#for both 'she don't deserve that' but also it made more sense before they decided to catch up to real time at the end before a skip instead
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pocketramblr · 8 days ago
Lois was kidnapped and held prisoner by the Parasite for six whole in-universe months, gets back for one day, and immediately tackles Deathstroke the Terminator when he teleports into the Daily Planet. Lois.
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axiina · 1 year ago
PLSSS soft corio comforting reader after they get he saves her(or them idm) from the arena after she tried to say a proper goodbye to her tribute (kinda like sejanus) but maybe she gets hurt and super traumatized but hes there for her idk
If I Killed Someone for You
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Pairing: Coriolanus Snow x capitol!reader (gender neutral)
Summary: It wasn't supposed to end this way. You just wanted to say goodbye to your tribute, Lamina. Luckily, your boyfriend was there and made sure you didn't get hurt. Just why do you look at him differently now?
Words: 1.5k
Themes: hurt with comfort, a bit of fluff but also angst
Warnings: slight spoilers to movie and book, small changes to canon, Pup isn't Lamina's mentor, character's death, murder, a bit of trauma, blood, comforting, a bit of argument, death, overthinking, reader feels guilty about situation, referring reader as 'you'
Author's note: Lamina deserved better so you are her mentor, fuck this idiot Pup.
It was supposed to be fluff, but it came out a bit sad and traumatic. We got a soft Coriolanus, leaving aside the fact that he killed someone in the process. Enjoy!!
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It was a pure act of desperation.
You just wanted to tell Lamina what you hadn't managed to do before. You had grown close to the young girl, who was horrified by what was happening. The very fact that she was in the arena, alone, without any support was driving you crazy.
She didn't deserve what happened to her. You hoped that maybe Lamina would be able to win and would be able to return home to the family she missed so much.
With each hour of the Hunger Games, her chances seemed to get smaller and smaller. For those few days, you sat like you were on pins and needles staring at the big screen at the Academy. After a while, the helplessness returned and you had to try not to cry in front of the cameras.
Lamina did not deserve it. None of the tributes deserved it. You did everything you could to make Lamina feel as comfortable as possible during the meetings and her stay at the Capitol. In the arena, you tried your best to make sure she wasn't hungry or thirsty. You didn't want her to get hurt. That, however, was not enough. Seeing a boy from her district, Treetch, joining another group made you feel anxious.
"What if they kill her? What if he betrays her…" This thought ran through your head repeatedly like a mantra.
She became weaker and weaker every day.
Your last meeting was too short. You didn't have time to say goodbye to her properly. You wanted her to know that even though you were physically somewhere else, your heart and thoughts were with her, at the arena. You had to say goodbye to her. You wouldn't forgive yourself if Lamina died without hearing a proper goodbye.
That's why you decided to see her one last time. Under cover of darkness, you crept into the arena in disguise and quietly snuck under the beam where Lamina was. Perhaps foolish and reckless, but you didn't think about the consequences. Ever since the girl got to the arena you couldn't find a place. You slept only short naps and didn't even want to meet Coriolanus, who was getting more and more worried about you.
While you were at the arena, every now and then you looked nervously around to the sides to see if anyone was coming. Lamina was surprised when you showed up. It was all surreal and you felt as if you were detached from reality. As soon as you saw Lamina you started crying. You both cried. Now the knowledge of how dangerous the arena was came to you like a powerful punch. She can't die. You don't remember what exactly you told her. You don't know if you said anything that made sense to her at all. The adrenaline made your mind kind of foggy. However, you know that it lifted her spirits. She knew you were with her and supporting her. You don't know exactly how much you were in the arena.
Everything happened so fast when Coriolanus grabbed your arm. Your brain didn't even register the fact that the boy appeared there practically out of nowhere. He looked terrified. He spoke quickly and incoherently. You only understood as he begged you to run away from there, because at any moment someone might come out of the tunnels and kill you. You were frozen with panic when it came to you. They hate the Capitol. They hate you too, and they certainly wouldn't think twice before killing you. Your fear was increased when Lamina's eyes widened in horror and only one word came out of her mouth.
Tributes began to leave the tunnels. As soon as they noticed that there were two mentors in the arena they started running towards you. Because of the adrenaline in your veins, you don't remember much of what happened next. You and Coriolanus ran as fast as you could when Coral, Mizzen, Tanner and Bobbin chased you while holding objects in their hands that could be the cause of your upcoming death.
The next scene that stuck in your mind was when your boyfriend hit one of the tributes on the head with a wooden plank. The boy fell down, and Coriolanus, without thinking much, hit him a second time. Then another and another. You looked at the body of Bobbin lying lifeless and Snow standing over him, unable to get a single word out. Your heart was raging and your head was spinning, feeling fear. You were terrified.
You couldn't tell what was the reason. The fact that you had just nearly died in the arena, or…. no, it couldn't have been that. He was merely trying to defend you. Yes, that was definitely the reason. Coriolanus is not a murderer, he was just…. he was terrified and acted emotionally. Bobbin would have killed him if Coryo hadn't done it first. Then you would have been next in line. Yes, that's what would have happened.
Both of you were injured, but at that moment it didn't even cross your mind to ask him how he was feeling. The Peace Keepers almost carried you out of there. Your parents were as terrified as you were. By the time you were sitting in your room wrapped in a blanket as your mother hugged you crying something finally hit you. You could have died. Your family would have been devastated. Your friends and…Coriolanus. Well, exactly, Coriolanus. He almost died because of your fault. Your stupidity and recklessness. Now he is injured and probably suffering, and you are not there with him. After what happened you didn't even say a stupid thank you to him.
"What were you even thinking! You could have died there! Did you even think about your loved ones? About me? What would have happened to me if you had died there? If I didn't get there in time!" Coriolanus repeated walking in circles around the empty classroom, the next morning. You had your head bent down, and tears were running down your cheeks. How could you do something like that?
Coriolanus sighed and sat down next to you, wrapping his arms around your body, pulling you closer.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't yell like that. You're probably still terrified. I was just…scared. I was scared that I would lose you."
It seemed to you that his voice cracked as the boy pressed his cheek against your head.
"Don't do that again. Don't scare me like that. If you had died I wouldn't have forgiven myself. I wouldn't be able to live normally." He whispered in your ear with a trembling voice.
"I'm here, love. I will always be until you have had enough of me. Although, most likely, even then I won't give you a break." A quiet, slightly trembling chuckle left his lips, at which you also smiled involuntarily.
"Enough of you? Never." you replied in an amused voice gently pulling away, but still remaining in his embrace. "I'm sorry, Coryo…I'm so terribly sorry for you. I just wanted to say goodbye to Lamina. I don't want anything bad to happen to her. I don't want her-"
"Shhh, it's okay." Coriolanus rested his forehead against yours and took your face in his hands gently stroking your cheeks. "It is past. The most important thing is that we came out of it alive. Lamina is also alive and relatively well, excluding the circumstances."
"Thank you, Coryo. Thank you for everything. For saving me that night and that you do not resent me for it." You whispered, trying not to cry. You nuzzled your cheek into his palm and placed a gentle kiss on it.
Coriolanus' face moved closer to yours and he gently brushed your lips with his own as if he was afraid he would frighten you.
"I am angry at you. Earlier even furious, but I love you too much to stay mad at you." Coryo gently rubbed his nose against yours and looked into your eyes.
His beautiful blue eyes. Cold, but at the same time it makes you feel at home. Eyes that yesterday were raging and at one point…full of hatred.
Your smile slowly disappeared as you remembered what happened to Bobbin.
"Do you want to talk about what happened yesterday-" you started uncertainly, but Coriolanus cut you off.
"No." His voice seemed cold and in a moment you were embarrassed and your heart beat faster. You were the reason he had to do it, and now you're reminding him of it. Maybe he thinks you are blaming it on him.
Your thoughts, however, were interrupted by your boyfriend's voice. Softer this time.
"I didn't mean to. I didn't want to do it, but it was stronger than me…Please don't hate me. I love you and I did it for you too."
His eyes were glassy and he seemed panicked. You shook your head in denial and took his hand in yours bringing it close to your lips and kissed his knuckles.
"No, you're a good person, Coryo. Nothing has changed. I continue to love you, and you only proved me during the night that I couldn't find a better one."
Coriolanus wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.
"You know you don't have to…you don't have to be afraid of me. I wouldn't hurt you. Never."
You froze for a brief moment. It was as if he was reading your mind. How could you think that about him? He saved you. If not for him, you would be dead.
It was stronger than that. When he approached you this morning your heart was beating faster and a chill went through your body.
"It's because I love him. Typical reaction" You repeated to yourself in your mind.
Every time you felt his hands stroking your hair while you were hugging, you thought about how tightly he gripped that wooden plank with which he cracked the head of the boy in the arena. How the blood spurted onto his snow white shirt from his school uniform. And those eyes. The eyes that always made you feel butterflies in your stomach, and then they seemed so unfamiliar. You thought about how later after the situation at the arena, he tried to approach you, and you took a step back with your eyes wide open in horror.
Of course, he knew. You don't need to read minds to know that. And he was intelligent. He knew right away.
"I know, I know, Coryo. It's just…" you knew that if you continued your voice would break. Besides, you didn't know what to say. You snuggled into his neck hugging him more tightly at the waist. You don't want to hurt him with such thoughts, but they are so intrusive. You can't get them out of your head despite his reassurances, affectionate words and gentle touch. "I'm sorry, I should be there for you, and I'm making everything worse."
You whispered soaking the collar of his shirt with your tears.
His hand went to your hair gently stroking it.
"Stop, it's not your fault."
You stayed like that in each other's embrace, in silence. Words are not important now. What is important is that you are together and nothing will change that.
He will not hurt you. Yes, he won't hurt you.
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world-of-aus · 8 months ago
The Arrangement - Chapter 3
Pairing: Mobboss!Bucky x Reader
Chapter Warnings: Angsty Dialogue. Longing????
Author's Note: Chapter 3 is finally here, I apologize for the delay, but I wanted to make this as good as I could for all of you. Also the vows used are my personal favorite and I think they fit the story well. I hope you enjoy, thank you, and happy readings!
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You’re looking over the latest shipment, fingers dancing down the list of numbers, eyes scanning over the page from left to right. 
“You know, I heard most brides should be relaxing before their big day, having a night out on the town with their friends. Why am I not surprised you’re still here sweetheart?"
Your fingers still, eyes flitting up to see you father at the open door of your office, you offer a warm smile, “m'about done, just doing a final check before the weekend, wanted to make sure our numbers were right come Monday when we merge with the Barnes, didn't want a single hair out of place. And I'll have you know that Becca and I had a girls night yesterday by the way, we plan on catching a late dinner tonight as well so consider that my night out on the town.” 
Your father chuckles stepping into your space, your eyes flit back to the sheet as he draws closer, his presence looming at your side as he watches you. He waits till you’ve skimmed the last of the page, till you’re relaxed back against the office chair eyes on him before he speaks. 
“How are you doing my girl,” he murmurs reaching out to stroke your head, “I’ve been worried about you since your mom called you home and delivered the news.” 
“I don’t know how to feel dad,” you answer honestly, “should I feel happy, sad, angry, regret?” 
“Regret?” he questions. 
“This isn’t the way this was supposed to go,” you say. “I planned a wedding for tomorrow that isn’t mine, everything up to the last detail is hers, it's not mine and now I’m expected to step up – to step in for my family. Do you know what that’s going to feel like? To look like? Stepping in to a wedding that screams ‘This isn’t yours’, a wedding that you didn't invision." What if she comes back dad, what if she comes to her senses and decides she wants him back? What then? Are you going to discard up the contract like you did that night? Discard my feelings as if they meant less than hers?” 
Your father looks stricken by your words, “but we thought it’s what you wanted sweetheart, you didn’t fight us on it, you willingly let him sign so we assumed it's what you wanted too."
You scoff with a shake of your head, maybe you’d settle on feeling anger. “Of course I made it seem like it's something I wanted. Forgive me for not wanting to put myself through a one-sided marriage. He fell for her dad the first night he laid eyes on her and he was locked in, he loves her, he chose her. So of course I let him go despite my breaking heart. I refused to be the cause of someone’s unhappiness, to be the cause of my own unhappiness because I deserve someone who will love me back, who would choose me and he wasn’t going to chose me.” 
‘I can’t do this to her.’ 
But he could do it to you. 
“Sweetheart I’m -” 
You bring a hand up, “Please don’t dad, I’ve agreed to this because I know what it meant to our family, and I’ll play my role just as you asked but please don't ask more of me, there's only so much that I can give, and I think I've given enough."
