#for me it's ambulance bc i live super close to a hospital
invisible-goats · 1 month
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Since were both in a Kirsty & Richie mood - seven scenes, one for each season?
oooo okay let’s go!!!!
Season 1: in Forgiveness and Stuff, once they’re sure that Richard is going to be okay and they all go home, Richie makes hot chocolate and brings it to Kirsty’s room because he knows that she’s been really shaken up (both because of being closer with the grandparents than Rory and because of the hospital stuff) and they spend the night drinking hot chocolate and cuddling under a warm blanket until Kirsty stops shaking 🥺(I can see him including Rory in it or Rory having gone to bed when they get home!)
Season 2: just, Richie escorting Kirsty at the debutant ball 🥺at first it’s just doing a favour for his sister but he ends up getting really excited to have this special thing with her because they haven’t has as much time together since starting Chilton bc of school and everything, and the entire thing is just soft and sweet and adorable!
My Way —
Season 3: listen when Kirsty gets her early admissions to Yale, the first person that she tells is Richie and he’s so excited it’s adorable!  He totally respects that she’s not ready to tell Lorelai but he definitely struggles to hide his excitement
Season 4: okay these are technically two scenes but idk which works with your Richie plans!!!  In The Lorelais First Day At Yale, either Kirsty goes to crash in Richie’s dorm for the night because having Lorelai (and Rory tbh) there at all is already really shitty for her but then the whole food party makes it even worse, or Kirsty begs Richie to come to the dorm because she can’t deal with any of it alone (possibly including Richie reassuring Kirsty that she’s not a bad person for being pissed about Rory being at Yale/in her quad)
Season 5: oof oh boy okay so Rory and Kirsty have a huge fight over the Rory getting back with Dean thing (especially because Kirsty is like genuinely afraid of Dean after the Keg! Max situation), and I can just see Richie like basically dragging her to New York to spend a weekend in the apartment because he can tell that she’s kind of falling apart over it all
Season 6: okay so while literally everyone else is fighting with everyone else (hell, Kirsty even tears into Rory at one point), can we just have Friday Night’s Alright For Fighting with Kirsty and Richie absolutely defending each other all the way until finally the two of them just leave and Richie drives them out to New York to spend the weekend at the apartment because it’s home-home (and possible Richie calling Logan & Tristan and Kirsty calling Paris, and Jess already there, so they just have a family bonding time)
Season 7: oh god okay but at parents’ day, Kirsty continuously introducing Luke & Jess as her family and Richie just kind of laughing at her (but affectionately) but then when he sees Lorelai and Christopher he joins her in calling Luke dad (and they both run interference keeping each other away from Christopher and Richie basically telling Lorelai “you really fucked up so respect that Kirsty doesn’t want you in her life and leave her alone”)
Piece By Piece — 
Season 3: Just give me Richie defending Kirsty & Jess’ relationship to Lorelai pls 🥺like when she flips her shit at the end of summer party and Kirsty is like definitely close to tears, I really need Richie to just say something along the lines of “well she’s almost 18 were and Jess is involved, so she’s off to a better start than you were”
Season 4: ooh boy okay so obviously the Harvard-Yale game is a disaster so afterwards Richie goes back to Kirsty & Jess’ and the three of them eat takeout on the living room floor while watching a movie (probably a disney one bc of the twins) like they used to when Richie was staying with them in New York!!!
Season 5: okay but when the Christopher and Kirsty fight breaks out, Luke and Jess are each holding one of the twins (keeping them far away from Christopher) so Richie is the one who like just grabs her by the stomach and pulls her away and basically tells Christopher to leave before he lets go of her
Season 6: okay like it isn’t a specific scene but since Rory lives in New York for at least a chunk of the time that she’s out of Yale, just give me the triplets’ New York adventures like either in the summer or Kirsty and Richie going down for some weekends (and still studying super hard but also just spending time the three of them because like clearly they’ve grown apart a bit if Rory fell apart like that and couldn’t talk to them about it so they want to reconnect 🥺)
Season 7: goddd okay but the episode where Richard has a heart attack like in PBP Kirsty is still at Yale and she’s in Richard’s class so either Richie being in the class too or Kirsty calling him and like the entire ambulance ride to the hospital and like tbh the entire time at the hospital they just are not letting go of each other’s hands and just being each other’s rock through the entire time (and the second that Christopher finally shows up, Richie is just immediately pulling Kirsty out of the hospital)
Send me a crossover and I’ll talk about a scene that I could see happening in their story
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byunbaekby · 4 years
questions tag!
tagged by: @bumblebeenct​ thank you for the tag milly! this was super fun :)
relationships: single! i’m coming up on my one year anniversary of being single and it feels good.
break-ups: my last breakup was with my ex, we were together for almost three years! yeah, even i’m amazed it lasted so long for a high school relationship LOL.
kids: no, but i used to coach a middle school dance team and i like to call them my children.
