#for darcy it could also be riven who is not serious with her
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darlenicy · 2 days ago
Hi hi! Out of curiosity, do you have any headcanons for the Trix you’d like to share?
sorry for the late reply, sweety <3 they are totally random and just came to my mind
Icy actually knows horse riding and had a white horse when she was younger but it was taken away from her because of her family's fall from grace. She still suffers from it.
when she reads, she usually doesn't do it for fun. Most time she reads textbooks about using magic.
she studies hard but is also very gifted. All spells she knows are results of hard work. She is the most powerful witch at cloud tower and she loves the admiration of the other students, knowing she could blow them away in a second even if they attacked together
she's super arrogant
her birthday is the 1st of january
she doesn't like coffee and mostly drinks water
she always has the urge to proof herself to others (Griffin, her mother, Belladonna)
she loves power
she is a bookworm. No matter what kind of books, if she reads, she fkn reads and nothing can disturb her. A bomg could explode next to her, when she reads she doesn't give a fck. One time when they were children, Stormy almost drowned because Darcy was so immersed reading a new novel
she loved fantasy, mostly when it's some kind of legend that has tome kind of facts in it. As a kid she read all the stuff that people would only read when they're older. Stuff like the mists of avalon when she was about 13.
later on she mostly read spicy romance because of the lack of it in her freetime (when she was with riven and he looked at the book on her nightstand she became super mad because she was embarassed [he found it cute and gave her a lot of love that night *v*])
she's an excellent student as well but has to work much harder than Icy. Darcy is brilliant in mental magic and understands the darkness of dark magic better than anyone else...but the rest is something she simply has to learn and she will only go to bed if she mastered a new spell. If not she'd learn it the whole night.
She loved it when the teachers praise her and she baths in it like a flower does in sunlight. She simply likes to be good.
She's the annoying nerd that reminds the teacher that they had homework
She is super toady and definitely the teacher's pet
Most time she doesn't mean it serious but she admires Griffin
she is actually a little Griffin nerd and read a lot of books about the company of light and how Griffin got there (it's quite a long time ago in my hc not only 18 years)
That's why the expulsion was a shock for her
She is also the type of girl who is never satisfied with knowledge and is often find in the big library in Magix studying magic and history (cuz history repeats and she wan't to be ready for it).
She's probably the one who knows the most about the Dragon Flame out of the 3 (maybe even more than Bloom herself)
She often has nightmares, as a kid she was afraid of the dark until she learned to embrace is as part of her power. So as a kid she could only sleep when the lights were on in her room
besides being a sweety, she is actually the one of the trix who is best at torturing people
she loves to play with people's minds. As a kid she was not social and afraid of other children. It took some time for her to realize that she had the power to fkn mess with their minds
sometimes she reads the thoughts of strangers for fun
Because of all the hostility she had to endure as a child, she is afraid to open up. At first she only influenced Riven's thoughts so that he thought they did it, because she is so afraid to lose control. Darcy is always afraid that someone uses her weakness against her
it took her a long time to open up to riven and actually let herself go
she's insecure af
her birthday is on 16th november
she's a gremlin - the end
no ofc not lol. She fkn hates studying. In lessons she scribbles in her notes and doesn't give a fuck what the teachers say. This often brings her in trouble. She actually got a lot of detention.
It's not that she's stupid, she's just lazy
she loves music and is oddly not someone who just downloads it illegally. She loves to support her favorite artists and has a lot of merch
sometimes she answers in music lyrics
She'd love Rammstein lmao
of course she loves thunder storms and sneaked on the roof as a kid whenever there was a tempest
she actually started smoking pretty early to be cOoL
she quits when she attends CT because she got several warnings
but when she's stressed she still smokes sometimes (Darcy will always say she's ruining her health and stormy will laugh of it ans makes fun of Darcy's prudish way of living)
she's a chaotic bisexual and has a soft spot for Mirta even though she's never admit it
she's definitely an otaku
she loves playing online games and battles herself with tecna a lot online (both don't know it because they use nicknames)
she's also the one who has the weakest connection to her Ancestral Witch. Even Tharma can't control this chaotic bitch
She totally got it brawls at school as a kid
She's the kind of kid who always has a tape on her nose and an her knees
When someone talked shit about her or her sister's she'd beat the shit out of them. no matter if it was a boy or a girl
the other children were afraid of her
She had no friends at school except for Mirta who was in her parallel class. But they didn't hang out a lot because Stormy hated Lucy (for being Mirta's bestie)
her birthday is 5th of may
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redfountainpostin · 5 months ago
Okay, so, I am a sucker for mind control, any such form of horror. That's one of the reason why I like Riven so much (and why I was so fucking disappointed in Fate- that dude is literally The Edge element of the show, why would you ruin him so?) but I am not fan of what happened in the movie (the one with Mandragora). The way he got hypnotized in that one was so... cheap? There was nothing there, no substance. First of, there was no actual reason for HIM to be the one to be hypnotized- it could have been any of them and it would make not a smidge of difference, he was literally just there and it happened. In season one, not only is he set up as the loose link, but also the villains actually take time and *decide* he's the one to use and there are good reasons for it- then he and Darcy start dating, it is all very personal and character driven.
So yeah, I don't think he should have been spelled in the movie. (or so cheaply in one of the later seasons, I think I only saw a snippet but apparently there was no set up, Darcy just decided meh im gonna).
I think if they wanted to keep the loss of autonomy thing, they *could* have kept it with him (I love Dark Bloom and I am not mad at Dark Sky, but we can't go ahead making EVERYONE get hypnoed at one point at a time (although Techna getting infected with malware would be amazing - oof go off brain bacteria) but in the concept of the original incident.
Have his mind be weakened to Darcy's. She might not be able to control him anymore, but she can influence his dreams, his mood- hell, on bad days, they could share those because mind links are a serious business, theirs was broken roughly and she wasn't experienced enough to do it all smoothly. Hell, let him influence her too! He's able to initiate mind talk or visit *her* dreams- let them argue telephatically, her trying to sway him back to the dark side and him cussing her out, telling her how much he despises her, how pathetic she is; there's still a bunch of feelings there, only his turned to hate, with all the love that was there only fueling it.
"I did not leave you, you left me!" Riven to Darcy when she guilt trips him for not joining her.
it can be a full on horror. Hell, he's washing his face in the morning and in the mirror he sees her eyes looking back at him.
And vice versa! Darcy getting night terrors by sharing his dreams, which to him are now just mildly unpleasant because he had them for so long. She takes her coffee the way he does, even though before, she liked it way differently. She remembers books she never read, because he is the one who read them.
She can now speak his native tongue and he can speak hers.
Also, her sometimes hearing the songs he's listening to. Which fucking sucks for her because he sometimes listens to one singular song the whole day, and as time goes by, more and more of those songs are by Musa.
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year ago
Musa: The Thesis
Kay so… this one involves one of the biggest spoilers of s3 due to one of the biggest changes I made there revolves around Musa and I will be discussing it after the First Things First part. So please please please if you haven’t read up until Season 3 Chapter 24: The Space Between Where Our Ends Meet, DO NOT READ PAST THE FIRST THINGS FIRST PORTION OF THIS THESIS
First Things First
The first words I have in Musa’s character sheet are small sassy goth.
One of the main things I focused on with Musa, especially in the first season is her struggle to be vulnerable. Musa has lived the past 5 or so years with a closed off dad and never got a real chance to truly mourn her mom due to her having to learn to pretty much take care of herself, because of this she becomes very defensive and doesn't trust many people, and it causes her to struggle with being vulnerable, making her feel weak to do so. Here we see her open up slowly to the girls and not really talk that much about her home life until s2.
This is also where the main problem in her relationship with Riven comes in, but we’ll talk about that later on.
Musa, along with Aisha was the loneliest Winx before going to Alfea, and this plays into how protective she can be over the girls, she knows what it’s like to have no one so she is more than ready to throw hands for her girls any day of the week.
Love’s a Loaded Gun, Nobody Wants to Fight
A theme we see with Musa is her not believing she’s really worth a lot of time. She worried about staying one place too long and becoming an inconvenience or sharing her hurt and becoming a weight.
We see that it really takes a lot for her to believe that she is not being selfish or ‘too much’ by expressing herself or deciding to stay in one place, namely Tecna’s home.
Musa has a lot of feelings regarding feeling like she’s being shut out.
She’s working on not shutting people out herself but when others do it to her, she could just have a breakdown since she is so sick and tired of her dad doing it to her and that’s just about the worst thing you could do to her.
She’s a tiny bit afraid of love. Not so much of love itself as just, the thought of losing someone she loves again.
So, in s3 chapter 24 Musa gains her Enchantix… and kills Stormy in the process.
First off the second I decided to do s3 I knew I was gonna change how Musa got her Enchantix cause I think we can all agree she got the short end of the stick in the OG.
I also already had in mind killing off either Stormy or Darcy but Stormy just fit more.
I combined these two ideas by changing Musa’s Enchantix to be gained by taking down a building over herself and Stormy due to Stormy loosing control of a curse.
Now, this could’ve gone very differently so why did I chose Musa to be the one to kill Stormy?
Honestly? I felt like it would impact her the most.
Now, obvs any of the girls would’ve been hugely impacted by taking a life (see Tecna) but taking the life of one of the Trix who they’ve known and fought for so long is another level of personal.
And, just like Bloom, Musa can be a very angry person and she hated the Trix’s guts and maybe a tiny part of her would’ve been glad with them dead, but actually having a hand in it…
It creates very conflicting emotions and a mountain of trauma and feelings of inhumanity and just confusion for our girl which we will get to see a lot more of in s4.
Thoughts Behind her Main Relationships
I love Tecna and Musa, they are very much a friendship between unconventional girls who don’t always come across as they mean to.
They both struggle to make friends for different reasons but the second they meet they realize that they are quite similar and so never push each other outside of their comfort zone at first and that’s what allows them to become close enough to then push one another.
Musa gets what makes Tecna tick and makes sure that she’s comfortable, she makes sure she gets her alone time and makes sure she doesn’t get overwhelmed.
Tecna gets that Musa doesn’t want to talk about herself so instead gets her to open up about her music.
And it’s through this that they start to trust one another and by s2 we see them knowing each other well enough to keep the other from spiraling.
When Tecna’s confused about her feelings for Timmy, it’s Musa who reminds her that it’s okay to not be ready for a relationship. And when Musa and Riven first kiss, it’s Tecna who suggests they take it slow since she knows how skittish they can both be.
At this point, they push one another when they need to.
They are crucial to each other’s growth.
I always loved the idea of Rivusa but hated the original execution.
I really like the idea of two kids who have been so hurt by the people that were meant to protect them figuring out how to love each other. How to be open and trusting and just how to work as a couple.
Riven and Musa fall very slowly over the course of a year and a half, they get to know each other, be friends, quite crucially: they’re able to be vulnerable with each other. Which is huge for both of them.
And, when they realize that these feelings are serious and more than just a crush, they are both terrified.
I’ll talk a bit more about Riven’s feelings on his thesis but for Musa, she’s scared of this failing, of flying till the bone crush like the queen would say. She’s scared of it going wrong and losing someone she loves so much.
The part I love about this is that this means that even after they get together we get to see them fuck up. Because just because they’re together doesn’t mean they’re just going to forget years of trauma and having their walls up.
And, in my version, once they’re together, it’s Musa who fucks up by keeping secrets and not being able to bring herself to be vulnerable.
I think my fave part about writing these two is writing about how they grow together both as individuals and as a couple, how they learn to communicate and be vulnerable and realize that they are both here to stay and that this relationship is soft and safe and everything that they have been denied for so long.
That’s what this couple is to me. Two kids learning to love and not be afraid of it.
Helia and Musa are the writers of the group, due to them both being artist and having had past or present issues with their fathers and being vulnerable, it made sense for them to be platonic soulmates.
They’re the kind of people to spill their guts out of paper and just take a pen and truly speak, word vomit comes out in prose and metaphors and long words that just make you feel serene.
That’s how they find it easier to communicate.
They bond over words and music and the crushing weight of a knot in your throat not letting you speak when it matters most. The falling feeling of everything coming out wrong when spoken but in a beautiful way when written.
Helia is the only person Musa co-writes with for her songs, because he gets her voice as a songwriter in a way that no one else does.
And Helia shared his favorite poems because he knows she’ll get them in the way few could.
They are the artists who write not just because they enjoy and love it, but because it’s a crucial part of who they are, of how they process things and how to keep going.
If you wanna get to know these two, the best way to do it is to look at what they write.
And that’s why they just click.
Who is Musa in this Rewrite?
Musa is a girl who’s hurt. Who has lost and has had to almost raise herself.
She’s done the best that she could but the best she could do to protect herself at the time, back home with her father was to build walls around herself.
She’s someone who is learning to be open and vulnerable and to believe the people she loves won’t leave.
She’s someone trying to leave behind a toxic environment and mindset.
Someone who is, in one word haunted. By her past, by both her parents be it in different ways, by words, by Stormy.
But she’s learning to live with it, to still grow and to not take steps back in her journey.
She’s an artist finding her meaning and voice.
