#foods (and drinks) can be fun and are meant to be enjoyed
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ellecdc · 7 months
HI HI i recently read “the winner takes it all” and i was wondering if you’re planning to create a part 2? if you don’t, can i request it with the plot of emmeline trying to win n the boys over, as well as to embarrass the reader, but the boys decided it was the perfect time to hard launch the reader?
You know, I actually didn't plan on making a companion piece to this but this was such a fun idea I couldn't help myself - thanks for requesting!!! 💖
*chanting* hard launch, hard launch, hard launch 👏 👏 👏
Poly!Marauders x reader (gender not specified)
The Loser Has to Fall
Companion piece to The Winner Takes It All
It felt like a giant weight had been lifted off your shoulders now that you knew exactly where you stood with the boys. You didn’t realize how deeply it had been distressing you to not know what you meant to them.
Apparently, you meant the world to them.
You spent the rest of that evening in the Gryffindor common room; James and Remus ran down to the kitchens to bring a picnic for you four and Sirius told you to enjoy the princess treatment when you insisted on going with them. You’re pretty sure that was just a ruse to keep you seated in his lap.
You were floating on cloud 9 the entire week afterwards with one of the boys by your side at any given moment. While that wasn’t necessarily new, knowing why they were there made a world of difference. 
You spent hours in the library with Remus sharing shy glances, gentle touches, and sitting far closer to one another than was strictly necessary. 
James and Sirius would show up with food or drinks for you two, but Sirius would eventually convince James to “leave the boring swots to their books, Prongsie” by promising him a race around the quidditch field on their brooms.
James made a solid (and embarrassing) effort to sit beside you everywhere. Great Hall – he sat beside you. Gryffindor common room – he sat beside you. Classes you had together – he sat beside you. Classes you didn’t have together – he tried to sit beside you before Flitwick took five points from Gryffindor and kicked him out.  
And Sirius appeared to simply enjoy your presence. One rarely ever saw Sirius Black without him speaking, smirking, or the likes; but it appeared he enjoyed your company for the solace that it was. Most of your time spent together was in companionable silence, or him asking you to tell him all about your day, your week, your life. James said he was sure this was the longest he'd ever gone without having to listen to Sirius’ voice – Sirius swatted his ass for that.  
But the way the rest of the school saw it: nothing had changed.
Which is why when you watched Emmeline approach the Gryffindor table with a look of determination painting her features, you had to hide your laugh behind your hand.
“Hello, handsome boys.” She said cheerily as she sat beside Sirius. He looked to James sat across from him before his eyes shot to you.
“Hello, Emmeline.” James said politely. 
“Where have you boys been? I feel like I never get to see you anymore.” She carried on, either unaware or undeterred by the boys’ lack of interest.
“Mm, here and there.” James said suspiciously, moving his body so he was sat straddling the bench and facing you, effectively pointing his back to Emmeline.
“Mostly with Y/N.” Sirius added pointedly.
Emmeline grimaced at the mention of your name, but quickly saved face.
“That’s nice. Well, I was wondering if you guys were going to Hogsmeade this weekend?” She asked, voice sickly sweet. 
James seemed to remember something at the mention of Hogsmeade. “Actually, yeah. Moons, you need more chocolate, right?”
Remus blushed a little but nodded in the affirmative. “We’re running low since someone stress ate most of the reserve.” He said pointedly, shooting Sirius a glare.
Apparently, Sirius had been so nervous about asking you to be official (Sirius Black: nervous? Who knew?) that he’d ransacked Rem’s stash.
Sirius – not one to be shame-faced – shrugged with all the nonchalance he could muster. “Don’t worry your pretty little mind, my moonshine – I’ll replenish your reserves and then some.” He declared.
“Great!” Emmeline said with a clap of her hands, clearly unable to manage the conversation as it steered further and further away from her. “I was thinking the four of us could go together!”
She had placed one of her hands on Sirius’ bicep and you felt your face turn red from repressing your laughter. Lily would be losing her mind right now.
Sirius looked at the hand with a look of half confused concern and half disgust before he used the forefinger and thumb of his opposite hand to peel it off of him and place it gingerly onto the table.
“Well, I know that the four of us were going to go.” James clarified as he motioned between himself, Sirius, Remus, and you. “I’m sure Lily, Pete and the others will be going as well, so you’re welcome to ask to tag along with them.” 
Undeterred, Emmeline carried on. “Come on, boys. We used to have a lot of fun together! I thought we could pick up where we left off.” She sing-songed as she sent you a devious wink.
Sirius – with his flair for dramatics – slammed both hands onto the table and stood from his place before hopping onto the table, boots knocking over glasses and plates and reached down for you. 
“What?” You whispered in a little bit of horror.
“Up you go, my love.” He said loudly as he hauled you up to join him on the Gryffindor table. 
“Mr. Black.” You heard one of the professors call from the head table. You never fully understood the phrase die of embarrassment before, but you sure as hell did now. Your gravestone would read: Y/N L/N, gone too soon, killed by dramatic public display of affection.
Sirius, completely oblivious to your horror or thriving off of it (you were sure it was the latter), wrapped one arm around your shoulders and the other around your waist - dipping you so low you were sure your hair was getting into someone’s pancakes - and kissed you in front of the entire Great Hall. 
You could hear cheering and wolf whistles as he kept you suspended for a few moments before he pulled you back up to your full height.
“I am so bloody mad about you.” He shouted out for everyone to hear. More students cheered and whistled as Professor McGonagall shouted “Mr. Black, get down this instant! 15 points from Gryffindor and detention with me tonight.” 
“Worth it.” Sirius said with a smirk as he shot a glance to Emmeline.
“In case that wasn’t clear enough, we’re very taken.” He added with finality as Remus helped you down from your place on the table and Sirius took your previously vacated seat beside James, and Emmeline stalked off.
You shoved your face into Remus’ side as he offered you refuge under his arm.
“Oh, my poor dovey. Did he embarrass you?” He cooed as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
You moaned in a way you hoped portrayed a resounding ‘yes’. 
“I’m sorry. They’re the worst sometimes.” He commiserated with you. 
Feeling slightly less flustered, you pulled your head away from his ribs, though you stayed glued safely to his side. 
“You weren’t innocent in all of that, doll face.” Sirius accused you from across the table.
“I beg your pardon?” you asked feigning innocence.
“You knew exactly what she was doing when she came over here. You didn’t feel the need to mark your territory?”
You scoffed. “First of all, I’m not a dog; I don’t ‘mark’ territory. Second, you’re not my territory, you’re my boyfriends. And thirdly… well, you seemed to have handled her fine on your own.” You said as you pointed your nose up in the air.
“Ah, I get it. You just wanted to watch your sexy man turn down a girl by stating how madly in love he is, hm?” He smirked at you.
You suddenly wished you’d stayed in Remus’ rib cage. 
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Date Night
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of the Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You go to date night
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Pernille smiles as she watches you both.
It's dark out, the sun having set hours ago. It's way past your bedtime but you're still up.
Magda's holding your hand, swinging your arms back and forth as you jump over the cracks in the pavement.
It was supposed to be date night, the first one they're having since the move to London. Perhaps it was a bit ambitious to arrange it when you were still settling into life in England, when they didn't quite have a big network of support.
The girl that was meant to be babysitting you had to cancel, citing illness just a few hours before Pernille and Magda were scheduled to go out.
They didn't have many other options and you still weren't comfortable enough with the Chelsea girls to hang out with one of them while your mothers went out.
So, you just came with them.
You got to eat fancy food at the restaurant Magda had a reservation and now you were all off to the bowling experience that Pernille knew was just a cover for her and Magda to get a little tipsy.
Well, it was supposed to be that but with you now tagging along, Pernille could settle for only one alcoholic drink.
"Momma!" You call out, pulling Magda to a stop as you turn your head to face Pernille. "Hand, please!" You hold your hand out for hers and Pernille shakes her head fondly, slipping her own into yours.
"Should we swing you?" Pernille asks and you nod.
"Okay. Ready? One, two...three!"
You giggle as you're lifted up into the air suddenly, kicking out your legs to get more height like how Momma taught you to do on the swings.
They swing you all the way to the bowling alley.
You've never been to the bowling alley before so you're very excited even though Morsa makes you change your shoes and wait for her and Momma to do the same.
They buy fancy drinks and then a fruit shoot for you.
You like fruit shoots so you try to drink it all down at once but Morsa stops you.
You don't quite understand bowling but you know the balls are heavy. They're not anything like footballs and Momma even tells you that if you try to kick it, you'll probably break your toes.
You don't want to break your toes so you don't kick it.
They're heavy though and you're not strong enough to throw them like how Momma and Morsa can.
That's a little frustrating.
You clearly don't like someone having to stand behind you to help so Pernille drags the ramp over.
"What's that?" You ask as she drags it in front of you.
Pernille crouches down next to you to show it off. "You pop the ball here and push it down into the bowls."
You frown. "I don't have to throw like you and Morsa?"
"Not at all. Here, I'll help."
Pernille sets the ball up at the top of the ramp and you push it down with all your might.
You manage to hit more pins than your last few gutter balls and you like that, giggling a little as an animated pen appears on the screen to write in your score.
You're still little though and you're really just enjoying the experience rather than setting out to win so while Magda and Pernille get competitive, you enjoy rolling the ball down the ramp and finishing off your third fruit shoot of the night.
It's way past your bedtime and Morsa's jacket looks nice and warm and snuggly so you curl up next to Momma with the jacket over you like your blankie.
"I think it's time to finish up," Pernille says as Magda finishes off her last bowl," Princesse's gone to sleep."
"I'm not getting that jacket back, am I?"
"I don't think so."
Magda shrugs, picking you up and wrapping her jacket more firmly around you.
You don't wake up at all, merely fidget a bit in your sleep to try and burrow closer into Magda's shoulder.
"We should take her on more dates with us," She says as they both head out.
Pernille rolls her eyes. "You're only saying that because I can't be as competitive with her around."
"No one's stopping you."
"I don't think Princesse would have fun if she knew how competitive I truly am. You're lucky, Magda, otherwise I would have completely ruined you at bowling."
Magda scoffs even as she hoists you up higher in her arms. "Yeah, right. I'm so much better at it than you."
Pernille pokes her in the chest. "As soon as her babysitter is healthy, we'll go back and I'll show you exactly why you're wrong."
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abxtchbetired · 3 months
seven deadly sins headcanons
because i'm tired of sinday memes being all about sex. send a category + a number. warning: some of the questions in the lust section are nsft. that's why it's at the bottom.
gluttony - - -
what could your muse eat all the time without ever getting tired of it?
a feast of all your muse's favorite foods is laid out in front of them. what's on the menu?
is your muse the type to leave the last bit of food for someone else, or to take it for themselves before someone else can claim it?
does your muse frequently overeat?
does your muse go back for seconds? thirds? fourths?
how many meals and snacks does your muse eat in a day?
what are your muse's go-to beverages?
does your muse drink enough water?
does your muse drink many sugary drinks, like soda or juice?
is your muse a heavy (alcohol) drinker? if so, what do they drink? in what situations do they drink? do they know their limits? do they stop at their limit, or go past it?
is your muse addicted to caffeine? if so, what is their preferred caffeinated beverage?
does your muse have a sweet tooth?
greed - - -
what does your muse collect, if anything?
is your muse prone to hoarding anything?
what is your muse's financial situation? what are their financial goals?
is money important to your muse? why or why not?
how much money does your muse keep in their checking account at any given time? if your muse keeps cash, how much do they usually have in their wallet? does your muse carry coins around? what is the limit on their credit card, if they have one? do they have multiple credit cards?
does your muse have good savings habits? how much do they currently have saved up?
is your muse prone to shopping sprees? if so, what do they usually indulge in buying?
is your muse in debt? if so, are they managing it well, or are they struggling?
would your muse throw others under the bus/step on others if it meant they could find more success/make more money?
would your muse steal anything?
wrath - - -
does your muse like to get revenge on those they feel have wronged them?
how does your muse handle anger? do they have anger issues? how do they manage or vent their anger?
does your muse believe in karma?
did your muse get into fights as a kid? do they get into fights as an adult? if your muse never got into fights before, would they in the name of self defense?
what, if anything, provokes your muse to violence?
does your muse believe that violence can solve some problems? or are they more a "violence is never the answer" type? somewhere in-between?
does your muse destroy things for fun, or to let off steam?
was your muse a bully? or were they bullied themselves?
has your muse ever considered murdering someone? or have they actually gone through with murdering someone?
does your muse enjoy hurting others, whether it be physically or emotionally?
pride - - -
does your muse believe they are the best at everything, even if that belief is unwarranted?
in what areas might your muse be a little overconfident? are they overconfident in the sense that they don't have the skills to back it up, or in the sense that they do have the skills but they are obnoxious in their confidence?
does your muse accept responsibility for their actions when they have done something wrong?
is your muse comfortable with apologizing to others?
does your muse feel remorse? if so, how do they express it?
has your muse every blown off preparing for something because they were confident they could complete the task without preparation? if so, what was the situation?
is your muse prone to bragging? what do they brag about?
does your muse look down on others they perceive as being "not as good" at things as they are?
sloth - - -
on what day(s) does your muse feel most lazy? at a specific time of day, or all day?
is your muse prone to procrastination?
what chores/responsibilities does your muse avoid doing at all costs?
how many hours of sleep does your muse get? do they feel rested after, or are they still tired?
once your muse gets started doing something important, do they drag their feet, take many breaks, and ultimately prolong the task? or do they work as quickly as possible, at the sacrifice of a quality job? or do they work efficiently without sacrificing quality?
does your muse put on real clothes every day, or only if they have to go out?
if your muse could get away with wearing pajamas all day every day, would they?
does your muse complain about responsibilities a lot?
is your muse the type to get up on time on their own or with an alarm? are they the type to hit snooze over and over?
envy - - -
does your muse get jealous easily, or does it take a lot for them to feel it?
what kinds of things does your muse get jealous about?
does your muse compare themselves to others often? if so, how does it affect them?
lust - - -
is your muse sexually active? if so, how often do they have sex? how many partners do they typically have at one time? if not, why not?
what is your muse's sexuality? if asexual, are they sex favorable, sex indifferent, or sex repulsed?
is your muse vanilla, or are they kinky? if kinky, what are their top three kinks, and why do they like them? if vanilla, what position(s) does your muse have sex in?
what sex-related words turn your muse on? what words make them cringe?
does your muse masturbate? if so, how often, and how do they get themselves off? if not, why not?
does your muse have high, medium, or low libido?
is sex compatibility a dealbreaker for your muse in a relationship? why or why not?
how does your muse feel about one-night-stands?
what was your muse's first time having sex like? who was it with, why did they choose that person, where did it take place, how old were they, and what happened?
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linopls · 1 year
birthday boys
jisung x fem!reader x felix, college!au
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summary: to celebrate your boyfriend and roommates birthday, you all play a fun drinking game which reveals something about your boyfriend. warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI, alcohol, threesome, unprotected (wrap it before u tap it pls), voyeurism/exhibitism, cuckolding (kinda?), oral (male receiving 2x), a little degradation, a lot of praising 2.9k words (i got a little carried away.)
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you started dating jisung about a year ago, you met in your anatomy class freshman year of college. while jisung needed it for his major, you were taking it as one of your science electives which meant you had no idea what you were doing. while paired together for a lab, jisung saw your struggles and offered to help you study. once the semester ended, you and jisung continued to hang out and started dating.
jisung met felix shortly after you, the two became inseparable very quickly. after freshman year, felix decided he no longer wanted to dorm on campus and found an apartment and asked if you and jisung would like to take the second bedroom. 
you never had any complaints about rooming with jisung and felix. they were the nicest roommates you could ever ask for. they always did their laundry, never left dirty dishes in the sink, and always kept the fridge stocked with plenty of food. 
however you have found one issue about being friends with them, their birthdays followed each other. this meant that one week every year you would spend a fortune making sure to spoil your amazing and kind friends.
remembering an article you read, that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, this year you decided to recruit the help of jisung’s freshman roommate, minho, in preparing them the most amazing home cooked meal they could imagine. buying the most expensive ribs you could find, splurging on an expensive custom cake that was half each of their favorite flavors, and spending more on alcohol than you do your utilities. 
you also invited some of their other friends, changbin, hyunjin, and seungmin, but they know nothing about cooking and they brought board games and more alcohol for the nine of you to enjoy.
“its 6:15, where are they?” you wonder aloud.
“when have any of them ever been on time,” minho says, taking his apron off and setting it on the island.
you check your phone again for any missed texts from any of the boys and check the clock again to make sure your phone clock isn’t wrong.
“they’re nursing students doing clinicals, they will never be off on time,” minho says, pulling up one of the island chairs to sit in.
you sigh and set your head on his shoulder. “i should know that.”
“you should,” minho says, patting your back softly. “but me and you will never understand the life of not clocking out exactly at-”
the sound of the door opening interrupts minho’s thoughts and the familiar sound of jisung and felix’s laugh relaxes yours. jisung, felix, chan, and jeongin come in through the front door.
“something smells amazing!” felix says trying to catch a glimpse of the feast behind you and minho.
“you don’t get to eat until you open all your gifts!” you exclaim running to grab their presents from the living room.
with everyone’s gifts in their hands, changbin, hyunjin, and seungmin follow behind you. the present piles are dropped in front of the two boys and they  rip through their gifts, skim the cards, and say their thank you's before grabbing plates and filling them like they hadn’t been fed in years.
after the feast, the crowd gathers in the living room with their bottles and glasses of alcohol. while you try to sit down after doing a little head count, you notice jisung is missing. that’s when you hear a small whisper:
“y/n, y/n!” jisung calls from down the hall. “come here.”
you set down your wine glass on the coffee table, before saying a quick ‘i’ll be back’ to the boys.
before you can even ask what jisung wants, he pulls you into a warm hug and a deep kiss. his arms wrap around your lower back and his soft lips push against yours. one of your favorite quirks about jisung is that you can always feel is slight smile whenever he kisses you. you’ve never told him, he would probably die of embarrassment. 
you pull away first and set your forehead against his, “happy birthday, baby.”
“you are literally the best girlfriend i could ever ask for, do you know that?” 
“i’ve been told a couple times,” you giggle. “come on, let's go celebrate with all your friends!”
“can we celebrate, the two of us, later maybe?” jisung asks, wiggling his eyebrows and grabbing your hands.
“of course,” you blush. “i have a special surprise for you later.”
after watching half a movie, the group decides to play one of the board games that was brought. 
“i found this game wandering through target and thought it would be fun,” seungmin says, pulling out a card game labeled ‘truth or drink’.
after explaining the rules and everyone refilling their drinks, we begin. a couple rounds go through, people are spilling their biggest secrets or slowly working their drinks to be empty again.
“y/n, its your turn,” hyunjin reminds you.
you pull a card and read it aloud. “if you had a threesome with three people in the room, who would it be and why?”
the room is silent for a second as you think if you want to answer it or drink. jisung interrupts the silence by adjusting the way he is sitting and clearing his throat. 
“what will be be, y/nnie?” minho asks, trying to hold back laughter.
“well i think i have to pick jisung as one.” 
“you’d HAVE to?” jisung gasps, dramatically placing a hand over his heart.
“oh zip it,” you snap. “and i guess, felix? it would be easiest to arrange our schedules that way.”
felix’s eyes go wide and cheeks flush red.
“you think too logically,” jeongin laughs before drawing a card for his turn.
the rest of the night finishes without any issues, except changbin spilling his drink once. the rest of the boys uber or walk home around 3AM and you, jisung, and felix head into your bedrooms for a good night’s rest.
before you can even shut your door, jisung is kissing at your neck like a ravished vampire. you melt into his touch and turn to face him. he pushes his body against yours and gently snakes his hand behind your head before pushing you back into the door. you slide your hands underneath his shirt and he separates your kiss only to discard it and throw it to the floor. 
with jisung’s open chest on display, you start to kiss down his jawline and onto his collarbone leaving small marks along the way. jisung gasps softly at everytime you bite down on his soft skin.
“baby,” he says between small moans. “i have a question.”
“mhm,” you reply, still working on leaving marks on his chest.
“that threesome question.” he says and you stop and look up at him. his eyes shiny and filled with lust and his face flushed pink. “i know we never talked about it before, but would you want to?” he asks shyly.
you fully stand and cup your hands around his round cheek and think. “i’ve never thought about it before,” you say, pressing a kiss to his nose. “maybe, yeah sure, why not? it sounds intriguing .”
jisung makes a noise you could only describe as a small whimper. “would you want to…” he trails off.
“what baby? talk to me.”
“would you want to right now? like with felix? like you said?”
you’re stunned and jisung realizes. “i’m sorry for saying anything, we don’t have to, it was just an idea. we can go back-”
“yeah get him in here.”
it’s not like you never noticed how attractive felix was. when he stretches his arms above his head and you catch a glimpse at his abs. when he’s concentrated on his games and his tongue peaks out between his beautiful and plush lips. when you talk to him early in the mornings and his voice is raspy and deeper than usual.
“what do you want to do with him?”
“y/n, are you serious?” jisung asks, snapping out of whatever whimpering-lust-haze he was in.
“yes, i am serious, jisung. what do you want to do with him?”
“i don’t want to do anything with him.”
“what do-”
“i want to watch.”
heat rushes to your core, butterflies fill your stomach, and you might have started to drool. the idea of being watched while having sex wasn’t something you ever thought you’d enjoy. but something about your boyfriend wanting to watch you have sex with another man, in front of him, felt so bad that it felt right. 
after kissing you one last time, jisung leaves the room. you start to panic and wonder if this was a bad idea. you turn to look in your vanity mirror and remember your special surprise you had for jisung and think about how it can be used for the two boys.
felix and jisung come into the room and you can feel the atmosphere become more tense.
jisung speaks first. “i explained it to him, he’s okay with it. we’ve already agreed if anyone is uncomfortable at any point, we stop and this never happened.”
“okay.” is all your able to say, you can feel your body being filled with nerves.
“y/n?” felix says. his voice is soothing, and knowing what is about to happen between you both makes him saying your name almost, sexy. 
“i’m ready.” you say.
jisung walks over to you first and begins to kiss you with a level of passion you never knew he had. he kisses up your jawline and whispers into your ear. “i love you baby.”
this gives you the confidence you did not know you had, or maybe its the alcohol. “both of you sit on the bed, please.” you ask softly. they both comply, looking at each other with excitement in their eyes. 
you very slowly, and very seductively, slide your pants down your legs. you look up to jisung for approval and he just smiles like a child about to indulge in his favorite candy. you then look over at felix who has his tongue poking through his luscious lips, staring at your legs.
your surprise is still hidden, until you slide your (jisung’s) oversized shirt off and over your head. jisung’s eyes widen and felix covers his crotch with his hands. you had never worn lingerie in your life, but decided to treat jisung, and now felix, for their birthdays. you picked out jisung’s favorite color, red, and made sure to get something that would accentuate your curves. 
“jesus baby,” jisung sighs. “you’re fucking gorgeous.”
“thank you. but tonights not about me, it's about you two.” 
you walk over to felix and place a hand on his cheek. “can i kiss you?” you ask, leaning down to be eye level with him. 
he nods and you kiss those soft plush lips you’ve wanted to kiss for months. you hear jisung moan slightly in the background, watching you makeout with his best friend in front of him is like porn he could never imagine. felix hesitantly kisses you back.
his lips are soft, softer than they look. after kissing him for a minute you can feel him gain more confidence in this whole scene but he doesn’t move his hands. you pull away slowly and look him in his eyes. they have the same shiny and lust filled look that jisung’s get, which reassures you slightly. 
“can i sit on your lap?” you ask.
felix nods quickly and moves his hands from covering his crotch to being placed softly on your hips. when you fully sit down, you feel the bulge in his pants pressed up against your clothed core. the sensation of straddling another man while your boyfriend watches sends a shiver down your spine. 
as you begin to kiss felix again, you feel the weight of the mattress shift and jisung’s body behind yours. he starts to kiss at your shoulder and up your neck. this causes you to moan loudly. jisung laughs slightly before his presences disappears from behind you and you hear your vanity chair being moved. you can only assume that jisung has moved it and sat in it to watch the show going on in his bed.
you start to kiss felix more passionately, slipping your tongue into his mouth and sliding your hands up and down his chest. you bite down on his bottom lip, releasing a low groan from him, before pulling away and start to pull his shirt off his body. you must stare at his abs a little too long before he grabs your chin and pulls you back into a kiss. 
you gently push felix back onto the bed, and start to kiss down his chest and stomach, leaving red marks and bruises on his perfectly soft skin. you hear his breath hitch in his throat as you make it to the waistband of his pajama pants. you stop kissing his skin to look up at him. 
“can i?” you ask.
“please, y/n.” he groans while lifting his hips to help you remove his pants.
you’re mouth waters at the sight of felix’s cock springing free from the confines of his pants. felix sighs of relief as slowly wrap one of your hands around the base. you slowly lick a stripe following the pulsing vein on the bottom of his cock to the head and pull off. you look up to see he’s propped himself up on his elbows and eyes are closed in pleasure. you take another long lick and stop at his red and angry tip, you place a kiss on the tip and start to go back down to the base.
before you can reach the base, felix slides his hand into your hair and pulls your head back to the top of his cock. “please don’t tease, y/n.” 
you smile and readjust your position to take his cock down your throat. you take every inch painfully slow, you hear felix’s breathing start to get heavier and hear movement from jisung behind you. you feel tears swelling up in your eyes as you start to fully take him in your mouth and you have to stop and pull off before you reach the base.
felix moves his hand from your hair and wipes the spit off your mouth. “it’s okay baby, i know i’m a little bigger than sungie,” he laughs.
“shut up or your out!” jisung says throwing your shirt (you think) at felix.
“my fault, my fault.” felix looks down at you again. “are you okay, love? do you want to do something else?”
you could cum on the spot. the way he’s so kind and gentle while doing something so extremely erotic sends new feelings to your core. 
“i’m okay, you can be a little rougher if you want,” you say, placing your mouth back on the tip of his cock.
“are you sure?” he asks, slowly gathering your hair into a ponytail with his hand.
“mhm,” you say, mouth full of his cock. 
felix slowly pushes you down on his cock, stopping when he feels your throat close and pulling back out again. he does the same thing a little quicker before asking again if you're ready. when you give him the go ahead, he starts again, slowly but accelerates his pace quickly. as he begins to fuck your face, you can feel your mind start to go blank. you move your hands to rest on his hips and out of the corner of your eye you can see jisung move to sit next to him.
jisung’s shirt is off and he’s palming himself through his pants with his left hand and with his right he moves a strand of hair that fell out of felix’s makeshift ponytail behind your ear.
“look at our pretty little slut letting you use her mouth like that,” jisung says as he starts to undo his belt. the comment makes both you and felix moan and felix starts to fuck your mouth even faster.
tears are streaming down your face and you're digging your nails so hard into felix’s thighs you might draw blood. you look over at your boyfriend to see his slowly jerking himself off to the erotic sight of his girlfriend being face-fucked by his best friend. 
felix’s thrust slowly start to become more erratic and you can tell he’s about to finish soon. you start to moan and hum around his cock to bring him to the feeling quicker. 
“i’m g-gonna cum, where? where?” felix groans.
“in her mouth, she’ll swallow it all,” jisung says matter-of-factly and he begins to fuck into his hand faster.
“jesus christ, fuck,” felix moans loudly as his hips sputter out of control. “i’m cumming.” felix thrusts one more time, deep and hard, down your throat before finishing with a guttural groan.
“don’t swallow,” jisung commands as felix slowly pulls his softening cock out of your mouth. jisung slowly stands up and pulls your head to be face to face with his cock.
