folkloricfrederick · 9 years ago
ooc: frederick x ella
so frederick and rebecca are gonna get engaged so ella and frederick will def be seeing a lot of each other! :D 
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
ooc: cora x ella
CORA LOVES ALL OF HER SISTERS SO MUCH SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT SHE’D DO W/O THEM!!!!! :DDD I feel like she def teases them tho all the time but def always in good humor that’s just how cora shows affection smdh ;DDD 
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folkloricedmund · 9 years ago
ooc: edmund x ella
TINNNNNAAA!!!! so edmund is v good friends w/ the knightley girls!!!!! and I think he loves them all a lot and tbh they may all kinda be like the sisters he never had <33
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folkloricwill · 9 years ago
ooc: will x ella
TIIINNNNAA!!!!!! Okay, so I remember that we talked about how these two were bffs as kids and ella actually really helped will come out of his shell was was pretty much his closest friend since he spent all of his time hunting and not really socializing haha butttt that they haven’t really seen each other for awhile/will has no idea that ella is a werewolf haha. anyway idk if we said anything???? buttttt I feel like will may be a little bit in love w/ ella heehee and omg he’s gonna have so many complicated emotions when he discovers what she really is and I feel like there may be some initial denial going on when he first realizes b/c he def believes that all spn creatures are evil and must die hahahah ;D
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folkloricmarianne · 9 years ago
OOC | Marianne & Ella
Idk about you, but I feel like Marianne would get along with Ella...right up until she learns what she truly is :(
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