Musa Moodboard
Musa’s Instagram
Musa and Tecna Moodboard
Musa and Riven Moodboard
Musa and Helia Moodboard
so this one took so long cause I couldn’t figure out how to word certain things and tbh I feel like this one is the worst one so far so pls validate me and tell me it was good I feel like crying but I think I managed to get everything across
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charmixpower · 2 years ago
Im reading the comics, I've gotten though s1 and s2, and will eventually get to talking about them (I've already cropped all the parts from s1 I wanna talk about) and Riven has a very specific characterization, and I really love it
Let me talk about what makes up his v character
Fuck you, there is a mission
This is the first thing you'll notice. Comics Riven is probably the first to remind everyone that, yes, this is a mission, not a chance to hang out with the girls, stay on target
He also is notably always trying to get anything related to RF done as quickly and well as possible
Like literally anytime he shows up in the comics during a mission he avoids any sidetracks as hard as he can to focus solely on the mission
He will bitch at the others to get their heads in the game and get their asses in gear and it's really funny
Riven gets into this whole huge fight bc he thought someone was shit talking RF
The Shab Stone comic is p good but it goes against Riven's very strong "prioritize the mission at all costs vibes". Riven would not go rouge, he knows he can't pull off his idea with only one~two people. Bitching the entire time and being soo salty and passive aggressive at Helia it makes everyone uncomfortable? Yes. I can definitely see him fucking needling Helia hard. I can't see him running off tho
Like, Riven is the only guy who hasn't let a mission gone sideways bc he wants to hang out with one of the Winx up until this point. My favorite dialogue from him is when Musa is aggressively shooting her shot and Riven is like "hmm I think this might be a lizard type monster"
He simply would not break rank, he'd be a fucking major asshole and attempt to bully Helia into listening to him. But not intentionally endanger the mission
That's something only s1 show Riven would do in his fucking dumbassary, s1 comics Riven is too busy drinking his respect RF juice
Like yes Riven is a dumbass and an asshole, and I would understand and respect this conflict if it was s1 show Riven, but s2 comics Riven would die before doing something that harmed a mission. Please let him be awful in character consist ways
He is always extremely serious looking around Musa in s1 except for the first time he had a proper conversation with her
Riven talks to Musa, calls her beautiful, like literally that's what he says, Musa somehow interprets this as him mocking her (which fuels my hc that Riven just had a voice that sounds mocking and sarcastic which causes him so many problems) and from this on in the s1 comics he maintains a serious ass face when looking at her
Throughout the comics it's reassured that yes, Riven does have feelings for Musa. No clue how that works with him dating Darcy but no one ever accused these comics of being canon
My favorite interpretation of this is that Riven, after completely wiping out with Musa the first time, put all his focus into trying to impress her and it still didn't work but it didn't work in a funny way
In my translation he calls the Winx girlies
Nothing to add that just made me very happy
He is a MASSIVE introvert
Comics Riven will avoid large groups of people like it's his fucking job. He will go to a party and sit on the sidelines because he fucking hates people
He's always on the fringes. He's outside during the dance, sitting on the beach when everyone is chatting in a cafe, he literally runs off to where ever he's least likely to be bothered and doesn't come back
There's a magic spell that makes people argue in one comics and Riven is never shown to argue with others because he straight up doesn't speak. Yes, that could be because the writers didn't want to write about him, but literally every other boy except Helia got in on it. Riven literally took a vow of silence so he wouldn't get mixed up in that shit, amazing
He doesn't even give his opinion on the mission most of the time, or anything. He stands far away from his squad and is kinda vibes in the background. The strongest "people....no thank you" energy. The only person he visibility likes being around is Musa and he gives her small smiles and holds her but is still pretty fucking quiet when it just them and if there's a mission usually talks about the state of that
He is so bad at talking to people I love him
He's everything I wish s3 Riven was
This is literally ideal s2 on Riven. Someone tried to piss him off by saying Musa was with some guy and Riven was like "Literally where does it say that this is any of our business"
This is full s2 Riven setting up a date for Musa with someone else energy and I am absolutely living for it
He's in his lane, focused, flourishing. Completely disgusted with the idea of parties and hiding out back on a rock somewhere enjoying solitude
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princess-of-the-corner · 4 years ago
I never watched Winx as a kid, so I really hope I don't sound like an idiot for asking this. What exactly does the Netflix Winx series do wrong besides giving it the "dark and gritty" makeover?
So like. There are a lot of problems here and I’ll try to tackle them. I haven’t finished the reboot because I have difficulty getting through things I like, much less things I hate watch. But anyway, this gets long and is separated into parts. 
Let’s start with it’s issues on it’s own and not as an adaptation: 
It’s still pretty garbage. Not ‘the worst thing ever’. Interesting enough. But it does have problems. Some racist and homophobic and fatphobic writing. The characters range from ‘kind of a jerk’ to ‘straight up assholes who will cause physical harm for petty reasons’. The nicest one so far is Terra, but even she kinda snaps and strangles a guy with her plant powers. 
Now on to things it fails on as an adaptation!
First, the whitewashing!
Of the six main characters, 3/6 were poc-coded in the original cartoon(I say ‘coded’ because they’re not Humans from Earth but still). Aisha is black, Flora is Latina, and Musa is Chinese. 
Aisha is the only one who remains black. I’ve heard varying testimonies on Musa’s actor, but the ‘best’ I’ve heard is that she’s 1/4 Singaporean and white passing. I don’t have the authority to say if that’s in the clear or not so I’m leaving that to other fans. 
Flora gets the worst though. They cast a white woman to play her. Then backtracked and said ‘oh, this isn’t Flora. We replaced her with her white cousin Terra’. Yeah you can see the problem there. 
Characters they got rid of entirely! I’ll only discuss characters that showed up in the first two seasons of the original show since Fate only has one season. (I’d say just the first, but they included Aisha who is from Season 2). 
Let’s see. They got rid of Tecna, one of the main six girls. It’s likely because they’re going for a more ‘bootleg Hogwarts’ vibe, and Tecna’s magic being heavily technology based ruins that. So she’s just tossed altogether. 
The boys! Oh my god my boys! Sky and Riven are the only ones who were kept in, while Brandon, Timmy and Helia got scrapped and replaced as well. The other boys like Dane and Sam? Totally could’ve just given them those names and been done with it. 
Then there’s Icy, Darcy and Stormy! I’m counting them together because that’s exactly what Fate did! The three Witches are villains in the series, and instead of keeping a trio, they combined her into a single character. Beatrix. 
I think Silva was also an amalgamation of the remaining Headmaster/Headmistresses and a few other staff members but considering they condensed it to just one school it kind of makes sense. 
Sometimes there’s just a name change like the Headmistress of Alfea was changed to Farah Dowling instead of Faragonda which is so pointless. 
Overall there’s other minor characters that don’t show up, like the rest of the school staff, Mirta and Lucy, so on and so forth. But I’m less upset about that. Still upset though because I love them. 
Personality changes! And romance drama!
Oh boy. Oh boy oh boy oh boy. 
I already mentioned how they made everyone an asshole in this reboot. In the original show, the only protagonist that was consistently a jerk was Riven, but he was more of the ‘grumpy but still a good guy’ type of asshole. 
Let’s compare just one character and her relationships to others!
Stella in the Original Cartoon: Preppy and sometimes a little vain, could be blunt to the point of insulting, but never malicious. Very sweet and loves her friends. She and Bloom are best friends, Stella having been the one to bring Bloom into the world of Magix and will do everything she can to make sure she’s safe. Stella’s love interest is Brandon, who is bffs with Bloom’s love interest Sky. Stella and Brandon are very cheesy and cute together. They aren’t usually jealous, and can even make a competition out of ‘how many phone numbers can I get?’. 
Stella in Fate: Total bitch to all her roommates. She’s getting the common ‘my mom’s a bitch who puts pressure on me so I’m going to be a bitch’ thing that’s become popular now. Since Brandon was deleted, they put her in a love triangle with Bloom and Sky, Sky being Stella’s ex bf. And despite breaking up with him, Stella sees him just talking to Bloom and decides ‘Hm. Let’s prey on her insecurities that she doesn’t belong here, and manipulate her into leaving!’ Which includes walking through a forest where there was recently a man attacked and viscously killed by some kind of monster, so I’m putting it up to attempted murder. 
Yeah. Everyone’s kind of like that. It’s awful. 
Bloom’s backstory and parents!
Okay, this can kind of fall under both ‘personality changes’ and ‘plot changes’ but it deserves it’s own section. 
In the Original Cartoon, Bloom’s home kingdom was attacked and destroyed by villains searching for something called the Dragon Flame. Bloom was a baby with said power, so her older sister sent her to Earth, a world without Magic, where she would be safe and hidden. Mike and Vanessa find her and adopt her, loving her and raising her very well. They are good parents. Bloom learns she has powers when she meets Stella, and instinctively uses Magic to protect her. 
In Fate, the only thing really the same is that Bloom was sent to Earth. I’m a little unclear on why, but instead of giving her loving adoptive parents, they made her a Changeling with emotionally abusive parents! Let me elaborate a little: Instead of adopting Bloom of their own free will, Mike and Vanessa’s real child died in the hospital and was secretly replaced with Bloom. Her parents are also, as mentioned, emotionally abusive. So much so that Fate!Bloom’s powers first manifested by setting them on fire in the middle of the night.
Fun. Ain’t it? 
Now onto plot points!
Again, pretty much the only thing the same is ‘Bloom discovers she has Magic, goes to another Dimension to learn at a school called Alfea. Gets into adventures with her Roomates while trying to figure out where she’s really from’. 
The whole ‘Burned ones’ were.... not a thing at all. There wasn’t any kind of ‘barrier’ to keep out ‘dangerous creatures’ or anything. 
I’m not going to go over every single subplot but that was just. No. They were easily allowed to go outside the school. 
The whole vibe
This is a big thing to talk about. While the reboot went for ‘dark and gritty’ over the bright colors and sparkles, it also went for ‘bootleg Hogwarts’ instead of anything interesting. 
In the reboot, the merging of Magic and Technloogy is mostly like. ‘Yeah we go to school in this old ass castle and we don’t use guns in weaponry class, but we have smartphones and social media and Harry Potter!”. 
In the Original??? The whole world was very Magitech. It was a combination of Magic and Scifi! Kinda Steven Universe style actually. 
The transformations!!!
Look. LOOK. Winx Club is a Magical Girl show! They have those beautiful transformation sequences that last a solid minute or so of screen time. And they also have like. At least one new Transformation a Season, which comes with an ungodly amount of different cool outfits. 
The reboot? One transformation sequence. And while the effects are nice, Bloom doesn’t even get a new outfit. Just a few flames coming off her that look vaguely like wings. 
SPEAKING OF! They are Faeries!!!! But they don’t have wings????? What????
Look idgaf about your effects budget you could’ve made the cheesiest shit like the live action Sailor Moon stuff and fans would’ve loved it!
Bonus: The fact that they didn’t have to change anything to make it ‘Dark’!
So like. Netflix decided to take all the color out of it, and make it ‘dark’ by having the characters smoke and drink and have sex and say swears. 
But they.... really didn’t have to! The original cartoon was plenty dark, despite it’s colorful aesthetic! If you wanted to do a more serious reboot, you could have easily done it by focusing more on those aspects. 
Hell, there are many fans who have done it. I’m one. I know a couple others as well. 
anyway it’s 2:30 am and this is long af so I’ll leave it at that. 
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darkpoisonouslove · 5 years ago
Winx Club Season 3 Thoughts (4kids) Part 1
(This began about half a year ago and I have only picked it back up recently. I haven’t changed anything from the thoughts I had back then. Also this covers the episodes up to 3x13.)
Okay... I have finally reached this point. I’ve been dying to watch season 3 for the last, like, 4 months and I had to put so much willpower into restraining myself so that I could rewatch the whole series properly. And now that I am finally here, I am nearly shaking with excitement because yessssss! It’s finally time for Enchantix and Valtor. I am filled with glorious anticipation (though, also a bit wary since I do not like the resolution of this season’s arc from what I remember) and so ready to dive in. Here we go:
- Oh, damn! Summer vacation hasn’t even started yet? Wow, um, okay, I guess. I need to update my timeline a little bit.
- Seriously, there is Bloom and Sky drama and they won’t even tell us what it’s about? You’re just gonna shoehorn more stupidity in this just for the sake of it? Why am I even surprised?
- Damn, Layla absolutely killed those moves! Well, before Kiko fell on her and they all fell to the ground but that’s another thing. That was some next level coordination and acrobatic skills. I can only watch in awe and wish I had even a tenth of that.
- Why did Stella think she wouldn’t have a Princess Ball? I hope she doesn’t think that her parents think she’s a failure as a princess. And aww, poor baby. She’ll be so sad when she learns that her father is getting married to Cassandra instead of getting back with her mother.
- Seriously, what idiot looked at the Trix and went “Ah, yes! Let’s send Icy, the witch of ice, in a dimension of ice. She’ll be all contained there. Absolutely guaranteed. 100%.” Will you people wake the fuck up, wake your brains and start thinking for real ‘cause you’re definitely not doing that now. Also, let me just say that that was a big leap from Lightrock monastery (or whatever the hell it was) to the Omega dimension. I guess going after the ultimate power is much worse than the Army of Decay. That or the writers have no concept of how to make the punishment fit the crime.
- Poor Darcy and Stormy. They don’t seem to be handling the cold very well. Also, something about Stormy’s line that they’re probably talked about at Cloud Tower is really clawing at my mind but I can’t quite put my finger on it yet. It just sounds like... like she’s not really doing that for the power rather than for the attention and recognition which just starts all sorts of thoughts in my head and none of them lead to anything good, They all make me feel bad for the Trix, though.
- I’ve been dreading the whole thing with Chimera but that scene in the pizza place wasn’t so bad. And Winx tried to be friendly. But Tecna’s “Snap” was hilarious. The girl isn’t taking shit from anyone. I like. XD
- I am not really a fan of the dresses they were trying on but I like the idea of a magical thingy that changes the clothes for you instead of you having to do it manually. Can we get those, please? (Chimera’s “Later, losers” really reminded me of Mandy from Totally Spies btw.)
- Stormy and Darcy aren’t quite handling the ice skating. Also, damn, that snake froze Stormy’s magical beam. That is... freaky... and scary. It looks like they’re in a bit of a pickle.
- And here is where the timeline doesn’t make sense. If Marion and Oritel trapped Valtor in Omega before they proceeded to battle the Ancestral Witches, then how does he have a plaque with his name and sentence on it? That doesn’t make sense. Who had time to sentence him? Unless I got something wrong, then this is not legit.
