#for upstairs for like 2 years now. and they're always so nice to us. and they brought dates from the South with them this time
considerad · 1 month
💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 you know that post about creating community if that's what you crave?
I made an enormous pile of choc chip cookies and I batched it out for our upstairs and downstairs neighbours, my ma and my great-uncle across town, and my granddad's old pal and his family, and I just got done delivering them and I feel like 🪽🪽🪽🪽🪽🪽
so alight and alive with it all!!!! I love people! I love them!!! I am so full of fruit and phone numbers I probably won't ever call!
Life can be so unbearably sweet ❤️
#I'm badly depressed so it was a rote mechanical baking exercise yesterday bc I've been meaning to bake sth as a housewarming present#for upstairs for like 2 years now. and they're always so nice to us. and they brought dates from the South with them this time#so I got to do it. finally. and their kid is a big k-pop stan so I got the 👀👀👀👀👀 stare from her but she's super sweet too#and I hope the next Korean she meets is more interesting/less of a fake lol#downstairs (young couple) was happy with me (I watched the cookies disappear in real-time)#my ma and I ate some at the old bazaar while cat-watching which 👌 and then my great-uncle actually finished his!#and then late this evening I went over to the H's who are so chummy and sweet and kept me for an hour#and I got to meet everyone after like 2 years of Mr H telling me his daughter and I would be BFFs#(she's really cool. a single mom working in mech eng? here? the coolest literally)#sooooo yeah that's more socialising than I've done in 2024 put together. and all of them are people I like and wanted to connect with!!!#and I got to do it! I got to talk to all of them and all of them were just so lovely#food continues to be my way of prying the door open and it has yet to fail me :D#I feel whole. Finally. I feel like I'm doing something worthwhile with my waking hours.#and all it took was 300g of butter and a slab of chocolate. I got to know so many neighbours. it filled a void I've been sick from.#.........:) yeah.#thought
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lcvesjj · 3 months
Half Return - Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
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Inspired by the song "Half Return" by Adrianne Lenker
Summary : Many years after you left Ohio, you return to see your best friend Natasha..only to find out that she’s gone before you had the chance to talk to her…
Warnings : hurt/no comfort, heavy angst, Nat’s dead, no happy ending,
A/n : ngl this turned out longer than I thought it would 😭 I didn't even realise how much I wrote until I edited some mistakes. I might write a part 2 to this. NOT BETA READ!
song fics masterlist
You could remember it like it was yesterday.
Playing in your yard with Natasha and Yelena. Back when Natasha still had blue hair and she was wearing her beloved red converse.
The same ones she always wore no matter the weather.
The same ones on which she wrote your name in a black sharpie on the side.
The same ones you bought her for her birthday shortly after she moved in next door.
You didn’t have any friends and you had no siblings. So when a new family moved in with two young daughters- one your age and the other one was younger, you were ecstatic at the fact that you had new neighbours, seeing the chance at finally having a best friend you begged your mother to help you bake some cookies to bring over to meet your new neighbours.
After helping to make your moms special shortbread cookies, you placed them onto a pretty plate and covered them before slipping on your blue converse shoes and heading out the door towards your new neighbours house. Taking a deep nervous breath you walked up the driveway and gently knocked on the door. Soon you heard footsteps and a young girl's voice calling “I’ll get it!” From inside of the house.
Then a little blonde girl opened the door looking up at you innocently with her big green eyes. “Hi.” The girl said unsurely looking at you, seeing your blue converse she gasped and exclaimed “I want shoes like that! They're so cool!”
In return you smiled and laughed “Yes they are. I’m Y/n. I’m your next door neighbour and I brought over some cookies to just say hi and introduce myself.” You said while holding out the plate of still warm shortbread cookies for her to take. “I’m Yelena.” She smiled back while looking at the cookies wide eyed, then there were footsteps running down the stairs and you could hear the other girl yelling “Yelena don’t talk to strangers!”
It was the red haired girl and she looked over at you with a frown while stepping next to Yelena and pushing her behind as if to shield her from you. Yelena pouted and tried to push past the red haired girl, protesting and saying that you only wanted to say hello and introduce yourself. You just stood there awkwardly holding the plate of cookies in your hand, you started to feel like maybe this was a bad idea…
Then came a young woman asking “Who are you talking to girls?” It was their mom. Before the red head could say anything Yelena piped up saying “Y/n! She’s our new nextdoor neighbour and she brought us cookies!” The young woman stood next to the two girls looking over at you with a gentle smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Ma’am.” You stuttered out nervously while handing her the plate of cookies. “Oh please just call me Melina. It’s a pleasure to meet you too Y/n.” She nodded while glancing at the red head who was still glaring at you.
“Natasha, be nice.” Melina scolded the older girl. “I’m sorry for Natasha here. It’s just been a big change for us.” She said while gently patting Natasha’s shoulder. Natasha just huffed before storming upstairs. Frowning slightly you just nodded. “Um- well I better go home now. It’s getting dark but it was a pleasure to meet you and I hope you'll enjoy the cookies.” You stuttered out nervously before quickly turning around and walking back towards your house.
However while leaving you overheard Yelena whisper to her mom “I like her, she seems nice and her shoes are really cool.” After that you just bolted home and ran through the front door straight into your moms arms.
“How’d it go sweetheart?” She asked while pushing your hair out of your forehead. “I gave them the cookies.” You mumbles while hiding your face into her shirt, she could sense that something else was up but decided not to push the issue for now.
Meanwhile…at Yelena’s and Natasha’s house at dinner time
“Natasha, why were you so rude to our new neighbour? We might be here for some time so why not make some friends.” Yelena asked innocently while eating her favourite food made by Melina- mac & cheese. Nat just sighed in return “How do we know that she's not SHIELD and that she won't rat us out?”
Yelena just shrugged and said “So? It doesn't hurt to be nice. Besides, she has really cool shoes.” The redhead looked over at Melina for help, but she just sighed and shook her head. Huffing Natasha pushed her plate away and stormed upstairs to the room she shared with Yelena.
The next day Melina decided that the girls should take back the empty plate to Y/n’s house and offer to be friends. Natasha huffed and rolled her eyes, but after receiving a harsh glare from Melina. She just stood there with a small pout on her face.
~time skip~
You, Natasha & Yelena soon became best friends. It was mostly you and Nat since Yelena sometimes would rather hang out alone on the rusty swing set in their backyard.
One day it was Natasha's birthday, December 3rd. You decided to buy her something small since Yelena mentioned that Nat loved your shoes. So you thought it would be nice if you saved up all of your pocket money to buy her something.
It was a little hard to keep the secret from Natasha since she was always so good at telling when you're lying.
When the day you've been waiting for came you knocked on their door and Yelena opened it and immediately invited you inside. Melina greeted you with a warm hug and smile.
Soon you heard Natasha's footsteps running down the stairs towards you. Seeing you she immediately went to hug you but paused seeing the wrapped box you were holding. “What's that?” She asked curiously while stopping right in front of you. “It's a gift for you. Since I know it's your birthday today and I wanted to get you something small.” You said while handing her the wrapped box.
Her eyes widened and she hugged you tightly, thanking you over and over again. When Natasha opened the gift she gasped and let out a small excited squeal seeing the red converse shoes. The same shoes you had just in a different colour.
Many months later you and Natasha slowly stopped hanging out as much due to school and other responsibilities. One day returning from some after school activities you saw that Natasha and Yelena's house was covered in police tape and there were a ton of police cars and reporters on scene. You froze and immediately ran inside asking your mom what had happened and why were there so many police cars. Seeing you run inside so panicked your mom started to cry while she hugged you tightly. “Oh my baby-” She sobbed while hugging you tightly.
Soon you found out everything. Nat and her family were suspected to be spies for the government of another country. Heading that your heart broke into tiny pieces. You felt betrayed. Was this whole friendship fake? Did Natasha really like you or was it all a facade?
After a while you and your parents decided to move away to New York to start out fresh, you felt sad leaving Ohio but you knew it was for the best.
A few years later you saw Natasha on the TV news. She was now an avenger. You felt slightly bitter that after all this time she never checked up on you or anything. Many months and year passed before the blip happened. Your dad passed away shortly before the blip and 5 years later when you got back, you decided to try and find Natasha again.
Only to find out that she had died. Natasha had sacrificed herself to save the world was what the media said. You didn't believe it and you decided to see for yourself. So you bought a plane ticket to Ohio to try and find out if it was true.
Sadly it was and you found a gravestone with Natasha's full name, birthday and the date of when she had passed. Seeing all the flowers and teddy bears surrounding the gravestone you fell to your knees. You'd never get to tell her how you felt. She was gone.
You didn't realise it but you were followed by someone here. It's not until you heard footsteps on the gravel and your voice being called was when you realised you weren't alone. Turning around you froze- no it couldn't be.zz
The voice then called out again “Y/n/n?”
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Will- Moving In Together
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After being together for 2 years, Will asked me if Ella and I would like to move in with him. After having a talk with Ella about if she would be happy to move in with Will I said yes, but we knew we would need a bigger place than what we both have. So now we are currently house hunting with Ella 
"This house is a three bedroomed house with one bathroom upstairs. Here is your living area, kitchen and dining room" the estate agent shows us the nearly empty room "if you would follow me I will show you to the master bedroom" we follow her up the stairs, Ella in Will's arms. She shows us the master bedroom and the two other bedrooms "I'll leave you guys to talks. I'll be downstairs" the estate agent leaves us alone upstairs 
"So what do you think?" Will asks 
"It's nice. Big enough for us. The littlest bedroom could be turned into a playroom for Ella, but if we were to have children we would have to get rid of the playroom"
"But mom you promised" 
"I didn't promise I said we will see" 
"I don't like this house" Ella whines. Having her input is important to both Will and I, but at the same time she is the child we are the adults
"Well we have one finally house to look at" Will says putting Ella down and holding her hand.
We arrive at the second house which is a bit bigger, but at the same time more expensive
"So unlike the last one which was open planned. This one has the living room, kitchen and dining room are all in separate rooms" already I can see how we will be able to use the space. Much like the other house there are three bedrooms, but this time we have a toilet down stairs and a bathroom upstairs. Again we are left alone to talk about the house
"I have to say, I do prefer this house to the others we have seen" I say looking around
"I like it as well, but can we afford it?" Will asks taking my hand
"Once I have sold my apartment yes. What do you think Ella?"
"I love it!" Ella shouts making me laugh
"So I suppose this is our new home then?" Will asks wrapping his arms around me 
"I think so" I smile and kiss Will
"Ewww" Ella squeals hiding her eyes with her hands. 
A few months later and we are moving in to our new home. Ella chose what colour she wanted her bedroom painted so now Erin, Ella, Kim, Nat. Gabby, Sylvie and I are all painting her room while Jay, Will, Connor and Kelly are building Ella's bed and dresser 
"I think we all deserve a break" Jay comments standing up 
"We've barely started" 
"But mom, I am feeling a little hungry" 
"Ok, how about I go and grab us all some food?" Will stands wiping his hands on his jeans 
"There's money in my purse" I tell Will while continuing to paint the wall
"I won't be long" Will kisses my cheek and leaves the room.
By the time he returns we have the first layer drying and were all downstairs sitting on the couches while Ella is sat on the floor playing lego with Kelly. Looking around at all my friends it hits me like a ton of bricks that they truly are my family. Tears start to leak from my eyes 
"Mom are you sad?" Ella asks coming up to me and wiping my face 
"No baby, I'm happy, they're happy tears"
"Because we have all of our family here and it's making me very happy" 
"I love you mom"
"I love you too baby" Ella hugs me then runs off to carry on playing with Kelly 
"Your a good mom you know" Jay smiles 
"And you've raised an amazing daughter" Will walks over and kisses my head 
"Food!" Ella shouts running over to Will 
"I'll get some plates" I say getting up from the couch. 
That day we finish up Ella's bedroom, but because it smells of paint she's sleeping in mine and Will's room in between us. She currently snuggled into me while I'm playing with her hair
"I love you YN" Will says out of the blue
"I love you too. You know Ella's been asking me about having a baby since she was 2. I always said maybe one day when we find a nice man who will love both of us... we've definitely found that guy" closing my eyes I give Ella a kiss on the forehead and setting into bed feeling more happy than I ever have before.
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purplesurveys · 2 months
1~ What quality do you value most highly in others? Considering the traditional and backwards culture my country is known to live by, I appreciate someone who's open-minded and thinks in a more modern, less discriminating way.
2~ Are you more aggressive or mellow? It depends...this is a very broad question. I can be aggressive when it comes to people or things I deeply care about, and mostly mellow-ly nonchalant towards everything else.
3~ Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you? My parents, easily.
4~ Do you take any vitamins or medication? I don't. Nothing regular.
5~ Do you want to grow old with someone? It would be nice to grow old with my best friend, but I also don't, like, actively pressure her to do so. She has her own future and family to think about, and I don't mind being one of the supporting characters in her arc. It would just be nice to have the rest of our lives together.
6~ Do you treat others better or worse than yourself and why? It used to be 100% better than myself, but I'm slowly starting to prioritize myself now too. That being said, I've started to enforce boundaries and to learn how to say no when I want to.
7~ What sound is annoying you right now? Eh, nothing. It's fairly silent at the moment.
8~ Where was your last vacation to? We had back to back trips to Bulacan, Vietnam, and Tagaytay the last month. My family also booked a last-minute weekend someplace south but I didn't go with as I went to Hans and Angela's engagement party that same time.
9~ Where was your last car ride to? My uncle's new place! He finally moved into the home he's been building and finishing up the last few years and it's beautiful.
10~ Where did you last walk to? Just upstairs, here to my bedroom.
11~ What gives you a peaceful feeling? Rainy weather.
12~ Are you a light sleeper? No, I'm usually nearly impossible to wake up which is why I always need 4-5 consecutive alarms set.
13~ When you sleep next to someone who usually falls asleep first? I get veeeerrryyyy conscious sleeping around other people, so it's usually them.
14~ How many people have a piece of your heart? Like less than 10.
15~ What do your salt and pepper shakers look like? They're not shakers; they're just tupperwares with their own scoops.
16~ When was the last time you hurt yourself? Intentionally? Years ago. Maybe 6 or 7 years ago. Unintentionally – happens a lot, so yesterday would be my best guess.
17~ Would you rather live in the city, suburbs or the country? City. I grew up in the suburbs my entire life and don't know the sound of a bustling city at all. I'd love to be surrounded by it now that I'm at pretty much the peak of my 20s.
18~ Have you ever built something? I'm sure I have.
