forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
It Could Be You
Do you have a dream? Or you settle for a normal life working most of the day consuming entertainment until you sleep and repeating this over and over again. Life can be so much more.
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We admire people from all times who are memorable for their deeds and achievements.
Big names, remembered for their genius, daring, courage... Perhaps in the future, this will be increasingly rare. Today's world steals our attention, consumes our time, and drains our energy. We are bombarded daily with a zillion pieces of information, which instantly become more important than our goals.
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All the great names that we remember have several characteristics in common. Characteristics such as clarity, commitment, concentration...
And all of them were extremely productive.
Today it is increasingly difficult to gather all these skills. In addition, a discourse of relativization of facts is increasingly common. Everything is not quite like that, nothing is black and white, there is always another way.
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All the great deeds of the past were carried out in a planned and conscious way. Nothing happened by accident.
There is a path to achievement.
Principles that guided men of all times to accomplish the impossible. The purpose of this book is to share this forgotten science with you. Before it's too late and the world falls apart in the important uselessness that surrounds us. I wish you to have a life full of accomplishments and may your name be remembered in the future.
Jack Clever amidst nature January 2021
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otimizeasuavida · 2 years
Vale a pena montar seu próprio computador?
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Será que vale a pena montar o seu próprio computador? Acabo de montar o meu e estava refletindo sobre essa questão.
A minha intenção era montar um computador econômico, em que eu pudesse alcançar o melhor custo benefício.
Mas com uma condição… Principalmente quando se trata de tecnologia, não compro nada que não seja realmente bom. Claro que nem sempre é possível comprar o melhor, mas pelo menos o melhor dentro de um orçamento, produtos populares por serem baratos, não me interessam. Além disso, queria saber como era montar o meu próprio computador.
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Essa ideia de receber várias peças e algum tempo depois ter um computador ligado e funcionando me fascinava. Estabeleci um orçamento, de forma que se não desse certo, não seria um grande problema. Sendo um projeto mais simples, outras pessoas também poderiam fazer. Computador é minha principal ferramenta de trabalho, e é a principal ferramenta de trabalho de um empreendedor digital, ou de alguém que trabalhe com internet. Entendo a habilidade de montar um computador como um aprimoramento profissional, conhecer melhor a minha ferramenta de trabalho e poder montá-la é uma evolução dentro do meu contexto profissional.
"Eu preciso de computadores, aprender a montá-los é um passo adiante."
Mas é importante pensar, na relação de custo e benefício. Imagino uma pessoa que aprendeu a fazer móveis de madeira, comprou as ferramentas, adquiriu esse conhecimento, e agora pode mobiliar sua casa. Mesmo que o valor investido na compra das ferramentas e na obtenção do conhecimento, seja superior ao valor que seria pago pelos móveis já prontos, a partir de agora, a pessoa do nosso exemplo pode produzir o móvel que quiser, quando e como quiser, desde que tenha matéria-prima para isso.
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Agora só sua imaginação é o limite para o que ela pode produzir. Imagino algo semelhante em relação a montar um computador. Mesmo que no final das contas, você chegue a conclusão que comprar um computador pronto é mais barato, (não só o investimento financeiro, mas o investimento de tempo), existe algo que é fundamentalmente diferente, nas duas situações, em uma você poder fazer o seu computador quando e como quiser e na outra você só pode comprá-lo pronto. Além disso, o conhecimento necessário para montar um computador, é o mesmo para escolher um bom computador. Saber quais são as peças necessárias e qual a função de cada uma, é o conhecimento necessário para entender por que uma configuração é melhor que outra.
Acredito que de forma geral, montar seu próprio computador é mais barato que comprar um computador já pronto, levando em consideração apenas o aspecto financeiro, é claro.
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Quando o investimento de tempo é considerado, a situação muda drasticamente, por que aprender sobre computadores, pode levar algum tempo, (dependendo é claro da sua intimidade com o tema). Além disso, é necessária uma análise cuidadosa, para que você não compre partes que sejam incompatíveis. Se você se interessa por esse assunto clique no link para receber nossos posts no seu email.
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forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
About Change for the Better
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For over 10 years, I only bought Apple products. From TV to smartphone, from computers to tablets, through the collection of music players.