brothers and sisters: i’m the oldest of four! i have two brothers and one sister. #eldestdaughterthings
pets: they’re not mine technically but my sister has two guinea pigs, named lilly and zoe. but take care of them more than she does.
surgeries: nope, none!
tattoos: not yet :)
countries you’ve been to: uhm the us and canada. i need to travel more. i was supposed to be in japan right now but corona,,,
been in an airplane: yes
been in an ambulance: nope!
sing karaoke: i love karaoke! 
ice skating: no,,, i was supposed to go on a date once but it rained so the rink was closed :(
been on a cruise: nope
driven a motorcycle: nope
ridden a horse: you know, there are pictures of me as a child on a horse but i have no recollection of it. 
stayed in a hospital: not for myself, no.
favourite fruit or berry: mangoes have always been my favorite fruit. watermelon is a close second!
favourite color: very specifically #3144F4 blue
last text: “ice my belly” LOLOL my friend and i have this inside joke bc she once tried temperature play via ice with her boyfriend and it didn’t work out so well so i make fun of her for it all the time AHAH littles look away
coffee or tea: tea, my favorite teas are jasmine and peppermint!
favourite pie: apple
favourite pizza: combo or margherita 
cat or dog: a self proclaimed cat person but after i watched a dog’s purpose,,, undecided
favourite time of year: i absolutely adore fall / autumn. one, the weather and vibes are so nice. and two, i can wear both summer and winter clothes lol
met a star: no, but one of my friends met david so lmao
flown a helicopter: nah
been on TV: yes! i used to hmong dance competitively and they would broadcast it on the hmong channel. so i once tripped onstage on live tv yes. also besides hmong dance, my other dance company once had a segment on the news to promote our annual winter concert, and because i was a leadership member i spoke for a short while!
broken my leg: no but i have sprained so many ankles i can’t recall
seen a ghost: unsure.
been sick in a taxi: i’ve never been in a taxi, period.
tagging: @mintyuser @the32ndbeat @slightlymore @dreamiehrs @yayhei
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waymorecake4me · 5 years
Tsunami (Roger Taylor x Reader)
(a/n: Okay so this isn’t the deep grungy angst slowburn fic I talked about, but it is coming, I promise. But hopefully this angsty oneshot will hold ya over while I’m figuring the other thing out. Thank you so much @fluffyunicornofdanger for helping me edit this bc I’m stubborn and like to pretend I don’t need to edit hahaha and thank you for the encouragement to get back out there and write, I really mean it, you mean a lot to me. Okay on with the fic!)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Car Accidents.
Word count: 3.5k
Rain in London wasn’t exactly something to be surprised about. In fact, people were more surprised when they saw the sun. Overcast days and rain was one thing, but what seemed to be a damn tsunami was a whole other battle. One no one was prepared for.
Of course, rain had never stopped anyone in the city from doing anything, or else nothing would get done, but not even the weather forecast on Y/n’s tellie predicted what could happen on the short drive home from the grocery store.
The girl gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles, getting frustrated with the harsh precipitation and the effect it was having on all the other drivers. All she had wanted was to get home and have a hot cup of tea with her boyfriend. That was all she was asking for.
“This is bollocks. You know some of us have places to be!” The woman slammed her hand down on the horn. Who had taught these people to drive? Mad Max?
Each car was either speeding and weaving around the other vehicles or they were sitting completely still, nearly parked in the middle of the street. This was not a go cart rink nor a parking lot. And y/n was not having it. It was just a little storm, not the apocalypse. So, she decided to become one with the other speed demons, stepping on the gas pedal way harder than she could recall ever doing.
Her new driving technique seemed to be working just great, as she made excellent progress, getting closer and closer to the warmth of her home. She ignored all the horns that were being honked at her, she just needed to see Roger. Well, to be honest she needed to see anything.
The speed of her driving, mixed with the weather and the rubbish windshield wipers on her tiny but mighty car allowed her to see very little. As soon as the rubber wipers would get rid of the water buildup, more would pile on. It was like a waterfall was running down her windshield.
Y/n began to get distracted by sensory overload. The honking, the rain that sounded like bullets on the metal top of her car, the straining of her eyes, and all the other cars racing through, she couldn’t quite see the traffic light in front of her.
The storm had reached its peak and the wind was roaring. The shit wipers that helped her see just a tiny bit had given up the battle against mother nature and stopped completely, so the girl was sitting at this traffic light, heart pounding from the inability to see anything.
Just one stretch away from reaching her shared flat with her boyfriend snuggly inside, she had actually believed she was two blocks away.
Everything she was doing was going off of instinct. She knew the streets of London like the back of her hand but when you don’t even know where you are and are blinded by harsh lights and noises, you get a bit disoriented. So, believing she was at the light two blocks away, instead of just one, she counted down the exact seconds for how long that specific light took to turn green and when she got to one, she floored it. Pedal to the metal.
