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If any of y'all find yourselves in Pittsburgh, I highly recommend Back to the Foodture.
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#tschüschUP & #CHILLdown 👉GANZ NEU im #lineUP die #SOLICOLA light von @solidrinks mit 0% sugar & 100% support 💜💙 dazu dreht sich auf dem Teller heute ein leichtes 💐-KOHLCURRY & viele andere #futurecurrys 👉wie immer in #vegan / #vegetarisch / nicht, etwas oder sehr #scharf🔥🔥🔥 #spicyfoodberlin #indischfüranfänger #indischneukölln #indischvegan #summerfood #berlinsolidarisch #refugeesupport #solidrinks #solicola #curryvariations #tschüschneukölln #drinkture #foodture #Teller #plate #cola #coke #nococacola #markise #rot #multicolor #solidarityworldwide (hier: Neukölln-Nord) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB_JEtLolMo/?igshid=4zj8jd41nqmf
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Barcelona ha estat escollida la Capital Mundial de l’Alimentació Sostenible 2021
Cooking Sections (Daniel Fernández Pascual & Alon Schwabe) is a duo of spatial practitioners based out of London. It was born to explore the systems that organize the world through food. Using installation, performance, mapping and video, their research-based practice explores the overlapping boundaries between visual arts, architecture and geopolitics. They currently lead a studio unit at the Royal College of Art, London. In 2016 they opened The Empire Remains Shop.
Plat Institute es una plataforma creativa que a través de la investigación y el desarrollo, la innovación y la educación, aborda los problemas alimentarios que enfrentará la humanidad de cara al futuro. ¡Donde profesionales y entusiastas de la comida se unen para aprender, descubrir, crear y prototipar el futuro de la gastronomía! Creado por Estruc24.
Futur 2050
Food Design
David Hume said “The beauty of objects resides in the mind of those who observe them”
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
Quant a Next Nature Network
Som una xarxa de creadors, pensadors, educadors i simpatitzants. Amb membres a 44 països, som la xarxa internacional per a qualsevol persona interessada en el debat sobre el nostre futur, en què la biologia i la tecnologia es fonen. La nostra seu central es troba a Amsterdam, els Països Baixos, el planeta Terra i l’Univers.
Sniffer pone su olfato a trabajar en el dominio digital
Futur 2050
Food Design
Catàleg TAPAS. Spanish Design for Food (2013) Lunwerg.Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) Juli Capella, director de la publicació. Autors: Pau Arenós, Ferran Adrià, Antoni Miralda
● Dossier de premsa TAPAS (2.88 MB)
● Bibliografia TAPAS (2.19 MB)
● Vídeos:
Audiovisual de la exposición “TAPAS. Spanish Design for Food”. Impresión 3D para alimentos / 3D food printing Diseño: Paco Morales, Luis Fraguada, José Ramón Tramoyeres Producción: GGLab, Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Catalunya IAAC. Esta máquina supone un instrumento innovador para los cocineros de vanguardia. Una impresora de plástico en 3D también puede imprimir comida. Un juguete que vale para todos los públicos: en casa, en el restaurante y en todas las ramas de la industria alimentaria, porque incluso puede diseñar vajillas comestibles de formas orgánicas. Pretende dar una visión diferente del recipiente y del alimento. La máquina adaptada pesa cinco kilos y mide unos 20 x 30 cm. Por su tamaño, podría colocarse sobre la mesa y hacerla funcionar a la vista del público. …
Altres vídeos de TAPAS:
DIÀLEGS entre gastronomia i disseny (2 de maig 2017) Quina relació hi ha entre cuineres i dissenyadores? Com s’estableix la dinàmica entre la creació del contingut alimentari i el seu contenidor? En quina mesura la nova alta gastronomia s’ha recolzat en el disseny com a eina creativa? Quines similituds i diferències existeixen entre cuinar i dissenyar?
‘OxymoronMaker d´ Andreu Carulla
Aquesta és l'animació feta per presentar l'OxymoronMaker. L'OximoronMaker és un màquina de gelats calents, encàrreg de Rocambolesc (gelateria El Celler de Can Roca) i dissenyada per Andreu Carulla.http://www.andreucarulla.com/ S'escalfa i es segella un gelat ple de brioix en pocs segons, pel que tenim un tractament de fred a l'interior i d'un ambient càlid a l'exterior. La màquina està feta amb els millors materials, com l'acer inoxidable i la fusta contraxapada de bambú, entre d'altres, i tots els elements són nous i han estat especialment creats. El resultat: una pasta de llet molt calenta amb gelat, el contrast del que és tota una experiència. Val la pena provar-ho!
