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arizonaraine · 1 year ago
Sorting Hat Chats: Heroes of Olympus
I did not write this, this is an original from @sortinghatchats. I found it on the wayback machine like two years ago and have had it saved in my notes. So this is my contribution to y'all's recovery efforts! Not sure whether to give credit to Inky or Kaden, let me know :)
OK, so I sometimes give speeches on long road trips about the Slytherinness of Percy Jackson. THAT KID. His fatal flaw is canonically that, forced to choose between the world and his friends, he would choose his friends. Slytherin Primary, all the way. Kid’s almost running around waving a banner with his hair dyed silver and green. 
He’s also a Slytherin Secondary. Yeah, I know, the kid’s loud and coarse and a bit of a bro (he is. I love him, but he is). But Percy thinks rapidly on his feet, adapts to dangers by snapping up whatever weapon (physical, godly, mental, emotional) is nearest at hand, and is shamelessly, easily comfortable with using others for his own gain. 
When the chips are down, the only thing he cares about are his inner circle: Annabeth, his mom, and sometimes Grover and Tyson. He’s content to use and sometimes destroy useful bystanders like Nico and “Bob,” to keep his people safe. He may like Nico and Bob, even empathize if someone like Annabeth isn’t in immediate danger, but at the end of the day he would (and does) trade their happinesses and safety for their utility. 
But Percy doesn’t look like a traditional Slytherin/Slytherin. The boy is not smooth. The kid is not slipping around corners and cleverly avoid ruffling feathers while he steals his victories out from other peoples’ pockets. Percy lives almost always in his neutral state— this is something we talk about more deeply in our Slytherin Secondary post. But the neutral state is when a Slytherin isn’t using the code-switching and ease that is inherent to this secondary. Most Slytherin Secondaries only do this at home, when they are safe, relaxed, and in the company of only their most trusted people. It is literally dropping your guard. And Percy leaves his emotional guard hanging pretty much all the time; he’s bluntly and rather uncouthly on his sleeve. But the moment physical danger sets in, he goes full torpedoes ahead with a guile that is rough-edged but certainly present. 
I’ll sort the rest of the Seven, Nico, and Reyna under the cut, hopefully with a little less verbiage. Slight spoilers forBlood of Olympus, but I did try to be a vague as possible. 
Annabeth, my brash, bright, idealist darling, whose greatest desire is to rebuild a broken world anew, and whose fatal flaw is hubris and pride, is a Ravenclaw Primary. She is right, certain, and willing to sacrifice herself for the things she values. Clever, studious, prepared, she’s also a Ravenclaw Secondary. 
Piper literally has the Slytherin Secondary as a superpower. Now, her charmspeak wouldn’t actually have any effect on her actual Secondary (your skills don’t matter as much as the methods you want, or respect in tactics). But Piper uses her charmspeak like her lungs by the end of the series, and even in flashbacks we find her conning people into giving her cars.
She House shares with Percy, actually: Slytherin/Slytherin, though she has a Hufflepuff Performance where Percy just
 bother. Piper’s Slytherin Primary is most apparent in her dedication to her friends, and her decision over the course of The Lost Hero to sacrifice even them to save her father (a decision I’m not sure she’d make by the end of the series, when she’d bonded further to them). 
Jason is a Hufflepuff Primary raised in a world of Gryffindors—so, yeah, the kid looks really Gryffindor. But he learns to shuffle off the righteousness and rigidity of Roman life, and to embrace his own quieter service, empathy, and thoughtfulness for not only his crew, friends, and two camps, but also each of the forgotten gods. He’s at his most comfortable with a community to call his own that doesn’t demand his Heroism, and cause to dedicate his life to that involves serving and supporting people, not fighting for or leading them. 
His Secondary is Gryffindor—he earnestly and honestly charges his problems (his straight forward attempts to reassure Nico during the Cupid thing; the honesty and integrity Piper appreciates in him). Because his internal drive and motivations aren’t Gryffindor, he doesn’t look that obvious— his goals are often things like keeping the peace aboard ship, making sure everyone else has the things they need, and getting knocked out during fights. 
Leo reads a bit like a Slytherin, but i think he’s just a burned Puff Primary. Clearly a loyalist House, he’s guarded and sarcastic, bitter and a bit jaded, and doesn’t throw himself out with sacrifice and service the way Puffs like Jason might. He builds little communities, and big dragons. But while he likes Piper and Jason, or Hazel, his bonds aren’t anywhere near the intensity of true Slytherin Primaries like Piper or Percy. This suggests what he actually is is a burned Puff, a Hufflepuff Primary who’s been hurt enough that they keep their warmth close. When Leo does make decisions around people, it tends to be need-based rather than value-based— he’ll give up some of the people he loves because someone else who he loves, someone lonely and left *cough*, needs him more. 
Ravenclaw Secondary for the kid, of course. Leo Valdez, my tiny engineer friend, you tinker on. 
