#for organziation
ameliagiovanna0 · 2 years
Feel Your Kiss On Me
Title from For You by Liam Payne and RIta Ora
Requested by @whiskeyloverbae ​ , thank you! 💕
“Tim has a hickey and he thinks it’s hidden by his collar but Angela calls him out on it. “
“Lucy!” Tim called from the bathroom.
“What?” Lucy returned, coming around the corner from her bedroom.
He couldn’t help but rake his eyes over her in the kimono and sleep shorts she wore, her hair wound messily on top of her head.
He grumbled, remembering he was trying to be pissed at her, and gestured to his neck and the purplish mark forming there.
“Oops,” she posited, but the mischievous grin that spread across her features betrayed her.
“Lucy, we have work today! What am I supposed to do with this?”
“I’ll go put a spoon in the freezer,” she tucked her lips between her teeth, trying to suppress her laughter.
Lucy rounded the corner once again, wrapping her arms around his waist as he dragged a razor through the shaving cream on his face.
She pressed her lips to his bare back, “You adding to the mess you’ve created?”
She smiled against his skin, “I wasn’t planning on it, but now that you mention it,” she chortled as she nipped at his shoulder.
“Luce!” he tried not to laugh, trying desperately to be mad at her, “We share a locker room!”
“Oh, like it’s the first time one of you’s had a mark.”
“It’s a hickey, Luce. I have a reputation.”
He tapped the razor in the sink before turning around in her arms to her raised eyebrow, “We both know that went out the window when you met me.”
“You’re impossible,” he said as his hand found the sides of her face. 
Tim wore a collared shirt into the station, forgoing his usual henley in hopes of hiding the mark his girlfriend left the night before, the frozen spoon not doing much to dull the offensive color. He put his white undershirt on and then uniform top on as fast as humanly possible, hoping none of the other officers noticed. He adjusted the collar in the mirror on the inside of his locker door and hoped it would stay in place all day.
“I should’ve starched these,” he complained to himself.
He left the locker room, seemingly unscathed. Angela asked him to see her when he came in for the day, so he made his way to her desk with two cups of coffee.
“Ange,” he set her cup in front of her.
“Hey, she greeted, “Thanks. The name Dennis Rand ring any bells?”
“Jesus,” he groaned as he balanced his arm on his duty belt.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes?’”
“I’ve arrested him maybe ten times over the years. Why?”
“He managed to get invol–”
Tim turned his head at the sound of glass shattering on the other side of the bullpen.
“Damnit, Smitty!” Angela barked before he even made it into her field of view.
“I’m sorry! It just slipped out of my hands!”
“Clean it up! That’s the third one this week!” she finally braved a glance at the mess of broken porcelain and coffee on the floor. 
Angela looked up, Tim’s head still pulled in the direction of Smitty dejectedly slinking toward the janitor’s closet.
His body stiffened as she stood up. It was never good when she used his full name.
He turned toward her, “Yes, Angela?”
She pinched the collar of his shirt, pulling it away from his body and laughing like a maniac. He rolled his eyes at her antics.
“Tim,” she managed to get out between snorts, “Is that a hickey?”
“I’m going to kill her,” he griped.
Angela simply laughed harder, nearly doubling over, having to brace herself with a hand on the edge of her desk.
“Are you done?” he asked when she managed to stand up straight again.
“Oh, no. Not even close.” 
“You two have fun last night?” She giggled again, “Oh, lemme guess. You bet on who could list the most penal codes in sixty seconds, and this was your punishment for losing?”
“No, wait! Lucy decided that she’d had enough of other women hitting on you, so she finally decided to do something about it?”
Tim blushed. This is not the conversation he’d envisioned for his Monday morning.
“No, no, I got it. Were you misbehaving?”
“I have work to do,” he turned to walk away.
“No, Tim, wait!” she tried not to laugh again. 
He turned around only long enough to flip her the bird.
“Your life would be so boring without me!”
He shook his head, a reluctantly amused smile on his face as he made his way to his office. He kind of hated her for it, but it was just Angela’s way of showing affection.
Sitting behind his own desk, Tim placed his coffee down when his phone buzzed in his pocket.