Your fathers struck by your words, and he can only watch as you stand from the seat gathering your things. It’s only once you’ve reached the door of the office you turn to regard him, “I’ll see you tomorrow dad.” He wants to call you back,  to get on his knees and beg for your forgiveness because how could he have not seen it. Seen what that night did to you, he should have done more for you, fought it, but all he could think of that night was the merger, the safety it would bring both families. He thought of everyone’s happiness but your own that night. They all did. 
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“You know my offer still stands to be your getaway driver for tomorrow right?” 
Despite the tears blurring your eyes you still manage to snort out your laughter, “Your brother would have us tracked down in minutes Bec’s there’s no where you could go that he wouldn’t find you, he has plenty of people that owe him favors just ready to cash in. Also don't get me started on the hell my father would reign, I don't take his position till after I marry."
“It was a worth a try,” she grumbles stabbing a noodle, “I just hate to see you hurting y/n, this isn’t how the night before your big day should be going, you should be happy – those tears shouldn’t be sad ones.” 
You smile sadly at the noodles in the takeout box before looking over the coffee table at your best friend, “but this isn’t my big day Bec's, I'm doing this for our families." Rebecca abandons her noodles all but crawling over the wooden coffee table to get to you, her arms crushing you in a welcomed embrace. “Tomorrow is for you y/n, I know none of it feels like it is, but its for you, I promise it is.” 
Your fingers curl around your friend as more tears slip from your eyes, god how you wish that were the truth. You would give yourself tonight to cry, to be hurt, to feel angry, but tomorrow, tomorrow it would all be different - you'd learn to mask it. You would no longer cry, no longer allow this pain to consume you, you were going to fight for your happiness - real happiness, and ensure you got every bit of it you deserved. 
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Bucky remembered the nights the two of you would be out in the backyard of the Barnes residence, a soft blanket laid out beneath the two of you, the stars coating the night sky as you two drew up the image of the ‘perfect wedding’ a wedding between the two of you that was written in the stars. Looking around the chapel now he doesn’t see a single speck of you in the details. Though why would he, this wedding wasn’t yours despite all the effort you had gone to make sure it was perfect and it really wasn’t his – was it?  
He still recalls the day your sister eagerly announced their engagement to both families, he had imagined this being one of the most exciting moments in his life but where was that sought after feeling? He had found no excitement when she mentioned that you and her would be going dress shopping for the first time since the engagement dropped, no eagerness in wondering what she would look like in her chosen all white dress. If anything he felt like he had been outsider to most of it, the cake testing, the linen choosing, the food tasting, and at the time he couldn't quite understand why. Where had that rush he felt with you in his backyard gone? This was his wedding, he should feel happy, so why didn't he, what was missing?
Bucky thought he might be devastated when his mother rang him to tell him about your sister not being able to go through with the wedding. He thought he might have been crushed when he received her text: Please forgive me. I love you, but I can't do this. He thought he might feel hurt when his number was blocked shortly after, but he felt nothing.
Now though as he stands at the head of the chapel, Steve and Sam at his side a feeling Bucky can’t place his finger on crushes his chest as he looks over the families lining the pews of the church. There are quiet whispers filtering through the air, and Bucky thinks that's what may be causing the feeling. Or maybe it was the fact that you still hadn’t entered through the closed doors of the chapel.  
Had you unlike your sister gotten actual cold feet, or maybe you finally decide to do something for you, something that wasn't at the benefit of your family.
Steve leans in from where he’s stood at his side, “would you like me to go check on them pal?” Bucky’s lip's part on an answer but the doors to the chapel are pushing in, his sister albeit a little disheveled makes her way down the aisle, quiet apologies on her lips as she takes her spot on your side.
He looks at her in question, "we hit a bump in the road," she mouths, "she's coming."
Bucky wants to question her further, but then the piano is being queued, the doors swinging open and just there at the entrance you stand with your father, your arms entwined together.
He forgets how to breathe.
Bucky watches your father guide the two of you down the aisle, both family's stood on their feet. The feeling that weighed him down earlier is now replaced with something new as your father closes the distance. You're dressed in a silk white dress, a delicate veil placed in your hair, a simple piece yet on you it looked incredibly stunning, so this was the bump in the road.
He meets you and your father, your hand being placed in his, "take care of my girl son." Bucky looks at your father, his hand squeezing yours, "I give you my word sir." your father nods placing a kiss to your cheek before taking his spot by your mother.
It's just you and Bucky for a moment as he leads you up to the officiant, "I'm sorry for being late," you whisper, "I -" He turns to you then as you stop before the officiant, his other hand taking yours, "there's nothing to be sorry for I understand, you're here now, you look beautiful sweetheart."
He's left you speechless, but there's no room for words as the officiant begins the ceremony.
Bucky can't take his eyes off you, not even as he repeats the vows he's supposed to, his eyes only ever part from yours when he goes to present you with the ring Steve passes him, and even then they're on yours shortly after as he makes his promise to you. He cant quite describe the feeling that passes over him when you take the ring from Becca eyes locked on his as you make your vows to him sealing it with the ring over his finger.
Why did he ever let you go?
"James Barnes and Y/F/N Y/L/N, having proclaimed your love and commitment to one another in the eyes of these loved ones, and with the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church and the state of New York, I am so happy to pronounce you husband and wife." The officiant turns his attention to Bucky then, "You may kiss your bride."
You and Bucky had only ever kissed one other time, and it was a moment like this one that he knew he would never forget.
He's on his side looking down at you, taking in the beauty of your features as your eyes dance across the starry sky. "I'd want to write my own vow's," he proclaims, "it would feel more personal, more us."
He loves when your eyes find his, there's a brightness in your eyes at his proclamation, "I'd love that too B, care to share with me a bit of what you'd say?"
He know's you're teasing but in that moment he doesn't care, he thinks he may be able to tell you tonight, to show you just how much he cares, how much he loves you. "I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms now and forever," he breathes grinning at the soft surprise that skirts over your features. "I promise to never forget that this is a once-in-a-lifetime love. And to always know in the deepest part of my soul that no matter what challenges might carry us apart, we will always find our way back to each other."
He thinks you might have been the first to move, your hand finding the back of his head, the other the side of his face as you caressed his cheek, he knows there's love in your eyes as you pull him a little closer, the whispered words, 'you may now kiss the bride' ghosting over his lips just before they met yours.
He's certain he's the one that's moved first this time, one hand finding your waist, the other your cheek as he pulls you closer. He can see the fear, the worry there in your eyes, and he caresses your skin in hopes of easing that worry as he closes the distance between the two of you.
And just before his lips slot over yours Bucky vows then to mend the promises he had broken.
The Arrangement Taglist:
If you'd like to be added or removed please let me know, Many Thanks <3
@learisa @greatenthusiasttidalwave @barnesxstan @calwitch @h0nestly-though @wintrsoldrluvr @esposadomd @roofwitty779 @pattiemac1 @sebastians-love @scott-loki-barnes @mrsnikstan @metanoiablxxm @lostyx @missvelvetsstuff @casa-boiardi @shoutingcardinal @tiedyedghoulette @littleeuphoriaelf @polireader @armystay89 @cjand10 @railmesebstan @agardenflower25 @brckenmemories @mcira @loki-laufeyson68 @edelweissbarnes @unaxv @ghalouha @wasalreadyhere @broadwaybabe18 @mavs101 @stormy-stardust @shadowrose13-blog1 @laha1na
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pastel-peach-writes · 3 months ago
Okay I saw your korrasami x Reader fic and I loved it so much can’t wait for the next part. Whenever you have time would you be able to do a lil fic where Korrasami gets jealous/irritated the reader is being hit on? Maybe relationship isn’t established yet but the situation prompts them to confess 👀 have a good one!
Hi Anon! Thank you so much for the love! Second part of KorrAsami x Reader is out btw! (This post came out wayyy later than envisioned).
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The Green-Eyed and Blue-Eyed Monsters | KorrAsami x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Korra and Asami don't take it lightly when their shared crush gets hit on and when one thing leads to another, a confession ensures. ╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Jealousy, No Y/n, Not Proofread, Jealous Korra, Somehow Even More Jealous Asami, Oblivious Reader, Impromptu Confessions
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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There was something in the summer air. Maybe it was the smell of the blooming flowers and fruits or the bustling sound of merchants advertising their fresh and homemade treats. Whichever or whatever it was, Korra and Asami weren't here for it.
People of all genders, shapes, and sizes kept complimenting you and making small talk. It was cute at first. The pair thought it was about time you were complimented for how you dress, how your skin glows under the sun's rays and your bright smile. But once the compliments became flirtier, they decided they had enough.
See, there's something Korra and Asami keep to themselves. Something that no one else, not even Team Avatar, knew about. And that was the pathetic crush they had on you.
They can't pinpoint when or how the crush developed, they just knew they had one on you and wanted you to be a part of their relationship.
You didn't notice the crush they had on you. They didn't act weird or out of character, and the compliments they gave you seemed normal. Something someone who's "just-a-friend," tells someone else who is also "just-a-friend".
Maybe your lack of understanding of flirtatious compliments is why you couldn't tell what these attractive strangers were doing. You thought they were being friendly!
"Asami, I'm reaching my limit," Korra said out the side of her mouth. The three of you were standing by a merchant booth. You wore clothes in that color that made Asami and Korra both crumble to their knees while the couple wore their typical summer gear. Turned out this Earthbender also liked that color on you, since she was flirting shamelessly with you in front of Korra and Asami.
"It's okay, Korra," Asami whispered to her girlfriend. "They deserve to be flirted with. They're cute and they're glowing a little more than usual today. It only makes sense that people saw it too."
"Yeah, but we're supposed to be the ones flirting with them!" whispered-exclaimed Korra, slamming her fists onto the merchant's counter. The elderly man scolded Korra and demanded she pay for the dent she made in the wood. "It was already there before, old man!"
The man raised a fist, scolding her more. Asami pulled Korra away from the booth, an apologetic smile on her face as she did so. "Korra," Asami spoke once they were distanced away from the elderly merchant. "We both agreed not to flirt with them until we got a signal that they liked us back."
Korra shrugged Asami's hands off her shoulders with her lips twisted in a scowl. "Well, I'm beginning to regret that agreement. It's stupid. How would they know we like them if we don't flirt?"
Asami shrugged. "I don't know. You're the one that made up the rule." She then snickered at Korra's incoherent grumbles and mumbles. "Look, just because you can't handle when people flirt with you, Kor, doesn't mean others can't either." Your voice is what saved Asami from an angry, yet flustered Avatar exclaiming protests.
"Hey, guys!" You greeted, the apples of your cheeks bright from how hard you were cheesing. "Why are we over there?"
Asami laughed, wrapping her arm around Korra's waist. "Because Korra was going to get into it with that older gentleman." You dramatically gasped, jaw slacked down to your chest.
"Please!" Korra protested with a laugh. "I didn't do anything. He was yelling at me about some dent that was already in his counter. He just wanted to con me into paying so he could get a new counter."
"Whatever the motive was," laughed Asami, "we moved over here to not cause a scene. Plus, it looked like you were getting all flirty with that girl anyway," the engineer teased.
You laughed. "Nah, she was just saying she loved my outfit and how it brought out the color in my eyes."
Korra's brows knitted together, arms crossed under her chest. "Yeah... that's flirting."
You only snicker as a rebuttal but Korra's face didn't change. You faced Asami but she wore the same expression. Was that girl really flirting? She kept spewing compliments and her eyes, well, they were super focused on you. Maybe even too focused? Her body was facing you and if you knew anything about body language, that meant she was interested in you or the conversation at least.
"Hey, excuse me?" A voice from behind you took you out of your thoughts. You turned on your heels to find a girl wearing an obnoxiously large jade necklace that she paired with her all-purple outfit. Even though the outfit was quite extreme, her tan skin made her glow and somehow, the different shades of purple just worked.
"Oh, hi!" You beamed a bright smile as you faced her. The same smile Korra and Asami worked tirelessly to see on your face day after day. The same smile Korra and Asami spoke about deep into the night when they finally succeeded in their attempts.
The couple loved your smile, how you showed off your teeth and gums, and how when it showed on your face, it was genuine and came from affection... So, why the heck was this smile on your face for this random girl?
Oh, jealousy. What an interesting and sometimes ugly feeling.
Asami's eyebrows knitted together, hands skeptically placed on her hips as she watched Jade Girl pull out a small basket of fruits from behind her back. They were bright, signaling how perfectly ripe they were, and there was an assortment of fruits, all the way from the Southern Water Tribe to where the Northern Air Temple once was.
