#folm star
scotianostra · 6 months
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Jack Buchanan, the film actor, producer and singer, was born this day in 1890.
Our own Scottish "Fred Astaire" Jack's films include, Monte Carlo, The Band Wagon and Yes, Mr.Brown. Check out the video with the aforementioned Astaire.
Walter John Buchanan or Jack as he was called was born in Helensburgh the family home being Garthland in West Argyle Street, just along the road from his childhood, and later lifelong friend John Logie Baird.
To his bitter regret he was deemed unfit for military service in World War I.
Made his stage debut at the Apollo Theatre in Glasgow in 1912 and, by the 1920s, had become Britain's leading musical comedy star. He also worked occasionally as a producer from 1922. He was famous for "the seemingly lazy but most accomplished grace with which he sang, danced, flirted and joked his way through musical shows.... The tall figure, the elegant gestures, the friendly drawling voice, the general air of having a good time."
Turning down a chance to relocate permanently to Hollywood he stated they could make films here every bit as good as in the U.S, and should be doing so.
In December 1930, he opened, with his business partner Walter Gibbons, the Leicester Square Theatre. This venue was bombed out during the war and Buchanan lost a sizeable amount of money as a result. However, he went on to manage the Garrick Theatre in 1946.
Buchanan was a frequent broadcaster on British radio, especially during the Second World War. Programmes included The Jack Buchanan Show and, in 1955, the hugely popular eight-part series Man About Town. He made the transition to TV and was part of the very first outside broadcast in the British Isles, conducted of course, by his friend John Logie Baird. Television appearances in the USA included Max Liebman's Spotlight in 1954 and long running Ed Sullivan Show.
Buchanan was noted for his portrayals of the quintessential English gentleman, despite being a Scot, and was known for his financial generosity to less prosperous actors and chorus performers. He loved National Hunt horse racing and was known to , cancel the day's performance of his current musical and charter whole excursion train to the racecourse and back, supplying meals for the entire cast and crew of his show, in addition to giving them £5 each for a "flutter" on the horse of their choice.
In 1956, he returned to Glasgow to open the studios for Scottish Television at the Theatre Royal. It was to be his last public performance.
He died from spinal cancer in London in October 1957. His ashes were scattered from the decks of a Cunard Liner in recognition of his 50+ transatlantic sailings he took while alternating shows on London's West End and Broadway.
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figuringoutstill · 2 years
The one moonlight, in the simple-colored night,
Like a plain poet revolving in his mind
The sameness of his various universe,
Shines on the mere objectiveness of things.
It is as if being was to be observed,
As if, among the possible purposes
Of what one sees, the purpose that comes first,
The surface, is the purpose to be seen,
The property of the moon, what it evokes.
It is to disclose the essential presence, say,
Of a mountain, expanded and elevated almost
Into a sense, an object the less; or else
To disclose in the figure waiting on the road
An object the more, an undetermined fOlm
Between the slouchings of a gunman and a lover,
A gesture in the dark, a fear one feels
In the great vistas of night air, that takes this form,
In the arbors that are as if of Saturn-star.
So, then, this warm, wide, weatherless quietude
Is active with a power, an inherent life,
In spite of the mere objectiveness of things,
Like a cloud-cap in the comer of a looking-glass,
A change of color in the plain poet's mind,
Night and silence disturbed by an interior sound,
The one moonlight, the various universe, intended
So much just to be seen-a purpose, empty
Perhaps, absurd perhaps, but at least a purpose,
Certain and ever more fresh. Ah! Certain, for sure ...
(Wallace Stevens)
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Marilyn Monroe
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kisteperye · 6 years
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i thought it will be just a warm up but it’s all’ve drawn today 
so a few enstars redraws and raphael
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gothcarmelasoprano · 7 years
not to be a debby downer but i wish i was popular enough here to admittedly say i watched every single owen wilson film during the summer (which was true, i even took some pics of the films i was watching) to be called an absolute madman by many people
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vox-blr · 3 years
Voxxy ilu (/p) and i wanna hear more about ur canon. Tell me what your house or business looked like. Tell me where you got coffee, if you did. How you found Vark. Your relationship with Velvet. How you climbed the ranks. Why you fell to Hell in the first place!
