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galleryofart · 2 months ago
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The Festival
Artist: Sir Edward John Poynter (British, 1836–1919)
Date: 1875
Medium: Oil on canvas
Collection: Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
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cosmicwitchcourtney · 1 year ago
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take me here
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swede1952 · 12 days ago
Good morning. 🍁🍁🍁
20 February 2025
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It's five after seven and Charlie is here, pawing my leg and staring me down. It's still 25 minutes until mealtime. It's probably a good thing he came in, as I was stuck and had no idea what to write this morning—which, honestly, is not that unusual. Sometimes, I'm really tempted to rant about politics but I usually refrain. However, I must note that from my personal experience working with others after retiring from the military, mostly fellow veterans, I found it astonishing how many of them did not know even the basics of how our government operates. It was truly disappointing.
"When I was a boy, I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it." - Clarence Darrow
"Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself." - Mark Twain
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doodledemonfkmn · 9 months ago
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Concept art for my Grass-type Fakemon starters
Foligator (Grass)
Alligraze (Grass)
Gladigator (Grass/Fighting)
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spotforme · 1 year ago
By Jove, i want to live like Rocky.
Writing for 3 days a month and the rest of my life spared for looking at folige and other boring sorts of nature.
It is exruciating calling and visiting god knows how many places and not getting any of the promised answers.
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thehappypappy · 2 years ago
Jim Gaffigan Mocks The Fall Folige Crazyies #ytshorts
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stefano-bonalume · 7 years ago
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Echeveria 'Topsy Turvy'
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emphatic-nomadic · 5 years ago
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Seattle Japanese Garden
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kaskolive · 8 years ago
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@Regrann from @ttkkwilson - Bee... #oregon #onthefarm #beauty #nature #blossom #flower #bee #leaves #folige #naturephotography - #regrann (at Shakhovskoy District)
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therealizedfilm · 4 years ago
Jason NeSmith is a record producer, mastering engineer, songwriter, and the man behind the incredible pop band Casper and the Cookies. - http://casperandthecookies.com/ 
 August 6th, 2021 will be the 25 year anniversary of what we think is the greatest album in the history of pop music.... "Music from the Unrealized Film Script: Dusk at Cubist Castle," the debut studio album by American indie rock band The Olivia Tremor Control. 
 This fan made movie complete with unseen archival footage, session recordings, interviews with the musicians who made the music, self interviewed fans sharing their experiences, and over 20 different artists covering songs from the album. In the true spirit of the album this is a lo-fi and homemade production. Can you come down with us? Can you believe with us?
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fisherken · 4 years ago
Gibbit Hill Groton Ma
Gibbit Hill Groton Ma by james lucier Via Flickr: 2020 Autumn Folige from Gibbit Hill in Groton Ma.
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itsjustascarecrow · 4 years ago
and just when i was half-joking the other day that lumbus will get rid of any and everyone else they possibly can before they give tortorella the boot... like. just at what fucking point does the organization stop and think “hey maybe it’s not the players”??? props to foligs for basically saying “it’s either him or me b/c Fuck him, i’m sick of this shit” but i just cannot fucking fathom what torts has on the gm (or whoever tf) to have them wrapped around his shit-stained fingers like this
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portableusbstick · 5 years ago
Read it on ao3 (rec) or read it here!
Prologue , Chapter one , Chapter two 
Fic is below the cut :) 
"Happy birthday, Mom! Open your present!" 
The Mother opened the neatly wrapped box and removed the tissue paper. 
"What do you think? I picked it out with Onii-chan!" 
The Mother held the new book in her hands, a warm smile growing on her face. 
"This is the new bestseller! Thank you." 
The two children - a boy and a girl- smiled, relieved that she liked it.
"Onii-chan...When will Mommy come home?" 
The brother let out a sigh and patted the young girl's head. 
"Mom...She's not feeling very well...She's...She's very sad right now..." 
The young girl contemplated, 'What kind of story would make Mommy smile?' 
"She's no fun to play with! All she does is scribble in her notebook!" 
"Oh, her? Don't mind her, she never talks." 
"I hear her family life's pretty bad..." 
The girl harshly rubbed away her tears and ran to the playground even though it rained, for there was no one to bully her when the rain acted as a shield.
"I just wanna create a story for Mom...is that so bad...?" 
"I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry for being a brat! I'm sorry- please don't go!" 
She kicked and cried with no avail, but it changed nothing, for the lingering scent of their mother's perfume never came again. 
You sprang up from your bed, half asleep, a hand reached out. The dream felt so vivid, so real.
Your heartbeat gradually calmed down once you realized that it was nothing more than a mere dream. Or rather, it was a collection of memories from your past. 
You glanced at the clock. 
