#foods high in oxalate
kidneycop · 2 months
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ivy-saurs · 9 months
i'm gonna be okay...
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elainemorisi · 4 months
I think oxalic acid is going to become my ACTUAL INFORMATION OR SHADDUP trigger this season, give the botulism et al gripe a break
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chloeworships · 4 months
This will be the “game changer” in your health and success!!!
This includes nuts, nut milks and high oxallate SPICES… goodbye curry, cumin, black teas, sweet potatoes and beans 🫘😣😅
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Thank you Ms. Sally N
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The Article 📰
PS. I’m sure you can still be a vegan but avoid high Oxalates foods.
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doumadono · 11 months
Emergency request.
Idk if this count as an emergency but I have been suffering from kidney stones for a few weeks. I still have the stone in me and I'm not allowed to go to the hospital until four months time. If the stone doesn't dissolve then I would have to be put into an emergency surgery to have it removed.. Which I'm terrified about.
The first week since I had the stones. I could barely sleep and I've been on the ground in pain for so long...
Is it okay if you do a hantengu clones comforting an s/o with kidney stones cause I wonder if there anyone out there with the same problems who likes the clones as well..
Hantengu Clones & s/o with kidney stones - headcanons
A/N: I can offer some general advice that might help alleviate some discomfort: drink plenty of water to help flush out the stones. Staying hydrated is crucial in managing kidney stones; over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen might help with the pain; limit foods high in oxalates, as they can contribute to stone formation. I hope you find relief soon, and I wish you a swift and successful recovery!
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Karaku finds pleasure in soothing his s/o's pain, his touch gentle and comforting.
"I'll make sure this unpleasant experience is as painless as possible," he purrs with a wicked smile, applying a warm compress to ease their discomfort.
Karaku insists on giving their s/o soothing massages, making the pain a little more bearable, and ensuring they're enveloped in a world of pleasure amidst the discomfort.
"You know, a little pain can make the pleasures in life even sweeter."
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Sekido is surprisingly gentle, channeling his anger into determination to help his s/o.
"You think a little pain can keep you down, weakling?" he grumbles, but there's a hint of caring in his eyes as he assists them with their needs.
His anger can be a source of motivation, and he's there to remind them that they're strong enough to overcome this unpleasant moments.
Sekido takes charge, researching remedies and natural ways to alleviate kidney stone pain.
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Aizetsu approaches the situation with a deep sense of empathy and understanding.
He speaks softly, "I know it's hard, but you're not alone. I'll be here for you, through the pain and tears."
Aizetsu helps them process their emotions, offering a shoulder to cry on and words of comfort.
"Your emotions are valid, even if all you can feel is sorrow and pain."
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Urogi's boundless joy is infectious, and he's determined to keep their spirits up.
"Don't worry, it'll be over soon, and we'll celebrate with something fun!" he exclaims.
He fills the room with laughter and optimism, reminding them that there's happiness on the horizon, and that they can overcome the pain.
"Imagine all the adventures we'll have once this is over!"
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mdeanstrauss · 5 months
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Slender Yellow Wood Sorrel in the North Carolina Woodlands... my first encounter with this species! Can be used as a food source in limited quantity because of high oxalic acid content which gives it a bitter taste... seen by some as a yard weed, which is a pity...
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justkidneying · 3 days
So you know when you get drunk and feel like shit the next day? Have you ever wanted to be able to drink without getting a hangover? Well, I can't really help you there, but I can at least tell you why hair of the dog doesn't work.
Ethanol (CH3CH2OH): this is normal drinking alcohol. When you drink it, most of it gets dumped into your blood and into the liver. What does the liver do with it? It breaks it down into acetaldehyde (which is very toxic) and then breaks that down to acetate. The enzymes involved are Alcohol Dehydrogenase (in the cytosol) and Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase (in the mitochondria). These both use NAD+ (which is needed for normal metabolism) to do their thing, which leaves us with NADH.
