#for you.’ particularly for raven king imo
pallases · 1 month
the foxhole court sure was. i need fourteen more right now
you saying this and also rating it two stars is so so real
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spacepanda7 · 4 months
probably has been done several times but aftg!trc au:
Kevin as Gansey: privileged background on the surface, the Royal (Queen, in Kevin's case, obviously he CANNOT be the Raven King) ("so... what do you know about EXY?")
Andrew as Ronan: the most infamous and most unapproachable, loyal to Kevin/Gansey through and through. (though, in terms of the Lynch brothers, Andrew is more similar to Declan than Ronan imo)
Neil as Adam: horrible father, paranoid, vicious and merciless, particularly when being protective
Nicky as Noah
Jean as Blue
Jeremy as Henry
Aaron as Declan (misguidedly protective, antagonistic sibling; though honestly, Aaron fits better with Ronan and Andrew with Declan)
Riko as Kavinsky
Wymack/Abby/Bee as Maura/Calla/Persephone
Uncle Stuart as the Gray Man (with Kengo as the Gray Man's brother?)
might add on to this as I think of more...
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triviareads · 10 months
can you recommend pre-2010 hr books
Sorry for the delay! I was on vacation. I've admittedly not read a lot of older historical romances (especially going back into the 90s and 80s), but here are the ones I'd rec:
I feel like Christina Dodd's books embody everything great about 90s and 2000s historical romances because they're so delightfully weird and do a great job with older/scorned/generally done but also down-and-ready heroines, and bitchy heroes who are very First World Problems but eventually get better. Try Lost in Your Arms (Scottish hero, life-affirming tits, a second chance romance BUT IS IT REALLY??), That Scandalous Evening (the heroine was ruined when her nude sculpture of the hero was exposed and he's soooo pissed his dick is not sculpted to scale and now she's back, and he's super into her even if he thinks she's a spy lolol), and Rules of Engagement (hero is being blackmailed into settling down so he decides to buy a child and hire the ugliest governess he can find because he's so hot that his servants keep propositioning him; spoiler alert, she's not ugly).
I've so far only read Beverly Jenkins's post-2010 stuff (from her Women Who Dare series, all of which I loved) but she's been writing historicals with Black main characters since the 90s and I do want to try them soon, starting with her LeVeq series.
Elizabeth Hoyt's first books were written in the 2000s and I can't recommend her enough. Some of my favorites include The Raven Prince (employer/secretary, she pretends to be a prostitute so she can have sex with him; it's SO HOT) and The Ice Princess (brothel madam/stern uptight naval captain).
The Perfect Scandal by Delilah Marvelle: The heroine is a Polish countess and amputee who seduces the hero (who is a stickler for propriety and wrote a book on manners) through her bedroom window, which faces his bedroom. There is also an EXCELLENT carriage scene in this one. (TW: suicide/suicide ideation)
Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase: I can't recommend this enough; the tension between Jess and Dain is off the charts, leading to a spectacular implosion during a ball (ruination; she's ruined by him) and an equally spectacular revenge on her part. Also, I really love self-loathing heroes and Dain fits so well.
The Prize by Julie Garwood: The hero is a hypercompetent Norman lord, and the heroine is a resourceful but bratty Saxon lady who ends up picking the hero as a husband after being offered a choice by the king as a reward for her "pluck". For any IHOA fans, their dynamic is very reminiscent of Lillian and Westcliff's, except set in Norman England.
Okay here's the thing about Prince of Dreams by Lisa Kleypas— I'm fully aware the plot goes off the rails with the hallucinating-he-is-his-ancestor plot, but it's a personal favorite because I do enjoy a good Russian. A lot of Lisa's best books were written pre-2010 imo (IHOA, DiW, Dreaming of You, etc.) and I'd recommend looking into them if you haven't already.
If you're in the mood for erotic HR, try Kate Pearce's House of Pleasure series. I particularly enjoyed Simply Sexual, which has a hero who spent 10 years in a Turkish brothel so his appetites (he feels) are vast, and he finds the perfect partner in this lord's daughter. It also has m/m and m/m/f scenes.
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jackoshadows · 2 years
Hi! I have an ask, I hope you don't mind. I really like your views on Jon. I was just wondering if you find him particularly selfless and who do you think is more selfless between him and Daenerys. For purposes of thinking whether/which one of them will sacrifice themselves in the fight against the Others. Thanks!
On the face of it, Daenerys is obviously more selfless. Her goal is the Iron Throne. Freeing those slaves in Essos and giving them a better life provides no advantages for her in Westeros. Only disadvantages - Young Griff gets to Westeros before her. She delays her campaign, against advice, and stays in Meereen because it's the right thing to do. Which is her ethos as a ruler - that a queen should do right by her people. Which is why she feels that claiming her birth right and the Iron Throne is doing right by the people of Westeros.
Meanwhile, Jon's desire to save the Freefolk is entangled with the need to defend the Wall and not provide the Others with an army of more dead. He also needs manpower and recruits for the Wall. In fact, this is one of the arguments he makes to the likes of Bowen Marsh and Othell Yarwyck.
At the same time, Jon's post as LC is in itself a selfless position IMO. Being a Night's Watch brother is a thankless role. There is no acknowledgment and reward for what they do. This is embodied in what Jeor Mormont says to Jon.
Mormont gave a whistle, and the bird flew to him again and settled on his arm. “A lord’s one thing, a king’s another.” He offered the raven a handful of corn from his pocket. “They will garb your brother Robb in silks, satins, and velvets of a hundred different colors, while you live and die in black ringmail. He will wed some beautiful princess and father sons on her. You’ll have no wife, nor will you ever hold a child of your own blood in your arms. Robb will rule, you will serve. Men will call you a crow. Him they’ll call Your Grace. Singers will praise every little thing he does, while your greatest deeds all go unsung. Tell me that none of this troubles you, Jon… and I’ll name you a liar, and know I have the truth of it.” - Jon , ACoK
And it's not just Jon Snow. It's also the other brothers. There’s Cotter Pyke who sails off to Hardhome on Jon’s orders to save Freefolk and who is probably dead. There’s Maester Aemon and Jeor Mormont. Donal Noye. Or Squire Dalbridge who stays behind to hold off the Wildlings while Jon and the others make their escape.
Or Qhorin Halfhand:
“ We can only die. Why else do we don these black cloaks, but to die in the defense of the realm.”
“Our honor means no more than our lives, so long as the realm is safe.”
They are some of the unpraised, unspoken heroes of this story. No one knows about them. No one sings songs about them. They have no titles, no lands, no crown.
Jon could have accepted Stannis' offer and become Lord of Winterfell. He could have put personal ambition above the greater good. However, he is reminded of his oaths to the Old Gods and his sense of duty pushes him to stay at the wall and get it ready for what's to come.
“I know what I swore.” Jon said the words. “I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. Were those the same words you said when you took your vows?”
“They were. As the lord commander knows.”
“I am the shield that guards the realms of men. Those are the words. So tell me, my lord—what are these wildlings, if not men?”
is the equivalent of this bad-ass scene:
Jorah: We don’t need Yunkai, Khaleesi. Taking this city will not bring you any closer to Westeros or the Iron Throne
Daenerys: "How many slaves are there in Yunkai?"
Jorah: "Two hundred thousand, if not more."
Daenerys:  "Then we have two hundred thousand reasons to take this city".
So I would say that both Daenerys and Jon are selfless characters in the series who put the good of the people above personal ambition. In ADwD, Jon did end up putting his personal interests - Arya - above the greater good and pays the consequences.
And this is why I think that if there is any sacrifice of a character to be done, it's going to be Jon. Jon is currently dead. One chapter of his story is over. As per GRRM, resurrection in ASoIaF is not clean and perfect. Resurrection in ASoIaF is Lady Stoneheart and not Gandalf. He's going to be different. Rand al'Thor, the protagonist in the Wheel of Time has never healing injuries till the end of the series. I suspect the same could be true for Jon Snow and his numerous stab wounds. I therefore think there's a better chance that 'Zombie' Jon sacrifices himself than Daenerys. Like, imagine if Jon is Arya's Nissa Nissa and she ends up using Needle on the person she loves most. Stick ‘em with the pointy end 😭
Sacrifice can also mean giving up something very important to them. Considering all 5 key characters survive the series in some form (As per the OG outline), this is most likely what happens. This is why one of the possible semi happy endings I can envisage for both Jon and Dany is that in order for true peace and victory over an existential threat from the Others, they go off into the Lands of Always Winter while the rest of Westeros think the Last Targaryens are dead. Depending on what type of Jon comes back, it could be Jon and Dany being a family and Dany finally getting her house with the red door. Now that would be a bittersweet ending.
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lady-griffin · 3 years
Potential ‘Hints’ of Raven Appearing in Young Justice
This started out as a joke about how I’m just desperate for my beautiful daughter to appear, but I spent way too much time on this for it to be an actual joke.
I don’t think any of this really amounts or I guess, necessarily equals Raven existing in YJ, I’m just a desperate ho for my girl. 
So here we go
The character of S'yraa S'mitt
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A Martian Priestess, who lost her temper and due to neglecting her magical studies, ended up killing someone (King S’turnn J’axx).
Raven is all about that emotional control and does her best to try and not let her anger get the best of her, because it easily can.
S’yraa is also our first introduction (in YJ) to the idea off magic being dangerous BECAUSE someone loses control over their emotions. Until S’yraa, magic has always been an intentional act. 
If Zatanna got upset, magic didn’t start leaking out of her and destroying shit. 
