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orcelito · 2 years ago
ok my new trigun maximum time travel fic has been posted!
pls check out In the Next Life, the fic where i am constructively dealing with my wolfwood grief
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jonghyunluvr · 7 months ago
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beheadable · 2 years ago
Little sad I didn’t see a Welsh flag charm at the show 2day actually
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the-fandom-abyss · 2 years ago
i feel the same big feelings when i’m little in the same way i would as if i were big and i think i’ve realised- recently this year some of the people who i would be safe to regress around have distanced themselves from me - essentially hurting me (they were kinda important to my regression) and no matter how many times i’ve told them etc nothing changes and yet i get to see them being happy (which i enjoy seeing my friends happy even if they’ve hurt me. i care more about others then myself lol). anyway anytime i see anything regression related it just makes me feel so ‘ugh’ and idk it’s almost like disgusted. but i’m only feeling the disgust towards myself and my own regression. i don’t feel that way in general about regression if that makes sense
it’s like maybe this chapter of my life is over? or maybe i’m so deep in pain and just mentally so not good that i’m trying to throw away all my healthy coping mechanisms and just reach for the safety of my old unhealthy ones bc it’s like this type of comfort for me.
idk if my last ask went through bc tumblr glitched out on me last time. but i really appreciate you listening to me and letting me be here and vent. i’m just so tired. i’m close to just deleting everything and isolating bc everything is too much all of the time. it’s a lot of pain and i’m not strong enough to deal with it
Don’t you just wish your little self could help you with some epiphanies? Like use that little genius brain to help the silly big brain to sort out its problems.
I’m so sorry to hear that some of the people you would call close have been pulling away from you. Have they explained why they have been distancing themselves? I think it’s a little unfair for them to leave without an explanation, because of its due to something, you could have talked it through and worked on making it better.
It’s like your mind is trying to push that part of you away, so the best way is to dislike it. I can see where you’re coming from, wanting to continue the unhealthy mechanisms instead of the healthy. And your negative thoughts are clouding and morphing what you used to see as healthy.
If you delete, how would I get to talk to the amazing anon? I’m not going to lie, I was waiting for your reply. I kept checking my notifications for your response and then was so excited when I saw it this morning!!
I think you are more than strong enough to deal with it all, you’ve made it this far! I know that one person saying this doesn’t really shift the emotions but at least you know you have someone in your corner, ready to fight for you and fight with you.
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drtanner · 1 year ago
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styona · 2 days ago
If I ever have children, one of them is gonna be named MC (which is foooooooor... you guessed it Monstrance Clock) and another one's name's gonna be JTWFJD (could as well be JD, which is for Jesus Talk With Father Jim DeFroque, you guessed it, yeah), cuz I never fucking shut up about these two things
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satttanderna · 10 months ago
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Idk what to do for backgrounds...
ROBOT THINGY FANART FOOOOOOOOR MY FELLAAAAA @dumbdless !!!!!!!!!! ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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leisplayhouse · 4 months ago
my 5 year old brother going: HONEY WATCHU WAITING FOOOOOOOOR WELCOME TO MY CANDY STOOooOoOoR dennenen den den nenen de nenenen
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bleghbleghladydeath · 9 months ago
Foooooooor @kr4bzy
Parental settings won't let me repost today, so, I'm tagging, hope you don't mind. But here's your food! I write dark stuff better; fluff is not my strong suit, so I hope you don't mind. Quick thing, Alex shut down after MH in my head canon, just completely empty but around Jay he acts more person??? He opens up, so, yeah. They also became theater teachers XD. No, I never read the comics cause I'm fourteen and I have no money, so this will be nowhere close to canon teehee.
BLOOD No gore, just descriptions of blood, I need to stay halfway in my box XD
Jay was trying to help a girl with her lines while Alex stared at a boy working with his with glasslike eyes. The boy was stumbling around his words cause Alex was staring so hard. He smiled nervously to no reaction from Alex. He swallowed and started to dance around goofily. Jay looked over and burst out laughing. Alex tilted his head and fixed his glasses before walking away. Jay frowned, he could feel it, Alex didn't feel too good.
"You two practice together, I'll be back soon." Jay said, going to check on Alex.
Alex was in the office, sitting at the desk. He had his glasses off and he was rubbing his temple. "You okay?" Jay asked.
Alex growled in response so Jay walked over and wrapped his arms around Alex's neck. He leaned down and hummed. "You smell nice, I like your cologne." Jay mumbled.
Alex smiled. "It's the same cologne I've used since we were in high school, and you followed me everywhere." Alex chuckled.
Jay smiled.
