#foals musings
wrightfamilyagency · 17 days
Just as I got back into writing, I got distracted by, of all questions, "Hey, are there any canon clues to exactly where in London Gressenheller is so I can pick out the closest tube station?", and the answer to that is YES but it's maybe a little inconsistent possibly, and I doubt I'm the first person to do this but hey, I also discovered along the way another massive mistake I made in past chapters based on a misunderstanding of canon evidence, SO LET'S GO.
The Layton games in general are very careful to be vague with giving their major locations exact addresses, but twice in the series they give hints to Gressenheller's. The one in Pandora's/Diabolical Box is the most blatant by far, though:
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I drew a little L where the icon is that marks your location for this brief prologue before going to Dr Schrader's home. And of course I had to see if I could find this layout on a London streetmap, especially since we know it's near the Thames, so I found an online map to have a look and, oh hey, I found this exact bend of the Thames with the three visible bridges and even that park with its distinctive lake in the middle!
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At first I was disappointed because I couldn't see any kind of match between the streets, until I overlaid the PDB map over the street map and...
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Oh my gosh, they DID trace a real map to make this! And then simplified the roads and altered the dimensions so an exact overlay is impossible, but enough of the actual streets are left that you can make out where they came from!
So, based on that, Gressenheller is located somewhere in here:
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And if we zoom in on that specific block:
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So, there you go. Gressenheller is somewhere in this section of Soho in London, between the bounds of Oxford Street, Tottenham Court Road, Old Compton Street, and Wardour Street. Who knows how accurate to the IRL Soho the idea of a big university like Gressenheller being there is, but that's apparently where it's located. xD And all I needed from this endeavour was the nearest tube station, which is clearly Tottenham Court Road, so that's my question answered!
The only other game that gives us a hint as to Gressenheller's location is actually PLvsAA, and again in the prologue. Hershel and Luke start the game in Hershel's office in Gressenheller, then Espella comes by and is immediately kidnapped, and Hershel declares that kidnapper+kidnappee are "headed for the Thames". We then cut to our first playable area of the game:
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Again, it's simplified and altered, but the use of Tower Bridge means it's easy to find on a real map.
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I was actually surprised there's an IRL park on the south bank by Tower Bridge, though I can't confirm the existence of any little overlook like the game location. Besides, the game cut off a lot of the park for buildings here, as well as disappearing the Tower of London on the north bank (y'know, the thing Tower Bridge is named after)... But this map is more stylised than the other so it's gonna be less accurate to real life.
So if Gressenheller Uni is in Soho as established, what is with the route Hershel and Luke apparently took to end up south of Tower Bridge?
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On the far right, Tower Bridge. On the far left, Tottenham Court Road station and the square I outlined above. The distance on foot between them seems to be at minimum 5.1km (around 3.1 miles for you imperial-users), and requires not only crossing the river but following it for a significant distance. I'm sure Hershel and Luke could easily manage it physically (unlike me xD), but it seems weird to follow a flying woman into the open air above the Thames (plus crossing the river at some point for whatever reason), keep track of her up to Tower Bridge... and only then lose sight of her, and not have any idea where she was headed? It very much implies to me that Shu Takumi - or whoever wrote that specific part of the prologue - mentally placed Gressenheller as south of the Thames, and if not directly south then south-east of Tower Bridge, so that Hershel and Luke (avoiding the park and its police presence) arrived at the river and lost track of said flying woman immediately.
However this inconsistency even came about, I guess it doesn't really matter, because we have what we have, and little things like this are open to individual interpretation. It's not like this is the only weird location-related inconsistency in these games.
As for my interpretation, I prefer the idea of the Soho location because it's actually very close to the IRL British Museum, and in-game closer to wherever the hell Kensington High Street (along with the fictional London Museum) has been rerouted to put it so close to Scotland Yard (which is south of Soho irl, closer to the Thames, while Kensington and its high street are way off west of both). For PLvsAA, I prefer to think of the 'office' we see there actually being Hershel's home, to explain both the new area and why he has Luke still hanging out with him so late at night.
Also, all my research informed me that Hershel is supposed to somehow have a home with a front door right on street level as opposed to the apartment I've given him in this AU, but in my defence... how is he affording a full house of his own in the middle of London long before taking in Flora, and PLvsAA confused me because it's a lot less clear they're supposed to be in Gressenheller in that prologue when its your introduction to two series at once, and that shot in Eternal Diva where OT-Luke is collecting Hershel's mail goes by so fast of course I almost immediately forgot it, and the only other time we see that door in LS/SC, Rosa is sweeping the front steps for some reason despite telling Emmy later on she works at Gressenheller which implies the random front door she was sweeping was part of the university and not a house belonging to someone else (it certainly doesn't appear to be part of the university building based on what we see of it!), and she seems to immediately appear afterwards in Hershel's office anyway talking about Dean Delmona looking for him which implies she's been at the university the whole time and not off sweeping random house fronts, so it looks like the game developers just put her on Hershel's doorstep purely so she could get his letter from Luke even though that doesn't make any sense-!
cough cough
I can't justify the Laytons having moved to a smaller place but also I've consistently written them as being in an apartment so now I have to just go with what I've written I guess. SIGH.
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ludmilachaibemachado · 4 months
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Pattie modeling for Foale & Tuffin's funburst dress for Seventeen magazine May issue🌸🌸🌸
Via @pattie.boyd.post on Instagram🌸
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mistyechoes · 6 months
stares at u likena cat whens it meowing at u. i
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tenshimara · 2 years
Al final me he animado y voy a compartir mis "locuras" por aquí. Llevo escribiendo desde hace años; fundamentalmente fics centrados en músicos; pero, últimamente, únicamente leo por aquí #fanfics #drabbles #fluff #smut y #imagines de KPOP. Así que he decidido compartir algunas de mis historias anteriores (no kpop) y nuevas.
