#for clarity im not getting top surgery just yet
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gir-posting · 10 months ago
oh my god im gonna be able to swim next summer. maybe this summer if i heal fast enough
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dreadisdelight · 10 months ago
sometimes i just sit there and wonder what i identify as.
i grew up in an area where i didn't have much representation of anything, "gay" was an insult and colours were dedicated to specific chromosomes. if you grazed football as a girl, you were seen as a tomboy alongside if you even looked at claires you were just odd. i think some messed up part of me still believes that, despite every fibre in my being disagreeing with it. there wasn't much representation of being homosexual in a form or another, mainly just jacqueline wilson books i peered into with such curiosity and utmost wonder.
it sort of struck me that i was different when i was much younger too. hell, sleepovers with girls scared me since they smelled so "sweet" or they were much prettier than me. we all watched films with the odd kissing scene and wanted to peer into the mirror, maybe attempt at looking into it without shame. it didn't stick, yet it didn't wipe off. i kissed a girl on her cheek in my bedroom when i was about nine, fags the most ive ever done, and i don't count it fully either. i kissed a girl on her hand too but still, that doesn't count in my books. nobody ever had the "it's okay to be gay" talk with me but they never had the "being gay is a sin" either. it just sat uncomfortably in the room. all the pins and homemade flags were just pretty colours opposed to something with significance in this world. ive tossed the majority of the relics besides a pin i bought when i had a sense of freedom for the first time but that's about it at most. we still haven't talked about it, and we don't intend on it either.
i remember my mom watching a tv programme with me, her eyes flickering towards me whilst saying "i don't get why people come out. i get where she was coming from, as if it was natural, but she was also the figure who never brought up these sort of conversations. the woman who made me feel a sense of crushing burden when i felt a sense of anger. i just shrugged it off, and never gave my views on the matter. i think if i had the confidence, i would have said something along the lines of "it's because we live in a society where showing who you really are needs courage".
i think i did tell her i was pansexual when i was younger too, this was during a mist of things where id say random bullshit to them as a joke, hoping they'd want to linger nearby. i haven't said a word yet.
gender was another thing that puzzled me, which still does. i never really thought much about it, i just thought you were female, male, or non-binary. that's it. no more options, just three buttons and you could click one. i used to lie awake, my mind thinking about issues for me to go 'holy shit am i trans??' which obviously still happens; why would i be writing this out otherwise? i dipped into being demigirl to nonbinary to immediately agender and i sort of sat there, sticking a label on it like they have to me with other diagnoses. i go from wanting big tits and being the epitome of feminine beauty to wanting to have top surgery and going by a new name. i know gender is a spectrum, but some part of me knows everyone around me wouldn't accept me, thinking im more mentally ill than i am.
i don't know why i decided to type this out either. maybe to give myself clarity instead of chastising myself for what's happened in my world.
ive only ever dated afabs. one cis. one somewhere between demigirl and nonbinary and the other transmasc. i know i hurt them one way or another, and so did they. i speak to one of them a few times now and again but for the other two, i apologised to one of recent and it's stuck to my mind. the other i fucked up so bad it hurts to look into a mirror. i think amabs scare me and i don't know why. i attach myself to older guys in films and loosely to other people, remarrying shane in stardew over and over again. one minute i have a preference and then it drastically changes.
my friend once said that people who are lgbtqia+ must have some evolutionary default in them, which i believe heavily. i have autism and probably some other stuff undiagnosed (my autism is clinically diagnosed yall) so that checks out. i saw a survey a while back that most people who are lgbtqia+ are diagnosed professionally or self with something along the lines of adhd, autism, and other mental disorders. but that's all we are. disordered motions, grasping onto conclusion.
maybe one day i will find somebody and it will make perfect sense. maybe i won't find anybody. for now, i know that i can only try, and when i try i collapse in tears wondering why nobody likes me.
