fmdduri · 3 years
heels had been lined up among the floor - duri had disregarded any ideas of flat shoes when he got paired up with jaeyeol to style the other. he wanted to go with something that was a bit out of the box for a male presenting idea, wanting to go to a bit of an extreme - something that was high fashion of sorts. plus, jaeyeol would make the heels work with their rather long legs and that’s what duri had in mind when he had picked the heels out to go along with the concept. to say the least, duri was rather excited about the shoe idea that he managed to pick out when he thought up of a concept, and based the whole idea around the simple thing. duri had also been excited because one of the set items would have jaeyeol draped over a motorcycle in heels, as well. city scenery would also do a lot of work for the shoot, as well as having jaeyeol on the hood of a vintage car. duri was just very much excited.
he had picked out numerous different outfits that he thought would suit jaeyeol - even a few latex, but that was a bit ambitious and he wasn’t sure if those would end up making the cut. but, simply, he had a lot upon the racks that he thought would go well with the shoot. he went through them once again, fingers combing through to make sure he placed everything with what they matched with, and everything of that such. he kept a lot of the advice on fashion that yena had given him, and truth be told - he thinks that’s what has really set him over the top for the styling of this one. 
just as he had finished making sure everything was prepared, duri hears footsteps, and jaeyeol approaching. he giggles happily before moving to them, giving one of his bear hugs. “jaeyeol!” he says, a bit excitingly, before stepping back. “i’m really glad we got paired up together, i’m really excited about this!” he said, before moving to the side. “ta-da! i have a bunch of stuff picked out for the concept and i have to apologize now, i hope you can work in heels. if i have to carry you around the set, i’ll be sure to do it!”
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fmdsunghee · 3 years
what: base group photoshoot when: october with: @fmdjaeyeol​
In Catalyst, every single member has a role to fulfil. Gold Star likes the idea of all of them being all-rounders, sells it to the public in the hopes that they are going to buy it, but each member is still the best at one thing at least, to excuse the positions that were distributed among them. Sunghee’s been made aware a long time ago that, above all else, they are the group’s main rapper. Yes, they are a good dancer and an okay singer, but rapping is that they do, and they are great at it. They are also the maknae, and that works for them as well. One thing that they absolutely are not is a visual, or the face of the group. They get compliments from fans online, but Sunghee knows what they look like. And that’s not the type of face that most people want to look at in a photoshoot.
As much as they have the experience of doing photoshoots with the rest of the group, Sunghee’s only other ventures had to do with their brand endorsements and a single magazine cover they did, nothing that was too complex. It was never expected of them to push into improving their modelling skills because they don’t look like a model, especially in the group they are in, so everything about this photoshoot is a bit like torture to them. Especially the quirky styling, the way their hair has been slicked back and they are wearing clothes Sunghee isn’t entirely sure were made for their size. Fashion. Something they simply do not understand.
“Hyung,” Sunghee nudges Jaeyeol’s side. “Did they try to put you in those short shorts?”
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fmdsungheearchive · 3 years
location: rented filming set  date: april 7, 2021 with: @fmdjaeyeol​ n/a: the reference for their cover is this. 
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when the opportunity appears for sunghee to record a cover for base, they don’t even hesitate before asking yeol to do it with them. at first, sunghee isn’t even sure of what song they’d like to cover – really, the possibilities are plenty – they only know that they’d like to sing. they are not unaware that the fans might be a bit disappointed with how much they’ve been singing lately, considering they are actually a rapper in their group, but it’s just something they’ve been feeling like doing. a vocal class was added to their weekly schedule – just one, though, as sunghee is not interested in becoming a lead vocalist anytime soon – and maybe they want to show off a bit what they’ve been learning.
the song is decided fairly fast and it takes sunghee about a day to learn it from to back in the guitar. still, it’s another week before dimensions finds a location and arranges everything so the two of them can record it. when the day finally comes, it’s a very comfortable environment. sunghee managed to convince dimensions to get them a proper live band, so there’s only them and the band, with minimal lightning and little luxury. sunghee is tuning their guitar when jaeyeol arrives in the set after finishing up his make up. “hi,” sunghee smiles, as bright as it can possibly be coming from them. “are you excited to do this?”
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eunahfmdarchive · 3 years
@fmdjaeyeol !   ( set in the past. )
this is awkward. it shouldn’t be though. while eunah and jaeyeol have never been particularly close, they’re hardly strangers. maybe if 7rophy weren’t struggling so much, dimensions might even have marketed unity and 7rophy closer together. 
but no. as it stands, it’s probably better for both of them that they’re not linked. 7rophy would only get accused of hanging on to unity’s coattails. 
she absently fiddles with the pages of the menu in front of her, effectively dog earing it, probably much to the future chagrin of the staff. she’s not even reading it -- eunah looked up the menu as soon as their dumb matchmaker friend who orchestrated all this told her the name of the restaurant. the salad she’s ordering sounds kind of sad, but it’ll have to do. by the looks of things so far, she doesn’t have to worry about her main course or dessert. she’ll consider this date as having gone well if they even manage to order their appetizers. every time the waiter comes over, either more wine or more water is ordered for the table, almost as if the pair of them are elongating the time before they start eating, so once they do, they can get out of there as soon as possible.
still, eunah knows she should at least try to make conversation. she clears her throat and washes the sound down with a gulp from her glass of water. “so ... how’s your schedule lately? you guys have been busy lately, haven’t you?” she probably sounds a little bitter. that’s fine, because she is.