19~ Are you more of a maker and giver, or a taker and user? Taker and user. I like going by other people's lead.
20~ Do you take naps? Rarely. Only when I'm extremely, extremely beat – like yesterday.
21~ Do you buy holiday gifts early or at the last minute? I always do it last-minute and get stressed every time lol, I never learn.
22~ Do you laugh when there is no joke and dance when there is no music? Dance, yes. But I don't think I've ever laughed out of nowhere. I always at least remember some kind of memory.
23~ If someone else were to describe you what would you hope they would say? That I have been mentally strong. Or thoughtful – that would honestly be nice to hear, too.
24~ What is the dirtiest habit you can think of? Like, of anyone? I saw someone on Reddit say they enjoy cleaning out their shower drain and that the more hair they get out of it, the better. Something I never expected to read that day tbh lol
25~ Do you ever need ‘quiet time’? Absolutely, and I need it more and more these days since there's now so much more demanded of me at my job, with everyone having eyes on my every move. By the end of every fucking week I'm just out and do not want to deal with anything and anyone.
26~ Do you think it is harder for a parent to outlive their child or for the child to outlive their parent? The former definitely, just because that's not usually expected to happen. My aunt had her son (my uncle) pass at 40; there's not a week I don't think of her and how she's doing.
27~ What was your best find from a flea market, garage sale, ebay or thrift? I found a copy of the WWE Encyclopedia in pristine condition at a secondhand book store. Copped that shit i m m e d i a t e l y.
28~ What is one selfish thing you tend to do? Prioritize myself and my feelings.
29~ What kinds of people do you find intimidating? Mostly people who have had more experience than I've had in our industry. It's intimidation coming from a place of respect, though – I try not to be actively scared of them and instead take the opportunity to learn from them no matter what their mentorship style is (unless they are assholes lol, which I won't tolerate. But thankfully I've never had to encounter someone of the sort).
30~ Out of everyone you know who has the most unique personality? Ades probably? He's the kind of smart that almost makes him weird, but I've never found it off-putting. I like hearing his thoughts whenever I can.
31~ When do you do your best thinking? After-work hours, ie anytime after 6 PM; or on the weekends – which is the time I get to think without needing to worry about deadlines.
32~ What was a choice that you didn’t want to make but you had to? Choosing to move on from my ex four years ago; I genuinely thought there was still a chance we could get back together. I was desperate and delusional at the start, trying to still keep up conversations with her whenever I could and thinking that any reply from her was progress in the direction I wanted. Soon enough I realized that she wanted nothing to do with me anymore and seemed perfectly fine and free without me, and that made it much easier to move past.
33~ Have you ever written a letter to a soldier? No.
34~ What does your favorite coffee mug look like? It's just a plain black glass mug.
35~ What age do you think it is most difficult to be? From my own observation of others around me, 25 seems to be quite the hurdle. Everyone seems to be so pressured and is doing a bunch of stuff to overcome the quarter-life crisis...but personally I think I've handled it quite well and am proud of that.
36~ Do you think you could handle a day in jail? I think my anxiety would eat me alive for the better part of it, but it's a day. I think I'd be able to manage, even if barely.
37~ Who is the most overbearing person you know? L.
38~ Have you ever been on a trampoline? Sure.
39~ What do you use batteries for the most often? My Army lightstick, hah.
40~ Would you prefer to wrap your own presents or have them all gift wrapped? I'm terrible at wrapping presents so I either have my sister do it (if we still have time, because I do my gift shopping last minute like I said) or I just buy a bunch of paper bags to put my gifts in.
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shutupbrain · 2 years
sus, last 6-12 months
Suddenly opened a new, separate individual bank account which he said he made to better track his finances. All his commission checks go in there. I was very caught off guard only because we've had joint finances for over 9 years and have made all our major financial decisions together. He says he got it to better track his finances.
Makes "he" not "we" statements more often now I think about it.
He goes from buying himself a bunch of new gym equipment for our garage (which he used daily for some time) to saying he needs to workout at a gym every single workday instead. His reason being that he doesn't have what he needs at his home gym.
Bought and began wearing name brand cologne (has never worn cologne in our 11 years prior), new watch, investing much more effort into appearance. Explanation could be that he is just trying to have better self esteem after struggles with that in the past, feeling more confident from working out.
Stopped using the sharing feature we set up in Google photos with me.
After guilt tripping me for so long because I got to WFH, his job gave him a nice raise and told him he could now WFH because they want to do whatever they need to keep him. That was about 2 months ago and he's worked at home twice.
1 day he wouldn't give me the pin to log into his phone when I just wanted to Google something since I didn't have mine. He was cooking and said that he "doesn't remember it" and "only uses face ID." I thought that was bullshit and gave him side eye but brushed it off. I then realized after cooking that he came and swiped the phone up off the table and disappeared upstairs to "poop." Convenient..
Both of his phones are on total lockdown, I have no way to access them. He says it's because of how I've reacted to porn and porn subscription services he'd paid for in the past that I found. His computer is on lockdown too and he keeps a guest account for me to use if I need to on the rare occasion. He uses the same excuse he has for the phones for his PC. So he's hiding something on all devices without a doubt, but what exactly and the seriousness of it is anyone's guess.
He has suddenly expressed interest in getting a full sleeve tattoo, to cover his hand as well, which he was not very into when we discussed getting tattoos in the past. He also used to say he hated acrylic nails and when I got my hair done but now he's all for it. Suggested we take couples dance lessons which shook me but I thought was a really great attempt to reconnect. With all these other coincidences now though, I don't know. Personal growth or something else?
He has a girl he works with that he talks about on a daily basis. He's always told me about the office drama and coworkers which I like to hear about! But in the last few months he has said her name in conversation almost daily and together they talk about me and her fiance based on stories he's told me. He recently, unprompted mind you, told me they're like "brother and sister." He said he tells me all this to be more open so I don't worry or feel unfortunately. See my other post about how she's a total dime which he never mentioned.
He has been calling me a bitch frequently which is not a normal thing for us. When we were drunk the other night and having fun, we lost the keys and got into an argument. He looked me dead in the face and yelled that "you ain't shit! We all know who is paying for the locksmith and new keys, that's right, it's me!!"
I laid it all out for him tonight about how I'm feeling, that I may very well be crazy in this but I need to know if anything is going on. If there's nothing to hide, please just let me see your phones to ease my mind. He is taken aback and reluctant, it's obvious. But he gives me the personal one and logs me in while I follow him up the stairs to get the work one.
He tries to stall but I'm right up on him because I won't be able to feel at ease unless I can look at his phones without him having time to go thru and hide or delete anything first. He won't let me have both at once and trades me for the work one which I'm most curious for because of the situation. I see there's no texts with her, he's deleted them because I know they've definitely texted because he told me they do. There were many other conversations (mine included) so I know he's specifically deleting his conversations with HER! My heart drops to my stomach. This lack of text trail says so much. I go to the call logs and see some short calls with her too but those can be explained as work related. When confronted about the deleted texts, he says he always deletes the group texts with them it's never just with her. There were several other group chat message trails clearly there though and not deleted sooo.
When you've been in a romantic relationship as long as ours, spouses share everything with each other and want to because of their bond and friendship and closeness! Privacy in this stage is for things like planning surprises, time alone for whatever "you time" that's needed (showering, hobbies, not wanting to have an important work interview listened in on, etc.) Deleting messages isn't privacy, it's SECRECY. You are hiding something!
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itsadamcole · 4 years
you’re not broken
fem!reader x kyle o’reilly
reader and Kyle go back to reader’s home in Philadelphia for Christmas. little does Kyle know that reader’s mother isn’t the nicest person .... “i promise you that you’re not broken”
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word count: 2.5k+
warnings: angst, mentions of death / plane crash, verbal assault, fluff
— day 3 in a row ... out of (hopefully) 25 —
masterlist || request an imagine here
part 2
You smile as you walk up to the front door of your childhood home. Your boyfriend's hand in yours. You hope to God that your parents and siblings will be nice to you. Maybe because Kyle is here then they might.
Christmas at home hasn't been the same since your older sister's plane crash. It's been two years but since the year after she died, your family hasn't been treating you like they used to. They've started comparing you to your sister that passed, telling you that you'll never be like she was, telling you that you'll never achieve the same success that she did in WWE.
It hasn't been the same since she died. You miss your sister. You were best friends and tag partners. She was so understanding when Kyle asked you to join the Undisputed Era and was so supportive when you had a storyline against her after you joined the Undisputed Era.
Kyle knows about some of what your family has said to you, but he doesn't know about what they've said about you and comparing you to your sister.
Speaking of Kyle, he senses you're nervous even though you have a smile on your face. He tightens his grip on your hand and he says, "Relax, Y/N. If they say something to you then I'll make sure to say something back to them. No one hurts my girl without consequences."
You look up at Kyle and say, "You're the best." You smile.
Kyle smiles down at you and pecks your lips before you knock on the door.
There is shuffling behind the door as you smooth out the front of your dark red dress and move closer to Kyle.
Your younger sister, who is thirteen years old, answers the door. "Y/N! You're here!" she says happily.
"Hey, shortie," you say, laughing. "You're not exactly short anymore, are you. You're almost as tall as me. Have you grown since I last saw you?"
She giggles and says, "It's been a little bit since you've seen me, Y/N. Come home more often." Her giggles stop and she starts to pout.
You hug your younger sister and say, "I would love to come home but I have a title to defend." You look at Kyle. He smiles at you.
Ever since your parents changed their attitude toward you, you've stayed away from Philadelphia. You've been staying with Kyle in Orlando to be close to the Performance Center and Full Sail. You haven't been back home since July and it's now December. Your sister turned thirteen in the time you've been away.
"I know," your younger sister says. "I just miss you."
You kiss the side of your sister's head and say, "I miss you too. You can always come down to Florida. I'll even buy you a plane ticket if you want to come visit. Maybe get Y/B/N to come with you since he's 18."
Your older sister was almost 30 when she died. You're 28. There's a ten year difference between you and your brother and your youngest sister is 13.
Y/S/N says, "If Mom and Dad will let me go. They've been strict since the accident and they won't even let us get on a plane."
"I'll talk to them tonight," you say. "Maybe you guys can come spend New Years with Kyle and I."
Kyle nods and says, "The boys will be there too with their girlfriends and wives but we'd love to have you come down, Y/S/N."
She smiles and says, "Yay." Your sister skips inside the house and you sigh, looking up at Kyle.
"Are you naturally that good with kids or what?" you ask.
Kyle laughs and says, "Naturally that good."
You smile and reach up, pressing a kiss to Kyle's lips. You walk into the house holding Kyle's hand.
"Mom!" you call. "I'm here!"
Your mom says, "In the kitchen, sweetheart!" You walk into the large kitchen. You're greeted with the smell of roast beef as soon as you walk into the kitchen.
Y/B/N sits at the kitchen island with Y/S/N and they're playing something on Y/B/N computer. You run up behind your brother and attack him with a hug from behind. "Hey, baby bro," you say.
"Jesus, Y/N," he gasps. "You scared me and I'm trying to win as imposter."
That's when you realize he's playing Among Us. You see his name in red. "Ooh," you giggle. "Let me in at some point tonight. I wanna kick you ass."
You, Kyle, and your siblings laugh. You mother scolds, "Y/N! Language please."
"Ass isn't a bad word, mother," you sigh. "Relax."
Kyle looks at you then looks at your mom, who says, "You know such language is not allowed in this house."
You roll your eyes and say to your brother, "I'll play after dinner, if I'm still here."
Your brother nods and you take Kyle's hand, leaving the kitchen and walking into the living room. Your dad sits on the couch with wrestling on the TV.
"Hi, daddy," you smile, kissing the top of his head. "What are you watching?"
Your dad smiles and say, "Hi, pumpkin. I'm watching one of Shawn Michaels' old matches."
You sit beside your dad and Kyle sits beside you. "Nice to see you again, Mr. L/N," Kyle says.
"You too, Kyle," your dad says. "Is there a match the two of you would like to watch?"
Kyle says, "How about Randy Orton versus Drew McIntyre at Hell in a Cell? That match was amazing."
You dad says, "I agree. It's such a good match." He puts it on. "You have good taste in matches, Kyle."
He laughs and says, "Y/N and I have very similar taste in matches. We both like the matches that involve cells or weapons. Y/N likes tables."
"They're the worst to go through in real life but it's fun to watch other people go through them," you say.
Your dad laughs and says, "Your sister liked table matches too. She said the same thing. They were a pain to go through but she loved watching them."
Your mood tanks at the mention of your sister. Kyle notices this and takes your hand. You rest your head on his shoulder and watch Drew lose his title to Randy.
It's close to twenty minutes later before your mother calls, "Dinner!"
Your dad gets up, walking to the dining room. You look up at Kyle and you say, "Whatever they say, either ignore it or just let me handle it, okay?"
Kyle says, "I'm jumping in if it looks like you need help. I'm serious."
You nod and walk into the dining room with Kyle. Your mother is serving your father dinner. A lot sits out on the large table. A plate with cut up roast beef, corn sits in a bowl, mashed potatoes right next to the corn, biscuits, green beans, and a bowl of mac n' cheese all sit on the table.
You help yourself to some mac n' cheese and say, "Dinner looks amazing, Mom."
"Thank you, Y/N," she says. Her voice is cold. Obviously she's still mad about you saying the word 'ass' in front of her.
Kyle grabs some roast beef and takes a bit. "Mhm," he hums. "This is the best roast beef I've had in a long time."
You smile and say, "Mom slow roasts it in the oven. It takes all day but so worth it." Kyle smiles and takes another bite.
Y/S/N says, "Mom, can Y/B/N and I spend New Years in Florida with Y/N and Kyle?"
Mom looks at you then at your sister before asking, "How do you plan on getting back here, Y/S/N?"
You look at your mom and say, "I can accompany them back. Kyle and I leave in two days to go back to Orlando so we can just book Y/S/N and Y/B/N seats on the same flight as Kyle and I."
"Please, Mom?" your sister pleads.
"Yeah, please?" your brother chimes in.
Your mom looks at your siblings and says, "You both know how I feel about planes. They crash."
Your sister gets a sad look on her face and you say, "It's very rare, Mom. I've flown plenty of times."
"You were supposed to be on the flight that Y/OS/N was on," your mother snaps. "You realize that, right?"
A pang of hurt hits you in the chest and you say, "I'm well aware but it's not my fault that the plane crashed, Mom."
Your mother looks at you from across the table and says, "It should've been you on that plane, Y/N. Instead it was your sister, who actually made this family proud."
