#foldy fanart
peturnagy · 5 months
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Taika Waititi (digital painting) / Artist: Miki Földi - Corel Painter Master #LongLiveOFMD
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goodeguy · 10 months
draw fanny and foldy
wholesome comic
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battlefordreamdiner · 7 months
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23. Foldy
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happyyft · 5 months
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V...vaaaalentines real !!
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loserbynaturee · 6 months
The rock paper scissors trio
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circusclowne · 14 days
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i hope you like tstoe yuri🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝
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fontygolucky · 3 months
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It’s the Strongest Team on Earth!
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fruitcanopy · 1 month
It's been a while since I posted artwork!!!
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All of there are are in my current sketchbook by the way!!!
I think im getting better at this photo taking thing :>
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ikilledtvguy · 8 months
Yo I love your art, can you humanize Foldy
yup here’s humanized foldy !!! [ + humanized stapy :D ] sorry it took so long ^^;
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if anyone else has humanisation requests lmk !!! they’re fun :3
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what is that thing
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her name is Foldy
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chaos64sprinkles · 5 months
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Foldy In Art Pixel Animation! (Piskel)
Sprinkles: Well, next is Foldy, who only debuted on BFB as a newcomer to the show, she managed to survive many episodes until arriving at TPOT where she was the second eliminated losing to Eggy at the bottom of TPOT 3, she is friends with Foldy with Stapy, another newcomer to BFB and she has a big rivalry with Lily, another newcomer to BFB, I learned that the public doesn't really like Foldy because she's soft and stuff, well, everyone has their own opinion and while the Mine is okay, nothing against her, just okay, but let's see if there's a recap at TPOT, maybe she can come back and one day she can meet up with her best friend or boyfriend, Stapy, since it's been a long time since they They no longer talk due to Stapy's elimination due to Match's fault, in the gif, we can see Foldy folding herself to make a poorly made plane, but it was able to fly!
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peturnagy · 5 months
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Rhys Darby (digital painting) / Artist: Miki Földi - Corel Painter Master #LongLiveOFMD
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goodeguy · 9 months
Can you draw Foldy rejoining TPOT!!
"with 100,000 votes, foldy rejoins the game!!!"
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ijustreally-dc · 1 year
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Two being beat up💔
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askbfdigta · 5 months
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Reunited at last, indeed...
Black Hole was the only one able to attend his funeral. Marker didn't deserve his fate; neither did his friends it worse. Death was the better choice than being enslaved by Two, after all. Death was the worst when Four was the president, but not when Two currently is.
Black Hole: At least he reunited with them in the afterlife...
Four: Reunited at last, indeed...
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migorify · 2 years
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