“open,” he says, grabbing your mouth. the sight of felix’s cum sitting on your tongue is enough to make jisung finish all over your tongue. “now swallow.”
you swallow their mixed seed with a moan and without jisung having to ask, you open your mouth to show them both. felix groans and lets himself fall back onto the bed and jisung cups your face in his hands.
“good girl.” he smiles. “will you let felix and me take care of you now?"
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got highkey carried away so if you want a pt 2 lmk!!
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ghosty-writes-23 · 28 days
Just Can't Let Him Go. - Leon S Kennedy.
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!TAGS!: NSFW Content, Needy!Leon, Desperate Sex, CONSENT IS KEY, Cheating (With Y/n), Sweet Ending, !WRAP IT, BEFORE YOU TAP IT!, Unprotected Sex, Soft!Dom!Leon, P in V, Creampie, Eating Out, Slight Anal, Spit Kink, Slight Choking, Praise, Aftercare.
Pairing: Vendetta!Leon + Mistress!Fem!Reader
Rating: Mature.
Summary: “I Know I Need To Put A Stop To This Before Its Too Late, But I Can’t He Makes Me Weak.”
Leon knew coming here was a mistake, he just needed to get back onto his motorbike and leave, to not be sitting outside your apartment at night waiting for you to reply to his message, to not be hoping you will open your apartment door and welcome him with open arms. He knew this was wrong to crave the touch and affection from one person while being with another, but he couldn’t stop himself. He needed you like oxygen even if it meant going behind his girlfriend’s back.
Word Count: 4.4k
Ghosty's Notes: Hello my lovelies, yes I have finally done it, I have written Vendetta!Leon finally, I know I have been promising it for months and I am sorry that it has taken this long to get around too, but I do hope you find it worth it, this is probley some of the filthiest smut I have written in a long time, so please enjoy.
Thank you for all the support, it means alot❤️
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Tonight, you were finally enjoying a cozy night in after last night’s nightmare of a shift at the bar you work at, you hated spending your night’s serving asshole customers, unnecessary flirty comments or remarks from drunken men and woman trying to get in your pants or a free drink, minor’s trying to buy alcohol with clearly fake ID’s and the list goes on, from catching couples fucking in the bathrooms to breaking up fight’s that break out in the bar and having to get the police involved, these are never fun when you have to clean up the mess afterwards, who knew cleaning up blood would be such a mission.
But even with all the negatives you have for your work place, there are some positives like the friends you have made there, a boss that isn’t a complete prick and let’s you have free drinks when your working your shift just as long as they aren’t alcoholic ones.
Some of the customers can be sweethearts like a regular you have that comes in every Friday night just before closing and like’s to give the staff any left over food from his takeaway store that didn’t sell, but he didn’t want to throw it out. You and your work besties are always grateful and take it with a smile and give him a discount on his drinks since it was only fair.
You were sitting on your couch panting your finger nails while the opening credits to Buffy The Vampire Slayer season two started playing, you were humming along to the theme song and trying to focus on not getting black nail polish all over your hand.
It always annoyed you that you needed to do more then one coat to get the desired darkness that you liked, but you carefully applied the polish and waited for it to dry, which took forever. You planned on having a self-care night with painting your nails and doing a face mask that you will have to dig around in your bathroom to find.
Your friend Claire was always tell you needed to take some you time and relax, so she gave you a little self-care pack with some face masks, eyes patches that felt like slimy jelly in your hands and made you cringe at the texture, but she seemed so excited for you to try, so for her you would try and use some of the things she had gifted.
When the first coat of nail polish finally dried you went to grab the little brush handle to start the second coat when your phone buzzed, indicating a new message which made you frown because who would be messaging you this late, reaching over the table you grabbed your phone and unlocked it and went to look at the message.
Leon: I miss you Y/n…
You froze as you stared at the message on your phone screen, your heart rate picked up slightly as conflicting feelings and emotions started swelling in both your head and heart. You and Leon have a complicated friendship if that’s what you could call it.
You and Leon meet many years ago while you were working in a hotel bar, one of his missions went longer than anticipated and he stayed at the hotel you were working at and came down to the hotel bar just before you were closing.
He looked exhausted but not the kind that sleep could fix so you decided to keep the bar open for a little bit longer, so he could have his drink in peace and you could take your time closing the bar down for the night.
But one thing you couldn’t have predicted about that night was being bent over the bar counter and being railed with his gloved hand around your throat as he used your body like his own personal stress relief toy, you had never been fucked like that ever before, he made you see stars.
The following morning you had to sneak out of his hotel room, even after he tried to ‘convince’ you come back to bed with neck kisses and soft growls and as much as you wanted to stay in bed with him, you had to go to work downstairs or you would be fired.
You had showered at gotten to work only for your boss of the hotel bar calling you into her office and pulling up CCTV footage of you and Leon in the bar last night, you remember all the color draining from your face and trying to figure out an excuses you could make, but she just smirked at you and gave you a warning but also high fived you for finally getting laid.
She was one of the best bosses you had while working there, she was roughly around the same age as you and was the boss of the whole hotel’s daughter so she let some people get away with small things every now and then, but when you left to go to the job you currently have the city It broke your heart, because you would miss her a lot but you would always stay in contact and try and see each other when you could. It made you remember that time you told her Leon had a girlfriend.
You and Iris were sitting in your apartment sipping on wine glasses and catching up, it has been months since you last seen her, you had missed her dearly. “So, wait let me get this straight, Leon as in the guy that gave you the most mind-blowing sex of your life, has a girlfriend.” Iris says before she took a sip of her whine, just then sentence made you want to curl up into a ball and hide forever. “he doesn’t call her his girlfriend, more like friends with benefits, but she see’s him as her boyfriend.” You tried to explain it to her the way Leon has explained it to you a few nights ago. “Still if he is involved with somebody else then he shouldn’t be trying to get into your pants.” Iris said before she sets her glass down on the coffee table and grabs your hands.
“Y/n honey, just because he is good for your hole, doesn’t mean he is good for your soul.” Iris says with a straight face, causing a very heated blush to come onto your face at her crude words. “IRIS.” You say with a soft embarrassed squeal in your voice. “You know I’m right.” Iris says matter of factily and deep down you knew she was right, going down this road would only lead to disappointment and heartbreak but that doesn’t stop you from melting every time he calls you darling, doll or his good girl, or the pure bliss you feel when you feel his muscular arms wrap around you making you feel safe.
*End of Flashback.*
Shaking your head you focused on the present, you still hadn’t replied to the message leaving it on read, you know what you needed to do, to ignore the message or even delete it and pretend it doesn’t even exist no matter how much it hurts your heart. This was wrong on so many levels, yes Leon didn’t love his girlfriend and it only seemed to be a situationship that they both benefited from and it’s not like they in an actual relationship but that didn’t stop you from feeling any less guilty, you wanted so badly to put an end to this before somebody got really hurt but deep down you knew he made you weak he always had, ever since he purred you were his doll as he took you from behind, you heart had never same since that night.
Leon: I know you said last time was the last time, but please Yn I need you even if it’s only just for tonight, she isn’t you, she doesn’t understand me the way you do, Please doll.
Y/n: Leon…
You didn’t know what to reply with, it has been months since you last saw him, all you could manage to send was his name because you knew deep down what was going to happen, you would welcome him into your apartment with open arms and open legs, you would let him ravish your body any way he wanted, marking you his until the bruises and bite marks faded a few days later, it made you feel weak and pathetic but you couldn’t help yourself, you loved him even if you weren’t meant too.
Y/n: I’ll leave the front door unlocked.
Leon: Just left the DSO, on my way now, be there in 10 minutes.
You sighed softy as you threw your phone onto the couch before placing your hands over your face, guilt was bubbling in your stomach, but so were butterflies. After tonight you had to put a stop to this no just for your sake but also Leon’s before things got to deep and complicated. Soon you heard the familiar rumble of a motorbike causing your heart to pick up and your thighs to clench subconsciously
When you heard you apartment door open you ran over to Leon in a hurried pace, your feet carrying your body towards him, Leon’s bag fell to the ground with a heavy thud before he opened his arms to catch you, your legs wrapping around his thin torso as his muscular arms wrapped around your body holding you securely to his body, you guys fit together like puzzle pieces, two halves of a whole, Leon has caught you effortlessly, his large gloved hands held you by your ass as he walked into your apartment and then pressed you against the front door.
Your mouths crashed together in a hunger and desperate filled kiss, your tongues intertwining and lapping at each other’s as your bodies grinded against each other’s. Moans and groans leaving both of your lips. Leon pulled away only for a few seconds, his forehead resting on yours as his blue eyes meet yours, desperation, hunger, lust and warmth clouded his eyes, his warm breath was hitting your face, you could see the tips of his ears were red.
“I need to be inside you doll.” He groaned softly, there was a soft growl in his voice that made you clench around nothing. “Condom?” you say softly, you knew you had some upstairs but something told you weren’t going to be making it upstairs. “Don’t have one on me this time sweetheart.” Leon says with a frustrated groan, you knew he had just gotten back from a mission, you didn’t think he would be taking a condom with him.
Biting your lip you knew the other option, you had gotten tested not that long ago and knew you were clean, you made it a priority that you get checked at least every 2 weeks to 4 weeks or whenever you sleep with somebody different, because you can’t be sure sometimes. Looking up at Leon he nodded his head. “I’m clean as well, got tested last week.” He tells you and you nod your head, you knew the risks of not using a condom, but you took your birth control this morning and you trusted Leon.
“Okay.” You say to him and he nodded his head and helped you out of your shorts and panties, they fell down your ankles pooling on the floor, you kept you hoodie on as Leon opened his pants, he got them half way down his thighs before he was grinding against you, you could feel his soft length grinding against you, causing you to bite your bottom lip soft sounds leaving your lips.
“Please Leon.” You soft whined as you tightened your arms around his neck as you pressed your body closer to his, there was no distance between your bodies, you could feel his warm breath on your neck panting softly, the scent of his cologne, gunpowder filled your nose it was a scent that brought you a sense of comfort and warmth, as well as made your body feel hot and bothered.
“I know doll, I know.” Leon says against your neck as he adjusted his position, soon Leon spat on his hand and used his saliva as lubricant as he gave his cock a few pumps before he brought it to your entrance, he tapped his tip a few times causing sweet whines to leave your lips before he pressed his hips forward causing his length slide inside smoothly causing sweet whines and cries to leave your lips as he filled you up, you could feel him growing inside you stretching you could perfectly.
One of his gloved hands came up to the door behind your head, to balance himself and use his other hand on your ass to keep you in place as he began to thrust at a steady but slow pace, burying his face in your neck, his stubble scratching the soft skin of your neck and shoulder but in this moment you didn’t care, all thoughts left your mind as you focused on the pleasure this man was giving you.
“Fuck, been waiting for long on for this.” Leon groans in your ear as you feel his grip on your ass tightens slightly, his gloved fingers digging into the soft flesh knowing there will be a bruise there tomorrow, you could feel his cock twitch as he kneaded your ass as he thrusted into you rhythmically, sweet moans and cries fell from your lips uncontrollably as you moved your hips to meet his thrusts, you leaned back against the door as you tightened your legs around his waist.
You could hear the door creak and rattle with every thrust, you felt Leon pick up the pace slightly, the tip of his cock hitting that sweetspot that made your eyes roll to the back of your head, you felt his hand that was on the door was now in your hair, tugging your head back slightly exposing your throat, you could feel his lips and teeth attack the soft skin, leaving marks on your skin that you will have to cover up tomorrow before you go into work. Sweat started to cover your body, your hair was sticking to your forehead, your body becoming slick.
“Leon.” You babbled his name out as you could feel your thighs behind to shake, you knew you were close, your body felt as if it was tightening, at the sounds of your cries Leon steady up his thrusts, he was now pounding into you could hear his grunts and praises.
“I know sweetheart, cum for me.” Leon grunted against your neck that his teeth were currently sunken into, soon he buried himself to the hilt inside you, that pushed you over the edge. You cried out his name with a loud whine and dug your nails into his shoulder as you felt your body come undone around him.
He soon followed and you felt his cock twitch inside you before he filled you up, causing pleasure to ripple though your body causing you to mew softly. You both stay like this for a few minutes, both breathing heavily and waiting for the trembling of your body to stop, but there was a smile on your lips. But soon you were lifted up and taken to your couch, where you were laid over the arm chair, you could feel Leon’s cum dripping down your thighs making a mess and your cheek flush bright red, you needed to clean yourself up.
Looking over your shoulder at Leon, you could see him admiring the sight of you bent over the couch arm, watching his cum run down your thighs, you saw him kneel down between your legs from behind, then he took off his gloves and put them on the ground before you felt his fingers run up the back of your thighs, your combined juices coating his fingers before he caught them up to his mouth and clean them a growl leaving his lips causing you to clench around nothing.
“You’re going to make such a pretty mess for me doll.” Leon says gruffy as you felt his hungry eyes on your puffy pussy. You felt him move the bottom of your hoodie up to the middle of your waist, leaving your behind exposed to him and the cool breeze. “Look at you, so perfect and dirty just for me.” He praises you causing a soft embarrassed whine to leave your lips before without warning he dived in, burying his face in between your thighs from behind feasting on you like a starving man.
A sharp hitch pitched moan leaves your lips as you pushed your hips into the couch, you buried your face into one of your couch pillows as you could hear the wet and sucking noises coming from behind you could hear Leon grunting also animalistically behind you devouring you, He carefully spread your legs more and buried face deeper, his tongue gently lapping at your sensitive bud, before taking it in between his lips and suckled softly.
“Leon.” His name fell from your lips in a hitch pitch slur, your brain was so hazy and blissed out that you couldn’t focus on anything expect him and the pleasure that was flowing through your body. “Such a good girl for me, aren’t you.” Leon groaned against your pussy as you started to grind on his nose, as you were moving your hips you felt his thumb gently tease your asshole, before he slowly pushed it in.
You tensed at first since it was your first time having something back there, but slowly you adjusted your hands where now gripping the pillow your face was buried in as you felt your eyes roll into the back of your head. You could feel another orgasm approaching, your slick was now running down your thighs as Leon’s mouth and fingers worked you, as if he knew your body like the back of his hand.
“That’s its baby, cum all over my face, I wanna drink every drop.” Leon growled against your pussy encouraging you as he increased the intensity of his ministrations. You couldn’t hold on anymore your body feeling as if it was on fire as it trembled under his touch, you squeezed your eyes shut as your body came undone but then you felt it, a gush left your body causing a squeak like moan to leave your lips as your body spasmed.
You felt his grip on your thighs tighten slightly as well as a soft suckling noise, you reached your hand back and tried to push his head away. “to sensitive.” You whined softly before you felt his fingers intertwin with your as he placed one last kiss on your pussy and ass before he got up.
“told you I would make a mess of you.” Leon says with a deep chuckle then you felt his hand around your neck, the same one that was just inside you a couple seconds ago, you could see the front of his shirt was drench in your juice’s causing an embarrassed blush to color your cheeks.
You looked up at him, your eyes glazed over with a hazy and dazed look of lust before you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out, you felt a drop of his saliva drop on your tounge and you swallowed it immediately, you could taste yourself which caused your cheeks to burn brighter and a grin to come onto his face as he slightly tightened his grip on your neck.
“Such a good girl, always taking everything, I give you.” Leon praises you, his voice low and husky before he leans down and captures your lips in a gentle kiss, that made your heart leap into your chest.
Soon Leon helped you to your feet, he put his arm around your waist to keep you steady as your legs were like jelly and shaking, you both made your way to your bathroom upstairs. “Do you want to shower together or separately.” Leon asks as he guides you into the bathroom and places you on the toilet seat, before going over to your shower and turning on the hot tap. “Together.” You said not trusting your legs to be able to keep you steady in the shower, Leon nodded his head and walked over to you and gently tugged your hoodie off and placed it on the sink before he started to strip himself.
You could see new wounds and scars on his body, but you don’t say anything, you knew his work was private or he couldn’t say anything, but you knew his work drained him both physically, mentally and emotionally and that is what made you worry the most.
Stepping inside the now warm shower water you both felt out a hum as the warm water cascaded over your bodies, relieving the knots and tight muscles in both your bodies, Leon wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closely to his body. Leaning against his body you went up on your tippy toes and pressed and gentle kiss to his lips, this wasn’t sexually driven or rough as before but more tender and softer as if you were trying to savor this moment of soft intimacy in your own little bubble.
Leon returned the kiss also immediately, his callous hands running down your curves before they settled on your ass and give it a small squeeze. “this.” He mumbles against your lips as he gave you soft pecks. “this is why I can’t let you go.” he whispers softly before his blue eyes meet yours. “You’re not just sex to me y/n, but something more.” He says as he cradles your head in his hands before his lips meet yours again in a soft and passionate kiss.
“but we can’t keep sneaking around Leon, it isn’t fair to your girlfriend, even if you’re in a relationship or situationship it still isn’t fair on her.” You say as you gently pressed on his bare chest breaking the kiss softly. “I know.” He admits quietly as he rested his forehead on yours, his damp hair was pressing against your forehead and for a moment you forgot that you were in the shower as his eyes looked into yours, you could see the guilt in them but also a look you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
“you know how I feel about you y/n, I’ll figure something out somehow I promise.” Leon promises you as he places a kiss on the top of your head, despite the uncertainty and guilt hanging over them, all you wanted to do was be closer to Leon, he made you feel a way that no other man has ever made you before, he makes your heart flutter and skip a beat with just a look, his arms feel like home, making you feel safe and protected when they are around you, but you knew things were going to be easy for either of you.
After your shower and putting both of your clothes into your washing machine, you were laying on your bed just in a pair of panties, your hair was still a little damp but you knew it would dry overnight, only your bedside table lamp was on giving your bedroom a more relaxed vibe as you could hear the rain outside hitting your windows.
Leon came in a couple moments later, only wearing a pair of briefs, lucky he had left some of his clothes from last time he was here, He soon joined you on the bed and pulled you closely to bare chest as his hand started to run through your dam hair, causing a soft hum to leave your lips.
“Beautiful.” You heard Leon mumble before he leaned capturing your lips in a soft and passionate kiss, like you shared in the shower, you hummed softly against his lips and kissed him back the same, your hands resting on his bare chest, your eyes fluttering closed as you let yourself be lost in this man that you know has capture your heart despite everything.
The dim lighting in the room and the rain outside gave your bedroom an almost intimate and sensual atmosphere as you moved closer to Leon, straddling one of his thick thighs, you could feel the emotions in the kiss, the unsaid words you couldn’t say out loud, the promises and hope. You both explored each other’s mouths languidly, taking the time to savor the taste and feel of each other, not knowing when the next time you would be able to see each other.
You felt him break a hand up and gently stroke your cheek with his thumb as he broke the kiss, he rested his forehead on yours, gazing into your eyes with warmth and adoration. “I love you y/n so damn much.” He confesses softly, his tone was tinged with desperation and longing, as if it was a slient plea for you to always be his and only his.
Reaching up you intertwined your fingers with the hand that was on his cheek and leaned up and softly kissed him, you didn’t say the three words back to him but your actions showed it, slowly you pulled away causing a groan to leave his lips as he tried to chase after your lips, but you place one of your fingers on his lips.
“If your serious about this then leave her, I’m sick and tired of sneaking around behind everybody’s back and feeling as if I am walking on eggshells.” You say to Leon hoping he would understand where you were coming from, you felt him lean forward and soft peck your lips as he gave the soft flesh of your ass a small squeeze.
“I promise I will y/n, you’re the only one I want.” He mumbled against your lips as if he was sealing a promise, you didn’t know what the future held for the both of you, but you knew if Leon kept to his promise then you wouldn’t let him slip through your fingers not again.
“Okay.” You say to him as a smile came across your lips. “Okay.” He repeated back to you echoing your sentiment, he pulled you closer so now there was no space between you as you laid on top of him, you settle in for the night, the soft glow of the lamp casting a warm ambiance over your entwined bodies. Even if this was to only last just for tonight you were going to savor every single moment until the sun raised in the morning…
©Ghosty-writes-23, 2024. all rights reserved. !I DO NOT! consent to translations or replications or reproduction of my work on any other social media platforms and or make AI Bots without my explict consent and permission.
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megalony · 8 months
Thank Me Later
This is a new Eddie Diaz imagine, requested by Anon. I hope you will all like it, I had fun writing this one. I'm trying to work through my requests as quickly as I can.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @topguncultleader @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts
911 Masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) starts to feel unwell on shift and tries to sleep it off, but things go from bad to worse when she interrupts a thief at the station. Then becomes a hostage.
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"What have we got today?" Evan leaned his arms onto the kitchen counter and arched his back out as he crossed one leg over the other. His head tilted to one side and he grinned as he watched Bobby take a large square dish out of the oven.
They were actually on time for tea today which was a miracle around the station. The bell hadn't sounded and dragged them off to a call out right in the middle of their meal or when they were just about to sit down and eat. Everyone could eat properly today, it had been a calmer day than they were used to.
"Pasta bake," Bobby looked up from the large serving bowl and smiled widely when he could see Evan's eyes widen happily.
"Do you want a drink?" (Y/n) looked up at Eddie as the pair of them headed up the stairs and turned to the left towards the kitchen. She knew he was keeping a slow pace to walk at her speed which had suddenly taken a very drastic decline, but he didn't say anything.
She could feel Eddie's hand hover over her lower back as he nodded and let her move in front of him towards the fridge while he went to sit down.
(Y/n) tried to calm her breaths but she bit down on her lip when her fingers curled around a glass and she realised her hand was shaking. All day yesterday she hadn't felt great but being on shift today only made her feel worse. They had been on a big callout to a car accident this morning and it had somehow snatched all of (Y/n)'s energy and left her feeling burnt out and dead on her feet.
Deep down, she knew she was probably coming down with something. She was hungry but the smell and the thought of food made her uneasy and her head was pounding like she was being hit with a hammer. But she didn't want to go off sick. (Y/n) couldn't leave the station in bother when they had three people off this week and someone had been snatched for another station that was low on regulars.
Her lips pressed into a thin line as she poured two glasses of juice and dug her nails into the glass so harshly her fingers began to throb and ache. She couldn't risk dropping the glasses.
It was a relief when she shuffled over to the table and was able to put a glass down in front of herself and Eddie. She let herself flop down into her seat and took a second to tilt her head back and close her eyes, relishing in the way her muscles stopped aching and weighed down when she sat and relaxed.
"Are you alright?"
A shiver bolted down (Y/n)'s spine and her eyes snapped open when she felt Eddie's lips hover over the shell of her ear as he leaned close enough that his chest bumped her shoulder. And when his hand gave her knee a squeeze, (Y/n) almost melted into a puddle in her chair.
Why did Eddie have to have such an effect on her?
They were friends. Good friends. Close friends. He meant everything to her but the closer Eddie got to her, the more (Y/n) started to panic. She didn't want to feel this way about someone she worked with. What if Eddie didn't feel this connection as deeply as she did? (Y/n) couldn't handle that kind of rejection and then go and see Eddie every day and work so close to his side that they almost felt like a married couple.
How could she watch his back when all she wanted to do was reel him close and kiss him? She couldn't look out for him when her mind was too focused on what he looked like out of the uniform.
(Y/n) realised she hadn't answered and quickly nodded her head despite the pain it caused to bolt down the back of her neck and how her eyes rolled and lost focus from the slight movement.
"Thanks," She whispered quietly when Hen held a plate of pasta out to her since she was the one dishing up the food today.
The steam coming from her plate made her nose crinkle and her head started to swim from the heat. She already felt like she was trapped in an oven and had to switch her button up shirt for a plain cotton shirt with no sleeves to let her body breathe and cool back down.
Two bites of pasta had (Y/n) pressing the back of her hand against her mouth as she willed herself not to throw up at the dinner table.
Her head tilted down and she took a few deep breaths, trying to keep her food down as she set down her fork and grabbed her glass instead. Maybe skipping lunch would be a good idea to let her body settle. She could try and eat better when they had tea later on in the shift.
Eddie cleared half his plate before he tilted his head down to the right and realised (Y/n) hadn't eaten more than three forkfuls. His brows furrowed and he put down his fork so he could slide his hand beneath the table and give her knee another squeeze to grab her attention. He could see she wasn't paying attention to the conversation floating around the table and frankly, neither was he.
His full attention was landing on (Y/n) now.
She had wobbled when they got out the truck earlier and he had to grab her before she fell down to her knees. He knew she hadn't eaten breakfast this morning and she had almost lost her footing again on the stairs a while ago. She was having dizzy spells and that was beginning to concern Eddie.
"What's wrong?"
Turning in his seat, Eddie moved so his body was facing (Y/n) and he stretched his right arm behind her and gripped the back of her chair. While his left hand propped his chin up and he tilted his head at an angle to look at her. No one else was paying them much attention so it didn't matter if he turned his back on the rest of the table to give (Y/n) his full attention.
Her head was splitting like someone was banging a drum so harshly that her head was ripping open at the seams. The thudding of her heartbeat pulsed beneath her skin and pounded through her head so badly that she couldn't even see anymore. All she could make out were the black and white sparkles blinking in front of her eyes.
"Hm?" He pursed his lips and dared to move his hand from her chair to rest on her back but his pupils blew wide when he felt her body loosen and watched her head drop forward.
As quick as anything, Eddie lurched his left hand forward and cupped his palm against (Y/n)'s temple to stop her face from landing in her dinner. He held up her head and slid his right arm down her back to wrap around her waist.
Eddie scraped his chair back and gave it a swift kick so it was out of his way so he could crouch down beside (Y/n). He tilted her head back and cupped the back of her neck so her head didn't flop backwards and hurt her neck. And his other hand pressed against her neck just below her chin to feel her pulse which was running high.
His thumb brushed through her hair against her neck and he shifted his other hand higher to cup her cheek. He tilted her head down towards him and leaned up to check her pupils when her eyes slowly started to flicker open.
"(Y/n), are you with me?" Eddie could feel Hen hovering at his side, waiting to be given the order to go and get one of the medic bags so they could properly assess (Y/n).
She had only blacked out for a few seconds but it was enough to panic all of them. Especially Eddie.
(Y/n) let her head flop forward until her chin was pressed down into her chest but she managed to raise her hand enough to curl her fingers around Eddie's wrist and hum quietly. Her head kept pounding and the blood seemed to fizle and pop in her ears, but she could start to see again now without spots and dots flickering in front of her eyes. And she could hear Eddie's serenading voice in her ears.
She didn't realise how close he was until his thumb lifted her eyelid to check her pupil and she came face to face with his melted chocolate eyes.
Her heart did another leap in her chest when Eddie pressed the back of his hand against her temple. And (Y/n) let her head tip forward so she could brush her nose against his wrist while her fingers stayed curled around his other wrist.
"You're burning up."
"Alright, I think your shift is over." Bobby leaned his hips back against the table and folded his arms over his chest. His expression stayed stoic yet firm when (Y/n) groaned and tried to look up at him.
Her shift was almost over but she had another two and a half hours left, the same as Eddie. She couldn't leave now, especially not if they got another call out.
Shivers bolted up and down (Y/n)'s stomach and fireworks flickered in her fingertips when Eddie cupped her chin and tilted her head up. He stayed crouching in front of her and stayed silent, watching to see if she could hold her head up and if she was properly conscious.
His hand dropped from her face and (Y/n) suddenly felt cold and deflated until she felt where his hands moved to. One hand curled around her upper thigh and started to squeeze reassuringly while his other hand held her wrist and counted her pulse.
