when a finger pulls it up and opens the chilled can in the woman's hand. Harmony is surprised, really. Envy doesn't speak much, but he is asking questions about her. Though his voice is soft and he pauses after every few brief moments. She doesn't answer right away, choosing to let him finish asking before she speaks.
Silver eyes watch him while she holds the freshly opened can of cola to her lips. Harmony sips her drink in silence, taking in those questions. The can return to the little side table placed by the window seat where she sits by the Little Killer's side. She lowers her head, deep in thought about those questions. The pitter-patter of rain tapping on cold glass follows the air of silence, but that will be fleeting when Harmony answers them.
"I have a few names, my given name, and the names my grandfather and great-uncle gave me when I was a child and as an adult. Mama and Dad gave me the name Harmony because it was a name meaning peace...Peace in our past and hoping for a brighter future. It also matches my last name." She scoots across the window seat closer to Envy. "I also have another name. When I was born, Grandpa gave me my first Lakota name. It's Ciqana Mato, which means Little Bear. I had that name until a few years ago when I graduated from high school. Traditionally, we may have our names changed from our actions, merits, or through ceremonies. My great-uncle, his name is Joseph...He gave me the name Mato Winyan to mark adulthood. That means Bear Woman in the Lakota language. I don't know if it fits me, but I like to think so...Bears are pretty cool." Harmony adds,
"My middle name...Mama gave me that one. Celestine is like this pretty crystal. Some people think it's fragile, but it's a strong rock. I guess she picked that because it sounds pretty, but maybe it also describes how I'm strong, too. Like bears..."
Harmony adjusts her position. She settles in between Envy's legs and slowly leans back until her back rests against his chest. The taut muscles beneath the clothing reminds her once more of what his loose clothes hide.
"I like the smell of the rain...The sound of it too. I love to listen to rain while I'm in bed under the covers. I like petting cats because their fur is so soft and hearing their sweet purrs. I enjoy petting animals in general, really. I like birds singing, the aroma of apples and cinnamon...And..." A nervous giggle follows her answer.
"I'm sorry if it sounds weird, but I like the smell of your jacket and hair. I like how soft your hair is too. It's feels almost like silk...And I like the feeling of your kisses and your hands." Harmony adds and lifts Envy's hand. She holds it in a warm, gentle grip. Her touch is a sharp contrast to the cold touch of his ghostly skin. Fingers stroke the back of his hand while she continues. "Let's see...What else...I like the smell of roasted marshmallows, like for s'mores. Those were one of my favorite snacks growing up. I miss eating campfire s'mores, but...I don't like how fire feels."
She remembers the hellish flames. They dug into her flesh like razor-sharp claws. The burns dove deeper and deeper to the bone. Searing, blistering, tearing her skin and feasting on it.
"It hurts...It hurts terribly...Sometimes, the pain returns. I don't think it ever leaves..."
Harmony remembers that fateful day...The day where she would survive, but with scars marring her tan skin. She isn't sure what Envy thinks of those burns. He has seen them before, but he never turned Harmony away. In fact, he seems to want her regardless of her imperfections. She certainly loves Envy, even with the slipknot marks around his slender wrists, ankles, and neck.
Harmony lifts Envy's hand close to her face. She lowers her head until her lips press a gentle kiss on his wrist covered by his sleeve. Then, she press the back of his hand to her cheek. The grip is tight enough to keep him there, but also gentle enough to let him go if the Little Killer chooses.
The woman doesn't want to focus on those ugly memories. It would be best to move on from it! That is exactly what Harmony does by answering his last question.
"Did I tell you what I saw yesterday? I went outside for a bit for fresh air. The sun was about to set, but it was still kind of hot and humid out. So, I didn't stay out for long. I looked out and noticed something blink. Then, there was another and another. I got so excited! They were fireflies! They are coming out now! They were flying about and glow now and then. That's one of the cool things about southern states like Mississippi. You get to see fireflies." Gray eyes light up as she tells Envy that story. A sigh follows that story and she tilts her head back until her gaze meets Envy's face. "But I don't think they will come out tonight. It's still raining...Not that I'm complaining. Rain is neat to watch, too."
