#anon asks hare delivers
chanshoesunite · 2 years
absolutely loved your work with petting and grinding on chan
but what if he and reader haven't been intimate yet (maybe reader wanted to wait or smth) and they were making out and got carried away so hard that they started grinding on each other and came at the same time
okay bye
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This was the image I had in my head when I read your ask. There you go, nonny, it's unbeta-d still but ONLY FOR YOU MY LOVE
You smile at Chan as he joins you on the couch, handing you a mug of tea. “There you go, princess,” he says, mirroring your smile, and you feel yourself blushing. You haven’t been dating for a long time, and there is still a hint of shyness you feel when he gives you his undivided attention, what with him being not only incredibly sweet and kind, but also extremely good-looking. Plus, you’ve only ever picked him up from his flat before, never coming in, and now, as you’re sitting on the dark grey IKEA couch in his living room, you feel more than a little flustered.
You thank him, averting your eyes as you cradle the warm mug in your hands, your legs crossed. “We barely dodged that downpour, huh,” you add, your gaze raising to the torrents raining down against the window.
“Yeah,” he agrees, eyes also watching the rainstorm outside. “Are you sure you don’t need a hoodie or something? Your jacket got pretty wet.”
“I’m fine with tea, thanks,” you say, but growing a little bolder, you add, “but you can always cuddle me to make me warm again.” Chan turns his head to look at you, and his smile is so soft it makes your heart yearn for him. “Come here, then,” he whispers softly, almost too soft to hear over the rain. Putting your mug down onto the little wooden coffee table next to the couch, you swing your legs over Chan’s, half sitting in his lap. “Hi,” you quip, and Chan’s smile widens even more. “Hi, baby,” he answers. “Would it be terrible of me to want to kiss that smug little expression off of your beautiful face?”
You giggle a little, feeling soft and flirty. “Would it be terrible of me to want you to do exactly that?”
Chan boops his nose against yours. “So happy we’re on the same page about this,” he says in a slightly raspy voice before he softly touches his lips to yours.
His kiss is sweet and slow and caring, just like all of your other kisses have been in the few weeks that you’ve been dating. With both of you busy with college and jobs, there wasn’t much time for just being together. But as his tongue slips into your mouth, exploring it sensually, you realise that, with the rainstorm cutting your trip to the amusement park short, it is now late afternoon and there is nothing else for the two of you to do except enjoying each other’s company… And maybe bodies? You shiver slightly at the thought – you are not very experienced with men yet, and the thought of sleeping with Chan is a little daunting to you.
Chan seems to mistake your trembling for cold, because he breaks the kiss softly and reaches around you to grab a fluffy blanket from the back of the couch, unfolding it and tugging it over the both of you, cocooning you closer to him. “Is that better?” he asks, pushing a curl behind your ear. You nod, whispering a soft “thank you.”
He smiles. “Now, where were we?” he murmurs in a deep, vaguely seductive voice.
You shrug. “Is there a still a smug little expression on my face?”
Chan touches your chin, pretending to study your face from various angles. “Oh my gosh, yes, absolutely!” he proclaims in mock-surprise.
“Hmmm.” You pretend to think about it for a second. “Then I guess the off-kissing hasn’t worked yet.” And you lean in to kiss him this time. As soon as your lips touch his, you feel that this kiss is different; with your bodies cradled together under the blanket, there is an added level of intimacy you hadn’t anticipated. Your tongues slip together, and a light groan escapes your throat, a sound that makes Chan’s hand travel to the back of your neck, softly stroking the tender skin there, and you utter another little sound.
Encouraged by this, his hands travel over your back just as yours move to his shoulders. The shirt is damp beneath your hands – not surprising, since Chan had not been wearing a jacket but just his longs-sleeved shirt as you’d made the dash from the car to his apartment building.
Chan breaks the kiss again to pepper little kisses along your jaw and down to the column of your throat. “Is this okay?” he breathes against your skin, and you shiver again – and again, not from the cold.
