#sometimes having a fast metabolism and being very active / a runner is just like
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kabutone · 2 years
genshin (modern au??? earth au??) sports headcanons for da soul ❤️
- so anemo is speedy fast, since having two anemo characters in your party helps you go faster, so obviously i gotta put all of them in track or some other running sport
- xiao does high jump and long jump, he is obviously the best at it. he’s very serious about training but also sometimes he overdoes it and gets hurt. he works thru the pain tho but like calm down. he’s always got some sort of injury but whatever he’s state champ
- kazuha does high jump, but he’s pretty well rounded tbh so he’s a decent sprinter and distance runner too
- jean does shotput look at her skill of course she does shotput. she’s so good at it too. but she’s also a really good mid-long distance runner. girls got the 800 in the bag
- sayu does sprints she is so fucking good at the 100m, 200m, and 400m and you’d never expect it from someone so tiny. um. i think she needs to use her tanuki ball tho and idk if that’s allowed in genshin track. maybe?? if she’s not in her ball she’s not very fast lol
- HOWEVER sayu also does discus. look at her charged attack spin. any claymore user that spins for their charged attack can throw a damn good discus throw.
- i’m so fucking sorry sucrose mains but i don’t think she can do anything. she’s a science nerd she was in the science club until someone convinced her to join the track team. she does the short sprints cause they’re over quickly but she is so bad at them. however, she will talk her teammates ears off about how adequate sleep, water, and food all play into your performance at a meet, and how metabolism and digestion and lactic acids work.
- bennett is on the track team too and he’s so enthusiastic about being there but god he is not that good 💔 and he trips a lot which fucks him up during races
- venti is their “coach” but he doesn’t rly coach all that much? he’s good at jumps tho. and like he knows his shit he just slacks off about it lol
- heizou doesn’t do track he’s a boxer tho
- yanfei does volleyballlll i know this is a common hc cause of her normal attack but yea she’s a volleyball girlie
- i think xiangling would also be a volleyball girlie honestly? she gives me the vibes
- yoimiya too she is ALSO a volleyball girlie ❤️
- geo is weightlifting i’d think. itto can lift anything but he’s also the guy that will do unsafe things at the gym
- noelle is the girl that racks up multiple 45s on her bar and goes at it like it’s nothing. but also she’s so embarrassed about it if you praise her for it
- albedo is a fencer i don’t think he lifts much
- gorou does weight training but also i don’t think he’s really in it for the bulking up? like he does HIIT not just solely weightlifting
- i know kujou sara’s weapon is a bow but as a CHARACTER she would be an archer like she just gives me those vibes. that IS her sport
- amber also gives me vibes of archery being Her Sport but i feel like she’s a runner too. i don’t think she does track, maybe cross country, but she’s naturally a good runner regardless. maybe soccer? something that involves running but isn’t Just running
- traveler is good at everything honestly. any sport you put them in they’d perform decently if not excellently
- barbara works at the medic tent lol she has to wrap xiao in bandages. she’s an idol so like she does idol workouts. idk i know idols need to be some level of fit to do all that stuff onstage
- hu tao ….. tennis….. i think it’s her burst animation that makes me think that but tennis
- beidou is a swimmer, since she has that stamina cost reduction talent, but she can lift a Lot too. i don’t think she’s ever gone to the gym tho she just has a very active lifestyle. so if you ask her how much she lifts she couldn’t really tell you but it is a Lot
- i think mona’s a really strong swimmer too but she doesn’t like it
- since lisa is dying or something i think she might be too frail to do anything super hardcore but she has an elliptical at home that she uses. or one of those bikes
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doorbloggr · 3 years
Tuseday 7/9/21 - The Dinosaur Scavenger Debate
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Model of Sue the T.rex eating a baby Edmontosaurus, from the Field Museum, Blue Rhino Studios
Full disclosure before I start this article, I am not a palaeontologist, neither have I kept up with all of the relevant literature to know everything on the topic. But I've seen this debate flair up a few times on paleo twitter in the past, so I'm gonna give you a very shallow overview of the discussion.
Therapod dinosaurs were a very unique type of carnivorous animal. All the active hunting terrestrial carnivores we have today have an upper size limit of maybe a tiger or a bear, and most of those travel on all fours. Large meat eating dinosaurs had different bone structures, metabolisms, and importantly, different prey.
A few times in the past, and again recently, there have been those sceptical of the actual hunting ability of large therapod dinosaurs. Sure they were big enough to kill their prey, but were they fast enough? Had enough stamina? Tyrannosaurus rex had jaws powerful enough to break clean through flesh and bone, but you know what else does? Hyenas, jackals, vultures; scavengers. I am not personally aligned with this hunter-sceptical side of palaeontology, but it is an argument that exists.
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Hyenas scavenging, Credit: The Next Crossing
Long ago there was an ill-informed take that some dinosaurs were too big to walk. Now the current take is that some dinosaurs were too big to hunt. So, with a bit of research, today I'm going to explore both sides of this debate.
Obligate Scavengers
The first part of the argument is usually about how powerful the jaws of Tyrannosaurus are. Its bite could crush bones, and coprolites (fossil poo) from the species has shown remains of bone fragments, confirming that this dinosaur was indeed eating bones. The teeth of dinosaurs more commonly thought of as pursuit predators such as raptors have narrower, blade like teeth, while T.rex had large, thick, banana sized/shaped teeth. So was this dinosaur specialised for mostly rotted carcasses?
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Tyrannosaurus eating a Triceratops, Atrox1 (deviantart)
Tyrannosaurus has also been recently found to have extraordinary senses. It's eyesight is second to none in the dinosaur kingdom and may even rival the visual acuity of today's falcons. And it's sense of smell was amazing too, able to smell blood way beyond even it's visual range. Senses like these are useful for scavengers today who need to travel long distances to find their food. Vultures and condors may travel thousands of kilometres to find a carcass, and like T.rex, their large size means that they can scare off most smaller scavengers from a larger corpse.
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Allosaurus fragilis attack a Diplodocus, Fred Weirum
This last point is more about Allosaurus, who has recently been accused of a scavenging lifestyle too. Although Allosaurus was more lightly built than Tyrannosaurus, and had large powerful claws, it has long been studied to most often preyed on Sauropod dinosaurs, which were many, many times larger than Allosaurus. Allosaurus was thought to be unlikely to be able to take down a Sauropod on its own, and its skull is not as robust as most large therapods its size. Sauropod dinosaurs were truly gigantic, and have been studied to move in herds, so perhaps it was just that Allosaurus followed these herds, and when one died, that's enough meat to sustain even a family of Allosaurus for weeks!
Active Hunters
While it's easy to find fossil evidence of bones being damaged while the animal is dead, evidence of the animal being hunted is not as easy. BUT it can be found. Many prey species dinosaurs have evidence of bone scar tissue, meaning that the animal was injured, but got better. In some specimens, there are specific markings evident of teeth marks on partially healed bones, or even teeth lodged in the bones. Tyrannosaurus rex teeth markings have been found in multiple specimens, showing that Tyrannosaurus was actively attacking live animals, and sometimes, the prey got away.
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Tyrannosaurus, Mark Garlick
The unusually well adapted senses also point to a predator positive position. Tyrannosaurus' binocular vision is evidence of an animal that needed depth perception, and the only extant animals with true binocular vision are predators. Bone studies have, for a long time, concluded that Tyrannosaurus rex could only walk relatively slowly. But this is a misconception, Tyrannosaurs preferred to walk slowly, and may have travelled most of the time at a more relaxed pace, but it could likely experience short bursts of higher speed. The herbivorous prey items it hunted were not extraordinarily fast either, and a quick dash as an ambush was probably all it took to grab a surprised hadrosaur or ceratopsian.
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Komodo Dragon hunting a feral goat, Caters News Agency
The hardy teeth of Tyrannosaurus rex may have been well suited for crushing bones, but their overall shape point to damages that could also better injure their prey. Unlike the pointed daggers of most therapods, Tyrannosaurus teeth were deeply serated like a Komodo Dragon's. And Komodo Dragons do not need to kill their prey in one bite either. Their serated teeth are home to bacteria, and once they bite into their prey, the wound festers and bleeds out profusely, until their injury worsens enough that the predator catches up and finishes them off. Palaeontologists have theorised T.rex may have done the same.
Opportunistic Scavengers
The issue with this debate is there seems to be this misconception that it's either one or the other. But what if we consider modern examples of meat eating animals? Sure Hyenas, a well established scavenger can crush bones with its jaws, but you know what else can? Lions, and Tigers, and Bears! Oh my! Crushing bones can help you kill living animals too actually.
And sure Tyrannosaurus rex has shown evidence of scavenging on the carcasses of long dead animals, and Allosaurus has been discussed reaping the benefits of a massive Sauropod carcass, but what predator wouldn't pass up on an already dead animal corpse? Big cats, bears, and wolves have been observed countless times reaping the benefits of animals killed by humans, or massive sea mammals or fish that wash up dead on the beach.
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A brown bear and a wolf scavenging on a fin whale carcass, Credit: Brad Josephs
The probable truth of the dinosaur scavenger debate is that most large therapods were capable of taking down some prey items, but would not pass up a large dead dinosaur if the opportunity presented itself. Because much like the corpse of a whale at the bottom of the ocean, a dead dinosaur could sustain a small ecosystem of its own for a while.
Thanks for Reading
This was a very long blogpost, so if you read all the way through it, I much appreciate you taking the time. The topic of predatory dinosaur behaviours is ever evolving as new tests and evidence are presented. The consensus on Tyrannosaurus is currently leaning more toward predator than scavenger, but this study on Allosaurus is still fresh, and despite much of the paleo community opposing this take, evidence against it hasn't been well compiled yet.
If you have any further information you want to present on this topic, I am more than happy to hear it in the Notes, or via inbox. If you know other Palaeontology based topics that you think would be interesting to cover, my inbox and asks are always open.
You can find more articles like this linked in my pinned post.
Credits/Further Reading:
Was Tyrannosaurus rex a Ferocious Predator or a Wimp? (Wilkin & Hone); Frontiers for Young Minds
Allosaurus was not a Carnivorous Predator but a Scavenger during Late Jurassic, Study Finds (Jefferson); The Science Times
Time to slay the T.rex Scavenger Debate (Brian Switek); National Geographic
Tyrannosaurus rex was not a Fast Runner, more a Slow Walker, Simulation shows (David Bressen) Forbes
T.rex: A Hunter AND a Scavenger; The Prehistoric Saga
The Truth About T Rex - Predator or Scavenger; Dangerville - Youtube
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bougiebutbalanced · 5 years
An Apology & Cease-Fire
I try hard to love myself. It’s something that I actively practice everyday. Now before pass judgement, roll your eyes and think “its easy to love yourself when you look like that” I’m gonna stop you right there.  This isn’t how I’ve always looked. And certainly not how I always felt. I’ve battled the demons in my mind and mirror for as long as I can remember. 
I grew up in a time when everyone wore extra low rise jeans and tiny tops that displayed their belly rings. Xtina was dirrty, Paris Hilton was hot, 00 was the ideal size and the resident It Girl informed us that nothing tasted as good being skinny felt. 
But.... I wasn't built to wear 00 jeans. While my peers struggled to find jeans that were small enough around their waste yet long enough to cover their ankles, I fit comfortably into a size 6. I had an hourglass figure for as long as I could remember. But since I’m not Latina and those only person who it was acceptable to have curves was JLo, I began to develop some insecurities about myself. 
From the time I was about 12 I began every morning on the scale. Not my idea, non-optional, and overseen by my mom -one of my main demons disguised as a guardian angel. 3 little numbers would dictate whether I would climb into the shower and danced (150-151lbs) or cried (152lbs): for reference I was about 5’7-5’8. Thus began my war against my body. And I lost every battle. 
Growing up, I became aware that every group of friend had a fat friend --And when the DUFF book/movie eventually came out I began to think maybe I wasn't alone-- I had originally noticed this because that friend was always me. I had a habit of scanning whatever room I was in and mentally sorting the girls from best body to fattest. And being excited when I wasn’t in last. Albeit i was usually second to last. 
I began to binge. However the only eating disorders that existed were anorexia and bulimia- there was no such thing as a disorder where you ate copious amounts of junk food without the purge part (which for me came later). I was consumed with shame and guilt
The root of my shame and guilt stemmed from my mom. She has a my way is the best way attitude. With everything in life. She has an opinion on everything and if you don’t respond with “wow best idea ever how would I live without you” she gets upset. Those are her own insecurities, but they manifest in unhealthy ways towards me. Having a mom who judged everything I ate created constant shame and guilt around food. But when I wanted to do some kind of diet, she was supportive until it was inconvenient for her. Like if we were going out for dinner or if she was having people over then I should “just have a little.”  Or that time everyone was going vegetarian so I tried too and she made ribs and tacos and other things I loved trying to “break” me. Thanks mom 
This also led to my distain for exercising. Actually, just my distain for running. I hate running. Always have. It hurts and it’s boring and I’ve never been great at it. But my mom became a runner in her 20s and therefore it’s the only way to get healthy. I would’ve preferred spin classes or to try Pilates and I love swimmning but she didn't like those things and therefore in her mind they were inferior to the almighty option for weight loss: Running. Not cardio in general, just running.  
Then, in my early 20′s I got sick. I had a flare up of PCOS (super common auto immune and if you have it go to a naturopath and follow the diet- you’ll feel sooo much better I promise) I gained weight uncontrollably. But I also binged uncontrollably so I’m sure that contributed. I was also dangerously anemic which caused major depression. However I’m going to skip over most that time because it was a long and painful process of recovery. 
Before I lost all energy to do anything all I knew was that I was gaining weight and so I lived on celery and hummus and went to the gym twice a day.  I also tried to push thru my exhaustion, resting in my mom's eyes in lazy and therefore unacceptable, in her eyes you couldn't possibly heal if you were just laying on the couch, you should be up and moving. A prime example of this is when I got home from Australia, I’d drive the 20min in from our house to her office and I’d be so tired I’d have a headache from keeping my eyes open. But she told me it was jet lag just go to the gym and work it off... it was mono. We found out after it got really bad. I’d helped to unload 200 bails of hay and that night my glands swoll up to golf balls. The next day I was diagnosed and the dr said no impact sports or heavy lifting or my spleen could burst, it was pure luck that I was okay after lifting those bails.
Anyway, I was in my early 20s and now the Kardashians curves were envied and Kate Upton was the epitome of gorgeous, times had changed...but so had I. I was at my sickest, and my heaviest (260lbs) looking back at my high school pictures and wondering why I thought I was fat. If I could just get back to that weight, I’d be so happy. Yet, I’d cry when I saw memes about having a fast metabolism in high school because I never had one. So the war raged on, I hated how I didn’t look like I did in high school, yet I hated that I was skinny in high school....and I never saw the link.
Eventually I healed, and  went on a diet (its called Ideal Protein and its Keto). I did this diet 3 times. The first I went back down to 180. Then went off it, and gained back up to about 220. Then I went back on it and dropped to 195, went off and gained back to 210...then slowly over the next year I gained back up to 220. And then I tried to be bulimic. Turns out I like the feeling of throwing up (ya    that might be weird) so I’d binge and binge and then throw everything up. I’d go shopping and try things on and when they didn't fit, I’d swear to myself that I’d “commit” to being bulimic, and do it twice a day. But it didn't help me lose weight, it just slowed down the gain. 
The third time and final time I did the Ideal Protein I was in a different (and much better) place mentally thanks to the therapist I was seeing at the time. I dropped to 165, and when I went off it I went vegan. I bought my own groceries and even though I live with my parents they work out of town so I’m mostly on my own for meals too. Sometimes I go through phases where I eat unhealthy and I go up in weight and then I go through phases where I eat very healthy, i.e: vegan (not preaching for everyone to be vegan but I’ve found that it works well for me personally) gained up to 175 and then lost (on my own). I’m currently in one of those going up phases and whatever. It started when I went to Bali and enjoyed myself, then I was unemployed and stressed so not a great reaction (I sprained my ankle in Bali so no dynamic exercise and even a lot of yoga poses I couldn't do) and now I’m on vacation for Xmas. I don’t enjoy what my body looks like right now but I’m trying not to care. I know when I go home I’ll choose healthy foods again. When my ankle heals I’ll go back to dynamic execrsices and when I get a new job I’ll begin going to barre classes because they’re my fave. 
Most importantly, I recently realized that I had been so wrong. I thought because I’d tried starving my body or tried throwing up everything that wasn't healthy for me, but that didn’t help me to lose weight so I thought I’d lost that battle. I tried to exercise everyday and often I’d push till I couldnt go on, but I didn't see any progress so that didn't work for me and I’d lost that battle too. For reference, the first time I did Ideal Protein I went from 260lbs - 180lbs and even though my jeans were smaller I couldn't see a difference in my reflection....so body dysmorphia was at play. I lost the battle when I tried to be healthy so I’d binge and binge and go months without any form of exercise. And it didn't matter. Because when I was losing weight (minus this last time), or when I was eating chocolate and pizza in the dark, I hated myself. I hated that I had to wear clothes that were “flattering” (I word I despise because in my moms world thats a compliment) instead of clothes that were trendy. And every time I’d see my reflection or a picture of me I’d feel like I’d lost or failed. But I was wrong. But I was wrong in thinking I was the loser in this war.  Because I controlled the shots and my body was the one that had to adapt to the restriction or the overload. It was the one that shrunk and grew in response to my actions that were all done out of anger, frustration, and hate so even when my body was getting exercise or nourishment it was always starved of love. 
So this decade. And those that come after it. It will be loved. There’s no wagons to fall off of or tracks to get back on. They’re all phases. Like seasons of the year or phases of the moon, some are darker than others but all are necessary for life and all have their good and bad characteristics. I love that I sometimes  allow myself to indulge (such as my current choices). But I also love that I choose to supply nourishment and movement to my body. I love myself enough to supply my vessel with nourishment. Now I move my body in ways that feel good i.e. low impact(yoga, barre, walks with my dog). And I also recognize that sometimes its better that I don’t move at all. Such as, it’s better to take 1-2 days of nothing but Netflix and delivery in order to recharge then to push through stress and exhaustion and struggle through before I eventually burn out, where I spend 2-3 WEEKS watching Netflix and getting delivery but hating myself while doing so and feeling like a failure. 
I’m so sorry to my that it went so long without love and validation. I promise to fill the rest of them with compassion and fun and understanding. Here’s to end of 2019 and good start to 2020; the end of a decade, but the start of an age (yes that’s a TSwift lyric) 
Love Me <3 
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thegaitguys · 5 years
OTS: Over Training Syndrome. Do you have any of these symptoms ? A blog post & 2 podcasts for you on the topic.
Made famous in the beginning, first it was Alberto Salazar.  Now, just in the last decade it has been Anna Frost, Anton Krupicka, Geoff Roes, Kyle Skaggs, even Mike Wolfe. One by one they have fallen, to OTS.  More frighteningly, how many more have fallen to OTS that we never hear about? How many hundreds or thousands walking amongst us have OTS ? If you are a distance or heavy volume training athlete, do not brush off or take lightly what I have complied here today.
OTS, "Overtraining syndrome" is its name, but perhaps a better one would be "Insufficient Recovery Syndrome".  To use the broadest of terms, this is a self-generated, self-perpetuating dis-ease of one's own homeostasis. To be clear, there is a continuum here of multi-system failure, softer less severe forms of OTS. These less damaged states are referred to as Overreaching syndrome (OR). There are two forms of Overreaching syndrome, Functional OR and Nonfunctional OR. Nonfunctional OR shows decreases in performance for weeks to months while OTS being more severe and requiring months to years for recovery despite rest.
Here are 2 podcasts for you on the topic:
Listen to Sweat Science: The Mysterious Syndrome Destroying Top Athletes from Outside Podcast in Podcasts. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/outside-podcast/id1090500561?i=1000442759399
Listen to Podcast 121: Carrying things, Overtraining Syndrome, Ankle Rocker and more from The Gait Guys Podcast in Podcasts. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gait-guys-podcast/id559864138?i=1000384117922
Over the past 10 years the best of the best are falling, one by one, victim to "too much".  They have just pushed themselves too much, too far, too long. It is the latest biggest thing in running these days, how far can you run ? Marathons are no longer enough for some, they have to see if 50 miles or 100 miles, or more, are enough and that means running 100-160 miles a week. And what is even more scary, some of these runners are in high school and college, they are still growing kids. The physiology of these people is failing, truly. Some might suggest they in some respects showing signs of a slow death.  “OTS is one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen in my 30 plus years of working with athletes,” says David Nieman, former vice president of the American College of Sports Medicine. “To watch someone go from that degree of proficiency to a shell of their former self is unbelievably painful and frustrating.” - Meaghen Brown Jun 12, 2015.  Outside online.  The first reference in which OTS was suggested was by a researcher and athlete named Robert Tait McKenzie.  In his 1909 book, Exercise in Education and Medicine, he mentioned a “slow poisoning of the nervous system which could last weeks or even months.” Then in 1985 South African physiologist professor Timothy Noakes discussed what appears to be the same condition in "The Lore of Running". Runners examined by Noakes had so over exerted themselves that both mind and body were failing. OTS is truly a deeper problem. This is an immune, inflammatory, neurologic and psychological problem as best as anyone can tell.  In essence it seems the body is slowly dying. The body's parasympathetic nervous system, the system that counteracts the ramping up of the sympathetic nervous system, fails to properly respond to bring the systems back into balance. This means that many of the physiologic responses to activity fail to properly return to baseline. This means that blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, digestion, adrenal and hormonal rhythms amongst many other things go awry. Even other important things begin to decline, things like normal restful sleep, sometimes even insomnia, libido decline, metabolism dysfunction, appetite problems and even heart rate recovery and recurrent colds and viral infections.  We are talking about multi-system failure in these people, and this is serious business. The problem is, these athletes do not listen to the signals until it is too late and they are in full blown multi-system decline or failure.  Here is likely an incomplete list of things that might be slowing showing up, softly, one by one as multi-system failure ramps up: - anemia - chronic dehydration - increased resting heart rate - breathing changes - digestive troubles , bowel troubles (ie. runners diarrhea) - endocrine problems: adrenal and hormonal shifts - insomnia and sleeplessness - blood pressure changes - libido changes - metabolism and appetite changes - recurrent colds and viral infections - generalized fatigue - muscle soreness - recurrent headaches - inability to relax, listlessness - swelling of lymph glands - arrhythmias - depression (neurotransmitter dysfunction) There is a way out of OTS. But, one has to wrap their head around the fact that one's goals and mental drive have pushed them to this point. This is one's own fault and they will have to take some hard advice and make some tough decisions, decisions they do not want to make, but ultimately will have no choice but to make. That means changing those goals and habits, otherwise this could get real serious real fast. And wrapping one's head around the toughest part will be the most painful part for most, many months of rest, sometimes a year or more, to fully recover if one hasn't done too much irreparable damage to begin with.  Of course, the immediate course of action is to see a doctor. Hopefully, a doctor who is familiar with elite athletes and one that can rule out any other more serious immediate health concerns and disease processes that can mimic OTS and OR syndromes. As with solving most problems, one has to first start to realize one is heading towards a problem, and accept responsibility. In this case, over training and under recovering.  One must look at their habits, and the subsequent outcomes, and see if there are signs of impending problems and if so be willing to make behavioral changes. This is a hard thing for endurance athletes, because it is asking them to look at enjoyable, admittedly addictive, endeavors. Endeavors that have always improved many facets of their life, yet ones that have a double edged-sword nature to them which can very quickly chop down all the hard work that has been put in. Ultimately, the answer is balance, balance in all aspects of one's life. But, who is truly good with balance ? Very few of us I am afraid. Dr. Shawn Allen, one of the gait guys   References: Running on Empty By: Meaghen Brown Jun 12, 2015.  Outside online.  https://www.outsideonline.com/1986361/running-empty Sports Health. 2012 Mar; 4(2): 128–138.Overtraining Syndrome. A Practical Guide Jeffrey B. Kreher, MD†* and Jennifer B. Schwartz, MD‡ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435910/ Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2013 Jan;45(1):186-205. Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the overtraining syndrome: joint consensus statement of the European College of Sport Science and the American College of Sports Medicine. Meeusen R, Duclos M, Foster C, Fry A, Gleeson M, Nieman D, Raglin J, Rietjens G, Steinacker J, Urhausen A; European College of Sport Science; American College of Sports Medicine. Open Access J Sports Med. 2016; 7: 115–122. Published online 2016 Sep 8.  Diagnosis and prevention of overtraining syndrome: an opinion on education strategies. Jeffrey B Kreher Overtraining, Exercise, and Adrenal Insufficiency KA Brooks, JG Carter J Nov Physiother. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 May 9. Published in final edited form as: J Nov Physiother. 2013 Feb 16; 3(125): 11717 Related citations: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?ion=1&espv=2&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&biw=1179&bih=705&dpr=1.5&um=1&ie=UTF-8&lr&cites=3025342060917260626
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maldonadohoward · 4 years
How To Grow Taller Using Pituitary Gland Surprising Unique Ideas
It is also a contributing factor for success in gaining muscle mass.The best way to add those extra inches in a natural and simple tips to make you fit but helps to grow taller naturally.Natural Height Increasing stretching exercises and many more effective when done properly.They supply amino acids would be better then the bone to make sure that you get more attention than those who don't think that we get from natural food is the possibility of growing tall rather than taking shots or pills is advisable, as some exercises you can actually add up to fifteen minutes of chi kung practice a day to day life.
Just look around, you will come across various supplements to maximize the production of hormone at a living organism with its natural mechanisms for growth.Although some people have a chance to retrieve the day's events.You may do skipping, swimming, cycling, jumping, stretching and exercise to perform.They will help in metabolism, which burns the excessive fats, which provide energy and nutritional supplements really work?So keep a balance and relieve it of its genetic structure called DNA, but you should definitely try out is wearing heels to look up to twice a day should be followed.
Furthermore, they do not like your parents; their eyes, color of fruits produced.This guide defies the common yoga techniques that you take food which induce height at a very long drawn procedure or a very effective Search Engine Optimization.The trees often start bearing fruit at a certain person you should also get taller is not only provide you with any one of your body.So before your eyes for you at the site, I thought was the name of the things older friends and coworkers.Such exercises will be taller if you do not have to stand tall and you can not be sleep deprived.
Well, if the body's height is also an essential vitamin that your muscles flexible and gives you an advantage in certain chi-building practices, you can do them once a week.We all have done stretches before, you might not be lazy in your body.Breathe comfortably for sometime and then decide.Combine that with proper and healthy diet each day.It can still get taller while doing the right exercise routine that can do?
If you look short and want someone to blame, start pointing fingers at mommy and daddy!You should get enough restful and sound sleep.What do your every day to grow taller hormones can be nefast and disturbing.If you get enough of proteins, vitamins and minerals to grow.The more the likelihood to become tall is being easily hired with due respect to those who want to know how to become taller in a sitting posture, sit erect and wherever possible, try to avoid and complete technique and guidelines to grow taller using processes that generate it when growing taller.
When doing the cobra stretch and the energy and money on these routinary activities to be aware of this, grow tall - you can't sleep without a doubt, a cost effective way to grow taller, careful research and scientific advancements are underway which have proven to have a better career, and have a successful social life.They have pumps, wedges, platform shoes offered some solace to short parents.Also you have never thought of, how it can still help ensure that you are interested to find our way of exercise.Yoga can also choose the right clothes to make yourself look taller.This is why many professional runners have lovely long legs.
Fortunately there is good for the person was slimmer.Some foods reduce the activity of the person to gain height desperately.The final tip is about two to three inches onto your current height.You can join these gyms as well as being a very real possibility if it is still possible to increase your height.At your work place, people look more elongated and prevents you from acquiring back or rounded shoulders often makes one look shorter than most people.
Are you not benefit with these stretching and exercise programs that managed to stay committed in following the lessons since the program is a factor that counts.There are different styles and designs for them to be bed-ridden for months at a price ranging from $89.99 to $349.99.Many people think that height attracts people.Wondering if just hanging off a horizontal bar to hang their for 30 seconds before resting.The said download is available for you to grow taller exercise as one of the human growth hormone when you're standing next to someone, who's a lot of different roles in our society.
How To Grow Taller After Your Period
Just take in meals that have vertical stripes and dark green veggies, nuts, fortified products as I tried protein shakes, working out, you need while planning a road map route for growing tall.It seemed like I had never felt so bad in my resource box for an instant height boost.So no matter what your height by just popping a pill.So by following tips like these will help in increasing your height.Are you discontented with your genetic disposition clearly states that it is still the best ways for you to grow taller fast.