How did you consume things? Could your face play me a cartoon? Were u n Ally like....... Like maybe a lil ♠ in a noromo way or like. Cuz like. :/ y'all straight GOOFY together
💙🖤💙🖤 hehehe
You're in for sooo much info tbh one thing I remember well is Locations
I moved around somewhat early on but after becoming Rich As Fuck I had a high-rise apartment that basically took up half the floor, which is massive for an apartment. I guess I could've afforded a mansion or some shit but it was already way more space than I needed and I didn't want to have to maintain grounds or have anyone coming to my house to do it for me so. Luxury apartment
In terms of aesthetics it was mostly dark walls and shiny black floors and grey/black furniture. There were neon lights lining a lot of corners but I didn't always keep them on, fluorescents for if I actually needed good lighting.
I did have a whole room that was just massive TVs and like a swivel chair. It was like a master controller setup but Upgraded a shitton
Business was uhhh Big
There was a main office I was usually at and a bunch of satellite places for different things, plus I owned (majority or just shares depending) smaller companies with their own offices, and the lot of them made more shows we broadcasted than anything originating from my company directly
But main office was a tall building, had a lot of windows, and was mostly for businessy shit like PR and Threatening People Over The Phone. Yk yk, the works. We had some tech shit going on there too, like a massive room of just data storage
My office in that building was nice desk, computer, lots of monitors (on the desk and on the wall), drafting table attachment, tablet. Like the TV Room™ but smaller
I spent a lot of time on site though with filming and broadcasting crews, both in satellite offices and on-location type folming, though mostly the former. These varied in how they looked
Coffee I got 90% of the time from the coffee maker in my house or office 💀💀 or wherever was closest if I was out or not too busy to go out
I got Vark at an animal store. It was like a pet store but people also went there to grab an animal for dinner, so. Animal store. He was a baby (a 5 foot tall baby but a Baby nonetheless) but grew Very Fast and ended up doubling that within a year 💖💖💖🦈🦈🦈
Velvet and I hung out at least every couple of days. We got along well mostly bc of similar hobbies, and we also kind of balanced each other out. Velvet went by emotions when doing shit and I went by logic, so she'd have fun ideas for shit and I could minimize any sort of fallout.
The downside was that Velvet also went by emotions when dealing with problems, which meant she could be petty and childish to the point of causing issues. We didn't really fight, but her behavior sometimes caused problems when I had issues with people she liked or if she had issues with people I worked with
As for climbing the ranks, it was really straightforward tbh.
It was the early 50s. TV was just getting big, and that has a little bit of a delay to get to Hell in the first place. I saw the opportunity and took it. After working out some money early on working for other people- mostly acting- I started broadcasting, buying existing channels up, networking, etc. It all built up very fast and there wasn't even a lot of sabotage involved?? Like obviously there was Some and I was totally cheating the people I bought from out of a lot of money but the timing was so perfect that it was a comparatively very clean chain of events.
This pretty much destroyed the popularity of radio in Hell, aided by the fact that I initially sold actual TVs dirt cheap to aid my broadcasting.
As I accumulated more money, I started buying and creating completely unrelated companies, which was less about money and more about heehee hoohoo look at me I sell chimken borger
As for falling to Hell in the first place, pretty sure it was an accumulation of smaller shitty actions for the most part. I was very cutthroat in my work and trying to advance and made a lot of very con-artisty deals with people and was just generally selfish most of the time I was alive. I definitely somewhat indirectly contributed to some deaths too so like 💀💀 mostly via causing people to lose their jobs
There might be more I'm forgetting but I think I was mostly nerf'd for being a capitalist dick
I ate things With My Mouth
Basically demon physics screen was kind of like the screen in the grudge. It's a solid screen but it's also Not in some situations. Combination screen/p̤͑͐o͖͇ͬ̒͘͘͢͞r̲̠̓ͮ́͐́͞͡t̵̖̩̬͓̂̃͆a̢̽̔̂̀͢͠l̾̊́̿͏̶̕ ̪̹̬̀̈̍̏t̵ͣͮ̚҉o̢͙̼ͦ͐̔̑̕͢͢ͅ ̰͙͙͉ͯ̈́̈́̿t̵͔̊͐̆̅h͕ͪ̓͆e̓̋ͣ̿͢͠ ͈͛̓͆҉̶̀u̥̜͓͇ͩ̀͘̕͝n̴̲̹k̷̜̔̑́͢͝ň̛̟̮̣͌̀o̡̮̔w̞̪̜̹̅͛̓͘ň̢̛̳̰̫̿́͠ depending on the context.