"You don't have to accept this if you don't want to, but I saw you from the entrance of the market and knew I had to give you something. You're so pretty and deserved the fruits,"—her own laugh interrupted her sentence. Korra and Asami rolled their eyes—"of my labor!"
Somehow your smile brightened. The warmth of the sun sinking into your skin and now traveling up your body filled you with a buzz. What did you do to owe the pleasure? The people here sure were friendly. "Aw, thank you!" Your voice was a peculiar high pitch as you graciously accepted the basket, her purple manicured nails and slender fingers brushing against your fingers.
You would be lying if you said it didn't make you giddy.
"This is so sweet. Oh, wow. You even have jackfruit!" You showed the basket to Asami and Korra and the girls momentarily put on a smile as your attention was on them but then dropped when your attention returned to the beautiful stranger.
"Yes," giggled the woman with her hands clasped. "My family and I are, as some may say, wizards or magicians in the fruit department. It all started from my great-great-great-great grandfather, I think I missed a few greats, and his connection with Hei-Ran, Avatar Kuruk's firebending teacher. Y'know," she stepped closer to you and took a hold of your hands on the basket's handle.
Asami stepped forward protectively, hands in fists but Korra pulled her back by her shoulder with the shake of her head. Even if she was enjoying Asami's experience with the jealousy she's been feeling all day, stopping this interaction and maybe getting in trouble because of it, wasn't worth it.
Korra frowned at herself in disgust. Ew... Has she turned into Tenzin?
"I could take you for a tour of my family's orchard," continued the Jade-Fruit-Tan-Pretty Girl—Korra and Asami couldn't keep up with the adjectives they had for this extremely forward, go-getter type of woman—continuing to hold your hands and bounced on her heels as she spoke. "Maybe even as a date? If you're into that?"
The Avatar and engineer gave curious glances in your direction. Were you into that? A pretty girl shamelessly flirting with you, giving you gifts, and offering to give you a tour of her family's orchard that's been around since before you were even alive? Since before the great Aang was alive?
You gave the woman a flattered chuckle but pulled your hands away from hers. "Oh, wow, um." Suddenly, the heat and buzz the sun was giving you was too much, almost overwhelming and unnecessary as it scratched the back of your throat and made your cheeks glow in embarrassment. "Thank you but I'm afraid I'm going to have to say no. You're gorgeous and trust me, if this was any other circumstance i would say yes but I'm not really-- I don't--"
"Oh, my Spirits! Are you not into women? I'm so sorr--"
"No, no!" You waved your hands so fast in defense that you forgot you were holding the basket of delicate fruits. Korra used her airbending through muffled snickers and giggles to float the basket in her direction and placed it neatly at her feet. "I'm into women," you claimed a little too loudly. A few bystanders shot curious expressions your way but otherwise went about their day. "Trust me. I. Am. In. To. Women."
Watching you stumble over your words in an attempt to clear up the situation to the Jade Girl was amusing to watch, even Asami thought so. "At least one thing's clear," her green eyes met Korra's blue and without many words, they knew exactly what to say.
"They're into women," the two said simultaneously, finally letting their laughter and giggles break through their words. Your cheeks only warmed up more as you heard them in the background.
If you were trying to shoot your shot with this woman, you would have failed thanks to your fumbling and lack of charisma but luckily, you weren't. And double luckily, Asami's and Korra's laughter drowned out the real reason why you had to turn Jade Girl down and she left understandingly.
"Are you done?" you grumbled to the girls, picking your favorite fruit from the basket and inspecting it before taking a bite. You stood in front of them with your arms crossed and cheeks puffed out like an angry bunny.
Korra laughed, shoulders bobbing up and down as she wrapped her arms around her midriff. "I dunno," the Avatar's tone was heard through her laughs, "are you sure you're into girls?"
"Oh, shut up!" You threw a navel orange to her arm but she dodged it when she hurled over in laughter.
"We're sorry," Asami said in a horrible attempt of stifling her laughter. "It's too funny. If no one was sure of your sexuality before, they are now."
Korra cackled from her hunched-over position, collapsing onto her knees as she wheezed and wheezed. Watching her face turn from brown to a reddish-brown would be a sight to see if her maniacal laughter wasn't so alarming.
You thought with how hard she was laughing that she would forget to breathe but the opposite was true. She was breathing just fine, she was just dramatic, and watching you try to defend yourself was better than watching Bolin crash and burn in front of Opal. Sorry, Bolin.
Embarrassed yet pleased with how this situation seemed to make the two of them smile, you ate more of your fruit with a slight huff. "Yeah, yeah. Don't rub it in."
"Man." Korra finally pulled herself up from the ground with chuckles still coming out of her. Tears of laughter rolled down her cheeks and there were slight stains from them and the ground on her pants, but she didn't seem to care if she noticed. "That was great." She rested an arm on Asami's shoulder, still chuckling to herself as she brought her attention to you. "So, if your sexuality wasn't a problem, why did you turn that girl down?"
Huh. You quickly found out that you preferred her cracking a lung out on the street than her asking questions you didn't want to answer.
"Uhh," you grabbed your basket with a shy lipbite, "don't even worry about it."
"Uh, no?" Korra snorted. "I'm nosy and I want to know."
"Korra," Asami's warning tone fell upon deaf ears as the darker-skinned girl continued.
"Come on," whined Korra. "I'm the Avatar and you're a part of my team. I wanna know what's going on in my team's lives including their love lives."
Asami rose a brow at her statement. Korra never cared about anyone else's love life unless it somehow involved her.
So, they were flirting with you now. Asami crossed her arms as smug as the smile that appeared on her lips. She could see the gears turning in your head and saw that you were so close to figuring Korra, and herself, out but weren't exactly there yet.
"She just wasn't my type," you admitted. You resumed your walk down the market, not expecting anyone to follow but given Asami's and Korra's reputation with persistence, you knew they would.
"And so what girl is your type then?" Asami prompted, she and Korra just a few steps behind you as you mindlessly swung your fruit basket.
Was this really how this was going to go down? You've envisioned this scene many times before and never have they gone down this way. This was supposed to be romantic, a moment to remember forever once you were sure you weren't going to freak them out with this.
"Because that Earthbender girl was pretty cute too," resumed Asami. "But you turned her down as well."
"To be fair, babe," Korra chimed in, "they didn't know she was flirting. They probably didn't know Jade-Necklace-'You're-So-Pretty' Girl was flirting either until she asked them out."
With her snort, you turned around swift on your heels and pointed at her. "Y'know, for someone in a relationship, you're weirdly obsessed with the people who may or may not be flirting with me."
Korra only gave you a nonchalant shrug. "So?"
"So, your girlfriend is right there!" You gestured to Asami who looked indifferent to the whole situation. She was interested in your love life too, for personal reasons just as much as Korra's, but she kept it under wraps better than her girlfriend. "Asami, aren't you at least upset by this?"
Asami mimicked the shrug Korra gave you seconds ago. "No."
"Yeah, 'no'," she snickered. "I'm just as curious as Korra and I don't see any harm in getting to know why you turned down every person that flirted with you today. They have eyes. They see the beauty I see in you every day."
"Okay, calm down," you awkwardly laughed. "Your girlfriend is right there."
"Oh, I know." Asami adjusted her crossed arms, her smugness still apparent in her body language. She even quipped a teasing, almost knowing brow. "She sees it too."
The confused, puzzled, and shocked noise that came out of your body made Korra chuckle as your eyes flickered to hers. She didn't know it was confession time until Asami blatantly flirted with you right in front of her, but she wasn't opposed. "Yeah. I think you're pretty cute."
"Excuse me?!" your voice was reaching the same volume and pitch you used when you tried to explain your sexuality to the jade girl but you couldn't help it. The people you were crushing on, who were in a relationship with each other mind you, were calling you beautiful and cute and not in the way friends do.
You may not pick up on flirting often, but you could pick up on the tones and vibes the couple was trying so hard for you to pick up on. How long were they trying to get you to notice? With how seamlessly Korra joined Asami on the compliment train, this couldn't be a first-time offense.
Asami took your questioning silence as a sign to keep going. "Honestly, today was kind of hard for us." The woman took an apple from the basket and rubbed it on the chest of her shirt. She took a bite, as if she wasn't about to share world-altering information with you. "Korra and I had to keep seeing and listening to these people flirt with you and compliment you--"
"Oh, I'm sorry--"
"Aht," Korra held up a finger, interrupting your interruption. "People with flirting with you should never be something you have to apologize for. Even if it upsets someone. You're attractive, it's about time people, even if they aren't us, act upon it."
You weren't given time to process what Korra said before Asami spoke again, after her bite of apple.
"Anyway, I was getting real tired of seeing these people flirt with you and all I could do was sit back and take it. Why? Because I, we, weren't sure how you felt about it. We didn't know if you didn't respond to our flirts because you were oblivious or uncomfortable and after today, it's clear you were oblivious.
"And so after Fruit Basket Girl, I've had enough. Korra and I spoke about this countless of times, night after night, but we still couldn't figure out a perfect way to tell you this." Asami wrapped her arms around her girlfriend who did the same to her.
Anticipation filled your body and soared through your veins. Asami ate more of her apple and basically left you hanging on a really thin thread, urging her to continue and aching for the rest of her answer.
The crushing weight of the anticipation was so large that even Korra nudged Asami to continue. "What?" the raven whispered down to her girlfriend. Korra shot a pointed look in your direction and Asami could only chuckle. "No, it's your turn. I've done my job."
Flushed cheeks and breath of heat, Korra huffed before standing straighter with a fist proudly resting on her hip. "Asami and I have a crush on you. A pretty big one. I guess this one couldn't take the jealousy anymore and impulsively wanted to confess to you right here, right now, in front of this poor woman's pickled goods stand."
The three of you drifted your gaze to a woman in her late 50s, huddled over on her wooden stool with an assortment of jars surrounding her counter, shelves, and even the back of her stall eyeing the three of you with green-framed glasses. "Oh," she waved you three off, smiling fondly. "Don't let my presence stop you. I got teenagers and they're never this open with me about their love life. This is entertainment."
Korra's jaw slacked in bewilderment before she protectively reached out to grab your arm to lead you and Asami out of the market and around the corner where no one but a stray dog drinking out of a water bowl was.
"Okay," Korra addressed the two of you. "Now that we have no other intruders, I guess that just leaves you to talk. Asami and I have a crush on you and we know this is coming out of nowhere but what do you think about that? Did we freak you out?"
If a future version of yourself were to tell you that all it took to get the ladies of your dreams was a market, a cute stranger, and a fruit basket, you wouldn't have believed them and yet, here you are. Standing in front of two smart, fierce women who fought and preserved to get whatever they put their minds to.
Who would've thought they wanted you in the way you wanted them?
Korra's and Asami's stomachs churned and stirred in nauseating anticipation, the feeling alone making their knees wobble like jelly and their minds dizzy.
Simultaneously, they had no thoughts and every thought known to man swirling around their head.
Their waiting for your answer made their mind go quiet yet their worrying over ruining their relationship with you made them think about anything and everything.
What if you didn't want to see them anymore? What if they read the situation wrong entirely and you never saw them in that light?
The two of them conversed about the stolen glances you would take at them, thinking they didn't catch you but they did each and every time you would look at them. They would see the way you would smile at the other when she was wrapped up in her own world and how you would get lost in one's eyes as they spoke in group settings.
They were sure they read every situation as what it was: you crushing back on them. But as you stood in front of them with an unreadable expression on your face, light brown basket playing at the tips of your fingers, doubts clouded their minds.
You finally blinked into reality when a stray piece of wood poked at your pointer thumb. "Whoa, sorry. Uh, I guess I'm just shocked. I never thought this day would come." Asami's and Korra's lips upturned into a smile as they saw yours do the same. "Yeah, I like you two goobers back. I didn't think it would take jealousy to get us here," you gave them a laugh. "If I would've known that, I would've gotten you jealous a long time ago."
The couple gave you dry laughs, wrapping their arms around your shoulders.
"Absolutely not," said Asami.
"You do that and you will go back to being girlfriend-less," said Korra.
You snickered as you were happily held between them as you made your way back home. "Wow. Tough crowd-- Hey!"
The stray dog came crashing into your fruit basket, making the woven item crash onto the ground and get stomped on as the dog pounced on it to feast on the fruit the basket possessed.
"My fruit." You frowned. Every single piece of fruit, if not squashed or ate by the seemingly perfectly-weight dog, was dirtied. Some fruit juice grew to make a stain in the beige-colored gravel.