So why is drinking bad for you? Cause it inhibits gluconeogenesis, causes lactic acid build up, and damages your cells (yes, you can handle it and drinking in moderation is fine, but molecularly, it is bad).
Cell Damage: acetaldehyde damages pancreas, brain, liver, and GI tract. It also impairs memory and coordination (obviously, lol), and makes you tired (wow who could have guessed that??). Basically, this compound is the reason you feel like shit. Acetaldehyde is bad for you, but you have to make it to get rid of ethanol. Some people (especially those of Asian descent) don't have enough acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. This causes a build up, so they feel worse and get that nice red face when they drink.
Lactic Acid Build Up: okay so remember all that NADH we made to break down ethanol? It's making us have a bad NADH to NAD+ ratio. We really need that NAD+ to accept an electron and allow us to make ATP (energy). So how can we make more of that? We are going to convert pyruvate (made from breaking down glucose) to lactate. What does lactate cause? LACTIC ACIDOSIS! That is bad.
Inhibition of Gluconeogenesis: do you know what you do when you haven't eaten in a little while? You make glucose (gluconeogenesis). You can make glucose from all kinds of shit, isn't that cool? One of these things is called oxaloacetate. When you have no NAD+, you convert oxaloacetate to malate. You can't make glucose from that. The high NADH to NAD+ ratio also inhibits the gluconeogenesis dehydrogenases needed to make glucose. What I'm getting at here is hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) because you have no usable glucose and you can't make any.
So why is this bad? Well, because you don't have glucose, but your cells are still working (and getting damaged :() you need to give some energy to them to function. This comes in the form of ketone bodies. This is really only an issue for heavy drinkers, but over time and with increased frequency, drinking can lead to ketoacidosis.
But yeah, the reason you feel bad after drinking is mostly due to how toxic acetaldehyde is. That's what causes head ache, nausea, and memory problems (from all the damage it does to those cells). So no, drinking more won't get rid of a hangover, and hair of the dog does not work. Eating food helps though, so you can finally have some glucose to work with.
Now some more notes:
Fatty Liver: this is going to be more prevalent in heavy drinkers, but it happens because you convert DHAP to glycerol-3-phosphate. G3P can combine with fatty acids to make triglycerides, which can go live in the liver and cause hepatosteatosis (fatty liver). This is also bad.
Methanol (CH3OH): this is also called wood alcohol, and can most commonly be drunk via bootleg liquor. Your body uses the same enzymes to break it down, but this time it is making formaldehyde and fomic acid. Fomic acid causes ocular toxicity (aka going blind) and brain damage. So make sure you trust whoever you get your bootleg liquor from, okay?
Ethylene Glycol (OHCH2CH2OH): this is antifreeze. Same enzymes again, but you get glycoaldehyde. This then becomes oxalic acid and glyoxylic acid. These cause lactic acidosis and calcium oxalate formation, which crystalizes in the kidneys, causing renal failure.
Final note: your body can handle drinking, like 1-2 drinks per day. I'm not your mom, so do whatever you want, but at least now you know why you feel like shit as your friends hold your hair back so you can puke in the shitty bar toilet :)
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spindle-and-nima · 8 months
Can we get a leafy green tier list from spindle and nima please??