When my MacBook Air broke during a trip through the Amazon Rainforest, I finally joined the Linux Universe. I bought a new notebook, guess what brand? Samsung. :) I started my journey to get to know the different Linux distributions and learn the software I needed for my work. One day, working on a book publishing, I couldn't view the InDesign file on my notebook and had to view it on the computer of the guy who was also working on the project.
And he asked me: Why do you use Linux? And the first answer that came to my mind was: First because I can.
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The transition required learning new tools and modifying a workflow I spent over a decade building. One of the changes was to ditch the Adobe software I spent years using, and get used to using software like Inkscape, Gimp, and Scribus.
The ability to learn and adapt to new situations is very important, especially when this change is for the better.
Maybe I think that way because I always had to learn to change and adapt. In college, I learned to use Corel, and then they started teaching Illustrator. At the time, I asked teachers to attend classes to learn Illustrator, but it wasn't enough. I decided to take an Illustrator course at a Design school. Even after finishing the course, I still wanted to use Corel because I was more used to working that way. Many times when I had to perform a task, I knew it would be faster if I used Corel. I had to uninstall Corel from my computer to force myself to do everything in Illustrator and learn to use this new tool once and for all.
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When I had to migrate from Illustrator to Inkscape, I had already learned my lesson. Also, it wasn't as difficult as I thought. As a long-time Apple user, one of the first distributions I tested was ElementaryOS 5 because of the attention to detail and similarity to macOS. But over time I realized that there were bugs and things that I didn't like in the system. For me, what remained was, "it didn't have to be so complicated". I went back to using Xubuntu because I never forgot the comfort that Xfce's stability brought me, and I worked on Xubuntu for a long time. I customized it with a very nice theme and icon set called FlatRemix.
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With the release of ElementaryOS 6 seeing the many changes they had made, I thought, "finally". Especially the dark mode, something that was missing when using the EOS 5. I thought they had finally got it right and decided to give it a try. This time I tried to embrace ElementaryOS the way it is without customizing or changing anything. There is an idea behind this proposal and I wanted to understand what it was. After a few months of using ElementaryOS on all my machines, I decided that I couldn't do it anymore. There were things that I didn't like about the system, and that didn't change. Choosing which distribution I would use reminded me of when I "fixed" my mother's computer.
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forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
It is NOT EASY, BUT it is Rewarding
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Years ago, I decided that I would take a different path. I wanted to have more security and privacy, living close to nature. I was living in a small apartment in a big city, 2 blocks from the beach. Every day I could swim in the ocean or walk on the beach. I paid a single bill for rent, water, energy, and internet.
I lived close to the center. But I wasn't happy.
I wanted more freedom. It was a long journey. Long story short.
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Now I live here, on a farm too far from anything.
I live far from the center. But it wasn't easy.
Today I don't pay rent or water, but I still pay for energy and internet. I built my own house, it wasn't easy, because it was my first time. The well was a big investment, I had to call a truck with a machine to dig until to find water. But today I have water. At the time, I did a lot of research on solar energy and decided to wait because the investment needed would be more than I could afford. And the internet... Well, there's no way around it, at least so far. It is necessary to purchase the equipment and pay monthly. The internet here is via satellite because there are no other viable options.
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Today, the internet is centered on large companies that provide a free services to the public. But you may find that you don't want to be in that center. So, 2 things will be needed. First, investment on your part. It will be more expensive than it is today. Second, Entrepreneurship is needed. It is necessary ideas and products that enable this transition. I will give 2 examples. Example 1: Everyone needs water. Water is necessary for life. When I moved to where I live today, I needed water. A source that I could trust that I knew wouldn't run dry and that had clean water that I could drink. I had to make a big investment. I called a guy who made a huge investment, he bought a truck and put a huge machine in the back. And this machine is capable of digging as much as necessary. And I dug a well, and now I have water.
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Example 2: Everyone needs the cloud. The cloud is necessary for work nowadays. But to have a reliable cloud you need to pay for it or build your own. To mount a server it is necessary to buy hard drives, a computer, configure the accounts... In both cases, whether paying for a cloud or creating your own, an investment is required. And above all, entrepreneurship was necessary. Someone had come up with the idea before and invested in the project. And also that other people see the importance of this and that they also invest, so that eventually this becomes a viable solution. In other words, the 2 things are:
Investment is required on the part of the individual, and viable ways of establishing the same processes.