“Yes,” you say in a low voice. “But Chan?”
“Hm?” he hesitates. “Everything okay?”
“Absolutely.” You meet his gaze and press a quick peck to his nose. “I just wanted to ask you if… Could you take off your shirt? It’s pretty wet?”
Chan’s grin is almost wolfish. “Baby, if you want me to take my shirt off, you just have to say so.” You slap him in slight indignation, but he reaches back, grabbing the hem of the shirt under the blanket and pulling it off in one smooth motion. And then you’re in Chan’s lap and he’s shirtless, and the heat radiating off his body is too much for you to hold back. As he nods his consent, your hands follow the line of his shoulder, his muscled arms, his veined hands, his pecks, and all the while you're gazing at him, at this beautiful man who has decided that yes, you are worthy of his time and affection.
The soft sighs of pleasure he utters do things to you, but his body language clearly tells you that all the power lies with you – Chan knows that you want to take it slow, and he’ll give you all the time you need. So when you lean forward again to claim his lips, his reciprocation is almost euphoric, and his large hands find your back again as he pulls you against him. As you kiss him, stroking his soft skin, you feel yourself getting more aroused – this simple situation of slow touches and soft exploration is so incredibly sexy to you that you know you also want to be touched like that. Reaching down, you grab the hem of your own shirt.
Chan’s gaze is heated, but he immediately says, “You don’t have to, baby.”
You smile. “I know,” you answer. “I want to, though.”
Your boyfriend holds your gaze, then nods, as he watches you tug off your own shirt. His eyes travel over your skin, but you feel less shy than full of anticipation. You want him to see you, know you, feel you, just like you want the same from him. His big hands find your waist. “Just tell me to stop whenever, okay?” he whispers, and as he kisses you again, his fingers lightly brush against the swell of your breasts, his mouth swallowing your gasp of pleasure. You retaliate by softly biting his lower lip, and a groan escapes him. As Chan squirms in his seat, you feel his hard-on against the softness of your thigh, and in a spur of the moment-decision, you also shift your weight, throwing one leg over him and straddling him.
There is a surprised look on his face as you bear down on his lap, effectively grinding against him, and his eyes fall closed with a moan that’s louder and rawer than anything you’ve heard from him so far – you find it thrilling. The hardness beneath you, pressed against your core, is exhilarating, and you know that some day soon, though not today, you cannot wait to feel it inside you.
As you draw a lazy circle with your hips, causing both of you to moan at the friction, Chan’s hands find the clasps of your bra. “May I?” he rasps, and you barely have the breath to answer, but he hears you clearly enough. Unclasping the offending garment, he gets rid of it, and then his hands are back against your hips, helping you swivel them in ways that make you both groan in pleasure. Your eyes fall closed as you feel his tongue against your nipple, and you give yourself over to the sensations – his skin against yours, both of you enveloped in warmth as the rain splatters against the windows. He continues to pleasure your breasts with his lips and tongue, and the pace at which you move together grows more frantic and sloppy as you feel your desperation growing more and more urgent. Chan’s hardness is rock solid beneath you, his own moans are beginning to sound more like cries of pleasure, their sound pushing you closer towards where you need to be.
“Chan, I-“
“I know, princess, I’m almost there, too!”
Your lips find each other again, his hand cups your breast and then, as you grind down particularly hard, your orgasm hits you, and the way Chan cries out tells you that you’re not alone in your ecstasy.
You slowly kiss as you both shudder, clutching to each other, trembling through the aftershocks of pleasure despite being warm underneath your blanket.
You lean down to put your forehead against his. “That was… Unexpected,” you say, a soft smile playing on your lips.
Chan brushes a strand of hair back from your face. “A good kind of unexpected, I hope;” he says tenderly.
You nod. “Absolutely. You’re just too attractive to resist, Channie.”
