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mardialahmacunpidehouse · 2 months ago
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Beim Pide-Essen sprechen die Hände – aber welcher Belag spricht euch an? 😍🔥 Hackfleisch, Käse oder Veggie? 🌱🧀
Schreibt euren Favoriten in die Kommentare und lasst uns die Pide-Liebe feiern! 👇❤
PideGenuss #MardiaMoment #FoodLovers
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daintylullabyw1106 · 11 months ago
Koszulka unisex Jedzenie to czyste szczęście
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🍜🥟 Jedzenie to czyste szczęście! Koszulka unisex | Kaufe jetzt: https://kawaiibuy.co/0h4uk 😋 #KawaiiStyle #FoodLovers
❤10% OFF Coupon: kawaii10off
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holycowfineindianfood · 1 year ago
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Why not choose if given? Create your dish at no extra cost. We are here for you and we care!!❤😋
Takeaway & free delivery available at Holy Cow -Fine Indian Food Order online from our website at https://www.holycow-orders.com/ 👆
#Holycowfineindianfood #restaurant #restaurantinputney #restaurantinlondon #indianfood #authenticfood #indianmasala #spicy #dineinrestaturantinuk #london #foodies #foodbloggers #bestindianfoodinuk #indianrestaurantinuk #foodlovers
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chinike · 3 years ago
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Pistachio mini cake 💕 #2022 #summer #foodporn #foodlover #sweets #desserts #yummylicious #barrigallena❤️contento #queenseats #queens #i❤ny (at LuLu's Bakery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgk1ghjrwSS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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enzimirza · 3 years ago
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#rawgrill #walthomstow #dinnertime #strawbella #foodaholic #foodstagram #foodlover #foodie #londonfood #londondiaries #londonlife #londonlife❤💚🧡💛🤎 (at Raw Fitness Gym) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaMo3XDMsrF2HivJApVuAmH-yDQE3SPg90M8No0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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forchettasfriends · 3 years ago
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Only the best on forchettasfriends. Stay tuned #forchettasfriends #fridaymood #instafood #fish #chickpeas #foodart #artfood #yummi #amazingfood #topfood #dinnertime #slurp #foodporn #foodlover #foodblogger #foodstagram #foodgallery #homefood #chefstar #cheflife❤ #foodie #foodpics #foodblog #foodphoto #foodshare #foodinsta #foodism #foodlove #foodpost #foodaddict (presso Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVU2nB5qFcK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tb-food-and-drink · 3 years ago
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#Salatliebe mit dem super leckeren Sommersalat von @stefanozarrella 😍♥️💯 #salat #gesundessen #salad #hrung #foodblogger #healthyfood #abnehmen #lecker #abendessen #foodporn #food #foodlover #leckerschmecker #foodphotography #vegetarisch #instafood #salate #saladbowl #gesundundlecker #lowcarb #leckeressen #tbfooddrink #tbfoodanddrink #tbfood #tbdrink #teamzarrellaskitchen❤👨‍🍳 (at Arnsberg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfUJXxOssXS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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narkonianews · 3 years ago
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Ta savršena krem čorba / juha / supa koju obožavaju deca i odrasli. Ovo morate da probate. #recept ima na našem #youtube kanalu. Potražite #narkoniarecepti i stižete do nas... ❤❤❤ @marina.nbg je napravila vrhunsku čorbicu... #kremcorba #creamsoup #instafood #foodlovers #tastyfood #čorba #çorba #budeva #pumpkin #kürbissuppe #pumpkinsoup #creamysoup #instarecept #narkonia #narkoniaproductions https://www.instagram.com/p/CVB8fThIoXH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lunacitysworld · 2 years ago