What about decentralized internet?
What I see is a flow of individuals moving away from the center.
An example is Mastodon.
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Everyone talks about Twitter, Twitter is providing a free service to the public. You may not want this, and you can create a Mastodon account. But remember that someone else is maintaining a server for you. So if you can, it is important to contribute to the server payment once in a while or create your instance. Mastodon is not Twitter. It is a technology that enables the same process but requires some investment from interested people. There is an entrepreneur who invested in an idea and created a new way to achieve similar results. And you are the person who can pay for a server, maintain your instance, and distance yourself from the center.
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Everyone talks about Google, but Google is providing a free service to the public. You might not like that and may want to pay to have an email. There are entrepreneurs creating ways to offer the same services. You can move away from the center. But it is necessary to be willing to invest and support these products.
Big Tech companies found a way to offer services "for free" to the public.
Maybe some people are satisfied with that relationship and don't want to change. Is it possible to live without using Big Tech services? There is no short answer. But I believe that in the same way living in the countryside has its advantages. Maybe you think differently and prefer to be away from the center.
If you want freedom, security, and privacy, it's possible and worth the investment.
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forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
Productivity Course Coming Soon on Patreon
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"Time passes and needs to be used wisely, the entrepreneur needs to intelligently allocate his resources, so that he can do the most important thing, in the shortest possible time, with the spirit prepared for the numerous course corrections." Don't Give Up
Productivity is one of the most important aspects for someone who wants to achieve a certain result.
Well, that's exactly what happens, time passes. If there is no plan, process, flow... the perception of the passage of time will only cause anguish and discouragement.
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We are not naturally productive, if we don't have a plan, a north (sense of direction), we start to wander.
Many people live wandering around, killing time, because they establish a bad relationship with time. For the person who wants to realize a dream, execute a plan, to achieve an ideal of life... time becomes a kind of companion. Despite knowing that time is passing, I know that I am doing what I should to get where I want to be.
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So What?
Some concepts are fundamental to having a productive life.
And I believe that this is the greatest freedom anyone can achieve, the freedom to be able to execute a plan, achieve success, realize dreams... Without this, man is a slave to a life of failures and will never be able to be proud of his achievements because there will be none.
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forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
Entrepreneurship is an Act of Generosity
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Entrepreneurship is an act of generosity, and why not say, love.
Imagine for a moment the origin of any object that is close to you, a water bottle, for example. Now think about all the phases of the process until it arrived at your desk. First, someone found a source, maybe a company that already works with it. That water had to be transported. Someone who probably only works in water transport has done this. The bottle had to be made. And another company needed to print the label. Probably more transport was needed. A company that decided to work only with water, thinks about the entire distribution of this product. And it makes it possible for other companies, such as supermarkets or gas stations, to purchase several units of this product. Finally, you or someone else bought this water, and it ended up on your table. Now imagine your computer. Just kidding. :)
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What I want to illustrate with this example is that if you stop for a second and think about how things came to you, how they were created, packaged, and distributed... You will notice that many people have dedicated their lives to one thing. Someone has dedicated his life just to water. There seems to be something missing in this sentence, right? Someone dedicated their life to bringing water to others. Now it got much better.
And then you start to realize that for the world to exist as we know it, it was necessary for many people to have dedicated their lives to something greater.
Also, this was not the work of a single person. Several people every day, wake up early and leave their homes, to work all day, to make this possible.
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Other people dedicate their whole lives to bread and butter, and others to inventions, like a toaster. The hen lays the egg, but it doesn't appear in your fridge, until a complex chain of distribution, packaging, transport... is activated, so that these eggs appear beautifully in the supermarket, and can be chosen. All this so that someone can have breakfast. And look, I didn't mention the coffee. One of the plants that take the longest to bear fruit.
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If you think about it, you will realize that all these chains are permeated with feelings such as generosity, altruism, love and why not say faith.