What she thought was just a flash of lightning from the storm hit her, she sighed the tiniest bit of relief, from believing she had made it across the proper street, but that went away and turned to a gasp that burned her lungs as she heard the loudest and longest honk she had heard all evening, and suddenly, her vehicle was flipped on its side 4 times, hurling the girl and the car into somebody’s front yard.
Everything seemed to go in slow motion, yet in super speed at the same time. She felt an unbearable pain in her right side and then her head smashed into her driver side window, her skull bouncing back and then falling forward to hit her steering wheel. Hard.
Screaming and honking ensued. A man wearing a baseball cap rushed out of his double-decker bus, which had taken little to no damage. But he wasn’t worried about his bus, “She came out of nowhere! I-I was just driving forward an-and then she… she-”
He had a look of horror on his face, as well as everyone else in the area. People stopped driving and stepped out of their cars, completely frozen at the sight of the wreckage. The owner of the house she had crashed into ran outside as did everyone else living on the street. When an accident happens in a neighborhood in the city of London, everyone was a rubbernecker.
“What are we all doing staring?! One of you, call a bloody ambulance!” Someone from a car shouted.
Many of the homeowners ran inside to dial 999, but some were still frozen in fear. That saying about how you can’t take your eyes off of a car wreck? It was proving itself to be true.
Roger had been asleep when the crash had happened, but the sound of a car tumbling, screaming, and then the blaring sirens of an ambulance in his neighborhood surely woke him up.
As everyone had been already doing, Roger joined in on the bandwagon and stood on the front porch of his and his girlfriend’s flat, to stay out of the rain.
He couldn’t quite make out what the car or the driver had gone through since the ambulance was blocking his view of anything but judging from the faces of people who were watching from the street and the fact that the police had the whole bloody road blocked off, it had to be bad.
He quietly watched with a curious eye as the unidentifiable person was hiked up into the ambulance on a gurney, they had a breathing mask over the person’s face. Thoughts of his girlfriend crossed his mind, as a couple hours had gone by since she had left for the store, but since the road was blocked off, she probably had to take some back roads and would be there any minute. He wouldn’t want her to have to see something like this anyways, it was petrifying.
The EMTs made quick work of slamming the truck doors after hopping inside, and the vehicle was speeding away in no time towards the nearest hospital.
Now Roger could kind of make out the damage that had been done to the car. It was flipped over, resting completely upside down. And… though he certainly didn’t have anything close to the best eyesight ever… he knew that car. And when he saw how bashed in the drivers side door was and the fact that the bloody thing was UPSIDE DOWN, his heart sank. Lower than humanly possible. His heart was probably 6 feet under.
No shoes, no socks, no shirt, only boxers on, Roger ran from his front porch, down the street, in the pouring rain, hoping, just hoping that somehow his eyes had been mistaken.
They weren’t. The license plate was that of his girlfriend of 4 years, Y/n.
Roger liked to keep up appearances. He liked to be known in the media as a rough, grungy, don’t take him home to mama kind of guy, but he didn’t care. He physically and mentally couldn’t care. He looked at all the damage to the car and fell to his knees, letting out a choked sob. How could she bounce back from this? How could she even survive this?
He was knelt down right next to the upside down driver side of the car, his hands reaching inside, shakily to grab at the Polaroid of the two of them that he knew was tucked inside the sun visor. One look, and he was putty. She was in god knows what physical condition on her way to probably ICU, by the looks of the car, and all he could do was look at this photograph and cry.
“Sir, we’re gonna need for you to stand up and step awa-” A police officer tapped on his shoulder but immediately had his hand swatted away by the blond on the ground.
“I’ll bloody hell get up and step away when I want,” Roger gritted his teeth, not looking at the officer, probably not even realizing it was an officer because all he could do was look back and forth between the picture and the car.
“Sir, I’m going to ask you one more time, nicely. We need to take this car to the pound.”
The officer was then met with a red face, red eyed Roger, photo in hand, “Do you see this? Do you know who that is? That’s my girlfriend and this is her car,” he gestured at the girl in the photo and then to the hunk of metal that was once called a car, “and I live FOUR doors down and I didn’t find out about this until just now.”
The police officer may have been taller than Roger, but in that moment, Roger was about as unstable and explosive as an atom bomb. To be quite honest, the large policeman was a bit intimidated by him, understandably so, “I-I’m sorry, sir-”
“Just tell me where they’ve taken her,” Roger tried to tough it out and stop crying but it was no use, “Which hospital?”
The now, very sorry man, barely had time to utter the name of the hospital to the sobbing mess before Roger rushed back to his flat, put on a pair of pants and a coat, slipped on a pair of shoes and lunged his way into his car, driving like a mad man to get to the hospital.
“Hello? Miss? Can you hear me?”
“She’s got lacerations on her head and torso, appears to be concussed, doctor.”