Absolutely! they share the same favorites I'll give you the top 5 favorite greens and the 5 that were HARD misses and I'll let spindle rate those bc Nima just eats spindles favs and I don't waste money buying food one rabbit won't eat. Without further ado here's the ranking:
Number 1: Dandelion (5 stars, will binky every time)
Spindle: will jump inside the bowl as I'm setting it down
Nima: binkies the second dandelion is spotted
Number 2: Cilantro
Spindle: very close to dandelion. Boy eats it so fast and he gets an added bonus of smelling like cilantro all day 💀
Nima: mmmmmmm
Number 3: Mint
Spindle: a rare treat so he goes insane and his farts are diabolical
Nima: yumy but no strong opinions
Number 4: Green leaf lettuce
Spindle and Nima: oh boy time to scatter it around everywhere and roll around in it THEN eat it. Delicious
Number 5: Dill
Spindle LOVES it but Nima not sooo much though she will eat it. Spindle ends up smelling like pickled beast which is a minus honestly
Now for the hated greens:
Number 1: collard greens
Spindle literally gets offended he gives me this very specific look that tells me I better count my days. He will flip over the bowl and poop on it. Jail for mother and hell
Number 2: turnip greens
Spindle ate em as a baby but now hates it he will go on a food strike if I serve it
Number 3: rainbow swiss chard
Don't come at me I know it's high in oxalic acid I gave it to him once to see if it could be a rare treat. The colors made him nervous and he went on a food strike
Number 4: Romain lettuce
Seriously is it that different from Green leaf? I know it's sweeter but Last I gave him this he got so mad he pissed in the water bowl too 💀💀💀
Number 5: Endive lettuce
He's not a huge fan when it comes into the green rotation. He reluctantly eats it but you can tell he wishes it was dandelion. At least he eats it tho.
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xtruss · 21 days
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A woman prepares Matcha Tea, a popular morning drink that provides a Steady Energy Boost and Enhances Mental Clarity. It’s one of several Coffee Alternatives gaining attention for their Health Benefits. Photograph By Liudmila Chernetska, Getty Images
Are These Coffee Alternatives Worth The Hype?
From the Brain-Boosting Effects of Guarana to the Calming Properties of Matcha, These Drinks Offer Both an Energy Lift and Enhanced Mental Focus.
— By Jocelyn Solis-Moreira | August 29, 2024
For many, the day doesn’t begin without that first sip of coffee—a ritual so ingrained it’s almost synonymous with morning itself. But as interest in health and wellness grows, caffeine alternatives offering a different pick-me-up are gaining traction. From the ancient ritual of matcha to the probiotic benefits of kombucha, a range of options promises to energize your morning without the usual coffee jitters. Here’s what you need to know.
Mushroom Coffee ☕️
Mushroom coffee is emerging as an energy-boosting alternative to your regular cup of joe, says Jessica Gavin, a food scientist and author of Easy Culinary Science for Better Cooking.
This morning blend combines ground coffee beans with adaptogenic mushrooms like chaga, reishi, lion’s mane, and cordyceps. Unlike their psychedelic counterparts, these mushrooms won’t alter your mind, but they can help the body adapt to stress, improve immune function, and maintain steady focus, says Gavin. Adding mushrooms to your beverage also provides antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals such as potassium, selenium, and B vitamins.
According to Gavin, most mushroom coffee products use less caffeine—about 48 to 50 milligrams—compared to an eight-ounce cup of coffee which contains 80 to 100 milligrams of caffeine.
“Because mushroom coffee does not have the same taxing load on your central nervous system, one could reasonably assume it’s a better alternative than a cup of coffee or green tea,” says Yaa Boakye, a registered dietitian nutritionist and owner of Elite Body Data.
However, mushrooms like chaga can contain high levels of oxalates, which may increase the risk of kidney stones if consumed in excess.
Matcha Green Tea 🍵
Matcha, a potent form of green tea, delivers more than just a caffeine kick. With around 70 milligrams of caffeine per serving—more than the 50 milligrams in black tea—this herbal brew offers sustained energy without the jitters. According to Gavin, matcha’s unique combination of caffeine and antioxidants boosts brain energy while promoting relaxation, thanks to the amino acid L-theanine, which is known to reduce stress and protect against neuronal injury.
Yerba Mate 🧉
Containing roughly as much caffeine as coffee, South America’s super brew, yerba mate, packs more antioxidants than any other tea-based drink. Made from the leaves of holly trees native to the region, yerba mate offers a steady caffeine release, providing sustained energy without the jitters. According to Boakye, this tea is also rich in polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals not typically found in traditional caffeinated beverages.