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green-violin-bow · 8 years ago
Here is a Mystrade ficlet. It was originally meant to have some smut with it but The Reichenfuckening 2k17 has basically burned a hole out of the bottom of my ability to write. I hope this is alright for anyone still liking fics at the moment. It has hurt/comfort and some bloody injury (not graphic). It’s all under the cut but it turned out pretty long so if you prefer you can read on AO3. Love 💜
“Lestrade –” Sherlock’s voice is tight, harsh. Greg can’t even open his eyes yet. Long years of habit had him swiping the screen before he was awake. “Lestrade, are you there? Wake up!”
Greg groans. “What? What is it, Sherlock?”
“My brother – Christ, Greg, my brother –” Sherlock sounds as though he’s running.
Greg’s eyes fly open. Sherlock just called him Greg. “What about ’im? ’S’normally him calling me about you.” He sits up, stomach twisting with the sudden hit of adrenaline.
“John and I are – we have a case, and there was a – a warning,” Sherlock pants. “I told him he could be in danger but he must not have listened – there was a message, about ten minutes ago –”
Greg fists his hand in his hair. “Sherlock – listen to me. This isn’t making sense. Give the phone to John.” He’s never heard the detective sound so frenzied, so unable to explain with clarity.
“Lestrade –” explodes Sherlock, but there follows the confused sound of the phone being wrenched from his grasp.
“Seems like the group we were tracking have got Mycroft,” pants John. Even though his breath is coming in gasps, he sounds a lot calmer than Sherlock. “Sherlock’s using my phone to send you the address we’ve been given. It’s Mycroft so I guess you’ll have to coordinate with… fuck, I don’t know who with, but some sort of – ring Anthea, I guess? They might already know, but they must have taken out his security –”
“Christ,” groans Greg. He’s already out of bed, speakerphone on as he pulls on jeans, t-shirt and jumper. “You’ll need to send me the demand – threat – whatever it is as well. I’ll pass it all on to Anthea and get in touch with my team.”
John relays this to Sherlock and Greg’s phone vibrates several times.
“We’re on our way there now,” says John, voice taut. “Meet you there.”
“Listen, John, I don’t know if they’ll even let me attend –”
“Just – just ring Anthea,” snaps John. Greg hears the sound of Sherlock’s yells receding into the distance, cut off abruptly as John hangs up.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” swears Greg, pulling on socks. He’s already dialling Anthea’s private line.
The special ops team storms the building with almost no delay at all. Greg can see snipers on the surrounding roofs. Anthea stands apart, next to one of those ubiquitous black limos. No-one seems to be stopping Sherlock and John from following the team in, so Greg goes too. His heart beats wildly as they follow the dancing lights of the SO team’s head torches through the abandoned warehouse. Sherlock’s movements are jerky. Greg has never seen him so uncoordinated, so thrown. In the flash of a torch he sees John’s hand rest gently in the small of Sherlock’s back.
And then chaos. Shots, shouts, the screech of metal against metal, and Sherlock takes off running, John not far behind; Greg finds himself pushed to the floor by a burly Special Ops officer, the breath punched from his body. When he can speak again, the commotion has died down – “Sherlock – John – went that way –” he croaks.
“My team are on them, sir,” replies the SO man. “Following a couple of this lot.” He allows Greg up.
“And – and Mycroft Holmes?” asks Greg. Since Sherlock’s taken off, he supposes this will be his task.
The man’s walkie-talkie crackles, and he listens, then speaks out of the corner of his mouth. After a few moments he turns back to Greg. “Secure. Although –” an intake of breath, a slight tipping shake of the head.
“Should I – can I –?” Greg asks.
“Just waiting for the go-ahead, sir,” returns the man, calmly. After a minute his walkie-talkie crackles again and he acknowledges with a code. “This way.”
They move forward through the dank gloom, still following the bobbing torches. Shortly the space opens out. In a pool of bright light Mycroft Holmes is slumped on a chair, legs sprawled; his umbrella lies nearby, navy coat a dark puddle a few metres away. An SO officer is untying his arms and hands.
Greg’s brain registers dimly that there is something odd about the angle of Mycroft’s right leg.
Mycroft’s hair is plastered across his forehead; blood runs down his face from a long gash of a cut above his left eye. There’s a clotted knot of blood at his lips, too. He is crumpled oddly on the chair; there is a single diluted pink track of a tear from his right eye, and his breathing seems oddly laboured.
