#fonds Marianne
jloisse · 1 year
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mirrorontheworld · 1 year
L’association de Mohamed Sifaoui n’est pas la seule à avoir été grassement rémunérée par le fonds Marianne. Une autre structure a touché plus de 300 000 euros alors qu’elle venait d’être créée et n’avait aucune activité connue. Sous couvert de lutte contre le séparatisme, elle a diffusé des contenus politiques à l’encontre d’opposants d’Emmanuel Macron pendant les campagnes présidentielle et législatives.
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luciolebrune · 1 year
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lejournaldupeintre · 1 year
Marlène Schiappa : The case of the Marianne fund.
Marlène Schiappa This fund was created in 2021, a few months after the ination of Samuel Paty. Endowed with an envelope of 2.5 million euros, it aimed to finance initiatives and ociations which promote “the values ​​of the Republic” and fight separatism online, in particular among a young audience (from 12 to 15 years). Of the 71 applications received, 17 were selected to receive the money,…
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Fonds Marianne : favoritisme et soupçons de mensonges
Énième rebondissement dans l’affaire du fonds Marianne qui éclabousse à nouveau Marlène Schiappa. Par Clémence de Longraye Continue reading Untitled
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onedivinemisfit · 9 months
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Made a ship version, well as far as I was able given they were drawn weeks apart 👉👈
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dspd · 9 months
One of the things I love about Brandon & Marianne is that even though he's nearly twice her age, her never pushes. He simply, quietly, wants to be near her, and is in overall good company to her family. If he was pushy or forceful, the age gap would indeed be squicky, but his respect and commitment to her happiness above all else - to the point that he does not even fight when she clearly chooses Willoughby and silently supports her through her heartbreak - proves that they are a wonderful match.
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aurantia-ignis · 9 months
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Zooming in on the ensemble for my animatic here! I agonized over the composition for this one as well... But it turned out really well so I'm satisfied ;w; Perhaps the only thing of concern is the BG clock thing being so large and filling so much of the canvas, but I didn't want to crop it down... and it has to be that big to frame the center folks ;w;
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witchail · 2 months
dissecting more into cc's relationship with marianne like ---- the reason why marianne kept portraying herself as the "ideal mother" to cc and influencing her into assisting lelouch, was simply because of cc's upbringing and her lack of positive mother figures. her seeing marianne as a good mother, was playing with cc's hidden desire of having a good relationship with her own biological mother. cc's mother gave her away at a young age and completely abandoned her. so when marianne died, cc did not want to abandon nunnally and lelouch. she thought by doing so, she is honouring marianne's wish in a way --- needless to say, cc was rather crush when she realized that marianne really did not care for anyone but herself.
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jloisse · 11 months
Le fonds Marianne en œuvre 😁
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childofaura · 2 years
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Oh my fucking gosh, it’s starting.
I’m honestly indifferent to Peach herself in the Mario movie; I’m mainly gonna be there to see Mario, Luigi, and Bowser. But the same exact shit that happened to Amy Rose, where people think she isn’t a strong character or doesn’t have a personality because she’s feminine and cutesy, is happening to Peach. The millionth “This character now acts like a girlboss, she’s automatically improved!” ice cold takes we’re seeing.
Do people just ignore that Peach is a kind and mild leader, who enjoys sports on the side and even participates in fighting on the side? OG Peach would see you sitting alone at a table, ask to sit next to you, and offer you tea and delicious cake. And yet she’s canonically taken action and saved Mario and Luigi on her own.
Not to mention her hospitable personality has de-escalated situations:
I can respect people who like this incarnation of Peach but holy shit, stop pretending like she didn’t already have a personality.
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fieldsofvarley · 1 year
bernadetta would be an animal crossing girl. marianne would be a zelda girl. annette would be a stardew valley girl. this is correct
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ruemorinpointcom · 1 year
ARRÊTE DON$ ! Pour la santé et les services sociaux !
Grande collecte de fonds régionale le 28 septembre 2023 Continue reading Untitled
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fucknewsfrance · 2 years
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Le sous-marin #Ulyx retrouve la cote de popularité d'Emmanuel #Macron au fond de la Fosse des Mariannes à 10.000 mètres de profondeur.