Kyle says, "Woah, okay. Mrs. L/N, that's not fair on Y/N's part. She had no idea that the plane would crash."
Tears well up in your eyes and you say, "I make this family proud too, Mom. I've held tag titles, I currently hold the only women's singles title in NXT. I'm in a group that has made history in NXT. I've made history with Y/OS/N as longest reigning and most reigns as WWE Women's Tag Team champion."
Your mother says, "Your sister held the Raw Women's title for a record breaking 450 days. How long have you held the NXT Women's title for?"
"348 days, and counting," you spit at her. "I'm only behind her by 100 days, which I plan on breaking. Then I plan on breaking Asuka's longest reign of 510 days just to prove to you that I can do every fucking thing that Y/OS/N did!"
Your mother's eyes widen and she says, "Curse one more time in my house and you will never be allowed back in."
You stare at her and say, "Fine. Fuck you, Mom. Fuck you for ever comparing me to Y/OS/N and fuck you for never being proud of me even though I've achieved the same success as she did." You look at your siblings. "Go upstairs and pack a suitcase. I'm taking you two with me."
They nod and run upstairs. You slam your silverware down on the table and you stand up. Your mother says, "That is not how you talk to your mother, Y/N."
You cry, "You have not been my mother since my sister died. Not the way that you've been treating me."
As you walk away, you hear Kyle say, "She's grieving too. She knows that it should have been her too, and she'll carry that with her for the rest of her life. She doesn't need her mother of all people telling her that it should've been her in the plane instead of Y/OS/N. Her sister was her best friend and she lost a lot that day too."
Your sister and brother walk down the stairs and you look at them. Your sister runs to you and hugs you. Your brother hugs you too. You hug them back.
Kyle walks out into the foyer and you look up at him. He says, "Come on. I'll change our flights to tonight and we can be down in Florida by midnight. We'll buy Y/S/N and Y/B/N some clothes when we get back to Orlando."
You nod, leaving the house with Kyle and your siblings.
It's right after midnight when you, Kyle, and your siblings get back to the house you share with Kyle.
You moved in with Kyle about six months ago after a year or so of dating. The house is three bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, and two floors. You sigh as you walk in the door.
Kyle sets your siblings up in the guest bedrooms as you go and lay in your bedroom. You finally change out of the dress and get into one of Kyle's shirts. You curl into a ball and let out what you've been holding in.
Your face is in your pillow and your makeup is being cried off your face.
The door to the bedroom closes and Kyle sighs, "Your siblings are in bed and they're both all set up in their rooms."
You sit up and look at Kyle. He looks at you and his face falls. He grabs a box of tissues and you say, "I'm a mess, I'm sorry." You take a tissue and wipe your makeup stained tears away.
"You're okay," he says, sitting next to you. "It's okay to cry, Y/N. You don't have to be strong every day, especially after what you have been through."
You crawl over onto Kyle's lap and say, "I feel broken, Kyle. I have since my sister died in that plane crash. I feel like I haven't healed at all."
"Hey," Kyle says. "I promise you that you're not broken, Y/N. You're sad, you're grieving, but you're not broken."
You start to cry softly and say, "I miss her, Kyle. Why couldn't it have been me instead of her?"
Kyle says, "Don't say that. Please don't. I need you here. Your sister and your brother need you here. The WWE Universe needs you here. Adam, Roderick, and Bobby need you here. Don't let your mother tell you otherwise."
You look up at Kyle. He wipes your tears away with his thumbs. You say, "I love you, Kyle. I'm so in love with you."
Kyle smiles at you and says, "I love you too, Y/N. I need you here. Selfishly, a part of me is glad you were on that plane because I don't know what I would do without you."
You lean in and press a lingering kiss to his lips. Kyle kisses you back before he pulls back and says, "Marry me."
"Kyle," you say, meeting his eyes.
He says, "I'm serious. Marry me. You can come to my family's house in Canada for holidays, we can spend the rest of our lives doing this. I love you, and I want to start a family with you."
You don't hesitate to nod and say, "Yes. I'll marry you, Kyle."
Kyle smiles and kisses you. You smile into the kiss. You smile for real for the first time in a very long time.
That smile doesn't leave your lips as you lay with Kyle in bed, cuddles up to him. He holds you in his arms and your legs are intertwined with his.
His fingers run through your hair. Your eyes are closed and he says, "I don't have a ring yet, by the way. I didn't even know that I was going to propose until I did."
You giggle and say, "We'll go ring shopping eventually. I just want to lay with you right now."
Kyle shifts a bit and gets comfortable. You smile and begin to doze off.
"Merry Christmas, baby," Kyle whispers. "I forgot to tell you at midnight."
You mumble, "Merry Christmas, Kyle."
Then you fall asleep.
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layce2015 · 4 years
The Last of Us Part 2 (Joel x Reader)
Chapter 11: Nora
Chapter 10
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Present Day
I walk up the stairs and into the radio room to see Dina and Ellie talking. "Hey, girls." I said and they look up at me. "Everything okay?" I asked. "Yeah, we were just talking...." Ellie said and I nod at her as Dina gives an embarrassed smile. "Okay. So, anything worthwhile to report?" I asked, nodding towards the radio.
"Actually, yeah." Dina said and she stands up and walks to the table and Ellie and I walk up next to her. "Abby?" I asked her and she shakes her head. "No...but...This girl, Nora....her unit was assigned this hospital." Dina said as she points at a picture of an African American woman and I pick it up and look at it, Ellie looking over my shoulder.
"They were collecting supplies or something." She said and I look up at the map and see where it says Medical Center. "This hospital." I said, pointing at it. "Yeah." Dina said and I set the picture down. Then I start to walk out of the room. "You're gonna go now?" Ellie asked me. "Yeah, we have a lead. I'll bet you anything she might know where Abby is. And if we can find Abby, we can find Joel." I said and Ellie nods.
"I'll come with you." Ellie said and I look over at Dina. "I'll be fine, if anything I can always wake Jesse up." Dina said and I nod. "Okay. Well, go get your bag, Ellie, and we'll head out." I said and she nods and the two of us head out of the room. "I'll help with the door." Dina said and we gathered up our stuff and head out.
"Alright, if we follow Route 5, that should take us to the hospital." Ellie said as she looks down at her map. "Okay, follow Route 5, track down Nora and have her tell us where Abby is or maybe where Joel is being held." I said. "Easy." Elli said as she puts away her map and we follow the highway signs and head off.
We make our way through some streets and buildings until we climbed up to a wall and I could see a building with a large red cross on it. "There's the hospital." I pointed out to Ellie as she looks out. "Fuck. I thought we'd be closer." She said. "Yeah, me too. But we'll get there." I said to her and she nods and walk over to this building next to us and make our way down then up towards these apartment buildings.
"Do you really think they kept Joel alive?" Ellie asked me as we walked through the apartments. "If they were wanting me as bad as you said they were, I'm sure of it. Like I said, if they wanted to kill Joel, they would've done it back at that cabin. I'm just glad they didn't kill him at the cabin cause if they did, let's just say they would definitely regret it once I met up with these assholes." I said and Ellie nods and we continue walking onwards.
"(Y/n)..." she said and I look over at her. "Do...do you think.. maybe...this might have something to do with the Fireflies?" She asked me. "It has crossed my mind and, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it was but...I want to be sure." I said. "What if it has something to do with me? You know, when you and Joel...." Ellie stops and she looks down, guilty, and I placed my hands on her shoulder.
"Ellie, listen to me. This....is NOT your fault, okay? If anything, this is mine and Joel's fault. I don't want you to feel guilty for something Joel and I did. We made that decision, it is our burden not yours." I said and Ellie looks down for a moment then up at me and nods.
I give her a small smile and patted her shoulder. "So, you listen here. If anything were to happen to me, like I get captured by these assholes, I want you to find Tommy and you two, along with Jesse and Dina, get the hell outta Seattle and back to Jackson." I said and Ellie's eyes widen. "What?" She said, shocked. "No! N-No, (y/n)! No! W-What about Aiden and Ethan? H-How would I even tell them?!" 
I closed my eyes, fighting back the tears, and open them again to look at her, firmly. "I would love for you guys to watch over them. And just tell them that...their mom and dad went to go see their big sister, Sarah. They'll know." I said and a tear runs down Ellie's face then she sniffled and gives me a determined face.
"Well, I'm not letting that happen." She said, firmly. "I don't plan on it either but...it's nice to have one just in case everything goes to shit." I said and Ellie nods again. "Okay." She said. "Alright, let's keep going." I said and we start to head out.
We head towards a door and I go to it and try to open it but it wouldn't budge. "Ellie, help me." I said and she comes up next to me and we push all of our weight against the door. Suddenly, a loud noise rings out and we hear some infected. "Shit." Ellie said and we slam ourselves against the door and make it through before a Stalker grabbed us.
I shut the door then another Stalker comes up, grabs me and slams me against the window. "Get off of her!" Ellie shouts as she comes at the Stalker and stabs it. The Stalker flails around then the glass of the window breaks and the three of us fall through, slamming into the running river below.
I resurfaced then look over next to me to see Ellie as the fast currents pushes us. I start to go over to her when I felt something grab my foot and pulls me down. "(Y/n)!" I hear Ellie shout and I look down to see the Stalker had grabbed my foot and started to come towards me. I kick it at but it still held onto me until Ellie came up to it and stabs it in the head with her switchblade.
We resurfaced again and the water leads us through a tunnel and into a section of the sewer system. We land near a platform and we climb up on it then catch our breath. "Fuck Seattle." Ellie growls as she and I cough. "Yeah...couldn't have said it better myself." I said as I catch my breath. "Joel is so gonna owe me for this." I said and Ellie laughs as we stand up.
We look around until Ellie speaks up. "(Y/n), over there!" She said and I look to where she's pointing and see a ladder over the other side of the room. I nod and we make our way to it and climb up the ladder.
We get to the top to see a grate cover and I pick it up and push it to the side. Once out of the way, I get up then turn and help Ellie up. "Okay, now where the hell did we end up?" She asked as I place the grate back over. We turned right and saw some stairs and head up then squeezed through a grate and saw a directional map up ahead.
We walked up as I looked it over. "Okay....so we're here." I said as I point towards the middle right of the map then moved my finger over to the far left. "Hospital is over here." I said and Ellie looks up. "Cut through the park..." she said and we go up towards the park.
Suddenly, I heard some whistles off in the distance. "Did you hear that?" I asked Ellie, softly. She nods and we carefully make our way through the park. Ellie gets up on a ledge right when I heard a loud whistle and then Ellie fell backwards. 
"Ellie!" I exclaimed as I ducked down and crawled towards her, seeing an arrow in her right shoulder. We crawl over to the ridge and I grab the arrow with my right hand and braced my left hand on her shoulder. "Ready?" I asked her and she nods at me then I pull the arrow out of her shoulder and she grits her teeth, muffling her own screams.
Then I hand her some bandages and she fixes up her shoulder as I look up and see a group of cloaked figures coming towards us. "Who the fuck are these guys?" I asked as two of them had torches and a couple of them had their bow and arrows drawn out. "Maybe they're those Scars the WLF were talking about?" Ellie suggests and I shrug. "Could be." I muttered as these people started to whistle, which made me feel uneasy.
We make our way around to avoid them but I was able to shoot my own bow and arrows at them while Ellie would sneak up behind them and stab them with her blade. We make it through the park and see the hospital sign that showed the way to the hospital. "This way." I said and we follow the sign.
We ran into some Scars here and there, including a part where we saw them string up a WLF soldier, stab him in the stomach and rip his guts out. It was horrifying, and I've seen some shit in my twenty-five years living and surviving in this world.
But Ellie and I were lucky to get pass most of them, although we did take out a few stealthily, then make it to the hospital. But we had to jump in the water and began to swim our way into a building. We make it in and see a person sitting on a box, their back to us. Ellie and I swim over to them, which made me wonder why this person didn't hear us until we got up and I noticed the person, or woman I should say, was wearing headphones and playing a game.
We get up behind her and Ellie places a knife around the woman's neck and pulls her up to sit up. Then she takes off the woman's headphones out of her ears. "Don't make a fucking sound. Hands up." I threatened as I stand next to Ellie. 
The woman holds up her hand, her right hand holding the portable video game. "Easy...Easy." She said, fearfully. "You know a girl named Nora?" Ellie asked her. "Sure, yeah." The woman replied. 
"Where is she?" I asked her. "In the hospital." She replied and Ellie starts to hold the blade a little closer to her neck. "Where in the hospital?" She asked. "They're c-clearing out the upper floors. She's somewhere in there." The woman replied then she quickly shoved Ellie's arm out of the way, turned around, and tried to attack Ellie.
Ellie, being quick, stabs her in the neck and the woman falls backwards and chokes on her blood. "That was dumb." Ellie mutters and she wipes her blade with her pants leg and I nod before we head upstairs.
We get up into a hallway and see a couple of WLF walking along outside. We make our way around them and get inside of the hospital, trying not to raise too much suspicion. We make it to these large doors and go through them then pushed a large machine up against the door, blocking from anybody following us.
We head upstairs and walked down this hallway when we hear music playing. "Think that could be Nora?" Ellie asked me and I shrugged as we come up to an open vent and I climb up in it first then Ellie follows.
We crawled through the vent as the rap music played louder and we hear people talking amongst each other. "I'm not stupid. You're gonna tell us where she goes during parts of the day." A man's voice said and I could see Nora standing in front of them. "I haven't seen her all day. Look, I'm getting tired of this." Nora said, annoyed, and she walks away.
"Nora. Nora!" The man calls out but Nora walks over to this door and the end of the hallway. The man scoffs and he and his group leave the room and I make it to the end and open the grate. I crawl out and jump down then Ellie jumps down after me.
We walk up to this door and I open it, both of us enter the room and Ellie shuts it just as Nora walks back into the room, carrying a box of stuff. "Don't scream." I ordered as Ellie and I aim our guns at her. She stops and looks over at us, shocked, then I gesture at her with my gun. "Put that shit down." I said, firmly, and she sets the box down then turns to us, her hands raised up.
"You remember me?" Ellie asked her and Nora looks at her and a look of recognition flashes across her face. "Yeah...you remember me." Ellie said, in a soft growl. "What do you want?" Nora asked us. "Your friend, Abby, has stolen someone very important to us. To me." I said and Nora's eyes widen at me.
"Yeah. Abby was wanting me to come out...well, here I am. Be careful what you wish for." I said, in a threatening tone. "All we want to know is where is Abby hiding him?"
