#football theme bedroom decor
sketsagriya · 2 years
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This home is an Airbnb short term rental, but it's so much fun, if I had $7.9M + $42mo. HOA to buy the 1993 estate in Clermont, FL, I would live in it full time. It has 12bds, 9ba on 54.38 acres. The price includes the business, so you get all the stuff with it.
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This room with the full kitchen and huge screen TV has theater seating and look at the balconies with figures on them. The double doors say "Cinema," so I guess this is also the home theater, but it looks like a family room.
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Tropical rainforest dining room with a carved table and chairs.
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Arcade games, a pool table, and a TV area.
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Plus another full kitchen with a table that looks like a baseball.
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The bedrooms have themes- here we have a football field.
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Ski chalet?
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The baths are spacious, but basically white, nothing special.
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Who wants the golf cart bed? And, simulated golf room.
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Are you ready to rumble in the wrestling room?
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The body builder's room.
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Love the race car room.
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Some coordinated baths are decorated.
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The B-Ball room.
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Baseball bunk room.
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Ski ball. This is more my speed.
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And, it has a cool bath.
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Black light bunk room has a beachy motif.
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Florida bird cage pool.
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The description says 3 kitchens, but this is the 5th I've counted.
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Picnic area. Guests have to share the house.
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Outdoor games.
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There's a boat house.
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Looks like one of those swan pedal boats.
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The house is managed by an outside company, but the new owner can choose to do it himself. Also, the current owner has more ideas that the new owner can add to the property. I'm a little disappointed that every single room is sports-themed.
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alwritey-aphrodite · 11 months
Halloween party with Jaime Tartt😍 I can only image the couples costume ideas he would have
2023 Fall Blurbs
It doesn’t surprise you that Jamie is a social butterfly, fluttering from one party to another every weekend. What does surprise you, just a little, is exactly how much he wants you by his side at all the parties, no matter how high profile or low key.
“Keeley’s throwing a little Halloween party tonight, figured we’d go to that,” Jamie says through the open bathroom door as he works his way through his morning skincare routine and you continue to lounge in bed. You don’t like getting up before you know exactly what needs to get done today, and now that you have your day all planned, you stretch and start brainstorming costume ideas.
While Keeley is always the hostess of the century, tonight is something more intimate, a handful of people crowded into her immaculately decorated living room and eating all the themed snacks she’s set out as she flits from group to group to make sure everyone’s enjoying themselves. In contrast to the parties you usually attend with Jamie, you know practically everyone here, but Jamie remains glued to your side anyway, keeping a hand on your lower back or knee or thigh when you sit next to each other.
It’s hard not to get flustered with the way Jamie looks at you, especially after he’s had a few of the festive drinks Keeley came up with, all adoring and wide-eyed as you tell a story about a coworker to the small group that has gathered around you. It always shocks you a little just how receptive Jamie’s teammates and friends are, how they’re so interested in whatever you have to say despite the fact that they’re all famous footballers and ex-models.
Excusing yourself to get a drink, you slip off of the couch and out of Jamie’s loving grip, making your way to the less crowded kitchen. It’s cooler and quieter, and you take a second to breathe fully after filling up the cup Keeley had bought specifically for you.
“I was wonderin’ where you went,” Jamie says, turning into the kitchen with pink cheeks and shining eyes, a grin on his beautiful face.
“Just needed a refill,” you reply, holding up the cup as evidence as Jamie makes his way over to you, wrapping his arms around you loosely in a gentle embrace that’s more suited to your bedroom than the kitchen at a Halloween party, but you’ll never complain about his loving touches.
“We should throw our own party,” he says, mumbling into your hair and you know he hasn’t been sticking to Roy’s two drink rule, but you can’t find it in you to scold him, not even playfully.
“Sure, Jamie,” you reply, confident he won’t remember this conversation or his desire to host a party come morning, “we can start planning tomorrow.”
Satisfied with your answer, Jamie releases you, taking your hand instead and leading you back towards the party where Colin is entertaining everyone with a story his boyfriend told him. You slip back in perfectly unnoticed, Jamie settling his hand against your thigh again and relaxing into the couch in a way that makes your heart flutter. Maybe you’ll have to throw a Halloween party for real, just to see Jamie this relaxed and gorgeous.
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burrowbaddie · 1 year
This was a request for Dad!Joe celebrating his son's birthday. I hope you like it @mrsshiesty
Dad!Joe is the type of dad to go all out for his son every birthday. I'm talking about he wakes up at 5 am to decorate his door. Joe has kept a neat list in his phone of everything his son even glanced at or mentioned. Dad!Joe might have gone overboard and bought him every toy he asked for throughout the year.
"Joe, do we really need to do this. I think-"
"Shhh. You'll wake him. I think it's a good tradition. Plus, he really likes it. With the new baby coming, he's been feeling left out." Joe whispers. You nod your head and pass him the tape. When you announced you were pregnant, Little Joe didn't take it so well. He did not want a sister he would have to share his daddy with. You rub your belly, watching your husband put the final touches on the door. This year, Jojo was really into dinosaurs. He had you and Joe redecorate his room to a dinosaur-themed room, including a Jeep bed with a T-Rex head hanging over it.
"It looks great. Now can we please go to bed? I'm 8 months, my feet hurt, and if I don't get my sleep in, I will be even more cranky."
Joe nods and pulls you to the bedroom. You only get two more hours of sleep before the birthday boy comes running in.
"Happy birthday to me! Jojo is 5 now!" He shouts. Joe sits up, pulling Jojo into the bed. You watch your son bounce on the bed excitedly.
"Dad! Make me the oatmeal with the dino eggs, please!" Jojo screams. Joe scoops him up, and they disappear, leaving you to sleep for a little bit more. You wake up around 10:30 to the boys watching Jurassic Park. You can't even remember the number of times Jojo has made you both watch those movies. You could probably recite the lines. Joe crawls out of the tent to pepper your face with kisses.
"Have you guys just been watching this?"
"Yeah, it's what he wanted. Hurry up and shower; you know we're taking him to the dinosaur exhibit." He reminds you.
"Actually, I need to stay here and get things ready plus, I think this will be good for you guys to talk. Our daughter will be here in 3 weeks, and he still refuses to talk about it." You whisper the last part. Joe agrees and takes Jojo upstairs to shower and get ready. The boys return wearing matching t-shirts and shorts. You kiss your boys and wish them farewell for now. You need to get everything ready for the surprise party.
"Dad. I'm a big kid now. I can sit in the front, right?"
"Not yet, kiddo. You need to get a little bit older." Joe laughs, strapping him into his car seat. Jojo starts playing with his T-rex along the drive. When they arrive, Joe gets stopped by some fans in the parking lot. He takes photos, but when the crowd gets too much, he has to decline. He didn't want to ruin Jojo's day.