"You don't look good," Evan commented quietly, taking a swig of his drink as he leaned over the table to look at her. She looked sick. Sweating, unfocused vision, trembling and barely lucid. She wasn't well.
"Pulse is evening back out but I don't trust you to drive home." Eddie looked down at his watch before he looked back up between Bobby and (Y/n). "If you hang on I'll take you home when I finish." There was no way anyone was going to let (Y/n) drive home, not when she was burning a fever and she looked about ready to collapse again. She could have another blackout and that would be a disaster waiting to happen.
If she stayed here and tried to rest, Eddie would happily take her home when their shifts ended which wouldn't be long anyway.
He was relieved when (Y/n) nodded. She wanted to stay at the station and finish her shift. She wanted to be around Eddie. He made her feel better and right now, with his hand digging into her thigh, (Y/n) was fighting the urge to squirm and jump down into his lap.
"I'm okay," Her eyes flitted around to everyone but Eddie, trying to tell them that they could sit down and eat their dinner again. She didn't want to cause any more distraction and stop everyone from finishing their meal if the alarm sounded. Not that it bothered Evan who was practically finished now. She wanted them all to go back to their seats; everyone but Eddie.
Her hands moved to hold Eddie's biceps when he stood up and gripped her elbows, helping her up even though she didn't know what he was doing or where he was trying to take her.
His arm swooped around her waist and his hand pressed against her back between her hips and he guided her towards the stairs.
"Your shift hasn't ended yet," She whispered quietly, wiping her arm against her temple that was still flushed.
"I know, but if you're waiting for me to take you home then I need you to rest. Go sleep in the bunker until our shift finishes." The last thing Eddie wanted was for (Y/n) to bustle about the station trying to help out and overdo things. She was burning up a fever and she didn't look well. Eddie wanted her to try and take it easy and rest until he could take her home.
And if he was being honest with himself, he wasn't sure he would actually be taking (Y/n) home today. He might bring her back home with him so he could make sure she was alright. The last thing (Y/n) needed was to be ill and alone at home when she could stay with Eddie and Chris. It would stop Eddie from fretting about her.
A jolt ran down (Y/n)'s spine and her hand lurched around Eddie's bicep when the alarm bell sounded just as they reached the bottom of the stairs. She could feel Eddie's fingers digging into her back and his other hand grabbed her arm to steady her.
"Come on," He mumbled quietly as he guided (Y/n) down the corridor towards the bunker room. He wanted to make sure she actually laid down before he had to go out on this call. He knew what (Y/n) was like and if they went out on a call, she would end up cleaning and tidying and overdoing things.
(Y/n) could feel her mind starting to shut down the moment she flopped onto one of the cot beds. Her knees coiled up to her stomach and she wound one arm to her waist but in a moment of courage, (Y/n) curled her hand around Eddie's and brushed his hand against her cheek.
"I won't be long. Try and get some sleep, love."
Fireworks ignited throughout (Y/n)'s temple and down to her stomach that pumped with adrenaline when she felt Eddie's lips press against her temple. He had never done that before. Maybe he was doing it because she wasn't feeling well and he wanted to calm her down and reassure her.
But (Y/n) hoped the reason was because he secretly felt the same way she did.
(Y/n) could feel a storm rolling in behind her eyes and spreading all throughout her head when she groggily opened her eyes and tried to sit up. Her body swayed back and forth when she moved into an upright position on the small cot bed.
Her head lolled back and her eyes moved from left to right until they managed to regain focus again. A groan tumbled past her lips as her hands moved to slam down on the bed to prop herself up but her elbows were shaking and shivers rushed throughout her body.
When the drowsy feeling finally started to dissipate, (Y/n) flopped her head forward and tried to take deep breaths to clear the spots in front of her eyes.
Her hand moved to swipe against her forehead and she grimaced and cringed silently. Her body was flushed and covered in sweat.
Her fever was getting out of control.
It didn't feel like she had been asleep for long, but she couldn't be sure. She felt like she had only managed a ten-minute power nap but her churning stomach and throbbing head told her otherwise. Maybe she needed to go get a drink and wait out front for the team to come back. Once Eddie was back, he would be taking her home because he was right, (Y/n) was in no fit state to drive herself anywhere.
"Fuck," Her knees jerked back and forth when she stood up and her body dithered, deciding whether she could stand on her own two feet or if her weight was suddenly too much to handle.
Her balance felt off. It felt like her centre of gravity had shifted to the left and (Y/n) found her head and shoulders tilting to the left which made her body stumble in that direction when she aimed for the door.
This wasn't good. Eddie was right, she was coming down with something.
The station felt odd and uneasy when there weren't many people milling about the place. She had been left at the station by herself a few times for various reasons, but when she felt ill, the station suddenly felt gloomy and unsafe.
As she wandered down the hall, (Y/n) reached her hand out and trailed her palm across the wall to steady and support herself so she didn't end up taking a tumble down to the floor. Her body aimed to turn left but she stopped walking and looked across to the right when a sound caught her attention.
The only room down that small corridor was Bobby's office. Her feet fumbled beneath her when she darted a glance ahead of her. The fire trucks and the ambulance were gone. The team hadn't come back yet and Bobby wouldn't hang back at the station if the team went out on a call.
So who was in his office?
(Y/n) let her shoulder slump against the wall as she dithered down the corridor. Her heart started to beat faster in her chest when she noticed Bobby's office door was slightly ajar.
She couldn't recall whether Bobby locked the office when he wasn't here or not. It wasn't like the station was ever empty. Someone was always here, they were open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. There would always be people on shift and no one needed to go ransacking his office for anything. He had nothing of value hidden in there and no one who worked here would need to snatch anything from the office.
"What are you doing?" Her voice came out rather authoritative and her arms moved to cross over her chest.
She stood in the doorway of the office, frowning across at someone she didn't recognise. (Y/n) had worked at the station for over a year now, she knew everyone who worked here and she knew a few people from the other stations too. She didn't recognise the man in front of her which meant he didn't work here.
Begging the question, what was he doing in Bobby's office? What was he looking for?
(Y/n) realised a second too late that she had walked in on a very, very bad situation.
The man in question was wearing all black; trousers, boots, hoodie and gloves. The only thing he was missing was a mask. The drawers in Bobby's desk were all pulled out and ruffled through, papers were spilling over the edges, pens and stationary littered the floor and almost everything had been pushed off the desk onto the floor.
The cupboards behind the desk were currently being rooted through and by the stranger's foot, there was a duffle bag that was currently empty. He was trying to raid the station.
"Don't make this harder for both of us. Where's the valuables?"
Despite the panic rattling through her chest, the pain bolting across her temple and the unease clouding round her like a fog, (Y/n) managed something similar to a smile. Did he mistake the station for a bank or a posh mansion? What kind of valuables did he think they kept round here? This was a fire house, a place for emergencies. They sent out medical equipment and had ladders and jaws and electrical devices to help get people out of all sorts of situations and fires and people in medical distress.
They weren't a jewellery shop, stashing diamonds and necklaces in safes locked away in the office. They didn't keep money around the station either. Their wages were paid electronically and they had a bank card for any food or equipment they needed to buy; no cash was left on the premises, except for staff wallets in their lockers.
"This is a fire station, we don't have any valuables you can take. You need to leave." (Y/n) began to tap her fingers against her arm and her teeth ground together. She was ill, she wasn't in the mood to argue with a very bad thief. She would give him a head start and let him leave before she called Athena to report this.
"I'm not leaving until I have something of value with me."
"Then I'll call the police."
(Y/n) wasn't playing games, she knew she looked the picture of death right now and she was in no mood to negotiate or help him loot the station.
Her mind was already trying to fathom where she last had her phone while she took two steps back into the corridor and turned around. She wasn't standing around to watch, she would find her phone and call the police and try to contact Bobby to see if they were on their way back yet.
"I don't think so." That voice sent shivers running up and down (Y/n)'s spine and her feet started to flop and curl in a hurried attempt to start running. She needed a phone, she didn't want to get attacked.
A scream fell past (Y/n)'s lips and her hands moved to cup over her ears when a gunshot rang out through the air. Her body jolted to the left and slammed into the wall, the shock making her knees buckle until she slumped down onto her knees on the floor.
He had a gun.
Where did he get that from? She didn't see it on the desk or in his hand when she looked him up and down. He must have hidden it in his jeans or in the duffle bag by his feet. This changed things. (Y/n) couldn't try snd outrun him when she wasn't in the best state and he seemed willing to shoot her down. She was going to have to comply.
Her eyes snapped closed and her hands let go of her ears to hold out in front of her when she felt a rough hand tangle in her hair and wrench her head backwards. Her neck cricked with pain and her features scrunched up into a wince as she swallowed down a cry.
She braced her hands on the wall to help herself stand up when he all but dragged her to her feet by her hair. But when (Y/n) felt the barrell of the gun press down into her back between her hips, her body turned to jelly and she wobble don the spot.
"Now, you're going to show me where all the good stuff is that I can flog, and I might not shoot you at the end of this. Okay?"
"Hm." (Y/n) did her best to nod her head in agreement but when he harshly shook her head back and forth, bile rose in the back of her throat and she wavered on the spot.
"I-inventory… you can take t-the equipment, hacksaw, medical stock, it'll sell quick." (Y/n) opened her eyes but she could barely get her vision to focus down the hall.
He could take anything from the stock room. They had spare axes, hoses, jaws for car crashes. And any of their medical equipment would sell on the black market and to dodgy clinics all around LA. Everything they had in inventory would sell somewhere and get a good price. It might not be as good as stealing cash or jewellery or selling documents, but it was as good as he was going to get from the station.
"Let's go."
He ragged (Y/n)'s head back until she was almost touching his shoulder, then he suddenly gave her a rough shove forward and had her tripping over her feet. (Y/n) bound one arm around her chest and trailed her left hand along the wall to steady herself and to try and stay upright when her head was turning to mush and her body was ready to drop.
Why couldn't the team have come back already? He wouldn't be much of a match for any of the guys here. Evan and Eddie could of tackled him easily before he produced the gun and they could of outnumbered him.
(Y/n)'s feet stumbled beneath her and she stopped walking when they moved towards the main floor of the station.
The ambulance was parked up. The truck was reversing back in its usual spot. The team were back.
This was not going to go down very well.
His hand left her hair and moved to scrunch up the back of her shirt so he had a good grip in case she tried to move away from him. The gun moved higher until it was pressed between her shoulders and he stood tall behind her, keeping his chest touching her back so she knew he was in charge of this situation.
"Quick." He hissed in her ear and (Y/n) shakily pointed towards the right near the lockers. Behind the gym was the inventory and stock room. They weren't going to get over there without someone seeing them, surely he had to know that.
"(Y/n), hey are you feeling any better?"
Shivers bolted up and down (Y/n)'s spine and she could feel tears creeping up in the corners of her eyes.
Eddie's voice made her stomach melt like snow and sent her heart jumping up into her throat until she couldn't breathe. When she looked over her left shoulder towards him, a single tear traced down her face. He was stood behind the truck with his hands on his hips, no florescent jacket on which exposed his bulging arms to her sight. His hair was askew in all directions and traces of mud and dirt coated his face.
His shoulders straightened out and he quirked a soft smile, showing his teeth and creasing his eyes that made (Y/n) feel like her heart had left her chest and gone straight into his hands.
His smile started to fade when she didn't answer him. Eddie tried to catch back his breath but his upper lip curled in distaste when he watched (Y/n) just stare at him like she suddenly didn't know how to speak. He could see she was trembling and even from this distance, he could tell her breathing was rapid and uneven.
"She's fine."
Eddie tilted his chin up as his jaw loosened so he could run his tongue over his lips. He narrowed his eyes while his hands tightened around his hips. Who the Hell was that stood behind her? Eddie didn't recognise him, he wasn't wearing any sort of uniform for the station or police or any other job.
"I wasn't asking you. (Y/n)… is everything okay?" He wouldn't move until he heard from (Y/n) that she was okay and there wasn't a problem here because she didn't look well or comfortable. And Eddie wouldn't have that.
(Y/n) rolled her lips together to stop herself from saying anything but her chest shuddered when she felt the gun press harsher into her upper back and the man tried to pull her to keep moving. Before she could think better of it, (Y/n) started to shake her head. She grounded her feet to the spot and pulled back when the man tried to drag her away.
Her head violently shook from side to side and more tears flooded down her face, making a fire spark within Eddie's chest.
"Let go of her."
With his hands clenched into fists at his sides, Eddie started to walk forward. He didn't know what was going on here but he didn't like it at all. (Y/n) was crying and she looked worried and there was a stranger stood behind her like he was threatening her.
"Alright, let's try this again."
Eddie stopped short and stumbled onto his back foot when a gun was suddenly pressed against (Y/n)'s temple.
(Y/n) bit down on her lip harsh enough to draw blood when his hand fisted in her hair again and tilted her head back near his. Her shoulders bumped into his chest and she coiled her arms up towards her chest, scratching her nails into her neck to try and calm herself down when the barrell of the gun moved to the right side of her head.
"Cap." Eddie tilted his head to the side and took a quick glance over his shoulder before he looked back at (Y/n). He held his hands out in front of him to show he wasn't about to lunge forward or get a phone and start calling the police. He wouldn't do anything to jeopardise (Y/n)'s safety. Never.
He could feel Bobby standing behind him and soon enough the rest of the team was crowding around, all stood in a line, their unease mingling together and radiating out around the station.
What were they supposed to do? How could they help (Y/n) when she was now a hostage?
What could Eddie do?
"Okay, everybody stay where they are. We're not going to do anything unless you say so. What do you want?" Bobby took two steps forward so he was in front of his team. He was the captain, he was the one who was in charge of the station and responsible for the team. He wouldn't let anyone get hurt if he could help it and he would try and negotiate and do whatever he was asked to keep his team safe.
"Everybody over there. Now."
When he pointed towards the locker room, Bobby nodded and moved his hands out to usher the team in that direction.
Chimney and Hen moved first, being the closest to the locker room. Evan followed behind and kept moving when Bobby patted his shoulder and nudged him to follow. Bobby turned towards Eddie and rested a hand on his shoulder but Eddie shook him off.
He wasn't going to go and sit in there and risk this man walk off with (Y/n). One look at her and anyone could see she was sick. She was flushed, sweating, shaking and could barely keep her eyes focused. She needed to see a doctor and get away from this stressful situation. Eddie wasn't leaving her.
"Eddie, come on-"
"Let (Y/n) come with us. We're complying, let her stay with us and you can take what you want." Eddie waved his hand out in (Y/n)'s direction, trying to get her to safety with them. None of them were going to tackle him or overpower him when he had a gun on them. Having (Y/n) in the locker room with them would make it better for this guy. He could go and take whatever he wanted without having to drag her along with him.
"She's my security, she stays with me."
(Y/n) closed her eyes and tried to take a deep breath but it didn't relieve the lightheaded feeling swamping through her temple.
"Look at her, she's gonna collapse. Take one of us instead, she won't be much security when she drops."
The way Eddie raised his brows and jutted out his jaw made (Y/n) shiver and she tilted her head back when she realised what he was hinting at. Her lips pressed together tightly and she held her breath for as long as she could until her head weighed down and her body started to shudder.
It wasn't hard to let her muscles go limp and when the man's hand tightened in her hair and became the only thing holding her up, (Y/n)'s vision went black. She could barely register the noises around her and she didn't feel the way her body thumped against the ground when he let her drop down.
Eddie stomped his foot and growled when Bobby grabbed his shoulder, stopping him from lunging forward to grab (Y/n) before she hit the floor.
"You, come with me. You, take her in there."
That was all Eddie needed to hear. He kept his eyes focused on (Y/n) instead of the gun that was pointing at him in case he made any sudden movements. He bashed his knees down into the floor and gently cradled the back of (Y/n)'s neck so he could pull her head up and rest her cheek against his shoulder. His hand moved round to her back and his other arm slid beneath her knees.
"I got you, I got you." He muttered quietly against her temple when he stood up and headed towards the locker room.
As soon as he was inside, Eddie went down on his knees again and gently eased (Y/n) down on the floor. He shifted her round so her back was slumped up against his chest and he curved his arm around her waist while his other hand moved to cup her jaw.
Hen slumped down next to Eddie while Chimney and Evan sat on the bench, all of them grimacing when Bobby locked the door and gave them a pointed look before he followed the gun man down the corridor towards the inventory room.
"(Y/n)… look at me," Eddie brushed his thumb against her jaw and gently moved her head to try and bring her back around. She had tried to make herself collapse and had blacked out in the process. "She's burning up, she might have an infection."
"Pulse is very fast, I'd take a guess that her BP is too high as well. We have to get her to the hospital." Hen held (Y/n)'s wrist in her hand and counted her pulse which was way too high. She was at risk of going into cardiac arrest or having breathing problems if this continued. She she still wasn't lucid yet, her eyes were fluttering about but the only movement she had was her body trembling in Eddie's arms.
"Then we get out of here, now."
Pushing forward, Eddie carefully eased (Y/n) forward until her head was on Hen's shoulder so he could get up. He looked at Evan and pointed at the fire extinguisher, that was their only weapon of defence and their attacker couldn't do anything if they blasted him with a concentrated amount of CO2 from the extinguisher.
Eddie pressed his forehead against the window and took a look around, making sure Bobby and the man weren't coming back yet before he pulled back. He closed his eyes, leaned his chest back and rammed his elbow into the window with as much force as he could manage.
The glass splintered around his joint, imbedding in his skin and trickling blood down his arm towards his fingers, but the adrenaline coursing through his body countered the pain and panic he was feeling. Eddie reached his hand through the broken glass and unlocked the door before he turned back around and leaned down.
"Everybody in the ambulance. Go." He waved an arm at them to make them move before he looked down at (Y/n). "Up we go, sweetheart."
Eddie grabbed (Y/n)'s right arm and curled it around the back of his neck before his right arm clamped down around her bum, hoping she would excuse the touch before he hoisted her up. He straightened up and slumped (Y/n) over his right shoulder, feeling her forehead press into his back and he heard her groan something incoherent as he juggled her a bit higher up so she was secure.
His chest tightened when he realised he had a great view of her arse right next to him. His arm bound around the back of her thighs and he turned around and made a break out of the locker room.
Hen and Chimney sped towards the ambulance and Eddie cringed when Evan turned on the extinguisher, trying his best to aim for the gun man and not Bobby. The last thing he wanted was to incapacitate their captain too.
Bobby seemed mostly unaffected and braced himself before he slammed his forearm out into the man's throat, smacking him straight in the windpipe which immobilised him. He fell down to his knees in time for Bobby to grapple the gun out of his hand, urging them all to move.
"Go!" Evan pressed his hand to Eddie's shoulder and smashed his other fist down on the side of the ambulance when Eddie was in the back with Chimney and Hen was in the driver's seat. Evan closed the door, closing them inside before he took a step back so he was out the way. He would stay behind with Bobby and wait for the police and to be safe in case another call out came through the tanoid.
A weak groan tumbled past (Y/n)'s lips when she felt herself being slumped over from Eddie's shoulder and down onto the gurney. Her arm bound around her chest as she began to cough and wheeze, trying to slow down her breathing because her pulse was throbbing in her ears.
Her head twisted from side to side when she felt one of them trying to press an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose.
"Sweetheart it's to help you, come on let me help you, please?" Eddie leaned over the gurney and braced his shoulder on the wall when Hen took a sharp right turn that had them jolting back and forth.
He brushed his thumb against (Y/n)'s jaw before he placed the oxygen mask back over her nose, relieved when she stopped fidgeting and trying to push him away. It was to keep her system going and make sure she was alright, he wasn't trying to hurt her or do this to be cruel.
(Y/n) flopped her arm out when she managed to focus her eyes enough to see Chimney holding a blood pressure cuff. But she moved her free hand out and grabbed Eddie's hand that was hovering near her neck. She caught his attention and he leaned down closer when she tugged on his hand and brought it down to her chest.
"What, sweetheart?"
He refrained from rolling his eyes when (Y/n) scratched the mask down until it flopped on her chest and she could look up at him. Her lips quirked into a dazed, tight smile but it was enough to make Eddie's heart flutter.
"Thank you," (Y/n) pulled on his arm again until she could flop her head forward and kiss his exposed arm.
She barely heard Chimney mutter something about her blood pressure being high. She guessed he was going to find her some blood thinners when he turned his back to them and rummaged around in the drawers for something. His lack of attention gave Eddie enough time to lean down and press his lips against (Y/n)'s burning temple which made her heart flutter and her fingers tightened around his arm.
She almost saw stars in front of her eyes again when she felt Eddie's fingers fluttering up and down her chest before his lips moved down to hover over her ear. She could feel each panting breath against the shell of her ear that he kissed softly.
"Let me look after you now, then I'll think of a way you can thank me later."
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claymoresword · 1 month
We Bleed The Same | Part: 1
Cersei Lannister x Stark Fem!Reader 🐺
Summary: On the road from Winterfell to King's Landing, Cersei and y/n find themselves reconciling with both old and new feelings as fate seems determined to tear them apart.
Sequel to 'Where's My Love'.
Wordcount: 4k
Pairing: Cersei x Reader
Warnings: smut, g!p reader, mentions of sexual violence & domestic abuse, breeding kink, blowjob/deep throating, unprotected sex, dubious consent, co-dependency, y/n & cersei are soulmates argue with the wall
Note: This was actually a lot of fun, I already can't wait to put out the second part! Anyway, hope you enjoy this one as much as i enjoyed writing it (smut after asterisks)
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You have been on the road for what feels like an eternity, the children are growing restless, and so are you, but King's Landing is still weeks away. Your next destination being Castle Darry, by order of the king.
Robert Baratheon is rather fond of his pit stops, and you have half a mind to strangle him for that.
What is meant to be a few weeks on the road has turned into months of long-winded journey.
You shift uncomfortably in your seat for the hundredth time, leaning back against the cushions.
You are certainly looking forward to sleeping in a proper bed, whenever that might be.
Just as you start to grow somewhat comfortable, the litter jerks to an abrupt halt, forcing you to lean forward.
Ned places a firm arm in front of his girls to prevent them from falling forward the same way you had.
“Why have we stopped?” You ask, exasperated. Subsequently, pulling aside the curtain next to you to look out the window, only to be greeted with darkness.
You hadn't realized it was already nightfall.
As you squint, you only manage to make out an open field– the scenery does look beautiful, but this isn't the castle.
“Maybe the king needed a piss again.” Arya remarks, trying her best to look over your shoulder.
You narrow your gaze at your niece, and her inability to keep her thoughts to herself. Although there is full possibility that the girl was correct.
The king had delayed the possession half a dozen times today to relieve himself.
“No..” Sansa utters. “He's being sick.” She observes, and it is swiftly followed by the sound of Robert dry heaving.
You grimace at the noise, no longer concealing your annoyance.
Robert has stopped the journey half a dozen times to do that as well.
“Perhaps if he didn't drink so much..” You start, although your brother interjects before you can say anything else.
“Be quiet, the lot of you.” Ned scolds, and you have to bite back a retort as you petulantly glance out through the curtains again.
Eventually, the litter resumes movement, and you rest your back once more, allowing your mind to wander.
Cersei is no doubt feeling as miserable as you are, if not more.
Had you been given leave to ride with her, perhaps this journey would not be half as excruciating.
You missed her, you crave to hear her voice, to touch her, kiss her.
If you fail to reach Castle Darry by tonight, you aim to find a way inside the queen's litter. Robert is certain to be too drunk to notice anyway.
The journey continues on for several more hours, the repetitive movement of the carriage begins to lull you, you could only fight it for so long before a deep and dreamless slumber manages to take over.
“Y/n.” You stir to Ned's voice, his hand on your shoulder is like a jolt to your system; you sit up abruptly.
As you come to your senses, you notice that the litter has stopped, Arya and Sansa are no longer beside you.
“We're moving into the castle, I need your help carrying in the food crates.” Ned explains, pulling open the curtains next to you.
“What hour is it?” You ask groggily, still trying to rub the sleep from your eyes.
“I don't know.” Ned responds truthfully. “but I reckon we'll see first light soon.” He finishes, yet you fail to move.
“Come on, you've been asleep for hours.” Your brother insists, he grabs ahold of your hand, forcibly hoisting you up.
As he tugs on your arm, you stumble out of the litter, leaning your weight on Ned as you attempt to find your footing.
You shove him away after you do, scowling at your brother, and his very successful attempt at manhandling you.
“When we get back on the road I am riding on horseback. I'm sick of sitting in that damned thing.” You grumble, gesturing to the carriage behind you before smoothing out your cloak and running your fingers through your hair.
“As you wish, but I refuse to listen to you whine about saddle sores.” Ned says, approaching the stack of crates.
“I am a woman grown, I do not whine.” You contend defensively.
Ned does not heed your remark, nodding towards the large crate impatiently, he braces his hands on the underside of it. “Come, help me.”
Castle Darry sits atop of a hill in the Riverlands, the climb was steep enough to knock the wind out of you.
By the time you enter through its doors, your chest is heaving. “Seven hells–” You mutter under your breath, although you are quickly distracted by the interior of the palace.
Darry had decently high ceilings, the castle is larger on the inside as it appeared on the outside. Somehow modest and grand all at once.
The stairs, large and winding, are set at the center of the main hall leading up to the bedchambers.
Robert picked a decent place this time around, you'll give him that much.
You stroll past the stairs towards the castle's great hall, observing as Ned approaches the table in the far right, next to a window that overlooks a view of the river.
You spot your nieces and nephews enjoying an early breakfast. Next to them are Cersei's youngest children, Myrcella and Tommen.
Sansa and Myrcella appear caught up in conversation, whilst Arya and Tommen are on their knees, busy feeding Nymeria pieces of charred meat.
Joffrey is nowhere to be seen. This doesn't surprise anyone, in truth. The prince along with his sworn guard often wander about on their own. The boy was always eager to find trouble where he can, that much is evident.
You begin scanning the rest of the hall, you notice the kingsguard along with the queen's men, but no sight of the king or queen themselves.
You can't help the disappointment that settles in your belly, you were hoping to get at least a glimpse of Cersei before heading to bed.
“Where is the queen?” You ask as you take a seat next to Robb and his half-brother, Jon.
You reach for the flagon of spiced wine, pouring it into a cup as you await a response.
Robb merely shrugs as he stuffed a piece of bacon into his mouth, and your other nephew decides to opt for a smart answer.
“With the king, I presume?” Jon remarks, insolent and juvenile.
You quickly wipe the smirk off his face by placing a firm smack against the back of his head.
Jon yelps, reaching up to rub the same spot you had just struck him. “What was that for?”
“I meant, which room is she in?” You rephrase, unamused before lifting the rim of your cup to your lips, taking a large drink.
A burst of nutmeg and cinnamon coats your tongue, when accompanied with the warm, bitter taste of wine, it manages to soothe you.
“I saw her enter the one upstairs, at the end of the hall.” Sansa chimes in, making sure to swallow her food first before addressing you.
You turn your attention towards your niece, a look of gratitude paints your features. “Thank you, Sansa.”
“Hopeless, the both of you.” You remark, reaching out to mess up Robb's head of auburn hair.
You relished the way both boys scowled at you as you left the dining area.
You trudge up the steep stairs leading to the bedchambers. Glancing at the row of rooms to your left, and then to your right.
You mentally curse yourself for failing to clarify with Sansa exactly which room the queen had taken as her own.
After a moment of deliberating, you decide to take a risk, approaching the room on the far left, one hidden behind a large pillar.
You knock twice before resting your hand on the pommel of your sword.
A beat passes and no one answers, though just as you move to walk away, the door opens, and a golden-haired beauty emerges from the dark room.
