#for those concerned- i do give myself Lay Down Time when i can. i just live in a dorm so i don’t have much room
mars-ipan · 7 months
the back pain from getting comfy in bed after sitting and standing all day is so fucking satisfying
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cheshirebitch · 6 months
Alastor with a 1950’s housewife styled reader. When he sees her he doesn’t even understand why she’s in hell in the first place.
!!Mentions of domestic violence!!
She killed her husband for laying a hand on their child. She was slow and methodical with her kill, and when Alastor finds out he becomes enraptured by her. In awe of how proper and kind she is but how devastatingly cruel she can be if the circumstance calls for it.
He finds her duality alluring in a sense, and he’s so curious to see what fresh hell she’d let loose in hell if she decided to unleash herself upon some poor sinners.
This is my first request in a long time and I’m super tired so I hope this makes sense 😅
Oh boy, oh boy, did I love this idea and I hope I did you justice on it :)!
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ℂ𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕪 𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕤
Alastor x Reader
“Alastor, dear, can you do me a favor?” I asked while smoothing my dress out nervously.
“Of course darling! What can I do for you my Angel?” Alastor started calling me that the day he met me. He was adamant that heaven messed up or I was a fallen angel for being too good. Every time he would go on one of his long stipples, I would have to keep my lips tight and calm my beating heart for two reasons. He really was too sweet to me and because I never want anyone to know my ugly truth. Not that I’m ashamed but because I don’t need everyone hunting down the man, especially considering he was alive and well in hell with me. I think he suffered considerably for his actions and I didn’t need the whole hotel, that was supposed to be a walking advertisement about redemption, trying to murder this man. Especially Alastor, he would be completely unforgiving.
He was always so polite when it concerned me and always had a compliment to throw my way.
“Mon Cher, looking elegant as always.”
“Darling, do smile more often. Hell would be much better with your sparkling smile.”
“What’s a looker like you doing at the bar by yourself? Care for company Angel?”
“Mon Cher,
“Would you be so kind to help me make dinner today? I truly didn’t expect the King of Hell to be visiting or I could’ve handled it on my own.” Exasperated that Charlie failed to mention, again, about her fathers visit. I rather not have him thinking an old housewife, such as myself, failed to uphold the standards I was raised with. This place will be spotless and perfect in two hours by my own hand, if Alastor agrees to assist me. I always batted his hands away when he’s tried before, being conditioned that all this work is only my job. My ex husband made sure I learned that too.
“Absolutely! Anything for my sweet Angel! Are you certain there is nothing else I can assist you with? Perhaps some cleaning, laundry, anything?” Alastor was leaning in towards my personal space as I pushed a finger over his massive smile. He truly is a pure gentleman despite his horrific sins he’s committed. Maybe that’s why I’m so attracted to him?
“Oh, no. Just some help in the kitchen will be fine. I just need someone to watch over the meal as it cooks so it doesn’t burn while I clean the rest of this hotel.” I smiled at him as polite as I could while trying not to tremble over the simple act of asking for help. It’s always involuntary when I flinch at a man, so much so that I’ve overheard conversations about it from the group. Charlie and Angel express their concerns to me but the rest just watch with pity in their eyes.
“Angel, certainly there is more I can do?” He gave me his smile still, slightly strained, but concern and a small hint of frustration were in those burgundy eyes. I pretended to think on it before shaking my head.
“That simply won’t do. I will handle all kitchen duties and you can clean. Don’t try to stop me.” Alastor morphed through the shadows as I raced to beat him to the kitchen, only to be met with a locked door. I huffed before giving in, but only because I was on a tight schedule. Fighting with Alastor’s stubbornness was at the bottom of my list and making sure this place was spiffy was at the top. So, I raced around on the lobby floor, cleaning everything and everything. I couldn’t help but notice how Alastor was trying to slyly send his shadow and Niffty to help. Ignoring them on purpose, faking ignorance for his sake, and kept cleaning at my full speed.
By the time I noticed there was nothing left to do, I was out of breath and was done one hour earlier than I thought I would be. That was also considering how I had two extra sets of helping hands plus the fact I didn’t have to check the kitchen at all. I smiled as I panted out, wiping the sweat from my brow. I sauntered into the kitchen, now with unlocked doors, and had my hands on my hips as I watched Alastor finish cooking everything I had laid out. I had a bandana on to keep my hair pulled up and stop the sweat from running down my neck. It was the pretty maroon and black one Alastor gave me the first year I knew him.
“Lovely to see you using the things I get you.” Without even turning around, he knew what I was wearing and didn’t degrade me for not completing these tasks completely on my own or faster. The smile spread on my face as I began to tease back.
“Always lovely to see you cooking. Don’t think I don’t see that tail wagging happily, deer.” I emphasized on his nickname being used more so as what animal he was. His ears twitched as he turned around with a playful grin. My tail whipped around behind me, showing I was teasing him playfully. He leaned closer, invading my personal space again.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Angel. I’m just helping a deer friend out.” He chuckled at his own pun, making me smile and nudge him. This is what normally happens when one of us tells a joke, it turns into a pun war. Right now though, I guess it was deer themed with a hint of good tension between us. He had us switching places, where I was the one with the counter behind me and he with nothing. Walking closer and closer, getting more into eachothers spaces with no complaints. Which of itself, others would find quite odd how Alastor wasn’t upset by myself being this close to him.
“That pun wasn’t one of your best. Dare I say, I wasn’t too fawn of that one.” His smile widened with genuine happiness without anything evil being the cause of it. It really was beautiful. I couldn’t help but morph my smile from a playful one to a genuine smile as well, full of admiration. I could even feel my eyes basically forming heart shapes for him.
“Angel?” His eyes looked relaxed along with his smile, he was still leaning so close to me I could feel his coat tickling my skin.
“Yes, deer?” He smiled more before continuing.
“How are you in Hell? Really?” My smile froze as I panicked slightly. He was someone I could see hunting my ex husband down and brutally killing for what he’s done, especially towards me and my family. My hands moved before I could stop them, gripping his with mine. His eyes looked confused at our hands before looking at me, waiting for what it was.
“Promise me, Al, that you’ll let it go after I tell you.” His eyes searched mine before he sighed out.
“You know I can’t promise that, my Angel.” One of his claws carefully brushed my cheek slowly. He started moving slower with his movements when they were towards me after noticing how I flinched. The bright red claws remained on my face as I looked away, defeated.
“It wasn’t always horrible with him, my late husband and father of my two beautiful girls.” I smiled as I mentioned my children, who have long lived their lives after my death, and both in heaven.
“But after a couple years when my youngest turned four, Paul wasn’t the same. He was laid off from his fancy office job and started drinking when he couldn’t find work. We had to sell our home and move. I started working at a couple diners and cleaning for a couple homes, anything to make the bills.” My smile turned sad as Alastor’s turned strained the second I spoke of alcohol. His grip tightened slightly but never enough to hurt me.
“He would get angry when I came home late, how the house was a mess, when the children got fussy, and just anything that involved work for him. That’s when I got tired and mouthed off.” Alastor’s upper lip curled in disgust at what was about to be spoken next.
“He didn’t like that, slapped me back in place.” Alastor’s eyes squinted.
“I think you’re downplaying it, Angel.” I sheepishly grin, knowing he’s right.
“A little.”
“Tell the truth now, darling.”
“He beat me till I couldn’t stand anymore. I tried fighting back but…” I shook my head and felt my eyes burning.
“I was just a silly housewife.” He took his claw and gently swiped away a fallen tear. It was the only tear I will let fall.
“I only said enough when he went to hit the oldest for trying to pull him off of me.” Tension was rising up my spine and locking my jaw tight. Alastor’s radio static picked up even more the second I spoke that sentence. I could feel his anger radiating from him.
“I hated him for it, so much so I killed him.” I looked up at Alastor right when his eyes dilated, recognizing the shock and admiration that was swirling in his eyes. His smile spread out across his face more as the radio static cut silent, then he spoke without any static in his voice.
“My, my, what have we got here? Dare I say my Angel is really a demon after all?” I could tell he said it with slight humor, still thinking I’m too pure to be in hell.
“I poisoned him for months with rat poisoning in his alcohol. He chose his own death, I just sped it up. Everyone thought he died of alcohol poisoning but it was me. I’d do it again if it meant my kids never had to see that ever again. He could’ve lived if he just chose his family over the alcohol.” I shrugged with no remorse for my actions.
“While he was getting more and more ill, I would watch from the doorway of our bedroom, where he slept. Just holding a kitchen knife and sharpening it, watching him sleep horribly.” Alastor smiled wider, wider than I thought possible really, and dipped me down gracefully. His arm behind my back holding me completely as his other hand delicately glided his ruby claw down my cheek.
“Mon Cher, penser que je ne pourrais pas t'aimer davantage.” **
Alastor was immediately thinking about how he’d worship her forever and was intrigued to see what fresh hell she would unleash by his side with this daunting loyalty and protective spirit. He also took note to pay a visit to dear ol’ Paul, the current bartender that replaced Husk at the casino in town.
** translation - “My dear, to think that I couldn’t love you more.”
(As always, characters belong to their owner and the story belongs to me. If you have any requests or ideas, send them over :)! I will gladly try to write things for my supporters! Thank you for the love and have a great day! <3)
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idkwhatever580 · 3 months
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Prompt/Request: I would like a sweet Natasha x reader @cactus-cuddler
A/N: I hope I did it justice!! And lmk if you want to be added to my permanent tag list!!
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Y/n’s pov
I roll over when my alarm goes off.
I quickly turn it off because it’s annoying as hell but whatever.
I then turn back around and tell myself I’m staying in bed for five more minutes.
Then I furrow my eyebrows and peek my eyes open when I realize the other side of the bed is still warm.
I see my redhead sleeping soundly and I squint.
I close my eyes and try to think although it is hard given I just woke up.
I double check the time to make sure I didn’t set the wrong alarm and when I see it is proper time for me to get up I am even more confused.
Natasha is never in bed this late. Like never.
Unless she’s sick.
Shit. Is she sick?
I reach over and place my hand on her forehead to feel if she’s warm and she is not.
I go to wake her up but then she looks so peaceful so I just decide to cuddle her a bit.
I end up staring at her. She’s so pretty. The way her nose crinkles a bit every now and then. And how her lips fall open slightly.
Her beautiful red hair. God I love her hair.
“Staring is rude you know?”
She mumbles out.
I roll my eyes and say
“I’m admiring. That’s not such a crime is it?”
She smiles and peeks her eyes open and I say
“Are you feeling alright?”
She nods her head and says
I shake mine and say
“You never sleep in unless you’re sick. So I was concerned.”
I pause briefly and then say
“You’d tell me if you didn’t feel alright would you?”
She giggles and nods her head and says
“I just wanted to stay in bed. Have a chill day.”
I raise my eyebrows and say
“Natasha? Skipping training? Now I know she’s really sick.”
She chuckles at my quip and says
“We should skip work today”
I tilt my head and say
“Baby. I can’t. We have things to do”
“Ugh but it’s just one day! I never ask for this. Please baby?”
She whips out the puppy eyes and I can’t resist them so I say
“Okay fine, but when I get in trouble you’re answering to nick for me”
She smiles and says
“We will just call in sick”
I smile and say
“I like that idea.”
I give her a quick kiss and then I say
“Well. If we’re ‘sick’ then we should go back to bed and sleep in more huh?” I’m
She nods her head and says
“I like your thinking”
I straddle her lap and lay down resting my head on her chest and I breathe in a sigh of content.
I am unable to fall back asleep but I bask in Natasha’s warmth while she gets some much needed rest in.
After about another hour and a half Natasha starts waking up again as I am just playing with her hair.
She smiles at me and I don’t notice that she is awake yet since I am still resting my head on her chest.
Then she moves her hand to my chin and pulls me toward her for a kiss and I obviously kiss back.
And the initial kiss turns into something more. But I push her away and she pouts and I shake my head.
She doesn’t question it like a good girlfriend but she does say
“Are you alright?”
I smile and nod my head. I usually am in the mood so she makes sure to check on me if I ever refuse her advances.
“We’re having a chill day remember? Sick day? Those activities are neither chill nor are they sick activities”
She smiles and rolls her eyes. Then she gets a mischievous glint in her eyes. I raise an eyebrow but before I can think anything else she tackles me into the bed and starts tickling me until I tap out.
We end up watching a few movies until we can’t watch anymore and nat says
“Ugh. I’m bored”
I nod my head and she says
“What should we do?”
She props herself up on her elbow and I do the same to face her. I say
“I dunno”
Then I get a great idea. I smirk and say
“Give me a show”
She raises her eyebrows and sits up.
“A show?”
I nod my head and sit up a bit too
“A show.”
She studies me and says
“What kind of show?”
I smile and say
“Not a dirty show. Sing for me. Make it fun. Put on a show!”
She chuckles at how my eyes light up at the thought of a funny show with a song.
“I don’t know about that one detka”
“I love your voice. Oh please please puhleasee”
I beg her and she gives in almost immediately. She chuckles and says
“Okay but you’re gonna have to cover your eyes until I’m ready”
I nod my head and cover my eyes faster than she can see and she goes to the closet to get herself ready.
I hear her rummaging through our stuff and I also hear her open a box. I can only assume she’s getting out the props I keep for team nights. We like to have props sometimes.
Then I see a hand come out of the closet and set down our speaker. That same hand turns it on and some music starts playing.
I immediately recognize the song as take me or leave me from rent.
I love singing that song with her and it is one of my top favorite musicals.
She sticks a leg out and I see that she put on some fishnets and I smile.
Then she steps out and I drag my eyes up her Fran and she’s wearing a cute and sexy outfit but she’s holding a fake microphone and she has a pink wig on that makes me burst out laughing.
“Every single day. I walk down the street. I hear folks say ‘baby’s so sweet’”
I chuckle as she sings the part that I usually sing. Whenever I make nat sing with me I usually take Maureen’s part and she takes Joanne’s but apparently she’s taking it.
“Ever since puberty everybody stares at me boys girls I can’t help it baby. So be kind and don’t lose your mind just remember you’re my baby!”
I smile and start singing the chorus with her
“Take me for what I am who I was meant to be. And if you give a damn take me baby! Or leave me”
She walks around the room and sways her hips to the beat having fun with it. I just smile and admire her. And I sing the part that Joanne has.