"Why are those people taking photos, Dad?"
"I'm famous."
"Because Daddy plays football professionally; remember we talked about it?"
Jojo stares at him.
"But you're just daddy. How can you be famous?"
"Umm, you know the movie we watch? The people on there are acting professionally, so they are also famous." Joe explains. Jojo stares at him again.
"Am I famous?" He asks. Joe chuckles.
"Kinda, but not really."
"I see. Look how big this brachiosaur is!" Jojo shouts, wiggling out of Joe's arms. Joe sets him down and watches his son sprint the outside standee. Joe snaps a few photos and sends them to you. Jojo takes his hand and leads him to the entrance. Joe takes out his card to pay, but the cashier lets' him know it's free.
"I can't do that. It's fine."
"We insist, Joe." The manager says.
"At least let me pay for the family behind me." Joe hands the card over and the manager charges it. Jojo taps his foot waiting for his father to come. Joe finally finishes and takes his hand.
"We should start with the North America dinosaurs, then make our way around," Jojo shouts, holding up the map. Joe does his best to let Jojo take the lead, but people keep stopping them.
"Dad! We're going to miss the show!" Jojo yells.
"I need to get-"
"You need to get us another ring." An older guy says with his buddy nodding.
"I will try my best. Next season we plan to go harder." Joe nervously laughs.
"Dad!" Jojo screams, causing everyone to look. Joe excuses himself and follows Jojo.
"Sorry, the show started and unfortunately once it started we can't let anyone in." The worker apologizes but Jojo's eyes start to water.
"I'm so sorry little man."
"Take me home! I want Mommy!" He cries.
"Look, we still have one more floor to go to."
"I said home!" Jojo runs off, and Joe chases him. He picks Jojo up and takes him to the last floor. Jojo buries his face in Joe's neck and refuses to pay attention. Joe mispronounces the dinosaur names on purpose so that Jojo corrects him every time.
"No that is Diplodocus, dad." Jojo corrects him smiling.
"So smart." Joe kisses his head and lets Jojo down to explore. This time Joe refuses photos and autographs, which most people understand. He is not there at star quarterback Joe Burrow. Today he is only dad. Joe takes Jojo back for the show, but the next show isn't until 3, and they needed to head home for the party.
"It's his birthday today, and it would really mean a lot."
"I understand, but there is nothing I can do."
"Can you ask you, manager, please tell him it's for Joe Burrow." Joe folds his hand, begging. He hated using the I'm Joe Burrow thing, but it was Jojo's birthday, and he wanted to see this show. Joe would do anything to keep him happy. The worker pages the manager.
"Play the show, Helen. Are you insane? Whatever Joe wants!" He replies. Helen laughs and lets Joe and Jojo in. Joe is happy they are alone because he is starting to feel bad turning down kids for photos. Jojo placed his 3D glasses on and sat back, watching the show go on. In the end, he couldn't stop smiling.
"Dad, when I grow up, I want to study dinosaurs! Unless you want me to play football."
"Jojo, you can be anything you want to be. If you want to be a Paleontologist, go for it. Your mom, sister, and I would be proud of you either way." Joe says, picking him up and placing him in the car. Jojo looks down at his new T-Rex plushie and frowns.
"My sister?"
"Yes. You know mommy is pregnant and carrying your little sister in her belly right. I know you've been upset about it but it will be fun to be a big brother."
"You're not a big brother; how would you know?" Jojo rolls his eyes.
"You're right, but I'm a little brother, and having a sibling is the best thing in the world. You remember in the film how the older triceratops protected his little sister?"
"Yes. That's what I will do too. I'll protect sissy!" Jojo smiles.
"You will. And me and Mommy will protect both of you."
"unless one of us is the weaker one, then Mommy will abandon us." Jojo mumbles. Joe laughs. Maybe he shouldn't use dinosaurs to explain family. When they arrive home, Joe takes Jojo to the backyard, where everyone jumps out shouting surprise. The backyard has been transformed into a Jurassic theme. Jojo squeals and jumps with excitement. He runs around, saying hello to everyone and then to the huge dino figure near the pool. Finally, he makes his way to you.
"Mommy, I can't wait for sissy to come! I'll be the best big brother."
"Aww, my baby." You bend down to hug him feeling your little girl kick. Jojo runs around with his cousin and friends, playing. When it's time to open gifts, you shake your head at the amount Joe got Jojo. After cleaning up, and when the guest leaves, you take a much-needed bath. You find your favorite boys in bed waiting for you. Jojo lies in the middle, smiling. You and Joe got pregnant fresh out of college. At 21, you had no idea what the future would hold, but you made the decision to be a stay-at-home mom and support Joe's career. It was the best decision you've ever made. 5 years later, you are still madly in love and expecting child number two. Joe kisses your head and then Jojo's head. Jojo kisses your belly and turns on Jurassic Park 2.
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jungle-angel · 11 months
Cozy Domestic Prompts for Winter
It's that time of the year guys, when hell freezes over and I'd love nothing more than to bundle up in a bunch of wool and hide under a big cozy blankie (lol). Taking requests for Top Gun Maverick, Outer Range, Bad Times At The El Royale, Catch 22 (Hulu), Salem's Lot, Press Play and Lessons in Chemistry.
Sledding with the babies
First Snowfall
Curling up in the library by the fireplace while the snow falls
Warm apple or pumpkin pies
Bundling up the babies on a cold night and tucking them into bed
Lighting the woodstove in the bedroom
The cat(s) or the dog(s) warming their hoomans' feet
Teaching the baby to catch snowflakes on their tongue
Prepping the farm/ranch for winter
Warm cookies
"Oh my God!!! Your feet are freezing!"
Knitting a hat, scarf and mittens for their s.o
Shopping for Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations
"Do you wanna build a snowman?"
Making Christmas and Thanksgiving decorations by hand
School being called off and having an epic snow day with their s.o and the kids
Warming up in a hot bath with their s.o
Making snow angels
Marshmallows roasting on an open fire
Cooking Thanksgiving dinner while the snow falls outside
Chaos ensuing while Thanksgiving dinner is being prepped
Making fresh gingerbread cake or cookies
Finally not having to plow or shovel the driveway and being able to pay a family friend to plow
"Get your mitts out of the food!"
Warming their clothes near the woodstove before bed
Reading to the babies on a cold winter night while they're all snuggled in momma and daddy's bed
The cat or the dog snuggling with the kids to keep them warm
Sitting with their s.o by the fire and watching the snow fall outside
"I've heard of ugly sweaters but ugly pjs?"
