#fog over water
happyheidi · 1 year
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𝖳𝖾𝖽 𝖧𝗈𝗅𝗆 𝖯𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗈𝗀𝗋𝖺𝗉𝗁𝗒
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
HYPOTHETICALLY if I were to put forth the idea of a DC & Minecraft crossover of the batfam or even all of Gotham getting dragged into a MC world of sorts, what would y'all's thoughts be?
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starry-nights12 · 10 months
@oreo-oro-orero post has me wondering...
What do you guys think is THE BEST💖 trope in timebomb fics?
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captain-habit · 3 months
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Reposting my pics from my visit into the lonely yonder lol
I tried to updated the original post with better quality images, and accidentally deleted the post instead.
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lale-txt · 2 years
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sighs and adds to dilf list
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#there's something really beautiful about experiencing the weather patterns of a new place#where i live now. its not like where i grew up. not like the foothills of Appalachia but its more familiar than the Chihuahuan desert was#when i go home to ohio everythings so green. so green. unimaginably green and the towns are in the woods. the hills roll#and trees billow deciduous and packed so tightly the treeline is like a wall of plant matter. here there are trees but they are tall and#evergreen. patchy in places like shrubs in the desert. the grass grows green but also pale tan and dead. houses are routed in valleys#between mountains. they're made of wood and not stucco but they still look strange and the landscape is crumpled together tall. and there's#water. it rains. days can be dreary and gray with drizzle. i forgot what thats like. when a single low stratus cloud blocks out thewhole sk#and fog clings to the trees. my school bus used to drive by a lake where thr fog was so thick i didnt kno how the driver could see the road#but somehow i forgot how much joy suspended water vapor gives me living in a place where when it rains it pours so hard the streets flood#and the greedy ground drinks the landscape dry. but there are new things as well. here smoke rolls up over thr mountains and gets stuck in#the valleys so that the weather forcast reads: Smoke for days on end. im used to tornado warnings and heat warnings and dust storm warnings#but ive never expected Smoke as a type of weather. and im sure there's more to experience. ive only been here like 3 weeks. its not as gree#as home. the storms dont seem to get quite so violent. the woods are so full of bears that its an active threat. but its not the desert#and while ill miss the shapes of desert plants and little lizards. when i look up at the pine and spruce trees i feel like i can breathe a#little easier. well see how i feel once the long cold winter sets in haha#but i dunno. part of me still longs for a violent thunderstorm. one where u can feel the temperature drop and u csn feel it building all da#one that bends the trees and smells like ozone. it was never like that in thr southwest and im not sure that happens here#but maybe thats just a desire for chaos and violence as a product of my pathological internal control. i cant be spontaneous so let nature#bring the fear to me. some of my favorite memories are watching lightning strikes#so it goes i suppose#unrelated#listen. is it fucked up to have ohio nostalgia? maybe so. but in my defense i grew up in the pretty part of ohio lol
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elenaxnena · 10 months
The things I would do for Letho of Gulet.
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hatake · 1 year
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ashwings-woah · 8 months
had an evil idea
what if similar to firescales there were certain "curses" for each clade given how pretty much all of them are kind of enchanted forever. something gone wrong in Permafrost's animus enchantment gives very few dragons powers and abilities not seen in any regular ones. no one really knows the what or how or why, except that it's extremely rare, and these "frost touched" dragons usually hatch before disastrous events to be either the salvation or the doombringer
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5 drinks to get to know me: (tagged by @goblinsbriide <3333333 luv u)
any kind of black coffee [iced/hot]: (whether that be an americano, french press, cold brew, brewed/drip coffee, straight up espresso, etcetcetc)
plain teas: ([fresh/looseleaf or teabag] ginger, green/gunpowder/genmaicha/boricha, rooibos, chamomile, lavender, oolong, herbal, etcetcetc)
water mmm mmm mmm
sweetened chai w/ milk [or alternative milks] : (ex. iced chai, masala chai [other ppls or my own that i grind from scratch every time hehehe], my kashmiri naanis kashmiri chai <333 [esp. if im drinking it while in kashmir !!])
