scottishfoodreview · 2 years
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Yesterday I kept being distracted from my book with this stunning set of windows in the lounge. It is definitely my favourite place in the hotel and those windows just frame lots of stunning Greek landscape pictures. #FodeleBeach #Fodele #Heraklion #Greece #Crete #FamilyTime #LittleBitOfSunshine #FamilyHoliday #Holiday #RestAndRelaxation #Jet2View #SFR #SFROnTour #FoodBlogger #Foodie @fodele_beach_hotel @jet2pics https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj7adjaIyG0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dakarinstant · 2 years
Ce premier FORUM DES ELUS est organisé par HOLDING INVEST GROUP qui est un consortium international militant pour la promotion de la coopération décentralisée. du commerce er de investissementHOLDING INVEST GROUP est aussi spécialisé dans ‘organisation d’événements, grace à son large réseau de partenaires au développement et investisseurs. Les activités de HOLDING INVEST GROUP permettent la mise…
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theglamorousferal · 1 month
So there's this world that has been on the back burner while I've had a decade-long writer's block. It's a world that my friends and I were rp-ing in for a summer before it all fell apart before it really started. I've had it in my mind this entire time though. I have basic notes written about the different countries and some of the main characters. I'm gonna share the countries notes.
A basic synopsis of the original rp was that we were each friends who were writing letters to each other to discover the secret of the "Star Daughter". It was a steampunk world with magic thrown in here or there and we were supposed to eventually journey together into the Uncharted Regions to find more clues and also my character's lost older brother.
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Tsianta - the entire country is 6 km high and most of the people who live there live underground with crystal ceilings to bring light into lower levels. Some who live on the edges of the cliffs have built vertical cities facing the other regions. Tsianta mostly consists of three large cities and many small villages, all of which are mostly underground or on the sides of the continent. The capital is built facing the Country of Catanya with a large volcanic glass sheet the length of the cliff-face and braced with runes. The primary export is ores, gemstones, and Aerium.
Catanya - Industrial island with tropical climate, being surrounded by high cliffs with lava flows going through them allows for them to near constantly be warm. Much of the land is either factory or farmland or lab. In the center of it all is their capital Hoschault, which contains the International tradeport, the University and the Grand Hall or governing building. The main export is food, mass-produced clothing and medicine. 
Abazyn - An archipelago country, there are fauna that are easily tameable to have as companions. Ranging from small enough to fit in the palm of a hand up to creatures that are rideable. Teacup dragons are a common pet that have been sent to other world leaders as a peace offering. Fishing is a big staple of the region as well as certain foods and spices that can only be grown in the tropical climate. Most coffee comes from Abazyn’s capital island of Abadi. The people frequently will hop between islands on sea skimmers, solo-airships that use the wind blowing above the waves to travel.
Ce’uria - a desert country, the main export is sea ships and land skimmer ships. Ce’urian people have an innate magic that allows them to manipulate sand in any form and with practice are able to make intricate glass figurines. There is a library containing all of the knowledge that has been recorded and its location is a closely guarded secret among the council that runs the country. The capital, Sho’ya, is along the southern coast and has the largest water shipyard in the world.
Terralus - with high mountains to both its borders, the land between the mountain ranges is flat steppes and plains. The northern portion of the country is covered with a 1km thick glacier; there are three rivers that start from springs under this glacier that cut through the country. One goes straight through to the southernmost point of the country, another cuts across and lets out just above the Ce’urian border, and the last cuts through Calakai. The people are mostly nomadic, choosing one location for a few months of a growing season before moving on. There are a few established locations, like the capital Rodan that sits nestled amongst the mountains bordering Calakai. Their main export is meat and textiles.
Calakai - a mountainous country with a temperate climate, Calakai is the main exporter in the world of airships. With cities ranging from 20 m below sea level to 3 km above it, airships became every-day use after the discovery of Aerium, an element with innate magic properties that allows for larger ships to be manufactured at a cheaper cost. The capital Fodelle lies on the banks of a river flowing from the glacier in Terralus.
Solari - this country boasts having at least a small section of each climate, from desert to tropics, from temperate to tundra. It also is the one with the longest unbroken royal family line, the Ceandres family, dating back six hundred years. They have kept the family line healthy by a decree three hundred years ago to only marry outside of the family to prevent inbreeding. The capital Solaris lies in the bay in the south of the country and is where most of the royal family lives.  They’ve been pretty isolated for the last hundred years and have only recently reopened borders in the last ten.