Now arguably, because S’yraa is a Martian, emotions and thoughts are much closer to becoming action than for Zatanna.
Still, we’ve now seen the consequences of someone letting their emotions get the best of them, and while that does relate to Raven; the opposite is also very much present in Raven’s story (at least it should be imo).
What happens when someone is always in control of themselves and their emotions? What happens when you have a girl who never neglects her studies? Who cuts herself off from all relationships or has been force to? Who has been taught to not have emotions?
What are the consequences for that, especially for said individual?  
S’yraa S’mitt just gave me a lot of Raven vibes, particularly when she was confronted with the murder of King S’turnn and started to lose control over her magic, because she was so emotionally distraught.
Villainous Parents
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(image by Thelorefactory)
There was a whole ass debate about children and their villainous parents in S4E05 “A Tale of Two Sisters.”
Do the children stay loyal to their parents and their ways? Even if they don’t stay loyal, how likely are they to become just like their parents? Can they eventually break away and take a different path?
How far does the apple fall from the tree?
Just introducing Raven not only invites those questions to be asked once more, but puts an entirely different weight and importance on them.
In a lot of media where she’s appeared - we don’t really see Raven being rejected by the heroes. But in her introduction in The New Teen Titans, she was rejected by the Justice League because of the dark/evil energy coming off of her, which was pretty major, considering that that led to her reforming the Teen Titans.
So, while that’s not going to be happening in Young Justice. 
It seems very possible that the adults might not be willing to trust Raven, but YOUNG Justice might be more open minded. Raven’s existence might also reveal how far some of our heroes are willing to reach out to someone in need or trust someone. 
And look, it might be hard to be open minded about Raven, knowing exactly whose daughter she is. Being wrong about Cassandra Savage’s intentions is one thing, but you absolutely cannot afford to be wrong about the daughter of Trigon.
Plus, we’ve seen time and time again, our heroes trusting the wrong people (who present themselves as trustworthy) and getting betrayed -- the characters themselves are even aware of this pattern.
Raven could be an interesting opposite of that, the heroes don’t trust her and turn her away, despite the fact that Raven genuinely wants to help.
Again, it might not be so clear cut with Raven. While her intentions are usually good, her methods can be muddled at times, to say the least. I don’t think it’s insane for people to not trust her, especially before she becomes the Raven we know, through being on Earth and joining the Teen Titans/heroes. 
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During the Martian Arc of Season 4, we’ve surprisingly learned a lot more about magic. Which is pretty interesting, seeing as that arc could have easily not included any magic at all, but yet it was a very relevant plot point to the arc. 
Forget Raven for a second, seeds are definitely being laid down for Zatanna’s future arc. 
Magic leaves a physical trace  
This is a new idea that’s quite interesting to think about. 
Superboy basically explains, that magic leaves a microscopic residue after it’s been used, and each magic user’s residue is unique. Arguably, if you know what they look like, you can tell who casted a spell - Doctor Fate or Zatanna.
Not only does each individual have a unique magical signature, but magic differs between different species. Superboy didn’t realize what he saw was magic residue in the Grand Hall (where the king was murdered), because Martian magic is different on a microscopic level from human magic.  
And with the additional idea of someone’s mind touch being a unique signature, we might see a very unique magical/mind signature with Raven.
Or, possible Raven’s magic could be something that’s never been seen before or something that was seen before, a very long time ago.
Born with an affinity for magic 
This idea was introduced all the way back in season 1, so it’s not new by any means, but when Miss Martian brought it up in S4E01, it definitely felt like a clear refresher for the audience.
And that refresher wasn’t necessarily needed for the Martian arc; it’s certainly wasn’t unrelated to the plot, but this factoid could have easily been taken out, without changing the S’yraa plot.
It just feels like there is a build up to Zatanna’s arc happening– possibly because something big might be on the rise. 
Also, the reminder that magic is something one has an affinity for or not – kind of feels like a scale of magic users is being set up.  
From Wally, who had zero affinity for magic
To the likes of Kaldur, who is capable of some magic
To, S’yraa and Thirteen who seem more like your average magic users (maybe?)
To Zatanna, a definite powerful magic user 
And finally, to Doctor Fate and Klarion - magical/extradimensional beings.
Where would Raven land on this scale? Somewhere around Zatanna? Or closer to Doctor Fate?
Or maybe Raven is completely off the scales, given what or who she is exactly.
Limits of Magic 
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Magic has been part of YJ since the very first episode, but it wasn’t until, S1E07 “Denial” that it was properly introduced, along with a very specific limitation -  
Communicating with the dead or access to the afterlife in general, has been made out to be an impossible task, and yet the existence of souls is irrefutable (for the audience at least).
     - Nabu is a spirit.
     - We met Kent Nelson’s spirit and Greta Hayes’ ghost
     - Katana’s Soultaker traps the souls of those it has slain 
     - Halo exists, because the soul of a Motherbox reanimated the body of Gabrielle Daou
               Nabu directly referred to the existence of Halo’s soul -- “an old soul in a young body” (S3E04 “Private Security”)
               Sensei also referred to her soul, when he told Raj Al Ghul that he felt it leave Halo’s body when he killed her (S3E06 “Rescue Op”)
Souls definitely exist in the YJ universe.
The afterlife, though, that’s a bit more debatable. We know nothing about it in this specific universe nor have yet to see any concrete evidence that it even exists, and that feels very deliberate and very odd, especially for DC.
The closest we’ve gotten to the afterlife, is honestly meeting Greta Hayes’ ghost.
In S3E25, “Overwhelmed”
Red flags were raised for me, when Zatanna said she couldn’t bring Artemis to Wally.
Then alarms were on fire, when Zatanna confessed that what Artemis experienced was an illusion created by Zatanna and M’gann to help Artemis move on.  
To be clear, it’s not like Zatanna had the power and refused for some moral reason.
Zatanna couldn’t do it.
Which, I can’t begin to explain how weird that is, as something like that, is usually well within Zatanna’s abilities.  
And it’s not like, Zatanna is just not at her true potential and one day she will be able to do this (I mean maybe), but it was also impossible for Kent Nelson – who was the host for Doctor Fate.
And we know he also couldn’t, because in the beginning of “Denial,” Kent visited Madame Xanadu, in the slim hope that maybe she could make contact with Inza, his dead wife. 
This limitation, this lack of ability to reach the afterlife, is very unusual for DC and makes the magic in YJ, quite unique. Since again, powerful magical beings like Zatanna or Kent Nelson can usually make contact with the afterlife. 
Meaning that access to the afterlife in YJ
Is simply not possible
Requires a specific type of magic or power
Takes an insane amount of magical power
There is a clear and distinct barrier between the living and the dead, but there is also one for the physical (mortal) plane and other dimensions.
The two interdimensional or extradimensional beings we know of, Klarion and Nabu – both need a tether to the physical plane: a host wearing the helmet of fate for Nabu and Klarion’s familiar Teekl. 
And there is even some question about how inter or extra one of them actually is.  
In S3E07 “Evolution,” we learn that Nabu was a son of Vandal Savage and died.
So, he wasn’t always this extradimensional being, which we know he definitely is now, given how in S2E18 “Intervention”, Zatanna explains that Doctor Fate couldn’t do the spell that made scarab go off-mode, because the spell is human in origin. 
Yet, even with Nabu’s mortal origin – there are still these strict limitations on his existence in the mortal or physical plane.
Basically, this just seems like such a great way to introduce Raven and set her apart from other characters who are somewhat similar to her in terms of powersets (Zatanna, Miss Martian, Halo, Shade).
Not only is Raven from Azarath – an interdimensional realm that exists between other planes of reality; but on Azarath, there is the Great Door, a giant portal to the nether-realms.
Oh, and Raven is a portal herself. Not just, she can create and open portals – but she is specifically Trigon’s portal. 
Look, it just seems really, really odd to me that in YJ the afterlife is beyond certain characters’ abilities when usually it’s not. It just stands out to me and considering how I’m obsessed with Raven – I see a connection.
Zatanna vs Doctor Fate
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Zatanna and Doctor Fate’s story seems unresolved, especially considering that Fate is possessing Zatanna’s father; and Giovanni looking like he aged a lot more than 8 years when we saw him in S3E04, “Private Security.”
Zatanna might be able to work with Fate and learn under him, but it seems like she will always be at odds with Nabu (or should be, considering the situation).
Raven could be another spot of contention for these two.
Perhaps a change from the comics, maybe Fate is the one who can’t see pass Raven’s father, but Zatanna can. Or maybe something else entirely. I don’t know.
Maybe Zatanna reaches out to Raven in order to try and save her father. Or maybe Raven’s offers a deal, I’ll help you with your father if you help me with mine.
Hell Freezing Over
The comment about hell freezing over with Cassandra in S4E05… I don’t know, demons, I guess. Big things changing and all. 
This is nothing. I just immediately thought of Raven, when I heard Cassandra confirming, that hell had indeed frozen over. 
Beast Boy
Chosen by Monkey God
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Since, it was introduced in S3E012 “Nightmare Monkeys,” the idea of Beast Boy being chosen by a monkey god struck me as odd. Just because Beast Boy’s origin is largely “science” based and not magical.
There is technically The Red, think speed force but with animal powers, but that always felt tacked on and kind of forced (imo).
In YJ, though the idea of magic being part of Beast Boy’s story felt super strange; just because his origin is one of the most explored and explained in the show –
Season 1 – Blood transfusion from Miss Martian, potentially activating his meta-gene or creating it.
