#food gift card australia
kittysarchive · 6 months
Stray kids, how they say 'I love you'
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Giving you his time.
Chan is always busy, always has new songs to make, always has to go practice, go to the gym, go to meeting and all.
However you will know he loves you when you enter his studio. No matter what he is doing or working on, he will close his laptop. His attention is all on you. He isn't hiding anything....maybe a new album.
In a world where he isn't an idol, Chan will show his love by spending time with you! Kept up with work, didn't have a good sleep, kind of depressed or tired, it doesn't matter, he will go wherever you want with him!
Lee Know
Sometimes having a cold exterior, he will show his love secretly.
Being mobbed by fans and cameras, he will keep you close by, just walking through the city, he will walk wear the cars are, shopping and your bags are heavy, he will hold them. In other words he is a gentleman.
Having not chosen the path of an idol, Lee Know will lean more to acts of service. Folding clothes, opening jars, reaching tall things. He shows his love by always been there and able to help you :)
His laugh lights up a room.
Showing his love doesn't have to be with money. Changbin prefers to show it by making you smile and laugh. Spending time together, tickling, cuddling, watching movies which all involve both of your laughs.
If his rapping didn't cut it, hopefully his family fortune will come into play. Because Changbin will spoil the fuck out if you. Not turning you into a gold digger, his pricy gifts are filled with love!
Random gifts
Never flaunting his money, he will show his love by gifting you things! Not always being random he is thoughtful and knows what you like! dresses, gold class tickets, Jewellery, he will gift it to you!
Straying away from the path of an idol, Hyunjin shows his love by adventuring with you. Trying new experiencing and opening new memories is how he shows his life. He wants to have many memories of you, all of them with you smiling :)
Finding a way to navigate his idol life.
His life is stressful, there has been many downfalls however he shows his love by never giving up. He is always there for you and shows he still loves you and always will even with his hectic career.
If his mum didn't let him, Han would show his love with spending time. Festivals, movie nights, dates, double dates, camping! Anything that involves a few hours together is how he shows his love! He always wants to be with you!
Giving you his warmth!
Felix is always up for cuddles! He will hug you, cuddle with you, hold hands, snuggle in bed! He shows his love by staying close to you. With his crazy schedule, hugging close in bed for a few hours means everything!
If he had stayed in Australia, Felix would still show his love by touching! Having always been a touchy guy, that'll grow since he won't have cameras spying on him. He will hold your waist more in public, showing his love to everyone.
Secret and quietly.
He cares and loves you deeply! Not being able to show you will be hard with his quiet nature and cameras following you. He will open doors for you, know your likes and dislikes, know your favourite food so he can cook it!
If the helicopter hadn't woken up his inner idol than Seungmin will show his love by quality time! Every once of his day is towards you! His attention will always be on you so don't worry bout every feeing left out!
his thoughtfulness.
Knowing what you like, your fears, your family. Knowing all of this and being able to live life is his love language. He acknowledges everything about you and loves you for it! Never feel embarrassed around him!
Set on being a priest! jk, not being in the spot light will enable jeongin to express his love more, and he has many ways. He will be into pda, openly willing to give you his credit card and other ways!
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lieutenantfloyd · 2 years
MW2 men + General headcanons
Includes: Ghost, Soap, Alejandro, Price, Gaz, and Rodolfo
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Keeps a hello Kitty keychain in his pocket at all times (and can’t sleep without it)
Insists on getting stuffed crust every time he/someone orders pizza
Spends a lot of time daydreaming
Is always listening to music (It keeps him alert and helps keep his anxiety away)
Has bad sensory issues + ticks and intrusive thoughts
Hates cilantro (but doesn’t think it tastes like soap)
Isn’t allowed to use sharp objects in the kitchen
Sometimes eats toothpaste *as a treat*
Has a library card and only uses it to check out joke books intended for 3rd grader’s 
Never returns the books and now has thousands of dollars in late fees
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His favorite food is cherry pie
 Eats multiple bowls of cereal a day (Price is becoming concerned)
Isn’t a huge fan of his Mohawk, but he thinks it makes him look tougher
Reads romance books in his free time
Meticulously shapes his eyebrows every few weeks
Drinks orange juice after brushing his teeth every morning
Spends way too much money on Marzipan De La Rosa + cries every time it breaks
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Smells like vanilla, leather, and sage with a hint of roses
Keeps hard candy in his pockets at all times
Rudy is the only person he trusts to cut his hair
Lives on his family’s ranch outside of Las Almas
Frequently invites Los Vaqueros to his ranch and always makes sure they have a warm meal and a safe place to sleep
Comes from a long line of Vaqueros, and named Los Vaqueros in their honor
Gives great, albeit unsolicited, advice
His favorite song is California Love by 2Pac
Makes sure both TF 141 and Los Vaqueros know they can come to him for anything, even the most small of problems
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Has three older sisters
Is a natural ginger
Spent most of his childhood in Australia
Watches early 2000’s romcoms in his bunk when he’s deployed (and always ends up sobbing into his pillow)
Has a wide knowledge of Middle age and Saxon history
Loves a good mocktail
Reads a lot of Historical fiction
Has accidentally eaten dog treats (thinking they were cookies) on more than one occasion
His hat was a gag Christmas gift from Laswell but he thought it was serious + is his favorite gift he’s ever received
Dresses up as Santa every year and forces everyone to sit on his lap and tell him what they want for Christmas
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Didn't join the army when he was 18, and instead worked on yachts and charter ships for a few seasons
Struggles with self confidence + often feels like he doesn't belong with 141
Has very strong opinions on the PlayStation vs Xbox debate
Really admired Ghost, but is too nervous to tell him
His favorite video game is DBH
Is in a secret Book/Movie club with Price and Soap
Develops a crush on almost everyone he meets
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Has family in South Texas and spent a lot of time there as a kid
Has always dreamed of being a singer/songwriter 
Was a very shy/socially anxious kid (and still struggles with social anxiety)
Is a a massive soccer fan + was captain of the neighborhood soccer team
Growing up he spoke Spanglish at home. Which is why he doesn’t really have an accent despite understanding a lot more English than he speaks 
When speaking English he often trips over his words + has to ask Alejandro for the right word/translation
Is a follower, not a leader
is 4-6 years younger than Alejandro
Has several older sisters who helped raise him
First met Alejandro when he was 10-12 years old because he briefly dated one of Rudy’s sisters
After they broke up, Alejandro still came around to visit Rudy, and the two quickly became like brothers
Wasn’t interested in joining the Army at first, but Alejandro convinced him
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outsideratheart · 2 years
5 “I hate Christmas shopping.” - “I love Christmas shopping!” with chloe kelly.
