#fnaf ar jim
paigelts05 · 3 months
James Campbell [FNAF AR, Renegade AU]
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Published: Jun 30, 2024
The vast majority of Fazbear Entertainment employees know nothing of the cult stuff. The vast majority of Fazbear Entertainment employees don't know that the murders were an inside job. But sometimes word gets around, only after you're in too deep, and the only thing you can do is try to stick under the radar as you try to save those you care about.
Kayla and James had known that they weren't long for this world since Faz Ent released thier obituaries whilst they were still alive.
James Campbell, sometimes also called Jim, had never been good at telling people how he felt. Even worse when his childhood friend was younger than him.
When he first met Steve, they were both kids. But when Jim turned 16, they begun to drift apart. It had been fine for a 15 year old to be the cool older friend and free supervision at the park for the younger kids, and Jim had generally been the best with younger kids, but after he turned 16, he felt that the very same people who saw him as just thier kid's friend yesterday were now looking at him funny, with expectations and distain, like he was just a free babysitter instead of their kid's friend, as if he was a third parent to all their kids and not a kid himself and that he was failing this unspoken parental duty. At his own 16th birthday party.
Once Jim became an adult, he decided to study IT, but due to his financial situation, he wound up taking many odd jobs before he had the financial stability to start college. In his final year, he met Steve again, who was in his first year. Jim wasn't exactly happy about this reunion, and it was all down to how he had previously drifted apart from Steve with no notice or explanation. He did wind up becoming somewhat friends with Steve again, mostly through Steve's effort, but Jim still feels as if thier relationship was strained.
After Jim graduated, he went to work for Fazbear Entertainment, and a few years later, Steve went to work for this lady named Anna who was apparently a friend of Steve's.
Jim kept in slight contact with Steve, and this is how Jim found out about the dark side of Fazbear Entertainment.
The public's knowledge of Fazbear Entertainment wasn't very deep: the average person only knew that kids and night guards routinely went missing and sometimes showed up as dead.
He was at the top of the bell curve: he had always figured that the bad reputation the franchise was just the same pick-n-mix of terrible traits that all large companies had combined with a heavy helping of negligence, and he thought that the negligence had been the cause of the tragedies and disappearances. Sure, he felt really naive after finding out the truth, but he did not expect murder to be a part of the company's core ethos.
Now knowing that his life has just gotten ten times more dangerous, Jim doubled down and made sure to keep in contact with Steve. Steve only knew because Anna had told him, and from what Steve had told Jim, Anna was the daughter of a Faz Ent Scientist. Now, Faz Ent having actual scientists was bizarre, but the mote bizarre things got, the more Jim tried to learn for himself, trying his level best to relay anything he could back to Steve.
So it made less sense when he saw Anna's company on the list of contractors working on the Special Delivery project. Steve told him that it was in part due to their financial situation, but also Anna seeming to have some ulterior motives. Something about keeping your friends close and enemies closer. It was certainly easier for contractors to track the animatronics than it was for a layman, and with what Jim knew about Anna, being free to track the animatronics seemed to be something she valued above a lot of things.
He kept on acting as Steve's contact, both professionally now that Steve was a contractor, and personality, leaking anything that may help Steve survive, but Jim had neglected himself.
One day, Jim went into work, and his boss was accompanied by a man in a dress shirt, waistcoat, slacks, and he had a gun. Jim knew he'd fucked up big time. He couldn't run, so had to listen.
Fazbear Entertainment was reporting him as dead. Jim was ordered to have no contact with the outside world.
He knew that if he refused, he'd be dead for real, so he had no choice but to go along with it.
He wound up unable to leave, but he found ways around things.
He learned to sneak around unseen, wire tap, take shorthand notes, and slip notes out undetected. One of the individuals he managed to slip notes out to went by many pseudonyms, but Jim knew the pseudonym "Whistleblower RedBear". Jim went by the pseudonym of "Dead Circuits".
The information that Dead Circuits was able to release was able to help further many investigations into Faz Ent's current projects. The construction of a megaplex, a VR environment, the resurrection of Adelaide and William, and "Vanny".
He could only investigate one without raising too much suspicion, and he only had the project names to work off of.
He decided to investigate the one he felt the deepest connection to: the "Vanny" plans. He felt as if Ness, one of Steve's friends, might be the woman refered to as "Vanny": he'd heard the word tossed around, so figured that it was his best bet if he was going to help Steve.
The plans interlaced with eachother, because of course they would, and he only managed to learn about the Adelaide Incident in post (he regretted not investigating the plans for the resurrection of Adelaide, but how could he have known), but he did his best to find out what Faz Ent had planned for Ness and how they intended to turn such a sweet lady into a psycho killer.
