#for like idk 4-5 years to me it's just been “ahh yes these are the 20 somethin monogatari songs”
the-dragon-girl-27 · 2 months
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"I don't know everything, I just know what I know."
So Monogatari is back and nobody told me??????
Haven't watched the new season yet but cuz i'm in a Monogatari mood I drew Hanekawa
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phil-lestifer · 5 months
ask game so we can tag phan!! shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up + if you think they can be related to DnP or not. Copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals!!
ahh ty for the ask! ofc I will use any opportunity to tag phan lol
1- Oleander by Mother Mother, reminds me of dnpcrafts slime just on vibes
2- John, take me with you by JW Francis, dnp 2009 meeting :]
3- Lovefool by the Cardigans, it has a Phil vibe idk why
4- all the lonely nights in your life by American pleasure club/Teen suicide, THIS SONG IS SO DNP CODED just like Phil to Dan ahhh its soooo themmmmm
5- it's all been done by the Barenaked Ladies, YES its so 1000 year old tortoises core <333
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picnokinesis · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Got tagged by the fantastic @wykart ahh thank you for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
32, most of which are Doctor Who!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
859,228!! (but it's gonna keep climbing until I finish posting part 6 of campervan sksk)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Pretty much just Doctor Who right now, but I have posted fics for Stargate Universe, Marvel and The Greatest Showman. And then I have written for other fandoms - most notably Venom, which I never posted anything for but I did get 40k into a multichapter one time.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In this order: Liminality, Tropospheric Disturbance, campervan part 1, watchfires and Renegades in the Ring (my TGS fic that I never finished, rip in pieces)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try and respond to comments!! Mostly because I love talking about my fics and also don't know when to shut up hahaha - but I also have some absolutely fantastic commenters who have such interesting things to say! And also like, idk I really appreciate people taking the time to comment, so I reckon it's polite to say thank you at least. The only time I don't reply to comments, mostly, is if it's a REALLY long comment and I just don't have the energy rip (but when that happens I definitely read and cherish the comment dearly haha)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. MOST OF THEM RIP. I'm genuinely not sure because I always try and end my fics on a vaguely uplifting note. Maybe Campervan Part 4, simply because of all the uni-era angst? But tbh the ending of Part 6 is definitely a contender, now I think about it. Canon-fic wise, though.......hmm I think it's got to be notches in your spine, since that ends with the Doctor just straight up leaving the Master without warning sksksk
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hm. I think I'm gonna go with In the Wind for this one, which is hilarious since I wrote it THREE YEARS AGO, but it's a multi-chapter mid-series adventure that rounds itself off in a satisfying way, with everything being resolved nicely, so I think that's a decent contender!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Hm, no, other than people complaining about the show in an attempt to compliment my writing, but that's stopped for the most part since I got annoyed about it in my author's notes one time ksksks. I did get a weird comment recently that started out very complimentary but then turned really weird in a pretty upsetting way (and, frankly, it would have been very triggering if that sort of topic had been something that was something that affected me a lot? Luckily it wasn't, but the commenter did NOT know that). So I just deleted the comment because I didn't want that sort of thing in my comment section, especially when I know other readers comment lurk.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No I'm sex-repulsed lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I wrote a crossover that was The Greatest Showman crossed with the X-Men Comics one time SKSKSKSKSK (and it was specifically the comics not the films, I did so much research on historical terminology for mutants HAHA) which was actually SO much fun - I never finished it, but I do think back on it very fondly. But I'd class that as more of an 'x-men au' rather than a crossover tbh, bc it was wholly focused on the TGS characters.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't believe so
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! We never finished it LOL
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Currently spydoc, but this will probably change. I have a MASSIVE soft spot for rush/young from sgu, clintasha from the MCU, newt/hermann from PacRim, and symbrock from Venom.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Hmmmm there's a bunch, but probably The Grandfather Paradox? I genuinely love that one so much. But who knows, maybe one day. I feel like it would make a great pitch for a Big Finish audio sksk. Oh, and Deathless will probably never happen. I'm not going to put Trestle on this list because I am SO DETERMINED to finish it some day HAHAH. Oh - and I don't think I'll ever finished Trouble With Entropy, which was my unfinished Venom fic, or Renegades (aforementioned TGS fic) even though I love them a lot, it's just....very unlikely at this point rip.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Going off what other people have said to me, I'm good at creative immersive worlds! Which is mostly because I really want my stories to feel 'lived in', so to speak, and broader than what you actually see in the immediate plot. I think I'm also pretty good at pacing, and also writing narrative prose with a character voice! The latter one I definitely pushed myself with when writing part 6 of campervan, as well as my recent doctormaster oneshot, where I had to weave together both the doctor AND the master's characterisation into one seamless pov
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I definitely worry too much about making sure the reader DEFINITELY gets what I'm trying to say, and so sometimes I'm repetitive and I hammer things home a bit that can be more subtle. I also think that sometimes I can be a bit repetitive in my longer fics where I know a gap needs to be filled but I'm not sure with what sksksks. There are other things too. I definitely struggle writing shorter things and getting to the point and TRUSTING that the reader will come with me. I often feel this urge to make sure all the steps are there for the reader to follow where I want them to go.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Oooh so I actually did this in campervan part 5 with Gabriela and Jamila speaking a bit of Portuguese! And I think there's like, obviously nuance to it, but when I had the pov characters who understood portuguese (namely Jamila in the prologue), I had the dialogue in portuguese, but the translation in the prose, either literally just next to the dialogue or explained in the narration by Jamila. But then in later chapters, when Yaz is trying to talk to Gabriela, because Gabriela is upset she's occasionally saying things in Portuguese....but Yaz doesn't understand them. So they don't get translated. And so I think that works for the story in that context, bc what Gabriela actually SAYS is less important and it's more showing the emotion of it. Another case I can think of was in Force Over Distance by cleanwhiteroom who wrote a LOT of ancient into the fic (which is basically latin) and when it was on ao3 there was this sort of 'hover to translate' thing which worked REALLY WELL, bc the translation was there but it didn't disrupt the flow of the fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Okay so I wanna know what counts here - if it's like, the first fic i POSTED, then that's Marvel (specifically the Avengers). If it's the first fic I wrote when I actually understood what 'fandom' was, then...I think that was also Avengers....or maybe BBC Sherlock. If it's the first thing I actually WROTE DOWN properly, then it was Doctor Who (specifically Ten and Rose and my oc companion sksk). If it was the first thing I played with creatively for media that wasn't my own...then that was probably me coming up with elaborate ocs out of two unicorns on the credits for the My Little Pony vhs tape we had SKSKSKSK SO. I don't know. One or all of those.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Oh this is hard because I'm proud of a lot of what I've written. My gut reaction at the moment is actually Trestle, even though it's unfinished and no one has read it HAHAH but I'm just so proud of some of the writing in that so far. And I'm extremely proud of Campervan AU as a whole entity. However I do really really love see me bare my teeth for you - which I actually forget about a LOT because it's not one of my thoschei fics sksksk. But I'm super proud of how that one turned out. And then also and they did live by watchfires because that one just has such a special place in my heart.
THANKS FOR THE TAG LIV!!! I'm gonna tag hmmmmmmm @sunshinedaysforever @taardisblue @novantinuum @emptyofdust @strikingtwelves @walker-lister aaaaah basically anyone else that wants to do this! :D
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megacarapa · 2 years
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new needlepoint - i want to live here so fucking bad
this is wiehler needlepoint 2317 "es klappert die mühle am rauschenden bach" (the mill rattles by the rushing brook), which i actually just now learned is named after a german children's song - its pretty cute!
i was gonna put the process pics at the end of the rant but then the rant ended up too long so here they are at the beginning, i also added the dates each picture was taken =)
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this is my first wiehler needlepoint out of 5 i got from the mentors at the embroidery workshop (originally 4 but i got another one just this week), FOR FREE, which is crazy to think about since the kits for these things arent that cheap to buy, but they gave them to me bc they were just sitting around with no one planning to actually make them
needlepoint used to be more popular over here back in ye olden days and it even used to be taught in home ec class, so both my grandmas, mom and even DAD used to make them in school, which i never knew about bc by the time i was going to school home ec classes were long gone from the curriculum, which sucks because it would have been awesome to learn stuff like this as a kid
out of the 5 kits i got, this was the smallest so i decided to do it first, the rest of them get progressively bigger and bigger until the last one which is kind of mind bogglingly huge, will i really be able to finish all of these? im honestly not sure, but i dont mind the idea of having something to work on that could take me my whole life (or like, 5 years)
these needlepoints are also different from the ones ive done up til now cause instead of the picture being printed onto the cloth, here you get an empty cloth with only counting squares printed on it and you need to follow the pattern from a paper, which i already got practice for by working on that llama cross stitch and got used to with no problem
there was one thing though, this is the only kit out of the 5 that didnt actually have the standard cloth with the squares on it (there was also some string missing, so i think the thing is that someone else had already made this kit before and what i got was the leftovers), bc of that i simply bought some new needlepoint cloth and drew the squares on myself, which led to....