There are only a few things you truly hate in life and shopping is one of them. You will happily do it online but in person, that is something you avoid.
“What do you mean you haven’t done your shopping?” Chloe shouts from the living room of your apartment.
“I didn’t need to. I found presents for you and your family and mine aren’t coming until the 28th hence why I am going out today”
To you it was simple and you worked better under pressure but by the look on your girlfriend’s face doing your Christmas shopping on Boxing Day isn’t the best idea.
The look on Chloe’s face is very familiar. It’s the one she gives you when you go in for a bad tackle or when you argue with the ref. It tells you that you are wrong and she is right.
“And it’s cheaper!” Your attempt at justifying your decision doesn’t work.
“It’s the Boxing Day sales idiot of course it cheaper. It’s also going to be busy and let me guess you want to go to Trafford centre”
“Yes, I do. If we go there then we don’t need to go anywhere else”
“Who said anything about we? I already have your family’s presents”
“Perfect! We can just add my name to the tag”
“Y/N your parents are flying all the way from Australia to spend New Years in London with us, the least you can do it buy them a gift” you go to interrupt but Chloe holds her hand up “and no, you are not getting them gift cards”
“Fine but please come with me” you give her your best puppy dog eyes knowing that they have never failed you in the past.
“Go get ready” Chloe pushes towards your bedroom.
“You’ll come with me?” your turn around excitedly.
“I can never say no to those eyes”
“The eyes Chica, they never lie” you quote one of your favourite films.
“That doesn’t even make sense. Now go” Chloe playfully smack your bum.
“I don’t care. I’ve always wanted to say it”
A couple of hours later and you are half way round the Trafford centre and it’s no surprise to you that your good mood soon soured when you entered the shopping centre. Chloe on the other hand seemed to be in her element and proved this by picking out most of your families gifts only including you when she needed your credit card at the checkout desk. Chloe had put you on pay duty and bag carrying duty.
After a quick food break and dropping the first load of presents back the car, Chloe is ready to hit the ground floor shops.
In your eyes you were done. Every family member that was visiting had a present, some had two yet Chloe kept telling you that you needed more.
“I hate Christmas Shopping” you were fully aware that you sounded like a child but you didn’t care. Your mood was worsening and your patience was running very thin.
Then you notice the shop that Chloe is pulling you into. Victoria’s Secret. More importantly into the lingerie department.
You watch her try several pieces on and you even get to pick some out. When you leave the shop you are in a much better mood.
“I love Christmas Shopping” you joke as you walk back to the car.
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arty-ffxiv · 3 months
about me — people i’d like to know better.
LAST SONG. Online - TWRP Feat. Tom Cardy & Montaigne. I’ve been a fan of TWRP for a number of years now, as well as loving Tom Cardy’s chaotic energy from when I used to watch his Tiktoks (I’ve since deleted the app as it was a huge time-waster for me), so when I heard that they had collabed for a song I knew it’d be a banger. I’ve had it on repeat since it was released.
FAVORITE COLOR. I really love dark greens, burgundy and warm, autumnal yellows. My bestie also gifted me an Oracle deck for my birthday and I adore the similar colours/ wintry forest palette that it has. I think it’s been a big inspiration, even if the cards keep calling me out!
CURRENTLY READING. I’ve been slowly plodding my way through The Way of Kings  by Brandon Sanderson; I’m enjoying it but just have not had the spoons/ attention span to dedicate to reading. I tend to gravitate towards audiobooks nowadays, which I listen to when I’m driving.
The most recent books I’ve finished have been audiobooks during my commutes- I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jeanette McCurdy, and Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell.
CURRENTLY WATCHING. I’m watching more YouTube at the moment than serialized shows. One of my favourite YouTube channels, Lore Dump, has started a series on the Yakuza games and I’m really enjoying the chaotic energy that Chase brings to the host seat. 
The idea behind the channel is that one of the three hosts does a full plot recap of a game franchise that the other two have not played or aren’t familiar with. They’re long form videos that you can treat like podcasts or put on in the background (I use them for my commute to/ from work), and they’ve covered series like Bioshock, Metal Gear, Red Dead Redemption and Batman. They also did a 12 video series on Kingdom Hearts that is just under 30 hours long, which I highly recommend if you’re into long haul deep dives!
I love it because the hosts clearly love the series they’re talking about dearly, and hearing the others gradually getting swept up in the excitement of the narratives is really entertaining.
SWEET, SAVORY, OR SPICY? I’m a sucker for savoury foods, but I do get the occasional craving for sweet foods. Sadly I can’t tolerate spicy foods like I used to :<
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. Happily married for the past eight (nearly nine) years! My partner and I married young, and it’s hard to believe it’s been so long already. I adore him so much and it’s been a joy to grow alongside him.
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED. “Do they make scuba suits for dogs”.  This was for our modern day TTRPG game, using the ‘Everyday Heroes’ module for D&D 5e. 
The game is set in Australia in the 2070s after a catastrophic rise in sea levels, and because we’re playing in our home state, we’ve been able to use google maps and a lot of real-world resources in the game which has been super fun. We’ve even made an interactive map to keep track of important locations.
In our last session, we found information that points to us needing to go to locations under the new sealine and joked about taking our rangers’ sniffer dog along on the dive.
The answer we got is yes, there absolutely are diving suits for dogs.
CURRENT OBSESSION. I’ve been getting back into playing mobile games in my downtime! A few long-time favourites of mine are below- bear in mind that I’m on Android so these may not be available on iOS if you want to check them out.
The main one I’ve been playing is called Luna Story; it’s the first in a series of 3 apps that are nonogram-based games. Using a grid and a sequence of numbers, you fill in the grid to create pictures. I’ve had Luna Story installed on my phone for years and have been sporadically playing it, but I’ve recently dived into it again and am playing it before bed, on my lunch break and even when I wake up some mornings. The grid sizes range from beginner (5x5) to advanced (20 x 20) and uses super cute pixel art.
The other is called My Oasis, which is an idle clicker game where you progressively grow an island with animals. It’s got lots of positive little messages in it, like the abilities to buff your clicking being called virtues- like ‘compassion’, ‘selflessness’, etc. The animals I’ve chosen for my island are all favourites of the people I love- a fox for my little sister, a red panda for my husband, giraffe for my mum- even a racoon for myself. The animals can speak via bubbles with encouraging messages, and sing to you- you can sing back to them with a little keyboard at the bottom of the screen. Super cute, if a little clunky at times.