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chronicparagon · 1 year
❝ looks like you won. ❞ ( totally didn't let her win on purpose or anything * snickers * )
Our muses are sparring and my muse ends up on top of yours, pinning them down. Send me  ❝ Looks like you won. ❞ for my muse’s reaction.
A sweet giggle answers Envy's words. Harmony lifts her head from his chest while pinning him to the bed. "Looks like I did!" She beams, proud of herself for winning this round. She can't believe it! She is always the one who is pinned down and at her beloved's mercy whenever they have these matches.
It is one of those rounds of wrestling that came from Harmony challenging the Little Killer once more. She never minded being the one at the bottom, but that challenge over his position spices things up now and again.
Though there is that suspicion that perhaps Envy let her win this time.
After all, he is much taller than her and the oversized jacket conceals the truth when he wears it. She knows very well about the powerful but lithe physique hidden under the clothing. She has some muscle tone herself, but she isn't as fit as he is.
Should she be upset that he was easy on her? No, she isn't. Besides, this isn't to say that he can turn the tables and flip her over with ease. It's best that she savors this moment before Envy decides to catch her off guard.
"So...About my prize..." She adds with a sly smile. Silvery eyes look down at Envy while her chin rests on one hand and her other hand rests on his chest, a finger drawing lazy circles over the taut chest under black fabric. "May I have a victory kiss?" She asks before her hands rest beside each side of his head. She leans in until her lips press a sweet kiss against his cool, thin lips. The kiss doesn't last long, parting to let Envy have a chance to breathe. Though she is tempted to go for another. Then, Harmony pulls away and embraces him as she snuggles against his chest.
"I love you."
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chronicparagon · 2 years
Honestly? I thought the White Day ask from s-talking was tier. I dig it.
Anonymously or not, tell me who you ship my muse with.
[ ( I think this ask was for that meme, but please let me know if I'm wrong.)
Thank you so, so much! EnvyxHarmony is one of my top favorite ships! The mun is a dear friend of mine who is a wonderful writer and artist! They are one of my favorite artists with their beautiful work and each one has so much love put into it. We created stories for our muses over the years that I love so much and I always look forward to see how these stories continue.
I always recommend @s-talking! I look up to them all the time. They have a special place in my heart as a friend and their posts are absolute treats that I can never get enough of! I am so grateful to have met them and write with them. They are the absolute best, and Envy is one of the best OCs ever!]
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chronicparagon · 2 years
𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐎 𝐁𝐔𝐒𝐘,  𝐀𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒.     she’s  constantly  on  the  move  &  much  like  the  midsummer  wind,  soothes  your  tired  soul,  offers  you  shelter  &  relief  where  there  is  none  to  be  found  but  oh,  pray  tell,  who  shall  be  the  one  to  help  her... ?  the  world  is  a  cruel  &  wretched  place,  &  so  are  its  people  no  matter  how  many  years  pass  by.  miss. harmony  is  truly  a  rarity  among  them  all   ──   he  knows.
this  is  precisely  why  he  does  the  things  he  does,  pushing  yet  another  miserable  worm  right  off  the  rooftop  just  as  the  access  door  creaks  open,  right  on  time  revealing  the  little  apple  of  his  eye;     dressed  in  a  silky  white  dress,  her  dark  skin  glistening  with  opalescent  tones  &  long  locks  floating  freely  in  the  wind;     oh,  she  looks  absolutely  stunning  tonight.  envy  watches  her  with  spider-like  intrigue,  inviting  for  the  young  woman  to  come  closer  in  a  silent  gesture,  almost,  devious.  after  all,  miss. harmony  can’t  possibly  know  of  which  she  did  not  see...  much  like  that  little  splatter  in  the  dark.
Tumblr media
it’s  adorable.  the  little  killer  makes  sure  not  to  soil  such  innocence  by  taking  firm  hold  of  her  chin,  keeping  those  silvery  eyes  focused  only  on  him  as  the  pale  moon  illuminates  both  their  silhouettes,  as  well  as  the  countless  red  petals  scattered  at  their  feet.  are  they  poppies?  roses?  the  little  killer  refuses  to  let  her  see,  now  whispering  in  a  low,  husky  tone,    ❝      you’re  mine,  always . . .      ❞ // happy white day ♥ !