“Christ, fuck,” exclaims Greg. He’s seen people in worse shape than this; he’s seen people dead in a variety of fucked-up ways. But there is something so – so wrong about the unfailingly elegant Mycroft Holmes in this crumpled, broken position. “Can I –?” he’s already moving forward.
“Sir,” says the SO officer sharply. A tight grip closes on his shoulder. “Our initial assessment suggests a badly broken leg, broken ribs – possibly all his ribs – and concussion. An ambulance team is being brought in now.”
“Alright – I just –” Greg runs his hand through his hair. His mouth fills with saliva. He swallows down a wave of nausea. “Has anyone talked to him though? I could – I won’t touch him – I’ll just stay with him. Talk to him.” He notes with an odd, cold sense of detachment that he is shaking uncontrollably. “Only his brother’s not here – gone – he might –”
“Alright sir,” says the SO soothingly. “Let me walk you over there.”
The laboured, bubbling sound of Mycroft’s breathing is more and more obvious the closer they get. His eyes are only half-open. Greg crouches down next to him. He doesn’t break his promise not to touch.
“Mycroft?” He takes a deep breath. “It’s Greg – Greg Lestrade. Don’t try and respond or anything. Just – just so you know, we’re here. Well, Sherlock and John are – they’re coming back. We’re here.”
Mycroft’s eyelashes flutter a little, but Greg can see the sticky weight of blood making it hard for them to move. His lips part with an audible tick, blood clotted between them.
“There’s an ambulance team coming,” Greg continues. “They’re nearly here.” He tries to keep his voice low, soothing. “They’ll get you all fixed up.”
There’s a tiny wry movement at the corner of Mycroft’s lips, but he clearly cannot speak. Suddenly Greg feels the Special Ops officer’s hand on his shoulder again, and he’s being pulled back as the medical team take over. Greg tries to close his ears to the single, agonised cry that escapes Mycroft as he is gently laid on the stretcher. It is the sound of a wounded animal.
His own knees feel like jelly.
Sherlock stays at the hospital for seventeen hours, following leads in the case on his phone, sweeping around the waiting room and viciously deducing anyone who tries to share it. John brings him cup after cup of coffee. After a couple of hours, he tells Greg to go home.
When Greg returns, Sherlock informs him shortly that Mycroft has emerged safely from surgery and may wake up at any time. John yawns, waking from sleep in one of the incredibly uncomfortable hospital chairs.
“We’re going, much to do,” says Sherlock, curtly.
“Hang on,” protests Greg. “You’ve stayed here all this time and now you’re leaving, just when he might wake up? You aren’t gunna –”
“Yes. And no,” says Sherlock, sweeping out of the room. John sighs, and raises a tired eyebrow at Greg.
“He doesn’t think we got all of them,” John sighs. “He thinks there’ll be another demand.”
“Right.” Greg rubs his eyes. “I need you to bring my team in on this. It’s already been near fatal. You two should never have tried to handle this on your own.”
John nods. “I’ll talk to him.” He walks slowly, a little unsteadily, after Sherlock.
Greg exhales and swears quietly under his breath. It’s not really his place to go and see Mycroft, but Sherlock’s fucked off, and now… honestly, Greg wonders if there’s anyone else who will come and see the man. He doesn’t trust Sherlock to have notified their parents, and John told him recently that Mycroft wasn’t married. For years, he’d assumed...after all, he wore a ring. Wrong hand, but…well, could be lots of reasons for that. Anthea will come, he supposes. A colleague. Not really…Christ. Why couldn’t Sherlock’ve just popped his head round the door, at least?
Greg’s known Mycroft for years, now. Sometimes it’s felt like being at his beck and call, a tame helper dog for Sherlock. In recent years, though, calm has reigned. Brief monthly meetings to discuss Sherlock, and the occasional dinner or drink in the same cause, always initiated by Mycroft. Greg doesn't take it upon himself to ask. He has no illusion of having the right to monopolise this man's time. From the hints Sherlock’s dropped, he could well be running Britain.
Security on the door of Mycroft’s hospital room scrutinises his warrant badge closely, then nods him in.