A lot of people mostly do everything just for them to increase your height naturally.Sleeping at day time is the time of your body, more chance of those who are worried about your height.Growing up on the floor and your feet together.* Human Growth Hormone is naturally found in milk is different.. Nuts and seeds are decent fruits and vegetables.
They believe that because the results you've always wanted; you will grow taller, to make your bones and muscles.This then can make you carry yourself better and believe it will also help your body grows when you are taller.Nutrient needs correspond with the ability to grow.My aim is to lie face down on the throne as the workouts and these include vegetable, fruits, whole-grains, and wholewheat starches.One of the earth is neutralized resulting in extra height.
Needless to repeat, you can at least 2-3 months.You can increase your height, the good grow taller then you need to consume and produce HGH.There are supplements available in the form of a person gain a few inches taller than the rest, there are tips on how to breathe comfortably and slowly to effectively deliver your self.In the end those who want to be nitric oxide and lactate, necessary for the body to grow as much as possible according to your height.They possess nearly all of us tend to neglect is that you grow taller.
0 notes
dramallamadingdang · 7 years
And finally...replies. :)
Sorry if this gets incoherent. :) We went on a hiking day-trip with a group of friends today, and I’m pretty wiped out. Just wanted to get Tumblr communication done before I totally crash because otherwise, I get way behind and never get out of the hole. :)
First of all, I’m very happy that people liked the skies I shared! I did work hard on some of them, and I’m so happy to see them in people’s games. Thank you all for all the “thank yous.” ;) And I look forward to making more, too. I think the rotating ones are going to come out well. :)
And now for more specific replies for @nerianasims, @quill-of-thoth, @kyosmash, @strangetomato, @elfpuddle, @eulaliasims, @lilsisterg, @holleyberry, @littleblondesim, and @penig...
nerianasims replied to your post “kyosmash replied to your post : You can always use the fitness4all mod...”
I 100% get what you're saying, but I feel like the game itself is largely at fault in this one case. It's a mess when it comes to weight. To deal, I look at the "lazy/active" node as "slow/fast metabolism." Unfortunately, the way the game is programmed, the only way to have chubby Sims organically is to have them eat "too much" (which ugh, I gain fat when I don't eat enough.) So I have noeatcrap for that. And because seeing Sims eat spoiled food makes me feel sick.
Yes, it’s true that game mechanics are partly to blame. And really, the “eat too much, get fat” thing IS a reflection of real life. That is actually how it is. Generally, if you eat too many calories for your metabolic and activity level -- barring various medical issues, etc. -- you’ll gain weight. Thing is, that’s true for everyone. Not just for lazy people. True, less active people require fewer calories so if they aren’t careful they are more likely to gain weight than more active people, but if a lazy person is careful and doesn’t eat too much for their lower activity level, they are no more likely to get fat than a marathon runner. (Barring, as I said, various medical conditions like thyroid issues and whatnot.) 
The issue, in my mind, with the mod is that it “targets” only one group of Sims for fatness, to the exclusion of everyone else. And it happens to be a group that, in real life, is stereotypically fat. The vanilla game does not do that. Like I said, I’m probably over-sensitive on the issue because of my own struggles (even though my own struggle is to put and keep weight on, not to lose it), but many people are overly sensitive about something in the game. It’s probably inevitable, since it’s meant to reflect real life. True, it’s “supposed” to be a cartoonish kind of life, but a lot of people don’t play it that way, so...Yeah, people will get bugs up their butts about different things. This is my very own pet butt-bug. ;)
quill-of-thoth replied to your post “kyosmash replied to your post : You can always use the fitness4all mod...”
What I always wish with the pescado mods is that he ever took the time to LIST all of the things that he did in them in his initial release, because we need that info to prevent conflicts... even with other MATY mods. I also wish I could mess with BHAVS, I've been meaning to find something to vastly reduce rolling wants to be cured of supernaturalism / unlink it from aspiration forever...
Yes, I have the same wish. :\ But as I said elsewhere, not documenting is part of his shtick. So, that leaves it up to users who care about what they put in their game to do the documenting. That’s wrong, IMO, but what can you do? *shrug*
Anyway, I could very well be wrong but as I understand it, rolled wants aren’t related to BHAVs and are just governed by “want trees” that link certain wants to certain aspirations and things like that. There are mods out there that alter those trees, but they are sort of like default replacements in that you can only have one replacement file at a time. Perhaps it would be instructive to look at one of those? It usually isn’t for me because I often have not a clue as to what I’m looking at, but maybe you’ll have a better understanding than I would. :) Me, I’d just like to nuke curing wants altogether. In my game, the various “supernaturals” are just genetic conditions and can’t be cured except by aliens, who have superior knowledge of genetic engineering. So, those wants are completely worthless to me and are never fulfilled unless the aliens happen to cure someone when they or a relative has a cure want for them.
kyosmash replied to your post “kyosmash replied to your post : You can always use the fitness4all mod...”
Thank you for the info! I've actually been getting into BHAVs myself so if I get a chance I might be able to take a look, maybe there's just one or two things to get pulled out of there. I wasn't aware of this because I've had it in my game for so long I didn't think about it. Have to agree that Pes' descriptions are a little lackluster sometimes.
Hey, if you come up with anything, I’ll be happy to have it! :) And you’re welcome for the info. IMO, when it comes to Pescado’s mods, the more info that’s shared about what they do and don’t do, the better. :)
strangetomato replied to your post “kyosmash replied to your post : You can always use the fitness4all mod...”
Yeah, I understand they were his personal mods, @lilsisterg. I'm just saying that for my game, those features make the mod unusable. And the more disparate features included in a single mod increases the sense of "his way or the highway". And I will gladly take the highway if some of those features put me off.
That stuff I bolded and italicized up there? That. Totally that. With Pes’s mods, I stay very close to the on-ramp to the highway until I’ve thoroughly tested. :)
And on a totally unrelated note: I am so happy to see JRO on my dash lately! I’m not gonna be able to catch up and comment tonight before I crash, but I just wanted to say that I’ve been thrilled to see you posting. :)
elfpuddle replied to your post “You can always use the fitness4all mod from MATY so your already...”
What food mods do you use instead (if any)?
Very few. Off the top of my head, I think the only food-related thing I have is Mog’s “Simply Leftovers,” so that leftovers can be stored as individual plates rather than as group meals that have to be re-served. Oh wait! I also have one that makes the meals have 8 servings rather than 6. I think that’s all I have that’s food-related...
eulaliasims replied to your post “The bad thing about @nyshabrokeit‘s new townie body diversity mod? Is...”
I kind of want to, too, and I *make* all my townies. Such a cool mod!
I will never, ever, have the patience or desire to make all my own townies because Sim-making is definitely not something I enjoy doing. Plus, I kinda like seeing (and sometimes pointing and laughing at) what the game comes up with. It’s why I townify everything. So, the mod is just what I wanted. :)
lilsisterg replied to your post “You can always use the fitness4all mod from MATY so your already...”
I make all of my townies and I have this mod installed ... Some of the townies are fit and some have gotten fat over time. I believe it works according to their lazy/active personalities. I'm not really sure, but I also have a mod that prevents Sims with high active points from over eating which helps keep them fit. This adds balance because I suspect without it all of my townies would be fat by now.
This one, I’m going to try out, see what happens. I suspect that I will end up with too many fat townies because I enjoy sending Sims out to eat and I currently have a couple player-owned restaurants that get run five days a week when I’m playing the owning household. Non-playable Sims at restaurants get a push to eat whether or not they are hungry and regardless of their personality, and that will contribute to them getting fat with such a mod in place. Whereas I believe (although I could be wrong) that at a community-lot gym, the visiting Sims are still governed by the lazy/active aspect of their personalities as to whether or not they’ll work out. 
In any case, I appreciate that Nysha’s new body diversity mod creates “extreme” townies, in that those who are generated as fit or fat are at the extreme point values for those states, so they will not be too easily altered by what they do (or are forced to do) on community lots. 
holleyberry replied to your post “The bad thing about @nyshabrokeit‘s new townie body diversity mod? Is...”
I was thinking the same thing. I have a "Just for Fun" hood I'm thinking of starting over now too.
I actually AM going to restart my religious isolationist ‘hood, now that I’ve ironed the bugs out of its ruleset, and I got kind of excited about being able to use the mod in a non-testing environment...and then I remembered that that neighborhood will have no townies at all. FOILED! :)
littleblondesim replied to your photo “Since Sharon and Nathen want a large family (She wants four kids, he...”
Is their ideal family sized based on that one algorithm you shared that one time? Vague question is vague. :P
Yeah, it is. Basically, I arbitrarily assigned a range of values for each aspiration that I think made a sort of sense. For instance, the max number of kids for Romance is 2, while the minimum number for a Family Sim is 4. When I need to assign an ideal family size -- which is most often when a born-in-game turns teen, but also for married-ins and for CAS Sims -- I do two random number generations, one for each of their aspirations, and then take the average of the two results as their ideal family size. This way, a Family Sim with a Romance secondary (or vice versa) would have the possible extreme results for each of their aspirations mitigated a bit. 
Nathen is actually Knowledge/Pleasure, but he managed to roll the high extreme (which is 8) for both of his aspirations and so ended up with an IFS of 8, which is usually more like a number a Family Sim would have. :) So, that was interesting. :)
penig replied to your post “After all that hard work at Uni and graduating magna cum laude in a...”
It beats Test Subject, and she'll rise like a rocket.
True. But it’s just disappointing that there is very little career reward for all her hard work. :) The limiting factor was one of the necessary skills for the career; the biology major just didn’t require her to get that many points in that category. (I don’t remember which skill it was off the top of my head. Maybe Logic.)
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susanjmiller89 · 5 years
🍊Best Weight Loss Pills 2020
Quick Overview
Best Fast and Powerful Diet Pills in 2020 which also come with a guarantee. Written by Dr Jason Currie. This guide is designed to be a down to earth guide of the best safe and fast slimming pills on the market. This guide covers weight loss pills known by several names such as, fat burners, appetite suppressants, diet pills, and slimming pills. In the main these are just different ways to describe the same thing which are supplements in capsule form which help you lose weight. I will help you find safe, powerful and fast weight loss supplements that will work without exercise. Medical conditions often make exercise difficult I understand that. In this guide I will look at metabolic boosters, safe non stimulant diet pills and safe FDA approved which will help regardless of your medical condition.
The Best Slimming Pills in 2020
No.1: Keto by Vita No.2: Phen-Q No.3: Phen-24 No.4: Slendarol No.5: Green-Coffee Plus No.6: CL-A 2000 No.7: Burn XT No.8: Vintage Burn No.9: Goli Apple Cider Gummies No.10: A-lli
🍊…..The Amazing Health Supplements used by top fashion models, athletes and even a president …. (This guide reveals the secret health supplements you can use to lose 11 pounds in just 2 weeks)….🍊
Medical Notice Remember to Consult Your Doctor
Just heads up right away which I am sure you’re aware of but: if you happen to suffer from a medical condition, Its best to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements. Diet pills can potentially alter your metabolism, elevate blood pressure and affect your sleep so it’s worthwhile checking with a doctor in such cases.
Below is a list of how these special weight loss pills will help you in 2020! The list of the best weight loss pills is based on a poll of medical professionals from around the world. We all know healthy living including a balanced diet and regular exercise is the best option. But for those of you who are struggling. The following list of the best weight loss pills are guaranteed to be your best options.
Dear friend if … you are determined to be healthy…. Slim
and keep to your new year’s resolutions. 
This will be the most important message you read this year.
Here is why This is a comprehensive list of dual health and slimming supplements.
Voted on by 3,324 nutrition experts.  from over 23 countries. (Medical Doctors and Nutrition experts if you need the latest research on ingredients use our acclaimed DIET WIKI database bottom of the page) The BIG UPSIDE FOR YOU IS ,….. The top fashion models, Hollywood stars and athletes use these.
and get this! You will not find the TOP 3 Supplements on Amazon. 
Clair Simmons below used one of the supplement we recommend for energy and lost 113 pounds in under 11 months.  By the way the supplement Clair used for energy , is also used by one of the greatest olympic long distance runners of all time – It is a remarkable health supplement that will help you lose weight quickly with or without exercise.  Watch the video until the end you will be amazed!
Heart warming transformation you must watch
  If you determined to lose weight fast…
And just want to quickly buy the best supplement for your exact body shape. Use the 1 minute Quiz below
However I recommend getting a soft drink..
Putting on some soft slippers (its not required:) Making yourself comfortable. I have some great stuff for you in this guide
In Depth Best Diet Pills for Certain Medical Conditions and F.A.Q.
Effective Appetite Suppressants to Stop Your Food Cravings.
Are you tired of giving yourself empty promises? Are you tired of being humiliated and feeling like an addict each time succumbing to a craving? Do you blame your lack of will for your failures? No need to.
Quite often simple things can have a dramatic effect on your food cravings like a lack of sleep which can lead to stress and comfort eating or eating at the wrong time, most notably in the evening.
“……Sleep has also been shown to influence how the body uses insulin and processes glucose. In Penev’s study of middle-aged adults with self-determined consumption of meals and snacks, at the end of the sleep-deprived periods the participants showed increased insulin resistance and decreased glucose tolerance,Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism…….”  National Library of Medicine.
The first step towards reducing cravings is to get a good night’s sleep
Simple I know but it is probably the single most important thing to effect weight that many overlook. In one study conducted at the University of Colorado participants who had just 5 hours sleep per night recorded a weight gain of 2lbs per week.
This is due to sleep deprivation meddling with hormones leptin and ghrelin, these are very important to you.
So listen up,  did you know Leptin reduces your appetite and encourages energy expenditure. On the other hand ghrelin is responsible for your feelings of hunger.
“……Many epidemiologic and experimental studies link short or disrupted sleep to elements of one of the major health problems linked to obesity: metabolic syndrome, which includes a variety of symptoms that can lead to heart disease, stroke, or diabetes, including high triglycerides and cholesterol, hypertension, insulin resistance, and glucose intolerance……”  National Library of Medicine.
If you do suffer sleep problems I suggest Phen24. This is a general health supplement which includes both day and night slimming agents. It will brighten your mood, help regulate your leptin levels and give you lots of energy for your daily tasks.
Just a bit of advice if you feel like raiding the fridge in the evening for a snack opt for high protein bar which will make you feel or consider yoghurt, apricots, prunes or raisins.
What Are The Best Slimming Pills For an Energy Boost?
“…Exercise? Dam I dont have the energy to lift a toothpick let alone go to the gym. Exercise?.. its swear word! I might manage leaning over to grab the remote of the table but don’t ask me to get up after work! My default mode after work is the cabbage state…..”
This was the rather amusing retort I got from one client a Lady in her 30’s hiding a wonderful figure!
Here the problem was in fact very simple she didn’t need to diet but to simply organise her day to eat real food opposed to chocolate snacks and coffee.
The lack of organization in her life meant when she got tired she needed an energy boost and the first thing at hand was often coffee and sweet food.
The problem with sugar stimulants is the energy is short lived and the energy crash is steep which leads to a vicious cycle.
So first rule is to organise your day with real food do not pump yourself with quick energy boosters and drink enough water.
Dehydration slows down your metabolism, which will increase the fat you store
A supplement which can balance your energy levels and boost your metabolism is Phen-Q (Find this below) it has a key ingredient called Nopal extract that will give you a healthy non sugar energy boost and curbs your appetite. It also has an ingredient used by athletes I tell you more about this in moment. But first it is wise to know,,,,,,
How Much Weight Do You Need to Lose?
Before you even think about losing weight you must take this first step to find your ideal weight. (Uses all the scientific formulas to give you an average ideal weight)
Go here to use the ideal weight calculator (opens in a new window will only take a moment)
How much weight you need to lose (if any) depends on your Body Mass Index according to most experts in the past.
But there are numerous examples of well proportioned people with a high BMI. For this reason we developed the ideal weight calculator this gives you an average ideal weight using all the scientific formulas. We also give you the standard BMI calculation.
Obesity is frequently subdivided into categories:
Class 1: BMI of 30 to < 35
Class 2: BMI of 35 to < 40
Class 3: BMI of 40 or higher. Class 3 obesity is sometimes categorized as “extreme” or “severe” obesity… www.cdc.gov
  Over The Counter Weight Loss Pills V Prescription Diet Pills?
Non prescription diet supplements aren’t even considered drugs by FDA. This means over the counter  diet pills contain natural ingredients considered to be safe for consumption unless they appear on the FDA tainted weight loss products list.
This is not to say all non prescription weight loss supplements won’t give you side effects. Many do give you side effects like heart palpitations, anxiety and acid reflux etc.  So In this list I have included the supplements with the best safety profile.
In my experience anecdotal customer feedback does not suggest prescription drugs are any more effective than non prescription drugs. In most cases they are also a lot more expensive especially in the United States.  One example is a prescription supplement called ALLi which is a 60-milligram over-the-counter version of orlistat (Xenical), a 120-milligram prescription drug.  Effectively ALLi is a government approved prescription weight loss drug but it does not receive a greater number of positive customer reviews. Which gives us a clue that prescription does not necessarily imply better.
Best Diet Pills That Work Fast Without Exercise
Have you suffered from a trip or fall or are you unable to be active?  In the top 3 list I have selected slimming pills which are suitable for you especially if you need to lose weight quickly.
Considered by some to be the most brutal quick weight loss supplement in the world (You cannot get it on Amazon it is a premium supplement).
There have been reports of weight loss of up to 14lbs in a month.
But losing this amount of weight in 1 month could be unhealthy for some.
The top rated weight loss pills I feature below are becoming a popular alternative to gastric band surgery and a favorite of performance athletes.   
“….three studies in the literature showing beneficial effects of L-carnitine on performance of athletes….”
“….it is clear that L-carnitine plays an important role on recovery from strenuous exercise……”
Mo Farah received some complaints because it is said he used  L-Carnitine and got an unfair advantage but it is perfectly safe and legal! Read the full story here.  
by Scientific & Academic Publishing
This supplement is so effective because it is an all-in-one pill. Its function encompasses everything from boosting metabolism to antioxidation. Moreover, they even give you a 60-days money back guarantee so you really have nothing to lose ,,,well except fat that is!. Find it in the top 3 listed supplements below. 
Diet Pill Ingredients to avoid if you are Diabetic
If you suffer from diabetes, consult with your doctor before taking any supplements.
Some of them may contain ingredients dangerous for you to take.
Outright dangerous ingredients include cayenne pepper/capsaicin. On the more ambiguous side are caffeine (~200mg may alter blood sugar level).
Garcinia cambogia (lowers blood sugar levels, which is seemingly useful, but combined with diabetes medication can make your blood sugar level dangerously low).
“…….Some evidence has emerged to suggest that apple cider vinegar may have particular benefits for the management of diabetes……”   source ….www.medicalnewstoday.com By the way Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the best selling well being supplements and slimming ingredients in the world. It is included in one of the top 3 weight loss pills below and further enhanced with other special ingredients. (By the way the supplement we feature is not available on Amazon top athletes and nutrition experts do not go to such places)
Ingredients like green coffee extract or green tea extract may actually help diabetes. But still, you should consult your doctor on dosages and diabetes medication interactions.
Below in the selected supplements you will find diet pills that contain green tea, raspberry ketones and apple cider vinegar which I specifically selected for diabetes sufferers. 
Best Diet Pills For Women After Childbirth and Pregnancy?
You should aim for gradual weight loss within 6 months.
Light physical exercise doesn’t hurt as long as you don’t overstress yourself.
If you are a new mother Kathleen Rasmussen, a professor of maternal and child nutrition at Cornell University explains you will retain on average, 2.5 to 5 lbs. (1 to 2 kg)livescience.com
As for slimming pills, there is a number of ingredients to avoid. Those are: ephedra, that can give you a heart attack (luckily, none of the ingredients on our list utilise it), conjugated linoleic acid, which increases risk of diabetes and gallstones, guar gum, which can cause blockages in the intestines and esophagus, tiratricol and chitosan.
Here are your calorie requirements after child birth
If You’re Breastfeeding:
Calories: 2,200–2,400 Calcium: 1,000–1,300 mg Folate: 280 mcg Iron: 15 mg Protein: 65 g Vitamin C: 95 mg
If You’re Not Breastfeeding:
Calories: 1,900–2,200 Calcium: 1,300 mg Folate: 180 mcg Iron: 15 mg Protein: 44–50 g Vitamin C: 60 mg
You might also be interested in = Weight Gain During Pregnancy (Opens in a new browser tab)
Natural Herb Diet Pills and Fat Burners that work?
In a search for a safe diet supplement, you might be turned to natural, botanical diet pills.
They are plant based so must be natural and healthy!
HANG ON ONE MOMENT ! not everything is so clear-cut.
For instance, Meizitang botanical pills have acquired some suspicious reputation recently. And rightfully so: US Food and Drugs administration warned consumers that they contain the regulated ingredient Fluoxetine  also, Australian department of health has found an undeclared element – diclofenac.
I have made sure no harmful weight loss pills are on this list for your safety! Moving on, there are multiple herbal supplements sold under different brands: Job’s tears, Psyllium husk, bamboo shoots, lotus leaf etc.
It is advisable to stick to the such supplements, made solely from plants without any artificial additives or concealed ingredients. 
My recommendation to you if you would like a herbal natural plant supplement is Keto by Vita because it is made by an american company and the supplement is cleared as safe by the FDA (Keto Vita is sold in the USA and Europe see more below)
Traditional Chinese Food Cure (treatment of disease through diet)(Opens in a new browser tab)
  The Best Slimming Supplements if You Suffer High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
If you have high blood pressure, you should avoid stimulant-based supplements.
Apart from stimulants like caffeine, the following ingredients might elevate your blood pressure: ephedra, St. John’s wort, yohimbine, Guarana, Arnica, Ginseng, Licorice.
Some are more ambiguous: raspberry ketones, for instance may potentially elevate your blood pressure but it is considered safe by the FDA. 
On the other hand ingredients that might actually lower your blood pressure: cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar.
Note, that over-the counter diet pills, although considered safe by the FDA, often contain some of the dangerous ingredients listed above, so you should be careful if you have hypertension. If you suffer from a medical condition it is best to consult with a specialist before using any slimming pills.
High Blood Pressure(Opens in a new browser tab)
Are there Effective Weight Loss Pills if You Suffer From Hyperlipidaemia?
If you happen to have hyperlipidaemia due to diabetes, we encourage you to read the respective section.
Otherwise, perhaps you just want to lower your cholesterol levels.
If this is the case there are several ingredients that can aid high cholesterol.
Apple cider vinegar, among other benefits, lowers cholesterol levels and promotes heart health.
Green tea extract can aid high cholesterol as well.
Niacin has strong evidence of lowering cholesterol, albeit in high doses. 
Raspberry ketones is also considered helpful to lower cholesterol.
Milder effects are observed with chromium and calcium.
The best option for you if you do suffer from high cholesterol is Keto diet pills by Vita. I tell you more about these below.
The Best Weight Loss Pills if You Suffer Sleep Apnoea
Sleep apnoea is strongly linked to excess body fat as I explained earlier.
Getting decent nights sleep is the single most important thing you can start doing now to lose weight and feel more positive.
Interestingly, the condition can also contribute to weight gain: sleep apnoea can make you feel tired and sleepy during the day, which, in turn, can mess with your hormones leptin and adiponectin, leading to weight gain and excessive food consumption.
To break this vicious circle you might like the assistance of weight loss pills called Phen24 (See Below). It is a supplement that has helped many people burn on average 9-14lbs per month. Phen24 is one of only one of few weight loss supplements in the world to offer night and day formulas.   
Phen24 also acts as an appetite suppressant making you feel fuller so you do not feel like eating.
Many report feeling more cheerful because phen24 gently increases the feel good hormone serotonin.
Other Diet Pills Guaranteed to be Popular in 2020
Aerobic Life Mag O7
Weight loss has a lot to do with nutrition and the process of digestion. But what if the very digestive system is broken? (Or, rather, littered?) The role of microbiome in your digestive tract is often overlooked . And very unjustly so, because those tiny organisms have influence over a lot of things from digestion to your mood. Mag O7 helps those little folks do their job by releasing ozonated magnesium and potassium. If you need to cleanse your digestive system, this supplement is for you.
Possible side effects Aerobic Mag O7: Nausea, bloating, heartburn, headaches.
Ingredients Aerobic Mag O7: Elemental Magnesium, elemental Potassium.
C4 ripped
Can a daily workout be a struggle got you?
Sweating blood on a treadmill is not everyone’s idea of fun!
C4 ripped to the rescue!
Its powerful formula acts in two ways: it gives you energy and enables fat burning. Users reported relentlessly killing their workouts, ready to go for more and more, like on a never-ending marathon, — but, in a good way! Because the supplement will make you feel rewarded for the hard work you’ve done, This contains a dopamine precursor. Plus, it triggers your metabolism, allowing you to burn much more calories than you would regularly. Oh, just one more thing it’s quite tasty!
This has many stimulants so beware of the side effect mentioned below.
Possible side effects:
Caffeine mixed with green coffee bean has less favourable reports from many customers – complaints include jitters, heart palpitations, anxiety and feeling light headed.
Main ingredients C4 Ripped: Vitamin C(as ascorbic acid) – 250mg, 417% DV, niacin(as Niacinamide) – 30mg, 150% DV, Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) – 500 mcg, 25% DV, Folic acid – 250 mcg, 62% DV, vitamin B12(as Methylcobalamin) – 35 mcg, 583% DV, calcium – 28 mg, 3% DV; beta alanine – 1.6g, Arginine AKG – 1g, C4® Ripped Blend(L-Carnitine tartrate, green coffee bean extract(standardised for chlorogenic acids), Capsimax® cayenne(Capsicum annuum) fruit extract, Coleus forskohlii fruit extract) – 1g, Explosive Energy Blend(N-Acityl_l-Tyrosyne, caffeine anhydrous(150mg), Velvet bean(Mucuna pruriens) seed extract(standardised for L-Dopa)) – 371 mg. Other ingredients: citric acid, malic acid, calcium silicate, silicone dioxide, natural flavours, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, FD&C Red Lake #40.
Skinny gal
What makes this supplement different according to the manufacturer is it is designed specifically for women by women.
It is rather amusing promotion tactic but the ingredients are common across a range of supplements.
Its function includes thermogenic promotion of metabolism. Thus, it is possible you will burn more calories, getting rid of that stubborn fat and stay motivated for your workout.
On a less positive note, however, The ingredients contain a lower dosage then is recommended. 
Possible side effects Skinny Gal Weight Loss Pills: Some users reported having heartburn and some anxiety issues.
Main ingredients Skinny Gal Weight Loss Pills: Garcinia cambogia(fruit) – 40mg, african mango(seed) – 25mg, conjugated linoleic acid(from Safflower oil) – 15mg, white kidney(Phaseolus vulgaris)(bean) – 10mg; proprietary blend(235mg): caffeine anhydrous, raspberry ketones, green coffee(Coffee arabica)(bean), hoodia(Hoodia gordonii)(aerial parts), 5-HTP(5-hydroxytryptophan), Griffonia simplicifolia(seed), turmeric(Curcuma longa L.)(rhizome), guarana(Paullinia cupana)(seed), rhodiola(root), cayenne pepper(Capsucum annuum)(fruit), apple cider vinegar, papaya(leaf), L-Arginine HCI. Other ingredients: Vegetable capsule, cellulose, l-leucine, silica.
Premium women’s fat burner by Nobi
Nobi makes a number of claims about this product: ketosis support, help with managing appetite, energy increase, fitness & performance boost, weight loss support, help with burning fat, slimming down and toning up. But it contains BHB as the main ingredient and BHB only works if you are already in a state of dietary ketosis. If your not in ketosis BHB can make you put on weight because your body will store the carbs in your body as fat and use  the bhb as energy which you do not want! Basically, Nobi’s product is just a branded version of (goBHB) which is used by many other diet pills especially Keto Pills. The official goBHB website lists only lists three benefits mentioned by Nobi: energy support, appetite control and promoting cognitive health.
Possible side effects Nobi: officially stated: none; but we found: upset stomach, nausea, lightheadedness, yellow skin, hunger and weight gain.
Ingredients Nobi: GoBHB(calcium beta-hydroxybutyrate, sodium beta-hydroxybutyrate, magnesium beta hydroxybutyrate).
Meizitang Botanical slimming pills
These are on the FDA tainted diet supplement warning list. These are BANNED.
Meizitang relies on traditional Asian medicine in making the diet pills. Apart from weight loss, Meizitang promises to promote appetite control, Relieve constipation, improve eye health, relieve symptoms of headaches, calm nausea. However, none of the ingredients’ alleged effects seem to have enough scientific evidence.