Giving their s.o a piece of winter themed jewelry
Going out at the full moon in winter and calling to an animal friend who lives near the farm/ranch
Getting to see the aurora for the first time
Hot breakfast/lunch/dinner on a cold shitty day
Warm slippers
"Let me warm you up"
A new pair of boots
"I'm only wearing your Carhardt because my jacket is in the wash"
Hot drinks
"How's about an early kiss under the mistletoe"
"Is that even gonna fit in the oven?"
Ice hockey game with family and friends
"It's too cold to go out, you wanna build a pillow fort instead?"
Singing around the fire with their family
Winter hiking
Snowball fight
Watching their s.o paint a winter landscape
School being called off early due to a snowstorm
"What is it with Lucy and that damn football?"
Counting the stars and constellations on a winter night
Winter bonfires
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
The ABC's of Nick Vaughn - "L"
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Pairing: Reader x Nick Vaughn (Before We Go)
Summary: Children its time to learn your ABCs. And Nick Vaughn is here to teach you the lessons. 26 glimpses in the world of you and Nick Vaughn
Warnings: S-M-U-T!!!! (under 18 please leave the chat!) descriptions of sexual activity including some themes of BDSM, loss of virginity, fluffy bits, pet name etc...
The new upload will probably be Sundays and Thursdays. Have fun kittens! Also, the tag list is open!
A/N: This one is longer than usual because of context readers. Also, I have nothing against cheerleaders, jocks, homemakers etc. This one was based on personal experience.
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Previous: K - Kink
ABC Masterlist - Main Masterlist
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L - Location
Heading into Boston, you hold Nick’s hand as he drives, tracing patterns into his skin.  He looks over and smiles, bring your hand up to his mouth to place a gentle kiss. “Have I told you today that you look beautiful?” 
“Not in the last hour, no.” You giggle as you look out the window. You loved visiting Boston; Nick’s parents were great and welcoming. But this weekend was a little bit different.  It was Nick’s 20th high school reunion, and he was a little bit anxious to attend.  And he wouldn’t tell you why.  
After arriving at the Vaughn’s family home and having lunch, you went up to Nick’s old bedroom to get ready.  You set your hair into soft waves, romantic makeup on your face.  As you applied the red lipstick Nick loved so much, you saw the man in the mirror, looking a little down. “Honey, you ok?” 
He seemed to snap out of it.  “Yeah, sorry,” he shook his head. “I’m just a little lost in my thoughts.”  
“Is everything ok? You seem nervous.” You went to sit next to him, taking his hand.  
“Just not sure what to expect tonight.”  He sighed loudly. “I haven’t spoken to a lot of these people since we graduated.  I wasn’t exactly popular in high school.”  He hung his head. “I was a nerd.”  
“Everyone thinks that about themselves.”  
“No really.  Had braces, acne, bad haircut, the works.  I played in the marching band, and I had a crush on a girl.” He looked away. “Stephanie Winters. And I asked her to homecoming.  She said yes and then, when I went to pick her up, she had ditched me for Danny Adams, the running back.”  
“Oh, baby...” 
“I was humiliated and I never got to have a school dance.  I didn’t play at the football games anymore. That field just had bad memories.” He laid back on the bed.  “I don’t know if I can face those people.”  
You laid back next to him. “I think you should walk in with your head held high, don’t let anyone tear you down and show them how Professor Vaughn handles it.”  
“You’re amazing, you know that.”  
“I know,” you reply with a wink.  
“You look gorgeous.  Let’s show you off to my old classmates.” He stood up and offered his hand. You took it, your engagement ring blinking in the soft light of the room.  
As you entered the gymnasium, you took in the decorations. Navy blue and gold, the school colors, but whoever put them up made them tacky AF. Streamers and balloons glitter everywhere, it looks more for a tween than an adult party. “Gosh, this is... a lot,” you whispered to Nick.  
He laughed under his breath.  “It looks like something...” he stopped. “Stephanie.” You turned to see a blonde with blue eyes walk towards you. You tightened your grip on Nick’s hand as she approached but then you really saw her.  Heavily made up, a tight dress but you could clearly see it was not made for someone her age but rather someone twenty years younger.  She was trying too hard.  “Nicky!” She squealed. You huffed as she went to hug him.  
Nick tried to dodge the hug, but she came on full force.  “Hi Stephanie.”  
“Oh em gee! It has been so long. You look so...good,” she cooed as she looked him up and down, shamelessly checking him out.  Nick grew uncomfortable and took a step back, re-grasping your hand.  
“Thanks. Stephanie, I would like to introduce to you my fiancé, YN. Sweetheart, this is Stephanie Winter.”  
“Stephanie Adams,” she corrected. “Danny and I got married right after senior year. “ 
“Wow,” Nick replied.  You cleared your throat to stop laughing.  “Congratulations, I guess.”  
Stephanie looked you over and you could clearly see she was judging you. You didn’t shrink back, you stood proud next to Nick. “Well congratulations to you as well Nicky...”  
“Please, just Nick,” he interrupted. “Are you working on your dance career Stephanie? I remember that’s what you wanted to do in high school. “ 
“Oh, no,” she waved him off, “once I had the kids, I just stayed home with them.  Danny went to work at the real estate office.  What are you doing now?” 
“Oh, well I’m a professor at NYU and YN here just made partner at her law firm.” He looked over at you adoringly. “I’m so proud of her.  And with the wedding just a few weeks away, we are just living our best life.”  
“That’s great,” you can hear the tightness in her voice.  “Well, I have to get back, planning and decorating all of this has been so tough but it was really great to see you, Nick.”  She walked away and Nick let out a low whistle.  
“What is it baby?” 
“I fucking dodge a bullet with that one.”  You both let out loud laughs as you saw Stephanie walk over to a man who was balding slightly and had the beginnings of a beer gut.   
“Let me guess, Danny?” 
“Yep.” Nick shrugged. “I have no words.”  
Dotted around the room were photos of the class from their time at Cambridge High School.  You finally found one of Nick and you smiled.  He was as described, albeit a little more puppy fat on his frame.  However, he had a major glow-up in your honest opinion.  Nick was the hottest guy here.  As Nick returned with your glass of champagne, you curled into him.  “So, where would the most popular guy in the school take his date?” 
“Under the bleachers,” Nick replied. He looked at you and could see the look in your eyes. “Why?” 
“Because I want to erase all these bad memories from the football field,” you whispered in his ear.  
Nick swallowed and took your glass.  He set it down on the table and walked you out to the field.  He held your hand until you got to the field and then spun you around, pinning you to the chain link fence. He kissed you hard, hands in your hair until one drifted down to your thigh. He hiked your leg to his waist, allowing him to press his growing bulge right over your heat. “Nicky,” you moaned.  