Mycroft’s leg is in traction, and for a moment Greg can’t see his face; but when he does, he takes a sharp breath. No longer bloodied, the size of the neatly-stitched gash above Mycroft’s left eye can be seen all too clearly. His right eye is swollen shut, his bottom lip bruised and broken. The sheet is pulled up over his chest, but Greg can see the top edge of a horrifyingly large purple-red bruise. Mycroft’s shoulders are pale, bruised in places, but dusted with light freckles.
I knew he was ginger. The thought is so incongruous that Greg bites his bottom lip.
There is a purpling weal around the man’s slim, pale neck. There are what look like thumb prints around it. Greg swallows, hard.
“Is it so bad, Detective Inspector?” Mycroft’s voice is croaky, harsh; he takes a sharp breath after speaking, then presses his swollen lips together to stifle what Greg is sure would have been a moan of pain. “I have not seen a mirror,” murmurs Mycroft.
Greg steps closer and pulls a chair to the side of the bed, sits down. He smiles gently. “You’re not exactly a picture right now, put it that way.”
Mycroft coughs a little. “No change there, then.”
Greg grins. “Don’t cough, you’re not meant to cough with broken ribs. Dad had a couple of falls before…” he trails off.
Mycroft blinks with his left eye. “I seem to have a host of contradictory complaints, Inspector. The nurses did inform me I should not cough too much, but the after-effects of…” his fingers twitch on the duvet, “…constrict my throat rather. And I understand that to avoid chest infection I should move around periodically but –” there is a wry twist to the side of his mouth. He flicks his fingers towards his leg, raised on traction.
Greg sits back, sighs. “Fucking hell, Mycroft.” Embarrassed, he runs his hands down his thighs to his knees. “Sherlock – I mean, he was here, he stayed the whole time you were in surgery –”
Mycroft nods, very slightly. “And I assume that you are here to take my statement? I will be undergoing a full debriefing in the next hour; I wondered if perhaps, to avoid duplicating the account, it might be possible to –”
“Yeah, sure,” says Greg quickly. “Actually my DC’s going to sit in and take notes on all that. I just thought I’d come and –” he hesitates. “Since I was here.”
Mycroft’s left eyebrow flickers up and he winces as the stitches pull. Greg can’t help a short huff of laughter.
“You’re going to miss not being able to do that for a while,” he grins, cheekily.
Mycroft’s left eye is accusatory. “My eyebrows are very useful in my line of work,” he whispers.
Greg chuckles, knocked rather off-guard by how drily funny Mycroft can be, even in circumstances like this. He reaches over and pours a small glass of water. “Do you – should I –?”
Mycroft eyes him, and Greg thinks that he really has gone too far now. Unbelievably, the man gives a small nod. Greg holds the glass to his bruised, split lips, helps him take a few sips. He winces every time he has to swallow.
“Christ,” murmurs Greg as he places the glass back on the bedside table. “Please tell me they’ve got you on some pain relief.”
“Morphine, I understand,” croaks Mycroft. “Please do not ask me for any State secrets. I’ll probably tell you.”
Greg grins. “Such power.” He runs his hand through his hair. He can’t stop his eyes running to Mycroft’s bruises, to the weal and fingermarks around his throat. “Your leg,” he says. “Is it –?”
“Quite badly, I understand.” Mycroft gives a tiny one-shouldered shrug, and winces.
Greg watches him. “How can you be so…” he sighs. “You don’t seem too worried.”
“Unfortunately, Inspector, this is neither the first nor the most severe torture session I have experienced,” says Mycroft flatly.
Greg can feel his eyes widen, his lips part. He isn’t sure what to say. “Fuck. Fucking hell.”
Mycroft closes his left eye and leans his head back on the pillows. He tries to take a few deep breaths, which Greg recognises as advice from the nurses for avoiding chest infection with broken ribs.
“So…” says Greg. “That was…I mean…I hadn’t realised you had such an – active role, I suppose.”
Mycroft’s eyelashes flutter, but he doesn’t open his eyes. “All in the distant past, Inspector, I assure you.”
“Right.” Greg bites his lip, watching Mycroft’s elegant, long-fingered hands on top of the sheets. At least they didn’t go after those. “Your ring’s gone,” he says, stupidly.