Moreover, FDA warned against Meizitang because of the pills containing sibutramine, a controlled substance that had been removed from the market.
Curiously, Meizitang is surrounded by numerous impostors, hence the warnings on the official website.
Possible side effects Meizitang: Bowel problems, weakness in muscles, loss of electrolytes, gastrointestinal issues, stomach problems, diarrhoea.
Ingredients Meizitang: Cassia seed extract (10%), ZiSu extract (25%), Medical Amylum (35%), Oriental Water Plantain (13%), Fuling Extract (17%), Lotus, Job’s tears, Tarragon, Psyllium.
Very few supplements take such care to guide you along your weight loss journey, as this supplement does.
The formula it utilises(comprised of FDA approved ingredients), has a multidimensional action: it gives you the energy to do the exercise, it curbs your appetite, it boosts your metabolism and it helps your body metabolise the fat tissue into muscle. And it does so with a blueprint of weight loss in mind.
The most pernicious and treacherous obstacle on your way to that elusive ideal body is a plateau phase: when you rapidly drop a lot of weight, your body will enter a defence mode, thereby leaving you with stubborn fat, so spitefully resistant to any exercise or diet.
By tweaking your metabolism in right places, Phen375 will enable you to get out of that trap. Even more, it offers its customers access to a video exercise programme. Which might be helpful for those who can’t afford pricey gym subscription or a personal trainer.
Possible side effects Phen375: Restlessness, irritability, sleeplessness, nervousness, increased heart rate.
Ingredients Phen375: l-caritine, caffeine powder anhydrous, Coleus forskohlii root PE(10% froskolin), citrus aurantium, cayenne pepper, Dendrodium nobile extract(from orchids).
An extract from the roots of an Indian herb Coleus Forskohlii, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, recently has drawn a scientific interest for its health benefits. It has been discovered to suppress appetite, improve metabolism and help indigestion. You might be excited by this completely natural medication which can help you lose weight, but be warned: little studies have been conducted on humans and the results are somewhat inconclusive.
Possible side effects Forskolin: flushing and reduction in blood pressure, restlessness, breathlessness, and irritation in the airways, headache, stinging pain the eyes and bloodshot eyes.
Raspberry Ketones.
Raspberry ketones are the compounds that give raspberries their flavour. Apart from food industry, they’re also used to aid weight loss.
The way they are supposed to work is by stimulating the hormone adiponectin, which helps to break down fatty acids. Experiments on mice have been conducted, indicating a weight loss of 10%.
Raspberry ketones have proven to be a useful diet supplement and have been utilised by various diet pill brands.
Possible side effects: unknown; generally recognised safe by the FDA.
Lean pm night time fat burner
Lean PM by Jacked Factory is a stimulant-free diet supplement. Meaning that you don’t have to worry about any stimulant-induced side-effects like caffeine jitteriness. The only problem is it does not work according to many customers. Ingredients include vitamin B and magnesium which are used to fight fatigue. Aside from that, the supplement has a benefit of boosting your metabolism. 
Possible side effects Lean-PM: caffeine-related.
Ingredients Lean-PM: Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxine HCI) – 10mg, 500% DV, magnesium(as Magnesium Citrate) – 150mg, 38% DV, epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG) – 300mg, l-theanine – 200mg, 5-HTP(from Griffonia simplicifolia seed extract) – 150mg, melatonin – 5mg, Bioperine® black pepper fruit extract 5mg.
Garcinia cambogia is a citrus native to Indonesia. I is used per se or a an ingredient in various slimming pills. It works due to its main compound, Hydrocitric acid, blocking lyase, an enzyme responsible for fat production. Garcinia is also believed to improve serotonin levels. Thus, the fruit will stop you from gaining weight(and, thus, in longer term, promote weight loss) and, possibly, improve your mood. According to NCBI:
“the meta-analysis revealed a small, statistically significant difference in weight loss favoring HCA over placebo”
Possible side effects Garcinia Dizziness, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, skin rash.
Hydroxycut hardcore elite
This supplement is claimed to work through thermogenesis – a state of elevated body temperature, when it burns more calories for thermoregulation.
Alongside that, the supplement stimulants provide you with energy, some of its ingredients boost metabolism, while the blend of yohimbe & L-Theanine is described as “combination of potent ingredients that contribute to a one-of-a-kind sensory experience”.
Keep in mind, the brand’s reputation is somewhat murky due to health scares. The Parent company who produce Hydroxycut were forced to formulate the ingredients twice due to serious side-effect being reported by customers.
Possible side effects Hydroxycut: Insomnia, jitteriness, anxiety, nausea, diarrhea. This supplement suffers from above average number of customer complaints.
Ingredients Hydroxycut: kohlii(100mg), Green Coffee(200mg), Caffeine Anhydrous(270mg), L-Theanine(100mg), cocoa extract(100mg), yohimbe extract(56.3mg), supplying yohimbine, supplying rauwolscine.
(TOP 10) Best Weight Loss Pills 2020
Editors no.1. choice.
“….The best combined fat burner and appetite suppressant in the world. Comes with a special night formula….”
  If you’re over 30 and want the best combined appetite suppressant and fat burner these are for you.
Glucomannan makes you feel full and content (recommended by healthline as the best weight loss ingredient in the world)
You sleep one third of your life do not waste this time! This is the smart person’s choice! and the only premium diet formula to burn your fat night and day.
Helps regulate the hormone leptin which is required before you can lose weight
Increases your serotonin so you feel happy and positive
A great option for women over 30 who are inactive
Best appetite suppressant and fat burning diet pill combined
Hops extract promotes relaxation mindfulness
Vitamin B helps gives you energy by breaking down fat into glucose
With PhenQ the only diet pills that offer a full no questions asked guarantee even if you use the supplement and don’t like it. (60 days)
This supplement is only available from the official website
The only premium supplement with a special night formula that also burns your fat at night.
Phen24 claims to be the most potent weight loss pill on the market.
Are the claims justified?
Yes and no.
For pure fat burning qualities, we would give the Title to PhenQ.
That said there is a caveat an important one….
Phen24 is the only premium diet pill that includes a night-time supplement.
What is the big deal about this i hear you ask?
Well there is a lot science linking obesity with disturbed sleep.
Up to now this is a fact only a privileged few have really known about.
Why is it such a game changer for celebs ?
Celebs have to often change there weight and appearance in weeks and the night formula adds a massive one third to effective weight loss that would normally be wasted. 
It’s rather smart !
We sleep a 1/3 of our lives so knowing your losing weight with no effort while you sleep is a big plus point.
Another factor is the positive effect on your mood.
Phen24 is one of a few premium weight loss pills to formulate its ingredients around mood and well being as well as fat burning.
The reason for this is simple….
A sunny mood can boost motivation in all aspects of your life.
So although you may not be motivated to exercise or diet at the moment when you start to feel the weight come off this can give you new enthusiasm and hope.
If you are mature and less active Phen24 is a great option.
If you want to blast away fat in the shortest possible time go for PhenQ.
Some things you must know !
Most weight loss pills contain stimulants like caffeine that disturb your sleep. It’s why some people fail using weight loss supplements.
Sleep deprivation has been shown to reduce the hormone leptin in your body which naturally reduces your cravings.
A lack of sleep also increases the levels of ghrelin hormone which makes you feel hungry.
Phen24 is the smart balanced option that pays attention to your mood and those vital hormones like Leptin.
The US National Library of medicine and health said in a peer-reviewed study. “Laboratory studies and multiple epidemiological studies have linked short-sleep duration and poor-sleep quality to obesity risk”
    Possible side effects Phen24 Nausea on first day which is uncommon probably due to not drinking enough water.
Ingredients Phen24 Daily: Guarana extract Cayenne pepper,L-Phenylalanine, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc citrate, copper sulfate, Caffeine. Nightly: Glucomannan, Green tea extract, Hops extract, Chromium, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium D-Pantothenate, Plyridoxine Hcl, Thiamine Hcl, D-Biotin, Molybdenum.  
Famous Olympic athletes like Mo Farah use L-Carnitine for massive energy and recovery boost. This amazing ingredient is also in our top rated product for quick weight loss Phen-Q.
Editors choice for quick weight loss.
“….Considered by many in the scientific community to be the most powerful weight loss pills in the world….”
The potent weight loss pill obese people turn to instead of gastric bypass.
L-Carnitine used by the most successful British track athlete in modern Olympic history Mo Farah. This is ideal to maintain your muscle while burning your fat. It will get you cut!
Said to have 5 diet tablets in 1.
Gentle mood enhancing properties.
Nopal contains vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-3, C.
Suitable for you if you are an obese woman or man.
Great to boost your energy with a super safety profile.
Helpful to control blood sugar levels.
Offers a FULL CAST IRON GUARANTEE, return them even if you open the bottle (60 days)
PhenQ is only available from the official website
Up to 21%  more potent than any other fat burner on the market.. even our no.1 choice.
But for some the weight loss is to extreme and a more balanced approach can be more helpful. If you are at the stage of not giving a damn about balance and just want the fastest option this is for you.
In the last couple of years many obese people have used this supplement instead of gastric bypass losing as much as one hundred pounds in weight.  But be aware super quick weight loss when you’re very fat can leave stretch marks and loose skin. This is for you if…. You are obese and need to lose weight quickly If you need an energy and performance boost  With phen24 this is the only premium supplement that offers you a full no questions asked guarantee for 60 days. PhenQ blends natural ingredients to aid your weight loss and help you feel more positive. PhenQ also slows fat production. Curbs your appetite. Boosts your energy. And even increases your sense of wellness. The advantages don’t stop there! PhenQ also empowers you by giving you a FULL guarantee.
You will lose weight we are so confident we will give you a cast iron guarantee for 60 daysPhenQ
These are considered a premium weight loss supplement. Often used by pro fitness coaches and so  confident they give full money back promise. You will lose weight – 60 day promise. PhenQ is only available from the official website
Side effects = Phenq has a great safety profile! Ingredients Phenq α-Lacys Reset, capsimax powder, calcium carbonate, chromium picolinate, caffeine, nopal powder L-Carnitine.
Many moons ago it was believed women became mentally ill and hysterical on their periods so they did this totally unacceptable thing to cure it.
A natural choice to beat food cravings. “…..One of best appetite suppressant in the world…..”
Start to feel less hungry within 1 hour.
FDA registered facility this works and verified safe made to GMP standards.
HELPS INDUCE A METABOLIC STATE OF KETOSIS it will burn your fat for energy.
Non GMO, gluten free and vegan friendly.
Contains Apple Cider a super ingredient to defeat food cravings.
Raspberry ketones recommended by DR.OZ.
Comes with free bottles on certain orders
Boosts your energy with no known side effects.
Contains GREEN TEA (the best women’s fat burner in the world according to healthline and drunk every morning by President Obama)
Great with or without diet but also a great supplement to popular diets like keto, weight watchers ww and the cambridge diet.
Only available from the official website
Numerous celebs have caught on to the fact that you can use these to get slim without dieting.
BUT I warn against that attitude because eating poor food has negative health implications regardless of weight.
Often combined with popular diets like keto, weight watchers or cambridge to help beat food cravings which can spoil diets.
Keto by Vita is considered by many as a smart cheat helping many people to fast.
This an appetite suppressants which will more a less force you to stop eating.
Many athletes use this as health supplement because of apple cider vinegar. “…….In 1958, D.C Jarvis, MD published a book entitled ‘Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor’s Guide to Good Health’ wherein he recommended vinegar as a ‘cure-all’ thanks to its potassium rich qualities…..”
Mr President can I bring your Green Tea?
There are 4 main ingredients the 1st is green tea which is packed with antioxidants and used every morning by president obama who is considered the fittest president in history.
Green tea is mentioned as the best fat burner in the world by prestigious scientific website healthline.com and nutrition experts around the world agree.
Basically keto pills help you put your body into the state of ketosis which helps you utilises fat as the primary energy source, rather than carbohydrates.
It helps you burn your fat with the natural ingredients raspberry ketones and apple cider vinegar.
Take keto by vita to narrow your eating hours every day… ….this will help slow down your aging – Remember those teenage years again!
In addition to that, tea extract will give you an energy boost, To blast your daily tasks!
As you’ve probably noticed, all the ingredients are natural, which makes these pills very safe.
Only available from the official website
No significant side effects have been reported
Ingredients keto diet pills. raspberry ketones, apple cider vinegar, green tea extract, African mango.
#4. Slendarol
Slendarol is a brand that put emphasis on a all-natural blend of ingredients. Slendarol will provide you with the energy throughout the day, promote healthy metabolism and reduce your appetite. 2 of the ingredients raspberry ketones and garcinia cambogia have positive scientific feedback but most are based on animal tests not human tests. Also cambogia in my opinion is rather a mild appetite suppressant. The customer reviews, nevertheless, rate Slendarol quite well. The only complaint some customers have is the stimulating effect. Slendarol diet pills are sold for a relatively low price – $39.95/bottle(month’s supply), $72.95/2 bottles and $119.95/ 3 bottles + 1 free.
Possible side effects Slendarol: allergic reactions, caffeine dizziness or jitteriness.
Ingredients Slendarol: raspberry ketones, green coffee bean extract, green tea extract, garcinia cambogia.
#5.Vintage Burn
Sometimes the war against fat involves some civilian casualties.
I’m talking about those unfortunate muscle cells that get burnt for energy while you’re trying to shed some weight.
Very unfortunate indeed, since it is mostly the muscle tissue that does the fat burning. And, yes, obviously everyone actually aims for a skinny body, rather than simply a light-weight one. What can you do to attain the desired low fat-muscle ratio? ]
Vintage Burn purports to be the answer but see above for PhenQ which is the better option. This is a powerful blend of carefully selected ingredients which promotes weight loss, but also helps to preserve your muscles, – and guess what–  it can even improve your mood & focus. 
Possible side effects Vintage Burn: May contain trace amounts of allergens such as milk, eggs, soybeans, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, and peanuts; should not be taken in less than 4 hrs before sleep to avoid caffeine-induced insomnia.
Main Ingredients Vintage Burn: Green tea leaf extract, green coffee leaf extract, raspberry ketone, olive leaf extract, caffeine, bacopa leaf extract, garcinia fruit extract, chrysin, forskohlii root extract.Auxiliary ingredients: vegetable capsule, vegetable stearate.
BurnXT presents a powerful formula devised by a well-established brand, Jacked Factory but it is overly packed with stimulants in my opinion. Acetyl L-carnitine HCI. This amino acid will launch the fat burning process in your cells and, somewhat unexpectedly, enhance your cognitive function.
Green tea extract offers caffeine, predictably, but more than that, it also contains a compound called EGCG(whose name we abbreviated out of mercy for your tongue) which promotes fat loss.
Caffeine Anhydrous. A stimulant the benefits of which it has been already extensively written about but this this ingredient can also have negative side effects for many people in high doses. Anhydrous simply refers to the dry consistency of the chemical (as opposed to your typical cup of coffee – or tea, whichever you fancy)
Cayenne pepper extract will give you an increase in body temperature, so that it spends more energy for thermoregulation, so that you burn fat!
Black pepper extract helps absorption of the ingredients. You want to squeeze the maximum off that pill, don’t you?
Possible side effects BurnXT: Can cause anxiety and heart palpitations be aware of high caffeine content.
Ingredients Burn XT: Acetyl L-carnitine HCI(700mg), green tea extract(450mg), caffeine anhydrous(270mg), Capsimax cayenne pepper(50mg), BioPerine(5mg).
You have probably heard the old wives tale about fat consumption being inherently harmful for your body.
Well, this supplement may change your mind on that one.
CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid, which is a family of compounds that can be found in such products as dairy or poultry.
CLA promotes a healthy metabolism and helps you build pure, fat-free muscles.
One study in mice even found a fat drop by 60%!.
But be aware trials involving  people have yet to confirm these fantastic results.
Possible side effects CLA: Nausea, digestive disorders.
Ingredients CLA: conjugated linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid.
#8. Green Coffee Plus
In contrast to the previously reviewed brands, this supplement focuses on quality, rather than quantity. Its main ingredient, chlorogenic acid, does great job at correcting an unhealthy metabolism. It does so by making your liver burn more fat. Moreover, this incredible compound is among the most powerful antioxidants on Earth. If you want to shed some of that stubborn fat and detox your body for an adequate price this is an option for you.
Side effects Green Coffee Uncommon reports of diarrhea
Ingredients: Pure green coffee extract.
#9. Alli
If most of the supplements covered are a gentle aid in the pursuit of a skinny body, this one is heavy artillery. Alli is an over-the-counter version of orlistat. What it does is it simply block lipase, – enzyme responsible for breaking down the ingested fat, – so that your fat absorption drops by a quarter. That’s it, that fat just doesn’t get absorbed. That said many customer reports suggest it is no longer as effective as it used to be. 
Possible side effects Alli: Itching, loss of appetite, yellow eyes or skin, light-coloured stool, brown urine.
Ingredients: orlistat – 60mg.
  CRAZY WEIGHT LOSS FACT  Weight loss programs like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig can be tax deductible. If your current weight is a threat to your health, and your doctor enrolls you on the program.
#10. Goli ACV Gummies
Lots of positive feedback, they taste great but there is a negative. They are totally organic, non-allergic, vegan-friendly.  You might be surprised how many benefits ACV has. Besides helping you lose weight by boosting your metabolism, it also aids digestion, detoxes your gut and promotes a healthy heart. ACV can even improve your skin because it regulates your pH levels.
Downsides are Goli Gummies are very expensive compared to other AVC products. Each servings contains 15 calories, 3.5 carbs and 1 gram of sugars. 
There are better combined options including keto pills by Vita (below) which also contains apple cider vinegar.
If you like gummies I suggest buying sugar free gummies in your local walmart:)
Possible side effects Goli Gummies: May decrease your potassium levels, may alter insulin levels.
Ingredients Goli Gummies: Apple cider vinegar(5% acetic acid) – 500mg, beetroot – 40mcg, pomegranate – 40mcg, vitamin B12, vitamin B9. Other ingredients: apple, blackcurrant, cane sugar, carrot, citric acid, malic acid, natural flavour, sodium citrate, tapioca syrup, pectin, water.
For the film role the machinist Christian Bale lost 60lbs on a strict diet of whisky and cigarettes. The was one of many remarkable transformations he made for film roles.
The post 🍊Best Weight Loss Pills 2020 appeared first on Health-Info.org.
from Health-Info.org https://health-Info.org/nutrition/weight-loss-pills-guide/ from Health Info Org https://healthinfoorg.tumblr.com/post/190283690889
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courtneylrodriquez · 5 years
🍊Best Weight Loss Pills 2020
Quick Overview
Best Fast and Powerful Diet Pills in 2020 which also come with a guarantee. Written by Dr Jason Currie. This guide is designed to be a down to earth guide of the best safe and fast slimming pills on the market. This guide covers weight loss pills known by several names such as, fat burners, appetite suppressants, diet pills, and slimming pills. In the main these are just different ways to describe the same thing which are supplements in capsule form which help you lose weight. I will help you find safe, powerful and fast weight loss supplements that will work without exercise. Medical conditions often make exercise difficult I understand that. In this guide I will look at metabolic boosters, safe non stimulant diet pills and safe FDA approved which will help regardless of your medical condition.
The Best Slimming Pills in 2020
No.1: Keto by Vita No.2: Phen-Q No.3: Phen-24 No.4: Slendarol No.5: Green-Coffee Plus No.6: CL-A 2000 No.7: Burn XT No.8: Vintage Burn No.9: Goli Apple Cider Gummies No.10: A-lli
🍊…..The Amazing Health Supplements used by top fashion models, athletes and even a president …. (This guide reveals the secret health supplements you can use to lose 11 pounds in just 2 weeks)….🍊
Medical Notice Remember to Consult Your Doctor
Just heads up right away which I am sure you’re aware of but: if you happen to suffer from a medical condition, Its best to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements. Diet pills can potentially alter your metabolism, elevate blood pressure and affect your sleep so it’s worthwhile checking with a doctor in such cases.
Below is a list of how these special weight loss pills will help you in 2020! The list of the best weight loss pills is based on a poll of medical professionals from around the world. We all know healthy living including a balanced diet and regular exercise is the best option. But for those of you who are struggling. The following list of the best weight loss pills are guaranteed to be your best options.
Dear friend if … you are determined to be healthy…. Slim
and keep to your new year’s resolutions. 
This will be the most important message you read this year.
Here is why This is a comprehensive list of dual health and slimming supplements.
Voted on by 3,324 nutrition experts.  from over 23 countries. (Medical Doctors and Nutrition experts if you need the latest research on ingredients use our acclaimed DIET WIKI database bottom of the page) The BIG UPSIDE FOR YOU IS ,….. The top fashion models, Hollywood stars and athletes use these.
and get this! You will not find the TOP 3 Supplements on Amazon. 
Clair Simmons below used one of the supplement we recommend for energy and lost 113 pounds in under 11 months.  By the way the supplement Clair used for energy , is also used by one of the greatest olympic long distance runners of all time – It is a remarkable health supplement that will help you lose weight quickly with or without exercise.  Watch the video until the end you will be amazed!
Heart warming transformation you must watch
 If you determined to lose weight fast…
And just want to quickly buy the best supplement for your exact body shape. Use the 1 minute Quiz below
However I recommend getting a soft drink..
Putting on some soft slippers (its not required:) Making yourself comfortable. I have some great stuff for you in this guide
 In Depth Best Diet Pills for Certain Medical Conditions and F.A.Q.
Effective Appetite Suppressants to Stop Your Food Cravings.
Are you tired of giving yourself empty promises? Are you tired of being humiliated and feeling like an addict each time succumbing to a craving? Do you blame your lack of will for your failures? No need to.
Quite often simple things can have a dramatic effect on your food cravings like a lack of sleep which can lead to stress and comfort eating or eating at the wrong time, most notably in the evening.
“……Sleep has also been shown to influence how the body uses insulin and processes glucose. In Penev’s study of middle-aged adults with self-determined consumption of meals and snacks, at the end of the sleep-deprived periods the participants showed increased insulin resistance and decreased glucose tolerance,Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism…….”  National Library of Medicine.
The first step towards reducing cravings is to get a good night’s sleep
Simple I know but it is probably the single most important thing to effect weight that many overlook. In one study conducted at the University of Colorado participants who had just 5 hours sleep per night recorded a weight gain of 2lbs per week.
This is due to sleep deprivation meddling with hormones leptin and ghrelin, these are very important to you.
So listen up,  did you know Leptin reduces your appetite and encourages energy expenditure. On the other hand ghrelin is responsible for your feelings of hunger.
“……Many epidemiologic and experimental studies link short or disrupted sleep to elements of one of the major health problems linked to obesity: metabolic syndrome, which includes a variety of symptoms that can lead to heart disease, stroke, or diabetes, including high triglycerides and cholesterol, hypertension, insulin resistance, and glucose intolerance……”  National Library of Medicine.
If you do suffer sleep problems I suggest Phen24. This is a general health supplement which includes both day and night slimming agents. It will brighten your mood, help regulate your leptin levels and give you lots of energy for your daily tasks.
Just a bit of advice if you feel like raiding the fridge in the evening for a snack opt for high protein bar which will make you feel or consider yoghurt, apricots, prunes or raisins.
What Are The Best Slimming Pills For an Energy Boost?
“…Exercise? Dam I dont have the energy to lift a toothpick let alone go to the gym. Exercise?.. its swear word! I might manage leaning over to grab the remote of the table but don’t ask me to get up after work! My default mode after work is the cabbage state…..”
This was the rather amusing retort I got from one client a Lady in her 30’s hiding a wonderful figure!
Here the problem was in fact very simple she didn’t need to diet but to simply organise her day to eat real food opposed to chocolate snacks and coffee.
The lack of organization in her life meant when she got tired she needed an energy boost and the first thing at hand was often coffee and sweet food.
The problem with sugar stimulants is the energy is short lived and the energy crash is steep which leads to a vicious cycle.
So first rule is to organise your day with real food do not pump yourself with quick energy boosters and drink enough water.
Dehydration slows down your metabolism, which will increase the fat you store
A supplement which can balance your energy levels and boost your metabolism is Phen-Q (Find this below) it has a key ingredient called Nopal extract that will give you a healthy non sugar energy boost and curbs your appetite. It also has an ingredient used by athletes I tell you more about this in moment. But first it is wise to know,,,,,,
 How Much Weight Do You Need to Lose?
Before you even think about losing weight you must take this first step to find your ideal weight. (Uses all the scientific formulas to give you an average ideal weight)
Go here to use the ideal weight calculator (opens in a new window will only take a moment)
How much weight you need to lose (if any) depends on your Body Mass Index according to most experts in the past.
But there are numerous examples of well proportioned people with a high BMI. For this reason we developed the ideal weight calculator this gives you an average ideal weight using all the scientific formulas. We also give you the standard BMI calculation.
Obesity is frequently subdivided into categories:
Class 1: BMI of 30 to < 35
Class 2: BMI of 35 to < 40
Class 3: BMI of 40 or higher. Class 3 obesity is sometimes categorized as “extreme” or “severe” obesity… www.cdc.gov
 Over The Counter Weight Loss Pills V Prescription Diet Pills?
Non prescription diet supplements aren’t even considered drugs by FDA. This means over the counter  diet pills contain natural ingredients considered to be safe for consumption unless they appear on the FDA tainted weight loss products list.
This is not to say all non prescription weight loss supplements won’t give you side effects. Many do give you side effects like heart palpitations, anxiety and acid reflux etc.  So In this list I have included the supplements with the best safety profile.
In my experience anecdotal customer feedback does not suggest prescription drugs are any more effective than non prescription drugs. In most cases they are also a lot more expensive especially in the United States.  One example is a prescription supplement called ALLi which is a 60-milligram over-the-counter version of orlistat (Xenical), a 120-milligram prescription drug.  Effectively ALLi is a government approved prescription weight loss drug but it does not receive a greater number of positive customer reviews. Which gives us a clue that prescription does not necessarily imply better.
Best Diet Pills That Work Fast Without Exercise
Have you suffered from a trip or fall or are you unable to be active?  In the top 3 list I have selected slimming pills which are suitable for you especially if you need to lose weight quickly.
Considered by some to be the most brutal quick weight loss supplement in the world (You cannot get it on Amazon it is a premium supplement).
There have been reports of weight loss of up to 14lbs in a month.
But losing this amount of weight in 1 month could be unhealthy for some.
The top rated weight loss pills I feature below are becoming a popular alternative to gastric band surgery and a favorite of performance athletes.   
“….three studies in the literature showing beneficial effects of L-carnitine on performance of athletes….”
“….it is clear that L-carnitine plays an important role on recovery from strenuous exercise……”
Mo Farah received some complaints because it is said he used  L-Carnitine and got an unfair advantage but it is perfectly safe and legal! Read the full story here.  
by Scientific & Academic Publishing
This supplement is so effective because it is an all-in-one pill. Its function encompasses everything from boosting metabolism to antioxidation. Moreover, they even give you a 60-days money back guarantee so you really have nothing to lose ,,,well except fat that is!. Find it in the top 3 listed supplements below. 
 Diet Pill Ingredients to avoid if you are Diabetic
If you suffer from diabetes, consult with your doctor before taking any supplements.
Some of them may contain ingredients dangerous for you to take.
Outright dangerous ingredients include cayenne pepper/capsaicin. On the more ambiguous side are caffeine (~200mg may alter blood sugar level).
Garcinia cambogia (lowers blood sugar levels, which is seemingly useful, but combined with diabetes medication can make your blood sugar level dangerously low).
“…….Some evidence has emerged to suggest that apple cider vinegar may have particular benefits for the management of diabetes……”   source ….www.medicalnewstoday.com By the way Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the best selling well being supplements and slimming ingredients in the world. It is included in one of the top 3 weight loss pills below and further enhanced with other special ingredients. (By the way the supplement we feature is not available on Amazon top athletes and nutrition experts do not go to such places)
Ingredients like green coffee extract or green tea extract may actually help diabetes. But still, you should consult your doctor on dosages and diabetes medication interactions.
Below in the selected supplements you will find diet pills that contain green tea, raspberry ketones and apple cider vinegar which I specifically selected for diabetes sufferers. 
 Best Diet Pills For Women After Childbirth and Pregnancy?
You should aim for gradual weight loss within 6 months.
Light physical exercise doesn’t hurt as long as you don’t overstress yourself.