Season 2 – The trauma of witnessing his mom’s death likely triggered his meta-gene or just led him to be adopted by superheroes.
Then Season 3 came along, and said BB was apparently picked to be Beast Boy from the very start, by a magical being.
The show had already changed his origin from the comics; so, adding a whole new element in Season 3, felt weird and a bit confusing to me.
What’s the point? Why waste screen time on something as random as BB being chosen by a Monkey God, if it’s not true to some degree?
So, it seems safe to say it’s true. Because again, very bad writing if it’s not and we don’t have another reason for why the Goode Goggles malfunctioned in the first place.
Now what does any of this have to do with Raven?
Well, when I think of Beast Boy and magic, my mind goes to Beast Boy and Raven: the most prominent magic user in his life – a longtime friend, teammate, and prominent love interest. Beast Boy’s relationship or connection with magic, is largely through Raven. 
And honestly, if Starfire, Dick, or Cyborg’s origin was also suddenly revealed to be magical in origin - my mind would go to Raven as well.
Especially, if in the very same episode, there was a reference to Teen Titans Go; and in said reference, Negative Man a character whose power is somewhat similar to Raven’s was turned into Negative Woman and voiced by Tara Strong, who famously voiced Raven. 
Just the combination of all of that, makes me think of Raven. I don’t have any idea how she could possibly be involved, but “Nightmare Monkeys” made me very aware of Raven not existing in YJ, especially since we just met Cyborg in the previous episode “Another Freak” (S3E11). 
Relationship Troubles
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Given Perdita’s voicemail in S4E02 “Needful,” it seems like things are not going great for Gardita. Largely because Beast Boy and Perdita are very busy individuals who are having difficulty making time for one another to their individual responsibilities, with being a superhero/actor and a queen.
And, maybe it was just BB feeling the effects of the psychic blast he recently experienced, but he didn’t seem all that concern or emotionally involved listening to Perdita’s message. He was just scrolling through his phone, not even reacting to her reaching out to him.
Which is not a great sign.
I also don’t recall him looking at any pictures of him and Perdita, while he was on Mars, just the Outsiders; indicating to me, that he’s missing his team and friends, more than his girlfriend. 
It makes sense to me, that their priorities aren’t exactly matching nowadays. While Perdita corrected herself saying the Outsiders were important period, not just important to BB, it’s not crazy that the Outsiders aren’t as important to her as they are to Beast Boy. That’s reasonable. Especially if she feels emotionally neglected, and considering BB’s overall moodiness and emotional trauma before Mars, I 100% see him distancing himself from Perdita and becoming solely focus on the Outsiders. 
Which her voicemail indicated was the case. 
None of this guarantees Raven at all.
But I had a theory, that if Raven did become a character in YJ a relationship between her and BB could grow, because Beast Boy and Perdita would start to become emotionally distant due to their busy lives and maybe even break up. And it was just interesting to see that I was kind of right; Gar and Perdita have grown distant over the past year, based on Perdita’s message, at least. 
Forgetting Raven for a second, it might be nice seeing BB choose to end his relationship, not because he dislikes Perdita or anything, but because he needs to work on himself. 
And since he just lost Superboy, I can see BB struggling with maintaining his relationship with Perdita. Or maybe Superboy’s death will help them get back together, seeing as Wally’s death led to them getting involved in the first place. 
I can see both happening. 
In general, there’s been a lot of emphasis on Beast Boy’s emotional trauma and considering how Raven, one of his major love interests is an empath, that feels like something to me. 
And, when it comes to BBRAE, there tends to be a lot of focus on Beast Boy being Raven’s light, but less so on how Raven would thus be Beast Boy’s darkness.
Let me explain. 
I think for any relationship with Raven, a person should be the light to Raven’s darkness, but in reverse, Raven should be the darkness to their light. So, while, many characters can be the light for Raven, they don’t really need her darkness, except Beast Boy (imo).
Beast Boy’s unique, in the sense that while he’s dealt with so much darkness and pain in his past (like many other characters), he doesn’t dwell on it at all, let alone think about his trauma. He’s even said that if he stops joking around and thinks about his sadness, he’ll just fall into an abyss.
So, because Beast Boy has spent so long, ignoring and repressing his sadness and trauma and forcing (toxic) positivity onto himself, Raven’s darkness provides Beast Boy the ability to fall safely into the abyss and deal with his trauma and negative emotions. 
Raven basically lets Beast Boy slow down and be sad. It would just be nice and interesting to see that part of their relationship explored.
We often see what Beast Boy does for Raven, but not what Raven does for Beast Boy, and again, with all the emphasis on his emotional trauma in Young Justice, Beast Boy might need to meet Raven someday. 
Young Justice had an episode titled Nevermore and Raven didn’t even make a cameo, and I’m still bitter about it. 
Yeah, this definitely isn’t a joke anymore. 
Is all of this beyond thin and probably nothing at all? 
Am I combining plot points that might be completely unrelated in the hopes of seeing my beautiful Raven once more? 
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morfinwen · 4 years
If you please: Ash or Aidan, Amanda or Angela, Heaven and Earth cast or Raines siblings, Chuck/Sarah or Michael/Fiona, Leverage Season 3 or Season 4, The Raven Cycle or Queen's Thief, mountains or the ocean, saving-the-world or slice-of-life stories/arcs, SW prequel or original trilogy, for songs you like - Coldplay or Florence and the Machine, The Hobbit or LWW, movies or TV shows, silver or cerulean, reading stories or plotting stories, lilies or violets, & Uncharted or Portal. Thank you! :)
That’s a lot of questions, but surprisingly they were all fairly easy to answer, so here we go.
Ash or Aidan
Aw, i can’t choose.
Amanda or Angela
Of the two, Amanda is probably the more well-rounded, but Angie is … well, ideally she’s the better, more interesting person. So i’m picking Angie.
Heaven and Earth cast or Raines siblings
H&E. They’re considerably more developed at this point.
Chuck/Sarah or Michael/Fiona
Chuck/Sarah, easily. Burn Notice is arguably the better show, or at least it’s less goofy in its comedy and i prefer a serious approach (particularly with something like spies), but even at their best Michael and Fiona are barely competition with the adorableness that is Chuck and Sarah.
Leverage season 3 or season 4
Season 4. Overall i’d say that’s my favorite season.
The Raven Cycle or Queen’s Thief I think i’d have to say Queen’s Thief, but reluctantly. It would be an easier choice if we were only counting the first three Queen’s Thief books, because while i don’t dislike A Conspiracy of Kings or Thick as Thieves, they’re not as good, and the way they’re drifting is kind of bringing the entire series down a little, for me. 
mountains or the ocean
The ocean.
saving the world or slice of life stories/arcs
“Saving the world” is the kind of generic term that puts me off a bit, but i’m still going to pick it. I like slice of life stuff too, but unless there’s some major character development going on, they’re too placid and straightforward for me to really sink my teeth into, so to speak.
SW prequel or original trilogy
Prequels, no question (and no, post i’ve seen on the Internet, not because of Obi-Wan (who is an incredibly overrated character imo)), though if i never see another Star Wars film in my life it’s too late.
Coldplay or Florence + the Machine
Florence + the Machine, easily. I haven’t heard many of their songs, but apart from a handful of songs Coldplay doesn’t really do anything for me.
The Hobbit or The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Hobbit. I love C.S. Lewis’ writing, but while i enjoy the Narnia books they’re just too “fairy tale” for me; the first two especially. That’s not intended as criticism by any means, it’s just i love longer, more complicated stories.
Movies or TV shows
Movies, because they are always intended to have a beginning, middle, and an end. TV shows are not usually planned around what’s right for the story but about what will make the companies the most money, leading to relationships getting shoehorned in or inexplicably ended, people acting out of character, seasons full of insipid episodes that ignore prior continuity, etc. Some maintain a decent quality and end well, but it’s a short list.
Silver or cerulean
I googled cerulean to find out what precise shade it was, and boy did i get a bunch of different results. I’m still picking it, because silver is nice but blue is the best.
Reading stories or plotting stories
Reading. It’s far easier.
Lilacs or violets
Lilacs for scent, violets for appearance. I can’t say i have a strong preference either way.
Uncharted or Portal
I’m going to go on the record as stating the Portal series has the better games, but i’m picking Uncharted. I like the characters better, and the games are just so pretty.
Thanks for asking!
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what-is-infinite · 5 years
Latin@! Adam & Blue
• Looking through the Blue Sargent tag, I love how everyone in the fandom or at least a majority draw/cast Blus as a darker skinned girl. Soooooo. I always think every character should be Latino/a/x/e because im a Latina and I never see enough of us. So here’s some of my Latina/o HC’s for Adam and Blue
• Latina Blue Sargent growing up in a wide range of Latina women from Puerto Rico to Argentina. White, brown, tan, dark, deep, deep dark. I’m talking Fentys whole shade range and more .
• she loves it , but she’s in Virginia. She’s like the one of the only Latin@/x/e house holds in Henrietta.
• also Brujeria is like a whole ass thing in like every Spanish Speaking country and beyond . And let’s not forget Santeria. I peeped Oya, Yemaya, and Oshun in the Raven King .
• also it fits because we know that Jimi and Calla are of a darker complexion, but Jimi is Maura’s sister. So Maura is also a darker complexion. I don’t make the rules (but I do).
• anyway, because this is my HC I say that Maura is Half Puerto Rican and half El Salvadoran. Jimi is PR and Calla is of Panamanian and Honduran ethnicity.