This is probably what drives an entrepreneur to achieve his expected result, faith. He believes that something he is not seeing is going to happen. Even in the face of the biggest obstacles and the disbelief and indifference of the rest of the people, faith is what moves the entrepreneur to move forward with his idea, until one day, he can reap the fruits of success. We live in a highly complex world, where all these networks of people are articulated so that we can have what we have today.
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For a company to open today, remember that several people woke up early to work in that specific company, in that specific place. Some have to take transport to get there. People have to clean the floors and bathrooms, others need to receive people, and others do the security of the place. Anyway... A huge chain of disciplined people had to be activated so that this company could work, for a single day. And tomorrow all this will happen again.
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Phones will ring and someone will have to answer them. People will wake up with problems they want to solve that day, and other people will do their best to solve that problem that day. All this, so that we can live in a world, structured, functional, where you can have a wish in mind, and in a matter of seconds, fulfill it.
All this happens because of Entrepreneurship.
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All these people, who work in companies, in capitalist countries, where I live and where maybe you live. They can come home tired after a day at work and know that they can eat something, that they can have fun or rest, and that they have a home to go back to. This person knows that at the end of the month, week, or day, he will receive a cash value and that this is practically a law. That no one will come and say you will work until you die, and you will not receive anything, and if you complain you will be beaten. I sincerely hope that this is not the reality you live in. Because in much of the world there is a (more or less) capitalist model of government, where people work and are paid for their work.
This happens because it generated value for society.
Look, what a beautiful thing. I find that quite exciting. If you generate value for society, almost as a universal law, that value needs to come back to you. The simplest example that comes to mind is the following.
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I live on a farm, and here, due to the presence of cattle, cow manure accumulates along the pasture. This material is of great value to people who plant. If someone takes a bag, and fills that bag with manure, right here in the neighborhood, the person can sell that bag of manure for a value, equivalent to a day's work in this region.
This person generated a value that did not exist before.
Before, there was no fertilizer bag. But this person saw the opportunity, (the manure in the pasture) looked for the necessary means like the empty sack, (and perhaps ask permission from the owner of the property), worked for some time, getting down and getting up and carrying the weight of the sack, but in the end, it can enjoy the "equivalent" of the value generated by it, in cash. This is amazing and we live in that world.
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The internet is a huge space, full of people and needs, and if you are a decisive person, who knows how to see opportunities, and who is willing to work, you can undertake, if your enterprise generates value for society, almost magically, this value will be returned to you as a monetary value. What a beautiful moment in the history of humanity we live. Some people are distracted by something new that has happened on social media.
But brilliant people already understand that it's the perfect time for them to conquer the world, without leaving home.
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forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
Know Thyself
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When I was little, I was the typical nerd. My best friends were books. I was born in a house full of books. My parents (both writers) were always reading. My mother was a literary critic, and every day we received books. At the end of the year, my mother had to submit several reports. Besides donating part of the books to a public library. My mother used to put me to work. I got a few cents, for every book I read and wrote a summary. She didn't use the summaries for anything, but I learned a lot doing it. In addition to computers, like any kid my age, I learned to enjoy video games.
I recently returned to playing the games from that time. And I noticed the constant presence of themes such as violence and sensuality. It does not happen by chance.
These are the lowest instincts of every human being. It means that every human being will be naturally attracted to it. If you look at games today, the themes are the same. Why would that change in the future?
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We're looking in the wrong place.
What do I think about creating a world in virtual reality? I think it's amazing! What's the problem with that?
Imagine, for a second, if we could go back to Ancient Greece and watch a speech by Socrates in virtual reality. Such ideas would be inspiring in the age of narrative war as we live in. It could be an incredible tool to expand intellectual capacities. But you might be thinking: But wait, what if it happens in the worst way? And I answer you: It is likely to happen in the worst way. Do you know why? Because we are constantly preparing for it. Everywhere you look, you see dystopias. The most successful video game today is a dystopia. I don't need to name it because when it changes, will probably be replaced by another. Dystopias are offered to us and, we accept that. Who cares about utopias? A similar word with a different meaning. What will this virtual reality look like? What do you think?
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The problem is not with society. The problem is not with capitalism. The problem is not with the internet.
We're building a monster and finding it fun. That is the problem.