If you are a new mother Kathleen Rasmussen, a professor of maternal and child nutrition at Cornell University explains you will retain on average, 2.5 to 5 lbs. (1 to 2 kg)livescience.com
As for slimming pills, there is a number of ingredients to avoid. Those are: ephedra, that can give you a heart attack (luckily, none of the ingredients on our list utilise it), conjugated linoleic acid, which increases risk of diabetes and gallstones, guar gum, which can cause blockages in the intestines and esophagus, tiratricol and chitosan.
Here are your calorie requirements after child birth
If You’re Breastfeeding:
Calories: 2,200–2,400 Calcium: 1,000–1,300 mg Folate: 280 mcg Iron: 15 mg Protein: 65 g Vitamin C: 95 mg
If You’re Not Breastfeeding:
Calories: 1,900–2,200 Calcium: 1,300 mg Folate: 180 mcg Iron: 15 mg Protein: 44–50 g Vitamin C: 60 mg
You might also be interested in = Weight Gain During Pregnancy (Opens in a new browser tab)
Natural Herb Diet Pills and Fat Burners that work?
In a search for a safe diet supplement, you might be turned to natural, botanical diet pills.
They are plant based so must be natural and healthy!
HANG ON ONE MOMENT ! not everything is so clear-cut.
For instance, Meizitang botanical pills have acquired some suspicious reputation recently. And rightfully so: US Food and Drugs administration warned consumers that they contain the regulated ingredient Fluoxetine  also, Australian department of health has found an undeclared element – diclofenac.
I have made sure no harmful weight loss pills are on this list for your safety! Moving on, there are multiple herbal supplements sold under different brands: Job’s tears, Psyllium husk, bamboo shoots, lotus leaf etc.
It is advisable to stick to the such supplements, made solely from plants without any artificial additives or concealed ingredients. 
My recommendation to you if you would like a herbal natural plant supplement is Keto by Vita because it is made by an american company and the supplement is cleared as safe by the FDA (Keto Vita is sold in the USA and Europe see more below)
Traditional Chinese Food Cure (treatment of disease through diet)(Opens in a new browser tab)
 The Best Slimming Supplements if You Suffer High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
If you have high blood pressure, you should avoid stimulant-based supplements.
Apart from stimulants like caffeine, the following ingredients might elevate your blood pressure: ephedra, St. John’s wort, yohimbine, Guarana, Arnica, Ginseng, Licorice.
Some are more ambiguous: raspberry ketones, for instance may potentially elevate your blood pressure but it is considered safe by the FDA. 
On the other hand ingredients that might actually lower your blood pressure: cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar.
Note, that over-the counter diet pills, although considered safe by the FDA, often contain some of the dangerous ingredients listed above, so you should be careful if you have hypertension. If you suffer from a medical condition it is best to consult with a specialist before using any slimming pills.
High Blood Pressure(Opens in a new browser tab)
Are there Effective Weight Loss Pills if You Suffer From Hyperlipidaemia?
If you happen to have hyperlipidaemia due to diabetes, we encourage you to read the respective section.
Otherwise, perhaps you just want to lower your cholesterol levels.
If this is the case there are several ingredients that can aid high cholesterol.
Apple cider vinegar, among other benefits, lowers cholesterol levels and promotes heart health.
Green tea extract can aid high cholesterol as well.
Niacin has strong evidence of lowering cholesterol, albeit in high doses. 
Raspberry ketones is also considered helpful to lower cholesterol.
Milder effects are observed with chromium and calcium.
The best option for you if you do suffer from high cholesterol is Keto diet pills by Vita. I tell you more about these below.
The Best Weight Loss Pills if You Suffer Sleep Apnoea
Sleep apnoea is strongly linked to excess body fat as I explained earlier.
Getting decent nights sleep is the single most important thing you can start doing now to lose weight and feel more positive.
Interestingly, the condition can also contribute to weight gain: sleep apnoea can make you feel tired and sleepy during the day, which, in turn, can mess with your hormones leptin and adiponectin, leading to weight gain and excessive food consumption.
To break this vicious circle you might like the assistance of weight loss pills called Phen24 (See Below). It is a supplement that has helped many people burn on average 9-14lbs per month. Phen24 is one of only one of few weight loss supplements in the world to offer night and day formulas.   
Phen24 also acts as an appetite suppressant making you feel fuller so you do not feel like eating.
Many report feeling more cheerful because phen24 gently increases the feel good hormone serotonin.
 Other Diet Pills Guaranteed to be Popular in 2020
Aerobic Life Mag O7
Weight loss has a lot to do with nutrition and the process of digestion. But what if the very digestive system is broken? (Or, rather, littered?) The role of microbiome in your digestive tract is often overlooked . And very unjustly so, because those tiny organisms have influence over a lot of things from digestion to your mood. Mag O7 helps those little folks do their job by releasing ozonated magnesium and potassium. If you need to cleanse your digestive system, this supplement is for you.
Possible side effects Aerobic Mag O7: Nausea, bloating, heartburn, headaches.
Ingredients Aerobic Mag O7: Elemental Magnesium, elemental Potassium.
C4 ripped
Can a daily workout be a struggle got you?
Sweating blood on a treadmill is not everyone’s idea of fun!
C4 ripped to the rescue!
Its powerful formula acts in two ways: it gives you energy and enables fat burning. Users reported relentlessly killing their workouts, ready to go for more and more, like on a never-ending marathon, — but, in a good way! Because the supplement will make you feel rewarded for the hard work you’ve done, This contains a dopamine precursor. Plus, it triggers your metabolism, allowing you to burn much more calories than you would regularly. Oh, just one more thing it’s quite tasty!
This has many stimulants so beware of the side effect mentioned below.
Possible side effects:
Caffeine mixed with green coffee bean has less favourable reports from many customers – complaints include jitters, heart palpitations, anxiety and feeling light headed.
Main ingredients C4 Ripped: Vitamin C(as ascorbic acid) – 250mg, 417% DV, niacin(as Niacinamide) – 30mg, 150% DV, Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) – 500 mcg, 25% DV, Folic acid – 250 mcg, 62% DV, vitamin B12(as Methylcobalamin) – 35 mcg, 583% DV, calcium – 28 mg, 3% DV; beta alanine – 1.6g, Arginine AKG – 1g, C4® Ripped Blend(L-Carnitine tartrate, green coffee bean extract(standardised for chlorogenic acids), Capsimax® cayenne(Capsicum annuum) fruit extract, Coleus forskohlii fruit extract) – 1g, Explosive Energy Blend(N-Acityl_l-Tyrosyne, caffeine anhydrous(150mg), Velvet bean(Mucuna pruriens) seed extract(standardised for L-Dopa)) – 371 mg. Other ingredients: citric acid, malic acid, calcium silicate, silicone dioxide, natural flavours, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, FD&C Red Lake #40.
Skinny gal
What makes this supplement different according to the manufacturer is it is designed specifically for women by women.
It is rather amusing promotion tactic but the ingredients are common across a range of supplements.
Its function includes thermogenic promotion of metabolism. Thus, it is possible you will burn more calories, getting rid of that stubborn fat and stay motivated for your workout.
On a less positive note, however, The ingredients contain a lower dosage then is recommended. 
Possible side effects Skinny Gal Weight Loss Pills: Some users reported having heartburn and some anxiety issues.
Main ingredients Skinny Gal Weight Loss Pills: Garcinia cambogia(fruit) – 40mg, african mango(seed) – 25mg, conjugated linoleic acid(from Safflower oil) – 15mg, white kidney(Phaseolus vulgaris)(bean) – 10mg; proprietary blend(235mg): caffeine anhydrous, raspberry ketones, green coffee(Coffee arabica)(bean), hoodia(Hoodia gordonii)(aerial parts), 5-HTP(5-hydroxytryptophan), Griffonia simplicifolia(seed), turmeric(Curcuma longa L.)(rhizome), guarana(Paullinia cupana)(seed), rhodiola(root), cayenne pepper(Capsucum annuum)(fruit), apple cider vinegar, papaya(leaf), L-Arginine HCI. Other ingredients: Vegetable capsule, cellulose, l-leucine, silica.
Premium women’s fat burner by Nobi
Nobi makes a number of claims about this product: ketosis support, help with managing appetite, energy increase, fitness & performance boost, weight loss support, help with burning fat, slimming down and toning up. But it contains BHB as the main ingredient and BHB only works if you are already in a state of dietary ketosis. If your not in ketosis BHB can make you put on weight because your body will store the carbs in your body as fat and use  the bhb as energy which you do not want! Basically, Nobi’s product is just a branded version of (goBHB) which is used by many other diet pills especially Keto Pills. The official goBHB website lists only lists three benefits mentioned by Nobi: energy support, appetite control and promoting cognitive health.
Possible side effects Nobi: officially stated: none; but we found: upset stomach, nausea, lightheadedness, yellow skin, hunger and weight gain.
Ingredients Nobi: GoBHB(calcium beta-hydroxybutyrate, sodium beta-hydroxybutyrate, magnesium beta hydroxybutyrate).
Meizitang Botanical slimming pills
These are on the FDA tainted diet supplement warning list. These are BANNED.
Meizitang relies on traditional Asian medicine in making the diet pills. Apart from weight loss, Meizitang promises to promote appetite control, Relieve constipation, improve eye health, relieve symptoms of headaches, calm nausea. However, none of the ingredients’ alleged effects seem to have enough scientific evidence.
Moreover, FDA warned against Meizitang because of the pills containing sibutramine, a controlled substance that had been removed from the market.
Curiously, Meizitang is surrounded by numerous impostors, hence the warnings on the official website.
Possible side effects Meizitang: Bowel problems, weakness in muscles, loss of electrolytes, gastrointestinal issues, stomach problems, diarrhoea.
Ingredients Meizitang: Cassia seed extract (10%), ZiSu extract (25%), Medical Amylum (35%), Oriental Water Plantain (13%), Fuling Extract (17%), Lotus, Job’s tears, Tarragon, Psyllium.
Very few supplements take such care to guide you along your weight loss journey, as this supplement does.
The formula it utilises(comprised of FDA approved ingredients), has a multidimensional action: it gives you the energy to do the exercise, it curbs your appetite, it boosts your metabolism and it helps your body metabolise the fat tissue into muscle. And it does so with a blueprint of weight loss in mind.
The most pernicious and treacherous obstacle on your way to that elusive ideal body is a plateau phase: when you rapidly drop a lot of weight, your body will enter a defence mode, thereby leaving you with stubborn fat, so spitefully resistant to any exercise or diet.
By tweaking your metabolism in right places, Phen375 will enable you to get out of that trap. Even more, it offers its customers access to a video exercise programme. Which might be helpful for those who can’t afford pricey gym subscription or a personal trainer.
Possible side effects Phen375: Restlessness, irritability, sleeplessness, nervousness, increased heart rate.
Ingredients Phen375: l-caritine, caffeine powder anhydrous, Coleus forskohlii root PE(10% froskolin), citrus aurantium, cayenne pepper, Dendrodium nobile extract(from orchids).
An extract from the roots of an Indian herb Coleus Forskohlii, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, recently has drawn a scientific interest for its health benefits. It has been discovered to suppress appetite, improve metabolism and help indigestion. You might be excited by this completely natural medication which can help you lose weight, but be warned: little studies have been conducted on humans and the results are somewhat inconclusive.
Possible side effects Forskolin: flushing and reduction in blood pressure, restlessness, breathlessness, and irritation in the airways, headache, stinging pain the eyes and bloodshot eyes.
Raspberry Ketones.
Raspberry ketones are the compounds that give raspberries their flavour. Apart from food industry, they’re also used to aid weight loss.
The way they are supposed to work is by stimulating the hormone adiponectin, which helps to break down fatty acids. Experiments on mice have been conducted, indicating a weight loss of 10%.
Raspberry ketones have proven to be a useful diet supplement and have been utilised by various diet pill brands.
Possible side effects: unknown; generally recognised safe by the FDA.
 Lean pm night time fat burner
Lean PM by Jacked Factory is a stimulant-free diet supplement. Meaning that you don’t have to worry about any stimulant-induced side-effects like caffeine jitteriness. The only problem is it does not work according to many customers. Ingredients include vitamin B and magnesium which are used to fight fatigue. Aside from that, the supplement has a benefit of boosting your metabolism. 
Possible side effects Lean-PM: caffeine-related.
Ingredients Lean-PM: Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxine HCI) – 10mg, 500% DV, magnesium(as Magnesium Citrate) – 150mg, 38% DV, epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG) – 300mg, l-theanine – 200mg, 5-HTP(from Griffonia simplicifolia seed extract) – 150mg, melatonin – 5mg, Bioperine® black pepper fruit extract 5mg.
Garcinia cambogia is a citrus native to Indonesia. I is used per se or a an ingredient in various slimming pills. It works due to its main compound, Hydrocitric acid, blocking lyase, an enzyme responsible for fat production. Garcinia is also believed to improve serotonin levels. Thus, the fruit will stop you from gaining weight(and, thus, in longer term, promote weight loss) and, possibly, improve your mood. According to NCBI:
“the meta-analysis revealed a small, statistically significant difference in weight loss favoring HCA over placebo”
Possible side effects Garcinia Dizziness, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, skin rash.
Hydroxycut hardcore elite
This supplement is claimed to work through thermogenesis – a state of elevated body temperature, when it burns more calories for thermoregulation.
Alongside that, the supplement stimulants provide you with energy, some of its ingredients boost metabolism, while the blend of yohimbe & L-Theanine is described as “combination of potent ingredients that contribute to a one-of-a-kind sensory experience”.
Keep in mind, the brand’s reputation is somewhat murky due to health scares. The Parent company who produce Hydroxycut were forced to formulate the ingredients twice due to serious side-effect being reported by customers.
Possible side effects Hydroxycut: Insomnia, jitteriness, anxiety, nausea, diarrhea. This supplement suffers from above average number of customer complaints.
Ingredients Hydroxycut: kohlii(100mg), Green Coffee(200mg), Caffeine Anhydrous(270mg), L-Theanine(100mg), cocoa extract(100mg), yohimbe extract(56.3mg), supplying yohimbine, supplying rauwolscine.
(TOP 10) Best Weight Loss Pills 2020
Editors no.1. choice.
“….The best combined fat burner and appetite suppressant in the world. Comes with a special night formula….”
  If you’re over 30 and want the best combined appetite suppressant and fat burner these are for you.
Glucomannan makes you feel full and content (recommended by healthline as the best weight loss ingredient in the world)
You sleep one third of your life do not waste this time! This is the smart person’s choice! and the only premium diet formula to burn your fat night and day.
Helps regulate the hormone leptin which is required before you can lose weight
Increases your serotonin so you feel happy and positive
A great option for women over 30 who are inactive
Best appetite suppressant and fat burning diet pill combined
Hops extract promotes relaxation mindfulness
Vitamin B helps gives you energy by breaking down fat into glucose
With PhenQ the only diet pills that offer a full no questions asked guarantee even if you use the supplement and don’t like it. (60 days)
This supplement is only available from the official website
The only premium supplement with a special night formula that also burns your fat at night.
Phen24 claims to be the most potent weight loss pill on the market.
Are the claims justified?
Yes and no.
For pure fat burning qualities, we would give the Title to PhenQ.
That said there is a caveat an important one….
Phen24 is the only premium diet pill that includes a night-time supplement.
What is the big deal about this i hear you ask?
Well there is a lot science linking obesity with disturbed sleep.
Up to now this is a fact only a privileged few have really known about.
Why is it such a game changer for celebs ?
Celebs have to often change there weight and appearance in weeks and the night formula adds a massive one third to effective weight loss that would normally be wasted. 
It’s rather smart !
We sleep a 1/3 of our lives so knowing your losing weight with no effort while you sleep is a big plus point.
Another factor is the positive effect on your mood.
Phen24 is one of a few premium weight loss pills to formulate its ingredients around mood and well being as well as fat burning.
The reason for this is simple….
A sunny mood can boost motivation in all aspects of your life.
So although you may not be motivated to exercise or diet at the moment when you start to feel the weight come off this can give you new enthusiasm and hope.
If you are mature and less active Phen24 is a great option.
If you want to blast away fat in the shortest possible time go for PhenQ.
Some things you must know !
Most weight loss pills contain stimulants like caffeine that disturb your sleep. It’s why some people fail using weight loss supplements.
Sleep deprivation has been shown to reduce the hormone leptin in your body which naturally reduces your cravings.
A lack of sleep also increases the levels of ghrelin hormone which makes you feel hungry.
Phen24 is the smart balanced option that pays attention to your mood and those vital hormones like Leptin.
The US National Library of medicine and health said in a peer-reviewed study. “Laboratory studies and multiple epidemiological studies have linked short-sleep duration and poor-sleep quality to obesity risk”
    Possible side effects Phen24 Nausea on first day which is uncommon probably due to not drinking enough water.
Ingredients Phen24 Daily: Guarana extract Cayenne pepper,L-Phenylalanine, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc citrate, copper sulfate, Caffeine. Nightly: Glucomannan, Green tea extract, Hops extract, Chromium, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium D-Pantothenate, Plyridoxine Hcl, Thiamine Hcl, D-Biotin, Molybdenum.  
Famous Olympic athletes like Mo Farah use L-Carnitine for massive energy and recovery boost. This amazing ingredient is also in our top rated product for quick weight loss Phen-Q.
Editors choice for quick weight loss.
“….Considered by many in the scientific community to be the most powerful weight loss pills in the world….”
The potent weight loss pill obese people turn to instead of gastric bypass.
L-Carnitine used by the most successful British track athlete in modern Olympic history Mo Farah. This is ideal to maintain your muscle while burning your fat. It will get you cut!
Said to have 5 diet tablets in 1.
Gentle mood enhancing properties.
Nopal contains vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-3, C.
Suitable for you if you are an obese woman or man.
Great to boost your energy with a super safety profile.
Helpful to control blood sugar levels.
Offers a FULL CAST IRON GUARANTEE, return them even if you open the bottle (60 days)
PhenQ is only available from the official website
Up to 21%  more potent than any other fat burner on the market.. even our no.1 choice.
But for some the weight loss is to extreme and a more balanced approach can be more helpful. If you are at the stage of not giving a damn about balance and just want the fastest option this is for you.
In the last couple of years many obese people have used this supplement instead of gastric bypass losing as much as one hundred pounds in weight.  But be aware super quick weight loss when you’re very fat can leave stretch marks and loose skin. This is for you if…. You are obese and need to lose weight quickly If you need an energy and performance boost  With phen24 this is the only premium supplement that offers you a full no questions asked guarantee for 60 days. PhenQ blends natural ingredients to aid your weight loss and help you feel more positive. PhenQ also slows fat production. Curbs your appetite. Boosts your energy. And even increases your sense of wellness. The advantages don’t stop there! PhenQ also empowers you by giving you a FULL guarantee.
You will lose weight we are so confident we will give you a cast iron guarantee for 60 daysPhenQ
These are considered a premium weight loss supplement. Often used by pro fitness coaches and so  confident they give full money back promise. You will lose weight – 60 day promise. PhenQ is only available from the official website
Side effects = Phenq has a great safety profile! Ingredients Phenq α-Lacys Reset, capsimax powder, calcium carbonate, chromium picolinate, caffeine, nopal powder L-Carnitine.
Many moons ago it was believed women became mentally ill and hysterical on their periods so they did this totally unacceptable thing to cure it.
A natural choice to beat food cravings. “…..One of best appetite suppressant in the world…..”
Start to feel less hungry within 1 hour.
FDA registered facility this works and verified safe made to GMP standards.
HELPS INDUCE A METABOLIC STATE OF KETOSIS it will burn your fat for energy.
Non GMO, gluten free and vegan friendly.
Contains Apple Cider a super ingredient to defeat food cravings.
Raspberry ketones recommended by DR.OZ.
Comes with free bottles on certain orders
Boosts your energy with no known side effects.
Contains GREEN TEA (the best women’s fat burner in the world according to healthline and drunk every morning by President Obama)
Great with or without diet but also a great supplement to popular diets like keto, weight watchers ww and the cambridge diet.
Only available from the official website
Numerous celebs have caught on to the fact that you can use these to get slim without dieting.
BUT I warn against that attitude because eating poor food has negative health implications regardless of weight.
Often combined with popular diets like keto, weight watchers or cambridge to help beat food cravings which can spoil diets.
Keto by Vita is considered by many as a smart cheat helping many people to fast.
This an appetite suppressants which will more a less force you to stop eating.
Many athletes use this as health supplement because of apple cider vinegar. “…….In 1958, D.C Jarvis, MD published a book entitled ‘Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor’s Guide to Good Health’ wherein he recommended vinegar as a ‘cure-all’ thanks to its potassium rich qualities…..”
Mr President can I bring your Green Tea?
There are 4 main ingredients the 1st is green tea which is packed with antioxidants and used every morning by president obama who is considered the fittest president in history.
Green tea is mentioned as the best fat burner in the world by prestigious scientific website healthline.com and nutrition experts around the world agree.
Basically keto pills help you put your body into the state of ketosis which helps you utilises fat as the primary energy source, rather than carbohydrates.
It helps you burn your fat with the natural ingredients raspberry ketones and apple cider vinegar.
Take keto by vita to narrow your eating hours every day… ….this will help slow down your aging – Remember those teenage years again!
In addition to that, tea extract will give you an energy boost, To blast your daily tasks!
As you’ve probably noticed, all the ingredients are natural, which makes these pills very safe.
Only available from the official website
No significant side effects have been reported
Ingredients keto diet pills. raspberry ketones, apple cider vinegar, green tea extract, African mango.
#4. Slendarol
Slendarol is a brand that put emphasis on a all-natural blend of ingredients. Slendarol will provide you with the energy throughout the day, promote healthy metabolism and reduce your appetite. 2 of the ingredients raspberry ketones and garcinia cambogia have positive scientific feedback but most are based on animal tests not human tests. Also cambogia in my opinion is rather a mild appetite suppressant. The customer reviews, nevertheless, rate Slendarol quite well. The only complaint some customers have is the stimulating effect. Slendarol diet pills are sold for a relatively low price – $39.95/bottle(month’s supply), $72.95/2 bottles and $119.95/ 3 bottles + 1 free.
Possible side effects Slendarol: allergic reactions, caffeine dizziness or jitteriness.
Ingredients Slendarol: raspberry ketones, green coffee bean extract, green tea extract, garcinia cambogia.
#5.Vintage Burn
Sometimes the war against fat involves some civilian casualties.
I’m talking about those unfortunate muscle cells that get burnt for energy while you’re trying to shed some weight.
Very unfortunate indeed, since it is mostly the muscle tissue that does the fat burning. And, yes, obviously everyone actually aims for a skinny body, rather than simply a light-weight one. What can you do to attain the desired low fat-muscle ratio? ]
Vintage Burn purports to be the answer but see above for PhenQ which is the better option. This is a powerful blend of carefully selected ingredients which promotes weight loss, but also helps to preserve your muscles, – and guess what–  it can even improve your mood & focus. 
Possible side effects Vintage Burn: May contain trace amounts of allergens such as milk, eggs, soybeans, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, and peanuts; should not be taken in less than 4 hrs before sleep to avoid caffeine-induced insomnia.
Main Ingredients Vintage Burn: Green tea leaf extract, green coffee leaf extract, raspberry ketone, olive leaf extract, caffeine, bacopa leaf extract, garcinia fruit extract, chrysin, forskohlii root extract.Auxiliary ingredients: vegetable capsule, vegetable stearate.
BurnXT presents a powerful formula devised by a well-established brand, Jacked Factory but it is overly packed with stimulants in my opinion. Acetyl L-carnitine HCI. This amino acid will launch the fat burning process in your cells and, somewhat unexpectedly, enhance your cognitive function.
Green tea extract offers caffeine, predictably, but more than that, it also contains a compound called EGCG(whose name we abbreviated out of mercy for your tongue) which promotes fat loss.
Caffeine Anhydrous. A stimulant the benefits of which it has been already extensively written about but this this ingredient can also have negative side effects for many people in high doses. Anhydrous simply refers to the dry consistency of the chemical (as opposed to your typical cup of coffee – or tea, whichever you fancy)
Cayenne pepper extract will give you an increase in body temperature, so that it spends more energy for thermoregulation, so that you burn fat!
Black pepper extract helps absorption of the ingredients. You want to squeeze the maximum off that pill, don’t you?
Possible side effects BurnXT: Can cause anxiety and heart palpitations be aware of high caffeine content.
Ingredients Burn XT: Acetyl L-carnitine HCI(700mg), green tea extract(450mg), caffeine anhydrous(270mg), Capsimax cayenne pepper(50mg), BioPerine(5mg).
You have probably heard the old wives tale about fat consumption being inherently harmful for your body.
Well, this supplement may change your mind on that one.
CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid, which is a family of compounds that can be found in such products as dairy or poultry.
CLA promotes a healthy metabolism and helps you build pure, fat-free muscles.
One study in mice even found a fat drop by 60%!.
But be aware trials involving  people have yet to confirm these fantastic results.
Possible side effects CLA: Nausea, digestive disorders.
Ingredients CLA: conjugated linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid.
#8. Green Coffee Plus
In contrast to the previously reviewed brands, this supplement focuses on quality, rather than quantity. Its main ingredient, chlorogenic acid, does great job at correcting an unhealthy metabolism. It does so by making your liver burn more fat. Moreover, this incredible compound is among the most powerful antioxidants on Earth. If you want to shed some of that stubborn fat and detox your body for an adequate price this is an option for you.
Side effects Green Coffee Uncommon reports of diarrhea
Ingredients: Pure green coffee extract.
#9. Alli
If most of the supplements covered are a gentle aid in the pursuit of a skinny body, this one is heavy artillery. Alli is an over-the-counter version of orlistat. What it does is it simply block lipase, – enzyme responsible for breaking down the ingested fat, – so that your fat absorption drops by a quarter. That’s it, that fat just doesn’t get absorbed. That said many customer reports suggest it is no longer as effective as it used to be. 
Possible side effects Alli: Itching, loss of appetite, yellow eyes or skin, light-coloured stool, brown urine.
Ingredients: orlistat – 60mg.
 CRAZY WEIGHT LOSS FACT  Weight loss programs like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig can be tax deductible. If your current weight is a threat to your health, and your doctor enrolls you on the program.
#10. Goli ACV Gummies
Lots of positive feedback, they taste great but there is a negative. They are totally organic, non-allergic, vegan-friendly.  You might be surprised how many benefits ACV has. Besides helping you lose weight by boosting your metabolism, it also aids digestion, detoxes your gut and promotes a healthy heart. ACV can even improve your skin because it regulates your pH levels.
Downsides are Goli Gummies are very expensive compared to other AVC products. Each servings contains 15 calories, 3.5 carbs and 1 gram of sugars. 
There are better combined options including keto pills by Vita (below) which also contains apple cider vinegar.
If you like gummies I suggest buying sugar free gummies in your local walmart:)
Possible side effects Goli Gummies: May decrease your potassium levels, may alter insulin levels.
Ingredients Goli Gummies: Apple cider vinegar(5% acetic acid) – 500mg, beetroot – 40mcg, pomegranate – 40mcg, vitamin B12, vitamin B9. Other ingredients: apple, blackcurrant, cane sugar, carrot, citric acid, malic acid, natural flavour, sodium citrate, tapioca syrup, pectin, water.
For the film role the machinist Christian Bale lost 60lbs on a strict diet of whisky and cigarettes. The was one of many remarkable transformations he made for film roles.
 The post 🍊Best Weight Loss Pills 2020 appeared first on Health-Info.org.
source https://health-Info.org/nutrition/weight-loss-pills-guide/ from Health Info Org https://healthinfoorg.blogspot.com/2020/01/best-weight-loss-pills-2020.html
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healthinfoorg · 5 years
🍊Best Weight Loss Pills 2020
Quick Overview
Best Fast and Powerful Diet Pills in 2020 which also come with a guarantee. Written by Dr Jason Currie. This guide is designed to be a down to earth guide of the best safe and fast slimming pills on the market. This guide covers weight loss pills known by several names such as, fat burners, appetite suppressants, diet pills, and slimming pills. In the main these are just different ways to describe the same thing which are supplements in capsule form which help you lose weight. I will help you find safe, powerful and fast weight loss supplements that will work without exercise. Medical conditions often make exercise difficult I understand that. In this guide I will look at metabolic boosters, safe non stimulant diet pills and safe FDA approved which will help regardless of your medical condition.