"I don't know." Nora replied and Ellie takes a couple steps forward, her gun still trained on Nora. "You two shoot me... the sound will have every solider come running." She said, who flinched back a bit. "You'll still be dead." Ellie growls. "Tell us where she hid my husband and I'll think about letting you go." I said.
Nora looks at me then over at Ellie. "We coulda killed you." She said. "Maybe you should have. Or maybe you should've stayed the fuck out of Jackson." Ellie said, angrily.
"Where is Abby and where is she hiding Joel?" I asked, angrily, as I stepped forward, aiming my gun at her, she flinches back and said something that was too fast for me to understand.
"What?" I asked her and she bites her lips. "S-She was here earlier. And she told me something." Nora said. "Which is?" I asked her. "That if you didn't come out and find her by tomorrow night, she would kill him." She said, in a slightly shaky voice, and it felt like my heart jumped into my throat once she said this.
Then Nora starts to stand up a little bit taller and glares at me. "So I ain't gonna tell you where he is. That bitch deserves to die and so do you." She said, in a firmer voice, and anger flared in my chest. "You fuckin'..." Ellie started to say as we stepped towards her but she throws something at us and runs.
I shake my head then we chase after her. "Help! Trespassers! Somebody please!" Nora shouts as she runs and we follow after her as we go through various rooms and hallways. "Nora! You can't escape this!" I shouted as ed ring through a room then a lobby area. 
"Shoot them!" Nora shouts and we hear gunshots above us. Ellie and I dodge them and run down another hallway then through some offices.
We make it through a room when Nora comes out and punches me across the face. I stumble back as she pounces on me and we struggled just as Ellie stabs Nora in the arm. She screams then elbows Ellie across the face and I punch Nora in the face and I shove her off of me. Realizing she's being overpowered, Nora begins to run away from us and I help Ellie back up and we run after her.
We hear some soldiers come up behind us but we make our way to these double doors and see that Nora stopped running. She turns to us, her hands raised, and she looked a bit scared. "No, please!" She said and we hear footsteps behind us. Ellie runs at Nora and grabs her then puts her arm around her neck, holding her in front of her like a shield as both her and I aim our guns at the soldiers.
Three soldiers come in and aim their guns at us. "Back up!" I shout at them and they stop and stand in front of us. "Put your guns down!" One soldier ordered us. "You two can walk away from this, okay, I can--" Nora pleads but Ellie aims her gun at her head while mine was still trained on the soldiers. "Shut the fuck up!" Ellie yells at Nora.
"Guns down. Hands up!" The soldier ordered us. "Get back!" I yelled at them, aiming my gun at them. "You two have nowhere to go." The soldier said then Ellie and I look behind us and see a giant hold that leads to the basement but I could see spores in there.
Ellie and I exchange a look before I throw a smoke bomb at them. It explodes and the soldiers begin to cough at this and I, quickly, grab my gas mask, put it on and we jumped into the hole, Ellie pulling Nora with her as we fall. We fall down and landed on our backs then I hear Nora coughing.
I get up and see that she begins to run away while we heard the soldiers scrambling down to the room. Ellie and I duck down behind some crates and I could hear some infected behind us. The soldiers begin to look around for us until Ellie finds a brick and throws it across the room, which caused the infected and Clickers to come out and attack the soldiers.
"Come on." I whispered to her and we head towards this door I saw Nora go through and we make our way around just as I hear Nora coughing. We go open a door, where a red light was shining in, and enter it to see her curled up against a door.
"Hi, Nora." I said with a growl as Ellie grabs a chair and barricades the door. "Oh God....oh God." Nora pleads, fearfully, as I walk down the hall towards her, Ellie just right behind me.
Nora then tried to swing at me with a pipe but Ellie grabs it and yanks it out of her hand. Then she swings it and it hits Nora's arm, breaking it. Nora cries out in pain and I begin to pace in front of her. "Where's Abby hiding Joel?" Ellie asked her but Nora looks up at Ellie, who wasn't wearing a gas mask.
"You're...you're breathing spores." She said, weakly. "You're her." She said, shocked, and I stopped and stared at her, now I got confirmation. "So, you are a Firefly." I said. "There are no Fireflies anymore. Thanks to you and your bastard of a husband." Nora spat at me in between her wheezing and I clench my fists as I stop pacing and stand in front of her.
"Where is Abby hiding him?" I asked her. "I'm fucking dead anyway. Why would I tell you two anything?" Nora asked and I squat down to her. "Because we can make it quick. Or we can make it so much worse." I said and she sniffles then looks up at Ellie. 
"Think about what they did. How many people are dead because of them?" She said to Ellie as she gestures at me. I stand up and look over at Ellie, who looks down at her then at me. She and I exchange a look before Ellie takes a breath then looks at Nora.
"It's your last chance." She said and Nora glares at her, obviously upset she couldn't convince Ellie. "I'm not giving up my friend." She said, firmly. I take a deep breath then slowly let it out before I hold my hand out to Ellie. She looks at me then hands me the pipe, but I can tell she has a nervous look on her face.
I take a couple of steps forward towards Nora and glared down at her before I look over my shoulder at Ellie. "This ain't going to be pretty. If you don't want to look..." I started to warn her, my voice turning cold. She looks at me but nods and I turn back to Nora and I started swinging the pipe at Nora. She cries out in pain with each hit of the pipe but I keep hitting her until she either dies or until she gives me the information I need.
Later, Ellie and I make it back to the theater, now with the information we were looking for. I knock on the door while I noticed Ellie was shaking, slightly. "You okay?" I asked her and she nods, slightly, before Dina opens the door to see us. "Thank God!" She said as she gives Ellie a hug and then me.
"You guys okay?" Dina asked us as we walked in and Jesse looks at me, shocked. "God! Is that your blood?" He asked me, worried. "No..." I muttered as everyone gathers around me and I pull out the map Ellie gave me. "She has him hold up in this aquarium." I explain as I point at the aquarium icon on the map. "The guy, Owen, is acting as a guard. Abby apparently goes there and..." I stopped and bite my lips. 
Nora told me that Abby goes there a few time a day and just beats Joel up as he is tied to a chair. Of course she does, fucking coward. I thought and then she told us why Abby is really after me and Joel. The doctor that was gonna operate on Ellie back at that hospital...was her father.
I sigh at this then looked around at everyone. "...if we don't get to him before tomorrow night....she's gonna kill him." I said, saying the last sentence in a whisper. Jesse's eyes widen and Dina gasps as she places a hand over her mouth. "We'll find him, (y/n). I promise." Jesse said and I blink back tears and take a breath. "Yeah...your damn right, we are." I said then I look down at my blood soaked hands.
"I'm, uh...I'm gonna get cleaned up." I muttered and I walk away from them and head back towards the theater and towards the backstage area. 
After grabbing a bucket full of water, I began to wash my face and my hands. Each time I'd wash them, I started to get flashes of Nora everytime I hit her with the pipe. The sound of the metal pipe when it hit her flesh and her screams of pain rang in my ears.
I brace my hands on the table and closed my eyes as I lowered my head. I take a deep breath and let it out then I raise my head to look myself in the mirror. Shit. I look terrible. I thought as I see the dark circles around my eyes and my cheeks were sunken in and I looked pale.
I sigh one more time then stand up straighter and finished cleaning myself up.
After while, I walk out of the backstage room and head towards the curtains when I stopped and looked through the gap and see Ellie and Dina talking. Ellie looked a bit shaken up and Dina had placed her hand on her shoulder. "Ellie? What's wrong?" Dina asked her, worried.
Ellie sits there and takes a few breathes then said. "(Y/n) made her talk." Then she places her hands over her mouth and starts to sob, which broke my heart seeing her like this. Dina then hugs her as Ellie closes her eyes and tries her best to not burst out crying.
I look down, guilty, then walk away from the curtains and head back into that backstage room.
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ashhdaniellee95 · 5 years
Will You Marry Me? × Antonio Dawson
|DECEMBER 09 • Antonio's POV|
"I've thought about this for a very long time, because I really like, well love this woman that I've been dating for about 2 1/2 years, and I thinks it's time I find a ring for her. One of her friends told me her ring size and now I'm going to each jewelery store to find the right ring. I've looked at a handful of stores, but nothing pops out, so I go on to the next one and hope something catches my eye."
He walks in, and a jeweler welcomes him to the store and asks what brings him in. He tells him he's looking for a ring for his girlfriend and that he going to propose on Christmas but he has to find the right one first.
So the jeweler, whose name is Ghephrey, shows Antonio a few rings that would look nice on her finger, but nothing that stands out to him, so they keep looking.
They look at every single ring they have and Antonio tells the man which ones to hold on to because one of them might be a winner.
As Antonio looks at rings over again, he gets a call, and pulls it from his pocket to see who it was; his girlfriend. So he told the jeweler man to be quiet cause doesn't want her find out, then answers. "Hey baby. What's up?" She smiles. "Oh nothing, just having lunch with Hannah," {Hannah was her cousin, he remembered}, "Oh, how's that's going?" She swallowed a piece of food before she spoke.
"Good. They're talking about having a family soon." He smiles. "Oh that's good. How is she doing?" "She's good, she's in the bathroom, so I thought I'd call you for a few minutes while she's in there." He smiles, "Well that was thoughtful." "Yeah, I tend to think a lot about you." "I'm glad." "Yeah." He hears her take a bite of something she was eating, then swallows. "She just got back from the bathroom, so I'll call you later baby. I love you." He smiles, "I love you too." As they hung up, the thought in the back of his mind says 'she has no idea'.
His thoughts come back in play, as he continues to look for the perfect ring for his perfect girlfriend.
|DECEMBER 09 • Annaleigh POV|
After lunch with Hannah, I leave and go to Mom's for a couple of hours and sit and talk about nothing, but mainly about Antonio. My mom really loves Antonio, says he's the best thing that's happened to me. I agree, and we continue talking.
About another two hours later, I leave and head home. Me and Antonio moved in a few months ago after he asked me to. And I of course said yes. I mean, who wouldn't want to move in with their best friend.
Anyways, I get home and pull of my shoes at the door, and put my keys in the bowl with 'keys' in my handwriting (cause it was neater), and my stuff on the kitchen counter, then lay down on the couch for a little while.
When I wake up (about an hour or so later), I hear the door being quietly shut, and very little quiet movement. I guess he saw me asleep and didn't wanna wake me up. Nice.
It got quiet for a few minutes not knowing what he was doing, but I was too tired to get up and find out.
I lay there a little longer, till I feel two hands carefully pick my head up, sit down, then carefully place my head on a pillow. I smile at that. And without opening my eyes, I say hello. "Hi, baby. It's good to see you." I hear him chuckle, "Yeah, I know. It's good to see you too. How long have you been home for?" I open my eyes to look into his. "Not long, bout an hour or so. Why? What's up?" He smiles. "Oh nothing. Just wanted to spend as much time with you before I have to go back to work tomorrow." "Well, you can do that by grabbing us a beer and a few snacks while I get a movie started. But it's your choice where you want to watch it." He smiles. "See, that right there is why I love you." She smiled. "I love you too." She comes to him with a sweet kiss on the lips.
"Let's watch it in our bedroom. More comfortable." She smiled. "Okay. Just meet me in there with the stuff." He nods his head as she walks upstairs to their shared bedroom and gets the movie(s) setup.
As she makes the bed fluffier and got a movie started, he comes in with four beers and a bunch of snacks (sour patch kids, Sour Skittles, cookies, tortilla chips and dips), and he puts it on the table at the end of their bed.
They each grab a beer and a snack and then get settled for the movie.
About two and half, three hours later, the movie ends and she's asleep. He quietly moves away from her warm body to take the stuff down to the kitchen.
After he finishes putting everything away, he looks at his watch for the time; 09:15pm. He goes back into the shared master bedroom and sees she's still asleep, so he grabs a pen and piece of paper and writes her a quick note, and grabs some clothes to get a shower, then head's into the bathroom.
Ten minutes later, she wakes up to an empty room, but to hear the shower running. She looks on either side of the bed on the night stands for a note, and sure enough, on her side was a note, in his cute but little messy handwriting: 'hey baby, I'm in the shower. i'll be out in a little bit. love you.' and at the end of the note, was a heart and a kissy face.
She smiled to herself and thought about something, before she herself grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom.
Once she got in there, she stripped herself naked, then whistled. His head perked out from the curtain, "I see you got my note." She smiled and nodded her head. "Yeah, I did. And I wanted to join you. So you can, you know get a good night sleep, since you have to be in early." He laughed to himself and smiled. "You were always the spontaneous one." "Yeah. So can I join you? I'll be sure to give you a wild ride." Without hesitation, he pulled her into the shower with him and they started making out under the water.
He made a trail down her neck and whispered something dirty in her ear, that made her giggle and shiver at the same time. He leaves a bruise on her neck and tells her to jump and wrap her legs around him, and she complies and does as told.
Once she wraps her legs around his torso, he enters her slowly with passion, and they start making love, right there in the shower, against the opposite side of the shower door.
Things started to get hot and heavy as he pounds into her, making her clench around him, screaming and crying his name out with intensity, "Ahh, Antonio!!", "Mmhmm, right there, right there!", and "yesss, just like that, oh my God." were other things that she purposely and spontaneously spit out from her mouth as he pounds into her, harder and faster than before.
It was like that for an hour, back and forth, the dirtiest of things he said in her ear to make her scream more and more to make her clench more and more, that made her cum and have orgasms, faster and harder, that eventually made them both cum at the same time, her cuming and orgasming all over his cock, and his hot salty cum, pouring and spewing all inside of her, making her head fall back, her toes curl, and her back arch up to it's absolute maximum height.
That was the reason she loved him for who he was, because he was good at sex, wherever the placed they deemed good enough so they wouldn't get caught in public.
After they calmed down, their bodies touching each other, and their heart beating rapidly, they went at it again, wanting to feel all that goodness they felt when they hit their high, when he hit her g-spot that made her rapidly scream his name from the top of her lungs, rolling off her lips so smooth and melty like it was butter.
It was more intense, the way he snapped his hips into her vagina, back and forth, the way she screamed for mercy every time he pushed his turso up inside her making her want more, the way he was leaving bruises and hickies everywhere his lips and mouth went, and everytime she pulled his hair at the nape of his neck from the orgasms he made her have each time, making them both succumbing to each other, made it sweet and loving, but yet at the same time, sexy and hot and passionate between the both of them.
He came inside her once more, before kissing the top of her head, then kissing her lips sweetly.
She slowly got off him, and they both stood under the shower head to feel the warmth of the water running down their heated bodies, from the amazing sex session they just had.