“Some sort of leg fracture, I can’t be sure.”
“Dark bruising on her head, can we get a little help here? I need a monitor, can someone please get me a heart monitor?”
All of these voices danced in and out of Y/n’s head, not quite sure if they were coming from just one person, or twenty.
She had no idea where she was, all she knew was that her head felt funny and her whole body stung and ached. She could just barely open her left eye as the other was nearly swollen completely shut.
“Doctor, she’s awake,” A nurse pointed out, frantically. Everything seemed frantic, “Miss, do you know your name or where you are?”
Y/n couldn’t speak. Her throat was dry and hoarse and she really didn’t know where she was or what had happened. She was in too much shock, physically, and overloaded, mentally to speak. All she could do was try to look around with her one good eye, but everything was so bright and blurry.
“We’re going to get you into a room for a physical examination before we take you back for surgery, alright?”
Surgery? Had Y/n heard this woman correctly? Her ears may have been ringing but she knew she heard the word surgery and Y/n certainly didn’t need surgery. She fought the pain with everything she could and tried to sit up, “No… no…” Only to be pushed down by the same nurse.
“Ma’am, your injuries are intense, please don’t move, it’ll only make things worse. Let us get you to a room.”
Y/n felt the sharpest of pains in her head from her little fit, realizing that the nurse was right, she gave in and laid back down, an electric shock feeling going from her right shoulder, down to her toes, “Fucking hell,” she mumbled in her hoarse voice.
The girl did her best to stay awake, although the sweet embrace of sleep was calling to her constantly.
Roger arrived at the hospital looking like a hot mess. Sprinting up to the front desk, with very little breath left from running there from his car, which conveniently was parked at the back of the lot, due to a full parking deck. “I need to see my girlfriend,” he panted out, “car accident, just about 20 minutes ago.”
The receptionist looked at him a bit funny, seeing as he was soaking wet, wearing pajama pants, a leather jacket with no shirt underneath, and two completely different shoes, but searched the database anyways, “Name?”
“H-her name is Y/n L/n. Look, it’s very recent, she probably was just rushed through here-” He got cut off, making him more agitated, if that was even possible.
“She is in an isolated room right now being examined, you can sit in the waiting room until she can have visitors.”
Roger didn’t like that answer. He didn’t like it one bit. You could practically see the gears in his brain turning and then lighting on fire. His ocean blue eyes rolled at the woman, “And when exactly would that be?”
“Sir, I don’t have that information yet, but I will let you know as soon as I do,” She tried to reason with him. It’s not like he’s the first loved one to freak out, she dealt with it all the time, but something told her that this might just be a new experience for her.
“Motherfucker!” Y/n screamed out as she was being poked and prodded by the doctor. He was only doing his job, finding out what exactly was going on inside her body. It seemed her head and her right arm had taken the hardest blows.
“This is going to hurt, I’m sorry,” He whispered as he grabbed her right arm and tried to bend it at the elbow, which only resulted in another yelp of pain, “Could you bend it on your own?”
She was definitely fully conscious now, only because of the painful, necessary, yet painful testing she was going through, “If you couldn’t bend it for me, what makes you think I can do it on my own?” She mumbled, her face scrunched up from all the pain.
The doctor chuckled at her mental vigor, “You may be concussed but you’ve got a lot of fight in you,” He then turned to a nurse, “I’m thinking we might need to do multiple x-rays.”
“Okay but could you at least go and check?” Roger asked the receptionist for probably the 50th time, and to say it was getting on her nerves would be putting it lightly.
She got up from her swivel chair and waved the blond man off, dismissively and clearly irritated, and walked into some hidden room, leaving Roger to sit down with his own thoughts in the waiting area.
His anger had been fueling all of this but it hadn’t hit him since his breakdown at the crash site that he was, in fact, sitting in a hospital, waiting to find out if his girlfriend was even alive. Never in a million years would he think that this could happen, and he was pretty sure that he wasn’t alone on that thought. Nobody ever thinks that something so traumatic could happen to you or someone you care about but once it does happen… it gets real.
Roger had been thinking about everything and nothing at the same time for some time now, when the woman he was about to go into fist to fist combat with returned with a hand on his shoulder, “Room 317. I’ve been informed to warn you, though, it’s not great. But she is okay.”
His head shot up and without even thinking, or thanking the woman for that matter, he walked to the elevator. He pressed the button to go up with a blank expression on his face.
What was he supposed to feel? Sure, she’s alive, but what had “it’s not great” meant? Should he feel happy? Relieved? Or devastated?
Much like the accident itself, everything was in slow motion for him. The elevator just couldn’t move fast enough. But once it had and the doors opened, he was on a mission. Roger didn’t care if she had lost all her limbs, he had to see her. He had finally found someone he could call the love of his life and she was laying in a hospital bed alone, and he would not be having any of that.
