#for 90s spade this is a very good look lmao
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Everybody wants to talk. It's like a compulsion. My philosophy is: you got nothing to say, don't say it. They figure you can tell a D.D. anything, things they would never tell anyone else. Of course they're stoned to start.
Light Sleeper (1992) | dir. Paul Schrader
#theological cokehead my beloved#this is the first gifset with text babey!! milestone alert#light sleeper#paul schrader#david spade#willem dafoe#moviegifs#my gifs#own post#movies#movieedit#for 90s spade this is a very good look lmao
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Tagged by the very cool @dingyuxi (thanks fam!)
and tagging some mutuals off the top off my head no pressure! @melonatures, @deokmis @gimme-a-chocolate @forursmiles @digimoo @junghaesin @rain-hat @mockingjaypin @roarofalannister @seongwu
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? I have a couple, but one is red/black, one is blue, and the other white/gray
2. Name a food you never eat. Okra, my mom promised me I’d grow out of my distaste but im 26 and its still no
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold I am a tropics baby i thrive in heat (i know i live in the midwest)
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? trying to unclog our pipes with a bladder and some amateur plumbing
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? uhhh, anything chocolate but the kinder bueno ones
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? A couple, mainly basketball and went to one american football game because bb bro was too young to go by himself and i just sat and read a book
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? My roommate and I are dealing with a plumbing issue and trying to fix it and I have a call soon so I said let’s pause and come back to it later.
8. What is your favourite ice cream? Green tea followed closely by coffee.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? Water
10. Do you like your wallet? Yeah, i like its. its long and solid
11. What is the last thing you ate? a chocolate chip cookie
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? lol no
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? uhhhh idk, not an actual match but i think some mbappe highlights?
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? ooooo classic butter or kettle.
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? uh it was a group chat with my colleagues
16. Ever been camping? Yeah, when I was young. It wasnt straight camping it was at a site and it was with my girl scout troop lmao
17. Do you take vitamins? not regularly, sometimes some vitamin c if im feeling a little throat something coming up or iron before i donate blood
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? Not in a religious way? and when you do community organizing/work you are in a lot of churches and they always pray at the neighborhood association meetings.
19. Do you have a tan? lmaooooo. i am blessedly melenated and usually get a nice tan but its winter and lockdown so ive lost some of that :_;
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? lmao im with sam on this question, i dont like this question cause its a false equivalency and definitely chinese because the options??? and chinese food is so good???
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? uhhh....not really? usually in a glass or in a bottle.
22. What color socks do you usually wear? girl whatever socks i get, they range from black to white to pink to gray they dont match 90% of the time
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? wouldnt you like to know
24. What terrifies you? on a philosophical level seeing my loved ones hurt and failure. more physically? frogs freak me out, people in easter bunny costumes, clowns, and medieval plague doctors, actually the concept of existing in medieval Europe terrifies me
25. Look to your left, what do you see? im on our large conference table and it has a bunch of stuff but immediately to my life is my phone, some pens, my bullet journal and my copy of “collective courage”
26. What chore do you hate most? Washing dishes!!!! And compost
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? idk??? steve irwin?
28. What’s your favorite soda? Root beer and vanilla coke
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Drive thrus, because im probably already out and around doing errands.
30. What’s your favorite number? 13
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? My roommate, again about this plumbing issue.
32. Favorite meat? I really dont have a preference tbh, depends how they are prepared
33. Last song you listened to? Do it on the tip by Megan thee Stallion ft the City Girls
34. Last book you read? In the middle of a reread for “Collective Courage: A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice.��� by Jessica Gordon Nembhard and just starting “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents “ by Isabel Wilkerson.
35. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? maybe if i tried really hard but im not going to try
37. How do you like your coffee? With a little bit of creamer and sugar, like a decent brown color. I like the flavor of coffee so i dont want it too diluted.
38. Favorite pair of shoes? uh, dont really have one but something i can slip in and out of lmao
39. Time you normally get up? around 8/8:30am but in my heart id like to wake up at 10 or 11 ;_;
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets!!! also sunrises involve me getting up early and im not doing that hell no
41. How many blankets on your bed? Two since its winter, a comforter and a thick wool one.
42. Describe your kitchen plates super basic white round plates.
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment messy, we havent been able to wash our dishes because of the plumbing issue so hopefully that can be fixed today
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? mmmmm, idk? i have grown to like a good whiskey, usually a bulleit bourbon or this one bourbon w get from a local distillery. really any dark liquors, i will not do beer that shits dissssssgusting
45. Do you play cards? not regularly and i have tried to learn how to play eucher and spades and each time ppl explain it to me i forget it the next day and i just dont have that kind of brain capacity.
