#for megumi it’s emotions/tears and the fact he does not want to address them much
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unluckedtj · 1 year ago
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the smudge on an otherwise perfect painting, and tears of moss
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polar-stars · 7 years ago
Shokugekiweek 2017
Day 8 (Part 2): Original Characters / Role / Cooking Specialty 
A/N: A very quick little look into the Next Gen of Polar Star in the very beginning of the 115th Generation, long before Kimiko Yukihira’s transfer into Totsuki and the start of the challenging highschool times. 
Warning! Contains some odd ships (or rather their childs)
I actually wanted to draw something, but my laptop is right in front of death, so I use it as little as possible and wrote this little one shot, because I will never shut up about my Shokugeki Next Gen. 
This entire shot is a kind off a little prequel to this fan fiction, which actually deals with the daughter of Erina and Soma, Kimiko Yukihira, who does not appear here. It’s nothing fantastic, but it’s awfully lot of fun to write for me and if you have interest...welp, check it out I guess.
Enough with my rambling. Let’s go. 
Megumi Aldini-Tadokoro backed off to admire her work and Hiroshi was not sure about it but it seemed that her warm, yellow eyes were near tears as she let them trail over him.
Isami Aldini-Tadokoro only smiled, but even more brightly than usual.
Here he stood, Hiroshi Aldini-Tadokoro. Dressed complete and properly into the naval blue uniform that the school sent home to him a few days earlier.
Which school, you may ask?
Totsuki, of course.
Unlike his friends in Tohoku, Hiroshi would not visit the local middle school here but attend a school in Tokyo instead. Totsuki Culinary Academy, the most famous and prestigious culinary school in Japan as he had heard way too many times now. His parents, as well as his uncle and aunt had graduated from there. Something not as usual as someone might think. Apparently the graduates can usually be counted off by hand, because of the school's extreme out weeding throughout the six years.
Except for one Generation, but no one even thought about this sort of brilliance in just one Generation to come back any day. So it wasn't of any bother.
"...You won't be sad with me, if I don't make it, right...?" Hiroshi had asked many times. His parents assured him that they were certain he could do it, but if he didn't felt like going to the school they wouldn't force him.
He decided he could give it a shot and enjoy it as long as it lasts.
So here he was now, ready to go. The entire village standing outside and ready to bring him to the train.
But before she would expose her son to the excited crowd, Megumi wanted to make use of the silence in the house one last time. "Hiroshi." She softly smiled. "Yes, Mom?" Hiroshi responded and locked his blue eyes with her's.
He felt his mother's hand going through his unkempt blue locks as she said. "Don't ever forget, that you have people you can talk to. Isami and Me. Your grandmother. Your friends here in Tohoku...You can even phone all the way to Italy and speak to uncle Takumi, aunt Ikumi or little Mika. And also-"
Her eyes trailed away from him. Not just away from him, it seemed, but also away from the current time. She was in memory of something. "...I am sure you'll find friends in Totsuki as well. And don't ever hesitate to ask them for help, if you feel in need for it and that they're the right persons."
Hiroshi gave an unsure nod.
"And remember to have fun." His father winked at him and gave him a quite proud look afterwards. "I am more than sure that you have the talents to reach the top spot of the academy."
The Farewell had been long, emotional but a beautiful memory that Hiroshi would always treasure in his heart during the long time he'd spent on Totsuki.
After the many tears, the thousands of hugs and the millions of encouraging words, Hiroshi was finally sitting in the train that would bring him to Japan's capital city.
And in what felt like no-time to him he was already standing in front of the huge gate of the even more huger school with widened eyes and unable to grasp each and every detail of the campus at once.
This school was truly something, he could tell by the look alone.
Around him masses of students entered. More than one of them was exiting a limousine and nearly everyone held a prideful expression. Hiroshi pressed his lips together and tightened his grip around his suitcase, as if it could protect him from anything. He wasn't even sure of what he needed to be protected off.
Slowly but surely he started to move and just follow the students in his age.
While walking he couldn't help himself but to ask this one question.
...What did I actually sign up for?
He did sign up for a school that didn't even bothered to spare it's students the lesson on day uno.
After a long, stretched entrance ceremony, held by one of the upperclassmen, Akio Hayama, Hiroshi, as well as his classmates, were already thrown into the many kitchens Totsuki had and had to attend their first cooking lesson.
Luckily, Hiroshi had managed to find a partner in all this chaos and a good one at that. The guy had looked as unsure and timid as himself, hectically turning his head after the teacher had stated that he wants the students to work in pairs.
He had brown hair and dull, black eyes. Daisuke Aoki was his name.
And right now, Hiroshi was walking outside with him as they finished their first day of school.
