#for werewolf reasons
sunderwight · 1 month
Further speculation on Shen Yuan transmigrating in some kind of Beast:
Werewolf Shen Qingqiu.
And like, major emphasis on the wolf, in his case. Not wolfman. Every full moon Shen Qingqiu has to make arrangements for himself to turn into a gigantic silvery-white wolf that retains extremely little of his consciousness, and mostly just seems to want to do Wolf Things, though according to PIDW and all information he has on the matter, he ought to be turning into a violent and bloodthirsty predator.
However, it turns out that the wolf form does retain some awareness from the mind/soul of the human, meaning that the reason SJ's wolf was so incredibly unsafe to be around was because it was constantly trying to process SJ's trauma in wild animal terms. So, it was hostile towards the vast majority of humans and in a heightened state of anxiety, always anticipating violence (and reacting accordingly) whenever something unexpected happened. Matters were not helped by SJ's decision to try and lock himself up for every transformation, which of course freaked his wolf out even more (trapped) and resulted in self-harm as it desperately tried to escape. It was just that SJ interpreted the self-harm as a sign that the wolf was so extremely violent that it would cannibalize itself rather than go a single night without the taste of blood.
SY, who is a lot less traumatized, conversely has a much more calm and curious wolf. Like he's extremely cautious and nervous about the whole thing, because he's expecting it to be violent based on his information, and since he doesn't retain much awareness of his transformations he has little idea of what his wolf-self does. But he also isn't great at locking himself up like the original goods did, and he never really seems to wake up covered in blood or anything? Once or twice he thinks he might have hunted a rabbit, but they definitely were rabbits and not like his subconscious somehow going after children in the middle of a wilderness somewhere, because when he came to the wolf had brought the leftover bunny bits along back to the ruined temple he was supposed to be shutting himself up into.
The new Shen Qingqiu consequently gets a bit complacent about the whole thing. He can only blame himself. Maybe he should have anticipated Luo Binghe, with his boundless curiosity and interest in his shizun, would notice the oddities in his schedule and follow him out one night. Everyone's supposed to believe that he's just going to brothels and engaging in purely mundane debauchery, though, so why would Binghe doubt his story?
But he did, and so of course Luo Binghe ends up witnessing his shizun's terrible transformation into a wretched and hated beast. Stunned, the young disciple stands transfixed (no doubt in horror) in the moonlight. The wolf sees him, and though Shen Qingqiu doesn't retain much memory, he recollects the running, the leaping, the... uh... licking...?
Well. Turns out that even Shen Qingqiu's subconscious wolf mind recognizes Luo Binghe as pack, and thank goodness too, because at least he didn't attack him!
Although after that it becomes an extreme challenge to explain to Luo Binghe why he can't accompany Shen Qingqiu for his transformations every month. It's not safe, the wolf is unpredictable and Shen Qingqiu can't promise that he won't startle or suddenly change his tune and lash out, and even though Binghe's cultivation is progressing in leaps and bounds, the wolf also isn't limited to normal mortal strength. It would be able to track his scent and follow him relentlessly, chasing him down to catch and pin him beneath its massive paws, and... Binghe why is your face so red? Are you feeling alright? If it's too frightening, then let's not describe it any further, but the point is that it's dangerous.
Shen Qingqiu has to put his foot down. In the end, he has his suspicions that Binghe is still circumventing him, as he could swear he sometimes remembers running around the wilderness with company. (Binghe is absolutely sneaking out to go spend time with Wolf Shizun.) But there's nothing concrete enough to be certain. Meanwhile, Luo Binghe has at least agreed to keep it secret (for now -- probably not once the time comes for Shen Qingqiu to be put on trial) and fusses over his shizun, helping him keep track of the moon scheduling and always making sure he has a full belly before he goes into wilderness seclusion (Shen Qingqiu never says, but somehow Luo Binghe guesses anyway that he doesn't like waking up to find that the wolf had a snack during the night...)
Another hazard: lycanthropy in the PIDW setting is a curse. Like admittedly it's kind of a kickass one, but it still has tons of negative associations, most commonly befalling impoverished individuals or travelers who get bitten by wild wolf demons, and survive only to find that a piece of the wolf's spirit has gotten stuck to their own. Cultivators with lycanthropy are often associated with demons and disrepute, like Wu Yanzi, and there are countless tales of them turning on their own people or being revealed as violent, depraved criminals. It's only slightly more acceptable than being a demon outright.
In other words it's not a desirable circumstance.
And yet, for some reason, Luo Binghe is reprehensibly lapse in his protections against lycanthropy. Shen Qingqiu has told him all of the precautions he knows against it, and yet it's almost like Binghe keeps doing the exact opposite things! Listen, wolves are cool. Shen Qingqiu knows that. He's actually kind of fine with turning into one, since it seems to be less of a ravenous beast situation than he'd feared. But there are still social consequences to this kind of a thing! Luckily, it doesn't actually matter much because even with his uncharacteristic youthful irresponsibility, Binghe's heavenly demon blood protects him from ever being cursed. The only way he'd get lycanthropy would be if he deliberately let a werewolf bite him and then just refused to excise the curse, and even then, he could purge the tainted wolf spirit from him just by force of will whenever he wanted.