You boyfriend chuckles. “God, I like you so much,” he says, pressing a few kisses to your face before you settle your head against his shoulder. You stay like that for a few moments, listening to the rain and the calming of your breaths.
“Could you… I’d love to get out of these pants?”
“Ah, yeah, sorry.” You try to get off, but not before stealing another kiss. Chan gets off the couch, the wet stain prominent on his crotch. “Do you maybe want another cuppa? I bet yours is already cold.” He waits in the doorframe for your answer, his jeans already halfway off.
“No thanks.” You grin. “I’m warm enough now.”
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kmp78 · 6 years
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@cinful0670 - Thank you!
And you actually touched upon one of the biggest and most annoyingly insane misconceptions that some people (I mean genuine psychopaths but just to be polite since it´s Sunday and all, let´s refer to them as “people”) have about me.
It´s that somehow I want to furiously fight and lash out at anyone who dares to disagree with me about VK and especially her existence/meaning in JL´s life.
This literally could not be further from the actual truth...
If people don´t like her, that´s FINE! 
I don´t care! 
My life really won´t crumble one way or another if/when JL dumps her ass or she dumps his! I´m in this thing FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND LAUGHS, and as long as they keep bringing it, individually or together, then I´m all for it!
What I DO have a massive problem with are people who send me absolute garbage (like this morning, for example) with zero links to reality simply because the person NNNNNNNEEEEEEDDDSSSSSS her to be sucking on someone not named Leto.
What I DO have massive problem with are people who STILL KEEP INSISTING that he is paying her to be his “PR girlfriend” for the god-knows-how-many´eth-year-in-a-row even tho we have still not seen EVEN ONE incident of him actually getting any press thanks to his paychecks he keeps sending her.
What I DO have a massive problem with are people who simply because of her Leto connection, go through her entire existence with a fine-tooth comb and look for ANY AND EVERY POSSIBLE ANGLE to hate her, including but not limited to her toes, her ears, and yes indeed, those FUCKING KOREAN CONTACT LENSES.
What I do have a massive problem with are people who go out of their way to try and diminish her modeling career, as basic and non-eventful as it may be - even going as far as claiming without batting an eye that VK is only doing Vogue photoshoots because SHE CAN´T GET HIRED FOR MAXIM MAGAZINE.
I absolutely WILL NOT go along with some hare-brained “story” where VK is now suddenly vacaying with some never-heard-of Italiano based on ZERO ACTUAL EVIDENCE, like happened this morning, just so you guys won´t think I´m somehow shipping her or better yet: on her payroll!
Btw notice how that thing this morning developed?
That anon sent a totally bullshitty story either because she failed to realize it was all in her own head or because she wanted to stir up shit for no reason other than her own amusement - and when I shot down her “news”, she immediately returned with:
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So just to recap:
SHE brought up VK with a topic that she was vacationing with some dude.
I bluntly (and quite cruelly, I do understand that) shot her story down by proving she was massively wrong.
But somehow all this, once again, ended with this anon accusing ME of being a delusional VK shipper who cannot accept disagreeing arguments about her.
It´s like these people literally dig a hole, jump in it, toss me a shovel and ask me to start throwing dirt on them - and then when I do, they go ballistic and scream bloody murder and act all appalled that I did THE ONE THING THEY WANTED ME TO DO!!!
If these people would just OPEN THEN DAMN EYES and drop that insanely cringey jealous Leto fangirl cloak they´ve been lugging around for a decade, they too would see the same thing you did when we first met on IG.
My comments regarding VK topics brought to me by anons are with roughly 99% accuracy always at least semi-polite and semi-cordial, albeit mostly laced with some jokey sides or winks or whatever.
They actually are, just go look in the archives, guys.
When people approach me politely and with interesting/FACTUAL content, I am more than happy to return the favor.
But when anons bring me nonsense like this morning, and like I said I have been doing this for almost 4 years now so yeah trust me on this guys: my inbox has seen and heard EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN AT LEAST THREE TIMES BY NOW and can pretty accurately sense when a topic may potentially develop into a days-long marathon...