“314,” He counted out loud, heart racing as he walked, “315, 316…” He slowed down, seeing the door was already open, just cracked slightly. His nerves were making him shake uncontrollably but he grabbed the Polaroid from the car, out of his pocket and gripped it tight, in hopes that it would give him some sort of ungodly strength, “317.”
Roger grasped the door knob and knocked on the door with the other, except there was no point to the knock, seeing as he was already entering. “Y/n?” He whispered quietly.
He heard sort of a moan in return that made his knees buckle, it wasn’t the type of moan he liked to hear from her, quite the opposite. A moan of pain that he had never heard come from her in his entire 4 years of knowing the girl.
Roger slowly walked into the room, as not to scare his girlfriend, but in reality, he was probably trying not to scare himself from whatever he was going to find behind that curtain. That fucking curtain. He pulled it back slowly, finding Y/n with bruises all over, some minor cuts on her body, but one large one on her forehead, her right eye was swollen to hell, and the doctors had put her right arm in a temporary soft cast and a sling. Hair frizzy and scattered across the pillow, but she still looked like herself. Roger let out a sigh of relief. That breath had probably been held up inside of him from the moment he was in the elevator.
“Rog?” Her voice was raspy and quiet but he heard her and rushed to her side.
“Yes, love? Are you okay? Do you need anything? A pillow? Some water-” His frantic nature was justifiable, considering the night they had both had, but she seemed to have another concern.
Y/n tilted her head to the side to look at him, still only able to see with her left eye, “I think the ice cream from the store will have melted by the time we get home.”
Roger let out a relieved chuckle, “We can always get more ice cream, my sweet. All I care about is that you’re okay.” He didn’t want to move her arm to touch her so he leaned down and kissed her hand, which made her frown a tad.
“You can touch me, Rog, I’m not made of paper,” A twinge of sadness could be heard in her voice, “plus they’ve given me some A grade drugs so I feel a bit better.” She tried to giggle but ended up coughing in the end.
Albeit nervous, he grabbed her left hand and kissed her knuckles, then various kisses up her unbroken arm, and lastly he landed a kiss straight on her lips. A chaste kiss, but a sweet one, nonetheless, “I thought I was going to lose you,” he hovered above her lips, taking in the features of her face, the right side was far more beaten up than the left, but he could still see her underneath it all. For better or for worse, right? Or was that only with marriage? Not that he didn’t see it in their future, but in a hospital room after a car crash wasn’t exactly the romantic proposal he imagined.
“It’s gonna take a lot more than a double-decker bus to kill me off, Taylor.”
They both laughed a much, much needed laugh. “I love you, you know that?” He had been brushing all of her y/h/c locks to the side, making her look more like herself and less like someone who had been struck by lightning.
Y/n hummed in response and leaned into his hand, “How on earth are we going to deal with this shit?” She would have gestured down to her broken body if she could’ve but instead she just looked downwards at herself.
He shushed her and continued petting her hair, lovingly, “Don’t worry about that, love, we’ll manage, I promise,” He was acting stronger than before but he couldn’t help it if a tear or two fell from his eyes, “I’m going to take care of you, okay? We’ll get a new car, I’ll help you bathe, it’ll be fine, you just need to focus on feeling better and healing.”
The girl nodded groggily and smiled faintly, “Okay. But make sure you get some more ice cream, it was quite expensive.”
He realized the drugs were kicking in and making her sleepy so he just smiled to himself and snuggled into her neck, “I’ll get you all the ice cream you want.”
He stayed like that for a while, by her side, letting her rest, but all that aside, once she was better, he was never going to let her live this drugged up ice cream fiasco down.
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
Finally sitting down to watch Zi-O ep 4...
Let’s game?
Well, no, actually no, we won’t, but I was trying to be thematic.
And in no particular order:
Okay, that explains it. When I saw the preview images it looked like they were talking to Emu, and then Geiz and Sougo both henshined and took a knee for some reason. It’s actually the other way round.
Geez, Emu. Since when were you this uncommunicative and unhelpful? That’s Taiga’s job!
Like seriously, you know these two are Kamen Riders. Just explain yourself to them instead of making weird vague statements.
Geiz at it again w/ the grump. Have I mentioned--you know where that’s going.
Tsukuyomi w/ the intercede again. I’m liking this trio.
Okay, I wanna know who Goggles is. The guy whose hand Geiz was holding in that future-flashback? A friend? Brother? This being Toei it’s unlikely to be a boyfriend, but it’s still possible. He looks like he mighta been a nice fellow, I’m sorry he died.
I guess this is a lot to take in, and Sougo is generally pretty slow on the uptake, it appears, so... But looks like he’s getting it now.
Tsukuyomi, I really hope you’re aware just how much of a problem child you just decided to adopt.