(- Let’s make one thing perfectly clear. I will never refer to Valtor as “Baltor” or to Marion as “Miriam”. It is just not going to happen.)
- “Frozen dude” I can’t. XD That was kinda a good plan the Trix had there, though if Valtor weren’t so powerful, it wouldn’t have worked because the snakes would’ve killed him and then them as well. But hey, they’re in luck because...
- Holy shit, look at those powers! He totally destroyed the snakes before even working out the kinks from his shoulders. I love the blue color of his magic. I think it makes sense. I am so done with the show not addressing how shitty it must be to be trapped and completely still AND frozen for seventeen years. Instead they just threw in a line about it that only made him look more evil and I will be forever mad about this, thanks. (Can I at least hope that the Trix learned a bit from the whole Darkar experience? Probably not but Icy’s line about Valtor not giving them orders is still giving me hope that will only disappoint me later. (Also, Valtor seems very contained here considering all the rage he has later on. At least he starts out looking more normal.))
- Awww, those puppies were really cute! And Stella and Bloom were so quick to the rescue! That was really sweet! (What the hell was up with Chimera’s powers, though?)
- Oh, I loved Icy’s idea with the snake. It was so clever. And Valtor is already at it with the possession of mermaids. A true demon indeed. I love him.
- I actually like Stella’s pink dress more than the red one. Also, I like Musa’s long hair but it is very weird to me after I just saw her with the short hair, like, five minutes ago.
- Yeah, Sky’s there. Great! Moving on. Brandon was really trying to mess up Stella’s hair, huh? XD Oh, and Musa and Riven are still dancing around each other. (I’m so sorry for this.)
- That rescue was cool. And Layla with the little girl. But why didn’t she just fly to the shore and felt the need to surf instead? That has always puzzled me greatly. She is such a responsible princess, though. She immediately went when she was called upon. Precious!
- Okay, but that looks like Valtor is literally sucking out their souls, wtf! This is so cool/freaky and I am so here for it.
- Um, I don’t like the way the Trix are looking at Valtor. I know he’s powerful and everything but can they just not crush on the weird guy they’re teaming up with every time? Their flirting is just so awkward. Also, can we see them teaming up with a woman for once?
- That moment when you take over a fucking planet (well, not quite but he’s going for it) and you’re like “Damn, I hate being so weak. I need to take my power back”. How much more power? What the hell? I mean, of course I love him but they’re making him so overpowered and they will have to tear him apart later in order for Winx to be able to defeat him and just... can you not? Tone it down a little now so that you don’t have to ruin this actual perfection later gdi! Also, why the fuck would we get a normal motive when we can just have “Power!!!! MORE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Give me a good fucking motive dammit! Or at least explain why the fuck he wants that power!
- Awww! Can we talk about the fact that Radius is so open and welcoming to Bloom? And he knows how much she means to Stella! That is so adorable, I’m gonna cry now.
- Stella is such a supportive friend! She let Bloom into the hall of the universe (that is the coolest thing ever btw) and she was quick to reassure her that Oritel and Marion are alive. And she should know how this thing works so... I love how “it showed them standing” means “they’re still standing” as in “they’re still alive”. That was cool.
- Ahh, he straight up walks through walls. Creep. XD (seriously, that is the least troubling bit about him tbh)
- Did Chimera know who Stella was back at Magix? That would be weird because why would she do anything that would leave her in a position where she needs to kiss up to Stella?
- Stella woke up at dawn? She’s serious about this thing. And she totally dumped Bloom out of bed. Brandon should watch out in the future. Stella can get you out of bed whether you like it or not.
- Chimera was “finger-painting with food”? Umm... Am I the only one who thinks this sounds weird? And perhaps like Cassandra should’ve paid more attention to her as a child?
- Okay, Valtor is smooth. Of course, he simply wants to make their desires come true. I mean, an obvious lie but at the same time it isn’t because he really did give them power. So... nice move there! Also, I love that Cassandra was smart enough to ask what their end of the deal would be (it’s obvious enough but you never know when some idiot will forget to ask about that) and that she didn’t take Valtor’s hand. It could be read as her being a snob (which is probably at least partially the reason behind it) but it can also be read as her being mindful of him despite their “alliance” and refusing to trust him completely which is a smart move.
- Did Cassandra have magic before Valtor? Her ring seemed to be magical but did she have powers herself? So according to Wiki, “Valtor gave her more potent powers” so I’m assuming that means she had some before that. I was leaning towards that but now I am accepting it as canon.
- Is Valtor’s messing with the second sun what caused the shift in atmosphere and the rain? Damn, very symbolic you guys. It never rains on Solaria but Valtor shows up and boom! It’s raining. Both literally and metaphorically.
- I can’t help but notice how Valtor is only surrounding himself with women. Calm down there with the harem, will you? But on a serious note, I think it does make sense. He most certainly grew up surrounded by women and I would imagine his ego and his quest to be the most powerful wizard kind of get in the way of any male partnership. (Proof a - Griffin, proof b - the Trix. I think you get the idea.)
- Poor Stella. So I get why she’s upset but she’s also being a little selfish here and not taking into account her father’s feelings. I really want to see what happened there, though. If Cassandra didn’t have any good qualities, then why did he decide to marry her? That would make him a complete fool and, let’s be real, he’s not. But it could be that she deceived him. Her facade was holding up well when she was giving Stella the necklace the previous day.
- I can’t with Brandon, though. I see it is time for Sky to be the wingman now, closing Brandon’s jaw and urging him to give Stella the gift. Nice! (Also, poor Flora. Stuck there without Helia XD (But didn’t Tecna say that Helia confirmed he was going in the previous episode? Why isn’t he there?)) Why are Brandon and Sky in their Specialist uniforms, though?
- I really liked the fact that Radius said “My princess and yours.” I think it was cute. And the dance! And his worry for Stella! He is a great father.
- How old is Chimera? Bc she called Stella “big sister”. Damn, long nails, though! And that was some magic!
- Okay, Radius was spelled but what about the guards? “Our princess could never look that hideous”? Oh, so it is just Stella’s looks that matter to you. That’s great to know... Assholes.
- Aaaaand... she fell out the window. (What was that magic Flora sent at Bloom, though? Was it to help her speed so that she can catch Stella?)
- The rain is anti magic? Valtor really pulled some shit there.
- “All boys are like that”, really? If you really believe that, then why are you all over Riven, Musa? I get why Stella is worried that Brandon won’t like her like that but Musa’s point is just... no.
- Yeah, let the boys handle it because we’re useless without our powers. Feminism at its finest. And a great message to send to all the little girls watching this show who DON’T have magic. Just fucking splendid!
- Aww, at least the dogs recognized Stella. Dogs are great!
- Stella sneaked out to go to parties? Nice. XD Also, anyone else notice the sparkles? Her outfits were always sparkly. At least the royal ones. Idk why I’m saying this. It just struck me.
- Rocks, then spiders. Amazing! They’re in all the trouble. But Tecna is handling this with some wits and gadgets, and just the tiniest bit of magic that you could literally replace with a knife or something. See? Not useless without magic.
- Aww, Stella saved them from the leeches. (But what was up with that? I don’t think leeches make you unconscious. Unless they were some magical leeches that were draining their magic.)
- Okay, I am not quite sure what is happening with the Trix. They were making digs at Valtor but then they start looking at him like that. It’s obviously just because of the power but still. I’m not a fan. Also, didn’t the Trix learn that they can’t beat Bloom?
- Put an illusion spell on Brandon? Shouldn’t that be a no-no? Like, no spelling the boo?
- Weather spirit? That’s proving to be a real problem.
- Okay, I cannot stress this enough but that last part was sooooo stupid. You have fucking instruments in the ship but why the fuck would you check that and get it back up when you reach the lowest possible point when you can instead go blindly into it and rely on Bloom’s gut? Use the fucking tech gdi! Yeah, now you remember the instruments, after the deed. Instead of doing it while you were performing the maneuver.
- Those griffins? Damn! Those things are huge. And those were the little ones. Griffin is named after one hell of a creature. Also, I couldn’t help but notice the parallel there between the mother griffin trying to protect its chicks and Griffin trying to protect her students and getting extremely mad when the Trix attacked them. She totally is a mama bear.
- Poor Stella, feeling useless. Okay, but if Brandon thinks she still looks like she did before, then what does he think the spell did to her? Why does he think she can’t turn into a fairy? Also, didn’t he see what she turned into back at the ball? None of this makes sense.
- And Brandon is ready to jump off the ship for Stella. She definitely doesn’t need the spell because this guy is so in love.
- I’m not a fan of the “girls only” thing. Come on, guys! Brandon is clearly here to stay.
- Look at Brandon being all supportive boyfriend (and understanding, too, since he isn’t mad about getting spelled). And the others’ words... I’m tearing up. Oh, and poor Stella who thought everyone only liked her because she was pretty. (And judging by the Solarian guards’ words, for a good reason too (I’m just about ready to go on a killing spree on her behalf).)
- I love that Brandon only gave her the gift (hey, that’s a mirror, right?) when they thought it hadn’t worked. He was there no matter what happened and I just love that!
- First day of school? Bruh, how short was that vacation? Wtf?
- Omg, Stella and Musa’s teasing. Also, plants that write books? Damn, okay.
- Oh, hey! Musa and Stella have new friends. Poor Nova, though. She was scared to tell Stella what was up on Solaria. And it looks like the situation is very bad. Though, they were just letting Stella be serious and responsible and then they had to bring in the “being jealous of Chimera” thing. Nice one, you guys.
- Griselda is rooting for less school work? That is kinda out of character. And so is Faragonda’s idea about the Enchantix too. (Also, don’t come at me with this bullshit that earning Charmix was the goal of the second year. They didn’t even know what the fuck a Charmix was halfway through the year.) And this is further supported by what she said next that the Enchantix will find them when they’re ready. And what if they aren’t ready yet? What if they’ll be ready two years from now? Also, wtf do you mean that they’ll stay exactly as they are if they fail? Who put an expiration date over when you can earn your Enchantix?
- Stella’s reaction about Chimera, though. I mean, I understand, I wouldn’t want to save her either, but still.
- I’m not trying to be a bitch and it is probably the translation that is stupid but the way Bloom’s thoughts went she was pretty much saying “Why did everyone from Sparx disappear before I could save someone and earn my Enchantix?” Again, this is probably just the translation since the imagery of the destruction of Sparx suggested that she was mourning the tragedy but it did sound wrong.
- So does the Council do anything at all? Because the way Layla is telling it it sounds like they’re there like “Well, too bad for Tides. Also, sucks to be whoever he’ll attack next.” Also, if Valtor was defeated seventeen years ago, why wasn’t there a fucking reaction by someone? Layla’s parents must have already been rulers of Tides at the time so they must have known what was going on politically speaking (especially considering that there’s a portal from Omega to Tides). None of this makes sense... Again. (”Creature named Valtor”? Interesting. This isn’t a mistake since he isn’t quite human so... the writers are dropping some hints.)
- Why does Omega have an exit? What, you go and collect the convicts after they’ve served their sentence? No, I really can’t comprehend what’s the point of an exit portal. Isn’t the idea of a prison dimension for the prisoners to be... trapped?
- Hey, don’t dis Stella just because she’s worried about her own planet. (We really didn’t need that flashback but it wasn’t so long so whatever.) At least Layla is being understanding and supportive despite everything she’s going through herself.
Cassandra is really using the magic from Valtor, though, isn’t she? Poor Radius. And all the people who are loyal to him. And Stella for having everything taken away from her, including her father. - This part is in the wrong place but it’s true regardless.
- Just teleporting in the middle of a palace. Damn, those things are so easy to invade. They all have to invest in security. Seriously, some teenagers are breaking in with tech they invented themselves (and yeah, Tecna is the fairy of technology but still). You need a better security system, trust me. If they had it, Valtor wouldn’t have been able to sneak around the Solaria palace. Or the Isis palace, for that matter (but I’m getting ahead of myself.) Also, given the problems they faced on Solaria and those they’ll face on Eraklyon, I’d say it is a lot harder to break out of the palaces than it is to break in, which is still important but if getting in was harder, there would’ve been no reason to work so hard on keeping people from getting out, is all I’m saying.
- I am pretty sure those frames where Icy is twirling her hair were in a previous episode too. Recycling animation, I see. I would cut them some slack on account that that was 2006(?) but no, people were actually drawing good animation in 2006. The first episodes of Tom & Jerry had better quality animation back in the early 1940s for heaven’s sake. They’re just not trying.
- It’s Magic Winx time! I am really trying to make the most of those last moments we’re seeing their initial transformations. I’m thrilled about Enchantix but I’ll also miss their Magic Winx forms.
- “Fairies. They’re always trying to help others. And what’s funnier is that they actually believe it is the right thing to do.” This, right here? Giving me some major feels. I am probably reading too much into it (can’t help wishful thinking now, can I?) but this could very well be about Faragonda helping Griffin escape the Coven and saving her from the Ancestral Witches and Valtor’s wrath. He probably just meant it in general, but I now have a new headcanon (sort of).
- Aww, look at Griselda. So caring, so worried about them. They almost blew their cover there. But why use Kiko when there are five pixies even without Piff? Also, how the hell did Griselda buy that? But aww, at Kiko and Stella, too!
- Can I ask why in hell did they just turn around when they saw the wave and tried to outfly it when they should’ve just risen higher in the air and they would’ve been out of reach, the wave passing underneath them? But no, they can just do that other thing instead and take their chances with the possibility of drowning. Epic levels of stupidity again.
- “That wave was kinda refreshing.” I wonder if you would’ve thought that if someone had died.
- Was releasing the other prisoners Valtor’s plan? I don’t think he was planning on doing that. I mean, as a consequence of his actions, yeah, but I don’t think he was deliberately trying to do that.