“God, I love it when you say my name like that.  Only you baby, only you,” he said between rolls of his hips into you.  
You nipped his chin with kisses and down his neck.  “I thought we were supposed to be under the bleachers?” 
“Fuck that, I'll take you on the bleachers.” He swiftly took off his coat and laid it down before lowering you on top of it.  He spread your legs and found the scrap of fabric you called panties already wet from his kisses and touches. He pulled them down and pushed your skirt up more, exposing you to the cool air.  He quickly pushed his pants and boxers down, freeing his length and running the tip through your folds. “Fucking soaked baby. Such a good girl for me.”  He slowly pushed in, both of you moaning in relief.  
Nick started to fuck you, hard, taking out his emotions of seeing old friends and bitch cheerleaders on you.  You went with it, holding onto the back of the bleachers as he pounded into you.  He wished he could have seen your breast bouncing with each thrust but that would have to be later. He started to feel the tell-tale signs that you were close.  “C’mon baby, fuck, squeezing me so hard.  God, I love this pussy.” He changed the angle of your body and he hit that spot inside perfectly.  
“Nicky, fuck, gonna cum. So good, feel so good.”  
“Let go my sweetheart.  Cum for me.”  
The release was euphoric, sending you into another world as Nick followed suit and released ropes of hot cum inside you.  He slowed and laid on top of you for a moment.  
“The football field is amazing. So green,” he commented, making both of you laugh.  Nick took out a handkerchief and cleaned you gently before pulling your panties back on.  He redid his pants and then draped his jacket over your shoulders.  You walked back to the school where Stephanie was outside, smoking a cigarette.  She watched you approach, wrapped in each other.  
“And what were you two...” she trailed off as she could see your red lipstick all over Nick’s face and neck.  Your hair was a little less soft and more freshly fucked.  
“Oh, Nicky was just showing me the football field.  You know, reminiscing about his band days, and telling me about all the dreams he had about the bleachers,” you commented in a sugary sweet tone that was way more of a warming to her. You wrapped your body closer to Nick as you could get while not being naked.   
Nick chuckled at your subtle show of possessiveness.  “I think we are going to take off.  It was nice seeing you, Stephanie.  Good luck with everything.”  
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@patzammit @slutforchrisjamalevans @jennmurawski13-writes @firephotogrl74 @texmexdarling @atoosa22 @tinkerbelle67
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walldecorexpert · 10 months
Score Big with Green Graffiti Wallpaper: The Ultimate Kids Football Wall Mural
When it comes to transforming your child's room into a sports lover's paradise, nothing beats the excitement and vibrancy of a football-themed wall mural. And if you're looking for the perfect backdrop that combines the love for the game with a dash of creativity, our Green Graffiti Wallpaper for Kids Football Wall Mural is just what you need.
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The Perfect Football Atmosphere:
Our Green Graffiti Wallpaper instantly creates a dynamic football atmosphere in any kids' room. The vibrant green background, adorned with graffiti-style football motifs, brings the thrill of the game right into your home. Whether your child dreams of being the next soccer superstar or simply enjoys watching the matches, this wall mural will inspire their passion for football.
Kid-Friendly Design:
Designed with kids in mind, this football wall mural strikes the perfect balance between creativity and playfulness. The graffiti-style artwork appeals to young imaginations, allowing your child to feel like they're part of an urban street art adventure while celebrating their love for football. It's a fantastic way to nurture their creativity and encourage their interests.
Easy Installation:
Installing our Green Graffiti Wallpaper is a breeze, thanks to its high-quality, pre-pasted material. You won't need to worry about messy glues or lengthy installation processes. Simply apply the mural using the included instructions, and your child's room will be transformed in no time.
Durability and Longevity:
We understand that kids can be rambunctious, and their rooms endure a fair share of activity. That's why our wallpaper is not only visually stunning but also built to last. It's resistant to wear and tear, so you can be confident that your football-themed mural will remain vibrant and captivating for years to come.
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Personalize the Space:
Enhance your child's room with additional personal touches. Consider adding framed football jerseys, soccer balls, or other sports-related decor items to complete the look. Our Green Graffiti Wallpaper serves as the perfect canvas to let your creativity shine. We invite you to explore our unique "Graffiti" wallpaper collection in our store! This collection is inspired by street art and the vibrant graffiti culture. Here, you will find incredible designs that will add boldness and originality to your interior. These wallpapers embody self-expression and the freedom of creativity. Come and transform your home with "Graffiti" wallpapers – it's art you can experience every day!
Versatile Use:
This wallpaper isn't limited to just bedrooms. It can also be a fantastic addition to playrooms, study areas, or any space where your child spends time. Its versatility ensures that the football excitement can be felt throughout the home.
Incorporating our Green Graffiti Wallpaper for Kids Football Wall Mural into your child's room is the ultimate way to combine their love for football with a dash of urban style and creativity. It's easy to install, durable, and designed with your child's interests in mind. Create an atmosphere that ignites their passion for the game and inspires their imagination. Score big with this incredible football-themed wall mural and give your child a room they'll love spending time in. Visit our PicOnWood Store today and embark on a journey to transform your child's bedroom into a dreamland they'll adore.
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peddling-rp-memes · 2 years
Repost, don't reblog. I didn't make this meme, but can't find the op. Please tag them if you know who they are.
Bold all that apply to your muse as a child. (In modern verse if you write a historical or fantasy character.)
FUTURE JOB  - ninja, pirate, vet, actor, astronaut, cooker, builder, knight, indiana jones, wizard, a parent, barbie, action man, writer, prince or princess, hero, villain, teacher, doctor, nurse, army man, rapper, singer, dancer, youtuber, twitch streamer, zookeeper, gardener, sailor, fisherman, carpenter, monarch, pilot.
FEARS  -  thunderstorms, strangers, space, abandonment, the dark, clowns, loud noises, dogs, spiders, masks, puppets, boys, girls, cooties, bugs, big objects, water, hell, being told off, police, new places, bullies, being wrong, ghosts.
PAINT YOUR  BEDROOM  -  pink, blue, green, brown, yellow, orange, purple, neons, pastels, beige, mismatched multicolour, dark blue, wall mural, black, grey, white.
DECORATE YOUR BEDROOM  -  posters torn carefully cut from magazines, maps of fictional lands, books, cassettes or cds, lavalamp, minifridge, your very own tv, games console, teddies, pirate ship, floor length mirror, fairylights, funko dolls, vhs or dvds, dinosaurs, beanbags, animals, framed posters, stickers, pokemon, princesses, glow in the dark stars, corkboard full of photos, awards, your own art, disney princesses, marvel heroes, ben 10 theme, cartoon network show theme, animes, space theme, fantasy theme.