I actually agree w/ someone else I saw, I think. I kinda wish they would give her a better reason than ‘I don’t know’ for this. Like, I’m liking the idea that she doesn’t want her childhood friend to technically become a murderer by killing someone who is, at that point, still innocent, but this ‘I don’t know’ thing is kinda... meh to me. It doesn’t feel touching or sweet, and is even kinda out of character... But that’s just me. She’s super great, but she otherwise seems so decisive and confident that it’s a little odd.
OH MY GOD IT’S THAT CHURCH! I mean--it’s that wizard Bugster!
Fun fact, that Church is not just a Toei set. I have seen it in about FIVE other shows I think (don’t ask me to name them all, I can’t--but Kaname Jun was in one I think)
AH! Brave is here! But it’s back in 2016, episode... 2? Or maybe 3, but it would be when Hiiro literally just got there, so he’s still an ass. I mean, I still love him. But he was an ass.
Geiz, mister straight forward, just fucking informs them he’s from the future, I love him.
Maybe this has something to do w/ Hiiro’s sense that he should help them before... Aside from grumpy secondary solidarity, ofc.
‘From your perspective,’ Geiz, you are literally from 2068. I’m pretty sure, excepting folks from 2069 onward, that that’s the future from everyone’s perspective.
Note: I don’t love him because he’s a dick, but what I love is grumpy, pretty much jerky characters who come out of that bc they start caring about someone or something (again, in Hiiro’s case). Did that make sense?
Also, I’m actually giggling bc of how much of a pompous ass my grumpy surgeon son was. The fact that this is literally like, right after he first showed up, means that he’s at peak dickishness and it’s really funny to look back.
Kids pulling on Geiz. God, honey, what were you expecting when you put that thing on? Well, at least they’re aware of how goofy it is.
Also, dear god, someone get this boy some fashion advice. I’ve SEEN that preview image sweetie. You canNOT dress yourself.
Oh my god, it’s the hospital helipad. Now I’m nostalgic.
Okay. Emu can teleport to game worlds now? Al... Alright then. You know what, whatever.
And Emu’s getting thrown around again. Some things never change. What’s still funny about this is still that Ijima Hiroki is (still) not a short man. He’s 5′ 10″. This, to me, makes how much Emu get’s thrown around utterly hilarious.
See, Emu. This is what happens when you don’t pull a Taiga, and discuss things w/ people. You’re the one who forced Hiiro to learn that, why are you doing it?
Aw, Sougo appreciates that Tsukuyomi is trying to save the future w/out killing him. Good kids.
Where’s that B99 ‘cool motive still murder’ picture? I mean, I know it’s a kid. But dude... You don’t have the right to other people’s lives (or body parts) just bc your son is dying.
Hm... I know people are thinking it’s named after Hiiro, but... What if it’s named after his dad? I mean, Kagami Haima was the director of the hospital, he had to start somewhere. To me that feels more logical? Bc it’s only been two years since Ex-Aid, that’s awfully fast to name a medical procedure... But it’s just a thought.
You know what, I bet Hiiro feels bad for brushing Geiz off in the past, so now he’s like ‘I must do everything I can to help these kids out bc when I met them before I was a jerk.’ Part of his ‘stop being an anti-social grump’ attempt. And he’s worried about Emu.
Does the Time Majin have an AI? How did it know to fly up to the roof right then? Is it telepathically connected to Sougo now?
So Uhr is helping Ora/Hora out? Maybe there is hope for a villain-family dynamic after all...
Also apparently that’s Takeru’s mech? Takeru has a mech? I really need to finish Ghost... But it’s either just for the sake of cameo, or it’s related to how Geiz got the Ghost Ride Watch. Now I’m wondering if he maybe stole the Drive and Ghost Watches from the Time Jackers? But if that’s the case, why did they have them? They usually use the Another Rider Watches...? Are Takeru and Shinnosuke okay? Oh my god, did Takeru die again? Actually, I guess Shinnoksuke also died a lot in that one movie so... Oh dear.
Is Sougo transforming in tiny spaces gonna be a thing now?
Come to think... Since the opening, we haven’t seen Woz. What’s prophet boy up to?
This tiny gremlin child who I adore and want to pinch the cheeks of just giggling to himself in his busted mech like a five year old.
Sorry, Geiz, you can’t beat the bounce.
Sougo just fucking slams this thing w/ the Time Majin.
And so, the path toward very reluctant and at first very awkward friendship begins. Let’s a-go kids!
But also god that boy is skinny. Honey, do you even HAVE hips? Are you okay?
Geiz is having feelings but is very confused right now. Punching things is generally a good venting method.
And the boys are still very bad at not being good at teamwork. Like, they’re already synchronising in pretty much every fight they’ve been in--not just in henshins but in attacks and so on.
Emu that looks NOTHING LIKE YOU, WHY would you call it a doppelgänger.
Since this is after Hiiro first showed up, it means that the two of them still don’t like each other (bc it took them a while to get there), so I’m not surprised that he wouldn’t call Hiiro immediately if something came up. Plus this may not show up bc CR relied on reports by witnesses and were in an abandoned warehouse. But then why is Emu...? Oh, I don’t know.