Manifest Mapa il·lustrat per Su Hyun Park
Disseny d'aliments
The Food & Design Manifesto Event
Disseny especulatiu
Futur 2050
Food Design
#surfacedesign #bioplastic #biomaterials #biodesign #greendesign #biodegradable #vegan #ecodesign #sustainablefashion #alternativefashion #biowaste
asistentes, equipo, colaboradores, ponentes, participantes y patrocinadores ↓ @bcd.barcelona @plat.institute @graninies @barcelona_cat @simonelectric @plateselector @vice_spain @raam_en @cett_ub @elisavabcn @iaacbcn @iedbarcelona @jreespana @xavier_sala_ @carmegasull @elsayranzo @hiddenfactorybarcelona @foodandevent @carta_alimentaria @elpetitceller @vinaesmeralda @jeanleon1963 @illy_coffee @caltomas @cervezasalhambra @fevertree_es @virabrands @_icc_ @alaskaseafoodspain @koppertcressespana @hermanostorres @annetteabstoss @evaghausmann @everydayfoodsituations @fundacioalicia @evaballarinofficial @mellowsheng @winterchef @cocuus @restaurante_manairo @makeatbcn @ceciliatham @adriaviladomat @vakuum_by_martin_lippo @biscuitsbcn @noquedatinte @seba_donoso_ @losientostudio @nuncaestudio @randomhappinessofficial @nicolevindel @bonaprofit @marcedmc @plasticpreciossafor
Food Tech The Future of Kitchens, digital fabrication FoodLab — Patxi Larumbe (Cocuus), Juan Umbert y Adrià Colominas (Makeat), Cecilia Tham, Adriá Viladomat, Jordi Herrera (Manairó). Food Design Candy of the Future. Experimentación + Fast Prototyping — Vakuum by Martin Lippo & Biscuits BCN
Food Tech ‘From Idea to Reality’ with a digital fabrication Foodlab — Makeat & Cocuus
Social Food Edible Tableware. Experimentación + Fast Prototyping — Bon Aprofit & Marcelo de Medeiros
Sustainability From Waste to Life_Plastic Chapter. Experimentación + Fast Prototyping — Plàstic Preciós la Safor & Plat Institute . #foodturebarcelona
DS20Y17. Martí Guixé en Galería H20
Hace 20 años se presentaba en la Galería H2O de Barcelona SPAMT (És Pà amb Tomàquet), el rediseño del tradicional pan con tomate catalán. Este evento, que tuvo lugar precisamente en febrero de 1997, puede considerarse el inicio del Food Design. A lo largo de los últimos 20 años, el Food Design ha evolucionado hacia una especie de movimiento gastronómico cultural con un peso específico relevante.
…En febrero de 1997, presenta SPAMT –siglas fonéticas de “és-pà-amb-tomàquet”–, en una exposición dedicada al diseño de comida en H2O. En esta ya mítica galería del carrer Verdi, monta una cadena de producción con unos amigos para fabricar 500 unidades de tomates rellenos de pan y aceite. Una versión más práctica del plato tradicional catalán. Una versión diseñada.
Guixé: “Exponía fotos porque no iba a poner allí unos tomates, y el Joaquim, el galerista, me dice: ‘No puedes hacer una expo de diseño sin objetos. No va a venir nadie. La gente quiere ver el objeto’. Entonces, cogemos una mesa, nos sentamos y hacemos 500 SPAMTs. Cuando empezamos el tío, el Joaquim, dice: ‘Noooo, lo hacéis cuando ya venga la gente’. Y así se convirtió en performance sin quererlo.”…
x-designer Project Bar! Un bar en constant fabricació amb màquines d'impressió 3D
L'Ex-Designer Bar pretén, d'una banda, construir una nova percepció del disseny basada en la tecnologia, la innovació i la ficció, i definir una nova relació entre cultura, art i negocis, alhora que busca establir i consolidar els nous paràmetres de la classe creativa. Ex-Designer compara l'estètica i la funció dels productes experimentals. Proposa el “model de negoci” com a nova disciplina artística. Experimenta amb la forma més radical de disseny d'aliments.
L’ex-dissenyador avalua el comportament de la disciplina de disseny en el context de la microproducció (en contraposició a l’artesania). Prova ells mateixos nous formats de productes i nous productes. Crea un nou estil internacional. Reconstrueix l’imaginari visual de la vida quotidiana i els seus rituals i adopta conceptes com ara “economies col·laboratives” i “crowdfunding”.
Què és un ex-dissenyador?…
Futur 2050
Food Design
Food Design
“Cravings”, Science Museum, Londres.
Crossmodal Research Laboratory
MOLD is an editorial platform exploring the intersection of food and design. Our global team of editors and contributors bring a critical voice to the emerging field of food design and contextualize innovation from across disciplines. Pitch us! editors [at] thisismold.com
Futur 2050
Food Design
Salone del Mobile.Milano. The Salone del Mobile.Milano is the worldwide-renowned furniture exhibition with 2,500 exhibitors, more than 300,000 visitors coming from +160 Countries, +5,000 accredited journalists. Alongside the main exhibition, several events, meetings, presentations take place to have a complete view of the present and future of the furnishings and design.
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/isaloni/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/isaloni
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/isaloni https://fuorisalone.it/
cicle “Alimentum”
amb la projecció del documental “Els desposseïts” de Mathieu Roy, un assaig visual que documenta la lluita diària de la classe rural mundial, i el cicle de deute, despossessió i desesperació al qual la sotmet un sistema econòmic descontrolat que produeix, al mateix temps, aliments i fam. ALIMENTUM és un cicle de projeccions de documentals sobre alimentació i ecologia produït pel CCCB amb la col·laboració de la Revista Soberanía Alimentaria: Biodiversidad y Culturas. http://www.cccb.org/ca/marc/fitxa/alimentum/228209
DESCRIPCIÓ DE LA PEL·LÍCULA Els desposseïts és un viatge impressionista rodat a l’Índia, la República Democràtica del Congo, Malawi, Suïssa, el Brasil i el Canadà, que ajuda a entendre la lluita diària d’una classe rural mundial que passa fam. En aquests temps d’agricultura industrialitzada, les persones que produeixen aliments a tot el planeta guanyen menys que gairebé qualsevol altra professió. Aquesta pel·lícula —en part cinéma-vérité, en part assaig— analitza els mecanismes que enfonsen els agricultors en un cicle lúgubre de desesperació, deutes i despossessió. Els deposseïts Mathieu Roy, 180 min, Canada, Suïssa Presentació a càrrec d'Aitor Urkiola (membre de GRAIN). CARACTERÍSTIQUES DE L'ESDEVENIMENT Dia: 19 de febrer Hora: 18:30h Idioma: VOSC Entrada: Gratuïta
QUÈ ÉS “ALIMENTUM”? L’alimentació i l’impacte del sistema agroalimentari s’ha convertit en un aspecte clau de l’agenda social, una qüestió que Alimentum analitza des de tres punts de vista complementaris: la crisi ecològica, la crisi econòmica i la crisi del pensament. Un cicle de projeccions i debats que es planteja com uns estats generals de l’alimentació, però també un manual de supervivència, entre la salut i la sobirania, el plaer i la política, la crítica i la pràctica transformadora.
https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lesdepossedes/259698278 Cicle #Alimentum - Gener - Febrer - Març - 2019
9 febrer 2019 17:00 - 18:15
Pere Castells
...Una cosa sembla clara: caldrà planificar a la seva superfície plantacions altament productives i que requereixin poca quantitat d’aigua. Aquesta producció aportarà la part vegetal necessària des del punt de vista nutricional als humans que hi visquin. Però també necessitaran altres components, que els poden venir del consum d’insectes. La producció d’insectes és molt sostenible i molt més adaptable a condicions complexes, i tenen un gran valor nutritiu...