Lisez l'article sur bit.ly/3z0gv5X
#MotionDeCensureTransPartisane #Manifestations #DirectAN #JT13h #Borne #MotionDeCensure #bac2023
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Quand le fonds Marianne sert à rémunérer la chasse aux prétendus complots
Quand le “pognon de dingue” ne sert que la propagande idéologique de gauche, sommes-nous toujours en démocratie ? Par Clémence de Longraye Continue reading Untitled
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drpeppertummy · 2 months
teddybear sneaking out for a midnight snack
[hunger, stuffing, tummyache]
Teddy didn't typically go to the diner alone. Ordinarily, he'd be there with his friends and housemates, laughing and chattering over a big greasy dinner that would leave all of them feeling a little too stuffed and set with lunch for the next day. This would be during the day, though, and right now, it was late at night. His belly rumbled impatiently as his sleepy eyes grazed over the menu, and he yawned. He didn't typically go this late, either.
The reason for the unusual visit was his monthly affliction--being a werewolf, of course. It was only a few days until the full moon, and Teddy's appetite had gone from extra perky to downright ridiculous. Even when his poor tummy was straining to hold everything he'd fed it, his body still insisted on a little bit more. The transformation took a lot of energy, after all; his body needed to prepare for it, even if it was at the expense of his own comfort. His housemates were thankfully very understanding and even willing to help, but Teddy was embarrassed by his absurd appetite spikes, and he felt guilty about going through so much of their own food. Tonight, to take a break from the usual midnight trip to the kitchen, he'd decided to sneak out to the diner in the hopes of appeasing his stomach.
Teddy yawned again, rubbing an eye. His stomach growled angrily. He'd been keeping it waiting for some time, not wanting to clear out the entire kitchen after Bruce had just gone grocery shopping, and as far as his stomach was concerned, it had been weeks since his last meal. In reality, of course, it had only been a few hours, but Teddy was ravenous. He was half tempted to eat the menu with all its mouthwatering pictures; he couldn't focus on it anyway. His belly panged at him, and he wrapped an arm around it with a soft, involuntary whine.
"Well, hello there, sleepy head." Teddy looked up to see a tall waitress looming over him, a big, fond smile on her face. "You sure you're at the right place? Your belly sounds like it'd rather hit the buffet." Teddy blushed, looking sheepish, and she laughed. "Oh, don't you worry, cutie pie, I'm just teasing. I'm gonna take good care of you tonight. What can I get you?"
"Um…" Teddy looked blankly back at the menu, trying to recall what in the world he normally ordered. There were far, far too many options for his sleepy, hunger-clouded mind to process, and he sat there gaping at it, trying to make something come out of his mouth. The waitress--Marianne, according to her nametag--leaned over his shoulder, reading the menu with him.
"If you need a few more minutes, we could always start you off with an appetizer," she said, reaching around him to turn the page back. His belly rumbled again, eager to eat something, and his blush deepened. "It sure sounds like you could use it."
"I guess I could do that," he agreed.
With a little guidance from the exceptionally friendly waitress, Teddy ordered a basket of fried mushrooms, and Marianne left him to ponder the menu a little longer while he waited. He hadn't intended to get an appetizer, but he supposed it wasn't a bad choice; if it would go toward staving off his insatiable hunger a little while longer, he'd be happy. Of course, he supposed he'd be hungry again by morning, but he hoped a big meal would hold him for the rest of the night. He looked down at his belly. For as much of a racket as it was making, you'd never know how hungry he was by looking at him. He was still bloated from a large dinner, which had been on top of a large lunch and a large breakfast, and his belly poked out adorably over the waist of his pants, snug even with his belt done at its loosest. Not even his oversized shirt could hide the contour of it. He wondered what Marianne must have thought, his stomach growling like it had been starved despite bulging as though it were stuffed.
By the time Marianne returned with the mushrooms, Teddy was on the verge of dozing off--it didn't take long, he was just very tired--but he had finally settled on an order. He was startled when Marianne set the basket on the table, and she laughed.
"Oh, you are just the cutest little thing," she said, pulling out her pad and pen. "Didn't mean to wake you, sweetheart. Know what you want yet?"