Was his henshin really always that deep?
Oh! There he is! Woz! I was wondering where you were! So, uh... Where were you?
Geiz: ‘Oh no, not again!’
Wow, he did the hoppity hop thing!
(I think they’re meant to be buttons?)
Aaaaand, right on cue, there Woz goes again.
Emu just like ‘okay then, let’s roll w/ this then, I guess!’
Wait, but the Brave and Snipe (and Genm, and then there’s Para-DX, and Poppy, and Cronus... Though I guess those last ones may not end up existing since they’re post-this?) Watches don’t seem to be in-show, so... Does that mean that Hiiro and Taiga keep their powers? Bc there was a Crozz-Z Ride Watch, so I now understand Ryuuga losing his, but there were so many Riders in Ex-Aid... Though maybe there’s a whole butterfly thing that simply by removing the primary everything is effected. Bc if you had to account for each individual Rider... Imagine how complex and difficult shows like Ryuki and Gaim would be to explain/sort through.
Hiroki has such a nice smile. Actually, pretty much everyone is Ex-Aid had a nice smile when they smiled.
Oh, god, yes. I really hope that the Rider trying to teach Sougo how to do the finisher in some way (miming for Emu, explaining for Sento) is a thing every time... Though I guess since they couldn’t get Gentaro we won’t get to see him do it... But maybe Takumi will? (I’ve never actually watched Faiz, so I have no idea what the finisher looks like)
Oh, hey. When Sougo hits him it says it in... Kanji, I think? But in Japanese characters of some kind instead of English.
Geiz standing of to the side trying to act cool while these two dorks help this man up.
... He’s wearing socks and... You know what, this is Japan. They’re probably his shoes for inside, and because he was running out to the ambulance with his dying son, he didn’t bother to change.
I love how Emu is like ‘who could we possibly... OH! That asshole!’ (again bc this is the very early season, back hen we didn’t like each other)
HE SAID IT! I guess they cut away so Seto didn’t actually have to eat the cake. Apparent he doesn’t actually like sweets? Maybe bc he’s such a sweetie. ^^
I really love it when the ones playing the ‘serious grumps’ are really adorably dorky and super nice. Like apparently, Seto was the funny and fun one, which I find so cute and hilarious.
Sougo here, getting into the groove of things during his second rodeo.
Emu’s like ‘are you two together?’ and Geiz is like ‘someone shoot me.’
Awwww. Of course Hiiro saved him. Though they haven’t shown us anything yet... So, maybe, even in the altered timeline, he and Emu still ends dup becoming close somehow? Can I pretend that’s the case? Seriously, Hiiro needs that kid. Otherwise he’s just gonna continue forgetting how to be human.
Why do you need another plate? But I think it’s cute how Junichiro is making so much food. I wonder if it’ll be like Mario in Zyuohger, where when he find out (if he doesn’t already know) he decides to just make life at the shop as homey as possible.
Geiz, maybe you should start using his name? Just to, you know, keep Uncle from getting suspicious?
ALSO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING WHY... I just can’t anymore. I love my dorky fashion disaster assassin son.
Here we are w/ the intense staring again. Wouldn’t be KR w/out it.
Geiz and Tsukuyomi be like ‘wow no pressure.’ Seriously, Geiz looks like he’s having a small panic attack back there.
He looks very pretty, though.
Aw, they’re keeping their Ride Watches together!
Well, there’s clearly a friendship theme, so I’m hoping there’s a level of deepening the bonds that just started forming in this episode. Unfortunately, I know nothing about Faiz other than apparently Kaixa is a horrible person (given that the preview images imply he’s strangling some poor girl, I am inclined to agree), so I can’t make any guesses there.
All I ask for Christmas is ONE episode where Geiz doesn’t wear that damn collar thing. I know it’s only been four eps but just ONE.
And, in final news, looks like they’re switching the Watches around.
Okay! Well, that's that for now. Now, my head hurts and I still want pizza, so... Not much else to say. Imaginary pizza for anyone who read all of this, you really didn’t need to do that.
I’m gonna pretend Hiiro and Emu are still friends somehow. Having a good time here, looks like we’re looking at another solid trio and I love it. Also, w/ OOO and Ghost apparently coming up... Good times.