They let their bodies cool down before helping each other wash and rinse their bodies then one by one getting out and drying off, then clothing themselves.
After they had finished all of that, it was close to 11 o'clock at night, and they decided to head to bed.
|Annaleigh's POV|
A couple weeks had passed, the sex sessions between Antonio and me, getting better and better with each passing time.
It was now 11:43pm on Christmas Eve, and she still had no idea what was going to happen at midnight, which was less than 20 minutes away.
All of Antonio's and Anna's friends and family had shown up, each one bringing something when they came and showed up at the front door.
It was a tradition, getting together a few hours before Christmas, to celebrate friends and family coming together. I guess that's why he wanted a big house, so he could have big tables to fit in the big house (4 bed, 4 baths, very high ceilings). The celebration started off with a toast, to Antonio and I, letting everyone come over to our home this time, instead of us and others going separately to his friends and families houses, and the same to me.
After the toast, they got started by saying grace, then go down the food line, one by one everyone pilling their plates with food.
After everyone ate, they passed presents around each person the present was for.
His parents gave me, I mean us, some more stuff for the kitchen, and some things for the bedrooms and bathrooms. A few of his friends gave him a few boxes of condoms. Nobody knew though, just me and him and the friend(s) that gave them to him.
His sister gave us something for us to enjoy when were alone, and also his and hers cups and placemats for the bathroom.
And hour before midnight, half of the party left (his parents and sister, my parents and brothers), and it was just our friends. His daughter and son wanted to stay at a friend's house, so he let them, so it can just be us adults tonight.
We chatted and talked among ourselves, about different things, the men obviously talking about sex, and the women talking about God knows what, until I hear Antonio from across the room, wanting everyone's attention, and asking for me to come stand beside him. I walk up to him and give him a hug, and he returns the hug, but with also a kiss on my lips.
"I want to thank everyone for coming tonight to celebrate Christmas with us, and to be able to make it at such a late time in the day," he looks down at his watch, "and I want to say thank you to Anna, for being my rock, for being there for me when I was down, and I think a lot about you, and um, I wanted to ask you a question," he grabs something from under the tree that's behind us, and unwrap it to reveal a small black velvet box, and my mind goes ballistic and wild, knowing what he's about to do. "I felt that it would be good to do this in front of our friends," he stands in front of me and drops down to one knee and asks, "Annaleigh Browers, will you marry me and be my wife, forever??" I smile so hard, I can barely contain myself, and blurt out, "yes! Yes yes yes, a million times yes!! Oh my God." My hands starts shaking, as he takes the ring out from the box, and slips it onto my left ring finger. He jumps up and hugs me and spins me around as everyone around claps and wolf whistles. {ring}
We celebrated and talked more, until we all went to bed, Antonio letting them stay the night, since it was past 1 o'clock in the morning.
When Antonio and I went to bed, we celebrated our engagement, the only way we knew how; sex all night long. And I'm pretty sure our friends heards us and started laughing their asses off.
He made me orgasm so many times, I clenched around him, all of my body felt the intensity of my orgasms, and his body also felt the intensity of his orgasms too, we came undone together, feeling everything ten times better than a few weeks ago. He really is putting the meaning to 'great in bed' to a whole new level. 👅
And I guess it looks like I have to get ready for a wedding soon. And maybe, just maybe, a family too. 🙏😄👰🤵⛪👩‍❤️‍👨🥂🍾💍🍼👶🤰
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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My ears are swolllen again. I hate that it keeps happening. It is unacceptable. I already was sick one day last week. No more!!
Its been a good and restful day. The overnight last night could have gone better. Like my group was wonderful. The kids were really sweet and the parents were helpful. Jordan and Jordan both had trouble staying on that schedule so I had to keep vamping and coming up with stuff for my kids. Eventually we were playing night in the museum in the Pearl Harbor room. Because I couldn't think of anything else. Thankfully the kids really enjoyed it and even asked if we could play it again in the morning. And because they were so good and they finish their breakfast we did go and play a couple rounds before they went and saw the gun mount.
But last night was pretty stressful. The parents in the one group were so mean to us. Particularly Tatiana and Maya. They were like snapping their fingers at them and calling them the wait staff. Which they are not. And it was just really really rude. And I'm pretty sure because they're both women of color it was also slightly racist. If not entirely racist.
But we ended the night and we were all glad to be done. I went down to the CPO and they had set up the tables to celebrate Jordan Brooks's new job. And I was like oh it's so cute. And then come to find out one of the tables was decorated for me. Because my birthday is next week. And then got me a card and candy and stuff. It was so cute. My also got me a wrap from Chick-fil-A which I just remembered I left in the fridge. So that's sad. But it was so thoughtful of them. The card also makes me laugh a lot because they all spelled my name wrong and so every single one of the Jesse has the I scribbled out in it. It was very cute and I was just very very appreciative.
Normally on overnights I'll go to bed around 11. But I was having such a nice time that I ended up staying with them in the mess hall until after midnight. My brother ended up texting me around midnight and I decided that that was when I need to go to sleep. I had a really good time talking to everyone though. Jordan finally cleared up what the line is between grave robbing and Archeology. Turns out it's 50 years. And then I went to go try to sleep.
Try is the imperative work here. I normally sleep with my headphones in. But because my ears have been so swollen I picked up a cheap pair of over-the-ear headphones from the clearance section at Dick Blick. They cost like $4. And while they work I sleep on my side. So trying to sleep with over-the-ear headphones on just was not working. So I was pretty uncomfortable. I was half asleep and half awake pretty much all night. I would wake up almost every hour. Which is pretty normal for me on overnights but it was still annoying. At least I was warm. Or warm enough in the pajamas that I wore.
My alarm went off at 5 and no one else in the room was getting up. And so I just decided to go wash my face put my sweatpants on underneath my work pants. Put a little bit of makeup on. And then I went and laid back down. I gave myself 15 more minutes and wait until I at least forever when I was starving. I did not want to be in charge of making all the food. But I also would feel like a jerk if I went up to the kitchen first and didn't start the food.
I was still the first one up there. I got the breakers on at least and then the girls came up and we all were tired and cold. But we tried our best.
We decided to do the morning where I would stay with the breakfasts all three of them. Jordan would do all the engine room tours and Brooks would do all the gun mount tours. And that was fine. The first breakfast was the group that was particularly rude. And we all kind of look down on that because that was also the breakfast where we had the most trouble getting the food done. The eggs would not cook. Mostly because it was so cold in the kitchen that the stove was having trouble getting hot. And the coffee wasn't finishing. And that parent that was sort of semi in charge was just so rude about it. Telling us how disgusting everything was. And honestly you have a bad attitude and I don't feel as bad as I normally would. I told him I agree with him about the food and I'm sorry that he had to deal with some less-than-ideal circumstances and here is a survey and you can totally write down all your complaints.
Thankfully the two other breakfasts went well. The eggs cooked way better or the girls had put them on the stove. Took them out of the bag is completely. Which is always risky but they knocked out of park. And everything went much better from then on. They ate nine boxes of cereal. And they all filled out their surveys. And besides a couple little pickups with the rudeness of the first group we finish strong. And we got some really nice compliments we were all very surprised by that. I'm not 5 by name compliments in the surveys. That is the most I've ever gotten. It was so nice to hear those. My group really liked me and it made me really happy.
It took a really long time for us to pull everything together. Clean up and all that. But we worked as a team and we got it done. James and Sam from over on torsk and they put all their stuff away and then it was decided that we would all go to IHOP.
Attend me James and Sam walked over. I have to get a small table. But then it took almost a 40 minutes how to get a table and then for Jordan and Tatiana to get over from Taney. I have no idea what they were doing. I think it was combination of mopping and finishing paperwork but still. I was very hungry and tired.
Food was good. It was nice being with James even though I could feel the tension radiating off of him. After we all ate we all went our separate ways. Me and James went upstairs to Marshalls. He got new sneakers which he desperately needed. Did not get new pants but the sneakers were very nice. We still cannot find him boots or sandals for that matter. But at least he has sneakers that are not falling apart now.
We went over to that make up section and I got new eyeliner and a heated eyelash curler. There's only $3 I'm fascinated to see how it works tomorrow. I also got a bicycle repair kit that was on clearance for 4 bucks so that was cool. It came in a nice little tin and it says established 1991 which I thought it was me because that's the year I was born.
Actually realized earlier this week that this year is a special birthday. Because I was born on to 2 / 17 / 91 and this year it's 2/17 / 19! Like I just think that's so cool.
After Marshall me and James said goodbye. We got our bikes and I had it on. It was a little bit of rough going. I'm in really bad shape right now. Between being sick and not stretching enough and it just being cold I am getting out of breath really easily. Something I'm definitely working on right now. I got home and it was around 12:30. I took a shower. I felt so much better after that. I am packed my bag and I fit sweet pea and then I laid in bed and watch TV for a little while.
I fell asleep somewhere around 2. It was pretty good rest. I didn't set an alarm. Because I didn't really need to be anywhere today. Didn't have to do anything. I technically worked a 10-hour day so I'm not going to feel bad about it. But I got up at 4:30. Will not up but I was awake. And I decided that I would stay in bed until the sun went down all the way. And then I would have to get up and do something. So I laid in bed for a while. Clean on my phone. And then I got up and I grabbed the fabric bag that just be from work gave me. And some paper. And I worked on selling some stuff. Working on a pattern. James is going to let me bring my sewing machine to keep it as apartment so that I can try to sew things there. But it was fun just sitting here and sewing for a while.
I made pasta sides for dinner. It was very nice. I made some outfits for the week and I played with sweet pea. I tried on the dress that I'm wearing for Valentine's Day and figure it out pain that I'm going to wear with it and what shoes I'm wearing. And I really just been hanging out since then. I can't believe it's almost 11:00. But the way my day was laid out I guess it makes sense. I'll probably go to bed in the next hour or so I can get back on a normal schedule. I'm hoping to wake up in the morning and do some yoga and go and run a couple errands. I want to make a PowerPoint for the kids. But I'm not that worried about that. I hope you guys all sleep well tonight and stay warm. Be kind to each other. Good night
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onrainynights · 4 years
So I'm about to tell y'all a tale, buckle up. Everything here is 100% true, except names are changed or shortened because duh. Also warning there is slightly nsfw content, nothing explicit and only mentioned but still warrants a warning.
So, I'm 17, almost 18. I'm a high school senior. The story starts almost two years ago, in the fall of 2018. I was a sophomore. One of my best friends, V, was in our school's show choir for the first time, and had made friends with a new guy one year our senior who was also in slow choir. I knew before I met him that he was gay, because V told me. This guy can be called E. One day, he sits at our lunch table and I'm not really paying attention to his conversation with V, I'm just eating my lunch. But then I look up and my first thought when I see him is "eyebrows" because he has really thick eyebrows and then "wow he's actually really cute." He was the first person I was attracted to in over 2 years. I proceed to ask V all about him while admiring him from afar for several months. At this point its nothing more than attraction because I've never really had a conversation with him. Then, in the spring, I volunteered at the show choir competition my school hosted. I ended up talking to him (yay), and he hugs me within minutes of meeting me. One of the first things I ever say to him is "I like your eyebrows." Things are slightly awkward, because I'm an awkward person, and so is he, but it's pleasant. Unfortunately I don't get to spend too much time with him because we both had things we needed to do and there was A LOT of drama that night not involving either of us.
After that point we would talk occasionally but never really got to know each other, UNTIL fall of my junior year and his senior year. By this point I had a crush, but it wasn't more than that and I didn't feel we knew each other well enough to warrant me telling him my feelings. We were both in the fall musical. At auditions, we were friendly. Except he asked me about J, a guy one year younger than me, who was also just as gay as both me and E. The way he asked me "Who is that?" I knew, immediately, that he was attracted to J. He sounded exactly like I did when I first asked V about E after seeing him for the first time.
Regardless, E and me talked a lot more during rehearsals, though we usually kept our conversations light in topic. We flowed well, and he was just as physically affectionate as I was. After a few weeks, I see him cuddling with J during rehearsal, and a friend informs me they started dating. I asked them both questions about how it started—a Snapchat story, go figure. At first I was jealous, but I saw how happy E seemed, and that was all that mattered. But I didn't really know J, like at all other than his name, so I started spending as much time as I could with the both of them. They were a cute couple, I have to admit, but they always did PDA because of J's homophobic family. They only ever saw each other at school.
The first time I talked to J without E there, we bonded. I don't remember over what. The next time, we were alone because I pulled him aside after he made a dirty joke that I honestly couldn't tell if he meant (he did. It was hilarious, and I told him up-front that I wanted to be friends with him. He enthusiastically agreed.) The time after that, it was because I decided he should know about my feelings for E. I didn't want him to potentially find out later on and think I was trying to steal his boyfriend. He was amazingly mature. He said he felt bad for taking E from me when I had liked him longer, but I assured him that E didn't belong to me by any means and besides, J made E happy and that was all I cared about. I think I was already in love with E by this point but I didn't know it yet. J and I joked about my feelings for E whenever we were alone. We got along really well and it was a great time.
One time I cuddled with them, and it was nice, and when E had to get up J and I kept cuddling and talked about how much we both just wanted E to be happy. It was really nice.
And then, closer to the opening night of the show when the set was being built and there were more places to be out of sight, something strange happened. Now, earlier when I said PDA I meant they made out in front of others frequently, and the first time they did anything sexual with each other was in a well-known security camera blind spot in the upstairs math hall after all the teachers had gone home. I know that because J and E (mostly J) liked to tell me about their sex life. In fact, I knew more about their relationship than most people probably did.
So we were backstage one day, when E wasn't needed on-stage much despite playing a main character. There were two prop chairs between the three of us. J sat on E's lap on the chair that had a higher back and I sat as close to them as I could in an office chair. They weren't kissing or anything, just talking.
It was innocent, at first. But then J started working E up, if you know what I mean. It wasn't really uncomfortable for me, because J somehow made me feel ~included~ in their activities. He would whisper something lewd to E, who would blush or say something back, and then would tell me about how affected E was, how hard he was. At some point I think E mentioned not wanting to come in his pants, but I'm not sure. I kinda forced myself not to look into this event after it happened, so the details are a bit fuzzy. Eventually, E made J stop because he had to go on stage soon and didn't want to have a boner while pretending to be straight. J and I talked afterwards, but I don't remember what about, and it was never mentioned between us again. I'm fairly sure that J was a bit of an exhibitionist, and that E wasn't really one but wasn't opposed to what J was doing, either.