Research shows that yerba mate can boost mental alertness and enhance physical performance. Additional benefits include antimicrobial properties, support for weight loss, and the potential to lower blood sugar, reduce cholesterol, and combat chronic inflammation.
Yaupon Tea 🫖
Yaupon tea, brewed from the leaves of the yaupon holly—the only caffeinated plant native to the United States—offers a mild yet energizing boost. Bryan Quoc Le, a food scientist and author of 150 Food Science Questions Answered, says that yaupon tea contains 0.1 to 2 percent caffeine, less than coffee’s 1 to 3 percent. However, it’s not just about caffeine; yaupon tea is rich in xanthines, including theobromine, which enhances mood and alertness without the jitters.
Kombucha 🧋
Kombucha, a fermented tea, is celebrated for its gut health benefits and mild stimulant effects. According to Le, kombucha retains some of the tea’s bioactive compounds, including 3 to 6 percent caffeine, depending on how it’s brewed. But the real star is its probiotics—beneficial microorganisms that nourish the gut’s “good” bacteria. A healthy gut microbiome is linked to improved cognitive functions like attention, memory, and learning. Additionally, kombucha is rich in B vitamins, which Boakye says help the body metabolize nutrients into cellular fuel.
Guarana ☕️
Guarana stands out for its impressive caffeine content, with berries containing 2 to 8 percent caffeine—far exceeding the 1 to 3 percent in coffee beans. In addition to caffeine, guarana is rich in stimulating compounds like theophylline and theobromine, which, according to Gavin, boost cognitive performance, reduce fatigue, and increase alertness. It also boasts antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
Often found in energy drinks with doses ranging from 50 to 75 milligrams, guarana can also be added as a powder to smoothies or other beverages. However, Boakye cautions against excessive consumption to avoid caffeine crashes and jitteriness, noting that the FDA recommends a daily limit of 400 milligrams of caffeine.
“If someone is about to sit and do some office work, [guarana] is probably not a good idea,” says Boakye. “But if you’re about to go and do a workout or an intense boot camp, [it] might be helpful since it provides that quick burst of energy.”
Turmeric Lattes🥤
For a caffeine-free morning boost, turmeric lattes, known as golden milk, deliver powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Made with turmeric and curcumin, this golden drink can be enhanced with a touch of coconut oil and black pepper, which improve curcumin absorption, says Gavin. Ginger, another key ingredient, aids digestion and adds a spicy kick.
“I prefer it in the morning because the combination of ingredients has a way of stimulating you,” says Gavin. She says the sensation of the gingery spices, pepper, and warm cinnamon on your tongue helps wake up the senses differently than caffeine.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 2 months
Loose theory about why Pacman frogs suddenly croak out of nowhere?
Most set ups are like this: - No water dish. - A bunch of cocopeat - No plants because the plants refuse to grow in cocopeat and the frog digs up the plants. - The keeper cleans it once a month. - People emphasize up and down, than these frogs need calcium and some say to even forego the multivitamin. In the wild the pacman frogs live in heavy grasslands and in tropical rainforests. They love puddles. Muddy puddles. If you look up wild ones on youtube, which is also hilarious, BTW, you'll find they do not live in cocopeat. They live in soil.
The frogs I have in order to defecate need water puddles.
Look at the first set up:
No water dish.
cocopeat is too neutral a medium.
There's no plants to absorb their pee. They need nitrogen fixers.
They are sitting in their pee for a month.
They are only getting calcium. Nothing else.
So I'd consider the following changes:
water dish and absolutely clean it every day. In the wild, in the rain forest around the equator they would get daily rains around mid day. This means their pee gets diluted or washed away. Sanitize it. They jump in it. Pee and defecate in it. Why give them a chance to only do that once a week? And do you want to sit in your own pee? Make sure they can get in and out of it.
