#forbidden phoenix
ashlinyack · 2 years
Forbidden Phoenix Chapter 9
Xifeng could still not grasp everything as she awoke that morning. The days that had passed now were all but a whirlwind. She had already been placed in her palace the day before as a sudden change had occurred at the prompting of the Emperor. She had gone from being a candidate for the entering into the palace to a consort within mere moments. And it was a whirlwind of emotions that were flooding her as well. His Majesty had said that he had long wanted her here by his side and that he had long held affection for her. It made her tingle with delight knowing he had such sentiment for her and made her heart skip a beat at such a thought. For someone so great to care for someone so simple as her was nothing short of amazing. And then the lavishness of everything he had given her was nothing short of amazing.
               There had been a gold necklace inlaid with pink diamonds, a beautiful piece of green coral that matched the inside of her eyes, twenty brocades of the finest silk she had ever touched in many different colours, six gold hair pins that matched to form a garden like piece in the hair when done up, a white fox fur, two black bear furs, a ink painting of a sparrow on a cherry blossom branch done by an artists she favoured, five-hundred gold taels, and so many more items that she had not been able to see them all to grasp. Even the secret gift given by his Majesty that was now hidden by a secret panel in her bed still shocked her.
               Laying there in her grand bed, the soft blue curtains drawn closed to keep out the early morning sun, she kept recalling everything that had occurred over the last three days – from the gift of the rose jade bracelet to His Majesty whispering in her ear that day, saying that he keeps his promises. The soft kiss he had placed on her cheek as well. Holding a hand to her cheek, she felt the warmth rising in them at the thought, every inch of her awakening at the memory of his breath playing along her neck in those few seconds.
               Even in the evening she had been quite overwhelmed. She had spent most of her time talking with Xiaoxiao and Yi Chen, learning the various buildings of the Palace, the important staff she needed to know, and of course the members of the Harem. She had repeated each member and how long they had been apart of it back to Yi Chen, as well as the facts regarding their pregnancies. The Empress and the Emperor had been married for five years and conceived one child that died at the age of three months. Noble Consort Zhou had been in the Harem acting as the Second Wife for four years and had been able to have two children. One had lived until the age of three but had caught a horrible fever and died from it in his nanny’s arms, while the other child had not lived past one month. Consort Fei had been in the harem for two years and had conceived one child that lived till they were two, and once again became seriously ill with fever and died over night no matter how hard the physicians tried. Consort Xei had been in the harem for eight months now and had conceived one child but lost the child late into the pregnancy. None of the of the Noble Ladies had yet to conceive a child. It was only Imperial Concubine Chu who was now successful pregnant.
               The amount of information had been heartbreaking but also daunting. She wanted to give the Emperor a child that would survive. And she hoped that one day she could. For now, though she needed to face the Harem and be able to handle them, be able to withstand the criticism for being so quickly favoured by His Majesty. Though she was a high-ranking officials daughter, it was still rare for the amount of gifts to be given to a new consort like what occurred with her.
               Sighing softly, she pushed the curtain to the side, blinking as she was surprised to see Qian standing there. “Oh, good morning, Qian. I was just getting up.” Qian took a step back, unsure of what to do – she always had to wake her Mistress up in the morning no matter what the occasion. Xifeng was not an early riser in any shape or form, so for her to be awake before Qian even came to open the drapes confused her greatly. “Good… good morning my Lad… your Highness. I have breakfast set out for you already, and there is a basin of warm water and a cloth to wash for the day. I will go prepare the dress you wish to wear.”
               Xifeng nodded and headed out of the bedroom to allow Qian to do her work and set out her dress for the day, as well as her hair pins and makeup. She planned to wear a dark blue dress with a scattering of butterflies on it today in various colours – it was vibrant, bold and would make an unusual statement for her first time sitting in with the other Consorts for morning tea.
Wiping the sleep from her eyes with the warm cloth at the basin that sat near her table, she kept her nerves calm and at bay as best she could. She tried to reassure herself that she still had someone here with her and hoped that they did not think she had been favoured greatly compared to them. However, it was easy for games to be played in the harem between all the consorts if one was not careful and watched their backs. Sighing, she shook her head and sat at the table, pulling the bowl of congee close and enjoying its rich flavours with the steamed bun as well.
After eating, and at a leisurely pace at that, she returned to her bedroom and dressing room to attire for the day. The room was far grander than her bedroom had been back at the manor – and it was her own, not shared with her mother or grandmother. She only shared the expansive garden with Lady Ming who had a side area within the palace and that was fine with here, for it was better to have a friend within the home she now had versus an enemy in the future. Lady Ming had been chosen from the remaining girls by His Majesty for her skill in poetry and was conferred as a Noble Lady. She had made friends with the young lady when they first entered the selection process, and it was appreciated that she would have a friend within these grand walls of the Palace. She had been one of six others to stay within the palace and be apart of the harem.
Sitting at the large dressing table, she touched all of her own makeups and pins, plus everything that had since been added in the hours of her arrival to the palace. All the finest rouges and lip stains, all the finest eye brow pencils and colours for her eyes as well. She had never seen such a selection before her in all her days and she did not know where to begin. Even the new oils for her hair were exquisite and vast, ranging in unique to exotic scents that she could have only dreamed of owning at one time in her life.
Qian came to stand behind Xifeng at the dressing table, squeezing her shoulders lightly in comfort. “We best prepare you for the first tea with Her Majesty. You will sit with all the others, and you likely will be the one they talk of most since His Majesty named you a consort directly from the selection, even before it was complete.” Smiling, Xifeng nodded and began to work on her makeup, working on something that would make her eyes subtle yet expressive, as well as match the dress she wished to wear today. While the traditional way was for women to wear their hair up in the Harem, Xifeng was going to opt to be different and continue to be the stand-out if she must and have a partial down, with strands of her long dark hair wrapped with silk strands that reflected in the light. These strands she had designed to go with the dress she was wearing, to seem as though she herself was a butterfly taking flight – and in truth she was.
Once fully prepared and dressed, Xifeng and Qian departed the Palace of Eternal Spring to make their way to the Empress’ palace. It was not a terribly long walk, and it was nice to enjoy first thing in the morning. They did note however that they did not see many others on the way to the Empress’ palace and that made Xifeng wonder if she was running later than she was.
Upon arrival to the Palace of Heavens Beauty, Xifeng glanced around to see if any of the familiar faces from the selection were present yet. She was happy when she spotted Lady Ming, and quickly went to grab the chair beside her. Qian assisted Xifeng to sit, allowing for an ease of comfort in the chair with her unique outfit. “Good morning, Lady Ming. It is so good to see a familiar face among the others. I hope you settled well at the palace. I learned of your arrival late in the evening so was unable to come greet you properly, however now we can converse. I was so worried I had overslept and was to be late when I did not see a single soul on my way here, however it seems that there are still a few stragglers.”
Lady Ming jumped at the voice speaking to her, fanning herself slightly at the startle before smiling and thanking Qian as she poured the two of them tea and placed cakes. “Oh, Your Highness! I did not see you arrive! Please think nothing of it. I was quite tired last evening after the banquet and was simply glad to settle into a place that was going to be my own indeed, rather than a place I did not know I was going to stay at or not. I have been trying to figure out who everyone is and doing a poor job of it. Do tell, do you know who belongs where, and who is of what rank yet?”
Taking a small sip of the smooth herbal tea that Qian had poured, Xifeng nodded her head lightly in response. “Yes, my eunuch was ever so wonderful in instructing me to who is who. Over there… that is Nobel Consort Zhou, essentially the ‘second’ wife to the Emperor. Then over there, you have Noble Lady Su, Noble Lady Cao and Noble Lady Dong. Noble Lady Cao is good friends to the Empress, whereas Noble Lady Su is good friends to Noble Consort Zhou. Now over there, those two that just came in – those are Consort Fei and Consort Xie. They often stick together. They only one who isn’t here is Imperial Concubine Chu and that is because she is heavy with child and permitted to remain at rest. Her father actually works alongside my father in the Department for War and Defense so I am hopeful that we will have an amicable relationship together.” A satisfied smile Xifeng’s features, proud that she had barely been in the Harem a week and she already knew whom who was, who was friends with who, and who was having children.