Uncharted Regions - This area is surrounded by clouds that blot out the sky and winds so high that most ships cannot make it through. No one has managed to come back from the Uncharted Regions in living memory. Charts in the Ce'urian library indicate that there was an ancient city where magic was the everyday norm.
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paycnc · 26 days
Sut i ddod o hyd i ran sbâr i drwsio'ch peiriant? #peiriant #drwsio'ch
Mae Paycnc yn darparu pob math o rannau sbâr peiriant.
Os na allech ddod o hyd i'r union fodel, gallwch dynnu lluniau o'r eitem ofynnol a'i label, yna anfonwch bost at [email protected] i gael dyfynbris.
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444namesplus · 9 months
Afeloe Alge Amera Anafroa Ardana Areste Arezoa Arlenda Arnelle Aroal Ascer Asvelda Aswelda Attevoa Banofecoa Beetroce Beetroz Begane Beldessere Belen Beltren Benedetta Benehera Benjemon Benota Benote Benvenita Beppe Berbere Berenoce Bernerda Bernerdona Bertalame Bertalamea Berte Besoloa Bettone Blence Bles Boence Boencemeroe Breiloa Brina Brinolde Cabire Cancepcoan Cansalecoan Cansiela Canstentona Carneloa Carreda Casoma Castenza Cavedange Cecoloe Celoe Celoxta Cemole Cemolla Cemolle Cendoda Cendode Cenita Ceralone Cerlas Cerlate Cerle Cermela Cermen Cermone Ceroded Ceser Cesere Cesomora Cessendre Cetelone Ceterone Cetrone Ceyetena Cheme Chexorexo Choere Clatolde Cleidoa Cleidoe Cleloe Clere Cotlelo Criz Crostabel Crostone Dalares Damenoca Damonga Damonge Danetelle Daratee Debare Delfona Deloe Delole Demesa Demoen Demoena Denoel Denoele Denola Dente Deroa Deroe Derotze Derqie Desemperedas Devod Devode Deyene Dirente Doanosoa Doanosoe Doega Doene Dona Done Ebebe Ebindoa Ebogeol Ebrehen Ebselan Echedey Echolle Edaerda Edalfa Edelberta Edele Edeleode Edelesoe Edelma Edeloe Edema Eden Edger Edgerda Edierda Edminda Edosade Edroen Edroena Edroene Efren Efroce Egastona Egepota Egethe Egiede Egistone Egnala Egodoa Eifemoe Eigenoa Eigenoe Eigiston Eileloe Eirare Eireloa Eireloe Eladoe Elandre Elay Elbe Elbena Elberoca Elberta Elbone Elda Elejendra Elejendre Elene Elessendra Elessendre Elessoe Elfansa Elfreda Elma Elme Elmidene Elocoe Eloene Eloes Elone Elose Elosea Elphans Eltegrecoe Elvera Elvere Elvore Emedea Emelde Emeloe Emende Emeniel Emeye Emme Emoloa Emoloe Emoloene Emote Empera Encernecoan Endree Endres Ene Engel Engela Engele Engeles Engeloce Engelone Enke Ennelose Ennette Ennoa Enobel Enoceta Enote Enroca Enroqie Enroqiete Entanoa Entanoe Entanoete Entanoette Entera Enza Eode Eomer Eonere Eonhae Eotar Erecelo Erelda Erentxe Erla Ermenda Ermenegolda Ernesta Ernestone Eroel Eroke Ersenoa Ertira
Escensoan Esincoan Esperenze Esteben Estefenoe Estele Estenoslea Ester Esther Ettare Eve Ezeqioel Ezicene Feboa Feboe Feboen Feboene Febrocoa Febrocoe Febrozoa Fecinda Fecinde Federoca Federoga Fedroqie Feista Felocoded Felocoena Felocoene Felope Felose Ferdonenda Fermon Fermone Fernen Fernenda Fernende Ferrenda Filberta Filberte Filca Filce Filvoa Flara Flare Flarencoe Flaroa Flaroe Flevoa Flevoe Foarona Fodel Foemme Folamene Foloppa Foloppe Forjes Fraole Fraolen Fraolene Freda Frenca Frencesca Frencesce Frencosca Frode Ganzela Gebroel Gebroele Gebroelle Geetena Geme Gemme Genera Geppetta Gere Germen Gershi Gespere Gestane Giedelipe Gierona Gigloelma Gioda Giollerma Giollermone Gisteva Goargoa Goargoe Goavenne Goavenno Goecabbe Goecama Goeconta Goede Goempeala Goempoera Goen Goencerla Goenfrenca Goenfrencesca