You gave an exhausted sigh as you began to make your bed, keeping out for sounds of rain.  Normally, your brother would open the curtains for you, making it easier to see the weather. 
'It's been a week since he moved out,' you thought glumly to yourself. 
You started getting dressed for school, sliding on the uniform everyone was required to wear, and then gradually finished your routine. 
"I'm off..." The weak phrase slipped out of your mouth even though you knew that no one would respond. 
"Hey...The principal wants to see you." 
"Yeah, hurry, though, homeroom's almost over." 
You pushed in your desk chair as you made way to the principal's office. 
You knew that this day would come, the inevitable fate that would be bestowed upon you. Perhaps you should've been more cautious, only skipping class every-other-day. 
Your fingers clenched as your steps grew shorter. 
When you first started skipping, you promised yourself that you wouldn't go too far. 
'But then I met him...'
You didn't lie to yourself; meeting him every time it rained was the main contributing factor to your tardiness. 
You stopped in front of the office door, gathering the courage to knock. 
"Come in." 
You twisted the doorknob and opened the door- the scent of old newspaper wafted towards your nose. 
"You wanted to see me?" 
"Yes, it's regarding your recent absence in your classes. You aren't in any extra-curricular activities, no? I don't see why you would be late." 
You clenched the hem of your uniform as your principal sighed.
"You're still a first-year student, letting you off would hurt you down the line." 
'This is it, he's going to suspend me- or worse! Expulsion!' Bitter thoughts ran through your head as you tried to wear a calm expression. 
"That's all, you may leave." 
'Huh...? That's it...?'
You walked out of the room, letting out a sigh of relief.
 He didn't give you a suspension, at least, not today. You were glad, as you couldn't bear to facetime your brother if the principal did suspend you. 
"What would Hanabira-san think...?" The words left your lips in a hushed tone, swirling around you. He seemed like someone rational, someone who would solve all their problems instantly...
'Someone who has their ambitions figured out...' 
"Ah, you're back! Here, " the teacher handed you a sheet of paper. 
"Hm? What's this?" 
She smiled, "It's a form about what we want to do in the future! Basically, a career planner!" 
You looked at the paper, the finely printed text on the smooth surface mocked you. 
"Oh, you don't have a dream? Hah, pathetic," it seemed to say. 
The edges of the paper crinkled from your grip as you folded it harshly. 
'Stupid...Hanabira-san would fill out this form easily...' 
The sky darkened as time drained to the other end of the hourglass. It was time to go home. 
The warm spring air gradually cooled in the evening, its breeze tingling your skin as you walked home instead of taking the subway. 
The word kept ringing in your mind since the morning. 
'My dreams are as lively as my neighborhood...'
And you were right.
Nearby, a stray cat meowed longingly for its mother.
The nameless bird sang a lullaby for the willows.
The breeze swayed an empty swing.
Your little neighborhood gave off a calm- but lonely- cottage sort of vibes. 
The violets perked up in the concrete. 
The abandoned seesaw tilted absent-mindedly. 
It seemed that the world had become just a tiny bit lonelier. 
You turned the key and pushed the door open with your might. 
 "I'm home." 
The bleak apartment only creaked in response. 
You trudged to your room and collapsed onto your bed, taking out the folded piece of paper from the morning. The crinkled paper cast shadows on itself as you contemplated what to write for the billionth time. 
 You subconsciously glanced towards your writing notebook, "my dreams..."
The paper creased under your grip as you crumpled it into a ball. 
"It won't matter anyway...." 
You tossed the paper to the other side of the room and hugged your legs.
'What would Hanabira-san think...?' 
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mellowphantomreview · 2 years ago
FOLIGRAY - FOLIGRAY REVIEWS ((BE CAREFUL!)) Foligray Does It Work? Folig...
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So before this trade deadline my two favorite CBJ players were:
1. David Savard
2. Captain Nicky Foligs
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princessvicky01 · 7 years ago
🌷 ☂️ 🌙
Thank you for returning the ask my lovely!
🌷 - describe your aesthetic. - probably puppies and Cullen! I’m really into animals and nature, I love exploaring woodlands, so dappled sunlight through folige is probably a more grown up answer. (Although the first one is still true)
☂️ - do you like the rain? - nope, have seen more than enough of it in my lifetime, thank you, uk weather! A bit of drizzle is fine, its that sideswipe rain I really hate, and when it just pours all day.
🌙 - what is the loveliest dream you’ve had? - Well I mostly have nightmares/night terrors. I have had a few nice sort of dreams with Cullen in them, including a kiss! Kissed my oc once to! Although the best one I can think of is where I walked into a building and it was a gaint room filled with puppies, including all the dogs i’d ever known. They all turned to look at me and then came bounding over. I was on the floor swamped by puppy kisses and I thought ‘ah i must be dead and in heaven’ and was perfectly happy with that XD
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