Add red wigglers to the set up and cut the cocopeat. Reptisoil with powdered charcoal+ worm castings+springtails and isopods. Cocopeat is HIGH in salt. Does salt+frogs mix well? Do you want to absorb a high amount of salt every day? Even the low salt ones have high salt. The worms are a canary in the coal mine type of situation and will churn your soil so it doesn't stagnate. Lack of worms will also tell you moisture content and if the soil is growing too toxic. Worms hate cocopeat and die due to salt content. So do you want your frogs sitting in that?
The bottom reservoir layer use charcoal to clean water and pull any toxic stuff away from the frog. In nature this is replenished with leaves, grasses which love to fix the nitrogen and pee in the soil. Oxalate, which is part of pee is broken down by particularly a bacteria that hangs on grasses. These frogs live in the rain forest. and love grasslands. It's fairly clear, here the plants are doing a lot of heavy lifting for the frogs. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7485683/
Consider nitrogen fixing plants with strong root systems like clover and the old world pea family which aren't toxic to frogs. Also consider plants with generally strong root systems. Pothos, for example, does well.
Use a multivitamin at least once a week. They need vitamin B to have aim at their food and control their nerves. Feed the dipped end of the nightcrawler in the multivitamin first so the frog doesn't knock off the powder in eating it.
vary their diet. Nightcrawlers make a good staple, but be sure to also feed them gut loaded dubia roaches and so on.
Frogs can absorb minerals like calcium through their skin. It's possible in the wild, Pacman frogs are absorbing other minerals through the soil they sit in—muddy puddles are their favorite spots in the wild, remember? So keep that in mind when choosing the substrate and make sure the soil is clean. (Source:) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4685711/
Make sure the frog can still jump, if it can't that's a sign of vitamin deficiency, usually calcium and vitamin B. A lot of people keep saying things like pacman frogs are lie in wait predators so don't need to move. No. Really. Check they can still move so they don't have a vitamin B deficiency.
Check for red leg syndrome too.
Personally, I use non-powdered gloves to pick up my frog.
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kidneycop · 5 months
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helperhome · 1 year
Foraging! (1/?)
With the way the world is and the direction we're headed in as a society, it's becoming increasingly essential to become as self-reliant as possible. Unfortunately in just a few generations, the “leaders” of our world have nearly wiped all of the old common knowledge away. Capitalist consumerism has turned us into reliant beings who - for the most part - have stopped doing things that are in sync with the earth. We rely on stores for everything - from food to “convenient” items such as paper products, cleaning supplies, and other home goods. But did you know that with a little work you can make everything you need? For a long time i didn't either.
Foraging is an important skill that everyone should know! You can find most of the things you’d need for your daily life.
Some of my favorite foods to forage for are predominantly greens, but some plants also have edible seeds and roots as well. Most of the best forage is considered “weeds” by our society, which is unfortunate. Take lamb’s quarter for example; a common weed known around the world that is high in fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C. It also contains a bunch of other important nutrients such as calcium, omega-3, omega-6, and manganese. 
Another nutritious “weed” is purslane. It’s high in omega-3’s and potassium. One thing to be aware of is oxalic acid, which is found in purslane, known to be an anti-nutrient. While those with kidney issues should use caution with this compound, cooking the plant before consumption can help break down the acid. 
Along with those, I also enjoy bitter dock, which is loaded with vitamin A and potassium. The roots of this plant are also known for having a detoxifying effect on the liver. 
Many of the weeds in the US are renowned across the globe and a perfect example of that is amaranth. An ancient grain that is a staple in many countries is regarded as a pest here. This impressive plant has been able to develop a resistance to glyphosate (a cancer-causing chemical used in Roundup), which will likely become highly important in years to come. This plant’s leaves and seeds are edible and highly beneficial, containing vitamins A and C, calcium, folate (leaves), and protein (seeds). A fun bonus to this awesome plant: you can pop the seeds (~100k per plant) like popcorn! There’s a reason why this plant is loved around the world. 