És possible menjar sa i de manera sostenible? És tan complicat com sembla? En aquesta taula rodona diferents experts de la nutrició, l’antropologia i la comunicació ens ajudaran a entendre què cal menjar i… per què no ho fem. Debatrem de quina manera l’evidència científica pot ajudar-nos a menjar millor, però fent èmfasi en el fet que crear evidències científiques sòlides no és senzill. Amb tot, algunes recomanacions semblen clares i són compartides per totes les societats mèdiques i científiques, i per les agències de salut. Per què no les tenim en compte?
A les entranyes de Barcelona: Microbioma i Salut
Gastrofestival Madrid 2019DIEZ AÑOS SABOREANDO MADRID
23 de enero - 10 de febrero …La cocina es un arte que se disfruta con los cinco sentidos. El gusto y el olfato, sí, pero también la vista, el tacto y el oído. A través de los habi- tuales bloques temáticos Madrid Gastronómico, Gastrocultura, Experiencias Sensoriales, Enocultura, Gastrofashion, Gastrosalud y Gastrofestival Solidario,…
https://www.madridfusion.net/es/cocinero/ferran-adria/ http://www.elbulli.com/historia/index.php?lang=es&seccion=9
Madrid Fusión 2019 28, 29 y 30 Enero
#REALEMF19 Cumbre Internacional de Gastronomía Madrid Fusión, es un congreso internacional de gastronomía que se celebra anualmente en Madrid desde el año 2003.
https://www.instagram.com/madridfusion/ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs0MXavnJax/
Interactivos?‘19: Comer contra el colapso
La agricultura supone solo el 3,5% del PIB mundial. Algún economista famoso, premio “Nobel” para más señas, se ha atrevido a decir que, por lo tanto, es una actividad despreciable. Para afirmar eso hay que pasar por alto que la población rural mundial es el 45% de la total, que el 37% de las tierras emergidas se dedican a la agricultura, que el 70% de las extracciones de agua dulce se usan en la agricultura y, sobre todo, que el dinero no alimenta. Pero modelos agrícolas hay muchos, del mismo modo que los hay alimentarios. Unos, los agroindustriales, son petrodependientes y otros, los ecológicos, no solo se basan en la sostenibilidad sino que son, inevitablemente, los modelos del futuro. La expansión de la agroindustria…https://www.medialab-prado.es/noticias/hoy-hamburguesa-manana-hummus
Proyectos y alternativas inspiradoras:..
Incredible Edible: una idea sugerente. https://www.incredible-edible-todmorden.co.uk/
Federación europea de granjas urbanas. Las de Londres son muy interesantes: https://cityfarms.org/
Tecnología y proyecto social para mejorar la eficiencia en los comedores: http://foodtopia.eu/
El milagro de los peces: tecnología de acuaponía para dar de comer a los vecinos de las Tres Mil Viviendas en Sevilla: https://elpais.com/elpais/2015/07/01/planeta_futuro/1435761050_467308.html
en relació:
Ja ha tornat la fermentació: com els organismes vius remodelaran el plat?
En aquest assaig, parlo de la fermentació: el que la fa tan màgica, perquè la gent li té tanta por. Parlo d'algunes estratègies que fan servir les persones per fer del fermentar part de la seva vida quotidiana i per què la vida moderna ho fa tan difícil. I, finalment, parlo de l'ètica de la fermentació: què podem aprendre i com ens pot ajudar a pensar de manera diferent.
Nordic Food Lab is now part of Future Consumer Lab at the Department of Food Science at University of Copenhagen http://nordicfoodlab.org/
“No hi ha millor manera d’entendre el procés de fermentació d’una massa que a través del cos”
Ariadna Rodríguez i Iñaki Álvarez, creadors de l’espai Nyamnyam
Sandor Katz https://www.wildfermentation.com/
El primer “filete” de carne de laboratorio, bocado gourmet que se cocina vuelta y vuelta
La startup israelí Aleph Farms anuncia un producto de carne cultivada a partir de células de animal que logra piezas enteras tipo bistec, y que reproduce la textura y estructura 3D de la carne. Actualmente se encuentra en su 3ª ronda de inversión para impulsar la producción y poner el producto en el mercado en 3-4 años.
#thisismold #futureoffood #foodart
Les Glaneurs et la Glaneuse est un documentaire de la réalisatrice Agnès Varda… wiki/Les_Glaneurs_et_la_Glaneuse
Les+glaneurs+et+la+glaneuse videos
La pel·lícula tracta sobre una sèrie de col·lectors que busquen menjar, foteses i relacions interpersonals. Varda viatja pels camps i ciutats de França filmant no només espigadors, sinó també drapaires i recol·lectors urbans, incloent a el propietari d'un salubre restaurant els antecessors eren també recol·lectors. La pel·lícula narra diversos aspectes de la gent que recol·lecta i viu de la recol·lecció. Una d'aquestes persones és un professor, Alain, que compagina la recol·lecció de vegetals en els mercats de la ciutat amb l'ensenyament de francès en un centre per a immigrants. Entre els altres personatges de Varda es troben artistes que incorporen materials reciclats en el seu treball, símbols que ella descobreix durant la gravació (incloent un rellotge sense agulles i una patata amb forma de cor), i diversos advocats que estudien legalment aquests fenòmens de recol·lecció. Varda també entrevista Louis Pons, Que explica que les escombraries és un “ventall de possibilitats”...
