#for being rubes
lacewise · 4 months
Oh we’re doing that thing again where we pretend business degrees are useless so that way if (when) corporations commit serious crimes or influencers commit serious ethical violations we can all be like “lol they didn’t know anything business school only teaches two+2!”
Meanwhile the textbook lays out the exact scenario as what NOT to do in week 2. In a textbook that, weirdly, no businessperson ever cites. Despite it being almost universally taught in classrooms and lecture halls. Sure.
It’s almost like people are pretending there aren’t regulations to learn in hopes that they’ll go away…
And the general public making those jokes are falling for it…
But of course the jokesters you like would never lie to you so it must be something else! Surely they’ve learned nothing about the tax code to exploit loopholes! They definitely haven’t learned any dodgy marketing practices! They’d have to go to a class for that! And business schools only teach… 2+2.
Remember this: people on the internet will lie to you for money. Never believe anything without fact checking and ascertaining they don’t have a vested interest in lying.
If you believe this, you have fallen directly for a dodgy marketing tactic.
We can do this right now: think of every influencer you know in a research-heavy niche who is known for or suspected of cutting serious research corners. Now think of influencers you know that make jokes about how business degrees are useless. I suspect a pattern might be emerging.
Fashion merchandising, accounting, and marketing are all business majors. We literally have not finished the reckoning of how marketing uses psychology and sociology to manipulate people. Please, let’s pretend to be just a little bit serious. You are nodding along with “accounting majors? They don’t know how to do math!” (And keep in mind… we all have to take basic accounting classes. A lot of jokes made about business majors and business school are only specifically applicable to one type of MBA student.) Use your brains. Don’t let weirdos you don’t know making a living on the internet lie to you.
I just watched a YouTube video where everyone was laughing at the students and neither the host or the comments put together that teaching comprehensive business ethics is an avenue for teaching the more cynical students a roadmap on how to disregard ethics and get away with it. Why? Because the host implied either the students weren’t paying attention or the professor was lying about the coursework, and the audience believed him.
If you see someone doing this: click off the video. Immediately. They are not a trustworthy source of information.
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lesbianchemicalplant · 10 months
knowing that there are people who immediately recognized the nolan oppenheimer movie as propaganda emphasizing Nuanced personal narratives around The Technology to whitewash the US' atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but are bizarrely credulous toward miyazaki's imperial japan historical revisionism flick simply because the national context is a little less familiar to them
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khryptid · 2 months
Missing the days where the Jedi Order used moxie, the power of Friendship™, a good deal of wit, and a lack of common sense to get shit done in the galaxy
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toffoliravioli · 10 months
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stay classy bl*es fans
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krourou2 · 1 year
Y’know everyone’s always "Ace Attorney crossover!" and "Professor Layton crossover!" about Ghost Trick, but you know what I think would be extremely funny?
Detective Conan crossover.
A guy who doesn't believe in ghosts, a girl who's terrified of the supernatural, and a guy who IS a ghost.
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creativitycache · 28 days
I’ve been writing Ch 21 for a month, just dying to have someone point out the error that is actually Plot in Ch 20. It’s been consuming me.
I am wiggling like a Golden Retriever who is begging for someone to notice the Trick I just did. I want people to be in on the [Spoiler]! I am making the face of someone who just told a horrible convoluted pun but the worst part of that metaphor is at this point I haven’t even posted the punchline.
These are all things that are normal to want and possible to achieve.
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guppygiggles · 3 months
You're welcome for the lee!Avery brainrot, dear friend :) It's always good to spread the ler mood and fluffy thoughts :p
... I want you to know that the lee!Avery brainrot you inflicted me with has persisted since you sent this ask. 😵‍💫
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snugglesquiggle · 5 months
juzi nation do u love me enough to forgive what i'm gonna do in Corrupt Combustion? it's definitely treason...
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fefairys · 11 months
funniest part of posting all these homestuck book annotation quotes is people being so surprised that hussie like… understands their own story. lmao
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radioaf-a · 6 months
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@opportunistic-chicanery asked Al : "Room for one, checking in." Hands the grinning man who's obviously a bellhop his luggage.
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Static can be heard as the radio demon that's in the site of the little green pest before him. Hmm clearly, he has no idea who he weas talking to how fun this well be. He lets the bugs bags hit the floor before while his grip on his cane tightens before he addresses the other with tight grin and narrow red eyes. “Opps.” He all he says to address the bags. “I see Nifty missed one of the roaches.” Oh was was going to have fun squashing this little bug. "That is what you are is it not? a cockroach?"
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valeriefauxnom · 7 months
For all the similarities people have noted between Dragalia Lost and Tales of the Abyss, with some of the plot beats and stuff (ahem replicas and fighting fate and sacrifice-), they shared an additional funny, ever-so-tiny point of comparison:
The use of the very very very rare word 'dreck'. Yes, the major meme and famous line(s) by Asch (and to a very small degree Van) that had many a person going:
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As Asch went:
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...and so on and so forth.
But yes, Dragalia itself randomly busted out a more complex vocabulary at times, and in that vocabulary, we have this:
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And while Emile is not the equivalent to Asch in Dragalia, the fact the word got used at all is rather funny.
So yeah. Dreck. I've never seen it outside of these two games. And it just so happens that the two that do use it recount a story of a replica main protagonist with some major family issues on a journey to eventually fight the concept of predetermination and die(...?) doing so!
Of course, there's plenty of differences (Luke was created as a replacement to die and failed to be a 'good enough' replacement for those around him in the meantime, Euden was created as a replacement meant to live and succeeded in integrating into his family because no one knew he wasn't the original brother, for a small microcosm of the differences), but hey.
Pattern (and vocab) recognizing brain go whir!
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bubblegum-gf · 2 days
ah my favorite minecraft serieses: be a hermit and run into traffic
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knightofleo · 3 months
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mobbothetrue · 10 months
How does one accidentally marry an sdv npc
The first time I picked up sdv I skipped a lot of dialogue. I was playing on my switch and primarily interested in the farming/mining/fishing stuff so whenever npc’s were talking to me I was skimming at best (I have since changed I prommy).
Eventually I decide I want to make friends in town bc they mail stuff to me sometimes. Sebastian likes sashimi. I can make sashimi and I have a boatload of fish, just, ambiently, on me.
(Did a lot of fishing, did not do a lot of selling).
So I get a whole stack of sashimi and, just, hand him a plate whenever I see him. Eventually I notice Pierre has a new item in stock. A bouquet! Wonder what that does. Maybe it has some kind of positive gift effect? I’ll give it to my buddy, Sebastian.
Continue handing him sashimi.
One day, I go to the beach when it’s raining, and notice a new npc. Buy the conch. Huh. Wonder what this does. I’ll try it on the first npc I see.
Sebastian goes to the beach on rainy days.
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ancientgreekyuri · 2 months
for the s/i ask game, 16 for Prospera?
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
Her home, Roseberyl, is a small duchy located southwest of the Mushroom Kingdom! It's a fairly wealthy place due to its abundance of gemstones, which can be found literally everywhere and anywhere, even growing on trees! Funnily enough most gems are considered worthless within the actual duchy due to how common they are, and so they're a major important. Rubees are the currency used in Roseberyl! Roseberyl toads tend to decorate their head-wear in fairly elaborate ways ^.^
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hi yes I know I am a young christian woman that recently got married, however would people stop asking me if I am pregnant/plan to get pregnant soon/if I want kids now or later and why
really damn tired of the same conversation
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