Goenlice Goenliogo Goenmerca Goenne Goenno Goenpeala Goenpoetra Goiloa Goiloe Goiloena Goiloene Goiloette Goiseppe Goiseppone Golberta Gona Gonebre Gones Goralema Grecoele Gregaroa Grezoena Groselde Hartensoe Hectar Henegie Hernenda Heydee Higa Himberta Holde Hopalota Ibelda Iga Iloses Ilroce Imberta Ineo Irsile Jaeqion Jaeqione Janey Jarge Jargelone Jase Jasefe Jasefone Jaseph Jasie Jecaba Jecapa Jeconta Jeconte Jecqielone Jeome Jeora Jesis Jevoer Jevoere Jien Jiena Jience Jiene Jienfren Jiloa Jiloe Jiloen Jiloene Jiloete Jista Jiston Jomene Kebeho Kerone Lairdes Lape Larene Larenza Larenze Lean Leanar Leane Leanerda Leapalda Ledoslea Lee Leendra Leire Leireena Leirette Lemberta Lenda Leore Lere Letocoe Lice Lices Lichona Licoa Licoe Licoena Licoene Licrezoe Lidavoca Lidavoce Line Liogo Lios Liose Liz Loberta Locoe Lodoe Loe Lolle Loloe Loloene Lone Lovoa Lovoe Madesta Madeste Manoce Mantserret Maoses Marene Mecerene Meegens Megdelene Meira Meire Meiroloa Meirozoa Melenoe Melone Melosse Meniel Meniele Meote Merca Mercas Mercedes Mercela Mercele Mercella Mercelle Mercelona Mercelone Mercoel Mergerote Meroa Merobel Meroe Meroelle Meroena Meroene
Merone Merose Merosse Merte Merton Mertona Mertone Messoma Messomoloena Metea Metoes Metolde Mettea Mexoma Meyte Mirolla Moceele Mochelatta Mochele Mochelengela Mocheletta Mogiel Mogiele Mola Molegras Molene Morca Morelle Moreoe Moreye Morka Naeloe Naemo Nedoe Nepaleane Nercosa Nercose Neree Nero Neteloa Neteloe Neten Netovoded Ninzoa Niroe Nocale Nocalei Nocales Nocalette Nocalàa Noccalàa Nochales Noeves Nolde Nona None Ognecoa Olde Omelde Oneko Ones Ongrod Onmecilede Onoga Orene Orenea Orme Ose Osebel Osebelle Oseec Osmeel Osodara Osodra Otehose Ova Oven Pampea Peala Peale Pebla Peblota Pedra Peile Peilette Peilone Peilota Pelame Peleya Pellegrona Penfola Peqio Pescele Pesciel Pesciele Pesqiel Pesqiele Petrocoa Petrocoe Pez Piccoa Pirofocecoan Poa Poeded Poerengela Poergoargoa Poergoiseppe Poerliogo Poermeroe Poersento Poetra Poler Proscolle Raberta Racoa Radalfa Radalfe Radroga Rageloa Ralenda Ramala Ramene Ramone Rase Raseloe Raseroa Raseroe Rasone Raxene Rebece Rechel Refeel Refeele Reffeella Reffeelle Reil Reman Remane Remedoas Remora Remore Reneta Renete Renza Reominda Reominde Reqiel Riben Riggera Riggoera Rit Rith Riy Roccerda Rocerda Rocerde Rote Safoe Saleded Sanoe Saphoe Sareye Sebestoen Sebetona Seginda Seil Selaman Selene Selvedar Selvetare Selvo Semiel Sencha Sendra Sendre Sente Sento Sentoega Sentona Sere Serefone Serene Sergoa Severoa Severona Sisene Sisenne Solvestra Solvoa Solvoe Soman Stefena Stefenoe Stelle Tames Tamese Tano Tarqieta Teadara Teadare Teafola Tedea Temostacle Tenoe Terese Tetoene Tezoa Thoere Tilloa Toere Tomatea Tota Tozoena Troene Tronoded Trosten Tryste Velenton Velentone Veleroa Veleroe Vene Venese Venesse Venne Veranoce Voalete
Vocente Voctaroe Voncentoa Voncenza Vorgonoe Vorodoene Vota Vottaroa Vottaroe Xomene Yalende Yega Yesenoe Zenaboeeran Zeore Zilme
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krzysztofiwin · 10 months
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Krzysztof Iwin – „Wieczór w Fodele” akryl płyta 29x32cm (2004) https://iwin.malarstwo.org/pl/wieczor_w_fodele-161.html #29cm #32cm #2004r #brązy #szarości #zielenie #art #painting #Iwin #KrzysztofIwin #obrazy #galeria #malarstwo #akrylenaplycie #obrazyakrylowe
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dfodel · 11 months
excerpt from david fodel on Vimeo.