Well, after 4 years of going through this shit over and over and over again, my patience and manners tend to fly out the window and fast.
Remember: I have to read EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE that people send me.
You guys have the option of skipping over the ones you don´t care about, and for most of you I bet it is of course topics about “her”.
I can´t!
I actually have to read EVERY SINGLE ONE, no matter what the topic and no matter how stupid or indecipherable the content may be.
So with that in mind, next time I lose my shit over something YOU GUYS may deem unimportant or minimal, before you run out to create another psychotic “fan account” for me on IG because you think I´m insane and that would drive me away, kindly think of the bigger picture and ask if you maybe played a part in that meltdown.
( @cinful0670 - I don´t mean “you you” in that last part, you´re cool peeps! 😆😘 Thanks for the comment!) 
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
I get the exact same ads????? Just in German???? I think??? And when you click on it it's a magazine article on why younger man also like to use Viagra and that you don't have to be ashamed of buying it 😭
Also sorry for spamming your asks but I just bought my first vibrator today and it should be delivered some time soon and you can connect it to an app,
and apparently that app has a function where you connect it to music and the music does funky things to the vibrator. Now I'm looking for opinions, what kind of music should I try it out with, once it arrives?
- horny!jisung is valid
AHSAHSHAHSA PLEASE ive accidentally clicked it too many times and then paniced because im like NOT SAFARI I DONT TRUST IT WITH INCOGNITO lmao
DONT WORRY ABOUT TALKING TO ME!! talk to me as much as you want!! oh i think you should test what a genius anon once said. do the turtoise and the hare LMAO
or maybe like,,, gods menu HASHSHASHAHS I WOULD LAUGH TOO MUCH- imagine the fucking DU DU DU DU DU DU
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chanshoesunite · 2 years
Hello there! I hope you are doing good :) I was wondering if maybe you would write something along the lines of sweet Channie not being able to help himself and masturbating bcus he got turned on by seeing some of (idol!)readers photos, or maybe a video? Bonus points if it's in public/somewhere where the boys could easily walk in on him. It can be during the relationship or before you guys are even together, whatever you prefer! Just some nasty thoughts I had heh. I'm loving all the content on your blog, keep it up ♡
Hope you don't mind I went for a fancam instead, I just liked the idea so much! :)
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CHAN has always had a sweet spot for you – his dongsaeng from the same label. You met years ago during training, when you were still a soft-cheeked girl that called him “oppa” in the innocent tone of a little sister. He used to sneak you tteokbokki so you wouldn’t go hungry despite your harsh dieting plan.
Now, two years after your debut, you hardly ever see each other, and your relationship has changed with it. The easy friendship has developed into something else – you call him sunbae now, not oppa, and there is a tension there that Chan has never quite been able to place…
…until today, when he is lounging on his bed, scrolling through TikTok, and comes across one of your fancams.
It’s from your latest comeback, “Down”, and the concept is quite sexy. The song is a slow, pulsating tune with a hypnotizing bass and an almost chant-like chorus, perfect for autumn and the upcoming Halloween season. You are wearing a flowy white dress that is made to cling to you in all the right places by a black leather harness that goes well with your black leather stilettos and the smoky eye makeup. The fancam shows the killer part of the choreography, slow hip circles that follow the anti-drop in the chorus, and the way the members lower themselves to varying levels, creating a V formation, while circling their hips and pushing their arms up through their hair. It isn’t the most difficult move ever, but you are the centre for this formation, and you drop low on your high heels, managing to look demure while simultaneously practically eye-fucking the camera.
And that’s when it hits Chan, as he feels his pants constrict his awakening cock.
You are fucking hot.