- Bloom is getting visions now. Why couldn’t she sense that Valtor was there when he could sense her? I mean, didn’t she feel something through the Dragon Fire even when Layla wasn’t talking about him?
- That shot of Icy and Darcy facing each other while a current is waving their hair is absolutely fucking aesthetic. Can I get it printed?
- Oh, he only gave Icy powers? And I am not sure how to react to that scene. She was talking as if she was looking at a relationship with him. Also, why are they there when they know that this isn’t going to end well? This scene is on some other plane of logic that isn’t even anywhere near the one I’m on.
- Why are they so surprised that the Trix are there? Layla already told them that the possibility of them being with Valtor is big. They should’ve known. But damn, that bolt of magic just went straight through Flora’s chest. How is she not seriously injured?
- Why do the Trix suddenly turn very stupid when it is convenient for Winx? Darcy and Stormy are smarter than that. Maybe it could be considered their pride clouding their judgment but still. It didn’t feel right.
- “Does it look like I’m out of the way?” XDDD
- Why didn’t he just let Bloom drown? Problem solved. But no, he’s gotta have his “moment”, his “villain speech”, his “villain honor”. Bullshit. And in the end when she became too strong for him to defeat, he was doing anything but being honorable. The hypocrisy.
- Okay, but to be fair it wasn’t Icy’s fault that they decided they’d won and Bloom turned her back on the battle.
- Holy shit, he just exploded like that! I still can’t understand how he’s so powerful and keeps getting more power. Really, how did they even defeat him? Oh, that’s right, the writers completely tore him down. Jeez, almost makes sense.
- Oh, no, poor Layla! I think that is one of the cruelest things anyone has ever done in the series. And it is, of course, directed at Layla. (Yes, I am looking at the fact that Ogron stole her chance to save Nabu and saved a flower with that magic instead.) (Damn, they’re all so short compared to Valtor.)
- Stella somehow got away with using the pixies again. I don’t know how she keeps doing it but damn. That should qualify as skills.
- It is very sweet of them to hold Layla and help her but I think they should’ve offered a more... extensive hold on her. What I mean here is... Story time. We did some exercises in Cognitive Psychology since our teacher said that there’s a high chance we’ll be working with people with sensory disability. So she separated us into pairs and made one of us close our eyes and trust the other to lead them through a course of obstacles. And I have to tell you that I did not feel secure at all when I was only being held by the hand. Our teacher did something similar with us but it was her who was leading us and she had an arm around my shoulders PLUS holding my hand and it felt much better and safer. So what I’m saying with this is that Layla is most certainly freaking out here and she is very brave for not showing it (probably because she doesn’t want to be a burden) and also making steps on her own in her attempt to reach Tressa. That is absolutely impressive and we should all be proud of her. And she’s also ready to fight. She deserves all the hugs and love, and support in the world.
- I’m pretty sure that spell for breathing underwater undermines the whole Sirenix thing in some way but I don’t really remember what was up with that so I won’t be putting that in the plot holes column just yet.
- Flora is swimming like a little froggie. XD And Musa is swimming like a mermaid. Btw why do all the mermaids have this unnatural angle in their tales as if they have legs and have only put on a mermaid costume over them?
- And Stella finally fucked up. I am really curious what the hell she thought she could do. Go to Solaria and what? Get arrested? Not to mention that she was alone. Stella, honey, use those brain cells. They’re there for a reason. I know you want to help but this isn’t the way.
- Since when do corals grow so fast? Calcium carbonate can’t just multiply like that. Get your facts straight, writers. I guess you could explain this with magic but the way it is animated makes the coral look like it’s seaweeds. It looks soft and fabricy instead of solid as it actually should be.
- Aaand Layla is kidnapped. She’s probably terrified at this point. Poor baby needs a hug and months of therapy.
- I don’t understand why you need bravery to cut through the bars of a cell but okay. Attacking a kraken does, in fact, require bravery, though.
- Let’s cause a cave in, kids! It will be fun. And the chance of dying is just about, oh, I don’t know, BIG!
- Why didn’t Bloom make the stupid shortcut sooner? It would’ve been useful when they were running from the kraken.
- Omg, Imma cry. It’s Enchantix time! Despite everything she’s been through, Layla chose to use the healing magic on the queen. Question though, couldn’t they just... wait until the next sunset to heal her too? Or was it a one-time thing. I think the Bulgarian dub (so RAI) said it was a special sunset that only happened once a year or something like that. Which made more sense tbh.
- That line in the end kills me, though. Layla sounds like she’s lost all hope. Poor baby! You can’t really blame her. But did her parents learn about this? Why didn’t they try to get someone on Tides to heal her? Surely her mom or someone else should’ve known about the fairy powder.
- Another realm that will have to get acquainted with clouds. But damn, what a team they make. (Also, all the realms that are designed after Asian cultures are always so... harmonic... At least they were before Valtor.)
- The moment when Layla heals herself with her fairy dust is so powerful! And Griselda was so happy!
- Eraklyon is 1000 years old? I feel like that is little, but at the same time a lot. Idk.
- Icy was so mad. Is that some jealousy I’m detecting here? (Also, Stormy’s face at Darcy’s suggestion that Valtor may be crushing on Bloom, I can’t. She even had sort of a shudder run through her, lol.) But still, brave to yell at him like that considering how much more powerful than her he is. The Trix are the epitome of “I do what I want” and I love it.
- It’s the defense system! Idk why I like it so much but I do.
- Why do I feel like Stella and Griselda have sass matches in every class Griselda teaches? Lol, I want to witness those. They’re bound to be epic. But also, why store so many important and powerful spells in a school full of inexperienced students and risk all their well-being? This just doesn’t make any fucking sense. Again.
- Why do I have a feeling that it isn’t a good idea to let students arrange the tomes in the restricted vault?
- You see, this is why you don’t let them organize those books. Because they accidentally release a monster in the library. And of course they’re gonna send Layla, who is currently their strongest member, on lookout duty instead of having her deal with the monster with her Enchantix. At least they were smart enough to protect the books. Well, at least they learned that books can hurt you. In more than one way.
- Here comes the bullshit with Diaspro. Just let her move on from Sky gdi! Also, I love how she wasn’t really bothered by the fact that Valtor just walked into her room like that. Yeah, she was raging at him to get out but did she even blink at the fact that he managed to get in there at all? No? Why would that surprise her, right? She’s all busy being bitchy so that doesn’t even register.
- Stella and Layla have a tough case on their hands. Poor Tune. She looks like she can’t handle this anymore. But I think Bloom is the one at the biggest disadvantage (though, walking with a single book on your head isn’t actually that hard, come on). But she actually managed to master enough stuff in such a short time. And they’re going to the party. (Not that that will end well but regardless.)
- I love how Bloom didn’t even react to the fact that Faragonda knew her parents and hadn’t told her all this time. I would’ve at least asked why. But again, details just don’t register for these guys.
- Why is it that in Bloom’s dreams it is always her friends who are taunting her. Your friends taunting you or abandoning you every time you dream about them is not really normal. (They do draw a lot of dream sequences, though, and I gotta say that they are pretty straightforward, very direct and less symbolic which... fair enough, but dreams aren’t always like that. Also, all the dreams they’ve drawn are logical meaning that everyone is doing things they could realistically do in real life and transitions from places are also smooth and physically possible. Most dreams aren’t like that because the part of the brain that is responsible for logic isn’t active during sleep. Which is why I’ve been in a different town and then walked straight into my room at home without any transition whatsoever. And yes, I get how more simplistic dreams would make sense considering it is a kids show but dreams are of special interest to me so you get this psychological/writer rant-y tangent. This may also be due to the fact that I recently watched a killer dream sequence (not quite dream, it was a hallucination but a “guided” one and it was essentially following dream logic so...) and I am still hung up on that.)
(- A sidenote here: I think that the reason Layla wasn’t in the dream is that her planet is also facing the possibility of destruction currently and that makes Bloom feel like Layla understands her even if she already got her Enchantix. And that was why she was both sleeping on Layla’s lap and not seeing her in the dream.)
- Bloom already met Sky’s parents. I mean, I get how she’d be worried around those two but they already liked her in season 2. So why is that here?
- Stella is so done. You know, I would’ve preferred it if they’d let her focus on the fact that her father is under a spell rather than on her title being given to Chimera. They’re making her more worried about that rather than about her father. (At least Layla is showing off her dress. She didn’t get to do it last time.)
- Oh, god, it’s drama o’clock. Seriously, he was just dancing with you and telling you he loves you. Who changes their mind like that? He’s been with her for over a year now. Why would he just do this out of nowhere without any warning signs? All of this is just so stupid.
- Yes, thank you, Stella. Please do go ask for an explanation. And Layla being angry for her friend too. Good.
- Finally someone realized he’s spelled. Of course he is. Why would he call them witches otherwise?
- Valtor has an interesting way of spying on people. I don’t agree that Diaspro will fit in with the Trix and they shouldn’t have reversed her season 2 character development like that. When will they learn, really?
- Layla’s morphix barrier is so powerful.
- “Even if you are spelled”? What is that if doing there? Of course he is spelled! He’s acting like a rabid dog and I think for two years now you would’ve noticed if that was his personality.
- Poor Flora. They had to get the dragons. But aww, Brandon is so ready to do what only a responsible best friend can and smack some sense into Sky.
- Why did the pilot listen to Cassandra? I know she’s acting like she’s queen but she’s not. You can’t just abandon your king like that no matter who else is giving you orders, what?
- When exactly did the spell on Radius break? When Cassandra abandoned him or when he saw Stella lying unconscious?
- That was so brave of her, just standing against the dragon and not caring about the danger, only about her father. And now she’s got her Enchantix. I always loved Stella’s Enchantix. It’s so pretty. Look at her! (Where’s my Enchantix song, though? Now I am absolutely certain that they’re showing RAI dub in Bulgaria. I want my song back. :/ I love it so much and I want it back!)
- (Okay, picking back up where I left off about half a year ago.)
- I liked that they showed Bloom laughing at Kiko’s antics despite her being upset. It makes it more realistic than her just being sad all the time and not showing any other emotion.
- Why is it that what happened on Sparx seems to not be general knowledge? I mean, the whole planet died! There must have been a public statement out of the Council explaining what the hell happened and that the threat has been contained. Why does no one seem to know anything about that?
- I like the fact that there are bigger consequences of what happened on Eraklyon than just relationship drama. Makes this a lot more interesting.
- Look, I am not a fan of Bloom at all but I wouldn’t have wanted her removed from the school. I mean, Alfea is Valtor’s target with or without her anyway to give a logical argument at the very least. And she also deserves to be protected if Valtor is after her and not kicked out to deal with it as best as she can. It’s not fair to want her out of there just because there is someone out there to get her. They should be concerned with protecting her along with all the other students instead of trying to feed her to the wolves. Not to mention that if they want Bloom out, they should also want Faragonda out of there since she is a target of Valtor’s as well. But no one dares say that, right? I am just so over this!
- Why are we doing the voice over again?
- Vanessa and Mike are the most precious parents ever and I love them so much! (Pls, don’t ruin this with the live action series.) And also, when will Bloom stop acting like Sky has any control of his behavior? I am glad that Vanessa brought up that time Darkar brainwashed Bloom. A good way to slap her in the face with the truth delicately.
- Aww, Brandon is being such a great friend! And Stella is doing her best to be a supportive BFF as well.
- I agree with Riven on changing the operation’s name. And he was being a bit of a jerk there. Especially considering that he has been in Sky’s shoes as a brainwashed puppy for Darcy. Though, that might actually be what is driving his words. Maybe he doesn’t want to admit that he was outsmarted and spelled by Darcy and that is why he is maintaining that Sky might be choosing all of that of his own volition. (Though, that might be a bit too deep for the writers.) And he did agree to drive them, after all, so he must be saying the truth about not wanting Bloom to get disappointed.
- Why did they have to reverse every last bit of Diaspro’s character development?!
- “Is this a ‘no parking’ zone?” XDDDD
- Brandon truly is the best bf and BFF and I cannot stress this enough. I love him!
- Well, took you awfully long to put two and two together. But at least this drama is about to close. Thankfully, since I don’t think I could have taken much more of this.
- Of course, they get caught. Did that punishment ever happen? I mean, considering what is coming in the next episode, I don’t think we ever saw any consequences for that.
- I get why the news of an arranged marriage can be distressing but I think that Layla was a bit too quick with that “my life will be ruined” evaluation. She could’ve tried meeting Nabu at least before deciding it wasn’t going to work out. Especially considering that it was working out (until they fucking killed him off).
- (I will probably be talking a lot more about Griffin and Valtor than is necessary. What can I say? When your OTP only gets about five scenes together, you have to make the most of it.)
- Aww, poor Stella, feeling so worried for Brandon! But seriously, why didn’t they think of checking the intergalactic news or whatever? Shouldn’t that be... idk, their first move? Even I thought of that and I don’t even live in that universe. Come on, guys! Use those brain cells!
- Valtor is such a primadonna, I can’t even. Yeah, how dare this place he has completely taken over and pushed to the verge of destruction be so lame and not entertaining? Lol at the line about the spell protecting Cloud Tower from dark magic, though. It will never not be funny.
- Sidenote: Is Griffin the only person in the universe who’s named Griffin? I know that the fact that it’s Cloud Tower would make him think it was her but it could still be another witch named Griffin. You’d think that in the whole universe there would be another witch sharing that name.
- Okay, but that scene made the witches look kinda incompetent. I know they are just students still but they must know that shapeshifting is possible and in that case you shouldn’t invite animals inside either because they could turn out to be the menacing wizard that’s threatening the entire magical dimension. Just saying.
- God, I really hate it when they do things like that. Can we have magic users actually sensing magic and not being caught completely by surprise when someone teleports in their room? Especially if they are the headmistress of the most prestigious school for witches? I mean, she is supposed to be powerful. She should have sensed him or something. I am not saying that that should have given her more of a fighting chance but she should have at least felt his magic. Considering that they used to be partners.