Hazel’s got a lot of layered-on traumas, losses, guilts, and misplacements that make her a little hard to sort*— her curse, her first death and her almost bringing Gaea’s apocalypse about early, her rebirth in a century not her own. But as she becomes more comfortable and confident throughout the second series, she begins to fall into a validating system of action, justice, and bravery. Her morality seems to be felt, and she is most at home with her weapon in hand, on Arion’s back, charging a clear foe with a clear conscience—she read, to me, like a Gryffindor who has stubbornly pulled herself out of a “stripped” state, with the help of some big hearts like Frank and Jason. 
(*Note: traumas do not make you less of your own House, or even less obvious of a House, exactly. What I mean here is that it’s harder to Sort someone burned as much as Hazel has been from the outside. Hazel’s got so much jammed inside of her, and even her POV is secretive enough in the first book, that she’s not obvious until she relaxes and confides in the reader a little more). 
Frank, dear Frank, with his willingness to burn himself out (literally) on Alaska’s icy plain, is a warm and solid Gryffindor Primary. That wasn’t about who needed him or who he loved; it was about right and wrong, and he was going to do right or die trying. A kind and worried rule follower, he seems to have Hufflepuff Secondary he feels like he should suppress. The Roman Legion is very much a Gryffindor-present-or-go-home kind of space— both Frank and Jason put on Gryffindor Models to fit in and feel at home. But where Jason is secretly a warm ball of Hufflepuff Primary, Frank actually is a Gryffindor Primary. The problem is, he doesn’t think his Gryffindor, his honestly strong and staunch sense of right and noble sacrifice, is good enough. So he models a more “brave” Gryffindor on top. Frank’s ascension to praetor, as Jason gives it up, was a beautiful step in both their journeys. 
Reyna’s Hufflepuff Secondary manifests itself in her dedication to doing things right, her (if stiff) kindness, her strength-sharing powers, and the care and emotion that earn her Pegasus’s honor. It’s her Gryffindor Primary, however, that earns her Athena’s respect—her refusal to stand down and her dedication. 
Nico di Angelo is a stunning Hufflepuff Primary. He loses his time, his world, his sister, any sense of safety at the camps of in his “friends,” any sense of home but perhaps a squat beside the River Styx— and when the world needs him, Nico doesn’t even think twice before running himself ragged trying to shut the doors of Death and defy Gaea. He’s not even part of the prophecy. He’s not liked, respected, or even wanted by almost anyone. But he shows up. He does what he can. He disappears without any expectation of respect, gratitude, or care. Thank goodness for people like Hazel, Frank, Jason, and Will. 
Nico’s not even quite a burned Puff. He doesn’t build himself a community (except for arguably Hazel), but he still takes it on himself to save and serve the world. 
It’s his secondary, more than his primary I think, that takes the brunt of his losses. He might have been a very young Ravenclaw secondary (cards! stats!) in his first appearance, and no matter how “dark” demigod he might be, the boy’s no Slytherin Secondary, but what his secondary actually is is rather unclear. He’s been beaten, stripped, and disillusioned. No tools feel comfortable in his hands. He’ll do whatever he has to do get the job done, and he doesn’t like any of it. The blossoming way he responds to Reyna and Hedge’s companionship, mutual respect, and affection however suggests he might be growing into a Hufflepuff Secondary once he finds a place or hearts safe enough to lay down roots. 
(I hope so. Kid needs a break). 
Percy and Piper are both Slytherin/Slytherins– deeply, sometimes destructively loyal, and masters of thinking quick and sideways on their feet. 
Annabeth is the sole Ravenclaw Primary. She shares a Ravenclaw Secondary with Leo, who’s a burned Puff. 
Frank, Reyna and Hazel are all Gryffindor Primaries, with Jason the odd Hufflepuff out. Frank and Reyna have Puff secondaries they try to cover up with Gryffindor models (hello Rome), while Hazel and Jason both have Gryffindor’s charging Secondary. They’re both most at ease facing their problems head on and with honest integrity. 
Nico is a Hufflepuff, burned in terms of letting himself have nice things, but not burned in terms of feeling like he needs to save the world, even if it keeps spitting on him. 
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transblood-hub · 1 year ago
any way youre willing to make transamian flags forblood that is the color of endogenic systems (https://pluralpedia.org/w/Endogenic) but for all of the flag versions on the pluralpedia page? And maybe the same for traumagenic systems (https://pluralpedia.org/w/Traumagenic) for all of the flag versions? 👉👈
Traumagenamian | Traumagenbloodic
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flag by Grey Skies || flag by Genic flags
flag by fae of the vale || flag by localhazard
A prideflagamian identity for those whose blood is or should be the colors of a traumagenic plural flag.
Endogenamian | Endogenbloodic
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
flag by anarachysys || flag by Grey Skies || flag by cluster brains
flag by fae of the vale || flag by localhazard
A prideflagamian identity for those whose blood is or should be the colors of an endogenic plural flag.