"Good doggy," Asami cooed at it. Korra, though agreeing with her statement, swatted at her arm with a laugh. "What?" She glanced between the two of you. "That dog is eating what that girl left behind. We're together now, we don't need that jade girl's basket." She held her chin up high as if she was the queen but a playful smile hinted at the corner of her lips.
You and Korra shared a laugh before continuing your trek back home. The fruit was probably better off with the dog anyway. You probably weren't going to eat much of it when you got home, not if Asami's and Korra's jealousy had anything to do with it.
WC: 3,752
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talaok · 1 year ago
I love your writing!! This was much bigger than the usual requests but I have so many fantasies and I would love to see them come true in your writing, sorry for anything. 💘
ok this just popped into my head, Pedro and the reader have been friends (she is also a virgin, it will make sense later) for some time, both with feelings for the other but not admitted, until one night, where they are both with his friends and mutual friends in a nightclub, Pedro is at the table with some of his friends drinking and having a good time, the reader and her friends went to the dance floor and the dances are getting a little hot, and one of the reader's friends( who are not friends with Pedro) start to make comments doubting that she is a virgin because she is dancing like that and is so sexy and Pedro becomes nervous and uncomfortable with the situation and when the reader returns to the table he asks to talk to her and tries to warn about these "friends" and ends up admitting that he felt jealous of her and decides to declare himself, just like she did after him.
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader
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"and she says she's a virgin" He heard the guy to his right scoff, elboying his friend.
"ha" the other fucking guy laughed like it was funny, like there was anything to laugh at "Sure, and I'm the president of the United States"
His hands curled into fists by his sides, but he refrained because he knew you wouldn't have liked it if he did what he was thinking of doing.
First of all. How the fuck dared they talk about you like that? And furthermore, doing so while calling themselves your friends?
You deserved much better than them. Fuck, you deserved whoever was in first place for best friend in all the world, that's who you deserved.
And second of all, Why the fuck were they looking at you? He could see the way their eyes scanned every inch of your body as you danced to the rhythm... and god, god but the urge to put those fists at his side to use was getting stronger.
But just then, by some miracle, you whispered something to Jenna (a friend of yours) and started making your way back to the table, to him... and those fucking guys next to him.
"hey there" the blonde one grinned "had fun?"
"yeah" you smiled, sweet as ever, and a wave of pure anger made its way to Pedro's body.
There you were, smiling that heartstopping smile of yours to those guys, guys who were making fun of you not five minutes before.
You deserved so much better.
You deserved the whole word and more.
"hey" he spoke, before he could stop himself "can we talk for a sec?"
He saw a glimpse of confusion flash before your eyes before you nodded.
"So what did you wanna talk about?" you asked as soon as you stepped out of the bar and into the chilly night.
You tried to lean onto the brick wall behind you, but a shiver of cold ran up your spine.
"Here" he said, not waiting for you to say anything and just placing his jacket over your shoulders.
"O-oh thank you"
"no worries"
You looked at him for a moment before you recalled what you were there for.
"so... you said you wanted to talk"
"right" he nodded, as if he too, had lost himself in you for a moment"I just... it's stupid really, I'm just-"
"I'm sure it's not stupid"you smiled reassuringly, shaking your head.
He couldn't help but let out a little sigh of relief,
you always had a calming effect on him
"it's just that- while you were dancing, your friends...you friends were..."
"well they were being mean" he spat out "and I wanted to warn you, because sweetheart you deserve so much more than that, and they-" he paused, looking back at the bar's doors as if he could see the two men sitting right there "they don't deserve you"
"oh" you frowned, slowly taking in his words
"and-and they were making comments and looking at you like that, and I just- god-" he sighed, passing a hand down the length of his face to try and ground himself "I'm sorry y/n, I think I just-I was jealous"
And you had so many things you wanted to say and so many questions to ask, but for whatever reason a single word was all that came out of your mouth.
his mouth opened but it took him a moment to find the words as he looked into your eyes
"Well I didn't want them to look at you like that-" he realized out loud "I- I wanted to be the only one who could do that"
He'd said it so fast, so quick, that even he hadn't realized what had come out of his mouth.
"fuck" he muttered, his eyes widening "I-I- well fuck this is as good as time as any"
"Pedro what are you sayin-"
"Y/n I like you" he's said before his mind would catch up "Like a lot"
Now it was you who couldn't talk
He watched the confusion crowd your face,
"I-I really like you y/n. And I-I don't know why I'm saying it now but I am" a silly, amazed chuckle left his mouth "I like you y/n, every single thing about you, every single moment with you- I just- I love it"
His heart was beating so fast he was surely going into cardiac arrest soon, while all you could do was blink to try and understand if all this was a dream.
"I-Are you b-being serious?"
He swallowed what felt like concrete in his mouth
"Yes" he nodded
"Y-you like me?" you couldn't help but smile a stunned smile
"I do, y/n, I really do, and I know this is not the best time I could have chosen bu- "
Your mind was a mess, but it still worked enough to make you able to shut him up... by simply crashing his lips with yours.
And even if it was winter, you didn't think you'd ever been so warm,
"I like you too Pedro" you laughed giddily as you leaned away just an inch "A lot"
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spacelesbiandisaster · 5 months ago
Remember those kids from the Gathering?
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I was wondering which master each one of them would get if Order 66 didn't hit, so I made elaborate headcanons about it.
(because I'm unemployed and bored)
You can check Part II here!
Katooni and Obi-Wan
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Do I even need to explain this one?
Seriously, I could just say that it would be fun seeing the both of them dealing with Hondo Onaka on a weekly basis and that by itself is all the reason we need. Unfortunately I like to make things make sense in universe and not just because they a fun, so let's talk why Katooni is the perfect Padawan for Kenobi.
They both the mom of the group.
Katooni spent half of her Gathering trying to convince Petro to not do stupid shit, and she seems to take a role of leadership overall during the episodes she participated. I think she deeply cares about her friends and it's not afraid to speak her mind when they do something she judges wrong.
Maybe this particular trait would eventually make her speak out of her place with her master, especially with she was allowed to watch the Council sessions and see some of the master says something they disagree, but if Obi-Wan could raise Anakin it wouldn't be a challenge deal with Katooni's strong personality. Also, because she cares so much about others, their disagreements would solo concerned the method they should use (Is okay to call out Petro in front of his master or should her find some other approach to avoid embarrassing her friend? Should she let Hondo go just because he decided to not robber the people she was protecting or she should hold him accountable for his actions besides her personal feeling? Thing like this.) And Obi-Wan would understand were her opinions are coming from because he has a similar personality.
• Katooni needs a master who help her connect to the force.
Listen, I'm not saying that Katooni is weak but we can all agree that it is curious how she is the last youngling to finish her lightsaber, right?
Her test in the gathering only truly happens once she is out of Ilum (in my opinion) were she sees all her friends with their lightsabers while she herself is struggling to connect the parts using the force. The way I read this is that Katooni have a confidence problem and that is blocking her abilities.
You know how else struggle with that? Luke Skywalker! Luke couldn't understand the force or believe that someone like him could use the force, but Obi-Wan was able to teach him before passing. Katooni is ages ahead of Luke on this matter, but I believe Obi-Wan still the right person to guide her to overcome those blocks and make her more confident and in tune with the Force.
• Katooni is a future diplomat.
Okay, I have to talk about Hondo. This girl was able to make that man do something solo for the kindness of his heart. FOR FREE! Sure Hondo tries to charge Obi-Wan after delivering the kids safety, but I think it was a act so Kenobi wouldn't think bad of him.
My point is Katooni as able to talk her way out of a terrible situation with a help of a pirate how tried to murderer her and her friends. She looked at Hondo and not only instantly forgave him, but also bargain with him to save her friends. Imagine if she was trained with the Negotiator? That girl would be ending wars only with her words by the time she was knighted!
Overall I think that's a lot she could learn from him, and Obi-Wan surely would be glad to have a break from the chaotic nature of Anakin. I don't have anything against the guy, but Katooni is way more of a Jedi than Skywalker is and her and Obi-Wan would definitely vibe together during diplomatic missions.
Gungi and Yoda
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It's absolutely criminal that the last Padawan of Master Yoda is freaking Dooku! This little frog deserved better and I think of all youngling Gungi would definitely be the best match for him! And if he stayed alive in a swamp for almost 20 years eating strange sup just to train Luke, I think he could last a decade more in the temple with doctors looking after him and clean food so he could watch over my favorite Wookie!
Gungi would teach Yoda to have hope in the future.
I going to advocate that the master can learn just as much as the padawan if they open themselves to listen, and boy Yoda definitely need to learn some things! Gungi is full of life, has a lot of energy and being around some like this would do wonders for Yoda's spirit. It would remind the Gran Master that the Order has a future and maybe it would make Yoda reevaluate some of his recent decisions.
I think Yoda spend way too much time in the council chambers, and having a Padawan would eventually force him to go out on the galaxy to see something other than the clone wars. I would give him not only a apportunity to connect with the youth but with the people of the galaxy he was supposed to help.
Yoda and the Wookies have a close relationship for decades now (maybe centuries)
I don't think Jedi masters choose their Padawans based on species only, but this is definitely a factor given examples like Luminara and Barriss and Kit Fisto and Nahdar. I think a master had to know a least the basics about their about species be able to teach, and Yoda would be perfect to help Gungi connect with his culture.
A lesson on patience and lost
Gungi is a very impatient youngling, we see this in his test on the gathering with him struggling to wait the lake frozen. This don't see to be a issue when we reunite with him on the Bad Batch episode, but I don't believe that single experience on the cave was enough to make him overcome those feelings. Gungi needs a master who will know how to help him exercise his patience on a regular basis.
On top of that, Gungi seems to be nervous when Ganodi leaves him alone in the lake so she could look for her own crystal. He isn't as scary as Byth, but he is uncomfortable with being alone nonetheless. Being Yoda's Padawan he would probably had to come with terms with the idea that his master would pass away early on his life. Remember, Wookies are a long life species in cannon, so even if he does live longer in the Jedi temple than he would if order 66 happened Yoda would still died when Gungi was a young adult.
Yoda would probably openly speak about his death a lot and it would show Gungi that this isn't something to be afraid of. Being a Wookie would probably mean the he would also have to experience all his youngling clan die as well and he needs to be ready for it.
I also want to point out how important would be if Gungi gave continuity to Yoda's lineage. Sure we have Quigon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka and whoever she chooses to be her Padawan in the future (I plan to make a part II about this eventually), but they are call "the disaster lineage" for a reason... Let's give Yoda a less chaotic lineage please.
Zatt and Quinlan Vos
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If anyone in the Jedi order would be up for a challenge that person would definitely be Quinlan Vos. Not that I think Zatt would be a difficult Padawan, but because he is so different than Quinlan their dynamic would be so interesting (to me at least).
Quinlan would forced Zatt to leave his iPad at home.
"Forced" is probably a strong word, but I can't imagine Quinlan letting the boys really on technology as much Zett would like.
Remember that Zett is the padawan how tried to track his crystal using a datapad but eventually got frustrated and call the thing "useless", but much like Gungi, I don't believe that this one experience would change his whole personality forever. Zatt would probably still try to navigate his ships looking at the panels instead of trusting in the force and things like this, but Quinlan would reminder him of his lesson while making use of his abilities (Quinlan would ask Zatt to open so many doors so they could invade criminal hide out without making a big entrance...)
Also how cool would be if Zatt eventually became a sensory time like his master and learn to track his target using the force after years struggling with that?
• Zatt would teach Quinlan to be a little more discreet (I hope)
Zatt probably enjoys hacking into buildings and stealing information on the holonet while Vos is literally the guy how destroy the door of the house of a Hutt matriarch with his lightsaber just because he didn't had the patience to wait Obi-Wan come out with a plan. Zatt would probably give smart solutions for the trouble his master puts him into and Quinlan would have to listen at least from time to time.
• Quinlan would teach Zatt thing he cannot find in the holonet.
I really see Zatt as the iPad kid, and Quinlan would be the cool father who is street smart, you know? He would make Zatt learn from his environment instead on only books, and would make the boy practice abilities he is not currently comfortable with.
Also I think between the knowledge Quinlan has on the underworld factions and Zatt's hack abilities, Quinlan could shape his Padawan to be a really resourceful Jedi when it comes to dealing if criminal activity in the galaxy.
Ganodi and Kit Fisto
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Please stay with me with this one.