Honestly, in hindsight, I'm not sure what to think about this, because I was always so certain they both viewed me 100% platonically, but then they included me in their "sexytimes" without hesitation. In fact, at one point a plan was in place for me to room with them on an overnight trip so that they could do the do without making their roommate uncomfortable. They were both fully aware that I was probably the only person who didn't mind their PDA, and that sentiment may seem incongruous for a love triangle such as this, but I never questioned it. I loved E selflessly, and so it made me happy to see him happy, no matter what—or who—was doing so. Also, I think perhaps I was crushing on J at some point, but I'm not sure. These screenshots are of me explaining the event to a very close friend a few days ago after the shock wore off that I hadn't told her about it as soon as it happened.
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At some point, a mutual good friend of mine and E's, who we'll call A, hosted a party for the cast of our musical. I'm not sure if this was before or after the casual exhibitionism incident, but I'm inclined to think it was before.
This party did not involve alcohol of any kind because theatre kids don't need any to make a party unique, wild, and totally unforgettable. It was small, with maybe 20 people at its peak. E and I were there and J was not, because his family thoroughly sucked ass. Anyway, at that party E told me he was in love with J, and wanted to marry him some day. I, obviously, thought that was kinda crazy to say after knowing each other for two months, but I held my tongue because E smiled so widely when he said it. Later that same night, everyone was sitting around a fire, playing a game somewhat similar to truth or dare. Due to a lack of seating, E ended up sitting on my lap for most of the game, which lasted over an hour, my hands around his waist. It was very nice, and when he got up he laughed and said he forgot he was sitting on my lap. He forgot little things like that a lot. I always found it endearing.
Then the show performed and then it was over, and I didn't get to talk to E again until a few months later, and I never talked to J again. Unlike most teens, I do not talk to people online /through text unless I already know them super super well. I hate getting to know people over text. By the time I see E again, because he's the student assistant in my choir class that semester, he and J have broken up. It was messy, and E is hurt. They're on-again-off-again for several months, but I can never forgive J for hurting E, not when he had talked about only wanting E to be happy. Despite that, I wish I could have spent more time with J. He was a good person, but he and E had a toxic relationship after the honeymoon stage, I think because J simply was not ready to be in a serious relationship. (A agrees with me fully on this.)
So E talks with me and a mutual "friend" (we're all friendly but I wouldn't consider this person a friend. Funnily enough, he also had a crush on E at some point, and we bonded over this. Funny how that happens.) about his relationship, and the things he says raise some red flags about J (including J doing something E didn't like during sex and then not stopping when E asked him to. I was very very angry at this but tried not to show it). It became clear to me that their relationship was toxic, but I didn't feel like I could do anything about it. In hindsight, I should have known their relationship was doomed a lot sooner.
Specifically, there was one point during the musical that J had to resolve things with his ex, who was a friend of mine (who I didn't know was queer and wasn't supposed to until E accidentally let it slip.) While J and his ex talked, I cuddled with E and reassured him that everything would be ok. He was convinced that J would cheat on him or get back with his ex. This lack of trust should have been a sign for me, but I didn't realize it until much, much later. I was focused on comforting E at the time and J couldn't have been farther from my mind.
Then, after E and J got back together again for the last time, covid happened, and school closed. I haven't spoken to E since, and no one knows what's going on with J. The only thing anyone knows is that they're not together anymore, and from what I can tell, they're not in contact at all and aren't going to get together again. E graduated, J is at a different school, and despite everything, I miss both of them.
Every day, I pass by a photo of E and A in the hallway of my school, and my heart swells, and I feel like crying. A graduated too, and she's moving thousands of miles away at the end of October for college. E is still living in our town, going to community college, but I never get to see him.
Our school is doing a fall play instead of a musical this year, and E and A are coming to visit and see a rehearsal before A moves away. It could be one of the last times, if not the last time, I get to see either of them. I'm going to tell E about my feelings, because for the first time since I realized my feelings for him were not skin-deep, he's single and not recovering from a nasty breakup. I'm not expecting him to return my feelings, but I'm expecting surprise. I've been very careful up to this point to keep my feelings from him—I thought it would be selfish to tell him when he wasn't emotionally available. A loves the idea—apparently she thinks someone confessing feelings for her after years would be sweet—but I know that if someone did that to me I might not be so happy. I would be shocked and surprised first, and then my reaction after that would depend on the person.
Also, to complicate all of this, I'm trans and he has expressed confusion about that before (poor guy is uneducated in that department, but not bigoted and certainly better than some gay men can be, but I still have no clue if my trans status would deter him from having feelings for me)
My feelings for this guy are deeper than anything I've ever felt before. I really love him, and I know that I'll regret it forever if I never tell him. His visit feels like it's as close to the right time as I'm gonna get, and it might be my last chance on top of that. I don't need him to return my feelings, but I need to know that I did everything I could to take my chances.
TL;DR: I'm a gay idiot but I'm finally gonna tell him how I feel
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duketheman · 5 years
Generation 4 Part 4
Skipping ahead seven months
Sunday November 24, 2019
"John Ross comes home for the Holidays"
It's 4:30am & I'm finishing up my cup of coffee & Mary is asleep as she's getting close to the Delivery date & I want her to rest. I'm sure she'll be up before I get back from the Airport with JR! His flight is scheduled to arrive at 6:00am & I'm being cautious as to have plenty of time to park & meet him at the gate! We don't miss Church, so we'll attend evening service tonight! It's 4:45am & I'm on my way to Miami International to pick up JR. Mary is so excited & as for Kellyanne, I've asked George to bring her to the house later! JR wanted to surprise her, so we didn't mention him coming home yet! It's 5:30am & I've arrived at the airport. I park in the Garage & walk across to the terminal to the arrival gate! I go to the coffee shop & purchase a Cinnamon Bun & a cup of coffee, sit down & wait for the flight to land! Ahh, his flight is landing! It 6:15am & late. But no matter, it's here, safe & that's what counts! The airport is just starting to get crowded Thanksgiving holiday & all! It's 6:40am & JR is just getting through Security! I tell: ~JR!!!!~ He sees me & walks towards in my direction. First words out of his mouth: ~Dad, how Kellyanne, God I miss her! Oh you to Dad, how have you & mom been, Is she showing big now?~ I reply: ~We've been fine & yeaaa! She showing real big son! Did Kellyanne tell you she's got a baby sister coming around the same time as you new baby
brother?~ He replies: ~Yea, that's something, isn't Dad! Weird but I like it. They can be best friends! Let's go home Dad, I really want to to see Mom. I miss her so much! Sometimes when I was down & stuck on something I thought I couldn't do; Mom encouraged me & told me I can do anything if I put my mind to it! Just like when I was a kid! She called me allot Dad!~ I reply: ~She's that way son. Always has been. She loves you more than anything! Let's go, she's probably awake & cooking us breakfast as we speak!~ We pick his bags out from the Baggage Carousel, left the terminal & walked across to the garage where my Beamer was parked! It's 7:55am & we're headed for home! We're pulling into our Driveway & it's 9:00am. JR darts for the house! He really missed his Mother! I get the bags & carry them into the house! I open the door & the two of them are hugging each other like it's been years! My wife is crying she's so happy to see her little man! I walk by them with the bags & carry them upstairs to JR's room! I smell food & I welcome it, I'm starving! She's got Bacon, sausage, Biscuits, white gravy, eggs & grape jelly on the table. Grape is JR's favorite! We have Orange juice, milk, coffee & apple juice for Mary. My wife says: ~You boys dig in now, while it's hot!~ Nobody has to tell me twice, I'm hungry! I'm finished eating, & I get up, pick up the table & clean everything up. That gives time for Mary to catch up with JR! Afterall, at 12:30pm, Kellyanne will be here & they're going to be spending an awful lot of time together! I'm done with the dishes, those two are still at it, so I go into the library & read up on seaman regulations! They're constantly changing! Wow, two hours & my eyes are killing me, I need a break! Doorbell is ringing, it 12:25pm. It's George, Lucy & Kellyanne! I invite them in & before I can say anything, Kellyanne sees JR. She yells out in Joy: ~John Ross! 'O John Ross, I didn't even know you were going to be here! When did you get in?~ He replies: ~I wanted to surprise you! I got in early this morning! I've missed you so much Kellyanne!~ She replies:
~John Ross, I've missed you terribly! I'm so happy you're home! How long are are you home for John Ross?~ He replies: ~ I have to leave on January 2, 2020. I'm here until after the Holidays!~ The go into the other room so they can talk! Man, I can't tell who's belly is bigger! Oh well, next month the new ones will be filling everybody's hearts with joy!
Skipping ahead to November 27
It's 7:00am & Mary, myself, JR, George, Lucy & Kellyanne are getting ready to board a flight to Valdosta Regional Airport Headed to spend the Holidays with my parents! Mary's Parents & Julia's Mother will also be joining us at the Mansion! We've checked our luggage & it's 7:30am. Our flight leaves at 8:00am & we're going through Security now! It's 7:55am & we're boarding the plane! The trip is expected to be smooth & take approximately 4 hours with 1 stop. We should be landing at about 12:00pm! I will be happy to see my parents & JR certainly will enjoy seeing all of his Grandparents in one place. This will probably be the last time he'll see his Grandma Rachael! She's been in poor health lately. I'm glad she'll have time with JR! It's 12:05pm & we're landing. We disembark the plane & run through Security. It's 12:45pm & we're heading towards the Baggage Carousel! The ladies are seated so not to put strain on them. They are just about a week from due date! My Father has sent a Limousine service to pick us up because of the amount of people! I spot the Chofer holding a sign with our name on it! I signal him to come & give us a hand! We get a Baggage cart & load the luggage onto it & head for the door. The Car is parked at the loading zone. We help the ladies in the we get in. The Chofer loads the luggage in the trunk! We're on our way to Madison County, just across the State line. About 30-35 minutes from here to the Mansion! It's 1:30am & we're pulling onto the Grounds of Newport Mansion! George says: ~Dang Harry, dis place be beautiful! I ain't neva seen a place be like dis!~ I reply: ~It's just a place to live George! Too big for me!~ My Parents are both outside waiting for us as we pull up! My Mother is quite famous for her Sweet tea & Lemonade! My Grandma Nippy's recipe! She welcome everyone. She kisses me on the cheek & my wife & says:
~We've missed you!~ She shakes the hands of George & Lucy & says: ~You're most welcome here, consider yourselves part of the family. My name is Candace, you may call me Candy!~ She looks at Kellyanne & says: ~Now, who do we have here child? Such a Beautiful young Lady!~ She replies: ~My name is Kellyanne Mam, Pleased to meet you! Mother replies: ~ So polite! Well then Kellyanne, you can call me Grandma if you wish. ~Now everyone, this is Charles, my husband Harry's Father!~ She turns to JR & says: ~Now John Ross, come here my boy & let you Grandma give you some love!~ He walks over to Mother & holds out his arms & my Mother gives her Grandson a hug to remember! She says: 'O John Ross, I've missed you so much! I'm so proud of you & I'm so glad you could make it & spend the Holidays with us!
Rachael, will be flying in tonight, Will & Laura are driving & should be here soon! Our family keeps growing! Now for you two expecting Mothers, arrangements have been made with Madison County Memorial Hospital! I have a Dr Jameson on call in case of an emergency! I believe your Doctor is Kleinpeter? Dr Jameson says that he knows him!
Dr Jameson has with your permission agreed to take over while you're here? Both Mary & Lucy simultaneously say: ~Of course, & thanks Mom, Mary adds!~ Mother calls for Huntington: ~Huntington, please show our guest to their rooms!~ He replies: ~Yes Mam, (looks at us) right this way please?~ George asks: ~Harry, a Butler, well day beat all! Dis place be Beautiful Harry!~ Mother says loudly: ~We've had a late lunch prepared for you, if you're hungry!~ I reply: ~Yes, thank you Mother, I'm quite
hungry!~ George adds: ~Me too, me belly be achin, really achin! Me be thirsty too! Harry, Rich people drink beer?~ I reply: Yes George, my Father was born in Texas. He enjoys a cold Bud once in a while! But he quite likes his Brandy!~ He replies: ~Me too!~ I leave my wife upstairs to change & come down to say a real hello to my Father: ~Hello Father, I've missed you!~ He turns to me & says: ~Son, I've missed you too! I'm so happy you came to spend the Holidays with us!~ He hugs me & says: ~ I love you Son!~ I've always been close to my Father! He's a Good man & has always done his very best for his family! I ask: ~Father, will my Sister & Brothers be joining us?~ He replies: ~Jaime had to make a choice! She's spending Thanksgiving with Bill's parents! They'll be joining us for Christmas! You're Brothers have to work through Thanksgiving because of some bureaucratic meddling! They'll be joining us this weekend!~ Everyone is coming downstairs, let's go into the Drawing room, Huntington will be serving a late lunch! Just some horderves & little stuff like that to hold you over until dinner.~ We all enter the Drawing room & Father asks: ~Drinks anyone?~ George is ready: ~Bud please?~ Father replies:
~Of course George, Would you be a Seaman by any chance my good man?~ aye, Me would Sir!~ Both our wives reply: ~Sprite if you don't mind?~ The kids have already got Coke! I request: ~Scotch on the Rocks~ In comes Huntington: ~Horderves!~ He's serving us one by one! Shrimp, Caviar, Olives, Rolled Ham, & other various treats! Kids ask him if he'd just make the a couple sandwiches & he happily agreed! We sat, enjoyed each other's company toasted the expecting Mother's & my Parents as well as Mary's & of course Rachael! It's nice being around family & friends. I'm really glad we made this trip!