Stray Kids
Healing series - ¿Qué pasaría si tras meses y meses, pudieses escuchar la voz de la persona que más amas y a la que perdiste?
O._ Sour
1._ Sorry
2._ I.L.Y.
3._ She's in the rain
4._ RED
My Chemical Romance
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redridcr · 2 years
Red just loves baby everything. He loooooves foal season.
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azsazz · 10 months
In Storm
Rancher!Cassian x Reader
Summary: You want a baby and Cassian looks all too good in his flannel.
Warnings: Conversation about having a baby.
Word Count: 1,098
Notes: The Cassian era is era-inggg
Rainy mornings are your favorite.
The sky cracking open and letting her feelings loose means that you get to sleep in, that your husband’s warm body holds you tightly as rain patters the windows in pretty songs. It means gentle calloused hands roaming your curves, soft breaths as he mouths against your skin. It means a slow and sensual fucking with a steaming hot bath following, where you can lean back into the comfort of Cassian and rest the day away.
But rainy mornings are not his favorite.
You find your husband standing in front of the large windows of the living room, staring out into the expanse of land you get to call yours. Yesterday’s flannel hangs loose around his broad shoulders, unbuttoned from when he’d hastily thrown it on to examine the conditions of the farm under the onslaught of rain. His hair is tousled, not yet thrown up into a haphazard bun the way he does when he works up a sweat from milking the cows or fixing the fence. His feet are bare, just as yours are, the hardwood flooring holding a chilled bite to it as you near his side.
Stepping up next to Cassian, you gaze out the window as well. The weather hadn’t called for a storm but the springtime is unpredictable. The horses graze in the pasture, seemingly unaffected by the drizzling skies. Their coats are dark with water but they’re getting on with their days as if the sun is shining brightly. 
Lightning cracks the sky and Cassian grunts, displeased. You can see it in the downwards slope of his mouth that he’s unhappy with the fact that he hadn’t brought the animals in yesterday, when he knew he smelled the metallic tang of a storm creeping in.
“They’re animals,” you try to soothe, “They should be used to it.”
“I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the stallions,” Cassian responds, not even sparing you a glance as he stares at the horses. “But my mares shouldn’t be out in this storm. Especially not Carrington. Ol’ girl can have that foal anytime now and she’s only out in the rain because you were adamant she needed ‘fresh air.’” His voice pitches at the end in a terrible impersonation of you and you scowl.
“So now it’s my fault?” you ask, incredulously. Cassian lets you sidle up to his side anyway, slipping between the opening of his flannel and his bare chest. You nearly growl with delight because he’s so warm. Turning your head, you press your lips to his pec. “You’re grumpy when it rains.”
“‘M grumpy because there’s chores that need to be done,” Cassian sighs, wrapping an arm around your waist. “I should go out there.” 
Out there looks miserable. The trail leading up to the barn is muddy, puddles of rain scattering the path. The rain has kept its steady pour since you’d come down here to find your husband, and if you think he’s grumpy now, you know he’d be absolutely miserable after working out in the rain all day.
“Or, you can stay in here and we can spend a little time together,” you drawl, trailing your fingers along his chest. His muscles clench the closer to his waistline that you get. 
His hazel gaze cuts down to yours, “Last night wasn’t enough for you?” Cassian muses, eyes sparkling in the way that you know you have him. 
“Won’t be enough for me until I look like your best girl Carrington out there, nice and full with child.” 
Cassian’s fingers still from where they’re tracing patterns on your hip. “You really want one, don’t you?” He asks softly.
You shrug. It hasn’t been something you’ve talked about much, a child. Cassian is busy running the ranch and ever since Rhysand and Feyre moved closer to the hustle and bustle of the city to raise Nyx, you haven’t had anyone to really talk to besides the mares. And they just whinny and snort at everything you say. 
“It would mean extra hands around the farm,” you try to play off, cheeks heating. You slide from his side, eager to dispel the conversation your husband surely doesn’t want to have at this very moment. Not while Carrington is getting rained on, Gods forbid. “What do you want for breakfast? Pancakes? An omelet? I just gathered the eggs yesterday morning so they’ll be nice and fresh.”
“Hey,” Cassian calls gently, snagging your hand as you try to dip away. He tugs you back to his chest, bushing some of your sleep mussed hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear so he can caress your cheek. His hazel eyes search yours, and the frown tugging his lips downward makes your heart ache. “Don’t walk away from me, sweetheart. You want a baby?”
Your eyes well with tears the longer he stares at you. His brows are pulled tight as he waits patiently for your response. The emotion in your throat is thick, but you nod, voice coming out raspy with it when you answer. “More than anything.” 
Cassian nods a little, taking in your answer. His throat bobs but he’s agreeing, nodding firmer. “Then let’s have one.” 
Your entire body locks up at his words. You didn’t think it would be so easy to convince him. All you had to do all of this time was ask? Surely, that is not the case.
But Cassian would be so wonderful with a child in his arms. He’d love them just as perfectly as he loves you, as he cares for the animals of his ranch. You’ve seen him with the foals and chicks and lambs. How he holds each one with care and parades them around the ranch, kissing their little heads and talking to them in soft voices. He’s made to be a father, even if he doesn’t know it himself.
“We’re trying to have a baby,” you breathe, clutching onto him. An all-consuming feeling rushes through your body, nerves perhaps, because holy shit, you and Cassian are going to try for a baby. “We’re trying for a baby!”
Cassian grins, mirroring your excitement. He pulls you into his arms and you lock your legs around his waist immediately, diving down to capture his mouth against yours. The kiss is exhilarating, hot and sensual as they both of you settle into the feeling that maybe this time next year, it could be you giving birth instead of Carrington.
You could not be more excited for the adventure you and your husband are about to embark on.