A: Dennis Rand, asshole. I needed info
T: Maybe you shouldn’t have made fun of me then 
A: whatever, I’ll just ask Lucy. Among other things 😁
T: I hate you both
A: You love us
Tim shot a text off to the woman in question.
T: in case you didn’t hear the cackling coming from the bullpen, Angela found the monstrosity you left on my neck 
T: Maybe I should return the favor tonight
L: don’t threaten me with a good time bradford 
He chuckled, setting his phone down. 
This was going to be a long day.
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hawkinsunderground · 8 months
inspired to make this because I've seen so many bday posts this month that I got curious if there's a significant prevalence of any sign lol
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gorepill · 3 months
"kink at pride excludes asexuals" are you stupid are you dumb are you a stupid dumb idiot no it literally doesn't. Im going to gum off my fingers KINK ISN"T INHERENTLY SEXUAL pleeeeeease shut up omfgggggg. Unless people are using horse whips to smack someone's bare erection, or are putting like. idfk, coins in their pussies, or having outright sex in public, then shut upppppp. NO that woman with her top off is not inherently sexual, NO that man in leather gear isn't inherently sexual, NO that person in puppy play gear is not inherently sexual either, my GOD. That first one isn't even a kink!!!
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kurtsascot · 5 months
i genuinely have so many questions about what the glee fandom was like back in the day but i need to get an in depth analysis lore dump from the people who are still in it bc i cant watch the videos where they say something objectively crazy about past fandom and then proceed to shit on the show
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adamsvanrhijn · 9 months
Deleted the reddit app (a while ago) and have now put the goodreads app in its place to encourage me to read instead of discourse
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 months
How it feels seeing people try to bring up Sarah Jane and her kids as a defense for UNIT hiring children:
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doggerell · 4 months
I honestly need to start drawing mainly traditionally again and get my bigger sketchbook out so I can not be so restricted by the tiny size of my pocket sketchbook. but I kinda abandoned it for cosplay planning when I started drawing almost exclusively on my iPad. it feels weird to Draw in there again
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0802 Part Two !
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Requested by @sirishavenigalla !!! I reallyhope you like this and it was worth the wait ! Thank you for being patient while i tried my best to finish it !
Hi , thank you so much for writing that , I enjoyed reading it. I was wondering if you could write part 2 where the Indian American reader and Jamie get engaged , but things start to get rough, the reader is tired of him being reckless on the field and constantly coming home late . She’s sick and tired of staying up late and wondering when he’s going to come home and worrying about whether he’s going to come back in one piece. They get in to a argument about it , she tells him she can’t do this anymore and stays at her friends place. The next day she stops by at OC on her way to drop off the aloo ( potato) samosas as well as ladoos she made because she knows how much Jamie and the team like them . Elliot notices how upset the reader is and knocks some sense in to Jamie . Jamie realizes he can’t lose her again (he wants to spend the rest of his life with her ) he apologizes and makes it up to her . 
Where do I begin this ? Things have gone from bad to good to bad again. Me and Jamie got engaged and we were so happy and so excited
. The thought of spending forever with someone was so exciting. We had so many celebrations and dinner’s and it felt like a whirlwind. 
Then the hard parts started. Jamie was going back to being reckless and doing whatever he wanted. It was like he didn’t have anyone to come home to
. Which hurt me a lot. It’s not like I wanted him to become a different person. I just wanted him to act like he cared. 
He also was staying out a lot longer past his shift. You don’t know where he was or what he was doing.
The thought of him cheating didn’t cross your mind. You knew that what ever was going on he wouldn’t cross that line ever.
I tried everything I could to get the point across to him because everything I did seemed like it never worked. He just kept saying the same thing over and over again. That this was his life and he needed me to respect that. 
The way he was treating you made you feel like you had some regrets about everything. He made it seemed like your opinion didn’t matter and that he was the only one in the relationship. 
Something big had to happen in order for things to change. You debated over and over again in your head what that decision would be. You just needed to take some time and clear your head out. 
You had a friend who had a spare bedroom in her house. She offered it up to you a couple months of ago when the bad times started. But you didn’t want to leave him not yet anyways. 
Sara was incredible. You two meant years ago at a bar when both of your dates stood you guys up. You bonded over everything your passion for work and even your favorite tv shows. 