His first reaction is panic – he can’t find you hot! You are his sweet, innocent YN whom he’s shared snacks with! He throws his phone onto the bed, crossing his arms. Then he grabs for his phone again and watches the fancam a second time. And a third time. Chan tries to tell himself that he is just doing it because it is his duty as a sunbae to watch out for his hoobae’s improvements so he can give her constructive criticism. But if he is completely honest, he watches it for that smirk you do just before you get back up from your … your slut drop.
It's as if Chan is seeing you for the first time – your round hips, your long legs, your breasts which are quite nicely accentuated by the harness… This is not the girl in sweatpants and trainers. This is a young woman who is desirable.
He glances down to his half-hard cock, then switches to YouTube to pull up an actual full-length fancam of you. There are several, and he chooses the one he’s briefly seen on TikTok, pressing play with a mixture of desire and anxiety. And then there you are, a vision in black and white, as you shamelessly seduce the camera. Chan doesn’t realise when he starts palming himself, only that he is, that he cannot get enough of the way you circle your hips, and then he’s thinking about what it would be like to have you on top of him, drawing lazy circles above his half-hardened cock. How he would put his hands on the curve of your hips and push himself into you, and how you would bounce on his dick – maybe you could keep the harness on, for the fun of it. He thinks about how good you would feel as he watches you shake your ass on Inkigayo, and then Chan pulls his cock out, and he knows it’s wrong, but how can it be when it feels so right, when you are the sexiest person he’s ever seen?
His hand is dry, and it’s not entirely pleasant but he’s too far gone, jerking himself hard and fast to you in that outfit, you doing that choreo, and when your eyes catch the camera again, he feels like you’re staring into his soul, knowing what he is doing, and you smirk. That smirk is Chan’s undoing, and he comes hard over his hand, your name on his lips, panting heavily.
The video ends and Chan tries to even his breathing. His hand is sticky, and he’s gotten some come onto his sweatpants. As he sees the stain, he feels shame – did he really just jerk off to his dongsaeng’s fancam? He pushes the feeling away. It’s not wrong – he knows for a fact fangirls (and fanboys) have done the same thinking of him – it’s part of being an idol. Come to think of it, maybe that’s why you have been weird around him lately? Because you realised he’s hot too?
What an interesting thought. Maybe, just maybe, you on top of him isn’t an impossible fantasy, after all? Chan grabs a tissue to wipe his hand. Grinning to himself, he decides to maybe try to catch you in the practice rooms next week…
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chanshoesunite · 2 years
request: chan teaching inexperienced reader how to give him a blowjob first the first time ❣️
Oh nonny... Not me sitting here with the fucking Kama Sutra to do research on how to actually teach someone blowies... All for you, dearest horny reader. Enjoy!
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IMAGINE being tangled up with Chan, not sure where his body ends and yours begins, only a few remnants of clothing left between you, his tongue in your mouth, his hands in your hair, his erection pressed against your barely clothed core. Chan is not the first man you’ve ever had, but he’s the first man who has stayed for longer than a couple of quick fucks, and the first one that treats you and your heart with the tenderness you deserve and makes you come as often as you deserve. He also makes you want to please him the way he pleases you.
“Chan,” you now gasp into his ear as he rakes his teeth against the tender skin over your collar bone. “Let me blow you.”
Chan pulls back, his eyes searching yours. “You want to?” he asks, and although his pupils are blown with lust, you realise with a wave of tenderness that your comfort is still his top priority.
You nod. “Teach me,” you say, already sliding your hand teasingly down his stomach with more bravado than you’re actually feeling. Sure, you have touched his cock before, but giving head is something entirely different.
Chan gulps. “Okay. How do you want to do this?”
You hesitate. “Well… I’ve always imagined myself… On my knees?”
Your boyfriend closes his eyes for a second, biting his lip. “Fuck, YN, you’ll be the death of me,” he swears. “My sweet baby girl with her huge eyes innocently telling me how she’s imagined being on her knees for me.” He shakes his head. “Sure, we can do it like that.”
You get off the bed, not quite sure where to go next.