Since we’re discussing edible weeds, this beginner post would not be complete if we didn’t discuss dandelions. High in lots of vitamins such as A, K, and C, this plant is highly nutritious. The best part of this plant (in my opinion)? This plant is basically heart medicine AND the ENTIRE plant is edible! My favorite part of the plant would have to be the roots, they taste delicious and become perfectly tender when added to soups or sautees. The roots also help metabolize estrogen (while important), which can cause major problems in both men and women when in high concentrations. Since it can be found in tap water (in the US), everyone should try to consume dandelion to reduce any harmful effects of it.
I will be focusing some time on discussing a lot of the different plants you can forage for, as well as their uses, so stay tuned for that!(:
{will add my sources in a bit, I just wanted to get this up a while(: }
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sicksadbon3s · 4 months
I finally had a bowel movement(haven’t had one on my own in almost two days)-I’ve been drinking prune juice the last couple days
Been eating more fiber & trying to do workouts while cleaning, like using my legs to bend instead of my back, and kneeling while doing simple tasks! I legit am not very physically active unless it’s house work or walking to the laundry center which is like 300-350ft from where I live, so basically 0.1 miles.
I had a canned pea soup from Aldi for lunch yesterday & box Mac and cheese, homemade anti-inflammatory lentil, and split pea soup I made for dinner (with fresh carrots, celery, onion, minced garlic & ginger) oh yeah, oatmeal for breakfast!
I had a chia seed pudding for breakfast this morning -I made with milk, nonfat plain yogurt, agave syrup, vanilla extract & a couple of dates
For snack I just ate blue-corn chips, mini hummus cup, light string cheese, & honest fruit punch juice box<333
I hope I have more bowel movements today, I’m basing everything on fiber, low oxalate and high calcium to help cancel out the oxalates in seeds and other foods
I need to keep oxalates low bc I am kidney stone prone~ currently stone free & wanna keep it that way!
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xhlactics · 1 year
Food Grade Sodium Lactate CAS NO. 867-56-1 Wholesale
The CAS number of sodium lactate is 867-56-1, also known as sodium lactate and sodium lactate salts. It is a liquid with a food grade sodium lactate color of<150, a light yellow color, tasteless, and slightly salty. It is a natural product extracted from lactic acid and a key ingredient in the food industry, used as a preservative, emulsifier, and stabilizer. It is also used in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries as an antioxidant and preservative.
Specification of Food Grade Sodium Lactate CAS NO. 867-56-1
Of sodium salt and lactate
Color fresh
Colorless to light yellow
No irriation,no odor
Stereochemical purity (L-isomer)
Color fresh
PH(lmo/L solution
Citric,oxalic,phosphoric and tartaric acid
Passes test
Reducing sugar
Passes test
Heavy metal(calculated as Pb)
Food Grade Sodium Lactate Application
1. Food Grade Sodium Lactate is used as a preservative and flavoring agent in food.
2. It can be used as an emulsion stabilizer in emulsions and as an acidity regulator, flavor enhancer and preservative in sauces, dressings, canned food, and jams.
3. It is also used as a humectant in bakery products, ice cream, and other dairy products.
4. Food Grade Sodium Lactate is used to increase the shelf life of food products.5. It can also be used as a buffering agent, thickening agent and flavoring agent in beverages.
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nancypullen · 2 years
I didn’t post on November 1st because I was felled with what I thought was a weird stomach bug. Back pain woke me on Tuesday followed by non-stop vomiting (you’re welcome for the visual).  I’d attributed the back pain to intestinal stuff since they wrap around back there.  On Nov 2nd I rallied a bit thanks to anti-nausea meds and Tylenol, and felt good enough to post about our wonderful Halloween.  No surprise to people smarter than me, things didn’t get better.  By lunchtime Thursday I was in the ER getting a CT scan and all that. Turns out that I have a very large kidney stone and only surgery can get it out. In the ER they said it was 10mm which really didn’t mean anything to me until I saw this pic.
