#for someone with an English degree I write exceptionally bad in terms of mistakes aaaaaaah shame on me shame on my cow
chanshoesunite · 2 years
absolutely loved your work with petting and grinding on chan
but what if he and reader haven't been intimate yet (maybe reader wanted to wait or smth) and they were making out and got carried away so hard that they started grinding on each other and came at the same time
okay bye
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This was the image I had in my head when I read your ask. There you go, nonny, it's unbeta-d still but ONLY FOR YOU MY LOVE
You smile at Chan as he joins you on the couch, handing you a mug of tea. “There you go, princess,” he says, mirroring your smile, and you feel yourself blushing. You haven’t been dating for a long time, and there is still a hint of shyness you feel when he gives you his undivided attention, what with him being not only incredibly sweet and kind, but also extremely good-looking. Plus, you’ve only ever picked him up from his flat before, never coming in, and now, as you’re sitting on the dark grey IKEA couch in his living room, you feel more than a little flustered.
You thank him, averting your eyes as you cradle the warm mug in your hands, your legs crossed. “We barely dodged that downpour, huh,” you add, your gaze raising to the torrents raining down against the window.
“Yeah,” he agrees, eyes also watching the rainstorm outside. “Are you sure you don’t need a hoodie or something? Your jacket got pretty wet.”
“I’m fine with tea, thanks,” you say, but growing a little bolder, you add, “but you can always cuddle me to make me warm again.” Chan turns his head to look at you, and his smile is so soft it makes your heart yearn for him. “Come here, then,” he whispers softly, almost too soft to hear over the rain. Putting your mug down onto the little wooden coffee table next to the couch, you swing your legs over Chan’s, half sitting in his lap. “Hi,” you quip, and Chan’s smile widens even more. “Hi, baby,” he answers. “Would it be terrible of me to want to kiss that smug little expression off of your beautiful face?”
You giggle a little, feeling soft and flirty. “Would it be terrible of me to want you to do exactly that?”
Chan boops his nose against yours. “So happy we’re on the same page about this,” he says in a slightly raspy voice before he softly touches his lips to yours.
His kiss is sweet and slow and caring, just like all of your other kisses have been in the few weeks that you’ve been dating. With both of you busy with college and jobs, there wasn’t much time for just being together. But as his tongue slips into your mouth, exploring it sensually, you realise that, with the rainstorm cutting your trip to the amusement park short, it is now late afternoon and there is nothing else for the two of you to do except enjoying each other’s company… And maybe bodies? You shiver slightly at the thought – you are not very experienced with men yet, and the thought of sleeping with Chan is a little daunting to you.
Chan seems to mistake your trembling for cold, because he breaks the kiss softly and reaches around you to grab a fluffy blanket from the back of the couch, unfolding it and tugging it over the both of you, cocooning you closer to him. “Is that better?” he asks, pushing a curl behind your ear. You nod, whispering a soft “thank you.”
He smiles. “Now, where were we?” he murmurs in a deep, vaguely seductive voice.
You shrug. “Is there a still a smug little expression on my face?”
Chan touches your chin, pretending to study your face from various angles. “Oh my gosh, yes, absolutely!” he proclaims in mock-surprise.
“Hmmm.” You pretend to think about it for a second. “Then I guess the off-kissing hasn’t worked yet.” And you lean in to kiss him this time. As soon as your lips touch his, you feel that this kiss is different; with your bodies cradled together under the blanket, there is an added level of intimacy you hadn’t anticipated. Your tongues slip together, and a light groan escapes your throat, a sound that makes Chan’s hand travel to the back of your neck, softly stroking the tender skin there, and you utter another little sound.
Encouraged by this, his hands travel over your back just as yours move to his shoulders. The shirt is damp beneath your hands – not surprising, since Chan had not been wearing a jacket but just his longs-sleeved shirt as you’d made the dash from the car to his apartment building.
Chan breaks the kiss again to pepper little kisses along your jaw and down to the column of your throat. “Is this okay?” he breathes against your skin, and you shiver again – and again, not from the cold.
“Yes,” you say in a low voice. “But Chan?”
“Hm?” he hesitates. “Everything okay?”