Seriously, though! It's only when Shen Qingqiu points out that Luo Binghe is going to make people suspicious with all his negligence towards basic precautions that Binghe finally smartens up about it.
(Luo Binghe, out in the woods during a full moon: Wolf Shizun please bite me? Bite Binghe? Then we can be together every full moon! Look here I'll stick my hand in your mouth... just, just chomp down... no don't lick... *sigh*...)
Anyway, the plot still goes mostly the same, except that when Shen Qingqiu put into the water prison it's the full moon. He expects this is part of Luo Binghe's plan against him -- Binghe probably couldn't reveal the lycanthropy without also admitting he'd known before and helped hide it, but this way, Shen Qingqiu can just get caught as a wolf by the palace guards. But Luo Binghe's just been so frazzled and distressed by everything that he genuinely forgot what phase the moon was on. Shen Qingqiu's expecting a lot of things when he wakes up after transforming in the Water Prison, but being back out of the Water Prison and snuggled up to the protagonist's chest wasn't on the list.
Turns out that after his confrontation with Luo Binghe and the Little Palace Mistress, Gongyi Xiao went to check on him and found him transformed. After Gongyi Xiao alerted the rest of the palace, the Palace Master determined that Shen Qingqiu being a werewolf was as good as a confirmation of guilt, and had the wolf dragged out to be killed. Luo Binghe intervened, Shen Qingqiu took off, and between one thing and another the whole night was spent with Huan Hua and Cang Qiong cultivators trying to catch him (for different reasons).
Of course it was Luo Binghe who eventually cornered the terrified wolf, at which point the wolf actually, finally did bite him. But when Binghe failed to react, it whimpered and went back to its usual behavior, and let Binghe lead it out of the city and off to its usual territory near Cang Qiong. The wolf then proceeded to act like an overjoyed puppy whose owner had finally come back from war, until Binghe broke down and sobbed himself to sleep. It must have curled up onto his chest afterwards.
Shen Qingqiu is deeply embarrassed, but... somehow Luo Binghe doesn't seem to be taking revenge on him?
He's going to need to treat that bite wound soon, though.
Binghe, you are going to treat that--
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bearsandswears · 2 months
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Asena is perfectly comfortable with nonsexual nudity (you kind of have to be as a werewolf, the clothes don’t come with), but seeing a chance to make Gale blush activates her prey drive.
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pepa-brainrot · 4 months
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Werewolf au? Werewolf au.
Man when I tell you- I feel like I got more lore for this silly little au than my canon story-
I hope to do more works that hint at that lore eventually. The people I've told have all really enjoyed it
Bonus- my own ocs (those would be werewolves anyways, sorry sofia)
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acewitch-writes · 9 months
I love Canon Remus and all of his flaws. Enough of this "Casanova of Gryffindor Tower" BS, Remus is the cowardly lion of Gryffindor tower. He values bravery because it is something that he lacks and yet still strives to be. He has an ingrained sense of shame and self-loathing and an inferiority complex that stems from society's contempt and marginalization towards Lycanthropy, a condition he was cursed with from a very young age. He wasn't a leader, he was a follower. A blind follower who believed to his core that he was unworthy of love and respect because of what he was.
Which opens the door to what I believe to be Remus' greatest flaw: His unwavering, unquestioning devotion to Albus Dumbledore.
I think Remus saw Dumbledore as the perfect encapsulation of Good. He was everything that Remus desperately wanted to be, everything that society was determined to believe a werewolf could never be. And maybe, if Remus could earn (and cling to) Dumbledore's favor and make him proud, he would prove to the world and himself that he is Good, too, in spite of his lifelong curse.
Remus felt that he owed Dumbledore a debt he could never hope to repay for allowing this chronically ill little boy into his school when no werewolf before him had ever been given such an opportunity. So many of Remus' choices in canon stem directly from this imagined debt that he had dedicated his life to paying. Hell, he didn't even hold a grudge against Snape for OUTING HIM to the entire wizarding world simply because Dumbledore trusted him.
Remus trusted Dumbledore wholeheartedly. And Dumbledore personally saw to Harry's placement with the Dursleys. Why should Remus have considered, for even a moment, that Harry wasn't safe? Certainly far safer than he would have been with a monster in close proximity, as Remus believed himself to be. In his mind, staying away from Harry was what was best for Harry. Until Dumbledore needed a favor, that is.
It's reductive to suggest that Remus failed Harry (and by extension, James) for putting his trust in Dumbledore to do right by Harry. James and Sirius trusted Dumbledore, too. They all did. Stripping away all of the nuance and blaming the abuse Harry suffered on Remus is simply unfair. NO ONE helped Harry, not even those who were fully equipped to do so, and Remus was the farthest thing from being equipped to take that on, what with being an impoverished werewolf living in a society that reviles his very existence. The only person who could have saved Harry from the abuse was the very man that placed him in that home, the very man that Remus revered with blind conviction.