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honey i shrunk the needlepoint, SO YOU SEE THE THING IS, i didnt check what the squares on the cloth i did get for the other kits actually looked like, i simply assumed the squares would be normal 10x10 squares like in the picture, so thats what i drew by hand, but theyre actually supposed to be 20x20, and youre supposed to do a specific stitch called gobelin stitch where 2x2 of space is considered 1 stitch, idk if im explaining any of this well but basically if i had known this and done it correctly the finished work would have been pretty much the same size as the pattern on the picture
i know all of this now and the next needlepoint ive started since then will be the correct size, but either way i think the tiny one has its own charm and looks great anyway, its adorable!! im kind of obsessed with it, the green frame also looks great and ahh i just love it sm😭
heres the back
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and size comparison with my previous ones
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its a little bebe needlepoint🥺
it keeps happening that at the very end when these have finally been framed, i always notice one or two squares which i forgot to fill in, but i dont really mind it, and its fun asking people to try and find them🤣 (but dont bother trying to find them yourself bc they cant really be seen in these pictures)
i also accidentally swapped the two shades of green for the tree but the shades are so similar you literally cant see it, and i also ran out of the darkest blue shade and had to buy a new one, but couldnt find one that was similar enough, so you can actually see on most of the pics that the dark blue part to the left of the tree is a darker shade than on the right, but again, who cares, i just like jotting down as much of the process as i can remember in these posts🤣
thanks for reading!!
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oddishblossom · 3 years
tagged by @bioerin 💖💖💖 thanks for the tag erin! i’m a huge book nerd but i’ll admit i read at the pace of a turtle nowadays so who knows when i’ll get to these lol
9 Books I’m Planning On Reading This Year Eventually
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1. Scum Villain Self-Saving System by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu - hehe this is at the top of my list. I’m in the middle of re-reading and I adore this new english translation :)
2. Heaven Official’s Blessing by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu - otherwise known as “the one i keep putting off”. trust me, as soon as the svsss brain rot goes away, this is the first new book i’m reading. i adore mxtx’s books i’m just a “hesitant to try new media, instead i’ll revisit that one media i already like” kind of person 😅
3. Golden Stage by Cang Wu Bin Bai - i know very little about this one, other than it has politics and is an enemies to lovers kind of story. and if a story has enemies to lovers i shall always wanna take a look. also, erin you gave it such high praise so now i have to read it 😊
4. 2Ha/Erha/The Husky and His White Cat Shizun by Meatbun - whoo boy, i’ve heard so much about this book, but i wanna form my own opinion and give this another try. i remember starting it and putting it on hold because i wanted to watch immortality first (but i think that’s never happening lol). time travel’s one of my favorite tropes in stories so i’m very curious on how this one ends.
5. Female General Eldest Princess by Qing Jun Mo Xiao - um a soldier and a royal? falling in love?? and they’re both girls?? um yes definitely YES! i’ve had a lot of danmei recommended to me, but baihe recs are harder to find. so when i heard about this one i immediately added it to my list 💖
6. Clear and Muddy Loss of Love (JWQS) by Qing Jun Mo Xiao - *laughs nervously* i just really wanna read this one. it’s just very important that i read this book. whaaat another enemies to lovers story? but with sapphics?? nooooo it couldn’t be 💖
7. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo - heist stories my beloved. sometimes i just need to read a thriller every now and then. i’ve heard nothing but great things about this one so i have it on my bookshelf!
8. The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller - idk if you can tell by *gestures to all of me* but i love angsty stories. this book has actually been sitting on my shelf for quite a while. i am terrified to start it. one day i’ll have the courage to read it <3
9. Ao no Flag (Blue Flag) by Kaito - ahh, does manga count? i read this one a long time ago, but i have my hands on the official english translation so i’ve been really wanting to sit down and read it again.
tagging: i’ll leave this tag open! if you see this and would like to make a list too, go for it (if you do, be sure to tag me i’d love to look at your list! i need more book recs ☺️)
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dourpeep · 3 years
I also thought about both Hu Tao and Ganyu getting reruns in around 2.2 but then everyone started talking about Childe? I don't think it'd make a lot of sense to bring him back AGAIN when the most demanded reruns rn are Ganyu, Hu Tao, Xiao and Albedo. I think (maybe that's wishful thinking, who knows) that a lot more people will roll for Albedo bc every time I see a post on Instagram asking what reruns people want everyone is just screaming for Albedo. Idk the few leaks I saw (I usually try to avoid leaks unless it's banner leaks) about Childe didn't include a banner so I won't believe anything until the livestream
But yes since Thoma is gonna come out in 2.2 he might come along with someone he would be a good support for (since he'll probably be a 4*) but idk much about team building so uhhhh
I heard some people say that Xiao and maybe Albedo might be seasonal characters so Albedo would come back in December but idk about that? But it would definitely make sense to put him with Gorou for geo resonance or whatever, again I don't know much about that stuff
Sorry for rambling I think a lot about banners and stuff
Ahh yeah, I've also been seeing a lot of people talking about Tartaglia potentially getting another rerun, but I think it has to do with prospective leaks rather than having a true basis (and even then I don't think the leaks were real ones).
That being said, I don't really know about that since I don't seek them out myself nodnod
With the reruns though, Albedo definitely has a lot of people anticipating it because it's almost been a year since + the insecurity of knowing that his banner was among the least popular (money-wise) compared to that of Ganyu (who was right after).
Although Ganyu was highly disputed b/c of meta, she still made quite a bit more than Albedo's banner (looking at stats from Chinese and Japanese sales--I can't find NA or EU). Also, Albedo banner was succeeded by Ganyu, Xiao, and Hu Tao--all who were some of the most anticipated characters.
Ah!! Also I've noticed a lot of people who are playing now joined at or after his banner as well (considering he was among the first 5* limited characters). So there's that too!
Ahh yes yes, Thoma coming out in 2.2--this is one of the other reasons why I'm sure that we'll see Hu Tao or Ganyu (or both!) most banners feature 4* whose kits work well in tandem with the featured 5* or have the same slot (or element/weapon)! So in this case, Thoma is a pyro polearm (like Hu Tao) but also yes! He would work well with a cryo dps (like Ganyu) who needs to be on the field because he is a pyro support character (who does not need to be on the field).
Therefore, in terms of reruns, it's likely going to be one or both of them nodnod
And then talking about Xiao and Bedo being seasonal characters--I kinda hope that's not the case, though I have a feeling that Xiao might be a seasonal character where they'll have him featured around the time of Lantern Rite in early February.
My reason for wanting Gorou to be on Albedo rerun is mostly just hope atm ehe
But I do have some basis in logic!
Gorou is a new shiny 4*!! One who has a unique appearance and very very quickly captured the attention of quite a few people. I'm hoping that because Albedo wasn't as popular that Mihoyo will slap Gorou on his banner as rolling incentive (and thus allow me to roll for both of them ehehehehe).
But another thing!! I've been hoping that Gorou will be a dps bow buuuuut he probably is going to end up being more like a sub dps/support dps/support. That being said! Both he and Albedo are Geo, and if Gorou fills what slot I think he'll be filling, he would be able to coincide with Albedo (though, more looking at dps Bedo rather than support Bedo). Regardless, it's a bit of a stretch ehe
I'm hoping that they'll both be featured on 2.3 banner though--that'd be cutting it reallllyyy close to a year since Albedo's og banner by maybe a month and a half or so- I think 2.4 would be a year since Dragonspine was introduced???
Never apologize about rambling!! As you can see I do the same, there is no shame in being passionate about something :DD
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Under the read more!
Summon: “My name is Oisin. I am a poet – and now, I am your Caster-class Servant. Though our time together won’t last forever, I’m glad to meet you, Master."
Initial Information:
A beautiful poet, blessed with eternal youth and wisdom. Though he is a great knight, he is most famous for his silver tongue, which has preserved the legends of many heroes in what is now called the "Fenian" or "Ossianic" Cycle of Irish mythology.
Passive Skills
Territory Creation A
Item Construction C
Divinity C
Active Skills
Heroic Legacy A – Increase defense for three turns and clear own debuffs, increase attack and star generation for all allies for three turns.
Blessings of Youth A – Apply invincibility for 3 turns, apply Arts, Quick, and Buster up for 3 turns. Costs 9 critical stars.
Storyteller B – Drain all enemy NP charge, increase own NP charge, increase party NP gain for 3 turns.
NOBLE PHANTSAM: Dord Fianna – the War Cry to Defend Humanity (QUICK)
Area of effect Noble Phantasm that deals damage to all enemies, special bonus damage to any Threat to Humanity trait enemies. Applies defense down, critical strength down, and slight chance to inflict Terror status to all enemies. Applies attack up, critical strength up, and NP damage up to all allies for 3 turns.
Lines - Room
Idle: “Master, are you doing anything right now? If you’re bored, I can show you the song I’m working on now. No? You’d rather go outside? Well, that’s alright, too. I’ll tag along.”
Master-Servant Relationship: “I’m used to working, living, and fighting alongside others, so this situation is fine for me. Honestly, it brings back pleasant memories.”
