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Come through autumn fit and healthy
Unfortunately, autumn does not always show its beautiful side – the days get shorter and it is often dark, gray, and wet. In autumn, cold viruses are in high season and the number of flu patients also rises steadily – not least because our immune systems are out of practice due to wearing masks. Coronavirus numbers are also on the rise again because people are spending more time indoors.
But you can do a lot yourself to get fit and healthy throughout autumn!
Start boosting your immune system today to be armed against pathogens.
We show you how with the following tips!
Healthy and vitamin rich-diet
The intestines and immune system can be strengthened with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and secondary plant compounds. Many autumn vegetables such as fennel, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, kale, and the rediscovered parsnip contain these important vital substances.
Take a look at our blog section. Under the recipes section, you’ll find a lot of autumn recipes that help to boost your immune system!
Stay active even in autumn!
Defy your inner couch potato and stay active even in cold, wet weather – because that’s how you strengthen your immune system. In addition, moderate exercise in the fresh air increases not only the physical but also psychological well-being, especially in autumn.
Use every ray of sunshine
The body needs sunshine to produce vitamin D and the happiness hormone serotonin. Get out in the fresh air as often as possible, because even when the sky is cloudy, the body can produce vitamin D and serotonin.
Drink enough
Autumn marks the start of the heating season – the dry, hot heating air dries out the mucous membranes and thus provides an entry point for germs. In addition, the change of season from outdoors to indoors is strenuous for the body and causes the circulation to ride a roller coaster.
Drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day, preferably (mineral) water, unsweetened teas, or thin juice spritzers.
Start a healthy and active autumn today!
Healthy gut – Healthy body
Do you suffer from gastrointestinal complaints, headaches and migraines, skin problems, attention deficits, obesity and other chronic complaints. A chronic inflammation due to a delayed food allergy might be the reason. Delayed food allergies can be detected with the ImuPro blood test.
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First Medical Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd offers specialised diagbistics tests from the one of the world's laboratories in Germany. Our offerings include ImuPro India Imupro IgG Food Intolerance Test. Gut Microbiome Test. CoGap MetaCheck Test. NeuroSpot Test. Histamine Intolerance Test. Cancer Screeing Test.
Thank you Mr. Murali Kartik (Indian Cricket Team )sir for your kind appreciation. Ageless Living and Dissease free living. Our tests are a major conclusive evidence for discovery of root cause analysis and underlying chronic symptoms to a very large extent.
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Partner with First Medical Diagnostics and Grow Your Business
When you find the right partner, your growth is tremendous. Choosing a right partner will not only grow your business incomes but also increase your Reach to a larger audience for their well-being. Transparency, commitment, and like-mindedness not only strengthen the partnership but also empower partners to achieve both individual and shared goals. First Medical Diagnostics proudly holds credentials from patients who have recovered from Chronic symptoms to a very large extent. A testament to our commitment to uncompromising patients handholding and guidance, inspired by the precision of German standards.
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Leading the way in specialized testing, First Medical Diagnostics brings advanced German expertise to the healthcare industry in India.  By collaborating with us, you will get access to the best Diagnostic Tests in the healthcare industry. Advanced training, innovative test kits, and international exposure will enable you to flourish in the industry.
Call now to become our Partner.
+91 8800929600
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