TOYBOX  - barbie, ken, action man, my first science kit, csi lab kit, tamagotchi, cuddly teddy, pirate ship, horse, lego, furby, easybake oven, archeology kit, pokemon cards, beyblades, disney princesses, baby doll, sword, gun, crown, recorder, spy gear, slinky, beanie babies, colouring set, paints, play doh, simpsons, disney princess dolls, marvel action figures, books, puzzle books, wizard broom, robes, dollhouse, space ship, ray guns, walkie talkies, craft kits, slime, fidget spinners, fake tattoos, football, basketball, skateboard, swings, mini ant farm, seamonkies, rock em sock em robots, stretch armstrong, he man, my little pony, care bears, girls world styling head, mostly broken, sticky, pristine, no batteries, perfect working order, crayons, sunbleached, well loved.
BOOKBAG  -  harry potter, bfg, the hunger games, wheres wally, winnie the pooh, the very hungry caterpillar, matilda, the cat in the hat, the lord of the rings, charlottes web, northern lights, lion witch and the wardrobe, goodnight moon, where the wild things are, the tale of peter rabbit, charlie and the chocolate factory, stuart little, alices adventures in wonderland, a series of unfortunate events, bridge to terabithia, diary of a wimpy kid, anne frank diary of a young girl, the outsiders, the jungle book, the wonderful wizard of oz, peter pan, the secret garden, the wind in the willows, how to draw.
WARDROBE  - tshirts with your fave cartoon characters, youtuber merch, scuffed jeans, plasticy fancy dress costumes, pretty dresses, button down shirts, woolen sweaters, floral skirts jean shorts, cargo pants, handmedowns, brand new, grass stains, mud stains, three days worn, clean on, all one colour, too many different colours, plain tshirts, hoody, custom printed novelty tops, bows, animal onesies, pufferjackets, bodywarmer, mittens, bobblehats, hats with ears, sunglasses, earmuffs, pastels, oversaturated dark colours, crinkled, ironed, smells floral, smells musky, animal print, sparkles, double denim, too big, too small, just right, karate uniform, scouts uniform, school uniform.
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ofthewoodwork · 16 hours
Ideas for Football Wall Decorations for Your House | Of the Woodwork
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Football wall decor with your preferred team's logo or colors will help you to personalize your house. Selecting customized football designs will help a man cave, game room, or bedroom to come alive. Showing team pride would be best for custom wall art, posters, or even wooden football-themed cutouts.
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shreya-0915 · 1 day
Last Chance to Save: Top Picks from the Optical Lamps Summer Sale
As summer winds down, so does your opportunity to snag some incredible deals on unique LED lights and lamps at the Optical Lamps Summer Sale. Whether you’re looking to add a touch of ambiance to your home, showcase your fandom, or find the perfect gift, this sale offers some of the best table lamps you’ll find. But hurry—these deals won’t last forever! In this blog, we’ll highlight some of the top picks from the sale that you won’t want to miss, including options that blend functionality with stunning visual effects.
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1. Star Trek Inspired Enterprise Ship 3D Optical Illusion Lamp
For the sci-fi enthusiasts out there, the Star Trek Inspired Enterprise Ship 3D Optical Illusion Lamp is a must-have. This lamp uses cutting-edge LED lights to create a mesmerizing 3D illusion of the iconic Enterprise ship. Whether you’re lighting up a bedroom, office, or entertainment space, this lamp offers a perfect blend of style and geek culture. It’s a fantastic conversation starter and a great way to show off your love for Star Trek.
Key Feature: 3D optical illusion with LED technology for a futuristic look.
Product Link: Star Trek Inspired Enterprise Ship 3D Optical Illusion Lamp
2. Dallas Cowboys Inspired 3D Optical Illusion Lamp
Football fans, especially those who support the Dallas Cowboys, will love the Dallas Cowboys Inspired 3D Optical Illusion Lamp. This table lamp creates a stunning 3D effect that brings the Cowboys' logo to life in your home. It’s perfect for a man cave, game room, or as a unique decorative piece in any space. With the summer sale, you can grab this fan-favorite at a reduced price, making it an excellent addition to your collection of sports memorabilia.
Key Feature: Vibrant LED lighting with a sports theme for fans.
Product Link: Dallas Cowboys Inspired 3D Optical Illusion Lamp
3. Kansas City Chiefs Football 3D Optical Illusion Lamp
Another great pick for football lovers is the Kansas City Chiefs Football 3D Optical Illusion Lamp. This lamp features the Kansas City Chiefs logo in a stunning 3D design, illuminated by energy-efficient LED lights. Whether you’re lighting up your living room, office, or a dedicated sports corner, this lamp will add a bold and exciting touch to your space. Don’t miss the chance to support your team and enhance your decor at a discounted price during the summer sale.
Key Feature: 3D optical illusion for Kansas City Chiefs fans, perfect for any space.
Product Link: Kansas City Chiefs Football 3D Optical Illusion Lamp
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4. Why Now is the Perfect Time to Buy
The end of summer sale at Optical Lamps is the best time to invest in unique and stylish table lamps that offer both functionality and visual appeal. These LED lights are not just about illumination—they are about creating an experience. With discounts on top products, you can bring home these innovative lamps that serve as perfect gifts, home decor enhancements, or simply a way to express your personality and interests.
But remember, these deals won’t last forever. As the summer draws to a close, so does your chance to take advantage of these savings. Whether you’re a sports fan, a sci-fi lover, or just someone who appreciates well-designed LED lights, there’s something for everyone in this sale.
Don’t let the summer slip away without taking advantage of the incredible savings available during the Optical Lamps Summer Sale. From the Star Trek Inspired Enterprise Ship 3D Optical Illusion Lamp to the Kansas City Chiefs Football 3D Optical Illusion Lamp, these top picks offer something special for everyone. Enhance your home with these stunning table lamps that combine cutting-edge LED lights with eye-catching designs.
Visit Optical Lamps today to explore these deals and find the perfect lamp to light up your life. Hurry, though—these summer sale prices won’t last long!
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Unlocking the Perfect Vacation: How The Park Holidays Revolutionizes Family Travel
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The challenge lies in striking the perfect balance between relaxation and adventure when planning the ultimate family vacation. Park Holidays International has accepted this challenge; it offers a luxurious combination of comfort, excitement, and excellent service that has redefined family travel. This article explores the ways The Park Holidays International has transformed family vacations to provide guests with an unforgettable experience that will make them want to come back.
Exceptional Accommodations
One of the exceptional features of The Park Holidays International is its top-notch accommodations. Every lodging here from luxury villas to cozy cabins is designed with great attention to detail hence providing comfort and convenience for families whether big or small. Amenities found in each unit are modern, like fully furnished kitchens, spacious living spaces, and comfortable bedrooms thus making families feel as if they are home.