Opinion of Master: “I could write a thousand songs about your adventures. I really do consider it to be a privilege to fight at your side!”
Scheherazade: “I think she and I could have a lot in common. And so beautiful too… hey, don’t look at me like that. I’m happily married, you know!”
Author Servants: “There are a lot of very talented people here. I consider myself a formidable opponent, but I think I’ll work a little harder, regardless of that. [laugh]”
Saints: “It’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just that I can’t really understand them. I have my reasons, but that may be the one story I’m not interested in telling.”
Irish Servants: “There are so many famous heroes here from ages past. Of course, I already know the tales by heart but I wonder if there would be any differences in the first-hand accounts…”
Diarmuid: “Diarmuid! It’s been too long since I’ve seen your face! Master, this is the only person in the world who is smarter than my father. He always used to beat us at chess, and that’s just the start of it. I’m sure you already know. What? Oh, don’t be modest! And here – look! I brought you some letters from your relatives. They say you hardly ever visit anymore and – hey, where are you going?!”
Fionn: “Ahh… It’s good to see him in his prime like this. He seems to be very at ease here. Seeing that he’s able to smile and relax like this… honestly, he looks just as Mother always described him. Ah, wait a moment. Please don’t ever tell him I said that.”
Lines – Battle
Start 1: “Just because I am an artist doesn’t mean that I can’t do battle when I need to.”
Start 2: “That look on your face… I have to wonder if you’re not taking me seriously. Well, it can’t be helped. Best of luck to you!”
Skill 1: “This is the blessing I was given.”
Skill 2: “Hmm… still a bit out of tune.”
Skill 3: “With the strength of my own limbs.”
Skill 4: “With actions that will match my speech.”
Extra Attack 1: “With purity in our hearts!”
Extra Attack 2: “You won’t underestimate me a second time!”
Noble Phantasm Activation: “If the time has come to defend humanity – then I will serve with all the power I have.”
Noble Phantasm 1: “For the things we have forgotten, and for all that we have to gain – there is something that I, too, must protect. I swear that I shall defeat all evil in the world. With the purity of our hearts – Dord Fianna!”
Noble Phantasm 2: “This is a story of those who stood should to shoulder to defend humanity's destiny, from all that would covet and destroy it. No matter when, or where, we will always rise to meet this challenge. This is our sacred duty – Dord Fianna."
Noble Phantasm 3: “This hunting horn is not for making music – if you’re skittish, you might want to cover your ears. Listen – to our sacred battle cry!”
Injured 1: “Rude!”
Injured 2: “At least make sure to avoid my face!”
Incapacitated 1: “It seems that… once again… I can’t stay beside you until the end… I’m… sorry…”
Incapacitated 2: “It’s always like this, huh… Strange… this time, it doesn’t hurt…”
Victory 1: “I told you from the start. Before I am an artist, I am also a knight!”
Victory 2: “You know, I think I could make a song about this victory. Someone give me a tune! Hey… wait a minute… why are you all walking away?”
Bond 1: “You know, Master, I spent a long time out of human society. So, I need you to tell me to my face if I ever say something strange. Seriously. I’m not joking. I really don’t know what people talk about these days. I’m counting on your guidance.”
Profile 1: Oisin, the son of the legendary hero Fionn MacCumhail. Because his father had already eaten the Fish of All Knowledge, he was gifted from birth with wisdom and a quick wit. His name literally means "little deer" or "fawn."
Bond 2: “What was it like, growing up with such a famous father? Well, that’s a difficult question. Father has always been good to me. I’ve always felt that the Fianna were my family. Even the most loving and tight knit families sometimes fight… and even so… hm. I wonder… …Um, sorry. [slightly nervous laugh] What was I saying again?”
Profile 2: The story of Oisin's birth is a tragedy. His mother, Sadhbh, was Fionn's second wife. Though they were madly in love, his mother had another suitor, who was a cruel and wicked mage. One day, when Fionn was out hunting, the mage lured the pregnant Sadhbh out of their home by impersonating her husband, and transformed her into a deer before loosing her in the forest.
When Fionn returned to their home and found it empty, he immediately marshaled his knights and began to search for them, leaving no stone under-turned.
Eventually, the toddler Oisin was recovered - but his mother was never seen again.
Bond 3: “Yes, yes. My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world. Every man says that about his wife, but in my case, it’s actually true! She’s a wonderful, wonderful woman, and her family always treated me so kindly. I simply lost track of time, that’s all. Yes, I always meant to go back and visit, but the opportunity always… Eh? I trailed off again? I’m not sure why I keep getting lost in thought. Anyway, let’s talk about something else.”
Profile 3: Fionn was never the same after Sadhbh's disappearance. Plunged into a deep mourning, it was said that his entire personality shifted, until he was nearly a shadow of his former, magnanimous self. It was Oisin who volunteered to seek a new bride for his father, perhaps desperate to see his father smile again. It was these events that eventually lead to the Pursuit, another tale that is narrated in the Fenian Cycle.
Bond 4: “Was it hard? Yes, I suppose it was. All the places that I had loved, and all the people I had loved were gone. Even my own father. Even my first son. And then, I was even stupid enough to fall off my horse. Hah. Sorry, Master, I’ll go now. No, no. It’s alright. It’s just that I would never want you to see me like that. That’s all.”
Profile 4: Like the other Knights of Fianna, Oisin lived a long life full of adventures too numerous to recount in full. He married a fairy woman and went to live in Tir na Nog, the land of eternal youth. Eventually, he decided to return to the mortal world to visit his family. His wife gifted him a magical horse, and told him that he would not be able to dismount, or the blessings of eternal youth that he had been granted would disappear.
When Oisin emerged from the Land of Youth, he discovered that 300 years had passed, and the Fianna had all but completely disappeared.
Bond 5: “I will make sure that they remember you. I’ll fight beside you until the end – and then, I’ll make sure that the world remembers you. Really, it’s the least that I can do. But let’s not talk about depressing things. For some reason, I’ve been wanting to write a love song lately. What do you think? ‘Too early…’ It’s never too early for beautiful music! [laughing] Really, you ought to enjoy life a little more, Master.”
Profile 5: DORD FIANNA - The War Cry to Defend Humanity. A war cry to strike fear in the hearts of humanity's enemies, a power that can wake sleeping kings.
This Noble Phantasm would not normally belong to Oisin. It is said, in Ireland, that their great hero Fionn is not dead, but slumbers beneath a mountain, surrounded by his loyal knights, and that the one who blows upon his hunting horn will rise him from his sleep. When he rises, he will resume his duties, to protect humanity.
But the stories of the Fianna exist in the modern age because, after emerging from Tir na Nog, Oisin wrote them all down. Using his talents for word and song, he told the tales of valor and heroism and adventure, the stories of his friends and family to anyone who would listen. After an accident caused him to fall from the horse that should have carried him back to his beloved wife, Oisin lay dying, feeling each of those 300 years seep back into him, even as he desperately tried to finish the story he was telling.
So in this form, the Dord Fianna is not a war cry, but more like a song.
Bonus Profile, Post Interlude: In one version of the story of Oisin, he encounters a certain saint while traveling around Ireland. The saint listens to the knight's tales, but even so, because Oisin is still a pagan and an immortal himself, he and the saint don't get along very well and part on bad terms. Even though Oisin claims that it wasn't like that, and even so, he never holds grudges, he still can't help but make a face whenever the saint's name comes up in conversation.
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
hi rosie! I know it's been months since the 100 ended and I've seen lots of people talk about how they failed bellamy and clarke but I was wondering what you thought of raven and her storyline in s7. do you think it was good for her character and her story arc?
Ahh. Raven’s arc.
Yeah, so the problem with Raven’s arc is JR hasn’t known what to do with her since season 5. Season 4 was the last season with a good character arc for her, and even that one had a major character glitch as he tried to take her from the pragmatist who would blow up a bridge or dam or tell Clarke to kill Lxa while surrounded by her armies, to a person who said “it’s not your blood that matters, it’s your heart.”  Which was one of the worst lines in this whole show. It’s not even funny like “we’re back bitches!” It’s just corny and soppy and dumb. Her character shift on science island always felt false to me. It should have been Bellamy who held Clarke in check with morality, since that had been HIS character arc. I thought it was a misstep then, and now knowing the entire narrative arc, I think it was where they started to go wrong with Raven. Until then she was my third favorite character after Clarke and Bellamy.
I ALWAYS had a problem with this, but I was giving them the benefit of the doubt that they could pull it out. Season 5 was the least bad for her, with her sacrifice for spacekru on the ship, but honestly I didn’t think they went far enough with that. I feel like they should have explored her feelings of guilt more at not being able to get her friends home, or leaving Clarke behind alone.  And there was great potential in the scene where she and Clarke took McCreary down using her own body as the weapon (especially for a character whose body was always in pain and whose body had failed her... idk that’s quite some symbolism there,) but instead they chose to retreat and turn her back into the judgmental shrew that told Bellamy he shouldn’t have saved the slaves, and told Clarke she was the one who said whether everyone lived or died.