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carlsdarling · 1 year
carl with fingering. it can be anything. any scenario. it’s all i can think about right now because LOOK AT HIS HANDS.
please and thank you 🙏🏼 keep on doing gods work 💗
Piano Player's Hands
Y/N gets really obsessed with Carl's hands... Bit more of a plot, than sex. Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw
Piano player's hands, that's what popped into your head when you first became aware of Carl Grimes' hands during a boring meeting at the Alexandria Community Center.
You were sitting around a large round table, and the topic was how to make the Alexandria neighborhood safer because Saviours often prowled around the area
Carl didn't say much - he never did - he just listened, both hands wrapped around a coffee cup. Once you started, you couldn't stop looking at his hands. They were big for such a slender boy, but graceful - with long, slender fingers and clearly visible knuckles. Really the hands of a piano player; only the chipped and somewhat dirty fingernails and the calluses, the rough skin and the small wounds didn't fit the picture, you mused. But Carl's hands were mostly busy working, killing walkers or cleaning weapons. There wasn't much time for hand and nail care.
"Y/N?" asked Maggie impatiently, and you noticed startled - apparently she hadn't addressed you for the first time.
"Um, what?" you asked dumbly, and Maggie rolled her eyes.
"I was wondering if you'd be willing to be assigned to regular patrols outside the wall?"
"Uh, yeah," you stammered, taking your eyes off Carl's hands with difficulty.
In the following time you caught yourself again and again thinking about Carl in a juicy way. About him and his hands, especially his fingers. You imagined Carl pleasuring himself; how his long fingers closed around his hard shaft and moved up and down, squeezing lightly, how he rubbed his thumb over the wet tip, how he tossed his head back and forth on the pillow and moaned. Certainly Carl did it every day; at least that was true of most boys his age. You had never had much contact, but now your thoughts were constantly circling around Carl.
When you masturbated yourself, you now fantasized exclusively about Carl; you dreamed of him sliding those fingers into your pussy and stroking your clit. You feared that people would see what you were thinking, so you started avoiding Carl. Whenever you ran into him, you would turn bright red, turn around, and walk away in the other direction. One day you were supposed to stand guard on the wall with Carl, but that was completely impossible, you couldn't talk to him or look him in the eye - he would read your dirty mind, you were sure of it. So you sought out Rick and asked him to let you switch shifts with someone.
Rick frowned at the schedule where the guard duties were listed. It was clear he wasn't thrilled with your request. "Now I'm going to have to reschedule everything," he groused. "Why do you want to change shifts?"
"Um, I, I... well, I don't like getting up early," you lied.
"The shift starts at 10 AM," Rick wondered. "But well, I guess you can switch with Glenn; you'll be on at 6 PM," he stated, scribbling on the list. Neither Rick, nor you had noticed Carl standing next to the doorway to the living room.
After leaving Rick's house, you went to the stables, you wanted to look at a newborn foal. The foal was lying in the straw, sleeping, protected by its mother. "Cute, isn't it?" a voice sounded behind you.
The foal woke up and roused itself. You flinched. "Carl!" you exclaimed. "Are you stalking me?" you then accused him.
"To be honest, yes," he answered hesitantly. "I overheard that you didn't want to be on guard duty with me. Besides, you're avoiding me like I have the plague. Have I done something to you?" he asked, half hurt, half provocative.
You glanced past him to his left hand, with which he was petting the foal. "No," you murmured. The sight made you all tingly.
"Then what is it?" demanded Carl angrily.
"Well...I can't talk about it," you evaded, your face glowing. You tried to walk past Carl out of the stable, but he held you by the shoulder.
"Wait," he said, amused. "Are you...are you maybe crushing on me?" He grinned.
"I don't know," you squirmed, licking your lips. Carl was suddenly very close to you, his breath warmly brushing your neck, then all of a sudden his lips lay softly on yours. You let yourself go into the kiss, of course you did. When you stopped the kiss a moment later, you whispered, "I can't stop thinking about your fingers."
Carl raised an eyebrow - the one, visible one. "My fingers?"
"Yes, they...they're extraordinary, beautiful, and I'd like you to...um..."
Carl chuckled. "Now I understand," he said, throwing you a cocky smile before kissing you again, letting his right hand wander to the buttons of your jeans, undoing them and fumbling forward into your panties. You went to your knees whimpering as he stroked you between your legs, wetting his fingers. You sank to the floor together, and you impatiently pushed your pants and panties down to your knees to give Carl free access. "You're completely wet for me," he noted with fascination.
"Carl, finger me, please," you moaned breathlessly, raising your hips with a yelp as Carl obeyed, sliding his index and middle finger into your willing pussy and gently moving them back and forth with a smooth rhythm. "Oh, Carl, yes, please," you moaned, totally wanting and at his mercy. Your muscles clenched around his fingers, craving more and more of him. He bent down and kissed you passionately as he continued to fuck you with his fingers. You clung to Carl's shoulders as he pushed you over the edge and the world exploded around you in stars and rainbow colors. "Carl!!!" you panted, clawing at him. One of the horses shied away at your outcry.
Breathing heavily, you relaxed as Carl slowly pulled his fingers out of you. They were all slippery from your juices. Your heart raced. Carl pressed himself against you longingly. "You could do something for me now," he pleaded, and you could see the bulge in his jeans. He rubbed over it meaningfully.
"Jerk yourself off," you suggested. "I want to see that."
Carl grinned suggestively. "Someday, maybe, but right now I want you to jerk me off. It's only fair, don't you think?" he pouted.
He wasn't wrong, though. "All right," you agreed. You still had a little time before you had to show up for your work at the doctor's office. Eagerly, Carl opened his belt and his jeans and pulled out his fully erected dick, and you noted that it was really big and just as pretty as Carl's hands, and inhaled sharply. However, it turned out that Carl was so aroused from your previous activities that he cum all over your hand just as soon as you touched him.