The Best Slimming Pills in 2020
No.1: Keto by Vita No.2: Phen-Q No.3: Phen-24 No.4: Slendarol No.5: Green-Coffee Plus No.6: CL-A 2000 No.7: Burn XT No.8: Vintage Burn No.9: Goli Apple Cider Gummies No.10: A-lli
🍊…..The Amazing Health Supplements used by top fashion models, athletes and even a president …. (This guide reveals the secret health supplements you can use to lose 11 pounds in just 2 weeks)….🍊
Medical Notice Remember to Consult Your Doctor
Just heads up right away which I am sure you’re aware of but: if you happen to suffer from a medical condition, Its best to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements. Diet pills can potentially alter your metabolism, elevate blood pressure and affect your sleep so it’s worthwhile checking with a doctor in such cases.
Below is a list of how these special weight loss pills will help you in 2020! The list of the best weight loss pills is based on a poll of medical professionals from around the world. We all know healthy living including a balanced diet and regular exercise is the best option. But for those of you who are struggling. The following list of the best weight loss pills are guaranteed to be your best options.
Dear friend if … you are determined to be healthy…. Slim
and keep to your new year’s resolutions. 
This will be the most important message you read this year.
Here is why This is a comprehensive list of dual health and slimming supplements.
Voted on by 3,324 nutrition experts.  from over 23 countries. (Medical Doctors and Nutrition experts if you need the latest research on ingredients use our acclaimed DIET WIKI database bottom of the page) The BIG UPSIDE FOR YOU IS ,….. The top fashion models, Hollywood stars and athletes use these.
and get this! You will not find the TOP 3 Supplements on Amazon. 
Clair Simmons below used one of the supplement we recommend for energy and lost 113 pounds in under 11 months.  By the way the supplement Clair used for energy , is also used by one of the greatest olympic long distance runners of all time – It is a remarkable health supplement that will help you lose weight quickly with or without exercise.  Watch the video until the end you will be amazed!
Heart warming transformation you must watch
  If you determined to lose weight fast…
And just want to quickly buy the best supplement for your exact body shape. Use the 1 minute Quiz below
However I recommend getting a soft drink..
Putting on some soft slippers (its not required:) Making yourself comfortable. I have some great stuff for you in this guide
  In Depth Best Diet Pills for Certain Medical Conditions and F.A.Q.
Effective Appetite Suppressants to Stop Your Food Cravings.
Are you tired of giving yourself empty promises? Are you tired of being humiliated and feeling like an addict each time succumbing to a craving? Do you blame your lack of will for your failures? No need to.
Quite often simple things can have a dramatic effect on your food cravings like a lack of sleep which can lead to stress and comfort eating or eating at the wrong time, most notably in the evening.
“……Sleep has also been shown to influence how the body uses insulin and processes glucose. In Penev’s study of middle-aged adults with self-determined consumption of meals and snacks, at the end of the sleep-deprived periods the participants showed increased insulin resistance and decreased glucose tolerance,Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism…….”  National Library of Medicine.
The first step towards reducing cravings is to get a good night’s sleep
Simple I know but it is probably the single most important thing to effect weight that many overlook. In one study conducted at the University of Colorado participants who had just 5 hours sleep per night recorded a weight gain of 2lbs per week.
This is due to sleep deprivation meddling with hormones leptin and ghrelin, these are very important to you.
So listen up,  did you know Leptin reduces your appetite and encourages energy expenditure. On the other hand ghrelin is responsible for your feelings of hunger.
“……Many epidemiologic and experimental studies link short or disrupted sleep to elements of one of the major health problems linked to obesity: metabolic syndrome, which includes a variety of symptoms that can lead to heart disease, stroke, or diabetes, including high triglycerides and cholesterol, hypertension, insulin resistance, and glucose intolerance……”  National Library of Medicine.
If you do suffer sleep problems I suggest Phen24. This is a general health supplement which includes both day and night slimming agents. It will brighten your mood, help regulate your leptin levels and give you lots of energy for your daily tasks.
Just a bit of advice if you feel like raiding the fridge in the evening for a snack opt for high protein bar which will make you feel or consider yoghurt, apricots, prunes or raisins.
What Are The Best Slimming Pills For an Energy Boost?
“…Exercise? Dam I dont have the energy to lift a toothpick let alone go to the gym. Exercise?.. its swear word! I might manage leaning over to grab the remote of the table but don’t ask me to get up after work! My default mode after work is the cabbage state…..”
This was the rather amusing retort I got from one client a Lady in her 30’s hiding a wonderful figure!
Here the problem was in fact very simple she didn’t need to diet but to simply organise her day to eat real food opposed to chocolate snacks and coffee.
The lack of organization in her life meant when she got tired she needed an energy boost and the first thing at hand was often coffee and sweet food.
The problem with sugar stimulants is the energy is short lived and the energy crash is steep which leads to a vicious cycle.
So first rule is to organise your day with real food do not pump yourself with quick energy boosters and drink enough water.
Dehydration slows down your metabolism, which will increase the fat you store
A supplement which can balance your energy levels and boost your metabolism is Phen-Q (Find this below) it has a key ingredient called Nopal extract that will give you a healthy non sugar energy boost and curbs your appetite. It also has an ingredient used by athletes I tell you more about this in moment. But first it is wise to know,,,,,,
  How Much Weight Do You Need to Lose?
Before you even think about losing weight you must take this first step to find your ideal weight. (Uses all the scientific formulas to give you an average ideal weight)
Go here to use the ideal weight calculator (opens in a new window will only take a moment)
How much weight you need to lose (if any) depends on your Body Mass Index according to most experts in the past.
But there are numerous examples of well proportioned people with a high BMI. For this reason we developed the ideal weight calculator this gives you an average ideal weight using all the scientific formulas. We also give you the standard BMI calculation.
Obesity is frequently subdivided into categories:
Class 1: BMI of 30 to < 35
Class 2: BMI of 35 to < 40
Class 3: BMI of 40 or higher. Class 3 obesity is sometimes categorized as “extreme” or “severe” obesity… www.cdc.gov
  Over The Counter Weight Loss Pills V Prescription Diet Pills?
Non prescription diet supplements aren’t even considered drugs by FDA. This means over the counter  diet pills contain natural ingredients considered to be safe for consumption unless they appear on the FDA tainted weight loss products list.
This is not to say all non prescription weight loss supplements won’t give you side effects. Many do give you side effects like heart palpitations, anxiety and acid reflux etc.  So In this list I have included the supplements with the best safety profile.
In my experience anecdotal customer feedback does not suggest prescription drugs are any more effective than non prescription drugs. In most cases they are also a lot more expensive especially in the United States.  One example is a prescription supplement called ALLi which is a 60-milligram over-the-counter version of orlistat (Xenical), a 120-milligram prescription drug.  Effectively ALLi is a government approved prescription weight loss drug but it does not receive a greater number of positive customer reviews. Which gives us a clue that prescription does not necessarily imply better.
Best Diet Pills That Work Fast Without Exercise
Have you suffered from a trip or fall or are you unable to be active?  In the top 3 list I have selected slimming pills which are suitable for you especially if you need to lose weight quickly.
Considered by some to be the most brutal quick weight loss supplement in the world (You cannot get it on Amazon it is a premium supplement).
There have been reports of weight loss of up to 14lbs in a month.
But losing this amount of weight in 1 month could be unhealthy for some.
The top rated weight loss pills I feature below are becoming a popular alternative to gastric band surgery and a favorite of performance athletes.   
“….three studies in the literature showing beneficial effects of L-carnitine on performance of athletes….”
“….it is clear that L-carnitine plays an important role on recovery from strenuous exercise……”
Mo Farah received some complaints because it is said he used  L-Carnitine and got an unfair advantage but it is perfectly safe and legal! Read the full story here.  
by Scientific & Academic Publishing
This supplement is so effective because it is an all-in-one pill. Its function encompasses everything from boosting metabolism to antioxidation. Moreover, they even give you a 60-days money back guarantee so you really have nothing to lose ,,,well except fat that is!. Find it in the top 3 listed supplements below. 
  Diet Pill Ingredients to avoid if you are Diabetic
If you suffer from diabetes, consult with your doctor before taking any supplements.
Some of them may contain ingredients dangerous for you to take.
Outright dangerous ingredients include cayenne pepper/capsaicin. On the more ambiguous side are caffeine (~200mg may alter blood sugar level).
Garcinia cambogia (lowers blood sugar levels, which is seemingly useful, but combined with diabetes medication can make your blood sugar level dangerously low).
“…….Some evidence has emerged to suggest that apple cider vinegar may have particular benefits for the management of diabetes……”   source ….www.medicalnewstoday.com By the way Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the best selling well being supplements and slimming ingredients in the world. It is included in one of the top 3 weight loss pills below and further enhanced with other special ingredients. (By the way the supplement we feature is not available on Amazon top athletes and nutrition experts do not go to such places)
Ingredients like green coffee extract or green tea extract may actually help diabetes. But still, you should consult your doctor on dosages and diabetes medication interactions.
Below in the selected supplements you will find diet pills that contain green tea, raspberry ketones and apple cider vinegar which I specifically selected for diabetes sufferers. 
  Best Diet Pills For Women After Childbirth and Pregnancy?
You should aim for gradual weight loss within 6 months.
Light physical exercise doesn’t hurt as long as you don’t overstress yourself.
If you are a new mother Kathleen Rasmussen, a professor of maternal and child nutrition at Cornell University explains you will retain on average, 2.5 to 5 lbs. (1 to 2 kg)livescience.com
As for slimming pills, there is a number of ingredients to avoid. Those are: ephedra, that can give you a heart attack (luckily, none of the ingredients on our list utilise it), conjugated linoleic acid, which increases risk of diabetes and gallstones, guar gum, which can cause blockages in the intestines and esophagus, tiratricol and chitosan.
Here are your calorie requirements after child birth
If You’re Breastfeeding:
Calories: 2,200–2,400 Calcium: 1,000–1,300 mg Folate: 280 mcg Iron: 15 mg Protein: 65 g Vitamin C: 95 mg
If You’re Not Breastfeeding:
Calories: 1,900–2,200 Calcium: 1,300 mg Folate: 180 mcg Iron: 15 mg Protein: 44–50 g Vitamin C: 60 mg
You might also be interested in = Weight Gain During Pregnancy (Opens in a new browser tab)
Natural Herb Diet Pills and Fat Burners that work?
In a search for a safe diet supplement, you might be turned to natural, botanical diet pills.
They are plant based so must be natural and healthy!
HANG ON ONE MOMENT ! not everything is so clear-cut.
For instance, Meizitang botanical pills have acquired some suspicious reputation recently. And rightfully so: US Food and Drugs administration warned consumers that they contain the regulated ingredient Fluoxetine  also, Australian department of health has found an undeclared element – diclofenac.
I have made sure no harmful weight loss pills are on this list for your safety! Moving on, there are multiple herbal supplements sold under different brands: Job’s tears, Psyllium husk, bamboo shoots, lotus leaf etc.
It is advisable to stick to the such supplements, made solely from plants without any artificial additives or concealed ingredients. 
My recommendation to you if you would like a herbal natural plant supplement is Keto by Vita because it is made by an american company and the supplement is cleared as safe by the FDA (Keto Vita is sold in the USA and Europe see more below)
Traditional Chinese Food Cure (treatment of disease through diet)(Opens in a new browser tab)
  The Best Slimming Supplements if You Suffer High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
If you have high blood pressure, you should avoid stimulant-based supplements.
Apart from stimulants like caffeine, the following ingredients might elevate your blood pressure: ephedra, St. John’s wort, yohimbine, Guarana, Arnica, Ginseng, Licorice.
Some are more ambiguous: raspberry ketones, for instance may potentially elevate your blood pressure but it is considered safe by the FDA. 
On the other hand ingredients that might actually lower your blood pressure: cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar.
Note, that over-the counter diet pills, although considered safe by the FDA, often contain some of the dangerous ingredients listed above, so you should be careful if you have hypertension. If you suffer from a medical condition it is best to consult with a specialist before using any slimming pills.
High Blood Pressure(Opens in a new browser tab)
Are there Effective Weight Loss Pills if You Suffer From Hyperlipidaemia?
If you happen to have hyperlipidaemia due to diabetes, we encourage you to read the respective section.
Otherwise, perhaps you just want to lower your cholesterol levels.
If this is the case there are several ingredients that can aid high cholesterol.
Apple cider vinegar, among other benefits, lowers cholesterol levels and promotes heart health.
Green tea extract can aid high cholesterol as well.
Niacin has strong evidence of lowering cholesterol, albeit in high doses. 
Raspberry ketones is also considered helpful to lower cholesterol.
Milder effects are observed with chromium and calcium.
The best option for you if you do suffer from high cholesterol is Keto diet pills by Vita. I tell you more about these below.
The Best Weight Loss Pills if You Suffer Sleep Apnoea
Sleep apnoea is strongly linked to excess body fat as I explained earlier.
Getting decent nights sleep is the single most important thing you can start doing now to lose weight and feel more positive.
Interestingly, the condition can also contribute to weight gain: sleep apnoea can make you feel tired and sleepy during the day, which, in turn, can mess with your hormones leptin and adiponectin, leading to weight gain and excessive food consumption.
To break this vicious circle you might like the assistance of weight loss pills called Phen24 (See Below). It is a supplement that has helped many people burn on average 9-14lbs per month. Phen24 is one of only one of few weight loss supplements in the world to offer night and day formulas.   
Phen24 also acts as an appetite suppressant making you feel fuller so you do not feel like eating.
Many report feeling more cheerful because phen24 gently increases the feel good hormone serotonin.
  Other Diet Pills Guaranteed to be Popular in 2020
Aerobic Life Mag O7
Weight loss has a lot to do with nutrition and the process of digestion. But what if the very digestive system is broken? (Or, rather, littered?) The role of microbiome in your digestive tract is often overlooked . And very unjustly so, because those tiny organisms have influence over a lot of things from digestion to your mood. Mag O7 helps those little folks do their job by releasing ozonated magnesium and potassium. If you need to cleanse your digestive system, this supplement is for you.
Possible side effects Aerobic Mag O7: Nausea, bloating, heartburn, headaches.
Ingredients Aerobic Mag O7: Elemental Magnesium, elemental Potassium.
C4 ripped
Can a daily workout be a struggle got you?
Sweating blood on a treadmill is not everyone’s idea of fun!
C4 ripped to the rescue!
Its powerful formula acts in two ways: it gives you energy and enables fat burning. Users reported relentlessly killing their workouts, ready to go for more and more, like on a never-ending marathon, — but, in a good way! Because the supplement will make you feel rewarded for the hard work you’ve done, This contains a dopamine precursor. Plus, it triggers your metabolism, allowing you to burn much more calories than you would regularly. Oh, just one more thing it’s quite tasty!
This has many stimulants so beware of the side effect mentioned below.
Possible side effects:
Caffeine mixed with green coffee bean has less favourable reports from many customers – complaints include jitters, heart palpitations, anxiety and feeling light headed.
Main ingredients C4 Ripped: Vitamin C(as ascorbic acid) – 250mg, 417% DV, niacin(as Niacinamide) – 30mg, 150% DV, Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) – 500 mcg, 25% DV, Folic acid – 250 mcg, 62% DV, vitamin B12(as Methylcobalamin) – 35 mcg, 583% DV, calcium – 28 mg, 3% DV; beta alanine – 1.6g, Arginine AKG – 1g, C4® Ripped Blend(L-Carnitine tartrate, green coffee bean extract(standardised for chlorogenic acids), Capsimax® cayenne(Capsicum annuum) fruit extract, Coleus forskohlii fruit extract) – 1g, Explosive Energy Blend(N-Acityl_l-Tyrosyne, caffeine anhydrous(150mg), Velvet bean(Mucuna pruriens) seed extract(standardised for L-Dopa)) – 371 mg. Other ingredients: citric acid, malic acid, calcium silicate, silicone dioxide, natural flavours, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, FD&C Red Lake #40.
Skinny gal
What makes this supplement different according to the manufacturer is it is designed specifically for women by women.
It is rather amusing promotion tactic but the ingredients are common across a range of supplements.
Its function includes thermogenic promotion of metabolism. Thus, it is possible you will burn more calories, getting rid of that stubborn fat and stay motivated for your workout.
On a less positive note, however, The ingredients contain a lower dosage then is recommended. 
Possible side effects Skinny Gal Weight Loss Pills: Some users reported having heartburn and some anxiety issues.
Main ingredients Skinny Gal Weight Loss Pills: Garcinia cambogia(fruit) – 40mg, african mango(seed) – 25mg, conjugated linoleic acid(from Safflower oil) – 15mg, white kidney(Phaseolus vulgaris)(bean) – 10mg; proprietary blend(235mg): caffeine anhydrous, raspberry ketones, green coffee(Coffee arabica)(bean), hoodia(Hoodia gordonii)(aerial parts), 5-HTP(5-hydroxytryptophan), Griffonia simplicifolia(seed), turmeric(Curcuma longa L.)(rhizome), guarana(Paullinia cupana)(seed), rhodiola(root), cayenne pepper(Capsucum annuum)(fruit), apple cider vinegar, papaya(leaf), L-Arginine HCI. Other ingredients: Vegetable capsule, cellulose, l-leucine, silica.
Premium women’s fat burner by Nobi
Nobi makes a number of claims about this product: ketosis support, help with managing appetite, energy increase, fitness & performance boost, weight loss support, help with burning fat, slimming down and toning up. But it contains BHB as the main ingredient and BHB only works if you are already in a state of dietary ketosis. If your not in ketosis BHB can make you put on weight because your body will store the carbs in your body as fat and use  the bhb as energy which you do not want! Basically, Nobi’s product is just a branded version of (goBHB) which is used by many other diet pills especially Keto Pills. The official goBHB website lists only lists three benefits mentioned by Nobi: energy support, appetite control and promoting cognitive health.
Possible side effects Nobi: officially stated: none; but we found: upset stomach, nausea, lightheadedness, yellow skin, hunger and weight gain.
Ingredients Nobi: GoBHB(calcium beta-hydroxybutyrate, sodium beta-hydroxybutyrate, magnesium beta hydroxybutyrate).
Meizitang Botanical slimming pills
These are on the FDA tainted diet supplement warning list. These are BANNED.
Meizitang relies on traditional Asian medicine in making the diet pills. Apart from weight loss, Meizitang promises to promote appetite control, Relieve constipation, improve eye health, relieve symptoms of headaches, calm nausea. However, none of the ingredients’ alleged effects seem to have enough scientific evidence.
Moreover, FDA warned against Meizitang because of the pills containing sibutramine, a controlled substance that had been removed from the market.
Curiously, Meizitang is surrounded by numerous impostors, hence the warnings on the official website.
Possible side effects Meizitang: Bowel problems, weakness in muscles, loss of electrolytes, gastrointestinal issues, stomach problems, diarrhoea.
Ingredients Meizitang: Cassia seed extract (10%), ZiSu extract (25%), Medical Amylum (35%), Oriental Water Plantain (13%), Fuling Extract (17%), Lotus, Job’s tears, Tarragon, Psyllium.
Very few supplements take such care to guide you along your weight loss journey, as this supplement does.
The formula it utilises(comprised of FDA approved ingredients), has a multidimensional action: it gives you the energy to do the exercise, it curbs your appetite, it boosts your metabolism and it helps your body metabolise the fat tissue into muscle. And it does so with a blueprint of weight loss in mind.
The most pernicious and treacherous obstacle on your way to that elusive ideal body is a plateau phase: when you rapidly drop a lot of weight, your body will enter a defence mode, thereby leaving you with stubborn fat, so spitefully resistant to any exercise or diet.
By tweaking your metabolism in right places, Phen375 will enable you to get out of that trap. Even more, it offers its customers access to a video exercise programme. Which might be helpful for those who can’t afford pricey gym subscription or a personal trainer.
Possible side effects Phen375: Restlessness, irritability, sleeplessness, nervousness, increased heart rate.
Ingredients Phen375: l-caritine, caffeine powder anhydrous, Coleus forskohlii root PE(10% froskolin), citrus aurantium, cayenne pepper, Dendrodium nobile extract(from orchids).
An extract from the roots of an Indian herb Coleus Forskohlii, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, recently has drawn a scientific interest for its health benefits. It has been discovered to suppress appetite, improve metabolism and help indigestion. You might be excited by this completely natural medication which can help you lose weight, but be warned: little studies have been conducted on humans and the results are somewhat inconclusive.
Possible side effects Forskolin: flushing and reduction in blood pressure, restlessness, breathlessness, and irritation in the airways, headache, stinging pain the eyes and bloodshot eyes.
Raspberry Ketones.
Raspberry ketones are the compounds that give raspberries their flavour. Apart from food industry, they’re also used to aid weight loss.
The way they are supposed to work is by stimulating the hormone adiponectin, which helps to break down fatty acids. Experiments on mice have been conducted, indicating a weight loss of 10%.
Raspberry ketones have proven to be a useful diet supplement and have been utilised by various diet pill brands.
Possible side effects: unknown; generally recognised safe by the FDA.
  Lean pm night time fat burner
Lean PM by Jacked Factory is a stimulant-free diet supplement. Meaning that you don’t have to worry about any stimulant-induced side-effects like caffeine jitteriness. The only problem is it does not work according to many customers. Ingredients include vitamin B and magnesium which are used to fight fatigue. Aside from that, the supplement has a benefit of boosting your metabolism. 
Possible side effects Lean-PM: caffeine-related.
Ingredients Lean-PM: Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxine HCI) – 10mg, 500% DV, magnesium(as Magnesium Citrate) – 150mg, 38% DV, epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG) – 300mg, l-theanine – 200mg, 5-HTP(from Griffonia simplicifolia seed extract) – 150mg, melatonin – 5mg, Bioperine® black pepper fruit extract 5mg.
Garcinia cambogia is a citrus native to Indonesia. I is used per se or a an ingredient in various slimming pills. It works due to its main compound, Hydrocitric acid, blocking lyase, an enzyme responsible for fat production. Garcinia is also believed to improve serotonin levels. Thus, the fruit will stop you from gaining weight(and, thus, in longer term, promote weight loss) and, possibly, improve your mood. According to NCBI:
“the meta-analysis revealed a small, statistically significant difference in weight loss favoring HCA over placebo”
Possible side effects Garcinia Dizziness, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, skin rash.
Hydroxycut hardcore elite
This supplement is claimed to work through thermogenesis – a state of elevated body temperature, when it burns more calories for thermoregulation.
Alongside that, the supplement stimulants provide you with energy, some of its ingredients boost metabolism, while the blend of yohimbe & L-Theanine is described as “combination of potent ingredients that contribute to a one-of-a-kind sensory experience”.
Keep in mind, the brand’s reputation is somewhat murky due to health scares. The Parent company who produce Hydroxycut were forced to formulate the ingredients twice due to serious side-effect being reported by customers.
Possible side effects Hydroxycut: Insomnia, jitteriness, anxiety, nausea, diarrhea. This supplement suffers from above average number of customer complaints.
Ingredients Hydroxycut: kohlii(100mg), Green Coffee(200mg), Caffeine Anhydrous(270mg), L-Theanine(100mg), cocoa extract(100mg), yohimbe extract(56.3mg), supplying yohimbine, supplying rauwolscine.
(TOP 10) Best Weight Loss Pills 2020
Editors no.1. choice.
“….The best combined fat burner and appetite suppressant in the world. Comes with a special night formula….”
    If you’re over 30 and want the best combined appetite suppressant and fat burner these are for you.
Glucomannan makes you feel full and content (recommended by healthline as the best weight loss ingredient in the world)
You sleep one third of your life do not waste this time! This is the smart person’s choice! and the only premium diet formula to burn your fat night and day.
Helps regulate the hormone leptin which is required before you can lose weight
Increases your serotonin so you feel happy and positive
A great option for women over 30 who are inactive
Best appetite suppressant and fat burning diet pill combined
Hops extract promotes relaxation mindfulness
Vitamin B helps gives you energy by breaking down fat into glucose
With PhenQ the only diet pills that offer a full no questions asked guarantee even if you use the supplement and don’t like it. (60 days)
This supplement is only available from the official website
The only premium supplement with a special night formula that also burns your fat at night.
Phen24 claims to be the most potent weight loss pill on the market.
Are the claims justified?
Yes and no.
For pure fat burning qualities, we would give the Title to PhenQ.
That said there is a caveat an important one….
Phen24 is the only premium diet pill that includes a night-time supplement.
What is the big deal about this i hear you ask?
Well there is a lot science linking obesity with disturbed sleep.
Up to now this is a fact only a privileged few have really known about.
Why is it such a game changer for celebs ?
Celebs have to often change there weight and appearance in weeks and the night formula adds a massive one third to effective weight loss that would normally be wasted. 
It’s rather smart !
We sleep a 1/3 of our lives so knowing your losing weight with no effort while you sleep is a big plus point.
Another factor is the positive effect on your mood.
Phen24 is one of a few premium weight loss pills to formulate its ingredients around mood and well being as well as fat burning.
The reason for this is simple….
A sunny mood can boost motivation in all aspects of your life.
So although you may not be motivated to exercise or diet at the moment when you start to feel the weight come off this can give you new enthusiasm and hope.
If you are mature and less active Phen24 is a great option.
If you want to blast away fat in the shortest possible time go for PhenQ.
Some things you must know !
Most weight loss pills contain stimulants like caffeine that disturb your sleep. It’s why some people fail using weight loss supplements.
Sleep deprivation has been shown to reduce the hormone leptin in your body which naturally reduces your cravings.
A lack of sleep also increases the levels of ghrelin hormone which makes you feel hungry.
Phen24 is the smart balanced option that pays attention to your mood and those vital hormones like Leptin.
The US National Library of medicine and health said in a peer-reviewed study. “Laboratory studies and multiple epidemiological studies have linked short-sleep duration and poor-sleep quality to obesity risk”
    Possible side effects Phen24 Nausea on first day which is uncommon probably due to not drinking enough water.
Ingredients Phen24 Daily: Guarana extract Cayenne pepper,L-Phenylalanine, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc citrate, copper sulfate, Caffeine. Nightly: Glucomannan, Green tea extract, Hops extract, Chromium, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium D-Pantothenate, Plyridoxine Hcl, Thiamine Hcl, D-Biotin, Molybdenum.  
Famous Olympic athletes like Mo Farah use L-Carnitine for massive energy and recovery boost. This amazing ingredient is also in our top rated product for quick weight loss Phen-Q.
Editors choice for quick weight loss.
“….Considered by many in the scientific community to be the most powerful weight loss pills in the world….”
The potent weight loss pill obese people turn to instead of gastric bypass.
L-Carnitine used by the most successful British track athlete in modern Olympic history Mo Farah. This is ideal to maintain your muscle while burning your fat. It will get you cut!
Said to have 5 diet tablets in 1.
Gentle mood enhancing properties.
Nopal contains vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-3, C.
Suitable for you if you are an obese woman or man.
Great to boost your energy with a super safety profile.
Helpful to control blood sugar levels.
Offers a FULL CAST IRON GUARANTEE, return them even if you open the bottle (60 days)
PhenQ is only available from the official website
Up to 21%  more potent than any other fat burner on the market.. even our no.1 choice.
But for some the weight loss is to extreme and a more balanced approach can be more helpful. If you are at the stage of not giving a damn about balance and just want the fastest option this is for you.
In the last couple of years many obese people have used this supplement instead of gastric bypass losing as much as one hundred pounds in weight.  But be aware super quick weight loss when you’re very fat can leave stretch marks and loose skin. This is for you if…. You are obese and need to lose weight quickly If you need an energy and performance boost  With phen24 this is the only premium supplement that offers you a full no questions asked guarantee for 60 days. PhenQ blends natural ingredients to aid your weight loss and help you feel more positive. PhenQ also slows fat production. Curbs your appetite. Boosts your energy. And even increases your sense of wellness. The advantages don’t stop there! PhenQ also empowers you by giving you a FULL guarantee.
You will lose weight we are so confident we will give you a cast iron guarantee for 60 daysPhenQ
These are considered a premium weight loss supplement. Often used by pro fitness coaches and so  confident they give full money back promise. You will lose weight – 60 day promise. PhenQ is only available from the official website
Side effects = Phenq has a great safety profile! Ingredients Phenq α-Lacys Reset, capsimax powder, calcium carbonate, chromium picolinate, caffeine, nopal powder L-Carnitine.
Many moons ago it was believed women became mentally ill and hysterical on their periods so they did this totally unacceptable thing to cure it.
A natural choice to beat food cravings. “…..One of best appetite suppressant in the world…..”
Start to feel less hungry within 1 hour.
FDA registered facility this works and verified safe made to GMP standards.
HELPS INDUCE A METABOLIC STATE OF KETOSIS it will burn your fat for energy.
Non GMO, gluten free and vegan friendly.