“Absolutely.” You meet his gaze and press a quick peck to his nose. “I just wanted to ask you if… Could you take off your shirt? It’s pretty wet?”
Chan’s grin is almost wolfish. “Baby, if you want me to take my shirt off, you just have to say so.” You slap him in slight indignation, but he reaches back, grabbing the hem of the shirt under the blanket and pulling it off in one smooth motion. And then you’re in Chan’s lap and he’s shirtless, and the heat radiating off his body is too much for you to hold back. As he nods his consent, your hands follow the line of his shoulder, his muscled arms, his veined hands, his pecks, and all the while you're gazing at him, at this beautiful man who has decided that yes, you are worthy of his time and affection.
The soft sighs of pleasure he utters do things to you, but his body language clearly tells you that all the power lies with you – Chan knows that you want to take it slow, and he’ll give you all the time you need. So when you lean forward again to claim his lips, his reciprocation is almost euphoric, and his large hands find your back again as he pulls you against him. As you kiss him, stroking his soft skin, you feel yourself getting more aroused – this simple situation of slow touches and soft exploration is so incredibly sexy to you that you know you also want to be touched like that. Reaching down, you grab the hem of your own shirt.
Chan’s gaze is heated, but he immediately says, “You don’t have to, baby.”
You smile. “I know,” you answer. “I want to, though.”
Your boyfriend holds your gaze, then nods, as he watches you tug off your own shirt. His eyes travel over your skin, but you feel less shy than full of anticipation. You want him to see you, know you, feel you, just like you want the same from him. His big hands find your waist. “Just tell me to stop whenever, okay?” he whispers, and as he kisses you again, his fingers lightly brush against the swell of your breasts, his mouth swallowing your gasp of pleasure. You retaliate by softly biting his lower lip, and a groan escapes him. As Chan squirms in his seat, you feel his hard-on against the softness of your thigh, and in a spur of the moment-decision, you also shift your weight, throwing one leg over him and straddling him.
There is a surprised look on his face as you bear down on his lap, effectively grinding against him, and his eyes fall closed with a moan that’s louder and rawer than anything you’ve heard from him so far – you find it thrilling. The hardness beneath you, pressed against your core, is exhilarating, and you know that some day soon, though not today, you cannot wait to feel it inside you.
As you draw a lazy circle with your hips, causing both of you to moan at the friction, Chan’s hands find the clasps of your bra. “May I?” he rasps, and you barely have the breath to answer, but he hears you clearly enough. Unclasping the offending garment, he gets rid of it, and then his hands are back against your hips, helping you swivel them in ways that make you both groan in pleasure. Your eyes fall closed as you feel his tongue against your nipple, and you give yourself over to the sensations – his skin against yours, both of you enveloped in warmth as the rain splatters against the windows. He continues to pleasure your breasts with his lips and tongue, and the pace at which you move together grows more frantic and sloppy as you feel your desperation growing more and more urgent. Chan’s hardness is rock solid beneath you, his own moans are beginning to sound more like cries of pleasure, their sound pushing you closer towards where you need to be.
“Chan, I-“
“I know, princess, I’m almost there, too!”
Your lips find each other again, his hand cups your breast and then, as you grind down particularly hard, your orgasm hits you, and the way Chan cries out tells you that you’re not alone in your ecstasy.
You slowly kiss as you both shudder, clutching to each other, trembling through the aftershocks of pleasure despite being warm underneath your blanket.
You lean down to put your forehead against his. “That was… Unexpected,” you say, a soft smile playing on your lips.
Chan brushes a strand of hair back from your face. “A good kind of unexpected, I hope;” he says tenderly.
You nod. “Absolutely. You’re just too attractive to resist, Channie.”
You boyfriend chuckles. “God, I like you so much,” he says, pressing a few kisses to your face before you settle your head against his shoulder. You stay like that for a few moments, listening to the rain and the calming of your breaths.
“Could you… I’d love to get out of these pants?”
“Ah, yeah, sorry.” You try to get off, but not before stealing another kiss. Chan gets off the couch, the wet stain prominent on his crotch. “Do you maybe want another cuppa? I bet yours is already cold.” He waits in the doorframe for your answer, his jeans already halfway off.
“No thanks.” You grin. “I’m warm enough now.”
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