"Oh," he commented lamely. "Sorry, baby."
You had to snicker. "I think we should do this more often."
Tags: @loveforcarl @tessasweet @knochentrocken0808 @taylormarieee
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brotherwtf · 2 months
wounded - muse a sways muse b and themself back and forth as a soothing mechanism
oh man this is gonna be hella sweet I can already feel it.
I'm gonna shove this in my equestrian au bcs I'm listening to country music rn
Gale had been struggling after his accident with getting back on the horse (literally) and John could see the turmoil it brought him. He was afraid to ride Liberty Belle, his horse, the one thing he trusted most and it broke him.
John wished he could understand the feeling of this fear, but he had never quite gone through what Gale had. He'd taken a couple of rough tumbles, but not one as bad as Gale had.
Gale stood inside Liberty Belle's stall and stroked her nose, whispering quiet comforting things to her. John stood in the stall next to him, grooming the dirt off of Our Baby's pristine grey coat. Maybe just standing there with her was helping Gale get over his fears, but then Liberty Belle spooked.
It was something that would spook any animal, it made Baby throw his head back in fear, but Liberty Belle was high strung on the best of days. She reared her front legs up, knocking Gale flat on his ass before she came back down and shuffled to the corner of the stall away from Gale.
John peered over into Gale's stall, ready to push Liberty Belle away if she walked back over to Gale, but found Gale with his arms around his legs and his face buried in them. John curses under his breath before making his way into Liberty Belle's stall.
"You alright, Buck?" John asks, nudging Gale's leg with his boot.
Gale shakes his head into his arms, refusing to look up at John. His shoulders shake with silent tears, and John clenches his jaw again.
"Why am I so scared of her? She's my horse, I trained her from when she was a foal, why am I so afraid of her?" Gale finally sobs.
"Come on up here, Gale. Come on," John says, pulling Gale's arm from around his legs and wrapping it around his shoulder.
Gale allows himself to be pulled up and puts his head into John's shoulder, refusing to look at John's eyes.
"It's normal Gale. To feel scared after something like that happens. You took quite a fall, it's a wonder you ever want to ride again. The fact that you're willing to try is just another sign that you're a fucking amazing rider," John whispers, wrapping his arms around Gale's waist.
He starts to hum something, a stupid melody that would play all of the time while they were in the hospital, and sways Gale along to the imaginary beat. Gale finally peeks at him from his hiding place in John's shoulder and raises a questioning eyebrow at him.
"Come on, Buck, dance with me. I promise, you and Liberty Belle will be okay, you'll learn to trust her again," John says, swaying Gale across the hay of her stall.
Gale nestles his cheek into John's shoulder, pressing his nose into John's cheek and sighs.
"Just wish I didn't feel so worthless," Gale says, scuffing his boots in the dirt as John continues to rock them.
John tilts his head to kiss Gale's nose and rests their foreheads together.
"You're not worthless, doll. It's just gonna take time. And I'm gonna be there for all the time you need, no need to jump back in the saddle right away," John mutters.
He smiles when Gale's lips tick into a smirk, and presses their lips together. It had been about a month since they started officially dating, but each kiss still felt as world shattering as their first.
They stay like that for a while, kissing and swaying, until Liberty Belle decided to nudge her nose against Gale's hip, causing them to break apart.
"I think she's ready whenever you are, darling," John huffs, patting the thick coarse mane of the mare next to him.
Gale kisses Liberty Belle's poll and smiles up at John.
"Thank you, John, for being there for me," Gale mutters.
John smiles back at him.
"Always, Gale,"
horse girl is coming back baby. thank you so much for the ask!!
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gelidponies · 10 months
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"I can't believe the shopkeeper gave us this blind buy completely free!" 
Sunburst whinnied with enthusiasm, practically skipping behind his wife like a foal. 
"I'll make sure to have Spike remind me, we have to send them a donation! I guess it's what we get for spending every weekend there!" 
"Maybe this was their donation to get us out of their manes for a while!" 
He mused in response to his wife, making Twilight chortle and giggle. 
Twilight placed the barrel on the tile of their bedroom, splayed out just like they did when the couple played their favorite board games. The top of the barrel opened with ease...albeit covered them in some dust. 
In seconds flat there was a war of magic beams as Sunburst and Twilight ravaged the barrel of its sweet sweet antique and vintage books. 
Normally, the lack of variety would be disappointing but not for these two. The next half hour was spent passing each book back and forth until they came to a realization. Every single book was one neither had read before! Some even Twilight of all ponies had not heard of before. 
"Sunburst look! The Brain Chemistry of Friendship!" 
When she went to continue Sunburst joined her, the two exclaiming in unison. 
"Like dopamine and serotonin!" 
Even princesses and royal advisors needed lazy days sometimes. With Twilight's abilitiy to speed read they could get through all the books in no time. 
So they began. 
Only, a few minutes into reading when Twilight went to reach for a highlighter she clumsily bumped her leg into the barrel. 
It made a strange noise as though there was something still inside. 
Sunburst's magic aura rummaged around for a moment before picking up a long slender box. 
His wife's eyes lit up as she saw it. He should have known something strange was up when something was able to tear Twilight from a book. 
"It sounds like...a game?"
He mused as he shook the box. Loose pieces rattled against the inside, small and many but not fragile. 
Upon opening all the tiles scattered in front of them with a loud clattering sound. All that was left was a folded piece of paper. 
"It is a game! It's fascinating! There's old ponish on some of these tiles but the instructions are written in modern english!"
"And theres gemstones on some of the others! It's fate if I do say so myself!"
"Although it's more likely statistical coincidence."
Sunburst playfully cleared his throat, urging her to move on.
"There aren't many instructions here, how curious. 
The pieces are split in to two, one side has questions the answers to which will have a matching gemstone piece. 