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Tagged By: Thank you @why-raven for the tag! ♥
Tagging: @zenmai--jikake--no--komoriuta, @gatheredfates, @riftdancing, @ishgard, @this-is-ris, @thefreelanceangel and anyone else who wants to do this! ♥
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drawthething · 1 year
Hey hey! I wanted to ask what are some of your more “out there” headcanons? Maybe there’s no basis in canon (or just a shred of a basis) but you still believe it wholeheartedly?
Baaaaabs!! Thank youuuuuuu ♥️♥️♥️
I feel like my whole bible of the Pesto brothers is perfect for this exact kind of headcanons but for once I won't ramble about them ahahaha-
• Zeke's head is full of crazy "conspiracy theories". He thinks massage chairs are evil, mammoth cloning is happening somewhere in Antarctica and canned tuna is not a real food. He never have any logical explanation to his belief, just that he can feeeeeel it
• Jocelyn is like, absolutely terrible at Geography. She can't tell apart the West and the East and one time points at Australia on the world map asking if this is North America. "Jocelyn, can you name a country that starts with an U" - "Ummm, Europe :D!"
• There was a phase when Louise was super into demon summoning rituals. She kept dragging Tina and Gene to help her summon one during Halloween. She thought if they bribe that thing enough candies and Bob's pumpkin pie it would get her a pet shark. Cuz Santa and Tooth Fairies suck ass, they never kept their promises 🙄
• Teddy and Trev go to the same book club. One time they gush about Little Women for like an hour
• Trev is no.1 Lego fanboy. He keeps buying them for Andy & Ollie both because he loves the twins AND so he can have an excuse to play those with them
• Bob and Linda normally would be hesitated to buy the kids new board games cuz they ain't cheap until Louise says something like: "Guess we'd never know which one of you two is better at this game" and that's all it takes for them muppets to grab the credit card
• Mr Branca loves Italian opera. It's what he listens to when he's working (he told Tina he was once in a relationship with an Italian opera singer, but would you believe him 👀?)
• Jimmy Jr is probably the second person of the group to have nonsensical fights with Tammy the most, after Tina. Tammy loves annoying him and half of the time he just kinda ignores it but when it comes to things boy's actually petty about he ain't letting it go. He's terrible at comebacks though
• Cynthia has a collection of expensive purses and Logan steals one of them once to gift it to his prom date trying to ask her out. He also steals his mom's made-in-Japan fancy pens a lot
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umichenginabroad · 5 months
The Markets and the Grill (Week 13)
Back in Coogee! After over a week of traveling, it was time to rest. Classes continued as normal and everyone’s desire to fervently enjoy our home, Coogee beach and Sydney, returned. Tuesday was marked by trivia at the Coogee Bay Hotel. Our 3rd place finish granted us a $25 gift card split six ways, so we were practically swimming in our winnings. On Wednesday I went exploring with Lauren and, like usual, we came across more of Sydney’s hidden gems such as Hyde Park and the neighboring Cathedral. St Mary’s Cathedral might as well be located in the winding streets of Spain with how much it resembles the cathedrals scattered throughout Europe. Just take a look for yourself!
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On Saturday, a few of us market-lovers headed off to the Glebe Markets where incredible artisans and undiscovered chefs celebrate their passions by selling their work at stalls. I was personally more than happy to celebrate with a Turkish Gozleme full of chicken, spinach, and mushrooms. From Glebe, we made our way to the Paddington Markets which displayed more of the same. This time, I celebrated with two of the yummiest falafel pitas! I was particularly interested in a booth containing black-and-white photos of Sydney’s eastern suburbs from the 1900s. Having spent my limited time here, it was mesmerizing to see how much Coogee has changed in the last hundred years. The most notable change being the removal of a massive dock splitting the beach right in half. I was also surprised to see that the beach was just as packed back then as it is now!
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Conveniently, nearby there was someone selling copies of their artwork portraying different neighborhoods of Sydney, so I made sure to get one of Coogee to commemorate my time living there. The Glebe and Paddington Markets are just two of several that Sydney showcases on a weekly basis. If you ever find yourself in town, make sure to visit at least one of them! 
On Sunday, we woke up and claimed one of the public grills on the grass just above the beach! Scattered around the beaches and parks, Sydney has conveniently located free-to-use public grills which are always full of families or groups of friends picnicking, grilling, and clearly enjoying themselves. It was only a matter of time before we could make it happen. It was food galore. We had corn, burgers, veggie skewers, hotdogs, career salad, toasted buns, chicken skewers, watermelon, a chocolate pastry, and more I’m sure I’m forgetting. Between the grilling, the food, the beautiful weather, the beachside view, and the company, we were really living the dream. Better yet, we followed up with a game of volleyball on the beach, and then a dip and rock scramble in the rock pools. The day simply could not have gone any better, and I have the hostel to thank for that. Living with a group of 18 other students studying abroad, eager to get out there and have fun has truly made my time here. I can’t wait for our remaining adventures together as our final month approaches. Cheers!
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David Bayer
Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
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Baby Bats & Buddies of Australia is a bat rescue organisation who needs help at the moment.
They are eeking donations, but also have an amazon wishlist (see this post) so international supporters can help, and also this redbubble.
There are not that many of this kind of animal rescue, and they are trying their best with an influx of unwell little ones.
From their post 21hrs ago:
"Sorry to repost we need your help we only reached a few people, so hopefully we can reach more to get the help we desperately need. Together we can all make a difference .
Please know every dollar helps feed them and gives them a safe place to eat which is so very important.
We really need your help. It's not just their food we buy. It's cables ties which we go through a lot, buckets, clamps, clips arches, lattice ones that are arsenic-free , ropes, shade cloth, troughs, hooks, wire and other odds and ends to make safe places for them. I love the time I put in getting the fruit, cutting it and hanging it so don't get me wrong but the worry how long I can do this is getting harder. Even if you can't help financially watch a video or two that costs you nothing but helps the bats. We need to help them all to stay strong . This will explain why I do this and how it's helped the bats. Thank you
After the starvation event, fires, then the heat stress we needed to give the bats the best chance.
Giving them safe places to feed has become just as important for their growth. Right now they're getting sick from eating cocas palm berries. So we want to give them good food.
Any little bit helps to fill their tummies. Thank you
Our paypal
I've been asked by a few people to start a Patreon to help the bats. I have just recently started one. It'll feature videos of the wild bats plus little batty gifts for higher tiers.