What differentiates these units is their flawy design here for example many units have children-friendly amenities such as bunk beds, game rooms, and even themed decor that add a touch of fun for young guests. Such finer details not only ameliorate the overall experience but also help parents relax knowing their kids are having fun.
Diverse Activities for All Ages
The Park Holidays International is known for its wide range of activities suitable for all age groups. Be it outdoor adventures or indoor entertainment, your family will find something to suit their taste. Swimming pools, water parks hiking trails, and nature walks where parents can forge strong bonds with their children are offered couples here.
For those after some relaxation; you can also enjoy spas, wellness centers, and peaceful picnic spots within these parks. Furthermore, there are different organized events including creative arts & crafts classes, sports competitions such as football tournaments, and movie nights among others thus creating a lively atmosphere throughout. Hence diversity of things you can do takes center stage in all the park holiday international reviews since customers’ reviews often commend the high number & quality forms of entertainment found within them.
Dining Delights
Food is an integral part of any holiday and The Park Holidays International caters to this need. There are a variety of on-site restaurants and cafes serving different types of cuisines hence suiting all tastes. From dining at the finest gourmet restaurants to eating at family-friendly casual eateries, guests can have nourishing meals without necessarily having to leave the park.
Also, numerous amusement centers have themed restaurants that make meal times even more thrilling. These special places to eat are such as a medieval banquet or beachside barbeque which avail life-long memories to families. Dining quality and variety are usually mentioned in many Park Holidays International reviews where customers often praise excellent food as well as service provided.
Commitment to Customer Service
The difference between The Park Holidays International and other vacation destinations is their unwavering commitment to customer service. Immediately visitors arrive at check-in, they receive a warm welcome, courtesy & above all desire to ensure a memorable visit at any cost. In addition, the staff are well-trained helpful, and always ready to assist with all needs or concerns.
This dedication to excellent customer service is reflected in the numerous positive The Park Holidays International reviews, where guests frequently express their appreciation for the attentive and accommodating staff. Whether it’s providing recommendations for activities, accommodating special requests, or simply offering a friendly smile, the team at The Park Holidays International consistently exceeds expectations.
Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility
In today’s world, sustainable travel is more important than ever, and The Park Holidays International is leading the way in environmental responsibility. The parks are designed with sustainability in mind, incorporating eco-friendly practices such as energy-efficient lighting, water conservation measures, and recycling programs. Additionally, many parks are located in areas of natural beauty, and efforts are made to preserve and protect the surrounding environment.
This commitment to sustainability not only benefits the planet but also enhances the overall guest experience. Families can enjoy the beauty of nature while knowing that their vacation is having a minimal impact on the environment. This aspect of The Park Holidays International is often praised in reviews, with guests appreciating the company’s dedication to green practices.
Affordable Luxury
While The Park Holidays International offers a luxurious vacation experience, it also strives to make it accessible to families of all budgets. With a range of accommodation options and pricing tiers, there is something to suit every financial plan. Additionally, the parks often feature special promotions, discounts, and packages that make it easier for families to enjoy a memorable vacation without breaking the bank.
The combination of affordability and luxury is a recurring theme in The Park Holidays International reviews where guests highlight they offer good value for money. A great number of families have been attracted by being able to affordably access high-quality accommodation facilities among other amenities.
In conclusion, The Park Holidays International has redefined family vacations by combining luxury with adventure as well as excellent service delivery. The thoughtfully appointed rooms cater to everyone inside; ranging from kids’ activities to mouthwatering dining options. The many satisfied customers who left reviews of The Park Holidays International continue to talk about its emphasis on meeting the needs of the customers and ensuring that they are satisfied.
Their dedication to sustainability and environmental responsibility adds an extra layer of appeal, allowing guests to enjoy nature while minimizing their impact. This aspect is frequently praised in The Park Holidays International review, reflecting the company’s efforts to lead in eco-friendly travel.
Affordability without compromising on quality is another hallmark of The Park Holidays International. Their range of accommodation options and special promotions make luxury accessible to all families, as noted in many The Park Holidays International reviews.
For families seeking a vacation that combines relaxation, excitement, and top-notch service, The Park Holidays International stands out as the ultimate destination. The glowing feedback in The Park Holidays International review speaks volumes about the unforgettable experiences they provide. Choose The Park Holidays International for your next family getaway and create lasting memories that will make you eager to return.
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kingjain · 5 months
Baltimore Ravens Football Hallmarks NFL Ceramic Christmas Ornaments
The Baltimore Ravens Football Hallmarks NFL Ceramic Christmas Ornaments are the perfect gift for both men and women who are fans of the team. These ornaments are not only beautiful decorations for the holiday season but also serve as a reminder of one's love for the Ravens. Made from high-quality ceramic, these ornaments are durable and long-lasting. They feature the iconic Ravens logo and team colors, making them instantly recognizable to any fan. The attention to detail is incredible, with every element of the logo meticulously crafted to perfection. Whether displayed on the Christmas tree or as part of a Ravens-themed holiday decor, these ornaments are sure to stand out. What sets these ornaments apart is their uniqueness. They are officially licensed by the NFL and are part of Hallmark's line of collectible ornaments. Each ornament is individually crafted and painted by hand, ensuring that no two are exactly alike. This attention to detail and craftsmanship make these ornaments highly sought after by collectors and fans alike. They are a great addition to any Ravens memorabilia collection. These ornaments are not just limited to men or women. They make an ideal gift for anyone who is a fan of the Ravens, regardless of gender or age. Whether it's a diehard fan or someone who simply enjoys watching the games, these ornaments are a thoughtful and meaningful gift that will be cherished for years to come. Furthermore, these ornaments are not just for Christmas. They can be displayed year-round, adding a touch of Ravens spirit to any space. Hang them in an office, man cave, or even a child's bedroom as a constant reminder of one's love for the team. The Baltimore Ravens Football Hallmarks NFL Ceramic Christmas Ornaments also make great gifts for occasions beyond the holiday season. Birthdays, anniversaries, or even as a "just because" gift, these ornaments are sure to put a smile on the face of any Ravens fan. They can also be given as a token of appreciation to friends or family members who have supported and shared the love for the team. In conclusion, the Baltimore Ravens Football Hallmarks NFL Ceramic Christmas Ornaments are a perfect gift for both men and women, and anyone who loves the Ravens. With their attention to detail, durability, and uniqueness, these ornaments are a beautiful addition to any holiday decor, as well as a cherished keepsake for any Ravens fan. Whether given as a Christmas gift or for any other occasion, these ornaments are sure to bring joy and create a lasting memory for the recipient.