Random note, newest face was an LCD screen.
It could play a cartoon.
Also lmao as for Al? Hard to define rlly. I'll p much roll with attention of any nature and Alastor was >:( at me so I went w it
I was very heehee hoohoo look u radio i'm in the tv screens u pass when u go outside! pay attention to me! video killed the radio star! i am very funny and Alastor was Very annoyed by my existence, moreso after I started with the upgrades a few years into being in Hell. We had a few amicable conversations before that
I was also familiar with who Alastor was before dying so there was also an aspect of like if this fucker respects me i've made it
Thanks for asking lmao I could talk for Ages
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mrmuthrfucker99 · 3 years
Bad Taste
Release date in New Zealand : 11 December 1987
Release date in USA : June 1989
Country of origin : New Zealand 🇳🇿
Directed by Peter Jackson
Starring : Terry Potter Pete O'Herne Peter Jackson Mike Minett Craig Smith
Short synopsis : a government agency must stop an alien fast food company from turning us all into chicken nuggets
My thoughts : wow.this folm is a nostalgic trip for me. I've seen it many times and honestly it's one of my favorites. It is also one of the films that got me into the gore genre. Filmed over 4 years over weekends by a very young Peter Jackson and Starring his friends, Bad Taste is actually a very funny very inventive horror movie. The effects are actually extremely good for the budget it had and it's one of those films you can't take seriously but can't help but enjoying greatly. If you haven't seen it, DO. It's funny, full of blood and guts, not as polished as his later films but one of Jackson's best films. Truly it lives up to it's name. I beseech you to see it! You will not be disappointed by this one.
Grade : 10☆/10☆
Ten out of ten stars
highly recommended
Mal sabor
Fecha de estreno en Nueva Zelanda: 11 de diciembre de 1987
Fecha de estreno en Estados Unidos: junio de 1989
País de origen: Nueva Zelanda 🇳🇿
Dirigida por Peter Jackson
Protagonizada por: Terry Potter Pete O'Herne Peter Jackson Mike Minett y Craig Smith
Sinopsis breve: una agencia gubernamental debe evitar que una empresa extranjera de comida rápida nos convierta a todos en nuggets de pollo
Mis pensamientos: wow, este folm es un viaje nostálgico para mí. Lo he visto muchas veces y, sinceramente, es uno de mis favoritos. También es una de las películas que me metió en el género gore. Filmada durante 4 años durante los fines de semana por un muy joven Peter Jackson y protagonizada por sus amigos, Bad Taste es en realidad una película de terror muy divertida y muy inventiva. Los efectos son realmente muy buenos para el presupuesto que tenía y es una de esas películas que no puedes tomarte en serio pero no puedes evitar disfrutar mucho. Si no lo ha visto, HAGA. Es divertido, lleno de sangre y agallas, no tan pulido como sus últimas películas, pero sí una de las mejores películas de Jackson. Realmente hace honor a su nombre. ¡Te suplico que lo veas! Este no te decepcionará.
Grado: 10 ☆ / 10 ☆
Diez de diez estrellas
muy recomendable
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tomb-of-ash · 8 years
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We continue to publish exclusive Angel of Darkness documents from Murti Schofield, the writer of the game. This one reveals more details about Morgau Vasiley, one of the planned characters from the game.