4:00pm & Mary's parents just arrived from Raleigh, NC. They've got to be tired, that's at least a 11 hour trip; allowing stopping to rest & eat! Straight through, mmmmh, I'd say 8 1/2 hours! Either way, it's hard on them at their age! Mary & Mother & myself meet them at the car, & I get their luggage out of the trunk! Laura looks at her daughter & begins to cry out of happiness! She places her hand on Mary's belly, giggles & says: ~I can feel the little guy kicking in their!~ Mother walks up to Laura & says:
~Welcome my Dear Friend, we're so glad you could join us for the Holidays!~ She replies: 'O Candice, we appreciate you guys so much. I wouldn't miss it for the world, & besides; my Baby is having a Baby! Now where is John Ross?~ I reply: ~He's somewhere around here with Kellyanne!~ She replies: ~Kellyanne? Our Little man is not so little anymore, is he?~I reply: ~No Laura, he's in love!~ She remarks: ~Well, that sounds serious!~ I say: ~Yes, it is!~ Mary hugs her Father & kisses his cheek, hugs him again & says: ~'O Daddy, I've missed you so much! How have you & Mom been doing? Have you stayed well?~ He replies:~Yes my Dear, We've been well! I get quite bored with myself since I retired from the University, but it's worth it to spend more time with your Mother! We've missed you too!~ Candace he says: ~Where's Charles?~ She replies: ~Charles has gone to the Airport! Rachael's flight is scheduled to arrive at 5:00pm from Dallas! They'll be pulling in before you know it! Let's go inside?~ We all go into the Mansion & Mother calls for Huntington: ~Huntington, please show my Dear friends to their room?~ He replies: ~Yes mam~ She adds: ~Will, Laura, We'll let you freshen up! We can talk after!~ Huntington grabs their bags & shows them to their room! It's 6:00pm & Father's arrived with Rachael! Mother & I meet them at the car. I open the rear passenger door & help Rachael out. I hug her & say: ~Mom, I'm so glad you could make it! The Holidays wouldn't be the same without you!~ She replies: ~I almost didn't come Harry, I was hurting, but I want to see you & my Grandson one more time before I join my Baby & Jimmy in Heaven! Where is that boy?~ I reply: ~I'll find him for you Mom! He's around here somewhere, he doesn't know you're here yet!~ Mother asks: ~How was your trip Rachael? How are you feeling?~ She replies: ~The trip was fine Candy, I'm just a little tired! How are you doing?~ Mother replies: ~I'm doing pretty good for an old Lady! Come inside & rest, I'll have Huntington take your bags to your room!~ They go inside & I'm in search of my son! There they are, on the swing! I call out: ~JR! Your Grandma Marcantel is here! Go see her!~ He replies: ~Grammy's here, come on Kellyanne, you'll just love her!~ He takes Kellyanne by the hand & heads for the house to see his Grandmother! She has pancreatic cancer & it's spread beyond control! There's no more they can do! This is the last time he'll see her! She's all that's left of Julia besides my son! I go back to the house & go inside! Everyone is sitting in the Drawing room talking & getting to know each other! I ask George: ~How's it going Buddy, enjoying yourself?~ He replies: ~aye Harry, ya be havin a huge family ya be Harry! Me like very allot!~
It's 7:00pm & Huntington announces: ~Dinner is being served in the Dinning room!~ We all go towards the Dining & are seated! George's eyes have doubled in size! I haven't seen this table filled in years, since my Wedding! The food looks Delicious. Tomorrow is the Big one, Thanksgiving! Mother goes all out! We finish dinner & retire to the Drawing room. It's 9:00pm & my Father offers drinks. The kids are drinking soft drinks. The ladies all, except for Mother, request just water. Rebecca needs to take her meds. The remaining four of us have Brandy! We sit & visit & we are truly family! It's 10:00pm & we're all tired! Rachael calls me over & whispers to me: ~Harry, please take me to see my Julia in the morning?~ I reply: ~Of course I will Mom! First thing.... We say Goodnight & retire to our rooms respectfully! My poor Mary, her legs are swelled up, so I run her a warm bath. I wash her back for her, I love pampering my wife! I take a shower & we both get into bed. I rub her legs for her to make them feel better! We lay down & I put my arm around her, resting my hand on her belly! I can feel the baby moving around inside of her, God is Good! Goodnight all!
Thursday, November 28
Thanksgiving Morning
Julia's Grave
It's early, 6:00am, & My son & I are up drinking coffee! The others are still sleeping. I promised Rachael that I would take her over to the East side of the property to see Julia's grave! JR wanted to come along to see his Mother's grave & asked if he could come along! It's 7:00am & Rebecca has come down stairs. I ask: ~Coffee mom?~ She replies: ~No, but thank you Harry! Coffee doesn't agree with me anymore. Maybe some juice diluted with water?~I reply: ~Sure mom, Apple juice okay?~ She replies: ~That will be fine Harry, Thanks!~ She takes out this pharmacy of medication out & begins to take them a few at a time! She asks: ~Harry, can I have a piece of toast, no butter? Just to settle my stomach!~ I reply: ~Sure mom, I'll fix it for you now!~ I give a plate with toast & she nibbles on it until it's gone! 
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It's 8:00am & I borrowed my Father's car! We're enroute to the East side of the property where our Family Cemetery's located! It's about a twenty minute drive. It's 8:25 & we've arrived at the cemetery. I help Rachael out of the car & the three of us walk over to Julia's grave. Rachael puts her hand on the Gravestone & talks to her daughter with tears in her eyes: ~I'll be with you & your Daddy soon Baby! We all miss you so much! John Ross is here! He misses you too Julia! But he's doing fine! You'd be so proud of him, he's grown into a fine young man!~ She closed eyes and said a prayer. JR took hold of her hand & prayed with her. He said: ~I love you Mom, I've never forgotten how you use to hold me! I never will Mom, I promise!~ I too had my own private talk with Julia, I shall keep to myself! Rachael asks: ~Harry, what a beautiful Headstone! I've never quite seen one like this before!~ I reply: ~Julia always loved the Dolphins! I only thought it right to have them watch over her!~ She replies:
Thank you Harry for that! She always thought they were the true Mermaids of the Sea! She had a whole shelf full as a little girl!~ I place an array of Julia's favorite flowers on her grave! I say: ~Mom, you know we all love you. You know JR & I love you. My Parents love you! Mom, we'd like to move Dad from Shreveport & lay him to rest beside Julia with your permission! Mom, we've a spot here for you too! She's got tears in her eyes & replies: ~Harry, we have nobody in Shreveport! Yes, of course you have my permission! Harry, our Julia loved you very much! God Bless you
Harry!~ We get back in the car & ride back to the Mansion! Throughout the day we all had time to catch up. Later that evening......
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Thanksgiving Dinner
Huntington rings a bell: Dinner is being served! May I offer my Heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Mother announces: ~Today is Thanksgiving Huntington, & you are considered part of this family. You'll be eating with us tonight Huntington!~ He replies: ~Yes Mam, thank you mam!~ I've never seen Huntington smile before, but he's smiling now!
The twelve of us all go to the Dining room & are seated as such: Mother & Father at each end. Rachael is seated on Mother's right & Huntington on her left. Kellyann is seated next to Rachael & JR next to Huntington. Lucy is seated next to Kellyanne & her George next to JR. Mary's Mother is seated next to Lucy & he Father is seated next to George. Mary is seated on my Father's left & I on his right! My Father says Grace over the Thanksgiving Feast. Amen. The table is set in a Formal matter & with a Feast fit for Royalty, everything anyone could imagine. My Mother always does it right!
We eat drink & be Thankful for the food, love of Family & all God has provided us! God is Truly Good! God Bless us all!
We're finished with dinner & all retire to the Drawing room for Drinks & conversation! Mother decides that it's time that we put some Christmas music on! Tomorrow she will be putting up a tree! She has a 21ft Douglas Fur being trucked in from Atlanta in the morning.
We're singing Christmas Carols, we've only 27 days till Christmas! It's 11:30pm. Rachael looks tired. She needs to rest, I help her upstairs to her room! She's in pain & I ask: ~Mom, is there anything I can do?~ She replies:
~No Harry, It'll pass! I just need to rest! Thank you Harry, for everything! I reply: ~Goodnight Mom, Sleep well!~
I go back downstairs & join the rest of the Family! It's 1:00am & we decide to end the night & retire to our rooms.
Mary's Water Breaks!
We say our Goodnights & go upstairs. While in the bathroom, Mary calls me in: ~Harry, it's time,my water broke!~ I reply ~Darling, it's too early!~ I'm quite anxious by now! She has a bag ready & I proceed to take her downstairs, only stopping to knock on Mother's door to let her know & Mary's parents, who's wanting to accompany us. They'll drive since their car is here! Mother's calling Dr Jameson to meet us at Memorial!
We make Madison County Hospital & its 2:15am. Professor Covington drops us off at the Emergency entrance & I grab a wheelchair & wheel Mary in. I'm going out of my mind & Mary is cool, calm & collective. We get her admitted & Dr Jameson arrives. He examines her & says: ~How are you doing young lady?~ Mary replies: ~I'm having a Baby!~ He turns to me & asks: ~Your the Father, Are you going to be in there with her~ I reply I can be there too?~ He replies ~Yes, of course, better hurry & get ready! She's almost fully dilated, it won't be long! He tells the nurse to have me wash my hands, get me a gown & mask. He has Mary get in a gown & lay on a gurney. The wheel her I to the delivery room & I follow. They transfer her to a Delivery table. The Dr asks: ~Want an epidural?~ She replies: No Doctor, I want this to be natural!~ The nurse says: ~She's fully dilated Doctor~ He replies: ~Good, I want you to breathe!~ I'm watching this as he reaches between her legs, gently grasp this little head coming out of my wife!
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Friday November 29, 2019
Time of Birth: 4:11am
Harry Jr. 7 lbs 13oz
He's crying as he comes out. I always thought they had to swat the rear end. I'm evidently wrong! He hands him to the nurse who places him on my wife's belly as he cuts the umbilical cord & cleans the fluids out of his mouth & nose! They wrap him in a blanket & hand him to me, while they clean Mary up! He's perfect & healthy & his Mother his okay too. God is Good, thank you Lord!
They're done cleaning her up, I kiss her & say:
~I love you Mrs Newport, he's perfect. ~ She replies: ~'O my Harry, I love!~ They hand her the baby & she's as proud as she can be! She crying & says: Harry: ~His name is Harold Joseph Jr.!~ She named him after me!
They tell they're taking her to the room & will let me know when I & the Grandparents can come in! I go to the visiting room & give Mary's parents the news. They are ecstatic that they have a new Grandson. It's 5:30am & I call my Mother. I spoke to JR & told him he has a new baby Brother. Everyone is excited to hear the news & are making ready to come to the Hospital. It's 8:00am, my parents, JR & Kellyanne arrive to visit Marry! The Baby is in the Nursery for now & can be viewed through a window. George & Lucy will visit later when I come back to the Hospital! Rebecca is not feeling well & is resting in her room. Mother has hired a nurse to stay with us as long as Rachael needs her! It's 10:00am & I kiss my wife, tell her I love her & I need to go get a couple hours rest & check on Rachael! We'll ride home with my parents & I'll return this afternoon. We head home & Mary's parents will follow so she can get her rest. We get home, it's 10:50am. I go upstairs to check on Rachael & find she's in pain. I ring for the nurse & she explains that she just gave her a shot of Morphine & anymore would be dangerous! She get some cool towels so to bring her temperature under control. I ask: ~Mom, how are you doing?~ She replies: ~It'll pass son, thank you~ She told me to get the envelope out of the Nightstand next to the bed: ~Harry, that letter gives you my Power of Attorney to handle any & all my business if necessary! I'm leaving the house to John Ross! It's his Mother's Childhood home! Please see that it's taken care of?~ I reply: ~Mom, you're not going
anywhere!~ She replies: ~Sure Harry, please do as I ask?~ I reply: ~I will Mom!~ The Morphine's doing its job & she falls asleep! She's a good woman & when she's gone, JR's only link to Julia will be too! He loves his Grammy & she loves him! Cancer took Julia, her Father & now it's taking Rachael!
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The Christmas tree’s Delivered
It's 11:35am & The delivery truck is here from Atlanta with the Christmas tree. Beautiful tree Mother has them bring it into the house & set it up in the Grand Foyer. She loves to go big! I'm going to lay down for a couple hours so I can get back to the Hospital! It's 2:30pm & I'm headed back to the Hospital, George & Lucy are accompanying me! Lucy's looking pretty tired & I hope she's okay! George is getting excited about having another child! It's 3:00pm & we arrive at the Hospital! We park, go inside & we pass Mary's parents on the way out! Laura says: ~The Baby is perfect Harry!~ Professor Covington adds: ~Yes he is, congratulations my boy! We're going back to the house. See you there!~ I reply: Thanks, I just want you to know, I'm really glad you could be here! Talk to you when we get back!~ We go up to Mary's room, she's breastfeeding the baby! George is immediately embarrassed so she covers he breast & he relaxes! Lucy say: ~How are you feeling Mary?~ She replies~ Alls well Lucy, the baby's healthy & is a perfect little guy! He looks like Harry~ She smiles & winks at me! I'm so happy they're both okay! Mary asks Lucy: ~How are you Lucy?~ She replies: ~Oh, I'm Ooooo, ahh, I'm doing, ohhhhh, George: I think it's time~ as she holds her belly... George replies: ~Time for what me luv? Oh, Oh naw, now?~ He runs out in the hall yelling for a nurse. Lucy calmly walks out & sits in a wheelchair. Mary says: ~Go with them Harry, until he settles down! I'll be fine, not going anywhere!~ I tell George to settle down, & I ask the nurse to call Dr Jameson! Lucy's water just broke & now George is frantic: ~Calm down George, everything is fine. That's supposed to happen! Weren't you there when she had Kellyanne?~ He replies: ~Me wasn't here Harry, Navy, on a
Ship!~ I reply: ~Okay old man, everything's good!~ He settling down, Doctor's here & he takes her into the exam room! Been fifteen minutes & the Doctor comes out & asks George: ~It's time Mr Richards, coming?~ I say: ~Go with the nurse George! She'll show you where to wash your hands!~ He replies: ~Fer what? I reply: ~So you can be in there with her!~ He replies: ~Me, in der, me can be wit me Lucy? Ohhh, Okay, Me be seein ya Harry!~ He looks awfully nervous, I sincerely hope he doesn't faint! I tell him to let me know when the baby comes. I go back to my wife's room, she's holding the baby! She hands the little guy to me. He's grabs my pinky finger. His grip is strong. Just like when JR was born! I'm holding a miracle in my arms, a new life. I'm worried about Rachael too, I don't think she's got long. She says she's ready, she wants to be with Julia & The Rev!.......