Get it here : Baltimore Ravens Football Hallmarks NFL Ceramic Christmas Ornaments
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
Related : https://kingjain.tumblr.com/post/718636007480836096/modelo-beer-crocs-shoes
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JUST IN TIME FOR FOOTBALL SEASON! This 1978 football themed house in Las Vegas, Nevada is ready to go. (And, when I say football-themed, I'm not kiddin') - 8bds, 6ba, $1.5M.
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I told you. There are 7,000 helmets alone, on display.
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They didn't really care about the rest of the house- it's pretty much a bland beige. A blank slate, really, waiting for some decor and love.
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Looks kind of neglected- it was all about football in this home.
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Some of the bedrooms have beds, others are empty. Looks like they only came up here to sleep.
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The baths are beautiful, though. They look like they were never used.
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Isn't this crazy? It's just a place to sleep.
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They must use this entrance- look at the statues by the door. The bar stools are even decked out in fanwear.
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Talk about a man cave. Look at this place. Can you imagine having to pack all this up, not to mention the holes in the walls.
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There has to be millions of dollars worth of stuff here.
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Oh, I get it- this is the kitchen they actually use. They definitely live down here.
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Closet filled with football jerseys.
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And, this is the bathroom they must use.
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The pool lights are stunning. Isn't this pretty?
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Outdoor bar and kitchen.
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They must spend the rest of their time out here.
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Upper deck off the primary bedroom.
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I can't tell if this is the entrance to the main house or the sports area.
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Lot size is .45 acre and it's all fenced in and lit.
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It's a corner property and has a whole bank of solar panels on the roof.
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canvasskills · 1 year
Discover how to decorate your boy's bedroom with football-themed images. Find inspiration from our gallery of stunning wall art and posters.
For more information visit thew link https://productmagnate.com/
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sinsandsweetness · 1 year
since it’s friday, i was gonna go to the football game tonight but i’m not up for it ill just stay home and probably watch movies and read.
decorating is awesome! do you have a certain theme you want to do for your apartment?
bby anon
Not rlly a theme per se. My apartment is already pretty much good it’s just my bedroom. I’m thinking of getting some pink blankets and throw pillows to go with my white bedding. And then I need a rug for under my bed. I want pink and white and grey on it… we’ll see. A few other things like wall decor and nightstands too. Maybe I’ll post a pic when it’s all done:)
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
REQUEST # 10 (Mafia!Sehun x Reader)
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Disclaimer: This piece is purely a work of fiction and does not represent Oh Sehun in any way nor do I condone or encourage these actions in real life. This is nothing but mere fiction and fantasy. Both characters are of age. Contains dark themes, browse at your own risk.
Request: "Mayy you please please please write a Sehun/Lay/Chanyeol/Kai (or really just any member, cuz in such a whore for Exo🥵🥵) of a Virgin, with mutual masturbation, praise kink and cumplay??💘💘 I don’t really have too many specifics since I know it’ll be amazing anyway so just go crazy and write what you want!! It can be non con, dub con, or whatever you feel like doing!!❤️☺️☺️💖💖💗💗💓💓"
Warning(s): Dubcon, corruption kink, age gap, praise kink, breath play, power play, cum play, degradation, humiliation, choking, dumfication, mutual masturbation, breeding kink, toy riding, spanking praise kink.
Sehun wasn't really planning on what this had escalated into when he'd exited his room to come face-to-face with Y/n who was exiting hers. The girl was his boss, Mafioso Kim Junmyeon's bratty babysister who had just graduated highschool and was back to live with them for a while in the mansion located in the premises of the headquarters of the Mafia group, EXO.
He couldn't pinpoint just when he'd stepped in her direction before restraining the brat in his crushing hold before dragging her back inside his room roughly.
Maybe it was how one of her fluffy pink socks pooled around an ankle, or how her soft and luscious hair decorated her pretty face, or how the caterpillar stuffie dangled from her grip, it could also be the oversized football jersey she wore through which you could only make the outlines of her curves and bumps. Or maybe it was the bratty scowl that had made it's way on her face whilst a huff left her, pretty eyes rolling at the sight of him since she considered and treated all the men below her brother as mere 'pet dogs', out of which Sehun was apparently the worst because he was the youngest and fairly new.
"What- what are you-" Y/n's breaths were heavy as she glared up at him from her position against Sehun's bedroom door whilst he hurriedly did the topmost latch, other hand firmly holding her in place by her throat. "S- Stop! You pet dog! How dare you!" The insults just made the adrenaline pump even harder through his veins.
It was no news that the girl needed to be put in her place. And Sehun was more than happy to volunteer.
"Tsk." Clicking his tongue in distaste, the man ripped her underwear off with ease, tackling her against the door when she tried to struggle. He didn't hit the gym for hours everyday for nothing. "You talk too much" Y/n's eyes widened when he shoved her moist underwear in her mouth, plugging her mouth to muffle and restrict any and all sounds.
"Isn't that all better now?" Gathering both her hands that were weakly hitting his hard arms in one of his, the male pinned them above her head against the door, smirking down at the sight. "Mmm~" admiring his handiwork, he pushed the rather large caterpillar stuffie that she'd dropped away from them with a slight kick. "Aren't you all pretty when that filthy mouth of yours isn't running off?" His free hand felt up her pretty face, stroking her cheeks and lips before travelling down to her neck, his dick getting hard at how perfectly it fit his grip.
Y/n felt overpowered and embarrassed. After all that she had done and said to the men below Junmyeon, here she was, trapped under one of them all helpless and pathetic with her underwear stuffed in her mouth as she could do nothing but let him grope her all over. She could only stand there while he squeezed her boobs, biting at the clothed nipples while praising her for being so soft before creeping his hand under her shirt and feeling her soft stomach.
"Hmmm… should I fuck it full of my babies? Make you all nice and round all for me, huh baby?" The way her eyes widened as she shook her head vigorously made him cackle almost. He'd never felt so powerful before. "Why, you don't like it?" Y/n was scowling again as she shook her head, inaudibly trying to threaten him again.
"Really, now?" Raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow, the older lowered his hand down her stomach and between her legs, causing a shaky exhale to escape her nose. "Your body is telling me otherwise, though" the corners of his lips curled into a nasty smirk when he toyed with her pussy lips and flesh, her fluids hugging his slender fingers with ease. "I mean, isn't that why pathetic brats like you act out in the first place?" He was relentless with his words. "So they can be fucked into their little places at their owners' feet?"
Y/n's scowl had softened now, furrowed eyebrows raising as her eyes tried to close, hips slowly swaying and grinding against Sehun's fingers despite the sheer embarrassment burning her cheeks a bright crimson.