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I met with a urologist today who is in the kidney stone business and he said according to his measurements it’s 12mm.  Either way, it’s not getting out on its own.   On the way to the ER I told Mickey that I hoped I was one of those women who get a scan and discover they have a 20 pound tumor or cyst.  No such luck.  Just a little rock.  I couldn’t have been more shocked to hear the news and asked what on Earth caused it. That’s when I was educated about oxalates. In a nutshell: Oxalic acid is an organic compound found in many plants, including leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, cocoa, nuts, and seeds. In plants, it’s usually bound to minerals, forming oxalate. The terms “oxalic acid” and “oxalate” are used interchangeably in nutrition science .Your body can produce oxalate on its own or obtain it from food. Vitamin C can also be converted into oxalate when it’s metabolized. Once consumed, oxalate can bind to minerals to form compounds, including calcium oxalate and iron oxalate. This mostly occurs in the colon, but can also take place in the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract .In most people, these compounds are then eliminated in the stool or urine. However, in sensitive individuals, high oxalate diets have been linked to an increased risk of kidney stones and other health problems. Normally, calcium and small amounts of oxalate are present in the urinary tract at the same time, but they remain dissolved and cause no problems.However, sometimes they bind to form crystals. In some people, these crystals can lead to the formation of stones, especially when oxalate is high and urine volume is low. Small stones often don’t cause any problems, but large stones can cause severe pain, nausea, and blood in the urine as they move through the urinary tract. Although there are other types of kidney stones, about 80% are made up of calcium oxalate .For this reason, people who have had one episode of kidney stones may be advised to minimize their consumption of foods high in oxalate  Not the only cause of kidney stones, but the most common cause. Once they get mine and analyze it they’ll be able to tell me (hopefully) why it formed and what I can do to avoid a repeat performance.  The paperwork that they gave me to take home had a chart of high oxalate and low oxalate foods.
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I love spinach.  Know what I like on my spinach salad? Almonds and a raspberry vinaigrette. I love taters, both sweet and not, and eggplant is also a favorite. But imagine the deep sorrow I felt when spying chocolate on that list.  Just kill me. Luckily I can have all the bok choy I want.
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I’m trying not to jump the gun, maybe they’ll come back and tell me that mine is a result of not enough of something  - “We’ll have to ask you to double up on your popcorn consumption.”  Ever the optimist. Anyway, the dr’s office will call Monday to schedule my surgery and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I don’t do this sort of stuff well, I default to denial and I’m fine, and soldier on.  I’d rather try a hundred folk remedies before visiting a doctor or, heaven forbid, having a procedure of any type. If I thought wrapping my abdomen in linen soaked in hog fat and sleeping with a penny under my pillow during a full moon would work, I’d try it.  Mickey insisted that I go, and I guess I’m glad he did.  Honestly, my prominent emotion right now is gratitude that this didn’t happen while we were in Chincoteague and that I was able to spend Halloween with my favorite girl.  The universe gave me a pass until November 1st so I could enjoy my favorite month.  Can’t beat that. So that’s what’s up here on our patch. I feel like I’ve been sick or broken since we moved and that’s just not me. I’m buoyant and happy and healthy - at least I used to be!  I’m over it, I’m done. Let’s get through the rest of this year and wipe the slate clean.  FRESH START. And now, because I haven’t kept a meal in my stomach since Halloween but have managed to hold on to four crackers today (victory!), I’m going to attempt some chicken soup. Sounds like a feast right now. I’ll keep you posted, crossing my fingers that all the news is good from now on. Stay safe, stay well, mind your oxalates.
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Calcium-Rich Foods: A Guide to Strengthening Your Bones and Health
Calcium is a crucial mineral that plays a vital role in building and maintaining strong bones and teeth. It’s also essential for muscle function, nerve transmission, and blood clotting. While dairy products are the most well-known sources of calcium, there are plenty of other calcium-rich foods that can help you meet your daily needs. In this blog, we'll explore a variety of calcium-rich foods, their benefits, and how to incorporate them into your diet.