A lovely lady also figured out how to use the Amazon wish list for people over seas. Here's the step by step she wrote out.
All done on amazon.au
1.click your link
2. click the item
3. Once up, click on Deliver to, under the picture.
4. Select Australia
5. Enter 4226 for postcode. Then select Robina, then Queensland.
6. It will ask you to sign in but you will probably have to setup a new account. It accepted my address and card details.
7. It then checks if you want to send it to your address
8. Done
RedBubble for batty merch BabyBats.redbubble.com
Thank You for your help"
And this little guy:
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galtx · 1 year
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GALTx eNews: GALT's 2023 Fair Dinkum Aussie Auction!
G’Day, Mate, and welcome to GALT’s 2023 “Fair Dinkum” Auction honoring our new Aussie greys. We’re learning a whole new language with these hounds who bark with strange accents! What’s “Fair Dinkum?” This phrase originated in Derbyshire and Lincolnshire, Great Britain, meaning “a due share of work.” If you did your share of work, that was “fair dinkum.” Nowadays in Australia it means “true, honest and genuine.” GALT would like to think we do our fair share of work for the hounds, and our love for them is definitely true, honest and genuine, so “Fair Dinkum” it is!
In the last two months, GALT has welcomed 45 Aussie greys to the USA and placed 19 of those into other greyhound adoption groups. Some stayed with us temporarily and some we helped transport, but all were coordinated and processed by GALT. Of the 26 Aussie greys in our care, several are already in foster homes, but 17 Australian greys are currently in boarding at GALT’s Houn House kennel. With an average of over 30 dogs in boarding, our monthly expenses for food alone exceed $1,650 per month. Our Houn House operating costs (utilities, kennel staff, and other expenses) average over $18,000 monthly. In addition, we often incur unexpected capital expenses for drainage issues, heating/cooling problems, etc. This auction will help us cover some of our boarding/food costs at Houn House and/or the next “surprise” capital expense that arises.
You can help GALT defray the expenses for our Aussies and other hounds in boarding by bidding in our “Fair Dinkum” auction. We have the usual array of jewelry, art, gift cards, doggie stuff, accessories and more! Have all the “stuff” you need now, but still want to contribute? You can make one or more $25 cash donations via auction lot #40, the Aussie FAN (Fund-A-Need) Club! Bidding is already open and runs through May 21, 2023, at 9:00 pm central time.
Many thanks to the donors and volunteers who have made this auction possible, and thanks also to you for participating to help the hounds. We truly appreciate the support of our GALT village!
Bid Here
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svvs · 3 months
Unwrap a Smile: Delightful Birthday Hampers Delivered Across Australia
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Birthdays are a time for celebration, laughter, and of course, presents! But finding the perfect gift can be a challenge. Unwrap a Smile: Delightful Birthday Hampers Delivered Across Australia unveils the secret weapon in your gifting arsenal – birthday hampers! These curated collections of goodies, beautifully presented and delivered straight to the recipient's door, are guaranteed to put a smile on their face.
Why Birthday Hampers Reign Supreme in Australia:
Forget generic gifts that gather dust. Birthday hampers Australia have become a beloved gifting tradition, offering several advantages:
Variety is the Spice of Gifting: From gourmet food and wine pairings to pampering spa products or themed collections for hobbies and interests, hampers offer a vast selection to suit any personality.
Effortless Thoughtfulness: Hampers showcase a thoughtful gesture without the hassle. They offer a curated selection, catering to diverse tastes and preferences, ensuring you find the perfect fit for the birthday celebrator.
Convenience Reigns Supreme: Browse online retailers, choose a pre-designed hamper or customize one, personalize it with a message, and have it delivered directly to the recipient anywhere in Australia. It's gifting made effortless!
Presentation Perfection: Birthday hampers arrive beautifully presented in boxes, baskets, or festive packaging. It's a visual treat that adds an extra layer of excitement to the gift-giving experience.
Unwrapping Joy Across Australia:
No matter where your loved one resides in Australia, a birthday hamper can bring them joy:
For the Foodie: Delight them with a gourmet food and wine hamper featuring Australian delicacies, local cheeses, or artisan chocolates.
For the Self-Care Enthusiast: Pamper them with a spa hamper filled with luxurious bath products, relaxing candles, and calming aromatherapy oils.
For the Hobbyist: Surprise them with a themed hamper based on their passion, whether it's coffee brewing, gardening, or photography.
For Everyone: Opt for a classic birthday hamper featuring a mix of sweet and savory treats, gourmet snacks, and celebratory drinks.
Unwrapping a Smile: Your Guide to Delightful Hampers
Ready to explore the world of birthday hampers and Unwrap a Smile for your loved ones across Australia? Here are some additional tips:
Know Your Recipient: Consider their interests, age group, and dietary needs when selecting a hamper.
Explore Online Options: Australian online retailers offer a vast selection of pre-designed birthday hampers, allowing you to find the perfect match.
Personalize It! Many retailers allow you to personalize your hamper with a handwritten note or a birthday card, adding a heartfelt touch.
Delivery Options: Choose a delivery timeframe that suits your needs and the recipient's location. Many retailers offer same-day, next-day, or scheduled delivery options across Australia.
Birthday Gifting Made Easy:
With Unwrap a Smile: Delightful Birthday Hampers Delivered Across Australia, say goodbye to stressful gift shopping. Birthday hampers offer a convenient, thoughtful, and delightful way to celebrate birthdays throughout the country. Explore the variety, personalize your selection, and send a captivating gift that will leave a lasting impression and unwrap a smile on your loved one's face, no matter where they are in Australia! For More: Phone: +61 (03) 5174 4888 Email: [email protected] Visit us: https://www.giftboxhampers.com.au/
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rakhigiftstore · 4 months
Celebrating Easter: Unique Gift Ideas for Loved Ones in Australia
Easter is a time of joy, renewal, and celebration. For many, it’s also an opportunity to show appreciation and love through the tradition of gift-giving. If you have friends or family in Australia and are wondering what to send them for Easter, look no further. Here’s a guide to some unique and thoughtful Easter gifts that will delight your loved ones down under.
1. Australian Easter Hampers
Easter hampers are a classic gift, and they can be easily tailored to suit any taste. Consider sending an Easter hamper filled with Australian-made goodies. Look for hampers that include gourmet chocolates, fine wines, artisanal cheeses, and other local delicacies. Many companies offer beautifully packaged hampers that can be delivered straight to your recipient’s door.
