@foolishwinds @magicianrankup @kaeruninja @cocktailsandnekos
"So, um I was wondering if any of you guys have like a favorite accessory or something you guys would like to wear? Oh! Uh, weapon type works too! I could deffinately do something with that." Sora nods to himself before adding.
"Oh yea, um Fool you don't really have to answer about a weapon. I-I mean unless you want too of course! I-I don't mind. Whatever you want really." He rubbed the back of his head with a blush.
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thedetectiveofinaba · 4 years
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Don't mind Naoto, she just noticed her duplicate who she cared and worried for more than she let on commenting on a person who she doesn't want to talk with any longer and is cautious over them and definitely doesn't have the best impression from thia "Souji Seta". Thank God her senpai had been one of the most reliable people to her.
"He better not have acted like an average idiot in Inaba. People should think twice on treating people like they're ignored."
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jokaito-aa · 4 years
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@foolishwinds​ “You’re shaking, and sore. I can see the exhaustion in your eyes.
ANGER     pulses throughout his veins. red isn’t only in his body anymore. after a split between him and akechi to see what maruki has done ren saw the same shade in front of him. with this world feeling untrustworthy he turns towards the only source he knows. that is why he has knocked on yosuke’s door even after all of this. he could trust him; he was the only adult aware of personas and didn’t use it for evil or well-intentioned villainy.
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he looks away as his grip bleaks his hands. an aggravated sigh is all he could muster. “ i know, i know, ” he voices out loud. “ i just... need someone to talk with about... things. my shaking isn’t my exhaustion only; i’m livid and the one person who i was supposed to talk with this about turned into my enemy. ”
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personnxge · 4 years
Yosuke quickly changed out of his work clothes, putting them in his bookbag and then putting that in a corner. He exited the room and instantly slammed into someone, just his luck of course. “Woah! Sorry about that! So sorry, I’m really clumsy and didn’t see you.” He hoped it wasn’t someone that was gonna chew him out. He was getting real sick of just taking whatever people felt like saying about the store at this point.
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Starter for @foolishwinds​
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“Wha- H-hang on that’s not right! Who are you?” Yosuke yelped as he passed by a familiar face, his own. He stopped and turned towards the double “This has got to be some prank, right? If it is it’s not funny!” It can’t be his shadow again, Right?
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insomnla · 4 years
@foolishwinds liked for a starter!
     The sea of souls is ever moving. It tosses those caught upon it like the tide of the earth’s ocean tosses a boat in a storm. He has drifted this sea for a long time now, and sometimes still, it knocks the breath from his lungs, the air from his frail butterfly’s wings.
Just as he thinks he may give in, and sink back into the endlessness of it, to rest for just a while, the sea parts; the veil is lifted, and he emerges from dream to reality; mind, back to matter. He is still small, still fluttering blue wings with a soft and hollow glow. But that is alright.
...There is a pull here, a power he recognizes through his own sea and the voices within it. Wildcard Messiah whispers. Zero. Twenty-Two. That which is First. That which is Last. One moment, the butterfly, the next; the boy. It seems no one who may be around has even noticed the change, it is as if he has always been this.
He is seated upon a bench, one ankle crossed neatly over the other; his hands folded delicately in his lap, they seem pale against the black denim. 
     Slowly, his eyes find the boy Messiah had cried wildcard of. He is significantly taller than Minato himself is, but this is not so unusual of anyone. Looks were often deceptive in any case, though he observes the man still, head tilting ever so slightly to the left, sending a few stray strands of hair the colour of star-speckled sea across his face.
Has he perhaps been staring for too long? He is not sure; time is strange to him still, sometimes, it drags on forever, sometimes, it passes so swiftly he can hardly catch his breath in the whirlwind it creates.
He inhales, slow, chest rising beneath white button up; behind sparkling blue ribbon. And then he exhales, and it feels to him as if all the sea in all the world has lifted from his lungs.