Why Is Calcium Important?
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, with 99% of it stored in the bones and teeth. Adequate calcium intake is crucial at every stage of life, particularly during childhood, adolescence, and older age. A calcium-rich diet can help:
Build Strong Bones and Teeth: Calcium is the building block of bones and teeth, providing structure and strength.
Prevent Osteoporosis: Consistent calcium intake can reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weak and brittle bones.
Support Muscle Function: Calcium is essential for muscle contractions, including the heart.
Aid in Nerve Transmission: Calcium helps transmit signals between nerves, ensuring proper body function.
Top Calcium-Rich Foods
Here’s a list of calcium-rich foods that go beyond the traditional glass of milk:
1. Dairy Products
Milk: One of the most well-known sources of calcium, with about 300 mg per 250 ml serving.
Yogurt: A single serving of yogurt can provide 30-40% of the daily calcium requirement.
Cheese: Hard cheeses like cheddar are particularly high in calcium, with around 200 mg per ounce.
2. Leafy Green Vegetables
Kale: This leafy green is a powerhouse of nutrients, including calcium. One cup of cooked kale provides about 180 mg of calcium.
Spinach: While spinach contains calcium, it also has oxalates that can hinder absorption. Still, it remains a good source, providing 245 mg per cup when cooked.
Collard Greens: A cup of cooked collard greens can offer around 266 mg of calcium.
3. Fortified Foods
Fortified Plant-Based Milk: Almond, soy, and rice milk are often fortified with calcium, offering a comparable amount to cow's milk (about 300 mg per cup).
Fortified Orange Juice: Some orange juices are fortified with calcium, providing around 300 mg per cup.
Fortified Cereals: Many breakfast cereals are fortified with calcium, delivering up to 1,000 mg per serving.
4. Fish with Bones
Canned Salmon: Salmon with bones provides a significant calcium boost, with about 180 mg per 3-ounce serving.
Sardines: These small fish are packed with calcium, offering 325 mg per 3.75-ounce can.
5. Nuts and Seeds
Almonds: A handful (about 1 ounce) of almonds provides around 80 mg of calcium.
Chia Seeds: Just 2 tablespoons of chia seeds offer around 179 mg of calcium.
Sesame Seeds: One tablespoon of sesame seeds contains about 88 mg of calcium.
6. Legumes
White Beans: These beans are a good source of calcium, providing about 160 mg per cup.
Tofu: Tofu made with calcium sulfate is especially high in calcium, offering up to 350 mg per half-cup.
7. Fruits
Oranges: Besides being rich in vitamin C, oranges contain around 52 mg of calcium per fruit.
Figs: Dried figs are a sweet and calcium-rich snack, with about 241 mg per cup.
How Much Calcium Do You Need?
The recommended daily intake of calcium varies by age and gender. Here’s a general guideline:
Children (4-8 years): 1,000 mg/day
Teens (9-18 years): 1,300 mg/day
Adults (19-50 years): 1,000 mg/day
Women over 50 and Men over 70: 1,200 mg/day
Tips for Maximizing Calcium Absorption
Getting enough calcium is important, but ensuring your body absorbs it efficiently is equally crucial. Here are some tips:
Pair Calcium with Vitamin D: Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Sunlight, fatty fish, and fortified foods are good sources of vitamin D.
Limit Sodium and Caffeine: High sodium and caffeine intake can lead to calcium loss through urine, so it's best to consume these in moderation.
Eat a Balanced Diet: A well-rounded diet with a variety of nutrients will support overall health and calcium absorption.
Calcium is a vital nutrient that supports many aspects of health, particularly bone strength. While dairy products are excellent sources of calcium, there are plenty of other foods—such as leafy greens, fortified products, fish, nuts, seeds, and legumes—that can help you meet your calcium needs. By incorporating a variety of these calcium-rich foods into your diet, you can ensure that your body gets the calcium it needs to stay strong and healthy.
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