folkloriccora · 8 years ago
john warwick + cora knightley: “you really need to go.”
“Did you hear something?”
The room was dark and silent, save the soft sound of Rebecca stirring next to her. Sleepily, her sister assured it that it was a dream and, turning over, went back to sleep. Cora wasn’t satisfied. Lighting a candle, she moved from their bed, with designs to venture further into the house.
The sound had been abrupt; quieting almost as quickly as she had heard it. It had sounded as though someone had cried out — or rather, had tried to.
John Warwick’s old country house was large and difficult to navigate during the day and, as Cora found, infinitely more difficult when attempting to do so by the light of her candle. She wound through many twists and turns: down hallways and up staircases and she was about to turn back around and go back to her own room when she saw a light under a door.
Without knocking, she slowly pushed the door open. The first thing she saw was a man kneeling on the ground with a body in his arms. He was cradling it gently, head bent down and she could not see his face.
There was blood everywhere.
“What’s happened?” Cora cried, dropping to her knees beside them, “Have you sent for a doctor?”
Slowly the figure moved, gaze rising to meet her own. She immediately recognized Mr. Warwick. He had blood on his face and hands and the woman in his arms, pale and still, had a large bite mark on her neck.
“What are you doing?” She could hardly form the words and waited silently for him to offer some other explantation for this situation than the horrifying thoughts that were racing through Cora’s head.
“You really need to go,” He said, his eyes dark and foreboding. He barred his teeth and bit into his victim again, sucking the last of the blood from her veins.
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
“Tell me who hurt you.” ginny x cora
“Virginia Anne Stafford, you tell me who it was that hurtyou. I will not take no for an answer.”
It was an impossible task to convince her dearest andclosest friend that nothing was wrong. Virginia should have known this. Even ifshe hadn’t shut herself up in her family’s home for the last three days. Evenif she hadn’t asked her sister to rebuff any callers with the insistence thatshe was feeling ill and would not wish it upon others. Even if she hadn’t satat this very window every day wishing that perhaps this next morning wouldbring a day where Frederick Allen had not gotten engaged.
Even then it would have taken no more than a single glancefrom Cora Knightley for her to spot the immense sea of pain that Virginia wasdrowning in.
“Sincerely, I will mend, Cora. It is nothing that I cannotovercome.” She said quietly, placing her hand over Cora’s from where it hadsettled upon her shoulder. “This pain is small.”
Virginia could almost feel Cora rolling her eyes as shescoffed.  “No, truly! It may not feel assuch now, but there are others with greater pains than my own. I simply…” Itwas here that another sharp pain lanced through Ginny’s chest, forcing her totake another halting breath before squeezing Cora’s hand tightly so thatperhaps she would not cry for the tenth time that day. “I simply must rememberthat happiness can be found in many ways. And that perhaps… Perhaps a greaterhappiness will find its way towards me.”
Cora’s gaze was soft as she pulled Ginny close into anembrace. “You are too good, my dearest Ginny.” She said quietly. “And if I findout that it is Frederick Allen that has caused you such strife, I will neverforgive him.”
Ginny stiffened in her friend’s arms for a moment beforequickly returning the embrace in order to cover her momentary loss of control. Wasshe really so transparent? Then again, surely Cora must have at least suspectedFrederick’s interest in Rebecca. Ginny had been shocked when he’d told her ofhis plans to propose to her three days ago, but she was not nearly as close to Rebeccaas she was with Cora. So it was easy to understand her own surprise, but—didCora truly not know?
“You know as well as I that… Frederick Allen thinks verylittle of me.” She said finally as she pulled away and looked out the windowonce more. “I hardly warrant enough thought for him to wish me harm. You neednot worry over Mister Allen touching my heart any longer.”
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
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“My dear Jane!” exclaimed Elizabeth, “You are too good. Your sweetness and disinterestedness are really angelic; I do not know what to say to you. I feel as if I had never done you justice, or loved you as you deserve.”