I think there is a way out of this. But it involves taking responsibility and elevating ourselves. From a higher place, we can see things better. And realize that all of this is being created by us. Or at least accepted by us. Maybe before we talk about virtual reality, we need to talk about what utopia we want to build. Which future do we want to create?
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forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
It's Possible, But NOT That Way
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If you want to know more about, what it's like to have an online business and live where and how you want, I have something for you. First, how did I get here? I studied advertising, before finishing my degree, I got to know Graphic Design, and shortly afterward I migrated to Design. For a long time, I worked as a photographer, an area that I started in the early years of university. My professional experience was very diverse, from internship to freelancer, passing through Design offices and Photography studios. Gradually, I realized that working from home and having an online business was the only path that would lead me to the lifestyle I wanted.
At first, like most people, I was deluded by the illusion of the effortless digital business, which often appears on the internet.
I bought several courses, read several books, tried several techniques... until... Until I remembered that in college, I had the opportunity to take classes on marketing, and I realized that little of what I learned was said on the internet.
The truth is that Digital Marketing should be a version (so to speak) of Marketing (the one I learned about in college).
But some people want to talk about Digital Marketing as if it's something entirely new. Over the years, I started to be more resistant to certain formulas that are propagated about having an online business and I started to focus on the basics, remembering what I had learned in college.
Marketing is the science of the market. To have a business or sell something, it is interesting to know more about it. If this business is online, probably most of this knowledge applies but needs to be adapted to the online environment.
So this idea that there is a magic formula or the fastest way to have a digital business does not seem true to me.
Having an online business is basically doing the same thing as a business in the real world, with the difference that I am creating this business on the internet. If I want to be successful, it is important that I understand basic concepts, about what I am offering, what can have value in the market, what are my differentials... And finally, I work hard (not less) to achieve good results, like any type of business.
In the same way that a person who is building a business in the real world, works and invests more (time and money), not less.
But instead of taking a car, going to different places, and making a lot of phone calls, I'm going to sit in front of the computer and build this structure online.
So what?
This is just the beginning of a subject that may become a series of articles. I see that many brilliant people get discouraged about having an online business, either because of some negative experience they had or because they see people having meteoric successes and thinking they can't do something similar. You don't need to do something similar. You don't need to create the next multi-million company. If you want to have an online business, you can. If you want to work from home, you can.
If you want to build a business that allows you to earn an income and work from home, you can do that.
Interested in this subject? Then click on the link and learn more about how you can receive upcoming posts in your email.
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forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
What I've Always Been Looking For
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Imagine you are watching the sunset from your home office instead of being in traffic on your way home.
Imagine if you had an online business and income to maintain your lifestyle living wherever you want.
Today it is possible but it takes organization, discipline, and some skills. In this article, I want to share some ideas about having an online business.
Although, it is possible to travel the world with a notebook and have a super profitable business on the internet, it's not the most viable plan.
Travel and location changes consume time that you could be working.
Having a digital business is not less work, it is the opposite.
It requires more time and more work than a normal job, but there are several advantages. First off, if you're building a business, you need to be responsible for all the work, but you'll get all the benefits as well. Second, you will work harder, invest more time and energy, than if you were in a conventional job.
But the time you stop wasting on traffic and other unproductive activities is enormous. Working from home, you can work a lot more and relax a lot more, because you don't waste so much time. You have more control over your diet and can lead a healthier lifestyle. Working from home, you can produce more and better. By working from home, you can have a better relationship with your wife. Working from home, you can have more fun, too. (work is not everything)
The time you spent in traffic, you can play video games, play with the dog and even contemplate the sunset. Working from home, you have more control of your finances, and you save money.
If you like peace and quiet, you might want to live on the countryside.
So what?
There are several benefits of working from home.
But if you want to have an online business, maybe things are not as simple as they seem. Having an online business normally requires partnerships, specific knowledge, and skills, investment of time and money. Usually all this together, plus patience and perseverance.
If you want to know more about my journey in digital entrepreneurship, I will share some thoughts on having a digital business working from home.
I live on a farm in a nice house with my wife and my dogs and I finally have the lifestyle I've always wanted.
Click on the link to follow this journey.