When it gets to the bridge, Nat sits on my lap and we go back and forth like Maureen and Joanne do in the musical.
I’m having so much fun and it’s so funny to see her with this pink wig on.
She finishes the song and we both say their parting words in unison.
“Guess I’m leaving. I’m gone”
Then she stands up at takes the wig off. I start clapping a lot and she bows for me and then when she stands up I give her an eyebrow and say
She then says
I smile and continue
“Are you gonna take me? Or leave me?”
I dramatically throw my head back with my hand on my forehead and she says
“Oh I’m taking you.”
I smile and say
“Chappell roan?”
She gets my reference and says with an affirming tone
“Hot to go”
I smile and say
“Good luck babe because I heard that this one is tough to love”
Then Nat straddles my waist and says
“But when she loves. She loves hard. And the outcome is so worth it”
I smile and pucker my lips for a kiss. I wait patiently but my kiss never comes so my lips form into a pout as I open my eyes to see what could possibly be hindering her from kissing me and she is just staring at me.
Well. Not really at me. It’s more like she’s zoned out so I wave my hand in front of her face and say
“Staring is rude y’know?”
She smiles and copies my earlier statement
“I’m just admiring”
I smile and my cheeks heat up a bit from the feeling I have under her loving gaze.
“I love you Nat. You know that right?”
She smiles and finally kisses me and when she pulls away she says
“You have proven to me that you love me over and over again. Of course I know it.”
I smugly smile and say
“And I’ll keep proving it until it is written on the walls of your heart”
She smiles and kisses me softly.
“I love you too detka. More than you’ll ever know”
I smile and kiss her nose.
“Good because if you ever decide you don’t and you want to leave me then I have pictures of you singing rent and dancing for me”
She scoffs at my sinister smile and says
“Good thing you won’t have to blackmail me with that. And if you ever do I will probably deserve it.”
I smile and we finish the day with lots of cuddles and movies.
As Nat and I are falling asleep in each others arms as our night is closing. I think to myself.
I’m gonna marry her one day
A/N: I hope you like this one!!!
@ilovesnat @ihartnat @marvelnatasha12346 @moistblobfish @justarandomreaderxoxo @lovelyy-moonlight @symp4nat
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melissaeilishortega · 4 months
Hold me tighter
A/n: For this one, I did two requests (both being about comfort). I know I've been very inactive but I felt like writing :) BYE I STARTED WRITING THIS LIKE A MONTH OR TWO AGO I FINISHED THIS AT 1 AM SO DONT MIND THE SPELLING AND WRITING. PLEASE.
You're burnt out and need comfort :))
Y/n pov:
It was a Thursday night, I was coming back from work with so many emails to read and answer as a former assistant and so many essays to write as a student. Thursday was always the busiest day. The teachers would give more work so that students work hard even on the weekends and for some reason, customers reach out way more at the end of the week. I just wanted one day where I could be free. One day where I could just lay in bed holding my girlfriend all day. I couldn't even remember the last time we shared a meal. We were both very busy but it shouldn't keep us away like this. But truly, I shouldn't complain because it's simply my job.
Unfortunately, this day is only possible once I get my degree and once I can take days off again. I've always had issues with my stomach. Sometimes it would randomly start hurting. I've always been told "It's just stress" but it's still a pain in the ass to feel like you're being stabbed with every move you do and because of that, it leads to me having no more days off. I dreamt of the day I'd finally have an answer to how I can stop these cramps but it never arrived. So I would just miss an average of one day every week because I had difficulties even getting up. After that, there were also my horrible migraines that happened every two days. It was a living hell.
When I finally arrived home, I broke. I didn't think it would happen but it did. I sat in the corner of the kitchen crying for an hour until Billie arrived. I could see the shock on her face when she opened the door that led towards the kitchen and saw me curled up in a corner. I had never broken down in front of her. My immediate reaction was to try to stop crying but I couldn't. My vision was only getting blurrier from the stress of being this vulnerable with someone I love. I tried to explain myself from fear but nothing other than broken sobs came out of my throat.
"No need to talk sweetheart. I know." She whispered as she was kneeling to be at my height.
3rd pov:
Growing up in a place where you would get screamed after if you cried as someone sensitive had negative consequences on how you act and your trust towards the people you loved the most. One of those consequences being to push away some of your loved ones when they are just trying to help. But Billie knew that. She slowly got closer, with no physical touch at all, waiting for a signal that could indicate that you were comfortable with her getting closer. As time went by, she inched closer and closer, taking your hand in hers at a certain point which helped you calm down until you were calm enough and comfortable enough for her to be holding you. You stayed sitting on the floor in each other's arms for a little while just enjoying the comfort.
"Y/n?" Billie said softly, breaking the silence.
You only nodded, not finding the strength to even talk.
"Let's get you in bed okay? You're overworked baby and it kills me that you don't realize it. Gosh, can't stand seeing you this tired..." She said, this time with a more concerned tone in her voice.
She helped you get up, pulling you towards the bed. Once you got in, she joined spooning you.
"Are you comfortable..?" She whispered making sure you felt as good as possible.
"I'm so fucking sorry." You let out. "I feel like a burden Billie! I'm always the one who's late, the one finishing essays at crazy hours, I'm never there!" You exclaim, tears pricking at your eyes again, threatening to fall down on your cheeks.
"I'm holding you back Billie." You said, quietly this time.
"You know that's not true..." She answered. Her arms wrapped around your waist, holding you closer and tighter. "I love you y/n. More than anything. And if staying with you means waiting for you to finish university and get your degree then I will because I truly do love you. How about we talk about this tomorrow? I know you're tired." All you could do was let out a soft hum before falling asleep in her arms. Your girlfriend's arms. Holding you tighter and tighter than she ever did every single time.
A/n that's fucking crazy it is 12:50 am and I am tired and this ending is probably fucked
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talktonytome · 2 months
hi! what about: "rest my head in your lap, feeling fully restored" from your prompts if you're feeling it <3 ty!
12. Rest my head in your lap, feeling fully restored
<3 <3 <3
“What can I bring you?” Buck asks, voice doing nothing to hide his concern. Tommy had called to let him know him he had a bad migraine and wouldn’t be great company, telling him he could come over the next day, instead. Of course Buck being who he is, insisted on coming over to help- he couldn’t just do nothing. 
He hears Tommy sigh over the phone and smiles at how easily he yields to him, not in a controlling asshole kind of way, but it makes him happy, to know Tommy trusts him, in more ways than one. 
“It’s gonna sound weird,” Tommy says, “but an order of salty fries and a cold bottle of coke would actually help a lot. I would have gone out myself, but just the thought of sunlight hitting my eyes- ” 
“Hey, don’t sweat it, one order of fries and a coke coming right up,” he promises. He actually doesn’t find Tommy’s migraine coping method that weird, he’d seen friends try any number of things, in their desperation- the sodium, caffeine, and sugar make sense. “Try to get some rest. Unfortunately, we can’t all fly helicopters and crosstown traffic’s a bitch, but I’ll see you in about an hour, okay?”
Tommy chuckles, then groans in pain on the other end and even though a migraine is, objectively, not a big deal compared to their job incidents, it still pains Buck to know he’s suffering at all. “Sounds good,” he mumbles. “Thank you, love you.”
“Love you, too.”
As promised, an hour later, Buck’s letting himself in Tommy’s house and he tries to be quiet, in case he did manage to fall asleep. He rubs his thumb down the little LAFD helicopter keychain Tommy had given him, along with a key just a few weeks back. It still gives him butterflies to think about. 
“Evan, s’that you?” 
The living room is cool and dark, but Buck makes out the lump laying face-down on the floor that is his boyfriend. He chuckles, “yeah baby, I got the good stuff.” He holds out the bag of fries and coke bottle, which is silly, now that he thinks about it, since Tommy can’t see from his place in the floor. 
He toes off his shoes by the door and shuffles over to Tommy as gently as he can so as to not rattle the boards. He sets the goods on the coffee table and settles on the floor next to him. “Do you think you can sit up long enough to eat?” He rubs his neck soothingly. 
Tommy grunts, reluctant to move, but shoots out a hand to squeeze Buck’s ankle in thanks. “Yeah,” he sighs, “just give me a minute.” 
“Of course.” Buck continues rubbing circles up and down his neck and back, until some of the tension bleeds from Tommy’s body. Slowly he pushes off from the floor and Buck gets his arms around him to help him sit up and against the couch. 
“Hi,” he smiles. “I’m glad you’re here.” 
“Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” Buck tells him truthfully. “Now, how about these fries?”
“Yes, please.” 
Buck grabs the box of fries from the bag and hands them to Tommy, who immediately grabs a handful and stuffs them in his mouth. Buck laughs, grateful every time he gets to see a new side of Tommy, especially when it comes to the little things. 
“What?” Tommy asks around a cheek-full of fries. “Nothing, I just love you.” He opens the bottle of coke next and passes it to Tommy. “Wash down those fries before you choke,” he instructs, in what the 118 would describe as his “clipboard Buck” tone. Whatever. 
“Sir, yes sir,” Tommy mock salutes with two fingers and takes a long swig of coke. “Ah, that’s the stuff,” he sighs happily, which is a good sign, so Buck will take it. They pass the time it takes Tommy to finish the rest in comfortable silence. Then, Buck gets up to clear the trash and rummages in the kitchen for a heating pack and an ice back. 
He brings both with him and sits back down on the floor, and moves Tommy to lie down, until he’s perpendicular to where Buck is sitting, then tenderly lifts his head onto his lap, pressing the heating pad on his neck and the cold pack on his forehead. 
“Ohh, that feels nice,” Tommy moans in relief. “How’d you know?”
“I might have done some research while I was waiting in the drive-thru line,” Buck admits. 
“You’re the best, Evan” his eyes are closed, but a smile dances across that handsome jaw. “An angel, truly.” 
“Anytime,” Buck whispers. They sit in silence, as he gently massages Tommy’s head, occasionally dipping down to rub his temples. 
“Feeling any better?” He checks in after some time.
“Mhm, much,” Tommy affirms, finally opening his eyes, and reaches up to cup the side of Buck’s face. “More or less restored, all thanks to you. Any chance I can request Dr. Buckley for all my future medical needs?” 
Buck smiles and turns to kiss his palm, “I think that can be arranged.”
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ryker-writes · 1 year
if you want, can you do a thing where the reader has a habit of scratching skin till it bleeds. It's a habit I have and do when anxious, yes it hurts but pain makes it easier to ignore thoughts about what ever is causing me anxiety. Also god forbid they have have acne of any bump in their skin cause that can and will be scratch off. This scratching dose leave scaring and they do it constantly cause this world is unfamiliar and magical so lord knows what could happen to you. You can use any characters you like tho I would like Vil for obvious reasons. If you do make this then thank you and have a fulfilling life.
of course dear anon! I can relate to this one a little bit because I have a lot of anxiety myself and used to do something similar. I don't do it much anymore so there's no need to worry, but I do encourage you to find a different way of ignoring the anxiety and/or seeking help fir anxiety. Anxiety is a very tough thing to deal with and if you need to talk to somebody about it, I will gladly listen <3
I decided to add some of my favorite TWST boys to this so apart from Vil, there's also Malleus, Silver, and Leona
Request rules and Masterlists
Vil is very familiar with anxiety and some signs of anxiety
many people get anxiety before big performances after all
so when he sees you scratching your skin so much, he's able to recognize that it's probably anxiety
and he can see the small scarring on your skin too
Vil isn't going to stand for this
whenever he sees you start to scratch, he will give you something, anything, for you to hold in your hands
and he asks you to hold onto it for him for a little bit and take care of it
his goal is to get your hands doing something else even if it's holding the object or fidgeting with it or whatever
as long as your hands aren't damaging your beautiful skin
and I do mean he will give you anything
he's handed you his textbooks, his eyeliner, and even his Pomefiore crown once
being in a new and unfamiliar world is sure to cause a lot of anxiety
but he tries to be there for you as much as he can, and slowly help you adjust to the world around you
he's also roping you into his skincare routines now
he's actually a very observant guy
so you bet he sees you scratching your skin, but he might not comment on it much unless he sees you scratching hard enough to break skin
at that point he's going to drag you to a place that's calmer like botanical garden and try to get you talking about it
he'll ask you about your world while keeping your hands away from your skin
basically anytime you start to scratch, he just moves your hands away
you may think he'll lose his patience doing this, but he actually doesn't
he just listens to you while laying down and keeps moving your hands away
and he listens very well
Leona has actually taken mental notes about your world
so when you start feeling anxious about being in a strange dangerous world again, he brings you to somewhere calmer again, but this time he tries to show you something you're more familiar with
he'll even have Ruggie bother Sam to make something if they don't have it in their world
Leona isn't the type to hover around you, but he usually tries to check in on you from time to time to make sure you aren't scratching too much
I'm gonna be honest, he probably doesn't know how bad anxiety can get in people
so originally when he sees you scratching, he doesn't think much of it
that is, until you start bleeding
then he is very invested in why you're scratching
you probably have to explain it to him
once you explain that it's anxiety and being in a new magical world causes a lot of anxiety, he is very concerned
he's noticed the small scars on your skin, but he didn't comment on it in fear of upsetting you
but now that he knows those are because of the anxiety...he's very determined to help you stop
Malleus starts hovering around you a lot more after finding out
he just worries about you
whenever he sees you scratching, he will do almost anything he can to help
like he goes through different strategies each time
his magic helps a lot with this
usually he tries to use his magic to make your surroundings look more familiar or he'll create something for you to focus on
and if he isn't able to help in time and you start bleeding, he's immediately there with his healing magic
Silver knows a bit about anxiety, and he's seen you scratch at your skin a lot
but he doesn't want to assume it's anxiety
he will ask about it though after he notices your scars
and he's a very good listener and is very understanding
he can perfectly understand how being in an unfamiliar world causes anxiety
Silver does want to help you tho so you don't hurt yourself anymore
unlike some of the others, his method of helping isn't changing your scenery
whenever he notices you getting anxious and starting to scratch at your skin, he just grabs your hands and holds them in his own
there doesn't even have to be any communication, he'll just do it
and he has no problem holding on until you start feeling better
when facing something that causes a lot of anxiety, he'll stand next to you holding onto your hand
it's very nice and good reassurance that you're not alone while keeping you from scratching
even if he falls asleep while holding onto your hand, you're not getting it back until he wakes up
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heyjudeb · 2 months
Lake Secrets - Jude Bellingham
Chapter 4: We're Lost
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Summary: Grace Alexander Arnold, an architecture student, looks forward to a quiet summer at her brother Trent's lake villa. Her plans change when Trent's best friend, Jude Bellingham, arrives with his family. As Grace and Jude spend more time together, a secret romance begins to grow. Amidst the peaceful lake and family gatherings, will their hidden feelings last, or will they fade away with the summer? Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: fluff, crying, angst
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I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep. I could hear the faint sound of footsteps fading away. I knew it was Grace. My heart ached to open the door, to see her standing there, but I couldn't. It wouldn't be right to Trent, my best friend. I had to keep my feelings in check, no matter how much I wanted to be with her. I don't know why I wanted to give her hope with that poem. It's just stupid. Maybe she didn't read too much into it, considered it as a coincidence.