46. What color is your car? uh.....so i live in a commune basically lmao and we share vehicles so i personally dont own one but the couple i share with some other folks is Black and gold
47. Can you change a tire? Yeah, one unique thing about my parents were they were very fair around gendered roles(especially for south asians), so my mom was strict with my brother around learning how to cook/clean and my dad taught me how to work on cars/maintenance work around the house. so i can change tires/oil/do other car work
48. Your favorite state or province? i really like the pacific northwest and miss it.
49. Favorite job you’ve had? being an instructor for a course on globalization in college! also idk if i can classify what i do now as a “job” because its....unique but that too
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BTS Game
Tagged by: @mintjoonlep thanks for thinking of me!
Tagging: if you want to do the thing, do the thing
First BTS song? DNA. I had bought Just Dance as a way to trick myself into cardio, but I grew tired of it after a while. My kid LOVED all the foreign music, especially the K-Pop. So I asked my friend who had been listening to the genre for a long time what she would reccomend and within minutes I had like 14 youtube videos send to me xD. The kid hit on DNA like nothing else and then Idol shortly after and we’ve been hooked ever since.
First bias? Yoongi. I was doing those youtube “pick a thing and we’ll match you with an idol” type videos to learn faces and names and one of them I had done I got 18/20 Suga or something equally crazy. And then I noticed my eyes kept finding him the next time kiddo went on a binge of MVs, lol
Current bias? ah shit. Honsetly this can change by the day. So I guess today is Joon. Tomorrow might be Hoseok or Jin lol
Put the members in order on your bias list. I am ot7. I truly love all of these bois. But if I’m really honest with myself it is Hyungline then Makenaeline with surprising upsets that change day to day lmao
Favorite BTS song? oh god. uuuuhhhhhh. I have a soft spot for Waste It On Me but you could tell me that’s a Steve Aoki song and I’d be like “Fair”. I Need You (Urban Remix) is that same kind of love for me. I just can’t skip it no matter what mood I’m in
Favorite underrated BTS song? Let Go. Begin. I don’t know if these qualify but I do love them so
Favorite song on Wings? First Love. It was the first song I absolutely HAD to look up the lyrics to. It was late at night and some shitty fan cam, but I loved it immediately, and probably boosted my early Yoongi bais.
Favorite song on LY: Her, Tear, and Answer? Her - Dimple. just super cute and fun.
Tear - Airplane pt. 2. I lobe it all. And watching the guys dance in the rain is always a plus imo
Answer - Mic Drop (Steve Aoki Remix) [Full Length]. Sexiest thing they have ever done on stage. Dont @ me
Favorite MV? Danger? Grape Jin in eyeliner is too powerful to resist. And the shoulder/bicep section????? I also like the general aesthetic of War on Hormone because I am a degenerate 90s baby lmao. Airplane pt 2 again is very nice >.>
Favorite dancer? Yoongi or Tae. It’s easy to say Hobi or Jimin because they are very good at what they do and if they weren’t in this group I am very sure they would be talked about for their styles. Seeing either one or both of them on World of Dance would be a dream come true. But I like the “chip in the polish” that Yoongi and Tae have.They like to dance and are very good at it but it’s the lack of refinement that Hobi and Jimin have in spades that really draw me in to Y and T.
Favorite vocalist? Rap line. I’m not even kidding. Rapline singing is my BIGGEST weakness in this group.I know Joon fucks around and does silly shit with his voice but when he’s serious or his voice lends support on a track? yespleasethanksomg. And the other two have such natural abilty as well. Out of Vocalline though it’s Jin. He has such a unique tone to him that I really like. And that range?? gdlk
Favorite rapper? I dont know if I can pick.They’re each so unique and talented. I’d probably have to say Yoongi tho. His voice just gives me chills no matter what.
Favorite hair color on each member? Any shade of purple/blue really. That anime boi shit is my jam. MintYoongi will forever live in my heart with curly haired Tae tho. I know it’s not a color but I am SOFT for it okay?? Favorite choreography? Black Swan. The shoulder section of Danger. Idol is impressive everytime. I can’t wait to see what choreos they have planned for when they tour again.