Your smile happens involuntarily as you pale greys catch Cersei's emerald gaze. Though the queen doesn't reciprocate, instead she pulls you in for a sudden hug.
After a fleeting moment of confusion, you embrace her in return. Your hand rests on the small of her back, the other gently threads through her golden curls.
As your gaze wanders, it is only then you notice a tear in her robe. The silk material fails to cover the bruising on Cersei's arm; the sight makes you stiffen.
The queen fails to speak, so you decide to break the silence first.
“Is everything alright?” You ask, expecting the answer, but Cersei does not grace you with a verbal reply, merely hugging you tighter.
“Do you want me to stay here tonight?” You whisper instead, your lips brush against the shell of the other woman's ear.
Cersei remains quiet for a while, as though considering your request. She pulls back slightly to look at you, her gaze softens as she traces your features with her thumb.
“You can't, Robert's in my bed.” She finally says, and your brows furrow at the prospect.
That old brute laid his hands on her again.
You open your mouth to protest, but as if expecting it, Cersei places her hand over your mouth, stopping you. “Don't– do not say anything, just kiss me.”
With that, the queen leans in, capturing your mouth with her own. The kiss is desperate, and anguished. Cersei moans softly into your mouth as your tongues make contact.
She tastes like lemon and arbor red, and you are content to feel her like this, for all eternity, although the way your lungs burn for air proves your desire to be an impossible one to uphold.
You break away first, tilting your head to kiss her neck. Cersei gasps at the sensation, her fingers clenched tightly around your hair as your mouth finds the base of her jaw.
“I want–” The queen starts, her voice trembling ever so slightly as your mouth continues to move along her tender flesh.
Eventually, Cersei finds the strength to tug on your hair, guiding your face to her own.
“I want to name you my sworn protector, when we get to King's Landing.” The older woman says suddenly. “I will declare it to the council myself.” Cersei adds, and she simply rakes her fingers through your hair at your lack of response.
“Then you'll have reason to be in my quarters.. in my company.. elsewise people will talk.” She explains, and finally, you nod.
The queen's sworn protector. Like you intended to be all those years ago, before things went wrong between the two of you.
“As you wish.. I am your servant.” You conclude, and for the first time tonight a smile covers Cersei's enchanting features.
Striking, delicate and so damned breathtaking.
“Good.” She says, pulling you in for another lingering kiss.
The following week at Darry had been at best, quiet and uneventful. You spent most of your days with your brother and his children and nights waiting for everyone to fall asleep just so you could visit the queen.
Although, you did not have the privilege of seeing her last night. After a long day of hunting with Ned and Robert, you don't recall how you got back to the castle, only that you had awoken this morning with a pounding head.
Not exactly fond of hunting, you did so mainly out of courtesy– as to not give the king cause to be upset.
Robert is as unpleasant on a hunt as he is on any other day, if not more.
Naturally, you drank to dull the ache his company caused, as well as pass the time.
In truth, all you wanted to do is spend your days and nights in bed with Cersei. You had managed to steal moments here and there, but nothing enough to satiate your need for her.
All the more reason to look forward to King's Landing. Once you get to the city you'll be allowed to spend time in the queen's bedchambers under the guise of guarding her from harm.
Then, you'll finally be allowed to do whatever you desire with each other without the danger of being seen.
Tonight, in a welcomed change of pace, you find yourself in the Godswood with Ser Jory Cassel, dull blades in hand.
He is a capable sparring partner, however predictable he might be.
You remind yourself once more that he is a knight, he fights clean like most of them.
Most knights are predictable.
“I cannot be out here for much longer, M'lady. Lord Eddard has tasked me to watch over his daughters tonight.” Ser Jory says as he resumes his stance, lifting his blade.
You shrug, doing the same.
“I understand, Ser. I only mean to fight you until I grow bored.. which shouldn't take long at all.” You jest, and it manages to hit a nerve, as the knight takes a large swing at you.
You deflect the blow before swiftly maneuvering your body away with one foot, causing the knight to stumble forward.
Ser Jory recovers quickly, this time you strike first, and your dull blades kiss with a large clash.
You take the opportunity to get out of the position by flicking your wrist, as a result your sword is released from the blade lock. You twist the blade in your hand once before pointing it at the knight's neck.
The quickest win yet.
Ser Jory sighs, lifting his arms in surrender. “I yield.”
You lower your blade with a grin. Though the man yields quickly, far too easily.
Suddenly, you find yourself hoping the knight isn't letting you win on purpose, or perhaps he is just eager to get inside and resume his post.
Either way, you are not yet satisfied.
As you are just about to request for another round, voices in the distance steal your attention.
You glance over to see men from the kingsguard standing under the Weirwood, gossiping– albeit not very discreetly.
“They were arguing again, the king and queen..”
Ser Jory has since set aside his sparring blade. He walks over to a wooden bench in the corner of the Godswood to fetch his sword belt, fastening it onto his person.
“See you inside, m'lady.” Jory announces as he rushes back into the castle. Although you hardly hear him at all as you inch closer to the pair of knights standing under the Weirwood tree.
You remain partially hidden by the darkness as you listen to their conversation whilst pretending to focus your attention elsewhere.
“I heard she broke his nose.” The kingsguard says.
“He broke hers more like. That's why she sent her handmaids to fetch her a cold compress.” The other knight chimes in, and his words send an unpleasant shiver down your spine.
You turn away, thoughtlessly discarding the practice blade you were holding before grabbing your own sword.
You slip past the main doors of the castle before sprinting up the stairs. You pushed past the pair of guards at the foot of it as they took a moment too long to step aside.
As you reach Cersei's bedchambers you notice that her door is left ajar. You push it open, stepping inside in a panic frenzy, only to nearly trip over Robert's large frame.
The king lays motionless by the door, on a beautifully crafted Myrish carpet. His large belly spilling out of his tunic.
A compelling sight.
You look up to find Cersei standing by the window, a goblet of wine in hand. She smiles as your eyes meet.
Her hair is unkempt, her robe falling off one shoulder, but there is no blood anywhere on her, in fact she appears entirely unharmed.
You turn to shut the door, wincing as it accidentally slams into place. Yet, Robert remains on the floor, unfazed.
“Is he dead?” You quip, circling the king's motionless body and it earns a bitter chuckle from Cersei.
“No, just passed out from drinking too much, I'm afraid.” The queen responds, her own voice slurred.
The queen is drunk.
“Pity.” You remark, as a large noise erupts from the king. The boisterous and grating snore continues every time he breathes.
You tilt your head at the sight of him, Robert Baratheon is a beast, and the worst kind.
You sigh at the thought before turning around, only to find Cersei standing right behind you.
She reaches up instinctively, wrapping her arms around the back of your neck.
“Did he hurt you?” You ask softly, your own hands finding her waist.
Your jaw tenses as Cersei nodded in response.
A blind rage overcomes you then, the sound of Robert snoring agitates you beyond belief, fueling your resentment.
“I could kill him.” You mutter through gritted teeth, and Cersei merely re-focuses her gaze on you, an amused smile playing on her lips.
“You are so adorable.” She whispers, almost mockingly, her lips then meet your neck.
The feeling of her kisses upon your skin slowly causes your anger to dissipate, you find yourself conflicted.
“Cersei–” You attempt, but the queen's mouth against the shell of your ear causes your words to die in your throat.
“Take me to bed..” She says, the scent of lavender in her hair invades your senses, and you find it nearly impossible to think. You are urged to do as she asks, but logic and reason forces you to consider otherwise.
“What?” You ask, and you feel Cersei's teeth graze your ear, she bites your earlobe before pulling back slightly to look at you.
“I want you to fuck me– you do it so well.” She pleads, in a tone that nearly makes your knees buckle.
Cersei runs her fingers through your hair, uninterested in hearing you protest any further.
She escapes your embrace, though not letting go of your hand as she steps over Robert.
The king continues to snore loudly, you are beginning to think the man will not wake for anything at all. He might as well be dead.
“Come.” Cersei coaxes sweetly, tugging on your arm.
You let her guide you without a moment's thought, stepping over the king to follow the queen to her bed.
Cersei lets go of your hand to unlace her robe, she shrugs it off, allowing it to fall on the floor, leaving her as naked as her nameday.
The queen watches you disapprovingly as you stand frozen in place. You observed the way her hips swayed languidly as she approached you.
She reaches south to unfasten your sword belt, gripping your blade by its scabbard before placing it on the floor.
“You are not naked enough.” Cersei points out, with a slight pout. The way she continues to slur her words causes your heart to constrict in your chest.
Even like this, she is breathtaking.
Beautiful.. and so utterly twisted.
You are so in love with her.
Cersei sets her bottom lip in between her teeth with palpable excitement as you obliged her. Unclasping your dark grey doublet, tossing it aside before lifting your tunic over your head.
The queen decides to assist you with your bottom half. Brazenly palming your cock through your breeches, her shoulder slumps in disappointment, unsatisfied with the current flaccid state of your shaft.
“What's wrong?” Cersei asks, her hands move up your body to cup your breast before resting on the nape of your neck once more.
You are unsure of how to respond, you remain overtly aware of the fact that Cersei's husband remained asleep only a few feet away.
You turn to glance at the man but the queen is quick to force your head in place. “Don't look at him.” She scolds before leaning in to capture your lips with her own for a long kiss.
As you aim to slip your tongue inside of her mouth, Cersei pulls away with a demand. “Take off your breeches, come here.”
You observed as Cersei climbed onto the bed, settling on her knees at the edge of it.
The sight admittedly manages to excite you; you feel your cock begin to stir.
You remove your breeches in haste, ridding them heedlessly as you approach the golden haired woman.
Now you stand in front of the bed and Cersei remains in a kneeling position on the edge as she grips the base of your semi-erect shaft. Bringing it up to her lips, she kisses the tip, all while maintaining eye contact.
“Fuck–” You groan aloud as Cersei finally takes you into her mouth, her tongue flat against your cock as she begins to suck.
You let out an unsteady breath, reaching down to grip a fistful of her hair, wary of not grabbing too tightly as you allowed Cersei to set her own pace.
The queen continues bobbing her head, taking your cock inside of her mouth in its entirety.
You feel her breathe out through her nose as she takes you in even deeper, pulling another groan from you as the tip of your shaft meets her throat.
You gasp as Cersei keeps going, you notice as tears begin to well up in her eyes before they flutter shut as she takes you further in.
The feeling of her swallowing around your cock makes you see stars, and it nearly causes you to finish right then and there.
“Gods above, Cersei–” You curse incoherently.
The queen chokes on your girth before leaning back to let your cock lay flat against her tongue once more.
She continues to suck dutifully, and you grunt, this time gripping her hair harshly to pull her head back.
You needed to take her, now.
“Enough, come here.” You state, and Cersei lets your cock fall out of her mouth.
She makes a noise of surprise as you harshly met her lips. Cersei kisses you passionately in return, pulling you down on top of her.
As the queen parted her legs for you, you don't give her much warning before reaching in between both of your bodies.
You line the tip of your shaft up to her entrance, and with one swift thrust, you enter her completely, filling Cersei to the hilt.
The older woman lets out a guttural noise at the sensation, followed shortly after by a whimper.
Cersei's nails dig into your back as her entire body trembles uncontrollably.
You turn to check if the king had perhaps awoken at the sound, but again, Cersei does not give you the chance, pulling you in for another kiss.
You decide not to heed caution any longer, you begin moving your hips, steadily increasing the pace.
If the king wakes, you will kill him.
Cersei mewls into your mouth as your cock hits the perfect spot within her, again and again.
Soon, you brace your hands against the bedding on either side of her head as you begin to rut into her wildly.
Cersei lets out a series of broken gasps and moans, followed by a louder whine when she suddenly reaches her peak around your cock.
You observed as the queen writhed underneath you with every thrust afterwards, she wraps her arms around your back weakly, pulling you in even closer.
You steal at the opportunity to take Cersei’s breasts into your mouth. Licking and sucking at them greedily.
She gasps at the feeling, and you soon earn another whine as you maintain your slow thrusts.
“Please..” The queen pleads, and the sound of her desperation alone makes you drunk.
“Fill me with your seed,” Cersei utters against your ear, her legs wrapped around your waist as though not allowing you the opportunity to disobey her.
“I want to feel it quicken inside me. I want to bear your children, your heirs. Only yours.” She continues, deliberately clenching her walls around your girth.
That does it.
Your release comes just as sudden, it is violent and unyielding.
Before you can even think of pulling out, your seed spills out in ropes, thick and warm, filling Cersei's womb, just as she wanted.
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ghostofhyuck · 3 months
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NCT Dream and summer days with them. 
Mark Lee
Probably would prefer indoors during the summer but he's very up for a treat! He doesn't mind going for a short mart run just to buy ingredients for a cool treat like watermelon punch or bingsu! He'll volunteer to cut the watermelon and would probably stare at it for minute before cutting it. The watermelon slices were a bit imperfect and i feel like mark would take a bite while slicing it and even giving you some who's busy mixing the sparkling water, yogurt drink, and ice. It'll be refreshing date for you two and you two find the homemade treat delicious!
Huang Renjun
Oh my sweet summer boy, Renjun will live during summer. He loves summer and the flowers blooming! He'll love being outdoors just enjoying the bearable sun at a suitable hour and if it becomes harsh, he'll find a place underneath the shade of a tree. There could be a hammock that's big enough for you two to sleep and snuggle! He finds it serene and quiet especially when he has you by his side! He's also the type to pick a flower and just hands it to you or maybe tuck it behind your ear!
Lee Jeno
Summer days with Jeno can be a free time. As a homebody, he would probably enjoy the day indoors due to the unbearable heat. But when the sun is slowly setting, Jeno will have the energy to go out. So he drags you to ride bikes with him on a late-afternoon. Yes, those marathon-type of cycling, he'll do that with you. </3 but would probably slow down so that you can catch up with his pace. You two will stop by the Han River, buy drinks and snacks and just watch the sun set beautifully. 
Lee Donghyuck
Our lovely fullsun, summer days with Haechan means taking a dip into the beach! You two would love to go out and have your skin get tan underneath the sun, putting sunblock on each other's backs, and just racing your ways toward the clear, cold water of the sea. You two will play around the water and just stay there until both of your hands get wrinkled. He'll also the type to push you into the waters when your dipping your feet into the water, so you get revenge by dragging him towards the water too! Also would love to watch the sunset while you two dry yourselves.
Na Jaemin
I feel like Jaemin would prefer indoors but make it fancy, so staycation it is! He'll find a cozy place where you two can enjoy a peaceful and quiet summer. You two will drive your way there, drop by to buy some groceries, and enjoy the serene summer. If it's a beach front, you two will go out to take pictures, but you two will probably spend the whole day inside, underneath the cool air-conditioner, and during night, that's when you two will take a dip into the pool! 
Zhong Chenle
Chenle would love the idea of having a picnic during summer. The weather's nice, there aren't any bugs or insect, and he gets to spend it with you! <3 He wants to be prepared for the picnic, even buying a picnic basket so that the mood is there, it's either you two made sandwich and cooked food for the picnic OR you two just ordered food and have it delivered. Either way, you two had a lot of fun, and you two would probably take a nap if you two placed the mat underneath the shade of a tree. 
Park Jisung
Summer days with Jisung meant you two try something new like camping! It's not literally just the two of you, but your family always do camping, that's why you brought your boyfriend with you. He'll help setting the tent, even with the cooking. Would probably be amazed by the food prepared and when it's night time, he'll make smores with you. <3 you two probably had your alone time when you two decided to go to the nearby lake and stargaze because you know how much your boyfriend loves the universe. <3
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So this is for Quiet. Where after a smooth mission is over, Price decides it’s a good idea for the 141 to go to a bar and wind down. They all carpool (could you imagine how cramped that would be lol) and arrive, taking seats at the front.
Now they are all wearing normal clothing, aside from ghost, wearing that hoodie/jacket with the skull balaclava. And soon enough the drinks start rolling in.
I can literally see Quiet practically barricaded/sandwiched in between Ghost and Soap. Because they’re big guys and she’s small. So while the rest of the 141 are having their fun, Quiet leaves to go to the bathroom and when she starts to make her way back, some idiot tries to flirt with her and “take her home” if you know my meaning. She’s not having it and declines shaking her head but the guy is persistent and not leaving her be.
And ghost notices…
You always send me the best prompt for this series @thedevillovesflowers ❤️ SO sorry this took me forever, this is a little short just because I was struggling but I hope you like it
Hoping to slowly get back into this series I have a couple ideas
Quiet Series
You were persistent. It was in your job to be especially when you were someone who had to wait hours in the same spot for your target before you could do anything. But right now your patience was wearing thin by the second.
It was meant to be just a nice night out at the pub. It had been a long time since you and the 141 had the chance to relax, so Price offered to take everyone to the pub for a couple drinks and food.
It had been nice. You always loved hanging out with the boys, even if they got on your nerves, and doing it off the clock was nice since you didn't have to worry about getting shot at. They included you too, of course they did, because while Price had put you on the team just almost a year ago, it felt like you had been there since the beginning.
You had been stuck in between Soap and Ghost, smushed against Ghost more since Soap was so animated and enjoyed the company.
You blamed the warm fuzzy feeling on the few drinks you had rather than being pressed against your lieutenant, not having the energy to unpack those feelings at the moment. Eventually you had to use the bathroom and though you regrettably had to move away from his warmth, you didn't miss the way his dark eyes followed you.
But now you were here, unable to get back to him because a rather unattractive man stood in your way.
He was trying to get you to come home with him but after you had shook your head no multiple times he just didn't get it.
"You don't have to be shy, tell me why not." He said but you shook your head again.
You would try to sign to him but you don't think he knows ASL or that he would even realize you were mute. You wanted to just walk past him but there was limited space and you didn't want to be touched by any part of him.
"C'mon, I like a mysterious lady and you can tell me all about your scars-"
Your patience was gone.
You huffed, rolling your eyes and tried to step past him but he grabbed your arm. You nearly slapped him before you felt a familiar presence.
"She said no, mate. Leave it." Ghost's voice was rougher than usual but just as serious as always, maybe even more so like he was scolding a recruit.
He glared at the man and pushed himself in between the two of you. He didn't need to do anything else as the man grumbled and scurried off, leaving the pub without further incident.
"Alright?" Ghost turned to you and you gave him a small smile.
"Yeah..." You signed, trying not to let the interaction ruin your night.
"Let's take a walk."
You gladly followed him out of the pub and once you were outside, you couldn't help but lean against him. You expected him to pull away but he instead he gently pulled you closer.
That warm fuzzy feeling came back when he wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you began your walk and it was hard to ignore it or place the blame on anything else.
At least out here you could lean on him without worrying what the others or anyone else would think.
"You should've told him off." Ghost grumbled. "Bastard would've ran if he knew how scary you are."
You snorted but shook your head.
"It's not like he would've understood anyway" You signed and you saw the annoyance in his eyes, not at you but at the man. "Don't let it bother you, he's unimportant."
"Should be saying that to you." He signed back and you smiled.
"It's okay. No sense in getting mad at what I can't control, right?"
You know he's smiling under his mask when you see the corner of his eyes crinkle. Your face heats up when he tightens his hold around your shoulders.
"Atta girl."
A/n: slowly getting back into this hopefully Ghost isn't ooc, he's a little different that roommate!simon here atm but he'll get there
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yandere-sins · 25 days
Yan-Poll Results #1 - #4 (5)
As promised, here is the first batch of conclusions I would draw from the choices you guys have made on our weekly polls! Thank you all for participating and please mind the disclaimer before reading! ^-^
I've linked all polls in the titles.
Disclaimer: All polls are hypothetical questions and different factors could influence the results, ranging from your own personality to that of how you imagine the yandere to be. Writing these conclusions is not supposed to limit you in your fun or imagination of future polls, these are only how I imagine the stories I came up with to end. If you feel like reading these results will take away the fun from you, please abstain so you may enjoy future polls, thank you!
General Warnings for Yandere, Sexual Content, Violence, Kidnapping/Stalking, Abuse, Psychological/Physical Torture, Possible Character Death Mention
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Yan-Poll #1
Run and try escaping or finding help.
♡ You push the door aside, running down the hallway as quickly as you can. With your yan not close enough to react, you don't waste a second to escape. However, you didn't realize that your door being open meant any other door in the apartment would be locked tight. Frustrated, you rattle the handle to the front exit, desperate to get out, when you hear hurried footsteps behind you. Banging your hand on the door, you start to panic, hoping someone will hear your cries for help as you scream, but just moments later, a hand clasps over your mouth, and you are dragged back to the bedroom you had been locked in, crying and screaming. The bell rings, a concerned neighbor checking on the household as your yandere has to take drastic measures to shut you up, pushing a pillow over your head until you have no air left to fight.
Stay and prove I am trustworthy to fool them later.
♡ You eye the front door, tempted to try and slip out unnoticed. But you decide it's better to wait it out and not risk losing all the trust you have built with the yan until now. Going to the living room, it's empty, so you move on to the kitchen, finding your captor. You are hesitant to speak to them, but you watch them fill bowls with snacks and prepare drinks. When they notice you, they smile, pushing two bowls of gummy bears and pretzels in your hands, asking you to bring them to the living room table. Three board games are stacked on the table as you arrive, and you realize what is happening. With a grin and a sparkle in their eyes, your yan tells you to sit down and choose the night's first game. The atmosphere grows less tense the longer you two play. You win some rounds, and they praise you for it, although you notice them letting you win at least once. You tell them not to cheat, and they beat you in a brutal game of Monopoly. Reflecting on it later, it was surprisingly fun, although you feel bad for entertaining your captor. The door to your bedroom stays unlocked.
Yan-Poll #2
Let them feed you whatever it is they're serving.
♡ ♡ It's not a gourmet meal, but you eat a few spoons, relieved to find it edible. It has the consistency of soup, with chunks of meat and vegetables. The meat is tough to eat, perhaps overcooked or low-quality, but the vegetables are satisfying in taste. It seems your captor checked to get good quality food for you, even if the meat is tough. You ask what all of it is, and they smile, telling you it's a family recipe before questioning if you like it. You shrug, and they utter a short "Aw" in disappointment. However, they look content just eating with you, smiling softly throughout the meal. "Did something good happen?" you ask them, trying to make the silence less awkward. "Mhm, you could say that," they reply, but won't tell you more. You give up. Later, as the yan clears the table, you notice some blood stains on their sleeve and point them out. "Silly me," they reply, laughing out loud in embarrassment. "Must have happened when I prepared the meat." The rest of the day is uneventful, but you feel full after the meal. You hurry back to your room after whispering a very quiet "Thank you," and your captor looks after you with surprise on their face before they beam at you happily.
Refuse it, no matter the consequences.
♡ "Too bad," they sigh. "And after your best friend went through all the trouble producing the meat for this meal." You perk up at the mention of your best friend, furrowing your brows in confusion. Your captor never talks about anyone else but you two. It's very unlike them as they always seemed jealous of anyone else around you. "You asked them for help?" you wonder, perplexed as you look down at your plate. Did that mean your best friend now knew where you were? Was your best friend aware that he was talking to your kidnapper? You were probably getting your hopes up for nothing, but hearing some news—any news!—of the outside world was such a relief. Breathing out, you nod, encouraging yourself to stay positive. Pushing the plate further away, you get up, announcing, "I'll go back to my room," before walking out hungry. You can feel the daggers your captor glares into your back, but you don't care. There was still hope you could be found. There were still people who loved and missed you and would keep looking. When you wake up the next day, you find a copy of the local newspaper on your nightstand. Curious, you browse through it, eventually stumbling over a page where the police asks for help finding a missing person. The picture of your best friend make tears well up in your eyes as you try to read the text around it. There is no mention of you.
Yan-Poll #3
Settle on the floor for the night.
♡ You dread the thought of the cold, hard flooring being your only companion for the night. Looking around, there are no other blankets or pillows to take with you, so you have no choice but to find some space far away from the bed to curl up in. You hear the yan grumble as you come to terms with the awful sleeping arrangements, your body already hurting from fighting all day, but at least you'll have your peace. No way that maniac would come down here instead of using the bed, right? Wrong. Next thing you know, the warmth of your blanket falls over you, and your yan lifts your head to push the pillow under it. But what is even worse is the feeling of their body slipping next to you, settling perfectly against the curve of yours and spooning you. You want to cry as they wrap their arm around your midriff, pressing their face into your back and taking a deep breath. They say nothing else, but you know they're smiling, happy to be with you, no matter your choice.
Share the bed with the yandere.
♡ Reluctantly, you slip your legs under the covers while your yandere giggles giddily at your choice. You think about turning your back to them so you won't have to see their sparkling eyes and infatuated expression, but you decide against it at the last minute. Not wanting to be vulnerable when you could keep your eyes on them. The bed is so comfy, especially after a long, exhausting day, and although they try to inch closer, you quickly call them out and tell them to stay on their side, or you'll leave. Disappointment is written all over their face, but eventually, they concede, and you feel better with this small win. Your eyelids are growing heavy, even though you want to wait until they fall asleep, but soon enough, you are lulled into your dreams by the warmth. You don't even notice when they inch their hand towards yours, entwining your fingers and holding on to it the whole night, not minding the lack of sleep when they can watch you for hours instead.
Yan-Poll #4
Jump off the cliff into the water.
♡ There's no turning back now. You plunge into the water, so determined to end this, to finally get away. The ice-cold wet surrounds you, and your body stiffens, but you immediately paddle up towards the surface, just in time to hear and feel the splash of another person behind you. Part of you expected it. You didn't think they'd let you jump and begone, but when you force your eyes open, you see the horror etched in their face. The horror of knowing they don't have the strength to swim back up to you. Their hand is outstretched in a last, desperate attempt to reach you, but they keep sinking while your air supplies are waning. You can't help them, lest you endanger yourself. Gasping for air, you reach the surface, the experience nothing short of traumatic. You tell yourself to push on. You swim along the cliffside, hoping, praying for somewhere to get out of the water. You didn't die jumping in, but the cold and waves are a different kind of torture than you've gotten used to. Your yan comes to mind as you try to survive, and you try to push the thought away, although the guilt seems to want to kill you. When you finally reach a sandy beach, people see you from their houses and come to help you, and you think you finally made it. But they are still on your mind. They'll always be.
Go back to the yan.
♡ You can't bring yourself to leave them. Cursing under your breath, you are by their side instantly, supporting them as you ask them which way to go. Your yan smiles at you as if you have already saved them, but you notice the dullness of their eyes, and your panic makes you careless. You rush through the thicket you have come from, asking—begging for them to tell you where to go! But the yan remains silent on the whereabouts of the nearest house or phone you could use. You feel their body sacking more and more against you, their blood loss gnawing away at their life. You keep pushing on and trying to help and fix this. You don't even like them! Don't even know one good thing about them! You don't... When they call out to you suddenly and sternly, you are reminded of all the times they scolded and got angry with you. Your body halts and tenses instinctively, like so many times before. But instead of hitting or scaring you, they simply ask you to put them down. You want to argue, but looking into their eyes, you know arguing would be pointless. You settle them down on the ground, and they thank you. Tears shoot into your eyes, and you don't even know why as you hold their hand. Time passes. Time spent with them telling you how beautiful you are and how much they love you. You don't. You hate them. Even though you want to leave, you can't bring yourself to get up. You should feel the relief and happiness of finally being free when they are gone. It will take a lot of therapy to overcome the dread you feel, but first, you have to go and find your way out of the forest. Wouldn't want to join them for all eternity, right?
Yan-Poll #5
I, uh... I think I skipped 5 as a number. Honestly heartbreaking because it's my favorite number but the post doesn't exist so apparently I just went straight for 6. My bad, sorry :')
[Your own thoughts, ideas, and reactions are welcome in the comments and asks!]