Where is he?
Harmony thought with worry as her gaze remains on the night sky painted outside the window. She hasn't heard from him all day, though the text messages being read gave the woman some reassurance. Hours marched on and the gray skies darken before the dreary clouds break, offering that relief in seeing the shimmering stars.
She wants to see him for the night, missing him more and more as the hours pass.
Hands hold themselves together to her chest as she doesn't see his tall stature slowly walking down the path towards the door. Not even the silent movement at the window.
" Oh, Envy....Envy, where are you?"
She calls softly, only for silence to answer her. She sighs as the wind blows outside. She turns away from the window and crosses the room, only to pause when a sound reaches her ears. She hears footsteps above her and she wastes no time reaching for the access door above her. She climbs up the small ladder that expands below the door when she sets it up.
Someone is there, and he's not an intruder.
She knows who this is and her heart leaps. A creak of the door opens, inviting the night air that tousles her hair and made her white dress flutter as she steps out.
Black eyes meet her when Harmony wastes not another moment to approach him. Unaware of his dark activities, she draws closer to Envy. Lush red petal dance about the pair who stand in the moonlight.
"There you are! I was wondering where you've been." Her eyes shine in the moonlight when he tilts her chin back to see him. She does not know what he has done just yet for her mind and heart remain focused on the man before her. Slender hands rest on his broad shoulders. Lips curve to a slight smile.
"Yeah...Yours, always and forever." She answers before closing the space between them with a kiss.
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chronicparagon · 2 years
Floorboards creak with every step closer to the bedroom. . Harmony’s gaze remains fixed on Envy laying in bed. He’s usually quiet, but there is something a bit different about him when he came home. Harmony greeted Envy as she always did. He didn’t always speak, so the silence was not out of the ordinary. Her smile faded when he didn’t seem to acknowledge her. 
Not even a single glance. 
Is there something wrong?
Harmony wasnt’ sure if something happened while he was out (but hoped that’s not the case), or he’s not feeling well.  Freshly dried hands set the hand towel on the counter. She follows Envy up the stairs, only to find him on the bed on top of the covers. She watches him for a moment as he rested in the dark. Chest rise and fall with every soft breath. Even in the dark with only the moonlight from the window, his skin stands out like a ghost finally resting. 
Perhaps he doesn’t feel well and wanted to go straight to bed? 
Harmony watches him for a moment before she decides to take action. She turns away, quietly making her way down the hall for the linen closet not far from the bedroom. A short time passes before Harmony tiptoes down the hall once more. This time, she enters the bedroom with something in her hands. A brief pause, uncertain if Envy is too deep asleep to notice. She doesn’t want to startle him, but...
Finally, she gathers her courage and makes her move. 
Harmony unfolds the black blanket she had in her arms before draping it over Envy’s body, revealing only his head. Hands gingerly tuck him in before leaning in. Lips brush over the pale skin of his cheek. A silent reminder of how she feels about him. Then, Harmony turns away to let him sleep. 
She pauses for a moment, just to be sure that Envy is sleeping and doesn’t need her right away. She will answer his call and stay with him if needed. But if he wants to rest alone, then Harmony won’t stop him. After all, she will join him in a bit.
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chronicparagon · 2 years
“ i’ve got you!  “ ( always ♥ )
send in “ i’ve got you! “ for the sender to hastily grab the receiver and pull them into a protective hug to shield them from an attack.
[ Oh, yes!! Always!]
"Please! P-please, don't!" Sobs break up desperate pleas. Harmony sniffs as tears blur her vision of the terror inching its way toward her. She quivers against the corner of the living room but the stranger before her holds no sympathy in his weary, green eyes. She narrowly escaped from the man who woke her up. She rose from the bed when she heard the bedroom door slam, asking for Envy’s name. It became a scream cut short when he pinned her down. One hand on her mouth and the other still holding his machete. He would have sliced her to pieces, but his initial plan fell apart right away. Panic took over and Harmony used all her might to shove the intruder off. 