When morning came, I woke up feeling more tired than ever. I rubbed my eyes and decided to head downstairs for breakfast, hoping a cup of coffee would wake me up.
As I reached the kitchen, I found Trent and our parents already seated at the table, chatting and eating breakfast. I scanned the room, but Grace was nowhere to be found.
"Morning," I greeted everyone, trying to sound casual as I poured myself a cup of coffee.
"Morning, Jude," Trent replied with a grin. "Sleep well?"
"Yeah, not bad," I lied, taking a sip of my coffee. "Where's Grace? I don't see her around."
Trent shrugged, not seeming too concerned. "She hasn't come down yet. She might've stayed up all night reading, knowing her."
I nodded, trying to hide my worry. "Yeah, probably. She does love her books."
Our parents continued their conversation, not paying much attention to us. I tried to join in, but my mind kept drifting back to Grace. What if she was upset? What if she needed someone to talk to?
I decided to check on her, hoping she was just lost in one of her books. I didn't really care if this brought suspicion in anyone. "I'm going to see if she's awake," I said, standing up from the table.
Trent glanced at me, a hint of suspicion in his eyes, but he didn't say anything. I made my way upstairs, my heart pounding in my chest. I knocked on Grace's door softly, not wanting to wake her if she was still asleep.
"Grace? You awake?" I called out, waiting for a response. She didn't answer. I tried knocking softly one more time, "Grace? I just want to know if you're okay."
The door opened slowly, and there she was, still in her pajamas. I couldn't tell if it was just her beautiful swollen morning face, or if she had been crying. "Why wouldn't I be?" She gave me an exaggerated smile.
"Um... Just checking," I said, trying to read her expression.
She nodded and walked right past me, clearly trying to avoid me. I knew I shouldn't have sent her any signal, but I couldn't understand why she was upset. She didn't go in my room either.
I gently grabbed her arm, spinning her around before she stepped on the stairs. She turned to me with an angry yet sad expression. I keep doing things without thinking them through. I don't know why I stopped her when I had nothing to say.
"I just... Why are you avoiding my gaze?" "I am not, I'm just really hungry." she said almost like a question, not really looking sincere to me right now. "I want to rush down for breakfast." "Grace," I grabbed both her arms, and got closer to her. "You were behind the door too. And you also chose to walk away, why are you mad at me then?" She seemed shocked by the fact that i mention last night's situation. She shifted in arms but didn't get out of my grip. She gave me those green eyes again, looking straight into my soul. "For the same reason you did, I guess." She took a deep breath. "Jude, if... if..." she trailed off, struggling to find the right words.
"You can talk to me, Grace."
She hesitated for a moment, then mumbled a quiet "fuck it" under her breath and began speaking rapidly. "Maybe you don't think about me the same way I think about you. Maybe all these little interactions, the lake, your looks, everything was just my crazy imagination. So, it's better for me to just keep things cool between us." No, it wasn't just your imagination. You clearly have me at your fingertips with your beautiful eyes and your smile. If it was up to me, I would have kissed you the first day I saw you here.
Is what I wanted to say. Is what I failed to say.
Trent was the only thing on my mind. She's his sister. His baby sister he loves dearly. If a single thing goes wrong between us, I could lose him too, lose his respect for me. "Grace, I..." I let go of her arms slowly. "I'm sorry. I should've been more clear about my intentions with you."
"Yeah, no worries," she replied, giving me a death glare. As she was about to head down the stairs, she turned around once more. "Also, this little confession that happened right here shouldn't scare you. We're good, lad." She turned away again, each step down the stairs echoing loudly with her frustration.
I wanted to kick everything in my sight, scream loudly. She just slipped away from me. She wasn't even mine anyway, but I could've kept my thoughts to myself and not affect her. But this is for the best. ..... Grace has been avoiding me ever since that morning. Our conversations have become limited to the bare essentials, mostly when she's calling me for meals or asking about something she can't avoid.
I've been trying to get that spark of happiness back in her eyes. She made it clear that morning that she wanted to keep things "cool" between us. My fear of giving her false hope has kept me from seeking out moments alone with her. But no matter how much I try to respect her wishes, my mind and body still long for her presence, her touch.
Trent, ever the outdoorsman, proposed a hike along a trail about ten minutes away from the villa. His enthusiasm was infectious, winning over even the few of us who were hesitant.
"I'm telling you, bro. It's the best view ever," Trent said, patting my shoulder with a confident grin. "Trust me on this." Grace came down the stairs with a heavy backpack, almost causing her to tip backward.
"Hey, sis, are you moving out to the woods?" Trent chuckled at the sight of her.
"I'm just bringing all the essentials for our primitive life in the wilderness," she said, dead serious. "And we're a group, so I had to pack extra."
Everyone burst into laughter. "Grace, honey, we won't need any of that stuff," her mom said, shaking her head. "It's just a short hike, not a survival mission."
Grace rolled her eyes. "Well, you never know. What if we get lost? Or what if a bear shows up? I’m just prepared."
"Yeah, for an episode of 'Survivor,' maybe," Jobe teased, earning another round of laughs. "Let's see if you're still laughing when you're in need of my emergency snacks," Grace retorted, a sassy grin crossing her face. Jobe chuckled nervously. "I'll keep that in mind, Grace. I might owe you an apology then."
The playful exchange added a humorous touch to the preparations for their hike.
We set out early in the morning, the sun barely peeking over the horizon. The trail was beautiful, winding through dense forest and opening up to stunning vistas. Grace walked ahead with Trent and Jobe, while I stayed back, trying to keep my distance. The whole family seemed to enjoy the hike, taking in the fresh air and the breathtaking scenery.
We stopped at a lookout point halfway up the trail. Trent was right; the view was incredible. We could see the entire valley, the villa nestled among the trees far below. Everyone took pictures, chatted, and enjoyed the moment. I found myself stealing glances at Grace, who seemed more relaxed than she had in days. She was smiling, her laughter echoing through the trees. I couldn't help but smile too, even though a part of me ached to be closer to her. "Do you want me to carry the backpack?" I asked Grace softly as we fell a few steps behind the others.
"No, I'm good, thank you!" She gave me a quick smile before turning back to face the trail. Her breathing was heavy from the weight of the bag.
"Grace, come on. You're breathless," I said, reaching out for the backpack. "Take a quick break to catch your breath, yeah?"
She seemed convinced after feeling the relief when I lifted the bag from her shoulders. "Yeah, okay. Fair enough! You're right!"
Her breathless state made me chuckle. I turned to the others to let them know we were stopping for a bit. "Hey guys, you keep going. We're going to take a break here!"
Everyone nodded and continued on the path. I sat next to Grace on the ground, taking a water bottle from the backpack and handing it to her.
"You can keep going, Jude," she said after gulping the water. "I can rest here by myself."
"I don't want to leave you alone."
"To be honest, I'm not really sure if you know what you want."
"Grace—" "Let's go, I don't want to be so far behind from them." She stood up, reached out her hand for me to grab, without facing me. After our rest, we resumed our hike, the trail stretching ahead of us. The forest was alive with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves, and the morning sun filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the ground. Grace seemed more relaxed after the break, but the weight of our earlier conversation still lingered between us.
As we continued, we came across an intersection where the trail split into two. "Um, what do we do?" "I'm sure it's the one on the left. I remember it." she said softly, not sounding too convincing. She chose the path on the left, and I followed her, trusting her instincts.
We walked deeper into the forest, the trail becoming narrower and more overgrown. The trees grew taller and closer together, their branches forming a thick canopy that blocked out much of the sunlight. The air was cooler here, and the sounds of the forest grew louder, almost echoing around us.
"Grace, are you sure this is the right way?" I asked, noticing the unfamiliar surroundings.
"Yeah, I think so," she replied, though there was a hint of uncertainty in her voice.
We continued walking, but the path seemed to disappear, leaving us surrounded by dense underbrush and towering trees. My concern grew with each step.
"Grace, I think we might have taken the wrong trail," I said gently, trying not to alarm her. She stopped and looked around, realizing the same thing. "Yeah, you're right. ", her face showing a mix of frustration and worry. " You win." "I win?! This is not a competition, come on." I said looking at her trying not to smile.
I took out my phone to check for any signal, but we were too deep in the forest. "No signal. We should probably head back the way we came." I started walking back the way we came, Grace wasn't following me behind. I turned around to see her with a worried face expression. She looked around. "Hey, it's okay. We'll figure it out together," I reassured her, giving her a comforting smile, reaching out to grab her hand.
She took my hand but kept glancing over her shoulder. "There's something there," she whispered, her voice tinged with fear. "What if it's a bear?"
I squeezed her hand gently. "It's probably just the wind or a small animal. Let's stay calm and head back."
Grace nodded, though her eyes still darted nervously. We began retracing our steps, the forest feeling more imposing with each step. I don't think Grace realized I was holding her hand until after some steps, because she immediately pulled it away. As we walked, the silence between us was heavy. I couldn't ignore it any longer.
"Grace," I began, trying to keep my voice calm, "why are you acting this way towards me?"
She shot me a sideways glance, her eyes flashing with irritation. "Oh, you want to talk about behavior now?" she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
"Yes, I do," I said, frustration creeping into my voice. "One moment, it feels like we have something special, and the next, you’re avoiding me like the plague. What’s going on?"
Grace stopped and turned to face me, her hands on her hips. "Maybe it’s because you send me mixed signals, Jude! One minute you act like you have feelings for me, and the next, you’re all 'let’s keep it cool.'"
I opened my mouth to respond, but she had already turned around and started marching ahead, clearly fuming. "Grace, wait!" I called out, but she didn't stop.
"Grace! I don't know what to say!" I sounded frustrated, my words failing me. I didn't know what to say to make this right.
"You don't have to say anything, Jude," she snapped, turning quickly to face me. "It was a misunderstanding on my part. I apologize."
"No, it wasn't. I mean—" I trailed off, seeing a tear run down her cheek. "No, Grace, please. Don't cry."
I walked toward her, cupping her face in my hands and kissing her forehead. She didn't fight me; she just stood there with her eyes shut, tears flowing freely.
"Grace, it's true. What you felt is true. You're the prettiest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. I'm drawn to you. It's like my body is constantly craving you."
She opened her beautiful green eyes, looking up at me, our foreheads still touching. More tears started running down her cheeks after I confessed to her.
"But it's—" I inhaled deeply. "It's Trent. You're his baby sister, the one he loves to death. If things didn't work out between us, he would hate me."
"I know," she whispered, her voice so low I could barely hear it. "But, what if things work between us?"
"That would be the best thing that could ever happen to me," I said softly, lifting my forehead from hers and looking into her eyes. I gently wiped away her tears, my fingers lingering on her cheeks.
For a moment, we just stood there, lost in each other's gaze, the forest around us fading away. The air was thick with unspoken words and emotions. I leaned in slowly, giving her time to pull away if she wanted to, but she didn't.
Her breath hitched as our lips met, a tentative, gentle touch at first. I felt a shiver run down my spine, my heart pounding in my chest. Her lips were soft and warm, tasting faintly of salt from her tears.
Grace responded, her hands sliding up to my shoulders, pulling me closer. The kiss deepened, becoming more urgent and hungry. It was as if all the tension and longing we had been holding back finally burst forth.
We broke apart for a moment, both of us breathing heavily. Her eyes were closed, her lips slightly parted, and a soft sigh escaped her.
"It's decided then," I whispered, a smile tugging at my lips. I leaned in and kissed her forehead, lingering there for a moment, savoring the closeness.
She opened her eyes, looking up at me with a mixture of happiness and uncertainty. "What do we do now?" she asked softly.
"We take it slow," I said, my hand still resting on her cheek. "We figure it out, together. One step at a time."
She nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Together," she echoed, her voice filled with hope. .....
We finally made our way back to the villa, the familiar sight of the backyard coming into view. I could see Trent standing there, looking relieved but also a bit worried as he spotted us.
"What happened?" he called out as we approached. "You two okay?"
I forced a casual smile, trying to keep my nerves in check. "Yeah, we just took a wrong turn and got a bit lost," I said, glancing at Grace.
"Lost?" Trent raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "You had us worried."
Grace nodded, avoiding Trent's gaze. "Sorry about that. I’m going to take a quick shower," she said quickly, excusing herself and heading upstairs before Trent could ask any more questions.
Trent watched her go, then turned back to me. "You sure everything's okay, Jude?"
I nodded, trying to keep my tone light. "Yeah, just a bit of an adventure. Nothing to worry about."
He studied me for a moment, then sighed. "Alright. Glad you're both safe, bro."
"Will do," I promised, feeling a wave of relief as he seemed to accept the explanation.
Trent relaxed a bit, a hint of a smile on his face. "Anyway, we were about to start lunch. You hungry?"
"Starving," I said, hoping the change in topic would keep him from probing further. ......
After her shower, Grace joined us downstairs, looking more relaxed and composed. The air had cooled, and the late afternoon sun filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow across the room. I craved her soft lips, especially after I've tasted them. Trent suggested we play a game of cards to unwind, and everyone agreed.
"Alright, everyone ready for some good old-fashioned card games?" Trent announced, shuffling the deck with a flourish. "Let's play some rummy."
Jobe grinned, rubbing his hands together. "Prepare to lose, everyone. I’m feeling lucky today."