So like. She never addressed with Clarke what happened with Finn at his death. The blame she put on Clarke, when SHE wanted to instigate a war that would have had them all exterminated, including Finn. For some reason, the genius couldn’t connect those dots that her plan would have caused all of her people to massacred? I mean, it’s normal for her to have that failure in such a time of high emotion, but six years later, she still thinks Clarke was wrong to do what she did? No. Plot hole. Forgetting all the times that she enabled Clarke’s plans, or eagerly set about torturing and killing (remember SHE’S the one who electrified Lincoln without a BIT of the remorse that Clarke and Bellamy had,) is a failure of character.
Also, she never addressed the FACT that she wanted to trade Murphy to the grounders for Finn’s life and have him tortured to death in place of her boyfriend who was a literal mass murderer, AND she blamed Murphy for Finn’s actions when Murphy was the one trying to stop him the whole time. And THIS is a plot hole for a character arc and narrative line that was about Raven having learning about forgiveness and morality and leadership and sacrifice and hard decisions, and making judgments on Murphy, who frankly has been one of the most moral characters of the show since season 2. His morality might not be the SAME as everyone else’s, but it was the most firm.  So, this narrative arc again did not go FAR enough. 
In season 5, I figured that they would make up for the s5 scanty Raven storyline with a stronger s6 one.. That didn’t happen. I thought maybe it was because her love interest left, so she took on his judgmental role, but it didn’t work well. I also thought that part of the problem was that it would make her into too big of a character and they needed to keep the focus on the main characters, Clarke and Bellamy. But from s5-7 MURPHY got a large role, too, that brought a thorough narrative arc and finished out his character journey. So he got the focus that they never managed for Raven. I hear tell that Richard helped Murphy’s story in season 7, so that might be why. But idk. It shows that they were capable of finishing a character story with attention and detail, but they just failed with Raven. 
So season 7 had Raven confronting her own leadership and putting her in Clarke’s place to face the judgment she put on Clarke. And...oh she was sad and felt guilt and had to face the repercussions of that. But... it didn’t go far enough. She was reunited with Clarke and was no longer angry at her, and they were a team again. But this wasn’t HER story arc. Her story arc just kind of went *sad trombone.*
I know she was the one who went into the anomaly and met with the sparkle aliens, but that just seemed so forced and fake. Yes, they built up the morality narrative, but... like. It should have been Clarke. Instead they turned her into the crazy vengeance lady, like Daenerys, even though her entire narrative was about her dealing with her pain and she kind of never killed anyone in vengeance? I mean she spent 6 years ALONE and she only wanted to kill herself? IDK. It doesn’t make sense that THIS was the end. She sent madi into battle too save Bellamy and that did make her crazy lady. She had her after death reckoning and we saw no crazy lady. 
Sorry, that went off into failure of Clarke’s story.
How did that affect Raven? I think that from about season 3, Raven was used as a substitute to fill in gaps where they lost characters, or moved characters around. Where they changed their narrative ideas, and they needed a narrative tool to do something, they would stick Raven in... because she was a strong character who was involved with all the other main characters (except maybe Octavia.) She became like a swiss army knife who would take the place of characters that were needed but didn’t fit. And that meant that HER character was not really consistent in the later half of the series.  And it feels WRONG. Someone’s judgy? Make it Raven. Someone’s empathetic? Make it Raven. Someone’s mean? Make it Raven. Someone’s righteous? Make it Raven. Someone’s a sister? Make it Raven. Someone’s a daughter? Make it Raven. Some main character needs a supporting character to prop them up? Make it Raven. They just moved her around to fit the other character’s stories. Even her big morality arc was to support Abby, Clarke, or Murphy. :/ THAT’S why it didn’t work when they made her the Clarke proxy in the transcendence narrative. Because she hadn’t actually worked through HER story, but through Abby’s Clarke’s and Murphy’s. Bleh.
And she also basically disappeared in a lot of season 7, too. Same as Octavia. Who had her story with Sky Ring and skyringkru, but then disappeared until she gave the inspiring peace speech with the goddamn petty, dumbass stupid grounders, whose main flaw FROM SEASON 1, is that they are too stupid to have survived this long. All they want to do is fight. And blame everyone else for what they did. And the eligius prisoners, and the brainless cult sheep. Honestly. 
And what do we have? The most unnuanced, flat character in the show. Sheidheda. Like there isn’t even any symbolism or archetypal energy in there. He’s just there to make them fight for NO FUCKING REASON. 
These are the characters who had decent story arcs that were resolved.
Murphy and Emori Diyoza Gabriel And Indra a bit. Better than most. 
Fucking DEV had a better character ending than Clarke, Bellamy, Raven, and Octavia. 
Actually, Mackson was satisfying, although skimpy. But then the characters didn’t have a really deep narrative line, so their ending was in keeping with their story. But it fit with their long term stated goals, what they wanted out of life. Just to be together in peace with maybe some chickens, by the shore, right? That was THEIR goal. The ending was theirs.
That was never what any of the other characters wanted. Or not ONLY. Do the right thing. Live a good life. Create a better society. Save humanity. Be good people. Live morally. 
nope. But it worked for Murphy’s ending too. He didn’t want to die alone. He died, with Emori. Then he came back and got to life his half life with his friends. 
I just can’t get over how they tossed the main story of being the good guys and saving humanity. I suppose there was always the question of whether they’d get a happy ending emotionally, but I never thought they’d destroy humanity, erase Bellamy and say Clarke was never the hero. 
I guess I needed to address the endings of the other characters to see how they all fit in with Raven’s. Because none of the characters stood on their own, so we have to see how they were woven together and compare and contrast.
Raven was my biggest disappointment as a character in this show from season 5 on. I kept waiting for her character arc to come together or get the attention Murphy got. She had the weight to be major character, but her story just wasn’t told. She became a supporting character and really lacked meaningful development. 
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such-a-radical · 3 years
Awww oh no bestie!!!! Also yes vlog of purple summer SLaPs!! But here are a few distraction questions :
Favorite purple summer vlog episode and why -
Do you have any outfit ideas for Halloween this year (if you celebrate it)
Current top 5 musicals you've been listening to/watched -
Last musical you saw in person -
Last musical you bootlegged.... -
Last song you listened to musical or otherwise -
What makes you smile the most -
If you could swap bodies with someone for a day, who would it be (you can have more than one answer) -
I can't think of any more questions rn but I might send some later if you want. Feel better bestie! 🤟ILY🤟 :) <3
Ahh thank you so much! Ilysm omg
- favorite vlog of purple summer ep: the third one where they go to an arcade and taste the weird chip flavors is really fun, and I just love watching all of their little interactions they’re so sweet
- my friend and I are going to be witches because we’re witches every other day of the year so it’ll be nice and easy. I’m going to wear an oversized button up I found in a thrift shop (that was definitely owned by witches lol) and it has a big cartoon mouse and flowers and it reminds me of Ilse’s costume in argentina sa. We’ll have our little table set up when we give out candy and I have lots of crystals and candles, plus I can do tarot readings so it’ll be really fun.
- I’m almost certainly going to change my mind in like thirty seconds but for right now:
1. Bare A Pop Opera
2. Spring Awakening
3. Next To Normal
4. Legally Blonde
5. Come From Away
- Last musical I saw was Regina Comet! It was so much fun!! (Review coming soon? 👀)
- My mother and I just watched the boot of Heathers the other day (yes, I watched heathers with my mom it was a moment for sure)
- the last one I remember is Portrait Of A Girl from Bare, but according to my history it was the Spanish alphabet song? lol
- okay first of all this ask made me smile so freakin much so thank you. I have a lot of things that make me smile idk. Talking to my friends makes me smile especially when they laugh at my bad jokes. Other things are: songs that have epic climaxes, fluffy fanfiction, instant ramen lol, CVS, spooky decorations, boba tea, the guy who owns the boba shop and waves at me when I see him on the street, much more stuff too.
- I have three very different answers for who I’d switch bodies with. First is just one of the popular kids at my school cause I just want to see what that’s like, you know? How do people treat them? Idk. Next option is any lawmakers passing bills I disagree with (lol texas looking at you) cause I can like change their vote right? Third option is the YouTuber coaster studios just cause he gets to ride hundreds of roller coasters and make money off of it and I think that’s the coolest job ever.
Thank you so much bestie you’re amazing!! I’m not going to proofread this cause I wrote so much so I hope it made any sense at all lol.
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shutterbug2012 · 3 years
Tagged by @louisfeatzayn !! ty Autumn <33
1. Why did you choose your url? When I was a kid I used to think that shutterbug was the coolest word ever, and 2012 was a happy time :)
2. Any side blogs? Maybe 👀
3. How long have you been on Tumblr? Technically I've been here for 5-ish years but I actually started using this blog in 2020 (late November, I think?)