- How do Ediltrude and Zarathustra know Valtor? I’m just curious for more backstory.
- This show has a dreadful way of including flashbacks. I mean, Griffin should know damn well what the hell Valtor’s talking about but they couldn’t find a better way to segue the flashback into the episode so we get that super cringy line instead. I would’ve also really appreciated it if those flashbacks were less stylized. Although - and now I am going on a Griffin x Valtor rant despite having said this before - the way it is animated it looks like they did convergence. And Valtor saying that they were unstoppable when they combined their powers supports that. And all of that, in turn, supports the idea that they were together. Especially since Griffin changed her mind about the whole thing which would mean that their interests in a magical plan weren’t all that aligned and you need sync for a convergence. (And who would prefer the idea of them being just work partners when you can have the moral dilemma of love vs conscience instead?) Anyway, yeah, really not a fan of that part with the snakes because it doesn’t tell you shit about what actually happened and I highly doubt that the Ancestral Witches conjured serpents to chase her. It could have been a good way to show once again how horrible they were but they just wanted to cop out of actually putting any effort into any of this.
- Now that I am done with that rant, I just want to say again how in love I am with young Griffin’s design and especially her hair. It is so long and purple and I just can’t! Also, headcanon that that flower hairpin was a gift from Faragonda. Also also, Darcy could be a spitting image of young Griffin. Just an observation.
- Of course, the magical barrier also protects from rain.
- Oh, boy, here comes another rant. “Why are they attacking us?” Seriously?!?!?! And that coming from Winx who were on Tides and have had two of their closest people brainwashed by Valtor? I mean, are you really that fucking stupid?!?!?!?!?! How hard can it be to put two and two together?!?!?! Honestly, I am so done with all of this!
- Well, that barrier didn’t hold up even for a minute. I know Valtor had all the witches brainwashed but how powerful can they be? Isn’t that barrier supposed to protect them from big threats? It gave way as if it were a house of cards.
- I love the way Faragonda just blasted Valtor through all of those trees although I wish they would have done more with that battle. They could have shown some more advanced spells instead of Valtor and Faragonda just blasting each other. Yeah, he turned her into a tree but we never actually saw how any of that happened. That could have been an epic battle if they had decided to show more of it.
- Yeah, this makes perfect sense. The barrier that all the teachers made together with an ancient spell didn’t hold up but the one Palladium put up with SOME of the fairies is stronger. How does that have any logic? The teachers are supposed to be a lot more powerful and therefore create a stronger barrier. I am so done with all of this nonsense.
- Poor Galatea. Though, I must agree with Icy that she is obviously new since she thought she could defeat the Trix by herself. But her idea to send a message to Musa was good! The one to run instead of fly out of there - less so.
- Yeah, Tecna just stopped a convergence between Icy and Stormy on her own. How does that make any sense?! Winx are way too powerful for the Trix to defeat them even without their Enchantix and none of this helps the tension of the season. I mean, can we have some proportional powers in order to actually have any stakes? They were so much better at that in season 1.
- Darcy, I love you, baby, but how could you set a library on fire? I am in pain. And also amazed by the stupidity once again. Why would a fire on fire attack put out the fucking fire, Bloom?! How does that make any sense?! Oh, and Galatea’s decision to rush back for the books was absolutely fucking idiotic. I get that she wasn’t rational at the moment and probably felt guilty for the whole thing but come on! This is a whole room of books! How did she think she could save them all?!
- Musa’s Enchantix is beautiful but I am not sure it was worth all the bullshit they did just to let her have it. Not to mention that there was absolutely no damage from the fire at all. And, of course, fairy dust can just generate new wings. Yes, that makes perfect sense, why are you asking? (Okay, I am actually going to give that a pass because fairy dust and fairy wings are both magic (and the dust comes from the Enchantix wings).)
- I am actually kinda amused by the choice to start off the episode with that shot of the grounds of Alfea smoking after the battle.
- “Lucy, why did you attack us?” REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! How much more stupid manufactured drama are they gonna shove in this?!?!?!... Oh, wait. That is so that we can have Mirta go to Cloud Tower bc that’s a plot device. Nvm it doesn’t make any fucking sense for any of the fairies not to know why the attack happened, especially since Faragonda is missing so they must all know about her battle with Valtor and that he’s behind everything. And then she even asks if Valtor made the witches do it? Well, of course he did, you absolute moron! I cannot with this anymore.
- Lol, Valtor just feeding the Trix’s fight and giving them stupid assignments to keep them off his back is kinda hilarious but it would have been better if they weren’t so ready to fall for it. Come on, they can do better and everyone knows it!
- Yeah, “an unbelievable battle” (Valtor vs Faragonda)... that we saw nothing of. Thanks, writers!
- I swear, the only reason Locket is less annoying than Bloom is that she’s actually smaller in size (and the writers don’t hyperfocus on her).
- Flora’s powers are really cool but why was there so much wind during that spell? It looked a bit too violent for Flora with the way all the trees were bending so intensely. And the trees were scared? Aww, that’s... a lot of things, actually. But anyway.
- If Mirta was going in Cloud Tower, why was she walking away from it? The positioning in this scene makes no sense.
- They literally just wasted almost an entire minute on the pixies that were doing nothing of importance. They could have used that time for something actually meaningful and interesting.
- Okay, I always thought that the green (bluish) and purple monsters were Ediltrude and Zarathustra but I don’t think I have seen anyone else catch on to that. I mean, it would make sense because Valtor’s mark turned the mermaids on Tides into monsters as well. But on the other hand, the witches of Cloud Tower were also marked and didn’t turn into monsters. Though, I bet that was just so we could have the drama of “why are they attacking us?” when the fairies recognized them because they might not have if the witches had been turned into monsters.
- Well, the Trix stood up to Valtor about that guard duty at least. That’s more like them.
- “she claims to be a fairy born into a witch’s body”? I never understood that. Mirta has a fairy form. So if she has a fairy form but is born in a witch’s body... What’s the difference between a fairy’s body and a witch’s one if not the fairy form? Which she obviously has?!?!?!
- Yeah, a door just opens by itself and Lucy is right behind it and Mirta falls for that. I mean, doesn’t the level of convenience tip you off that it’s a trap? Basic logic, people! Is that too much to ask for?
- Here they had to start doing the convergence before Valtor’s spell ruined it and Bloom touched Stella with no problem but later it turns out that Valtor just blocked their ability to touch. Yeah, right. I am not buying that. It wasn’t animated in support of it, sorry.
- Oh, wow. They even managed to hit Valtor with an attack! I’m amazed. However, they’re not anywhere even close to being on his level of power so, again, how did they ever beat him?
- Oh, I noticed the pentagram now! I never saw it before.
- Well, of course, Griffin is trying to escape. What did you think? That she’ll sit idly by? He knows her and he already knew she would try to escape as evidenced earlier. Why is he surprised?
- Okay, so “blocked our ability to touch each other” is actually “blocked our ability to hold hands” which is different. Just saying. And also, since when do they need to touch to do convergence? They were doing convergence without touching just fine in season 2. I maintain that this whole thing with the convergence is a load of crap because they had no idea how to put them in danger otherwise.
- What are these mummy hands and where are they coming from. And of course, Mirta shows up in a last second save. You know, I can see now how she fell for that trap earlier. Everything in this series is too convenient.
- If Valtor could do the reflective spell on Griffin’s cell door, why didn’t he just go for it the first time to eliminate the headaches she caused him with her escape attempts? Oh, my god, does anyone in this show have any brains?!
- They could have tried the fairy dust to save Griffin in this ep instead of waiting for 3x14. But again, no fucking brain cells, man.
- When will they learn that if a thing attacks them right now, there’s a big chance it was spelled by Valtor? I am really so over this. And “the old one”? Really? She’s not that old.
- Yeah, Mirta isn’t an Alfea student. Why would she care to go look for Faragonda along with Winx? We can just send her home, right? No problem.
- Hey, that’s Nabu.
(- Okay, enough about this episode. I gave it enough time and nerves.)
- Lucy was spying on the pixies? I have never noticed that. And she turned herself into a snake? Okay, that was really cool. How have I never noticed it?
- I am so over Valtor and the Trix’s bullshit. They are all so transparent, it’s ridiculous.
- Well, that’s one of the few times we’ve seen Stella’s ring lately. She used it a lot more back in season 1 and I have started missing it.
- Yeah, Flora’s sister is not Rose. She’s Miele. Sorry, 4kids.
- Why did Flora ask her obviously-too-little-for-any-of-this sister to talk to the elders instead of her parents?!
- How did Stormy create harpies out of lightning? Was this some sort of Frankenstein thing, except she didn’t even have a body to run electricity through and just materialized the entire damn harpies out of her magic? WTF?!
- Lol, Stormy’s harpies first went for Musa? Yeah, it’s obvious they’re Stormy’s. XD (Why does that harpy look like Lucy?)
- No one can fly through the winds. 3 secs later - Stella, Layla and Musa are flying through the winds. *facepalm* They aren’t the only fairies in the whole magical dimension to have Enchantix, you know? Surely, there are also fairies with Enchantix on Lynphea, which means that there are people who can fly through the winds. Why does this show insist on contradicting itself so often?! (The talk about the Enchantix wings was cool, though.)
- Stormy really needs some anger management.
- My first thought when I saw the sage of Lynphea was “Lady Gaga” XDDD (Also, Alfea, Lynphea... chill, guys.)
- The story of the Black Willow has always been my favorite part of the lore for the Winx world! I loved it ever since I first started watching the show and it’s still holding up!
- Why is Darcy so behind on what Icy and Stormy are doing?
- Aww, Flora is so careful with her sister! And she knows her so well! She totally knew that Miele would want the ladybug to go faster. She’s a great big sis!
- Omg, a cat fight between Icy and Darcy? It’s hilariously bad but I gotta say, they probably weren’t trying to hurt each other truly since they mostly refrained from using magic. And I love the fact that they realized they are fighting over a guy and it’s stupid. Plus, Stormy really isn’t so bad at all and only needs some anger management. Out of the three of them, she always seems to value the presence of the others the most. Just... not in a “friends friends” way. XD
- Bloom was really going to just touch the water and totally forget what they were told and also turn herself back into a kid. Nice one!
- Ouch, poor Stella. She ran face first into that column. But I gotta say that I love how both Bloom’s face and intonation switch to “fuck you” even though she’s frozen to the wall.
- Hey, that thing about Griffin’s Nature Studies class kinda aligns with my headcanon that she loves plants. If you know how to make an environment thrive, you’ll also know how to ruin it. And of course, Darcy aced that. She just loves to ruin stuff and I love her. Also, loving the Trix much more now that they’re back to being a totally evil team!
- Holy shit! Flora just attacked Darcy physically! I am speechless! I did not see this coming. This episode is truly delivering on the action! It is much better than the previous one and the threat is more real. I like it!
- Oh, damn! Flora is really mad to dish out plants that are trying to swallow them! Oof, this is getting really intense and I am loving every second!
- Why are they talking underwater?
- Omg, poor Miele. She thought her big sis would die. Honestly, the Trix deserved to have their butts kicked here just for doing that to her. A sidenote, though - Why do the Enchantix transformations start up with makeup change? That is hardly a priority, seriously!
- Miele should have gotten her Enchantix, too, for taking that blow for Flora. Which btw is stupid because if the blast was supposed to “finish off” Flora, Miele should have been hurt badly but she was just fine.
- Well, of course saving Faragonda is up to Winx, THE STUDENTS! Why would any of the teachers actually try to save their boss?! That would be ludicrous.
- Oh, so Saladin is three years older than Faragonda (and Griffin)? Also, “a social call”? Plus, the way Faragonda was talking about his past visits? Yeah, that was not a friendship when they were young. (But I just burst out laughing at Faragonda’s expression when she said she had to wake up Layla. She looked so terrified and it was just a tad over the top for her specifically.)
- Stella was dreaming Brandon had wings and they were flying together? Aww, that is so romantic!
- Aww, Layla and her dad are going to fight together! That is so precious! I love that some of the adults are finally taking action here. It was about damn time!
- The Trix look positively upset by Valtor’s idea to just let the mermaids die. It may be because in a way they are also his minions and if he has no problem leaving his minions to die, then they aren’t too safe either. Though, it seems like they want the people to live but they don’t care that the planet will die. It’s a little weird.
- Stella went to rodeo camp? Man, they really do have cowboys on Solaria, huh?
- Rescue vine? But aww, the way Flora caught Stella was really cute!
- Lol, I guess the Trix aren’t satisfied with the home cinema special “Watching your mortal enemies get obliterated” and wanted in on the action! Well, in a manner of speaking, Valtor saved them by keeping them from going to Tides (although it didn’t get destroyed but they thought it would so it kinda counts). Guess, they’re still useful to him.
- Omg, Layla and her dad teaming up is absolutely great! We needed to see more moments like that and it was totally possible considering that a half of their fathers (counting Oritel) are warriors. And I love that Teredor thought of freeing the mermaids from Valtor’s spell. I thought Winx would have thought of that by now but apparently they still can’t get used to the fact that they have fairy dust now and it can remove Valtor’s mark.
- I still don’t get the need for a portal to Omega. There is obviously another way in because the Trix weren’t dropped in through the portal on Tides. So why leave a portal? This is stupid. Also, I knew the scrolls would get sucked in. It was just too stupid for them to pass up on.
- Okay, it was sweet that Bloom and Layla were ready to sacrifice themselves but why was Tecna able to go near the portal when they weren’t? Also, why did she get her Enchantix? Faragonda said they had to sacrifice themselves for someone from their own planets. Tecna isn’t from Tides!