• Blue speaks spanish but like not really and she knows slang and cusses from so many countries because of all the women and nationalities in 300 Fox Way
• and Adam. Adam Parrish father is Half Brazilian and half American ( he white ). His Mom is a olivey brown Puerto Rican.
• skin is a soft brown color more like mom than like dad. (Says it looks like dirt because Colorism is a Thing especially (IMO) in Latino households. ☕️ also Colonization)
• Blue hears it too from time to time that shit be everywhere. You even got the viejita at the corner store telling you if you get any darker the boys won’t like you.
• Blue and Adam give each other the Look™️ when Gansey or Noah or Ronan say something inherently Caucasian.
• Adam and Blue connected and dated because of that shared heritage. They could also cuss each other out in their languages.
• You fucking pendejo ! Me vale madres! Come meirda ! Eres mas chingona ! — Mira! Que cabrona!
• Adam teaches Ronan how to swear in Portuguese and Spanish.
• sometimes they’ll scream curse words at the top of their lungs while in the car or in Monmouth.
• sometimes Blue and Adam have conversations or say certain words only in Spanish . Ronan and Gansey give them blank stares
• Que fo! You really need to wash this bro, it’s a bombao.
• *blank looks*
• *someone gets lightly hurt* yo, sana sana that shit and let’s go.
• So Adam is all encriquiya, he just got off a double, im thinking we should let him sleep it off.
• *tears running down their faces* what tf does that even mean for the love of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
• Blue and Adam have a certain lilt to their words around each other that’s different from their Normal Virginia .
• Ronan is not upset that Adam can do more culture things with Blue than with him. (White people can’t properly wrap their minds around certain Latina customs and that’s just a facts)
• the women in 300 fox way teach Adam some basics in brujeria. His mom and dad teach him superstitions
• Blue and Adam talking together in Spanglish while Gansey and Ronan watch with heart eyes.
• you know Gansey and Ronan melt when They’re called Cariño, Corazon, mi amor. Ronan particularly likes the way puto, Cabron and pendejo sound and taste like when Adam says it.
• blasting Marc Anthony, Selena, La India and Co. on Saturdays/Sunday’s mornings when it was time to clean.
• Ronan walks in on Blue and Adam showing Gansey how to dance merengue at Monmouth on a particularly slow Sunday afternoon.
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Is it just me or has Bran not been particularly helpful thus far? Idk, I think I just expected more of him being that he is the three eyed raven and knows things. Shouldn't he have known where the NK army was located and how long they'd have to prepare rather than having to rely on Tormund for the info? Maybe it is all off screen...? What do you think?
 Bran has been helpful, IMO. He’s just been really mysterious about it. Bran’s playing kingmaker. He’s revealing information to characters when they need to hear it.
I’ve heard some criticisms that it didn’t make sense for him to say “there’s no time for this!” at the WF courtyard arrival scene - only to have Sam tell Jon about RLJ.
But it sure seems like he’s putting all the pieces in place for King Jon, in particular. I think we’ll get some form of clarity that this is his intention because it plays into dealing with the NK AND Dany and her dragons.
He had Sam tell Jon immediately after Sam was emotional about the news of his father and brother. He also ensured that Jaime both knows that Bran totally knows what happened at the Broken Tower - and - that Jaime knows that Bran saved him bigtime by not revealing that information.
He knows the NK wants him, he’s chosen the godwood. It HAS to involve the weirwood tree. I also think, whether Bran dies or not in this next episode, his influence will be felt the rest of the season. 
The interesting part of his actions so far is this: saving Jaime and positioning the pieces for RLJ don’t have a heckuva lot to do with the Night King. But the Starks saving Jaime Lannister? Jon Snow being revealed as the heir to the Throne and his best friend being the one to push the idea of taking the crown for the good of the Realm? Those are political moves. I’m very excited to see what he might do/say in Ep 3 before his final confrontation with the NK.
But when you really think about it - having so much of his “vision” content be about Jon’s political importance makes me think his mysterious timing on certain issues, coupled with his REALLY ominous looks at both Tyrion and Daenerys, tell me that his moves aren’t just about eliminating the NK. It’s with a particular end goal in mind. 
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Do you or have you ever owned a cup with your name on it? >> Actually, I have two. One time there was this dude in Meijer who was doing a promotion for Guinness, and the promo was apparently... giving out custom-engraved pint glasses???? You told him your name and he had this machine that put it on the glass for you. It was weird, especially since it was free... The font that your name is in is a bit wack, though. The other thing I have is a wine glass painted with a nighttime-y scene with skeletal trees and ravens on it. It has my name painted on the stand part, along with the date of my wedding. Sparrow has one too, with her name on it. I’m not even sure where they came from, tbh, but they’re pretty.
What’s the most expensive crafts tool that you own? >> I don’t think I own any expensive crafts tools. The only things I have are, like, pencils, a sketchbook, knitting needles, and yarn.
Have you ever woven baskets of any kind (wicker, paper, cardboard etc.)? >> Maybe as a child.
How do you like Great Balls of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis? >> It’s all right.
Speaking of Jerry Lee Lewis, have you seen the biopic about him? >> I don’t think so.
How about the biopic about Tina Turner? >> Yeah, I saw that one.
Do you like the TV-show Frasier? >> I do, it’s actually funnier to me now than when I was younger. Back then I thought it was boring but it kills me now.
What’s something you know by heart? >> A lot of song lyrics? Also, the Litany Against Fear.
What is something you’re greedy about? >> I don’t think I’m particularly greedy about anything.
How valuable does a coin have to be for you to bother to pick it up? >> I’d pick up a quarter, maybe. I’m just no longer in the financial position where picking up coins substantially enhances my available funds.
What would be something you would wait in line to get for free? >> It depends on how long the line is, what kind of mood I’m in, and where I am... not just on what the item is. If I’m in a good mood and the line seems manageable, I’d wait in it even if the item is just some random trinket that I have no real use for. If I’m not in a good mood and the line is insane, I wouldn’t wait in it even if it was for an expensive thing I’ve been wanting for ages.
Has there ever been a leak anywhere in your house? >> No.
Have you ever slipped in the shower? >> Not to the point of falling.
Have you ever made any decorative crafts? If so, are they displayed? >> Not in recent memory.
Is it very humid where you are right now? >> Nah.
What is the most suggestive thing someone has said to you? >> *shrug*
Do you have friends who you playfully flirt with? >> No.
Doesn’t the Z in the Bzoink logo look like an L to you, too? >> I mean, not really, but I see where you’re coming from.
Did you ever take that 5000 question survey that was circulating Tumblr? >> Yeah, I took it a long time ago. Once the novelty wore off, I realised that most of the questions were just terrible IMO, which is bound to happen once you endeavour to write a survey with quite that many questions.
Have you ever had to change a zipper in your favourite article of clothing? >> No.
Do you prefer buttons or zippers in general? >> Zippers.
Did you grandma have a box full of pretty buttons? >> ---
What’s the most exotic spice in your spice rack? >> Hmm... garam masala, maybe? We have a wide variety.
Do buttons tempt you to press them? >> Not usually, but sometimes.
Do you have a favourite television host? >> No.
What’s your opinion on celebrity chefs? >> I think some of them are cool and fun to watch. Alton Brown is probably my fave.
Back when it first started, did you watch ANTM? >> I think I’ve seen a season or two. I knew someone who got on it, too (Isis King).
Did you know, that there was even a Finnish version of ANTM? Miss Jay made an appearance in the first season, too. >> No, I didn’t know that, but it makes sense. There are a bunch of those shows modeled after American Idol, too, for different countries.
Are you accident prone? >> No.
Have you ever broken something really valuable? >> I accidentally broke a laptop screen once, and that was pretty damn valuable to me.
What do you see as timeless? >> ---
What is something that you own, that has sentimental value? >> Most of these plushies.
Have you ever had your own website? >> Yeah, I’ve taken stabs at it.
What’s your favourite board game? >> ---
How about your favourite card game? >> ---
What’s something that you finished recently? >> I finished watching Sparrow play through Death Stranding, lol. I’m glad it was her and not me, because I’m pretty sure that game would have made me ragequit within the first few hours, and that would have been a shame.
What’s the smallest town you recall visiting? >> I have no idea.
What’s the longest distance you’ve had to go to work or school? >> ---
Would you learn a new language, if you didn’t share one with your lover? >> Oh, like in Love Actually? I mean, I can’t imagine myself in that situation, but I thought it was cute.
Do you have friends who are constantly tagging you in challenges on FB? >> No. People who have me on facebook should know I prefer to do my actual fun socialising on here or Discord.
When it comes to chocolate, do you prefer nougat, jelly or caramel filling? >> ---
Are you more concerned about winning than just participating? >> No.
Has somebody you know taken their own life? >> No.
What is a number that has some significance to you? Why is that? >> 9. Well, there’s a lot of synchronicity.
Do you prefer onions, leeks or chives? >> I don’t think I have a preference, I’ll take all three. Onions may be the most versatile, though, so maybe those.
What’s the most adult thing you have to do every day? >> I don’t think I have to do any adult thing every day. Maybe feeding myself is an adult thing? Although teenagers and even kids do that too.
What’s the most immature thing you like to do every day? >> ---
Have you seen the movie, Clue? If so, isn’t it fab? >> No, but I’ve seen some funny gifsets that make me think it’d probably be a good time. I might give it a shot if I run into it on a streaming service one day.
Do your cheeks get flushed easily? Do you blush easily in general? >> No, I’ve never felt that feeling.
Are there any social cues you miss entirely? >> Oh, definitely.