MORGAU notes & summary
–     Pris in Blade Runner
–     River Tam from Firefly
–     Demented Harajuku-Goth masques
–     Chiana in Farscape TV series (Gigi Edgley)
–     Charlize Theron as Imperator Furiosa – Mad Max
–     Lisbeth Salander from Girl withTattoo novels
–     Nikita (original French outing)
–     Geena Davis as Charly Baltimore from Long Kiss Goodnight
–     Hit Girl from Kick Ass
–     Harley Quinn - Batman
–     Modesty Blaise
–     Borg Queen from Star Trek, First Contact
–     Helena Bonham Carter in Fight Club
–     Scavengers TV series 1994, Anna Galvin bodice, cuirass
–     Tank Girl
–     Martha Washington Goes to War (comic Dave Gibbons & Frank Miller)
–     Prince Nuada spear weapon style in Hellboy II (Luke Goss)
–     Hit Girl in Kick Ass
–     300 Spartans
–     Achilles & Hector in TROY
–     Beneath the protective Cuirass Morgau’s torso is semi transparent. Her internal organs are partially visible, a side effect of the alchymical vivisection she underwent under Eckhardt.
–     Essentially her body is at war with itself.
–     She is totally dependant on specialised elixirs and essences that maintain her incredibly enhanced life force.
–     Though thin limbed and of a pallid white complexion her body is incredibly strong, in part due to the carbonite threading woven throughout her entire skeletal structure.
–     She is fast, strong and quick to heal.
–     Her arms are thin with semi-translucent skin showing blue veins.
–     Morgau’s spine is welded to rows of wiring, bone & silver rods, an ugly arrangement which leaves the heads of rivets & tiny plates exposed along her spinal column.
–     Her eyes are opaque milky blue until the irregular psychic abilities kick in when they become translucent.
–     Periodically Morgau’s body displays an alarming tendency to erupt into grotesque semi-crystalline, metallic extrusions. [reference  the growths on Bouchard’s badly injured man in Paris]. Only the Cuirass helps keep this in check.
–     She is not strictly speaking a cyborg, in fact her reliance-relationship to her Cuirass is more that of a mutual parasitic dependency.
–     Her need to ‘replenish’ is almost vampyric. Almost.
–     The truth is that she has not been entirely human for a while [see notes on Eckhardt’s Nephuman Meta Progeny and Warrior Sentinels.]
–     In combat Morgau displays a terrifying stillness, the ‘awful tranquillity of the wolverine focused on its prey.’
–     Partial and erratic psychic ability – triggered under stress. Unreliable and often barely under control.
–     Some of her more esoteric abilities are inbred as a natural descendant of a Lux Veritatis bloodline. Others have been brought to the fore as a result of the awful treatments she has undergone at the hands of the Black Alchymist.
–     The Culcrys, like the Chirugai, is part-forged from ferrilium, or sky iron, extracted from meteorites. [translation: SpearAxe or Halberd],
–     The Culcrys is one of the Iren Waepn armaments which include the Irenscild, the Iren Folm and even the Chirugai series. [NB there are a limited number of other Chirugai apart from Aiyessu which is attuned to Kurtis Trent.]
–     Knife missile or Excision Blade – basically a Baetyl stone that can be controlled by telekinesis. It is an arrow-head shaped artefact. Ferilium.
–     Morgau was trained from an early age in languages, ciphers, ancient & occult lore, ancient texts & symbols and psychic control of attenuated materials (usually Sky Iron). Codes, ciphers and numeric sequence series especially, fascinate her.
–     [see additional list of possible powers available or unlocked at a later stage in Morgau’s evolution i.e. in further Games.]
–     Eckhardt’s body is held together by a metallo-ceramic mesh cuirass - the waistcoat we glimpse beneath his flare coat. This Cuirass needs constant replenishing in order to maintain his physical continuation.
–     Morgau is also dependant on a cuirass or corselet-prosthesis to maintain both her life and the notoriously unstable physical powers she possesses. Eckhardt’s cuirass and hers differ but operate on similar Alchymic principles.
–     Forged of meta-link alloy, largely a mercury-brass amalgam.
–     Eckhardt, as the Monstrum, must harvest alchemically pure bio-elements to repair and renew his physical state. Morgau has been constructed to be dependant on specialised elixirs & essences of Alchymical derivation.
–     The Cuirass is a form of armour but this is not its main function. The vital bio-essences are administered via the Cuirass through a network of tubing built into the armour casing.