- Musa seemed the most upset, though. Not that the others weren’t. But Musa was the one that flew in in an attempt to help Tecna and then just banged on the ground like that. Poor babies. All of them. (At least the Trix are happy... for now.)
Part 2 is here.
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moonlightreal · 5 years ago
Let’s watch more in Italian!
By the by, if any of you out there in tumblr-land know where there are more episodes in English, don’t keep it to yourself!  I’m somewhat terrified my only source won’t be supplying them anymore and I’ll have to wait and hunt, and there’s stuff a few episodes on that I REALLY want to see and dissect and have All The Opinions on.
But no hint of that stuff will appear before us in these two filler-laden but fun episodes.
21 La gara di ballo su Melody
Alfea!  Grizelda lectures in the courtyard.  they’re doing magic shield practice and Knut and Kiko are shooting cannonballs with a catapult to be shielded against.  I wonder if shields against a physical object and shields against  a magic zap are a different spell.  Stella’s shield is a gold star.
Musa is up next but her phone rings.  Riven wants to go out for ice cream!
So they’re back together?  I don’t really remember them getting back together.  My guess is here’s what happened: the second-half writers were told that part of the plot in the first half was that Musa and Riven would get back together, and then the first-half writers… flubbed it.  It happens to us all, you get to the end of the story and realize you didn’t manage to do one of the things you were planning to do.
Or else this ice cream date is Riven’s attempt to actually get back together. Without understanding the dialog I can’t be sure.
  Because she’s paying attention to her phone she nearly gets beaned with a cannonball, and then Knut launches Kiko from the catapult, and then the star box appears to save us from the slapstick.
We’re going to Melody!  I think the girls ask Grizelda’s permission to go, which is weird because it again brings up the question of whether they’re heroes or students, adults or kids.  You can’t really be both.
So Musa texts Riven that they have to go save the universe again.  Flora talks to Musa, I bet that conversation would clear up my confusion if I could understand it.
Bloom is concerned about the Trix, but Stella says there’s no way the Trix could be there already and we cut to…
The Trix were there already!  Aerial zappy battle for the star, which is on top of one of these really cool giant rock spires that have the tops carved into treble clefs.  Love the geography!  I want to imagine who carved these things, I wonder how people know when they move into a realm what kind of magic it will have.  The girls’ home realms each have a certain flavor, while Magix isn’t associated with any particular kind of magic.
In the fight the prime star gets dislodged and its little hamster ball goes sailing off towards the city.  Everybody follow it!
Cut to… a disco! Or some kind of… do nightclubs really look like that?  Colored lights, big speakers, several levels of dance floors, big screens. Very cool.  The partygoers do not look particularly traditionally Asian, they’re all colors and wearing big pants and hats and sweaters.  I think this is like, Asian punk clothing?  
And there’s Galatea!  The art style has actually made her look older than she was, she’s wearing the same dress as when we saw her in the sovereign council, that super skinny dress with the ruffles up front. I feel like the very classical-music Galatea should look more uncomfortable at this not-classical club, she doesn’t fit aestetically, but she’s having a grand time announcing the dance contest.
The Winx come in, I don’t know how they knew to come here.  Galatea holds up the prize for the contest, a crown with a treble clef on it, and the prime star landed inside.
Ok, it flew from outside and landed perfectly in the crown and Galatea’s holding it up and doesn’t notice?  Come on.
So Musa goes, “Hey, Galatea, old friend, we need that star and then you can go back to enjoying your contest!” and Galatea gives it to her--
Not.  That is not what happens.
I wish I knew what she was saying about Galatea here.
The Trix are here too.  Icy tries some magic and it doesn’t work and all the punk kids glare at her.  She looks quite worried for just being glared at by a bunch of punk kids!
So we’ll just have to win the contest to get the prime star!
Bloom seems pretty happy about this, and Stella gets everyone dressed up. Gradient-colored outfits with neon edging.  Bloom comes off worst, the designers couldn’t bring themselves to go with blue so she’s in mostly a muddy purple and her hairstyle is not good.  Flora’s is similarly blah, Musa has cute banding across her top and I like her very ninties hair.  Tec is cute in green and Stella in yellow. Aisha’s turquoise with purple neon looks the best.
The Trix argue.  I think Darcy wants out of this latest wacky plan by her sisters.  Icy and Stormy get their dance clothes on and they look awesome!  Way better than the Winx.  Icy’s hairdo is a bit much but other than that they rock.
We cut to Red fountain.  Sky and Brandon are sparring.  Riven is brooding about Musa.  The boys talk, and I shudder to think what advice they’re giving Riven.
Back on melody Stella offers to be first in the dance contest.  Galatea recognizes her by name so the girls totally could call on their friendship with Galatea to get the star.
This dance contest is like DDR Twister, anywhere on the floor can light up and also spots in the air.  I cannot wait until this is a real thing in AR. It’s coming, people.  It’s coming.
Stella isn’t great, she gets catapulted off the stage and lands in Bloom’s arms.
Icy vs Flora dance! Bloom says, ‘Icy’s not bad!” which is my level of understanding Italian.  Flora grins cutely the whole time and is pretty adorable, but she loses and gets carried off the stage in a bubble which pops, dropping her in aisha’s arms.
I used to love DDR. I was terrible at it, but it’s fun.
Darcy is following Musa to her house.  Musa left the competition at some point.  Musa and her dad!  Hugs!  Musa’s house is cool, it’s Asian-ish with like, lines of music along the roof..
Inside, screens, sliding doors.  Musa remembers her childhood with her parents, it’s really sweet.  There’s a huge double-harp, it has part an upright normal harp and part a bench with harp strings over it and Matlin and Ho-boe played it together.  I wonder if that’s a real thing, like the sofa of harps.
Outside Darcy mocks their precious memories.
Tecna vs Stormy dance!   I guess they’re saving their strongest dancer, Aisha, for the final level.  Tec gets farther than Flora did and ends up in a perfect tie with Stormy.  They rematch and Stormy wins.
Galatea should not be so chipper about public enemy numbers one and three winning her contest.  Why hasn’t she called the police?  She knows who the Trix are, she’s calling them by name…
Musa is eating ice cream with her dad, it’s sweet.  She tells him about riven as Darcy lurks outside.
And there’s Riven sneaking up on Darcy!  Except she beats him in a fight and puts a mind control spell on him.
Musa hears a noise outside and thinks it’s the Trix, but it’s Riven.  She invites him in.  Darcy gloats.
Next time: more dancing!  No really, that’s all in the preview.
22 Il secreto del’armonia
Musa invites the enchanted Riven in.  She gets that he’s not quite himself but doesn’t seem to suspect… then he attacks!
Bloom vs Icy dance! They take a break to mock each other.
I can tell the girls are talking about melody and it drives me crazy there’s worldbuilding I can’t have yet!
Riven tries to fight off the mind control spell!  Darcy invisibly talks to him. Riven attacks Musa again!    Musa tries to reason with him!  I’m not sure she knows he’s enchanted or not.Riven manages to say darcy’’s here, Darcy appears and orders Riven to attack but he makes lots of lightning come from his suit like Sky did and shakes off the spell.
They have a romantic hug.
Ok, these suits, what are they?  What all can they do?  They give the boys basically all the powers of a fairy.
Darcy appears and summons some blobby creatures that are not staryums from a portal. Riven is ready to fight!  Musa is more keen on getting her dad to safety.
Bloom vs Icy dance! Icy loses.  Icy gets mad and tries magic and it doesn’t work.
Critters menace Riven and Musa!  Musa finally Cosmixes-up.  They fight critters. Darcy retreats.
Bloom vs. Stormy dance!  Stormy mocks, but Bloom is confidant.  Tie!  Rematch!  Bloom can do this all day!  More dancing, this time with zaps of electircity they have to avoid while they dance!  Bloom loses!
Back at home all three of them eat ice cream.  Musa and Riven start to argue and Ho-boe laughs.  Then the pair laugh.  
Then Musa and Riven play the sofa harp together.  The music is really pretty.  They have found harmony!  Only… when did Riven learn to play?  A critter is outside watching.
Aisha made it to the dance final!  Aisha vs. Stormy with zappy electricity!  I think Stormy is telling Aisha what Darcy’s up to.  It works, Aisha loses.
Stormy grabs the crown and celebrates.  Icy’s right there to grab the prime star but Stormy’s not giving it up.  Then the prime star poofs away!  
It appears for Musa!  Riven gapes.  Darcy’s critter sees and runs off to get the Trix.
Musa and Riven have a romantic moment.
The Trix meet up in an alley and Darcy’s critter reports in.  Stormy tosses the crown away and the critter puts it on and runs off to a new life.
Trix attack Musa’s house!  Riven jumps in front of an ice blast and gets frozen!  The rest of the Winx arrive.  Flora uses her petal thing to blast Darcy into a tree.
Icy stops Stormy from attacking.  Hmm.  Is that a hint?  I keep expecting to see moments of thoughtfulness or hesitation from Icy as hints of the prize we’re getting in a few episodes, but so far this is the only time I’ve noticed a serious expression on her face.  How late WAS this prize added in?  Or are the writers just bad at foreshadowing? I mean, no judgment, I’M bad at foreshadowing, but with a visual medium you have the chance to put an uncertain expression on someone’s face while other characters are turned away, that’s just so basic...
The Trix flee.
Poor riven doesn’t look so good, but Bloom uses Dragonfire to heal him.  And she SAYS Dragonfire, so that’s still a thing!
And then, what else, a concert!  Musa and Riven play the sofa harp and the others play their usual instruments.  Galatea, Musa’s dad, and the punk kids watch.  It’s about like all the other songs, but the harp music does add something.
Then we have another romantic moment with Musa and Riven.
Next time: beach! Tec and Aisha fighting!
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alternativewinxcontinuity · 5 years ago
will the winx alt. con. keep with canon relationships? cuz sky and bloom could be a dope couple with good writing, and aISHA AND NABU OHMYGOD-
Yes and No?Stella/Brandon are basically the same, while Sky/Bloom and Aisha|Layla/Nabu|Ophir are getting a little bit of a more obvious over haul they will still be A Thing.
Tecna/Timmy, Flora/Helia and Musa/Riven are... less so, like, if they happen as a romance thing, it will be a long time coming, or less obvious.
Mirta/Lucy& Palladium/Avalon are also A Thing, but more background than any of the others.
So in terms of ships in the Canon show: they are a mess. On the surface they seem plausible, maybe even okay, but the longer you look at them, the worse the relationships get. I've tried to keep the basics, but change certain circumstances so things are less... bad foundation-wise
Bitching and Alt Con spoiler alerts below the cut.
Stella/BrandonBloom/Sky (feat. Diaspro)Aisha/Nabu|Layla/Ophir (feat. Roy (&Nex))Tecna/TimmyFlora/HeliaMusa/Riven (feat. Darcy)Mirta/LucyDaphne/ThorenPalladium/Avalon
Final heads up, I'm about to say a lot of sh*t, and none of you have to agree, we all interpret things differently, I'm the kind of person who pulls things apart and finds the smallest speck of 'rot' and grows it in a mental Petri dish to see how awful things could be... that is a terrible analogy, but long-and-short-of-it: my opinions may be based on worst case scenario analysis, rather than any analysis you may use, and I am not saying you should not ship things, by all means, ship all the things.
I apologise for the high levels of in-coherency and absolute aggro.
On the surface, this ship is changing perhaps the least because they're a “pretty stable” couple, unfortunately, they also began their relationship with a lie and that was never fully addressed in Canon. I tried to combat that by having Brandon and Stella 'test the waters' so to speak, with Brandon asking early on if Stella thought she'd still like him even if he wasn't a prince, and Stella later mentioning to Bloom that yeah, she would.
I say “pretty stable” because they don't break up every other episode, but their relationship is kind of... on the opposite end of the problem spectrum, like: “I'd jump off a cliff with no knowledge of what was below and no safety harness or ability to fly for you,” they've displayed a concerning level of co-dependency.
I tempered that a bit in the Alt Con, mostly be removing the situation where that (jumping off the cliff) happened, because it was the result of characters being sudden!dumb! But I also feel like, whatever universe, they'd be the kind of couple who'd get through rocky points in their relationship because they'd try to make it work because they are connected.
Canon treats them a little weirdly, because they are (excuse my language) psychotically-in-love, despite both being established as generally flirty people, but it only once really put the jealousy thing into play, in season 4 when the writers tried to make us take Mitzy as a 'serious villain' by turning her into Stella&Brandon's 'Diaspro problem'.
Alt Con Stella&Brandon are more reasonable, but are still very much 'our eyes met and something clicked' kinds of in love, but they definitely put work into a stable foundation, and were able to weather the SkyBrandon reveal with only a small wobble and some breathing space.
Bloom/Sky (feat. Diaspro) aka: the Drama Llama ship.
I think this one is changing the most, of the three main ships that are 'staying'. Alt Con Bloom&Sky didn't actually start dating until late in season 2, and are being very cautious with their relationship.
Unlike Canon Sky, Alt Con Sky was hesitant to begin a relationship when he knew he would have to end it, and knowing it would be a douche-bag move. Likewise, Bloom's Canon displayed empathic ability came into play, warning her that Sky was hiding something from her, and making her hesitant to even try dating while that was looming between them.
The biggest change with the Bloom/Sky dynamic is that it didn't start under falsehoods, and Diaspro was treated with the respect she deserved, rather than an unwanted crazy ex (even before she was the ex).
Canon Sky was a cheater, pure and simple, we've (probably all) talked the matter to death over the years, and there's no interpretation where what he did and didn't do, was okay. But it also explains his later douchey behaviour: people who cheat are more likely to suspect others of cheating.
Canon Sky has always been quick to jealousy, see season 2's full on stalking bullshit, and of course the thing with the FrEaKinG unicorn.
And of course, since he did start his relationship with Bloom as a cheater, Bloom knows he has a history of cheating, and cheaters don't typically 'find the right person and change their ways forever'. Sorry, but they don't, which explains why Bloom is so ready to believe Diaspro is succeeding in stealing Sky back, whether she actually is or not.