“How about I stay here,” Chan moves to the edge of the bed, still sitting, planting a cushion on the floor, “and you kneel here?”
You nod and follow his suggestions as Chan kicks off his boxer briefs. His cock, already fully hard, seems almost intimidating in its size up close. You lick your lips, glancing up at him. “Do I just… take it in?” Chan swears under his breath.
“You can take my cock in your hand and use it to jerk the part you cannot reach with your mouth,” Chan explained. “Trying to fit all of it into your mouth at the first try could be a bit much.”
You nod again. That sounds manageable.
“Hollow your cheeks and be careful with your teeth,” he adds, and before you can overthink it, you take a hold of his hard cock and put your mouth on him, starting with kitten licks to the tip before, emboldened by his groan, you take him in. The feeling of him in your mouth is strange, but not unpleasant – you had not expected the heaviness, despite having been pounded by his cock before. Imagining the blowjob to be more pleasant when wetter – just like a wet pussy feels better – you gather your saliva as you push down, taking in as much of Chan’s cock as possible while still feeling comfortable. You manage to go down farther than you’d thought and are secretly proud of yourself as you draw back up.
“Use your tongue,” Chan instructs with a raspy voice, and at the next upward movement, you swirl your tongue around the tip. “Yeah, like that,” he says, falling back onto his elbows, making himself more comfortable. You glance up, meeting his eyes as you sink down on his cock again, and his eyes widen.
“Fuck,” he groans. “You look so good like this, baby girl. You’re doing so well. I’ve thought about this, but the reality…” A sigh escapes him, interrupting his coherent thoughts as you slightly suck the tip, swirling your tongue around it messily before sinking back down, trying to match the pace of your mouth to your hand.
You like this, too, you realise as you feel wetness pooling inside your panties, you like pleasing Chan, you like having him at your mercy, and you like being good at this. He looks so good, leaning on the bed, his pupils blown, sweat beading on his forehead as he accepts whatever pleasure you give him. Already, you can imagine this becoming a staple in your foreplay. Pulling off his cock for a second, you ask, “Should I touch your balls, too?”
Chan nods. “Gently. You can also lick them – but I’d rather you kept your lips around my cock. The sight is addictive.”
You hum in understanding as you suck his cock into your mouth once more, one hand around the part of the shaft you can’t reach, one hand gently weighing his balls now. Chan’s throaty moan makes you shiver, and then his hand is on your head – not pushing you, the gesture is more of a gentle acknowledgement than an instruction. “Yeah,” he breathes. “Can you go a little faster?”
You comply, hollowing your cheeks, swirling your tongue as you taste the first few drops of precum – it’s not entirely pleasant, but not so bad you’d stop. Chan’s moans grow louder, and you can feel his hips gently following you whenever the desired heat of your mouth moves upward. Your jaw is starting to ache a little, but you want to make him come so badly, you redouble your efforts, and you have your boyfriend panting within seconds.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so good at this, you’re going to make me come, you should probably stop now if you don’t want me to-“
“Mhmm-mhmm,” you hum, signalling that you’re fine with swallowing his come, and it’s the humming that does it, Chan’s grip in your hair tightens, and then, with a broken-sounding groan, he explodes into your mouth, and you swallow before you can think about it, the slight bitterness of his cum making you wince.
You keep him there in your mouth until you feel both of his hands on your cheeks, pulling you off gently and then up into his arms. You both tumble back onto the bed, Chan on his back, you half on top of him. He breathes deeply, still shaken by the remnants of his orgasm, and you smile down at him lovingly. You did this, you remind yourself. You made him feel this good. The feeling his exhilarating.
Chan pulls you in for a kiss – a slow and sensual one, and he doesn’t even seem to cringe at the fact that, surely, he can taste himself in it. He smiles at you lazily, catlike. “Thanks for that, baby girl,” he purrs, caressing your hair. “You are so fucking sexy when you take what you want.”