The information that Dead Circuits was able to anonymously leak was enough to help Ness keep a wrench in the works for far longer than Faz Ent anticipated.
After Faz Ent "obtained Vanny and put her to work at the objective location", his leaked information was able to give investigators a window into the internal goings on of Faz Ent and their "Vanny" plans, and it was such good information that it sped up the rate of collection of evidence so much that the police were prepared to launch a raid on the Megaplex far sooner than expected, and even paranormal responders who were supposed to be on medical leave were able to figure out where "Vanny" was.
After he received news that "Vanny" had "fallen through Faz Ent's fingers", he heard plans for Faz Ent to try and "bring Vanny back". He tried to gather details, but Faz Ent's plans were so hastily put together that by the time he'd managed to leak the information, he learned that the Raid on the megaplex had turned out as a success for investigators and had thwarted Faz Ent's "bring back Vanny Plan A", and that a trio of execs were currently on route to Ness's temporary accommodation to enact "being back Vanny Plan B". Needless to say, the information didn't make it in time to prevent the success of Faz Ent's plan B.
Even after the megaplex related chaos ended, Dead Circuits couldn't go back home, back to just being Jim Campbell, even though he wanted to. His employer reminded him every day that the world thought he was dead. He had been forced to bunk in the labs dormitories. He didn't get much privacy in regards to his personal artefacts. He had no idea what became of his apartment, or his things. He had been a perfectly normal guy before all of this, but now he was some kind of high-caliber informant superspy, and he hated it.
He just wanted someone to realise that he was alive. He wanted someone to come and save him. But he knew that would never happen. He knew that Steve had legitimately had a crush on him since college, and in the months up to his employer declaring him as dead, Jim had finally reciprocated that crush, and he wished that he'd told Steve instead of just keeping it to himself.
He had no idea how long it had been, but one day, he heard plans to attempt to resurrect Adelaide again. The plans involved killing their former contractors to generate enough Remnant so that Adelaide would be able to take over Anna's body. Just like the last attempt at this plan. But they were planning on kidnapping thier victims instead of making Adelaide have to puppet the situation from the shadows.
When he heard a Faz-truck pull up and saw an exec haul several unconscious people, including Steve, into the HQ, Jim knew that even if emergency services had been dispatched immediately, nobody would get here in time to save everyone. He knew that he'd have to sacrifice himself in Steve's place if he wanted Steve to survive. He was already dead to the world: he figured "so what if I really died, as long as Steve lives I'm OK".
And to Jim's surprise, Kayla, another person who had been declared dead by Faz Ent, but had taken up a mask as opposed to hiding in the shadows, wanted to join him, volunteering herself as a sacrifice as well, just to buy the kidnapped employees of CK animatronic maintenance and R&D robotics just a little more time.
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ghostlyvelvetheart · 2 years
Click on the canon FNAF character you're most aware of!
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touyubesposts · 2 years
Markiplier egos: The Canon and Uncanon
I have come to a horrible realization that you can tell which Sides/Egos are canon for the other series I like, but not for this one! So, of course, I’m gonna fix this. (Also I’m doing this based of characters that do and don’t appear in the ‘with Markiplier’ series canon)
(For the mark section, C - Canon, N - Not Canon, P - Possibly Canon)
The obviously canon
Darkiplier (Also Damien)
Wilford (Also William b. Barnum)
Mark (The actor)
The Jims (all of them, but I’m going to count the four iterations of Jim we see for simplicity's sake)
Captain Magnum
Stan Wheeler
Murdock (I considered putting him in the “that's just mark” category)
The door monster
Bingiplier (plus mini bing)
Googleplier (all four iterations)
Bim Trimmer
King of the squirrels
Dr. Iplier
Ed Edgar
Septiplier (I know)
Silver shepherd
The host (also the author)
That's just Mark
Heist Mark (c)
Head Engineer Mark(c)
Date Mark(c)
Drowned man Mark(n)
E-boy Mark(n)
Noir Mark (c)
The pornipliers (all six of them) (c)
Markbop (p)
Organization Head Mark (c)
Head soldier Mark (c)
Camp counselor Mark (c)
Bomb diffuser Mark (c)
Resident enis Mark (n)
FNAF the Musical Mark (n)
Cool patrol Mark (n)
Old man Mark (c)
Not canon
Harold B. Darrensworth
Eric Derekson
Derek Derekson
Randall Vorhees
Chef iplier
Dr. Plier (different from Dr. Iplier)
Dave Torres
The MerMer
Stan the water man (?)