She truly was your sister and you were blessed beyond measures to have her. 
Now it felt like you had no other choice. It was either losing him temporary or forever. So while he was at work you packed up your stuff and you left. Taking some things for a couple of weeks. 
Packing up your stuff you could feel the heartbreak and the pain. The tears wouldn’t stop flowing down your face. You kept second guessing it every time you put something in your suitcase. 
But there was no turning back now and you kept it going, reminding yourself this was out of love. 
You were getting the last little bit of stuff ready when you heard a beep coming from outside.
It was time for you to go. So you zipped up the suitcase and slowly made your way out. 
Your friend was sitting in her car looking at you with a sad face. She smiled up at you and you walked down to the car and threw your stuff in the trunk. 
You made your way up to the front and she reached out and gave your hand a squeeze. 
“Hey come on it’s going to be okay” She said. 
“Thanks I know” was all you could muster out. 
The two of you drove off and the car ride to the house was pretty silent. You couldn’t help but wonder was this the best thing or were you running away from your problems? 
“Your doing the right thing you know”  Sara said
“How do you know” You said 
“Because you need to follow your heart and your smart you know what your doing” She said. 
“You always see the good” You said 
“Sometimes you have to” Sara said. 
The conversation kind of fell flat after that and you just tried to shake your thoughts out and not over think everything like you always do. 
Finally after what felt like forever you made your way to sara’s house. It was so beautiful and you were lowkey jealous she lived there. 
“Come on let’s get you settled in” Sara said. 
You grabbed your stuff out of the car and headed in. She walked you up to your room and it was beautiful a nice big room with a view. 
“It’s so beautiful” You said looking around it. 
“Thank you now you relax and come down for lunch when your ready” Sara said. 
You smiled up at her and she headed out. You took your stuff out and placed it inside the drawers. 
After you were done you just sat on the bed and you let a few tears fall. How did you get here you thought. 
You just shrugged it off and your stomach growled so you headed down for food. Sara was making lunch just some sandwiches and you couldn't complain food was food. 
“Here eat” Sara said placing a plate in front of you.
You sat down on the island and grab the food in front of you. It was a ham and cheese nothing special but you were grateful nonetheless. 
You both just started eating in silence. Sara was struggling to find the right words to say to you. She knew no matter what she said nothing was going to comfort you. 
After lunch you cleaned up and went straight up to your room. You laid in the bed and watched tv and kept checking your phone. Hoping and praying he would reach out. 
You just cried a little bit and a couple hours had passed and you didn’t realize how late it had gotten. 
It was getting late so you decided to start getting ready for bed wanting more for the day to end. Jamie didn’t text you or call so you figured he wasn’t home yet. 
You got up and got your Pajama’s to change into whe suddenly your phone went off and you raced over to pick it up. 
It was Jamie calling you and you couldn’t tell if you were more happy or upset or worried. It was like everything was all mixed into one. 
“Hello” you blankay answered the phone. 
“That’s all i get is a hello where are you what happened” Jamie yelled into the phone you could hear the panic in his voice. 
“I left you a note to let you know I was safe. But come one this can’t be a surprise” You said. 
“We could have talked it out not run away from our problems” Jamie said. 
“I don’t have a problem you do fix it and figure it out” You snapped back. 
You hung up the phone and felt the tears fall down from your face. 
This wasn’t on you he was the one who was treating you different and not caring. So why should you. You weren’t going to be the only one putting effort into this relationship.
A few weeks had passed sense you moved into Sara’s house. You honestly had thought you would moved back in now but that wasn’t the case. Neither of you were budging. 
You weren’t the one to blame and he needed to see he was the one who needed to fix this and make it right. 
Put the other part of you just wanted to reach out and talk to him and clear the air. You just wanted to fix things. 
You also felt bad that you were still crashing here. Sara said it was fine and that you could crash as long as you needed. 
Right now you were sitting around in the living room when your phone started ringing. To your surprise it was Elliot calling you. 
When you saw it you were first confused then the panic started setting in . 
“Hey omg is everything okay” You asked all in one breath. 
“Whoa slow down it’s okay it’s not like this” Elliot said. 