I think Kit Fisto wasn't expecting getting a new Padawan anytime soon after his battle against general Grievous, but upon seeing Ganodi he would feel a bound and take the responsibility of training and raising the girl. Hear me out:
• A lesson on hope
You when Ganodi freaks out because she can't find her crystal and start to cry because she thinks there's no hope for her? And remember how Kit Fisto stay calm even after his former Padawan (Nahdar) dies and is able to continue his fight?
Yeah, Kit Fisto is the best Jedi to teach Ganodi about putting her fears aside for the sake of her mission. His wining personality (and smile) would also make his daughter Padawan adopt a more positive reaction towards however problem she is going to face.
• A healing journey
I truly believe Kit Fisto was deeply hurt by Nahdar death. He probably thinks it's his fault for not preparing the boy well enough, and would have the same fears about Ganodi, but eventually he would see they are different persons and the thing she struggles with are not the same as Nahdar. It would be different if he picked a over confident Padawan such as Petro (who I think is probably a lot like Nahdar was at that age), but Ganodi seems a sweet girl how need a little push to trust herself and Kit Fisto could absolutely help with that.
That's all I have considering what I know about the characters in cannon, but in my head cannons Ganodi would grow to be quite a fighter and would also benefit from Kit Fisto's lightsaber's abilities. I also find a bit funny the idea that all Kit Fisto's Padawans came from water worlds (Rodians came from a swamp so I'm assuming they can at the very least spend long periods under water)
This is too big already so I going to make a Part II covering Bith, Petro and some other force sensitive children we see in Star Wars but never got a master.
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echoingbirdsofprey · 4 months ago
Lightning On My Lips (Every Time You Kiss Me)
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6 - Parachute
Pairing: Tyler Owens x OFC Georgia Tennley
Rating: Explicit (MDNI!)
Warnings: Allusions to smut but no go because I'm going to edge y'all to death, Tyler being super respectful, sensual massage? mention of blood, concussion, and Georgia's injuries
A/N: #sorrynotsorry this is one of my favorite chapters of this entire story by the way
Tyler helped her into his truck once she’d been released. He helped her into the motel room and onto the bed. He kept two eyes firmly focused on her as she slept. He didn't think she would remember, but there were several times that she had woken up, and one of which she said, “I don't deserve you, Ty. I don’t deserve this...” and he replied, “ Yes, you do. ”
Tyler sat quietly on the edge of the bed, hearing the shower turn on. The doctor had told him to keep a close watch on Georgia for the next several days and to make sure that her stitches were kept clean. He pulled his boots off, then his socks. He unzipped his jeans but didn’t push them down. He pulled his t-shirt off. He’d thrown his flannel button down out, as it had Georgia’s blood all over the sleeves and front. He’d also thrown out the one he gave her earlier that day, as it had glass all over it. His t-shirt had small spatterings of blood on the collar and the sleeves that had leaked through. He really needed a shower too. He stepped off the bed, and threw his shirt on the floor, not noticing his jeans sliding a little lower on his hips as he snuck into the bathroom. 
“Tyler?” He barely heard her tired, raspy voice over the water. He put his hand on the shower curtain and pulled it open just a few inches. He didn't dare steal a glance, but he damn sure wanted to.
“Yes darlin’. I'm here.” He said softly. He felt fingers reach for his and then her face appeared from around the curtain. He reached for her cheek, running his knuckles over it, letting his fingers linger on her jawline. She closed her eyes and let a small whimper escape her throat that caught his attention. “Would you mind awfully if we shared? I'd like some hot water on my back, and no easier way to clean your stitches than the shower, I’d say.” 
His reasoning was solid, she decided, even though they would both be naked and wet and in the same vicinity, it made more sense for them to share. The water wouldn’t stay hot for long and she wasn’t cruel. She was also still slightly dizzy so leaning on Tyler for support, literally and figuratively, was okay. She was also way too sore to reach up and clean the back of her head and she couldn't see those stitches anyway. She squeezed his hand, signaling that it was okay for him to come in. She turned to face the stream of hot water. He shimmied out of his jeans and boxers and pulled the curtain aside just enough for him to step into the shower behind her. She stayed facing the water and waited for him to come closer but he didn't for what seemed like hours. She could feel his eyes on her, examining her, tracing the tan lines on her back from wearing a tank top. She felt the presence of his towering frame before she felt his body heat, among other things...
“Tyler...” She moaned his name softly as he pulled her hair away from the stitches on the back of her trapezius muscle, his calloused fingers ghosting over her extra sensitive skin. There was bruising around the area, beginning to turn all shades of colors besides the fair and freckled of her own skin. Around the actual stitches was bright red, and Tyler knew it had to hurt, so he was careful when he brushed his fingers anywhere near it. 
Georgia hadn't been touched in such an intimate way in so long, and his gentle fingers were the ones she missed the most. She gave in to her desires, letting her head fall back against him, a twinge in the muscle and the pull on the stitches sending a jolt of nausea to her stomach. She sighed deeply and felt him take a shaky breath as he leaned down and peppered kisses along her neck and jaw. He was so worried he was going to hurt her.
His name slipped out of her mouth again as he begged to connect his lips with hers. She pulled away and turned to face him, as his back grazed the wall. She placed her hands on his chest and bit her lip as their eyes met. 
“Just like it used to be...I remember every inch of you.” Tyler whispered, his forehead touching hers. He ran his fingers down the curve of her spine and around her ass before taking a handful and squeezing gently. “God, I missed you, Gee. I missed having somethin’ so familiar in my arms. Somethin’ so steady and certain, that I knew I could count on...”
She gazed up at him through hooded, tired eyes and swallowed hard as he captured her lips in a fiercely passionate kiss. She'd been waiting for this. She'd been praying and begging that she would find him again and it was a little bittersweet for both of them. He pulled away, holding her face in his hands.
“But you didn’t...” She began and he stopped her, running his fingers through her hair.
“I’m gettin’ there, sweetheart. You said slow... Peach , this is so hard, bein’ slow with you...I want you so fuckin’ bad.” Tyler nearly growled as his lips grazed her cheek, as he coaxed her closer under the stream of hot water. “But...I know...we can’t...not right now...” His voice broke as he smiled weakly. Georgia knew this was hard for him. It was hard for her too, keeping him at an arm’s length, figuratively of course. She wanted everything to go back to how it was when they were rodeoing, but it couldn’t. They had to navigate this a little more like the adults they were, instead of the youngins they’d been.
“Ty...” Her tone was sad and soft, as she was the one closing the distance between their lips this time. She wanted him too, but everything hurt. “Can you...just...” She took a deep breath and felt the world spin again, clenching her jaw as Tyler steadied her.
“I’ve gotcha. Close your eyes, it’ll help. Promise.” He said, his lips touching her cheek once more. She let her eyes flutter closed and let him guide her further under the water. It was scalding hot, but that felt amazing on her sore muscles. Tyler grabbed a small bottle of shampoo and very gingerly massaged it through her hair, softening the dried blood from around the stitches there and letting it run down the drain. She whimpered, as he took his time, gently scrubbing her top to bottom, running his hands over every inch of her skin. He wanted to, but he didn’t dare touch her most sensitive parts below the waist, leaving those for her, out of respect. Once he was finished with her, he pulled away, giving himself a quick and rough once over, just making sure he wouldn’t stink when he laid in bed with her. He could tell she was starting to get tired again, so he turned the shower off and helped her over the ledge, wrapping a towel around her. He stepped out of the bathroom to grab clean boxers and a clean t-shirt from his bag. He reached down and threw the red stained t-shirt in the small trash can in the corner of the room so that she wouldn't see it.
Tyler was careful when he wrung out her hair, trying his best to not pull too hard, and dabbed the skin around the wound on her neck. He saw her wince as the fibers of the towel caught slightly on the stitches.
“Sorry.” He said softly, his lips touching her temple. Her brows knitted as she gazed into his eyes, noticing they were slightly more sage green in the low light. She appreciated that he was being so cautious, more than he would ever know, and more than she could ever tell him. He helped her finish drying off and then guided her to the bed, holding her hand as she took a seat on the edge. He knelt down in front of her and pressed a soft kiss to each of her knees. Her breath quickened as his lips moved up her thighs and his hands settled at her hips. She took his head in her hands and leaned down to ghost her lips over his.
“What would you like to wear to bed?” He asked and she ran her fingers through his hair with a weak smirk.
“Nothing, really.” She rasped, her eyes locking with his. He glanced down nervously, chuckling under his breath as he stood. He motioned to the top of the bed and she crawled up slowly, sitting there with her legs curled up close. She’d forgotten that under those tight blue jeans, that white t-shirt, the plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up, the square toed boots and the dirty old hat, that there was a man, well muscled and handsome, sculpted like a Greek God. She admired him from behind the fog of exhaustion as he turned the light off and settled on the bed beside her. They’d left the tv on low volume, just in case there were any major weather alerts, but everything in the sky had been calm for a couple of days, convenient for Georgia’s recovery. 
“Lie on your stomach.” He commanded softly and she did. She took the pillow and bunched it between her chin and folded arms. The air in the room was cool on her skin and it felt nice. The other thing that felt nice was when Tyler’s warmth caged her in on one side. His chest met her back and he moved her hair aside so that he could place his lips on the back of her neck. 
“Tyler, just don’t touch...” She murmured and he kissed along her spine, shutting her up.
“I’m not, I know it hurts. It’s gonna hurt more in the morning cause all those nice drugs they gave ya at the hospital will be outta your system.” He mused as his large hand traced circles down her back, his knuckles pressing into the muscles, kneading the knots from them. 
“Don’t remind me...” Georgia said, turning her head to catch a glimpse of him. He was propped on an elbow beside her, his bicep bulging as he reached for her arm. 
“Georgia, are you okay...after that?” He inquired quietly, resting his chin on the middle of her back. She sighed and moved her head back, feeling the stitches pull again by her neck as she shifted.
“I guess...” She said, and he noticed the little intonation of her voice that was etched with a drop of fear.
“You don’t have to be...you can be...” He began and she pushed herself up slightly to disrupt his sentence.
“You came to help us, Ty, that’s all that mattered to me, especially after how I’d been with you the day before.” She said and he smiled into the curve of her back before placing a kiss there. 
“We both made mistakes, Gee, and I regret it all....not the time we spent, but not tryin’ to find you. I know you feel the same. And I’m gonna keep tellin’ you day after day until it’s right.” He explained.
“Ty, it’s alright. I’m the one who should be making up for everything...” Georgia said, sniffling as she felt tears well in her eyes. She pushed her nose into the pillow to stop herself from crying more, but she couldn’t fool Tyler. 
“For going after yur dreams? Nah, baby girl...you should’ve. You did.” His fingers tangled in her hair again. She rolled carefully to face him, and he pulled one of her legs over his hip.
“And if you hadn’t gone and gotten that fancy degree, none of this would’ve happened...” She said, touching the tip of her nose to his. He nuzzled her cheek softly before letting his lips trace her jawline, ending at her mouth. He kissed her fully, passionately, his tongue dancing with hers. Their limbs tangled together and they made out like they used to, just like they would in the bunk of her trailer after a successful rodeo, before falling asleep, their skin sticking to each other’s with the warmth they’d created.
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mysteriousbp · 4 months ago
Considering Clover actually knew the human children and was very close friends with them, why would they sacrifice themselves then, shouldnt they relationship with the other children have affected their decision? Wouldnt the most logical choice have been spare Ceroba and then go fight Asgore? Also isnt it a bit messed up that Tom and Clover were rooting against the others, even if they didnt know it was them?
Im sorry if i sound like im whining or complaining or saying "erm ackshually🤓" but i dont understand how Clovers relation with the other humans didnt affect their choice at the end of TP and took them in a different path, especially considering that they knew what would happen to the next human and the promise they did to Frisk
It doesnt actually bother me that much, but im curious, also no, i dont have a problem with Clovers sacrifice, i think its a cool scene but in this AU im not sure if it works that well
But it did.
What exactly could Clover do at that point? He knew the others were already dead. If he freed the souls they would have died for nothing. 
Here's the thing: why did I decide to just make Clover and Tom the only ones that sacrificed themselves in the AU? 
Because if you remember the Family Tree post. They were the ones that had a family before the orphanage. (Also Hope, but she was too young at the time.)
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(Also I forgot Melody when I made this post. Good thing no one paid attention to the Family Tree post. I was able to fix it without anyone noticing it.)
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Clover and Tom are supposed to be a type of opposite to Chara. They both had good lives before their parents deaths and having to live in the orphanage. But because of that, they know that life isn't black and white. It's grey. Chara just experiences the bad, while Clover and Tom experience both the good and the bad.