Favorite ship? Joon/books Yoongi/naps Jin/fishing Hobi/sound effects Tae/art Jimin/laying in laps JK/ARMYs
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I have to tell you something but PLEASE, please, don't be mad. I love Brienne, and I loved her with Jamie, and I'm mad and sad that they didn't get to have their happy ending...but I don't think his ending was shit. Or OOC. First at all, book!Jamie is not TV!Jamie: his relationship with Cersei is different, not as sick or manipulative. He loves his siter and is loved by her in a more "helthier" way: in the show she told Tywing the truth about them, and it's huge considering the love for power1/?
He watched her lose their 3 children, he learned about her walk of shame to get back to Tommen, he witnessed Robert’s humiliations. I think he would have stayed with Brienne if she knew his sister was safe, but he couldn’t be happy if his siter died and he did nothing to save her. He needed to be that person, otherwise all his growth would be lost, and he would have dragged Brienne in his spiral, and he didn’t want to make her miserable. To me he is still an honorable man, bc when there was a chance to do something, he did it: he killed the king to save KL, he fought the dead army, but over and over he said that the Lannister army didn’t stand a chance against the dragons or the Dathraki, he was not a fool. His speech was not about NOT CARING, it was about knowing there was nothing he could have done. He did good, he was good, and till his last moment he tried to be honorable, he tried to be the person Brienne inspired him. P.s.: Still heartbroken that he died, but I think there is some poetic justice with Cercei crashed by the symbol of the power she tried lo long to hold.
anon, I appreciate that you’re being nice and I appreciate that you’re trying to find some sense in this entire thing, but… okay, I’ll go over it and please don’t take me as *me* being mad or whatever but I don’t think a few things were clear here so I’ll try to do it now:
jc in the show is not healthier. it might be different, but it’s not and the fact that it might have been less obvious doesn’t mean that they didn’t drag that toxic mess out for four seasons when it had no reasons to exist. now: I was down with looking at it until s4 because that was book canon and I can deal with book canon. I had to look at three more fucking seasons of that toxic abusive mess happening and I don’t know if it’s obvious or not, but if I have one thing, like one in the universe that I can’t deal with, that I hate and that makes me feel sick more than anything else it’s emotional/psychological manipulation. and show!jc has that in spades and I can’t. like, as it is right now I’m pretty damn sure I’d take reading explicit thramsay fic that ends horribly with annexed detailed fanart than even rewatching five seconds of a scene where those two are in the same frame and is2g if they had kissed at the end of 8x05 I’d have thrown up. please for the love of everything if you think it’s better than book canon your prerogative, but don’t come at me informing me of that because I can’t. especially not right now;
I honestly can’t give much of a damn about the stuff c. suffered when 80% of that is her damn fault and I’m especially talking about tommen who only did that because she gave zero shits about his opinion in anything but we’re supposed to think she’s a good mother or that she cares which makes me especially sick because people have decided that for her out of nowhere when we all know how much leeway they give catelyn for that and I’m honestly done with it, and maybe it’s not inconsistent that he’d care, but it’s inconsistent how they wrote it;
because I mean if they showed some half-regret over leaving brienne or she was mentioned or if the entire thing was addressed instead of spending four episodes building it up and then did in four minutes what it took six feet under an entire season to do with nate and brenda back in the day is bad writing, has no consistency, it also murdered tyrion as a character because I can’t believe that in the span of two episodes he goes from I’m happy that you’re happy to WELL I DON’T HATE MY SISTER SO MUCH JUST GO TO PENTOS when ah, wait, c. sent bronn to kill both of them?
also ‘who ever cared abotu the innocents’ or whatever the fuck that line was??? wow, that’s all this asshole has ever cared about in canon to the point of losing his reputation for it not counting c. or tyrion at least in the very beginning of the series when everyone thinks he’s an ass, and I have to buy that this episode was halfway decent writing?