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
me either honestly???? um right now they really don’t have a lot of connections and ???? I do think cora would probs like jasper hahah but yeah that’s about all I have atm
OOC | Jasper & Cora
Hmmmm, I’m not having a lot of ideas for these two, except whatever interactions their various species may conjure up hahahah idk  Thoughts?
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
ummm i’m not sure that they do????? I went back and read our cornelius/rebecca thread and it just sounds like cornelius will be like “wth” about becca but then that’s nothing new for her haha ;DDD bUTTT I think that he will also be trying to seduce isabella so he may come around them a lot and idk elias might follow close behind doing damage control??????? 
OOC | Elias & Cora
I can’t remember…do the Pembrookes and Knightleys know each other atp?  I’m fairly sure we’ve talked about it…somewhere, I just can’t remember hahahah
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
yeah idk that they do??? at least so far I’m not sure that there’s any connections, but yeah they def should meet and become friends b/c I can def see charlotte and cora getting on v well together!!!!!! and cora just loves that charlotte is her own person and speaks her mind and basically YOU DO YOU <333
OOC | Charlotte & Cora
I feel like these two could potentially be close friends!!!!  Do you think the Grants and the Knightleys are acquainted, btw?  I mean, even if not, they soon will become such thanks to the Allen connection they share, if nothing else, but…yeah hahahah
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
THINKS BECCA IS HELLA WEIRD/A LIL CREEPY I’M LAUGHING SO HARD R/N HAHA but yeahhh that’s probs a good thing that he doesn’t say that to cora b/c cora would not take that well, at all lmao. 
hahahah OMGGG tho but richard suddenly not flirting w/ them anymore b/c it’s not convenient hahahaha omg that’s awesome heehee. Idk how well he and cora would know each other before the engagement???? but yeah she’d def like him more afterwards (as long as she doesn’t suspect the reasonings behind his change in behavior lol) that being said i still don’t think she’d like him b/c I feel like he def has a reputation???? plus he’s probs flirted w/ them shamelessly in the past but at least he can behave like a gentlemen sometimes smh haha. 
also cue cora being so confused by the allen family in general b/c frederick and beth are so normal and then there’s the middle ones like?? what???? happened??? ;DDD
OOC | Richard & Cora
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
Arm in arm with one of her sisters, Cora had walked about the great room admiring the architecture and commenting upon its inhabitants. The company was varied: there were great ladies and wealthy gentlemen, mixed with the lower middle class.  Apparently, Mrs. Yates was good friends with Mrs. Howard, which was how the Knightleys had been invited, but it seemed that Mrs. Yates had many friends from different circles. 
Cora had managed to escape Mrs. Howard’s latest match for her, Mr. Huntington, but it seemed that he had a much more affectionate younger brother who had decided not to leave the Knightleys for the rest of the evening. He had tried to make himself agreeable by fetching them drinks and holding their shawls, but he had also proved himself to both arrogant and narrow-minded and Cora wanted little to do with him. Her sisters were more hospitable than she was, but (unfortunately) he seemed to like the challenge and he stood behind her, but very close. 
Cora, in turn, had ignored him. 
She chatted happily with her sisters, despite his presence, and hoped he’d find someone else to bother. She didn’t notice when he’d turned abruptly and left. She first noticed that he was gone when she heard an unfamiliar voice at her back and, turning, she faced a man she had never met before, who was holding the shawl Mr. Huntington had insisted on carrying for her.  
“Oh, yes, it is,” She said, surprised. “Thank you. Was Mr. Huntington in such a hurry to get away?” She said, teasingly, wondering where he had gotten her shawl in the first place, but imagined that Mr. Huntington had finally grew bored of them and not caring to return the thing himself, had dropped it, purposefully, and left.  
Remains | John & Cora
He’d come at the invitation of the witch.  It did not do to refuse Caroline Yates any more than it did to sit out of such an event.  Of course, Tom would certainly go but he would much too buried in revelries to observe the matters of import to John’s exacting satisfaction.  (Not to mention, Tom was often in need of someone to watch over him.  John enjoyed a challenge, certainly, but Tom’s true passion, John often thought, was for danger.)