Canon Bloom/Sky have no trust foundation, like zero, none, maybe even negative trust foundation.
Fixing that was simple: I didn't let them get together while there were lies to be had.
Now, love her, hate her, pity her, Diaspro is a huge part of the Canon relationship, so I do have to talk about her.
Canon treats her like an increasingly manic instant drama dispenser, and I think we're all sick to death of it, not just because Diaspro has become more and more difficult to sympathise with, but because we're sick of the Bloom/Sky (relationship-status: “Yoyo's would be dizzy by now”) continuity.
But she's a princess, which means she should be more politically aware than what she is in Canon, she's marrying in to The Royal Family of Eraklyon. Sky's already there, he's set, he is the 'scheduled in in pen' Future King of Eraklyon, he ain't got to do shit.
Diaspro does. She has to be liked by the current king and the people, even if not her future husband, her marriage is a job.
So Alt Con Diaspro gets to do 'diplomacy' first, she gets to make first contact with the Winx, rather than being randomly attacked by a crazy ass fairy and being humiliated in public.
But this also means that Bloom wasn't humiliated in public, because Alt Con Diaspro was tactful in revealing the truth about the SkyBrandon switch. (Because the switch wasn't actually life or death protection.)
That whole first meeting in Canon was disaster from the word go, and put such a taint on the relationship that it's season 8, and the writers are apparently still trying to beat that dead horse.
The main thing that stops Bloom/Sky from moving past their beginning in Canon, is that they just don't communicate. They run into the slightest problem and suddenly they're breaking up and they stop trusting each other and its the end of the world and boohoo, blah blah woof woof.
They get back together as a matter of course, like its on a freaking check list for the writers to tick off, but they never really deal with what happened. It's all: Inciting incident, zero to sixty in three point five break up, way too long stealing the B plot's screen time being pouty and childish, 'oh we were wrong and are back together now without dealing with the actual problem because there wasn't one we're just dumb.'
Starting them off with knowing that they have an attraction to one another, but listening to a combination of common sense/basic decency and intuition so they wait until they're at a place where they can be honest and upfront about what needs to be spoken about, rather than having them run head first into what is nothing more than a revolving door of relationship drama was important for the Alt Con, because ain't nobody got time for that shit anymore. (Have you seen the new time line, it's condensed AF.)
The Alt Con also does something else I always wanted to see: addresses the fact that Bloom is now in a position to marry into a Royal Family.
Alt Con Bloom/Sky is a lot more tentative than Canon, they started of on a better foot, without that lie and cheating between them, but they're going into the relationship knowing that if they work, and they feel like there's a good chance they will, Bloom will have to assume the role of Queen Consort of Eraklyon one day, she's not just dating Sky, she's dating his family and his Planet which means they have to take it slower and more seriously.
Spoiler alert for season 3 of the Alt Con: the love potion is still happening, the set up of the relationship though means there's less 'why doesn't he love me anymore' and more 'Diaspro was (not totally fine with it but) prepared to accept the change, this isn't like her,' and 'Sky and I were okay last time we talked, he wouldn't do this without telling me, something is wrong here.' (Diaspro is not a psycho b*tch/Mark of Valtor theory coming well into play here.)
Aisha/Nabu|Layla/Ophir (feat. Roy (& Nex))
So in Canon, Nabu and Aisha first met when Nabu just randomly up and stalked Aisha through Magix on her day off after their engagement was announced. And because apparently princesses can't date first boyfriends who don't lie about their identity, Nabu introduced himself as 'Ophir'.
Look, I get that he was shy and embarrassed or something? But what the genuine frick-frack?!
The writers have apparently never had romantic relationships before because that trend was really friggen messed up. Like... none of the relationships in Winx Club are what I'd call ideal and healthy, all of them have some aspect of 'oh god run!' to them, but Aisha got the short end of a ratty stick.
So Canon timeline (allegedly): Middle of third year, Aisha's home world is under attack and she can't do more than she's already done. Trying to take a mental health day with her girls, and this rando dude up and stalks her, then, because she's a decent person, she chooses stalker's life over the Magical Dimension (Agador Box), and it turns out, this random ass stalker has lied about his identity and stalked her because he's the fiance she never wanted.
And yes, they do eventually end up falling in love and choosing one another... right before he fricken dies less than a year later.
So you know, Aisha does her 'vengeance is me' spree, which was awesome but designed to put her in a bad light, let's be real.
And then: nothing, an extra heaping of man hate because Aisha is an angry-girl, but no one really addressed her grief after the fact, like you don't just wake up and get over the death of someone that close, and yes, I know that people do move on, but we never saw her moving on, she calmed down after an episode of revenge and then she was 'all good' bar the aggro-tude. She spent season 5 and 6 angry at everything male, then suddenly she was dating Nex and... I'm sorry, I do block a lot of the later seasons out, but I genuinely do not remember them getting together, they just suddenly were after a season of Nex being an asshole with an almost redemption scene when he saved Roy, who mysteriously vanished, despite sticking around post his job-arc in season 6, but I guess that was for drama.
I don't really care for Nex, but that's a complex and layered issue that is only partly about shipping, and only partly about the fact that he was an absolute asshole who almost killed Roy during training basically on purpose, even if I didn't particularly like Roy, I don't hate Nex either.
Aisha has had all the boys thrown at her, and it was annoying, because she never needed one, she sure as sh*t didn't need a second and a third who inexplicably 'won her hand' or whatever the hell happened there.
I would have been fine if Aisha had stayed single after Nabu, like, just because people do move on, doesn't mean she has to date again.
So, Alt Con, Nex and... urgh, 'Thoren' are persona non grata, because let's be honest, they were introduced for shipping purposes and Daphne/Thoren was the stupidest thing to ever be shipped in Magix, I apologise if you like the ship, I don't mean to start a war, but it felt like it was so forced and it came out of even less than nowhere than Aisha/Nex.
Also Daphne isn't returning to life in the Alt Con, sorry, spoiler.
But Nabu isn't dying either. (I thought about it, but it was a stupid drama grab, so it's been chucked and set on fire. I did have an idea of a plot line for the closure, involving Nex as the son of a Valkyne who'd left Waltevy, and him taking Aisha to say a proper goodbye to Nabu, and freaking waiting for her to be ready to date again and just being a decent friggen person... but, yeah, nah.)
Salvaging Roy, even in Canon is actually pretty easy: Roy volunteered for the duty of driving Aisha around because he was actually good friends with Nabu, they went to school together before Roy joined the royal guard (or whatever), and while they never got the chance to meet while Nabu was alive, Roy wanted to get the chance to meet the young woman who stole Nabu's heart, the young woman who loved Nabu like he did. (yes, Roy is gay now.)
Boom! Roy: kept, forced attempt at shipping: gone, call back to that one dead character everyone loved in a way that could lead to closure: available.
(So yeah, Roy is also gay for his bestie in the Alt Con, but also understands that Nabu will never feel the same, and puts their friendship above his romantic interest... he might get someone one day...)
With the Alt Con, there are places where I want to run parallels, and the Aisha/Nabu|Ophir meeting is one of them, but also not.
Again, season 3 spoilers apply: Aisha will be meeting Nabu under the name Ophir, but it's not for 'nefarious purposes of deception' like Canon, it's just a misunderstanding no one cleared up until too late. Part of (Alt Con) Androsian culture is something called a 'Sidhe name', something that an Active magic user takes on when they achieve a certain level or status. Nabu's Sidhe name is Ophir, which he uses for important or official situations, like during the siege of Andros.
Ophir and Roy are showing up early on to take part in the defence of Andros, and to fight along side the Winx, not as love interests, but just as two guys who were available, who are capable and who are helping out.
'Ophir' and Aisha get along pretty well during the events, and Aisha's parents, having been quietly worried about finding someone who would be a good match for their 'not as courtly as she could be' daughter, reach out to Nabu's folks to see if he's in a relationship, and all parents get a little ahead of themselves which leads to the surprise engagement, which leads to Nabu tracking Aisha down to apologise and see if it is something she'd like to pursue or if they need to sit their parents down for a talk, which leads to the reveal, 'Ophir isn't my birth name, sorry, surprise I'm your fiance' moment, which is no longer a 'surprise your chosen-for-you future-husband is a rando stalker' event.
And because the parents went off the pre-existing mutual attraction rather than just up and picking a dude, it's less stupid when they get together anyway.
(I'm sorry but, Canon Aisha did not want to get hitched to some random guy, but he ended up being her first love? Urgh, maybe I'm just too jaded, but it just always hit me as a 'if you stick it out long enough you'll learn to love him, settle now to be happy later' message. I am so happy they did find love and happiness together, as brief as it was, but... come on not all arranged relationships end well...)
(And yes, Aisha will be taking Layla as her Sidhe name, because it is such A Thing within the fandom, I had to find a place to throw it in.)
Look, this ship is not a bad ship, I think I just don't like it because I liked that there was a romantic relationship that wasn't... standard hallmark romance or whatever. People aren't all the same, friendships and romantic relationships look different on different people, and I enjoyed that Tecna and Timmy were a... “bromance” style romance, that they knew what they had, and it was enough even if it didn't look like the other couples' relationships. If we had to have their relationship take up screen time, I would have preferred it wasn't a forced dinner date.
They were so uncomfortable, but as that damn subliminal message likes to tell us: 'normal dating is correct dating, your love is wrong, so in the end, their friends forcing them to do something they didn't want to do, and meddling in their relationship was “the right thing all along”'.
No, none of that in the Alt Con.
Tecna/Timmy is a lot slower in the Alt Con, because their friends are more respectful of their different emotional needs. Tecna is learning how to express herself in ways others can more easily see and recognise, but the Winx are also learning to read how Tecna expresses herself normally (for her).
Timmy is a capable leader, but also a bit introverted, while he can take charge, he's more of a team tactician, gathering the data and making it understandable.
Their relationship in the Alt Con is romantic, but it won't take up much 'screen' time, and it won't necessarily 'look' romantic.
Tecna and Timmy of the Alt Con are... shared spaces, quietly working on their own projects while in the same room, sharing tools as they work, they're technobabble too fast for anyone else to keep up, they're leaps in logic that only the other seems to follow in full, they're hooking pinky fingers together when they stand close.
They're slow and methodical and contented and they know where they are together, and they communicate well, even if they don't communicate like Brandon and Stella who do it loudly and with giant gestures and exaggerated facial expression, or Bloom and Sky who sit and hold hands and sometimes struggle to word things trying to make sure they're understood by the other because they're a little afraid.
Tecna and Timmy clicked quietly one piece of a puzzle at a time, and they know they don't do things like everyone else, but their way works for them, and that's what's important.
Look, I'mma be honest: this ship kinda irks me a little. It felt like Aisha showed up so Flora had to start the romantic process, because a maximum of 1 Winx may be single at a time. Again: this is not a bad ship, it just felt forced. (Like in Sailor Moon Crystal, how just because Serenity and Endymion were dating, their friendship group/generals/guards had to be exactly matched and dating each other too. This is not just my K/Z|M/Z shipper heart being bitter, it just always feels weird to me when this happens, like just because Juliet and Romeo had a thing, doesn't mean the Capulets and Montagues had to start dating one another... bad analogy let's move on.)
At this point, I have no plans for Flora and Helia to be A Thing in the Alt Con, but if it feels like there could be some natural development, I won't rule it out. Helia will still be around, he and Flora just won't be auto matched.
...I fell a little bad I don't have more to say about this ship... I guess... as 'blah' as I feel about them, even I think season 7 did them dirty?
Musa/Riven (feat. Darcy)
Ah yes, the other ship we probably all have strong 'fix it or end it forever' feelings for.
We as a fandom have talked this one over as well, we all know that no matter how passionate it was, the writers just could not let them get to a healthy place and stay there.
Any time it looked like these two dorks were going to be okay, and move past their rocky beginnings: NOPE! Misunderstanding because Riven is a 'Bad Boy' and Musa has abandonment issues which makes it hard for her to trust him... or something???
… honestly it's a little tricky to pin down exact reasoning with these two, because again, I don't think the writers have ever been anywhere near a healthy and supportive long term relationship, and they need to prolong the 'she can fix him if she just holds on' token relationship.
Because realistically that's what this one is, the ship that tells young girls that they can fix 'bad boys' if they just stick it out, that boys like that can be or want to be fixed and 'good boyfriends are prizes you get for fixing shitty ones'. It could have been so much more than that.
The problem is there was never any space where Musa wasn't 'in crush' with Riven or in a relationship with him, and there was only a few times when Riven got to not be an asshole, all of which were typically wipe away for status quo reasons within a few episodes.
So the starting point for these two (versus relationships) in the Alt Con, is Darcy. You all remember when Riven and Darcy dated in the first season, but it was so she could use him as a maybe spy? But she might have liked him for reals? But she totes dumped him like a sack of crap once he was no longer useful and once he did his redemption act, no one ever brought it up again?
I'm not the only one who remembers that right?
So Alt Con Darcy/Riven were actually in love, they met and clicked and it sizzled, and Darcy regretted having to choose between Riven and her sisters, to the point where she helped Riven escape, even though it ended up leading to her own downfall.
And Riven was genuinely in love with Darcy, even into season 2 and 3 he's still in love with her, but he's also trying to get over her, because she's a bad person who tried to rule/destroy the universe.
He had a shitty childhood, he has reasons (not excuses) for being the way he is, and being jealous of Sky's leadership position, but (and this is the important part) Riven knows he's kind of an asshole, and he knows he's not the nicest guy, and the one who wants to make Riven not an asshole, is Riven.
(Reasons: This is why I did the thing. | Excuses: This is why you should let me get way with it.)