The God of night
FNAF AR announcer
The necromancer
The centaur
Elder Jerimiah
If we add up all of these egos, we get 46 egos in canon, 72 egos in total... Tell me if I missed any (or if there are some that shouldn’t be counted) and I’ll add them to (or remove them from) the list!
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cloudybrews · 5 days
Rowena Macleod
Sam Winchester
Castiel Ace
Jessica Moore
Jody Mills
Meg Masters
Bobby Singer
Jack Kline
Chuck The Writer
Kevin Tran
Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon ( aroace)
Umbrella Academy
Klaus Hargreeves
Vampire Diaries:
Jeremy Gilbert
Katherine Pierce
Pirates of Carriabean:
Jack Sparrow
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Harry Potter
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Remus Lupin
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
AU Alive James Potter
Star Wars
Poe Dameron
Cal Kestis
Darth Vader
Baby Yoda
Iden Veriso
Obi Wan Kenobi
Han Solo
Doctor Who
River Song
Bad Wolf (Rose Tyler)
Jack Harkness
The Master
12th Doctor
Bill Potts
Timeless Marty OC Time Lord
Teen Wolf
Stiles Stilinski
Fbi Stiles
Jurassic Park / World
Alan Grant Ace
Ian Malcolm
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Spellmen
Midnight Mass
Father Paul
Stranger Things
Jane Hopper
Jim Hopper
Will Byers
Steve H
Greys Anatomy
Amelia Sheppard
Mike Schmidt
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Luke Casetllan
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bitesyou · 4 years
I have secured: a boy
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paigelts05 · 2 years
FNAF AR Emails - Fazbear Entertainment Employees
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Published: Feb 19, 2023
It's time for more FNAF AR designs. Some villains and neatural parties this time. Fazbear Entertainment's direct employees. Some of whom have it out for the maintenance firm and robotics company. =°•.🌹.•°= 📠 Kayla Stringer Kayla is not 51. Due to a clerical error, her mother's date of birth was put onto her employment records instead of her own, leaving her in the ironic situation of being legally 51 at Fazbear Entertainment and unable to change that despite being a lawyer in their legal team, whilst actually being somewhere in her early 20's. She's a bitch with a capital B. Used to bully Anna at school, studied law, was a bully in the courtroom, and her talent got scooped up by Fazbear Entertainment. Begun to don a standard issue mask to help herself cope with the realisations of what was going on after her employer announced her as dead, despite being alive. 💻 James Campbell James, or Jim as he is sometimes known, is Steven Wilson's childhood friend. A few (nine) years older, but they were still friends until Jim turned 16. He started drifting away from his younger friends, and all Steve knew is that his friend went to study IT. They did meet up again in college (much to Jim's chagrin), and for all Steve knew, they were friends again. Jim went to work for Fazbear Entertainment, Steve went to work for a friend of his, but Steve had always considered Jim a friend, and contact. He's the only one who has never wore a mask, and he really wants to stay out of all of the glitchcult stuff, but he's willing to get involved ONLY if doing so can help Steve. ⚙️Charles Ramirez BASTARD MAN. Uses his name and a series of unfortunate (but not for him) coincidences to force a contractor, Charles D, to do his work for him so that CD's company can take the fall for what Fazbear Entertainment has planned for the animatronics Charles Ramirez sent thier way to develop. His unique mask is made of heavy duty steel and can work as a welding mask really. 🕯️Todd C On the record, he is office staff. Some paperwork here and there, but his real job is cleaning up the mess the exec's make, and we're not talking cups and glasses. He is a 'Janitor' for Fazbear Entertainment. A role almost as valuable as an Exec's, as he takes out the 'living trash', as he calls it, on the exec's behalf. He is more than in on the cult stuff and has cleaned up his fair share of murder scenes. Due to this, he is of surprisingly high ranking so he has access to a real gun, just in case. He made his own unique mask so his colleagues could identify him as a 2-in-1 killer and janitor. Give him a target and he'll make it vanish without a trace. ⏳Cheryl M Due to her quiet nature, this office worker was scouted as a Paperwork Janitor for Fazbear Entertainment. She is familiar with cleaning up murder scenes and tampering with the appropriate paperwork to make it harder to nail down when and where the victim went missing, and sometimes even who the victim is, but prefers to stay away from the actual action, instead working in a team with Todd where he kills, both of them clean, and she forges the needed paperwork to delay and misdirect any investigations. Armed with a tranquilliser gun, just in case someone gets too close to any mess, or in case she's put in charge of escorting 'guests' around the HQ. She made her own unique mask so her colleagues can identify her as 'the quiet cleaner': an ask-no-questions Paperwork Janitor who given a crime scene, can make it look both physically and on paper as if it never happened. =°•.🌹.