4. Do you have a queue tag? ...yes
5. Why did you start your blog? Idk honestly I think I was just bored
6. Why did you choose your pfp? You mean this post? It's my favorite edit ever that's why <3
7. Why did you choose your header? Shoutout to trees and sunset skies, gotta be one of my favourite genders
8. What’s your post with the most notes? If we're talking edits then it's this post
9. How many mutuals do you have? Yes
10. How many followers do you have? Undeservedly many
11. How many people do you follow? Just enough :D
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? Ahh... yes
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day? Don't do this to me today
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Not that I remember
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? *shrugs*
16. Do you like tag games? yes!!!
17. Do you like ask games? Sure!! As long as it isn't an anonymous ask game lmao
18. Which of your mutuals do you think are Tumblr famous? ALL of them jkfjshsfjsg I can't believe some really cool people decided they wanted to follow my blog
I'll tag @bisexual-louie, @icarusfallsforwalls, @berlinini, @bluecolouredlou, @stoplookingupforheaven, @myautumnflowers if you want to!!
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into1-wonderland · 3 years
Baby!Into1 x Daycare au | Intro
(ft. Bo Yuan as the caretaker of the 10 chaotic bunch, ranging from the ages of 3-5)
a/n: hello hello yumi here~ so this is the first into1 au of mine that will ever see the light of day. at first I was going to write things for it, but honestly I'm going to make it into a series with incorrect quotes to attach with it. this post will be the bios of all the babies and our lovely caretaker Bo Yuan, so enough of me babbling and I hope you guys could enjoy~
First off, we have the Caretaker™ Bo Yuan:
my mans is like in his 20's rn
wanted to open up a little day care as like side job/internship because he wanted to teach kids in the future so he was like “might as well start working with kids now!”
and so
he did it
only regretted his life decisions when his devil number 1 and devil number 2 does something bad
other times he really enjoy looking after them! and he doesn’t even feel like it’s a job!
has been thinking about taking a field trip with all 10 of them but he’s afraid: 1) he might lose one 2) he might lose himself 3) can they behave themselves
his favorite thing to do is having all of them gather around while reading a fairytale to them for nap time
or sometimes he would sing a song
he has a lot of favorite things in day care, literally having all 10 of them just there makes him happy
except when lin mo and nine is having a scream off:
lin mo: ahh
nine: aHH
lin mo: AHH
nine: AHHHHH-
bo yuan, running into the room: what’s wrong?
ak: screaming
bo yuan: why?
patrick, with his hands over his ears: TO SEE WHOS LOUDER
all the other boys: *nods*
isnt always watching the kids 24/7, since day 1 when the kids came in he told them the rules of the daycare and kinda just let them familiarize the place
(bo yuan: its a daycare, and they are kids, they are suppose to have fun!
keyu, in the back, mumbles: i wanna climb the tree in the yard
bo yuan, turns around: keyu no)
And now we have the kids!!
Liu Yu:
4 years old
very quiet, just likes to sit and read and draw
the most obedient one, and likes to follow around bo yuan
well,, most of the time
he’s played a few pranks on bo yuan like:
bo yuan: liu yu nap time is over you have to wake up
liu yu: *not moving*
bo yuan, gently nudged liu yu: liu yu wake up!
liu yu: *continues to fake sleep and not move*
bo yuan: *leans closer to liu yu’s face to make sure hes not sick or has a fever*
liu yu, scares bo yuan: WAH
bo yuan: liu yu dont do that! you scared me!
liu yu: *giggles*
likes to stretch and bend himself in odd positions
(bo yuan: everyday I’m in fear that he will snap himself in half)
kinda an introvert but once he hangs around everyone for a bit he will open up to them and fit himself in very well
likes to organize and keep things how he found them/have special places where he organizes his toys
jiayuan: *moves liu yu’s fan*
liu yu: hey! put that back!!
has really good etiquettes and never really fights or argues or bicker with the other kids
but likes to joke around and mess around with once in a while
patrick: wahhh i put my cupcakes here who took one!
liu yu, hiding it behind his back: idk maybe keyu took it?
the least of bo yuan’s worries since he’s always in bo yuan’s sight, also he’s aware of his surroundings so he actually helps bo yuan make sure everything’s okay
(bo yuan: i made a checklist for myself on the whiteboard and liu yu likes to check things off for me, he said “coloring in the boxes is fun” so now he's the reason why i get all my work done)
4 years old
riki’s best friend
super happy and bright, like a ray of sunshine
is easily scared
lin mo: hi
really likes bo yuan, would stick on to him a lot and ask him about everything
santa: bo yuan gege whats this?
santa: bo yuan gege what’s that?
santa: bo yuan gege what are you making right now?
hangs out with liu yu and mika a lot (other than riki)
riki is older than him but would hold riki’s hand and take him around like a didi
also really likes racing with mika for E V E R Y T H I N G
(bo yuan: yeah couple days ago they tried to race who can fall asleep faster but because they kept on peeking at each other so they basically didn’t sleep till i said i’ll watch for them)
really likes to dance, every time he hears music he would start grooving around
loves learning new things, which is probably the reason why he always asks bo yuan so many questions
also least one of bo yuan’s worries, just gotta make sure jiayuan and lin mo don’t pull pranks on him
(bo yuan: well they dont really pull prank pranks, its just once lin mo grabbed a frog and started running around and showing it to everyone, but lin mo lost grip and the frog jumped on santa)
5 years old
looks like he’s 3, acts like he’s 3, but is actually 5
best friends with santa! always sticks around him and likes to tug on a corner of his shirt out of habit
bo yuan: alright everyone it’s nap time! i’ve made the beds for everyone
riki, sees his bed is not next to santa: bo yuan gege can you switch my bed next to santa? i wanna be next to santa
he didn’t start speaking till he was 4 so he often stutters when he talk and just looks confused a lot (it's because he’s thinking and formulating his words)
santa and the other kids would always have to interpret for him
bo yuan: riki I brought some snacks today do you want cookies or marshmallows?
riki: ???
santa, motioning with his hands: bo yuan gege said do you want the white fluffies or brown crunchies
riki: oh! crunchies!
squishy cheeks,, bo yuan’s favorite thing is to squish his cheek everytime he sees him
riki: gud mooning bo yuan gege!
bo yuan, squishes riki’s cheeks: ahh I haven’t seen you in so long good morning!!
nine: wait wasnt riki here yesterday??
also likes to stretch,, often seen around with liu yu and they just help each other
(bo yuan: i am afraid he will snap himself in half too)
not too much of bo yuan’s worries, besides the fact that he might get kidnapped because he’s so oblivious
(bo yuan: we were playing outside in the yard once and riki just wandered off because he thought the neighbor’s flowers were pretty)
4 years old
also kinda an introvert, doesn’t interact with too many people
usually it’s santa that approaches him first or keyu^^
found a ukulele in the toy bin one time and wouldn’t let go of it (he claims it’s his now)
his favorite activity at daycare is when they all sing together, that’s when he smiles the most and has the most fun
the one that likes to nap the most
also likes to help bo yuan cook once in a while (mostly just having mika washing vegetables and passing things to bo yuan)
very laid back and not noisy (till he starts playing the ukulele)
often gets scared by lin mo’s sudden screams (actually, lin mo scares a lot of people, sorry to mika’s ears)
also not one of bo yuan’s worries, literally there’s nothing to worry about with mika, all the kids just likes to sit around mika and pet his head so he keeps everyone safe
(bo yuan: one time I couldn’t find any of the kids in the play room, apparently they were all in the napping corner petting mika’s head since he just got a hair cut)
4 years old
loud, very loud.
pouts a lot
everyone calls nine cute, even the boys who are younger than him
likes to boss around patrick because he’s older
nine: patrick gimme that juice box!
patrick: you’re closer you get it!
nine: i’m older than you!
literally scared of everything
if he hasn’t seen it before and it’s living, he’s scared
jiayuan: *holds a bowl of tadpoles*
nine, several feet away: WAHHH WHAT IS THAT
the happiest when he gets snacks + real food food
also really likes to sing!! his favorite thing is watching disney movies because there’s so much music in it and he just loves to sing along
he’s not part of bo yuan’s worries because he’s literally scared of everything, but nine is really naive and would do things that the other kids tell him to do so, it’s a 50/50 on nine
(bo yuan: there was an edible decorative flower on keyu’s birthday cake couple days ago, and somehow jiayuan convinced nine all flowers were edible. so today during outside time nine almost ate the neighbor’s flowers)
Lin Mo:
3 years old
probably the craziest most hyper one out of them all
he and jiayuan always have something bad planned
literally doesn’t have a moment where he’s calm
constantly in bickering mode with ak
lin mo: NO IM RIGHT
patrick: what are they arguing about?
keyu: *shrugs*
but is also best friends with ak so he’s also calm around him
(bo yuan: yeah these two have on and off days, you can never predict it)
and also constantly naruto runs around the daycare
bo yuan: lin mo stop running!
lin mo: *nyoom*
he also once nyoomed into keyu
keyu: ow what was that for?
lin mo: you were in my way!
and now he nyooms into keyu for fun
a very good mood maker
likes to smile/laugh a lot
would calm down if you show him a movie or a cartoon
number 2 on bo yuan’s worry list because he’s the "bad influence" for everyone, also he reduces hearing for everyone
(bo yuan: i’ve secretly made a tally book on how many times i have to say “lin mo” in a concerning tone this week and he came in 2nd. he was only here for like 3 days!)