Mycroft’s eye blinks open. He looks at Greg with surprise. “They took it off during surgery,” he murmurs. “I understand it is with my other personal effects.”
“Of course,” says Greg, shifting in his chair. He presses his lips together. “So…Sherlock’s following another lead, chasing down the organisation behind all this, apparently.”
Mycroft nods. “I would appreciate –”
“Already told ’em they need to bring us in, don’t worry.” Greg smiles at the look of naked concern in Mycroft’s one good eye. “Honestly, you’re in here in this state and you’re still just worried for him.”
Mycroft’s cheeks tinge very slightly pink. He clears his throat fussily, and winces.
Greg immediately regrets making him self-conscious. “So – I expect your team’ll be turning up soon. I’d better – er…” he gestures to the door. “Go and make sure DC Cook is ready and waiting to take down your statement during the debrief.”
Mycroft nods, very slightly. “Thank you, Detective Inspector.”
Halfway to the door, Greg turns on his heel. “Actually – why do you still call me that? You asked me to call you Mycroft, and I do, and every now and again when we have dinner, you call me Greg – or, well, Gregory half the time, which is weird because the only person I can ever remember calling me that was me Grandad, but still, and then between every meeting we seem to…” he clears his throat, gesturing vaguely between them, “...regress.” He shoves his hands in his coat pockets and stares at the floor.
Greg steals a glance from under his eyelashes. Mycroft’s left eye is blinking rapidly, and he swallows painfully. “I apologise, Gregory,” he says, carefully. “I shall not forget, from now on.”
Greg nods, and makes to turn away. “I could – er, if you didn’t mind, I mean, I could…come and see you again.” He clears his throat. “I mean – I expect Sherlock and John will be quite busy, so…” He stops and looks at Mycroft.
“That would be…” the other man pauses. “Quite welcome.” He coughs very slightly. “Thank you. Gregory.”
Greg can’t help a smile. “Right. Great, I mean. Okay. Well I’ll see you soon.” He turns resolutely to the door. “Bye then.”
“Gregory, you really did not have to do this, my security team could perfectly well have –”
“Shut up Mycroft. Go and sit down in the living room.”
“I need to move around, now the wires are out, the physiotherapist was quite clear –”
“How is it possible that there is literally nothing in your fridge? Not even condiments? What the hell kind of kitchen is this anyway –”
“This is a new flat.” Mycroft’s voice is tight. “Since the incident, of course, the previous flat is now…” he gestures slightly with one hand, not allowing his crutches to fall.
“Oh, crap,” sighs Greg. “Sorry. I didn’t think.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Has your stuff been brought over?”
“Enough of it, I expect,” returns Mycroft. “Anthea will have taken care of it. She has had weeks to do so.”
Greg nods. “Right. Well I’m going to go and get some groceries.” He grins. “Stay here and try not to get kidnapped.”
Mycroft rolls his eyes. “For goodness’ sake, Gregory, I am sure Anthea will have scheduled a grocery delivery.”
Greg rolls his eyes in return. “Oh yeah, sorry for thinking that you might need to actually do something a mere mortal would, like the shopping…” he takes the sting out of his words with a cheeky smile. “Bloody Holmeses. You’re both the same.”
Mycroft stamps one crutch on the floor. “Take that back.”
Both Mycroft’s dark grey eyes snap fire at him, his right eye no longer swollen shut, only faint traces of bruising still evident. And there is the frisson of something else, something extra behind their words that has been tormenting Greg for weeks. Just a ghost of a possibility. Perhaps the tiniest hint of…flirtation. He feels himself flush.
“You need to sit down,” he says, taking refuge in this, in looking after, in taking care.
Mycroft groans. “I have been lying down for weeks,” he grumbles, as Greg shoos him towards the living room. “And I don’t need groceries, anyway, I do not intend to eat for several months.”
“Mycroft Holmes, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard you say yet.”
Mycroft drops onto the sofa and arranges his crutches next to him. He glares at Greg intensely.
“Oh shut up,” says Greg, taking off his jacket and laying it over the back of a chair, then taking a seat. “You know you’re not fat. You’re just fishing for compliments.”