#AgnèsVarda #lesglaneursetlaglaneuse
Plat Institute es una plataforma creativa que a través de la investigación y el desarrollo, la innovación y la educación, aborda los problemas alimentarios que enfrentará la humanidad de cara al futuro. ¡Donde profesionales y entusiastas de la comida se unen para aprender, descubrir, crear y prototipar el futuro de la gastronomía! Creado por Estruc24.
FOODTURE BARCELONA Sci-Fi Food // From Food Design to Design Fiction Hybrid Event • OCT 20-24 By @plat.institute & @bcd.barcelona ↓#Foodture2020
Foodture 2020 - Sci Fi Food // From Food Design to Design FictionPúblico · Organizado por
Plat Institute
Barcelona centre de Disseny
20 oct., 9:00 – 22 oct., 21:00 UTC+02hace aproximadamente un mes
Summit of Food Design, Food Tech & Social Food 〰️ Foodture Barcelona es el Summit de Innovación en Food Design Food Tech y Sostenibilidad nacido en Barcelona. Buscando crear el espacio abierto donde proyectos visionarios, startups, ciencia, diseño e innovación se dan cita para explorar y rediseñar el mundo de la alimentación. La ciencia ficción se transforma en la ciencia del mañana, enfocados este año en el diseño de ficción, que nos permite dibujar y reflexionar escenarios de futuro con soluciones vanguardistas con funcionalidad del presente.
Diàlegs entre gastronomia i disseny: Javier Bonet + Martí Guixé
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VREV MANCHESTER, Vegan Junk Food Heaven
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Babka wreaths, vegan nachos, and more Pittsburgh food news
Babka wreaths, vegan nachos, and more Pittsburgh food news
click to enlarge Photo: Courtesy of Back to the Foodture Back To The Foodture Uptown location Nine O’Clock Wines4112 Butler St., Lawrenceville. lvmarkethouse.com The curated wine subscription service and bottle shop Nine O’Clock Wines has a new home as one of the vendors selling out of the Lawrenceville Market House. Visit them on Fri. Dec. 23 from 4-8 p.m. and on Sat., Dec. 31 from 11 a.m.-3…
View On WordPress
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Foodture | From food design to design fiction from The Others on Vimeo.
Finally, we have here the second edition of Foodture Barcelona, the Summit of Innovation in Food Design, Food Tech and Sustainability. This year we’ve come together with Barcelona Design Center along with Plat Institute and Raúl Maldonado to create a strong, dynamic and adaptable visual identity for this edition and the upcoming ones. Variability is a strong concept regarding food and culture, we wanted to reflect that through the identity, the unexpected typographic gestures and the different animations. We want to show a new and redesigned image to this hybrid space where the most utopic is already a reality.
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AX2001 - University - One second a week animation - My approach & 2D sections (Summer Project)
Since finishing my first year for the summer, we were set a summer assignment/ project to complete during out time off. One was to mix a character from one series and give them the art style/ design of another series. The other was to make a short, animated piece, where we had to create one second of animation each week, but each scenario was different to the last. In this post I will explain my thought process for the entire one second a week project and highlight the 2D sections of my piece.
How did I come up with each idea?
For the most part, each idea/ second of animation I created stemmed from something happening around me, or something that was going on around the time.
Some examples include big events happening during this summer period, such as the “Euros” and the “Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games”. Other ideas came from more strange scenarios, but were memorable enough for me to include, such as dreams and bizarre thoughts relating to something I was doing around the time (E.g. What if the world suddenly went black and white like an early 1930′s film).
As long as I was able to condense each idea down to a second, I would try to create each of them, within a week’s period, I understand, I could of spent longer on some of these, but I felt like I was cheating myself by not sticking to week long period (with the exception of one, but I will explain this in 3D sections post coming out in the future).
With this structure in mind, I began the project.
2D Sections Overview and development
Teeing Off (Golf/ Start)
This first animated piece was that of someone hitting a golf ball off a tee, like a standard game of golf. This idea came to me just I began the project as due to Covid-19 the local golf course and driving ranges had to close, but were able to re-open at the start of summer. In my mind I thought of this idea as two parts (More on the second part later), the animation with ball being hit and ending (the final second) with ball going in the hole.
When creating this piece, I tried to incorporate both drawn animation and Pegged animation with the golf club and person being drawn, and the ball being animated with Pegs. The tee itself had its position and rotation changed to ensure that it remained the same size throughout its cycle.
Whilst making this piece the two areas I felt I had the most difficulty in was with the person’s rotation and the arc of the golf club’s swing. After watching many clips from multiple sources of professional players, playing golf, I never really noticed any sort of bend or slack in the club, I had to try and animate the club in the same scale. The only issue with this is I felt like the club seemed a bit stiff throughout its cycle. If I were to try this again, I would try to include some sort of the stretch to emphasise more of the strength and speed of the club hitting the ball.
As for the person hitting ball, this issue came more down to drawing a fast turnaround, I initially only had two frames for the legs, being the player facing forward, and the player facing the side. Whilst viewing the clips for the golf club I also noted that a lot of players seem to swing so hard they sometimes end up on their toes, so when making the two frames and watching the footage back, the feet seemed to snap into place, causing it to look quite rough in execution. To fix this I added one more drawing of the feet mid turn, this improved the transition between feet positions but, when slowed down the difference between the feet becomes very noticeable.
One final lesson I learned from this piece was the speed of Pegging animation and drawn animation. I was reminded through trial and error, that pegged animation works in singles (1 frame at a time), whereas my drawn animation was made in twos. At this point I was running out of time, so I made the golf ball pattern move in singles so there is no delay between the ball and its pattern in its movement (other pegged animation such as the clouds were un-altered in these final stages).