(Coined on January 31st, 2024)
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duranduratulsa · 10 months ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Television đŸ“ș Showcase...The Walking Dead: For Blood (2021) on Netflix #tv #television #horror #drama #TheWalkingDead #forblood #nightofthelivingdead #georgeromero #ripgeorgeromero #Zombies #2020s #Netflix #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsastelevisionshowcase
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srinivasontop · 4 years ago
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#bloodhealth #bloodcells #bloodvessels #bloodfood #bloodpressure #bloodosmolarity #bloodheart #bloodhealthy #healthybloodpressure #healthybloodsugar #bloodhealthy #goodblood #goodbloodline #goodbloodcirculation #bloodcirculation #bloodcirculationboost #hematology #bestfood #forblood #monday #essential #awareness (at SweetHome) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPQmWdgsprx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fearless-forevermore · 8 years ago
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But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time.. Honey, I rose up from the dead I do it all the time đŸ’€đŸ–€ #shesback #forblood #taylorswift #reputation #lookwhatyoumademedo
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ilsastrenchcoats · 4 years ago
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notjustamomsworld · 3 years ago
🎬 @twdoficialatinoamerica #s11e08 đŸ˜± #chapter8 đŸ“œ FOR BLOOD đŸ“ș #forblood 🍿#daryl Family first...always‌ Una tormenta llena d acciĂłnđŸŒ§đŸŒ©đŸŒ§ 💛 #twd #twdseason11 #twdfamily #twdfans #twdedit #twdamc #walkingdead #walkingdeadfans #thewalkingdead #thewalkingdeadedit #daryldixonedit #daryldixon #thewalkingdeadseason11
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valkyrie-char · 6 years ago
Elder Scrolls Blog
I created a blog dedicated to Elder Scrolls @forblood-forglory-forhonor
Might have it set to be a drawing commission blog as well, but we’ll see about that.
Also don’t forget about my Fallout blog, now named @what-inthe-goddamn
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rainkiing-blog1 · 7 years ago
⭐ deadass luv all ur blogs,,,, Bitch
shoutout to me:
@forblood @chemicalcasualty @agroruined @voracemcnt @raaken @aftaim @hereisthelie @largands @lifeboatpilot @inheritwrath @tortureshamsters @nobleloss @junkiecosmonauts @lastfalcone  @curseleader
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nowpakistan · 5 years ago
Institute forblood diseases tobe set up: CM Usman Buzdar
Institute forblood diseases tobe set up: CM Usman Buzdar
LAHORE:On the directions of Chief Minister Usman Buzdar, it has been decided to launch Punjab Institute for blood disease project in the province and the CM granted approval for setting up Punjab Institute for blood disease.
According to a handout issued here on Sunday, the decision was taken in a meeting which was also attended by Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid, Chief Secretary Punjab, Senior

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usuallypleasantprince · 7 years ago
Read Bite Club (The Morganville Vampires #10)(12) online free by Rachel Caine
Bite Club (The Morganville Vampires #10)(12) Author: Rachel Caine
"Guess not." Eve winked at Claire, who held up a grease-stained bag. "Seriously, you couldn't smell the burgers? Is your vampire nose on the fritz, Michael?"
"I was hoping I was imagining the burgers."
"Shut up. I got you one made extra rare. With pickles. I know you like pickles."
Michael paused the game and put the controller aside, and as he stood up, the door opened and Shane came in. He nodded to Michael as he dropped his canvas bag in the hallway, next to Eve's. "Who got burgers?"
"See,he can smell the burgers!" Eve yelled from the kitchen.
Michael ignored that. "You guys go to the gym?"
"Yeah," Shane said. "The martial arts guy is pretty hard-core."
"I got a bruise!" Eve shouted. "Big one! Right over my heart! Guess who put it there?"
Michael raised his eyebrows at Shane, who held up his hands. "Not me, man. I never touched her."
"Oliver!" Eve backed out of the kitchen door, holding plates, balancing them like a pro. "Michael, here's your almost-cooked one. Shane, got you the jalapeno burger. Me and Claire have plain old boring
"We're branching out into different forms of junk food," Michael said. "Exciting."
"Shut up. Do you want your juice warmed up?"Juice, Claire figured, was Eve's new code forblood. Well, technically, it was juice, Claire supposed. People juice.
"I'll get it," Michael said. "Thanks. Shane, Claire--Cokes?"
"Yes!" Claire yelled, at the same time Shane did. He walked over to put his arm around her and bent... Continuous reading: Read Bite Club (The Morganville Vampires #10)(12) online free by Rachel Caine
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notrxcketscience · 7 years ago
★ but u need a new theme
thank you so much for the compliment and, honestly? I’m working on trying to get a different theme. I have trouble reading my own blog a lot of the time. I feel kind of guilty, though, because someone spent the time to make this bg image for me and I feel like an asshole changing it. 😘
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motherbuilt-blog · 7 years ago
[text; Lexa🍆 đŸ”Ș] Oh shit
[text; Lexa 🍆 đŸ”Ș] Hello to you too Lexa is this a hint that I should come over?
@forblood // nudes meme 
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saviorbuilt · 7 years ago
To Do List:
- queue 25 drafts for when I'm gone for a week
- do small starters for flirty Clarke ( if you want a part of it, there's a starter call )
- write starters for @forblood and @faultedleader
- queue inbox memes
- do adult stuff
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