Contains Apple Cider a super ingredient to defeat food cravings.
Raspberry ketones recommended by DR.OZ.
Comes with free bottles on certain orders
Boosts your energy with no known side effects.
Contains GREEN TEA (the best women’s fat burner in the world according to healthline and drunk every morning by President Obama)
Great with or without diet but also a great supplement to popular diets like keto, weight watchers ww and the cambridge diet.
Only available from the official website
Numerous celebs have caught on to the fact that you can use these to get slim without dieting.
BUT I warn against that attitude because eating poor food has negative health implications regardless of weight.
Often combined with popular diets like keto, weight watchers or cambridge to help beat food cravings which can spoil diets.
Keto by Vita is considered by many as a smart cheat helping many people to fast.
This an appetite suppressants which will more a less force you to stop eating.
Many athletes use this as health supplement because of apple cider vinegar. “…….In 1958, D.C Jarvis, MD published a book entitled ‘Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor’s Guide to Good Health’ wherein he recommended vinegar as a ‘cure-all’ thanks to its potassium rich qualities…..”
Mr President can I bring your Green Tea?
There are 4 main ingredients the 1st is green tea which is packed with antioxidants and used every morning by president obama who is considered the fittest president in history.
Green tea is mentioned as the best fat burner in the world by prestigious scientific website healthline.com and nutrition experts around the world agree.
Basically keto pills help you put your body into the state of ketosis which helps you utilises fat as the primary energy source, rather than carbohydrates.
It helps you burn your fat with the natural ingredients raspberry ketones and apple cider vinegar.
Take keto by vita to narrow your eating hours every day… ….this will help slow down your aging – Remember those teenage years again!
In addition to that, tea extract will give you an energy boost, To blast your daily tasks!
As you’ve probably noticed, all the ingredients are natural, which makes these pills very safe.
Only available from the official website
No significant side effects have been reported
Ingredients keto diet pills. raspberry ketones, apple cider vinegar, green tea extract, African mango.
#4. Slendarol
Slendarol is a brand that put emphasis on a all-natural blend of ingredients. Slendarol will provide you with the energy throughout the day, promote healthy metabolism and reduce your appetite. 2 of the ingredients raspberry ketones and garcinia cambogia have positive scientific feedback but most are based on animal tests not human tests. Also cambogia in my opinion is rather a mild appetite suppressant. The customer reviews, nevertheless, rate Slendarol quite well. The only complaint some customers have is the stimulating effect. Slendarol diet pills are sold for a relatively low price – $39.95/bottle(month’s supply), $72.95/2 bottles and $119.95/ 3 bottles + 1 free.
Possible side effects Slendarol: allergic reactions, caffeine dizziness or jitteriness.
Ingredients Slendarol: raspberry ketones, green coffee bean extract, green tea extract, garcinia cambogia.
#5.Vintage Burn
Sometimes the war against fat involves some civilian casualties.
I’m talking about those unfortunate muscle cells that get burnt for energy while you’re trying to shed some weight.
Very unfortunate indeed, since it is mostly the muscle tissue that does the fat burning. And, yes, obviously everyone actually aims for a skinny body, rather than simply a light-weight one. What can you do to attain the desired low fat-muscle ratio? ]
Vintage Burn purports to be the answer but see above for PhenQ which is the better option. This is a powerful blend of carefully selected ingredients which promotes weight loss, but also helps to preserve your muscles, – and guess what–  it can even improve your mood & focus. 
Possible side effects Vintage Burn: May contain trace amounts of allergens such as milk, eggs, soybeans, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, and peanuts; should not be taken in less than 4 hrs before sleep to avoid caffeine-induced insomnia.
Main Ingredients Vintage Burn: Green tea leaf extract, green coffee leaf extract, raspberry ketone, olive leaf extract, caffeine, bacopa leaf extract, garcinia fruit extract, chrysin, forskohlii root extract.Auxiliary ingredients: vegetable capsule, vegetable stearate.
BurnXT presents a powerful formula devised by a well-established brand, Jacked Factory but it is overly packed with stimulants in my opinion. Acetyl L-carnitine HCI. This amino acid will launch the fat burning process in your cells and, somewhat unexpectedly, enhance your cognitive function.
Green tea extract offers caffeine, predictably, but more than that, it also contains a compound called EGCG(whose name we abbreviated out of mercy for your tongue) which promotes fat loss.
Caffeine Anhydrous. A stimulant the benefits of which it has been already extensively written about but this this ingredient can also have negative side effects for many people in high doses. Anhydrous simply refers to the dry consistency of the chemical (as opposed to your typical cup of coffee – or tea, whichever you fancy)
Cayenne pepper extract will give you an increase in body temperature, so that it spends more energy for thermoregulation, so that you burn fat!
Black pepper extract helps absorption of the ingredients. You want to squeeze the maximum off that pill, don’t you?
Possible side effects BurnXT: Can cause anxiety and heart palpitations be aware of high caffeine content.
Ingredients Burn XT: Acetyl L-carnitine HCI(700mg), green tea extract(450mg), caffeine anhydrous(270mg), Capsimax cayenne pepper(50mg), BioPerine(5mg).
You have probably heard the old wives tale about fat consumption being inherently harmful for your body.
Well, this supplement may change your mind on that one.
CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid, which is a family of compounds that can be found in such products as dairy or poultry.
CLA promotes a healthy metabolism and helps you build pure, fat-free muscles.
One study in mice even found a fat drop by 60%!.
But be aware trials involving  people have yet to confirm these fantastic results.
Possible side effects CLA: Nausea, digestive disorders.
Ingredients CLA: conjugated linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid.
#8. Green Coffee Plus
In contrast to the previously reviewed brands, this supplement focuses on quality, rather than quantity. Its main ingredient, chlorogenic acid, does great job at correcting an unhealthy metabolism. It does so by making your liver burn more fat. Moreover, this incredible compound is among the most powerful antioxidants on Earth. If you want to shed some of that stubborn fat and detox your body for an adequate price this is an option for you.
Side effects Green Coffee Uncommon reports of diarrhea
Ingredients: Pure green coffee extract.
#9. Alli
If most of the supplements covered are a gentle aid in the pursuit of a skinny body, this one is heavy artillery. Alli is an over-the-counter version of orlistat. What it does is it simply block lipase, – enzyme responsible for breaking down the ingested fat, – so that your fat absorption drops by a quarter. That’s it, that fat just doesn’t get absorbed. That said many customer reports suggest it is no longer as effective as it used to be. 
Possible side effects Alli: Itching, loss of appetite, yellow eyes or skin, light-coloured stool, brown urine.
Ingredients: orlistat – 60mg.
  CRAZY WEIGHT LOSS FACT  Weight loss programs like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig can be tax deductible. If your current weight is a threat to your health, and your doctor enrolls you on the program.
#10. Goli ACV Gummies
Lots of positive feedback, they taste great but there is a negative. They are totally organic, non-allergic, vegan-friendly.  You might be surprised how many benefits ACV has. Besides helping you lose weight by boosting your metabolism, it also aids digestion, detoxes your gut and promotes a healthy heart. ACV can even improve your skin because it regulates your pH levels.
Downsides are Goli Gummies are very expensive compared to other AVC products. Each servings contains 15 calories, 3.5 carbs and 1 gram of sugars. 
There are better combined options including keto pills by Vita (below) which also contains apple cider vinegar.
If you like gummies I suggest buying sugar free gummies in your local walmart:)
Possible side effects Goli Gummies: May decrease your potassium levels, may alter insulin levels.
Ingredients Goli Gummies: Apple cider vinegar(5% acetic acid) – 500mg, beetroot – 40mcg, pomegranate – 40mcg, vitamin B12, vitamin B9. Other ingredients: apple, blackcurrant, cane sugar, carrot, citric acid, malic acid, natural flavour, sodium citrate, tapioca syrup, pectin, water.
For the film role the machinist Christian Bale lost 60lbs on a strict diet of whisky and cigarettes. The was one of many remarkable transformations he made for film roles.
 The post 🍊Best Weight Loss Pills 2020 appeared first on Health-Info.org.
from Health-Info.org https://health-Info.org/nutrition/weight-loss-pills-guide/
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pearmelody94-blog · 5 years
Do I need to be in ketosis all the time?
One of the common fears in the keto community is being “kicked out of ketosis.” If nothing else, the adaptation process is notorious for being painful. But there’s also the fear that any time spent out of ketosis is time wasted. If ketosis is the best way to go for weight management and health, why do anything that’s less than optimal?
Meanwhile, a lot of people who can’t or don’t feel ready to commit to a full keto diet might think that there’s nothing in ketosis for them and no way for them to get the related.
But in fact, it’s not necessary to be continually in ketosis to get some of the health benefits. Switching back and forth from carbs to fat may have benefits of its own, even if you can’t stay in ketosis continually. If anything, the “natural” way for humans to live is to periodically shift back and forth from carb-burning to fat-burning mode, rather than staying entirely in one or the other. With the exception of a very few groups, like the Inuit, most hunter-gatherer societies do eat some carb-rich foods – but they also undergo periods of fasting and intense physical activity that push them towards fat burning.
Here’s a look at the potential benefits of metabolic switching – going back and forth from fat-burning to carb-burning mode.
Benefits of metabolic switching
“Feed me fat bombs and keto cheesecake! But only sometimes! Other days I want potatoes.”
Ketosis is helpful for weight loss for all kinds of reasons. It suppresses appetite, which is handy. It’s helpful for improving insulin sensitivity and managing energy/blood sugar fluctuations. It’s a popular weight-loss strategy for a reason! But for weight loss and general well-being in healthy adults, there’s no need to be in ketosis all the time. People who typically do keto might benefit from short periods out of ketosis, and people who aren’t fully on the keto train might benefit from switching to a fat-burning metabolism every now and again.
This study explains the benefits of periodically switching between a more ketogenic, fat-burning metabolic state and a “normal,” carb-burning state:
“intermittent metabolic switching, repeating cycles of a metabolic challenge that induces ketosis (fasting and/or exercise) followed by a recovery period (eating, resting and sleeping), may optimize brain function and resilience throughout the lifespan, with a focus on the neuronal circuits involved in cognition and mood. Such metabolic switching impacts multiple signalling pathways that promote neuroplasticity and resistance of the brain to injury and disease.”
In less technical terms, this paper is arguing that metabolic switching may help improve the capacity of the brain to respond to stress, repair itself, and maintain healthy function as we age.
Metabolic switching may also have physical benefits. This study, in mice, tested two groups of mice. Both groups did exercise training (wheel running), but one group got regular food and the other had an alternate-day fasting routine. On fasting days, the fasted mice burned more fat for energy, relative to carbs, indicating a metabolic shift. At the end of the study, the alternate-day fasting mice were better wheel runners.
Metabolic switching in practice
There are actually a lot of ways to make metabolic switching happen in practice –
Varying the amount of carbohydrate in your diet
This one is possibly the easiest way to do it: sometimes eat keto, and sometimes add more carbs, as in any one of the many carb re-feeding protocols for ketogenic diets. Per this article, it takes between 3 days to 1 week of keto eating for most people to reach the threshold of nutritional ketosis (“keto flu” or other induction symptoms may last longer than that, depending on the cause, but the metabolic shift occurs within a couple of days). Coming back the other way, it takes very little time after eating carbs to get out of ketosis.
Non-keto diet with periodic fasting
For people who would rather eat nothing than eat keto – the concept here is to eat a higher-carb diet normally, with periods of fasting to induce ketosis. This study indicated that men may need to fast longer than women to achieve a ketogenic state, but that 30 hours is enough for men and more than enough for women – that fits pretty well with the one-day fasting or alternate-day fasting protocols that have been shown to deliver other benefits as well.
Intense, challenging exercise
This is the fastest way to switch from carb-burning to fat burning. There’s a lot of evidence that intense exercise triggers the same kind of metabolic switch as fasting/ketogenic diets. After the carbohydrate stored in the liver is all gone, your body starts turning more and more to fat for fuel. High-intensity intervals are the most efficient way to do this, but lower-intensity exercise for a longer period of time (like long-distance running) can also work. But it has to be intense relative to your abilities. Athletes have to work harder than couch potatoes to get the same effect.
Because different people have such widely varying levels of fitness, there’s no one rule for “Run X miles or Y number of sprints” – the most applicable advice for people outside a lab might be “push until you want to quit, and then keep pushing.”
There are also ways to combine diet with exercise to speed this up a bit. For example, eating a high-carb diet, carb-loading before an event, eating carbs (Gatorade, gels, etc.) during an event, and replenishing carbs right after a workout can all limit or prevent glycogen depletion and fat-burning during or after exercise. Conversely, eating a lower-carb diet (not necessarily keto, just not high-carb), not carb-loading, and limiting carbs during a workout can help get that switch going faster.
Mix & Match
You can definitely mix and match these strategies – occasional one-day fasts with periodic very tough workouts, or maybe one of the many carb-refeeding strategies that play nicely with keto.
Will I get keto flu every time?
Even if there are health benefits to switching in and out of ketosis, who would ever want to put up with the notorious “keto flu” all the time? Nobody, of course, but there’s decent evidence that it’s not inevitable.
For one thing, quite a few “keto flu” symptoms are actually caused by electrolyte problems, because a lot of keto beginners aren’t aware they need to think about electrolytes at all. If you’re aware of this problem, you can easily forestall it – here’s how. There’s never a need for anyone to suffer from electrolyte problems while going keto or at any other time.
Also, a lot of people manage to pull off regular carb re-feeds on keto without experiencing keto flu symptoms bad enough to make it intolerable. Even more people do one-day fasts once a week or so, and then return to eating normally without experiencing awful metabolic symptoms. The whole concept here is to cultivate flexibility so that the metabolic switch isn’t so difficult and painful – and it clearly works for a huge number of keto and intermittent fasting devotees already.
But for those who just can’t hack it (maybe people with such severe metabolic damage that keto is the one and only option), there are definitely other ways to cultivate good brain health and neuroplasticity. This is one option among many, not the only way!
Do you ever go in and out of ketosis on purpose? Why? How? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter!
P.S. Have a look at Paleo Restart, our 30-day program. It has the tools to let you reset your body, lose weight and start feeling great.
+ The Paleo Leap Meal Planner is now also available. Put your meal planning on autopilot!
Source: https://paleoleap.com/do-i-need-to-be-in-ketosis-all-the-time/
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
5 Benefits of BCAAs for Strength and Recovery
Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are now one of the most popular supplements around, earning a place in millions of homes and gyms, worldwide. Numerous studies show a direct link between BCAA intake and improved strength and recovery, fuelling sales growth which shows no sign of slowing.
Whether you are a keen runner, professional tennis player, amateur weightlifter or an Olympic gold medallist, you could certainly benefit from adding more BCAAs to your diet.
Evidence supports the use of BCAA supplementation for strength and recovery during exercise but also recognizes their role in some diseases, such as cancer. Other studies have also linked bloodstream levels of BCAAs to insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes.
In this article, we’ll go over the main benefits of BCAAs for strength and recovery and why you should consider adding them to your diet.
What are BCAAs?
When we talk about protein, we are referring to amino acid residue – which is what protein is made from. BCAAs are essential amino acids because the body is unable to synthesize them on its own, therefore, they must be consumed in our diet. Of the nine essential amino acids, three of them fall into the BCAA category. They are:
Leucine – boosts protein synthesis, helping build and repair muscle. It also assists with insulin to regulate blood sugars and is one of only two amino acids which cannot be converted into sugar.
Isoleucine – enables energy to be stored in muscle cells rather than fat cells by regulating glucose uptake.
Valine – improves mental functioning, reduces fatigue and prevents muscle breakdown.
Other essential amino acids are oxidized (broken down to release energy) in the liver, however, BCAAs are unique in that they can be metabolized in muscle. Why is this important? Well, the body needs BCAAs in the bloodstream to maintain normal bodily functions. If none are available, the body will break down muscle cells to release them. [1] [1]
Food Sources
The supplement industry does a great job convincing us to invest in BCAA supplements to get optimal results. However, for the most part, you will get all you need from everyday foods.
The recommended intake of BCAAs is around 15-20 grams per day, so getting enough from your diet is not all that difficult. You should aim for around five grams per meal (assuming three square meals per day).
Here are some common foods with examples of their BCAA content, per 3oz serving, cooked.
Cheddar Cheese – 4.7g
Ground turkey – 4.2g
Ground Beef (95% lean) – 4.0g
Peanuts – 3.1g
Cashew Nuts – 2.8g
Whole eggs – 2.2g
Chicken breast – 2.1g
Lentils – 1.3g
Black Beans – 1.3g
Lentils, black beans and kidney beans contain all three branched-chain amino acids; however, some plant-based foods are not “complete” proteins. For a food to be a complete protein source, it must contain all nine essential amino acids. While kidney beans and black beans are complete, lentils lack enough methionine.
You can overcome this problem by combining lentils with other foods high in methionine (such as rice) to form complete proteins. Peanuts suffer a similar problem because they lack the essential amino acid, lysine. To make it complete, simply spread it on bread or toast.
If you’re unsure what foods contain complete proteins, head over to nutritiondata.self.com. This fantastic site lists the protein and nutritional profiles of thousands of foods. If a protein is not complete, simply click the “find foods with complementary profile” link to find sources containing the missing essential amino acids.
The 2:1:1 Ratio
When you look at BCAA supplement packaging, you will nearly always find reference to the BCAA ratio. The most common is 2:1:1, made up of two-parts leucine, one-part isoleucine, and one-part valine. While 2:1:1 is the most common, you will sometimes see products with ratios of 4:1:1, 8:1:1 and even 10:1:1.
These higher ratio BCAA supplements all contain more leucine. If you take time to read the packaging or the manufacturer’s marketing materials, they usually reference the muscle-building power of leucine. In reality, they are just cheaper to produce, so you will rarely find them citing existing research to back up their claims.
Scientists have used the 2:1:1 ratio in studies based on the levels found in natural food sources. Historically, there has been little need to investigate other ratios. Nevertheless, the role of leucine in protein synthesis has caught some interest. While current evidence is limited, a ratio of 4:1:1 has shown promise in one study, where results found it to increase protein synthesis by over 30%.
Benefits of BCAAs
1. You’ll Build Major Muscle Mass
When looking to improve strength, or to build muscle (hypertrophy), you need to activate protein synthesis. For this to happen, leucine is the single most important dietary requirement. Chemical signals tell your body to build and repair muscle, and leucine effectively amplifies that signal – especially following resistance exercise. [2]
As leucine is the main amino associated with muscle growth, you might be wondering why this is not recommended as a standalone supplement for muscle growth. As it happens, studies have been conducted to investigate. One such study compared three groups: one took a placebo, the other a leucine supplement, while the third group consumed a regular BCAA drink with a ratio of 2:1:1. While leucine performed better than the placebo, it did not do as well as BCAA group.
The reason for this is simple: all amino acids are required for muscle growth. So, while leucine stimulates the process, other forms of protein are needed to build muscle. Without the other amino acids, leucine is like a motivational building site manager with no workers to do the job. [3]
2. You’ll Be Far Less Exhausted
Getting tired during a workout can be a real drag. You will be glad to hear that branched-chain amino acids – particularly valine – can help with this.
When you exercise, the level of tryptophan (another essential amino acid) rises. When tryptophan reaches the brain, it is used to make serotonin – a hormone been linked to our feeling of fatigue. All amino acids are transported to the brain on the same bus, yet not all are allowed entry to the brain. With limited accommodation available, valine competes with tryptophan and overpowers it. Less tryptophan in the brain means less serotonin, and less serotonin means lower fatigue. [4]
3. You’ll Recover Way Quicker
The body can take a real beating during intensive exercise. Recovering after such a session can take a few days or more.
One study, looking into the effects of BCAA supplementation in experienced resistance-trained athletes, showed positive results. The rate of recovery improved for strength, countermovement jump height and muscle soreness.[5] BCAAs can also speed up recovery time following endurance sports and intensive cardio sessions.4. No More Muscle Catabolism
Our priority, when exercising – whether it’s to lose weight, tone up, or get healthier in general – is usually to improve our body composition; after all, better body composition makes you look more toned, and the health benefits are well documented.
While exercising, we need more BCAAs to function properly. [11] [6]
When bloodstream levels are too low, the body looks for somewhere to get them. At this stage, it begins breaking down (catabolizing) muscle tissue to access the branched-chain amino acids it needs.
Consuming BCAAs ensures an adequate level is available in the bloodstream, reducing the chances of muscle breakdown. During and following intensive exercise sessions, it is important to consume slightly higher levels. This is the reason why some athletes will sip on a BCAA supplement drink during a workout.
Intermittent fasting has risen in popularity in recent years, with millions of people finding success with this form of dieting. As you can imagine, while in the fasted state, the bloodstream is low on BCAAs. Knocking back a very low-calorie BCAA drink during the fasted helps combat this.
Following a workout, a meal or meal replacement high in protein is typically consumed to further replenish BCAA levels. If the aim of the workout was to build muscle, this is the best time to give protein synthesis a boost with some muscle-building leucine. Fast acting carbs are also a good idea at this time, as the energy can be stored in the muscles as glycogen.
5. Massive Muscle Energy Storage
When you eat, the energy you consume is either used or stored. You could be forgiven for thinking that excess energy is stored in fat cells, but it’s not.
Once digested, carbohydrates are converted to glucose, which supplies your cells with energy. The hormone, insulin, helps regulate blood sugar. One of the ways it does this is by helping glucose move through cell walls to be stored.
Unused glucose is converted to glycogen and stored in the liver and muscle tissue. Any excess glucose which cannot be deposited as glycogen is finally stored in fat cells.
The fantastic thing about glycogen stored in muscle cells is this: once stored in the muscle, it cannot return to the bloodstream to be used anywhere else. It can be used only by the muscle. For this reason, encouraging glucose to be stored in muscle cells is preferable to it being stored as fat.
Glycogen stored in muscles is a readily available energy source. So, when blood sugars are too low, contracting muscles will use the fuel stored within them to get the job done. This is where the branched-chain amino acid, isoleucine, shines by promoting glucose uptake by muscles. Greater uptake means less energy is stored as fat resulting in quicker energy access for the muscle. [7]
Dangers, Side Effects & Toxicity
Is There a Risk of Toxicity
It is safe to say that consuming high levels of BCAAs is not toxic. Studies looked at toxicity in mice and rats, concluding there to be no observed-adverse-effect level. [8]
However, if you’re looking to maximize your training efforts, research shows that excessive levels of BCAAs can actually hinder performance.[14] [9]
Inclusive Ties to Type-2 Diabetes
Maybe the largest concern for some people is that there is a direct link between high levels of BCAAs in the blood and type-2 diabetes. [15] On initial inspection, this looks to be bad news for branched-chain amino acids. However, further research suggests it is poor insulin sensitivity which drives higher circulating BCAA levels.[10] [11]
Negative Effects on Insulin Sensitivity in Vegans
During a 2017 study, when supplementing with BCAAs, vegans became more resistant to insulin. [12]
During this study, they consumed an extra 20 grams of branched-chain amino acids per day for three months. Considering the lack of research on the subject, it is difficult to ascertain why this happened. Evidence shows that switching to a plant-based diet lowers the BCAA plasma levels associated with insulin resistance. [13]
The vegan subjects also had much better insulin sensitivity at the start of the study.
Increased Spread of Cancer & Disease
Inside our cells, a series of chemical reactions are constantly taking place. This series of events, known as a biological pathway, is what we refer to as our metabolism. These interactions produce new molecules such as fat or protein and can trigger changes in our cells.
The mTOR pathway forms part of this process. In simple terms, the mTOR pathway regulates cell growth. The branched-chain amino acid, leucine, stimulates the mTOR pathway, which is great for muscle growth, but not so great for some forms of cancer. Many cancers rely on mTOR activity for the growth and spread of cancerous cells. For this reason, much research is taking place regarding BCAAs and their link with diseases. [14]
Take Home Advice: Take BCAAs
It’s easy to see, given the evidence, why BCAAs are such a popular supplement for people engaging in exercise. Faster recovery, increased muscle growth, and reduced fatigue benefit all kinds of athletes, from beginners through to seasoned Olympians.
For those lifting weights, BCAAs will help you get bigger and stronger; marathon runners might delay hitting the wall, and if you’re playing competitive football week in week out, you can recover faster. In contrast, if you are not exercising regularly, there really is no need: just ensure you’re eating enough complete, plant-based proteins such as lentils, black beans, nuts and grains, some fish and meat a few times per week and you’ll be fine.
However, if you are vegan, your family has a history of diabetes, or have been recently diagnosed with a disease such as cancer, you should certainly consult with your doctor before adding BCAA supplements to your diet.
Featured photo credit: Brad Neathery via unsplash.com
[1]^NCBI: Exercise Promotes BCAA Catabolism[2]^American Physiology Society: Branched-chain Amino Acids Increase p70S6k[3]^NCBI: Branched-chain Amino Acids and Muscle Protein Synthesis in Humans[4]^NCBI: A Role for Branched-chain Amino Acids in Reducing Fatigue[5]^NRC: The effects of acute branched-chain amino acid supplementation on recovery from a single bout of hypertrophy exercise in resistance-trained athletes[6]^NCBI: Leucine supplementation and intensive training[7]^AMJ Physiol:Hypoglycemic effect of isoleucine involves increased muscle glucose uptake and whole body glucose oxidation and decreased hepatic gluconeogenesis[8]^NCBI: Thirteen-week oral toxicity study of branched-chain amino acids in rats[9]^NCBI:Effects of Diets Supplemented with Branched-Chain Amino Acids on the Performance and Fatigue Mechanisms of Rats Submitted to Prolonged Physical Exercise[10]^NCBI:Genetic evidence of a causal effect of insulin resistance on branched-chain amino acid levels[11]^NCBI:Branched-chain amino acids in metabolic signaling and insulin resistance[12]^NCBI: Chronic dietary exposure to branched chain amino acids impairs glucose disposal in vegans but not in omnivores[13]^NCBI: Amino acid changes during transition to a vegan diet supplemented with fish in healthy humans[14]^NCBI:Branched-chain amino acid metabolism in cancer
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The post 5 Benefits of BCAAs for Strength and Recovery appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ https://ift.tt/2HX8in4 via Viral News HQ
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jesseneufeld · 5 years
Definitive Guide To Sprinting, Part 2: Creating a Sprinting Workout (+Video)
Now that you’ve absorbed the rationale and benefits to add sprinting to your fitness program with Part One of the Definitive Guide To Sprinting, let’s get into the details of how to conduct a great workout. The following five guidelines are presented in logical succession, so you can refer to them frequently and ensure a safe, effective sprint workout. I’ll also share a few sprint workouts you can do anytime, including my own sprint workout routine. Remember, it’s all about going big…and then going home to get on with an awesome life.
Let’s get started….
  First Things First
First, get your movement and fitness objectives in a good groove before you contemplate adding sprinting to your program. When you’re ready to sprint, make sure you pick the right day. It’s essential that you feel 100 percent rested and energized—chomping at the bit—every time you conduct a sprint workout. If you have even the slightest sensation of subpar immune function or muscle stiffness or soreness, postpone your workout until you feel great. (This is the better day to do low-level cardio activities instead.) If you conduct a sprint workout in a fatigued state, bad stuff happens. First, you increase your risk of injury and extend recovery time by pushing a tired body to hard work.
When you insist upon training in a fatigued state, it doesn’t make you tougher, but rather slower. When you conduct an all-out sprint, you are asking billions of neurons in your central nervous system to process messages and motor responses with great speed and accuracy. If you’re off your A-game and attempt a sprint session, you’ll actually fire neurons and muscles more slowly and inaccurately. You’re literally training your body how to go more slowly when you start out feeling like crap and carry on in the name of “consistency,” or the demands of the ego.
Swimmers know that when your stroke becomes short and choppy due to fatigue at the end of a workout or a tough set, you’re ingraining these flawed motor patterns into your central database. Consequently, you become more likely to make technique errors all the time, even when you’re fresh. This is just like an undisciplined day in the office, when you perform sloppy work that also takes longer than usual, and become accustomed to working in what author, speaker, and performance scientist James Hewitt calls the “cognitive middle gear.”
It’s interesting to note the frequency at which the world’s elite sprinters will pull out of a race at the last minute. Even with the pressure and expectation of a stadium full of fans, the athlete will report a twinge in the hamstring during warm-ups and withdraw from meet. Implement the same strict standards for your own workouts. Even if you’re a novice, you can tell after a couple wind sprints (details shortly) if you are not feeling as snappy and explosive as usual. On those occasions, wait patiently and try again on a better day.