The Foodture (Plane flying through doughnut)
This animated piece, featured an airplane flying through the centre of an enormous doughnut rotating in the sky. This idea came to me after inviting some friends over to my house, one of which brought a box of doughnuts. During this time, I had shoved a kabab stick through the centre ring and held it sideways, whilst staring at this, the TV in background had a city visible on it and that's where this idea was born.
In comparison to the previous 2D piece, I animated this piece entirely with Pegs, the plane, doughnuts, icing, sprinkles, and clouds where all animated with pegs. But this wasn’t all easy breezy, as this brought new issues of which I had to address and try and fix.
The most experimental aspect of the animation was the plane flying through the centre doughnut. At first, the plane would fly over/ on top of the doughnut layer making it appear that the doughnuts where in the background and not he fore ground. I tried to change around the order of the layers to achieve what I was aiming to do, but this either caused the plane to disappear or not become visible, due to hiding behind the doughnuts. To fix this, I placed the airplane layer above the doughnut layer and erased sections of the plane frame by frame to create the look of it flying through the centre of the doughnut.
As everything was animated with Pegs, the hardest thing for me to achieve this time, was the sprinkle’s rotating around the doughnut. To overcome this issue, I had to be careful as to where I placed the start and final key frames for the sprinkles movement. The re-occurring issue was that the sprinkles, float off the doughnut, or would overlap resulting in the sprinkles merging with things. After trying to fix this for a few days, I figured out a method of preventing this issue from happening, by not only adjusting the position of the sprinkles, but also the scale/ size of them seemed to reduce this issue. So, at the start of the animation the sprinkles at their usual size, but by the end the size of them have increased slightly. By tweaking this bit by bit I was able to keep the sprinkles from leaving the doughnut and thus it was finished. I then included to more doughnuts above and below the original with the same method for their sprinkles and for the most part, this method (at least to me) appeared to work again each time.
After all the tweaks were made cotton candy clouds, an ice cream Sunday skyscraper and hill made of cake were added to emphasise the food theme of the piece.
High Five! (Live action and animation)
This animated piece was probably my most experimental piece out of everything included in this project. This idea came to me after the masses of advertisements made of the Warner Brothers animated film “Space Jam A New Legacy”. Advertising for this film for a time was everywhere, that it got to the point of me wondering, would such a piece be possible? I do not own a green screen, or a tripod so it defiantly would not be professional, but as a prototype, could this concept work? So, I decided to give it a try.
The first thing I did when creating this piece was not animating but planning. Within the the first frame I made a rough plane as to where everything would need to be, such as borders for how both me and the animated character could move in frame and where the contact needs to be made. After a few attempts of planning, I began animating my character.
For this piece, I did not want to create a character to complex as I did not want to overly complicate the making process. So, I made my character with a head body and only the top half of his legs. The reason for only having the top half of his legs was, I wanted him to be roughly in frame and at the same height as me, but this also allowed me to position the character without him exiting off screen, this made things a lot easier to judge/ adjust after the live action segment was filmed.
Now I understand this post is about animation, so I won’t dwell too much on the live action section. All I’ll say is it took 17 attempts to get the best shot you see in the final piece and the camera used was with the same camera I used for stop-motion work/ sections. This segment was not done picture by picture with the camera and was recorded.
After all this, the hardest part of this animation was creating the contact between our hands. The animated character used his arm further away from the camera, as I wanted to add facial expressions as he twists for the high five, whereas if he was the other way, you would only see the back of his head. So, I had to use my hand closest to the camera, the issue was my hand would have to cover his hand. At first, I tried using “Adobe Photoshop” and “Adobe After effects” to blur out the hand making it more convincing, but the only results I got from this was a smudge on the frame which didn't look good.
With time running out the best I could do was place the original animation in “Adobe Premier Pro” overlay it onto the live action section then make notes as to which frame numbers included the impact, open the original animation “Toon Boom” and erase sections of the hand frame by frame. Overall, this animation isn’t the best in line up of the other pieces I made, but I left it in as I felt it showed experimentation with something I had little knowledge on prior and that I was willing to try something new.
The Colour Switch (Black and White to Colour)
This piece takes place in an office building within a city, everything is drawn with black lines, but everything else is white, someone presses a red button what says colour, turning the colour back, revealing he isn’t wearing cloths. As mentioned in briefly in “How did I come up with each idea?” section, this idea came from the thought of what if everything was black and white. But more specifically this idea came to me as I was creating my first character for the character mash-up section of the project (more on that in a future post).
With this animated piece I want to create a characterised piece, as so far most of my other animated pieces were straight to the point or did not really involve too much interaction (I guess with the exception of “High Five!”). I began by drawing the office and the main character, I originally planned for the main character to face forward and turn to the button, but I felt this would take longer than a one second and not include the punch line of the piece. The process of creating this piece was a bit simpler than the others, as I animated everything in two’s and once the main character presses the button, I then added colour to the piece once the animation was done.
With the lessons learned from “Teeing Off” I used any Peg animations for minor aspects of the animation, so it did not appear too rough in comparison to everything else on screen. So a background car, the first half of the man with his coffee walking and the coffee the man spits out, where made using Pegs. Little things such as both characters having a reaction to the man pressing the button, I thought helped give a sense of comedy and character within the piece, even if you don’t quite catch it first time around.
Oddly enough, the hardest part of this piece was making sure I didn’t have too much going on, a lesson I had learned from the “Medals” piece. So, I had to resist the urge to have people walking outside or birds. From a making point of view, I found it a little difficult at first to judge how far the man who spits out his coffee should bend down, as I felt that it seemed like his body was collapsing in on himself sometimes, but felt like I did an OK job for the final piece.
Angry Planets (The Sun & Moon)
This animated piece features and mischievous Sun, who is running away from an angry Moon, around the surface of the Earth. This idea came to me in a dream I had where I looked up at the sky and saw the sun and moon rotate around the earth so fast that night and day happened every two seconds. This dream was so bizarre that I decided to make this piece but try to characterise the two planets.