2. Eco-Friendly Easter Gifts
Australia is known for its natural beauty and commitment to sustainability. Eco-friendly gifts are a wonderful way to honor this spirit. Consider gifts like reusable shopping bags with Easter designs, bamboo utensils, or even a small potted plant. These gifts are not only thoughtful but also help promote a greener planet.
3. Personalized Easter Gifts
Personalization adds a special touch to any gift. There are plenty of options for personalized Easter gifts Online available in Australia. Customized Easter eggs with your loved one’s name, personalized bunny plush toys, or even a custom-made Easter card can make your gift stand out. Websites like Etsy and local Australian artisans often offer bespoke gifts that can be tailored to your specifications.
4. Easter Treats with a Twist
While chocolate eggs and bunnies are Easter staples, consider sending something a bit different this year. Think about gifting a box of gourmet macarons in Easter colors, a selection of exotic fruit jams, or even a DIY hot cross bun kit. These unique treats can provide a delightful surprise and a welcome break from the usual Easter chocolates.
5. Experience-Based Gifts
Australia is a country rich in experiences. Give the gift of an adventure this Easter. Consider gifting a voucher for a wine tasting tour in the Barossa Valley, a surfing lesson on Bondi Beach, or a scenic hot air balloon ride. Experience-based gifts create lasting memories and are perfect for those who prefer activities over material items.
6. Easter Decorations
Help your loved ones get into the Easter spirit by sending festive decorations. Easter-themed candles, decorative egg wreaths, and charming bunny figurines can brighten up any home. Many local Australian shops offer unique and handmade Easter decorations that can add a touch of charm to the holiday.
7. Subscription Boxes
Subscription boxes are the gift that keeps on giving. There are numerous Australian subscription boxes that cater to various interests. Whether your recipient loves gourmet foods, artisan crafts, or beauty products, there’s a subscription box for them. An Easter-themed subscription box can be a delightful surprise that continues to bring joy long after the holiday has passed.
8. Books and Educational Gifts
For children and book lovers, consider sending Easter-themed books. There are many beautifully illustrated children’s books about Easter, filled with stories and activities that can make the holiday special. Educational toys and puzzles with Easter themes are also great for keeping little ones engaged and entertained.
9. Handmade Gifts
There’s something incredibly special about handmade gifts. If you’re crafty, consider making something yourself. Hand-knitted bunny toys, homemade candles, or a hand-painted Easter egg can show your love and effort. If you’re not so crafty, look for local Australian artisans who create beautiful handmade Easter gifts.
10. Charitable Donations
For those who have everything, consider making a charitable donation in their name. There are many Australian charities that could use support, especially during the Easter season. Whether it’s donating to wildlife conservation efforts, supporting local food banks, or helping out children’s hospitals, this kind of gift spreads the Easter spirit in the most meaningful way.
No matter what you choose, the thought and effort you put into selecting an Easter gift will surely be appreciated. From traditional hampers and personalized treats to eco-friendly options and experience-based gifts, there are countless ways to show your love and make this Easter special for your friends and family in Australia. Happy Easter!
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jflemings · 5 months
Oh the second baby announcement.... arsenal and chelsea teammates will go wild so will the Canada and Australian team ...their baby shower they will have no place in their house for people as it will be full
there are people flying in from the states, canada and australia for this goddamn baby shower. it’s an event, okay? sam, kristie, leah and steph completely took the reins and organised the whole thing.
kristie is the biggest help because sam and leah run around like chickens without heads. she’s a drill sergeant.
this woman has a system and it works. they rent a small venue because with the four teams plus you and jessie’s immediate families, it’s going to be crowded, the food is ordered and the silly games are well and truely sorted.
the four of them absolutely smash it and the baby shower is a huge, chaotic hit. everyone loves it.
instead of everyone getting you individual gifts that would take up far too much room in your place, they all chip in some money for the new baby so you and jessie can buy what you need as you needed. you guys do get loads of cards though, which is cute too.
you and jess are absolutely exhausted by the end of it and end up having a smaller dinner with your parents and siblings a few days later.
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kaytmy · 5 months
A New Story, from the Southern Highlands
This road trip crystallised some initial thoughts and resonance on craftsmanship, fashion/ food/ design regarded an art form beyond framed displays or craft-store supplied mediums, and appreciating it more fully with writing, reflection or documentations.
The initial interest was piqued in tertiary education - writing "why I liked X" in an Art module; to which I wrote a piece on the music video "Robbers" by The 1975. Circa 3 years later, doing a cross-disciplinary and cross-university module in a Fine Arts collage for one semester where was introduced to Abstract Art and researched on Robert Motherwell; then acrylic paint an impression painting with his technique - which now still hangs on my bedroom wall back in Singapore. Another 2 years later, discovering the master storyteller Niel Gaiman through a literature lecturer in university who was introducing us to book publisher awards and as it turns out, was one of the best discoveries of my student life; rekindling an appreciation for non-fiction books. Starting Mood Work, a wellness e-commerce store - copywriting for my own website, personal branding, a moment of clarity for my designer spirit. Soon joining a local fashion designer where yet again, explored another dimension of art - craftsmanship, quality, creating from inspiration. It was good to know it existed.
Art took a stop for a while. I decided that I won't be doing it for work (where it doesn't pay as well as a corporate job), but I would do it as a hobby - only writing cards, decorating my living spaces, gifting nice presents. As income, work titles and competence became more important to me, art and work wouldn't be held in the same space in my life for the next 3 years.
How long does it take to get over something/ someone? Can you lose a part of yourself? Can you forget a dream?
Becoming a Christian is a lot like moving to a new country, because it gives me a new perspective on culture, and outlook of work i.e. a Singaporean who firsts moves to a foreign country is shocked to discover how many of one's intuitions and practices that she considered common sense and universal are actually particularly Singaporean or personal ones (and are ridiculous to other people). By living in another culture (both geographically in countries, and expanding my view of Freedom and Love in God), I get a vantage point from which I am now cognisant of myself, and as a result I am slowly changing, dropping some attitudes and adopting others.
Freedom and Love is making me see everything in a new light, but it is taking time for me to grasp and incorporate this new information into my life, day to day decisions and pursue a bigger life.
Southern Highlands crystallised this for me: Australia is big on people. At the workplace, team culture where everyone is a contributor and collaboration and new initiatives for improvements are encouraged, you wouldn't go far if you kept your head down. It's not boastful, it's using and offering your talents and time to problem solve.