Unfortunately, he followed her out of the bedroom, chased her down the stairs, and grabbed her before she made it to the front door. Pain remains on the girl’s back from beind thrown across the room, far from the door and to other rooms. He stands a short distance before her, her phone in his hand.  He stopped her from calling Envy for help. 
He chuckles while hearing Harmony beg. “Please? Please don’t do justice?” He asks before chuckling again, his gruff voice holds no amusement, but pure spite and malice. “Please don’t get my vengeance? Pathetic!” The man scoffs as she idly approaches her. “I bet that’s what my brother said when that maniac tortured him. Please don’t was surely some of his last words before your husband, boyfriend, whoever, took his life!” His gaze shifted from Harmony to the machete in his large and calloused hands. Harmony flinches with a sharp gasp when he idly swings the weapon in her direction. “Found my brother with so many stab wounds, I did. Red flowers all around him!” His teeth grits as he remembers seeing his brother in his flowery grave. 
He remembers the red poppies all around along with the viscera and blood staining the earth. It was such a horrible sight, and he knew that his brother did no wrong! The very image of the crime scene was too horrifying to recall, and it was no doubt that the Little Killer was involved! 
The news struck more fear in the hearts of the people across Mississippi. It was another reminder that nowhere is safe with the Little Killer lurking in the shadows, attacking anyone he decided. 
Hatred cursed the last victim’s older brother who spent weeks searching for the Little Killer. Though the only information he could find was a young woman who he found with a tall and dark man nearby. Surely, she means something to the ghostly young man, and he was certain that is the serial killer.  No one, not even the avenger, would dare risk their lives facing the Little Killer, but perhaps...Perhaps, he could get sweet revenge by taking away someone the young serial killer is fond of. 
Tonight, in the middle of a storm ravaging the gloomy night, the man broke into the house, searching upstairs for the victim. Flannel shirt soaked with rain cling to his body and mud cake his jeans and brown work boots. The five o’clock shadow aged him significantly but the faint glow of candles hide that from Harmony. 
"Ss-stop! Please! Y-you don’t have to d-do this!” Harmony whimpers as she holds on to the hope that the one person who can stop this nightmare will come.
Please, please, please! He has to come! He knows I need him!
Thunder rumbles as lightning flashes in the windows. She sees the intruder’s strawberry blonde hair hanging around his face. She can see the dark bags lining the bloodshot eyes and crazed grin. She sobs once more before calling out. “ENVY! ENVY, HELP!”
“SHUT THE HELL UP!” The intruder bellows. His anger flares as he charges at her with the machete. “I had enough of you! He killed my brother! My brother didn’t deserve that! And now, I’m going to kill you!”  He wields the blade. Lightning shines in the long blade as he aims for her. 
"NO!" Tearful eyes shut tight and she's unaware of fate taking yet another turn. Doors slam open and quick footsteps follow, growing in volume towards her.  She doesn't feel the machete’s blade or the agony of the man’s wrath. Instead, slender hands reach out from the darkness and grab her in their chilling grip. Not another moment passed when she feels those hands pull her tight against the taut muscles of the rescuer's chest and abdomen. A quick turn and she hears a horrible shriek. Boots abruptly stop on the cold floor before it frantically backs away. 
Harmony opens her eyes to find only pitch black. She pulls her head back from her rescuer's chest, her head tilting back to see a familiar face.
"Huh?" She gasps and her eyes light up. "Envy! I knew you would come!" Then, worry replaces her excitement. "A-are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?" Her arms wrap around Envy's lithe form and her hands gingerly search for any wounds on him. Harmony tilts her head to the side to see the enemy now cowering against the wall at the far from the couple. It's too afraid to run, shaking like a leaf hanging for dear life in the autumn wind.
His plains were foiled again. He wanted to take away the person he deemed to be important to the Little Killer. Just as he stole his poor brother and best friend.  He swore that the girl was alone! It was meant to be a quick kill and leave the young serial killer to suffer. He was foolish. So very foolish...
What he did was made himself the Little Killer’s next victim. In the end, Envy would not suffer, but the intruder will. 