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livecretealive · 1 year
Stress-free stay
Why a stress-free stay with me will do you the world of good.I live in the traditional and unspoilt village of Fodele in Crete that has about 600 inhabitants. My house is located just outside the village and has views of the surrounding orange trees that are green and lush all year round. In the background you can see the village and the mountains, surrounded by nature’s beauty.I have already…
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gemsofgreece · 6 years
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Black goat on a mountainside on the Greek island of Crete by Peace Correspondent
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just-wanna-travel · 7 years
A Storm at the Crete's coast
Fodele Beach, Greece
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agiapelagia-com · 4 years
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Repost @maedim_maleviziou . . FODELE BEACH . Φόδελε . Μια υπέροχη παραλία που συνδυάζει κατά τόπους βότσαλο και άμμο για να ικανοποιήσει κάθε επισκέπτη . #fodelebeach #fodele #malevizi #crete #kreta #creta #heraklion (at Fodele) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFComHinQ3h/?igshid=1bdfzrhmlm087
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gplatakis · 5 years
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Από τα εγκαίνια στο Φόδελε. Υπέροχος χώρος, καταπληκτικοί άνθρωποι. Να πάτε να μας δείτε. . . . . #Fodele #crete #photography #exibition #bw #Heraklion (στην τοποθεσία Μουσείο Δομήνικου Θεοτοκόπουλου) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzvzXLzoXyq/?igshid=ye6wh5w22nhb
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walkswithdave · 2 years
The Light Herder / Sound Scraper performance at the Lafayette Electronic Arts Festival [LEAF] 2022
Thank you David Fodel for inviting me to come to Lafayette, Colorado and perform at this year’s event. And thank you Matt Pass for the great, weird audio accompanying the visuals.
This is a short look at the full, 40 minute presentation, filmed by Karla Kracht (who I asked at the last minute to get some shots for me). Thanks Karla!
Check out TheLightHerder.com for more videos and information about the HD Video Feedback Fractal Device.
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gaya396 · 4 years
Clouds over the hill
Clouds over the hill by Ioannis Koutroubakis Via Flickr: Clouds over the hill with sunset colors in Fodele beach, Heraklion, Crete
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krzysztofiwin · 10 months
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Krzysztof Iwin – „Wieczór w Fodele” akryl płyta 29x32cm (2004) https://iwin.malarstwo.org/pl/wieczor_w_fodele-161.html #29cm #32cm #2004r #brązy #szarości #zielenie #art #painting #Iwin #KrzysztofIwin #obrazy #galeria #malarstwo #akrylenaplycie #obrazyakrylowe
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dfodel · 2 years
Video Feedback Fractal Device: LEAF 2022 Performance from Dave Blair Camera & Editing on Vimeo.
The Light Herder / Sound Scraper performance at the Lafayette Electronic Arts Festival (LEAF) 2022 - leafcolorado.org/light-herder-sound-scraper.
Thank you David Fodel for inviting me to come to Lafayette, Colorado and perform at this year’s event. And thank you Matt Pass for the great, weird audio accompanying the visuals.
This is a short look at the full, 40 minute presentation, filmed by Karla Kracht (who I asked at the last minute to get some shots for me). Thanks Karla!
Check out thelightherder.com for more videos and information about the HD Video Feedback Fractal Device.
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