Cafes support it's local talent when they hire their staff, when they put on a local artist for the playlist streaming in the background, when their chef is skilled with techniques and flavours to cook with ingredients that uses the season's produce (therein the artful mastery like a pianist who is so skilled with their scales, that they can compose any piece thereafter). This reminds me of the skill to live everywhere and always (a continued inner work and teaching). There's effort put into doing the work, marketing the work for advocacy, and support from the community.
Services are charged 13% extra on public holidays - I finally understood and am appreciating how the country instills laws for it's people.
This learning experience may never truly end, but I must remain gentle to myself and spirit as I hold on to faithfulness and continue declaring Truth when fainthearted. The light is winning "Jesus lived the truth of this commandment, and you also are living it [loving others]. For the darkness is disappearing, and the true light is already shining" 1 John 2:8.
So I take heart. Love is an action, all I have to do is trust that patience, kindness and goodness will flow from springs within - for I am not a reservoir, You are an ocean.
Yes, I am changed, and changing still. This transformation will never truly end.
Today I prayed myself into the dream.
It's not blasphemous to say I am made for more.
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mkohmapers · 5 months
Thoughtful Treasures: Shop Personalised Gift Hampers Online in Australia
In the realm of gift-giving, few gestures are as thoughtful and versatile as presenting a beautifully curated gift hamper. These delightful assortments of goodies cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences, making them the perfect choice for any occasion, whether it's a birthday celebration, anniversary, wedding, or corporate event. In Australia, the convenience of online shopping has revolutionized the way we source and send gifts, offering a plethora of options right at our fingertips. Among these options are Shop Personalised Gifts Hampers Online in Australia, which add an extra touch of thoughtfulness and sincerity to any gift-giving occasion. In this article, we'll explore the charm and appeal of personalised gift hampers and how you can easily shop for them online in Australia.
The Allure of Personalised Gift Hampers
Gift hampers have long been cherished for their ability to delight and surprise recipients with an array of carefully selected treats. From gourmet foods and fine wines to indulgent chocolates and pampering products, the contents of a gift hamper are limited only by the imagination. What sets personalised gift hampers apart is the extra layer of thoughtfulness that comes with customizing the contents to suit the recipient's tastes and preferences.
Imagine the joy of receiving a gift hamper filled with artisanal cheeses and fine wines, tailored specifically to match your favourite flavours and preferences. Or perhaps a luxurious spa hamper complete with soothing bath salts, fragrant candles, and plush robes, designed to help you unwind and relax after a long day. Personalised gift hampers allow you to create truly memorable and meaningful gifts that reflect the recipient's personality and interests.
Convenience and Variety: Shopping Online for Gift Hampers
Thanks to the convenience of online shopping, sourcing and sending personalised gift hampers in Australia has never been easier. With just a few clicks, you can browse through a vast selection of gift hamper options, from gourmet food and wine hampers to beauty and wellness hampers, and everything in between. Whether you're shopping for a special occasion or simply looking to brighten someone's day, online retailers offer a wide range of options to suit every taste and budget.
When shopping for personalised gift hampers online in Australia, consider the following:
Customization Options: Look for online retailers that offer customization options, allowing you to tailor the contents of the gift hamper to suit the recipient's preferences. Whether it's selecting specific food and beverage items or adding a personalized message or greeting card, customization adds a personal touch to your gift.
Quality and Variety: Choose reputable online retailers that offer high-quality products and a diverse range of gift hamper options. Look for hampers featuring premium brands and artisanal products to ensure that your gift is both thoughtful and indulgent.
Delivery Options: Check the delivery options available when shopping for gift hampers online. Many retailers offer nationwide delivery, making it easy to send your gift to recipients across Australia. Some may even offer same-day or next-day delivery for last-minute gift-giving emergencies.
Customer Reviews: Before making a purchase, take the time to read customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the quality of the products and services offered by the online retailer. Positive reviews from satisfied customers are a good indication of a reputable and reliable retailer.
Making Moments Memorable: The Power of Personalised Gifts
In a world filled with material possessions, it's the thoughtful gestures and heartfelt sentiments that truly leave a lasting impression. Shop Gifts Hampers Online in Australia offer a unique opportunity to create meaningful moments and memories for your loved ones, friends, colleagues, or clients. Whether it's celebrating a milestone birthday, expressing gratitude, or simply brightening someone's day, a personalised gift hamper is sure to bring joy and delight to the recipient.
By shopping for personalised gift hampers online in Australia, you can easily find the perfect gift for any occasion and make every moment memorable. With a wide range of options to choose from and convenient delivery options available, online shopping offers a hassle-free and enjoyable gift-giving experience. So why wait? Spread joy and cheer with a thoughtful and personalised gift hamper today!