You grin back. “And you are so fucking sexy when you are at my mercy.”
He shakes his head. “Who knew my baby girl was so dirty?” He moves up, rolling himself on top of you, pushing his hand into your soaked underwear. “And who knew it’d turn you on this much to be on your knees for me?” His smile is cunning now. “Give me a minute to get hard again, baby. I’d hate to let all of that wetness go to waste.” The glint in his eyes is the last thing you see before your eyes fall shut at the pleasure of his fingers pressing into you.
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chanshoesunite · 2 years
chan pulling panties off with his teeth only
that's it
thank you for coming to my ted talk
Short and sweet, I hope you don't mind, Anon!
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IMAGINE Chan and you sitting on the couch in the living room, the dorm dark and quiet since the other boys are already asleep – or rather in their rooms and quietly letting the day fade out.
Chan is next to you, watching you watch the film – at least you catch him looking at you as you glance over, prompted by the feeling of being watched. “What?” you ask.
Chan raises an eyebrow. “Are you enjoying this film?” he wants to know, an expression of innocence that would fool nobody on his face.
You shrug. “It’s fine,” you say, glancing back at the TV. “I really wanna know how they’ll manage to diffuse the bomb in time – seems like they’ll need to pull some deus ex machina shit.”
“Huh.” Chan is silent for a bit. “Do you mind if I go down on you while you watch it?”
You stare at him, sure you’ve understood him wrong. “I’m sorry, what?!”
Your boyfriend shrugs. “I find the idea quite hot that I’ll go down on you while you watch this film, trying to make you forget what it’s about until you can’t concentrate on anything but my tongue.”
Trying to deny the feeling of heat pooling in your gut at that suggestion, you scowl. “Out here in the open, with your members at home?”
Chan moves off the couch, pushing your legs apart. “Come on, YN, are you afraid of getting caught?” He wiggles up your skirt, his breath ghosting against your skin. “You can put a blanket over me if you’re worried.”
You huff a little laugh. “Yeah, because THAT would make it inconspicuous!”
Chan presses a kiss to your lower stomach, just above the hem of your underwear. “Is that a yes?” His smile is devilish.
And it makes you want to give him everything he wants. “It is,” you sigh, leaning back, watching both him and the TV as best as you can while Tom Cruise is still busy saving the world on screen.
Chan continues to kiss your stomach before hooking your legs over his shoulders, lifting you partly as he gently tugs the lace of your panties between his teeth and moves back, taking your underwear off in this fashion. A gasp escapes you at the bold move, and then he shifts your weight again to finish what he’s started and pulls them off with his teeth completely. A soft kiss pressed to your lower lips quickly afterwards has him chuckle. “I knew you’d find the idea just as hot as I do,” he stated. “You are so fucking wet already.”
And then he plunges his tongue into you, and the film is forgotten.
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chanshoesunite · 2 years
Hi! I just saw you open the chris-mast request! I was wondering can you write something about this one? I know everyone was telling him cute while he is trying to touch his nose using his tongue (and he does) but i feel things when i see it 😩
Ummmm YES brilliant idea will absolutely include!! 🤩
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chanshoesunite · 2 years
I need a part two to the chan jerking off please don’t leave us hanging
...what do want Chan to do to you, baby girl?
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chanshoesunite · 2 years
I just look forward to a part 4 of smutting it up with Chan and Minho 🙏
Anything for you, friend!
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chanshoesunite · 2 years
you know what i was thinking about lately? just slow grinding with chan. maybe in chan's studio? making out and getting carried away so much that both of them cum? yeah
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Chan’s frustrated sigh makes you glance up from your laptop. You’re comfortably settled on the couch in his studio, typing up lecture notes from your Introduction to Psychology course. You often do this, spending time together like this since he is so busy being an idol. “Are you alright, my love?” you ask as your gaze glides over his tense-looking back.