He feels the tone of their conversation shift and slip dramatically. He sees Mycroft’s eyes widen and his cheeks tinge pink. The man looks stricken. “I assure you, Inspector,” says Mycroft quietly. “I am the last person prone to self-deception of that kind.” He glances down at the baggy jogging bottoms he’s forced to wear over his cast. He’s wearing a white shirt and navy cashmere jumper with them – smarter and more expensive than anything Greg owns, probably – but Greg can feel the distaste radiating from him nonetheless.
Greg sighs gently and leans forward in his chair. “Oi, I’m sorry,” he says. “I was just – y’know, teasing. It wasn’t the time. I get that. I’m sorry.” He fights the urge to get up, to go and put his hand on Mycroft’s shoulder.
Mycroft nods. “Don’t start calling me Inspector again,” says Greg, with just a little humour in his voice. “We’ve come so far.”
Mycroft smiles, very slightly.
“You ought to stop worrying about – you know. The way you look.” Greg takes a breath.
Mycroft clears his throat, turns his ring on his finger. “You are right, Gregory. It is immaterial.”
Greg presses his lips together. His stomach flips. “Nah – you’re taking this all wrong. I just meant –” he stands up, edges closer to the doorway. “I just meant you’ve got nothing to worry about. Honestly. I’m going to put the kettle on.” He bolts for the kitchen.
There isn't any tea, or milk, of course.
The dialtone purrs and Greg feels the now-familiar flip low in his stomach as the call connects.
“Gregory?” Mycroft sounds surprised.
“Alright?” Greg smiles to himself. “Just wanted to check whether the cast came off okay.”
Mycroft clears his throat. “Yes. I will have to work hard to regain former muscle strength and tone, but otherwise everything is progressing acceptably.”
"That’s great news,” says Greg. He can feel his cheeks heat. He presses his pen into the pad of post-its on his desk. “I – I know you’ve been working at home but you’ll be back in the office soon I guess, and I just thought…you probably won’t have much time then – so tonight we could – I mean, we’ve still got Rebecca to watch, out of the boxset…” he takes a breath. “You’re probably still not up to cooking much, I could make something, if –” he hesitates. “If you want. At yours, I mean. Just to make things easier.”
He can hear a little intake of breath at Mycroft’s end of the line. He bites his bottom lip, and rolls his eyes to heaven. Bloody idiot. Blathering on like a complete twat. He’s opening his mouth to try and repair the damage when Mycroft speaks. “That would be – certainly. Yes. Although –” Greg winces, but Mycroft’s next words make him smile. “In fact I would be keen to cook this evening. Something simple. But I understand from the physiotherapist that recovery of muscle strength will be most easily achieved if I start completing daily tasks again.”
Greg draws a triumphant exclamation mark on the post-it notes. “Great. What time should I – I mean, if no-one gets murdered – should I come round about…?”
“Seven-thirty would be suitable,” returns Mycroft.
“Okay. Brilliant. Um – see you then. Bye Mycroft. Bye.”
Greg hangs up with a huge, cheek-aching grin.
Greg puts the glasses of wine down on the coffee table and drops onto the sofa, rubbing his stomach. “That was amazing, Mycroft,” he smiles. “Where did you learn to cook like that?”
Mycroft makes a self-deprecating noise, and bends stiffly to pick up the remote. “Should I start the film?”
“Mmm, great,” hums Greg, through a sip of superb white wine. He lets his gaze play over the long, slim form of Mycroft Holmes, dressed formally for the first time in weeks, in dark grey tweed trousers and waistcoat, white shirtsleeves rolled up to the elbows. “You know, I think you ought to keep the stubble.”
He sees Mycroft’s posture stiffen slightly. “In fact I had been planning to remove it before returning to work,” he says. “It has been somewhat difficult to shave properly while on crutches.” He lowers himself carefully onto the sofa next to Greg. The opening titles of the film start to play.
Greg shifts and settles on the sofa, looking appraisingly at Mycroft. “Nah, I think it looks great. You should keep it. Shows off how ginger you are.” He smiles.
Mycroft grimaces. “Precisely.”