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brookston · 9 months
Holidays 12.28
BiCreators Day
Brobdingnagian Proboscis Day
Call a Friend Day
Congress Foundation Day (India)
Cross Day (Ireland)
Dysemas Day (Northhamptonshire, UK)
Eat a Vegetarian Day
Els Enfarinats (Flour Fight; Ibi & Valencia, Spain)
Endangered Species Act Day
End-of-Year Days (EU)
Fourth Day of Christmas
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Holiday Breather Day
International Cinema Day
Kashmiri Homestead Day
King Taskin Memorial Day (Thailand)
Kullubi (Ethiopia)
Manure Day (French Republic)
National Call a Friend Day
National Card Playing Day
National Download Day
National Short Film Day
National Stan Lee Day
National Tim Day
Pledge of Allegiance Day
Proclamation Day (South Australia)
Republic Day (South Sudan)
Return a Gift for Cold Hard Cash Day
Shaheed Sabha (Punjab, India)
Stanley Races begin (Falkland Islands)
Take a Drive and Enjoy the Christmas Lights Day
Throw Away Your Subliminal Motivation Tapes Today Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Yule Log Day (UK)
National Box of Chocolates Day
National Chocolate Candy Day
National Eat Chocolate Day
4th & Last Thursday in December
National Betty Day [4th Thursday]
Independence Days
Iowa Statehood Day (#29; 1846)
Lundenwic (Declared; 2013) [unrecognized]
Mexico (Date Recognized, 1821)
Republic of Ut Pace (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Yusienia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abel (Coptic Church)
Bruma IV (Pagan)
Caterina Volpicelli (Christian; Saint)
Childermas (a.k.a. Feast of the Holy Innocents; Christian)
Day of the Holy Innocents (Spain)
Excelsior Day (Pastafarian)
Feast of Fools, Day 3 (Holy Innocent's Day)
Feast of the Holy Innocents (a.k.a. Childermas; Christian)
Félix Vallotton (Artology)
Fool’s Day (Dis de los Inocentes; Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela)
Inocentes (Mexican December Fool’s Day)
Kwanzaa, Day 3: Ujima (Collective Work & Responsibility)
Lamarck (Positivist; Saint)
Mike ’The Bike’ Hailwood Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Only 4 Pasta-eating Days Left This Year Day (Pastafarian)
Simon the Athonite (Christian; Saint)
Theodorus, Abbot of Tabenna (Christian; Saint)
Twelve Holy Days #3 (Gemini, the hands; Esoteric Christianity)
Twelvetide, Day #4; Feast of the Holy Innocents (a.k.a. the Twelve Days of Christmas or Christmastide) [until 1.5]
The Whispering Log (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Bairns' Day (Unluckiest Day of the Year; Scotland)
Dyzymas (Medieval Unlucky Day; Bad Day to Start Anything)
The Sexiest Day of All the Days (in Ted Lasso)
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 60 of 60)
Unluckiest Day of the Year
Black Hawk Down (Film; 2001)
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (TV Special; 2018)
Bright Eyes (Film; 1934)
Cyrano de Bergerac (Play; 1897)
The Deep Six or It’s Tough to Fathom (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 331; 1964)
1st Commercial Film Screening (Lumber Brothers; 1895)
Gold Diggers of 1937 (Film; 1936)
The Gulag Archipelago, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Book; 1973)
I Am Sam (Film; 2001)
Match Point (Film; 2005)
Mother, by John Lennon (Song; 1970)
The New Delhi-Cateseen or Judgment at Bloombergs (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 332; 1964)
On the Town (Broadway Musical; 1944)
Poor Richard’s Almanack, by Benjamin Franklin (Magazine; 1732)
Portrait in Jazz, by Bill Evans (Album recorded; 1959)
Saint Joan, by George Bernard Shaw (Play; 1923)
To Beep or Not to Beep (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
Treatise of Sexual Alchemy, by Samael Aun Weor (Spiritual Book; 1953)
Where the Boys Are (Film; 1960)
Today’s Name Days
Donna, Mattea, Unschuldige Kinder (Austria)
Mladen, Nevenka (Croatia)
Bohumila (Czech Republic)
Piia, Piiu (Estonia)
Piia (Finland)
Gaspard (France)
John, Unschuldige Kinder (Germany)
Domna, Mygdonios, Theofili (Greece)
Kamilla (Hungary)
Donna, Dorma, Innocenti Martiri (Italy)
Inga, Ivita, Jonatans, Mierins (Latvia)
Ema, Kamilė, Kantvilas, Vaidilutė (Lithuania)
Une, Unn, Unni (Norway)
Antoni, Dobrowiest, Emma, Godzisław, Teofila (Poland)
Ivana, Ivona (Slovakia)
Abel (Spain)
Benjamin (Sweden)
Aspen, Caspar, Gaspar, Innocent, Jasper, Kasper, Woodrow, Woody (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 362 of 2024; 3 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 52 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 16 (Geng-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 16 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 15 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 2 Fest; Twosday [2 of 5]
Julian: 15 December 2023
Moon: 97%: Warning Gibbous
Positivist: 26 Bichat (13th Month) [Lamarck]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 8 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 7 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Holidays 12.28
BiCreators Day
Brobdingnagian Proboscis Day
Call a Friend Day
Congress Foundation Day (India)
Cross Day (Ireland)
Dysemas Day (Northhamptonshire, UK)
Eat a Vegetarian Day
Els Enfarinats (Flour Fight; Ibi & Valencia, Spain)
Endangered Species Act Day
End-of-Year Days (EU)
Fourth Day of Christmas
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Holiday Breather Day
International Cinema Day
Kashmiri Homestead Day
King Taskin Memorial Day (Thailand)
Kullubi (Ethiopia)
Manure Day (French Republic)
National Call a Friend Day
National Card Playing Day
National Download Day
National Short Film Day
National Stan Lee Day
National Tim Day
Pledge of Allegiance Day
Proclamation Day (South Australia)
Republic Day (South Sudan)
Return a Gift for Cold Hard Cash Day
Shaheed Sabha (Punjab, India)
Stanley Races begin (Falkland Islands)
Take a Drive and Enjoy the Christmas Lights Day
Throw Away Your Subliminal Motivation Tapes Today Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Yule Log Day (UK)
National Box of Chocolates Day
National Chocolate Candy Day
National Eat Chocolate Day
4th & Last Thursday in December
National Betty Day [4th Thursday]
Independence Days
Iowa Statehood Day (#29; 1846)
Lundenwic (Declared; 2013) [unrecognized]
Mexico (Date Recognized, 1821)
Republic of Ut Pace (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Yusienia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abel (Coptic Church)
Bruma IV (Pagan)
Caterina Volpicelli (Christian; Saint)
Childermas (a.k.a. Feast of the Holy Innocents; Christian)
Day of the Holy Innocents (Spain)
Excelsior Day (Pastafarian)
Feast of Fools, Day 3 (Holy Innocent's Day)
Feast of the Holy Innocents (a.k.a. Childermas; Christian)
Félix Vallotton (Artology)
Fool’s Day (Dis de los Inocentes; Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela)
Inocentes (Mexican December Fool’s Day)
Kwanzaa, Day 3: Ujima (Collective Work & Responsibility)
Lamarck (Positivist; Saint)
Mike ’The Bike’ Hailwood Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Only 4 Pasta-eating Days Left This Year Day (Pastafarian)
Simon the Athonite (Christian; Saint)
Theodorus, Abbot of Tabenna (Christian; Saint)
Twelve Holy Days #3 (Gemini, the hands; Esoteric Christianity)
Twelvetide, Day #4; Feast of the Holy Innocents (a.k.a. the Twelve Days of Christmas or Christmastide) [until 1.5]
The Whispering Log (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Bairns' Day (Unluckiest Day of the Year; Scotland)
Dyzymas (Medieval Unlucky Day; Bad Day to Start Anything)
The Sexiest Day of All the Days (in Ted Lasso)
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 60 of 60)
Unluckiest Day of the Year
Black Hawk Down (Film; 2001)
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (TV Special; 2018)
Bright Eyes (Film; 1934)
Cyrano de Bergerac (Play; 1897)
The Deep Six or It’s Tough to Fathom (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 331; 1964)
1st Commercial Film Screening (Lumber Brothers; 1895)
Gold Diggers of 1937 (Film; 1936)
The Gulag Archipelago, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Book; 1973)
I Am Sam (Film; 2001)
Match Point (Film; 2005)
Mother, by John Lennon (Song; 1970)
The New Delhi-Cateseen or Judgment at Bloombergs (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 332; 1964)
On the Town (Broadway Musical; 1944)
Poor Richard’s Almanack, by Benjamin Franklin (Magazine; 1732)
Portrait in Jazz, by Bill Evans (Album recorded; 1959)
Saint Joan, by George Bernard Shaw (Play; 1923)
To Beep or Not to Beep (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
Treatise of Sexual Alchemy, by Samael Aun Weor (Spiritual Book; 1953)
Where the Boys Are (Film; 1960)
Today’s Name Days
Donna, Mattea, Unschuldige Kinder (Austria)
Mladen, Nevenka (Croatia)
Bohumila (Czech Republic)
Piia, Piiu (Estonia)
Piia (Finland)
Gaspard (France)
John, Unschuldige Kinder (Germany)
Domna, Mygdonios, Theofili (Greece)
Kamilla (Hungary)
Donna, Dorma, Innocenti Martiri (Italy)
Inga, Ivita, Jonatans, Mierins (Latvia)
Ema, Kamilė, Kantvilas, Vaidilutė (Lithuania)
Une, Unn, Unni (Norway)
Antoni, Dobrowiest, Emma, Godzisław, Teofila (Poland)
Ivana, Ivona (Slovakia)
Abel (Spain)
Benjamin (Sweden)
Aspen, Caspar, Gaspar, Innocent, Jasper, Kasper, Woodrow, Woody (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 362 of 2024; 3 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 52 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 16 (Geng-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 16 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 15 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 2 Fest; Twosday [2 of 5]
Julian: 15 December 2023
Moon: 97%: Warning Gibbous
Positivist: 26 Bichat (13th Month) [Lamarck]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 8 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 7 of 31)
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alyssamonah · 10 months
How to Surprise Kids with Virtual Children's Gift Baskets in Australia?