The brocade drapes had been pulled taught to keep out the night and each new chamber was warmed with the glow of a thousand flames.  Caroline had all arranged to the pinnacle of taste for the time - simple elegance had once again edged out extravagance in the eternal war between the two - yet John had the queer feeling of floating as he sometimes had when returning.  He came loose in time when revisiting the scene of a previous crime and, while he’d not been in these chambers, he’d not been in London for a hundred years, maybe - or ten, or five hundred.  Who could tell?  Immortality had had the faint sense of unreality until it had seeped into surreality with everything else.
Laughter danced on lips and music swam through the sea along with him.  He thought of time like facets in a gem - all gleaming and giving the appearance of life without having any.  These faces would fade and they would pass and sooner or later, no one would be left to remember them.  Certainly, John of Warwick would not.
John was listening for Tom’s laughter - as he’d quite lost track of him in the crush of people and John’s own brand of curiosity (what was the witch up to, now?) - when another familiar peal caught his attention.  John froze.  Unbidden, memories half-forgotten sprang to mind: Aalis’ lips brushing his cheek as she rushed off to meet her calling mother, laughing all the while; her flushed smiles when there were older and standing in the rain together; the look of shy coquettry glistening in her eyes when they kissed for the first time…He was unstuck in time again, John told him.  Unstuck and confused.  But the laugh had a voice attached and spoke with great animation by way of greeting someone.
Turning, John slipped through the crowd, following the sound.  He had to see the face; when he did, he knew that this strange idea of familiarity would fade.  Until then, his brain continued to churn over that same impossibility.  He’d not know what he was doing…perhaps, without even knowing it, perhaps, perhaps he’d turned her.  Perhaps she’d survived.  Perhaps…But it was ludicrous.  Aalis was dead and gone, even her bones crumbled to dust, more than like.  All that remained was his memory of her.  He knew this; he knew it well.  He had to see the face.
He could see the figure, now.  Chocolate tresses - so like Aalis’ - were tied up atop her head in the manner of the day, revealing a figure that seemed sharply familiar.  But it was an illusion.  He wanted to believe he hadn’t killed her.  He wanted to believe she’d somehow survived, so he made himself think this.  It wasn’t possible.
John turned to the man who was standing between them, holding the lady’s shawl.  “Go away,” he ordered, snatching it, and it was done.
“Excuse me,” began John, approaching her.  “I believe this is yours.”
He waited for her to turn - almost wishing she wouldn’t, wishing he could suspend this cruel dream a little longer.  As long she did not look at him, a part of him could believe Aalis yet lived.  Yet, he was too unstuck.  He needed the spell to break. 
He had to see her face.
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
ajslfkjaldsfjlkJKLAJFLKAJSDF UGH STOP YOU ARE GIVING ME A LOT OF FEELS!!!! but yeah no that makes a lot of sense pulling especially away from reginald but yeah cora would def still try to pursue the relationship and I feel like she’s still there 10000% for emma but i think she gets/knows that there’s something that emma isn’t telling her b/c she’s known her for such a long time and something just doesn’t quite add up, y’know??? and I htink she thought that emma would eventually confide in her but she never did and I think cora’s a little hurt that she doesn’t trust her w/ whatever is going on but ultimately she isn’t pushy about it or anything b/c she doesn’t wanna push emma away completely y’know??? so yeah she def just wants emma to be happy and to help her in anyway she can but aldkfjaldkfj omg she’ll be so thrilled to see her b/c I feel like it’s probably been awhile atp??? Idk when she went to work for caroline but caroline moves around a lot and idk that they’ve really seen each other since that happened but cora def writes her lots and lots of letters :DDD
ooc: cora + emma
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
okay so I just talked w/ lauren and yeah cora and ginny have been bffs since they were little, so I think that cora and henry would def know each other pretty well???? I mean, they may not have seen much of each other in recent years b/c he’s been away, but I think they probs basically grew up together??? anyway, I feel like cora would really like henry and idk he’s probs like the bro she never had and she def asks him a lot about his travels especially since she’s never been anywhere but would love to go and yeah 
ooc: cora + henry
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
yeah she def would be really concerned if she thought that b/c I think she can tell that he’s super flirtatious and would be v afraid that ella feels more for him than he does for her haha and omg i just see a very awkward convo between them if/when she ever tries to figure out what his intentions are #facepalm 
nate: oh um when we sneak out late at night we aren’t making out tho???? i’m just showing her how to be an animal ... i realize that sounds sexual but it’s not 
cora’s death glare intensifies 
but no, at least at first she’s gonna like him a lot tho?????? and !!!! omg him leaving them money!!!!!!! I feel like they are much better off now that they’ve moved out of their old house but yeah things are kinda tight tho and they probs could use it (tho they’d never admit it haha) 
OOC | Nathaniel & Cora
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
asjdflajsdlfj OMG YES ME TOO!!!!! I feel like cora would love/respect the hell out of marianne and can’t you just see them at balls walking arm and arm and laughing/teasing each other aldfjaldjflajdf <333 anyway, do you think they’ve met before????? (if not, i feel like they’d hit it off pretty quickly????) 