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Red days for the perfect 🥰 💞 couple around the world 🌎 😍 Ladies and gentlemen keep enjoying love ❤ 😍 💖 ❣ 💕 Happy snekears valentine day to all Follow 👉 @golamarketing Follow 🥰@golamarketing Follow 🥰@golamarketing #love #valentine #naturelovers #valentinesday #selflove #valentines #loveyourself #happyvalentinesday #puppylove #valentinesday2019 #instalove #valentinesdaygift #foodlover #valentinesday2018 #doglover #bemyvalentine #naturelover #valentinesgift #loveit #myvalentine #lovelife #valentinesweekend #winelover #valentineday #loveislove #catvalentine #ilovemyfollowers #valentines2023 (à USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoqKSE9I9uM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mardialahmacunpidehouse · 2 months ago
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Man sagt, die Liebe geht durch den Magen – und bei uns auch direkt ins Herz! ❤😍
Welche unserer leckeren Pide- oder Lahmacun-Kreationen wäre eure große Liebe? 🥰🍕
Markiert jemanden, mit dem ihr euer Herzstück teilen würdet! 💛 #MardiaMoments #FoodLove
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onebitefranchise · 2 years ago
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#onebite #onebiteindia #onebitetasty #onebitecafe #onebiterestaurant #onebitefamily #onebitefood #onebitesnack #onebitefranchisepartners . . Love to eat 🍔, Love ❤to drink in only OneBite🚩🚩🚩 . . #fastfood #foodindia #Foodies👅 #foodie #foodlover #foodblogger #franchisebusiness #zomatoindia #zomatofood #zomatomemes#swiggyindia #swiggy (at Delhi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoWCd0lvYZj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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christine16xoxo · 2 years ago
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We made 'My Special Pasta Salad' again. 🧡🧡🍁🐈‍⬛🧡🧡 We used only 'Vegetables From Our Garden' that we 'Harvested Ourselves'. 🧡🧡 'This Garden' has fed us all 'Summer'. Now that 'Autumn' (Fall) had begun it continues to feed us well. 🧡🧡 It is so amazing & 'Fantabulous' to have almost an 'Endless Supply Of Heathy Food' that only cost us 'Labor & Love' which we are always happy to provide & offer up. 🧡🧡🧡 I am so thankful that I was able to g we grow so much 'Nutritious Scrumdiddlyumptious Food'. I will be very sad when 'The Winter' makes it too cold for 'The Garden' to survive. 🧡🧡 At least I have been 'Canning' & 'Freezing' lots of 'The Garden's Treasures' all 'Summer' & 'Autumn' long. It may not be 'Freshly Picked'; but it was when I was working hard 'Preserving These Homegrown Treasures'. Which means 'My Garden' will 'Continue To Feed Us Through The Winter' & I think that is an 'Amazing, Beautiful, & Magical Thing. 'I Feel Blessed.' 😺❤️ 🧡🧡 I can't wait to see what 'Next Year's Garden' will bring. 🥀🐈‍⬛ 🧡🧡🍂🐈🧡🧡 Simply 'Meow-velous' & 'Meow-gical'. ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 Sincerely, Christine Clare Vilgos-Mitchell, Daddy James, Hula Hailey, & Tilly Fiona Tulip Sunday, October 1, 2022 (Facebook First - Then Shared To Instagram) ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 #homegrown #gardenfresh #harvesttime #madeitmyself #catsofinstagram #hulahoop #cats #ilovecats #hungrygirl #hungrycat #girlsthateat #girlsthatcook #foodie #foodlover #gardenproduce #pastasalad #homemade #madewithlove #fromtheland #fromtheearth #petsofinsta #animallovers #petlovers #catlovers #catloversclub #crazycatlady #crazycatpeople #greycats #graycats #mycatandme https://www.instagram.com/p/CjL516lJPGw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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holycowfineindianfood · 2 years ago
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Why not choose if given? Create your dish at no extra cost. We are here for you and we care!!❤😋 . Takeaway & free delivery available at Holy Cow -Fine Indian Food Order online from our website at; https://www.holycow-orders.com/ . #Holycowfineindianfood #restaurant #restaurantinputney #restaurantinlondon #indianfood #authenticfood #indianmasala #spicy #dineinrestaturantinuk #london #foodies #foodbloggers #bestindianfoodinuk #indianrestaurantinuk #foodlovers #ukfoodie #restaurantnearme #freshfood #fogasm #bookyoutablenow #takeaway #goodfood #foodcoma #foodgasm #foodforall #yolo