And when they sacrificed themselves, they knew that it was too late for the others. In their heads, the thought that they could kill Asgore and take the souls back was a possibility... But would it be fair for the monsters that they befriended along the way? Did monsters like QC, Martlet, Toriel, Starlo, and so on deserve to be trapped for the rest of their lives for the actions of monsters like Asgore? Did they deserve to have their freedom taken away from them? 
They did it for the white side, of the gray that is monster kind. The others were dead. They didn't want to make their deaths for nothing. They saw the kidness in monsters, and they hoped that the kidness that they saw could overtake the hatred if the barrier broke.
But they also sacrificed themselves with the hopes that they could spare one or more of their friends lives if they fell underground. Hoping that some random humans would fall so the monsters could get the 7 souls needed to break the barrier. Clover sacrificed himself in hopes that another human would fall before Frisk. So Frisk wouldn't die. 
There is also the part of Tom helping QC. Tom saw QC as a sibling that wanted nothing more than to help herself and her sister have a normal life. Help the only family she had left. Just like Tom always trying to make the orphanage the best that he could for the others, but especially Hope. His only family that he had left. Tom saw himself in QC. 
Both Clover and Tom were stock in a gray situation. They could save the souls and leave, but leave their monster friends to rot without any hope of freedom. Live underground and risk making their monster friends traidors. Or sacrifice themselves to help their new friends have a chance to see the outside and hope that the other kids aren't the next humans to fall. 
There is no option that every side wins. So they pick the option that they found better.
They weren't rooting against humanity. They were bringing hope to the good in monster kind. And having the hope to spare the others.
I don't know if this made any sense. But I hope you guys could understand my mad ramblings.
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andreal831 · 1 year ago
In your opinion, would Elijah still have decided to die by his brother’s side if Hayley was still alive?
*Spoilers for Season 5 of The Originals*
In my opinion, the entire decision for Klaus and Elijah to die together was out of character.
Neither Elijah nor Klaus would die and leave Hope alone. I know she had her other family, but Klaus and Elijah always viewed themselves as family before the others. They would have wanted one of them to stay behind for her. Klaus dying for Hope really made no sense. He would have rather someone else die than leave his daughter an orphan.
To me, Elijah has always been a little suicidal so him dying was not a surprise to me. Him allowing Klaus to die, made no sense. That being said, if Hayley was alive, yes I think it may change some things. But even with Hayley alive, if it was a choice between him and his brother, he would still have been the one to sacrifice himself. He tried to do it in season 4 to save Klaus with Hayley standing right there.
Elijah is one who was always ready to sacrifice himself to protect his family. If it was ever even remotely a chance his death could save them, he jumped on it. I think it's partly because he didn't feel he deserved to live and experience any happiness, but also because he loved his siblings much more than he loved himself.
I've always viewed him erasing his memories as a way to kill himself. He erased himself rather than be separated from his family and Hayley. If he could sacrifice his life and it would allow his family to be whole once again and allow Hayley to have the support of his family, he would sacrifice himself.
So if everything else had happened the exact same way in Season 5, except for Hayley's death, I think he may have tried harder to find another way. But, if they were unable to, yes I think he still would have sacrificed himself.
Now, if there was zero way to save Klaus, I think he would have stayed for Hayley and Hope. They wouldn't have both died leaving everyone behind. But again, I don't understand how Elijah didn't make Freya give him the entire Hollow and cut Klaus out of the decision-making, splitting it made no sense for Elijah's character.
I also think it would be good character development for him to not die with Klaus. Showing that he was breaking away from his toxic codependency on Klaus, but it would be based on no real development because, if anything, they just became more dependent on each other as the show went on.
Thanks for the ask!
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bakerstreethound · 2 years ago
🎻Send me a song 🎻 Later Never Comes
(from the Scrooge Soundtrack)
I was obsessed with this song when it came out! Gosh it really gets to all the feels. For this one, I have debated between Sherlock, Dr. Strange and Anthony Bridgerton. I decided, it's Bridgerton time.
Later Never Meant I'd Stop Loving You
This is my first time giving it a go with Anthony but I hope you're up for some sadness and angst. Also reader is afab and I hope the blurb makes sense, I tried my best. I'm slowly chipping away at all these anniversary asks. Thank you again for the support!
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When we first met, Your heart was free. Your hopeful eyes saw only me. Now you're looking for something, something I can never be, when you are really all I need.
Alright so it might be that Anthony Bridgerton at the start was set up for failure in previous relationships before he met Kate, the love of his life and you were not an exception in this.
You thought things with him would progress, yet with the demands of his title getting in the way, the bitter truth of it all crawls in the back of your mind and you know you can only become what you imagined was a fantasy. It was a fantasy of desire, of different circumstances. Others warned you the price of falling for a Bridgerton, but you never expected it to be so cruel, a hot iron searing through you, the strands of fate pulling you apart.
You keep on telling me "later" but "later" never comes around. Please stop telling me "later" as you search for what just can't be found
You fiddled with your ring, the cacophonous noises of the Bridgerton household pulling you from one more blissful sleep - it wasn't meant to be. The months of him pushing you away, the neglect, the familial duties, he never seemed to care as much as he did before the engagement. You were sure he even noticed you. You can't remember the last time you felt his hand in yours, his soft caress. You mumbled incoherently to yourself; your decision made for you. Your heart called you home to another place, another avenue far from here.
You kept looking for something, a measure of security, but she was really all you'd need. You kept on telling her "later" but "later" never comes around. Please stop telling her "later" stop searching for what can't be found.
Anthony paced back and forth in his study when a knock sounded. "Not now!" He breathed slowly, hands trembling at the note he held in one hand, the other gripping the ring you once wore.
"Darling, you've barely eaten any of your meals today!" Violets' voice sounded from behind the door.
"Not hungry mother, busy with the accounts!" Anthony turned, his stomach a flutter, knots forming at where you could be. The paper on the desk taunted him, the last words he'd possibly ever read from you.
It's for the best, my dear. I didn't know how else to say goodbye. I wish you the best and hope you find the love you deserve and more. ~ Yours in another time
Take her hand, go with her now and you'll fly free. No more "later", we both know that's a lie. This will be the day she says goodbye.
After the third time knocking, Violet bursts in to the door, met with the sight of her eldest boy, crumbling a piece of paper into the empty hearth, the dying embers reminiscent of all he lost. "It's over mother, do you think there's any hope for me?"
"Dearest, there is." Violet smiled, while Anthony leaned down to peck her cheek and she ruffled his unruly hair. "Don't despair, but you do need to learn to manage your duties better so this never happens again do you understand? She was a lovely fiancée and you forgot how wonderous she was and took her for granted. Don't make that same mistake again. Love and love fiercely and make time for your partner."
Anthony sighed, knowing she spoke truth, wanting only the best for him and his siblings. "Of course mother."
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buckymorelikefuckme · 2 years ago
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and really bad eggs
pirate king wanda x fem reader
words: 2.1k
warnings: **18+ ONLY** mentions/slight description of injury, hurt/comfort, smut, scissoring. if i missed anything pls let me know!
a/n: well i guess it's a series now lmao~ is 3am posting going to become my new thing? we shall see. i hope you enjoy :) also, there's a cameo of two of our fave dudes in here hehe! unbeta'd. any and all mistakes are mine. feedback is encouraged & appreciated ♡
part 1 ❀ part 2 ❀ part 4
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You pace impatiently along the deck, eyes straining through the moonlight as you search for the return of your crew mates and captain. They should've been back ages ago. You'd been given strict instruction to stay on the ship, the captain using the excuse of your poor combat skills for her reasoning.
“I've been practicing with Natasha,” you'd protested as you watched Wanda gather her effects.
You would be approaching the port soon and she always liked being ready to step off the ship the moment it was docked. Feeling desperate yet helpless, you continued staring at your lover as she checked her pistols and secured her sword.
Wanda sighed. “Yes, and I've heard of your improvement,” she admitted. “But Natasha still thinks you need more time before you're ready for a real fight.”
“You say all the time how rare fights happen once the villagers realize who you are!” you retorted.
“I am not going to argue with you on this,” she replied, her tone firm. “My mind is made up. You will stay here.”
You clenched your jaw. “Are you saying this as my captain, or as my lover?”
Wanda spun to face you with a hard look. You lifted your chin, having been on the receiving end of such an expression several times before. She was always calling you stubborn, and that wasn't going to change any time soon.
“When did I stop being both, hm?” she wondered, taking slow, deliberate steps towards you. “What have I done to deserve this treatment?”
You didn’t reply, frowning as you broke your stare. When Wanda spoke again, it was low, so quiet it was almost a whisper.
“I could not live with the thought of you getting hurt, or worse, because you could not defend yourself properly,” she confessed. “Perhaps I do not express myself well enough, if you are under the impression that I could be so impassive with your precious life.”
You blinked away the tears that built in your eyes.
“I have fought in my fair share of duals, and even I have had many close calls, despite my years of training,” she added, and you hated the reminder, having bore witness to the scars that decorate her skin to prove her words. She cupped your cheeks, forcing you to meet her imploring gaze. “I will not have your blood on my hands.”
A shaky breath escaped you, still feeling utterly helpless, useless, but you reached up to gently grasp her wrists. As much as it pained you, you nodded in understanding. She sighed, eased, and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, promising to return as quickly as possible.
Now, a sense of foreboding has been steadily rising within you. It's never taken this long for a raid. You wring your hands anxiously, contemplating if Wanda would be angry with you if you left the ship with your sword in hand.
However, you don't get the chance to decide. You hear voices approach, and soon after, the crew bustles out of the tree line. Your relief is palpable as you press your hand to your chest, muttering a quick thank god under your breath as they grow nearer.
It takes a moment for you to notice, so washed in comfort by everyone’s return, that a few people are carefully carrying someone back to the ship. Just as quickly as the relief appeared, it leaves you entirely. Your skin goes hot then cold, so fast that it leaves your head spinning, dread settling heavily in your stomach.
As the crew begin boarding the ship, none of them meet your eyes. Panic wells, and you find yourself stumbling across the deck, shouldering past several people. Natasha stops you before you can go around her.
“She's fine,” she murmurs.
“She–She's being carried onto the ship,” you point out dumbly.
Natasha grips your shoulders. “Her wound is not serious. We had to clean it and stitch it to stop the bleeding before we could return.”
You whimper, covering your mouth as fresh tears fall. “She was bleeding?”
Natasha sighs heavily. “Before we could announce ourselves, some skinny, little idiot and his friend thought themselves to be heroes and charged us.” She rolls her eyes, agitated all over again by this person. “The Captain stepped in and was grazed by his dagger while she was trying to subdue him. Once he found out who we were it was easy to get them to back down.”
She pauses, huffing. “For whatever reason, the Captain invited them to join the crew after they'd apologized a million times and begged her pardon.”
You blink a few times, mind whirling. “But she's okay?” you clarify, your only worry.
Natasha’s face softens as she nods. “Aye. I made them carry her back so she wouldn't put a strain on her stitches. It's just a superficial wound.”
Just then, Wanda is carried on board, and you rush to her.
“This is ridiculous. I am perfectly capable of walking,” you hear her grumble and it makes a choked sob slip past your lips. Her eyes meet yours and she orders the men to stop. “Put me down,” she tells them, and when they try to argue, “Now!”
Not wanting to receive some form of punishment, they listen, gingerly helping her rise and stand. She winces, her hand clutching her side, just below her ribs. You take cautious steps toward her, but you stop a couple feet away.
“Come here, my love,” she says, holding out her free arm.
You close the space between you, tears spilling down your cheeks as you check her over for more injuries, hands hovering unsurely around her. She grabs one of your hands and pulls you into her, hugging you tightly. You bury your face in her neck as you cry, relieved all over again, feeling her warm and solid beneath your hands. She shushes you softly, kissing you wherever she can reach.
“I'm alright, my angel, I'm fine,” she reassures.
“You were hurt,” you correct thickly. “I wasn't there and you got hurt.”
“It's nothing I can't handle,” she replies. She brushes your hair off your shoulder so she can kiss along the expanse of your collarbone. “Why don't we go to my quarters, hm?”
You swallow past the lump in your throat and nod, letting her lead you in the direction of her cabin. Along the way, you spy two new faces; a skinny, blond man whose eyes are wide as he takes in the massive ship, and a dark haired man that follows close behind, looking resigned to his fate. You make a mental note to give them a stern talking to later.
Wanda closes and locks the door to her cabin once the two of you are inside. She turns to you and meets you halfway for a bruising kiss.
The only thought playing on a loop in your mind is that you could have lost her. It's silly, especially knowing her injury is not that serious, but also knowing that she'd gotten hurt and you weren't there to help makes your chest seize uncomfortably. You just need to assure yourself that she really is okay.