Zhang Jiayuan:
3 years old
couple months younger than lin mo but this is the real culprit under a lot of his and lin mo‘s plans
it’s just because jiayuan has a lot of crazy ideas and he says them out loud and lin mo is just like “yes”
also sometimes they are just accidents, but he's always doing weird questionable things with lin mo
got really sad one time because he brought tadpoles and put them in the fish tank and killed them since the fish went nom
but then started to constantly catch for tadpoles to feed the fishes
bo yuan: jiayuan stop, you’re killing the frog population!
jiayuan: but the fishies are hungry *pouts*
likes to fight/mess around with keyu for no reason
keyu: *sitting there, drawing*
jiayuan, with a squishy hammer: *bops keyu’s head*
but also will protect keyu if anyone tries to mess with him
lin mo: *nyooms into keyu for the 3rd time of the day* jiayuan, hugs keyu: stop hurting him!
the calmest thing he likes to do is taking care of plants, probably because he saw bo yuan spraying the plants one time and he like to squeeze the spray bottle
number 1 on bo yuan’s worry list, this child is literally not safe alone or with anyone. they were trying to celebrate keyu’s birthday and jiayuan tried to touch the candles, while it was lit, by the flame.
(bo yuan: i just got the tablets and haven’t set up children mode, so i’ll take the blame for this one. but also why are kids so good with technologies nowadays??)
3 years old
squishy :D
smiley :DD
favorite thing is nap time and snack time
somehow knows every location where bo yuan hides their snacks
bo yuan: *getting the snacks that he hid in the piano*
patrick: *sitting next to the window sill with the snack* hi~
of course bo yuan can never get mad at patrick for eating the snacks because patrick doesn’t do anything bad
also he's a growing child
best friends with keyu,, and drags him on to “adventures”
*the daycare got a new toy play house*
patrick: bo yuan gege, keyu and I are moving out so we can go on an adventure!
keyu: I didnt agree to this??
wants bo yuan to add dress up into the daycare games, since he wants to dress up the other boys in the daycare
patrick: i call it, patrick fashion!
not part of bo yuan’s worries till he’s on his hunt for the hidden snacks, just because bo yuan is afraid he might hurt himself
(bo yuan: i started hiding the snacks higher up and one time i saw him trying to climb on keyu’s shoulders to grab it)
Zhou Keyu:
3 years old
smart, but really clueless at the same time
tall, but has the personality of smol
likes to draw
also likes to read with patrick,, but usually patrick falls asleep so it’s him, the book, and a sleeping patrick
wears glasses all the time since his vision isn’t so good but somehow he makes glasses look good on him???
has a chain with his glasses because there too many glasses incident with keyu
glasses #1 keyu: I don’t like them! *takes it off and loses it*
glasses #2 keyu: *takes them off for nap time, but riki accidentally rolled on to them and snapped it*
glasses # we don’t know how many: *disconnected from the keyu universe*
also like a month younger than lin mo but literally has to make sure lin mo doesnt “blow” the place up
lin mo: what if I stuck this fork into the pluggie thing?
keyu, picking lin mo up: nope you’re not
when keyu is clueless he either stands there or just sit there and space out, not really noticeable but bo yuan ran into him doing that a couple times
(bo yuan: I thought he was an ai that was malfunctioning, it scared me at first but now I know he just doesn’t remember what he’s doing)
oh did I mention this,, even though he’s one of the youngest, he’s the tallest, with that advantage he likes to try to pick people up
jiayuan: keyu pick me up!
keyu: no
patrick: keyu likes me more he will pick me up!
keyu: no
patrick: *pouts*
keyu: *tries to pick both jiayuan and patrick up at the same time*
not too high up on bo yuan’s worry list, give him a piece of paper or book or anything he would just calmly sit there and do something with it
(bo yuan: every time when we do art or reading its so hard to pry keyu away, he has to finish what he was doing and he’s so concentrated he doesn’t hear anybody)
Liu Zhang (AK):
4 years old
loud, VERY LOUD.
he doesn’t know he’s loud
bo yuan: ak you don’t have to yell
ak: OKAY
monopolized over all the instrument music type of toys in the daycare
bo yuan: ak you know you have to share your toys right?
ak: I gave the ukulele to mika
honestly having ak is like having a walking megaphone so bo yuan ended up actually making ak his little helper for announcements
bo yuan: ak go tell everyone is lunch time
ak: alright!
ak: *da da da running to fetch his little stool*
ak, stands on a little stool in the middle of the play room: ITS LUNCH TIMEEEEEE-
nine, swats ak’s leg: YOU SCARED ME
the only time ak is quiet is when he’s around lin mo, he kinda just likes to watch lin mo and follow him around so that’s that
unless lin mo starts messing with him, then you just lose your hearing for the day
also at first bo yuan was trying to see what ak is interested in, and he taught ak hot cross buns on the bells and thought that would calm ak down,, but oops ak ended up making more noises
(bo yuan: I swear something happened to this kid or something. he’s not hard of hearing but he’s just naturally so loud)
i too would lose my hearing if im around ak so much
not to high on bo yuan’s worries but he just make sure ak isn’t being too loud and bothering the other kids, usually he’s pretty good about that but you never know when a little patrick will start napping or anyone really so gotta contain his energy
(bo yuan: ak is usually the first one that’s awake from nap time but its usually like 5-10min before everyone else so i told him he can go and play but he just has to be quiet)
alrighty !! now you've met everyone in the daycare, what kind of fun and chaotic adventures are they going to have??
(all future daycare au things will be incorrect quotes + short little one shots, this intro mostly served as a bio so you understand their personalities a bit, and i hope you enjoyed it!)
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residentraccoon · 3 years
✨ esc 2003-2000 tops ✨
so I got lazy and will just list my main favourites lol 💖
🌌 esc 2003 🌌
1. Belgium - for some reason this is so eerie but hypnotic...and so unique...on repeat
2. Turkey - gotta love this ethnic bop
3. Spain - yes so catchy!!
4. France - this was so sweet <3
5. Iceland - nostalgic 2000s rock my beloved
6. Romania - a total bop idk we should ditch the ballads for next year and send groovy stuff again
7. Russia - they're way too static on stage but go girls!!
8. Ireland - charming ahh
9. Netherlands - uplifting lol this got me out of depression
10. Portugal - amazing ballad
11. Poland - oh my i did not expect that voice-
🌌 esc 2002 🌌 aka my birth year!! :D
1. France - gorgeous ballad, gorgeous dress, gorgeous vocals...winner
2. United Kingdom - haha her name is garlic
3. Malta - love those little whistle noises
4. Slovenia - always stan our slovenian drag queens <3
5. Latvia - unpopular opinion but this was really cool, you guys are just mean
6. Croatia - i want wristbands like those
7. Russia - gUILTY PLEASURE okay why is this so catchy??
8. Romania - power vocals duet, and our first top 10 finish <3 so proud...
9. Cyprus - fuck yeah let's party
10. Estonia - has such a feel good vibe
11. Spain - how I love self aware songs at eurovision
12. North Macedonia - hmm yes..ethnic song
13. Switzerland - what a sweet performance, underrated
🌌 esc 2001 🌌
1. Slovenia - my undeniable winner, amazing, spectacular, showstopping <3
2. Denmark - hey this was so cute?? there should be more kazoo songs at esc
3. Spain - hECK I love this 😔😔
4. Estonia - it's so funky and cheerful?? stop hating on this?? love them
5. Greece - a bit overrated but sounds so interesting
6. Germany - she has such a cute voice wth
7. Bosnia Herzegovina - love the atmosphere of this song
8. France - amazing vocals!!
9. Malta - summer mood, hell yeah
10. United Kingdom - we didn't need a rapping part thank u
11. Lithuania - trashy but idk I love it
🌌 esc 2000 🌌
1. Latvia - he's so cute I can't 😔💖 I love this way too much
2. Estonia - would have also been my winner hhh I LOVE the message and always makes me emotional for some reason 😭
3. Iceland - they're so fun on stage
4. Sweden - another sami entry besides spirit in the sky? sign me tf up
5. Romanian - the most underrated romanian entry tbh
6. Denmark - such a sweet song!!
7. Croatia - criminally underrated
8. Russia - loved that choreography
9. Germany - I have no idea what's happening lMAO???
10. United Kingdom - i don't know why I like this either
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antpelts · 3 years
multiples of 1 for the wc asks :]
;;;; jgfdlkgjdl puts this under a cut bc itll be so long but,, ty
1. what color is scourge’s collar?