The main aspect I wanted to focus on this time around was the planets walk/ run cycle and how to adapt it to a none flat surface. To begin with I created the Earth and made the Sun and Moon on each side of it, I then gave both the Sun and Moon facial features. I wanted to try and make the sun look young and cheery and make the moon old and cranky. To achieve this look I gave the moon grey bushy eyebrows and a grey moustache to show maturity for the moon, whereas the Sun lacks these features, but has a goofy smile on his face representing someone jolly and silly/ mischievous.
I referred to my past work as a guide for how to make the walk/ run cycle, I tried to exaggerate some frames of legs bending and springing upwards to emphasise that these planets were running. For the Sun tried to give his arms fast wide arcs to give off a running effect, whereas for the Moon his arms slightly bounce up and down with each footstep he takes.
The hardest part of this project was pulling off the running effect on a none flat surface. I had created the two planets’ animations upright and next to the planet, but when creating their orbiting run cycle, pieces of each character would sometimes fly off and not follow the character. To fix this issue, I would go through each of their loops roughly four to five times for each moving feature (E.g. Their eyes, Mouths, the Moons moustache, the suns triangles, etc.) to make sure nothing popped off. Once everything was fixed, I then reviewed the animation back to make sure the two were running around in a clear circle. At first, I had them clipping into the Earth a little too much, but after a bit more tweaking in double checking everything was in place, I felt I had managed to achieve this effect.
Medals (The Olympic Games)
This piece features three athletes winning their bronze, silver, and gold medals with a backdrop of Tokyo in the background. This idea came from the “Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games”, which took place over this summer and although I had already featured two sports already being Golf and Football, I wanted to focus on a different moment from the games being the award ceremony.
As previously mentioned, my main focus was the award ceremony, but after realising how quickly I was able to animate this piece, most of my time came from Japanese landmarks and culture. To start the animation was of each athlete holding up their medals to celebrate their victories, these were created in singles, although each athlete raises their medals at slightly different times, their animation cycles are not 25 frames long but 12 frames long. Other animated aspects of this piece include clouds and a blimp with the Olympic rings on it, which animated using pegs.
The most time-consuming feature of this piece was creating the background, this was kind of my own undoing, but I really wanted to add as many features and land marks as possible in this piece. These include a shop advertising Sushi, a Pagoda tower on top of a small hill, Tokyo Tower in the distance, the “Shibuya Crossing” and shop with a Tanuki wearing a hat (The writing below both the Tanuki Shop and Sushi Shop say “Tanuki House” and Sushi” in Japanese, if I wrote/ drew it correctly (I don’t really know Japanese, so this was like a small lesson of sorts)).
Although quite simple from an animation perspective, Id say this piece was quite a fun one to do, especially around the time when the Olympics were on and I can safely say I’ve learned a thing or two outside of animation on this occasion.
Extra/ Unused Images for this post
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Søndag d. 19.8.2018
Vi fik en fantastisk start på dagen med et morgenkomplet, der sagde spar 2 til alt.
Der manglede ikke noget så vi tog for os af retterne, vi havde taget vores fineste tøj på, men uden grund, alle typer af påklædning var repræsenteret, så det var bare fint.
Vi fik et bykort i receptionen og drog afsted i 32 graders varme, hver udstyret med 1 vandflaske og kamera, over broen retning af den gamle bydel.
Vi så rigtig mange ting, man kan se at levestandarden er højere her som i Hanoi, husene var pænere og noget mere moderne og størrere. Vi fandt et par sko Fogh godt kunne tænke sig, 150.000 Dong = 50,00 dkr. men de gik kun til str. 44 og det var lige knap nok, så vi måtte videre uden sko.
Vi var på Café, hvor vi blev anbefalet en kold kokuskaffe, hun kunne nok se vi var lidt opkogte, den var rigtig god, kaffe, kokus, is og flødeskum, som skulle røres rigtig godt rundt, smagte virkelig godt. Vi fik tisset af og trissede videre gennem byen.
Vi middagstid blev vi enige om at poolen lokkede os lidt så kunne vi gå modsatte vej i eftermiddag og finde et spisested hen på aftenen.
Jeg tror vandet i poolen er 28-30 grader varmt, rigtig dejlig dag.
Ulla tog en time i motionsrummet, for at få varmen, Fogh blev og passede på værdigenstandene ved poolen.
Vi fortsatte vores byvandring lige efter kaffetid havde spurgt i receptionen, om de kunne anbefale et par spisesteder på denne side af floden, Tropical Garden skulle være rigtig god så vi smuttede forbi for at se hvordan den så ud, den så rigtig fin ud så vi fortsatte lidt rundt i byen og satte os på Tokyo bar, hvor vi fik en sodavand og en Huda øl, vi var de eneste gæster, men der var lige i underkanten af 20 helt unge piger og drenge som skulle servere i løbet af aftenen, det sjove var at vi fik lov til at overvære personalemødet, chefen sad på en stol lige ud for hvor vi sad, og så kaldte han hele flokken hen og stå i en kreds rundt om ham, der var bare respekt, de færreste sagde noget, han startede med at stille en stor bakke på bordet og så kom de enkeltvis med deres mobiltelefon og lagde den i kassen, og han krydsede af, så blev opgaverne fordelt, hver enkelt forlod mødet og gik til deres opgave, der var bare streng disciplin.
Jeg havde kort spurgt en af de unge drenge, hvad de stod klar til lige før mødet startede, derfor vidste vi at der ville holdes et opstartsmøde.
Da vi gik spurgte jeg ham kort, om de gjorde det hver dag, of course we do.
Vi smuttede hen på vores restaurant, vi var de eneste under hele middagen, men skidt pyt, maden var fremragende, og vi gik fuldstændig mætte derfra, vi bliver bedre og bedre til at spise med pinde, Rose lærte os lidt om teknikken, da vi var med hende på foodtur, ikke at vi praler med vores kunnen, men vi får det transporteret fra tallerken til mund, selv lidt mindre stykker.