Your hands grab fistfuls of her hair as you deepen the kiss into something sharper, messier. Wanda grunts, her own hands sliding down your back until they can squeeze your ass. You moan brokenly into her mouth.
She breaks the kiss to mutter, “Feel me? I'm here, safe, with you.”
“If you think I'm staying behind next time, you're mad,” you respond, licking a hot line up the side of her neck.
Her head tips back as she laughs, the sound teetering off into a gasp when you bite down and begin sucking a mark into her skin.
“I figured you would say so,” she says.
Without a word, you make quick work of undoing the laces of her trousers. She helps you undress her, slipping off her coat and unbuttoning her waistcoat before she reaches for you. Her deft fingers work on removing your corset and dress until you're completely bare. She steps out of her trousers that have pooled at her ankles, kicking her boots off in the process.
The stark contrast of the stitches against her skin is like a punch to the gut. You softly trail your fingers just below them.
“Lie down,” you tell her.
She opens her mouth to protest, but you send her a look that begs her to simply do as she's told, and for once, she listens. She walks over to her bed with you in tow and eases her way onto it. You crawl on after her, sitting between her thighs.
“No teasing,” she intones, tacking on a quiet, “please.”
You hadn't planned on such a thing anyway. Instead of verbally replying, you lift one of her legs and straddle the other, shuffling forward until you can align your pussy with hers. You place a kiss on her calf and then grind forward.
Twin gasps echo in the room, pleasure setting your bodies ablaze. Wanda’s eyes close as she pants at the feel of your wet cores sliding together. It sends a shudder down your spine, mouth falling open as your clit is stimulated perfectly.
“Doing such a good job, my angel,” Wanda praises, making you whine and grind harder. “You feel exquisite. Love feeling your cunt, dripping and desperate against mine.”
“My King, please,” you whimper.
She moans and yanks you down for a kiss, sucking on your tongue, biting your lip. You cry out when her fingers pinch and tug your nipples, hips twitching out of rhythm for a moment before you regain it. Both of your thighs are messy with slick, the sound of it sending heat up to your face, makes your clit throb.
“Come on, then. Let me hear you,” she orders. “Want to see you come apart on top of me.”
You feel a sudden smack to your ass and you're keening, grinding faster as sweat forms across your hairline, on the small of your back. Wanda isn't faring any better, her cheeks flushed a stunning shade of pink. She keeps spanking you, urging you on. Your ass stings, but it's a welcome feeling, a reminder that she's here, below you.
“Come for me, pretty girl,” she requests.
You can only listen, your clit beating in time with your heart as you grind it on hers, moaning loudly when your orgasm consumes you. Wanda pulls you down entirely, shifting you to lay on your side and lift your leg. With pleasure still clouding your mind, you blindly follow her silent instruction. The high of your climax hasn't even receded when she slides two fingers inside you. A surprised whine falls past your slackened lips.
“I've got to get one more out of you, my love,” she informs you, immediately thrusting her fingers at a brutal pace. “I know you can do that for me. Can't you?”
You nod, letting out noises that you're sure the crew can hear. Wanda doesn't seem to care, though, so you can't find it in you to care either. She licks into your mouth, her tongue tangling with yours, making you shiver and clench around her fingers.
“That's it, there you go,” she coos.
Her thumb joins in, swiping over your sensitive clit. You nearly scream her name. She grins proudly, curling her fingers and rubbing over the spot inside you that is sure to have you wailing. It takes only a minute longer and then your second orgasm rushes through you.
“Beautiful, so beautiful, my sweet angel,” Wanda is saying in your ear, kissing along your jaw as spots dance in your vision.
You weakly push at her hand when you become overly tender. She removes her fingers and gathers your wetness, bringing her hand down to her clit and using it to quickly get herself off. She holds your heavy lidded stare until her orgasm takes over. She tosses her head back with a cut off shout, her hips bucking into her hand.
“My handsome captain,” you say, kissing her shoulder. “Took such good care of me. Thank you, my darling.”
Wanda sighs as relaxes. “Always for you.”
You trade sweet nothings and even sweeter kisses for a few, long moments until you remember her injury. The skin around it looks more irritated than before, but she promises that she's fine, kissing away your worries.
You stay wrapped up in each other, running soothing hands over each other’s bodies for a while. When you yawn and blink drowsily, Wanda covers you with the blanket, letting you cuddle up even closer.
You're asleep between one blink and the next.
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fordchen · 1 year ago
You deserve someone worth the effort
Prompt: Tim and Ashley broke up after his spinal surgery yet Chris and Lucy are still dating. 5x08 where Chris is looking for houses and Tim decides it’s time to have a conversation with his colleague… Please feel free to leave some feedback! you can also send me ideas :)
Today seemed like another day at the station. Tim arrived early as usual and got into his uniform, preparing himself for yet another busy day in Los Angeles. He met with Sergeant Grey for their daily briefing before heading to the roll call room to brief the other patrol officers. Everything is normal until now.
Well… that’s what he thought until he walked to the shop and met a rather distant Lucy. She seemed far away, lost in her thoughts which made him a bit suspicious. It caused him to now overthink too about the reason for Lucy's spiral. He walked closer to her and cleared his throat to signal his presence, seeing her snap out of her thoughts immediately.
“Ready to roll?” He asked after seeing that she had set the shop for them, watching her give him a small nod.
They both got into the car and began their patrol, doing some small talk before Lucy’s phone rang. Chris was FaceTiming her to show her a house for sale. He could not help but feel confusion as he heard the two talk. They both seemed on two very different pages. On one hand, Chris seemed excited about visiting potential houses to buy, and on the other, Lucy seemed much more reserved about the whole thing. Once they hung up, Tim glanced quickly over at Lucy, unable to shake away his confusion. “Are you and Chris moving together?” He asked after a few seconds of silence, feeling his heart tighten in his chest.  
“No, uh… It’s not…” Lucy mumbled, unable to get her words together. “Yet, he seems to think you are.” Tim said, almost cutting her off. He quickly looked over at her again, noticing how tense Lucy looked. That sight caused his heart to break a little. He hated to see Lucy upset. “Yeah, I mean, he kinda sprang it on me this morning…” Lucy added, playing with her fingers as an attempt to control the anxiety she felt in the moment. Tim nodded and after some silence, he let out a sigh. “You two are happy right? Those are the obvious next steps for you.” He asked but before Lucy could answer, they received a call about a few bombs placed around people’s necks and immediately went to deal with the situation. Tim realized they needed to have a conversation about her and Chris’ relationship but knew that now was not the moment. They had to focus on their jobs.
They controlled the situation along with other officers and were now headed back to the station. It felt rather tense in the car as they silently sat together in the shop until Lucy’s phone rang again. Chris called to check on Lucy as well as to let her know about a property he had heard off. Sensing Lucy’s discomfort, he intervened in order for her to get off the phone, receiving a kind smile from her as a thank you. “Lucy, look, if you don’t want to move, just tell Chris that.” Tim broke the silence between them, sensing that Lucy needed some help processing everything happening. “That's... The question is, why don't I want to move in? I don't get what the problem is. I mean, Chris is great. We're great together. We never fight.” Lucy said as she looked out the window, trying to clear her mind and put her thoughts all together. Tim found a place to park and stopped the car, looking over at Lucy. She looked surprised at his action but he knew that they both needed that conversation in the moment. 
“Lucy, maybe that’s the problem. But do you guys not fight because you don’t disagree on things or because you don’t think it’s worth the bother?” Tim asked and Lucy felt speechless, unable to answer his question in the moment — something that actually answered it perfectly. “Lucy, you deserve someone that’s worth the effort.” He added, a soft smile forming on his face. He meant every word. Lucy had been through hell and back ever since she became a police officer and he needed her to realize her worth. Lucy nodded at his words but stayed silent, trying to collect herself. But deep down, she knew that she had made her decision. She was scared. Of course she was. A relationship with Tim meant taking a risk that could change her life forever — for better or for worse depending on the outcome. Yet, he was worth the risk.
The next morning, Lucy found Tim in the Watch Commander’s office. He was replacing Sergeant Grey who was on vacation in New York with his wife to visit their daughter. She knocked on the door softly before walking in, still wearing her casual clothes as she was early for her shift. “Lucy?” Tim asked as he looked up at her, gesturing at her to close the door behind herself. He stood up and smiled at her, glad that the station was still empty at this hour.
Lucy walked closer to him and took a deep breath. “You were right yesterday about Chris and I. I was too scared to admit that we weren’t working out and felt guilty about what Rosalind did to him.” She began, looking up into Tim’s blue eyes, giving him a soft smile. “I broke up with him last night. You helped me realize that I needed better than Chris, someone who treats me right and makes me feel like the most important person on Earth.” Tim searched Lucy’s face as she spoke, feeling speechless. He could feel tension between the two, like electricity. He wanted to kiss her but knew that it wasn’t the right time. Before Lucy could add anything else, he smiled a bit wider. “Lucy, would you like to go get dinner tonight with me?” He asked.
“Yes, Tim, I do.” Lucy answered and let out a giggle, feeling like a teenager all over again. She glanced out of the office’s windows to make sure no one was watching before she kissed Tim’s cheek. “I guess I’ll see you tonight in the parking lot.” She said before walking out, leaving a blushing Tim behind. —
Years later, at their wedding, she would conclude her vows by saying: “Tim Bradford, you are worth the effort.”
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northoftheroad · 11 months ago
I know I just gave you an ask and you must be super busy, but what do you think abt Dickory vs Dickbabs?? Personally, I think Dickory is way better but in Tom Taylor’s run and the current runs, Dickbabs is the main ship. Anyways, I just wanted your opinion on it :D
Also thoughts on Tom Taylor’s run? I thought about it and I kinda have mixed feelings. On one hand, it’s great for fanservice and has some super cute and funny moments. On the other hand, the characters and their relationships are kinda one dimensional. Thoughts?? Take your time and thanks if you answer! <3
Hi, As I've said before (and I'm going to quote myself from older posts here quite a lot, if you happen to come across them 😉 ), I'm fine with both pairings as long as it's well written. I guess a lot of fans lean towards preferring what they grew up with and such like. I'm old enough to have started reading Batman when the idea of another Robin than Dick Grayson was ludicrous, and read the NTT in my slightly older teens. So I definitely have a nostalgic feeling for Dick/Kory.
I think they worked well because they were so different; they each learned from the other and grew as people. Being with Kory helped Dick become more emotionally open after some ten years of growing up with Bruce and Alfred. In NTT # 26, he talks about how he is too introspective and that Batman taught him to be guided by his head, not his heart. And in turn, I'd say Kory learned not always to be ruled by her emotions, and Dick helped to ground her on Earth. They had their fair share of problems, one obstacle was their different approach to relationships and sex. While Starfire is fine with being married to another guy, for reasons of state, but live with Dick, it takes Dick quite some time to come to terms with that he loves Kory enough to get over that. Dick and Kory were one of the most stable and loving couples in DC for over ten years. Now, in superhero comics, writers and/or editoral make the rules. There were plans to let them get married, but as far as I remember a change of editorial led to that being scrapped. We got Dick being raped by Mirage instead, and eventually, the couple split up. Disregarding that, I think you could very well see them growing apart. They were young when they started dating. I guess they were a couple for two-three years? At that age, it's not unreasonable to think they developed in ways that made them decide to go their separate ways.
If Dick and Kory were good because they were poles apart, I'd say Dick and Barbara are more alike. They have both worked with Batman; they are originally street-level detectives and athletes; they are used to work in similar ways. I could see them as a slightly more mature couple than Dick and Kory, being more in sync and relaxed with each other because they have similar backgrounds and shared experiences. (Which, of course, could make them a more boring couple in fiction…) I'm not a fan of the retcon that they've been friends since school, but they did work occasionally together as youngsters, so it can still make sense to write them as really good friends, imo. I honestly think Dick and Kory have been written as a good couple more than Dick and Barbara. Maybe things had been different if Devin Grayson had got the chance to tie up her long arc with Dick in Nightwing vol 2. Not that I think her run was without its problems, but it would presumably have been better if she had got the opportunity to finish what she started. The ending (or rather the absence of a decent ending) of her run, and the fact that the first Nightwing stories after Infinite Crisis were downright cringeworthy, has soured my impression of her writing of Dick/Babs. So I guess editorial decisions have ruined both Dick's most important relationships…?
I don't know if you're new to the debate about Dick/Kory vs. Dick/Barbara? Because it's sometimes a heated discussion, with people claiming he doesn't deserve either of them, he mistreated one or the other etc.