When someone doesn’t smile back at you, what’s your first thought? >> They probably didn’t want to, and that’s okay. I don’t always want to smile at everyone who smiles at me, either, and it shouldn’t be a mark against my character just because I don’t smile at a stranger. But, you know, whatever. Any stranger that takes that much offense at me not smiling at them probably wouldn’t get along with me for very long anyway, so it’s a useful social litmus test in the end.
Is there a person who melts your heart just by looking at you? >> No. Well, maybe Can Calah sometimes.
Have you ever had tom kha kai? It’s a Thai coconut soup, and it’s amazing. We serve it at work. >> No, but I’d definitely try it.
Have you, or anyone you know ever been rude to a server? >> I’ve never had the experience of having to watch someone I’m with be rude to a server and I am so glad for that.
What’s something you’re opinionated and very vocal about? When’s the last time you had to verbally defend your stance? >> I don’t know. I don’t really defend any stance of mine, I just put it out there sometimes if I feel like rambling about it and then leave it alone. Arguing with people about shit that ultimately really don’t matter is a waste of my valuable energy.
Have you ever played BitLife? I sort of got hooked on it, it’s like sims but in text form. >> No. I quite like the graphical form of The Sims, so I’ll stick to that.
What’s something you regularly order online? >> CBD.
When’s the last time you made a penpal? >> I’ve never had one.
Do you often make friends online? >> I make a lot of acquaintances online. Friends are far fewer.
Do people ever try to get something from somebody through you? As in, they ask you to ask the person they should be asking in the first place. If that makes sense. >> No. Which is good, because I wouldn’t do it.
What do you think when you see a couple holding hands? >> Nothing???
Is there anything you’re forced to share with someone else? >> No.
What’s something stripy that you own? >> I have a black-and-royal-blue striped robe with the Ravenclaw logo on the back.
How about something polka dotted? >> Nothing.
What is something you find absolutely appalling? >> Some people’s utterly disrespectful behaviour on this website.
Do you like elevators? >> I mean, they’re fine. I don’t dislike them.
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say “midnight madness”? >> Like... premieres? Or book releases? Or something like that. I have a vague association but I can’t remember exactly where it comes from.
What is a country you would never want to visit? >> ---
When you’re angry, does it ever get physical? >> Well, yeah, but not necessarily towards someone else.
What do you do, when you’re immensely happy? >> It depends on how I feel like expressing it at the time? Sometimes I don’t express it much at all, and sometimes I literally jump around the room.
What made you scream out loud the last time you screamed? >> ---
Can you hear your neighbours through the wall? >> Sometimes.
What is something that frustrates you to no end? >> Noise.
Do you wear shoes indoors? >> Absolutely not.
Who is your favourite stand-up comedian? >> Bo Burnham, Dylan Moran, and in general I’m fond of how Tiffany Haddish presents as a person and performer.
What’s the weirdest video youtube has suggested to you? >> It doesn’t usually suggest me anything weird.
What’s the funniest infomercial you’ve seen? >> ---
Is there a drink that just goes right through you? >> I don’t feel that way about any drink, no.
Is there a food item you can’t eat because it doesn’t agree with you? >> Not that I’ve encountered.
Do you playfully compete with someone about something? >> No.
Would you rather swim or run? >> I can’t swim, so my options are a little limited here.
Do you like the smell of tar? >> Sometimes, yeah.
Have you ever been to a sauna? >> No. I couldn’t last two minutes in a sauna.
Does your doorbell ring unexpectedly often? >> Not often, but sometimes people will ring multiple apartments trying to get into the building, which is fucking irritating.
Is your favourite fictional character a human, an animal or something else? >> I am my favourite fictional character. /facetious
Have you ever helped a stranger? If so, what did you do? >> I mean, sure. Just simple stuff, like picking up something they’ve dropped or letting them know they’ve left their key in the apartment door or dropping their mail off when it gets mistakenly put into my box.
Do you share hobbies with any of your friends? What do you do together? >> ---
Do you have any flags on display? If so, what flag(s)? >> I don’t. Sparrow has a rainbow flag with a peace sign in the middle on her wall.
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princess-faelivrin · 6 years
It’s a very abridged list of characters, BUT I wanted to make a post about my interpretations of some of the CoH characters despite the fact that Nobody Asked. Apologies in advance for 100000 blocks of text and yelling. 
Call it projecting, ‘cause I guess it is, but Túrin has always been half-Asian in my head, in terms of appearance. I don’t know if I do a good enough job of showing it in my art, but Morwen reminds me of my Taiwanese mom and Húrin of my white-passing dad, so my Túrin takes after his mom. He’s stated to have grey eyes, so grey eyes he will have, but I tend to draw them dark enough that they almost look black. Aside from that, he’s tallish with unruly also-almost-black hair and a tendency to wear dark colors, which... might also be projection except for the tall part. It is what it is. 
Anyway, personality-wise... I mean this with all the love in my heart, but Túrin’s a dumb emo. Actually I partially take that back-- he’s a smart emo, smart and charismatic enough to be a natural leader with a good head for battle, but a ridiculous emo nonetheless. 
As stated in the Childhood of Túrin, he was kind of a weird kid, too old for his age and slightly unsettling, with a quick temper and an ability to hold grudges, but he cared deeply for the feelings of those around him and had a strong protective instinct for his little sis Lalaith. He’s also shown to have a leaning towards pity throughout his life, for anyone hurt or sad or at a disadvantage, which is really sweet and kinda makes me want to cry. 
Later on, Túrin is clearly pretty impulsive and can be ruled by anger, like when he smacked Saeros in the nose with a cup (which is valid) and lashed out at Beleg when he tried to give him bread. He felt bad about that second one pretty quickly, but I think it’s mentioned a couple times throughout CoH that people are scared of Túrin because of how quickly his mood can go south. 
On the other hand, despite the fact that he keeps directly and indirectly killing them, Túrin actually does really love his friends. Obvs he loves Beleg, and he loved Sador and probably Nellas too, and during the Nargothrond chapter he tries his best to look after Gwindor and Finduilas and try to figure out what’s making both of them so damned sad all the time. He fails, of course, because he’s too oblivious to notice the romantic tension so thick you’d have to use Gurthang to cut it, but he tries and that’s what counts. 
I think it might just be because of fanart, but Beleg as I see him has silver hair. Between Beleg and Mablung, the consensus seems to be that one of them has dark hair and the other silver, so my Beleg is the silver one. I have actually no idea what color his eyes are, though. Hazel? Who knows. He’s taller than Túrin, that’s for sure, with long legs and broad shoulders. I like drawing him with a little white flower pin on his clothes. 
He seems to be a pretty cheerful dude, probably the most cheerful in all of CoH, which is good for him, I guess. He laughs when the outlaws see him and go “oh shit, who is that?” and lets them be in suspense for a second or two before going “haha, sike, it’s me! Beleg! I have food for y’all starving dudes.” Thus, he’s a good foil/companion to Túrin’s depressing nature and his death removes a lot of the scant happiness in Túrin’s life. 
Something I love about Beleg is that he’s very forgiving and just like... a ridiculously nice person for the situation. Beleg doesn’t hold anything against Túrin, doesn’t hold anything against Andróg either (which is pretty impressive,) and immediately decides to give Gwindor lembas and take him along for the ride after finding him under a tree in the forest. 
The big important thing to Beleg’s personality, imo, is that he’s very loyal (to Túrin specifically.) Despite being told it’s a dangerous idea, he goes and looks for Túrin in the wilderness, and even Thingol is well aware he won’t be stopped. It also outright says that where Túrin is concerned, Beleg “yield[s] to his love against his wisdom” to be with him. He’s straight up referred to as the most steadfast of friends, which is really sad because it’s like a sentence after he dies, but there it is-- Beleg is a good friend and a loyal one. 
I already mentioned the fact that Túrin’s family reminds me a lot of mine, which definitely influences my perception of them, but anyway: 
Morwen is a fairly angular lady, who has dark dark hair pulled into a chopstick bun behind her head and a pair of raven-feather earrings that gleam in low light. She’s the parent that Túrin got his unsettling edgy aura from, and her Displeased Face is enough to scare any intruder out of her house. She loves her kids and her husband, but she’s stern so sometimes it’s hard to tell. 
Húrin is the neighborhood guy who knows everyone and who everyone knows in return. He’s kind of a square-looking blond guy, like Van Hohenheim from Fullmetal Alchemist except happier and more of a jock. He apparently can play the harp, which is cool, and he probably has lots of stories from being out and about with the elf-host. He loves his kids and his wife and likes to joke around sometimes with Túrin because he’s so straightforward and less inclined to humor. 
Niënor outstripped her parents and her brother in height, and ended up the tallest of the family. She has her dad’s blonde hair, and is slightly more square shaped than her mom or her brother. She’s also half-Asian, but you have to squint. She doesn’t fight like her brother, and is acutely aware of the Túrin-shaped hole in her mother’s life and heart and the matching shadow cast over her own life. However unlike Túrin she is in some ways, she has the same occasional fiery stubbornness and penchant for anguished theatrics, albeit on a smaller scale. 
Lalaith... poor kid. She was charming and cute but didn’t last long. 
My Mablung has wavy-ish dark hair in a similar style to Beleg’s, and has a slightly less willowy build, for lack of a better way to compare them. He’s got dark eyebrows to better express how utterly unimpressed he is with whatever dumb shit is going down in Doriath, and probably a few not-too-flashy piercings. He’s very dignified in posture and appearance, but not like... pretentious, because he fights people in the woods on a regular basis. 