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forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
Better From Home
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Working from home can lead to a much better lifestyle and productivity.
Working from home can bring about several positive changes, such as:
Make your meals at home. You can determine what you are going to eat and have more control over your meals. in addition, you can have the meal as a more introspective moment in the comfort of your home.
Invest in the most important place in your life. You already spend a lot of time in your house, if you work from home, this place becomes your entire world. Investing in your own home is a win-win situation, because at the same time you are bringing more comfort to the place where you work and rest.
Have a healthier lifestyle. If you work from home, you can live wherever you want. You can live on a farm, have dogs (and be able to play with them), spend more time with your loved ones, and on top of that, still be much more productive than in a conventional job.
So what?
Today several companies allow remote work I believe this is a great solution for the future of work, working from the comfort of home.But if you have the desire to be a digital entrepreneur, I believe this is a time like no other before, it has never been easier to build an online business.If you want to know more click here. newsletter.forbrilliantpeople.online
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forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
Finally Working from Home
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For me, there is nothing better than working from home.
But my life wasn't always like this. In my first jobs, I left home to work every day. When I was studying, I had to balance university and work. I would come home at the end of the day, tired, and always bringing something to eat. Normally, I didn't have much in the fridge, precisely because I rarely stayed at home. Years later, I moved to an even bigger city, and today I think I did the right thing at that time. I lived 15 minutes away (walking) from the place where I worked. In a big city like that, it would be a hassle to have to face a very big commute every day.
But living there so close to the city center was making me sick.
All that movement of people and cars, and that frantic pace... I decided that I wanted another path, that I wanted to live in a quiet place close to nature. I'd like to say it was a simple change, but it wasn't. After I left the city in search of a quieter life, everything became much more complicated, and the inconvenience of having to travel great distances began to weigh on me. After that, I already knew. I didn't want the life I had before, but I wasn't satisfied with that situation either.
It was a long, unglamorous journey.
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I was like a boat on the open sea trying to move forward in a course, and trying to correct the course whenever possible. It was not easy. I had to work jobs I didn't want to pay the bills, and I had to improvise. I had to look for ways to build a dignified life, with the tranquility and peace I so desired.
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Finally, I'm here today. Years after all this.
On a farm far from the nearest town, being able to work through the internet. I look at the world and I see a torrent of events and things, and it saddens me. But when I leave my home office, I see my dogs, waiting for me to play. I see the road, where hardly anyone passes. And the trees, are always calm, totally oblivious to everything that is happening. And I think this is the life I always wanted. It's not easy, but it's rewarding.
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forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
Don't Give Up
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Man is by nature entrepreneur.
I mean that entrepreneurship is something natural for man. From the time of caves, when man needed to find his own food, he found himself in a situation of entrepreneurship. He had to deal with uncertainty, maybe he didn't have food. He had to look for opportunities, what are the closest and easiest hunts. He had to deal with adrenaline, maybe I'll die hunting. He had to deal with indifference and disapproval from others when he returned to the cave without any game.
So this is deeply ingrained in the psychology of man.
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With time and the structuring of society, something new emerged the job. And by no means do I want to belittle this path here. Besides that, I believe that every job is worthy and therefore deserves to be respected. In opposition to the attitude of the one who, instead of looking for his own means, wants to have what belongs to the other, which is an anti-social act, which I repudiate. Employment, which is something much more recent than man's prehistoric entrepreneurship, is a path that has its advantages. The greatest security, knowing that, as established in the contract, the person will receive a certain amount at the end of a certain time. The predictability of being able to dedicate themselves every day to certain activities and not worry about distant aspects of their role. And social recognition, after all, the person is employed, which represents for society in general, a more stable situation than the person who is not.
The entrepreneur, on the other hand, has an arduous task ahead.
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He enters into an activity, as a caveman goes out to hunt, knowing that today he will not bring the game home, and tomorrow, and then...
Time passes and needs to be used wisely, the entrepreneur needs to intelligently allocate his resources, so that he can do the most important thing, in the shortest possible time, with the spirit prepared for the numerous course corrections.