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chronicparagon · 2 years
A Little Game of Cat and Mouse for @s-talking
Footsteps frantically race down the long forgotten path blanketed by grass and weeds creeping over it.  Black boots pound against the soil after leaping off the trail. Leaves of gold, orange, red, and brown crunch as Harmony lands, but she doesn’t stop for much needed reprieve. 
Not when she is not alone! 
Eyes follow her every move, and each of her steps. She can run and take the any twists and turns further into the wilderness,  but she knows better by now. These woods are not her refuge. She cannot hide from those eyes that follow her with ease. She cannot hide, and she cannot run forever. 
The forest is merely a playing field for a rousing game for cat and mouse. 
The night where ghosts and ghouls are thought to haunt this place returns once more. All Hallow’s Eve returns and Harmony finds herself running as though her life depends on it. 
 Dark clouds drift above, cloaking the shimmering stars from the world below. The deep orange glow of the harvest moon slips behind the clouds and further darken the night. 
Does she dare? Does Harmony dare fetch the flashlight from her bag? Silver eyes narrow while a slender hand dives into her purse. Yes, the light would make her stand out in the dark, but he can see her in the darkness. 
It is damned if she does, and damned if she doesn’t. But she needs some light or she could very well run into her pursuer. 
She flinches with a gasp when she hears rustling behind the trees. A large figure slowly moves for her and with the bright beam of light from her flashlight, Harmony quickly races further down. 
What? What should I do? 
Her heart races along with her legs. 
Where do I go?! 
The air thins as it becomes harder to breathe. She screams to see a figure leap over her before landing at the bushes before her with feline grace. The girl spins around and runs along the bend toward a creek. 
The blue plastic slides a little in her sweating palm. Water splashes as she races across the creek before her. Mud splatters on her boots, legs, and some on her shorts. Harmony leaps over a rocky ledge, landing on a grassy hillside. 
Where should I hide? Damn, there would be no point in that! 
The wind howls, and she shudders when a soft voice reaches her ear. A soft, boyish voice carried by the wind saying her name. 
He will find me!
Harmony nearly trips when she runs down the hillside, but catches herself before continuing her race through the rolling grass. It ends in a lower section of the forest. Harmony doesn’t stop running. No matter how her leg ached and her chest burns. 
Danger lurks around her, and she may not be safe! 
Harmony hurries into a thick woodland grove dominated by weeping willows. The stand with black earth covered with moss and shallow water from the nearby wetlands.  Harmony hopes. She hopes and prays that she made it far enough and she bested him. 
She thought that just once...Just one time..She wins. 
Then, the glint of sterling metal steals that hope away. The metal flashes in her flashlight as a dark figure dashes from the depths of the forest.
“AAAH!” A sharp cry shatters the still air. The cool, wet grass seeps through her back when she lands with a heavy mass of muscle pins her down. Her flashlight flies from her hand and lands on the ground just a small distance away from her and her captor. Wind rustles the emerald canopy, the last warning that rain is on the way. She flinches when the sound of a sharp blade dives in, piercing the wood of the tree’s trunk near her head. 
“Oooh...” Harmony groans as her eyes open. Then, silver hues find the twin handles of a butterfly knife embedded in the tree above her. Her head lowers until her gaze capture the deep, black voids looking down at her.  
A young man looms over her, but he is no stranger. 
It is none other than Envy himself. 
Soft lips part to a defeated sigh and her head falls back on the grass. “F...F-fine! Fine...” Harmony speaks, her voice is lighter from little air in her lungs. “I yield. You...Y-you win.” A hand reaches up and gently press against where Envy’s heart would be. Her touch lasts for only a fleeting moment before drifting downward between his pectoral muscles. Slender fingers slowly stroke him, taking in the details of the rippling muscles under his jumper. Harmony blushes as her hand withdraws from just above his navel. Her gaze captures his face while her free hand gently cup Envy’s cheek. A thumb gently stroke arcs over her cheekbone as she takes in every detail of her beloved. 
His ghostly pale skin glows in the darkness. His beautiful features stand out even in the pitch blackness that devour them. Yet his eyes are even darker than the shadows that lurk in the night. 