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kiefercat · 7 years
Tbh I was millimetres away from drinking bleach earlier after a super severe meltdown. I'm too scared to go to the hospital bc I can't afford another ambulance bill and the last time I went I was just left i An empty room for 6 hours and then had a crisis nurse try to convert me to Christianity for 2. Like I can't handle that bullshit id rather die lmao. I'm kind of stuck not knowing what to do. There's a lot happening and I'm just so overwhelmed. Like I honestly can say I haven't felt this dangerously bad in a while. Coming to terms with a lot of shit and trying to put myself back together is taking a lot out of me. There's a lot of silent drama in the household rn which is somehow worse than regular drama. Found out a close family member had suicide plans and almost went through with them a few nights ago and half assedly blamed me. I think one of my older cats is getting sick and it's spooky. Best friend won't talk to me And refuses to tell me why. Turns out some family that reentered our lives are just in it to use mom financially again. One of our cousins is on her death bed and we have no way to go see her. On top of all of this my sleep schedule is completely backwards and it's put stress on a lot of things. Hoping to get leads on a doctor/psych tomorrow from my worker. Also going to ask about any training programs they offer and get any certifications I can get my hands on to open up more job opportunities. Tempted to inquire if there is any way I can get in the same program I was in for a paid coop opportunity and have the credit cover my missing one for hs. Its unlikely but possible so ??? Also need to pick up some test fabric and patterns to actually put my college stuff to practice. I'm so tired.
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brunchbitch · 8 years
Hi, I have a bit of a personal question and I totally understand if you don't want to answer :) I'm a newer follower and I'm not sure if you have already mentioned this or not. Are you/Were you in a psych hospital or a "regular" hospital? I ask bc I'm curious how you were admitted. I'm seeing a therapist now and she is very close to sending me to get a "screening" and then to a psych hospital. Im scared and have never experienced either. I was just wondering if this is similar situation to yours
no problem! i’m super open about my history/psych stuff so please ask away. i’ve been in both psych and medical multiple times (but psych way more, probably around 15-20 times). i’ve been admitted both voluntarily and involuntarily. if it’s involuntary, it’s called being “sectioned”, “committed”, or “pink slipped”. it depends on where you live, but in most places, the doctor who is sectioning you needs to prove that you are at risk of harming yourself or others. the hospital then has 72 hours to observe you and determine whether you continue to be a risk or whether, legally, they need to let you go. if they still find you at risk, you can be committed for up to 14 more days, at which point they will re-evaluate. as may be obvious, bc you are there involuntarily, you are not allowed to leave if you want to. however, you still have the right to file grievances against the hospital and/or your treatment team and to talk to an attorney about contesting your commitment. if you can/are willing, it’s much better to go voluntarily bc you tend to have more control over your treatment. either way, you will start out going to the ER (involuntarily by either ambulance or police car, voluntarily however is safest to get there - if you’re at your therapist’s office, they might call an ambulance to take you). they will draw some blood to run some tests (make sure you haven’t taken anything and to show the psych unit that you are medically stable to be admitted) and have a psych consult talk to you. you will have a “sitter” which is either a security guard or a person hired by the hospital to watch you to make sure you don’t do anything to harm yourself. you may have to be watched even in the bathroom so be aware of it (although i think it depends on the hospital/sitter how closely they watch you… i’ve had some sitters fall asleep, i’ve had others follow me into the bathroom and watch me pee - if this happens, you can request whatever gender person you are most comfortable with. if your sitter is male, you can ask a female nurse to come into the bathroom with you). the psych consult, usually a psychiatrist, will do an assessment to determine the level of risk you present (i.e. how likely it is that you will kill or seriously harm yourself if not in the care of the hospital). try to be as honest as you can with this person. i know the idea of being hospitalized is really, really scary, but i promise they are there to help you and just want to make sure you don’t hurt yourself. i also want you to be aware that attitudes in ER’s run on a spectrum. some nurses/doctors/sitters can be very rude. unfortunately stigma runs rampant even in places where people should be the most compassionate. hopefully you will get a good doctor but i just don’t want you to be shocked if you get a nurse who is judgmental. 
i answered another question a while ago of someone being admitted to proctor 2 at mclean (where i’ve been in the past) who was asking any advice i had, so i’m copying the answer here: bring a stuffed animal or blanket that comforts you. bring your favorite book and journal. pack comfy clothes. bring pics of your friends and family to remind yourself why you’re doing this. make friends with other patients. follow the rules. use the de-stim room (note: the unit you get sent to might not have a de-stimulation room) if you need to calm down - it’s much better than being forced to go into the quiet room. tell staff when you have urges to hurt yourself. go to groups, even if they’re boring. it shows you’re committed and makes the time pass. know that weekends are gonna be SUPER boring. ask friends/family to come visit. go on the fresh air breaks/walks once you get off hall restriction - getting outside is such a nice break from the stuffy unit and, again, helps the time to pass. ask for PRNs if you feel yourself getting out of control or panicky. try to shower every day, even if you don’t want to. you’ll feel better being clean and wearing a clean change of underwear. listen to your favorite music. do yoga. color. use your check ins with staff to your benefit. above all, BE HONEST - about your urges, what you need, if you feel like you’re ready for discharge, if you’ve used a behavior, what your fears are, etc. your team can’t help you if you aren’t being honest. 
i hope this was a little helpful! please let me know if there are any other specific questions you have. i’m thinking of you
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