Greg rolls his eyes and makes a cross noise. “Stop it.”
Mycroft huffs a small sound of amusement. “You did not have to go through school with red hair.”
“Oh, bollocks to all that.” Greg grins. He looks over the rim of his wineglass. “Gingers are gorgeous.” Fuck fuck fuck, what’s he going to say to that? Christ, what the fuck was I thinking?
Mycroft seems speechless for a moment. “Hardly.” The corner of his mouth twists, and he looks to the television.
Greg’s heart hammers in his chest. That was a brush-off, wasn’t it? Was it? So hard to tell, with Mycroft. If there’s one thing Greg’s come to understand, it’s that the man erroneously believes himself to be ugly through and through, with only the redeeming features of his brain and his willingness to break himself on the altar of keeping the country running. Fuck. Greg takes a gulp of wine.
“Well I like the stubble,” he says, obstinately. He sighs. “Actually, it feels a bit like the night before school, you remember that feeling? Sundays are bad, but the end of a school holiday – when you know you’ve got to go back the next day, and your heart just sinks, and the clock seems to go twice as fast.”
Mycroft brings his eyes back to Greg. He looks mildly questioning. “In what sense?”
“Well…” Greg takes a deep breath. “You’ll be back at work, and you’ll be so busy. I’m guessing I won’t see you that much. Any more.” He drinks again, watching Mycroft anxiously for his reaction.
“Gregory…” Mycroft seems rather lost. “I – it has been very kind of you to look after and amuse me while I have been recuperating, but I assure you that I will not need to impose any further…” He hesitates.
“Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of,” says Greg, in a rush. Mycroft just looks confused, now. “No, I mean – actually,” Greg puts his wineglass down on the coffee table. His heart turns over. His cheeks are heated with just enough Dutch courage. He kneels up and moves closer to Mycroft on the sofa. “Actually I can’t –” Can’t let this get away. Can’t let this end. He puts his hands on Mycroft’s shoulders. Softly, slowly, he moves them up to hold Mycroft’s head between his hands, fingers in his hair, thumbs gentle across his cheeks. His gaze flickers from Mycroft’s eyes to his lips, checking for permission, for refusal –
Mycroft’s eyes are wide, full of disbelief.
Greg closes the distance, a gentle press of lips, the startling, long-ago familiar feel of stubble against his tingling skin, the rush of need held in check by uncertainty, the deep-down, perfect rightness of Mycroft’s smell, of the way his lips feel –
The warmth of Mycroft’s hand, tentative as it curves around his upper arm, their kisses still chaste – is it – that’s not a rejection, is it?
Greg pulls back, lips sensitive, craving more, heart plummeting as he sees Mycroft’s expression of absolute, utter bewilderment.
“Oh God,” he groans, hands hesitant on Mycroft’s shoulders. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please talk to me, if that’s not – if it’s not okay – we can forget it –”
Mycroft parts his lips, takes a breath. “Gregory –”
“Fuck, I’m so sorry Mycroft, I –”
Mycroft puts one of his elegant hands over Greg’s. “Me?” There is nothing in his voice but absolute astonishment.
Greg lets out a wobbly huff of laughter. “Christ, Mycroft, of course you, what do you mean – what do you mean?”
“I –” Mycroft takes a breath. “I had no idea – that you even – I –”
Greg chuckles, a little shakily. “I thought I was being really obvious. ‘Gingers are gorgeous’?”
“Red-headed women, I assumed,” says Mycroft, tentatively.
“Red-headed everyone,” smiles Greg. “But quite specifically you. To be clear. If you want to, I mean.”
“Oh.” Mycroft looks as though he’s back on morphine. He blinks glassily. “I’m terrible at this. I haven’t – for years. You will end up hating me.”
“Mycroft, I fell in – um – this – with you while you were grumpy and barely able to move. And also when I didn’t know for sure you were ginger. I ought to point that out. It’s just a bonus.”
Mycroft rolls his eyes, and Greg smiles. It feels as though his heart is expanding at a dangerous rate.
“I'm terrible at this too,” continues Greg. “I worked all the time and shut my wife out and she cheated on me and I tried to ignore it. None of that's exactly healthy.”