Her other hand joins and she gently coaxes the Little Killer lower. The autumn wind blows, making the cascading curtain of the weeping willow sway. The wilderness’ mournful song fill the air until the rain begin to fall. But Harmony pays little mind to it. If anything, the cold rain brings relief to her flushed skin. 
Besides, it’s difficult to fret over it when someone so beautiful, yet so deadly, is right here. 
Lips catch him in a soft kiss. Eyes close as her tongue brushes over his lower lip. This invites the Little Killer to ravage her mouth, which she answers by letting her tongue stroke over his and wrestle. Arms wrap around his broad shoulders and her legs wrap around his waist, all the better to keep him close. 
Her heart still pounds against her chest and in turn, against Envy’s chest. That game was dangerous, but she finds it all the more thrilling, and there are times that she doesn’t mind Envy winning...Especially when it ends up with moments like this. 
It is a dangerous addiction from the deadly attraction to the infamous Little Killer.
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chronicparagon · 2 years
🎞️ Our muses having a movie night
“Okay! I think I have everything ready!” Harmony announces with sparks of excitement in her eyes. The television comes to life with a press of the button on the remote. She has everything in order for her date with her one and only beloved. 
The slow, dark tones of the first film’s theme song drowns out the rain tapping against the windows adorned with blackout curtains. The living room is quite dark save for the television displaying the movie’s menu and the warm glow of the few candles nearby. Notes of melted butter remains in the air from the bowl of fresh popcorn rests on the coffee table in front of the sofa. It joins the chilled bottles of soda, water, and a small stacks of DVD films. “I hope you’ll like this one. I went all over town looking for these movies. This one is a bit old but also pretty scary.” Most of the selection are older films, a mix of noir films telling tales of lost love with a couple of horror films from bygone eras. Many of the movies would make her jump in her seat and give her an excuse to embrace Envy and stay close to his side. 
Another push of the button and the film’s main theme song cuts off. The screen darkens before a new scene fades in. The remote joins the refreshments she laid out on the table while she hurries to Envy’s side. 
Then, Harmony settles on the sofa next to Envy. She wastes no time in snuggling against his side. A warm hand reaches down until fingers interlace with his own. Harmony rests her head against the broad shoulder. “If I need to move, please let me know. I have blankets by me too..” She made sure she has a couple on hand along with pillows. 
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chronicparagon · 2 months
( for: 𝑄𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑀𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝐶𝑎𝑛 𝐴𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟. )
- do you have a favorite food? What's your favorite breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert? - are there any certain scents, sounds, or textures that you like? What about ones that you dislike?
- do you have a favorite food? What's your favorite breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert?
“My favorites?” Harmony asks before a hand presses to her lips to conceal her lips but it did little to suppress a giggle. “That’s a difficult question, dear!” She adds, and she lowers her hand, revealing a grin. “I like sweets! Desserts are always the best part! There’s too many to name when it comes to food, but I’ll try.” The least she can do is try.
“My favorite breakfast foods are fresh cinnamon rolls, muffins, and waffles or french toast topped with berries and whipped cream. Those are the best! I like cinnamon toast, too. Did you ever have that, Envy? It's awesome! It's cheap and easy too. That's a plus!" Harmony is now beaming with excitement shining in her eyes.
" I always enjoy a good burger for lunch. A burger with ketchup and dill pickles. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Oh, and fries! I love crispy fries! You know, potato soup loaded with shredded cheese, chopped bacon, and chives sounds really good, too! As for dinner...I like steak or fried pork chops with loaded potatoes, mashed or baked, maaaybe a salad on the side. It's important to have some veggies!" Now, Harmony reaches the most daunting part of his question.
“Desserts…Golly, there are too many to name!" Suddenly, the ones she adores the most pop into her mind, one after another. She lists them to Envy with mounting excitement as she thinks about the delectable treats.