Vi fik købt lidt vand og drog mod hotellet, fik taget billeder af hotellet badet i lys, så nu kan vi komme op og få pakket.
I morgen drager vi videre på motorcykler op i bjergene, så redaktøren holder fri mandag og tirsdag, på gensyn.
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Solve Snack Time Struggles with Foodture’s Easy Pizza and Drink Vending Machines
In today’s fast-paced world, finding time to sit down for a meal can feel like a luxury. Whether you're a busy professional racing through your day, a student juggling classes and activities, or a traveler rushing between flights, the need for quick, convenient food solutions has never been greater. Enter Foodture’s quick pizza and drink machines—your new go-to for solving on-the-go eating challenges with ease and style.
The Need for On-the-Go Food Solutions
Busy Lives Demand Convenience
Life in the United States is bustling. Long work hours, demanding school schedules, and constant travel leave little room for traditional dining. When hunger strikes, it’s not always possible to stop for a sit-down meal. This is where food vending machines step in. They provide a quick, hassle-free solution, offering hot meals and refreshing drinks without the wait.
Traditional Options Fall Short
Many traditional food services can't keep up with the speed and convenience required by modern life. Fast food chains, while quick, often fall short in terms of quality and variety. Cafeterias and snack bars may have long lines or limited hours, leaving you searching for alternatives. Foodture’s vending machines offer a solution that combines speed with quality, catering to today’s on-the-go lifestyle.
Foodture’s Quick Pizza and Drink Machines: A Game-Changer
Revolutionizing Vending
At Foodture, we’re all about revolutionizing how you experience on-the-go food. Our quick pizza and drink machines are designed with one thing in mind: providing high-quality, delicious food and drinks quickly and conveniently.
Quick Pizza Vending Machines
Imagine grabbing a hot, fresh pizza slice from a vending machine—no waiting, no hassle. That’s what Foodture’s quick pizza machines offer. Here’s what makes them stand out:
Features: Our machines offer a variety of pizza options, all prepared with top-notch ingredients. The cooking process ensures each slice is as fresh and tasty as if it were made in a pizzeria. With intuitive touchscreens and easy-to-navigate menus, getting your pizza is as simple as pressing a button.
Benefits: Speed is key here. Our machines deliver hot pizza in minutes, making it perfect for lunch breaks, quick dinners, or even late-night cravings. Plus, our commitment to quality means you’re not sacrificing taste for convenience.
Quick Drink Vending Machines
When it comes to drinks, Foodture’s machines have got you covered with an impressive selection:
Features: From refreshing sodas to energy drinks and bottled water, our machines offer a wide variety to suit every taste. The machines are user-friendly and stocked with your favorite beverages.
Benefits: Just like with our pizza machines, speed is a major advantage. Whether you need a quick coffee pick-me-up or a hydrating beverage, our machines deliver with efficiency and reliability.
Benefits of Foodture’s Machines for Various Settings
Office Environments
Boosting Employee Satisfaction
Imagine having a quick pizza or a cold drink available in your office lobby or break room. It’s not just a convenience; it’s a morale booster. Employees can enjoy quality food without leaving the office, enhancing productivity and satisfaction.
Case Studies
Many businesses have already seen the benefits. Companies that have installed our machines report higher employee satisfaction and a reduction in lunchtime traffic to nearby eateries.
Educational Institutions
Convenience for Students and Staff
Students and staff at educational institutions can benefit greatly from having quick access to meals and drinks. Our machines offer a reliable option for busy students between classes or staff who need a quick lunch without the hassle of waiting in long lines.
Campus Integration
Foodture vending machines are a perfect fit for campus dining facilities, providing a convenient option that complements existing food services.
Public Transportation Hubs
Ease for Travelers
Airports, bus stations, and train stations are prime locations for vending machines. Travelers often have limited time and need quick solutions. Our machines provide just that, offering a range of food and drink options that cater to busy travelers.
Success Stories
We’ve had great success placing our machines in major transportation hubs, where they help alleviate the rush and provide a valuable service to commuters and travelers.
Healthcare Facilities
Quick Options for Patients and Visitors
Hospitals and clinics often have a need for quick and easy food and drink solutions. Our machines can offer a range of options to patients, visitors, and staff, making it easier for everyone to grab a bite or a drink without the wait.
Pilot Programs
Several healthcare facilities have already piloted our machines with positive results, finding them to be a convenient and effective addition to their services.
Advantages Over Traditional Food Services
Operational Costs
Vending machines often have lower operational costs compared to traditional food services. There’s no need for a full-time staff, and maintenance is straightforward. This can translate to cost savings for businesses and institutions.
Operational Efficiency
Maintenance and Restocking
Foodture machines are designed for easy maintenance and restocking. This efficiency ensures that machines are always stocked and operational with minimal downtime.
24/7 Availability
Unlike traditional food services with set hours, our vending machines are available 24/7, ensuring you have access to food and drinks whenever you need them.
Customer Experience
Speed and Satisfaction
The speed at which our machines deliver food and drinks enhances the customer experience. With quick service and high-quality products, customers leave satisfied, knowing they can get what they need in moments.
Our machines offer a variety of options, allowing users to choose exactly what they want. This level of customization ensures that everyone finds something they enjoy.
Getting Started with Foodture’s Vending Solutions
Easy Implementation
Steps to Get Started
Getting Foodture’s vending machines into your location is a straightforward process. Reach out to us for a consultation, and we’ll guide you through the installation and setup process.
Contact Information
Ready to upgrade your food service with Foodture’s quick pizza and drink machines? Contact us today for quotes, consultations, or to schedule a demo. We’re here to help you provide top-notch convenience and quality to your customers.