[refer to the tags for the "5th" answer] sry not sry i am an indecisive bitch
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doebt · 2 years
Hold on while i be embarrassing for a sec. but when i used to write fanfiction as a teenager 9times out of 10 i would have them (whoever “they” were at the time) living in a brick townhouse apartment in some sort of damp city in ohio or jersey or it was seattle once. Or michigan... theres something deep inside of me that needs to be in that sort of setting
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rosicheeks · 2 years
#I’m going to redo this cause my mind is all over the place and I want to idk organize my thoughts#so I’m still sick (mainly dealing with a brain fog right now)#and my roommate comes in and screams my name and wants to tell me all about the perfect date she just went on#no offense but I really don’t care right now#I’m going to call my roommate G right now#so G is rich she has a rich family and she’s working under her mom (who owns the fucking company)#for example her car broke down the other day and her mom instantly got her a new one#idk about you but if my car breaks down I’m FUCKED I’m walking literally everywhere cause I don’t get a new car#but the part that just gets to me (and it really isn’t her fault) but she gets to order food like every single day#when I’m sitting upstairs trying to figure out if I have anything or if I’m just going to have toast again for dinner#so she’s rich and she’s pretty and she has a wonderful love life#and I’m broke as fuck and ugly and lonely cause no one wants to be with me hahahahah#I’ve been cleaning up after myself and my ex all day (pretty sure he’s the one that got me sick)#and then she comes home and tells me all about ‘green flag guy’ and how perfect he is and the date went#and I want to SCREAM i want to be there for her and be a good friend#but every time she says something good going on in her life I just want to sob cause my life is so shitty compared#and the worst part is I’m just STUCK here. idk how to get out of this shitty position anymore#I’m lucky my sister sent me money so my bank isn’t negative anymore but idk what I’m going to eat tonight or how I’m going to pay water bill#I know I know I shouldn’t compare my life to someone else’s it’s just SO hard when I see it every day#it’s hard to ignore the door bell whenever she orders food or the smell when I’m starving#I just wish my life was different and I know I can’t take it out on her cause she didn’t do anything wrong#idk what the point was to bitch about all this I’m just stuck#I’m starving and want to eat something but I have nothing to make#I don’t even think I mentioned the whole date thing…. like I get it she wants to tell me about her date cause we are close#but DUDE I haven’t been on a date in *years* and you go on dates like at least once a month#I wanna say my last date was in the beginning of our relationship and we went to some restaurant#which was nice but we dated for 5+ YEARS and only went on like 2 dates#and she’s going on dates left and right and I just want to cry#ignore me I’m just bitching and hungry and stuck#shut up rosie
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unvisiblegirl · 2 years
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nervocat · 5 days
I love foggy mornings they're so cool
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thefabelmans2022 · 2 months
tried reading in the bath. not comfortable, in my opinion.
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peachydinosaur · 9 months
had an upsetting and disturbing interaction in the Walmart parking lot today that triggered a pretty bad adrenaline surge (i have POTS so they can be very intense and hard to recover from) (long story short someone was driving like an asshole and blocking me/menacing me/yelling at me, i flipped him off, he tried to hit my car with his car) but I'm feeling better and better about it bc... that's an insane reaction to have. 'oh someone flipped me off, a valid reaction to this is to try to hit their car with mine'
also feeling better thinking of the look on his face after he did it. he *had* been laughing, feeling like a big man, but he did that and i just started fucking screaming and pointing and whatever fucking hand gestures, and the pedestriansvwere just looking at him like 'what the actual fuck' and a few of them scurried away, he looked startled and THEN he reversed to give me room to leave. guess he wanted me to start sniveling and apologizing? like 'nooooo I'm sooooo sorry PLEASE don't hit my poor little car with your big manly car 😭' but instead i had the entirely reasonable reaction of anger and screaming at him. i don't think I've yelled that loud in years.