also: even if I was okay with jaime’s ending - which I could have been if at least it amounted to something because that entire episode was a plot hole after plot hole (where’s widow’s wail? he waves WITH THE FAKE HAND??? WTF??, did he ring the bells so he actually helped destroy the city without knowing dany would lose her shit through jon connington’s ghost possessing her? if bran didn’t rat him out bc he had A ROLE TO PLAY what was the damned role since he hasn’t done anything until now that warranted it??? just the first four) and he didn’t even… help cersei or take her out like he literally was there to just give her some basic human comfort and rocks fall everyone dies, what’s the sense of it?? -, anon, this entire narrative leaves brienne horribly;
because sorry but in the best of chances she’s not pregnant and someone lies to her and tells her jaime went there to stop cersei and tried to be honorable (which given what they made him say about not caring for the innocents makes it bad writing but nvm) and she can think okay, I waited years for the right guy to trust/open myself to and then he left me like that but at least he did it for a good reason now will I ever trust anyone again, maybe, and I assure you that getting over such a thing is not too easy, but that would be the best option. mid-bad option: she still thinks he did it for the right reasons but she’s pregnant so hey, she has an illegitimate child from a man who left her like that to go into a senseless death making her believe she was wrong about him and breaking her heart and she has to play single mother in tarth without him or maybe she can hedge knight along with the kid or leave him with pod or smth but that doesn’t look good on jaime either. or worse, she’s pregnant and she finds out he went just to die with cersei and didn’t even mention her or anything to tyrion along the way so she did all of the above…. for a guy who at the end of it as the narration puts it just went back to die with c. and a kid he didn’t even know might be real or not when she could have given him what he always craved/wanted/needed and left her like that? like, anon, even if it was a good ending for jaime, there is no bloody way that brienne gets out of this mess of a season with a dignified ending unless they somehow manage to pull a miracle out of their arses and sorry but their writing has been so bad that I honestly doubt it, not even david milch showing up like the calvarly could salvage this crap of a finale, and for all characters tbqh, not just them;
on top of that, sorry but it passes the message that brienne, only rep. in this show for nonstandard attractive people who spends years thinking she’ll never find love and suddenly thinks she can be happy with the guy who also fulfilled her greatest dream and opens herself up to him putting her vulnerability on the line (and while I don’t really think the whole virginity thing is that much of an issue since she actually did manage to give it to the guy she wanted it does mean something in this context)…………. shouldn’t have done it because wow, left like that without a second thought and without being addressed in the next episode at all by at least tyrion who has spent the previous four episodes either admiring her or trying to get her and jaime together never mind jaime? wow, I mean, I surely signed up to see the character I always saw myself in getting this shit treatment by people who obviously didn’t understand either her or jaime at the bottom of it for as much as I still think 8x04 did it right until the end?
anon, I appreciate your optimism about that narrative, but this episode was so badly written that it managed to about destroy the narratives of characters that weren’t even in it (sansa and brienne, and let’s not even discuss sansa because lmao), to have every single person but davos and possibly jon but meh behave ooc given what half of their lines said if not their actions because even if we take jaime’s actions as your reading (legit) what they made him say was still atrocious and ooc and same for tyrion, let’s not even touch dany or sandor/arya or really anyone that wasn’t davos. I cannot, in all good conscience, find anything good about this mess because it was badly written. period. even if we decide that the plot and motivations were fine and we try to make them make sense the way you did, the execution was shit, the dialogue was shit, it looked like they weren’t even trying, it did a disservice to every single character that was in it except davos who was there for five seconds to smuggle stuff and I honestly, honestly, cannot even find the force of will to try to make sense of it.
this entire season has been a gigantic plot hole, it wasn’t coherent within its own narration see ep. 2 clashing with ep. 8, 90% of what happened post 8x02 was for shock value without giving a single fuck about making it look in character and making the characters behave nonsensically - and I don’t mean just jaime, I mean all of them to serve the undoubtedly wtf shocking ending they have in plan for us which if I guessed already I’ll hate with the force of a thousand suns, and I’m honestly done with trying to make sense of this thing because nothing makes sense anymore. I appreciate that y’all are trying but I give up. I can’t make sense of a narrative that goes like ‘we’re doing this because it’s cool and if it doesn’t add up with everything we did before who gives a fuck’, and I honestly can do without trying to find a silver lining in a show that has totally twisted the message of the books and turned into an angst fest for which everyone has to be miserable at all costs or it’s not good tv, and that’s the last I’m going to say about this specific matter because:
a) I’m tired, b) I want to finish my spitefics and ignore this mess ever happened and concentrate on doing something that makes me happy, c) if I just keep on thinking about how bad this was IN GENERAL I wish jaime was my #1 problem I just feel worse and I don’t need it, d) the fact that they did brienne this dirty and she wasn’t even in this episode is really leaving the worst sour taste in my mouth and it’s already bad enough that I have to hope her ending is only 80% crap and not 100% crap, I honestly can’t with discourse that tries to find any basic sense in how this episode was conceived and executed beyond my problems with jc, jaime’s writing and the fact that they managed to get wrong one of his three most basic character traits that has nothing to do with brienne or jb for that matter.