–     Morgau can only have access to these essential elixirs via her Cabal controllers. [though this situation changes in Game III or in the Kurtis spin off game when she experiences a radical transformation and allies herself to Kurtis in order to reform & recruit for the newly nascent Lux Veritatis.]
–     The Cuirass is highly flexible, more like a mail-link series of plates and tubing than a solid object.
–     It is constructed of prima materia metals, mercury amalgams and carbonite threading.
–     Morgau’s endless rage at the brutality & injustices of her incredibly perilous life is masked beneath a deceptively placid manner and frail appearance. [See note of the dangerous ‘stillness’ and tranquillity of her combat demeanour.]
–     Her upbringing, as an LV descendant on-the-run has engendered a finely honed paranoid attitude to everything in life.
–     From an early age she has proven to be of a mercurial temperament, rebellious and wilful. This trait appeared to become accentuated by her unstable upbringing and the effects of a serum given her by her father.
–     The misjudged administering of the flawed Vitalis Eterna serum by her father Mathias has had damaging effects on her mental stability
–     The effects of the vivisections & Nephuman adaptations performed on her by Eckhardt has turned her into something not entirely human and her rage at life and all who oppose her is a terrible force contributing to her general instability and unreliability. She is a danger to all around her, slave-owners, foes and allies alike…although she would never acknowledge anyone as an ally.
–     Morgau was slaved to work under Boaz for a while in the Cabal before being loaned out to Gunderson.  She learned all she could about the Gothic vivisectionist and had her marked out for an especially detailed vengeance. This was thwarted of course when Boaz was fed to one of Muller’s mutant podosaurs – The Pod.
–     Karel considers Morgau to be a Shadow version of Lara, a strategically valuable and biddable living weapon.
–     Morgau’s Siglum or Arcanum is an esoteric symbol, a highly personalised glyph of power; an arcane signature. It is also an identity anchor for an unstable individual struggling to maintain a sense of who she is.
–     Morgau once attempted to use the Chirugai, when she was working close to Konstantin Heissturm, but although she was able to awaken it the LV artefact did not respond to her control. She was not sufficiently attuned to its harmonic operation. She was lucky it didn’t kill her, as it was set to eviscerate anyone attempting to misuse it. Her Lux Veritatis lineage and training was all that protected her from a savage mutilation. On this occasion she barely escaped with little more than a sever scarring.
–     The search for the Mayan Genome Sequencer is something of a personal quest for Morgau. She has been told it could be a way to unravel the dreadful genetic damage done to her by Eckhardt. If it exists it might be a way for her to reclaim something of her misplaced human nature and normalcy… if it exists!
–     Morgau has her own network of ‘Irregulars’ built up when she was working as a free lance in her early independent days. They are all outcasts, exiles, freak heads, rogue personalities, wild cards, outsiders, unemployables and pariahs …named Crypsis, [other various names are listed elsewhere]. Typical T-Shirt = “From Chaos, more Chaos”.
POSSIBLE POWERS for consideration:
–     Mind spear/needle
–     Telekinesis
–     Ectoplasm control
–     Time Judder/stutter
–     Paralysing shriek
–     Uber-mentat…Morgau has abnormally acute instincts when it comes to codes & patterning. She is able to discern disparate connections, meta-links and sequencing veiled from other, less astute minds. She worked as a security advisor for several illegitimate corporations at one stage.
–     Morgau Nanuaat Madura Vasiley
–     Annessa Chimoya
–     Claire Issoux
–     Maude Holtzmün
–     Lilith – a name imposed on her by Eckhardt - but she never submits to this offensive designation. Capitulation is not in her nature.
No one has yet seen the full Chirugai weapon displayed or been able to master the full range of its diverse capabilities, not even the current Heissturm custodian. 
Apart from its controlled flight and multiple blades the weapon’s potential capabilities can be enhanced by the addition of quartz-like attachments slotted into key parts of the weapon. These small slotted rods, or Catriches, unlock further weapon capabilities, in keeping with the user’s level of psychic skill. 
In Game II or III Kurtis discovers a cache of LV Catriches which change the configuration of the Chirugai and transform it into an even more deadly weapon. 