"I think so," he said, trying to shake the groggy feeling out of his head.
Since he was on his own, Teddy decided to order something he didn't usually go for: a nice big steak. Normally, if he was out with his friends, he'd go for something a little more simple, like a burger or a cheesesteak, but tonight his meat cravings were in full swing, and he didn't need any bread or toppings getting in the way. It came with a cup of soup--he decided to go with chicken noodle--and two sides, for which he picked a baked potato and fries. It would be a big, heavy, filling meal, perhaps too much even for his ravenous appetite, but that was exactly what he needed right now, and his mouth watered at the thought of it as he ordered.
"That's a good healthy appetite," Marianne said approvingly as she finished jotting it down. "We're gonna fill that cute little belly right up." Teddy blushed brightly, and before he knew it she was gone, leaving him alone with the fried mushrooms. They smelled heavenly, and his stomach let out an impatient yowl as he geared himself up for the first molten hot bite. He wasn't sure if it was just that he was starving or if they were really that good, but they were exactly as delicious as they smelled, crispy and flavorful and not too greasy, and even though they were hotter than the surface of the sun he found himself practically inhaling them.
"That's what I like to see," Marianne grinned, approaching the table once again with the soup. Teddy looked up, surprised and sheepish, a bite of mushroom still in his mouth. She smiled at him as she set down the bowl, and he felt her eyes creep down from his blushing face to his round little belly.
"It's good you brought your appetite," she said. "You're gonna need it when that steak comes out. I caught a peek at it when I was coming by with the soup--it's a big one. You need anything else, pumpkin, or are you alright for now?"
"I'm alright," he said, smiling shyly. He thanked her for the soup and she was on her way once more. The mushrooms, which were nearly gone, had sated the desperate surface of his appetite, but he was still plenty hungry, and the hot soup looked and smelled very inviting. He ate that more slowly than he had the mushrooms, taking the time to enjoy the pleasant flavor of it and the warm cozy feeling as it filled his belly. It came with a warm hunk of bread, and he dipped it in the broth as he ate. The gnawing ache in his stomach was fading now, giving way to a comfortable contentment.
The soup-soaked bread filled his tummy nicely, and he was thankful to be able to enjoy it without the eyes of his housemates on him, although he knew they held no judgment. In fact, Bruce was always plenty happy to whip something up whenever his belly rumbled, and Luna gladly encouraged him to eat. Even Stelian, seemingly cold and uncaring, reminded him that it was important to listen to his body when it was hungry, particularly where the pre-full moon cravings were concerned. Truthfully, most of the time he didn't care. When those werewolf cravings hit, though, he couldn't help feeling embarrassed and even ashamed of his constant and insatiable hunger. He felt guilty for eating so much, even when he did more than his share of the shopping, and he felt guilty that his friends took such responsibility for keeping him well fed, even if they did so happily. He was grateful for them, of course, but it was nice to not have to think about it at all right now.
Teddy went on happily eating his soup and finishing off the mushrooms, and Marianne watched from afar as she wiped down the counter across the room. She was enjoying Teddy immensely. He was a cute little thing, sweet as pie, and the way his belly whined and begged to be fed in spite of his soft demeanor just about set her on fire. She wondered just how much that plump little tummy could hold. The way it poked out disproportionately made her wonder if he might have already eaten, but the way it growled like it was ready to take her hand off made that thought seem impossible. She supposed she would find out before long, anyway. His dinner was just about ready, and she was perhaps even more eager to bring it out than he was to eat it.
"Still got that appetite, cutie pie?" Marianne stood over the table with a tray in her hand, smiling down at Teddy. He nodded sweetly, holding a hand to his tummy almost unconsciously. Admittedly, he did feel a little full with the soup, bread, and full basket of mushrooms in his belly, but he still had room for dinner. He hoped he'd have enough room to not have leftovers--he felt a little silly about his late night diner run, and he didn't want to bring back evidence.
"Good," she cooed, replacing the empty dishes with full ones with a motion that seemed almost effortless. "I was worried all that soup would fill you up before you even got your dinner. They say it makes the bread swell up in your tummy"--she gave him a light tap on the belly for emphasis--"but I don't know if that's really true."