Grace rolled her eyes, sitting down beside me. "You say that every time, Jobe. And every time, you end up losing."
Jobe feigned offense. "That's because you all cheat."
Trent chuckled, dealing the cards. "No one’s cheating, mate. You just have terrible luck."
We settled into the game, the atmosphere light and filled with laughter. At one point, Jobe dramatically threw his cards down, groaning. "This game is rigged! I’m calling it now."
Grace smirked, glancing at his cards. "Jobe, you’re holding three queens. How is that bad luck?"
"Because I need kings!" he shot back, causing everyone to laugh.
From the backyard, Grace's mom called out, "The pizzas should be ready by now! Can someone go get them?"
Grace stood up. "I’ll get them." She glanced at me.
"I'll help you" I said, rising from my seat.
We walked to the kitchen together, the warmth from the oven hitting us as we stepped inside. Grace grabbed an oven mitt and carefully took the first pizza out, setting it on the counter. I couldn't resist wrapping my arms around her waist from behind, unable to hold myself back any longer. She looked amazing in her shorts and oversized sweatshirt.
She let out a surprised laugh, her body tensing slightly before relaxing against me. "Jude," she giggled, her voice a mix of amusement and slight panic. "What are you doing?"
I leaned in, pressing my lips gently against her neck. "I can't help it, Grace," I whispered, feeling her shiver at my touch.
"You're crazy," she muttered, but I could hear the smile in her voice.
"I know," I replied, kissing her neck again, more slowly this time, savoring the softness of her skin. Grace's breath hitched, and she leaned back into me, her head resting against my shoulder.
I could feel her heartbeat quicken, her body melting into my embrace. "Jude, we... we should get the pizzas to everyone," she said, her voice breathless and lightheaded.
"Just one more moment," I murmured, giving her one last gentle kiss before letting go. She turned around, her face flushed, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and nerves.
"Alright," she said, a little breathless, "let's get these pizzas out before someone comes looking for us." ..... As the night settled in and everyone retired to their rooms, I lay down, replaying the day's events in my mind. The kiss, the confession, the shared laughter. It all felt surreal, like a dream I didn't want to end. I pictured her beautiful, angelic face looking at me. I had to physically stop myself from going to her room and holding her in my arms while we sleep. As I closed my eyes, a noise caught my attention.
It was coming from Grace's room. I could hear muffled voices, one of them clearly Grace's, but it was the other voice that made me sit up. It was her dad.
I strained to listen, curiosity and concern mingling in my chest. Grace's voice sounded strained, like she was holding back tears. I couldn't make out the conversation, but the tone was unmistakably serious.
Then I heard her dad say something, his voice calm but firm, just as he closed the door of her room. "You can't just follow your heart without considering the consequences, Grace." ..... Hello :) Let me know how you like the series so far and if you want to be tagged. Enjoy! @fbdt2002
Coming up next: Chapter 5
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leviismybby · 1 year
Klara! I haven’t chatted with you in forever! Was wondering if you could do an argument that leads to makeup sex with Levi? I don’t trust myself to do it justice lmao.
Hey Bee! Sorry this took some time love but I hope you like it!💕
Levi Ackerman x fem!reader
Nsfw 18+, mdni, makeup sex, rough sex, because it's Levi...hehe
You and Levi didn't fight often but when you did, it was about something serious. However this time, you got fed up with Levi acting as if you're a child, always thinking that he knows what's best for you and preventing you from going out on missions.
"Last time you almost got eaten! Do you have a death wish woman?!" Levi rarely raised his voice, especially at you but he felt like it was the only you would get the message, he was scared of losing and wouldn't know how to live with himself if something were to happen to you.
"I'm a soldier Levi just like you! This is what I sighed up to do! What's not clicking in that thick head of yours!?" Your voice started to raise more as you talked to him. It was impossible to get him to change his mind once he has it set on something.
"Not the point here (name). What if you die?" Levi doesn't raise his voice, he sounds genuinely concerned. "Levi, I won't. You always overthink and get overly protective!" You say, your voice still raised.
"I am overthinking for not wanting you to get hurt? Are you serious?!" His voice is now louder too, he is getting more pissed at you by the minute.
"Yes, you are! You know what..." Grabbing your coat, you put it on. "When you cool down, come find me." You were about to walk out but Levi grabbed your wrist, turned you around and pinned you to the wall.
"You're not going anywhere..." His voice is low now and you can tell that he means those words. You look at him in the eyes, still a little upset with him. Levi kisses you before you can say another word.
As much as you want to push him back, you can't. His lips are like honey against yours, your arms wrap around his neck and you kiss him back passionately.
His hands move down to your hips and he grips them, harshly. This was your warning, he won't be nice to you, he is still mad at you. Just because he has a weak spot for you doesn't mean that he'll let you off easy.
You moan against his mouth as he sucks on your tongue, he is quick to start undoing your coat and throws it on the floor as he take a of off of you.
Tapping your thigh, he signals you to jump and you do wrapping your legs around his torso. When he pulls away from the kiss, he bites on your lower lip. "You're such a part sometimes do you know that?"
Levi lays you on the bed and every piece of your clothing finds itself on the floor soon. You're completely naked and he is still dressed fully, you tug at his shirt but Levi pins your hands down.
"Levi...no fair..." He scoffs as your voice becomes whiny. "No fair? You're not fucking fair baby." He bites into your neck harshly making your breath catch up in your throat.
After he leaves a few bites on your neck, he kisses over the bite marks he left on your neck. He lets go of your hands and looks at you. "On your knees." His voice is stern and demanding.
You do as you're told and slid down on your knees in front of him, unzipping his pants and pulling his underwear down eagerly. "Fucking.... trying to act all tough but you still want my cock un your mouth so bad that you forget the fight we had.."
You lick the side of his cock, tracing his veines with your tongue. Levi watches you with half lidded eyes, biting the inside of his cheek.
His fingers tangle in your hair and he gives you a tug, you out your mouth around his head and swirl your tongue for a little bit before lowering your head, taking him into your mouth.
He hisses and throws his head back as you bob your head up and down slowly on his cock. "Mhhh" You hum as you try to take him deeper, not enough to gag but enough for your mouth to feel full.
"Yeah? You enjoy this don't you..." His voice is so rough, it's turning you on even more and your hand slips down your body. You touch yourself as you suck his cock.
The side of Levi's mouth quirks up, he watches you and pushes your head down further until you gag on him. His grip is sharp on your hair. He bucks his hips into your mouth making you gag on him repeatedly.
Levi feels himself start to reach his orgams, he halts your head and starts fucking your mouth as his high approaches. Not long after that, you feel his load shoot down your throat.
With a few more gags, Levi pulls your head back and you swallow his cum, all of it while looking him directly in his eyes. "Good girl. Did you swallow it all?"
"I did, captain." You lick the side of your mouth, trying to catch your breath. Kissing you deeply, Levi pulls you up on your feet and pushes you down on the bed.
The warmth of his body, is comforting as he lays on top of you. Your hands are grabbing onto his shirt, you want it off of him. This time, Levi listens and pulls his shirt over his head. He is quick to kiss you again.
"Want you inside...." You mumble against his lips and he pulls back. "You'll get me, baby. It'll be my apology for acting like a jerk earlier." He kisses down your jaw, neck until he reaches your breast and put a nipple in his mouth.
You squirm under him slightly, your sweet voice reaching Levi's ears. He swirls his tongue around your nipple for a bit before he kisses back up. "You sure you don't need foreplay?"
"No...I just want you inside, please.." Smiling slightly, Levi kisses your forehead as he aligns himself with your entrance, even tho he didn't do much, you're so we that when he enters you, your pussy adjusts to him without any struggle.
He holds you tightly against him as he starts thrusting in and out of you, his lips kiss at your neck as his hips move. "Mmhh I love the way you feel.." You whisper in his ear.
The pleasure Levi brings you is always an amazing experience, it's like your body responds to his every touch and word. Only Levi can do this, no one else.
His cock starts pounding into you faster, harder. It's like Levi rembered the little argument you two had earlier as he puts his hands around your neck and squeezes.
"Levi! L-levi!" You choke out and his eyes only narrow, he starts snapping his his faster into you, his hands still wrapped around your throat. "What is it huh? Not complaining now are you?"
He lets go of your neck and presses down onto your stomach as his cock hots every possible deep spot inside of you. You whimper, your hands gripping the sheets when Levi lifts your hips up slightly to push his cock even deeper into you.
"Wait Levi...slow down!" Those words only make Levi fuck you faster. "No. You're clearly enjoying it and can take it.." His hands leave your stomach and he grabs your hips, feeling your pussy clench around his cock.
"Fucking- you keep fucking clenching." He grots his teeth, Levi knows that you're close by the way your head throw back against the pillow, he covers your mouth with his hand.
"You're too loud, baby." Kissing your cheek, his thrust slow down and you cum aprund his cock, Levi follows shortly after, filling you up with his cum.
"Get on your stomach." He whispers against your neck and you look at him. "Levi...I.." Gripping your jaw, he narrows his eyes. "What did I say? On your stomach now."
You do as he says and turn around to lay on your stomach. Not long after that, Levi takes your hips, lifts them up and puts a pillow under you.
Without another warning, his cock enters you again. He takes your hands and pins them behind your back as he starts fucking you like crazy. The moans leaving your lips are noisy, you wouldn't be surprised if others heard you.
The grip Levi has on your arms is strong as he thrusts into you. "You love this yeah? Look at you.." He can't stop looking at you as you whimper into the sheets, the wet noises of your cunt only lead him on more.
You're thankful to the pillow, your legs are shaking like crazy, your body feels used and weak but Levi doesn't care. He just keeps fucking you.
"So pretty...so fucking pretty.." He growls, taking your hair as his other hand still holds your hands down. Levi pulls you up a bit so that your body is acrhed and kisses the nape of your neck before biting. "You'll always let me fuck you like this right? No matter how mad you are at me..."
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh fuck Levi! There!" You yell feeling his cock hit your cervix, it's weirdly painful but you feel nothing but pleasure. "Cum baby. Cum" He nibbles on your earlobe as you cum.
Your body drops onto the bed, Levi still thruths into you roughly but not for long. He pulls put this time, painting your back in his cum and then drops on top of you.
After a few minutes, he brushes your hair from your face. "Am I forgiven?" You chuckle. "Yes...yes you are.."
Taglist: @romantichomicide95 @humanitys-strongest-bamf @notgoodforlife @levisbrat25 @randomlevithoughts @lovolee3 @the-milk-anon @youre-ackermine @sixpennydame @svftackerman @mrsackermannx @luvjiro @cometlevi @sparkywrites25 @loveackermannn @ackermendick
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bagopucks · 1 year
A. Matthews - Little Monsters
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Auston Matthews x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warning(s): none!
I had just gotten out of my jeans when I heard the bedroom door open. Auston had taken Hudson to bed mere moments ago, and I was used to having at least five minutes to myself while he tucked my son in. Apparently that wasn’t the case tonight. I twisted around immediately, partly concerned it would be Hudson. Only to lock eyes with Auston. The tension in my chest relieved immediately.
“That’s faster than usual.” I commented as I tossed my jeans into the hamper, turning toward my dresser.
“He said he didn’t need tucked in.” Auston explained, swift to shut the door behind himself before I heard him cross the floor and stand behind me. His arms wrapped around my torso, his large frame enveloping my own as he leaned against me.
“Don’t tell me that.” I whined softly as I grabbed a sleep shirt. “Makes me think he’s growing up too fast.” I fiddled with the fabric between my fingers while Auston chuckled softly.
“He’s still got a few years. He hasn’t even reached double digits yet.” Auston slowly pulled away, wandering over to the bed while peeling his shirt off. He tossed it onto the floor and quickly sat down.
“I know.. just makes me sad.” I pulled my shirt off and unclasped my bra, tossing it toward the hamper as well before I pulled on my sleep shirt. I went back through the dresser before grabbing a pair of shorts, sliding those on as well.
“Well you can always have another.” His answer caught me off guard, and when I looked back, I couldn’t help but scoff in disbelief of the smirk on his lips. Having another kid wouldn’t solve the issue of Hudson growing up fast, but it wasn’t necessarily the point Auston was making. He was simply saying a second kid would give me another little one to look after and baby in a way I wasn’t able to with Hudson any longer.
“Let’s get married first, Aus.” I walked toward his side of the bed. A side that used to be cold and filled with the ghost of a distant lover. A manipulative and selfish man.. replaced by one so caring. Always ready to sacrifice his time for my needs, or Hudson’s.
“Have you decided on your bridesmaids yet?” Auston grabbed my hips as I inched my way between his legs. I rested my hands against his collar, leaning forward to kiss his lips. I only pulled away momentarily to answer his question.
“I’ve put some thought into it. You?” He captured my lips in another kiss.
“What?” He laughed when he pulled away. “My bridesmaids?” I gently pinched his skin.
“Your groomsmen, dork.” I carefully pushed him back, leaning forward and climbing over top of him as he laid down.
“I knew that.” Auston rested his hands on my arms, slowly trailing down to grasp my wrists, bringing one of my hands to his lips to press a gentle kiss to my knuckles.
“Did you?” I teased, leaning in to kiss him once again. Auston nipped at my lip, perhaps in retaliation of my playful question. I felt him smile against my lips, releasing my hands to grab my hips again. One of his hands slipped beneath my shirt. I was gentle when I grabbed his arm, pulling back and giving him a warning look.
“Not while Hudson’s home.” I reminded him softly. Auston flashed me a bashful smile. A kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
“He’s probably asleep.” He reasoned.
“Probably isn’t a guarantee, Matthews.” I slipped off of him, sliding across the bed to lay down on my side, atop the blankets.
We’d both had a generally relaxing day, which left for unusual amounts of evening energy. Neither of us were in a hurry to go to sleep, despite laying down together.
Auston slowly sat up, turning his body and pulling his legs up onto the bed. He laid down next to me, on his back, reaching for my hand while he stared blankly at the ceiling.
“Do you really think he’s asleep?” I asked as I turned on my side, playing with Auston’s fingers. He turned his head to look at me.
“I don’t know.” Auston shrugged. He could tell I was more concerned than curious. “I’m sure he’s fine.”