Out of Túrin’s friends, Mablung is probably the most akin to the Responsible One, with Gwindor at a close second. He’s less willing than Beleg to drop everything for a friend, and requires more evidence to support it, but he’ll still do it after thinking it over and will probably beat himself up about not having gone for it sooner. 
On that point, poor guy takes too much onto his own shoulders and ends up feeling shitty and miserable when he fails at something that he could not have possibly succeeded at. This is demonstrated in terrible, heartwrenching fashion throughout the story, when Mablung asks Thingol to fire him because he lost Morwen and Niënor, to which Thingol says “what no, you’re too good, we need you” and Melian says “don’t feel too bad about it, ok?” (he ignores the last part and continues to feel bad enough about it that he looks for Niënor for Literal Years.) Also on that topic is the scene in which Mablung sees Túrin dead and stands there like some sort of Beleriand Benvolio, realizing that all his friends are dead and that “thus with words have I slain one that I loved.” 
I almost forgot her, can you imagine? You probably can, because she’s a minor character who disappeared like a third of the way through the story, but let’s not talk about that. She’s a forest girl, so I imagine she likes to wear a lot of nice leaves on her head, and/or make a bunch of flower crowns and then drop them in fright if anyone happens to find her in the process. She has dark brown hair and big, curious eyes, and is short and slight even by human standards. 
Nellas has... hardcore dirt lesbian energy. It’s implied that she had a crush on Túrin, but honestly, I doubt that very much. In my head, she and Túrin were just really close pals, and she taught him about how to live in the woods and how to rescue worms from the rain. Her moment of glory, basically, is going into the city once and immediately proceeding to freeze up from anxiety in front of the king. Is that a mood? Yeah and I love her. I hope she’s okay.  
I realize he’s another minor character, but he is a very compelling one to me specifically, so. As I imagine him, he’s a fairly lean young dude with a hungry-wolf look about him, which is sort of a mixture of desperation, suspicion, and plain snappishness. He has dark eyes and hair a little darker than what could be called ‘mousy brown,’ tied back in a short ponytail. He also has a frequent scowl and generally is a little bit scary, although he isn’t exactly physically imposing in the ‘tall and buff’ sense. 
There really is no other way to describe Andróg’s personality than ‘he’s a particularly mean tsundere.’ He’s just... full of rage and repressed Feelings for Túrin and possibly also Beleg. Unfortunately, these feelings manifest in Being A Bitch And Generally Not Nice. It takes him so long to admit he can’t actually hate Beleg that he literally just up and dies after doing one (1) nice thing. Why do I like him? It’s anyone’s guess tbh. 
Ah... yes...... the character who nobody talks about but who I love with my whole heart and soul. To start off with appearance, the only canon things about what he looks like is that he has dark hair and looks older than he would otherwise because torture. Immediately post-imprisonment and during it, I imagine his hair is short, but beforehand and a while after, it gets back to being long. He has a bunch of scars from all that too, and generally has the bearing and amount of grey hairs as a substitute teacher who nobody listens to. I draw him with grey eyes usually, but saw @bisexualturin‘s hc of him having had violet eyes before and I’m kinda in love thanks. 
In terms of who he is as a person, we don’t know much of what he was like before the Nirnaeth, but as I see him, he’s always had a fiery streak and a slightly acerbic sense of humor. Being tormented for 14 years forced him to mellow out some, by which I mean a) how the hell are you supposed to keep your sense of humor after that and b) as shown in his arguments with Túrin over tactics, he’s now extremely wary of head-on battle. 
He’s fundamentally someone who wants the best for the people around him, and who loves both Finduilas and Túrin very much despite feeling hurt and miserable over the fact that his opinion is now worth nothing to those in charge and the sense that he’s not good enough for anyone (much less his two best friends) in his current state. Overall, his dying speech is emblematic of the very Oof Ouch and Complicated feelings he ended up having toward Túrin, namely “you’re a dumbass and probably should have listened to me, but I love you and I am going to try my damndest to give both you and Finduilas as much of a chance at life as I can, even here as I bleed out in your arms.” 
Which brings us to... 
Finduilas is sweet like honey chamomile tea and her whole being radiates soft sunlight. In my mind, she’s somewhat round-faced, with really fluffy golden hair, sparkly freckles on tan skin, and a liking for wearing light blue clothes that match her eyes. She smiles a lot and possibly gives off actual light??? Also my heart is full of affection for chubby Finduilas. General consensus is Soft. 
Canon-wise, whether she’s more introverted or extroverted is kind of up to interpretation, as all we’re really given is that she worries about Túrin when he’s out fighting and “wishe[s] not to add one tear to [Gwindor’s] suffering.” I tend to think of her as sunny and gregarious, with way more game than her dad, and with endless reserves of empathy, sympathy, and compassion for the people she loves. 
As a Finwean princess, she absolutely has the capacity for badassery, which makes me very into the idea of Túrin rescuing her post-Nargothrond as per Gwindor’s request and the two of them going on a road trip of doom. But unfortunately, we don’t get to see another side of her in the book. 
I usually just put the book down and cry after the sack of Nargothrond, so I’ll just do one more character: 
Ok, so Finduilas has to have gotten her Vanyarin hair from her dad, clearly. But since Elves can probably change their appearances based on willpower to some degree, Orodreth’s hair is nowhere near as fluffy, and is a darker honey-blonde than Finduilas’ gold. He’s one of the plainest-looking Finweans by virtue of the fact that he perpetually has this look on his face that makes him seem like he wants to melt into the floor and go back to Aman. Which he kinda does. 
Unfortunately, Orodreth didn’t do much in the story except be a doormat to like five different people and then die, but I still like him for whatever reason. Way early on, before Húrin or his kids were a thing, Orodreth was still himself, aka someone who asked nicely for people to not make bad decisions, and predictably didn’t get listened to. Sure, some of Fëanor’s terrible boys took over his hidden elf city, but what was he going to do? Fight them? No. He’d rather just Not. 
...I feel bad for him. He literally did not ask for Any Of That. 
that’s all y’all, I am so sorry for making you read the entirety of the inside of my head as it has been for the past four months 
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Hello!!! Hope you're feeling great! I was wondering if you hated echo or not? Because lots of people seem to hate her and i've seen you reblog (kind of) good things about her (?) Anyway I'm just curious because I see that everybody's hating on her and I feel like the only one who's given her the benefit of the doubt. What do you think? (if it's not too much to ask, of course) :)
I definitely don’t hate Echo, I like her! Always did actually, especially as she got more prominent in season 4, because I absolutely have A THING for ruthless female antagonists (as she largely was then) with glimmers of vulnerability and humanity. She’s been an intriguing and sympathetic character from day one IMO.
For a long time it was hard to figure out where the show was going with her – I’m still not 100% sure honestly – and whether she was a character we were ‘supposed’ to like or love-to-hate. (Another thing about me? I love a lot of “love-to-hate” female characters ON SPITE as well, so that wouldn’t have really made a difference.) But for me, the episode where she stabbed Octavia was a turning point, and not in the way a lot of people who hate her think it was… I LOVED her reaction in that moment, ridiculous panda makeup and all. How clearly it was not her plan (she really wanted to take her prisoner and not have to kill her) and how much she instantly regretted it. The following episode too is a really big one for her and Bellamy, where she actually listens to him and takes onboard what he’s saying and refrains from killing Riley (of all people! do you know HOW EASILY i would’ve killed Riley lol). We’ve seen cracks in her stoic armor for a while and that’s something I enjoy in a character.
Idk, I guess what I’m saying is we already *saw* Echo was undergoing a change, questioning the merciless soldier she’d always been, and that only got more extreme by the end of the season when she was left without a king or people to serve anymore. Finding herself rejected and banished, even though in her eyes everything she’d done had been for them and therefore justified. And then she becomes this sad little fish-out-of-water on the rocket. I was not just ready to root for her this season, I was ALREADY rooting for her. :p
And yeah, at least a small part of that is on spite now, because the hate she’s getting is SO excessive that it makes me extra-defensive where I otherwise might’ve been like “whatever, I’m ambivalent about her.” I’d be stunned if they weren’t setting up Bellamy/Echo as a Doomed Ship and I’m not sure they’re even *trying* really to get the audience onboard with it, but at the same time it was pretty obvious that’s been building for a while and it makes absolute sense to me that those characters would find solace & forgiveness in each other once they were no longer living at war.
I’ve got TV trust issues and am allergic to even implied love triangles, so my main concern has ALWAYS been that the show is actually kind of poking the fanbase and setting Echo up to be vilified/hated. Which would be incredibly gross and if it led to something like her being killed by one of the heroes (ESPECIALLY Bellamy himself) I would be beyond furious.
My concern about that hasn’t dropped to zero, but I do like what we’ve seen so far. Particularly in the last ep, the sincerity and compassion from her both in not wanting Bellamy, Monty, and Harper to die for her and not wanting to betray the innocent redshirts – while at the same time pulling that YIKES move of using that girl’s bullet wound to hide the flash drive and looking so proud of herself. She hasn’t become a totally different person but instead is using the same resourcefulness and loyalty she always had and I FOR ONE DIG IT. (Also bird noises! God I want more Murphy & Echo.) Basically I am really psyched to see where this Eligius spy storyline goes and get some more scenes of her with Raven and the others from spacekru, my favorite kru that has ever existed.
Thanks for the ask!