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yanfeisty · 2 years
— Voicelines about Creator!Reader (Liyue) ♡ !
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⊹ [ characters ] — Beidou, Chongyun, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Keqing, Ningguang, Qiqi, Shenhe, Xiangling, Xiao, Xingqiu, Xinyan, Yanfei, Yaoyao, Yelan, Yun Jin & Zhongli. ◞
⊹ [ synopsis ] — let's see what they think about you. ◞
⊹ [ cw ] — religious theme. ◞
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⠀‣ Beidou
About The Creator: Relaxation
"We had to bring them to Inazuma for a few times, apparently they really wanted to travel with The Crux. Take important person like this isn't really what we do but you know my eye for people, Y/n seemed to be more than what we heard, they were a good travel buddy, playing with the crew and telling interesting stories from another world. Sad, the guards with them don't let them drink 'A drunk God in Inazuma? What would they think?'... But who cares what they think, they should let them have a bit of fun!"
About The Creator: Consort
"You can say traveling has brought us closer, haha! I'm really happy to have find someone like them. I'll never forget the celebration we had on the ship, the weather was kind to us this day, and the food was far better than what we're used to eat, and how could I forgot the drinks, I never saw Y/n that... wild, it's quite the experience, but it's good to see them without having to worry about anything."
⠀‣ Chongyun
About The Creator
"Like me they have an energy that keeps away evil spirits from them, I suppose spirits are too scared to approach in fear of vanishing into fin air. So, I wonder why people still ask me thinking they need an exorcism, last time, we called me because apparently the Creator had an unusual behavior, rambling unknown words beyond any language experts' knowledge, turned out they just had too many drinks with the leader of The Crux..."
⠀‣ Ganyu
About The Creator: Relating
"The Qixing had to work a few times with them, and I noticed they always seem a bit anxious so I always try to help them when I can, maybe it's also because I relate to them a bit, they are our Creator but they act more like a mortal, they are trapped between two worlds, leading to confusion not only for them but also others, which would always lead to critiques..."
About The Creator: Consort
"I have still a lot to finish about this, people from all regions will come so we need to strengthen the Millelith to keep everything in order, the music group that was supposed to perform left us so I have to look through the applications again, I need to verify the special invitations just in case there's an error in the date or location. Also, I'll have to go soon for the Sumeru's flowers that should arrive this afternoon. An union between who, you ask? O-Oh... me and Y/n of course! Sorry if I wasn't clear. There's no need to worry about me, I just want everything to be perfect, I don't think I will be able to not blame myself if something bad happened, I know Y/n told me they'll be happy no matter what as long as I'm with them, but that just makes me want to work more for a perfect ceremony."
⠀‣ Hu Tao
About The Creator
"Even the most superior being needs a long rest sometimes, if it's meant to happen again, the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor would be more than honored to prepare a noble ceremony for their departure. Better be quick, and offer them our buy one get one free special!"
⠀‣ Keqing
About The Creator
"Due to their return, people expect them to rule over Teyvat, which includes Liyue. People also pray to them for the minor inconvenients... *sigh* We can't rely on Gods for everything, we're perfectly capable to survive as our own, and Y/n don't seem convinced to govern alone, even before their death it was never said that the Creator was the one who ruled Teyvat, they simply enjoyed interacting with their creations."
⠀‣ Ningguang
About The Creator: Tour
"It is a great pleasure to welcome a such honorable guest into Liyue, especially when they were the one who helped us to save our nation. As the Tianquan I was more than glad to have the chance to make them visit the city, it was cute to see them insisting to pay even with no mora on them."
About The Creator: Consort
"I've heard people telling that I accepted their proposal to make my items more valuable and attract more persons to come and make deals in Liyue. In short, our marriage is just a business partnership and not an act of pure love. You... don't believe that, do you? Y/n is worth more than any amount of mora for me, and not because they're the Creator. I know I don't need to prove myself to anyone but I'm concerned if one day Y/n will listen to those rumors."
⠀‣ Qiqi
About The Creator
"I don't remember who this is... Sorry."
About Y/n
"Y/n is the one who gave me a finch, I named it just like them because they're both nice with me, so when I forgot one of them I just need to look at the other to remember... Uhh, who were we talking about?"
⠀‣ Shenhe
About The Creator: Disciple
"My family was from a clan of exorcists so they were followers of them, the clan sent prayers and asked for blessings when performing an exorcism. When my mother died, not only did my father abandon me but them too. Maybe that's why I became one of the Acolytes."
About The Creator: Consort
"My master insisted to meet Y/n, not only because they're the Creator but my partner, she wanted to meet the one who 'tamed my heart'. When they did meet, let's say both of their personalities didn't really match well together which gave... an interesting show, but at the end they agreed to share and listen to stories of my childhood..."
⠀‣ Xiangling
About The Creator
"They told me about dishes from their other world, just hearing about them makes my stomach growl, I'd love cook those dishes if they ever feel homesick, not only can food be delicious but bring warm feelings, and not just because it's hot! But I also love making them try food from here and they always seem to like and excited when I bring them a nice cooked meal!"
⠀‣ Xiao
About The Creator: Unusual
"They're a God, the oldest one, and yet their body and mind are just as weird and vulnerable as a human."
About The Creator: Consort
"Hm... Yes, about that. Could you help me with something? They always seem to care about me a lot, trying to heal me and making me food, even though I need none of this, but I heard it's expected to show gratitude to the person who cares about you. Since they act more like a human, I don't know what should I offer them. Flowers? Hm... Maybe something that gives me more work, picking up flowers isn't enough to thank them for everything they have done for me. Flowers crowns? I mean... I guess I can try to make one. You think that would make them smile if I had one too? Fine... Show me how to do it."
⠀‣ Xingqiu
About The Creator
"Ah, they're quite the difficult topic to avoid. My presence was required when my family invited them for a warm welcome to Liyue, I cannot say more as it was a private meeting, but I didn't imagine them with such a casual and clumsy personality, if you would have seen the faces of my father and brother, hehe... Just to say another meeting won't come anytime soon."
⠀‣ Xinyan
About The Creator
"Who'd think that someone like them would like my performance? Even better, they encourage it! I mean, that's understandable, staying with the most uptight persons and doing boring work all day... Can't even imagine the nightmare, they certainly got the rock 'n' roll's spirit!"
⠀‣ Yanfei
About The Creator
"Ah... Yes, I'm aware that because of their position we allow them more than we should, but it's not like anyone mind or they do anything bad, the worse that happened was them and Xinyan being a bit too loud. I've heard of a fireworks show in all of Inazuma and a wanted gang getting out of prison, but it's outside of my territory to talk furthermore."
⠀‣ Yaoyao
About The Creator
"They're always so heavily guarded, so you can always be sure they are in good health with no injuries, but I do worry about how they feel with being followed by people who watch your every move all day. So, whenever I see them, I ask how are they and I always have a ration of their favorite food with me. If you encounter them, tell hi from me and to take care!"
⠀‣ Yelan
About The Creator: Easy target
"If you knew the number of cases related to them, from little scammers to hitmen, there sure is a great variety. Since the Creator has a more powerful influence than strength, criminals think they are the perfect target for great sum of mora, but they sometimes underestimate a bit too much those close to the Creator and I'm not talking about the Millelith."
About The Creator: Consort
"Shh, not so loud. Surprised, aren't we? That means we're doing a good job at keeping it as a secret. I don't want to be known and blow up my cover, plus with the danger it can attract to them, so we can't announce it publicly but it's not that bad, seeing others thinking they have a chance with them is a funny show, unless Y/n feels uncomfortable, to this I'll attend to it personally when nobody is watching."
⠀‣ Yun Jin
About The Creator
" 'Through a simple whisper, thousands winds started to blow. Hands drew a river, rising waves emerged from the flow. Love was poured into the earth, and life began to grow~' Aren't these beautiful lyrics? There's a few operas about the Creator as we didn't know them much. We invited them but they appeared a bit embarrassed, which I can understand, so I try to sing tales that aren't about them and might fit their taste. I'm used to hear praises but their enthusiasm about my singing never fails to delight me."
⠀‣ Zhongli
About The Creator: Hopeful future
"I was surprised to hear about their reincarnation, especially about memories from another world. I had the occasions to talk to them, even if they may seem lost sometimes and lack experiences, the love they share for this world is real and the people around them returns this feeling, with a modern and ambitious mind like them, I'm sure the future of Teyvat will be bright."
About The Creator: Consort
"You want to know more about our contract? Well, our feelings for each other were mutual and we had the same promise which was to keep the other safe and happy, naturally we came to do the ultimate promise to stay together until death separates us, but I fear even this won't be able to break our contract, one that I shall forever cherish and respect. They're quite busy but I stay patient for them to come and see me when they finish with tea that I prepared for relaxing them after a stressful day."
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© ་ ׅ : pls don't translate or copy this | don't reblog with yand3r3/cult tags or if you’re a yand3r3 blog/reblog account.
@ ་ ׅ : @haileyo0ostuff
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kamaluhkhan · 1 year
ours are the moments i play in the dark
pairing: conrad fisher x fem!reader
summary: you come back to cousins beach after a few years away. conrad is not particularly happy that you're back - and you aren't particularly thrilled, either. too bad there's a history (chemistry?) neither of you can deny.
warnings: ANGST (im so sorry in advance...); flashback is from conrad's POV and the rest is from reader's perspective; mentions of sex + losing virginities (nothing too detailed/graphic); reader has an ex who's referred to with gender neutral pronouns; reader and other characters drink alcohol (pomegranate margaritas ;) ); hints of alcoholism (reader's mother); jealous reader who's trying her best; pining conrad who's a bit of a jerk; reader and conrad fight A Lot (they will make up eventually i promise!!)
tags: @stargirlsirius-recs, @ifilwtmfc, @qwertyb2577, @allnrsnz, @baconeggndcheez, @peanutbelley, @imogen-skye, @geekinthefuschiahair, @tvije, @drikawinchester, @maybankslover, @junnniiieee07, @elcpsstuff, @fangirl-kimora, @redbierd, @starkeylover
a/n: thank you so much for all the love on my conrad series so far! i love these characters and writing their stories, and it means so much that others are enjoying reading my work. there is one more part left and i promise it will be happier so stay tuned :)) i haven't watched the last two episodes of season 2, but i'm planning on writing a bit for that, too!! thank you x infinity ♡
part one | part two
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i lost a friend / like keys in a sofa / like a wallet in the backseat / like ice in the summer heat (finneas, "i lost a friend")
now — summer, age 18
“you know, you guys aren’t fooling anyone.”
“and what exactly do you mean by that, steven?” you challenge, taking another sip of your soda. 
it’s the fourth of july and susannah invited you over for her annual celebration. susannah always hosted fun parties, so you were more than happy to accept because it meant eating some good food, listening to an upbeat playlist, watching some fireworks, and just relaxing. essentially, susannah always delivered the best of summer, rolled into a carefully planned event. 
the sun was shining, and everyone was having a good time, including you — at least, until you saw conrad and nicole in the pool, engaging in some serious PDA. you immediately got out of the pool and went to sulk near the drink table, where you were happily alone until steven came over to join you.
“i’m just saying, man. you and con are definitely going out of your way to prove that you’re mad at each other,” steven explains. “but we all know how much you care about each other.”
steven is right about the first part: you and conrad had done your best to avoid each other since the incident at nicole’s party and its fallout. if you and jeremiah had planned to go surfing and he invited conrad, you would always back out at the last minute. if you were over at the fishers helping belly pick out an outfit for a date with cam, conrad would conveniently stay in his room. not to mention, any time the two of you did cross paths — which was rare, but jeremiah and belly were persistent in requesting that all five of you spend time together, like the old days, they would say — it resulted in meaningless, petty arguments. the two of you had always been competitive and very comfortable teasing each other, but the difference was that now, your interactions were no longer good-natured.
you thought steven, belly, and jeremiah hadn’t noticed, but you should have given them more credit. to anyone who knew you, it was pretty obvious that something was up between you and conrad, even if they didn’t know what exactly it was.
“there’s a thin line between love and hate. and right now you guys are that line.”
“thank you for your insight,” you say sarcastically. “be sure to include that in your college essay — i’m sure princeton would love to have you.”
steven rolls his eyes at you, just as nicole arrives at the drink table.
“hey guys,” she greets. she reaches over to grab two cans of peach iced tea before you stop her. 
“conrad’s allergic to peaches,” you say. “so you might wanna get him something else.”
nicole looks at you for a second before nodding and reaching for a can of sprite instead. 
“thanks,” she says as she walks away. 
once she’s gone, steven gives you a pointed look.
“what?” you scoff. 
steven just shakes his head. “love and hate,” he muses, leaving you to join his parents and shayla near the pool. 
you then decide to go inside briefly, where you find belly and jeremiah, pouring vodka into a blender.
“we’re making pomegranate margaritas!” belly exclaims, practically giddy. 
“well, you gotta use the good blender for that.” conrad seems to appear out of nowhere from behind you, instantly reaching for the aforementioned good blender and placing it on the counter.
you were already in a sour mood from seeing him with nicole earlier, but belly looks at you with hopeful eyes, and you remember what steven said earlier, so you mentally promise that you would play nice with conrad. you owe belly and the others that much after being absent for so long: a carefree summer, just like the ones you used to know. 
you imagine that jeremiah sent conrad a similar pleading look because, miraculously, you and conrad don’t argue with each other as you help mix pomegranate margaritas for everyone. you actually engage in playful banter and laugh at the other’s jokes. you even feel sorry for him when his father, who wasn’t supposed to be here, walks in. you can feel the good mood slipping, so you suggest heading to the beach for a change of scenery.
belly had invited cam and a few more girls who are doing the debutante thing with her, and with steven bringing shayla and conrad bringing nicole (which, you are totally fine with, of course, especially after a pomegranate margarita), you had a pretty solid party forming on the beach, away from the adults. 
of all people, belly suggests some drinking games. it’s all a blur of sand, laughter, and vodka spiked fruit juice. once you were all the perfect amount of tired and tipsy, the group settles down, and gigi suggests a different game.
“we should play truth or dare.”
“oh my gosh we should!” belly smiles, tapping your leg enthusiastically. “remember? we used to play it all the time!”
you smile back. “of course i do.” 
when you were kids, you, belly, steven, jeremiah, and conrad would play truth or dare any chance you got. it was never very serious, mostly goofy pranks and harmless questions. you had all grown up since then, and somewhere along the way, truth or dare had become less innocent than it used to be.
“y/n,” one of the debs — dara, if you remembered correctly — turns to you. it was the first time your name had been called, and in all honesty, you were perfectly happy just sitting back in the sun and sipping the rest of your drink. “truth or dare?” 
you choose truth, mostly to avoid having to get up from your very comfortable seat on the sand.
“are you a virgin?”
your mouth suddenly feels dry. you’re not ashamed of your answer, but it doesn’t help that you can see conrad glaring at you from the corner of your eye. you take another sip of your drink before answering. 
“um, not really.” 
“it’s yes or no question,” nicole says. 
“then my answer’s no,” you declare.
“what?” belly screeches. she sits up straighter to turn towards you, and in the process spills some pomegranate margarita on her dress. “i can’t believe you had sex and didn’t tell me? when? with who? what was it like?” her cheeks are slightly flushed. a sober belly would have likely asked you in private, or at the very least, not in front of people you barely knew. in that moment, you almost regret the pomegranate margaritas.
almost. because maybe it’s the silence and everyone’s expectant stares, or the adrenaline you feel from winning most of the drinking games, or the effects of the drinks themselves, but you convince yourself that it’s as good a time as any to tell the story. a sober you would have known to tread more carefully given the context; that would have been about three pomegranate margaritas ago, though. 
“it’s kind of a cliche story, honestly,” you start. “it happened last summer. it was raining that night, so we were hanging out in the back of my teammate’s van, just talking, and one thing led to another….we didn’t plan to do anything, but we got caught in the heat of the moment.” you choose your words carefully, deliberately avoiding eye contact with conrad.
“how was it though?” belly asks, leaning in closer.
you shrug. “a little awkward, i guess? neither of us had sex before then, and we were both figuring stuff out. like, he couldn’t open the condom wrapper because he was so flustered, so i had to help him. it was nice, though,” you admit. “when the rain cleared, we went out to stargaze and fell asleep on the beach.”
belly sighs. “so romantic.”
“you’re right about it being cliche,” steven laughs. he has an arm thrown around shayla, and uses the other to gesture towards conrad. “conrad, man, that sounds almost exactly like your first time.”
you feel your entire body heat up, and it's not because of the sun shining down on you. conrad’s gaze finally meets yours — for a split second only, but it’s enough for steven to notice. 
“holy shit! it all makes sense now!” steven exclaims, suddenly standing up.
jeremiah frowns, looking between you, conrad, and steven. “what makes sense?”
“i’ve been trying to figure out why y/n and conrad have been so weird around each other this summer, but it’s obvious now: they lost their virginities to each other. they had sex!”
nicole stiffens and narrows her eyes at conrad. “you told me you never hooked up with y/n.”
“well, that’s definitely not true.”
“belly,” you warn, looking over to conrad once more. his cheeks are turning red, and you imagine a storm brewing beneath his dark blue eyes. 
“i don’t know about last summer,” belly continues, completely oblivious to the tension building. “but i do know that they kissed at your party.”
“i knew it,” nicole scoffs, pushing away from conrad. “i knew it.” with one last poisonous glare towards conrad, she storms off.
conrad sends you an equally poisonous look before chasing after her. the party dissolves shortly after.
feeling defeated, you lie back in the sand, close your eyes, and let the sun shine down on you once more, taking deep breaths to slow down your heart rate.
call it karma or a cruel twist of fate or just a really shitty coincidence, but you’re finally the one left alone on the beach.
then — summer, age 17
conrad was more than a little surprised to see your name appear on his phone. it wasn't like you were completely off the grid — you texted, though infrequently, and followed each other on socials. he scrolled through his instagram feed and saw the occasional picture of you wearing a costume at a halloween party or sipping hot chocolate on a snowy day. photos that never quite fit the image he had of you in his mind: in cutoff denim shorts and a swimsuit and layers of sunscreen, with sand in your hair and popsicle stains on your lips.
“hey,” he answered after only three rings. 
"hey fisher, any friday night plans?"
he told you he was working on his college essay.
“homework on a friday night in the middle of summer,” you tsked. “i never realized how much of a nerd you are.”
conrad laughed. “i mean, that’s on you for just realizing that.”
 “fair enough,” you hummed, and conrad could practically hear your smile through the phone. “if you’re in the mood for something more fun, look out your window.”
conrad wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but you standing in the driveway of his summer house was pretty low on the list. you waved at him frantically, telling him to hurry up and open his window.
he was still in awe as you climbed through. conrad tried to memorize the image of you then and there, standing in front of him in his bedroom: wearing dolphin shorts and a light jacket, with chipped turquoise nail polish and a bright smile.
"you drove all the way here?" 
"well, they haven't cracked the science behind teleportation yet," you say playfully. "so i didn't have many options."
"i can't believe you're here," conrad smiled, and that’s when you finally hugged him. he held on tightly, afraid you would leave at any moment if he let go. you smelled the same, like chlorine and vanilla sugar.
once you broke away from the hug, you pointed towards something behind him, pinned to his bulletin board. conrad followed your gaze and felt his cheeks heat up.
“i missed you, too, connie,” you teased, eyes lingering on the newspaper clipping of your swim team making it to nationals thanks to your record time. 
“mom showed it to me,” he explained, the smile on your face making his heart beat out of his chest. “she’s so proud of her little mermaid.”
your smile fell, just a bit, but enough for conrad to notice a shift in your mood. you always did a good job at hiding the weight of the world on your shoulders, at least around the others. not so much around him.
you sighed and sat down on his bed. “you know, after that swim meet, my dad lectured me about not being fast enough,” you explained. “winning by only a millisecond apparently wasn’t enough to impress college scouts, at least according to him.”
“your dad’s a jerk,” conrad said instantly. he sat down next to you. “and an idiot, if he can’t see how amazing you are.”
“thanks, connie,” you whispered. it looked like you were going to say more; instead, you picked up his laptop. “wow, you weren’t kidding when you said you were working on your college essay. you really are a nerd.”
“shut up,” conrad laughed, nudging you with his shoulder and trying to grab the laptop from you.
you nudged him back. “it’s a compliment! schools go crazy for trust fund nerds.”
“yeah, yeah.” conrad waved you off. “so, you’re in cousins for the summer?”
all you did was smile softly and close the laptop, finally handing it back to him.
conrad’s heart burst with joy. because not only were you there — finally there, after all that time away — but you were staying. his mom would always muse about summers in cousins being magical, but conrad didn’t quite believe her until you were gone and he felt that magic fade away. 
“do you wanna go downstairs? belly’s watching it happened one night with my mom and laurel.”
“as much as i love susannah’s favourite movie,” you started, and conrad’s heart soared again at you remembering his mom’s favourite movie. “i thought maybe it could just be the two of us tonight? maybe we could go for a drive.”
that’s how the two of you ended up at mermaid grove — a secluded stretch of beach about an hour away from your houses. it was near the mall your mothers sometimes went to, and during one of those excursions when you were young, all the kids wandered off and found it. the only time you’d been there was during the day and with jeremiah, belly, steven, and your siblings, so it felt different then, at night with just the two of you.
it started raining on the drive over — which only took 45 minutes without traffic — so you were hanging out in the back of your van. the van actually belonged to one of your teammate’s cousin who was somewhat of a hippie, you said, which explained the smell of weed and bohemian decor — battery powered rainbow fairy lights, colourful pillows, an elaborately patterned tapestry. the space was definitely intimate, or maybe it felt that way because you and conrad were sitting as close as possible to each other, shoulders touching and one of your legs tangled with his. he was scrolling through the pictures on your phone of your last swim meet in california, where you'd gotten the chance to visit stanford, while you were peeling an orange. 
"you would love it there, connie,” you gushed. you dug your fingers into the orange peel, and the smell of citrus started to fill the air. “the beaches are beautiful and the waves are amazing. it’s like, always summer.” 
conrad sometimes felt like summer was the only season of the year that he was truly awake, truly living. everything else felt like a dream, one that he would always describe to you in mundane detail; conrad even kept a small journal throughout the year, writing things down that he needed to tell you once you reunited every june. but one journal had turned to two, almost three, and conrad was trying really hard to not resent you for that.
“anyways, i think i’m going to apply in the fall.”
conrad stopped scrolling through your phone, pausing at a picture you had taken of a lemon tree. “doesn’t your dad have princeton lined up?”
“you make it sound like he bought my way in, when it was actually hours and hours and hours of training to get that scholarship. on the national best swim team.” you mimicked your father’s patronising tone for that last part; conrad hadn’t seen him in years, and he could still recognize it. 
“you’re right, though. my dad would flip his shit. even if i got in with a scholarship, it’s so far away and i have the twins to look after, but a girl can dream, right?”
“i feel that,” conrad assured. you gave him a sad smile, knowing that his dad was as intense about football as yours was about swimming. the worst part was that you both loved your respective sports, until they became a burden. you both had other burdens to deal with, too, when it came to your families. 
“in an ideal world, the two of us wouldn’t have to worry about anything else. we’d live in a place by the beach, surf every day, and hang out in the sun while sipping ice-cold, fresh lemonade.” just like we used to, conrad added in his head.
“in an ideal world,” you agreed. “we’d also adopt four dogs, each named after one of the beatles. you can teach them how to play the guitar.”
conrad laughed. “if i couldn’t teach you, there is no way i can teach one dog, let alone four.”
“well, they wouldn’t get distracted by your dreamy blue eyes like i did.” you winked at conrad, and handed him the freshly peeled orange before he even had time to blush.
“take it,” he protested. “you drove all this way — you should eat something.”
you shook your head and placed the orange in his hand before you pulled out another fruit from your bag. “i picked some of these up on the way here — best peaches on the east coast.” you took a big bite. “remember the summer we found out that you had a mild peach allergy?” you asked, juice dripping down your chin. you wiped it with the sleeve of the varsity jacket you wore.
conrad laughed at the memory. belly and steven had brought back candy from their trip to toronto. conrad practically inhaled an entire bag of fuzzy peaches, and didn’t realize that they weren’t supposed to make your mouth itchy — the “fuzzy” part wasn’t literal. that felt like so long ago, but there you and conrad were, settling back into each other like no time had passed.
as the night grew darker, you and conrad shifted closer to each other. conrad ate orange slice after orange slice as you devoured your peach, all while looking through the photos on your phone. you’d occasionally interject with a short story or comment, and there were still raindrops falling on the roof, but for the most part, there was nothing but a comfortable silence between you. 
you moved to wrap the orange peel and peach pit in a napkin, just as conrad swiped onto a photo of someone kissing your cheek.
“who’s that?”
you leaned over to check. “oh. that’s sam.”
“are you dating?” conrad asked, trying to seem casual about it. just a friend asking another friend about their romantic situation. as a friend. 
“we were,” you explained, sitting back next to him. “they broke up with me a few months ago.”
conrad sighed in relief, which he hoped you didn’t notice. “sorry.”
you shrugged. “it’s fine. apparently i’m emotionally distant.”
that wasn’t much of a surprise to conrad. sam might have been an idiot for breaking up with you, but they were spot on with the emotionally distant part. out of all the time you’d known each other, conrad had only seen you cry once, maybe twice. you were usually the one wiping away tears and putting on a brave face, inadvertently, or maybe purposefully, hiding your own vulnerability. 
still, that wasn’t something conrad was about to stir up.
“what? you?” he joked instead.
“shut up,” you said, rolling your eyes, but the wry smile on your face gave you away. “how about you? broke any hearts this past year?”
conrad thought for a moment. there was aubrey, who his football teammate said had a major crush on him. they had been texting for a while now, and were on the edge of maybe becoming something. but then, there you were, stirring up feelings conrad had long buried — or, at least, tried to. if part of his head was always in summer, then part of his heart always belonged to you. 
“got your heart broken?”
he thought back to a few weeks ago, when he ran into your mom at the grocery store, and she said you wouldn’t be coming to cousins again that summer. you hadn’t spoken at all to each other for a month or two before that.
“no,” he lied.
you hummed, and took your phone away from him. 
“wanna hear something trippy?” you asked suddenly. you always had a knack for changing the course of a conversation to where you wanted it to go.
“well, since it takes a while for light from space to reach us, when we stargaze, we’re actually looking back in time. like, the star that’s closest to earth — other than the sun — is four light years away. or is it five?” you paused. “anyways, if the sky was clear and we could see that star, it would mean we’d actually be looking at that star from summer, five years ago.”
“very trippy,” conrad agreed. “it’s like a cosmic time machine.”
you hummed. “do you ever wonder what our past selves back then, at like 12 or 13, would think of us now? i think about those summers and how magical they felt.” 
magical. you turned to smile at him softly, and conrad couldn't help but agree.
“i always thought you’d be my first kiss,” you whispered. 
that threw conrad off guard, and it took him a few seconds to regain balance. the van suddenly felt too small and the lingering scent of fruit shared between you two, mixed with the familiar smell of chlorine and vanilla from how close you were sitting to him, became overwhelming. his heart was beating out of his chest — not because he didn’t feel the same way, but because he did.
conrad knew what his 13 year old self would think of him now: he’d be up in arms over his awkward pause, screaming to finally tell you how he felt then, and how those feelings hadn’t really left. how you made him feel safe, excited, confused and angry. how there was a space in his heart just for you, and it was painfully empty when you left, but now that you’re there again —
“sorry,” you said, cutting through the silence. you subtly shifted away from conrad. “i didn’t mean to make things weird.”