“Look i’m calling to be a mediator” Elliot said.
“What do you mean” You asked taking a breath. 
“I mean is your both miserable and Jamie is beating himself up hard and you know him he’s not gonna reach out he’s just gonna sull and he’s gonna throw it away don’t let him” Elliot said. 
“I don’t know why can’t he just come to me and say he’s sorry” You said. 
“Because he’s afraid he’s been through a lot he doesn’t know how to communicate” Elliot said. 
He was right about that Jamie had been through a lot. Maybe you shouldn’t be so hard. 
“Fine let me think about it” You said 
“Thats all i ask were gonna be here late” Elliot said. 
He hung up the phone after that. It did get you thinking about a lot. 
You kept wracking your brain what to do so you decided to be nice and bring him dinner well the whole crew. 
You made him your famous aloo samoos and ladoos. He loved them he always ate them up in a heartbeat so you made extras. 
After you cooked you got a hot shower and finally put on some nice clothes. You felt good and you were excited and nervous to see Jamie. 
You gathered up your food and headed out. The drive down your butterflies were going off. But you also felt like anything could go wrong. You just kept replaying every single thing that could go wrong. 
It was about a half hour away and when you got there you decided it was no turning back now. You gathered up your food and headed in. 
Everyone was sitting around and not doing anything really. Jamie was sitting at his desk with his head down. 
Elliot was the first one to notice. He smiled up at you and got up and ran over.
“Hey thank you for coming and even more so for the food we missed you around here” He said he grabbing the food and taking it into the kitchen. 
Jamie heard Elliot talking and the smell of the food and got up from his desk. He just kind of stared at you. 
“God damn it man go and talk to her” Ayanna yelled out. 
“For the love of god she’s standing right there go right now or your fired” Elliot yelled out. 
It made both laugh and Jamie walked over to you. 
“Can we talk in private” He said quietly 
“Yeah come on” you said 
“Boo no fun we wanna hear” Jet yelled 
Everyone laughed and you both headed out the front door. 
“Y/n” Jamie started 
“What is going on” You asked looking at him. 
He was staring at the ground and slowly his eyes landed on yours. His eyes looked desperate. 
“I don’t know i just” Jamie yelled. 
“You just what this is what I mean you just kept shutting me out i’m sick of it I can’t take it anymore we can work like this” You yelled the tears falling from your eyes. 
That Broke Jamie seeing you cry. He never meant to hurt you like this, he knew you deserved better that what he was doing. 
“I just got scared I guess you know things got real fast and I love you and you know what i’ve been through. The easier option was to just push you away and I didn’t want to reach out because I thought you didn’t wanna hear from me” Jamie said honestly. 
“You can’t just do that okay. I’m gonna be your wife I love you come to me when your scared or hurt I’m not going anywhere I love you, your the best thing that’s ever happened to me” You said. 
“I love you more than life itself I don’t wana loose you ever okay” Jamie said 
“You need to get help go to therapy and talk to someone. This can’t happen again” You said honestly. 
“I know I will done” Jamie said 
He grabbed your face and leaned down and kissed you. The butterflies were erupting in your stomach and you missed this so damn much. 
“ I love you” Jame said breaking the kiss and placing his forehead on your 
“I love you more” You said 
“I love you both now i hate to break this up but were all hungry and the food is warmed up so let’s eat” Elliot said. 
You both jumped not hearing him come out. 
“We were having a moment” Jamie said 
“Yeah we got that but food let’s go” Elliot said. 
You both laughed and Jamie grabbed your hand 
“Let’s go eat” He said. 
He grabbed your hand and you both followed him inside and into the kitchen. 
Everyone had plates and the food all spread out. There was chairs all brought in so you could all sit together 
“I see everything worked out” Jet said 
“Yeah it did” You said 
“Good i’m glad i could not stand for another moment Jamie walking around sulking all day it was getting to much” Elliot said. 
“Oh well he was sad because you didn’t move in with him” You said laughing. 
“Yeah i think he asked but we didn’t get conformation you said no” Ayanna said 
“Uh he wanted me to sleep on the right side he knows better” Elliot said. 
Everyone laughed at that 
“Y/N is a much better partner to sleep with” Jamie said. 