thanks for being polite and nice about this and I swear I’m not mad but I honestly can’t with this episode and I would appreciate if from this point on anyone could refrain from trying to make jc sound better than it is where I can see it/where I can’t blacklist it because it’s really not a good idea right now. thanks again and have a possibly nicer than than mine. ;)
#Anonymous#ask post#only slightly less toxic than chernobyl's ruins#anti-cersei lannister#anti-cersei#anti-lannincest#anti-jaime x cersei#got negativity#game of thrones spoilers for ts#jaime x brienne for ts#otp: i dreamed of you#guys i get it but no#and now i'm going to do some work see y'all later
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Sherlock 4x01 thoughts
My expectations for the season are low overall--season 3, and their “lol u suckers Had Feelings About the Fall lmao Fuck You” subtext in 3x01, cured me of the idea that Mofftiss were trying to make Meaningful, Emotionally Realistic Drama (as opposed to Exciting, Beautifully-Shot Adult Soap Opera). I’m not of the “omg they focus too much on relationships!11!!! this show should be only crimesolving!11!” crowd, but I do think they’re not nearly as clever or as good at plotting in any sort of realistic way as they think they are, and although this is a show ABOUT a detective and not a detective show, as they always say, you do still need good mysteries to underpin your Character Exploration, which...they are not that good at, sorry to say. Anyway, as long as it looks nice and is somewhat entertaining, my expectations will be mostly met.
I didn’t mind this ep. It wasn’t my fave ever, but the spy tropes it leaned on hit me in the id, and I don’t mind Mary backstory, so I’m good with those bits, and the Holmes Bros content was off the chain, which delighted me. (I’m like....90% sure Mycroft will bite it or otherwise be ushered offstage by the end of the season to further Sherlock’s emotional growth, so I’m taking all Mycroft content with both hands and holding it tight until then.) I also like seeing the characters be assholes, which John in particular delivered in spades, and seeing Sherlock get pwned, which I think he did by the end in a way he hasn’t pretty much ever, sort of a continuation of the “Sherlock realizes he fucked up post-TRF” train that 3x03 was. I don’t think it’s particularly weaker than their average middling episode. Next week’s drug-fuelled (?) fuckery should be...interesting...in the wake of this ep.
Super spoilery under the cut.
Idk if Mary is actually dead For Real. That’s....hard to fake, her bleeding out in John’s arms with like 5 other people watching. But Mofftiss are very bad at making death have lasting emotional resonance or permanence so far, and I think there were rumors AA was seen filming stuff for later eps? Which could easily be flashbacks of some sort, but hey.
If she is dead for realz, that’s pretty textbook fridging in one sense--dying to cause the main male characters emotional agony and drive a wedge between them--but at least her life story itself was pretty interesting, if underexplored. Kind of weird to put it in 4x01, since it implies 4x02 and 4x03 will somehow TOP that in emotional fuckery (RIP in advance, Mycroft, I guess), which I guess is a point in favor of “she’s not really dead~~~.” And yeah, Mary gets fridged in the original ACD canon (or at least never appears onscreen again after a certain point), but you know, John also doesn’t have a kid in the original ACD canon, so it’s not like they HAD to follow that with regard to this.
Anyway, I liked her and Sherlock’s bro-ness this episode (#marylock was real) and the mutual bitching/ripping each other circle among the three. I will miss that. </3 And I don’t find it surprising or beyond the pale that John, who is as bad as Sherlock at dealing with emotions and issues and who repeatedly fails to seriously confront the elephant in the room of a) Sherlock fake dying on him and loving him (in whatever way you want to define that) and b) Mary being an assassin and loving him, is a cheating ho-bag; I’ve been waiting for Fucked-Up John Content for a while now, so this season should be promising in that regard. (And really, I suspect it was more emotional cheating than anything seriously physical, and also from setlock spoilers I’ve read, the woman he’s cheating with is quite possibly a plant of Toby Jones’s somehow? Maybe? IDK. So plot.) And tbh I just like the “everyone on this show aside from Greg and Molly is an amoral douche” aesthetic.
Speaking of amoral douches, seeing the dream-shot of Redbeard and the beach (with baby Holmes bros?) only reinforces to me that there will be Holmes bros emotional reckoning this season (with quite possibly fatal consequences), considering a) interviews mentioning this, and b) the behind-the-scenes shots of how Sherlock keeps a picture of them as kids at the beach in his room somewhere. I’m both looking forward to and dreading that #content.
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