Lady Ming look stunned at all the information she was suddenly ladened with, trying to recall it in hushed tones as she recalled everyone who was now present in the tearoom at the Empress’ palace. “So the Empress is not here yet then?” Just as Lady Ming asked the question, the Empress entered from a side door, all the consorts and noble ladies rising to bow and greet her majesty.
“Please be at ease my sisters. Sit and enjoy your cakes while we speak of matters at hand. First off, welcome to the new sisters of the Harem. I am sure we have all had a chance to meet over the past days and will have further chances to get to know each other in the days to come as we serve His Majesty well.” The Empress’ handmaid came up beside her and offered her a cup of tea, bowing her head lightly once the cup was taken and departing to stand off to the side. It seemed that most of the consorts and noble ladies had brought their handmaids with them this morning, all except Lady Ming, which Xifeng found curious. “The first matter that needs to be addressed, which may be rushed for those new to the Harem, is His Majesty’s birthday banquet. It is in three months time, and I will need to know what it is you plan to give His Majesty so that I can inform Her Majesty the Empress Dowager within the next month. No gift should overstate that of the Empress Mother’s, nor mine.”
Xifeng swallowed the lump in her throat, having been aware of the Emperor’s birthday well before she entered the palace, and had in fact already started the gift she had planned to give him. The silk had been handmade by her after painstakingly learning to do so and dyed as well to a beautiful colour. Now she was working on the embroidery slowly to bring life to the piece she was creating. She did not know if the piece she was making would be over the top, and would out-shine that of the Empress and the Empress Dowager. She did not wish to create enemies within such a short time of her being here but at the time she did wish to please His Majesty.
“Second, His Majesty has asked us to host a soup kitchen at the southern gate for the refugees. We are the provide soup, buns and clothes to those who have come to the capital seeking shelter, and it does not matter if they are Mage or not, we are to offers them respite. I offered to go to the temple to pray for the refugees but he did not take kindly to this idea. So do I have anyone who would willingly volunteer to run the soup kitchen – this means organizing it, setting it up, and ensuring that it goes well in the name of His Majesty?”
The Empress glanced about the room to get a feel for anyone who would volunteer but no one immediately put their hand up. After a moment’s thought, Xifeng raised her hand, smiling softly. “Your Majesty, it would be an honour to assist with the soup kitchen for those less fortunate. I have skills in making clothes as does my handmaid so we can even have several clothes made in a few days time for children in need. Lady Ming, would you like to help me? It would be a great experience to do, and we would be spreading the kindness of His Majesty.”
Lady Ming blinked for a moment, looking lost as she glanced between Xifeng – a Consort she saw as her friend – and the Empress who could either make or break her. Smiling after a moment, she nodded her head and took Xifeng’s hand gently. “Oh yes Consort Li! I would be most delighted to assist you! I have skill in making clothes also so me and my handmaid can also make some clothing for the children, and even for the mothers. And if it is out of our palace, it will be easier to organize than stretched between many.” The fright seemed to melt away from the innocent girl, and Xifeng couldn’t help but worry for her and what she might face in the coming days in the palace as her friend – for now though they had each other and that is what mattered.
“Very well then. The Palace of Eternal Spring will organize the soup kitchen. If any wish to assist and join in, speak to Consort Li. I will expect it to be done by the end of the week. The final matter, which many are already aware of but those new to the harem will not be is the trip to the Summer Palace. It will take place as usual just after His Majesty’s birthday. Those who he selects will pass a final assessment to go with me. If you do not behave well in the Harem, then you do not go to the Summer Palace. It is as simple as that. The only ones guaranteed to go are myself and Noble Consort Zhou as we are the senior members of the Harem. If you wish to go and enjoy the delights the Summer Palace has to offer – do not offend me or His Majesty.”
The Empress stood with the last words and departed without another peep to the rest of the Harem. Noble Consort Zhou tailed after her, however the rest of the harem seemed to disperse to return to their own palaces. Departing herself, walking with Qian and Lady Ming, Xifeng couldn’t help that the end was mostly aimed at her. She was favoured already by the Emperor without having done much – she simply had arrived and he already liked her greatly. She did not know why, did not understand the reasoning behind it. She just knew this to be true and accepted it.
“Let’s detour through the Imperial Garden. I want to get some ideas to redo our own garden – make it truly a picture of Eternal Spring.” The escape from the stuffiness of the Empress’ palace was a relief but she needed more fresh air than the walk between the two palaces gave. The detour was a bit out of the way, but it gave her an excuse to spend more time with Lady Ming, and to gather ideas to change the garden slightly.
Once they had arrived, she took a deep breath of the fresh air the flowers gave in the soft breeze. The sound of the river running through the Imperial Garden’s tickled at her ear and it brought peace to her mind – and a memory of not to long ago with a stranger on the riverbank who happened to be the Emperor. Feeling her cheeks warm at the thought she turned to look at the various flowers, letting her mind change and drift, not wanting to think of his touch on her again but it was ever so difficult not to.
“What flowers do you enjoy most Lady Ming? I am partial to tree blossoms and azaleas. I do however want to include flowers that bloom year-round in our garden not just one season, so it truly is forever in bloom.” Smiling, Xifeng bent down to smell a patch of narcissus and smelled their delicate scent, enjoying them for the moment in thought. It brought back memories with her family at the time of the New Year Festival, and she couldn’t help but smile more knowing that times had been pleasant before she entered the palace. However now she was here for them, and things had changed in the blink of an eye, and it had become prosperous for them indeed.
Lady Ming glanced about the garden herself at all the tall tress, beds of flowers, ponds of lotus, and pavilions spread about for conversation and enjoyments of tea and activity. “Consort Li, I must be honest. I do not know fully which flower I enjoy the most as I have never been asked. However, I do quite enjoy the sounds of the waterfall that is in the palace already – I find it very comforting to be around. Is it possible to have a small creek and waterfall created by my area? With lotus flowers perhaps?”
Out of nowhere, a rich voice chimed in, startling them from observing the flowers. Suddenly Yongzheng was there behind them with his entourage that included four ministers and two princes, as well as several eunuchs, touring the Gardens no doubt. He approached Consort Li and placed a soft kiss to her cheek in greeting, startling her even more. “Whatever it is you desire to create in the gardens of your palace shall occur. No expense will be spared to provide a luscious, relaxing garden for you Consort Li, and for you Noble Lady Ming. Fu Gei, have extra workers sent to the Palace of Eternal Spring to obey the orders of Consort Li and Lady Ming. I would very much like for this project to be completed a month before my birthday, so I have time to enjoy it.”
Stunned into silence for the moment, Xifeng and Lady Ming quickly bowed and greeted the Emperor, which elicited a chuckle out of him and to wave it off. It was a casual greeting in the garden to Yongzheng between the women he liked the most and himself, he did not need the formalities. “Please my dears do not fret with the formalities. Relax. It is just us.” Fu Gei moved to the front of the group to stand beside the Emperor, bowing to the two ladies of the Harem respectively. He whispered to the Emperor briefly before he was waved off and smiled at the ladies.
Xifeng smiled and bowed once again in thanks before moving forward boldly and placed a soft kiss to the Emperor’s cheek, feeling her cheeks flush in the moment. “Thank you, Your Majesty. For allowing this endeavor to occur. We simply wish for a beautiful space to live in, and a wonderful space to raise your children in should we be so honoured. We shall work diligently to complete this task in time for you to enjoy before your birthday.”
Nodding, the Emperor continued on his way, touching Consort Li gently on the arm in a sign of affection before going to a desired pavilion for tea and discussion with his ministers. Xifeng on the other hand, let out the breath she was holding and could feel her cheeks burning from embarrassment. Lady Ming was giggling lightly behind her hand as she looked at moments that passed between the two of them.
Departing back to the Palace of Eternal Spring, the walk was mostly a discussion on flowers and what could be placed where within the palace – they agreed on lotus flowers within several ponds, a new pavilion for siting to enjoy tea and meals together, a large space that they could simply sit and enjoy the flowers or play chess, and perhaps a small waterfall or two throughout the palace. As well as the occasional mention of His Majesty, their discussion was very in depth for two people who had simply become friends a few days before. It was delightful to have a good friend in the palace that was easy to discuss various topics with from flowers to their husband – she had never had such a friend before, and it was rather new to Xifeng. Still, it was quite enjoyable to know she had someone she could interact with.