Society looks at him as a dreamer, as someone who doesn't live in this world and who is wasting his time and skills on something unworthy of most people's attention. But the entrepreneur remains resigned, through sleepless nights, constant doubt, the eternal quest to improve himself, and especially the practical sense that he needs to assume: today I'm going to kill a lion. Little does he know, that this lion, can be a bear, or even more dangerous animal, (if it exists), in fact, he doesn't even know what awaits him in reality and follows in the purest faith.
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Believing that something he's not seeing is going to happen. Days pass, months, sometimes years. The entrepreneur sometimes gave up on that idea, but he didn't give up on undertaking, sometimes he even looks for a job, something in which he can have a minimum of financial security.
But he continues to feed in his heart a desire and especially a certainty, that one day the lamp will light up.
Sometimes the stars take time to align, sometimes they don't, and one day like magic things start to fall into place. In the world's eyes, everyone thinks, when they don't say: "wow, he changed overnight"
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But deep down, only he knows what he's been through.
The journey was long and tiring, with many obstacles and setbacks. But in the end, he realizes that he was right. And he thinks to himself: It's not easy, but it's rewarding.
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forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
Red Dragon Keyboard & Mouse (with Wrist Rest)
There are several mechanical keyboards on the market, I chose to buy the Red Dragon keyboard and mouse, as well as the wrist rest for both. A quick review:
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Mechanic keyboard
What? I'm using the Red Dragon Kumara keyboard, with a Brazilian Portuguese layout (with ç), which is red light only, lighting modes are changed on the keyboard by pressing the fn key. (no software needed) Why? What can I say? I find the image of a red dragon interesting. I sympathize with this brand, even though I think it could be better in some ways.
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So what? So far the experience has been very good, it has a pleasant noise, and provides speed and comfort when typing. I bought a compact keyboard. I would like to test the full keyboard because I miss the numeric keypad.
Gamer mouse
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What? I'm using Red Dragon's Nothosaur mouse, and the first thing that impressed me about this keyboard was the packaging. Very good for transporting the mouse, solid construction also.
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The mouse has several colors that can be changed using the button in the center.
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Why? Mouse ergonomics is important for people who use the computer for long hours. So what? I'm finding the experience quite pleasant so far.
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Wrist support
What? I'm using Red Dragon wrist rests for both keyboard and mouse. Why? I have long felt the need to use the wrist rest, especially for those who use the computer for long hours, it is an essential item. So what?
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Red Dragon offers 2 sizes for the keyboard wrist rest, as I bought the compact keyboard, I bought the smaller wrist rest.
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The mouse wrist rest is similar to the conventional ones, but the quality seems better.
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forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
It Goes Beyond Being Cheaper
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I just finished assembling mine and was thinking about this.
I intended to build a computer on the budget that I could achieve the best value for money.
But there was one condition… I don't buy anything that isn't good. Of course, it's not always possible to buy the best, but at least the best on a budget, popular products for being cheap don't interest me. I also wanted to know what it was like to build my own computer.
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This idea of receiving several pieces and some time later having a computer on and working always fascinated me. I set a small budget so if it didn't work out, it wouldn't be a big problem. Because it's a simple project, other people could do it too. The computer is my main work tool, so I see the ability to build a computer as a professional enhancement.
"I need computers, learning to assemble them is a step forward."
But it's important to think about the cost-benefit ratio. I imagine a person who learned to make wooden furniture, bought the tools, acquired this knowledge, and can now furnish his house. Even if the amount invested in purchasing tools and obtaining knowledge is higher than the amount that would be paid for furniture, from now on, it can produce the furniture it wants, when and how it wants.
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I think something similar about building a computer. Even if at the end of the day I conclude that buying a computer is cheaper (not only the investment of money but the investment of time as well), these two situations are quite different. Being able to assemble my computer whenever and however I want is different from just being able to choose one. In addition, the knowledge needed to assemble a computer is the same as to select a good computer. Knowing which parts are needed and what each one does is the knowledge needed to understand why one configuration is better than another.
I believe that generally building your own computer is cheaper than picking a ready-made computer, considering only the financial aspect.
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When time investment is considered, the situation changes drastically because learning about computers can take some time (depending on how much you already know about the theme). In addition, careful consideration is required so that you do not buy incompatible parts. If you are interested in this subject, click on the link to receive the next posts in your email. newsletter.forbrilliantpeople.online
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forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
How to Like Computers Again
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I have always been fascinated by computers.