When all the questions are correctly answered and the pieces connected, flip them over to reveal a secret message!"
Putting the instructions down she began to fumble with the pieces. The old ponish text was so small they had to squish their faces together to read it. 
"There are only 6 pieces all together, I can't imagine this game has much replayability." 
Sunburst chuckled nervously, fearful he would dampen the excitement. 
"Oh! Perhaps it's a prototype!" 
He perked up with his realization. 
"That would explain why it ended up at an antique shop. The old and new ponish present together leads me to believe it's vintage and made to look much older! Isn't that so cool!" 
She said, clapping the ground with her hooves. 
"Ok ok, the first question, get your gemstones ready!" 
Twilight winked.
"This gem was featured as the most expensive ingridient in Cleotrotra's cocktail."
This of course was Twilight's wheelhouse so she quickly connected that question to the piece that displayed a freshwater pearl.
"Long ago, ponies believed this story was true, but now most experts think it is just made up. Stallions who wrote about Cleotrotra would make up all kinds of stories to smear her reputation." 
Sunburst nodded knowingly, gemology wasn't Twilight's forte but he was always amazed by the ways their skills intersecting. 
Not to mention, seeing her be so right and elucidate on said fact was quite attractive if he did say so himself.
"Let's see if you'll get this one Twi! This gems rarest and most valuable variant is colored black." 
Twilight scanned the selection of gemstones in front of her, biting her lip as she wracked her brain for the knowledge. 
"Well consider me stumped!" 
She beamed from ear to ear.
There was nopony it was safer to make a mistake around than her love. 
"Well I know how much you love a chance to learn something new! The answer is Opal."
"Doy! I should have known that one! Rarity would kill me if she was here."
Twilight's sentence trailed off into a nerdy chortle. 
"Aw, don't be so hard on yourself! This is one I know you’ll get!"
Sunburst lovingly stroked Twilight's hoof, making her wings flutter like a hummingbirds.
"Let's see, ancient ponies believed this gemstone kept you from becoming intoxi-"
She yelped, her cheeks turning a deep magenta.
"-ahem. The answer is amethyst." 
The puzzle was almost done with only one more question to go. 
This day had turned out to be so much more eventuful than either of them could have hoped. Some magic in the air made it feel like things could only get better.
"Well I know, one amethyst that absolutely intoxicates me so perhaps we've stumbled on another apocryphal tale."~ 
Sunburst mused, to anypony else it would be a little...cringeworthy but to Twilight...well...
"W-what? I...I, my coat is heather! I have no idea what you're talking about! LETSJUSTREADTHELASTQUESTIONTOGETHERPLEASE!"
With the paper placed on the ground between them Twilight bumped heads with Sunburst in her stupor. When her vision cleared they could both see the last question.
Not a gem but a rock, this brightly colored stone is mottled with white calcite and brassy pyrite.
A short knowing glance saw the purple alicorn pushing the old ponish piece to the final remaining gemstone. Lapis Lazuli.
They took turns flipping over the puzzle pieces until the message they had been waiting for was revealed.
The word lingered on the air for a second, Twilight silently watched the gears turn in his head. 
"Oh! We never considered that this might not just be a prototype but a translated version from another language. If I had to guess it was meant to say fool! A practical joke on the overthinker?”
“Quasi-homophones are easily to fumble for an equish-as-a-second-language speaker….however.” 
Twilight stepped away for a moment and pulled out something black and laminated.
“I think it has something to do with something I shared with our close friend, the antique store owner.” 
Sunburst didn't understand the convoluted nature of Twilight's theory until he laid eyes on what she handed him.
An ultrasound.
“F….Twilight I don't understand do you mean….?”
She nodded, blushing profusely and hiding her face in her wing.
Sunburst couldn't stop himself from jumping for joy. He was married to the smartest, most beautiful mare he had ever known and they were going to have a foal together. He had to have been dreaming!
“The girls helped come up with the puzzle, Pinkie even had her sisters chip in. It ended up being harder AND simpler than I could have guessed.”
She looked down at the scattered pieces and the image of the unborn foal inside her.
“I suppose the rest of our lives will be like that now.”
“You know what the old ponish ponies say Twi!”
Twilight joined him, answering in unison.
“Reward prefers risk!” For @kindheart525 's https://www.deviantart.com/kindheart525/journal/Thirdverse-Ships-Contest-OPEN-988129888
Twilight's CM by https://www.deviantart.com/blackgryph0n/art/Twilight-Sparkle-Cutie-Mark-204983087
Background by https://www.deviantart.com/rhythms7
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 5 months
Okay but TK Strand 100% went to Glastonbury when he was like 19 and got crossfaded with Foals and, like, Muse or someone. Yeah??
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wrightfamilyagency · 2 months
Interesting to see Galar in your AU. It makes me wonder what Galar (Empire ?) in Ryuunosuke time will look like! As for part 2, I would like to see both so maybe state changes to their pokemon team in order of events?
Ooooo, the Galarian Empire would be interesting to see, yes! I don't remember them ever exploring England outside of London in those games though, so it probably wouldn't be all too different from GAA1&2 in practise I guess. xD Same with... would it be Kanto that the Japan cases take place in? They never specify where exactly those parts of the games are set to my knowledge, so I assume its in Tokyo, which iiiiiiiis (pause to look that up) either Saffron or Celadon in Kanto. With the Magnet Train in gen2 Saffron, I'd pick that as the more 'international' city where Ryunosuke's university is, but it could fit in Celadon too. Maybe even Vermillion, with the port being there.
Ha, what you're describing sounds like what I was trying to write next anyway, so I guess I'm gonna continue working on that and try not to ramble forever. xD I have problems with infodumping.