Arriving to the palace, they noticed Consort Xie and Lady Yin waiting at one of the pavilions with Lady Ming’s handmaid. They had been served tea and cakes in their time waiting it would seem but were not to pleased to have been waiting a time or two for their return. It was no fault of theirs since they had detoured to the Imperial Garden and met His Majesty there that they were waylaid from returning to the Palace of Eternal Spring. And they were not on a schedule either to meet others, so to Xifeng, she did not feel completely upset by the matter.
“Sister Li, we were beginning to wonder if you got lost in your return to your own palace. We were so wishing to have tea with you. You are, after all, the talk of the Harem with having achieved your position so quickly. For many of us it isn’t this simple task of appearing and becoming his favoured Consort, as it has been with you. Do tell us – how did you woo a man like the Emperor. You must have a hidden talent that has spoken to him in some manner.” Xie Shuchun spoke softly as she held the green porcelain cup in her hand, enjoying the fragrance of the herbal tea that had been brewed for her. She was a beautiful woman not much older than Xifeng herself and had been within the Emperor’s harem for at least eight months from what she was made aware of.
Lady Ming was about to speak when Xifeng gently touched her arm to console her. She would handle this on her own without the assistance of other’s. The games of the Harem had already come to her doorstep, and she wished to put a quick end to it. “Sister Xie, I do not know what tricks you speak of, for I am simply blessed. I am not favoured any higher nor any lower than you are. All the decisions are made by His Majesty so if he wishes to honour me, so be it. If you and Lady Yin wish to remain for lunch you may, we can add a few more dishes. We are simply going to planning how to reinvigorate the gardens here, before we likely will begin to plan the soup kitchen. Otherwise, I do wish you a good day.”
Consort Xie huffed, putting the cup of unfinished tea down on the table abruptly and standing. She brushed past in a flurry of robes, failing to offer a respectable nod or bow to either Lady Ming or Xifeng in the process. Lady Yin on the other hand tried to be a little calmer in her departure, muttering pleasantries and bowing as she tailed after Consort Xie, however it was apparent that she was not to remain without the other there. Perhaps it was not the answer she was seeking, but it was the answer she was going to get. For it was the simple truth of the matter, and no one needed to know any further details of her and His Majesty’s relationship.
Qian giggled as she headed off towards the kitchens with Lady Ming’s handmaid, Luli, going to fetch a few more dishes for an early lunch so that they can discuss more of the planning of the garden. Through the discussions, Xifeng felt the sense that this palace would become enchanting and ethereal once it was completed, her delight at knowing that she was given full reign over how things could occur in this space was still unbelievable.
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babygirlificationn · 1 year
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Edgeworth wips i will probably never finish + some silly stuff i didn't like enough to post on their own </3
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wwemcumuscleslover · 2 months
Ok guys here me out here!
I think I might book something perfect here... but too face the NEW JUDGEMENT DAY( Finn Balor, JD Mcdonagh, Dominick Mysterio, Liv Morgan, Carlito)
Damian Preist and Rhae Ripley have to bring the big guns and I mean huge guns, that must mean open the famous FORBIDDEN DOOR of Pro Wrestling, and these there people are Buddy Matthews ( rhea husband) and the power couple Edge( the Founder of the Judgement day) and his wife Beth Phoenix( she has I short rivaly with Rhea)
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emmanemanems9 · 2 years
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some doodles :)
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lgbtqreads · 5 months
Happy Jewish American Heritage Month 2024!
Happy Jewish American Heritage Month! As always, we’re celebrating with books! For even more recs, check out previous years’ posts! Middle Grade Just Shy of Ordinary by A.J. Sass Thirteen-year-old Shai is an expert problem-solver. There’s never been something they couldn’t research and figure out on their own. But there’s one thing Shai hasn’t been able to logic their way through: picking at the…
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plugnuts · 1 year
I remember when I got to the bridge to the turnabout case knowing a good chunk of what was going to happen through spoilers and was SO ready for the hospital scene between Phoenix and Miles only for it to not happen and felt SO disappointed. I hyped myself up for something I didn’t even know was not gonna be there
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eerieayres · 2 months
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The lovers that cannot be
SophCandy's phoenix and dragon OCs, Malika and Samir. Really leaned into art nouveau on this one!
I made 2 versions, since I couldn't decide on Samir's eyes 😅
This piece was done in my special art style, inspired by Yoshitaka Amano. Amano is the artist behind old-school Final Fantasy.
I drew this for Art Fight 2024, an online OC art trade event that takes place through the month of July.
Characters © SophCandy Artwork © EerieAyres
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authorkrysejay · 1 month
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Step into a world of elemental magic, where a kidnapped princess meets her match in the one keeping her captive.
Phoenix Caged is a dark romantic fantasy and second book in the Hiraeth Song series.
Available now! On Amazon, Barns & Noble and more!
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missathlete31 · 1 year
A princess in her lonely castle
A knight sent off to war
A forbidden love hoping to survive
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@nolita-fairytale I made this from your username! A little Hannix fairy tale action! Hope you like!
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science-lings · 8 months
I'm so normal I love it when the current blorbo canonically displays signs of trauma and it's noticed by the people and it's not played for jokes (aside from misunderstanding what their reactions really mean)
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creativestorylove · 4 months
Kissed softly by the tenderness of your touch, I closed my eyes just to feel your fingers tracing my bottom lip, slowly, as you leaned over me from the side. I breathed in your scent, getting the feeling of secureness I was seeking my whole life as your fingers began to wander down to my chin and my throat. I felt shivers hitting my body like a wave in the turmoiled sea. At my frequently pulsating artery, you laid your fingers, and then your whole warm hand demonstrating your power over me. Being able to kill me anytime you wanted. As if you needed to do this. I knew who you were, better than anyone else. Instead of intimidating me, this gesture lit my fire deep inside myself even more. I couldn't do anything but to bury my fingers in your dark, curled hair feeling your crown of golden laurels. You lifted your hand to gently caress mine, leaving a bitter cold sensation on the vulnerable area of my throat. I slowly opened my eyes, just to lock them with your intense gaze. As always, a thousand different feelings were mirrored by your green eyes. I withstood the gaze until you lowered it, detailing every inch of my chest, my cleavage, the soft linen tunic I wore that night. Your hand followed your eyes slowly, indicating your plan to take the next step. I knew what you were planning and I wanted to continue so badly. Against my will, I turned my face away from you to stop your actions. In my head I cursed at myself for that as you lowered your head onto my shoulder, silently letting out a frustrated sigh. Of course, you knew what I was thinking, totally aware of your status and of mine. We weren't to be. I felt hot tears wetting my temples as I looked up trying not to tear up. I felt your sadness without looking at you. Trembling I decided to push you gently away from me, putting my hands on your beautiful designed chest armor. Fighting my will to stay, I got up quietly sobbing. I bent down, taking a wooden basket full of clothing, repeating my mantra 'We weren't meant to be' over and over again in my head. As I turned to look at you, I saw the pain in your eyes. You were looking at me, defeated, like a little boy, resting our elbows on your knees. Again I felt a sting in my heart and silent tears running over my cheeks. Crying out loud how much I hated to leave you wasn't an option. So I bowed to you one last time, naively hoping you would stop me from leaving. As you lowered your head, keeping your suffocating duties in mind, I nodded and went outside of the bedroom of yours. Although I heard the shattering of glass and books on the floor, the angry crying of despair in the room behind me, I swallowed sobbing and went to continue my work in the laundry room, always repeating 'We weren't meant to be' - for this mantra was my only connection to you in a way nobody was allowed to know.
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@darknessisafriend you said you would be happy if I shared such things with you^^ it's a bit sad this time, I have to try writing more positive stuff right? ^^"
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ashlinyack · 2 years
Forbidden Phoenix Chapter 8
Xifeng awoke with a jolt that morning when Qian touched her, unable to shake the feeling that things were not going to be simple today. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes with the back of her hand, she shifted from the bed and went to the table to begin to have breakfast. It was a slower day that day, as the process with the Emperor was not till tomorrow, where as this morning and that afternoon the girls would be called upon one by one from their rooms to show their best skills.
               This gave Xifeng a bit of time to get herself together and set out her embroidery items to be seen as well as to showcase a small piece before the Matron.