Despite always having a computer at home, due to my parents' work, I only got my first laptop in college. After entering college, I decided to study Design and started taking software courses (such as Photoshop and Illustrator) and later the full Design course. Then I was practically swallowed by Apple. The computers in the office, at the college, those of my colleagues... wherever I looked, I only saw Apple. I sold my first Notebook, so I could buy a white MacBook. At the time, in 2009, Apple was quite different from what it is today, as were its computers and operating system. But before selling my Notebook, I had the opportunity to use Ubuntu.
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"If this system ran the programs I need, I wouldn't have to sell my laptop" I remember getting that impression. I became a typical Apple consumer, I had at least one, sometimes two, of all apple products. Until one day I came across a magazine, Hackers Manual 2015 and I remembered my fascination with computers.
I realized that I had lost the curiosity I had on this subject.
First a White MacBook, then I bought an iMac, and then a MacBook Air. When Apple released a new system, I would look at my desk, and I would see these super-thin aluminum computers, and I would always think: "Will this new system run well? Will the computer slow down? Will I have to buy another Mac?"
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Reading that magazine, and looking at several other systems, I became curious again, wanting to learn and know more about computers, something I had lost when I entered the Apple world.
On the other hand, I didn't want to try to install another system on my Macs that wasn't macOS, I didn't see many people doing it, and I was very afraid that something would go wrong, and I wouldn't know how to fix it. I had to take a trip to the Amazon Rainforest, and there my MacBook Air got wet and broke. No repairs and no warranty. That's how I entered the Linux universe: borrowing an old notebook (which looked broken) and running Xubuntu on it.
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It was under these conditions that I started to learn about Inkscape and Gimp and that I was able to buy my new notebook.
For the first time in over 10 years, I was buying a non-Apple notebook.
So I started my long journey in search of the distribution that would be most suitable, and I never forgot that moment, when I really needed a computer and Xubuntu helped me. To learn more, click on the link and receive the posts in your email. newsletter.forbrilliantpeople.online
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forbrilliantpeople · 2 years
For Those Who NO Longer Want Windows
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One day I visited my mother, and she complained that the notebook was very slow and had several problems. I made a backup of her files and installed ZorinOS.
When I first saw Zorin, I thought: "This is a system to install on my mother's computer"
It is clear, objective, and self-explanatory. Looking at the site, anyone can understand what it is about. They practically don't even talk about Linux, and you don't have to. Most of the time it works: "I will install a better system than Windows" All I had to teach my mother was: "LibreOffice: here are the programs you use" After that, I showed her how to print, (the printer was automatically recognized) mission accomplished.
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Despite seeing ZorinOS as the best alternative for a person who has never used Linux. For some reason, I believed that I should use another system, something more complicated and with more options. But after my last experience with ElementaryOS I started thinking:
"I want a system that just works. I don't want to have to take 2 steps when I could take only one. I want stability. I want to install a system and know that it will be running smoothly for a long time."
And that's when I discovered that ZorinOS was the best alternative for me too.
The beginning of a new phase with Linux
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I finally installed Zorin on my first machine. I had to remember which apps I used in Xubuntu because several apps I had already switched to the Elementary version. After that, I did what I always did. I installed the updates and apps I need. Everything working perfectly. Mission accomplished. Next task: installing ZorinOS on my wife's computers. One day I said: "I'm going to install a new system on the computers." "Why?" I wish I had answered because it's better. But the truth is that I spent a long time talking about all the aspects that I didn't like about ElementaryOS, saying that Zorin was much better and that on top of that they had a version with Xfce, which she already knew from having used Xubuntu for a long time... I installed ZorinOS on one of her computers. And something different happened.
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My wife spent a week, daily, telling me why Zorin was better than Elementary.
"It's faster, it's lighter, even the battery life is longer"
I know that some people may disagree with such statements because Linux is a matter that has to do with our sense of identity, with the idea that we are part of a community and that somehow the distribution we use says a lot about who we are and about our operating system view. But I can't deny that that was my experience with ZorinOS and since then it's been very good.
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