P.S. To the other anon - I reeeeally don’t wanna get into the whole ship war thing, but HELL YES panicky Bellamy tripping over his “I can come get you in the rover” words and Echo making reference to the MW cages made me weak. I’m glad we got some onscreen intimacy between them. This was a good week for all my unpopular ships (even Niylarke even if she’s a Little Bit Insane now).
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abigfatbug · 7 years
Adimyos, Land of Greenery and Giants
Guess who got really thirsty for big musclechubs and royalty and fantasy world stuff and wrote something so they could do something about it? There have definitely been some very similar ideas, but they didn’t quite hit on what I wanted, so I’m doing the thing and making my first proper wg story in forever. Basically, fantasy world where most of a certain population of people are b i g.  But I don’t mean like, building size big.  I mean like 6-10 feet and T h i c c.   This is also on Google Docs if you don’t feel like reading it on Tumblr (which is utter crap for looking at longer posts imo)
For hundreds of years, people had known of a southern kingdom with a lovely balance of sun and rainfall, and some of the most excellent tracts of arable land known.  Things grew freely all year round, becoming bigger and more richly flavored and nutritious than they would nearly anywhere else. The kingdom of Adimyos was a rich and prosperous island of impressive size… But sometimes, it could be a bit too rich for its own good.
The fertile lands of heavy rain had been that way for so long that they supported huge, terrifying beasts.  Dragons, monsters, and beings of great power roamed throughout the land, always finding plenty to fuel their immense power and great numbers.  For all history, Adimyos had been plagued with more attacks from savage beasts than anywhere else.
When plant growth peaked in the wettest parts of the year, it could be difficult to keep cities and settlements from being reclaimed or becoming unsightly.  Weeds and vines could set in with alarming speed, along with wild pests and beasts looking for easier meals.  If it wasn’t the larger animals, it’d be hordes of mice and thick swarms of ravenous ants, wasps, and flies. The seas around Adimyos were similarly chock full of fish and all manner of other sea creatures and monsters, which both helped and hindered the great kingdom.  Fishing in the ocean was typically a high-risk, high-reward ordeal.  However, it also made it deceptively difficult to invade the island nation.  Krakens, man-eating whales, and immense sea serpents were only a few problems that unprepared invaders were forced to face. Still, the island of Adimyos was impressively large, even on par with some larger mainland countries. With so much to offer, there were myriads of tales about its exotic meats, fine pelts, excellents spices, fabulous precious metals, and amazing lumber, so the natural roadblocks present couldn’t deter outsiders forever, as they became more resourceful and advanced. Along with attacks from monsters, the natives of Adimyos still had no choice but to fend off attacks from outsiders as well… And these particular needs combined with the abundance of food were some of the biggest reasons for the well-known appearance of the typical Adimyosian. With the fertile southern climate, their hair and skin tended towards darker colors.  With thousands and thousands of years of abundant nutrients and wide food options, having almost never known widespread famine, they were on average some of the tallest people in the world.  To cope with the numerous predators and territorial beasts of their homeland, they had strong bodies and thick bones… especially the men. It was not at all uncommon for Adimyosian men to easily surpass seven feet in height, with the women only inches behind.  Besides height, their sheer mass was impressive as well.  Adimyosian men were famous for being barrel-chested, with thick, burly arms, powerful shoulders, and tree-trunk thighs… and often, no matter how hard they worked their fields or how much they went hunting, their abdomens would sport a soft, healthy gut with a modest wobble and overhang to it.  Nearly just as often, one could see that their backside was large, round, and thick as well, jiggling with fat and muscle as they walked or ran. In Adimyos, gluttony had never been known as a sin… in fact, it was often praised and rewarded.  And that could be seen by how the chunky, burly seven foot and up men of most of Adimyos… were merely the average, sometimes even below average ones.  Stories existed around the world of those who were above average, put in positions of greater wealth, power, and royalty… Although in Adimyos, even being poor wasn’t exactly bad, just not as glamorous as other positions. Even before the times of human invasion, Adimyosian people greatly valued their size and strength in order to hunt and defend themselves against the many savage beasts of Adimyos… and as such, men best filling the criteria were the ones who continually encountered the greatest success and sired the most children.  So, over many generations, the rich and powerful of Adimyos continued to grow in all ways.  They became stronger, taller, and fatter than ever.  Whenever it seemed they could get no bigger, they would somehow manage to push a bit further.  Because of all these men who made up the military and nobility, Adimyos became known as a land of greenery and giants.  Those men could easily stand at eight feet tall or more, and were known to be significantly wider, stronger, and heftier than even normal Adimyosians. Biggest of all were the men of the royal family of Adimyos, especially the king.  As someone who managed the astonishing feat of growing to well past nine feet tall, the king of Adimyos was the largest and heaviest human in the world.  He’d sired multiple children, including four sons.  The three older sons were already following in their father’s footsteps...  But the youngest was something of a late bloomer.
At just two months past eighteen, Prince Tanos was overall a very pleasant young man to look at.  He had long, free-flowing, wavy black hair and a calm, soothing gaze with golden-brown eyes.  His skin was deep tan with a soft, clear complexion, and his features were strong and yet rather delicate, at least compared to pretty much any other men he’d seen in Adimyos.  He was told he was lean, but that was really only from an Adimyosian perspective.  He still possessed the kind of powerful chest and thick arms that men from the mainlands across the ocean would need years to develop. And yet, he was “only”, “embarassingly”, a “mere” six feet tall and 240 pounds, at least when the actual measurement systems of Adimyos were converted.  With so much of his weight being contributed by muscle, his stomach was no more than a mild pot belly over what would be impressive abdominal muscles… at least, to anyone who wasn’t from Adimyos. His brothers were the exact opposite.  The eldest, 24-year-old Masu, was literally over seven times his weight at nearly 1,800 pounds… However, it was a bit tricky to get his true weight, given that he almost always had no less than a couple dozen pounds of food in his stomach.  After a grand feast, there could even be a couple hundred pounds packed inside.   The moment Masu woke up, he would be eating a massive first breakfast in bed before heading to the kitchen to have his main breakfast with the family, as if he hadn’t eaten at all.   Ironically, Adimyosian metabolisms were actually some of the most active and impressive, having developed in response to their active lifestyles of hunting, combat, farming, and gathering, along with how easily they built muscle and rapidly processed nutrients.  There was simply no need for a slow metabolism when food was always so abundant.  However, Adimyosians always ended up massive anyway, thanks to their unmatchable appetites.  An Adimyosian’s stomach was renowned for its unbelievable flexibility and astounding strength, assisted by an almost equally fantastic liver and set of kidneys.  There were many toxins that only an Adimyosian could digest and detoxify, and they could hold their liquor like no one else. So, even though Masu could easily take in a couple hundred thousand calories a day if he had the chance, he had “only” been growing by about 200 pounds a year for the past couple of years.  He’d been growing faster when he was younger, which was why he held hope that his “tiny” brother Tanos would soon hit a massive growth spurt. Masu already had many suitors and great fame merely for being the eldest prince, and it was incredibly easy to see why.  Just like his father, Masu was a nine foot tall behemoth of a man.  He was incredibly wide and powerful, but remarkably handsome. His face had remained strong, square, and angular before Masu finally grew so fat that it simply had to start softening, but this was only regarded as an improvement.  He kept his thick black hair in a long ponytail, largely because that would keep it out of the way while he gorged himself.  Even his soulful brown eyes were said to be beautiful and full of intense charisma and wisdom… if they weren’t locked on to Masu’s next meal.  Like many Adimyosian men, especially those in high positions, Masu typically wore light, loose, flowing clothes that intentionally showed off his proudest areas.  Those areas were his enormous arms, which possessed incredibly firm muscle just below a generous layer of fat, and his billowing stomach.  A far greater spectacle than his arms, his stomach jutted out far in front of him and hung to his knees even first thing in the morning.  It was hardly hairy at all, but it had myriads of wide, dark stretchmarks on display, treated as a sign of great beauty and hard work.  The massive, nigh-bottomless gut was always the first thing Tanos would see of his enormous brother… And usually, he already heard the thundering footsteps or monstrous belches well before seeing him.  Masu’s lower body was also far from small, massive hips and thighs and a wobbling shelf of an ass providing balance to the colossal gut, although it was still so obscenely large and heavy they couldn’t really compete. Despite it all, Masu was actually an incredibly calm and laid-back sort, putting most of his passion into his love of food.  He didn’t even particularly like to hunt or do nearly as much hard labor as his younger siblings, and it was clear that the herculean muscle beneath his fat was really just from generations and generations of ideal Adimyosian genes. In general, despite the seemingly barbaric love of hunting, the ancient traditions of beast taming, and the extreme admiration for larger, stronger figures, Adimyos was actually a deceptively peaceful and progressive land.  In spite of its size, the entire island had been peacefully unified for over a thousand years, with only relatively minor strife breaking out from time to time.  Despite wars with invaders from the mainlands, Adimyos had only ever acted in self-defense.  Never even once had they planned to strike back for revenge, or even simply for pre-emptive discouragement of further invasions.  But that didn’t mean they were anything to be trifled with or taken advantage of.  They’d started up trade and alliances with a few nations that swallowed their pride, apologized, and declared truces, but never even once had any other nation managed to establish a colony or dissuade most of them from their major religion.  Some outsiders were allowed to come live in Adimyos, and were even allowed to do so without having to fully conform with the beliefs and culture of Adimyos, but they had to prove themselves worthy, and agree that they would never disrespect or threaten the culture of Adimyos. For these reasons, Tanos felt deep pride and affection for his country, his people, and his family. For all his life, “tiny” Tanos had wished he could be more like Masu, or his father, or his other two brothers, or even most other men he saw in his life… Although Tanos didn’t know it, he would get his wish very soon....