“Awww well I don’t know Elliot is nice” You said 
“Well you keep bringing this food in I’m yours anytime” Elliot said. 
“Nah this mine forever” Jamie said. 
“Damn straight” You said. 
Everyone was joking and eating and enjoying themselves and you were so grateful Elliot called. It was going to take some work and you and Jamie both had a lot to talk about when you got home.
But he was your person and he was worth the fight for and you were so happy to be coming home.
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8bit-box · 1 year
today I went to a garage sale and they had TWO BOXES OF KANDI BEADS FOR 3 DOLLARS. what a steal. I bought them instantly, glad I did though cause I didn't notice them UNTIL I was about to leave..
there are so many beads I'm thinking I might make a few gravity circuit bracelets, maybe one of nega and bit first... maybe cable too, I have the perfect colors for them.. ooo om excited this is my first time making kandi bracelets
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earnestlyegos · 1 year
*dunks the qnappb over*
If yall had to choose different names, what would they be?
im hyper right now so you’re immediately getting a fucking answer!!!
yancy would go for Quincy, because its the closest thing he can think of to yancy!! literally cannot think of anything else!!
eric would probably go for something like peter!! to him, it has the same shy undertone as his current name, and he could see himself being a good peter.
and for mark?? he’d probably go for Orion, like some LOSER!! mostly because he enjoys cool space names and genuinely wants a cool name like that!
and for me?? probably some lame shit like socks! i could be down for someone walking up to me and going “heyy socks, how you doing??”! like, thats not bad!!
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thevashstampede · 2 years
Oh oh oh, tell your thoughts please <3
Oh god. Oh god man. The way I was NOT expecting to be hit with the found family trope so hard and I got absolutely SMACKED anyways... WHEW. MAD that the hype is pretty well deserved. MAD that I was pussy and didn't pick it up when it first came out because I thought it was going to be cruel and nothing else. MAD that Makima was 100% the Worst from the get go but she still managed to BETRAY me bro....
They all said they weren't going to fall in love with each other and I believed them. Like a FOOL bro. It's like. Such a simple story, like all of the twists and underdog trump cards were SO simple but they hit EVERY TIME.
#god and dont get me started on the symbolic high brow nonsense in the charcter and devil designs and the fact of devils in the first place#im too dumb to fully work it out yet but ho boy theres some good shit there for the thesis writers#the art was ultraviolent in its detail but also so beautiful#MAD when an artist is fucking good >:(#and makima!! you were supposed to hate her that was the point we FELL for it even though she was apparently doing everything because#she wanted the same thing everyone else did and that was ALSO the point and we got got so BAD bro#the need for meaningful connection with others even if you have to be dragged kicking and screaming#even if its found in a burning garbage can of a life and you know its going to hurt so so bad when you reach your hand in there#but you do anyways because thats what it means to be alive#FUCK dude#and also the comment on authoritarian governments and hierarchical organziations that run our societies. lol. lmao.#THEY SLEPT TOGETHER. THEY HELD EACH OTHER. LIKE DENJI HELD POCHITA WHEN HE WAS A BABY#THE LOVE WAS REAL. AGAINST ALL ODDS AND GOOD JUDGEMENT IT WAS REAL.#denji growing past being kind of a sex pest adolescent boy#into not having to view women as sex objects to have meaningful relationships with them. power. POWER. god.#AND LOVING SOMEONE SO MUCH YOU HAVE TO FUCKING. EAT THEM.#fujimoto really said hey incels reading this. boobies? now that i have your attention. experience a relationship beautiful and true.#and hes so based for that#anyways im still thinking about 'I got cold feet.' girl BYE
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trekkerac-art · 2 years
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#1 Note
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gdsgrief · 6 months
why write when i can make another notion board
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ajjconcertat2am · 8 months
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more beautiful images i dug up from my phone
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infinityonimmortals · 9 months
How bored do I have to be to start my photo dump blog
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katicature · 9 months
I just figured out the pseuds on ao3 and let me just say im fucking estatic. its been driving me nuts that my one direction and stranger things fic as well as my y/n reader fics were just sitting with my komahina/saiouma fics, like no everyone belongs in a dif category excuse me some organization is needed.
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