               Taking the bowl of congee, Xifeng stared at it for a moment before glancing at the rose jade bracelet that still lingered on her wrist. She had not taken it off the night before, afraid to let it out of her sight even for a moment. And now seeing it in the daylight, it was even more magnificent than it was last night, making her catch her breath for a half second, knowing that he had gifted her such an item without much thought. “Why me?” She couldn’t help but ask herself. She had never ventured far from her Father’s manor, not one to attend many of the social events that occurred. Often, she could be found within the garden of the manor in a specific pavilion resting, reading a book or working on her embroidery it would seem. But she never ventured far from the manor.
               Sighing softly, she finished off her breakfast and went to the bed to where her dressed lay waiting for her to slip into. Today she had chosen a soft green gown with a field of flowers embroidered along the hem of the dress and bunnies on the sleeves. Something a little more youthful and playful for the day, but still showing her versatility in her skills. It also complimented the rose jade bracelet well, making it look more beautiful than it already did against her pale skin.
               Sitting down at the dressing table, she slid her jade comb through her hair and waited for the time being to style it up, enjoying the feeling of the long strands flowing down her back and nearly touching the floor in her sitting position. She began to do her eye makeup and put on rouge when there was a sudden knock at the door to the room she had been assigned. Startled, and unsure of what was going on, she went to the door to see who was there. Qian was already opening it, in a state of shock for a moment before bowing and allowing those who were at the door in.
               When Xifeng realized who was arriving and why Qian was startled, she suddenly felt very underdressed and unkept, her appearance barely even acceptable for the ones standing before her. Lowering herself into a deep bow, her dark hair falling forward as she did, Xifeng spoke softly as she greeted those who entered. “Greetings, Your Majesty. Greetings Father. I… I was not expecting to see you so soon Father. And I did not expect to greet you Your Majesty until tomorrow at the selection process.”
               A soft laugh escaped the Emperor’s lips as he moved forward and raised Xifeng from her bow, the look in his eyes sparking feelings deep within her being. It was the man she had met beside the river at the Welcoming Banquet, the first night she was here. His touch was just as warm now as it was then, and his gaze lingered with a sense of longing on her now compared to then. “I promised to raise you to the position of consort did I not? And last night a threat was made on your life. So, we simply will… move things along a little quicker than anticipated. Your father and I have already been in discussion regarding you becoming apart of my Harem for a time. Now I will move you to your palace in order to protect you properly. I know your skills. I know you are virtuous. So, I look forward to having you by my side Xifeng.”
               Qian went quickly to Xifeng’s side and held her arm, trying to shake some life into her as she stood there in shock. Things had already been planned for her regarding her being in the harem – the whole formality of going through the selection was simply an act it had seemed. And now, she was moving into a palace as a Consort. Not just a noble lady, but a full Consort to the Emperor. “You… your Majesty, I do not understand. Why me? I do not know how I garnered your attentions. I am but a minister’s daughter who has barely left the manor. I don’t have skill in music and would much rather be on the back of a horse shooting a bow and arrow, than playing the zither. Please I beg one of you to explain how I am worthy of such attentions.”
               Li Heng stepped forward, taking his daughter’s hands gently into his own and squeezing them tightly. Age showed on his face with the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes as he smiled at his only daughter, the grey in his dark hair showing in wisps from the leather thong that held it tight on his head. “Me beloved Xifeng, since you came into this world you have been born for a greater purpose. Your mother has known this, and I have known this. You are meant to be by the Emperor’s side as his Consort. Before he was Emperor he came to the manor to discuss matters with me one day and you won his heart, me beloved child. So even before you knew him as Emperor, the Crown Prince had you in his eye. We have long been in discussion for you to join his harem, however finding a time that worked and did not upset the order with the Empress and other Consorts that have been selected by the Empress Dowager was always an important factor.”
               Xifeng stood there still stunned and unsure of what to say as she looked at her father. She turned her gaze to the Emperor, her hazel hues wide with shock and awe that this man had wanted her most of all out of any woman in all of the Capital. “Thank you. I do not know what else to say other than thank you. This is such an honour and privilege to serve at your side Your Majesty. I will do my best to be a virtuous consort and give you the children you deserve.”
               Yongzheng approached Xifeng, his hands coming to replace where Li Heng’s had once been, smiling softly at her. “You were always kind to me no matter what when I came to the manor. You spoke to me not as the Crown Prince, but simply saw me as a person. You have always been kind to me. You were kind to my father when he was ill as well, making him items to keep him comfortable in his most difficult days. You have the truest heart I have ever seen, and I have fallen for it. You have won my heart and soul from the other women of the Harem, Xifeng. No one has ever managed to do that. Though I care for them, I do not cherish them as I wish to cherish you. I wish to spend every day together with you. So please, will you be my consort and stay by my side. Help me with my Empire when I so need it and be my companion?”
               Xifeng blinked and looked deep into the amber eyes of the Emperor, seeing the truth that came from them. He did truly have feelings for her, and she could see it within their depths. He had shown his desire for her not only in protecting her overnight with his guards, but also in the gift of the rose jade bracelet. “I… yes Your Majesty. I will gladly be your Consort and your companion. I will hopefully be able to offer you the same kindness and compassion I have showed in the past, while offering what I must as a vital member of the palace. I look forward to serving you in the coming days. As your companion and wife.” A small smile curved her lips as she bowed her head and lowered herself slightly, unable to fully bow with her hands still grasped by the Emperor.
               Both her father and the Emperor let out a soft sigh of relief, a giggle escaping Xifeng at the notion that they both seemed to be on edge that she may not wish to be in the palace. It was true that she was frightened of the battlefield she was about to enter, knowing that the Harem had its own dangers. However, to ensure the happiness and delight of the Emperor was a whole other matter. She would be by his side for most of the time she expected if he already favoured her so, and that she could not give up easily.
               “Once your maid has packed your belongings, you will be moved to your new palace, the Palace of Eternal Spring. I still must complete the final part of the selection and make it seem that you are not the only one I desire of course. You may still attend the banquet tomorrow evening if you so desire until the point when the announcement is given on who will be staying within the palace and who will be departing. In two days time there will be tea with her Majesty, and that will likely be awkward as well. But I have faith in you my dear.” Yongzheng gently touched Xifeng’s check with his hand before leaning in and placing a soft kiss to it. Her cheeks coloured even more at this, and she felt herself warmer than before. “I believe you have the strength in you that I need to stand beside me Xifeng. I trust you more than anyone else. Now I must depart and head to get ready for this afternoon’s court meeting and tomorrow’s selection. If there is anything you need simply ask Fu Gei and he will see that it is met. He will accompany you this afternoon for the time being.”’
               Yongzheng placed another kiss to her cheek before departing, leaving Xifeng alone in the room with her father, Qian having disappeared to pack her belongings to move. Staring at her father, a nervous laugh escaped as she sat back down at the table, her half-finished tea sitting there now nearly cold. “You kept such a large secret from me Father! And now… now I am bewildered and lost in a wave of emotion at the feeling of being so desired by his Majesty. Why could you have not told me? It would have better prepared me for all of this.” Xifeng poured a cup of the jasmine tea that was now slightly cold, its flavour stronger than when she had had a cup at breakfast – it was still enjoyable but quite strong.
               “I am sorry my beloved daughter for deceiving you. I did not mean to. Nor did your brothers. They have been wracked with guilt over this matter for days now, and wish to come visit you as soon as possible to express their sincerest apologies. We feared telling you at the risk of harm coming to you, and that obviously occurred without you being selected yet. So, we moved matters up. Please do not have hate in your heart for us, your family, or the Emperor. He truly does have affection for you – he has since the first time he visited the manor.” Li Heng sat own near his daughter, placing a gently hand upon her arm that had been resting on the table as he spoke. He looked to her with honest, dark eyes with hope that she would understand the truth of what was going on and would not hold much more of a grudge towards her family.
               Sighing softly, Xifeng set the cup for her tea down and let her head hang lightly as she let her thoughts rolls through her mind. She was not upset with her family, just confused mostly because of what had occurred – nothing was making sense to her, and she had simply wanted things to go in a straightforward manor instead of in this twisted version. While deep in thought, Qian returned and informed her that her belongings were packed, and they could move to the palace at any time.
               “I will fetch Fu Gei and we can go.” Her father rose from his position and stepped out the door to fetch the eunuch who was normally at the Emperor’s side. She felt underdressed and plain now for entering into a new palace, but there was little she could do about that now as her belongings were now packed. She was simply glad she had gotten dressed and done her makeup while waiting for today’s events to occur, but she now wished she had done her hair during breakfast as she normally did. It was loose and down, not normal for any woman to wear usually.