Your boyfriend turns around in his swivel chair, dragging a hand through his hair as he pulls his headphones off. “Ugh, I guess,” he says, his furrowed brows calling his words lies. “I am just not happy with how this song is turning out.” He stares into space for a second, his face a mixture of puppy-like dejection and angry frustration.
You dump your laptop and notebook onto the couch and make the few steps to reach him, laying your hand gently against his cheek. “Anything you need? A second opinion, a peptalk, a silly video to laugh about?”
Chan searches your eyes, the indignation making space for a mischievous sparkle. “How about a kiss?” he prompts, cocking his head to the side, his dimple appearing as his smile deepens. “I’m sure you’re due for a break as well.”
You smile as you sit on his lap, put your arms around him and gently press your lips to his. Chan has such extremely kissable lips, puffy, pillowy, smooth and warm – honestly, you could do this all day. He gently slides his tongue into your mouth, and you taste a hint of fruit on him, deliciously sweet just like his kiss. You deepen the kiss, and a moan escapes the back of your throat.
Chan pulls back for a second, his eyes dancing with amusement and a hint of lust. “Why, baby girl, you’re so stormy today,” he rasps, and it doesn’t sound condescending but thoroughly pleased. His hands slide to your hips, pulling you further up. “Why don’t you sit on me properly?”
You know what he means, and you want it, so you turn towards him, pulling your right leg over him, properly straddling him. As you do, you can already feel his semi-hard cock against your clothed pussy. Chan moans lowly, and you repeat your motion, dragging yourself across his sensitive area, and the sound of pleasure that escapes him is even louder.
“Is that the kind of distraction you need, babe?” you suggest as you swivel your hips once again, and the way he keens suggests that it IS. “You deserve a bit of pleasure, don’t you, my love? You work so – hard.” You accentuate that last word with another sensual roll of your hips as you hold onto Chan’s shoulder, and the broken groan he utters goes straight to your (you suspect) already soaked centre.
Chan’s grip on your hips tightens. “Come here, you,” he growls before he passionately claims your lips again, holding your hips in place as he grinds into you. The kiss has no finesse, it is all lips and tongues and teeth and urgency, but it feels so good, the way he captures your mouth as he moves up to meet you, his cock rock hard beneath you by now. You bite his lip and Chan positively snarls.
“I won’t last,” he breathes as he keeps rocking against you, and you find that you don’t mind, that this is just as exciting and forbidden as if you were actually fucking in his studio.
“It’s okay,” you gasp against his mouth, moving down to meet his rolling hips, “I can sit on your cock later if you want.”
Those words, together with a particularly dirty grind, are his undoing, and you swallow his moans by kissing him deeply as he reaches his high. Breaking the kiss, he leans his forehead to yours, breathing heavily. His eyes meet yours, and you can feel one of his hands leaving your hips and sneaking into your leggings and panties.
His forefinger parts your lower lips, catching plenty of wetness before finding your clit. His eyes never leave yours as he starts rubbing your clit in a way he knows makes you go crazy. Your breath starts to go shallow as your pleasure, now quickened by such direct stimulation, starts to peak, and –
“Come for me, baby girl.”
There is no way you can’t obey his dark voice, and you arch your back as you come on his lap, biting your lip to keep down the noise before diving back in to kiss him senseless. You lazily make out for a few moments, tongues moving together no longer in a furious rhythm, but in a satisfied slow dance. You end the kiss with an innocent peck and open your eyes to find a smiling Chan looking at you, infinite tenderness in his gaze.
“Hi,” he says like the complete dork that he is.
“Hi,” you answer. You look down at his lap. “Do you happen to have spare clothes here?”
Chan laughs, all tension gone from his shoulders. “I do, actually, yeah. I will get changed and then finish this song so we can go home. But first, I need you to move, baby girl.”
You sigh in mock-resignation. “Fine. But only because I am dead serious about sitting on your cock later.”
Chan grins at you. “I’m counting on it.”
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