“you didn’t,” conrad answered instantly. he registered how you were now slightly hunched over and brought your knees to your chest, how you bit your lip and avoided eye contact — a few hints that you felt uncomfortable, deflated even at his lack of response. 
so, he moved closer to you and gently placed a hand on your knee. 
“you didn’t make things weird,” conrad assured once more. you were brave, he decided: for a lot of things you did, but right then for being so honest, so vulnerable. it inspired him to do the same. “i mean, this might make things weird, but i always thought you’d be my first…you know. at least, ever since i knew what sex even was.”
you finally turned towards him, your lips slightly parted. 
“yeah,” you breathed. “me too.”
conrad’s eyes flicked to your lips, then back to your eyes. 
“do you still want to —”
“yes. i - i mean, no pressure, but if you still want to —”
“i do.”
you smiled then and conrad felt himself do the same. 
when you kissed for the first time, it was like rainclouds parted and the stars came out, shining bright in infinite darkness. the two of you became tangled up in each other: you sat in his lap, legs on either side of his waist, your chests pressed together and your fingers tangled in his hair, which drove him crazy. conrad let his hands explore your body, gently grazing the skin under your shirt. his lips tingled from the remnants of peach juice on yours, but he kept kissing you. 
it was awkward and exhilarating at the same time. you asked each other if what you were doing felt good and right and were slightly embarrassed if the answer was no, but still adjusted if needed. at one point, conrad was fumbling with the condom wrapper and you had to open it with your teeth; he jokingly pointed out how you used to do the same with packs of sour patch kids and you giggled before kissing him again.
the two of you lay down on the floor once you were done. your head rested on conrad’s chest and he had his arm around you, idly tracing shapes on your skin with his fingertips. he craned his neck down to look at you.
even in the dim lighting and after years apart, you looked the same. even if you’d never been that close before, at least not in the same way you had just been, you felt familiar. 
you tilted you head towards him and smiled. 
there was something about the way you looked at him that still made him blush, and conrad hoped that with the lack of bright light, you wouldn’t notice. 
“sounds like the rain stopped,” he said. “wanna go stargazing?”
it was slightly chilly, so you let conrad borrow your varsity jacket, even if it didn’t fit perfectly. the sky was clear and full of stars. you spent the rest of the night there together, on the beach. 
in the morning, conrad woke up before you. he watched as you took slow, deep breaths with your eyes still closed. you looked so peaceful — until the sound of your alarm prompted you to wake up.
“shit,” you exhaled, your eyes wide once you noticed the sun had risen. “what time is it?” 
you searched frantically for your phone, only to find it right next to you.
“shit,” you repeated once you checked the time. you stood up right away, sand kicking from underneath your feet. “this is bad.”
“what —”
conrad didn’t have time to even ask you what was wrong because you bolted to the van. he followed you.
“what’s wrong?”
you looked at conrad, brows furrowed. “i have to go. i don’t want to leave you, but i have to go.”
“it’s okay,” conrad reassured. he stepped closer to you and placed a hand on your cheek. “i’ll be here when you get back.”
“i’m…” you step away from him. “i’m not coming back.”
“what do you mean?” he tried to steady his voice, but a dangerous mix of hurt and anger threatened to wash over him. conrad’s heart dropped, knowing all too well what was likely coming next, but he hoped, wished, that it wouldn’t be like before.
“i’ve got a swim meet in boston,” you exhaled. “but i can drive you home on my way there.”
“you’ll come back to cousins after,” conrad declared, as if saying it out could change what would happen next. “you said you’d be here for the summer.” 
you shrugged, stumbling over your words. “technically, i didn’t say that. you just assumed and — ”
“and you wanted me to believe it, right?”
you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “just — let me drive you home, connie.”
the use of his childhood nickname — the one he secretly despised, except when it came from you — was what made him snap.
“i should have known,” he snarled. “god, i should have known. you don’t care about me, about us. swimming over everything, right?”
“that’s not true.” your eyes opened, but you still wouldn’t meet his gaze. “i do care, but you know the pressure i’m under —”
“fine. you want to talk about pressure?” conrad laughed, bitterly, all his frustration bleeding out and pooling at your feet. “my mom had cancer, and you couldn’t even be there for me. texts and phone calls only do so much when you’re watching the woman who raised you wither away to nothing.”
your eyes softened slightly, finally looking at him. you took a step forward, but conrad took another two back. 
“conrad —”
 “no. don’t,” he snapped, making you stop. “why did you even come here?”
“i was close by and…” you paused. “i guess i just needed to come back, even just for a bit.” 
"figures," conrad scoffed. “you only care when it’s convenient.” 
“that’s not true,” you repeated. 
conrad waited a second for you say something more, but you didn’t. 
“well, i’m really glad you got what you needed,” he mocked. “tell me, does nostalgia and sex help you swim faster? impress college scouts? make daddy proud of you?” 
you stiffened slightly. “don’t be an asshole.”
“no, no. congratulations!” he clapped to emphasize his point. “i’m so glad i could help you! guess you just needed a quick fuck before your big competition for some good luck. hope it works out in your favour.”
there was so much venom laced in his words, and he could tell you noticed. you looked at him like he was a stranger. 
“fuck you,” you finally said. your voice was shaking slightly and it looked like tears were forming in your eyes. “you can walk home, for all i care.” 
without another word, you got into the car and drove away. conrad watched your car become smaller in the distance as he stood alone at the beach, wearing your jacket and replaying every word he said.
it’s hours after susannah’s fourth of july celebration. the adrenaline and alcohol from early wore off, and you’re sitting on your front porch, sipping tea from your favourite mug. you were hoping to relax, but the sight of conrad fisher storming up to you threatens that.
“where do you get off, saying what you did earlier?” 
even under the low light of the porch, you can see that his face is red with anger. he came here to argue, but you’re too tired to really care.
“well, shit, conrad,” you sigh. “don’t blame me. blame — blame truth or dare and pomegranate margaritas and steven for being so goddamn perceptive.” 
“you lied,” he accuses, crossing his arms. “you said you didn’t tell belly about us kissing at nicole’s party.”
“at least i didn’t lie to my girlfriend,” you point out, your voice dull from exhaustion. conrad is momentarily at a loss for words, furrowing his brow even further, so you decide to steer the conversation in another direction — away. “look, i just had to pick up my drunk mother from the bar, so i’m really not in the mood for this conversation.”
you move to leave, but conrad grabs your left wrist before you reach the door. the sudden action startles you, and you release the mug you were holding in your right hand. it falls to the ground, the break clean, and the rest of your tea spills onto the porch. you exhale sharply, turning back to face conrad.
“i don’t care,” he snaps. “you fucked up earlier today. you never should have mentioned that night. talking about it like it actually meant something to you.”
“you know what, conrad? maybe it’s hard for you to believe, but that night actually meant something to me.” you laugh bitterly, feeling more awake than before. “and, yeah, now i’ve spent so much time regretting it. because maybe i hoped that we’d start dating, but even if that didn’t happen, i never expected to lose my best friend.”
conrad rolls his eyes. “i don’t know how you can stand there and call me your best friend. best friends don’t leave each other —”
“fine, i did leave,” you interrupt. your voice is slightly raised, and you can’t help but feel a new rush of adrenaline flowing through your veins. the fact that conrad is standing in front of you, suggesting that you were the one to blame for the hostility between you — that made you frustrated, angry, even. 
“i had other shit going on,” you continue. “and maybe i didn’t handle the situation well at first — that’s on me, sure. but i wasn’t the one who ignored texts and sent calls straight to voicemails. i’m not the one who’s spending the summer avoiding everyone who knows them because they’re too scared of others finding out the truth. i don’t know who you are this summer, but i know the real you, conrad.”
“no, you don’t.”
by now, you’ve walked closer, standing only a few inches in front of him. if you reached out, you’d be able to brush the bangs away from his forehead, but you don’t. 
“i do know you,” you assert. “in fact, i hate how much i know you. i know that “yesterday” by the beatles is your favourite song, and the first one you learned on the guitar. i know that you’re crazy good at chess, but let jeremiah win sometimes when your dad is watching. i know that you love playing football, but hate that you’re expected to play it. i know that i hurt you last year, so you had to ignore me because that was easier than admitting how you really feel because — because you’re scared.” 
“you’re wrong.” conrad stares at you, his gaze heavy on yours. 
you shake your head. “i know that you didn’t tell anyone about what happened between us because it meant something to you. and that really scares you, too.” 
“you’re…you’re wrong.” conrad’s voice wavers a bit, his eyes soften ever so slightly, and you know you’ve struck a chord. 
“i’m not,” you say. “and, honestly? i’m so fucking tired of waiting for you to realize that. i don’t care anymore. whatever was between us during all those summers, it's obviously not here anymore."
“you’re wrong,” he’s like a broken record, stuck on the same lyric. 
"stop blaming me for fucking this up," you continue. "it's your mess, too, conrad. and i’m so fucking tired."
it’s late, and it’s dark, and you can’t bring yourself to stay here anymore. without saying anything else, you step over the broken porcelain of your favourite mug and into your house, leaving conrad alone on your poorly lit porch.
when the sun rises and you go outside in the morning, the pieces are gone. 
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lotusbxtch · 5 months
SoCal to NorCal - Chapter 1: Malibu
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Series Masterlist Series Pairing: husband!Joel Miller x afab!Reader x boyfriend!Frankie Morales Series Summary: Joel is your rock, and Frankie is your ocean. So what happens when you bring the three of you together?
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you and Frankie roadtrip up from Southern California to Northern California so he can meet Joel. A polyamory fic. This series exists in the Triple Frontier universe and is a Joel Miller AU/Triple Frontier AU. Series Rating: Explicit, 18+ only, MDNI
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Chapter 1: Malibu
Chapter Pairing: Frankie Morales x afab!Reader x Santiago Garcia
Chapter Summary: You & Frankie visit your friend Santi at his Malibu mansion to kick off your roadtrip north, and you let desires guide the night.
Word Count: 6.9k
Rating: Explicit, 18+ only, MDNI
Chapter Warnings/Tags: polyamory, threesome, multiple partners, MMF dynamics, fingering, oral (f receiving), unprotected P in V (wrap it up pls!), DVP, multiple creampies, explicit talk about cum (is a cum kink a thing? a tag I should use? Pls comment with your thoughts lol), spitting, alcohol consumption, mentions of food, gratuitous descriptions of male and female anatomy, heavy use of Spanish pet names/nicknames, Santi being a menace is his own warning, Frankie the PEK, Frankie has a big dick and so does Santi, Reader is AFAB and uses she/her pronouns, Reader is able-bodied, has breasts, and has hair that can be pulled, otherwise no description of Reader's skin color, size, body shape, hair color, eye color, or ethnicity, no use of y/n. Everyone is testing negative for STDs and Reader is on birth control. a/n: This is my very first series fic! I plan to have 3 chapters including this one. This one was meant to be a fun spicy little intro into the fic, but of course Santi being an absolute menace meant that this is absolute smutty filth and I'm sorry (not sorry). MASSIVE thank you to my sweet @for-a-longlongtime, who not only gave me the iconic Santiago line "guava goes better with pussy and mezcal," but beta read for me, bounced ideas around, and encouraged me when I wasn't sure that I could do this. Without her help, this fic wouldn't be in existence! Dividers by the amazing @saradika-graphics, thank you! (Please note that the chapter graphic is NOT meant to be accurate to Reader — vibes only!)
If you enjoy my writing, please leave a comment, feedback or reblog! It would mean the world to me. Thank you!
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“I think that should be everything,” you murmur, closing the back of the forest green Jeep. You card a hand through your hair while going over a mental pack list for the third time this afternoon. Behind you, you feel a soft kiss on your shoulder and warm, strong hands envelop your waist.
“You ready to ride then, sweetness?” asks your boyfriend, Frankie. You smile and lean back into his embrace. “Yeah, I’m really looking forward to this trip,” you say, turning to plant a kiss to his aquiline nose, and then another to his plush lips. You both hop into the car; Frankie navigates towards the coast, while small butterflies dance in the pit of your stomach as you think about how the two of you got here.
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You and Frankie Morales met six months ago at the Santa Monica airport. In a bid to encourage team bonding, upper management at your job booked a helicopter tour of the Los Angeles skyline. Frankie was the pilot for your chopper. He charmed your group with his charismatic yet humble demeanor and fun factoids about LA, especially you – your coworkers insisted that he kept staring at you when you weren’t looking. But Frankie ultimately beat you to the punch and asked you out for drinks the following night. You accepted, and the rest is history. The attraction was palpable from the get-go, and Frankie’s go-with-the-flow attitude complimented your fiery personality to a T. You adored how detail-oriented he was in all aspects of his life – memorizing your favorite teas, asking about how your projects were going, knowing exactly how to make you see stars in bed with his fingers, his cock, and especially his tongue. You couldn’t deny that Frankie was the perfect addition to your life, and you to his.
Through those first few weeks, you both divulged the more challenging bits of your lives. Frankie told you about his daughter, Isabella, and how his struggle with cocaine almost ruined his life. His relationship with his ex-wife was strained because of it, but they co-parented well - it was their main goal to ensure that Isabella was never put in the middle of their struggles, that she always felt supported and loved by both of her parents. Frankie had lost his pilot’s license after he failed a random drug test, and he took that as a sign to do the work to fix what was broken. He was now two years sober, and back to flying.
You, in turn, revealed to Frankie that he wasn’t the only man in your life. For the last decade, you’ve been with Joel Miller, your husband of seven years. Joel was the steady compass of your soul, the man whose roots intertwined deeply with those of your heart. You’d loved Joel almost your entire life, having grown up in the same neighborhood, although your crush on him was secretive during your childhood. He was your older brother’s best friend from college, a transplant from Texas whose parents moved to the Bay Area when he was a teenager. You ran into him after getting your master’s degree and moving back to the suburbs of San Francisco, and something sparked between the two of you. Since then, you’d been inseparable. When your work requested that you spend a year going between NorCal and SoCal to establish the new Los Angeles area office, you knew it would be a challenge for your relationship. As it turns out, it was only really a challenge for one reason — your sex drive was incredibly high, and sometimes you were apart from Joel for weeks at a time. Phone and video sex worked as well as it could, but it couldn’t beat the real thing. One night, after a particularly frustrating video sex session — all of your toys ran out of juice and you’d left your charger at home, among other things — Joel surprised you by suggesting that you didn’t need to stay monogamous. 
“Are you sure, Joel?” you asked incredulously. “You’ve never been one to particularly like sharing.”
Joel huffed a laugh. “Yes, darlin’,” he replied. “Lord knows the new office ended up bein’ more work than either of us thought it’d be. I know how much ‘gettin’ yours’ can be de-stressin’ for ya, and I don’t wanna be the reason you can’t seek it. It’s not like you’d be askin’ someone to move in with us. If it helps you, it makes me happy. And it sure would give my phone battery and hands some relief.” He chuckled as you scoffed in mock indignation. “You don’t have to tell me anythin’ you don’t want to about whoever you get involved with. As long as you’re stayin’ safe and they’re treatin’ you as well as I do, then I’m okay with it.”
You sighed in consideration. “Let me think about it some more,” you said, picking at your rental’s bedspread. “It’s not something I’m going to take lightly.”
And then two weeks later, you met Frankie. Frankie was surprisingly relaxed when you told him about Joel, albeit surprised. He’d hesitated to continue things until you got on the phone with Joel and had him tell Frankie himself. After all, you’d checked with Joel within a few days of meeting Frankie just to make sure Joel was still okay with you being with another man.
You made sure to tell Joel when you’d be seeing Frankie, and Frankie didn’t contact you when you were back home with Joel. It wasn’t that either man wanted to pretend the other didn’t exist; rather, they each wanted to respect the other man’s time with you. Frankie wasn’t seeking marriage or starting a family; he wanted to continue using his time and energy on Isabella and getting his career back on track. And Joel was confident in and comfortable with your  marriage in a way that didn’t allow for unseemly jealousy to crop up. 
Gradually you told each of them bits about the other one, until one day Joel suggested that the two of them meet. You were game, but wanted to run it by Frankie first.
“He wants to meet me?” Frankie asked, wringing his hands a bit and looking mildly surprised. The two of you had just finished dinner at one of your favorite taco trucks in LA, and you licked the tips of your fingers as you finished your last al pastor taco, the warm, savory spices dancing on your tongue. Frankie took a sip from his Mexican Coke, his plush lips wrapping around the cool aqua glass of the bottle.
You nod your head in affirmation. “Just for a couple of days. We could make a vacation out of it. Joel suggested maybe we road trip up the coast.”
Frankie looked pensive. You don’t blame him, especially when the two men had made a concerted effort to keep their relationships with you separate. “You’re sure you want to do this?” Frankie asked, searching your eyes for any hesitation. You studied those dark chocolate irises, so similar to Joel’s. 
“Yes, Francisco,” you confirmed, reaching out across the plastic picnic table to touch his hand. The sounds of the city wrapped around you as the two of you gazed at each other. “Joel has my heart, but so do you. And I want both parts of my heart, my favorites, to be with me at the same time for once.”
“Ok, mi amor, let’s go then,” Frankie said resolutely, bringing up your hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to your skin.
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Your thoughts bring you back to the present, with Frankie’s one-hand grip on the steering wheel and the warm coastal sun beaming through the windshield. The windows are down, allowing the salty sea air to filter through the Jeep. He flips on his turn signal and begins driving through a particularly posh part of Malibu. Giant mansions dwarf the street, pristine lawns and modern, open-glass architecture rolling by as you continue on. You let out a low whistle.
“Jesus Christ, what the hell does Santi do again to afford this?” you ask Frankie, eyes flicking to and from each house you pass by.
“Nothing,” Frankie chuckles. “When we got the money from that final mission that Santi and I went on, he invested the entirety of his share into the stock market. Well, almost everything.” He snorts at the champagne Range Rover in Santi’s driveway as the two of you pull up. Frankie, on the other hand, put the majority of his earnings into a trust fund for Isabella. The rest he used to set himself up comfortably but modestly. “Santi still does some consultant work for private security firms, but he just keeps reinvesting the money and using it to buy property and fund charity work,” Frankie explains.
“Can’t say I blame him, it’s a pretty solid strategy,” you respond, taking in the splendor of Santi’s Malibu abode as Frankie parks his Jeep. The three-story home is minimalist and modern on the exterior, with a combination of cool beige stone and warm wood paneling. No other houses are on either side of the building, so the property is ulta-private, and even has its own beach. As the two of you unpack your bags from the car, you hear a wolf whistle shriek from somewhere around the corner. Jumping slightly, you turn and then smile as Santiago Garcia strolls barefoot out of the house, his pale linen slacks and caramel vintage ribbed polo shirt fluttering lightly against his muscular frame in the sea breeze. 
“Hey pendejo, you finally made it!” Santi yells to Frankie, then turns to you with a “hi, hermosa,” and a kiss to your cheek. You wrap your arms around Santi’s torso, inhaling his sandalwood and cinnamon scent and giggling a hello. Frankie walks up, bags in hand, and tries to ruffle Santi’s perfectly coiffed curls. Santi dodges him and then goes in for a bear hug; Frankie smiles broadly as they rock side to side before clapping each other on the back.
“Good to see you, hermano, and thanks for letting us stay with you,” Frankie says warmly as he picks up your luggage and the three of you head towards the house.
“Not a problem, I’m in town for a consulting gig and figured it’d been awhile since we’d gotten together,” Santi responds ahead of you. You and Frankie follow him into the open-concept common area, admiring the sleek countertops, stainless steel fixtures, and plush yet subdued furniture. Light neutrals rule the color palette, with plenty of floor-to-ceiling windows to allow natural light in. You run your hand over the back of a velvet lounger, indulging in the texture against your fingertips. Frankie goes to the bedroom to drop off your luggage, while Santi starts pulling things out in the kitchen for dinner prep. Continuing towards the back of the house, you push open the sliding glass doors, letting fresh air in while you admire the view from the balcony. Below, the azure waves caress the sand gently, and the sound of the ocean encourages you to release all the stress from the last workweek. 
The boys get going on dinner as you slip on a silky emerald green dress - opting to go braless and barefoot - and dab on some rosy lip stain. The dress drapes lushly over your body, making it both comfortable and beautiful. After spritzing on some of your favorite perfume and putting on thin gold hoop earrings, you emerge from the guest bedroom you and Frankie are sharing for the weekend. Santi looks up and hums in approval.
“Damn, bebita, you look delicious,” he purrs as he finishes seasoning the steaks. “Do you always dress up for dinner with this chump or did you get pretty just for me? It’s okay, you can tell the truth.”
You roll your eyes at his cockiness and chuckle as you squeeze his bicep in passing. “Santi, don’t flatter yourself,” you retort, “I did it for myself. I don’t need to dress up for him to want to devour me.” You cross the kitchen to Frankie, who’s working on the caprese salad. Frankie huffs a laugh and puts down the kitchen knife, wiping his hands on a towel before to circling his hands around your waist. You lean into him, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.
“That’s right,” he shoots back to Santi without looking over, “she doesn’t need extra dressing up; she’s stunning enough as she is.” He kisses your forehead softly as you gaze up at him lovingly.
“You’re right.” Santi lets his gaze scan over you approvingly. “She probably looks even better with nothing on.”
“Santiago!” you laugh. “You’re such an insufferable flirt.” You walk back over to the opposite side of the kitchen island from him, fixing him with a smoldering smirk. “Wouldn’t you like to know, hmm?” Santi has always been relentlessly flirtatious with every attractive woman he meets, including you. Frankie’s never bothered by his antics, but you see his eyes flick towards the two of you, anticipating his response.
“Don’t tease me with promises you won’t keep, sweetheart,” Santi warns you, voice like rich caramel, sweet and smooth. You hold each other’s gazes for a moment before you break away, laughing softly and successfully ruffling his hair like Frankie wanted to earlier. That distracts Santi from the moment, as he huffs and runs his fingers through his curls to fix them.
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A few hours later, the three of you are relaxing on the balcony by the fire pit after dinner, drinking mezcal margaritas and catching up on life. You sit with your legs across the cream  patio sofa, your back against Frankie’s side like you often do with him. His arm is draped possessively across your torso while his thumb rubs absentmindedly back and forth across your shoulder. Santi goes inside to fetch the mezcal bottle from the kitchen, having switched to just the liquor, and you stand from the couch to observe the beach at the balcony’s railing. The darkness of night has settled over the landscape, lending deep navies and turquoise hues to the water, and everything feels more hushed. 
As you inhale the coastal breeze, you feel Frankie’s warm body press into you from behind, and then his soft lips pressing a trail of kisses over your shoulder and neck. You hum happily, smelling his rosemary cedar soap on his skin, and press yourself further into him, lightly grinding against his hips. Frankie lets out a quiet groan and presses right back into you, letting you feel his hardening length against your ass. He begins to cup your breasts through the silken fabric of your dress, easily pebbling your nipples with no bra between his fingers and your tits. The heat of arousal starts to pool low in your belly as Frankie slides his hands down to your hips, grinding on you until he’s fully hard beneath his pants. You tilt your head back, closing your eyes, and turn to the side to catch his lips, biting on his lower one and eliciting a louder groan from him. 
“Sweetness, I need you so badly,” Frankie whispers into your ear. When you quietly moan in response, you can feel Frankie’s hands slip down the silk over your ass and hear him shuffle behind you. Spinning around and opening your eyes, you see him on his knees, hat next to him on the floor, starting to ruck up your dress. 
“Frankie,” you hiss, grabbing his hands, desperate for more but concerned. “What if Santi sees?” 
“What if I want to watch?” you hear suddenly over Frankie’s shoulder, and you gasp when you look behind him and realize Santi is leaning against the open balcony door, sipping mezcal straight from the bottle. A fire ripples from the base of your spine upwards, and your gaze drops to Frankie, whose eyes have gone nearly black with desire but remain on you. Your lips pop open slightly, and you freeze.
“Well, querida, answer the man,” Frankie rasps. “Either you let him watch or make him go back inside, but either way, I’m eating this sweet pussy.” His hands slowly drag up your legs until he’s cupping your ass, squeezing the soft flesh, which rips a moan from your throat. As Frankie’s lips trail up and down your legs, you look back up at Santi, trying to read his expression. Gone is the molten chocolate of his irises; instead, you see glimmering adamant, dark and deep like the desire painted over every line of his face. But that heated gaze is still respectful – you know Santi would never cross your boundaries. If you truly didn’t want him to watch, he’d go inside the house, no questions asked. 
It’s for that exact reason that your desire thrums through you like a bass line, and you bite your lip. “Frankie, I need your mouth on me right now. I think Santi needs to see how hard you make me come.”
Frankie responds with a groan, while Santi lets out a deep purring sound. He moves to the couch, sitting with his legs spread, and takes another swig of mezcal as he takes in the sight before him. Frankie immediately yanks your soft lace panties down your thighs, and growls at the gossamer-thin string of arousal that connects your weeping center with your underwear.
“Fuuuuck, querida, you’re fucking soaked,” Frankie moans, inhaling the intoxicating scent near your glossy slit. You step out of your panties, and he grabs them, tossing them to Santi. The man on the couch catches them with one hand, bringing them immediately to his nose and sniffing deeply. 
“Goddamn,” Santi grits out, “she smells so fucking good, hermano.” He brings the gusset of the lace garment to his mouth, gingerly licking the slick off, groaning at the taste. You gasp at the sight, a wave of wetness trickling down your channel. “Tastes amazing too,” he adds, leaning back into the couch cushions and stuffing your panties into his pocket.
Frankie pushes your dress up to your waist and moves your left thigh to rest on his shoulder, spreading you open. He splays your lips open with his thumbs, staring at your pussy glistening in the fire’s light, on display for both him and Santi. He licks a steady strip from the bottom to the top, swirling around your clit at the end. You moan loudly, leaning back against the railing for support.
“Oh bebita, listen to those sweet sounds you’re making for Frankie,” Santi croons from the couch. “He must be making that pussy feel so good.”
“Yes, Santi,” you gasp, swallowing thickly as your eyes close in pleasure. “He’s so fucking good with his tongue.” You hear Santi rumble deep in his chest in response.
Frankie begins licking, sucking, and tapping on your clit exactly like he knows you like it, gripping your cheeks with both hands and massaging them. You writhe against his face, rocketing faster towards your impending orgasm. When you look up, you see Santi palming his cock through his pants, the bulge straining against the linen. Your cunt clenches at the image before you. Frankie can tell you’re close, so he slips two of his fingers into his mouth momentarily to slick them up and then plunges them into your warm cunt. You throw your head back, nearly screaming in ecstasy. Your grip tightens on the railing.
“I know you’re close, querida,” Frankie growls. “Let Santi see how pretty you look when you come.” Frankie then hooks his fingers just right inside of you and hits that soft spot that sends you into orbit, squealing. You feel everything tighten and then release, your orgasm rippling through your core and into your extremities. Frankie and Santi both moan at the sights and sounds of you reaching your peak, Frankie lapping up every drop of release from you.
“Good fucking girl, mamacita,” Santi says, getting up from the couch and stalking towards the both of you. Frankie gets off of his knees, easing your leg off his shoulder while wiping a hand across his drenched mouth. He knows exactly what Santi wants, so he moves back a couple of steps. You almost stumble, legs like jelly, and Santi catches your waist.
He tilts your chin up to meet his eyes, and his assessing gaze breaks through the post-orgasm haze you’re in. “I really want to taste that perfect cunt, baby,” Santi whispers. “Can I do that for you?” You look at him, hesitating for a moment only because this is a line you’ve not crossed with Santi before. You nod clearly at him. Santi shakes his head. “Words, sweetheart.”