               “Qian did you keep any of my hair pins out? I should put my hair up before we depart for the palace. It is not proper for me to walk out with my hair loose like this.” Sighing softly she took a few strands of her long hair into her hand and wove it through her fingers before suddenly gold pins were before her eyes in Qian’s hands. She smiled and sat down at the table, Qian quickly styling her hair up and pinning it as best she could with what they had left out. It was not the best of course, but it was better than what she would have had if she went out with her hair down.
               Shortly there after, Fu Gei and a few other eunuchs entered the room to gather her belongings. “Greetings Consort Li. I shall take you to your new accommodations now. Staff has already been prepared for you at the palace, as well as a second handmaid to assist in all your needs. You shall meet her when we get there. If there is anything else that you may need or desire, please inform me.” Fu Gei gave a deep bow to Xifeng, something, she was not quite used to, but she supposed she would have to get used to now as a consort of the Emperor.
               “Thank you. There is one request that I wish to make. There was a eunuch who greeted me when I arrived, and I enjoyed his abilities and mannerism. Yi Chen. He said he worked under Qin Qiao in the Imperial Department. I would like him transferred to my services as my own eunuch, if that is possible. He knows the palace well and I need someone who can help me learn who is who, and where things are quickly.” Xifeng thought back to the young eunuch who had helped her when she had first arrived and believed he would be the most the adequate in getting her used to the palace. Qian smiled and nodded her head as she came to take her Mistress’ arm lightly in her own, agreeing with the request. “The eunuch was most kind when showing my Mistress to the Welcoming Banquet, and he would work well in the dynamic the two of us already have together. I also look forward to meeting the other staff and ensuring that they work well for my Lady… err Her Highness.” Qian smiled and giggled some, squeezing Xifeng’s arm tightly before leaning her head lightly to her shoulder. They were indeed good friends, and she was happy to have someone close with her in this transition of her life.
               They soon departed from the housing blocks and headed to the Palace of Eternal Spring. It was a fair walk from one location to the other as it was on the opposite side of the grand palace. In the party from the housing block to the new palace, aside from Xifeng and Qian, there was Fu Gei, a total of ten eunuch’s caring her belongings and other items, six maids, and a dozen guards. The entourage was rather large and brought a few ministers out to look from the buildings they passed. She was a new consort and was being given the treatment she deserved it seemed, even if the walk was long.
The walk allowed Xifeng some time to think as they went through the various areas of the palace. She tried to memorize some of the places they passed but all of them were gone in a blur before she could read the buildings placards. Each one was a blob in her memory as they went by, and it was hard to decern which one was which as they went by. They whole ordeal was a blur in her mind – she had gone from being a simple minister’s daughter to a favoured Consort of the Emperor in a few short days. Xifeng still did not know how to feel, and if she should be truly overjoyed or frightened at the world she was about to step into.
Finally arriving at the palace, her breath caught at the beauty that was before it. It was indeed a place of Eternal spring with flowers and trees everywhere. It seemed a place that could forever be in bloom if one truly made it possible. There were a few sparse pavilions for drinking tea or enjoying conversation, as well as a pond and river that wove around the main building and the outlying buildings of the palace. This was her new home.
A small girl was running up to the group from the main building in a cream gown, winded it seemed. She stopped herself short, nearly toppling in the process, and it caused Qian to giggle. Xifeng swatted Qian in disappointment at her demeanor, the handmaid that had accompanied her into the palace and would now be her head maid in this palace firming herself up in the moment. “Greetings Your Highness. Please forgive us for not receiving you in a timely manner. We did not expect you this early today, though the palace is ready for you, we have been busy with our daily chores. I am Xiaoxiao, your handmaid gifted by His Majesty to aid in all matters. I look forward to being of service to you in the coming days.” The small girl with soft features bowed at the waist, offering a small smile as she did so, moving off to the side to let many of them pass into the palace.
“Thank you Xiaoxiao. Qian, my handmaid that has accompanied me since I could remember will be the head maid of the palace. All matters will be directed through her. The two of you will work together to ensure my comfort and satisfaction everyday, as well as Yi Chen when he arrives. You can also assist me in learning the various locations in the palace, who is who, and what I must be wary of. I do not wish to upset anyone.” Xifeng stepped forward and spoke to both Xiaoxiao and Qian as she went, beginning to explore the gardens of the palace, and learn her way around this new place that was to be her home for the rest of her life. “Qian can inform you and the rest of the maids as to what my likes and dislikes are. Please have the Department of Imperial Attire send over an embroidery table, stand for gowns, thread, needles and standard silks used for the consort’s gowns. I do not wish for them to make my gowns – I will continue to make my own.”
Moving into the palace’s main building that would be her residence, she let out a sigh of shock at the pure beauty that beheld her. The colours were soft and reminiscent of early spring – soft greens, pinks, blues, white and yellows. The wood of the tables, chairs and desk were dark and rich to give a strong contrast but not overly so to be overstated. It was like the dark wood of a tree followed by the softness of a cherry blossom or plum blossom tree. It was ever so comforting in each room she went to. The sitting space gave enough room for her to entertain her family if she so desired to have them all their, with comfortable seats for at least eight. The room where she would take her meals held a table with five chairs surrounding it, which would give her a chance to entertain a consort here or there for a meal as well as His Majesty.
Her study room was filled with many books that she had never seen before, and she could not wait to spend hours reading them. And there was a space that she could easily transform into where she would work on her embroidery. Her bedroom was the room that blew her away the most. It was large and spacious, and broken into four parts. One part held her bed, a large, beautiful bed of dark wood covered in soft pinks for her mattress, covers and pillows. The cover that surrounded her bed was a soft white with petals laced out of a soft blue, given the look of flower petals blowing in the wind. The second space was a dressing space with plenty of space for as many gowns as she may wish, and a full dressing table already filled with the finest cosmetics for a Consort. The third space was a lowered wooden bath basin, shielded away from view, with shelves full of oils to suit whatever one desired when having a relaxing bath. The final space was simply a living space with two reclining chairs and yet more shelves filled with books of poetry and adventure.
Xifeng could not believe this was all for her. It was breathtaking and awe inspiring – she did not know how to feel in every moment she walked through the building. It was beautiful and fitted her personality perfectly. She actually wondered if her Father had consulted on the decorating of the palace and it brought forth a giggle.
As she returned to the sitting area, the eunuchs and maids who had accompanied her were waiting patiently with Fu Gei. Taking a seat in one of the chairs near the head of the room, she began to feel a little more in the role that she was to be in, but it was not easy to suddenly fill the shoes. “Your Highness, His Majesty has sent these gifts with me for you, and they are to be enjoyed at your disposal. They are fully listed here on this memorial. And this is the official edict granting you the title of Consort, bestowing you the Palace of Eternal Spring, as well as the gifts. The maids and guards that accompanied us will remain in the palace to serve you as needed, and you may keep the eunuchs as you wish. I will send for the eunuch you have requested promptly, and he will begin serving you as soon as he arrives. If there are no other matters, I will allow you to get comfortable and return to His Majesty’s side.”
The rest of the day passed without much event. She spent her hours getting used to where things were in her palace, arranging her clothing in their new home, meeting the staff that had been arranged to work there, as well as welcoming Yi Chen to her side as she had promised at the beginning of her week. By the evening when dinner occurred, she was exhausted and ready to strip away the makeup, clothes, and dirt that had accumulated throughout the day. Turning in for the night was all that was desired for the after handling all the affairs of settling into the new palace. She did not realize how much it would take for her to organize the staff into proper tasks and positions, making sure that everyone knew where they needed to be. It was a learning experience to say the least, but both Yi Chen and Xiaoxiao had been helpful in the endeavour, telling her what needed to be done and showing her things. Tomorrow would be another day and she hoped to learn where places were in the palace so that she would not be hopelessly lost.
Slipping into a bath was the easiest thing she did that day. The hot water eased away the tension of the day and melted away all the cares. The sweet oils and flowers that had been added to the water had helped to add in calming her mind, bringing her to a state of peacefulness ready for bed. After her bath, Xifeng dressed in one of her lighter evening clothes for sleeping in and slowly began to brush out the long strands of her hair. It would take some time to get all the knots out and ensure it was smooth with the oils she put into it, but that was time she was willing to take in order to ensure it stayed beautiful. Once it was brushed and oiled, she placed it into a simple braid down the length of her back.