Letting go of her hands, Sehun slowly finger fucked her with his occupied hand, shoving and teasing her virgin entrance as his free hand gripped her shirt and swiftly pulled it up and over her head, causing the girl to gasp and try to cover her breasts.
"Hands above your head!" The man scolded, beating her to it and spanking one of her breasts in a punishing manner using the back of his hand. "Don't make me repeat myself" Y/n pouted as she did as she was told, sweat breaking out on her temples when his hand violated her virgin walls. "Isn't that so much better now?" Pinching her nipples, Sehun bit and sucked at them.
The girl involuntarily moaned, tipping her head back as her stomach filled with knots, toes curling and pussy clenching in defense, hips starting to fuck her pussy against his finger harder to chase her relief only to be left disappointed when he removed the finger with a plop.
"Nnnnnghhhh!" She whined in protest, pussy trying to reach for his fingers again as she arched her back.
The man chuckled. "More? Does this dirty little baby want more?" Y/n desperately nodded, breathing heavily against the makeshift underwear gag. "Want me to fuck you dumb with my cock? Make you feel real good?" Letting out muffled whines, the girl tried to say 'yes' and nodded even faster, heart thumping against her ribcage.
"Hmmm" pulling away, Sehun crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged. "But how do I know you'll be any good at it? What if you can't make me feel good?" Shaking her head in desperation, Y/n pulled the gag out herself.
"N- No! No! I will be! Please! Please~!" Even though she was humiliated and embarrassed because she was standing stark naked and all fucked out in front of her brother's mere worker, the burn in her pussy and stomach was too unbearable. "Please! I'll try my best!" Even though she'd never even done it before, the girl said whatever that would get him to do what he was doing again.
"Hmmm" grabbing the gag from her hand, Sehun shoved it back in her mouth past her drool covered lips, deciding he liked her best without her her demanding mouth. "But I need a demo now, don't I? To see if you're worthy of my cock?" A smirk made it's way on his face as he nodded towards the discarded stuffie.
"Why don't you fuck yourself on Mr. Locks like you would on me and I'll see if you deserve more pleasure just yet?" When her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, the male rolled his eyes and instructed her to get on the bed with the toy beneath her.
"Now ride it" Y/n's cheeks burnt an even darker shade of red as her eyes widened at the order, head lowering in embarrasment when she realised just what kind of a position she really was in. "Come on, I don't have all day!" Her legs were spread apart with Mr. Locks between them as she sat on top of him, pussy resting against his soft fur. "It's this or nothing. Because I don't fuck unworthy little sluts who won't even be worth the fuck."
Just when Sehun thought Y/n was going to chicken out because he wasn't a stranger to her pride, the girl looked up with lust clouded eyes, placing her palms flat against the mattress to position herself better before she slowly started to rock her hips, shuddering in pleasure.
The man bit his lip, surprised but pleased as his hand slowly crept to his bulge. Fuck. He didn't expect her to actually obey since she acted so mighty and innocent in front of everyone all the time. Sehun had only said that so she would either beg him to help or try to defy him so he could manhandle her into taking him deep and hard.
"Fuck…" The man whispered to himself, watching the sight in front him as he neared the girl, continuing to rub himself as his other hand undid his fly and pushed his boxers out of the way, loving how her innocent eyes wandered to his cock and widened at the sight, hips moving even faster now as sweat dripped down her forehead.
"Good girl… such a good girl…" Sehun praised the obedience, starting to jerk himself off as his other hand removed her gag, Y/n taking him by surprise when she leaned forward and kissed his tip in a hazy frustration, unable to form coherent or rational thoughts anymore. "Fuck, Y/n…" Sehun cursed at the gesture, the warm and wet kiss making his insides burn. "Look what you do to me" one hand ran up and down his hard and wet shaft while the other one reached for her throat, slightly squeezing it to restrict her breathing.
"T- Thank you… thank you… f- feels so good…" The girl cried out, shaking as she felt herself getting close, feeling tiny and powerless. "S- So small… feel so small" she whispered, looking up at him with dilated pupils when he allowed her to breathe, sucking in shaky breaths.
The sight and words made Sehun's head spin. "Aren't you?" He growled almost, cursing when she tried to help and since he was already jerking himself off, started to rub the base of his balls which was his sensitive spot. "Look at yourself, naked and submissive under me, getting fucked by a toy because I said so… all to convince me that you're good enough for my cock. Tsk. So desperate and disgusting" he snickered, restricting her air once again. "Cum. Be a good toy and cum for me~" Y/n cried out and arched her back as her thighs started to shake uncontrollably, a violent orgasm ripping through her as she moaned and thanked him the best she could, rubbing herself against the caterpillar stuffie senseless.
"Fuck… such a good girl… so obedient and pretty… fuck~" Sehun started cumming harder than ever, letting go of her throat as her lips were starting to turn purple. "So fucking good" aiming for her face and mouth, he emptied his load all over her, slapping her ass repeatedly as he went, breaths heavy.
"Look at you" the man spoke once he'd calmed down a bit, squeezing and pinching her tits before cupping her face which was covered in his cum, droplets of it dripping down her chin and down her neck. "Such a pretty little baby I've here…" Sehun praised, admiring his handiwork before spreading the streaks of his load all over her face, scooping some and feeding it to her as the girl struggled to catch her breath, looking up at him submissively while sucking on his fingers, subconsciously swirling her tongue around them.
"Th- thank yoo~" Y/n whimpered, biting her lip when he unplugged her mouth, reaching for her pussy now while still rubbing his cum in her face, his thumb pushing the tiny droplets in her nose and making her cough them out.
"Good. That's how you should be; on your knees and underneath me, thanking me for everything I give you by kissing my feet." Putting his fingers that were coated in her cum Sehun sucked at them, humming and nodding. "Tastes like my cum dump." Before he stepped away and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his sculpted body heavily covered in tattoos.
"What?" Y/n felt dumb when he looked up at her while kicking his shoes off and getting rid of his clothes. The girl blushed and dumbly bit her lip, still in the same position as she didn't know what to do. Sehun shook his head upon her silent shrug and stood back up to his full stature.
"Well, get on your back and spread those pretty legs. You did good. I've decided to keep you" still unsure whether it was her just hormones or if she was actually liked Sehun treating her so small and dumb, Y/n complied and excitedly spread her legs, her mouth watering at the sight of his body that was much bigger than hers.
The older smirked as he approached her, pushing the toy off his bed before crawling on top of the younger. "Want me to fuck this virgin little pussy dirty and full of my cum?"
"Yes, please~" the girl admitted, placing her hands above her head again.
Rational thoughts could come later. Right now, this hurt and burnt too good.
Girl I agree. Nobody does it like the exos 🤧🥵🥺
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