"And you're not nervous at all?!" Daisuke was exclaiming in bewilderedness. The two boys had just realised that they would both live in the same dormitory. The only one available on the campus, Polar Star.
"Should I?" Hiroshi turned to Daisuke, slightly worried about his companion's comment. "Well uhm..." Daisuke unsurely elaborated. "...Polar Star is one of the most popular places to live during Totsuki times. It has a long history and is very famous, since the Jewel Generation." "Jewel Generation was the 92nd, right?" Hiroshi wanted to make sure. Daisuke gave a quick nod.
That was the Generation that had ever managed to get more students through than can be count off by hand. A sensation, apparently.
Both of Hiroshi's parents had been part of it, as well as his uncle and aunt, and the teachers had gladly reminded him on that fact through the entire day.
"The entrance exam shall be really hard as well..." Daisuke's words brought Hiroshi back into reality. The boy truly was worried.
"Aoki." Hiroshi addressed him and he turned his head. He gave him an encouraging smile. "I am sure, you'll be fine. You were great help today as well."
Daisuke blushed a little and stammered. "Th...Thanks, I guess."
Before Hiroshi could change the topic to not have Daisuke worry so much anymore a loud yell made it's way to their ears, resulting in a turn around.
There stood a boy, their age, with hair as black as the night and eyes as violet as lavander. He wore the school uniform without tie and opened jacket. His eyes were completely ignoring Hiroshi's presence and only narrowed at the sight of Daisuke. And as Hiroshi casted one look to his new friend, he noticed that he was returning the challenging gaze.
The boy walked up to them.
"Where have you been?" Were the first words he gave to them and Hiroshi was sure they were directed to Daisuke.
Daisuke who only intensified his challenging gaze. "Since when is that any of your business?"
The answer followed immediately. "Well, someone has to take care of you!" Afterwards a melancholic sigh, worthy of Shakespearean theatre. "And we both now that I am the more mature one of us here." Daisuke snickered, but the boy was not paying attention to it. "And my day had been rough enough, that I don't have the time to chase around some baby!"
Okay this was clearly heading into a direction that Hiroshi wasn't really fond of and so he timidly interjected. Or tried too. "Uhm...Excuse me?"
Both boys turned.
The black haired one pulled up an eyebrow, while Daisuke's face lightened up. "Who are you?" The unnamed one asked.
"Aldini-Tadokoro Hiroshi..." Hiroshi responded or rather murmured so that the boy had to lean forward a little to properly understand. "Gosh, you're as soft-spoken as him." He pointed to Daisuke.
Then his expression shifted into a rather haughty one and he proudly announced. "I am Kawashima Hideyoshi, by the way. Yes, son of the Kawashima Urara, as well as Kawashima Shoji."
"Nice to meet you." Hiroshi held out a hand, but Hideyoshi simply went past it and continued to head into the direction Daisuke and Hiroshi were intending too. Walking didn't stopped him from talking though. "In a few months, I am going to own the school, alright? This is nothing but a playground to me. First I gotta become the world's greatest host and then-"
"Sorry." Daisuke appeared next to Hiroshi, whispering. Hiroshi couldn't help but to flinch a little. "Huh ?" "He's always been like that." Daisuke explained and his expression turned a little grim afterwards. "I have the pleasure to be around him since I was born...but...." Now his face got at least a little softer. "He can be nice here and then...."
Daisuke shrugged in apologise, but Hiroshi gave him an "It's okay"-head shake. He  would just believe Daisuke's comment about Hideyoshi's friendly side and decided to work for bringing that side out. His mother had said he would make friends here and he would try that for sure.
And so the three continued their journey to the school's sole dorm.
The school's sole dorm was full. Very full.
As soon as Daisuke, Hideyoshi and Hiroshi entered they were already greeted by a lousy crowd of students their age, who all intended to join the dorm. Most of their chats were about the dorm's legacy but some also complained about the rough day and how they couldn't wait to get into their beds.
Hiroshi gulped at that sight of many contenders. Behind him he heard a bicker emerge and noted that it was in fact between Hideyoshi and Daisuke. He also noted that is was about...jam.
Just as he finished to build up all his courage to stop the childish discussion on which fruit tastes best on bread, the crowd suddenly went silent and soon afterwards, Hiroshi heard a jolly laughter which made him turn around.
A man with light brown hair, sparkling blue eyes and a pink apron was standing infront of the middle schoolers now. "No need to fall silent all of the sudden, I won't do any harm to you. May I rather introduce myself?" He didn't even waited for an answer. "Well, I am your dormmother Isshiki Satoshi or Satoshi-San to you and Welcome." His arms went wide and the exclaim that followed afterwards could probably be heard by the entirety of Tokyo. "To the Polar Star Dorm!"