If Teddy had been full, even with the possibility of the expanding contents of his stomach, it didn't matter now; his appetite returned in full force at the sight and smell of the big hunk of meat before him. Meat--particularly rare, red meat--was the thing he craved most when the full moon was around the corner, and it wasn't something he got to truly indulge in often. He supposed that the lack of it was probably at least partially responsible for the persistence of his appetite; a wolf wouldn't likely be satisfied after a plate of waffles, and a wolf's stomach was what he was feeding. Mouth watering, he cut off a big bite and dug in.
Teddy hadn't realized just how much he'd needed the steak until that first bite hit his tongue. The relief and satisfaction that hit him was almost instantaneous, and he savored the juicy mouthful, enjoying the feeling of his slightly-sharpened teeth sinking into it. A soft, blissful sigh escaped him as he ate. Marianne watched from the counter, chin in hand, unable to hold back a fond smile at the look on his face. Seeing him enjoying the food so much was almost as good as the chattering of his hungry tummy, and that was almost as good as knowing that that tummy was going to be utterly stuffed before long.
As he ate, Teddy became aware of a slowly-growing fullness in his belly, but he didn't let it hold him back. It was a welcome feeling, in fact. After trying for days to appease his relentless appetite, it was the most satisfied he'd felt all week. He ate slowly, taking care to enjoy the meal, breaking away from the steak here and there to dip into the hot, buttery baked potato and the thick, crispy fries. Right now, his stomach felt snug and cozy, comfortably full of warm, bulky meat and carbs. Between that and the day's previous meals bulging his belly out, he felt a little weighed down, but right now he didn't mind. Right now, he felt wonderful.
About halfway through the steak, the amount of food in Teddy's tummy began to catch up with him, and that gradual fullness in his stomach began to bloom into a taut, stretched feeling. He felt bloated and heavy, but he wasn't too full to keep eating just yet. He was still determined to return home empty-handed. He paused for a moment, resting a hand on his tummy, and he was surprised--and a little embarrassed--to feel just how far it was bulging out. He looked down to see his oversized shirt pulled snug over the wide curve of his belly, so swollen that it nearly bumped against the table.
"You're not gettin' full already, are you?" Teddy nearly jumped out of his skin. He hadn't noticed Marianne approaching; he supposed he'd been too astonished by the size of his belly. Her gaze, he noticed, also seemed to be fixed on his belly, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, blushing. She leaned down, smiling, and her eyes met his.
"That poor tummy sounded awfully hungry when you came in," she said, her voice low and smooth. "You'd better make sure it's nice and full before you go. I'd hate to see a cute little thing like you leave without eating your fill." He nodded shyly, almost hypnotized by her stare. She smiled and gave him an affectionate tap on the nose before standing upright again.
"Now, you get going on that steak, sweetpea, and I'll be back to check on you in a little bit, alright?"
Ironically, that little break in the meal only gave Teddy more time to realize how full he was. His stomach having adjusted a little, he felt fairly stuffed, although not unpleasantly so. Still, the remaining hunk of meat before him seemed like a lot more now than it did a few minutes ago, and his stomach let out a reluctant gurgle as it worked away at everything he'd eaten so far. He didn't feel bad, though, and the thought of leaving with his belly feeling fully satisfied was enticing. He sighed and forced up a stifled little burp, picked up his fork, and got back to it.
A threshold had been crossed, and the pressure inside Teddy's belly grew steadily as he ate. The tight feeling was more prominent now, as was the feeling of his belt squeezing his bulging middle, and, a few bites later, he entered the territory of discomfort. He picked at the potato and the fries, but finishing the steak was his main goal. He wouldn't feel so bad about leaving a little bit of his sides behind, but if he was going home with no leftovers, he didn't want to waste a bit of the steak. His pace had slowed considerably since the last time Marianne stopped by the table, and each bite began to feel more and more like a chore. Still, despite the protests of both his stomach and his tightening belt, he pushed on. There wasn't that much left, after all; even if it left him feeling too stuffed to move, he felt confident that he could finish it.