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Friday, November 29, 2019
Time of Birth: 7:03pm
Anabel 6lbs 2 oz
It's 7:15pm & George comes into the room: ~Me little girl be born at 7:03pm. She be Beautiful Harry, but Me need a beer!~ I ask: ~What's her name George?~ He replies: ~Anabel Josephine Richards, after me Mum!~ I reply: ~That's a Beautiful name George, is she in the Nursery?~ He nods his head Yes, & we go to see the Annabelle! She's really quite a beautiful baby. George says: ~She got me mum's eyes~ I reply: ~She's Beautiful George, Congratulations old man!~ He replies: ~Well then, Me be thankful to God, & Harry, ifin ya not be mindin, Me & me Lucy be wantin fer ya & ya Mary to be da Godmuder & Fadder, dat is, ifin ya not be mindin?~ I reply: ~George, we will be honored!~ Next he takes me to see Lucy, she had a rough time of it. She went natural too, but was in labor four hours! She's doing well now! George says: ~Me neva see nuttin like it Harry! Dat der Doctor reach down der & he pull me little girl out! Harry, she be so little, when I be holdin her, be like a bird! Awhh Me be Lovin her Harry & me Lucy too!~ I reply: ~I know old man! You call Kellyanne yet & tell her she's got a new Baby sister?~ He replies: ~Nay, Me ferget Harry! Me do now!~ I tell him I'm going back to Mary's room, there's only twenty minutes of visiting time left. Both our wives need to get their rest. Mary & Harry Jr are scheduled to be released tomorrow. I'm back in Mary's room. The nurse just gave me a ten minute heads up! I say: ~Darling, you sure gave us a Beautiful baby. I love you with all my life!~ I kiss & hold her in my arms for a minute. It's 9:00pm straight up & the nurse reaffirms it by telling me, Visiting hours are over. I say thanks, kiss my wife & tell her I will be here at 8:00am to sign her & the baby out! I meet George out in the hall, head downstairs & to Father's car! We head back to the Mansion. It's 10:00pm & we arrive, followed by my sister Jamie & her husband Bill Langley. They drove in from Little Rock! We step out of the car & greet them. I introduce George & fill them in with the news. Been a busy last couple of days. Jamie asks: ~How is Mary & the baby?~ I reply: ~They're doing well & Jamie, Little Harry is absolutely perfect!~ She hugs me & kisses me on the cheek: ~I'm glad Harry, you two deserve all the happiness in the world!~ Then she turns to George & says: ~How are your wife & baby doing?~ He replies: ~Good, me be thankin ya fer askin~ We go I to the house & our parents are waiting for me. They didn't know that Jamie & Bill were coming in tonight? Mother sees Jamie, & is surprised: ~Jaime, I wasn't aware you were coming in tonight! She hugs & kisses her hello, hugs Bob, he's a man of few words! Jaime sees Father, & like a little girl, runs into his arms: ~Daddy, 'O I've missed you Daddy! How have you been?~ He replies: ~Quite well Jaime! I've missed you too! I wish we could see more of you!~ They hug & my sister is reluctant to release him. She's always been a "Daddy's Little Girl". Mother calls for Huntington: ~Huntington, please show my Daughter & Son in-law to their room?~ He replies ~Yes Mam! He takes their bags & shows them to the room! Mother says: ~Tomorrow's the first day of December Son! Everyone will be here, the girls will be home from the hospital & we're going to decorate the tree!~ I reply: ~Yes Mother, I'm bringing Mary & the Baby home tomorrow morning. Lucy & their little one should be getting the next day! Right George?~ George replies: ~Right, Sunday!~ Mother replies: ~Good then, this is so wonderful, I just love Christmas time! God has graced us once again with two new lives, what can be better than that?, Goodnight you two! We tell my mother Goodnight & she goes upstairs! My Father says: ~You both look like you can use a drink! I reply reply: ~Scotch please Father?~ George replies: ~Me too, please, Me be thankin ya fer it Sir!~ My Father says: ~Very well~ He pours us both a Scotch on the rocks. We toast each other, drink our drinks & say Goodnight! Its been a long couple of days but we're Blessed!
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Rio & Buster
Rio: You got no business looking that good Rio: This is a religious holiday Buster: Don't look at me like that Buster: You're being unholy yourself, like Rio: Ha, try and make me stop Rio: we're fine, everyone's too busy with their lamb, thanks da Buster: You might be fine but I'm eventually gonna have to get up from this table Rio: You want me to pass you some water, babe? Buster: Don't you dare Rio: Salt? The peas? Buster: Behave Rio: But I'm bored Rio: and you're hot Buster: Well, bored isn't the word for how you're making me feel Buster: And don't start me on how you fucking look Rio: But I need to know what you're thinking Buster: But I thought you knew everything, babe Buster: Losing your touch already, like Rio: You want me to show you I ain't here and now? Rio: Well, okay Buster: Okay Buster: Go on Rio: Damn, been a while since I had to play footsie Buster: If you aren't up to it, like Rio: Please Rio: You know I could get you off from here if I wanted to Buster: You promising or warning me? Rio: Neither Rio: 😇 naturally Rio: wish it was though Buster: I wish you were on my lap right now Rio: Baby 😩 Rio: Play nice Buster: 😇 Buster: Get me a drink, yeah? I wanna see more of you Rio: What you want? Buster: Surprise me Rio: Stick to your usual Rio: Raising enough eyebrows being civil, never mind if I get you a 🍸 Buster: 😂 Buster: I can throw it back in your face if you like Buster: Be very uncivil Rio: 😂 Rio: I know you want me on you but you want it that bad you'll settle for a fat lip Buster: I'll take it if you call me later to make up Rio: Face that cute? I could never Rio: Though makeup sex is always worth it Buster: Never say never, babe Rio: You planning to get me that mad already? Buster: Like you said, we're raising eyebrows otherwise Rio: Hmpf Buster: Don't look at me like that either Rio: I can't help it Rio: I want you Rio: I hate pretending otherwise Rio: even though we gotta, obvs Buster: I know, babe Buster: There's gotta be something this fam is running low on so I can be a gent and take you to buy more Rio: Not fucking eggs that's for sure, think they've forgotten we ain't kids anymore Rio: the haul Jay's gonna walk away with will last her 'til she's at least 2 Buster: Maybe if I leave them here Buster: Chlo ain't got the willpower or memo that she ain't a kid herself Buster: I'd offer to keep drinking so we run out but I already don't trust myself around you Rio: Wouldn't be a proper function if someone didn't get wasted and disgrace themselves Rio: Put you to bed before you properly drag us both down, don't worry babe Buster: Don't, I need you to take me to bed Buster: or anywhere else Rio: I know Rio: I'll think of something Buster: Couldn't you have worn a church look or whatever Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: This is my church look Rio: turning it out for Jesus 💁 Buster: 'Course Buster: Ready to pray, yeah? Rio: Think pretending I dropped something only works in the porn but I'm game to see if you are Buster: I'm game for everything Rio: I know Rio: Thank fuck 🙌🙏 Buster: Am I a bad person if I use my kid as an excuse to leave? Rio: Hmm Rio: Probably but church portion of the day well out the way so even the big man can't be judging Buster: Fuck I can't though, can I? She's loving all this Rio: Yeah, bless her Buster: Least she's too young to know that her mum didn't contribute to the easter basket or even wish her a happy one Buster: Too busy flirting with me, like Rio: 😒 Rio: Bitch Buster: I told her me and Erin broke up 'cause there was someone else but she only heard the first part, obviously Buster: Not even any of her business what I do but that's a whole other story Rio: That'll be fun then, thinking she's got more of a chance than she usually does Rio: How does she not die of shame, like Buster: She'll outlive everyone Buster: Just to fuck me off Rio: 😂 Rio: all those spa trips Rio: going to the fucking fountain of youth Buster: Honestly Buster: I'm gonna need a buy myself a spa if she goes through with her plan to come here and pick Jay up Rio: 😬 Rio: least I get to see her best attempt at a seduce 'em 'fit Rio: see what I'm up against, like Buster: 😂 Buster: Indie's got more game and she's a kid Rio: pass on the compliment Rio: full of the joys of spring, babe Buster: She'll love that. I've seen her looking at me when I'm trying not to look at you Rio: Can't blame her Rio: You look especially good rn Buster: Still not on your level, babe Buster: You're so fucking beautiful Rio: Don't Rio: gonna make me blush Buster: I have to Buster: You need to know Rio: Baby Rio: Come find me in 5 idc Rio: I've got to see you properly Buster: Where? Rio: The studio upstairs Rio: there's old toys and shit in there that we can be trying to find Buster: and good lighting Buster: 'cause you know I wanna see you properly too Rio: Exactly Rio: you can appreciate fully Buster: I'm really appreciating how loud this fam is right now Rio: Got their uses Buster: If Jay gets much more hype there ain't nothing I couldn't do that they'd pick up on Rio: She's stealing your thunder, it true Rio: everyone too 😍 to notice us Buster: Good Buster: I only want you to notice me anyway Buster: No offense Indie Rio: Trust, I've not been able to focus on anything else Buster: I'm not sorry Rio: Me either but still gonna make you 😏 Buster: Go Buster: I'll see you in 5 Rio: 👋 Buster: I can't believe we actually got away with that Buster: Again Rio: We're just that good Rio: or they're just really deaf Buster: I like option 1 Buster: You're so good, Rio Rio: You too baby Rio: No matter how many times you make me cum, never enough, like Rio: mad Buster: What are you doing later? Buster: Come over and I won't stop Rio: Got a shift but can probably pop 'round after and Indie won't be home yet to clock I'm not Rio: thinks I got a mans anyway so Buster: As long as you don't wake Jay you can come over when you want Buster: Yeah? What did you tell her Rio: Of course Rio: 😶😇 Rio: Oh, that I've been fucking you, obviously Buster: Cheers for making me choke on my drink like a soft cunt, babe Buster: Hilarious Buster: Grandad's looking at me like I killed a bloke Rio: 😂 sacrilege to not be able to handle your drink in this fam Rio: just can't handle my bants, soz babe Buster: He'd rather I did someone over with my glass, I know Rio: Questionable ethics for a easter egg hunt for kiddos but go off, old man Buster: 😂 Buster: Gotta keep that competitive edge Rio: Don't, this lot need a referee Rio: putting Indie and Jan on time out Buster: I volunteer Grace Buster: Imagine like Rio: Definition of lamb to the slaughter Rio: appropriate for today but poor girl 😂 Buster: I'll cut her some slack, she's good with my kid Rio: Yeah Rio: who doesn't love a cute new baby Rio: programmed to in this fam Buster: True Buster: Only reason I ain't disinherited Rio: Weren't you're 'rents basically your age anyway? Rio: Can't judge when you make the same mistakes, just be very, very disappointed on the low 😜 Buster: Different story that we're all sick of hearing though, ain't it? Buster: My dad was in love with my mum when he was like 7 Rio: 'bout to say that's a madness but did mine really mature much in those 8 years like? Rio: 🙄 mental, all of 'em Buster: This fucking fam 🙄🙄 Buster: I'd rather be like Chlo who Rio: As much as she is that forgettable, defs not gonna happen on her watch is it Buster: She's still flirting Buster: Give it up, babe Buster: But like don't Rio: Pretend to be your new crazy gf if you wanna Rio: losing her mind searching for socials that don't exist Buster: Please Rio: Easy Rio: Comforted enough of my friends when they're in the wrong to know how to go off Buster: Come through for me then Rio: Fun Rio: Lemme hit up Grace for her straighteners Buster: She'll be buzzing Rio: Forreal, always trying to come for my hair Buster: 😒 Rio: Probably does look a mess now no thanks to you Rio: like bitch, you been dragged through a hedge backwards what's good Buster: Shut up Buster: You know you look good Rio: You might've mentioned a few times 😋 Buster: I'll show you a few more times if you need me to Buster: Just say the word, like Rio: Trying to get me to say the p word Rio: Gonna have to do better Buster: If I was trying you'd have already said it Rio: Promises, promises Rio: Can have that one for free Buster: Well, can't exactly promise to bend you over the table, much as I might wanna Rio: Buster Rio: Why put that in my head when I'm here having to wash up with the mas Buster: It's been in mine since I got here Rio: ugh Rio: either come help or go away Rio: can't have you near me if you're not gonna be near enough Buster: I like you but I don't like you that much Buster: I'll go do some daddy duties like Rio: 😂 Rio: fucking cheek Rio: good luck getting her away from your ma, that manicures too expensive for our dishwater, like Buster: It's not all you, I ain't about to leave my watch lying around this lot either Rio: have your hand off for it like Rio: didn't you know you were coming to the 24 Buster: I had tunnel vision, didn't I? Rio: Good Rio: how I like it Buster: I know Rio: What else do you know Buster: I know I want to be alone with you Rio: Tonight Buster: Yeah Buster: Unless you've got a better offer all of a sudden, that is Rio: You what? Buster: What I said Rio: Yeah but Rio: No, not since you last checked in like, 10 minutes ago, we're still on babe 😂 Buster: Says you but your phone been blowing up since then Buster: So whatever Rio: It's literally Indie Rio: Told you she's Sherlocking me Rio: Was you jealous? Buster: Fuck off Buster: 'Course not Rio: Awww Rio: How cute Buster: Shut up no Rio: Yeah you were Rio: s'okay, you know you got no reason to be now and i can't tell no one anyway Buster: I always knew I had no reason to be, babe, I ain't no proper competition Buster: That's why I wasn't Rio: Oh, really? Rio: Well then, I won't make an extra special effort to show you how much you do not need to be jealous Rio: Cool with me Buster: Behave Buster: No need to go that far, babe Buster: You can still show me something Rio: Idk now Rio: catch me going through my contacts like 🤔🤔🤔 Rio: got me thinkin' Buster: Yeah you do Buster: You know you won't get better than this right here Rio: Yeah Rio: so you still gonna let me have it or are you too pouty now? Buster: Yeah 'cause you obviously need me to remind you how good you got it with me Rio: Don't but want it so Rio: Please Buster: Let's go then Buster: I'll get Jay ready and follow you out Rio: Can't yet Rio: In fact, brb for a sec Buster: Seriously? Rio: [Suitable amount of time to have a smoke later] Rio: Back Rio: Indie needed some TLC Buster: I reckon you meant THC Rio: That too Buster: You wanna go now? Rio: Reckon this party's pretty much over Rio: got the 🍫 let's ride Buster: I can say I'm giving you a ride yeah? That's just gentlemanly Buster: Otherwise you'll freeze to death waiting around the corner Rio: I appreciate you resisting the urge to make a joke about me working the corner this time, like Rio: much obliged 👍 Rio: yeah, that seems normal and not suspicious Buster: Well, don't actually want that fat lip you threatened me with earlier Buster: Even if you would kiss it better Rio: For a whitey, your lips aren't bad Rio: so I'll leave you how you are 😘 Buster: Cheers Rio: Please tell me there's no family functions for a while? Rio: Hard work not being able to be on you Buster: Christ knows with this fam that I can't make that promise Buster: But I swear you'll never have to wait long for me to come find you whenever there is Rio: Now, THAT'S a promise Buster: And you can hold me to it, babe Rio: I will
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