Ready to turn for the night, she was shocked when Xiaoxiao suddenly ran in breathless. “You… your Highness. His Majesty is here. Waiting for you in the sitting room. If… if you would please come.” Xifeng looked down at her attire than at Qian who was nearby and sighed softly, grabbing an over robe that was soft pink in colour with simple embroidery on it. She left her bedroom after a few minutes, wishing she was not as dressed down for seeing the Emperor as she was.
Entering the sitting room, Xifeng saw Yongzheng sitting near the top of the room in a splendid golden robe with a black dragon embroidered on the chest. He looked regal before her, and she felt ashamed at how simple she appeared now. Bowing low, her head lowered slightly, Xifeng greeted him. “Greetings, your Majesty. Please forgive my attire as I was just preparing for bed. I did not expect you this evening and was not made aware of your presence until I had finished braiding my hair.”
Yongzheng stood from his seat and moved to Xifeng, usuring her to rise from the bow. “Please be at ease. I will not stay long tonight. I just wished to see you and know that you are settling in well. I have not glanced upon you since this morning, and I will not deny that I missed you. Knowing you are here in the palace is wonderful, but I still feel we are so far apart when the day takes precedence regarding meetings with my Ministers and Officials of government. I will try to spend as much time as I can with you when I am able to.”
Yongzheng pulled Xifeng closer to him, her arms instinctively wrapping about his waist in the movement. Her gaze remained fixed on his features, a small smile crossing her lips as she relaxed against him, the heat from his body soothing and relaxing just after her bath. “I would never wish to take you away from the matters of the empire, Your Majesty. I am here to serve you and make sure you are comforted in the evenings. I am blessed with any time you wish to spend with me, and any gifts you give me. I am forever grateful already for what you have given me already, I do not know if I will ever be able to repay the graciousness of Your Majesty.”
Raising a hand to touch her cheek, Yongzheng smiled softly. His thumb gently brushed across the skin beneath her eye before he leaned down and placed a soft kiss to her cheek, it tender and warm. Leaning in, cupping the back of her head softly, he whispered in his ear. “I made you a promise. I do intend to keep it. Now I will make you another promise. And that is that I will come again in one week’s time to share your bed for the first time after we have a meal together. But not until then. I wish to have a gown made for you specially before then for you to wear that night, till then wait for me my beloved flower.”
He pulled away after placing a soft kiss to her forhead, giving a small bow of his head after to Xifeng before departing. She stood there bewildered and on fire. She wanted his arms wrapped about her again, his lips against her skin. It had sent a fresh feeling across her body, and she yearned to feel his lips on hers for the first time. Shaking herself mentally to pull herself from where she was slipping, she tried to gather herself. Sitting down on a nearby seat, she pressed her hands to her warm and flushed cheeks, attempting to cool herself down.
“Qian? Xiaoxiao? Where are you two?” Xifeng called for her handmaids, wishing for a cup of water in that moment but not seeing a cup nearby. She waited a time before calling again sighing softly before getting up and walking out of the sitting room and looking about for her hand maids, unsure of where they could have gone. Heading towards the entrance of her palace, she suddenly walked into Xiaoxiao who had come walking in quickly, holding a square box. She held it tight to her chest, afraid she was to drop it in the collision but let out a small breath as she looked up to her Mistress, a small meek smile crossing her lips.
“Forgive me your Highness. His Majesty was giving this to me to deliver to you. You are to view its contents when alone. Not even me or Qian are to be present. You are then to safely put it somewhere where eyes can not find it. I hope his Majesty’s instructions are clear.” Xiaoxiao held the black box to Xifeng, keeping her head lowered for the time being, not wishing to cause further upset. “If there is anything else, I can bring it for you in a little bit.”
Xifeng took the box gingerly, holding it carefully in her hand as she pondered what it might be. “Yes, bring me some water in a bit to my room. I will go and examine this there. Give me an incense stick worth of time before you bring the water though. And then have Qian come and turn down the candles for the night.” Waving off Xiaoxiao, the small maid bowed and headed towards the kitchen while Xifeng returned to her bedroom space. Once there she sat on the bed and looked at the box with utter curiosity. The amount, of gifts she was receiving were beyond her expectation, but this one truly was pulling at her mind as to what it could possibly be, especially something she must hide after the fact.
Taking the lid off carefully, she was surprised to find both a letter and a piece of red silk covering something. Pulling out the letter, she set the box aside to read it. In it was a small love note from the Emperor which made her heart swell, her eyes welling with tears of delight as she read the words:
“Lady Li,
I hope one day you will sit beside me.
For now, let this show my belief
In your strength and abilities.
Your place now is but a start.
Soon I hope to gift you the Heavens.
Your Beloved.”
Placing the letter to the side, she carefully moved the red silk covering to reveal within the box was a red and gold phoenix jade sculpture resting upon a plum flower branch, looking over its shoulder. It was so carefully carved and crafted that Xifeng was afraid to touch it and remove it from the box to enjoy it further. Such a piece deserved to be seen by all, but she knew that his Majesty had said to store it somewhere only she would know. This was because the phoenix was a totem reserved for the Empress, not for anyone else in the harem. For him to give her such a gift would cause such problems in the harem, and he knew it. Searching about the room, she recalled the secret compartment she had found beneath her bed whilst exploring that afternoon. After moving the mattress and her blankets, she placed it beneath the panel that hid the compartment, sure of it being secure now.
Qian came in a few moments later with a tray that held a pot of cool water and a cup. She set both on the side table beside the bed for Xifeng before going about the room and blowing out candles for the night. One was left as she returned to her Mistress’ side to aid her into bed. “It has been quite a day your Highness. I think you will sleep well tonight.”
Taking a drink of water from the pale blue porcelain cup, Xifeng let out a sigh as she reflected on the day. It had been quite a whirlwind. From learning that was now a consort, to moving to the new palace, to all the gifts she had received that day. It had been all so much. Slipping into bed, she pulled the soft silk blanket up over her as Qian closed the drapes that surrounded the bed, darkness slowly encompassing her. Closing her eyes, she let the thought of what it might feel like to fall asleep beside the Emperor carry away into dreamland, a smile dancing on her lips.
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I think this goes to show nothing will stop Bradley or Mineta. They will keep going no matter. We need something worse. Maybe someone else can have a shot?
"Sadly no. No matter what we do, those two are still going at it. Even if we beat em up, scare em, or do something they just keep going." Jinx mutters with a pout seeing the other female leaders nodding to agree.
"Most of the fractions are banning them now from going near by. Even if their habits don't die it's getting annoying." Yuuka sighed as the girls sigh together, knowing this was going to be a pain. What if they wouldn't stop???
"Their is no need to worry....I taken care of it."
Yuuka, Jinx, Ashley, and Willow blinks to look seeing Agana lowering her tea cup but looks to the girls. She was visiting again but they seem confused.
"Uhhhhh..what do you mean?" Jinx asked.
"..Lets just say the two of them along with their perverted friends tried stealing the girls panties again so..I decided to speak to them myself. So rest assure, they are taken care of..." she said.
"B..but how? They wouldn't stop even if we threatened them.." Ashley said.
"Or did worse, heck even Davion and Jaron did something and they went back at it. Same with the members from the Oda clan from what Taz told us." Yuuka said.
"True but how did you get them to stop and where is the proof?" Willow said.
"......" Agana lowers her tea cup again before she sets it on the table but opens her eyes to look at the girls. "True, you all did just that but it didn't stick to them. They have the thoughts of....wanting what they wish for...it's something bad to remember......so....you had to really get into their heads to make sure it sticks...but to put it simply...they won't do it again..I promise you that." she said.
"I don't believe it..."
"Well..I can tell you....it started a few hours ago.."
"Oh so you were the one that contacted me? You really are cute." Bradley smirked seeing Agana standing there but the other perverts were surrounding her while she remains calm.
"So did you want to ask me out or something but i was going to do that myself anyway. But..what did you wish to say little lady?" he smirked.
"I understand you and your friends tend to steal panties from me, my teammates, and friends due to your..obsession I take it? But..I would kindly ask if you would stop. It's not healthy and it won't do much if you keep doing it." she said.