“Yes, Santi,” you breathe. “Please put your mouth on me.” Santi groans in anticipation and starts walking backwards, pulling you with him. When you look at him in slight confusion, a sheepish smile passes briefly over his lips.
“Bad knees,” he reminds you, and you laugh. “Kneeling on concrete would kill me.” He tilts his chin to Frankie. “Fish, open the door to the bedroom. I’m gonna lay her down. And bring the bottle.” Frankie obliges, sliding open the other glass door to the expansive bedroom and grabbing the mezcal bottle.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispers. You sigh a yes, and Santi kisses you softly at first, then deeper. He tastes like cinnamon, tropical fruits, and smoky liquor. Moaning quietly, you start to lose yourself in his kiss as he moves the both of you backwards into the bedroom. 
The California king size bed is draped in soft taupes and creams, the bedding a gauzy cotton that feels incredible on your skin as Santi gently lays you on it. He pulls your dress up your body, and you arch your back to help him remove it over your head. As your bare body is exposed to him, glowing in the low light, he sucks in a breath. Frankie places the mezcal bottle on the bedside table, then strips out of everything except his black boxer briefs, his length fully hard against his left thigh, and sits down on a sleek chaise lounger in the corner, watching you and Santi.
Santi strips off his shirt and then climbs onto the bed over you, slowly sliding his hands over your soft skin as he goes. You shift on the bed at his touch, back arching a bit and thighs rubbing together. He keeps his eyes locked with yours as he reaches your head, forearms bracketing either side of your face. His body is so close to yours yet not touching.
Moaning, you tangle your fingers in his salt and pepper curls and pull briefly. Santi bites your lower lip in response with a small growl. Sitting up, he grabs the mezcal off the bedside table.
“Open,” he commands, taking a swig from the glass bottle. You obey, and Santi leans over your open mouth and fucking spits the mezcal into it. You swallow, moaning at the taste, the alcohol and him. He kisses you roughly, licking into your mouth, and you whimper, your legs dropping open of their own accord.
Santi notices and chuckles darkly. “Oh, you liked that, huh?” he purrs. “Dirty girl.” He kisses and nips along your ear and neck, across your collarbone, and down your chest. Reaching your nipples, he swirls his tongue around and then gently nips each of them. You feel slick pooling at your entrance, starting to drip down your inner thighs. Santi traces his tongue down your belly and to the curls above your pussy, inhaling deeply. He pushes your thighs open further and groans at the sight.
“Goddamn, you’re drenched,” he grits out, shuffling down to put his face at your center. You glance over at Frankie in the corner, and notice he has his cock out, slowly stroking the length. You whimper at the sight and Frankie licks his lips. You feel a sudden pinch at your inner thigh and whip your head back to the man between your legs.
“Eyes on me, hermosa,” Santi orders. “I want you to look right at me when I eat this pretty pussy.” And with that, he dives in.
Santi is a messier lover than Frankie, who usually eats you out with absolute precision, priding himself with knowing exactly how to make you come as fast as possible, and repeat the process until you’re crying out from overstimulation. Santi, however, is licking at you like he wants to drown himself in your cunt. His tongue is everywhere, licking broad stripes across your slit, sucking on your lips and clit, biting at your thighs, shoving his tongue deep into your channel. 
“So fucking sweet,” Santi pants out in a daze, separating his mouth from your sopping cunt for just a moment, and then goes back in for more. You mewl and grip the bed sheets as he continues to ravage you.
Your moans of pleasure stir something in Frankie, who gets up from his seat and walks over to the bed, his need to touch you nearly insatiable.
“Frankie,” you whine as you see him, your eyes hazy with lust, reaching out to him. 
“I’m right here, querida,” he reassures you, then gets onto the bed, placing himself behind you. You scooch up the bed so that you’re sitting in between his spread legs, your back to his bare chest. You can feel his hard length against you, silken and hot, his precum smearing slick against your skin. Frankie kisses your forehead, then leans forward and grabs your legs behind the knees, pulling back and spreading you impossibly wider for Santi. The man between your thighs groans, slipping two fingers into you, making your back arch even more.
“Does our little slut like to be spread out? Do you like Frankie holding your legs open for me, bebita?” Santi growls, pumping his fingers in and out of you. You cry out at his words, throwing your head back against Frankie’s shoulder. One of your hands grabs Frankie’s thigh, and the other one grips Santi’s hair once again.
“Yes,” you respond, pushing his head back towards your dripping slit. “Lick my pussy like you mean it, Santi.” He groans deep in his chest and dives back in, and you feel Frankie bite the junction between your neck and shoulder in arousal. Santi continues pumping his fingers into you as he sucks your clit between his lips, swirling his tongue over it in tiny circles. You feel your orgasm begin to rise in your lower belly, intensifying with each thrust and lick. Santi feels your slick walls bear down on his fingers.
“That’s it, honey, I know you want to come for me,” Santi says.
“Give it to us,” Frankie whispers in your ear. “Come for me and Santi.”
Frankie’s command is all it takes to snap the tether in your core, shattering you into pieces as the pleasure courses hot through your body. You scream their names as your pussy gushes wave after wave of slick, running down your thighs and Santi’s fingers, into his waiting mouth, licking and slurping obscenely, his fingers continuing to press into your g-spot to prolong your high.
“God, I need to be inside you right fucking now,” Santi grits out, pussydrunk. He stands up and hurriedly shoves his pants and boxers down his legs, his thick cock springing free and bobbing slightly. You feel your mouth water; his dick is just as gorgeous as Frankie’s. 
Santi meets your eyes once again. “Do you want me to fuck you while Frankie holds you open, sweetheart?” Santi asks you. You pause, your pleasure-addled mind narrowing in on one idea – having them both.
“I want you both,” you moan. Santi’s eyes widen a bit and then dart to Frankie. They share a smirk and then Frankie turns to you in his lap.
“Querida, how do you want us?” Frankie inquires. “One at a time or at the same time?”
“At the same time,” you whimper. “I want you both in my pussy.”
Santi and Frankie groan in unison. Santi smiles wickedly, looking at Frankie. “Well, it wouldn’t be the first time, eh?”
“Just like we used to,” Frankie chuckles darkly, and your fuzzy mind tucks away their exchange for later. “We have to get her ready, then.” He slowly releases your knees and turns to you, kissing the side of your face and lightly nibbling your ear. He grabs your chin gently with his fingers, turning your head sideways to meet his eyes. “We’re going to work you open first, okay, baby?” he intones softly. You nod your head yes. Santi and Frankie’s eyes meet, and Santi opens the bedside table drawer, grabbing a bottle of lube and tossing it to Frankie. 
He catches it, reading the label. “Guava?” Frankie asks quizzically. “What happened to the mango-pineapple one?”
Santi shrugs. “I still have it,” he explains, “but guava goes better with pussy and mezcal.” You huff a laugh and Frankie smiles, kissing your forehead again and sweeping your hair out of your face.
“Guess we have an edible lube connoisseur here,” jokes Frankie, opening the cap and pouring some of the slick liquid onto his thick digits. 
The sweet, juicy fruit scent wafts through the air, and Santi grabs the bottle from him, doing the same while shaking his head incredulously.“It’s not my fault that you have no sense of refinement,” he retorts. Frankie just rolls his eyes and turns back to you.
“Are you ready, sweetness?” Frankie murmurs. You nod your head and breathe out a “yes, baby”. Frankie reaches in front of himself and slips his two lubed fingers into you, and you whimper softly. Santi follows suit, slipping two of his fingers into you next, kneeling between your legs. You feel stretched full but so turned on. They allow you a few moments to adjust, and when you nod your head, they begin swirling their fingers in opposite directions. A moan rips from your throat and you grab at the bedsheets. They continue swirling and pressing their fingers in and out, and the sight of your pussy filled with their fingers gets the both of them rock hard.
The cloud of euphoria in your head is all-consuming as they continue, your arousal reaching an almost painful peak. Suddenly you grab their wrists and both men stop immediately, concern crossing their faces. “Are you okay, bebita?” Frankie asks, his brows furrowing. 
You nod your head rapidly, and then bleat out, “I need you both inside me right now.” Santi and Frankie grin at your fucked out expression, looking at each other conspiratorially.
“Well, you heard the lady, Pope,” Frankie says. “Let’s give her what she wants.” He shifts you forward as he moves to the side, pulling his underwear all the way off. He lays on his back on the bed, his hard cock against his stomach dripping pre-cum. “I want you to ride me, hermosa, and then Santi is going to enter you from behind as you lean forward,” Frankie explains.
You nod your head in understanding and straddle his thighs, facing him. Frankie hands you the lube bottle. You dribble a stream onto his waiting thickness, and he hisses as the cool liquid hits his hot velvet skin. Grabbing his slick length, you shuffle forward and guide him into your channel, whining when he bottoms out easily. Frankie reaches up and grips your hips, guiding you to ride him.
After a minute, he looks over your shoulder at Santi, who is slowly stroking his dick. “I think she’s ready, Fish,” Santi says, and Frankie nods once. Santi gets on the bed, coming to his knees behind you and grabbing your hips. Frankie slides his hands to your back, gently pulling you towards him until you’re leaning forward, laying chest to chest, your pussy on full display for Santi, stuffed with Frankie’s cock. You hear Santi groan behind you at the sight.
“I can’t believe you’re letting me do this, bebita,” Santi admits as he slicks up his hardness with the lube. “Been thinking about being inside this pussy for months.”
“Well, now’s your chance,” you tease, looking back at him. “Better hurry before the offer expires.” Santi smirks at you as he places his hands on your hips.
The moment you feel the head of Santi’s cock slide into your pussy, you gasp as the sting of the stretch hits you. You hear Santi behind you grit out a quiet “fuck”. Slowly he continues sinking into your hot, wet heat. Reaching forward, he circles your throbbing clit softly, making you whine but relax, allowing him to slip deeper into you, inch by inch. Your pussy twitches and both Santi and Frankie choke on moans. 
When he fills you as far as you can take both of them, the three of you hold still. As the seconds pass, the sting gives way as you adjust to being this full. The result is rolling waves of lightning sparking through your veins with each minute movement inside of you. You let out a high-pitched whine as a knot of white-hot pleasure tightens in your core.
“Mierda, bebita,” Frankie moaned, “are you gonna come just from both of us being in you?”
“God, she feels so fucking good,” Santi murmurs, almost to himself. Both of them are gripping you tightly as you continue to whimper and whine, your high quickly building. Your breathing intensifies, and you start to shake. 
It’s so much, being so full of them physically, and the thought of them both in you - two of the most attractive, sexy men you know - is nearly making you lose your mind. But you don’t want to come before your boys have even gotten to move. It almost feels like a weakness, being this fucked out for them.
“It’s ok, sweetness, let go,” says Frankie softly, realizing you’re holding off for them. He presses a kiss to your neck and it’s your undoing. 
The brush of his lips against that sensitive spot right under your ear pushes you off the edge and you wail, your pleasure cresting as you jerk under their firm grips. They moan loudly, your pleasure stoking theirs. The three of you catch your breaths as you come down from your high.
Frankie looks up at you, eyes pitch black, swimming with devotion for you. Santi strokes your hips gently, his strong hands shaking slightly.
“How are you feeling?” Frankie asks you sweetly, rubbing his hands across your back, his thighs clenching from holding back. 
You take a shaky breath. “So fucking full,” you respond, and then giggle softly at your obvious observation. The boys laugh too, and then moan slightly as your bodies shift. Santi squeezes your hips and asks, “Are you ready for us to move, hermosa?” Your head is swimming in endorphins as you whimper out, “Yes, Santi. I need both of you to fuck me now.”
With that, the two men lock eyes and nod, beginning an apparently practiced dance of their cocks. As Frankie slides himself out, Santi pushes in, and then they reverse roles. You cry out in ecstasy. It’s so much more than you could have ever imagined.
Frankie and Santi start off with slow, shallow thrusts in and out, gradually stretching you around their lengths. When Frankie hits a particularly sweet spot, you moan fervently and more slick coats them, making them both moan back in response. The friction between their cocks and your walls is delicious.
“Fuck, bebita, you look incredible taking the both of us,” Santi says, gripping your hips harder, a sheen of sweat glimmering across his body. 
Frankie hums in agreement. “You’re doing so well, baby,” he praises. You preen at their words, arching your back to change the angle. Santi whimpers and kisses along your spine, worshiping your body. The room is thick with the smell of sex, guava, and mezcal, the squelching sounds of your pussy weaving between all three of your moans and cries of pleasure.
The boys begin to speed up the wetter you get, starting to fuck into you with vigor. You feel like your whole body is vibrating. Leaning down to kiss Frankie changes the angle once again, and Santi lets out yet another whimper as you slide your tongue along Frankie’s.
“Fuck, baby, just like that, that’s perfect,” he gasps, getting even harder inside of you. He starts to rub your clit in tight circles, making you yelp. “I want you to come one more time for us before we fill you up,” he continues. “Gonna make your pussy milk our cocks. C’mon, honey, you’ve got one more in you, I can feel it.”
“I don’t know,” you whimper. “I - it’s so much…”
Frankie lets out a growl. “Oh, querida, I know you can come for us one more time,” he says. “Just think about how full of cock you are right now.”
He’s right. The psychological thrill of having both men inside of you is the push you need. You start to shake again, everything tensing up. Both men moan as your channel pulls tight.
Santi leans down to your ear, still thumbing your clit. “Fucking come for us. That’s an order.”
You scream so loudly when your fourth orgasm hits you, that you’re grateful that Santi has no neighbors - because they definitely would have called the cops by now. Tears leak down your face from the intensity, and Santi whimpers loudly as he thrusts in and comes deep in you, his hot seed coating your walls. The tightness of your pussy and Santi shoving deep end up pushing Frankie’s cock out, but he couldn’t care less. 
When Santi’s strokes slow and then stop, indicating he’s finished, Frankie pushes him off of you, and roughly flips you over onto your back. He shoves your legs apart, and pushes his dick harshly into you. Boneless, you lay there, moaning and taking it, unable to say anything coherent except for Frankie’s name. Your boyfriend presses your legs even further towards your shoulders, nearly bending you in half as he fucks into you hard and fast, Santi’s cum forced out of you with every snap of Frankie’s hips.
“God, you look like such a goddess right now,” Frankie babbles, nearly snarling, “so full of cum. You like that? You want me to fill you up good? You’re gonna be leaking our cum for days, querida.”
“Yes, Frankie, yes,” you moan, “please fill me up. I love your cum in me. I wanna be so full of both of you.”
With a shout, Frankie bares his teeth and comes, getting as deep as possible and filling up your cunt just like he promised. You feel his cum thick and hot in you, triggering another moan. 
Frankie drops your knees back down to the bed, nearly collapsing down against your chest while the two of you pant heavily, trying to catch your breaths. Looking over, you spot Santi sitting up at the corner of the bed, looking disheveled but utterly sated, his now-soft cock still shiny with lube and your combined releases. 
You reach your hand out to him, and he crawls towards you, slotting himself next to one side, while Frankie hisses as he pulls out of you and lays next to you on your other side. He smothers your neck and face with kisses, and you giggle, feeling Santi pepper kisses across the top of your head and stroking the underside of your breast affectionately with his thumb.
You let out a contented sigh. “Wow, that was…”
Frankie hums out an “incredible” at the exact same time Santi rumbles a “so fucking good” to complete your statement, which makes the three of you laugh. Giggles subsiding, something they said in the heat of the moment suddenly pops into your mind.
“Wait a second,” you say as you sit up. Both men lazily look up at you, faces blissed out, waiting for your question. “Frankie, you said, ‘just like old times’... How many times have you double teamed with Santi?”
The two of them look at each other with nearly identical smirks. Santi pipes up first. “Well, back in our Army grunt days,” he explains, “when we’d go on leave together, we kind of had this habit of teaming up to pick up women.” Your jaw drops slightly, and Santi looks amused at your shock.
“It was a fairly effective strategy,” Frankie continues. “Trying to land a girl alone was a crapshoot. But with the both of us offering her a night to remember?” Frankie huffs. “It seemed like fantasy fulfillment for almost every woman we fucked together.”
Your eyes rake over the two of them, gloriously naked and handsome as ever, in bed with you. Yeah, you can see the appeal. 
“Okay, but who came up with the idea?” You ask, then immediately put up a hand into the air. “WAIT, no, I know exactly who… Santi, you slut!”
Frankie lets out a loud bark of a laugh as Santi rolls his eyes, folding his arms over his chest, annoyed. 
“Hey, don’t act like you didn’t benefit from it, idiota!” Santi grumbles. Frankie reaches over, finally successfully ruffling Santi’s hair. Santi flinches and bats Frankie’s hand away, making you shake with laughter as you lounge in the post-coital haze with your boyfriend and his best friend. You don’t blame those women they slept with one bit. This was a night you will surely remember.
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No pressure tags: @mermaidgirl30 @legendary-pink-dot @nerdieforpedro @mountainsandmayhem @arcanefox207 @campingwiththecharmings @exquisit3corpse @gutsby @honeyedmiller @lavendertales @lu62 @luxurychristmaspudding @ozarkthedog @qveerthe0ry @swiftispunk @sheepdogchick3 @thatshortgirlwithglasses @wannab-urs @musings-of-a-rose
181 notes · View notes
himezoro · 6 months
In your last comment ( in love wins all part2) you meant that I could ask you for a story at any time.
My idea would be a story about Zoro in which he first has to admit to himself that he loves the female reader and asks his crew how he can confess his feelings to her and then does it in his usual shy but direct way ^^
We both know he is a big softie at heart x3
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tysm for your request and undefeating support, it’s the reason i went back to writing and found the strength to write today. i really hope you’ll enjoy it, and tysm for your patience. i love the introspection your idea offers, it was so fun to write that i added the strawhats as a tool for Zoro to realize his feelings! some parts are before timeskip, and the parts after the timeskip will be mentioned, i hope you’ll enjoy it <3
tw! mention of gender (female) + fluff + sfw!!
wc : 4,31k (i went crazy sorry....)
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It was a cool and breezy spring day when Luffy asked you to join the crew. You were a talented strategist during battles and tough times, gifted with a brilliant vision of finding a positive issue to win, while exulting warmth and tenderness, so much that it could tame the devil itself.
And by that, it meant Roronoa Zoro.
The tall swordsman perfectly remembers this day where you officially climbed onto the ship after the events of Enies Lobby, after helping the crew with astute tactics to get Robin back. He was impressed with you back then, by your phlegm and knowledge of the field, your calm, your determination to grant them victory, like you knew them all along, like you loved them all along. It was the love you gave people that allowed your brain to come up with the best solutions. And as a warrior and a solution giver, Zoro was admirative.
Or in trance. Mesmerized. In awe. Struck by an angel. If he were to be honest with himself.
And because Zoro imagined himself talking to you and getting to know what your brain hid, asking about your whereabouts, your culture, your likings and the drinks you drink, he really thought he did.
Yet, other than the casual “Hi”, “Thanks”, “Food’s ready” and “Good night”, the swordsman never uttered a word of what he wished to really share. Was it laziness? Cowardice? Fear? Indeed, he was not the most talkative of the crew, but he knew he could talk to anyone if he wanted to. Hell, he could even talk to the cook.
But when it came to you, he found himself out of breath, and looking at you seemed enough. Seeing you beam at the dinner table while savoring the shitty cook Sanji’s delights, hearing your chatty and bubbly voice when gossiping with Nami and Robin, your laughs when in company of Usopp and Luffy and the soft hums escaping your lips when Brook would play a song. Looking at your plush thighs where Chopper’s head was resting, and the pearl of cola dripping from your pink lips when drinking under the hot weather with Franky.
He both felt like you were a sight bestowed by the Gods for him and forbidden, like the Apple of Eden.
And in magnificent Zoro fashion, he decided to not pay attention and focus on his training.
But even with the best of will, it was hard to pretend you did not exist and that the fluttering in his stomach were not butterflies, especially, on the Thousands Sunny.
One night, before reaching the Sabaody Archipelago, Zoro was standing quietly by the ocean. His mind was clear from troubles and aches, and he simply stood by the quietness of the sea. You’ve been apart of the crew for what has not been so long, yet, you were fitting beautifully. The way the breeze would caress your hair, the way you would sometimes trip on the ship because of the waves, the way the lemonade you would make tasted so much better than the cook’s. The first time you offered him the said refreshment was the only time he managed to stay close to you. Because you were not leaving, he thought. Or maybe because he was frozen on the spot when you bent down to his sitting/close to napping form and could smell your floral scent.
He was so lost in his thoughts he failed to hear his captain coming.
“Isn’t (Y/N) cool? Like, super cool?” the captain beamed at his first mate and best friend, clapping his feet together as he sat on the rail of the ship. The swordsman did not mind looking his way as he stood by the railing, watching the moon glistening on the ocean.
“I guess, I barely talk to the girl so I wouldn’t know.” He shrugged, hearing your soft giggles from afar as you enjoyed your time with the rest of the crew.
“Well I know she’s cool. And she was so cool when she made all of these plans on her notebook with that fancy swooshing pen thing.” He said, mimicking writing (ndlr : like that light yagami meme lol). “Sanji says she’s pretty. Do you think she’s pretty?”
At that question, Zoro almost chocked on his own air.
“Why would you ask me that? And since when do you Luffy know when people are... pretty?” he said, hoping the moonlit night would hide the pink hue on his cheeks.
“I know when people are pretty! You are pretty! You’re my friend so you’re pretty.” Zoro scoffed at his words, letting his captain talk.
“Well, I’m sure you’ll get along super well. Like super buddies. She’s so cool. You should listen to her. Nami said we must listen to her advices during combat or else we EXPLODE!! BOOM!!” he enthusiastically said before jumping off the railing and shaking Zoro’s shoulders before running to pest on someone else.
Zoro stole a glance towards your way and sighed. You did not look pretty. Hell no you didn’t. And to that extent, he disagreed with the cook again. Because you were gorgeous, ethereal. It was beyond being “pretty”, it was beyond being pleasant to look at. You were a gift. And he knew he could keep on looking at you for days if allowed.
And because you caught him looking, you offered him a gentle smile and a wave, which he forgot to reciprocate as he simply nodded and turned back to gazing at the ocean.
I know we would get along well… he sighed, silently wishing he had Luffy’s or Usopp’s social skills to stay by your side.
Before docking on the Sabaody Archipelago, Nami said it would be nice to dock on a small island to enjoy a day of fun at the beach, which led to having everyone in their bathing suit enjoying the scenery.
Zoro sat on the sand and did not realize his eyes landed on you. You were in the water with chopper on your shoulders, trying to keep steady as you feared for him to fall in the water. Usopp was in front of you with Luffy on his shoulders, trying to make Chopper fall in the water. Zoro claims to not pay attention to the way your (favorite color) bathing suit was perfectly suiting your form. He claims to not pay attention to your wet hair nor to the drops on your eyelids.
“You need a tissue to stop the drooling?” Nami said, standing in front of her crewmate as she put her sunglasses on top of her head.
Zoro glared at her without saying a word, clearly annoyed by the navigator.
“Well if I hadn’t known you were enjoying the view before I would certainly know it now. Would you stop staring at her, you look like Sanji.” she smirked, moving the way as she sat next to him, looking at you as well and smiling.
“Really Zoro you should stop staring, that’s creepy.”
“Did she say anything?” he surprised himself asking. Now at least she stopped blocking the view, and he could go back to “not” pay attention to the way your hand would hold Chopper’s pawn, or the way Usopp would splash water all over your chest.
“Well well well, what do we have here? A request for insights on my girl (Y/N)? By Roronoa Zoro? Is it going to snow in hell? Let me check…” she mischievously snarked, earning a grunt from Zoro in return.
“It’s so funny because I’m sure she talked about you in our quarters a few times ago… or maybe it was in my dream? Maybe your errand money would jog my memory.” she proudly stated, earning another annoyed grunt from Zoro. She looked at him and waited for him to nod his head and wave his hand as a sign for her to continue.
“Thanks for your generosity. And the only thing she said is that you don’t seem to like her because you never talk to her, so she doesn’t want to bother you.”
When he heard what appeared to be your words, he swore his heart broke. How could you reasonably think he doesn’t like you? While you were the only thing on his mind beside training?
“And what did you say… I mean, what did you tell her.” Zoro shyly asked, wondering if his friend Nami did any help.
“Well I did say you hated her, but I’m sure I could tell her you love staring at her like a perv.”
“For fuck sake why would you say stuff like this?!”
“I did not tell her that you idiot!” she said, laughing wholeheartedly. “In fact, I said you were like a bear : terrifying on the outside but kind of nice if you think about it.”
Zoro sighed, instantly feeling sick in the stomach at the idea of you thinking he hated you… or was a perv.
“Why don’t you try talking to her? She’s such a sweet and smart girl, I feel like she was the missing part of this crew. I mean, it’s clear you-
“Do not say that word. I don’t.”
Zoro cut her right off, but that did not stop Nami from stating her piece.
“Fine I’ll use the word fancy. It’s clear you FANCY her. Just because you never had a girlfriend or thought you could like anyone other than your swords or MIHAWKE doesn’t mean you should not act on your feelings right now. Be a normal guy and get her flowers, or I don’t know, you could also just talk.?You know Sanji likes her too right?” she added that last part only to shake Zoro off before leaving with her new found cash.
Zoro kept on looking at you with longing, thinking about what Nami said.
Sanji cannot like her. And how did she know I never had a girlfriend?
Later that night, Zoro decided to sit next to you for dinner. He was set on proving Nami wrong and showing the cook that he did not stand a chance (the poor guy did not get Nami’s joke).
But because Nami is the lively and vibrant human being she is, she, of course, told Usopp and Chopper about her little talk with Zoro.
Which of course, led Usopp to do some teasing, with the help of little
“Hey (Y/N)! What does it feel like finally sitting next to Zoro after weeks of sailing together?” he pried, wiggling his eyebrows at the sight of the two of you sitting together. You smiled and let out a small laugh as you responded.
“Well I have to say, I’m quite flattered. Surprised, but flattered. Zoro is nice to stay with.”
Your voice felt like the greatest of songs, and it only made Zoro’s heart beat faster.
“Wooo wooo!” Usopp cooed, pounding on the table as he did so. “Do I hear a confession in here? Zoro what do you have to say? Isn’t she nice to stay with? Come on just say the magic L word!”
He was so engulfed in his thoughts and the desire to slash Usopp in half, that he did not feel Chopper creep on his lap.
“Your heart is beating really fast right now!” the reindeer said in Zoro’s ear, trying not to embarrass him too much as Usopp was already talking about planning a future wedding.
“Because you guys are giving me a headache”, he angrily uttered, suddenly getting up and leaving the table, not noticing the sad look in your eyes as he turned his back, not looking at you.
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After these milestones only a fool would try to deny the blatant truth.
And after the Sabaody incident, only a masochist would refrain and hide these feelings away.
But with Roronoa Zoro, nothing is easier than sweeping his feelings under the rug of Mihawke’s manor.
Nervertheless, being separated from you for those two years only left him with thoughts of you mingling with the ones he felt of guilt. Were you alive? Did you get Luffy’s message? Where were you training? Who were you with? Will you come back to him?
In his quest of longing to be the strongest, he got even more confident, if that could happen. Not only would he never let anything happen to the crew again thanks to his new found abilities, but he swore he won’t let you in any form of danger. Yet, he claims it to himself that protecting you is only his “swordsman way”. Nothing more.