“But he always asks to be tucked in.” I sighed, squeezing his hand. “Maybe I should go check on him.”
“Babe. He’s fine.” Auston turned onto his side to face me. “I promise.”
For a while I believed it. Auston and I went on with our conversation before I climbed out of bed to turn the bedroom light off. After I slipped back in beside him, Auston and I curled up together beneath the covers, his hair already a holy mess. I rested my head against his chest, accepting the safety of his embrace. We said our good nights, and whispered love you’s.
I couldn’t say who fell asleep first, but I did know I was the first to wake when I heard quiet sniffling and the creaking of the bedroom door. My eyes adjusted to the darkness as I slowly sat up, a yawn escaping my lips. I spotted Hudson by the foot of the bed, his body trembling, holding onto a blanket tightly while he tried to climb into my bed.
“Hudson?” I whispered, reaching for him the second he got up on the mattress. He crawled across it and launched himself into my arms. “Honey,” I cooed as he cried softly. “What’s wrong?”
I felt Auston’s hand rest against my thigh, hearing him sigh and shift.
“Hudson.” I tried to gain his attention, attempting to pull his head from the crook of my neck. I could whisper all I wanted, but Auston had adjusted to becoming a light sleeper since we got together. A man who used to wake up only to the most loud an annoying alarm, now woke up to a simple shift or quiet voice. I knew he’d wake to this too.
“Babe?” I immediately looked toward Auston when I heard his voice, slightly annoyed. I was no stranger to his usual mood when he woke up. He and Hudson both hated mornings.
“It’s okay, Aus.” I whispered, gently nudging his hand away from my leg. “I’ll take him out.” Auston never would have asked me to do such a thing, but I hadn’t wanted to bother him.
“What’s going on?” His voice became more coherent as he continued to wake up. Auston’s eyes searched the darkness before they adjusted. Then he spotted Hudson. “Is he okay?” The tension melted from his voice. Auston quickly reached for Hudson, resting a hand on the boy’s back.
“I don’t know.” I sighed.
“I had a nightmare.” Hudson’s quiet voice finally squeaked out. A sob escaped his lips, and I rested a hand on the back of his head.
“Oh honey.” I held him while Auston rubbed his back, still looking half dazed.
“Hudson.” I wouldn’t call Auston’s tone harsh, but it was serious. Cautious, and comforting, but still firm. It earned the attention of Hudson, who slowly turned his head to peek at the man laying next to me. “It was just a dream, bud. Whatever it was can’t get you here.” Auston moved slightly, creating space between us.
“It-“ Hudson drew in a sharp breath. “It could.” Silence followed. I glanced down at Auston.
“You think I’d ever let something get you?” He questioned, careful as he grabbed Hudson’s hand, guiding the kid out of my lap so he could sit between us.
“No?” Hudson sounded uncertain, but at the same time, I knew the boy still trusted Auston.
“I promise I’ll protect you. And your mom will too. That’s part of what we’re here for.” Auston flashed Hudson a quick smile. Hudson sniffed, but he managed a nod in response. Auston grabbed a corner of the blanket in Hudson’s hands and carefully wiped the boy’s tears away. “You wanna go lay back down?”
“What if it’s still in there?” I watched Auston’s expression shift from relaxed to confused, his brow knitting together quickly. I had to stop myself from laughing at him.
“I thought it was a nightmare.” He was lost now. Clearly.
“Yeah but.. what if the monster’s in my room?” Hudson gripped the blanket he held tightly. Auston glanced past him to look at me, and I merely shrugged. Kids had active imaginations.
“Do we need to go get him?”
It was Hudson’s turn to be confused.
“Let’s go get him. Let’s show him we mean business.” Auston spoke so nonchalant about the subject. About the fact that they were going to go assault some made up creature. The situation seemed to become more and more amusing as the two spoke.
“He might get us!” Hudson shook his head while Auston slid out of bed, rubbing his eyes and pushing his hair back.
“Nah, he won’t.” He shook his head, holding his hand out to Hudson. “Monsters are afraid of me.” Hudson seemed skeptical, but he grabbed Auston’s hand and slowly followed him out of bed anyway.
“Really?” The little boy asked as his feet hit the floor, still holding onto his blanket.
“Yup.” Auston answered definitively.
Auston smiled, slowly leading Hudson toward the door.
“Cause I used to attack monsters for my little sister all the time.”
I watched the two leave, my concern drifting as I slowly laid back down. Auston had it handled.
It was a matter of mere minutes before I heard the boys yelling. A slew of nonsense all having to do with fighting some made up creature. From what I heard, it was quite the battle. I broke into a fit of laughter when they finally won, and I could enjoy peace and quiet again. Up until I heard the two running through the house. I mentally cursed Auston for his creative mind. I heard them run past the door, only to come back a moment later. The door slammed open, and I immediately jumped. Auston and Hudson were both gasping for air. Hudson sprinted over to the bed and jumped right up.
“Quick! Close the door!” And Auston did as told, locking it as well.
“What is going on?” I asked through quiet laughter.
“We got him.” Auston explained.
“Yeah I heard that part.” I informed him, watching the apologetic smile from on his lips.
“I mean why are we all hiding in here?” Auston’s expression shifted, and I read it immediately. Hudson was still a little scared.
“Just in case.” Hudson answered my question in a whisper. A cover up to his feelings. He may have still been nervous, but at least he wasn’t crying scared.
“Does that mean I have to share my bed with both of you?” I asked, feigning annoyance. Hudson giggled. “You guys snore so bad.”
“Hey!” Both boys snapped in offense, and I laughed. Hudson may not have looked like Auston, but they certainly made the same faces.
“Momma I do not.” Hudson argued. “Auston does, but I don’t.” My eyes lit up in amusement, glancing toward Auston who gave Hudson quite the offended look.
“We’re on the same team!” Auston complained.
“You still snore.” Hudson shrugged, though his calm demeanor disappeared when Auston crossed the room and snagged the boy right off the bed by his foot. Hudson yelled and laughed as Auston held him upside down.
“Put me down!” The kid shouted despite his laughter.
“Take it back.” Auston’s bright smile was such a beautiful sight, and though I couldn’t see the one on Hudson’s lips -because the top half of his body was concealed by the foot of the bed- his laughter was just as enjoyable. I leaned back against the headboard and watched the two.
“Fine! Fine!” The moment Hudson gave in, Auston carefully set him down on the floor, laughing to himself as Hudson tried to catch his breath.
“Need help up?” Auston asked.
“Please.” Hudson giggled. I watched Auston lean over by the foot of the bed, a gasp escaping my lips when he sprung back up and tossed Hudson onto the bed.
“Oh my god-“ I breathed out while the boys started laughing once again.
“So..” Auston smiled at me. “Can we sleep here?”
“I guess I’ll allow it.” I waved a hand, “come on, Aus.” Hudson shoved the blankets down and quickly curled up in the middle of the bed while Auston made his way around and climbed in on the opposite side. He pulled the blankets up over Hudson’s head, causing the boy to break into a fit of giggles.
“Auston!” He whined shoving the blankets back and giving the man a playful shove. Auston retaliated with a gentle shove of his own. I was swift to wrap my arms around Hudson and pull him back against my chest while he and Auston laughed.
“You two are all riled up now.” I scolded, though I couldn’t possibly be mad at them. Auston had helped distract Hudson and clear his tears away. I’d allow the two to have their fun for a bit.
“No, mom!” Hudson tried to wiggle from my grip, but I held onto him. “Auston!” He called for help, and I jolted at the feeling of Auston’s hand tickling my side. It wasn’t long before I joined in on the laughter.
“Auston!” I scolded as I pried his hand from my side, Hudson managing to escape my hold in the meantime. “God,” I breathed out in relief, eyeing the two, both staring me down with equally innocent expressions. “You’ll be the death of me.” I glared. “Go to bed. Both of you.”
“No, Hudson.” I smiled, reaching out to smooth down his hair. “Just settle down and go to bed. It’s the middle of the night, honey.” Hudson huffed out a sigh before rolling onto his back and sprawling out. I closed my eyes and rested on my back, hopeful that not giving either boy any attention would help them settle. A method I used to use on Hudson when he was little and fussy about sleep. I stifled a giggle when I heard Auston groan, peeking an eye open and glancing over to see that Hudson had accidentally kicked his side. He wasn’t used to sleeping in a bed with anybody other than me.
“Sorry.” Hudson whispered, resting a comforting hand on Auston’s arm.
“It’s okay.” Auston assured, smiling at the kid. I watched them through barely open eyes. Their bond was one I never expected to see. Auston was such a good father, but he was an even better friend to my child. And he switched between the roles flawlessly. I closed my eyes once again after they got settled, a smile on my lips as I thought over the night from the moment Hudson ran into the room. I got pretty lucky.
“Ya know… you’re a pretty good dad.”
“What?” Auston’s tone was full of surprise. I fought the urge to open my eyes. I was afraid if I did, it would interrupt their conversation.
“Said you’re a pretty good dad.” Hudson’s yawn drawled out his words, but they were still coherent.
“Your dad.” Auston clarified, trying to coax Hudson into saying it. Saying, ‘my dad.’ Or just calling him dad in general.. anything instead of Auston. He never minded his name, but it was torture hearing it from the kid’s lips. He wanted to be just dad so badly.
“Yeah.” I couldn’t see it, but I just knew Auston was holding his breath.
Holding his breath for a moment that never came, because it was mere seconds before Hudson fell asleep. Auston was good at being patient, and they’d had conversations similar to that, but nothing that ever teetered on the edge of finally getting that title. Nothing that felt as close as that. And while I could see it as progress, I knew it would bring Auston down a bit.
I was cautious when I extended my arm across the pillows above Hudson’s head, and just as cautious when I rested my hand on Auston’s shoulder. I heard him sigh.
“It’ll come.” I whispered.
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the-fiction-witch · 10 months
Breathless P2
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sweet
Requested: That was great please can we have a part two, also absolutely love your writing Part 2? Warnings: Medical emergencies / Asthma attacks / medical instruments / medication
I lay in the little cheap metal hospital bed, the white enamel paint flicking and flaking off, the sweet sheets around my body, the scent of cleanliness in the air. I had been here for the amount a week now and so far I had been taken excellent care of, Jack was my doctor and he would check up on me almost on the hour or close to it, to check I was alright, he even gave me my own room so I wasn't on the ward with other people. 
"Hey, how are you feeling?" Jack asked as he opened my door and came inside, shutting the door behind him.
I blushed a little to see him again as I had only seen him about an hour ago, and given the time this would likely be the last time he visited, but I noticed his clothes adjusted and hair fixed since the last I saw him. His hands are a little dirty with blood.
"What did you do today?" I asked looking at his hands, 
"Humm? Ohh, bandaging." He answered pushing up his sleeves and showing his hands off, he went to the side and washed up his hands, "So? How are you feeling?"
"The same. Wheezy, tight chest, coughing nothing up." I explained, 
"Alright, You're not getting any better it's concerning me." He said coming to sit on my bed briefly fixing some hair from my face, "Come on. I'll be quick." I nodded and sat up turning to the window as he took his little listening tool and carefully slipped it up my nightie but I gasped 
"You alright?"
"It's cold," I complained 
"Ohh sorry" he chuckled taking it off and breathing on it a little and then putting it back, a little warmer 
"Good girl, In... and out. just breathe with me, In and out" He whispered  "And around the front" He said moving his tool to my front still under my nightie "In... and out." He muttered "Alright" he sighed moving away 
"What about the other tests?" I asked
"Still waiting." He said "Go on lay back down" he reassured 
I nodded and laid back in bed "Can't I have a cigarette?"
"No." he glared
"Half a one?"
"... can I breathe next to a leaf?"
"No. Those damn things were only making you worse" 
"A pipe then?"
"No. I'm not telling you again" He warns 
 "What is it you're scared of Jack?"
"...Nothing." He answered clearly lying to me "Get some rest, I'll check up on you tonight." He said tapping my hand and giving it a little kiss before he headed to the door 
"Yeah?" he asks turning to face me 
"You'd tell me if you knew something was wrong... wouldn't you?"
"I'm a doctor. I have to give bad news... as much as it might hurt." He said, "Get some rest." 
"Yes doctor" I nodded, his words stung my heart leaving me breathless, I felt like he was lying to me, but I didn't want to push him perhaps I was wrong. 
I sat in bed with my book listening to myself wheeze when the door opened, 
"I come baring soup" Jack smiled setting the soup on my table "It's not great I admit but, there is enough spice in that soup to jump the heart of a toad, so hopefully it should clear your airways a little, if nothing else... you'll certainly feel the air a lot more" he chuckled sitting on the bed with me "How are we?"
"The same" I coughed into my tissue the moment I stopped he glared clicking his fingers and offering his hand so I handed the tissue over
"Thank you," he said stuffing it in his pocket to run tests on later "I also have something else for you"
"Ohh noo... Please no more bellows Jack" I pleaded 
"No, no more. I don't know why I listened to him about that" He sighed "Medicine," He said getting the bottle from his pocket 
"What will it do?"
"I don't know. I hope it's going to stop you from wheezing..."
"But... it may cause you to have a heart attack."
"Ahhhhh" I whined 
"I'm only going to give you a tiny. Tiny about barely even half a teaspoon, if it dulls the wheeze I'll give you more if it doesn't I'll be here to stop the heart attack"
"I don't much like being your experiment Piglet" I pouted 
"I know you don't,"
"Do I have to?"
"Do you want to get better?"
"Yes" I sighed 
"Good, besides your too cute to be a piglet" He winked  "Come on, for me?" He cooed getting the little spoon for me 
I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth
"Good girl" He cooed pouring the tiniest about from the bottle into the spoon and letting me take it "There, not give it a minute I will get the Spirometer."
"Do you have to?" I whined 
"Yes." he glared fetching the little contraction from my table it was basically a tube, a glass, and a weight, the weight sat in the glass filled with water and the rubber tube offered to me, I had to breathe as much as I could to cause bubbles to push up the weight which Jack would then read and write down "Big big breath for me," he says I took the tube and did as he asked even if I almost felt like passing out "Ummm... that is, actually a small improvement over yesterday" he smiled giving my nose a kiss "Right, in a few hours We'll check again" 
I sat at the window blowing the smoke out the window but I heard the familiar footsteps, so I quickly put it out threw it out the window and climbed back to bed grabbing my perfume spraying it around the room and me, as the door opened to Jack, "afternoon," He smiled 
"afternoon," I smiled back 
"What's that smell?" He asked as he came over getting the Spirometer from the table and sitting it beside the bed 
"Ohh uhhh wild English rose. My perfume" I smiled giving my bottle another spritz and trying to smile innocently 
"No, I like your perfume." he said coming over to my bed sitting on my bed and glaring at me as he came closer "Y/n."