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(Here's what Barbara herself had to say about Dick, by the way. In Birds of Prey # 71. By Gail Simone, art Ron Adrian and Rob Lea.)
I can definitely work myself up too much about fictional characters myself, but there are a few things I try to keep in mind… Fictional characters have no agency. Creators and editoral use them to tell stories (and sell stuff…). Don't get angry at fictional characters or, even worse, real people who love them. Also, reading comics is a lot about filling in the blanks between panels, and different readers can put a book down with very different pictures of what has happened. You can absolutely find examples where Dick has been written as behaving badly against both of them. Sometimes, it's a reasonable part of the writer's long game, sometimes it actually is bad and out-of-character writing. (And if you look, you can find examples where the women have been written as behaving badly against Dick too.)
Honestly, the most important thing for me when it comes to Dick and relationships is that he takes them very seriously indeed. Dick has not had a lot of one-night stands and is on record as saying he's not comfortable with casual sex. When he had one with Helena/Huntress, he wanted to talk about starting a relationship just because of that. When he (fake) married a girl to try to expose her as a murderer, he still avoided to sleep with her, and then he offered to stay with her when the case was closed, because he felt bad for deceiving her. Outside the blasted annual, I don't know of any time he was written as (knowingly) having sex with someone while he's in a relationship with another. Girls tend to break up with him, not the other way around. I'm sure other people have different ideas, and it can vary between writers and eras, but I think you can read Dick as someone who likes to be in a relationship, to be intimate with someone – but who's not into casual sex.
When it comes to Tom Taylor's run, I pretty much agree with you. I don't hate it, as some people seem to do, but I think the art has been the best part. It's mostly been pretty meh, TT has at several times spoken about how Nightwing is an A-lister among DC superheroes, but I don't think he shows it. And here and there he produces some really nice panels/pages (sometimes it's up to debate whether the characters are out of character or not). We're heading towards the end of his and Bruno Redondon's run and they've hinted he's going to stop being Nightwing. As if we need a third period of Dick not being Nightwing in ten years… 🙄 The best writer of Nightwing vol 4 was Sam Humphries, in my opinion. Unfortunately, it was very short.
Ok, this post has definitely gone on long enough... but if you want to go deeper into the rabbit hole, here are some earlier posts.
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hootshooligan · 2 months ago
today im bringin up the refugee tiefling kids!!! and some other stuff 👀
Has your OC ever made any of the refugee tiefling kids laugh? / What about cry?
Who would call your OC their best friend?
What is the worst thing your OC does in their story?
buckle in this is a long one
1. Has Alias ever made any of the tiefling kids laugh and/or cry?
Oh Alias LOVES the tiefling kids. Alias has a soft spot for children in general (which I think there's something in the actual game that suggests that might be canon for the Dark Urge? I'd need to fact check that though)
I made a seperate post talking about her relationship with Arabella, but in regards to the rest of the kids, she did whatever she could to make their days brighter in the Grove and the Shadow-Cursed Lands (making them laugh, distracting them from The Horrors, etc). She was especially worried about Mol, but she wasn't very receptive to her attempts at helping her. But I imagine most of them (Mattis, Silfy, Umi, Doni, etc) look up to her and think she's really cool.
2. Who would Alias call their best friend?
Jaheira. For sure.
Jaheira tries to kill her and Alias starts chatting with her as if she's not getting the life squeezed out of her. Alias sniffs out the klauthgrass she spiked her wine with, points this out to her, and then drinks it immediately afterward anyway. She discovers that Jaheira has been knowingly housing the daughter of the general trying to start a war across the whole continent and all Alias says is "alright, I trust your judgement about this"
So yeah they hit it off pretty much instantly.
Even if all the Bhaalspawn stuff wasn't a factor, they still have SO MUCH in common. They're both Harpers who have quit a bunch of times and say they're gonna retire from adventuring (but never do), they're former soldiers, they share the same sense of humor, they're old and tired and kind of jaded but still have good hearts and really want to help people. They're definitely cut from the same cloth.
Karlach and Minsc are high up there, and Halsin gets an honorary mention too (just by merit of being their partner), but Jaheira wins by just a little bit.
3. What is the worst thing Alias does in their story?
Ohhh this is a tough one. I guess the answer is different depending on if we're just talking about in the game or her entire life (assuming we're also excluding everything Bhaal made them do against their will because I don't think it counts if their body is being physically possessed).
In the game itself, I think one of the worst things is probably releasing Cazador's spawn. I say this only because multiple characters in the game point out that—despite what we see from the few spawn we speak to— statistically, there ARE spawn among them who can't (or don't want to) control themselves and WILL end up hurting other people—possibly a LOT of people. Alias still firmly believes that they all deserve the same chance that Astarion got, but you can't ignore the fact that more innocent people will likely die because of that decision.
Alias also chooses to kill Viconia after she was defeated and I think that's actually bordering on an Oathbreaking action for her too (because she's not supposed to kill anyone unless it's necessary—and I'd argue killing Viconia WASN'T necessary). The game seems to present it as the "good" decision to make (because letting her leave breaks all three in-game oaths), but I think it's more complicated than that tbh
BEFORE the game, I have no idea. I've already decided that she HAS willingly broken her Oath at least once, but I haven't settled on the circumstances yet.
Though I can say I actually DON'T think The Urge was a huge problem for them until AFTER Bhaal was resurrected in the Second Sundering (because I think he had little influence over her in the Astral Plane unless she were to ever end up there), but I think she HAS always dealt with feeling drawn towards violence and conflict on some level (because this is canon for All Bhaalspawn, even those who never experienced anything like the The Urge). There's a reason why even "good" Bhaalspawn like Gorion's Ward and Imoen were drawn to adventuring and petty thievery.
I have a Moment in mind where she finally snaps and instigates a fight that was totally unnecessary and she ends up doing some... pretty violent stuff (which she feels really guilty about later). There are still large chunks of their life and backstory I haven't decided on yet so that's still up in the air.
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starsreminisce · 10 months ago
I don't think that smelling a bond is as big of a deal. However, I do find it more telling that the only other time where a bond scent affected another male so badly was Tamlin's when he scented Feysand's bond during the Hybern confrontation.
And I knew Tamlin understood a moment before the king laughed. “I don’t believe it. Your bride left you only to find her mate. The Mother has a warped sense of humor, it seems. And what a talent—tell me, girl: how did you unravel that spell?” I ignored him. But the hatred in Tamlin’s eyes made my knees buckle. “I’m sorry,” I said, and meant it. Tamlin’s eyes were on Rhysand, his face near-feral. “You,” he snarled, the sound more animal than Fae. “What did you do to her?”
SJM seems to have explored and quickly dismissed the idea that there are such things as fake mating bonds, especially considering Rhys would have the biggest motive to fabricate such a scenario.
What's also telling is the blatant disrespect Tamlin had towards the mating bond between Feyre and Rhys, and how he spoke for her, not realizing that Feyre had been acting so that the confrontation could end.
Tamlin snarled at him, “I don’t give a shit if she’s your mate. I don’t give a shit if you think you’re entitled to her. She is mine—and one day, I am going to repay every bit of pain she felt, every bit of suffering and despair. One day, perhaps when she decides she wants to end you, I’ll be happy to oblige her.”
Reminds me of this exchange:
Azriel stiffened. Let his cold rage rise to the surface, the rage he only ever let Rhysand see, because he knew his brother could match it.  "What if the Cauldron was wrong?"  Rhysand blinked. "What of Mor, Az?"   Azriel ignored the question. "The Cauldron chose three sisters. Tell me how it's possible that my two brothers are with two of those sisters, yet the third was given to another." He had never before dared speak the words aloud.   Rhys's face drained of color. "You believe you deserve to be her mate?"   Azriel scowled. "I think Lucien will never be good enough for her, and she has no interest in him, anyway."  "So you'll what?" Rhys's voice was pure ice. "Seduce her away from him?”   Azriel said nothing. He hadn't gotten that far with his planning, certainly not beyond the fantasies he pleasured himself to.   Rhys growled, "Allow me to make one thing very clear. You are to stay away from her."   "You can't order me to do that."   “Oh, I can, and I will. If Lucien finds out you're pursuing her, he has every right to defend their bond as he sees fit. Including invoking the Blood Duel.” "That's an Autumn Court tradition." The battle to the death was so brutal that it was only enacted in rare cases. Despite being an outsider, Azriel had wanted to invoke it when he’d found Mor all those years ago. Had been ready to challenge both Beron and Eris to Blood Duels and kill them both. Only Mor’s right to claim their heads in vengeance had kept him from doing so. “Lucien, as Beron's son, has the right to demand it of you."   "I'll defeat him with little effort." Pure arrogance laced every word, but it was true.
But thankfully, Azriel didn't seem to even consider the notion of proving Rhys wrong, especially when he saw Elain's response to him in the morning. Instead of the female that he was barred from seeing, he thought of the female who eased his sorrows the night before.
Clotho's pen moved once more. She deserves something as beautiful as this. I thank you for the joy it shall bring to her. Something sparked in Azriel's chest, but he only nodded his thanks and left. He could picture it, though, as he ascended the stairs back to  the House proper. How Gwyn's teal eyes might light upon seeing the necklace. For whatever reason... he could see it.   But Azriel tucked away the thought, consciously erasing the slight smile it brought to his face. Buried the image down deep, where it glowed quietly. 
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studentinpursuitofclouds · 1 year ago
“His gaze softened” at the farmer with Jio and Isaac? I hope it’s not much to ask, it can be a headcanon or whatever you’re comfortable writing
Hey hey, dear anon!👋
To this, I decided to write small scenarios, hope you don't mind. Thanks for the ask and enjoy! ❤️
"Thank you so much! We are now free! Thank you! Thank you!"
Like fireflies, the freed souls had been circling the Farmer for several minutes now, their delicate voices shouting words of gratitude to their saviour from Gabriella's corruption. The surprised young Farmer, while picking wildflowers in Ridge Forest, didn't notice at all how in an instant they were surrounded by flying souls, once cursed, now given a well-deserved rest.
And before being in Yoba's embrace, the little souls want to thank the brave hero one last time for their exploits.
Jio, who had caught this amazing scene during his patrol, decided to stay in disguise, hidden from the eyes of the Farmer themself and from the spirits. The curious elf's gaze was completely fixed on the owner of the farm, a descendant of their Grandmother, the same heroine that had also stopped the spreading evil in Ridgeside Village, alas at the cost of her own life.
Even Jio, who was stingy with his emotions, couldn't hold back a smile as the flying freed souls circled over Farmer, bestowing small kisses on them. Oh, how the Farmer laughed at the ticklish ghostly touches, how their cheeks turned slightly pink with praise, how their eyes splashed with genuine joy that they had been able to help the tortured souls finally find freedom and peace!
And how Jio's gaze softened at the sight of them...
Always pestering him, always running around, always helping everyone in trouble, always naive, always listening, always kind. Always so... so...
"O ho ho! Did someone fall in love?"
Naturally, Daia dodged the swing of Jio's sword, who was not the least bit sorry at the raised weapon against his colleague. For there's no need to sneak up on him like that and scare him!
Giving the giggling Daia a stern look, the elf vanished into the mist and disappeared. In the future, he made a note to himself that he would go on patrol alone...
Isaac still couldn't understand how he had ended up at the Flower Dance in the Stardew Valley, a place where the distance from here to the Castle Village was almost a continent. He could understand the reason for his identity's presence at Spirit's Eve, since Isaac was in charge of catching Shadow brute and skeletons, so why he's here? But Camilla had the last word, so now they both joined in watching the young Pelican couples dance.
Bored with those silly slow movements to the music, Isaac involuntarily shifted his gaze to Farmer, who was standing not far away and also watching the dance.
It was strange why they weren't dancing. There were plenty of partners to choose from, could they not find anyone?
Especially since they are dressed as smartly as the others. They were neat, with flowers and bright patterns on their clothes - Isaac often found them soiled in the mud and blood of monsters, but here it was as if they were completely different person. So mesmerising... The experienced adventurer with the scar couldn't stop looking at them.
He hadn't noticed that he'd been staring at them for a minute, that his gaze had softened, that he'd fallen into dreamy thoughts.
But Camilla did notice, and with a giggle and a sly smile, she brought Isaac out of his daze. The adventurer immediately came to his senses, giving the witch of the Castle Village an stern look which made Camilla's grin even wider. Luckily for Isaac, she didn't comment on this, but that doesn't mean Isaac won't have to endure more teasing from her. Sigh...
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