•°= More FNAF AR humans! This time, Fazbear Entertainment's own evil bastards. Jim is probably the nicest, and the only one you'd want to hang around with. Charles Ramirez is basically everything I conceptualised CD to be but wussed out on. This means that Mr Ramirez is going to be a heatless man who sends his employees to work on tasks that he knows will kill them. Cheryl takes on the kind of role that I conceptualised Nora to have before I decided that Nora and co would be joining Anna and co as the whistle blowing good guys. This means that Cheryl is careless and hearless but uses paperwork to ensure  that in the case of everything going poorly, that her ass is covered. I didn't know Kayla had a canon age until she was cemented into my AU as Anna's childhood nemesis, and I wasn't about to change several entire plotlines (Anna HAS to be born in the late 90's, AR and SB take place between 2019 and 2022, so Kayla HAS to be about Anna's age), so instead I stuck her in a super ironic scenario of her employer having her down as her mother's age. Todd and Cheryl will be getting appearances in a fic that I started writing before I designed them. Also, there are three types of bunny mask, but the categories are shaky at best, and more generalisations than stone cold dividers: • Masks worn by executives. These masks are always bullet proof. Usually have a unique pattern and may have gadgets within. A status symbol. A type of unique mask, but something about them just makes you know that this is the mask of an exec. • The standard uniform one. This type of mask is made of wood. It is a black and white variant of Vanny's mask. These have no attachments, unless they are customised (at which point they become a unique mask even if thier design is not changed). Standard masks are generally used by those who have not got a unique mask OR if a team wishes to look uniform on certain special occasions involving Glitchtrap or Adelaide, or anything involving facial recognition. And yes, Glitchtrap did outsource the designing of the standard mask to Ness (who made it based off of her own mask), and that was the only thing Ness ever did willingly. • Unique mask. Any modified standard mask. This usually defines any specialised mask, to a person or a purpose. It may be made BY them, like Cheryl's, or FOR them, like the ones Mark and Anna were forced into. These masks may have attachments, like lights, PCB chips that sink into someone's skin to let a ghost control thier body, or illusion disks. The unique masks are more than likely made of wood and are only 'unique' due to a paint job and gadget attachments, but others have been known to be made out of every material you can think of, such as a dainty mask of fabric and wire, or a heavy duty welding style mask of steel. Some friend groups have matching masks. Most employees involved in the cult stuff have a unique mask, but do wear a standard one if needs be. And note: not every Faz Ent employee is in on or even knows about the cult stuff, unless they work at a HQ. Then it's hard to miss the groups of guys walking around in masks.
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paigelts05 · 2 months
Kayla Stringer [FNAF AR, Renegade AU]
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Published: Jul 14, 2024
The vast majority of Fazbear Entertainment employees know nothing of the cult stuff. The vast majority of Fazbear Entertainment employees don't know that the murders were an inside job. But sometimes you find out anyway, but you don't leave, as you feel like there's nowhere else to go.
Kayla and Jim had known that they weren't long for this world since Faz Ent released thier obituaries whilst they were still alive.
Kayla had been labeled as bratty and mean before she had even had the chance to interact with another kid, so she lived up to the expectations that were set for her.
She picked on other kids, caused a fuss, and saw the negative reactons of adults to be affirmations that she was fulfilling the role that had been laid out for her.
She didn't have friends, and her closest social connection was a girl who hated her guts due to the constant bullying that Kayla dished out to her.
When she grew up, she studied law, and she was incredibly ruthless and cruel about it. After all, that was what people expected of her.
After she passed the bar, she found herself getting scouted out by Fazbear Entertainment, the same place that had been her late mother's employer before she had vanished: a company notorious in the legal world for blackmail, cover-ups, hush money, being on the receiving end of lawsuits, sending out lawsuits to people with legitimate claims against them to strongarm them into silence, ect.
Kayla felt as if she fit right in.
However, there was one minor issue. They had used her mother's date of birth on her paperwork. It was an ironic situation, seeing as no matter what she did, she was unable to rectify this clerical error despite being a lawyer in the legal team, so despite being in her 20's, her mother's age of 51 was on her paperwork.
On the upside, she was put in charge of any legal correspondence involving contractors, and one of those contractors was Anna Kwemto - the girl that Kayla used to bully the most.