Foodture’s quick pizza and drink machines are more than just vending machines—they’re a solution to the modern need for fast, convenient, and high-quality food options. Whether you're in an office, a school, a transportation hub, or a healthcare facility, our machines offer an efficient way to meet on-the-go eating challenges.
Don't let the fast pace of life leave you or your customers hungry. Reach out to Foodture and discover how our vending solutions can transform your food service experience. Let’s make quick, delicious meals and drinks accessible to everyone, anytime, anywhere.
Feel free to contact us to learn more or to get started today. We’re excited to help you bring the best in on-the-go dining to your location!
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Foodture: una nutritiva opción vegana para el día a día
Un innovador producto vegano nace en Chile para aliviar la vida de miles de personas, que por tiempo o costos, no alcanzan a cocinar o comer de buena forma en el día a día.
“Nuestro producto actual es una comida completa y práctica en solo una botella. Contiene 20g de proteína vegetal, 20% de nutrición diaria respecto a vitaminas y minerales que ayudan al funcionamiento del organismo, y además es fuente de fibras que colabora con la flora intestinal, brinda sensación de saciedad y reduce la absorción de colesterol”, explicó la fundadora y CEO de Foodture, Linda Obregon.
Una iniciativa apoyada por Star-Up Chile, con gran interés por parte de las personas, que ya pueden obtener estas botellas en 3 sabores, las cuales pueden retirar en la oficina de Animal Libre y comenzara disfrutarla y nutrirse de manera deliciosa y rápida.
El batido de Foodture se puede encontrar en diferentes sectores de la Región Metropolitana. En tanto, en Santiago centro se puede retirar en la oficina de Animal Libre, ubicada en Santo Domingo 588 de lunes a viernes de 17:00 a 20:30 horas. También mediante la página web del nutritivo producto www.foodture.co
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FOODTURE BARCELONA Sci-Fi Food // From Food Design to Design Fiction Hybrid Event • OCT 20-24 By @plat.institute & @bcd.barcelona ↓#Foodture2020
Foodture 2020 - Sci Fi Food // From Food Design to Design FictionPúblico · Organizado por
Plat Institute
Barcelona centre de Disseny
20 oct., 9:00 – 22 oct., 21:00 UTC+02hace aproximadamente un mes
Summit of Food Design, Food Tech & Social Food 〰️ Foodture Barcelona es el Summit de Innovación en Food Design Food Tech y Sostenibilidad nacido en Barcelona. Buscando crear el espacio abierto donde proyectos visionarios, startups, ciencia, diseño e innovación se dan cita para explorar y rediseñar el mundo de la alimentación. La ciencia ficción se transforma en la ciencia del mañana, enfocados este año en el diseño de ficción, que nos permite dibujar y reflexionar escenarios de futuro con soluciones vanguardistas con funcionalidad del presente.
Disseny especulatiu
Futur 2050
Food Design
Plat Institute es una plataforma creativa que a través de la investigación y el desarrollo, la innovación y la educación, aborda los problemas alimentarios que enfrentará la humanidad de cara al futuro. ¡Donde profesionales y entusiastas de la comida se unen para aprender, descubrir, crear y prototipar el futuro de la gastronomía! Creado por Estruc24.
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Lo + disruptivo en #FoodDesign #FoodTech #SocialFood & #Sostenibilidad
4ª ed >> 7-9 NOV22 en @gastronomicfbcn
By @bcd.barcelona and @plat.institute
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Gracias a @plateselector nos enteramos de que el próximo 7 de noviembre se celebrará @foodture.barcelona foodture, un cita organizada por @bcd.barcelona y @plat.institute para conocer “el futuro más disruptivo en materia de Food Desing, Food Tech y Social Food” ¡No te lo pierdas!⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ Via plateselector we heard that next November 7th the big summit of Food Design, Food Tech & Social Food is going to be celebrate it in Barcelona, organized by BCD Barcelona & Plat Institute to figure out the most disruptive future on these subjects. Do not miss it!⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #serviceclub #startup #platform #recruitment #training #hospitality #plateslector #restaurant #foodture #foodtech #foodsummit #FoodtureBarcelona #food #FoodDesign #FoodTech #SocialFood #gastronomy #hospitalityrecruitment #tech #app #learning #BcnMakers #barcelona #truehospitality #hospitalityrocks #hospitalityacademy #forbetterhospitalityjobs #microlearning #doyouloveyourjob #tegustatutrabajo pic by @foodture.barcelona — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2WmgRQo
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My poster for Into the Foodture!
I wanted it to look very space-themed, like everything’s getting sucked into a wormhole. Above are some details of the poster that I really like.
I think swirling text is starting to become a theme I have for designing posters, because I did something similar last semester … Maybe I just like making things difficult to read for people. We’ll see what happens.
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Food takes a big part of our life. Even three thousand years back in time was food important and that has never changed. But the way we eat, has changed drastically. Also how we get our food presented was different as thousand years back. Where we get our food is nowadays easier as it ever was. Al these elements are part of our food culture and everyone has a different meaning about how it is now.
Obesity is an illness that many people have because of our unhealthy food habits. We know what the problem is and don’t do anything about it. And I think that one of the mean reasons is that the unhealthy food, as fast food, is tastier than the food we usually eat. Fifty years back weren’t people complaining about obesity. So you would automatically say that our food habit is changed in a bad way. But there are also good things that has changed. Food that we create on our own is the most flavourful of all time.
If I look in which way our food culture is going, I would say that we’re going in the wrong way. My opinion is also based on what I find out. Kids don’t know fruits or vegetables but they all know what McDonalds looks like. And this one sentence is my whole opinion. When you drive along a McDonalds, kids want to let you stop. But if you drive along a fruit farm or a place where they sell fruit you don’t hear the kids complain when you past without stopping. Also is our food culture going in a bad way, we need to eat and you can easy go to the supermarket to create your own delicious meal but it takes more time than going to the nearest McDonalds. And this way of thinking is wrong but many people think like this.
written by Yenthe
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