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soracities · 2 years
hi! i adore your blog and i hope you feel better asap <3 and that many more bright spring days light your life soon!
are there any songs that Speak to you personally that you'd be willing to share?
you're lovely, thank you thank you 💌💝
and yes, a good few:
"Two Children in a Motel", Ethen Cain
"Cassandra" Florence + the Machine
"Decades", Joy Division
"Mistaken for Strangers", The National
"Nightshift", Commodores
"Bless the Telepone" Labi Siffre
"Sky Full of Song" Florence + the Machine
"A Pair of Brown Eyes", The Pogues
"Spirit Slips Away", Thin Lizzie
"Talk", Hozier
"River", Leon Bridges
"Et Bam", Mentissa
"Last Words of a Shooting Star" Mitski
"Ave Cesaria", Stromae
"500 Miles" Nick Cave
"Red is the Rose", The High Kings
"K." Cigarettes After Sex
"Two Slow Dancers", Mitski
"Spanish Sahara", Foals
"The Parting Glass"
"My Boy Builds Coffins," Florence + the Machine
"Bad Friend" Rina Sawayama
"Something About Us", Daft Punk
"House of the Rising Sun", The Animals
"Pictures of You", The Cure
"The Only Heartbreaker", Mitski
"Video Girl", FKA twigs
"The Night We Met", Lord Huron
"Shim el Yasmine", Mashrou' Leila
"Here with Me", Dido
"Chelsea Hotel, No. 2", Leonard Cohen
"Undisclosed Desires", Muse
"7 Days" Craig David
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spin-linn · 12 days
A Small Snippet from a story I'm writing
Heroes United [Working Title]: a Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons novel
Hiccup’s POV:
The trail we followed to Old Corona was littered with a few too many tree roots and chuck holes for my taste. It was like a war zone, and the battle was being waged against my lack of agility. I tripped and teetered over so many times I lost count. I would have smashed my face against a sunken boulder had it not been for Jack, who quickly yanked me upright by the shirt collar just as I began to topple over a huge crack in the obliterated cobblestone road.
“Jings, you're as wobbly as a newborn foal,” Merida chortled after watching my clumsiness take over for the umpteenth time.
I gave her an irritated glare. “Yeah, yeah,” I muttered, shrugging her delightful personality off. “I get it, I'm a klutz. Tell me a new one.”
“As you wish,” she took my sarcasm as a challenge. “You're also as stubborn as a buckin’ cuddy.”
“Whoa! Watch your mouth, Mer!” Jack cackled, taking her words to be off-color.
“She wasn't cursing,” I chuckled, realizing Jack wasn't as well-versed in Scottish lingo as I was. As much as the Vikings hated them, my dad and a lot of the other adults sure enjoyed borrowing a lot of their slang and vernacular. I grew up hearing it a lot, so one could say I was fluent. I knew what a cuddy was. “She just called me a horse,” I explained. “Like, a wild one that someone's trying to ride for the first time. That's why she said I was like a bucking cuddy.”
“Oh, okay,” he seemed to understand, “like a bucking bronco, then? I know rodeos.”
“What the heck's a bronco?” I gave him a confused glance. “Or a rodeo?”
“Seriously? It's another word for a horse.”
“Innae no horse I've ever heard of,” Merida scoffed.
“Jeez Louise! It's an unbroken horse!” Jack enunciated, holding back laughter. He seemed to be reaping as much fun out of the strange conversation as he could. “And a rodeo is like a big show where people do horseback tricks and try to ride broncos or bulls.”
“Show riding, huh?” That got my attention. “We do that with our dragons from time to time back on Berk! Toothless and I have gotten pretty good at air tricks.”
“I can hit a bullseye from 50 paces on horseback,” Merida interjected, bragging to herself. “Been practicing for months.”
“That's impressive, Mer, but I would say barrel racing and lassoing cattle isn't exactly like that,” Jack chuckled, shaking his head. “You've clearly never seen a cowboy movie.”
“Now we're talking about cows?” My confusion only grew. “What even is this conversation?” I threw my hands up in defeat, beginning to laugh in spite of myself. “Now I'm lost.”
“I guess you could also call him a ‘brumby’, Mer,” mused Jack, still preoccupied with the whole “cuddy” confusion. “Picked that one up from a friend 'down undah',” he said with a funny accent.
“I have absolutely no idea what's going on back there,” Rapunzel called back to us as she led the path, studying Cassandra's notebook. “But I am enjoying the chaos.”
“Join the club, Punz!” I started to laugh.
If you've stuck around this long, thanks for reading! The story this is from has been a passion project for almost 10 years. I'm writing it as a form of therapy, and I'm not planning to post the finished product anywhere as of now.
I've been working on this story for several months now, and I'm just really proud of this dialogue exchange. I wanted to share it, even though I don't intend to share the whole story. Thanks for bearing with me, and I hope you enjoyed it!
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alicornae · 3 months
    The stars decorated the night skies like jewels, shimmering in the darkness. The moon had finally reached its peak, its silvery light shining down at the ponies below- awake and buzzing with energy despite the late hours. 
  The summer night was warm and alive, with droves of ponies arriving in Canterlot for its main event. Golden banners and ribbons decorated every corner of the city, and foals laughed and ran about with streamers and sparklers while the adults dressed their best made their way uptown, towards the castle itself, talking with friends all the while.
  A night of celebration was upon them, and they gathered at the castle gate to be greeted by its splendor. Decorated to its fullest, and lit up by magic spells and candles, the castle entrance was enchanting.
  Three doors were upon the double sided staircases that curved into the walkway, and nestled oddly in there were three tall mirrors that shone with a strange magic- cascading the light like water on the ground.
As ponies and creatures from all across Equestria gathered and settled there, music suddenly filled the yard- brass and regal. It caught everyone's attention, with ears perked up as the sound swelled and danced in the air before it fell like a feather- softer now.