"Seriously?!" Bradley blinks only to laugh at this with the others even Mineta doing the same. With a good laugh, he smiled to walk over wrapping an arm around her waist.
"Listen sweetheart, we can't help it. Guys have the need to please any girl they wish. It's a thing. Now, you can't really believe we'll stop because you said something. But..." He leans in close almost ready to kiss her. "If you be my girl I might end up stopping. But we'll keep on going anyway." he laughed.
"I see.....so you wish to not stop and keep going Is that right?" she said.
"Well yes.....so what are you going to do?" he asked.
"I would ask you kindly to stop.....but it seems that's not a option for you....and the others." she said. Bradley was confused before he saw her back up to hold her hand up.
"Wait, what are you-"
Right away, blood portals show around the perverts to grab each one and pull them down screaming in fear. Bradley and Mineta was scared seeing each one disappearing or trying to crawl away from the portals but still got taken even so before it leaves just the two of them.
"W..what did you do to them?!" Bradley said scared.
"Nothing..just sent them to the blood void to be punished for such disturbing behavior...they will be in there for a few hours....though...for you two..I might have something worse for you...since you can't take the lesson to listen..I'll have to be sure you do." she said.
"W.w...what are you?! Some sort of witch!?" Mineta said but Agana looks at them showing a dark red aura around her as blood shows.
"Yes...I'm the blood demon witch...you should know me since I'm part of Ethan's fraction. Though...that should be the least of your worries..I will be sure you learn your lesson so...off you go." With a wave of her hand both of them slips down into a blood portal screaming before the area was quiet.
".......I wonder how long they will be down there.." she mutters.
"So after staying in the realm for a few hours, I brought them back...but believe me, they have learned their lessons." she said simply.
".....That...that can't be true..how are you.."
"Here; I'll prove it." Snapping her fingers, a blood portal shows spitting out Bradley who was grabbed and struggling.
"Hey! Let go! Come on, I was-!?" He stops seeing Agana but he pales to see her. "Oh n..no, not you again! What is it now!? We stopped stealing the panties, bras, and me flirting with girls! Please I don't want to go to that horrible blood place again!"
"..I'm not going to send you unless you misbehave..but don't you have something to say to the girls? They don't believe that you stopped your creepy ways....so tell them." Agana said as Bradley was shaking in tears.
"I..It's true. Me, Mineta, and the other guys stopped. After w...we came back, we gave back all the panties and bras. I even said sorry to all the other girls I flirted with! I swear I did so let me go! I wanna go home!" he cries.
".......See?" Agana said but the girls was shocked.
"You may take him back.." She said.
"T..thank you.." Bradley said before the blood ghoul takes him back home and the portal disappears.
"......This tea is really good. Is their more?" Agana said but the only thought in the girls minds:
"HOW THE HELL WAS SHE ABLE TO DO THAT!?" they scream in their heads seeing Agana drinking more tea.
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 25
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Warnings: Smut, 18+ readers only
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕬 𝖋𝖊𝖜 𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖘 after Harry had told Hermione and I about Rookwood, there was a bit of a commotion. I was eating dinner when I heard a scream from the Entrance Hall. I leapt to my feet and rushed out of the Great Hall. Many other students followed after me and started to fill the Entrance hall, filling in every available space except for in front of the Doors.
Professor Trelawney was standing in the middle of the circle, two suitcases at her feet. One of them was upside down and I realized that they had been thrown down the stairs. I felt hate boil in me. She had a wand in one hand, a sherry bottle in the other. Her hair was sticking out in every direction. She had screamed again, a terrified sound.
I saw Professor McGonagall on the other side of the entrance hall. Harry appeared next to me.
"No! NO! This cannot be happening. . . It cannot. . . I refuse to accept it!" Professor Trelawney screamed.
"You didn't realize this was coming?" A sweet voice said, sounding extremely amused. I clenched my fists. "Incapable though you are of predicting even tomorrow's weather, you must surely have realized that your pitiful performance during my inspections, and lack of any improvement, would make it inevitable that you would be sacked?"
"You c-can't you c-can't sack me! I've b-been here sixteen years! H-Hogwarts is m-my h-home!" She howled.
"It was your home." Professor Umbridge said and it was the smile that appeared over her face that made me move, striding towards Professor Trelawney. Whispers broke out amongst the students.
"Come on Professor." I said, smiling down at her in kindness. "Let's help you back up to your room now, shall we?"
"And what are you doing Miss Kane?" Professor Umbridge asked in an amused voice.
I turned to face her and said. "I'm helping Professor Trelawney back to her room."
"Ah, but she's been sacked." Professor Umbridge said.
I kept my head high, taking out my wand and lifting her trunks with my wand. "Perhaps," I said lightly. "But you have zero authority to remove her so forcefully from the grounds."
I heard footsteps behind me and heard Professor McGonagall's voice saying, "There, there Sibyll. . . calm down. . . Blow your nose on this. . . It's not as bad as you think, now. . ."
"I'm sorry to inform you of such your large ego Miss Kane, but you actually have no authority to tell me what to do." Professor Umbridge said, getting laughter from the Slytherins.
"Perhaps not." A voice said behind me, "But I certainly do."
I turned to see Professor Dumbledore, standing in front of the doors that were the entrance to he castle.
"You, Professor Dumbledore? I'm afraid you do not understand the position. I have here an Order of Dismissal signed by myself and the Minister of Magic. Under these terms of Educational Decree Number Twenty-three, the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts has the power to inspect, place upon probation, and sack any teacher she- that is to say, I- feel is not performing up to the standard required by the Ministry of Magic. I have decided that Professor Trelawney is not up to scratch. I have dismissed her."
I lowered the trunks with my wand. I turned my back on her to comfort Professor Trelawney. Professor McGonagall was looking very angry. It was my surprise that she was the one who had come over to comfort Professor Trelawney- they'd never liked each other.
"See, Professor?" I asked. "Everything's going to be okay. I can already foresee that you'll be teaching again by next year."
I wasn't actually entirely sure about this fact but it seemed to cheer her up a bit more.
"You are quite right, of course, Professor Umbridge. As High Inquisitor you have every right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to send them away from the castle. I am afraid, that the power to do that still resides with the headmaster, and it is my wish that Professor Trelawney continue to live at Hogwarts." Dumbledore said.
Then he turned to where the three of us were standing in the middle and said, "Might I ask you to escort Sibyll back upstairs, Professor McGonagall?"
"Of course. Up you get, Sibyll. . ." Professor McGonagall said gently, helping her to her feet. I stayed where I was standing as Professor Flitwick hurried after them, making the trunks float after them.
"And what are you going to do with her once I appoint a new Divination teacher who needs her lodgings?" Professor Umbridge asked in a whisper that carried through the entrance hall.
"Oh that won't be a problem. You see, I have already found us a new Divination teacher, and he will prefer lodgings on the ground floor." Dumbledore said pleasantly.
"You've found- You've found? Might I remind you, Dumbledore, that under Educational Decree Twenty-Two-"
"-the Ministry has the right to appoint a suitable candidate if- and only if- the headmaster is unable to find one. And I am happy to say that on this occasion I have succeeded. May I introduce you?" Dumbledore said, gesturing to the Entrance hall.
My mouth dropped in surprise. Well, I certainly hadn't seen this! The largest smile lit up my face. His long white-blond hair and bright sapphire blue eyes were the first thing I met.
"This is Firenze." Dumbledore said happily to a thunderstruck Umbridge. "I think you'll find him suitable."
Umbridge's eyes bulged out of her head more than I'd ever seen them. I was trembling with joy and Firenze met my gaze and gave me a smile.
"Well, Firenze." Dumbledore said. "This way." The students drew back as Firenze made his way past them, looking at him in awe. Nearly all of them had never been in the forest and the few that had, had probably never come across a centaur. As he passed me, I bowed a little and he bowed back and I followed after him as he followed Dumbledore. I winked at Umbridge as I passed and her cheeks turned violet.
Classroom eleven's door was opened and I slipped inside. Dumbledore was nowhere to be seen and Firenze was looking around. I looked around as well, a bit disoriented by what I was seeing.
The floor was made mostly of soft, brown dirt, though there were patches of moss as well. Grass started a little further into the room. The first half of the room (or perhaps less than half as I could not see the entire room) was mostly a clearing. There were scattered rocks and stumps that I realized could be used as seats or even desks. The sky shone above it, mirroring what was outside.