“I work all the time too.”
“Then we’re both as bad as each other.”
“I haven't –” Mycroft hesitates, but the joking tone of the conversation seems to save him from stopping altogether. “I haven't slept with anyone in ten years.”
“I haven't slept with a man in twenty-five.”
“In case you hadn't noticed, I find it hard to express my emotions.”
“No, you do fine once you trust someone. You just don't trust most people.”
Mycroft blinks at him. “You are at least ten times more attractive than me.”
Greg grins. “I find you sexy and elegant even when you're wearing jogging bottoms, in a cast and on crutches. Even when you're grumpy as hell because your painkillers have worn off.”
“You are manifestly both wrong and deluded, but I confess I do not have the willpower to continue trying to correct you.”
“You can correct me anytime.” Greg feels his cheeks heat as he hears himself say the words. He coughs. “Sorry.”
Mycroft raises his eyebrow. “Interesting.”
“You're enjoying having the use of your eyebrows back, aren't you?” chuckles Greg. He smiles slightly madly at this gorgeous man who appears to have just agreed to...well. He's not exactly sure where they stand yet, but even so. “Does this mean I can kiss you again?”
Mycroft’s face is a picture of disbelief, but he gestures helplessly. “Certainly.”
Greg leans in to nuzzle Mycroft’s stubbly cheek, running the tip of his nose down the side of the other man’s. “Perfect,” he smiles. The feeling of stubble teasing his lips steals his breath. He presses his lips softly to Mycroft’s, amazed at the sheer rush of sensation and the squeeze of his heart in his chest, beating hard, a drumming tattoo in his ears that he’s sure must be audible in the room.
And then Mycroft’s hand, hesitant around the nape of his neck, pulling him in; and the kiss changes nature, they both press just a little closer together as it intensifies. Their lips slot together, part and tease – Greg takes a breath, and nips Mycroft’s bottom lip, then soothes it gently with his tongue. He gives a little groan as Mycroft responds, drawing Greg’s tongue inside.
“Gregory,” whispers Mycroft, fingertips stroking the sensitive hairs on the back of Greg’s neck.
“Mmm?” Greg’s busy trying to draw him back into the kiss, soft teasing pecks to Mycroft’s lips.
“Stay here.”
Greg pulls back suddenly, biting his lip. “What?”
Mycroft’s eyes are bright, his cheeks tinged very slightly with pink. “Tonight. You should stay here.”
Greg looks at him for a long moment. “Sure?”
Mycroft takes a deep breath. “Absolutely.”
Greg can’t stop himself grinning. “Alright.” He smoothes his hands down the front of Mycroft’s waistcoat, hesitates. “But...we don’t have to. You know. If...if you don’t want to. Or.” He watches the slightly wry twist to Mycroft’s lips.
“Thank you, Gregory,” he says, eyes soft, tone sardonic. “I shall bear that in mind.”
Greg laughs. Stubborn sod doesn’t want to be coddled. “And ignore it?”
“Right.” Greg leans in to steal another kiss. “I’ll follow your lead then.”
@consultingpurplepants @artfulinanities @tardisqueen13 @lockedinjohnlock-podfics @andithoughtiwasspecial @alexxphoenix42 @msdisdain @laughing-at-the-darkness @beardchr @missmuffin221  @totallysilvergirl  @gryssenielsen @butterflygrl62 ��@lmirandas  @chinike @johnandsherlock @geometry4 @caffeinatedravenclawcompanion @yume-chaaan @mayidrawyourattentionto @aquabelacqua @apismel1fera @daringlydomestic @my-johnlocked-life @beejohnlocked @hushwatson @narwhalneerdowell @vedjagames @bitemebat @sumeragisakura @carryonmywaywardbabes @franzthecat @johnlockhedgehog149 @johnlockishell @monikakrasnorada @iamjohnlocked4life @patlabel @ishipitlikefedps @marchinaugusta @disregardedletters @missdeliadili @roquentine19 @greymantledlady @alexaprilgarden @theragesniff @forloveofsnarry @kalina-lupus-ionescu  – sorry if I’ve wrongly added or missed anyone 💜
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