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cookingwithjulia · 3 years ago
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POST da SALVARE {San Valentino}❤ Buongiorno! Condivido con voi alcune ricette per #sanvalentino 🥰 Iniziamo dai BACI, quelli famosi 😜 Buonissimi e facili da preparare 🙌 📍Vi lascio la ricetta 📍 Ingredienti: 200 g cioccolato gianduia 60 g panna fresca da montare per dolci 80 g nocciole tritate (in granella) 20 nocciole intere 200 g cioccolato fondente . Come si fa: Versate la panna in un pentolino e portate a bollore. Togliete il pentolino dal fuoco e aggiungete il cioccolato gianduia tritato e girate fino a scioglierlo. Unite la granella di nocciole e mescolate con un cucchiaio. Riponete in frigo per 2 h circa fino a quando il composto non si è raffreddato e indurito. Ricavate delle palline con un cucchiaino della dimensione di circa 2,5 cm e aggiungete in cima una nocciola intera, facendo in modo da non affondare troppo dentro. La nocciola sulla pallina della pallina dev’essere visibile e creare la tipica forma del bacio perugina. Riponete le palline in frigo per almeno 1 h. Sciogliete il cioccolato fondente a bagno maria, in un pentolino stretto e alto. Il cioccolato dev’essere fluido e privo di grumi. Immergete ogni cioccolatino appoggiato su una forchetta direttamente nel cioccolato, tiratelo su con la forchetta in modo che la glassa coli e appoggiate su una carta da forno. Fate quest’operazione per tutti i baci perugina e lasciate asciugare all’aria. Conservate i vostri baci in frigo, sennò confezionateli singolarmente con della carta alluminio. . Vi ricordo che nella home page del mio sito 👉 www.cookingwithjulia.it trovate altre ricette a tema "San Valentino" 😜💪🥰❤ . . . . . . . . . . #cookingwithjulia #cookingwithjuliaitaly #newpost #foodie #foodlovers #buongiorno #goodmorning #picsoftheday #instafood #sweetrecipe #foodrecipes #foodrecipe #buongiorno #bakingtime #regalogoloso #ideagolosa #ricetteveloci #easyrecipe #sanvalentino #valentineday #chocolate #baci #delicius #regalisanvalentino (presso Roma, Italia / Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZvx3GiN6h-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dreamyclub22 · 3 years ago
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Hi t shirt lovers.today i show you amazing t shirt designs for both of you. ✅original design ✅original fabric ✅good qulity ✅print💯 ✅worldwide delivery ✅good price ✅more colours available ✅sizes-s,m,l,xl,xll ✿shop name.beauticlub508 if you can visit my store and keep your designs.plz go my profile and click the bio.you are redirect to automatically in my shop.after you can buy your loving products and choices.thank you❤ #tshits #tshirlover #foodlover #food #streetfood #onlineshopping #essentail #classic #graffic #longsleeve #new https://www.instagram.com/p/Chu64vcqP4x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bakelikeapro · 3 years ago
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With ❇️ @havemorepatisserie ʀɪᴄʜ, ᴄʀᴇᴀᴍʏ ʙᴇɢɪᴀɴ ᴍɪʟᴋ ᴄʜᴏᴄᴏʟᴀᴛᴇ ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛʟʏ ᴘᴀɪʀꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴄᴀʀᴀᴍᴇʟɪꜱᴇᴅ ʜᴀᴢᴇʟɴᴜᴛꜱ! ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴄᴏᴍʙɪɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ɪꜱ ꜱɪᴍᴘʟʏ ɪʀʀᴇꜱɪꜱᴛɪʙʟᴇ!! 𝐃𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 ❤ 𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞! • • 🌱 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐕𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 & 𝐄𝐠𝐠 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞 • • • • #dessert #handcrafted #foodporn #foodie #instafood #chocolate #delicious #sweet #foodphotography #homemade #desserts #foodstagram #icecream #baking #chocolate #instagood #foodblogger #love #sweets #tasty #dessertporn #foodlover #sweettooth #cakes #yum #cookies #belgianmilkchocolate @bakelikeapro 💥your photo was shared by: @bakelikeapro #bakelikeaproyoutube 👍 votre photo était partagé par #bakelikeapro https://instagr.am/p/Che9n8Fub5l/
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