Being in human form again... It feels strange. So long has it been.
A hand raises, pushes his hair back once again, and at last his eyes lift to the wildcard stranger’s face, and he rises from the bench with the slow grace of a boy who is lighter on his feet than the existence of his solid form may lead one to believe.
     He does not approach, merely stands, and keeps his gaze pinned upon Yosuke’s face. He is not shy by nature; but neither is he particularly outgoing.
If he comes to me.     What will be will be.
A hand raises in a pleasant greeting, soft, as if he has known the other all his life despite their being strangers; Do their powers not emerge, after all, from the same sea?
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impcratore · 4 years
⊰ @foolishwinds​​ / s.c  ⊱
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         “that’s my question, how much does a person relies on luck on a daily basis?”
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militibus-ex-umbra · 4 years
foolishwinds replied to your post: “Can we stop with the murder for one day people?”
“You should know the answer to this.”
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“This is my fault for trying to have faith in people again.”
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gardenhackerqueen · 4 years
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Rise was walking down the street. She was lost in her thoughts before she looked up. Just barely missing the person standing in front of her. Looking up with a smile. “Sorry about that.” 
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rousseaucrow · 4 years
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answered @foolishwinds​
‘  is  it  that  important?  ’
Akechi’s eyebrows pinched together as he raised his head. The question took him by surprise, it seemed almost frivolous to the young detective. Despite that, Yosuke seemed entirely sincere.
“Of course it’s important,” he replied, “it wouldn’t do for us to overlook anything in our investigation, Hanamura-san. So, I’ll ask you once more...”
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scientificshears · 4 years
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“T-this isn’t my Junes...?”
They are standing in the electronics department, looking really confused.
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foolishwinds replied to your post “Sora takes one look at the dash and nopes out. ”
"In my defense it's only because Naoto asked!"
Sora sighs. “Still... out of all the personas available why that one?”
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electricea-a · 4 years
Closed summer starter for @foolishwinds​! ☀️
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“Huh...? Why did you take me to the beach today, teach...? Shouldn’t we be back at the school for gym class...?”
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shadowrisetime · 4 years
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“Wind! Long time no see!”
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“Well I can tell you that it’s far better then us since most of us hate each other and I’m sure given the chance; we would murder each other besides Hermit.”
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jpopxprince · 4 years
“Happy birthday Hani! Hope you like this.” Fool gave the other a decently sized box. Inside was everything he could think of that would be needed for an awesome day in for some serious rest and relaxation. “I also made you something with Kankan’s help!” Mini spoke up and showed a small little box. Inside was a keychain with music notes on it. It was clearly done mostly by a small child’s hands but there were parts that it was clear Kanji stepped in to fix.
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It goes without saying that receiving gifts from the moment he was out of the house today is nothing uncommon for Hani, but the genuinely pleasant reaction never got old no matter how many years went by - especially when it happened to be given by a fellow Hanamura. There was just something about those unspoken connections between counterparts that led to them knowing what would be classified as ‘the perfect present’. The idol noticed that the first time around they all entertained an exchange between themselves, and it’s something he’s held close to his heart since then. Even when he hadn’t a chance this time around to put together his usual assortment of goodies for the other Yosukes. 
He’d have to make up for that someway, starting with these two~
“Thank you so, so, soooooo much!” Hani beamed, offering a single armed hug as he supported the gift box with his free hand. “And the same goes for you, Mini!” It was here that he actually took time to open the smaller box, unable to hold back a gleeful squee (it was adorable, could you blame him?!) while fishing out the keychain. One look was enough to show how much attentive care and heart, even from a young child, was placed into the handmade project, and the positive energy Hani could feel from it? Goodness!
“I’m definitely going to be wearing this around as a good luck charm, the pleasant vibes I’m getting from this is through the roof, so thank you! Sorry for not... being able to return the favor like last, but how about we head out for a celebratory ice cream run? My treat!”
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