When in the possession of Konstantin Heissturm the Chirugai was stored in a specially constructed weapons cask or Vasculum. This was only when not in use. The Vasculum is distinct from the side-satchel Kurtis sometimes uses when carrying the weapon discretely i.e. in public. 
Possible Scene:
in which the Chirugai is discovered held captive by three ponderous chains. It thrashes and tears at its restraints as soon as any adept, LV or Cabal, approaches.
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darkenedchivalry · 7 years
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City of lost children, really bizare rpg based on the French folm of the same name starring Ron Pearlman. This game freaked me out as a kid, its a really weird freaky monkey islands esque game. #gaming #collection #playstation #psx #rpg #cityoflostchildren #retro #newzealand #newzealandgamer #french #obscuregames
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helloodisha · 7 years
Odia actress Leslie Tripathy’s Tamil movie teaser released
Odia actress Leslie Tripathy’s Tamil movie teaser released
Bhubaneswar: Odisha-born Actress Leslie Tripathy, who is often referred as a ‘Beauty with a Brain’, will soon be seen in a Kollywood movie. A teaser of the folm was released recently. The 1.14 seconds teaser of the Tamil movie, depicts the story of a secret society called Illuminati.
Leslie plays the character of Mohamaayini aka Moha in the Tamil movie Idhu Vedhalam Sollum Kathai. The star cast…
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scotianostra · 6 months
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Anthony Robert McMillan was born on March 30th, 1950 in Rutherglen, we knew him better as Robbie Coltrane.
Robbie was educated at Glenalmond College, an independent school in Perthshire, from which he was nearly expelled after hanging the prefects' gowns from the school clocktower. Though he later described his experiences there as deeply unhappy, he played for the rugby First XV, was head of the school's debating society and won prizes for his art.
From Glenalmond, Coltrane went on to Glasgow School of Art, where he was ridiculed for "having an accent like Prince Charles" (of which he quickly disposed, though not before gaining the nickname "Lord Fauntleroy"), and thereafter the Moray House College of Education (part of the University of Edinburgh) in Edinburgh.
In the early 70's Robbie took the name Coltrane, due to his love of jazz musician John Coltrane, and began a career of a stand-up comedian at night clubs, at the Edinburgh Festival, as well as an actor with Edinburgh's renowned Traverse Theatre.
After picking up a few bit parts in films and TV series I first remember Robbie appearing in the BBC Scotland comedy sketch series A kick up the Eighties, he went on from there to appear in The Comic Strip Presents films during the 80's The Supergrass and The Pope must die being the most successful. At that time Coltrane had a drinking problem, downing as much as a bottle of whisky a day. In 1986 he flew to a clinic in Mexico and was treated for obesity. In 1987 his partner for 15 years, Robin Paine, left him for good. A year later he met Rhona Gemmell in a pub. They married and had a son, Spencer, and a daughter, Alice. His career took off during the early 1990s with the leading role as Dr. Eddie "Fitz" Fitzgerald, a forensic psychologist, in the popular TV series Cracker.
Coltrane is one of only a few to have played "baddies" in 2 Bond films, playing Russian mafia man Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky in GoldenEye and The World Is Not Enough. He went on to play Rubeus Hagrid in seven Harry Potter films.
Robbie has also featured in factual TV series, Coltrane's Planes and Automobiles, as well as a host of other TV series, none of which, surprisingly are Taggart! He was voted No. 11 in ITV's TV's 50 Greatest Stars and sixth in a poll of 2000 adults across the UK to find the 'most famous Scot', behind the Loch Ness Monster, Robert Burns, Sean Connery, Robert the Bruce and William Wallace.
Robbie passed away on October 14th 2022, he had become a virtual recluse, living a a rented converted barn near Stirling, living off takeaways from a local Chinese. Coltrane was cremated and his family spread his ashes around several of his favourite places around Manhattan, New York.
His death certificate shows that the actor died from a string of conditions including multiple organ failure, the causes of death given were sepsis, where an infection triggers an extreme reaction throughout the body, lower respiratory tract infection and heart block.
I always loved Robbie, from his early days right through his career, it's sad when the people you grew up laughing at and enjoyed in folms and TV pass away.............Rest in Peace big man.
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Marilyn Monroe - How To Save A Life
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