OOC | Marianne & Cora
Idk about you, but I can totally see these two being friends!!…Until that awk moment when Marianne learns that Cora’s spn…
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
ooc: cora x ella
CORA LOVES ALL OF HER SISTERS SO MUCH SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT SHE’D DO W/O THEM!!!!! :DDD I feel like she def teases them tho all the time but def always in good humor that’s just how cora shows affection smdh ;DDD 
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
I feel like we must have talked about them??? but yeah, I don’t remember anything at all?? so I guess it wasn’t that amazing lol. but anyway, since we decided that the knightleys are friends w/ edmund to the point where mrs. k was very into the idea of rebecca/edmund, I feel like cora/james would know each other??? although idk how well b/c I feel like the thorpe/knightley friendship is more edmund/knightleys???  um, if cora knew him well, I feel like she’s like/respect him a lot!! although she’d def be teasing him all the time about how boring/serious he is … but if she doesn’t know him that well, I feel like she wouldn’t like him b/c he’s … well … boring/serious :)
OOC | James & Cora
Ok, so I feel like we talked about these two briefly ~back in the day~ but tbh I can’t remember what we said???  Thoughts?
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
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Lying to Lizzie.
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
Cora: I think we really need to talk about this first??? Like, I don’t wanna go on a murderous rampage so I think we can all agree to make an exception here???? Right????? 
heehee, anyway! I can honestly see cora finding anna refreshing or finding her to be too wild??? I’m not sure??? But either way, whatever relationship they end up having will def go downhill quickly when anna decides to kill cora and/or ella!! 
OOC | Anna & Cora
“Idk what a dopplewhat is, but…if it’s spn, it’s gotta go” ~Anna probs
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folkloriccora · 9 years ago
Unwanted Suitors: Cora x Rebecca
“Are you hiding from Mr. Talbot?” 
Rebecca was in one of the empty halls off the main room where everyone had gathered. As soon as they had arrived at the ball, their chaperone, Mrs. Howard, had tried to match them each with a single gentleman. Ella and Isabella’s potential suitors were tolerable, but Rebecca and Cora’s had been horrible and ridiculous. 
Cora acknowledged that Mrs. Howard had the best intentions, but she wished she wouldn’t try to force them to pair up with any single gentlemen she could find, and it often felt as though they like pieces of a puzzle that refused to fit. Still, Mrs. Howard was not so terribly obvious as their mother would have been and so far, Cora had laughed off her failed attempts at matchmaking. 
She had danced one dance with Mr. Huntington to be polite, but they were both so displeased with each other that he hadn’t asked her for another. Mr. Talbot, however, did not seem to want to ever leave Rebecca’s side and had followed her around with such determination, one would think his very life had depended on it. But then, as soon as Rebecca had managed to escape him, he followed the next young lady with the same resolve. 
“I think his undying love for you has been tested and he’s failed horribly.,” She teased, “It seems he has already found another partner. I know you must be heartbroken,” She feign seriousness, but her eyes were bright and she couldn’t help a half smile. 
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