Things were going well, until she saw her own obituary in the newspaper.
After getting to work and asking to clarify if it was an error - Kayla and her mother's records were already mixed up in the system, so she assumed that her missing mother had turned up dead - her boss assured her that no mistake had been made. Kayla Stringer was legally dead. And her mother had been dead since the day she went missing.
A series of sudden realisations hit Kayla like a truck. She was raised to be a pawn in this game; a simple piece that whilst having potential for great things, was more likely than not going to be just used as a sacrifice.
To try and cope, she donned a standard issue mask for those in white collar positions. The design was similar to the one she had seen prototyped for a technician, but as opposed to brown and white, this standard issue mask was black and white, more fitting for the business formal attire worn by the execs who most commonly donned this mask. It was still a rabbit mask though: apparently an homage to William Afton himself.
She also tried to contact her mother's ghost, just to ask her why. Why she has raised her this way? Why she had raised her to be so mean? Why she had raised her to be a pawn to be used and discarded like so?
She kept tabs on the execs, using the anonymity of the mask to be able to loiter near important concersations without getting shooed away. She wound up handing this information over to Jim mostly, as she had nothing else on her schedule other than sleep, eat, review contracts, and the daily panic attack.
She had spiraled so far that when she heard of a second attempt to resurrect Adelaide, this time kidnapping people instead of having Adelaide puppet a scenario, Kayla knew what she was going to do.
No matter who Faz Ent had kidnapped, she was going to try and save at least one of them by taking their place. Upon finding out who the victims were to be, she was confident in her decision: she'd show Anna that she, Kayla Stringer the Faz-demon of the courtroom, could make better life choices when given the option to do so, and this choice was to try and save someone, or at least buy them more time.
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paigelts05 · 6 months
Steven Wilson [FNAF AR, Renegade AU]
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Published: Mar 24 2024
CK animatronic maintenance and R&D Robotics contract with Faz Ent has ended, but their stories are far from over.
Steven Wilson and Jim Campbel were childhood friends, but Jim drifted apart as they both grew older. Steve got into the IT field to try and find him again.
Whilst a great programmer, he tends to disassociate a lot. He gets everything done, but struggles to look busy. This made it hard for him to find a job, but a job found him instead: Anna Kwemto came to him in 2017 after seeing some of what he'd been able to do. She didn't mind how he'd zone out if he had nothing do, because as long as everything got done, everything was A-OK.
However, this did mean that nobody noticed, not even Steve, when Adelaide possessed him in 2020, allowing Adelaide to orchestrate the Adelaide Incident almost undetected.
The only changes made within the maintenance firm after that was 'nobody in the building after hours: everyone out at close' and 'just check up on Steve more frequently to make sure he's ok, especially if there's nothing to do, because even light conversation can throw a spanner into the works for a ghost trying to use someone as a vessel'.
However for Steve, 2020 was a very tumultuous time anyway, even without Adelaide making things worse.
It was around then when Faz Ent released their monthly obituary lists for all the dead employees, and Steve found Jim's name, 'James Campbell', amongst them. He couldn't cope with his childhood friend's death, even with help from Anna and co. And after the Adelaide incident, he felt like this was how Adelaide was able to possess him so easily.
In retrospect, he now knows that it was completely the case, as Jim wasn't actually dead at that time: the obituary list was a lie.
Jim actually died a few years later, some time after the various megaplex incidents, like the Breach, Raid, and Ruins incidents had all concluded.
After Steve thought that it was all over and he could try to start the grieving process.
The incident that really took Jim's life was a kidnapping. Several people from CK animatronic maintenance and R&D Robotics were kidnapped by an increasingly desperate Faz Ent, and Steve was amongst them. Faz Ent wanted to kill those who it kidnapped in order to harvest remnant in order to resurrect Adelaide, though they planned to keep Anna alive as she was to be Adelaide's vessel, just like the plans of the Adelaide incident.
Jim died by offering himself as a sacrifice in Steve's place to buy Steve more help, as Jim knew that help would definitely arrive, just not when.
Jim's sacrifice worked, as it brought enough time for help to arrive before any of the kidnapping victims could be killed, but Steve had now just lost Jim twice.
Many years on from all of this, Anna keeps close tabs on Steve's mental state, not because she's his employer, but because she legitimately sees him as a friend, and she doesn't want him to suffer. Especially not alone.
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ghostlyvelvetheart · 2 years
Click on the canon FNAF character you're most aware of!
I have polls now so the first thing I'll do is make it everyone else's problem! By asking which of the following 9 FNAF AR humans you're the most familiar with.
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