Hiroshi flinched a little, while Daisuke and Hideyoshi had stopped their bicker and just gave the dormmother a flabbergasted look.
"I can just assure you that you picked the absolute right place to live in. Here is where you can fully embrace the beauty of youth, sharing your rice with others and celebrate till the morning with your newfound friends."
Hideyoshi blinked. "Youth?" "Dad had told me the dormmother could be quite weird time to time, but he's a very decent and cool guy." Daisuke noted.
"Well then." Satoshi clapped. "As much as I want to let you run off to your rooms immediately, I sadly can't do that. It's Polar Star's tradition to have the students intending to live here attend an entrance test. It's already noted on the sheets that were handed out to you by the staff earlier. So I hope that's not too much of a surprise to all of you. Well then, you cook me a dish with the ingredients that you brought and I'll judge if it's worthy for these walls." He tipped his chin. "And to have space in the kitchen, I'll only take a little group at the time...let me see..."
His eyes started to scan the crowd of anticipated children in front of him. And then he suddenly pointed somewhere into the crowd and exclaimed. "You two please."
Whoever he had chosen were too far away for Hiroshi to see. But he guessed that they started moving. Satoshi was only proceeding his inspection as he suddenly looked into Hiroshi's direction.
His finger lifted and Hiroshi felt it pointing at him. "You two as well."
Two? ...Oh of course.
Hiroshi turned around to see Hideyoshi and Daisuke simultaneously pointing at themselves, silently asking for a confirmation. Satoshi gave it to them through a nod and so the two started moving.
Hiroshi had just waved to Daisuke as Satoshi spoke up again. "And you too."
Hiroshi let his gaze go back to the dormmother and saw that he was pointing at him. "Yes, you with the blue hair." Satoshi made it even clearer.
Slowly Hiroshi nodded and picked up his bag with ingredients. The crowd parted or him and he quickly walked forward, to escape the many eyes burning for him. He then arrived in the front, next to Daisuke.
Satoshi clapped his hands together a second time. "That's it for now. Please wait here in the main hall, I'll come back as soon as these five are finished."
He swiftly turned around and walked away. Hiroshi exchanged one quick look with Daisuke and Hideyoshi and then they started to follow him.
Polar Star's kitchen was huge and heavily equipped, so that Hiroshi couldn't help but gasp. Next to him Hideyoshi wore an excited expression, while Daisuke fumbled with his fingers...and next to them...
Hiroshi now finally got a chance to look at the other pair that was chosen alongside him and Daisuke and Hideyoshi.
A boy stood there, with crossed arms. Next to him was a petite girl, who was holding a book. The boy's auburn hair was silky and quite long. He bonded them together in a ponytail. Most notable was the fact that his bangs casted a shadow on his face and perfectly hid his eyes. The girl next to him had black hair which she wore in a bun. But some of the hair had loosened from it, as Hiroshi noted. The most dominant feature though were the circular glasses, sitting on the girls nose and hiding her shining, teal eyes behind them.
Before Hiroshi could give the pair a friendly greet, he already heard Satoshi speaking up again. "Well then, here are your aprons. You don't want to get your uniforms dirty, don't you?"
In his hands were a bunch of little aprons that had the same colour as his. He handed each of them one and looked at them happily afterwards.
Hiroshi didn't even hesitated to look at the print on the apron and had already bonded it around his waist.
"Before you start cooking..." Satoshi said. "...I'd like to know your names. And I don't know how you feel about it, but I'd say ladies first."
With that said, everyone immediately turned to the only girl in the room who looked up surprised. Satoshi gave her an encouraging nod.
"Oh well, uhm...." She started and took off her glasses to start cleaning them and have an excuse to look down. "My name is Marui Chieko."
It may was an illusion to Hiroshi but it felt as if Satoshi's ever-lasting smile grew a little after Chieko had said her surname. The dormmother turned to the boy beside Chieko. "And you?" "I am Ibusaki Yasu." He stated stoically.
Next up was Hideyoshi. His introduction was a little longer than the ones before him and accompanied by poses and wide arm gestures.
Daisuke kept it a little shorter again.
"And lastly..." Hiroshi now felt Satsohi's gaze wandering to him and knew what he had to do. He took a step forward and turned to his soon-to-be dormmates. "Good day, everyone. I...I am Aldini-Tadokoro Hiroshi." He quickly bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you all."
As he looked up again, he was greeted by silence from the audience. Except for one thing. Sniffing.
One quick turn revealed it to come from Satoshi who rubbed a tear out of his eyes. "E...Everything okay, Satoshi-San?" Hiroshi stuttered hastily.
Satoshi nodded. "Yes... Yes it is... I am just so happy right now and...." New tears streamed out of his face. "I wish you the best of luck for this exam!"