The Warm-Up
It’s important to warm-up carefully before any workout, but even more so for sprinting due to the increased demand placed on muscles, joints, and connective tissue. A warm-up consists of 5-10 minutes of very comfortably paced cardiovascular exercise—something registering a 1 or 2 on a 1-10 scale. For all but the fittest folks, this is simply a brisk walk, perhaps an easy jog. The goal is to break a light sweat and elevate heart rate and respiration rate so you’re prepared for the next phase of the workout. A gentle warm-up allows blood concentrated in the organs to flow smoothly out to the extremities. This minimizes the fight or flight impact of transitioning from a sedentary state to an active state.
Granted, your body is capable of springing into action anytime via fight or flight mechanisms, but this increases the stress impact of the workout as you can imagine. Even if you’re just going for a moderately paced jog, you’ll start burning glucose immediately instead of fat because you’re prompting a six-fold increase in your metabolic output from a resting state too quickly. Once you stimulate glucose burning processes, it’s difficult to transition over to the desired fat burning-dominant jogging session. In contrast, if you leave the house, walk for a minute or two, move to a brisk walk for a minute or two, then start the intended aerobic jogging pace of your workout, you’re more likely to burn fat for the duration of the session. This is true for any exercise, so spin the pedals, paddle the board, or row the oars very slowly for several minutes at every workout.
Dynamic Stretches and Preparatory Drills
While an easy cardio warm-up is sufficient for most workouts, the high-intensity nature of sprinting requires more extensive preparations before you launch into the main work efforts. You’ve probably heard about the drawbacks and dangers associated with static stretching, whereby muscles are temporarily weakened after being stretched. Dynamic stretches are different—you’re moving muscles through an exaggerated range of motion, but not applying extra force beyond what’s required to go through the range of motion. I provide photos and detailed descriptions of a great set of dynamic stretches for running sprints in The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation and 21-Day Primal Reset video course.
Here’s a quick rundown of a great dynamic stretching sequence. (Stay tuned for a complete post on this important subject soon.)
Knee-to-Chest: Start out gently pulling knees up to chest and releasing as you walk forward
Pull Quads: Grab your foot from behind, pull gently up to butt, and release.
Open Hips: Facing forward, rotate your knee up and along bodyline, then place directly in front of you. This is especially important to improve hip flexor mobility that is compromised by sitting in a chair all day.
Mini-Lunge: Take exaggerated-length steps, getting your front thigh nearly parallel to the ground. Don’t overdo this one, it’s just warm-up!
I also recommend completing some preparatory drills that are actually quite difficult on their own but help refine excellent technique, and also build flexibility and mobility for sprinting. I’ll detail these drills in a future article about dynamic stretching. Generally, the drills help you refine good technique and avail full range of motion before you explode off the line at your first sprint. Following are a couple great drills to conduct before sprinting:
Hopping Drill: Launch off one leg, driving knee high into chest, then land on the same leg. After a short hop forward, launch off opposite leg, driving knee high. Balance your launch effort between height and distance. Pump arms vigorously during each sequence.
High Knees: This one will get your heart rate up, and help you focus on achieving correct form during sprints. Run forward with exaggerated knee lift, striving to slap palms. During actual sprinting, focus on preserving a tall, straight body, driving knees high, and maintaining a balanced center of gravity through fast, efficient leg turnover.
Wind Sprints
You should be feeling loose, fluid and explosive after the dynamic stretches—ready for some wind sprints! This is a term describing brief accelerations up to nearly full speed, then a quick easing off the gas pedal back to easy effort. Wind sprints are important to get the final kinks out, get the brain and body focused on proper technique, and hone your focus for the main set of sprints just ahead. Wind sprints can be done with bicycling, swimming, rowing or other type of sprint session. You just initiate a few powerful pedal strokes or rows to get up to speed, then quickly back off before feeling slightest bit of strain.
Wind sprints are the time for an honest evaluation of how you’re feeling and whether to proceed to the main set of sprints. Tudor Bompa, Ph.D., author of Periodization Training for Sports, describes the ready state as: optimally excited and uninhibited. You are about to fire fast twitch muscle fibers to their full potential, so you might want to emulate the Olympians and do some miniature explosive jumps and hops before you launch into your first sprint. If you feel particularly sluggish when you accelerate during the wind sprints, you may want to pull the plug on the workout.
Granted, sometimes it takes a while for the engine to get warmed up and the brain to get enthused about maximum explosive efforts, but after the warm-up, dynamic stretches, preparatory drills, and wind sprints, the goal is to feel nothing short of fantastic. Believe me, I have made the mistake many times of thinking I could man up and get through a sprint workout. Guess what? I can every time, but these are the sessions where I tweak or pull something, and/or experience much more muscle soreness and fatigue in the ensuing days.
Feeling optimally excited and uninhibited before the first sprint is critical, and it’s also important to preserve the sensation throughout the workout. What I often notice during sprint sessions is feeling great, great, great, and then noticing a bit more fatigue and sluggishness during the recovery period. I might drag my feet a bit during slow jogging, or my mind will wander from intense focus on the session to something relating to the business matters of the day. Pay attention to these little things throughout the session. If you’re endurance athlete, this requires a fundamental change in mindset from “endure” to “explode.” It’s a cool feeling to conduct yourself like a real athlete instead of just a plodder once in a while, so go for it!
(Optional) Intensive Sprint Preparation: Cold Immersion
Speaking of optimally excited and uninhibited, my writing sidekick Brad Kearns has been doing some interesting research and field testing with the practice of cold exposure, followed by a rewarming jog, followed by all-out sprints. Brad calls this operation the Unfrozen Caveman Runner (those in the older age groups will recognize the Saturday Night Life reference to one of Phil Hartman’s classic characters). The essence of the protocol is this: We know from research detailed in The Definitive Guide to Cold Therapy article that even a brief cold exposure of 20 seconds in 40ºF (4.4ºC) water triggers a 200-300% spike in norepinephrine lasting for an hour afterward. This is a legit hack to access the desired “optimally excited and uninhibited” state!
We also know that performing intense exercise on cold muscles and joints is completely stupid. Instead, you take the necessary time to rewarm after a cold immersion and before a sprint session. In Brad’s protocol, this entails a 30-minute jog at aerobic heart rates—extremely slow and gentle at first, and gradually warming into a typical training pace. Once warmed, you arrive at the track and ride the norepinephrine high for a breakthrough sprint session, as seen on Brad’s YouTube video.
The benefits of cold exposure to athletic performance and recovery have been validated in a laboratory setting by the inventors of the RTX cooling glove at Stanford University. In short, they invented a contraption you stick your hand into which quickly lowers your core body temperature. A very fit researcher named Vin Cao established a baseline fitness standard when he did 180 pull-ups in a single workout—performed in sets of 50 with three-minute breaks between sets. Not bad, for a Stanford researcher! After training with the glove for six weeks, and cooling his body temperature after every set of pull-ups, Cao was able to perform a mind-blowing 620 pull-ups in a single workout!
Main Set
Your wind sprints are done? Now onto the main event.
Choose a duration between 10 and 20 seconds, and target your reps between 4 and 10. (If you’re new to sprinting, stick to no more than 4-5 reps.)
We haven’t talked about rest intervals yet, and Dr. Craig Marker and other experts urge you to take “luxurious” rest intervals during your sprint workouts. I must admit that this insight was a revelation to me.
I came to sprinting from an endurance background, where I spent decades suffering with the best of them. Wanna do a couple more reps? Sure—and forget the rest interval, let’s go right now! For years, I performed brief explosive sprints as directed, then after a brief jog would launch right into another one, and another. Why be luxurious when you can be tough? Well, it turns out that replenishing ATP and creatine phosphate (fuel used during explosive efforts of less than 30 seconds) requires around three minutes of rest before performing another maximum effort. Olympic sprinters will routinely rest for several minutes between efforts—not because they absolutely need to, but because this maximizes their ability to generate explosive force repeatedly, and minimizes cellular damage caused by the workout. Science geeks note: this is an oversimplified description of energy contribution during intense exercise. This article about the energy systems involved during intense exercise will give you a fabulous overview of everything you need to know to run a 43-flat 400-meter like Wayde Van Niekerk.
Dr. Craig Marker’s HIIT vs. HIRT article recommends a sensible work-to-rest pattern in a kettlebell workout of 10 seconds of explosive effort, repeated on the minute, for a maximum of 10 minutes. I find 50 seconds of rest is plenty for a sprint of short duration. Alas, we want luxurious as the top goal here, so feel free to extend your recovery time on the last few sprints to make sure you feel optimally excited and uninhibited every time.
Sample Workouts
Let’s put it all together with some sample sprint workouts. I’ll begin with my own running routine.
My Sprint Routine
Running Sprints
Warm-up: 10 minutes of brisk walking/slow jogging. Maintain a heart rate well below aerobic maximum per Dr. Phil Maffetone’s formula: “180 minus age” in beats per minute.
Dynamic Stretching and Preparatory Drills: Complete as directed, probably lasting 7-10 minutes.
Wind Sprints: Do 3-5 wind sprints where you move for perhaps 10 seconds, but only two seconds are at speed.
Sprint!: Pick a fixed distance such as half of a football field or running track straightaway, knowing that it will take around 10 seconds to complete. Conduct between 4 and 10 sprints, taking at least 50 seconds between sprints. Quit as soon as you notice any muscle tightness, breakdown in form, a slower than typical time for the same distance, or an increase in effort needed to achieve the same time.
Cool Down: Commence a gradual cooldown consisting of 7-10 minutes of light jogging or brisk walking, maintaining a heart rate below “180 minus age.” At the end, you should stop sweating, have a normal respiration rate and a heart rate near normal. If you have trouble spots, injury concerns or a rehab protocol (make sure to get your doctor’s and physical therapist’s okay before incorporating a sprint routine!), conduct your static stretches and/or foam rolling after your cooldown.
Active Recovery: In the ensuing 24-48 hours after your sprint workout, make a devoted effort to be more active than usual with increased walking (especially frequent work breaks), dynamic stretching, foam rolling and flexibility/mobility drills. It’s now clear that the most powerful recovery tool is simply movement.
Stationary Cycling Sprints
Warm-up: 10 minutes of easy pedaling. Maintain a heart rate well below aerobic maximum per Dr. Phil Maffetone’s formula: “180 minus age” in beats per minute.
Dynamic Stretching and Preparatory Drills: You can still do these on a bike or rowing machine by exaggerating your range of motion. On the bike, I will try to hyperflex my ankles during pedal revolution, alternatively trying to touch the ground with pointed toes and dorsiflexing the ankle so the heel always rides high. I also will pause for a moment and lean forward onto my hamstring for a couple seconds, then resume pedaling. Find similar moves with rowing, swimming, or other that extend range of motion.
Wind Sprints: Do five quick accelerations up to sprinting speed, where you move for perhaps 10 seconds, but only two seconds are at speed.
Sprint!: Pick a fixed time duration of 20 seconds. Conduct between 4 and 10 sprints, taking at least 50 seconds between sprints. For example, you can set your watch to beep every 1 minute, 10 seconds, knowing it’s time to initiate another 20-second sprint at every beep.
Cool Down: Commence a gradual cooldown consisting of 5-10 minutes of easy pedaling, maintaining a heart rate below “180 minus age.” If you have trouble spots, injury concerns or a rehab protocol (make sure to get your doctor’s and physical therapist’s okay before incorporating a sprint routine!), conduct your static stretches and/or foam rolling after cooldown.
Active Recovery: In the ensuing 24 hours after your sprint workout, make a devoted effort to be more active than usual with increased walking (especially frequent work breaks), an easy aerobic pedaling session, dynamic stretching, foam rolling and flexibility/mobility drills. It’s now clear that the most powerful recovery tool is simply movement.
Summary Pointers
Finally, let’s wrap it up with some easy take-home points that review everything it takes for a powerful sprint workout routine.
Choose the appropriate activity, either low or high impact
Always be ready, feeling 100 percent rested and energized for a special workout
Warm up with aerobic exercise at 180 minus age heart rate
Complete dynamic stretches and preparatory drills
Complete wind sprints
Conduct main set with appropriate work efforts (10-20 seconds), luxurious rest intervals, and for 4-10 reps
Cool down with 5-10 minutes of easy cardio
Keep active over ensuing days
Recover completely before the next sprint workout
Have fun getting off the TV treadmill and feeling like a real athlete!
Thanks for reading, everyone. Get out there, go hard, go home and report back about your experience. I look forward to hearing from you!
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The post Definitive Guide To Sprinting, Part 2: Creating a Sprinting Workout (+Video) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Definitive Guide To Sprinting, Part 2: Creating a Sprinting Workout (+Video) published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years
Definitive Guide To Sprinting, Part 2: Creating a Sprinting Workout (+Video)
Now that you’ve absorbed the rationale and benefits to add sprinting to your fitness program with Part One of the Definitive Guide To Sprinting, let’s get into the details of how to conduct a great workout. The following five guidelines are presented in logical succession, so you can refer to them frequently and ensure a safe, effective sprint workout. I’ll also share a few sprint workouts you can do anytime, including my own sprint workout routine. Remember, it’s all about going big…and then going home to get on with an awesome life.
Let’s get started….
  First Things First
First, get your movement and fitness objectives in a good groove before you contemplate adding sprinting to your program. When you’re ready to sprint, make sure you pick the right day. It’s essential that you feel 100 percent rested and energized—chomping at the bit—every time you conduct a sprint workout. If you have even the slightest sensation of subpar immune function or muscle stiffness or soreness, postpone your workout until you feel great. (This is the better day to do low-level cardio activities instead.) If you conduct a sprint workout in a fatigued state, bad stuff happens. First, you increase your risk of injury and extend recovery time by pushing a tired body to hard work.
When you insist upon training in a fatigued state, it doesn’t make you tougher, but rather slower. When you conduct an all-out sprint, you are asking billions of neurons in your central nervous system to process messages and motor responses with great speed and accuracy. If you’re off your A-game and attempt a sprint session, you’ll actually fire neurons and muscles more slowly and inaccurately. You’re literally training your body how to go more slowly when you start out feeling like crap and carry on in the name of “consistency,” or the demands of the ego.
Swimmers know that when your stroke becomes short and choppy due to fatigue at the end of a workout or a tough set, you’re ingraining these flawed motor patterns into your central database. Consequently, you become more likely to make technique errors all the time, even when you’re fresh. This is just like an undisciplined day in the office, when you perform sloppy work that also takes longer than usual, and become accustomed to working in what author, speaker, and performance scientist James Hewitt calls the “cognitive middle gear.”
It’s interesting to note the frequency at which the world’s elite sprinters will pull out of a race at the last minute. Even with the pressure and expectation of a stadium full of fans, the athlete will report a twinge in the hamstring during warm-ups and withdraw from meet. Implement the same strict standards for your own workouts. Even if you’re a novice, you can tell after a couple wind sprints (details shortly) if you are not feeling as snappy and explosive as usual. On those occasions, wait patiently and try again on a better day.
The Warm-Up
It’s important to warm-up carefully before any workout, but even more so for sprinting due to the increased demand placed on muscles, joints, and connective tissue. A warm-up consists of 5-10 minutes of very comfortably paced cardiovascular exercise—something registering a 1 or 2 on a 1-10 scale. For all but the fittest folks, this is simply a brisk walk, perhaps an easy jog. The goal is to break a light sweat and elevate heart rate and respiration rate so you’re prepared for the next phase of the workout. A gentle warm-up allows blood concentrated in the organs to flow smoothly out to the extremities. This minimizes the fight or flight impact of transitioning from a sedentary state to an active state.
Granted, your body is capable of springing into action anytime via fight or flight mechanisms, but this increases the stress impact of the workout as you can imagine. Even if you’re just going for a moderately paced jog, you’ll start burning glucose immediately instead of fat because you’re prompting a six-fold increase in your metabolic output from a resting state too quickly. Once you stimulate glucose burning processes, it’s difficult to transition over to the desired fat burning-dominant jogging session. In contrast, if you leave the house, walk for a minute or two, move to a brisk walk for a minute or two, then start the intended aerobic jogging pace of your workout, you’re more likely to burn fat for the duration of the session. This is true for any exercise, so spin the pedals, paddle the board, or row the oars very slowly for several minutes at every workout.
Dynamic Stretches and Preparatory Drills
While an easy cardio warm-up is sufficient for most workouts, the high-intensity nature of sprinting requires more extensive preparations before you launch into the main work efforts. You’ve probably heard about the drawbacks and dangers associated with static stretching, whereby muscles are temporarily weakened after being stretched. Dynamic stretches are different—you’re moving muscles through an exaggerated range of motion, but not applying extra force beyond what’s required to go through the range of motion. I provide photos and detailed descriptions of a great set of dynamic stretches for running sprints in The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation and 21-Day Primal Reset video course.
Here’s a quick rundown of a great dynamic stretching sequence. (Stay tuned for a complete post on this important subject soon.)
Knee-to-Chest: Start out gently pulling knees up to chest and releasing as you walk forward
Pull Quads: Grab your foot from behind, pull gently up to butt, and release.
Open Hips: Facing forward, rotate your knee up and along bodyline, then place directly in front of you. This is especially important to improve hip flexor mobility that is compromised by sitting in a chair all day.
Mini-Lunge: Take exaggerated-length steps, getting your front thigh nearly parallel to the ground. Don’t overdo this one, it’s just warm-up!
I also recommend completing some preparatory drills that are actually quite difficult on their own but help refine excellent technique, and also build flexibility and mobility for sprinting. I’ll detail these drills in a future article about dynamic stretching. Generally, the drills help you refine good technique and avail full range of motion before you explode off the line at your first sprint. Following are a couple great drills to conduct before sprinting:
Hopping Drill: Launch off one leg, driving knee high into chest, then land on the same leg. After a short hop forward, launch off opposite leg, driving knee high. Balance your launch effort between height and distance. Pump arms vigorously during each sequence.
High Knees: This one will get your heart rate up, and help you focus on achieving correct form during sprints. Run forward with exaggerated knee lift, striving to slap palms. During actual sprinting, focus on preserving a tall, straight body, driving knees high, and maintaining a balanced center of gravity through fast, efficient leg turnover.
Wind Sprints
You should be feeling loose, fluid and explosive after the dynamic stretches—ready for some wind sprints! This is a term describing brief accelerations up to nearly full speed, then a quick easing off the gas pedal back to easy effort. Wind sprints are important to get the final kinks out, get the brain and body focused on proper technique, and hone your focus for the main set of sprints just ahead. Wind sprints can be done with bicycling, swimming, rowing or other type of sprint session. You just initiate a few powerful pedal strokes or rows to get up to speed, then quickly back off before feeling slightest bit of strain.
Wind sprints are the time for an honest evaluation of how you’re feeling and whether to proceed to the main set of sprints. Tudor Bompa, Ph.D., author of Periodization Training for Sports, describes the ready state as: optimally excited and uninhibited. You are about to fire fast twitch muscle fibers to their full potential, so you might want to emulate the Olympians and do some miniature explosive jumps and hops before you launch into your first sprint. If you feel particularly sluggish when you accelerate during the wind sprints, you may want to pull the plug on the workout.
Granted, sometimes it takes a while for the engine to get warmed up and the brain to get enthused about maximum explosive efforts, but after the warm-up, dynamic stretches, preparatory drills, and wind sprints, the goal is to feel nothing short of fantastic. Believe me, I have made the mistake many times of thinking I could man up and get through a sprint workout. Guess what? I can every time, but these are the sessions where I tweak or pull something, and/or experience much more muscle soreness and fatigue in the ensuing days.
Feeling optimally excited and uninhibited before the first sprint is critical, and it’s also important to preserve the sensation throughout the workout. What I often notice during sprint sessions is feeling great, great, great, and then noticing a bit more fatigue and sluggishness during the recovery period. I might drag my feet a bit during slow jogging, or my mind will wander from intense focus on the session to something relating to the business matters of the day. Pay attention to these little things throughout the session. If you’re endurance athlete, this requires a fundamental change in mindset from “endure” to “explode.” It’s a cool feeling to conduct yourself like a real athlete instead of just a plodder once in a while, so go for it!
(Optional) Intensive Sprint Preparation: Cold Immersion
Speaking of optimally excited and uninhibited, my writing sidekick Brad Kearns has been doing some interesting research and field testing with the practice of cold exposure, followed by a rewarming jog, followed by all-out sprints. Brad calls this operation the Unfrozen Caveman Runner (those in the older age groups will recognize the Saturday Night Life reference to one of Phil Hartman’s classic characters). The essence of the protocol is this: We know from research detailed in The Definitive Guide to Cold Therapy article that even a brief cold exposure of 20 seconds in 40ºF (4.4ºC) water triggers a 200-300% spike in norepinephrine lasting for an hour afterward. This is a legit hack to access the desired “optimally excited and uninhibited” state!
We also know that performing intense exercise on cold muscles and joints is completely stupid. Instead, you take the necessary time to rewarm after a cold immersion and before a sprint session. In Brad’s protocol, this entails a 30-minute jog at aerobic heart rates—extremely slow and gentle at first, and gradually warming into a typical training pace. Once warmed, you arrive at the track and ride the norepinephrine high for a breakthrough sprint session, as seen on Brad’s YouTube video.
The benefits of cold exposure to athletic performance and recovery have been validated in a laboratory setting by the inventors of the RTX cooling glove at Stanford University. In short, they invented a contraption you stick your hand into which quickly lowers your core body temperature. A very fit researcher named Vin Cao established a baseline fitness standard when he did 180 pull-ups in a single workout—performed in sets of 50 with three-minute breaks between sets. Not bad, for a Stanford researcher! After training with the glove for six weeks, and cooling his body temperature after every set of pull-ups, Cao was able to perform a mind-blowing 620 pull-ups in a single workout!
Main Set
Your wind sprints are done? Now onto the main event.
Choose a duration between 10 and 20 seconds, and target your reps between 4 and 10. (If you’re new to sprinting, stick to no more than 4-5 reps.)
We haven’t talked about rest intervals yet, and Dr. Craig Marker and other experts urge you to take “luxurious” rest intervals during your sprint workouts. I must admit that this insight was a revelation to me.
I came to sprinting from an endurance background, where I spent decades suffering with the best of them. Wanna do a couple more reps? Sure—and forget the rest interval, let’s go right now! For years, I performed brief explosive sprints as directed, then after a brief jog would launch right into another one, and another. Why be luxurious when you can be tough? Well, it turns out that replenishing ATP and creatine phosphate (fuel used during explosive efforts of less than 30 seconds) requires around three minutes of rest before performing another maximum effort. Olympic sprinters will routinely rest for several minutes between efforts—not because they absolutely need to, but because this maximizes their ability to generate explosive force repeatedly, and minimizes cellular damage caused by the workout. Science geeks note: this is an oversimplified description of energy contribution during intense exercise. This article about the energy systems involved during intense exercise will give you a fabulous overview of everything you need to know to run a 43-flat 400-meter like Wayde Van Niekerk.
Dr. Craig Marker’s HIIT vs. HIRT article recommends a sensible work-to-rest pattern in a kettlebell workout of 10 seconds of explosive effort, repeated on the minute, for a maximum of 10 minutes. I find 50 seconds of rest is plenty for a sprint of short duration. Alas, we want luxurious as the top goal here, so feel free to extend your recovery time on the last few sprints to make sure you feel optimally excited and uninhibited every time.
Sample Workouts
Let’s put it all together with some sample sprint workouts. I’ll begin with my own running routine.
My Sprint Routine
Running Sprints
Warm-up: 10 minutes of brisk walking/slow jogging. Maintain a heart rate well below aerobic maximum per Dr. Phil Maffetone’s formula: “180 minus age” in beats per minute.
Dynamic Stretching and Preparatory Drills: Complete as directed, probably lasting 7-10 minutes.
Wind Sprints: Do 3-5 wind sprints where you move for perhaps 10 seconds, but only two seconds are at speed.
Sprint!: Pick a fixed distance such as half of a football field or running track straightaway, knowing that it will take around 10 seconds to complete. Conduct between 4 and 10 sprints, taking at least 50 seconds between sprints. Quit as soon as you notice any muscle tightness, breakdown in form, a slower than typical time for the same distance, or an increase in effort needed to achieve the same time.
Cool Down: Commence a gradual cooldown consisting of 7-10 minutes of light jogging or brisk walking, maintaining a heart rate below “180 minus age.” At the end, you should stop sweating, have a normal respiration rate and a heart rate near normal. If you have trouble spots, injury concerns or a rehab protocol (make sure to get your doctor’s and physical therapist’s okay before incorporating a sprint routine!), conduct your static stretches and/or foam rolling after your cooldown.
Active Recovery: In the ensuing 24-48 hours after your sprint workout, make a devoted effort to be more active than usual with increased walking (especially frequent work breaks), dynamic stretching, foam rolling and flexibility/mobility drills. It’s now clear that the most powerful recovery tool is simply movement.
Stationary Cycling Sprints
Warm-up: 10 minutes of easy pedaling. Maintain a heart rate well below aerobic maximum per Dr. Phil Maffetone’s formula: “180 minus age” in beats per minute.
Dynamic Stretching and Preparatory Drills: You can still do these on a bike or rowing machine by exaggerating your range of motion. On the bike, I will try to hyperflex my ankles during pedal revolution, alternatively trying to touch the ground with pointed toes and dorsiflexing the ankle so the heel always rides high. I also will pause for a moment and lean forward onto my hamstring for a couple seconds, then resume pedaling. Find similar moves with rowing, swimming, or other that extend range of motion.
Wind Sprints: Do five quick accelerations up to sprinting speed, where you move for perhaps 10 seconds, but only two seconds are at speed.
Sprint!: Pick a fixed time duration of 20 seconds. Conduct between 4 and 10 sprints, taking at least 50 seconds between sprints. For example, you can set your watch to beep every 1 minute, 10 seconds, knowing it’s time to initiate another 20-second sprint at every beep.
Cool Down: Commence a gradual cooldown consisting of 5-10 minutes of easy pedaling, maintaining a heart rate below “180 minus age.” If you have trouble spots, injury concerns or a rehab protocol (make sure to get your doctor’s and physical therapist’s okay before incorporating a sprint routine!), conduct your static stretches and/or foam rolling after cooldown.
Active Recovery: In the ensuing 24 hours after your sprint workout, make a devoted effort to be more active than usual with increased walking (especially frequent work breaks), an easy aerobic pedaling session, dynamic stretching, foam rolling and flexibility/mobility drills. It’s now clear that the most powerful recovery tool is simply movement.
Summary Pointers
Finally, let’s wrap it up with some easy take-home points that review everything it takes for a powerful sprint workout routine.
Choose the appropriate activity, either low or high impact
Always be ready, feeling 100 percent rested and energized for a special workout
Warm up with aerobic exercise at 180 minus age heart rate
Complete dynamic stretches and preparatory drills
Complete wind sprints
Conduct main set with appropriate work efforts (10-20 seconds), luxurious rest intervals, and for 4-10 reps
Cool down with 5-10 minutes of easy cardio
Keep active over ensuing days
Recover completely before the next sprint workout
Have fun getting off the TV treadmill and feeling like a real athlete!
Thanks for reading, everyone. Get out there, go hard, go home and report back about your experience. I look forward to hearing from you!
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The post Definitive Guide To Sprinting, Part 2: Creating a Sprinting Workout (+Video) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Definitive Guide To Sprinting, Part 2: Creating a Sprinting Workout (+Video) published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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jesseneufeld · 5 years
Definitive Guide To Sprinting, Part 2: Creating a Sprinting Workout (+Video)
Now that you’ve absorbed the rationale and benefits to add sprinting to your fitness program with Part One of the Definitive Guide To Sprinting, let’s get into the details of how to conduct a great workout. The following five guidelines are presented in logical succession, so you can refer to them frequently and ensure a safe, effective sprint workout. I’ll also share a few sprint workouts you can do anytime, including my own sprint workout routine. Remember, it’s all about going big…and then going home to get on with an awesome life.
Let’s get started….
  First Things First
First, get your movement and fitness objectives in a good groove before you contemplate adding sprinting to your program. When you’re ready to sprint, make sure you pick the right day. It’s essential that you feel 100 percent rested and energized—chomping at the bit—every time you conduct a sprint workout. If you have even the slightest sensation of subpar immune function or muscle stiffness or soreness, postpone your workout until you feel great. (This is the better day to do low-level cardio activities instead.) If you conduct a sprint workout in a fatigued state, bad stuff happens. First, you increase your risk of injury and extend recovery time by pushing a tired body to hard work.