  With one glance up, ponies exclaimed in excitement as they saw their queen emerge- regal and as magical as always. Her white coat shone in the candle light, and her half braided mane flowed softly- Queen Celestia smiled at the large crowd, lilac eyes glimmering. Then beside her emerged a more reserved alicorn- her dark blue coat looking like the night itself stood there. In a gossamer dress of white with dark blue armor around her shoulder and neck, Queen Luna stood dutifully- watching over the crowd.
  The music gave one last big hurrah before it drifted off, the crowd cheering for their monarchs. And it was with the wave of one golden hoof from Celestia, that the crowd simmered down and let the ambiance of the night take over- though the air held its breath, waiting for her to speak.
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“  Welcome my little ponies! We give a warm welcome to the creatures of Equestria that have traveled here tonight. We appreciate each and every one of you who has come here tonight- for We come to celebrate the longest day of the year, and more importantly- We celebrate the reunion of Queen Luna and I. For a thousand long years We were apart, but now we can look forward to making up for lost time and spend longer together- as sisters.  ”
Celestia and Luna share a look, and the younger alicorn melts into a smile. Celestia matches the smile, and they cross their horns for a brief moment before she continues on.
“  Before we properly get started, there is no doubt that you have noticed some changes,  “  she acknowledges, waving a wing down to the ground below her to where the mysterious mirrors stand,  “  Not only has Equestria become more united than ever- thanks to Princess Twilight and her friends -but we wanted to extend our hoof further in friendship to worlds beyond our own.  ”
This causes ponies to glance at one another- whispers rising around the crowd before all goes silent once more.
“  Through magic and these ancient portals, we have invited a few from other worlds to join us in our celebration- and to show them what Equestria has achieved. We ask that you all put your best hoof forward and show them that through friendship, anything can be achieved. ”
  Celestia raises her wings, and Luna follows. Their spiraling horns shine with a brilliant light of gold and blue, and all three mirrors hum and start to glow white. After a tense moment, something steps out  ….
welcome to the summer solstice gala!! this will be a week-long event for muses to have a good time and dance and celebrate! i encourage everyone to seek out other people joining this event, and I also welcome anyone who wants to join late!! party crashers or otherwise!! be sure to tag posts related to the event with ( ☀️ — summer solstice gala )
PARTICIPANTS  :  @kingbcwser , @captainseamech , @indomitablespirits , @doefated , @wishfulmuses , @clippedwingsmuses , @storybounded , @reignoctis , @blxestar , @ama-tcra-su , @lord-of-unlife , @allnostalgic , @universalcarnival
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kindheart525 · 8 months
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I’ve been doing more arc planning lately and adding more side characters to the cast, so I thought I’d do a doodle sheet to introduce some of them and give you all a small taste of what’s ahead! 
Smooth Tune AKA Smoothie - Licorice Lace’s girlfriend  A harpist from Licorice’s orchestra, she is equal parts beefcake and angel. She is graceful and gorgeous, with a more cheesy and girlish side too. Many would say she is way out of Lic’s league but she still chose him and would do so a thousand times over.
Aphrodisian Foam - Fashion Model In a sort of “ugly ducking” tale, she started out as an insecure chick with unusual hybrid traits (wingless unicorn hippogriffs are hard to come by) but now she is a show-stopping model who shares her beauty with the whole world.
Tranquila - Trailblazer’s “enemy” An “influencer” by her world’s standards, she has a passion for fitness and loves sharing it with the world. She publishes her favorite workouts and daily musings in various magazines and video tutorials, focusing on strength and balance in one’s lifestyle. She does it all with a calm, chilled-out attitude, contrasting the girl known as her enemy.
Roman Candle - Trailblazer’s “best friend” A wrestling champion in high school, he is a skilled athlete who knows how to stand out. But he was also your typical douchey teenage boy, generally a dick to those he didn’t call friend and not particularly favored among the girls because of that. Hopefully he won’t stay that way forever.
Almond Meringue AKA Uncle Al - Trailblazer’s publicist  A humble old stallion from a village outside of Trottingham, he is Trailblazer’s publicist on paper but in reality he’s so much more. He keeps her schedule intact, makes sure she remembers to eat and rest, and helps her avoid embarrassing herself in public. She really keeps him on his hooftips, but they’ve grown to care about each other in a somewhat familial way which makes his job worth it.
Burr - Mudbriar’s son Somewhat like the uncle he resembles, he broke the mold set by his parents, pursuing a more extroverted career path than Mudbriar and choosing a different genre of music than his other father Feather Bangs. An idol of his little cousin Meteor Shower, he has lofty goals for his career but is enjoying the ride on the way there.
Sweetpea Soup - Manic Pixie Dream Girl Her description is pretty self explanatory: she’s quirky and free-spirited with a rebellious streak, and a strong and contagious appreciation for all life has to offer. Anyone she meets would consider themselves lucky to have known her and be left wanting for more time with her.
Painted Lady - Tea Cake’s aide Passionate about foalcare, her greatest reward is getting to nurture foals as they grow and watching their vibrant personalities bloom. But she can also be a little overbearing and intrude on what is meant to be independent play if she thinks extra care is needed (which it sometimes isn’t). The foal she works with now needs that extra care to an extent, but it’s still annoying.
Infernal Startrail - Blackfire Phoenix’s coworker In some ways she is every corporation’s dream employee with the way she thinks outside the box and has a solution to most problems she encounters. She is decisive, intelligent, and professional, but isn’t above the occasional workplace gossip to an extent. But then again, most people aren’t.
Fireball Rosso - Bullseye’s boyfriend  A talented makeup artist for any and all genders, he’s very serious about his craft. Some consider him arrogant and snooty and maybe he is just a little bit, but he’s very secure in himself and he wants others to be confident in their expression too.
Strawberry Bon Bon - Meteor Shower’s girlfriend A hopeless romantic at heart, she puts her all into her relationships with others, sometimes to her own detriment. Getting her heart broken a few times by guys who didn’t put in equal effort has left her with some trust issues, leading to insecurities that carry over into the next relationship.