i think like.. idk i never really cared too much but my brain always went to red or purple i wasnt picky tho fkgkdfklgj
2. top 5 the prophecies begin characters
oh.. okay like.. im not gonna go thru everything otherwise i probably wouldnt be able to pick but! these also arent in order
1. bluestar absolutely.. god i love her sm;; ive already rambled about her to you but she makes me fucking ache sm 2. brackenfur/thornclaw gonna put these boys together here because like i liked both of them for.. almost no reason? FDGDFGDF idk!! i think i liked thornclaw just a bit more but.. my boys!! 3. cinderpelt ... no explanation required <3 no just.. yeah ;_; i cry over her so much just.. like.. the tragedy to like her accepting and loving herself and becoming an amazing med cat and and ;;;;;;;;; i love her 4. tallstar and crookedstar..... leaders of my two fav clans.... need i say more <3 (ive also told you about these two and why i like them ;; both their books made me cry) 5. barley and ravenpaw ...... yeah ;_; <3
special mention for littlecloud and runningnose.. i loved them-- OKAY I NEED TO STOP IM AT WAY MORE THAN FIVE
3. should hollyleaf have had a power?
i say no!! the fucking.. tragedy of it all.. like its been a while since i read but fuck dude the like.. feelings of uselessness that must come with that but like shes a fucking complete cat either way and when she comes back and fucking sAVES IVYPOOL OH IM MAKING MYSELF TEAR UP shes AMAZING and did not need a power
4. millie or silverstream?
both! ;_; they dont need to fight. tho i think i did like silverstream more at first i dont think i ever hated millie like others
5. favorite forbidden romance
oh god lmao gonna only go with canon stuff [side eyes moth/leaf] buttttttt i mean ;; bluestar and oakheart ;; itll always make me ache yknow.. -- WAIT CAN I ADD CLOUDTAIL AND BRIGHTHEART TO FAV CATS TOO ILL CRY OVER THEM SOBS... -- uhhhhhh i never super liked leaf/crow just.. shrugs. ig it wasnt forbidden but stormfur staying with the tribe for brooke.. ;;;;;;; and to stay where feathertail died.. GOD ;_; yeah.. idk does tall/jake count ;;;
6. favorite sss warriors design
tbh i didnt really watch sss warriors but we love a nice just.. orange boy firestar :3
7. realistic or sparkle designs for roleplay?
its about balance........ ive had both! i liked leaning towards realistic but to this day id say i fall between like.. not realistic wrt genetics but making designs that Seem plausible at least
8. first deviantart username
oh god i dont remember prolly something like.. with mossmask in it
9. favorite crack ship (ex. revengeshipping)
it.. Was revenge shipping but like i never knew the crack ships klfgjkfdlgj :sob: yeah tgat was the only one i like ever saw so
10. describe your first warriors oc
technically.. jaymoss who i dont remember much? gray tabby? very quickly was revamped into/replaced by mossmask who to this day is who i consider my first oc and sona.. theyre a calico :3
11. favorite amv prior to 2014?
oh god ill have to look.. hm okay so.. bones shatter was a fucking CLASSIC i loved it okay.. so off the top of my head here we go.. the one firegray one of course and bonus this firegray one too klfdgjdklfg AND I LOVED THIS ONE FUCKING ASHFUR FAIRYTALE i wanted to have art like that for a few months i tried to emulate it lkjgldkfgj and god i loved duckfeatherz stuff.. the why did you change one... AND THE SWIFT AND BRIGHT ONE FDGJDFLGK FUCKING [SCREAMING CAT] GOD I LOVED IT.. ;;;;; fuckin.. god.. they ..... ;; [IM WATCHING IT RN FUCKING THEY AND NOSTALGIA ILL CRY] okay okay fucking of course obligatory [what if ashfur wanted to break] of course god 9 year old me loved it.. kfdjgkdfg OH AND THIS ONE BROUGHT BACK SO MANY MEMORIES IMMEDIATELY.. SCOURGES FLAWED DESIGN YES KDLSFJSDKL and god.. ashfurs hurt.. i watched this so much the voice acting in amvs god yes... I STILL THINK OF THIS SONG AT RANDOM EVEN THO I NEVER LISTENED TO IT OUTSIDE OF THIS VIDEO!!!! THE FUCKING LKJFLKFJGDLKG !!!!!!! AHHHHHH fucKING AHH [HELP ME HELP YOU] [IT HURTS WHEN UR LONELY AND IM STANDING RIGHT BESIDE YOU AND IT HURT WHEN YOU TOLD M--] [ITS JUST A MATTER OF HOW MUCH U LET IT SLIDE!!!!!!!!] [HOPE U NEVER HURT HOPE YA NEVER CR--] GHFGHFG GOD ;;;; like i hate ashfur being a bitch but i loveddddd this amv :sob: also.. leafpool is sober of crowfeather i ;;; this song gets me to this day also i viscerally remember the voice acting god kljfg i loved this one so much.. i still think of tigerclaw is not one of thunderclan sometimes too klfjgdfg and,, okay
i hate to pick a favorite but i feel like this one changed the trajectory of Me...... like ive always loved the song but this amv cemented it as like one of my songs of all time and i loved the designs and video and... literally i love this one so.... of course... ashfur - mr brightside.. my fucking BELOVED
12. is brambleclaw a good main character?
i read the books like so young i hear he got shittier? like.. i liked him when i was like.. 10-13 reading the books i liked all the journey cats tbh so
13. rank the clans (excluding skyclan, including bloodclan)
windlcan/riverclan shadowclan thunderclan bloodclan
in my opinion <3
14. dovewing or ivypool?
i like.. liked ivypool a lot.. maybe related to her <3 but.. i like them both a lot up to where i read at Least
15. daisy: yay or nay?
i liked her!
16. did you ever use fanart as your pc wallpaper?
yes. including my own <3
17. what would your warrior name be and what clan would you belong to?
mossmask <3 of course <3 [rolling eyes] half clan river and windclan kljgdfklgj yeah.. could never pick.. honestly i mean.. shadowclan grew on me recently but in my mind.. mixed clan and it goes between whether moss would be wind or river
18. favorite medicine cat? (cutoff being oots)
ughhhh idk i liked a lot of em ;; runningnose cinderpelt brambleberry yellowfang.... thats without looking it up so <3
19. did you name/want to name a pet after a character?
i wanted to! never did.. still might name a cat moss in honor of mossmask
20. swiftpaw, gorsepaw, or shrewpaw?
swiftpaw.. like i dont remember the other two as much in my mind and swiftpaw really got to me as a kid ;;
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witxh--bitxh · 3 years
Sending random numbers 😌
1, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 19, 22, 26, 30, 36, 42, 44, 50, 53, 57, 62, 66, 69, 70, 73, 77, 80, 90, 100, 110, 115
Oh?? my goodness?? You sent so many ahh 🥺
1. Let's start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now?
Confused on why people seem to enjoy talking to me when I am annoying tbh 😇
5. What were you doing at 11PM last night?
I believe I was watching Black Widow 🥰
7. What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
Probably have a bit of a breakdown lmao. Then ultimately blame it on myself bc I'd think it was my fault for not being good enough lmaoo 😌
8. Are you close with your dad?
I mean, kind of, I guess?
11. You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it?
I mean, as boring as it is to say, water?? Idk I enjoy it
13. What time do you go to bed?
Uhhh this one varies a lot lmao, might be 9pm or it might be 4/5am. Decent sleeping pattern? We don't know her
19. Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
Gosh, honestly? Not really anymore, no. I don't really see people often bc I don't have irl friends lmaooo
22. Do you believe what goes around comes around?
I think so, but I feel like my belief in this kind of fluctuates a lot.
26. What colour is the shirt you are wearing?
'Tis black, like 99% of the clothing I own
30. Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?
Lmaoooo, absolutely not. He was a grade A asshole
36. Do you have any summer plans yet?
I've been having cute lil Discord watch parties with a couple of online friends lately, so probably more of that! I think we may play some games together too!! But other than that, I'll just be getting ready for college tbh!
42. Are you available?
Yes, yes I am
44. If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?
I already have the piercings I'd want tbh (my nose and septum), but I did debate the idea of a second nostril piercing, so maybe that!
50. Why aren't you pursuing the person you like?
I don't actively like anyone right now bc I just don't talk to people. Usually though it's bc I'm pretty sure they won't like me/my appearance so I just don't bother
53. What was the last thing you ate?
Some custard creams!
57. Are most of your friends guys or girls?
Mostly girls, which is odd bc usually I feel like I don't get along w other girls very well!
62. Who do you text the most?
Like actual texting, idk, my mum probably. I don't text much, and I only have like 8 contacts in my phone 😅
66. Is the last person you kissed younger than you?
Yeah he's a year younger than me
69. Picture of yourself?
I apologise in advance for hurting peoples eyes w my face:
Tumblr media
70. Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships?
Personally I am a monogamous person, but I think poly relationships and stuff are great too, they're just not for me!!
73. Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren't seriously involved with?
Lmaooo yes, when I actually used to go to parties and would have a bit to drink I loved a cheeky lil make out w people there
77. Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour?
Nope, only ever slept w people I've gotten to know fairly well
80. Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already?
Ehh, I'm not sure to be honest, if I really liked the person then maybe
90. Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?