When you insist upon training in a fatigued state, it doesn’t make you tougher, but rather slower. When you conduct an all-out sprint, you are asking billions of neurons in your central nervous system to process messages and motor responses with great speed and accuracy. If you’re off your A-game and attempt a sprint session, you’ll actually fire neurons and muscles more slowly and inaccurately. You’re literally training your body how to go more slowly when you start out feeling like crap and carry on in the name of “consistency,” or the demands of the ego.
Swimmers know that when your stroke becomes short and choppy due to fatigue at the end of a workout or a tough set, you’re ingraining these flawed motor patterns into your central database. Consequently, you become more likely to make technique errors all the time, even when you’re fresh. This is just like an undisciplined day in the office, when you perform sloppy work that also takes longer than usual, and become accustomed to working in what author, speaker, and performance scientist James Hewitt calls the “cognitive middle gear.”
It’s interesting to note the frequency at which the world’s elite sprinters will pull out of a race at the last minute. Even with the pressure and expectation of a stadium full of fans, the athlete will report a twinge in the hamstring during warm-ups and withdraw from meet. Implement the same strict standards for your own workouts. Even if you’re a novice, you can tell after a couple wind sprints (details shortly) if you are not feeling as snappy and explosive as usual. On those occasions, wait patiently and try again on a better day.
The Warm-Up
It’s important to warm-up carefully before any workout, but even more so for sprinting due to the increased demand placed on muscles, joints, and connective tissue. A warm-up consists of 5-10 minutes of very comfortably paced cardiovascular exercise—something registering a 1 or 2 on a 1-10 scale. For all but the fittest folks, this is simply a brisk walk, perhaps an easy jog. The goal is to break a light sweat and elevate heart rate and respiration rate so you’re prepared for the next phase of the workout. A gentle warm-up allows blood concentrated in the organs to flow smoothly out to the extremities. This minimizes the fight or flight impact of transitioning from a sedentary state to an active state.
Granted, your body is capable of springing into action anytime via fight or flight mechanisms, but this increases the stress impact of the workout as you can imagine. Even if you’re just going for a moderately paced jog, you’ll start burning glucose immediately instead of fat because you’re prompting a six-fold increase in your metabolic output from a resting state too quickly. Once you stimulate glucose burning processes, it’s difficult to transition over to the desired fat burning-dominant jogging session. In contrast, if you leave the house, walk for a minute or two, move to a brisk walk for a minute or two, then start the intended aerobic jogging pace of your workout, you’re more likely to burn fat for the duration of the session. This is true for any exercise, so spin the pedals, paddle the board, or row the oars very slowly for several minutes at every workout.
Dynamic Stretches and Preparatory Drills
While an easy cardio warm-up is sufficient for most workouts, the high-intensity nature of sprinting requires more extensive preparations before you launch into the main work efforts. You’ve probably heard about the drawbacks and dangers associated with static stretching, whereby muscles are temporarily weakened after being stretched. Dynamic stretches are different—you’re moving muscles through an exaggerated range of motion, but not applying extra force beyond what’s required to go through the range of motion. I provide photos and detailed descriptions of a great set of dynamic stretches for running sprints in The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation and 21-Day Primal Reset video course.
Here’s a quick rundown of a great dynamic stretching sequence. (Stay tuned for a complete post on this important subject soon.)
Knee-to-Chest: Start out gently pulling knees up to chest and releasing as you walk forward
Pull Quads: Grab your foot from behind, pull gently up to butt, and release.
Open Hips: Facing forward, rotate your knee up and along bodyline, then place directly in front of you. This is especially important to improve hip flexor mobility that is compromised by sitting in a chair all day.
Mini-Lunge: Take exaggerated-length steps, getting your front thigh nearly parallel to the ground. Don’t overdo this one, it’s just warm-up!
I also recommend completing some preparatory drills that are actually quite difficult on their own but help refine excellent technique, and also build flexibility and mobility for sprinting. I’ll detail these drills in a future article about dynamic stretching. Generally, the drills help you refine good technique and avail full range of motion before you explode off the line at your first sprint. Following are a couple great drills to conduct before sprinting:
Hopping Drill: Launch off one leg, driving knee high into chest, then land on the same leg. After a short hop forward, launch off opposite leg, driving knee high. Balance your launch effort between height and distance. Pump arms vigorously during each sequence.
High Knees: This one will get your heart rate up, and help you focus on achieving correct form during sprints. Run forward with exaggerated knee lift, striving to slap palms. During actual sprinting, focus on preserving a tall, straight body, driving knees high, and maintaining a balanced center of gravity through fast, efficient leg turnover.
Wind Sprints
You should be feeling loose, fluid and explosive after the dynamic stretches—ready for some wind sprints! This is a term describing brief accelerations up to nearly full speed, then a quick easing off the gas pedal back to easy effort. Wind sprints are important to get the final kinks out, get the brain and body focused on proper technique, and hone your focus for the main set of sprints just ahead. Wind sprints can be done with bicycling, swimming, rowing or other type of sprint session. You just initiate a few powerful pedal strokes or rows to get up to speed, then quickly back off before feeling slightest bit of strain.
Wind sprints are the time for an honest evaluation of how you’re feeling and whether to proceed to the main set of sprints. Tudor Bompa, Ph.D., author of Periodization Training for Sports, describes the ready state as: optimally excited and uninhibited. You are about to fire fast twitch muscle fibers to their full potential, so you might want to emulate the Olympians and do some miniature explosive jumps and hops before you launch into your first sprint. If you feel particularly sluggish when you accelerate during the wind sprints, you may want to pull the plug on the workout.
Granted, sometimes it takes a while for the engine to get warmed up and the brain to get enthused about maximum explosive efforts, but after the warm-up, dynamic stretches, preparatory drills, and wind sprints, the goal is to feel nothing short of fantastic. Believe me, I have made the mistake many times of thinking I could man up and get through a sprint workout. Guess what? I can every time, but these are the sessions where I tweak or pull something, and/or experience much more muscle soreness and fatigue in the ensuing days.
Feeling optimally excited and uninhibited before the first sprint is critical, and it’s also important to preserve the sensation throughout the workout. What I often notice during sprint sessions is feeling great, great, great, and then noticing a bit more fatigue and sluggishness during the recovery period. I might drag my feet a bit during slow jogging, or my mind will wander from intense focus on the session to something relating to the business matters of the day. Pay attention to these little things throughout the session. If you’re endurance athlete, this requires a fundamental change in mindset from “endure” to “explode.” It’s a cool feeling to conduct yourself like a real athlete instead of just a plodder once in a while, so go for it!
(Optional) Intensive Sprint Preparation: Cold Immersion
Speaking of optimally excited and uninhibited, my writing sidekick Brad Kearns has been doing some interesting research and field testing with the practice of cold exposure, followed by a rewarming jog, followed by all-out sprints. Brad calls this operation the Unfrozen Caveman Runner (those in the older age groups will recognize the Saturday Night Life reference to one of Phil Hartman’s classic characters). The essence of the protocol is this: We know from research detailed in The Definitive Guide to Cold Therapy article that even a brief cold exposure of 20 seconds in 40ºF (4.4ºC) water triggers a 200-300% spike in norepinephrine lasting for an hour afterward. This is a legit hack to access the desired “optimally excited and uninhibited” state!
We also know that performing intense exercise on cold muscles and joints is completely stupid. Instead, you take the necessary time to rewarm after a cold immersion and before a sprint session. In Brad’s protocol, this entails a 30-minute jog at aerobic heart rates—extremely slow and gentle at first, and gradually warming into a typical training pace. Once warmed, you arrive at the track and ride the norepinephrine high for a breakthrough sprint session, as seen on Brad’s YouTube video.
The benefits of cold exposure to athletic performance and recovery have been validated in a laboratory setting by the inventors of the RTX cooling glove at Stanford University. In short, they invented a contraption you stick your hand into which quickly lowers your core body temperature. A very fit researcher named Vin Cao established a baseline fitness standard when he did 180 pull-ups in a single workout—performed in sets of 50 with three-minute breaks between sets. Not bad, for a Stanford researcher! After training with the glove for six weeks, and cooling his body temperature after every set of pull-ups, Cao was able to perform a mind-blowing 620 pull-ups in a single workout!
Main Set
Your wind sprints are done? Now onto the main event.
Choose a duration between 10 and 20 seconds, and target your reps between 4 and 10. (If you’re new to sprinting, stick to no more than 4-5 reps.)
We haven’t talked about rest intervals yet, and Dr. Craig Marker and other experts urge you to take “luxurious” rest intervals during your sprint workouts. I must admit that this insight was a revelation to me.
I came to sprinting from an endurance background, where I spent decades suffering with the best of them. Wanna do a couple more reps? Sure—and forget the rest interval, let’s go right now! For years, I performed brief explosive sprints as directed, then after a brief jog would launch right into another one, and another. Why be luxurious when you can be tough? Well, it turns out that replenishing ATP and creatine phosphate (fuel used during explosive efforts of less than 30 seconds) requires around three minutes of rest before performing another maximum effort. Olympic sprinters will routinely rest for several minutes between efforts—not because they absolutely need to, but because this maximizes their ability to generate explosive force repeatedly, and minimizes cellular damage caused by the workout. Science geeks note: this is an oversimplified description of energy contribution during intense exercise. This article about the energy systems involved during intense exercise will give you a fabulous overview of everything you need to know to run a 43-flat 400-meter like Wayde Van Niekerk.
Dr. Craig Marker’s HIIT vs. HIRT article recommends a sensible work-to-rest pattern in a kettlebell workout of 10 seconds of explosive effort, repeated on the minute, for a maximum of 10 minutes. I find 50 seconds of rest is plenty for a sprint of short duration. Alas, we want luxurious as the top goal here, so feel free to extend your recovery time on the last few sprints to make sure you feel optimally excited and uninhibited every time.
Sample Workouts
Let’s put it all together with some sample sprint workouts. I’ll begin with my own running routine.
My Sprint Routine
Running Sprints
Warm-up: 10 minutes of brisk walking/slow jogging. Maintain a heart rate well below aerobic maximum per Dr. Phil Maffetone’s formula: “180 minus age” in beats per minute.
Dynamic Stretching and Preparatory Drills: Complete as directed, probably lasting 7-10 minutes.
Wind Sprints: Do 3-5 wind sprints where you move for perhaps 10 seconds, but only two seconds are at speed.
Sprint!: Pick a fixed distance such as half of a football field or running track straightaway, knowing that it will take around 10 seconds to complete. Conduct between 4 and 10 sprints, taking at least 50 seconds between sprints. Quit as soon as you notice any muscle tightness, breakdown in form, a slower than typical time for the same distance, or an increase in effort needed to achieve the same time.
Cool Down: Commence a gradual cooldown consisting of 7-10 minutes of light jogging or brisk walking, maintaining a heart rate below “180 minus age.” At the end, you should stop sweating, have a normal respiration rate and a heart rate near normal. If you have trouble spots, injury concerns or a rehab protocol (make sure to get your doctor’s and physical therapist’s okay before incorporating a sprint routine!), conduct your static stretches and/or foam rolling after your cooldown.
Active Recovery: In the ensuing 24-48 hours after your sprint workout, make a devoted effort to be more active than usual with increased walking (especially frequent work breaks), dynamic stretching, foam rolling and flexibility/mobility drills. It’s now clear that the most powerful recovery tool is simply movement.
Stationary Cycling Sprints
Warm-up: 10 minutes of easy pedaling. Maintain a heart rate well below aerobic maximum per Dr. Phil Maffetone’s formula: “180 minus age” in beats per minute.
Dynamic Stretching and Preparatory Drills: You can still do these on a bike or rowing machine by exaggerating your range of motion. On the bike, I will try to hyperflex my ankles during pedal revolution, alternatively trying to touch the ground with pointed toes and dorsiflexing the ankle so the heel always rides high. I also will pause for a moment and lean forward onto my hamstring for a couple seconds, then resume pedaling. Find similar moves with rowing, swimming, or other that extend range of motion.
Wind Sprints: Do five quick accelerations up to sprinting speed, where you move for perhaps 10 seconds, but only two seconds are at speed.
Sprint!: Pick a fixed time duration of 20 seconds. Conduct between 4 and 10 sprints, taking at least 50 seconds between sprints. For example, you can set your watch to beep every 1 minute, 10 seconds, knowing it’s time to initiate another 20-second sprint at every beep.
Cool Down: Commence a gradual cooldown consisting of 5-10 minutes of easy pedaling, maintaining a heart rate below “180 minus age.” If you have trouble spots, injury concerns or a rehab protocol (make sure to get your doctor’s and physical therapist’s okay before incorporating a sprint routine!), conduct your static stretches and/or foam rolling after cooldown.
Active Recovery: In the ensuing 24 hours after your sprint workout, make a devoted effort to be more active than usual with increased walking (especially frequent work breaks), an easy aerobic pedaling session, dynamic stretching, foam rolling and flexibility/mobility drills. It’s now clear that the most powerful recovery tool is simply movement.
Summary Pointers
Finally, let’s wrap it up with some easy take-home points that review everything it takes for a powerful sprint workout routine.
Choose the appropriate activity, either low or high impact
Always be ready, feeling 100 percent rested and energized for a special workout
Warm up with aerobic exercise at 180 minus age heart rate
Complete dynamic stretches and preparatory drills
Complete wind sprints
Conduct main set with appropriate work efforts (10-20 seconds), luxurious rest intervals, and for 4-10 reps
Cool down with 5-10 minutes of easy cardio
Keep active over ensuing days
Recover completely before the next sprint workout
Have fun getting off the TV treadmill and feeling like a real athlete!
Thanks for reading, everyone. Get out there, go hard, go home and report back about your experience. I look forward to hearing from you!
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The post Definitive Guide To Sprinting, Part 2: Creating a Sprinting Workout (+Video) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Definitive Guide To Sprinting, Part 2: Creating a Sprinting Workout (+Video) published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years
Definitive Guide To Sprinting, Part 2: Creating a Sprinting Workout (+Video)
Now that you’ve absorbed the rationale and benefits to add sprinting to your fitness program with Part One of the Definitive Guide To Sprinting, let’s get into the details of how to conduct a great workout. The following five guidelines are presented in logical succession, so you can refer to them frequently and ensure a safe, effective sprint workout. I’ll also share a few sprint workouts you can do anytime, including my own sprint workout routine. Remember, it’s all about going big…and then going home to get on with an awesome life.
Let’s get started….
  First Things First
First, get your movement and fitness objectives in a good groove before you contemplate adding sprinting to your program. When you’re ready to sprint, make sure you pick the right day. It’s essential that you feel 100 percent rested and energized—chomping at the bit—every time you conduct a sprint workout. If you have even the slightest sensation of subpar immune function or muscle stiffness or soreness, postpone your workout until you feel great. (This is the better day to do low-level cardio activities instead.) If you conduct a sprint workout in a fatigued state, bad stuff happens. First, you increase your risk of injury and extend recovery time by pushing a tired body to hard work.
When you insist upon training in a fatigued state, it doesn’t make you tougher, but rather slower. When you conduct an all-out sprint, you are asking billions of neurons in your central nervous system to process messages and motor responses with great speed and accuracy. If you’re off your A-game and attempt a sprint session, you’ll actually fire neurons and muscles more slowly and inaccurately. You’re literally training your body how to go more slowly when you start out feeling like crap and carry on in the name of “consistency,” or the demands of the ego.
Swimmers know that when your stroke becomes short and choppy due to fatigue at the end of a workout or a tough set, you’re ingraining these flawed motor patterns into your central database. Consequently, you become more likely to make technique errors all the time, even when you’re fresh. This is just like a undisciplined day in the office, when you perform sloppy work that also takes longer than usual, and become accustomed to working in what author, speaker, and performance scientist James Hewitt calls the “cognitive middle gear.”
It’s interesting to note the frequency at which the world’s elite sprinters will pull out of a race at the last minute. Even with the pressure and expectation of a stadium full of fans, the athlete will report a twinge in the hamstring during warm-ups and withdraw from meet. Implement the same strict standards for your own workouts. Even if you’re a novice, you can tell after a couple wind sprints (details shortly) if you are not feeling as snappy and explosive as usual. On those occasions, wait patiently and try again on a better day.
The Warm-Up
It’s important to warm-up carefully before any workout, but even more so for sprinting due to the increased demand placed on muscles, joints, and connective tissue. A warm-up consists of 5-10 minutes of very comfortably paced cardiovascular exercise—something registering a 1 or 2 on a 1-10 scale. For all but the fittest folks, this is simply a brisk walk, perhaps an easy jog. The goal is to break a light sweat and elevate heart rate and respiration rate so you’re prepared for the next phase of the workout. A gentle warm-up allows blood concentrated in the organs to flow smoothly out to the extremities. This minimizes the fight or flight impact of transitioning from a sedentary state to an active state.
Granted, your body is capable of springing into action anytime via fight or flight mechanisms, but this increases the stress impact of the workout as you can imagine. Even if you’re just going for a moderately paced jog, you’ll start burning glucose immediately instead of fat because you’re prompting a six-fold increase in your metabolic output from a resting state too quickly. Once you stimulate glucose burning processes, it’s difficult to transition over to the desired fat burning-dominant jogging session. In contrast, if you leave the house, walk for a minute or two, move to a brisk walk for a minute or two, then start the intended aerobic jogging pace of your workout, you’re more likely to burn fat for the duration of the session. This is true for any exercise, so spin the pedals, paddle the board, or row the oars very slowly for several minutes at every workout.
Dynamic Stretches and Preparatory Drills
While an easy cardio warmup is sufficient for most workouts, the high intensity nature of sprinting requires more extensive preparations before you launch into the main work efforts. You’ve probably heard about the drawbacks and dangers associated with static stretching, whereby muscles are temporarily weakened after being stretched. Dynamic stretches are different—you’re moving muscles through an exaggerated range of motion, but not applying extra force beyond what’s required to go through the range of motion. I provide photos and detailed descriptions of a great set of dynamic stretches for running sprints in The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation and 21-Day Primal Reset video course.
Here’s a quick rundown of a great dynamic stretching sequence. (Stay tuned for a complete post on this important subject soon.)
Knee-to-Chest: Start out gently pulling knees up to chest and releasing as you walk forward
Pull Quads: Grab your foot from behind, pull gently up to butt, and release.
Open Hips: Facing forward, rotate your knee up and along bodyline, then place directly in front of you. This is especially important to improve hip flexor mobility that is compromised by sitting in a chair all day.
Mini-Lunge: Take exaggerated-length steps, getting your front thigh nearly parallel to the ground. Don’t overdo this one, it’s just warm-up!
I also recommend completing some preparatory drills that are actually quite difficult on their own but help refine excellent technique, and also build flexibility and mobility for sprinting. I’ll detail these drills in a future article about dynamic stretching. Generally, the drills help you refine good technique and avail full range of motion before you explode off the line at your first sprint. Following are a couple great drills to conduct before sprinting:
Hopping Drill: Launch off one leg, driving knee high into chest, then land on the same leg. After a short hop forward, launch off opposite leg, driving knee high. Balance your launch effort between height and distance. Pump arms vigorously during each sequence.
High Knees: This one will get your heart rate up, and help you focus on achieving correct form during sprints. Run forward with exaggerated knee lift, striving to slap palms. During actual sprinting, focus on preserving a tall, straight body, driving knees high, and maintaining a balanced center of gravity through fast, efficient leg turnover.
Wind Sprints
You should be feeling loose, fluid and explosive after the dynamic stretches—ready for some wind sprints! This is a term describing brief accelerations up to nearly full speed, then a quick easing off the gas pedal back to easy effort. Wind sprints are important to get the final kinks out, get the brain and body focused on proper technique, and hone your focus for the main set of sprints just ahead. Wind sprints can be done with bicycling, swimming, rowing or other type of sprint session. You just initiate a few powerful pedal strokes or rows to get up to speed, then quickly back off before feeling slightest bit of strain.
Wind sprints are the time for an honest evaluation of how you’re feeling and whether to proceed to the main set of sprints. Tudor Bompa, Ph.D., author of Periodization Training for Sports, describes the ready state as, optimally excited and uninhibited. You are about to fire fast twitch muscle fibers to their full potential, so you might want to emulate the Olympians and do some miniature explosive jumps and hops before you launch into your first sprint. If you feel particularly sluggish when you accelerate during the wind sprints, you may want to pull the plug on the workout.
Granted, sometimes it takes a while for the engine to get warmed up and the brain to get enthused about maximum explosive efforts, but after the warm-up, dynamic stretches, preparatory drills, and wind sprints, the goal is to feel nothing short of fantastic. Believe me, I have made the mistake many times of thinking I could man up and get through a sprint workout. Guess what? I can every time, but these are the sessions where I tweak or pull something, and/or experience much more muscle soreness and fatigue in the ensuing days.
Feeling optimally excited and uninhibited before the first sprint is critical, and it’s also important to preserve the sensation throughout the workout. What I often notice during sprint sessions is feeling great, great, great, and then noticing a bit more fatigue and sluggishness during the recovery period. I might drag my feet a bit during slow jogging, or my mind will wander from intense focus on the session to something relating to the business matters of the day. Pay attention to these little things throughout the session. If you’re endurance athlete, this requires a fundamental change in mindset from “endure” to “explode.” It’s a cool feeling to conduct yourself like a real athlete instead of just a plodder once in a while, so go for it!
(Optional) Intensive Sprint Preparation: Cold Immersion
Speaking of optimally excited and uninhibited, my writing sidekick Brad Kearns has been doing some interesting research and field testing with the practice of cold exposure, followed by a rewarming jog, followed by all-out sprints. Brad calls this operation the Unfrozen Caveman Runner (those in the older age groups will recognize the Saturday Night Life reference to one of Phil Hartman’s classic characters). The essence of the protocol is this: We know from research detailed in The Definitive Guide to Cold Therapy article that even a brief cold exposure of 20 seconds in 40 ºF (4.4 ºC) water triggers a 200-300% spike in norepinephrine lasting for an hour afterward. This is a legit hack to access the desired “optimally excited and uninhibited” state!
We also know that performing intense exercise on cold muscles and joints is completely stupid. Instead, you take the necessary time to rewarm after a cold immersion and before a sprint session. In Brad’s protocol, this entails a 30-minute jog at aerobic heart rates—extremely slow and gentle at first, and gradually warming into a typical training pace. Once warmed, you arrive at the track and ride the norepinephrine high for a breakthrough sprint session, as seen on Brad’s YouTube video.
The benefits of cold exposure to athletic performance and recovery have been validated in a laboratory setting by the inventors of the RTX cooling glove at Stanford University. In short, they invented a contraption you stick your hand into which quickly lowers your core body temperature. A very fit researcher named Vin Cao established a baseline fitness standard when he did 180 pull-ups in a single workout—performed in sets of 50 with three-minute breaks between sets. Not bad, for a Stanford researcher! After training with the glove for six weeks, and cooling his body temperature after every set of pull-ups, Cao was able to perform a mind-blowing 620 pull-ups in a single workout!
Main Set
Your wind sprints are done? Now onto the main event.
Choose a duration between 10 and 20 seconds, and target your reps between 4 and 10. (If you’re new to sprinting, stick to no more than 4-5 reps.)
We haven’t talked about rest intervals yet, and Dr. Craig Marker and other experts urge you to take “luxurious” rest intervals during your sprint workouts. I must admit that this insight was a revelation to me.
I came to sprinting from an endurance background, where I spent decades suffering with the best of them. Wanna do a couple more reps? Sure—and forget the rest interval, let’s go right now! For years, I performed brief explosive sprints as directed, then after a brief jog would launch right into another one, and another. Why be luxurious when you can be tough? Well, it turns out that replenishing ATP and creatine phosphate (fuel used during explosive efforts of less than 30 seconds) requires around three minutes of rest before performing another maximum effort. Olympic sprinters will routinely rest for several minutes between efforts—not because they absolutely need to, but because this maximizes their ability to generate explosive force repeatedly, and minimizes cellular damage caused by the workout. Science geeks note: that this is an oversimplified description of energy contribution during intense exercise. This article about the energy systems involved during intense exercise will give you a fabulous overview of everything you need to know to run a 43-flat 400-meter like Wayde Van Niekerk.
Dr. Craig Marker’s HIIT vs. HIRT article recommends a sensible work-to-rest pattern in a kettlebell workout of ten seconds of explosive effort, repeated on the minute, for a maximum of 10 minutes. I find 50 seconds of rest is plenty for a sprint of short duration. Alas, we want luxurious as the top goal here, so feel free to extend your recovery time on the last few sprints to make sure you feel optimally excited and uninhibited every time.
Sample Workouts
Let’s put it all together with some sample sprint workouts. I’ll begin with my own running routine.
My Sprint Routine
Running Sprints
Warm-up: Ten minutes of brisk walking/slow jogging. Maintain a heart rate well below aerobic maximum per Dr. Phil Maffetone’s formula: “180 minus age” in beats per minute.
Dynamic Stretching and Preparatory Drills: Complete as directed, probably lasting 7-10 minutes.
Wind Sprints: Do 3-5 windsprints where you move for perhaps 10 seconds, but only two seconds are at speed.
Sprint!: Pick a fixed distance such as half of a football field or running track straightaway, knowing that it will take around 10 seconds to complete. Conduct between 4 and 10 sprints, taking at least 50 seconds between sprints. Quit as soon as you notice any muscle tightness, breakdown in form, a slower than typical time for the same distance, or an increase in effort needed to achieve the same time.
Cool Down: Commence a gradual cool down consisting of 7-10 minutes of light jogging or brisk walking, maintaining a heart rate below “180 minus age.” At the end, you should stop sweating, have a normal respiration rate and a heart rate near normal. If you have trouble spots, injury concerns or a rehab protocol (make sure to get your doctor’s and physical therapist’s okay before incorporating a sprint routine!), conduct your static stretches and/or foam rolling after your cool down.
Active Recovery: In the ensuing 24-48 hours after your sprint workout, make a devoted effort to be more active than usual with increased walking (especially frequent work breaks), dynamic stretching, foam rolling and flexibility/mobility drills. It’s now clear that the most powerful recovery tool is simply movement.
Stationary Cycling Sprints
Warm-up: Ten minutes of easy pedaling. Maintain a heart rate well below aerobic maximum per Dr. Phil Maffetone’s formula: “180 minus age” in beats per minute.
Dynamic Stretching and Preparatory Drills: You can still do these on a bike or rowing machine by exaggerating your range of motion. On the bike, I will try to hyperflex my ankles during pedal revolution, alternatively trying to touch the ground with pointed toes and dorsiflexing the ankle so the heel always rides high. I also will pause for a moment and lean forward onto my hamstring for a couple seconds, then resume pedaling. Find similar moves with rowing, swimming, or other that extend range of motion.
Wind Sprints: Do five quick accelerations up to sprinting speed, where you move for perhaps 10 seconds, but only two seconds are at speed.
Sprint!: Pick a fixed time duration of 20 seconds. Conduct between 4 and 10 sprints, taking at least 50 seconds between sprints. For example, you can set your watch to beep every 1 minute, 10 seconds, knowing it’s time to initiate another 20-second sprint at every beep.
Cool Down: Commence a gradual cool down consisting of 5-10 minutes of easy pedaling, maintaining a heart rate below “180 minus age.” If you have trouble spots, injury concerns or a rehab protocol (make sure to get your doctor’s and physical therapist’s okay before incorporating a sprint routine!), conduct your static stretches and/or foam rolling after cool down
Active Recovery: In the ensuing 24 hours after your sprint workout, make a devoted effort to be more active than usual with increased walking (especially frequent work breaks), an easy aerobic pedaling session, dynamic stretching, foam rolling and flexibility/mobility drills. It’s now clear that the most powerful recovery tool is simply movement.
Summary Pointers
Finally, let’s wrap it up with some easy take-home points that review everything it takes for a powerful sprint workout routine.
Choose the appropriate activity, either low or high impact.
Always be ready, feeling 100 percent rested and energized for a special workout
Warm up with aerobic exercise at 180 minus age heart rate
Complete dynamic stretches and preparatory drills
Complete wind sprints
Conduct main set with appropriate work efforts (10-20 seconds), luxurious rest intervals, and for 4-10 reps.
Cool down with 5-10 minutes of easy cardio
Keep active over ensuing days
Recovery completely before next sprint workout
Have fun getting off the TV treadmill and feeling like a real athlete!
Thanks for reading, everyone. Get out there, go hard, go home and report back about your experience. I look forward to hearing from you!
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The post Definitive Guide To Sprinting, Part 2: Creating a Sprinting Workout (+Video) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Definitive Guide To Sprinting, Part 2: Creating a Sprinting Workout (+Video) published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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