Pearl Closure - Sour Peach’s girlfriend  A fashion designer who specializes in “magical girl transformations,” i.e. those extra special outfits that have two designs in one! She can make literal rags unfold into a stunning ballgown, and at the height of her career she’s very popular among celebrities who want unique costume changes. She took her time to nurture her talent before sharing it with the world so it would really be worth the wait.
Fruit Salad - School of Friendship alum She’s a party animal with a little bit of bimbo mixed in, in the sense of not always reading the room. She’s well intentioned, just not super responsible or receptive to when someone wants to be left alone.
Pearl - Miner She is the type of diamond dog that when she has her mind set on something, she will not stop until she accomplishes it. This includes things like digging really deep to get a certain gem she senses, even when she hits rock. She’s eager to meet new creatures and when she is your friend she’s very affectionate.
Juneberry - Mailmare A flirt who always has things to share like fun facts, she likes talking to others and learns a lot from all the ponies and creatures she delivers mail to. Not everyone makes a habit of talking to the pony who delivers their mail outside of small talk, but when they do it makes her day.
Veneer Smokescreen AKA Smoky - Movie theater employee With a monotone attitude, she’s the kind of pony where you just have to believe her when she says she feels a certain way because she’s not going to show you any other way. As a foal she was punished for being too childish despite being a child at the time so now she has issues expressing herself.
Hyacinth Moss - Marmalade Meringue’s wife Insecure and ashamed of her siren heritage, she is easily embarrassed by anything that even remotely makes her look bad (like Marmalade expressing a bad take in public or her kids lightly bickering). She is generally touchy and reactive and will react to any slights very passive-aggressively.
Starfruit Bouquet - Hyacinth and Marmalade’s oldest son A soccer player practically since he could walk, he has a love for the game and a love for life no matter what successes or failures come his way. He isn’t in the game to win, but loves it for the camaraderie and teamwork it comes with. Any mistakes he takes in stride as long as he has his friends by his side.
Sour Grapes - Hyacinth and Marmalade’s youngest son A spelling bee kid who will probably graduate to the debate team and then some prestigious college, he is ambitious and competitive. The game is cutthroat and so is he, albeit in a rule-abiding way. You would think he and his brother would be at odds with how different their values are, and they certainly do disagree, but not as much as their parents do. Making fun of them is one thing they can bond over.
Please let me know what you think and feel free to theorize about their roles! Which of these characters are most excited to see in the story? I can’t wait to introduce them proper, which for some should be pretty soon!
Roman Candle designed by @melos-magic-ponies Infernal Startrail and Pearl (the dog) designed by me Everyone else designed by @gelidponies
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msweebyness · 8 months
MiracOlympus- Extras!!!
Here’s a special bonus, with some extra characters of importance! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Gabriel: Cronos
The god of time and the former king of the titans, and father of Adrien (Zeus), Kim (Poseidon), and Nathaniel (Hades). He locked his sons away in Tartarus as children to secure his power, but was defeated and imprisoned by them. Nath makes time every week to go down and troll him.
Emilie: Rhea
The former queen of the titans, ex-wife of Gabriel. She despised him for imprisoning her sons and helped overthrow him. Still mothers the heck out of her boys (and the new gods in general), regardless of how powerful they are.
Anarka: Leto
Goddess of motherhood and mother to Juleka (Artemis) and Luka (Apollo). Will eff you up if you mess with her kids, and vice versa. Still a chaotic free spirit.
Jagged: Aeolus
God of the winds and father of Luka and Juleka. Serves as mentor and teacher to the four young wind deities, telling them where the winds are needed that day. Still loves music.
Clara: Euterpe
Muse of Music, and eldest of the nine. Her younger siblings all adore her and she helped them all to embrace and master their special talent.
Vivica: Calliope
Second eldest muse, muse of poetry and epics. A bit shy, but loves to perform with her siblings.
Lucien: Zelus
God of envy and jealousy. In love with obsessed with Marc (Persephone), and couldn't handle it when he chose to be with Nathaniel. (Mylene (Demeter) feckin' HATES him, and has threatened him with a pitchfork more than once.)
Emani: Dolos
God of manipulation and control. Former lover of Nathaniel who would do anything to have him back.
Duusu: Argus
Marinette's (Hera) sacred peacock, and beloved companion.
Liiri: Aetos Dios
Adrien's sacred eagle, who carries messages for him and serves as a companion.
Xuppu: Delphinius
Immortal Dolphin, and Kim's best friend. Was his wingman and helped him get together with Ondine (Amphitrite).
Kaalki: Pegasus
Immortal winged horse, famed mount of heroes. Found as a foal and reared by Max (Athena).
Socqueline: Heracles
Greatest mortal hero who ever lived, had the strength of a god. Wore a lion pelt.
Aeon: Helen of Troy
Most beautiful mortal woman who ever lived, kidnapped as a teen by the Trojans for their prince. The Gods sided with the Greeks in the war to bring her back.
Jess: Atalanta
Mortal hero who could run as fast as the wind. A renowned hunter who killed a monstrous boar terrorizing her kingdom, and she refuses to marry unless you can beat her in a race.
Fei: Hippolyta
Queen of the Amazons, and total badass. Has never lost a battle with any mortal that dared challenge her.
Master Fu: Chiron
Immortal centaur, the wise and kind teacher of the greatest heroes.
Bustier, Mendeliev, and Winters: The Moirai (aka the Fates)
Winters- Clotho, Bustier- Lachesis, Mendeliev- Atropos
Three incredibly powerful goddesses who decide the fates and lifespans of all mortals.
Baark: Cerberus
Three-headed, enormous guard dog of the Underworld. Nathaniel and Marc's fluffy baby girl child.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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