Riven is relying on his friends, and yes on Musa too, to help him become a better person, but he's not leaving it all to them, they aren't forcibly shoving him down the road to redemption, Riven is taking responsibility and trying to be better for himself.
Fixing him is not Musa's job, she's just a friend who's supporting another friend on his road to self improvement.
That's not to say that Musa has only platonic friendship feels for Riven, oh no, she thirsts for that capable warrior man, but she also knows that he's kind of an asshole, and a pretty face is not enough to make a shitty attitude worth it.
Though she still occasionally checks him out, (because she has eyes, she can look,) Musa has set aside romantic ideas for the time being, and after season 1 the two settled into a bumpy but solid friendship.
If Musa/Riven do become A Thing, it will be far down the road after a long term friendship, once Riven has gotten to a place where he feels both okay with who he is as a person, and that he has moved on from Darcy and can share his heart with a new person the way they deserve (rather than forever being second string to his first girlfriend) ((and because they grew together while they were growing as people, not her getting a reward for waiting it out)).
(Yes I do understand she wasn't some blameless victim in an abusive relationship as this rant may have seemed to indicate, these two were both to blame for their poor communication and hang ups, but mostly because the writers were ass hats. This show is designed for young girls, every message in it is first intended for young girls, though they can be shared with anyone, and because my brain: what's the scariest maessage that can be taken from this fiasco of a relationship? ^that shit^)
It was Canon, and I'll hear nothing to the contrary, but holy shit did Lucy keep running back to the Trix and treating Mirta like crap.
I am giving them a little more screen time, and an ongoing background arc, so I let them talk it out.
Alt Con Mirta and Lucy are in 'denial' (they just shy) about being 'together' as of the end of season 2, but they've moved past their fears of being abandoned by one another just because their lives and magics have taken them down different roads.
They'll finish figuring their shit out eventually.
… no, none of this. Just... just no, thank you. She's staying 'dead' and he doesn't exist.
So in Canon, Palladium had a crush on who he thought was Avalon, but was actually a monster in disguise. This was never addressed, nor was any trauma Avalon may have suffered during his imprisonment, or the fact that people at Alfea would have acted like they knew him, when they didn't and that would have been confusing until he got to know them all.
This was a ship in it's infancy that never got to be, because it was based on even more of a lie than Bloom/Sky, Stella/Brandon, Aisha/Nabu in Canon.
The Canon of this ship was straight up (ha, pun) queer baiting, let's be real, so Alt Con switched a few key details.
1: Avalon was possessed by a demonic sleeper agent rather than an entire fake!Avalon, so the relationship actually happened, and didn't get retconned last minute.
2: The students ship it
3: Avalon feels like shit about being possessed, but he and Palladium are working through it together
End Note:
I personally feel like the two biggest problems facing the relationships in the Winx Club was the absolute lack of communication between people allegedly in relationships, and the writer's need for Status Quo Drama.
(Status Quo Drama: things that happen to create drama and are never truly solved in a satisfactory manner despite being 'resolved' by the end of the arc in a way that leaves all characters right back where they started while pretending their was some kind of progression.)
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magixfatedfics · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
Chapter 2: Specialists to the rescue
Note from Author:
Please enjoy the story
(Im also taking request for Story's ( for any fandom including winx club.. it can be Au as well for any character/characters.
Ps you guys are lucky I love you and this story XP
I might get more chapters done today at least 3 .. I hope.. }
Now back to the story :
"Lockete we really shouldn't be spying on our fairy's like this if they wanted us to join them, they would have asked us too." Tune spoke up
"Oh relax Tune I'm sure our girls are just fine.. right Lockete?" Chatta pipped up.
The other pixie how ever looked though the door surprised "Umm guys we have a problem."
Digit Looked up and paused "I'm sure Tecna can fix it .. she can fix anything"
"No.. I mean we have a Winx problem." Lockete spoke up worriedly as she looked the key hole though the door.
Each pixie took there turn looking though the door and gasp.
"MISS FARAGANDA!" They all rushed over to the females office.
"Man I'm beat.. why do they have Dragon stables anyway.. there really hard to clean when the dragons are wild." A certain blond haired male said as he sat down at the table by the lunch room.
"Aww come on Sky it can't be that bad." The brown haired male, Brandon spoke up
"Easy for you to say, there over 100 percent accurate that if you make a dragon upset you will pay for it." Timmy, the technology specialist spoke up.
"Would you quit your complaining.. I'm sure you and lover boy has enough problems at the moment." The magenta haired specialist, Riven spoke up next.
Helia was next to speak, well he was until he was soon stopped by Saladin, "Uncle is something the matter?"
Helia spoke up concerned.
"Come with me all of you !" Saladin spoke up with a urgent tone in his voice.
It was then each specialist quickly got out of there seats and followed Saladin into his office.
"Did we do something wrong?" Timmy asked feeling a little concerned.
"If it's about the dragons … then hey they had it coming?!" Sky spoke up being defensive.
"Uncle what’s the problem..?" Helia looked at the other too and paused .
"No your not in trouble.. and wait what happened to the dragons?.. Oh never mind I'll deal with that later right now.. this is about the Winx."
Each male became serious
"The girls what happened to them?!" Riven spoke up irradiated if Darcy laid a hand on his music fair he swore he would make her pay.
"Are they alright!?" Timmy spoke up even more concern.
"What exactly happen, this time?" Nabu spoke up with a hint of worry in his voice afraid to hear what happened to his Layla.
"Please Saladine tell us .." Sky spoke eve more worried then before.
Suddenly before anyone else could speak up Saladin placed a hand up .
"Alright come out... you may speak"
There on the side was the pixies.
"Brandon!" ~Amore
"Putu (nabu)!"~pip
"The winx they.. I mean there." Chatta spoke up nervously.
"Not the winx you know." Lockette added in with a worry in her voice.
"O just come on.. we will show you!" Tune said becoming upset.
Saladin nodded his head, "Specialist the winx need you at the moment , your orders are to head to Alfea and find out what’s going and then help.. your are excused from classes today.. good luck."
Each boy nodded her head and rushed out of the office.
"What happened to Bloom Lockete." Sky spoke up concerned about his girlfriend.
"they.. They." Lockete was about to speak up until Chatta stopped her.
"We don't have time Lockete."~Chatta.
" No we don't!.. the more we stand here and chat, the more our girls are in trouble .. who knows what will happen if the Trix get a a hold of them now.. there only little chance of numbers of them surviving that?"~Digit
Each pixie nodded there heads.
"Lets go!" They all said in unison.
Opening the shuttle doors the Specialist rushed over by there hover bikes and got them started
"Alright you heard them boys our girlfriends are in trouble lets get to Alfea." Nabu spoke up.
Then each hurried over to Alfea.
Sorry for the Short chapter , I kind of wanted to give this story a few more chapters so that's what I'm going to do..as you notice it's a bit different from other peoples story's .. and I'm glad I made it that way.. I hope you do too.. because the pixies need love too anyway. ( sorry for the little tease and you thought it was going to show them as tiny winx... XP.. I promise its in the next chapter ..
Please review.
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darlenicy · 2 months ago
little sneak peek from the next chapter of "Our Abyss". Riven POV
Darcy was fast asleep. Her legs were drawn up so that she looked small and fragile. Her hands were formed into a kind of pillow under her head. He came closer. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the tarot cards on her table. The system of laying out was unfamiliar to him. When he was still together with Darcy, she had taught him some of the simple systems and sometimes even laid out the cards for him. Now he wondered how many lies she had told him and how much she had reinterpreted to fit her plans.
The system laid out on Darcy's table looked complicated. Now, he noticed that the crystals were also integrated. The crystals and cards all seemed to converge on two cards: the 6 and the 12, the lovers and the hanged man.
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moonlightreal · 5 years ago
Winx Club season 8/22
In which we get the best harp music.
22 The Secret of Harmony
Musa’s ‘holiday home.’  So Hoe-bo has to have some money to have two houses!
Musa invites the enchanted Riven in.  She gets that he’s not quite himself but doesn’t seem to suspect that an invisible Darcy is telling him to attack!  Poor Riven, this is the how-manyth time he’s been enchanted?
He cannot resist! He attacks!
Bloom vs Icy dance! Galatea is having so much fun, it’s so cute.  
Tecna repeats the star case’s poem… but I can’t understand the words!
Riven tries to fight off the mind control spell!  Darcy invisibly suggests more violence!  Riven attacks Musa again!    Musa tries to reason with him!  She figures out Riven’s under a spell and does the ‘it’s me!” thing.  Riven manages to tell darcy he’ll never do anything to hurt Musa, so Darcy appears and orders Riven to attack.  She says, ‘it’s not like this is the first time.’
Riven makes lots of lightning come from his suit like Sky did and shakes off the spell. Go Riven! His true feelings came through!
They have a romantic hug.  Aww.
Darcy: “What a nice scene.  I want to defeat you all even more.”
Your line last episode was better, Darcy!
Also: ok, these suits, what are they?  What all can they do?  If they can work on willpower that’;s the same as magic, magic is just taking your feelings and will and putting them out on the world magically instead of by your words and actions.  They give the boys basically all the powers of a fairy, which I’m not sure is a good direction for the plot.  If everybody has powers then nobody’s special and this show is very keen on the Winx being special.
Darcy appears and summons some blobby creatures that are not staryums from a portal. She calls them “shadow bugbears.’ Riven is ready to fight!  Musa tells her dad to get to safety.
Bloom vs Icy dance! Icy loses and the stage catapults her to land on Stormy.  Icy gets mad and tries magic and it doesn’t work.  Galatea prissily reminds her that magic is not allowed.
Bugbears menace Riven and Musa!  Musa Cosmixes-up.  They fight bugbears and have fun. Darcy retreats.
Bloom vs. Stormy dance!  Stormy mocks, but Bloom is confidant.  Tie!  Rematch!  Bloom can do this all day!  
Stormy says, “After I win, Galatea will pay for this.”  Pay for what, Stormy?  She’s being super friendly!
More dancing, this time with zaps of electricity they have to avoid while they dance! Bloom loses!
Tec is thinking. Harmony means collaboration, but the dance contest is one on one so you can’t really have harmony with another person.
Back at home all three of them eat ice cream.  Riven and Musa just told the story of how they met, which we don’t get to hear.  Or see, since I think they already knew each other when Stella first brings the boys over in season one.  Then they start arguing over what day of the week they met on and Hoe-bo starts to laugh.  
Riven says the thing they have in common is arguing.  Musa says, ‘that’s not true” and they both laugh.  Riven says being with Musa makes him feel “at peace, in harmony” which, what??  you feel peaceful when you argue?  I don’t understaaaaaand!
But the magic of the show is here with music to make me happy.  Musa and Riven play the sofa harp together!  The music is really pretty.  They have found harmony!  Only… when did Riven learn to play?  One of Darcy’s bugbears is outside watching.
Aisha made it to the dance final!  Aisha vs. Stormy with zappy electricity!  (Galatea just said, ‘avoid the beams of light’ but it looks like zappy electricity to me.)  Aisha is a good dancer but after a round or two Stormy says, “Hey Aisha, don’t you want to know where Darcy is? Poor Musa, all alone and helpless...” it jolts Aisha out of her rhythm, she loses.
Galatea cheerfully presents the crown to stormy and congratulates her.  Stormy grabs the crown and celebrates.  Icy’s right there to grab the prime star but Stormy’s not giving it up.  Then the prime star poofs away!  
Tec repeats the star case’s riddle, it said something about “rough and soothing together’ for harmony, and they know who that sounds like.  Aisha comes and tells them Musa’s in danger.  Hmm, but if that’s the riddle then was it possible for anyone else to solve it?  Could Darcy and Stormy have gotten the star by finding harmony with each other?
Musa says the harmony harp can only be played by two people whose hearts beat in unison.  The star appears for Musa!  Riven gapes.  Darcy’s critter sees and runs off to get the Trix.
Musa and Riven have a romantic moment.  Their feelings were so strong they brought the star here!  Now that’s true love… or true… argument? Thankfully there won’t be any more Musa/Riven stuff this season so I won’t have to chew on how to make this ship work much longer.
The Trix meet up in an alley and Darcy’s bugbear reports in.  Stormy tosses the crown away and the bugbear puts it on and runs off to a new life as a dance queen.
Trix attack Musa’s house to get Stormy’s prize!  Riven jumps in front of an ice blast and gets frozen!  The rest of the Winx arrive.  Flora uses her petal thing to blast Darcy into a tree.  Go Flora!  They battle a bit.
Icy stops Stormy from attacking.  Hmm.  Is that a hint?  I keep expecting to see moments of thoughtfulness or hesitation from Icy as hints of the prize we’re getting in a few episodes, but so far this is the only time I’ve noticed a serious expression on her face.  How late WAS this prize added in?  Or are the writers just bad at foreshadowing? I mean, no judgment, I’M bad at foreshadowing, but with a visual medium you have the chance to put an uncertain expression on someone’s face while other characters are turned away, that’s just so basic…
But Icy just says, ‘our advantage is lost.”  and “it’s too risky.  let’s get out of here.”
The Trix flee.
Poor Riven doesn’t look so good, but Bloom uses Dragonfire to heal him.  And she SAYS Dragonfire, in both Italian and English, so that’s still a thing!
Tec explains how she figured out the riddle and they all came rushing to help.
And then, what else, a concert!  It’s in a big square, or maybe outside the palace on Melody, a big cool fake-Asian building.  Musa and Riven play the sofa harp and the others play their usual instruments.  Galatea, Musa’s dad, and the punk kids watch.  It’s about like all the other songs, but the harp music does add something.  I want to think that’s a real harp, and Rainbow hired a real harpist to play it.  Either way, I really really like that harp tune. 
Then we have another romantic moment with Musa and Riven.  Riven says they do need to actually talk, and Musa says they can do that tomorrow, and hugs him.  The other girls go “aww.”
Next time: beach! Tec and Aisha fighting!
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