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justaregularken · 10 months
Your werewolf boyfriend spooning you while his knot is still inside, tail lazily wagging as he murmurs about how you’re his
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goryhorroor · 1 year
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british horror movies
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decadentworld · 1 year
Thoughts are being thunk about werewolves’ more feral behaviors bleeding into their human forms. (18+ after the cut)
A werewolf boyfriend who can’t help but howl when he’s excited about something. Cute when he’s in his were form, mortifying when he does it in his human form. (But you still find him adorable).
Not realizing how weird it might sound to other people that he’s just asked you if you wanted to play tag. Realizing it after he’s said it and covering his face in embarrassment.
Trying to stop the tilting of his head when he hears an interesting sound.
Growling at a person he doesn’t like.
Preferring to grab things with his mouth rather than with his hands. Receiving the most perplexed reactions from other people and getting red to the tip of his ears.
Making happy noises while he eats a yummy food.
Being unable to stop himself from yelping and whimpering in happiness when you come home, even if it’s only been a few hours, almost on the brink of tears.
Him trying and failing to stop the jiggling of his leg when you run your hand through his hair.
Whining and clinging onto you when he’s had a bad day, thoroughly scenting you but then getting shy about it.
(You pressing him harder against your neck. Him making an overwhelmed noise when he catches your overpowering scent. Maybe him getting weak in the knees after you command him to lick as much of your scent as he wants.)
Blushing so hard when you find him nesting. You finding him so endearing that you give him some of your clothes to add to the nest.
Having a very strong reaction to you calling him a ‘good boy’.
Helping him through his heat. Him making the most adorable needy noises.
Him presenting himself to you, face down, ass up, unable to stop himself as he gets more desperate for you to mount him.
Being unable to talk as you pound him deep into the bed. Only being able to make incomprehensible noises. Downright slobbering onto the mattress. Tongue out.
Making the most animalistic noise and cumming so hard when you add fingers around your cock inside him in place of a knot.
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Work available only on Tumblr and under ArchiveOfOurOwn pseud of the same name (DecadentWorld). Do not repost, edit, or redistribute. Do not use for TikTok or YouTube videos.
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phuuca · 5 months
Ortho Shroud - 5/7
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Werewolf Subspecies: Greece/Golden Jackal
Ortho has since lost his original body to his death on the Island of Woe and, because of that, his ability to transform and access his werewolf abilities were also lost. At least, that was the original thought, until after Ortho's body and soul were returned to the physical plane along with his status as a werewolf. However, he still uses his old, robotic parts as support since his muscles have atrophied and his immune system isn't what it used to be. Even though his wolf form is far sturdier than his human body, he still needs regular breaks and lots of rest.
Despite this, Ortho finds the most freedom and feels the most alive when he's running around on four legs. To him, it feels far more natural compared to the metal and wires that make up his dorm in Ignihyde. Although it's probably not the healthiest coping mechanism, he tries his best to live as his wolfish alter-ego as often as he can. He regularly does physical therapy to build up and restore his muscles to how they used to be as he hates being the weakest of the group, even though the Ramshackle Pack has expressed they don't mind taking things slower in order to accomodate their friend. Despite, probably, being older than he looks, the First Years have designated Ortho as the "puppy" of their pack.
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clawed-sapphic · 3 days
The werewolf “curse” is often claimed to be passed on through the werewolf biting an individual.
Hypothesis: The “curse” is transmitted through werewolf spit.
Claim: Making out with a werewolf sloppy style will micro dose you with lycanthropy and turn you into a werewolf slowly over time.
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the-punforgiven · 30 days
Alright vampires vs werewolves has been done to death, let's do things differently
(Better can be by whatever metric you think is most important)
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werewolfaday · 8 months
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hope it's okay that it's an oc for today! day 47 :)
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Wolf 'is it such a dirty thing to be loved by someone like me?' star
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astral-schools · 20 days
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wolf, wolf, run free
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d-llahanspade · 9 months
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Merry Crisis, Wenclair truthers.
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 8 months
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On the left is the werewolf...do I actually need to explain what a werewolf is? Can be a wolf, a person, or a larger wolf person. Normal people, but with the constant undercurrent urge to go wild. Look, all the writers do is rant about "it could be evil or maybe not OR MAYBE SOMETIMES." because they, like me, know you know what this is.
A person-sized wind elemental that's invisible outside slight visual distortion like a heat haze. To the point that the early editions just had a blank space for thier picture! Issue is that we don't actually know anything about them on thier home plane, being invisible air in an endless sky. Like yeah, they're told to kill and steal when they're forced to be here, but we only really know two things about them. They would rather be home than here, and they hate these mages who keep forcing them to be here instead of home.
so yeah. werewolf or angry wind?
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erganyfoxart · 3 months
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werewolf Daud for an au i write
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