He waited for the day of the reunion with a lot of excitement. Seeing Luffy and Chopper again, sailing the seas to prove himself to the world. He would not say it aloud, but he missed everyone. Yet, his heart led to an unusual feeling. His chest felt knotted. Was it fear? Anxiety? Regret? He caught himself thinking about many scenarios that did not make sense, nonsense he would have smacked someone’s head for. What if you decided to leave the crew and stay where you were? What if you forgot about him, since his past relationship with you failed to be the most intimate one? What if you hated him and thought of him as weak? What if he never saw you again?
Why does it matter, anyway.
The D-Day was approaching, and Zoro’s questions only grew more and more.
And as the Day finally arrived, he looked at the Sabaody scenery and let out a deep sigh, but the small smile on his lips never left. Each step he took were different from those he took two years ago: he was determined, stronger.
He would not admit it to himself, but he was worried you won’t show up to the ship. He also was worried he won’t be able to talk to you like he wished to.
During his walk to find the Sunny, he stumbled across the last person he wanted to see first.
Even though Zoro disliked the cook, he had to admit he was reassured to see his fellow comrade in good shape. But that feeling quickly faded the second the Cook started speaking.
“And here I thought a musclehead like you couldn’t understand nor form a sentence.”
“And here I thought you might have learnt to use twizzlers in those two years but well. Nothing’s new here.”
The pair had no choice but to walk together, which surprisingly led to somewhat of a conversation, even though neither looked at the other. Zoro was walking with his bag over his shoulder while Sanji smoked his cigarette.
“So you trained with Ivankov?”
“I tried to escape everytime which turned out well. I can fly now with my technique, which I’m sure (Y/N)-chwan would love! Think about it, this could be really useful in defense combat. I will be useful for (Y/N)-chwaaan, and Nami-chwaaan and Robin-chwaaan.” The cook chanted, only to earn Zoro’s deep and usual silence, which lasted for what seemed to be a while.
In spite of being used to Zoro’s quietness and awkward silence, the cook noticed the sudden shift in his behavior once your name was mentioned. Call him curious or accuse him of having a death wish, but he decided to break the ice.
“Hey, mosshead.”
The swordsman did not bother to answer and kept on walking.
“Did you miss anyone in particular during those two years?”
“Yes, my hammock.” he quickly answered, his usual sass coming back as a defense mechanism Sanji swore not to fall for this time.
“See?” Sanji said, pointing his cigarette towards his crewmate, still walking. “That’s exactly why no one wants to approach you. You’re brute. How do you expect people to let you in if you don’t let them in in the first place?”
“Who said I wanted to let any people in? I don’t care about people.”
“You know who I’m talking about here. I have eyes. We all have eyes.”
“Technically Brook doesn’t and I only have one left.” he corrected, looking at the cook’s annoyed face with his good eye. “And for the reminder, I can understand sentences just fine, you talked about people, not (Y/N).”
Sanji smirked: the cook had won.
“Indeed. I never talked about beautiful (Y/N). You just did, though." he cockily pointed. "If I were you, which I’m not thank God, I would take her hand, squeeze it and tell her a poem. That’s it if you can read.”
Sanji lit himself another cigarette to savor his small victory. Zoro bit the inside of his cheek and averted his gaze to the scenery around him again.
Did he just tell the cook about you? When he was talking about “letting people in”? He would lie if he said he did not want you to let him in. He thought you were a strong woman with admirative skills. He thought you were kind and caring, with a high sense of ethics and fairness. He thought you were beautiful. You were his ideal, the sole reason why he never bothered looking at women before.
But why would someone like you let someone like him, in? Sanji was right: he was a brute. And spending time with his swords medidating for two years did not make him a social animal. He lacked Usopp’s ease or Luffy’s communicative smile. He lacked Sanji’s ability to compliment women or make them feel beautiful. Hell, he remembers his conversation with Nami like it was yesterday: you thought he hated you.
Would it be unfair for a brute like him to long for someone like you? Does he have the right to hold these feelings? Is he allowed to share them to you?
The poor boy did not have time to find his answer that Luffy had found them.
He would soon see you. He felt it. And by that time, he better come up with something other than “Hi”.
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When they arrived to the ship alongside their Captain, everyone was already here waiting for them.
Including you.
Before fully looking at you, Chopper jumped on him, crying his heart out from having missing him too much. Unfortunately for him, the swordsman did not pay attention to all his ranting as you approached to enthusiastically hug Luffy, Sanji, and him.
Because of the awkward position he was in with Chopper, you gently wrapped your arms around the small reindeer and told them both how happy you were to see them. And because of his cute comrade, he did not have the chance to say “Hi”.
He missed his opportunity, the chance to finally let you in.
Perhaps it is better this way.
Everyone climbed onto the ship, ready to celebrate the reunion, and even though the best sake was provided, Zoro quickly walked to a small and intimate area: his crow nest.
Two years without seeing your friends were long to pass, without hearing their laughters and benters, their antics and adventures. Even though you joined the crew at later times before being teleported by Kuma, you dearly loved each crewmate and felt apart of a big family.
During those two years, you sometimes caught yourself thinking about the swordsman. To say the green-haired figure rarely talked to you would be an understatement, and you never understood why. You never were mean to him, you let him nap during night watch, you poured him lemonade, smiled at him each time he would look at you.
You admired his strength, his determination, his oath to become the best in his craft. You were honored to conceive combat strategies that would enhance his abilities and show them to the world.
He was the legend to the story you were writing. The hero.
It would be lying to say you did not fancy the swordsman. He was handsome, peaceful, intelligent when in need, and reassuring. He was confident, opinionated and reliable.
Your heartbeat grew faster as you saw him walking towards the ship with Sanji and the captain. He looked even taller than in your memories, and even more built. His hair seemed softer, and his voice much huskier. Your heart ached when you noticed he had lost an eye.
But because everyone was around, you could not possibly go to him and cry your eyes out as you talked about his injury. Instead, and because you were so happy to see everyone, you decided to go for a small hug, hopping it would offer you both a fresh start.
After the feast following your reunion, you noticed Zoro walking out to his favorite spot. Pretending to be in need of the ladies room, you decided to follow the swordsman to the crows nest, set on trying to finally, communicate with the future best swordsman on the Planet.
When Zoro heard someone going up the crows nest, he did not pay attention. For this once, would he allow someone to go up unannounced.
“Pardon me Zoro!” you said while climbing, breaking his composure. Out of everyone he thought would come up tonight, he never thought it would be you. He could not even figure out what to come up with first as he saw the top of your head from the top of the ladder and your adorable eyes peeking up to him.
You waited to have fully climbed the ladder before talking.
“Hi, I hope I’m not bothering.” You gently said with a radiant smile on your face, standing in front of him in your newest outfit. He felt ashamed for not taking in all the details of your new attire earlier under the sunlight, from the way it hugged your form to the way the color compliments your eyes.
“Actually, I’ve never been up here before.. it looks.. nice?” you said, your eyes going from the surroundings of his room to his good eye.
He looks handsome.
She looks gorgeous.
“Then what are you doing here now?” Zoro responded, harsher than what he intended. He instantly regretted his sentence and his tone. These were so distant from what he felt.
His words sent shivers down your spine and made you gasp a little, slowly looking down to your feet in embarrassment.
He looked down at you with his good eye and quickly shook his hands.
“N-No (Y/N) this is so not what I meant. Gosh now I understand why Sanji said I was a brute and Nami said you hated me.”
“What? Nami said I hated you?” you asked, your head going back up and looking at him with concern. “I could never hate you Zoro! Why would she say something like this?”
“N-No!” he said, trying to correct his wording, again, but it seemed harder after hearing what you felt about him.
You could never hate him.
“I mean, she said you thought I hated you. No wonder why you think that, I’m a brute.”
In spite of his awkward phrases, you let out a small giggle. His tan face was tainted with shades of a dusty shy pink, and his good eye was desperately trying to connect with yours. Maybe if you would look at him for just long enough, he would not have to say a thing.
You walked closer to him, trying to pierce what his eye was begging to tell you. You could feel the shift in the air, the tension building high. Your voice, soft as silk and sweet as honey, asked.
“So, Zoro, do you hate me?”
The question sent him in a trance. In his mind, he told you a hundred times about how beautiful you looked and how admirative he was of your work on the ship. In his mind, he told the world and the stars a hundred times about his will to protect you and be the strongest.
His body ached to be closer to yours. It was only the two of you, and it seemed so natural. So real. He slowly inched closer to you, his overpowering frame letting yours aware of his presence and scent. Wood and peppermint.
Crossing his arms and closing his eyes, faking tiredness, hoping his demeanor would hide the shyness away, he bluntly stated:
“I could never hate you, (Y/N).”
Five words. These five words alone lifted a whole weight off your shoulders. Slightly blushing from his statement and the proximity you two were in, in what seemed like a forbidden whisper, you said, gently touching his hand.
“I… I should probably go downstairs. The others are going to wonder why I’m taking so long to get you to drink sake with us. They’ll think you got sober.”
Zoro slightly scoffed and nodded, his eyes never leaving the tenderness of your touch on his large hand.
“Promise me you’ll come back later. Just you.”
His wish was spoken with such adoration and secrecy, you won’t ever refuse. But teasing the swordsman seemed a little more fun.
“By later, do you mean in two years? Who knows maybe by that time you’d have lost your other eye.”
Zoro laughed a little, gently squeezing your hand like an oath spoken just for the two of you.
“Like I would ever let you go again for so long, idiot.”
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sailor-aviator · 6 months
Two Birds: Chapter One
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Two Birds: Chapter One
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader x Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Summary: Growing up in the midwest meant that you weren't exposed to many of the dangers of the world, and it also meant that you missed out on some of what life had to offer. Taking a leap, you move to New York City with a few personal belongings and the little money you have left in your savings. You become good friends with your roommate and, by extension, the people at the club she works at. However, it isn't long until you catch the eye of not one, but two mafia bosses that rule the city with an iron grip. Will you stay out of their clutches, or will you give in and become another pawn in their wicked games? (Mafia!AU)
Content Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of guilt, Gentlemen's club (off hours), Flirting, Handsy Bradley and Jake, Pet names, no use of y/n. I think that's it, but please let me know if I missed something!
Word Count: 3.9k
Series Masterlist
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A couple of weeks had passed, and you were now entering your third month of living in the city. Annie had been right, you had become fast friends after long nights spent gabbing about anything and everything, and late mornings after the previous night’s binge drinking. Your roommate was a fun, happy-go-lucky soul, and you loved her all the more for it.
Your job at one of the local bakeries near the heart of the city provided you with enough money for your portion of the rent, food, and enough to spend however you saw fit, a feat you still weren’t sure how you managed. Your boss was a lovely older woman in her mid-fifties who greeted you with a smile every morning as you clocked in for your shift. Thankfully, she preferred to do the early, early morning prep work herself along with her daughter, so you weren’t expected to walk through the doors until sometime around eight every morning.
You enjoyed the tediousness of the job, the routine giving you something to latch on to in the unfamiliarity of the big city. Annie had been coaching you diligently on how to navigate the never-ending, concrete streets and sprawling subways. Your Midwest manners were quickly stamped down by your burgeoning experience with the different crowds that inhabited the city.
“Don’t walk around at night by yourself if you can avoid it,” Annie had told you during your first week there, the two of you headed back to the apartment after you had decided to go out for dinner. “There are a bunch of crazies out here, Mousie. Me? I’m used to this place, but you got that air about you that just invites people to take advantage.”
You hummed, trotting a few paces to try and keep up with her much longer legs. She cast you a sideways glance with a grimace of an apology.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean anything bad by it,” she sighed, hands pushed into her pockets as she slowed slightly to give you a break. “You’ll perfect the art of the ‘don’t fuck with me’ vibe before you know it, Mouse.”
And you liked to think that you had come along way in the few weeks you had spent in the city, perfecting your mean, scary face so that people wouldn’t approach you. Some still did, but the number had certainly decreased. Though, you still felt the nagging feeling of guilt every time you outright ignored someone, averting your eyes and hanging your head as you walked a little faster down the street.
Today was a day you, thankfully, had off. Though, you still rose early, your body already used to the schedule of the bakery, and as you stretched in bed, your mind wandered to the container of chocolate chip cookies that sat on the counter in the kitchen. A gift from your boss, albeit they were cookies that would have been thrown in the trash anyway due to their age of only two days.
You lay in bed for the next half hour, dozing as the light of the day streamed in past your curtains, illuminating your still plainly decorated room. Annie had offered to take you shopping for more decor, but you had insisted on earning your own money and paying for your own decor.
“It’s not like I don’t have the extra cash, babe,” she told you, lips pulled back into a grimace as she watched you flit about the apartment.
“I’m serious, Annie,” you told her, glancing over your shoulder at her as you set the mop to the side. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate it, but I don’t want to take advantage of your kindness either.”
“How is it taking advantage if I’m offering?” She muttered with a scoff. You had shot her a warning look before placing your hands on your hips.
“I need to prove to myself that I can do this,” you sighed, feeling your shoulders slump.
“Alright, alright,” she relented, giving you an understanding smile. “But if I give you gifts, you have to accept them. It’s a law or something.”
You smiled fondly at the memory, pulling a pillow close to your chest, one of Annie’s many “gifts” as she called them. Your eyes flickered open with a stifled yawn before you lazily rolled over on to your feet. You padded out the door and down the hall to your shared bathroom, Annie’s soft snores filtering out past her closed door. Her job often kept her up until the early morning hours, and there were days where you were headed off to work just as she was walking through the door.
You brushed your teeth and got ready for the rest of the day, settling on a pair of faded jeans, a plain, white t-shirt underneath a beige cardigan and a pair of simple sneakers. You didn’t have much planned for the day, but you had been meaning to check out one of the bookstores downtown. Your groceries were getting low too, and you knew you’d have to go and get more soon, adding a trip to the grocery store to your list of things to do that day. You settled on the couch with a cup of tea, inhaling the aromatic steam that wafted up towards you as you turned on the TV, the news popping up to greet you. A string of violent crimes plagued the city, but you had slowly become accustomed to that news as well during your time there.
Eventually, you grew bored with the news, choosing instead to turn on the latest crime documentary from Netflix, the serious tones of the detectives and witnesses filling the quiet, morning air and lulling you back to a place somewhere between sleep and awake.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed when the sound of Annie’s door opening jolted you awake. You blinked, shuffling to sit up on the couch just as she trudged through the doorway, rubbing sleep from her eyes and looking around blearily.
“Wha’ time’s it?” She asked, voice thick with sleep as she rubbed her face. Her hair was sticking up every which way, her eyes still ringed with the tinges of last night’s makeup. You knew she must have had a particularly late night.
“Uh,” you started, glancing at the clock above the stove, “just before noon.”
“Shit!” She hollered out, eyes growing wide and panicked as she turned to sprint back into her room. You heard a commotion from her room before footsteps sounded in the hall, leading to the bathroom where the shower creaked to life, the spray hitting the tub. You sighed, hoisting yourself up off the couch to rinse your mug out in the sink. The shower didn’t run long, and soon you heard the creak of the valves turning off, soft thuds and movement coming from behind the door. Annie burst out, drying her hair furiously as she padded into her room wearing nothing but the small towel wrapped around her.
“Cannot believe I overslept,” she griped, her door closed just enough to provide herself some privacy as you waited in the kitchen.
“It’s a bit early for you to head down to the club, isn’t it?” You asked, brow furrowing. Usually, Annie didn’t head in for another couple of hours, and you heard her let out a huff as she appeared back in the kitchen dressed in a pair of jeans, fitted black top and matching heels. Even running late, she still looked immaculate.
“Bosses want us there extra early today to try out some new routines,” she explained.
“Bosses?” You frowned. “I thought your boss was Reuben?”
“He is,” she assured you, digging through her purse to make sure her keys were still inside. “But the big bosses are coming in today.”
“Who are the big bosses?” You asked, leaning over the counter. She paused, pressing her lips firmly together before giving you an uncertain look.
“No one you wanna get involved with, Mousie,” she said finally. “I mean, they’re nice enough guys, but…”
She trailed off, and the implication wasn’t lost on you. You offered her a tight smile, glancing at the stovetop clock once more before waving her off.
“You better get going before you’re even more late,” you warned, nodding to the time. She cursed again, shouting a quick “thanks” over her shoulder as she sped out the apartment, the door slamming closed behind her. You let out a sigh, rolling your eyes affectionately after her before grimacing at the apartment. Perhaps you would make it to that bookstore another time. For now, you settled on grabbing your own purse to go grocery shopping.
You had just made it back into the apartment when your phone buzzed. You settled the bags on top of the counter, your fingers aching with the strain of the multitude of bags before fishing your phone out of your bag. Annie’s name flashed across the top, and you quickly unlocked your phone before your eyes landed on the all too familiar words.
I forgot something at the apartment.
Could you grab it for me and bring it by the club pretty please? :(
You huffed out a laugh, typing out a quick response to let her know that of course you would bring whatever it was she forgot to the club for her.
You’re the best! Came her even quicker reply, and you just knew she had been pacing nervously backstage, biting her fingers in that terrible habit she had when she was nervous.
It���s a pair of silver heels and a hot pink boa. They should be on my desk chair. You can’t miss them!
You shook your head, noting how she herself missed them in her rush out the door this morning, but dutifully made your way to her room, pushing the door open as you stepped inside. Sure enough, the heels and the boa lay draped on top of the chair in question, and you quickly gathered them up in your arms to bring back into the kitchen. You grabbed your phone, firing off a quick reply.
I’ve gotta put groceries up really quick, but then I’ll head over. Give me about an hour?
Anything for you, Mouse! I owe you!
You laughed outright at that. This wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for your roommate, and you often found yourself making the trip down to the club to bring her something she forgot. You set your phone down and made fairly quick work of the groceries, storing the bags underneath the sink for later use. You grabbed your things before grabbing the heels and the boa, pausing to grab the box of cookies that still sat on the counter before making your way out the door and locking it behind you.
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It was about a twenty-minute train ride to the neighborhood where Annie worked, and you exited the subway with a squint as your eyes readjusted to the daylight. You walked a block south, coming upon the familiar, unassuming building with a sign that read “Mach 10” in a deep red scrawl across the top of the entrance. A man dressed in all black stood by the door, his face mean and intimidating with eyes hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses. You grinned up at him as you approached, and a hint of a smile pulled on his lips as he caught sight of you.
“Hey Tony,” you greeted, wiggling your fingers with the hand that held the heels and the boa. “How’s your day been?”
“It’s better now that you’re here, Mouse,” he chuckled, relaxing his posture somewhat. “I take it Annie forgot something again?”
“Yeah,” you shrugged, rolling your eyes playfully. “Name a time she hasn’t, you know?”
He laughed at that, his head resting against the brick of the building as he rolled his shoulders out.
“She used to tear out of here like a bat from hell before you came to town, ya know,” he grinned. “Wonder what she’s gonna do when you’re not around anymore to spoil her like this.”
“Well,” you started, “hopefully that won’t be for a while yet. Now, do you want a cookie before the others eat them all?”
“Thought you’d never ask,” he laughed, pushing off from the side of the building to peek into the box you held in your hand. He grabbed one, taking a bite and humming as you walked past him and into the building.
When you had first found yourself stepping into Annie’s work, you had been apprehensive, expecting a seedy, little hole in the wall with sticky floors and tacky decor. Instead, you were greeted with a clean, sultry business that Annie told you had earned a reputation of being the best in the city.
“It’s actually pretty classy,” she had told you when you first asked her about what she did for a living. “It’s a lot of high end clients that frequent there, and they tip pretty well too. It’s decent pay to begin with and the manager is a pretty good guy too.”
You had met Reuben on one of your first trips to the club, the handsome man not being at all what you expected from a manager. He was young, for one thing, hovering somewhere between mid-thirties and forty if you had to guess. He was dressed to the nines every time you saw him, a friendly smile always on his face as he greeted you. He was nowhere to be seen now as you strolled into the Hard Dark, voices filtering out from different areas of the large room and from backstage as your eyes swept the area.
There were no windows, the only lights coming from the artificial ones that hung overhead. The main color was black, a red carpet curving across the floor and red drapes hanging from off the walls with gold accents placed everywhere. It gave a feeling of old Hollywood, almost.
“There you are!”
You turned just as Annie rushed over to you, pulling you in for a tight hug. She pulled away, grabbing her heels and boa from you.
“You’re a lifesaver, Mousie!” She beamed, and you waved her off.
“I wasn’t doing much anyway,” you told her, shifting the box of cookies into your now free hand. “I brought the cookies too for everyone.”
“You’re so sweet, babe. Come hang out with us for a while,” she cooed, pulling you further towards the main stage. Familiar faces of the different staff greeted you as you walked through, several waving and others following you once they spotted the bright pink box in your hands. You often brought goodies from the bakery, making you an instant hit with the employees at the club.
“What did you bring for us today, Mouse?” Bryan, one of the bartenders called.
“Cookies!” You called back with a smile.
“You’re such a godsend, hun,” said Lindsey, one of the other dancers. “I never have time to go to this place before it closes.”
“One of the perks of being roomies with an employee there,” Annie grinned at her, swiping a cookie as you set the box down on the stage and opened the lid. Several others clambered toward the stage to snag a cookie before retreating and allowing the next wave in. You were so caught up in the conversations happening around you that you didn’t notice the figure come out from the back.
“What’s going on here?” A deep timber asked. You noticed Annie stiffen visibly beside you before turning your head to look at the newcomer. He was tall, brown hair curled against his forehead that pointed towards a pair of golden brown eyes. Scars littered the golden skin of his face, and you couldn’t help but notice the strong muscles that lay hidden beneath his dress shirt. Your lips twitched at the sight of the mustache that hung above his upper lip, but you quickly tamped it down as you took in the nervous faces around you. He swaggered over towards where you stood, the small crowd parting easily for him, and you had to tilt your head back just to meet his gaze.
“Shouldn’t you all be working?” He pointed out. His voice was light, playful even, but the underlying warning in his tone was palpable, and all but Annie and yourself hastened to get away. You swallowed slightly, shifting uneasily at the change in the atmosphere. Annie stood still next to you, not saying a word which was unlike her.
“And who might you be?” He asked, leaning against the stage with a smirk. “Think I would have remembered a pretty face like yours. You lookin’ for a job, hm?”
“She’s my roommate,” Annie replied before you could say anything. “She’s just stopping by to drop off a few things I forgot is all.”
“Is that so?” The man hummed, peeling his eyes away from you long enough to cast her an unreadable look before they shifted back to you. “So you’re the little mouse Reuben mentioned pops by from time to time, huh?”
“I guess,” you muttered, fingers playing with the hem of your shirt as you looked anywhere but at him. You felt his smirk grow as he leaned into you, his nose almost brushing yours in the process. You squeaked at the sudden proximity, eyes widening as the smell of his cologne encircled you, the scent of sandalwood, vanilla, and something woodsy ensnaring you as he spoke.
“My name’s Bradley, Mouse,” he murmured, lips curling into a sultry smile as he laced a finger through the loop of your jeans. “You gonna give me a taste?”
You had the distinct feeling that he wasn’t talking about the cookies that still sat on the stage. Without thinking, you grabbed the box, bringing it between you and Bradley, putting some distance between the two of you enough so that you could try to scramble for a coherent thought.
“Here,” you squeaked. Bradley looked stunned for a second, brown eyes wide as he looked from you, down towards the box. There was a moment of still silence before he tossed his head back with a loud laugh, one that caused several people nearby to jump. He looked back at you with a wicked grin, taking the box from your hand and putting it back on the stage with an added chuckle. He grabbed your waist, pulling you flush against him and bringing a hand up to cradle your face as he leaned down, his breath fanning over you.
“I might just have to keep you, honey,” he purred, eyes hooded as he drank you in. Your face warmed at the combination of his words and his hand around your waist that slowly started to wander.
“What are you doing, Rooster?”
You jumped at the new voice, turning your head with a gasp as your eyes landed on the stranger standing next to Reuben. His square jaw was clenched in what you could only assume was annoyance, narrowed, green eyes moving from Bradley down to you. His face softened slightly, brow arching as he took you in. You thought you saw his lips twitch in the hint of a smirk before neutrality settled over his features once more.
“Hey, Mouse!” Reuben greeted, his friendly demeanor almost unnerving. He acted as if you weren’t being held captive in the arms of a strange man, instead looking from you towards where Annie stood behind you. “I didn’t know you were stopping by today.”
“Annie forgot something,” you offered weakly, breath still ragged from how close Bradley still held you.
“Rooster,” the blond man spoke up, his voice commanding attention, “you’re scaring the poor thing. Why don’t you let her go?”
Bradley grunted but let you go slowly, shooting you a wink as you backed up a couple of steps. The blond man stepped forward, hands shoved into the pockets of his expensive looking pants as a slow smirk crawled onto his lips.
“So you’re the little mouse we’ve heard so much about,” he drawled, stopping just in front of you. You shrugged, not saying anything as you averted your gaze. The man arched a brow at you, taking a hand out of his pocket to place a finger underneath your chin, lifting it so that you met his emerald gaze.
“Words, darlin’,” he purred, something twinkling in his gaze as you looked at him. You swallowed thickly.
“Yes,” you replied, earning a hum. The man’s finger traced along your jaw before his hand cupped the side of your neck gently, almost possessively.
“Good girl,” he praised, and something inside of you unexpectedly preened at the words. He leaned forward, the smell of patchouli and a hint of citrus hitting your nose at the movement. His lips brushed against your ear as he murmured, “my name is Jake.”
A shiver ran up your spine, and you felt his lips curl into a grin at your reaction.
“Shouldn’t we be getting back to business?” Bradley snapped, looking put out as Jake withdrew from you. The blond snorted with a roll of his eyes as he stepped back towards his companions.
“Since when do you give a shit?” He asked, the challenge hollow as he kept walking, Reuben quick to fall in line behind him. Bradley frowned as he watched Jake walk past, a muscle twitching in his jaw. His eyes looked back at you, lips curving in a thoughtful smile before shooting you a wink and following his two companions.
You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding, Annie coming up behind you quickly.
“I am so sorry,” she cried, blue eyes big and sorrowful.
“Why are you sorry?” You asked with a snort, brushing your hands down your rumpled shirt. “They’re the ones who’ve never heard of personal space, apparently.”
“Babe, do you not realize who they are?” She asked, brow furrowing as she studied you, lips pursing as she shook her head.
“Of course you don’t,” she muttered, placing a hand on her forehead as she sucked in a breath. “God, I’m so fucking stupid sometimes. How could I forget to tell you one of the most basic things?”
“Annie, what are you talking about?” You asked, crossing your arms as a sinking feeling came over you. Her eyes snapped open as she looked at you with an uncharacteristically solemn expression.
“There’s a lot more to this city than you realize,” she told you. “There are groups always grabbing for power and control of it, and right now there are two who are going head to head: the Daggers and the Harpies. You just met the two men who are in charge of the Dagger syndicate, Mouse: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin and Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw. ”
Your heart sank, and your head involuntarily whipped around towards where the group of men walked off to. You spotted them sitting in one of the booths, Reuben talking animatedly about something or other, but your stomach did a flip as you realized that both Jake and Bradley were already looking at you. The blond arched a brow at you while the brunette waggled his fingers at you with a playful smirk. Annie followed your gaze, sighing before continuing.
“And it looks like you’ve gone and caught their eye.”
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A/N: Thought we might take a quick break from talking about Angel!Jake and go back to Mafia!Jake and Mafia!Bradley, and they're finally here! What do we think of them from our first meeting? As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated. If you would like to receive updates on when I post, please follow my sideblog (@sailoraviator-library) and turn on post notifications! You can also find my works on AO3 under the username sailor_aviator. Until next time!
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