Farther into the room there were thick trees, greatly resembling those from the Forbidden Forest. I could even hear the trickle of water far far back and wondered if there might even be a stream or a pond somewhere near the back. The trees branches stretched high up and outwards, leaves disguising where the branches ended, creating a thick canopy under the trees and through the forest.
"Elizabeth Kane." Firenze said gently, looking up at the ceiling which looked like the night sky. He seemed very sad.
"What. . . What are you doing here Firenze?" I asked softly. Seeing him here, in this classroom, suddenly hit me hard. He was here. He was helping a human. His herd. . . they could not be pleased.
"I came to help Dumbledore." He said, still seeming very sad.
"But surely Bane. . . there's no way the Centaurs just let you come." I exclaimed.
"No." He said, turning around to face me. "They did not."
I noticed there was a bruise on his chest that was shaped by a hoofprint. I looked at him sadly. "They banned you, didn't they?"
"Yes." He said, lightly touching the bruise spot. "You know how Bane is, I have become a traitor to my own kind."
"Even Ronan and Ivagio?" I asked in disbelief.
"No. At least, not at first. But I did not want them to be kicked out of the herd either." He said sadly. I crossed the room so that I could touch his bruise.
"Would you be okay if I healed this?" I asked hesitantly. "I don't know if that's an offensive thing to do or not."
"Thank you." He said. I summoned some ingredients and mixed them together and then gently put the paste over the bruise. I'd learned this from Severus in one of my private lessons.
"I'm so sorry." I said sadly. "I wish you never had to leave the forest."
"Rumors reach my ears Elizabeth Kane. I see the back of your hand has gotten worse." He pointed out.
I looked at him in disbelief. "Don't tell me you abandoned your home just so that you could stick this to Umbridge?"
"No." Firenze said, shivering as I touched his bare chest. "It was not the only reason, though the look of discomfort on her face was satisfactory considering the harm she's done to you."
"Firenze. . ." I trailed off softly.
"Like I said Elizabeth, it wasn't the only reason I came to help. I would've come and help Dumbledore out if I'd never met you."
That gave me a bit of comfort.
"And on the plus side." Firenze said with a small smile, "You won't have to come all the way out to the forest to converse with me anymore."
I smiled too. "No, no I won't."
"Less dangerous too." Firenze said, sounding amused. "Of course, you never cared about the dangers anyways."
"I never met any dangers anyways." I pointed out.
"Yes, that is true." Firenze said thoughtfully.
"Umbridge isn't going to be happy with you." I said, sitting down on a tree stump. "Considering. . ." I didn't put the words out there. I knew how offensive they could be.
Firenze tucked his back legs underneath him and let his front legs spread out. "No, I suppose not. You know something though?"
"What?" I asked, sealing the ingredients in the bowl so that I could reapply it tomorrow if need bed.
"I thought Dumbledore would ask you to teach the class."
I looked at him in disbelief, sure that he was joking and then laughed. "Was that a joke Firenze?"
"No." Firenze said and I stopped laughing because I knew he was being serious now. "I even asked him why he didn't have you teach."
"Because I don't have the licensing?" I asked honestly.
"No, he said because you had enough of a target on your back." Firenze said. "He told me he had thought of you first but knew Umbridge would pounce on you in an instant."
I was stunned and then said, "Well I'm a student! I couldn't have been a teacher anyways!"
Had Dumbledore really thought me capable to be a teacher? Ridiculous, Utterly ridiculous.
"I mean." I added when Firenze didn't answer. "I don't know how to teach Divination! I only know the future of some of the people at Hogwarts, it doesn't get much broader than that!'
Firenze chuckled. "You sound as though you've been given the position."
"Sorry." I said, blushing. "I just can't understand Dumbledore's reasoning about even considering me in the first place!"
Firenze chuckled. "Yes, well. . ."
"I'll let you sleep." I said, getting to my feet. "Also, Dean Thomas will be in Harry's class. He's going to ask you if Hagrid breeds centaurs like Thestrals. The minute he asks, he'll known that he asked something offensive. He won't mean to offend you. He's Muggle-born so he doesn't understand."
"Thank you for telling me ahead of time." Firenze said, sounding amused and bitter at the same time. "I will remember not to take offense."
I touched his bruise again, making sure that the paste was drying and then applied a little more and conjured a bandage around it with my wand. On a whim, I kissed his cheek and then left the classroom. The startling difference between the forest scenery and the marble hallways made me stand there for a second to remember where I was.
I headed down the hallway to the potions classroom. Severus was getting ready for bed, cleaning up something off the floor.
"How was Occlumency?" I asked when I came in, locking the door behind me.
"Not good, he's not doing well." Severus grunted.
I could hear heels clicking across the classroom floor and Severus and I looked at each other. I quickly unlocked the door, debating about whether or not to turn into a cat. I decided to stay human. She could've easily have seen me come in here.
Professor Umbridge rapped on the door and I opened it, feeling very hateful towards her. She eyed me and then turned to Severus.
"What?" He asked coolly, dumping the mess into the trashcan.
"You are aware that teachers aren't allowed to do private lessons anymore, correct?" Professor Umbridge asked in a tense voice. She was trying to get me on anything.
"We aren't having a private lesson." Severus said coldly. "She has a detention with me tonight for fighting in the hallways."
I blushed, scowling at the floor.
"Oh! Well in that case. . ." She walked out of the office and locked the door behind her with her wand and then she walked out of the classroom, the door slamming behind her.
We stood there for a minute or two and then Severus opened the door and walked into the classroom. I heard him open and close the door. He came back after a couple minutes and then relocked the door behind him.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair and walking over to the bed. "Come here." he said.
I hurried over to him and he pulled me into a hug. He seemed distracted and I touched his face gently and asked, "What's wrong?"
"You and Firenze seem close." He said lightly, avoiding my question.
"Oh, yeah, I suppose so. He's a good person er- Centaur." I shrugged my shoulders.
"He's a friend?" Severus asked, still in a light voice.
It clicked why he was asking and I giggled and pressed my lips to his. "Aww, you're not jealous, are you?"
"No." he growled.
I pushed him back on the bed, unbuttoning his buttons and trailed my finger down from his throat down to the waistband on his pants. "Sev." I whispered, putting my lips against his throat. "No one's going to replace you. Ever."
I kissed him from his lips to his throat and then down his chest. He was shivering slightly. "Elizabeth. . ." he moaned slightly.
I looked up at him, cocking my head to the side.
"Oh fuck this." He muttered and I frowned a bit and then he grabbed me, pulling me down to the bed and rolling on top of me. He tossed my shirt and bra to the floor and started kissing me the same way that I had been. "Oh. . ." I breathed as his teeth brushed across the tip of my breast.
He was much different tonight and I didn't know why. He was doing so many new things that I was completely overwhelmed.
"Severus. . ." I whispered as he thrust himself furiously inside of me harder and faster than he'd ever done it before. It felt amazing and I almost didn't want him to stop, but I need to understand why he was being different. Why he wasn't doing the same things as before.
"Severus!" I said a bit louder and he paused for a second and then he pulled all the way out.
"Did I hurt you?" He asked, touching my cheek.
"No." I said completely truthful. "But. . . are you alright? You seem. . . different tonight. . ." I took his face in my hands.
He blushed which surprised me. He almost never got flustered about anything. "Well, it was you. . ."
"What about me?" I asked hesitantly, frowning, panic setting in. What had I done?
He chuckled a little, reading my face, and then sighed. "Just. . . you were so different tonight and I just wanted you so badly. I'm sorry if I was to rough."
I blushed now. Bloody hell there was something wrong with me. I'd thought something was wrong since he was acting different and it was just because he was happily in love. I collapsed back on the pillows, covering my face with my hands.
"Elizabeth?" He asked, alarmed. "What's wrong?"
"I ruined it." I said bitterly. "I just never realized you could do different things during. . . you know. I'm sorry, I'm just naïve."
He pinned my arms above me and slid into me again, a small, loving smile on his face. "you ruined nothing." He whispered into my ear, biting my earlobe gently and then let go. "Just relax. I'll go slow tonight."
I wrapped my arms around his neck as he let my hands go, pulling him to me. And the night continued just as it should have.
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jeandejard3n · 6 months
Harry Potter: Patronus
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ijsthee · 10 months
So in this one theyre just like yeah magic is real fuck you
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