Nah, not that I can think of anyway ahah
100. Anybody on Tumblr that you'd go on a date with?
Maybe 😇
110. If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
Oh gosh, I don't know?? One of the many celebrity crushes maybe, or perhaps a tumblr crush.. who knows 😌
115. Ever made out with just a friend?
Indeed I have heh
Thank you for the the asks!! 😌🤍
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iiasha-archived · 3 years
genshin anon! finally lol. i keep meaning to respond - tab has been open with your last response for two weeks now... lol. oh i put a lot of work into my weapons. especially if i use them a lot. oo the 20k+ is nice though! apparently i have hu tao built semi decently so when she gets a vaporize crit it goes quite well for me haha. yeah agree. and they have updates every 6 weeks. yeah not every update is the biggest thing ever but like... its okay. no need to rush. game development takes time.
hihihi lmao again no worries!
(2/5) oh oops I spend several hours a day on the game (when i have time). to be fair, i genuinely enjoy going into coop and finding lower ar people to help with bosses and world exploration and stuff. so i can spend a long time doing that. i know i appreciated the help when i was low. plus its fun to get to chat with others occasionally. oh yeah genshin def ripped off of botw very well lol. they took botw's complaints and went yeah i can fix that. but then made it gacha.
(3/5) i saw you say you have c6 noelle now lol. i am so so sorry ): you did get keqing though? was that on the banner? so are you guaranteed the banner character next beCAUSE ZHONGLI RERUN YES. oh yeah it was so cool seeing everyone! bennett and razor were just adorable i love that friendship. loved getting to see albedo again. hes like.. my fav and of course i missed him :/ rerun plz.. ahh yeah a lot of the claymores are more for their skills i guess. except razor. so i get that.
(4/5) i also tend to use the elemental stuff a bit more but just idk claymores are SO SLOW and im just not overly fond. oh yeah polearms do less damage ahha. i like their fighting styles though. theyre faster and just idk it just -works- for me. oh that is SO CUTE they wear friendship tassels )': ooo yeah the rosaria/kaeya/diluc trio is quite fun. would def love to see more of them! rosaria grew a lot on me over 1.4 and seeing her... not be so rude all the time... lol.
(5/5) also im super excited, i did end up pulling childe! IT WAS SO CRAZY. I DID THE MAGICAL TWO 5*S IN A ROW. mona decided to give me c1 because i can never win the 50/50 and then childe was like its okay i know youve been working your butt off getting everything ready for me so here you go <3 and like )': i love him lol his playstyle is so fun and he works great with hu tao. also got rosaria and fischl (who i didnt have) which is great! were you pulling on childes banner at all or just saving?
ALSO thoughts on the 1.5 stuff??? I haven't gotten to watch completely everything yet but it all sounds so good! Zhongli rerun!!! And the housing thing seems super cool? And lower resin for weekly bosses! New world boss too! All the events seem pretty interesting as well so I'm pretty excited! -genshin anon (pretty sure tumblr still only lets you send 5 anon asks an hour or else i would've added this earlier lol)
genshin anon. lol it's okay! everyone is free to like whatever characters they want! yeah diona is.. not involved at all. although she is getting a hangout in 1.5! might be the first one i actually do. her story is pretty sad though from reading all of her profile. yeah you with noelle was me with diona. i was so mad at her at first since i pulled her like... 10 times on xiaos banner. after i got over it i tried her out and now i love her. also its okay! i took like two weeks to respond :P
but omg how do you have tabs open for two weeks.... i get stressed if i don’t leave my computer with everything closed LMAO. i mean yeah it definitely makes sense to put a lot of work into weapons bc they can be used by multiple characters so they’re a good investment!! i should start thinking about that as well......
nice!!! i’m guessing you’re having a good time with hu tao then eh :D my xiao is. okay lmao probably not doing the damage as expected of him but eh whatever <3 
if i’m like really in the mood i can invest a couple hours but most days it takes some self-convincing to even log in asfjdkldsaj like once i’m in the game it’s fine but for some reason the action of opening and loading it up is like hmm.... also most days by the time i do get to play i’m so exhausted from work </3 
omg that sounds fun!! personally i don’t like... playing with strangers that much afjdklasj so i tend to avoid co-op... but one of my friends might start playing genshin so i totally get what you mean about helping lower AR people with bosses and stuff because i wanna do that with her lmao :D 
lmao traded botw faults for the gacha system... you really can’t have it all unfortunately </3 speaking of botw my friend got my the expansion past like. literally last year lmao i’ve been meaning to play it. ugh i’m just so behind in general on all video games unless it’s genshin lmao
i wouldn’t have minded c6 noelle if i had GOTTEN ANYBODY ELSE WHEN I WAS PULLING ON THAT BANNER ;_____; like at least they could have given me a sucrose who i don’t have!!! but i did get keqing on my pity from that banner!! wait omg i didn’t realize that was how it works... i have a vague idea but if that’s true YES ZHONGLI PLEASE COME HOME GOD PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i’m 100% skipping childe’s banner for zhongli sorry dude ajkdlfaj
ahhh yes getting to see albedo was nice too!!! even if only for a bit hehe it’s nice how they tried to rope in all the mondstadt characters somehow (except. diona jaklsdfja) 
okay mood. i love chongyun to bits but i admit after maining xiao for a while i’m definitely like why is chongyun so... slow asjfkldj but that’s literally just how it works </3 and same about rosaria!!!! she was still pretty like.... moody idk but she’s definitely better when she’s not just being straight up mean lmao
OMG CONGRATS!!!!! you seem to have much better gacha luck than me LMAOOO i envy that but i’m so glad you got everyone you wanted!!! and nah now that zhongli is definitely confirmed i’m DEFINITELY saving for him like actually the last time it was childe than zhongli’s banner was when i just started playing and i wasted all my beginner primogems on childe not knowing who was coming next........ i’m not making that mistake again LMAO
i didn’t watch the livestream but i did see the trailer and AHHHHHHH SO EXCITED omg with the housing i thought we were just getting a house but no it looks like they’re giving us a WHOLE FUCKING VILLAGE like as if i didn’t spend enough time in this game they’re introducing this like you KNOWWWW the hours about to be put into customizing our little house/villages.... 
ohhh i didn’t see the thing about resin!!! wow they really are giving it all. the previews for inazuma were also super pretty!!! and while the new characters have been known for a while this teaser definitely made me more excited for them hehe eula is so prettyyy
and yayyyy diona hangout! is she the only one coming in this version? but i’m glad to see they’ll probably add hangouts for all the characters (or at least the less story-critical ones like zhongli already has his story quest so idk if he’d get a hangout). it’s just nice to see more love given to those characters hehe <3
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veronaprincess · 4 years
Thank you @yibobibo for tagging me!!~ (I loved to read your answers so much! :3) 
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? something between red and burgundy
2. Name a food you never eat. oh my the list would be so so long haha but I don’t like a lot of food with vegetables :( (I’M better now than I was as a child though, I swear!)
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm =/
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? I think I was downstairs talking to my dog... and maybe put the rum soaked raisins in the fridge... yeah something like this
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? Kit Kat (ahh I can’t even remember the last time I ate it :( )
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? No
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “I put the raisins in the fridge” to my mom (something like this)
8. What is your favourite ice cream? strawberry~
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? tea
10. Do you like your wallet? yes! it has a nice blue colour and pretty patterns on it~
11. What is the last thing you ate? almond
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? no
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? my stepdad was watching football (maybe) and I passed by the living room then, so if it counts then football I guess
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? butter
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my friend
16. Ever been camping? No, and no thanks, I watched the camp season (too) of American Horror Story, and now in my story “somehow” I placed all the murders in the forest, so... I guess I would skip it. 
17. Do you take vitamins? Yes
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? No
19. Do you have a tan? No
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? Both, BUT If like I have the chance to choose I’d say chinese.
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? No, only when you have no choice... like at the cinema or idk
22. What color socks do you usually wear? black with colourful patterns
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? No, I can’t drive
24. What terrifies you? well... I have anxiety, so... it’d be a long list too.
25. Look to your left, what do you see? the wall
26. What chore do you hate most? “cleaning” the garden 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? just that I love different kinds of accents tbh
28. What’s your favorite soda? I don’t really like them tbh
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Go in
30. What’s your favorite number? 7
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? My mom
32. Favorite meat? chicken
33. Last song you listened to? Bright (Julie and the Phantoms OST)
34. Last book you read? I’m reading The Outsider by Stephen King (I LOVE IT OH MY GOD) and before that I read the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation 
35. Favorite day of the week? It depends on my classes haha but usually I like friday and saturday
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? no
37. How do you like your coffee? milk and a little bit of sweetener.
38. Favorite pair of shoes? my dark gray boots
39. Time you normally get up? Around 7-8 am
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunset
41. How many blankets on your bed? one
42. Describe your kitchen plates. ehm white? 
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment. a mess... and I’m sad because I organised it and cleaned it like a week ago :( 
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? cherry beer, eggnog, mojito and vodka
45. Do you play cards? no
46. What color is your car? I don’t have one
47. Can you change a tire? No
48. Your favorite state or province? ehm... I don’t have one
49. Favorite job you’ve had? I haven’t had too many jobs, I really like the one I have now one which is at a theatre, but it’s like a voluntary work, but I really liked the LGBTQ magazine where I worked for like a year..:)
I’ll tag @criminalgirl @barrackoppama @yilinglaozuhot @wangji-string @antonija89 
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