In today's digital age, the joy of receiving a thoughtful gift knows no bounds, even if the exchange happens virtually. Childrens Gift Baskets Delivered Sydney are a delightful way to bring smiles to the faces of the little ones in your life, whether you're near or far. In this article, we'll explore creative ways to surprise kids with virtual children's gift baskets in Australia, ensuring the excitement and happiness are as real as ever.
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Choose the Perfect Theme
The first step in creating a memorable virtual gift basket is selecting a theme that resonates with the child's interests. Whether they adore dinosaurs, superheroes, princesses, or animals, there's a theme for every child. The theme sets the tone for the entire gift basket and makes it more personal.
Examples of Popular Gift Basket Themes:
Adventure Time: Fill the basket with outdoor exploration goodies like a compass, binoculars, and a magnifying glass.
Arts and Crafts: Include a variety of art supplies, colouring books, and stickers for creative kids.
Movie Night: Provide popcorn, a cozy blanket, and a selection of their favourite movies for a perfect movie night.
Gourmet Treats: Add a selection of gourmet chocolates, cookies, and snacks for food enthusiasts
Superheroes: Choose superhero-themed items like action figures, comic books, and masks for young superheroes in training.
Personalize the Experience
Personalization adds a special touch to virtual kids hampers. Consider the child's name, favourite colours, or a heartfelt message. You can create a custom digital card or note to accompany the gift, making it more meaningful.
Embrace Technology
The magic of virtual gift-giving lies in technology. Use video calls or virtual meeting platforms to present the gift basket in real time. It allows you to witness the child's reaction and share in their excitement.
Go Beyond the Basics
A children's gift basket doesn't have to be limited to physical items. Think outside the box and incorporate virtual experiences, such as e-books, online classes, or virtual museum tours. These additions can enhance the overall surprise and provide opportunities for learning and fun.
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Include Interactive Elements
Engage the child's curiosity and creativity by including interactive items in the virtual gift basket. It could be a DIY science experiment kit, a puzzle, or a craft project they can work on independently or with family.
Plan a Virtual Scavenger Hunt
Turn gift-giving into an adventure by organizing a virtual scavenger hunt. Provide clues and riddles leading to different components of the gift basket. The child can embark on an exciting quest to uncover their surprises.
Share a Story
Create a story or narrative around the gift basket theme. Share it with the child, incorporating elements from the basket into the story. This storytelling approach adds an element of wonder and imagination to the gift.
Coordinate with Parents or Guardians
If you're not the child's parent or guardian, coordinate with them to ensure that the surprise aligns with their preferences and any dietary restrictions or allergies the child may have. It ensures a safe and enjoyable experience.
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Explore Australian-Themed Gifts
If you're sending a virtual children's gift basket to someone in Australia, consider including items that reflect the country's unique culture and wildlife. Australian-themed puzzles, books about Australian animals, or even a plush kangaroo can make the gift extra special.
Make it an Educational Experience
Incorporate educational elements into the gift basket to make learning fun. Puzzle games, science kits, or books on fascinating topics can pique a child's curiosity and provide hours of educational entertainment.
Schedule a Surprise Delivery
Coordinate with a local gift delivery service in Australia to have physical items from the gift basket delivered to the child's doorstep. It adds an element of surprise and anticipation as they await the arrival of their special package.
Encourage Exploration
Include items that encourage exploration and discovery. Whether it's a nature-themed gift basket with a magnifying glass or a space-themed basket with a mini telescope, these items can spark a child's curiosity and love for learning.
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Plan a Virtual Playdate
Arrange a virtual playdate with the child and their friends to celebrate the occasion together. You can organize games, activities, and even a mini-party via video call to make the gift-giving experience even more enjoyable.
Capture the Moment
Encourage the child to capture their excitement by taking photos or recording a video while they explore their virtual gift basket. It allows them to share their joy with you and creates lasting memories.
Maintain the Element of Surprise
Keep the contents of the virtual gift basket a surprise until the big reveal. Building anticipation adds to the excitement and ensures the child is genuinely surprised and delighted.
Surprising kids with virtual children's gift baskets in Australia is a heartwarming way to spread joy and create cherished memories. By selecting the perfect theme, personalizing the experience, and embracing technology, you can make the virtual gift-giving process as special and memorable as an in-person gift exchange.
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Remember that the essence of gift-giving lies in the thought and effort you put into creating a delightful experience for the child. Whether it's a themed adventure, educational exploration, or a simple expression of love, virtual gift baskets have the power to bring happiness to the children you care about, no matter where they are in Australia. So, start planning your next virtual surprise and let the smiles begin!
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