"Yes, Jack?"
"Where are they?"
"Where's what?"
"You know what."
"I'm sure I don't."
"Yes you do."
"What are you talking about?"
"Where. Are. They."
"Where are what" I pouted
"The cigarettes."
"I don't have any." I snapped 
"Don't you?" he warns 
I couldn't help but glance at my hiding spot but he noticed and rushed to grab them before I did leaving us fighting over who could get their hand under my bed the quickest and I lost. 
"HA! You lied to me." He snapped grabbing the box of asthma cigarettes my father dropped off yesterday when he came to visit "What did I tell you about these." He warns getting up and dropping the box, stepping on them hard to destroy them, as he knew if he merely threw them away I'd get them out the bin, he picked up the wrecked box and threw it out the window before turning his attention to me, so I sheepishly pulled the covers to my nose trying to hide "the only reason you are not getting bent over that bed and getting the absolute worst bloody spanking of your life y/n. Is because I know you'll tell your father and he'll have me hanged."
"eep" I whined hiding under the covers like a ghost "Don't hurt me Jack" I giggled 
he sat on my bed again and tried to remove the covers but I held them too tight, so he sighed and moved the covers over his own head to join me in my tent of fear "I'm not doing it to be mean, I know your struggling, but they are making you so so much worse you know they are."
"I know." I nodded 
"Hey, come on," he cooed stroking my cheek "A little smile for the doctor?"
I forced a smile but ended up having to cough 
"We're gonna have to up your dose"
"No. Jack please it tastes like bones"
"I know but it'll make you better."
"No. I won't."
"Please. for me."
"You're taking it. either you open your mouth or I'm fetching the funnel." 
"Noooooo" I whined 
"You gonna take your medicine?"
"Fine" I huffed 
"Good girl" he cooed getting the bottle from his pocket and giving me a full spoonful as my dose had only been getting larger "Open up come on" he smiled and I sighed opening my mouth and taking it 
"Ehhhh!" I complained about the terrible taste 
He smiled looking at me a moment before he closed the gap between us and kissed me I had to admit, it was so very nice indeed. His lips were so smooth and gentle, and his slightly metallic woody smell filled my nose, barely any light reached my eyes, our bodies still under the cover like children in a fort, the only issue was such a kiss took my breath away... figuratively and literally. when he pulled back I wheezed and coughed "Is it worse?" he asked a little worried
"You really thought that would help?" I glared with a wheeze throwing the covers off "Yes make the asthmatic hold her breath and both one of her breathing holes with your own mouth"
"Good point." He nodded
"I know you've been waiting for those test results a while jack, I didn't think you'd resort to testing with your own tongue"
"I will do whatever is necessary" He smirked 
"I bet you would" I glared
He smiled kissing my nose before he got up "I'll see you later?"
"I'm not going anywhere." 
"you know what I mean." He glared "Be good. I'll see you later. Ohh and uhh don't tell your father about this-"
"I suppose I could..." I smiled innocently he gave me a look and I just pouted my lips he smirked and held my cheeks giving me another kiss 
"Good girl, I'll see you for dinner" He said stroking my cheek before he headed off back to work. 
I woke up clutching my chest trying desperately to breathe in but no matter how much I gasped nothing arrived in my lungs, I sat up in a rush clawing at my throat as I took in as much as I could but nothing quelled this feeling of needing air, like drowning but above water. 
"Whoa, Whoa, slow. Slow down" Jack told me as I woke him up, he grabbed my face sat on my bed and walked me through some breaths through my nose which did allow air in just not as much as I needed, and once I relaxed I was able to breathe as normal as ever. "You alright?" he asked and I nodded "That's the third time this week." He said fear in his words 
For a moment or two, we just sat following one another breaths, I felt bad seeing the tiredness in his eyes, I had woken him, ever since these night-time attacks Jack would come down to deliver my dinner and sit in the chair by my bed for the rest of the night, I know he mostly slept in the chair but it still left him exhausted, and that was before me waking up breathless in the night which would wake him too and then he would struggle to be able to sleep again merely sitting up all night to watch skin and ensure I was still breathing. 
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah... chipper." 
"Come on, lay down." he said "Get yourself back to sleep."
"what if it happens again-"
"Then I will be here, and I will make sure you okay," he said "Now come on get some sleep"
I laid down as he asked me to "You need to sleep too."
"No, I don't."
"Yes, you do." I told him tapping my bed 
"I shouldn't-"
"Come on. For me?"
"Alright" He chuckled a little at me using what he so often said back to him, he climbed in with me and laid down slowly and gently holding me, our noses touching  
"You think I'm dying, don't you?"
"...No." he lied
"How much longer on those tests you've been running?"
"I got the results back weeks ago."
"Which are?"
"... I can't"
"You're my doctor. You have to tell me bad news."
"You really can't think of a reason I wouldn't want to tell you" he whispered "After... all our time together, I- I care about you too much now to tell you the truth..."
"I'd tell you. If I knew... Because I care about you." 
"... Your lungs are inflamed and I don't know why. the bronchioles in your lungs aren't working, it's like there being strangled."
"My lungs are disintegrating?"
"More or less. They are heavily damaged and only getting worse, I'm worried you could have full-on Pneumonia but ... I can't tell for sure."
"What can be done?"
"....Nothing. I open you up you'll die of shock. or blood loss before I knew where I was and what I was doing, even so... I can't go into your lungs and fix it- I put a hole in your lying you're as good as dead." 
"So what? You're just going to stay here, and cuddle and kiss me till I die?" 
"Don't you think this hurts... I'm a surgeon. and the one person I can't save is you." He said, "Don't you think that tears my heart in two?"
"Is there anything?" I asked
he shook his head "If it was possible, I would tear out my lungs and give them to you."
"That would kill you, Jack-"
"I know that. I would... if it meant you survived." 
"I know you would" I nodded "Is there any chance?"
"....I don't know" He answered giving my lips a sweet kiss "Come on, get some sleep."
"Will you stay with me?" I asked nuzzling into his chest
"Always. I promise" He answered 
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fangirlblogger · 4 months
Fangirl Analysis Four: Bill Skarsgard's forehead wrinkles.
Girlies, the concept of this analysis is something that has been on mind since I've started evolving into a woman. I have developed this attraction of men's forehead wrinkles since last year and it's not because of my daddy issues (that's another conversation for another time), it's because of aging unfortunately. But I'm glad I'm aging because then I would not be here analyzing this beautiful and masterful craft on Daddy Bill Skarsgard's forehead. The man's got a heavenly forehead and girrrl, the things I want to do to that forehead are endless. With that being said, let's get into the analysis.
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Listen girlies, if Bill looked at me the way he did in this image, I would instantly melt, evaporate and vanish. Girl, I don't know whether I want him to look at me that way forever or eat me and look at me like that till I pass out. I'm swooning over this look right now and the thing that makes this image more desirable and religiously worthy to be worshiped is his forehead wrinkles.
This image is from the Clark TV mini series and Bill played Clark Olofsson - a Swedish criminal in the 70s that prompted society to coined the term Stockholm Syndrome based on his relationships with his hostages or victims. Spoiler for those who did not watch the mini series yet, that's basically what the series is about. If you're a Bill Skarsgard fangirl like myself who has not watched this mini series yet, GIRL YOU HAVE TO (it's on Netflix if you're wondering). You will enjoy and devour every moment of it. Every sound of his voice, all of his body movements, all his angry, lustful, joyful, sad and confused glances and looks, his thick and rough Swedish accent, his manipulative smiles, his boisterous laughter and most importantly the way he devoured that oyster in Episode one, good Lord I came so hard, I almost thought I was giving birth to Bill's kid.
Now girlies, I am aware that there a numerous images of Bill displaying his godly forehead wrinkles. Some of them are so good, I don't know if it's my pussy that's wetter or it's my mouth.
Case study question: Why did I specifically select this image?
It's a no brainer really, my pussy gets wet instantly and I know this is the real deal, the masterpiece, my Salvatore Mundi.
Let's take a look at his hair. His hair looks so effortlessly perfect. The way the strand of hair draws down his forehead, just above his eye-brow is so immaculate. You can tell that he puts so much effort into taking care of his hair because of how effortlessly perfect it looks.
Now onto his jawline, cheeks and chin. He has the most flawless cheeks ever. When he doesn't smile, they lay back so perfectly and that brings out his perfect jawline, making it sharp enough to crack me open like a coconut. But when he does smile, they rise up so well and display his impeccable double chin. His chin is so well shaped that it smoothly keeps his immaculate facial structures intact and glorious.
His lips, they are a world of its own. I wouldn't mind being his lips, getting moistened and licked by his tongue every day. I will not delve into this anymore further because there will be an analysis on his lips soon. So I'll save all the goodness for later.
Let's look at his eyes. His eyes have the most unerring eye bags under them and in this image you can clearly see how perfect they are. We all know Bill has the world's most soulful eyes, so big and doe, they just make you want to cry in a sexual way. By the look in his eyes, and the lines on his face from his eyes to his forward, it clearly indicate that he is concerned but not in a good way. He is concerned about how he is going to manipulate his girlfriend. Also, you can see a little bit of impatience on his face in this image. If you watch the Clark film, you'll understand what I mean.
Now, finally to his wrinkles. They are so important in this image especially in this episode of the Clark mini series. Significance of it to this image is that it makes Bill look real. I've stated this before and I am saying it again, nothing is more attractive than a man with a natural face. His forehead wrinkles indicates to us that he is aging and that is the most beautiful thing in the world. Girl, his forehead wrinkles can wrinkle me up all the way to heaven.
The significance of this look in the image to the Clark mini series is that he perfectly displayed the look of a manipulative man. As already stated, his facial expressions displayed impatience, concern and irritability. My guy just came to see the girl and manipulate her to still love him. He did not come to see her and listen to what she has to say. And, Bill perfectly executes that in that scene.
Moreover, this image showed him in his natural state, meaning if he was not acting, this is what he would like on a daily basis, and that is super-hot! He looks scruffy, organic and humanly.
To conclude, wrinkles are beautiful and when they're on Bill Skarsgard's forehead, I go feral and insane. Those wrinkles makes him even more attractive. The Starry Night by Van Gogh might have you tripping but Bill's forehead wrinkles will have your pussy singing. So to the men that thinks women are rizzed by their overly masculine features, we're not. We like our men simple and comfortable like Bill Skarsgard.
Also, I would like to clarify that if you read this analysis as a body-shaming post, it is entirely the opposite. I love Bill Skarsgard and I find every bit of his body attractive, alluring and godly. I am aware of the social obsession with ageism but I actually prefer my man a bit older with a bit of grey hair, wrinkles, and 10 times more trauma from life than me.
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nnnyxie · 1 year
Feeling a lil down about myself, what would you think about Izu x chubby reader? Reader isn’t necessarily insecure but does have bad days, maybe some of Izu‘s fans were being extremely horrible to reader or something because of their weight (I live for protective!Izu) and reader just shuts themselves off and is rotting away in a pile of blankets in their apartment while Izu dosen’t get what’s going on at all- he adores reader and isn’t all like „oh but your boobs and ass and thighs“ he just adored READER you know??? Often when I read x chubby!reader they only mention their curves and thighs and what not but I don’t think reducing plus size people to curvy plus size people is very inclusive so idk if that makes sense but yeah kwnfksld
#𖢥 izuku anon
baby i am loving these requests and i’m happy to give you chubby rep!!
i sorta based it on how i get when i’m insecure about myself so i’m sorry if it isn’t what you were hoping for :(
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some days it’s just hard yk?? people get mean and it can really fuck with your brain. it makes it hard to look at yourself sometimes.
especially when you’re with a pro hero. people think that you ‘don’t belong together’ just cause you two have different body types. and it’s sickening how people think that way.
it makes you feel awful— all of the hateful comments you get under your posts gets overwhelming and sometimes you have to archive them all together. sometimes you even have to deactivate your account because they get so overwhelming.
izuku always wonders why you do that— you never give him a real reason. just a ‘i don’t feel like being on social media right now’. he knows it’s not the truth but, he doesn’t want to pry. he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by hounding you for answers.
but tonight— tonight was awful. the first thing you saw while opening instagram was a picture of you and your lovely boyfriend, something a fan posted. the fan was nice!! their post was a cute edit and it was an appreciation post!! but the comments— the comments were sickening. they were filled with so much hate, it made you physically ill. and today you weren’t ‘feeling’ yourself so the comments didn’t exactly help.
you deactivated your account again. now you were thinking about just deleting it all together. it won’t stop the hate but it’ll stop you from seeing it. either way— you decided to try and push those awful comments away and read, maybe it could lighten your mood.
it didn’t. the thoughts kept coming back— you couldn’t even read a full paragraph. it felt awful. you felt awful. maybe a shower would help?
as soon as you stepped foot in the bathroom, you stepped right back out. it hurt to look at yourself. it made you cry. you weren’t particularly insecure but these comments were ruthless and they just really got to you this time.
when izuku got back home from patrol, he found you in your shared bed, you were curled up in a pile of blankets with nearly all the pillows surrounding you. he heard your crying— and was immediately concerned. why wouldn’t he be?
“love, what’s the matter? did you watch the neverending story again?” he sat beside you and pulled the blankets down so he could full see your face. this wasn’t your ‘sad movie’ cry. this was entirely different.
“hey, what’s going on?” “it’s nothing— i uhm just read something sad is all.” you were a very poor liar.
“be honest with me, please? is something going on?” he was now laying beside you, holding you from behind. “i just— do you really want to be with me? i’m not—” you choked, crying more at the thought of him leaving for someone ‘better’ (there is no one better). “of course i do. i love you. why wouldn’t i want to be with you?” “how aren’t you… how aren’t you disgusted by me?” “why would you ever think i’d feel that way towards you? i love all of you. and everyday i find more to love about you.”
then— it clicked. he remembered.