Marianne watched Teddy, entranced by the way his belly pushed out tight against his shirt, straining with each breath. It was far too distended for there to only be the one meal inside it; despite his obvious hunger when he sat down, she supposed he must have been eating well all day. How he'd managed to work up such an appetite on such an already-visibly-stuffed belly was beyond her, but she didn't care. She was just happy to see him enjoying the meal--and, of course, to have the lovely view of that sweet little tummy swelling up before her. She'd have loved to give it a nice squeeze; it looked wonderfully plush, although right now she supposed it must have felt tight as a drum. Curious to see how much more it could hold, she watched. She suspected it wouldn't be long before he was too full to go on.
Teddy paused again, leaning back in his seat. His belly felt unbelievably heavy and swollen, and he could feel everything he'd eaten in the past day bulging out hard. He was just about at his limit. He rested a hand on the top of his stomach--it felt shockingly firm compared to its usual softness--and tried to force up another burp. A tiny one came up, but it didn't do much to ease the pressure. He looked down at his plate. Only a few bites of steak remained; the scraps of his sides that were still left were trivial. The tightness in his stomach was almost unbearable. His belt pressed hard into it, and he felt like he had an enormous boulder jammed up just under his ribs, jutting out dramatically against his shirt. His stomach groaned uncomfortably, and he gave it a cautious rub, hoping to soothe it into submission long enough to finish off the last little bit of his meal.
"If I didn't know any better, sweetie pie, I'd think you just polished off three of those," Marianne teased, smiling at him. "You look stuffed with a capital S. You ready for a box yet, or do you think you can squeeze in that little bitty piece?"
"Um…" Teddy thought for a moment. He wasn't sure he could squeeze in even a crumb, let alone the small hunk of meat on his plate.
"Judging by the look of that cute little tummy of yours, I'm gonna guess you wanna bring this home, hm?" Teddy hesitated.
"It's just, um… I kinda snuck over here without my friends," he said sheepishly, and she laughed.
"Ohh, I understand. Can't bring back any evidence, huh?" She grinned down at him, and he nodded, laughing a little along with her. "Well, I'd say that's pretty sound reasoning. Wouldn't want 'em catching on, would we? Well, you take as long as you need to, pumpkin. I'm sure you'll find a little space." She winked and left him again.
Teddy stayed put for a moment, leaning back in his seat with his hands on his belly, hoping it would settle a little if he gave it a moment to rest. He could hardly believe how taut and firm it felt, especially up around his stomach. His plush lower belly was softer, but even that felt packed tight right now. It rumbled uneasily, straining against the enormous meal. He rubbed his belly tentatively, trying to relax the stretched feeling a little, but to little avail. Finally, he decided to go for it. With a soft sigh, he sat up and picked up his fork once more.
There were only a few bites of steak left, but each one felt like a monumental task, his belly stretching tighter and tighter with each reluctant swallow. Finally, the last bite was on his fork. He wasn't sure his stomach could take it, but, with some hesitation, he stuck it in his mouth anyway. He chewed slowly, dreading having to force even another molecule into his already overstuffed tummy, but, after a good long chew, he did it, finishing off the meal with a thick gulp. His belly let out a strained grumble as it stretched just a hair further. He leaned back again with a heavy sigh, holding his distended tummy with both hands. It ached badly, no longer with hunger but with far too much pressure pushing out against the walls of his stomach, but he was done.
"My goodness," remarked Marianne, striding coolly up to the table. "I didn't think you could do it. You look stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey, sweetheart. You gonna be able to get out of that seat?"
"No," he said with a weak chuckle, and she smiled.
"Well, I'll take the long route to getting the check," she said, winking as she took the empty plate away. "You just wait right there and give that poor tummy a minute to settle."
Teddy did just that; he couldn't even sit up straight right now, let alone get up. All he wanted to do was sprawl out in bed and spent the next twelve hours sleeping it off. He almost regretted eating so much--he felt the way he did the morning after the full moon, when his small human stomach would be stretched tight with everything he ate as an enormous werewolf--but not quite. His hunger was gone, at least for the time being, and he had a feeling that his bellyful of meat would hold him over for a good while.
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