The vision of a calming fountain faded slowly and Satoshi took a deep breath.
"Hiroshi-Kun, you passed."
Relief and amazement filled with Hiroshi's body and he blinked bewildered.
"An excellent interpretation of Maki Sushi." Satoshi praised before looking to the other candidates with a sad look. "I am sorry for you four that it didn't worked out today. But..I am more than certain that tomorrow will hold more fortune for you."
"So we can try again?" Daisuke immediately beamed. He was standing next to a crushed Hideyoshi. Yasu had turned his back to the others and has not talked to anyone since, not even to his companion Chieko who was sadly eyeing the floor.
"Of course you can! I beg you to, to be exact. You can sleep in the barn nearby for this night and come back tomorrow."
For the first time since Yasu heard the news that he didn't passed, he was turning his head half-way. Chieko looked up as well and Hideyoshi's spirits seemed to have returned within a second as he jumped up, balled a fist and cajoled. "Alright then! Be ready tomorrow, Satoshi-San!"
The other three bid goodbye as well and so the quartet left the kitchen.
Satoshi turned to Hiroshi and placed an old-looking, metal key into his hand. "Congratulations, Hiroshi-Kun. Room 304. Good work today." His smile grew a little. "Your parents can be proud."
Hiroshi inspected the key a little before looking up. "Uhm...uh...Satoshi-San?" "Hm?" "Won't the others be cold tonight?"
Satoshi scratched his head. "No. The barn may not be a room, but it's comfortable none or less and don't worry, I am more than certain it's not for very long."
And Satoshi was right.
Chieko and Yasu passed the entrance test on the very next day. A stuffed duck and a smoked salmon handled the deal. Chieko was in awe that she has gotten one of the bigger rooms, in form of room 205. Satoshi said that it was for all the books that the girl had brought with her. Yasu took the key for room 212 without saying any word. He did looked relieved though, Hiroshi thinks.
Daisuke and Hideyoshi took a little longer but at some point they heard the "You passed" from Satoshi as well. Hideyoshi got room 216 and Daisuke room 109.
Others tried and tried as well, but each day it became lesser and lesser. Till at some point, no one wanted to face Satoshi's judging anymore.
And at that day the 115th Generation part of Polar Star had been formed out of four guys and one girl. And Satoshi gave a little mini-banquet just for the five of them in he dining room.
"Congratulations." He lifted a glass. "I am very proud of you five. You never gave up, didn't lost your hope and now you're here. I can't wait to go through these six years with you. Cheers!"
Hiroshi smiled to his dormmates, who began eating.
He was glad that they all made it, since it had be really sad for him to see them all so miserable on the first day. And maybe, just maybe, this little group would become the friends that Hiroshi's mother was talking about.
But it didn't took Daisuke and Hideyoshi long before they started bickering again. This time about which pizza topping is the best. The discussion got awfully heated as Hideyoshi mentioned pineapples.
Yasu and Chieko remained as silent and closeted as always and only exchanged whispers between each other here and then.
Hiroshi's smile faded a little bit. Two knuckleheads and two introverts. Not to mention, both pairs were made up of childhood friends with a pre-established bond. If he wanted to befriend them, it would not be a very easy journey.
He let out a little sigh. As he remembered Satoshi praising them for never giving up.
He would just have to try. He didn't even truly did until now.
"Marui-San?" He therefore addressed the sole girl, who stopped a whisper-conversation with Yasu and expectingly turned her head to him.
"What was that technique called again you used for your dish at the entrance test?"
Chieko blinked a little taken aback by that sudden question. She then pushed up her glasses and started to elaborate. First she did it a little unsurely and flat, but the more Hiroshi nodded, asked questions or just watched her with interested blue eyes, the more safely she spoke and the more eager her speech went.
Satoshi was watching this with a knowing smile, shook his head and went to the kitchen to cook up more food.
And that's how it started.
Hiroshi's first year on Totsuki.
It was the starting gun for a long journey that would hold many challenges, surprises and other things to each member in the Polar Star Dorm.
The first change already started in their second year of middle school, where Hiroshi's cousin Mika Aldini transferred into the school and joined the dorm as well. Her fiery attitude brought some freshness into the dorm indeed and she was quickly the centre of attention within the 115th Generation. Next to the headmistress’ two daughters and Kaori Hayama, of course.
But everything truly became one whirlwind with the start to highschool, which would cast the true challenges on the young chefs.
Alongside this change came a honey-blonde diner girl, with golden eyes and a bright smile, going by the name of Kimiko Yukihira. A girl that would turn Hiroshi's world upside-down quickly.
But all of this would take it's time and for now he was just happily chatting in the dormitory's dining hall, not knowing at all what ride he actually signed up to.
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