“is this about that post? bakugo sent it to me… he told me to look at the comments— baby if i knew this was happening sooner i would’ve done something about it. why didn’t you tell me?” he rubbed your arm in comfort, he knew all about being insecure— of course he couldn’t relate to where yours stemmed from but, he knew how awful it felt to feel like you aren’t enough for people. “i didn’t want you to be mad at them. they’re your supporters.” “they aren’t my supporters if they’re treating you this way.” he took a breath, he was upset. not by you— never. but, by the hateful people. “i love you, and every part of you. i’ll never be disgusted by you and i’ll never want anyone else. i only want you.” god you loved him.
“can you turn so i can see that pretty face?” you turned to face him. izuku had a smile but, his eyes welled when he saw the tear streaks that ran down your cheeks. he cupped your face, swiping his thumps to wipe away the stray tears that still fell. “you’re the most beautiful person i have ever met.” you cried again, not because you were upset— but, because, he was just so wonderful to you. izuku held you, letting you cry into him.
“i’ll address it.” “you don’t need to.” “i’m going to.”
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don’t mind the neverending story part…. i just rewatched it today and cried abt the horse scene… artax :(
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gaysindistress · 9 months
Связи (n.) connections - four
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on google/Pinterest
pairings: mob!bucky x reader
Summary: “Did you think you could hide from us? That’s adorable, little one. There’s no where on this planet where you could hide from the Shostakov Bratva and even if you did manage to evade us, the Barnes Bratva would find you. Your связи, your connections, will always come back to haunt you, Y/N.”
Warnings: cursing, Carol not being nice
Word count: 3.4k
part three | series masterlist
taglist: @scott-loki-barnes @unaxv @identity22
A week passes by in a blur of moving and staring out the window while that stupid song, Possibility by Lykke Li, plays in the back of my head. Bucky arranged for all of my stuff to be moved into his penthouse but promised to keep my apartment for me. I think he even offered to take over my rent but honestly I don’t remember. I’ve tried to tell myself that I haven’t fallen into a depression but that would be a lie.
Between having my world crumble around me and then rebuilt by others, it’s to be expected that I’m feeling…awful. That’s not the right word but it’s all that I can think of to describe the feeling of complete isolation and loss of control that’s taking residency in my chest.
Bucky and Sam did stay around for the first couple of days, probably to make sure I didn’t do anything stupid but after that, it was just me, the two guards who never look like they’re doing anything, and two other staff members. Thor, the massive blonde guard, lounges at the kitchen island everyday and flirts with the golden haired cook named Jane. The other guard, Valkyrie, is always within sight of me and moves when I do like a little shadow but I rarely see Loki who I can only assume runs the entire place. If he’s not on the phone, he’s just hanging up or is excusing himself to answer it.
I’m grateful to have had time to process and grief before being shoved back into my life and forced to act like nothing happened. Tony and Steve both have called numerous times to make sure I’m okay after randomly taking a week off but it’s Carol’s insistence on texting, calling, DMing, and FaceTiming that gets to me. I have half a mind to show Bucky and get him to do something about however something tells me that I won’t like his methods.
His question comes in the form of a text the first night he’s not around. It was simple; “what’s your favorite food?”
“Are you really going to waste your question on that?”
“It’s a question all the same.”
“Pho but it has to be from the place down the street from my apartment.”
The next day Jane brought me that exact meal and made a point to show me the note that accompanied it.
“See? Not a waste.”
It wasn’t signed but I knew it was from him. Although I wanted to be angry with him for the part he’s playing in all of this, I couldn’t be. I can’t. He’s just as stuck as I am.
We’re both stuck being pawns for a giant game of chess that neither of us want to play.
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A debriefing with Wanda and Carol wasn’t exactly what I thought my first day back at work would entail. I’d hoped for a relaxing day with my head buried in paperwork so I could avoid any questions but apparently not.
It surprised me at first that I would be allowed to go back to work but my father apparently hadn't cared enough to make any terms and conditions regarding me after I married Bucky. His concerns lay in the merging of their lower men and giving the directive of “shoot first, ask questions later” if they saw Antonia or any of her people to their Brigadiers. Neither of those things involved me and seeing as I was now a member of the Barnes Bratva, I became Bucky’s burden to bear.
The lack of rules regarding me meant that I could return to work and use it as a cover to help with the FBI’s investigation. Hence why I’m being forced to endure Carol’s stare as Wanda gives me the complete run down on Alexei. The entire time Carol’s been burning holes into my back and Tony’s done the same to her.
The moment I walked in, he had grabbed and yanked me into his office, demanding to know what the fuck happened. I explained as much as I could without putting him in danger but he refused to hear it. He’d threatened to send Steve after me if I didn’t give him the full story and the thought of Steve lecturing me was enough to have me spill everything. I swear tears pricked his eyes but he was quick to engulf me in a hug and promise to do whatever I needed him to.
“Anything at all, you call me. I don’t care what time it is, you call me,” he’d whispered into my hair and I nodded.
I honestly think if I asked him to make Carol disappear, he would. He might even be trying to do that now with the way he’s shooting daggers at her. Wanda pretends to not notice but the air is growing too hot around us and she lets out an annoyed huff.
“You need to figure your shit out right now. I don’t get paid to deal with children so you better grow up and sort it all out right now.”
Carol is the first to speak, “this isn't safe anymore. We need to call it off and find another way to get evidence.”
Wanda arches one auburn brow, “and why isn’t it safe anymore?”
“You know why.”
“I do but if you’re going to suggest something that stupid, you need to back it up.”
Tony snickers to himself and earns a glare from Carol.
I interject, “the operation is fine and we all know nothing is ever going to be ‘safe’ not when you’re dealing with criminals. Your best chance is me. Alexei will trust me more than anyone else you’d send in. It’ll be slow and you probably won’t get anything useful for a few weeks but sending in more people or even pulling anyone will be suspicious and he’ll catch on. I’ve been made Bucky’s Sovietnik and he’s obviously a part of all of this so I’m already in a good position to infiltrate Alexei’s organization or at least get someone else in.”
“Barnes made you his advisor already?” Wanda asks with curiosity and something else edges her voice.
“He only did it to piss me off,” Carol snips as she moves to make herself coffee.
“I’m starting to think you’re the problem, Danvers. Maybe you need to be reassigned,” Wanda snips back as she goes back to look at the file splayed out on the table. She’s leaning over the table and Tony joins her, coming to sit next to where her hand is on the table. They begin to speak in low voices and I take that as my cue to take a break or make a run for it. I still haven’t decided as I get up and excuse myself to go to the bathroom. Carol’s lurking on the other side of the room, angrily stirring her coffee and staring at the ground so I think it’s safe to slip out.
Alas, everything I think is apparently wrong and I don’t see her follow me out but she makes her presence known when she grabs my arm in the hallway and stops me.
“What is it with people grabbing me?” I sneer at her as I spin around and pull my arm away from her before she can say anything. Hurt flashes in the eyes that I once loved to get lost in but that was before I found out she’s been using me. Now they’re dull and lifeless like a painting that’s been sitting in the sunlight too long. “What do you want?”
“I…” she stammers clearly not expecting me to snap at her and that makes me even more angry. Did she really think I could forgive and forget, move on after hearing that she’s the reason my sister is dead and that she’s been lying to me since we met? The void that’s eaten away at me now fills with molten anger and demands to be released.
“Spit it out. I have to pee.”
“I'm sorry. I wanted to say I’m sorry and ask if you’d come over for dinner tomorrow.”
If I were feeling anything other than anger, my jaw would’ve dropped in surprise but instead it clenches and I raise a brow at her.
She continues, looking around to make sure no one hears a single desperate and disgusting word she’s saying, “please, Oksana…”
When I didn’t think she could fuck up anymore, she does and she knows it by the way her face pales.
“Let me make myself perfectly clear; my name is Y/N and I want nothing to do with you after all of this is over. Bucky already told you that we can’t be seen together anymore. We can’t be together anymore and nor would I even want that if it was a possibility. I will be professional because we have a job to do but don’t expect me to come running back to you because you said you were sorry. It means nothing to me.”
Something shifts in her and she takes a step forward as a dark look overtakes her features, “but it means something when he says it?”
I narrow my eyes at her and scoff. Jealousy is a terrible look on everyone but on her it’s appalling. Shaking my head, I turn to the bathroom and she yanks me back, pinning me between the wall and herself. She leans down to whisper in my ear, “because he’s the good guy, right? The guardian angel who saved you from turning out like your sisters? Is that it? Is that why you didn’t even try to stop the marriage and just rolled over like a fucking dog?”
“No,” I grit out as I try to push her but she doesn’t budge. “Move.”
She presses further into me and I gasp out of anger, shock, rage, take your pick.
“He’s the criminal here, don’t forget that,” she whispers in my ear and I squeeze my eyes shut at the feeling of her breath washing over me.
“I can see it clear as day now,” I whisper back and she pulls away with pinched brows. Dropping my head back against the wall, I use her confusion as my chance to slam it forward and smash my forehead into her nose. She lets out a shriek of pain and jumps away from me as blood gushes from her nose. I can feel where my forehead made contact with her nose and blood drips down my face but I don’t care.
“Tell whatever story you want, Carol, but don’t think you can make me the villain without forcing me to turn into one. You don’t know me half as well as you think you do nor do you know what I’m prepared to fucking do if needed. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being.”
Finally she’s silent and I straighten my shoulders at my victory before giving her a look that would make even Alexei shrink away. I know that someone will have something to say about what just happened but for now, I’ll bask in the glory of getting her to leave me alone and clean up my face after I pee like I originally wanted to.
Tony is sitting on the bathroom counter when I open my stall and go to clean up. He doesn’t look pissed but he doesn’t look happy either. I choose to ignore him as I gather paper towels and wet them so I can dab at my forehead. He takes them from my hands and finishes the job.
“You need to be more careful.”
“I’m aware.”
“Are you though? I don’t know exactly what Barnes has worked out with the Feds but I’m sure there’s a clause somewhere that lets them drop you whenever they want.”
I stare blankly at him and he rolls his eyes; what a perfect duo we are.
“All I’m saying is that if something happens, I don’t know that I can help you.”
I step away from him, narrowing my eyes at him, “I don’t need you to save me. I don’t need anyone to save me, I can take care of myself. If something goes wrong, I’ll be fine because that’s always what happens; I find a way out.”
Tony’s eyes soften and he drops the bloody towels into the sink, “I didn’t say you needed saving, I said I might not be able to help. Those are two very different things and this..”
He gestures under us as if the lies are tangled into the air, “this is different. This isn’t a bad day on a case or even a criminal who got away. This is your past. These are your connections that you’ve tried to sever for years coming back to show you that you won’t be free until every last one is gone. All I’m asking is for you to be careful please.”
I nod and shift my stare to the woman in the mirror that looks vaguely like me. Her forehead is a collage of dark hues, throbbing under the surface but the blood is no longer visible. Her eyes are void of anything, any life, any emotion whatsoever but there is a slight curl to her lips, a shadow of a smirk.
Oksana is staring back at me and I find myself welcoming her home after so many years.
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The first thing out of Sam’s mouth when he sees me is “Jesus fucking Christ” as he hands me an ice pack. It’s been a few hours so it’s not like it’s going to do anything but I appreciate the gesture nonetheless.
“You should see the other guy,” I half joke as I take the pack, pressing it to my forehead with a wince and he shakes his head even more.
Bucky on the other hand is silent, nothing betraying what he’s thinking as he stares at me from across the kitchen island. It’s unsettling. It’s unrelenting. It’s enough to make me want to vomit.
Sam notices and clears his throat, drawing me into a debrief about the meeting with Feds. He sits beside me and doesn’t hesitate before diving into how I got my lovely bruise. Only then does the Pakhan speak and causes us both to freeze mid sentence.
“Question for a question,” he barely utters as he leans back against the cabinets and crosses his arms. “Did she threaten you?”
Sam’s eyes dart between us as I carefully pick my words, “In a way, yes.”
“What do you mean?”
I raise a finger at him, “it's my turn, what changed that night?”
Vague sure but he understands.
“Take your pick. Alexei’s men came in too early, Joseph was killed, you fought me more than I expected, Yelena wasn’t sedated and then she bit Sam.”
I nod, satisfied with his answer and tell him to ask his second question which he repeats. Sam and him give each other a look before he slips out of the room and leaves just Bucky and I in the kitchen. Jane had left us all plates in the fridge but only Sam and Bucky had eaten. Mine still sits untouched only a few inches away on the island but I’ve been too focused with talking to even think about eating.
“She followed me to the bathroom and grabbed my arm.”
“There’s more.”
Damn, he’s getting good; stating things so that I have to either confirm or deny them but not outright asking.
“No there’s not.”
“Yes there is, tell me what else happened,” his voice is stern and it sends a shiver down my spine.
“There’s really not.”
“So your forehead just randomly bruises like that,” he states with a bored look and gestures to the darkening spot on my forehead.
Suddenly my food looks appealing. He calls my name, softer this time and I let out a sigh before looking at him over my food.
“She pinned me against the wall and wouldn’t move so I made her.”
“And head butting was the best option?”
I narrow my eyes at him, “one at a time.”
“Fine, ask yours then.”
I chew my food, pretending to think of one even though I already have one in mind. I maintain eye contact with him as I swallow.
“How long were you and nat together?”
He rubs his jaw and scratches at the stubble that’s grown into almost a beard since the start of this all. Eye bags are slowly starting to form and I wonder if it’s from me or the Feds or anything other aspect of his life. Everything seems to be complete chaos around him albeit organized to some degree.
“We weren’t.”
My brows knit together in confusion, “what? She was in love with you, she wouldn’t shut up about it.
He shrugs before sliding off the counter top and grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. “Some things are better left alone.”
“Are you always this frustratingly vague? No wonder Sam is always in a mood, you only speak in riddles and sarcasm.”
Bucky chuckles. “And I’m guessing you have a habit of picking fights when backed into a corner.”
“I was raised by the one and only Alexei Shostakov; isn’t that what he’s known for?”