"Yeah, that's why I love it, so familiar, it always stays the same." Jay said into Alex's neck.
Alex grabbed his glasses and put them on, blinking. He looked at Jay who smiled at him softly. Alex pecked him on the cheek before standing up and going back out, his doll like actions coming back. Jay hummed. He hummed, today is Friday, perfect day to cook.
Alex and Jay walked out of the school to their blue BMW. Jay was talking about how well everyone went today and Alex was messing around with a camera, he's been paranoid recently. Jay took the camera softly, shut it off and went up to the car. He got in, tossed it in the back and Alex got into the driver's seat. He cranked up the car and turned on the AC before leaning back.
"I remember. Like...an hour of today." Alex grunted.
Jay hummed. "That's why we don't shut off our emotions." Jay said.
Alex whined before starting up the car. Jay had a idea for dinner and a perfect movie picked out for them to cuddle to. He smiled widely at the idea, Alex looked at him and hummed, thinking about what he was thinking about. They drove into the drive of their house and Alex took the keys from Jay, he's always been a control freak. Jay smiled; he loves that about him. The way his face gets red, and he starts to speak incomprehensibly when things aren't operating how he wants them to. Alex and Jay came in and Jay took Alex over to the couch. "You get our favorite movie ready; I'll cook dinner." Jay said.
Alex watched as he walked away, confused. He shrugged, got their favorite movie and got up to help. Jay just took him back to the couch and threw a blanket at him. Alex sat there awkwardly, messing with the tight scarf around his neck that kept him from bleeding everywhere. Jay came into the room. "I'm making tuna casserole." he said.
He then took his shirt off and changed into his favorite of Alex's collected of tee shirts with cats on them, it's big and comfy. He then got into some boxers and laid down with Alex, the shirt moving up to show the bandages around his stomach. Alex stared but quickly stopped when Jay unbandaged. "God, I hate these things but 'No bleeding all over the school' fuck you, their uncomfy." Jay mumbled.
He put them in the biohazard bin and laid back down. Alex started to use the blood that trickled out to trace smiley faces on Jay's skin. Jay hummed and closed his eyes. Alex took off his scarf and threw it to the side for washing. The blood was fast, trailing down his collarbone and under the neck of his shirt. Jay looked at Alex as the movie played. They've played it a million times since high school they don't really watch it but vibe with. Soon the oven timed and the two got up to eat. Alex doesn't need his scarf to eat thankfully. Jay hummed and leaned on Alex. Alex kissed him on top of the head and Jay smiled softly. "Love you.." Alex mumbled. "I love you to." Jay hummed, getting a blanket.
They ate their food then curled up on the couch together. Alex wrapped his arms around Jay. Jay loves how small and squishy Alex makes him feel. He smiled goofily and nuzzled into one of Alex's arms. The two then went into a deep food coma to the credits of their movie, the blood dripping onto the couch as they sleep.
I never write fluff so I hope it isn't to bad.
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lovelettersinc · 4 months ago
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oh good you’re here just in time foooooooor
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Lineart only version
I love aus
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sexyhorsegirl · 5 months ago
this one is foooooooor my bitches with fat ass in the fuckin club I said where my fat ass big bitches in the club fuck those skinny bitches fuck those skinny bitches in the club
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humanitys-strongest-brat · 9 months ago
Give me faces foooooooor
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Sasha! 🫶🏻😁
hiii bestie 🫶🏻 thank you for participating with me!!! 💗
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This is messy as hell and I needed a way to emphasize 5G 🤣
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pan-flute-skeleton · 11 months ago
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Is it meeeeeee you're lookin foooooooor
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beevean · 2 years ago
That Zero smirk... It really does not fit Zero as a character...
It does not lol
I have zero context for those panels but I suppose it was the artist's way to show a cocky Zero, which is fair because Zero was more lighthearted before the whole "WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOOOOR" incident
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It's just... those eyes....... eyes do not work that way...............
I personally think this one is a little OOC:
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Much better drawn, but this smirk seems a little too... malicious, I think? Especially if directed at X.
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Verging too close to kawaii desu ne territory, but I don't mind it too much. (yes i think it's cute and zero deserves to be happy :<)
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And these are perfect :) this is the Zero we know and love :)
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kmp78 · 1 year ago
"That pic was foooooooor... drumroll... 🥁..."
Or the picture was simply for no one! It is more likely he was just promoting the song.... 🙄
Well if he wants to promote that song, I already have a video ready to go!
All he has to do is ask! I won't even ask for royalties. 😊
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jonghyunluvr · 1 year ago
what was jjong training for around 2012-13 the next power olympics the zombie apocalypse???? what did he need those massive biceps foooooooor???????
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