"I love cookies, especially chocolate chip! Ice cream covered in rainbow sprinkles is something I can never, ever get enough of. I also like cake, just about any kind of cake but strawberry shortcake always rocks! Same with anything that’s cookies and cream! And I love tiramisu, brownies, macarons, banana pudding…” She lists the sweets while counting them with her fingers. “Let’s see, now…I’m trying to remember what else. Oh! I like crème brulee and apple pie! Chocolate-covered cherries are another fave, and s’mores!...And, now I'm thinking about it, I really liked the mousse cake you got me the other day. I liked all the desserts you bought, really. It’s impossible to pick just one favorite dessert, you know? Oh, my!" Harmony realizes what she's been doing.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to ramble like that. I like food, a lot!" She adds with another laugh.
- are there any certain scents, sounds, or textures that you like? What about ones that you dislike?
Another set of tough questions. They certainly give her some thought before giving the Little Killer her answer.
“Hmm… Let’s see…” Harmony shifts closer to Envy’s side. “I like the sound of thunder, especially at night and the storms aren’t severe. I like the scent of rain, and I love sweet and floral scents. Nothing overpowering. Oh, and I like fall-related scents like apples and cinnamon or toasted marshmallows. Birds singing is always nice, and I also like the sound of rushing water. You know, like that creek nearby, or a waterfall.” Harmony leans against Envy’s side as she continues.
“And I…Well, I don’t mean to be so bold or strange, but I like what I smell, hear, and feel about you.” Her skin glows gently from her blush. “I like how soft your hair is. It’s like silk.” Black nailed fingers gently stroke the Little Killer’s raven locks. “I like feeling your muscles rippling beneath your skin…And the sound of your breathing, no matter if it's soft or husky.” Her hand lowers, caressing the broad shoulder, and drifts over his collarbone. Then, her warm touch brushed over his muscular chest. Harmony leans against Envy’s side and a lone finger lightly traces circles over where his heart should be.
Strange…Whenever Harmony got the chance, she never felt or heard the rhythm of a heartbeat. It’s something she can’t explain.
“I also like your scent. You have a light scent like sweet almonds, or perhaps poppies. Yeah, it’s like poppies and there are faint notes of orange. My guess is cologne but correct me if I’m wrong. But…” She sighs gently as her small smile fades. “I don’t like intense heat or rough textures. I don’t like the sound of sirens, either. As for scents, I don’t like unpleasant odors. Blood and decay, just to name a couple.” Harmony shudders as she thinks about it. “And though tobacco is one of the sacred medicinal plants, I…I don’t really like cigarette smoke. That’s why I told you to smoke outside my house. Or any kind of smoke for that matter. It-“ Harmony pauses and her gaze lowers from Envy’s face.
“It brings back things I don’t want to think about.”
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chronicparagon · 2 months
Continued from here: Link
Envy’s soothing words were enough to open the floodgates. Harmony sniffs as tears well in her eyes and she returns his embrace.
"I don’t know why it’s happening. I thought it was Ghost Face when he attacked. You saved me that night, but that feeling and the weird things didn’t stop. I noticed people disappearing too. This other stalker may have something to do with that.” Tears stain the black fabric of his turtleneck, but she dares not to let him go.
Then, he gives his offer to stay. That glimmer of hope that the stalker’s reign of terror could end because of her dearest remaining by her side. “Could you? Really?” She sniffs, “I…I wouldn’t be against it. Maybe they will give up if they know you're here. Envy, please….please stay with me. I want you to. I need you."
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chronicparagon · 2 months
Continued from here: Link
“Envy, are you sure? I don’t mind paying.” Harmony answers with her head tilted slightly until her gaze meets his. Though it seems that Envy’s presence caused great tension for the cashier who once stood casually behind the counter.
One look at the Little Killer and his icy gaze sent the poor girl quivering. “O-oh! No! No, m’am! There’s no need!” She answers with a nervous laugh. “I-I’ll get all of that ready for you! We got a special discount for couples!” She quickly takes out the desserts, quickly but carefully packing them. “Oh! Well…okay then. If you say so. Thank you!” Harmony exclaims before leaning onto her toes. Red lips press a light kiss on Envy’s lips. “Thank you, dear. You’re the best! But that’s a lot of sweets. Would it be okay to share them with you?”
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