like what in the actual fuck? what kind of reaction is that? 'you're doing what I've indicated that i want you to do and trying to drive away, but you flipped me off. let me just. crank my steering wheel towards you and accelerate towards your vehicle at a speed that's unsafe for parking lots and then slam on the brakes a foot away from hitting you' like his truck moved at least half a car length in no fucking time and if i hadn't ALSO slammed on my brakes he would've hit me. that is NOT in any realm a normal or reasonable thing to choose to do
i was backing out of my fucking parking spot. at the point where you've pulled out of the spot and now you're kind of in the middle of the lane, i had my wheels turned all the way and was going forward to get into my lane. dude zooms up, pulls up on the right so that I can't pull into the lane like normal, and when i give him the 'what are you doing?' hand gesture/look he starts pointing at me to go around him. and that's literally not how parking lots work what the fuck do you mean dude why are you are on the wrong side of the road just let me leave. so, confused, i point and gesture for him to go to the left of me like a normal fucking person. I'm just going 'what the hell am i supposed to do' because i don't WANT to be driving on the wrong side of the road in a busy parking lot, but there's cars behind me too so i can't back up. I'm sitting like that for maybe five seconds. apparently he is very unhappy that i pointed for him to go through the parking lot like a normal person and very unhappy that i didn't immediately and happily drive onto the wrong side of the road in a busy parking lot so he drives closer to me and starts yelling and pointing and getting mad. so i flip him off, i don't know why. i was startled i guess but i have a rule where i don't flip off other drivers if they're gonna see it. just panicked. i don't do that. that's not something i do. so yeah okay, whatever, I'm startled and I'd like to get the fuck out of this situation and the only option at this point is to drive around him. so i start trying to and he pulls that shit. THAT'S FUCKING INSANE!! IN WHAT UNIVERSE IS THAT A THING A PERSON WOULD DO?? WHERE DO YOU LIVE WHERE A NORMAL AND REASONABLE THING TO DO IS MAKE SOMEONE THINK YOU'RE ABOUT TO SLAM YOUR CAR INTO THEIRS???? sir you are unwell
i don't know if anyone's even going to read this but like. have you ever seen someone accelerating towards you and thought you were about to be in a head on collision? that's fucking terrifying. in that moment your brain doesn't go 'there's not enough room for him to accelerate enough to cause me lasting bodily harm' your brain goes 'I'm about to be in a head on collision'
like. should i have flipped him off? no, i don't know why i did, i genuinely do not do that like ever. is there any world where if you sat me down and walked me through the interaction leading up to that where i would guess his next action is to consciously try to cause an accident in the Walmart parking lot? there is no such world, if it hadn't happened to me i don't think i could've ever come up with it
when he backed off and looked a little startled i think it was less that he felt bad for what he did or realized he was in the wrong and more he realized 'there are at least five people standing/walking in this parking lot that just saw me do that. if i do anything else I'm not going to get away with it' and like look at the optics on that. him, 50 year old man in his massive new looking red truck, on the wrong side of the road, to me, young woman in a 25 year old sedan. that's not a good look for him. maybe he was startled that my response was anger and screaming, like, he definitely wasn't expecting that. i don't fucking know. i just know that it's fucking insane to try to cause an accident in the Walmart parking lot
#the adrenaline surge fucking sucked#i have hyperadrenergic POTS so my adrenaline response is. extremely overreactive#like initially i was just angry. that's just what happens when something spooks me and i get an adrenaline surge#just felt so fucking mad that once i was out of the parking lot i just screamed at the top of my lungs#and then i just started sobbing and almost had to pull over bc i was hyperventilating#i managed to calm down enough to finish the drive bc it was only five minutes#but once i got there i had to just sit in the car and sob for a while before i could compose myself enough to walk in#said hi real quick to my boyfriend's roommates and went to his room to lay down and cry#chugged an entire Gatorade and some water and texted him#he was on break at work so he called and i could not stop crying on the phone#and we've been together for a few years so he's familiar with the concept of I'm going to cry for up to an hour after an adrenaline surge#but i just sobbed on the phone#felt better after a little bit#and then realized that i had sweat through all of my clothes to the point where i was at minimum damp all over#absolutely soaked at the pits it was gross#took a shower and changed clothes and felt a bit better but for the rest of the day I've been exhausted and tense#all of my muscles hurt and i have a headache and my tinnitus has been extra loud#brain fog has been especially bad and i almost started crying when my friend killed me in a video game#a video game where it is normal to kill each other#had to take a few minutes to just sit there and calm down#hopefully i don't feel too bad tomorrow but i haven't had an adrenaline surge this bad in a long time and they really can fuck with you#i thought i was going to be in a head on fucking collision in my car!!!! i think that could elicit an adrenaline response in any normal guy#but i am cursed with 'will have an adrenaline response to anything remotely startling' disease#and when it's a big adrenaline surge sometimes I'm just gonna be out of commission the next day#our bodies weren't meant to have big adrenaline often! it's for when the tigers are about to get you! it's for life or death situations!#which is good and fine for when there are tigers and death#but it really does take a fucking toll#anyways in exhausted and can't sleep so good luck everyone!#hope your day was better than mine#i said things
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