He nods in agreement with a smirk but doesn’t say anything. We settle into silence as I finish eating and he stands guard with his arms crossed while leaning against the wall closest to the front door. The penthouse isn’t extravagant but it’s not homey either. Steel, concrete, and dark wood cover every surface giving it a showroom vibe and the severe lack of any personal touches makes it worse. The room I’ve been staying in was like a hotel room when I first moved in but now it’s at least comfortable thanks to my things. I tried once to be a minimalist but after years of not being allowed to enjoy life, I couldn’t deny the little girl in me that anymore.
Plants line the window seals and terribly hand knitted blankets cover the white bedding I couldn’t get rid of. While it might have felt sterile at first, the sheer comfort and luxury of those sheets and blankets convinced me to keep them. Where there aren’t plants, I put candles and small lamps so I don’t have to turn on the main lights. My little haven is the complete opposite of the kitchen that feels even colder with Bucky’s cold stare but it’s mine and mine alone.
He breaks the silence before I can escape to it and watches me closely.
“Has she hurt you before?” he asks, his voice dropping an octave in an effort to not scare me off I assume. I freeze as I’m putting my dishes into the sink with my back to him. I know who he’s talking about and I know my answer but I can’t figure out why he cares.
He seems to see the hesitation in me and taps my elbow to get my attention. I’m thankful he doesn’t grab me and I suck in a breath before turning around.
He is unlike any of the other Bratva men I’m used to. The others are filthy, worn, and all around awful to be near from their lives in crime but there’s something about this man that’s different. He looks every bit of the menacing Pakhan that he is, however I still remember that laughing young man who pulled pranks on my sisters with me. The years aren’t usually kind to the children raised in Bratvas but he’s found a way to make them work in his favor and at 34, Bucky is the most respected while fearsome Pakhan this world has seen.
The kitchen light above us emphasizes the dark flecks in his blue eyes and amplifies the sun kissed hue of his skin. The dark blue threads of his eyes rival that of any ocean wave I’ve ever seen and mild concern lurks in them as they bore into me.
“Has Carol…” he starts and I interrupt him.
“No. She’s…she wasn’t like that at all. She’s never even raised her voice at me before.”
“Lisichka,” he murmurs to me and the nickname catches me by surprise.
Little fox.
“Don't call me that,” I spit out and clench my fists at my side before storming off to my room.
Little fox.
He used to call Natasha that.
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akariarda · 17 days
Down the stairs
Garmadon has a bad accident. Now he is ashamed to explain it to Misako and Wu.
Thanks Anonymous for the request!
Garmadon was walking through the halls of the monastery and lost in thought.
It was a good day today.
"What could I be doing now?" he wondered as he looked at the pictures on the monastery walls.
While looking like that, he didn't pay attention while he was going down the stairs. "Oh no, no, no, no!" Garmadon shouted when he felt he was losing his footing.
Misako was in one of the many rooms of the monastery when she heard a loud noise.
"What?!" she exclaimed in shock. It sounded like someone had thrown a bomb and someone was screaming.
She left the scroll she was studying on the table and cautiously headed towards the place where she had heard the noise.
She was ready for a fight until she saw Oni lying at the bottom of the staircase.
"Garmadon!" Misako exclaimed in surprise and rushed to him. "What happened?"
Garmadon was in immense pain, but he was glad that Misako had come. On the other hand, he was so ashamed that he didn't want anyone to see him.
"Are you okay?" Misako asked in a panic.
Garmadon gave her a pained smile. It didn't come out very well, as two of his teeth were bleeding.
"Oh my God," Misako said again with concern. "Wait here, I'm going to get Wu and Lloyd."
"No!" Garmadon shouted when she stood up.
"What?" Misako looked at Garmadon, confused.
"I don't want them to know." Garmadon groaned between painful breaths.He must have bruised them, if not broken them.
Misako didn't understand anything and then knelt beside Garmadon.
"What happened?" she gently asked him.
"I don't want them to know," Garmadon weakly said.
"But I can't carry you alone." Misako sighed. "And they'll find out since you'll be recovering for a while longer."
"But..." Garmadon tried to add.
"No buts!" Misako said sternly. "Besides, why are you so worried?"
"I'm embarrassed," Garmadon mumbled through his pain.
"Can you get up?" Misako was worried again. Garmadon tried to get up with Misako's help, but after a few seconds, he lay back down on the cold floor of the monastery.
It hurt too much.
"I’m going to get Wu," Misako said quietly and hurried away.
Garmadon no longer had the strength to resist.
"Brother?" Wu came down the halls looking worried. "What happened?"
"Just stop asking me and help me!" Garmadon yelled in frustration, he could no longer bear the pain.
Garmadon felt a little relief.
When Misako and Wu brought him to the bed and examined him, it turned out that the injuries weren't as bad as he initially thought.
However, he would still be recovering for weeks.
"Can you now tell me what happened without yelling?" Wu stood by Garmadon's bed.
"No," Garmadon shook his head. He was still in pain and very embarrassed.
"Why? Are you in danger?" Wu didn't give up.
"No... I..." Garmadon stammered.
"You fell down the stairs, right?" Misako asked as she sat beside Garmadon's head. He merely nodded silently.
"Did someone push you?" Wu asked.
"No, I fell by myself," Garmadon said softly.
"What was so hard to say?" Misako gently asked and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear.
"I'm embarrassed." Garmadon admitted.
"It's embarrassing the way you fell." Wu speculated.
"Yes," Garmadon said quietly. "I was a bit lost in thought and looking around before I fell."
"Is that all?" Misako looked at him in surprise, a small smile appearing. "I thought something scared you."
Wu laughed too. "You earned all those injuries, and actually..."
"Please don't mock me," Garmadon said, feeling ashamed. He wished he could sink into the ground.
"I’m sorry," Misako and Wu said almost in unison.
"But it's a little funny," Misako said in their defense. Garmadon smiled a bit too.
He felt good when both of them smiled at him,he doesn't remember the last time he made them laugh.
"Please don’t tell Lloyd," Garmadon asked.
"Speak of the wolf, and he will come" Wu smiled and opened the door to the green ninja.
"Dad, are you okay?" Lloyd rushed to his father with concern.
"I will be," Garmadon smiled cautiously at him.
"But what happened?" Lloyd asked.
"Your father had an accident," Misako officially said.
"It would be best to let him rest now; he will tell you everything later." Wu suggested.
Lloyd looked at Garmadon, who nodded. "Hang in there, Dad. I'll come back soon. After you rest."
"Of course," Garmadon smiled, worried. "Thank you." Garmadon sighed with relief when Lloyd left. He couldn't bear for him to find out now.
"But he will know the truth, right?" Misako asked. She hated lying and Garmadon knew he was partly guilty for that.
"Don't worry, he will know," Garmadon said and took her by the hand.
"I’m going to get the ninjas." Wu said and opened the door. "And you, brother, be careful and watch where and how you walk, so you don’t..."
"Yes, yes, yes," Garmadon sighed. "This won’t happen again."
"I hope so," Misako said and squeezed his hand.
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fl0w3r-33 · 6 months
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Sit on my face
summary: you said it as a joke but Nate took itnseriously….
WARNING: smut and fluff,nate x plus sized!reader, concerns about weight,face siting, oral( fem receiving), squirting , baby girl, baby, mama, sweetie, nicknames
a/n: i kinda pulled this out of my ass so if it’s not good i’m so sorry😭 ( kinda proofread but not enough )
3rd POV
Nate always love to make you feel better about your weight, even when fans brought it up.He hated the fact that you couldn’t see yourself the way he sees you. Like the extra kisses, calling you beautiful whenever he can , and making sure you’re loved all the time.
“Baby come ooooon” Nate says pushing me out the door. “ Alright, Alright. What are you even shopping for?” I ask. “you obviously, i wanna pick out stuff for you to put on.” He says opening my car door for me and shutting it behind me. “ Aw ok that’s sweet.” I smile at him. Nate turns on the car back out of his driveway with a hand on my thigh. He makes me play the playlist he made for me in the car and“I’ll Be Okay” by Why Don’t We comes on( shits a banger. my personal fav ).
“ Do you know where victoria’s secret is baby girl?” He ask looking around the mall. “ Yea it’s down there to the left” i say pulling him in the direction. “ perfect i wanna pick out some sets for you” he winks at me. I got all self conscious considering that lingerie shows a lot. He speeds up walking snapping me out of my thoughts. “ Go in the changing room baby i want them to be a surprise”. he saying walking away like a kid.
“Ok , Ok , Ok i found 6 a red, black, white, pink, purple and a like a light green, i think you’ll look good in them” hanging them up on the rack. “ Thank you, turn around baby“ i laugh at him. One after another i one try one he would hype me up making me feel better. “ Nathan if you don’t be more quiet ima sit on your face” i laugh at him. He goes quiet holding his hands above his head, watching me check myself out in body length mirror. “ Stop looking at me like that” i look at him smirking at me. “ i like the purple and the light green one the best. Im gonna get those.” i blink at him. Nate groans in agreements. I unlock the door and walk out and nate gives me a slap on the ass while walking behind me. My cheeks blush red paying for the sets and walk out of victoria’s secret.
I push open the front door and walk to Nate’s room setting my new stuff on his bed. “ ok baby i’m going to make some pasta for us” i say filling a pot up with water. He walks up behind putting his fingers in the belt loop of my jeans. “ You’ve been quite” i ask concerned. I feel him push his hard dick against me. “ Just thinking about what you said earlier.” he said in a deep voice. “what?” i turn around to face him. “ you said that you would sit on my face??” He leaned closer to me so we’re inches apart. “ sweetie i was joking” i chuckle at him. “ Well im not mama, sit on my face .” he grunted turning off the stove backing me into his room.
“ Why are you so nervous sweetheart?” he asked rubbing my thighs. “ i’m not it’s just like what if my like yk too heavy” i say avoiding eye contact at him. “ Baby don’t say that your perfect, now come here i’m hungry and you taste good.” Nate says laying back putting me on his lap. He lifts up my shirt exposing my lacy white bra. I shimmy off my pants and underwear, he pulls my bra off grabbing at my tits. “Get up here baby girl” he guides me up to his face. I lower very lightly onto his tongue. Shuttering after feeling his hot breath on my heat. “ i said sit mama not hover” he hooks his arms around my legs forcing me down on him. “ oh fuck” i gasped grabbing his hair. “ jesus you taste so good” he groaned into me. I start moving back and forth whimpering feeling his nose hit my clit. I close my thighs a little around his head as he slips his tongue in me.I start bouncing on him seeing blue eyes staring up at me. I feel a knot in my core while leaning forward gripping the backboard of his bed.
“hold it for me mama i wanna be here longer.” he says clearly pussy drunk. i’m basically screaming his name at this point begging to cum. He taps my thing signaling i can cum now curling his tongue in me . My legs close around him shaking while my cum drips out of the sides of his mouth. “ fuck me ,if i die anywhere i wanna be in there” he licks his lips sliding out from under me to kiss me. “ your fucking perfect don’t ever forget that i’m tired of letting you say shit like that to yourself baby” he gives me a shirt, laying me down and ordering pizza for the both of us…..
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lifenconcepts · 3 months
Unusual therian experiences are a completely natural and fine thing to have! Here’s some of mine (just experiences in general)
for the context, I’ve known I was a wolf therian since I was practically still a toddler, around 5, and I mainly had phantom shifts at that time (wolf tail, muzzle, and ears).
• Despite running out of energy incredibly quickly, I adore running down hills especially if I’m racing someone, and have learnt from some dogs the best way at accelerating and conserving energy (Leaping while running can give more more distance per step, and continiously leaning forward until you’re almost falling can cause you to keep speeding up as you’re trying to catch yourself (that’s because we have a silly centre of balance btw, not from dogs)).
• Despite feeling deeply connected to being a wolf, and represented by its image, I do not see my own body as such. My hands aren’t paws and my face not a muzzle, yet at times I do have a sense of desire to control my limbs as such. • I dislike doing quads, they feel unnatural and strange to me, yet I adore laying on the ground or a couch in a dog-like position, either laying spread out or huddled up.
• many do this aswell, I voice out my concerns like a canine, growling at strange noises outside, howling to fulfil a need of expressing my discontentment or things I’m unable to say otherwise, whining when hurt or weak, and barking at certain animals. Yet I simply forget those responses when around people as my mind just goes into ‘human’ drive where I present both vocally and physically as a person, unless ofcourse tired or not in the right state of mind. Mainly when tired I can slip up and either whine or maybe howl accidentally while on a walk.
• Cuteness aggression! Build up of fun and joy can lead me to wanting to express it through minor acts as violence such as a gentle grab on the arm or bite, with animals, usually withholding the urge but ruffling their fur for a few seconds before going back to petting them gently.
• I adore the outdoors, and yet don’t have a strong urge pulling me towards it. I fanaticise about living in a forest, yes, and adore going for walks or looking at the sky or being around plants, but I don’t feel like going out and about, maybe twice a month going to a forest. • I adore the rain! Many do, but I especially do. I want absolutely every inch covered in it and I relish in it’s warm chill.
• I can control if I have phantom limbs. I can simply allow them to exist or not, will them into existence if I try hard enough, and even make sure they don’t appear in certain situations. It’s mainly a wolf tail or ears but I also have lately managed to keep wings around voluntarily for a little while. Strange yet lovely. They help me express myself in ways I don’t want others to see, pulling my wolf ears back when worried or wagging my tail when excited or even irritated!
• some canine-kin don’t enjoy swimming surprisingly enough? Just from some individuals I knew, and yet I would rather be dragged out than leave a pool or the ocean! As a child especially i spent hours upon hours in the bathtub until the previously hot water turned ice cold, and even THEN I would refuse! I’d shiver in it while still having the time of my life. Give in to the waves as they take me from the main stream and shove me face-first into the sand and yet beg for more, run through a river and listen to the current, stare at waterfalls for ages at any opportunity I was given and touch each lake and pond I had access to! • I adore the smell of pet food and yet upon trying it (when younger) it was sickening enough to discourage me from ever touching it again, still fanaticise about having bone-shaped cereal, even if flashes of that wretched flavour taint my tastebuds.
• I hate digging, it gets under my nails too much and using tools is way too annoying. Looking at sand and dirt though, I can’t help myself but try a tiny bit and crave more. The crunch is endlessly satisfying and leaves me with a pleasant earthy taste.
:> £
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