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janiedean · 7 years
Do you have any theories about how ASoIaF will end? Like, who do you think will die and how, what will happen to Jon (seriously, I've read anything from "he's tots gonna marry Dany and they'll have kids and rule together forever" to "he'll die in a Heroic Sacrifice to Save Everyone" to "after all the shit he went through he's just gonna be like, 'fuck everything and everyone, Imma go wander beyond the Wall for the rest of my life!"), stuff like that?
HAHAHAHAHAHAH I JUST REPLIED TO SOMEONE IN PRIVATE OVER THAT I’m gonna c/p the jon and dany related parts and then add the rest, call me back in ten years to see if I’m right
- at the end of adwd dany's back where she came from and hasn't even met tyrion so everything that happened in the show BEFORE drogon flew her off should happen AFTER she's back in mereen- which puts her arriving in westeros WAY after the time she's in the show now- also the fact that in the book there's aegon prancing around dragonstone along with jon connington and the likes suggests me that IF no one dies before she has to deal with them first while shit goes down in the north and possibly grayscale spreads and blah blah blah
also, jon has to come back to life and I'm betting moneyt it's not as easy as in the show, grrm has to tie up the sansa plot and it's gonna take a lot longer because sansa is not in the north currently so it's gonna take ALL of wow for the starks to get back to winterfell IF they do get back to winterfell in wow and for people to find out jon was robb's legitimate heir and so on 
first conclusion: there's no way jon and dany even meet before either the very end of wow or actually ados and by that time the zombies should be WAY too much of a menace for them to be worrying about bending the knee and shit
taken the first conclusion into account and that ados should be all about defeating the others with whoever has survived banding together and that the only surviving copy of robb's will is currently with howland reed who is GOING to have to show up soon, r+l=j should be a known thing BEFORE jon and dany meet or anyway it'd happen soon after so I honestly don't know if it's likely that they'd hook up in canon or if it wouldn't be MASSIVELY weird if they do, but anyway I could be wrong on that bc the text evidence for those two sort of hooking up is actually there even if I don't particularly agree with it, but NEVER MIND
anyway at this point they're obv gonna do away with the zombies which is gonna cause even more casualties and shit which is not gonna make anyone any happier, jon's gonna have to pull his azor ahai stint because it's him and whatever (AND HE SURVIVES IT), I'm 99% sure that in between all of this aegon and jonc AT LEAST are gonna die and it's not going to be just them, anyway at the end they're gonna be left with a post-apocalypse westeros where most of the people who wanted the throne out of I NEED TO HAVE IT BECAUSE POWER or I HAVE RIGHTS ON IT (ie stannis if he survives which I doubt) will have lost most of the interest/force of will
THIS STATED, unpopular jon theory: the thing about his storyline is that he's going through all the typical secret chosen hero steps but every time anything happens it goes badly/it's not what he wants (he loses his family, his first true love dies, he becomes LC and instead of going well he gets stabbed etc) and what did he want at the beginning of the books? to not be a bastard. where is he now? ops, your father was rhaegar targaryen and your mom was lyanna stark OOOOPS. which is *not* what he wanted, he wanted to be a *stark*. but furthermore, idk if it's likely that R married lyanna before leaving her in the tower of joy or not, but if he did he's actually legitimate and has the best claim since he's male and legit son of the legit male heir, and who's gonna want that job? no one. so who is going to have to take it? yeah, HIM. and he's going to... dislike about every moment of it at least in the beginning (MORE ON THIS AFTER THE DANY PART)
now, on to dany: in that scenario they COULD get married and united the dynasties again, but... they'd know about the incest part of it and idk if he'd go for it, but honestly, the thing with dany is also that she started wanting to go to westeros, and what's most actually ironic/backwards if she finds out that after the zombies, meereen and basically getting shit all the way through she actually doesn't even *want* it? I mean the thing is, dany imo (in the books) seemed more at ease/happiest/filling out a role she seemed cut for when she was a *khaleesi*, not when she was ruling, and for a khaleesi she was a++++ because she was very forward thinking, did away with most of the worse stuff in her khalasar and was actually doing some seriously nice enlightened sort of revolution differently from how it went in mereen, so like... my eventual endgame theory is that she goes back to essos to actually be the enlightened full-time khaleesi that essos deserves and making good use of what she learned while jon picks the pieces up in westeros and comes to term with being the only fantasy hero in existence who didn't want to be king at all and ended up there anyway and has to make it work
ALSO: my pet sorta wishful thinking theory re jon is that given that westeros will be a post-apocalypse mess in shambles with most previously powerful lords being either dead or done for and with a complete new system and in which most people will have been through too many wars, zombies and so on to give a fuck, jon could actually rule as *jon snow* rather than jon targaryen or stark (which imo is the name he’d take for himself if he had to choose) without getting married and continuing the dynasty and then after he dies after fixing what he could and putting things on the right way, the seven kingdoms secede, the throne gets destroyed (if jon doesn’t do it before) and they go back to being independent. like, I’m very much aware that it’s not very likely but idk IT MAKES SENSE TO ME THEMATICALLY OKAY? *shrug*
other characters and the likes:
people who are absolutely toast: cersei, the boltons, euron/victarion, lady stoneheart, the elder clegane and someone in dany’s retinue are goners, same as (SADLY FOR ME) aegon/jonc. jonc is definitely dying of grayscale unless what happens in the show with sam and jorah happens to him but I highly doubt that, aegon’s dying while going against the others or anyway after they all join up with dany and then someone else (possibly tyrion since grrm said that not all of the heads of the dragon have to be targ) takes his place. anyway, both goners. very sadly for me. tommen is also a dead man walking, either how it happened in the show or some other way but nope. myrcella might be but I’d like to think being in dorne and grrm not wanting to kill everybody in dorne because BUDGET might be her ticket to salvation, but I’m on the fence. hodor is also sadly dying most probably because the way they did in the show was too clever and well-done to be out of d&d’s imagination. at this point shireen is also most probably dying tho NOT HOW IT HAPPENED IN THE SHOW DAMN IT. stoneheart is dying because brienne kills her to save jaime and she becomes her aerys THIS IS MY PET THEORY OF THEORIES GRRM WILL HAVE TO PRY IT AWAY FROM ME. lf is definitely dying either thrown out of the moon door or some other way but he’s toast. also most freys are 100% toast.
people I’m definitely on the fence about: stannis - I’m sort of thinking he might die but I’m not 100% sure and anyway if he does it won’t be like in the bloody show, jaime (I thought he was kinda headed for the heroic death in the beginning but now I’m starting to think he has some chances of pulling through I really hope he does tbh), meera, the decent people at the wall (I mean some are gonna die when the zombies inevitably pass but I hope they don’t), jorah (not enough elements to decide sorry), blackfish & jeyne poole (same as above), sand snakes.
meanwhile, main people I’m definitely sure are living + their endgames for the ones I have endgames for:
the living starks are staying alive. sansa eventually ends up as rickon’s regent and bran is going to have some luke skywalker moment where he has to decide if he wants to go darkside or not and then obviously decides not to, but eventually renounces being the three-eyed raven the way the previous one had and rejoins the living. arya stays in WF or goes with jon to KL when he inevitably does - could be in his kingsguard or she can stay in WF and help sansa out. (on the fence re gendr/ya happening - might be, might not.) sandor ends up as sansa’s sworn shield at least.
brienne definitely makes out of it alive after fighting the white walkers at the wall with everyone else who had managed to get there. if jaime hasn’t died in front of her while fighting the white walkers (if he dies that’s how I see him going, and anyway they totally will have hooked up before I 100% believe that) they’re going back to tarth together, if not she goes there alone and proceeds to be the awesome person she is. (I said bitter*sweet* before right? I think she has a good shot at the sweet part.)
arianne gets her throne in dorne ofc
tyrion gets casterly rock while tywin rolls in his grave because I doubt he’d go to essos with dany AS PER MY HEADCANON BEFORE
sam gets his maester’s chain but eventually goes on to be jon’s right hand wherever jon ends up (I think in KL so XD hey THE CURRENT ARCHMAESTER IS DEAD)
if margaery survives (before the show I’d have bet on it, now I’m not so sure) she’s ending up in a way more demoted position than she is rn but anyway some tyrell’s gonna live - I don’t think loras might be one tho
davos is definitely surviving - if he doesn’t end up tied with anyone same as he’s in the show (I mean if he REALLY became jon’s hand of the king I’d die of happiness but idk how likely it is) - he’s coming back home a-la sam in lotr, like ‘hey marya I’m home’ 
theon and asha are definitely not dying. asha is eventually ruling the iron islands somewhat. about theon I’m not sure because I don’t have enough elements to decide if he’s going back to the islands (doubtful) or staying north (maybe) but anyway theon’s surviving that shit. he didn’t have the mother of all abuse survivor recovery storylines to die just when he can get to live without anyone breathing down his neck and trying to force his alliances. like I’m 100% sure theon doesn’t die it’s the one thing I’d bet actual money on after canon jb lol
varys is probably gonna live because he’s too smart not to
edmure is surviving and getting riverrun but he and roslin prob won’t separate so he also gets the twins or something along that line of thinking
I’m sure I prob. forgot someone but that’s the main lines of it I think XD let’s see how wrong am I if these books actually see the light of day
btw this is all based on book canon, on the show I have no fucking clue anymore #rip
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