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fmdjoosungarchive · 3 years
when it came to socializing, at the minute, sung would rather just... not. however, that wasn’t an option often, with this trip, so on the list of not so terrible things to do instead, one listing higher up would be this. half of the inhabitants of the villa sung was staying in were younger people, the type that had a lot of disjointed energy to throw around. usually, sung might enjoy that, and want to join in, to let his inner child out, but in his state of mind, his preferred version of hanging out was more calm. to wiggle his fingers between the strands of jaeyeol’s hair, watch the shine wave with the movement. to hum softly as he took three chunks of hair and started on a braid --the most simple one was the only one he knew how to do.
“how long have you thought to grow your hair out before? i think you’d look nice with big braids, too.”
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durifmdarchived · 4 years
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      it had seemed the best course of action this time around was to explore the city of hong kong, which was assigned to the two for the episode that they were filming. they had started out with breakfast that morning before they were off for the day; of course, duri was glad to find a really good mocha to have as his coffee during breakfast. even though they had only spent a night in the city, duri had already thought that it was a really fun time. 
they came across something, a wide smile placed upon his lips. “ah, i read about this place!” he said, looking upon the younger. “they call it cat street!” he explained. “it actually has a lot of vintage stuff, which is really cool.” he added on. “should we check it out?”
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famedbasearchive · 4 years
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Timeline: August 2020
On-Set Filming Dates: Varies by pair.
Deadline: September 10, 11:59PM KST (note: the audition deadline was in EDT by error—deadlines for Secret Sibling, as with all base schedules and monthly schedules, going forth will be in KST)
Those involved in Secret Sibling this month may earn up to 8 points total for writing, by the end of September 10 KST:
Completions of the two interviews included in the in-character prompt. (1 point each, up to 2 points total)
One solo para of 400+ words based on filming for episodes 1 & 2. (2 points).
EITHER two threads of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) OR one thread of ten posts (five per participant, including the starter) with their assigned Secret Sibling taking place during their first filming. (2 each, for up to 4 points total OR 4 points)
These do not count toward monthly limits or toward normal schedule points. All posts for this task block should be tagged with #fmdsecret1. 
There are not tasks available for muses outside of the main cast for this task block.
The following idols are informed they’ve been chosen in early August and will be sent a contract to sign: @fmdhyoyeon, @fmdartemisia, @fmdxsuwei, @fmdhyuk, @alicefmd, @fmdminhee, @fmdtaejin, @durifmd, @fmdheesung, @miyeonfmd, @fmdwoochan, @fmdrina, @fmdjaeyeol, @fmdting, @fmdsan, @fmdminah, @fmdsooah, @fmdminjung, @fmdsophie, @fmdjynx They will be told not to share the news of their casting with anyone yet and sharing the news with anyone outside of their management before they’ve been officially announced will result in them being removed from the cast and replaced.
The cast members will be paired up as follows, with the designated filming date (for a twenty-four hour span from the afternoon/evening of day one to the afternoon/evening of day two):
Lipstick’s Artemisia & Fuse’s Sooah - August 7 - August 8
Lipstick’s Ruby & Lucid’s Hyoyeon - August 8 - August 9
Lipstick’s Minnie & Lucid’s Suwei - August 9 - August 10
Fuse’s Minjung & Lucid’s Alice - August 14 - August 15
Fuse’s Miyeon & WISH’s Rina - August 15 - August 16
Knight’s Hyuk & Unity’s Ting - August 16 - August 17
Knight’s Duri & Unity’s Jaeyeol - August 16 - August 17
Decipher’s Taejin & Knight’s Heesung - August 21 - August 22
Knight’s Woo & Alien’s San - August 22 - August 23
Aria’s Jynx & WISH’s Sophie - August 29 - August 30
(admin note: The date of the first day of filming should have been checked to work around all muses’ schedules with the consideration idols do not attend music shows on Mondays and some schedules may happen on the morning of the day they meet, but if you notice any problems, please send in a message and the date will be fixed!)
Before the first meeting, each pair member will be driven to the filming location by a manager and told whether they are the younger or older “sibling” of their pair, but not the identity of their partner. They will then be asked the following interview questions by their manager and are expected to answer them as if having a casual conversation with their manager. There will be three cameras stationed in the car for different angles of the interview “conversation”.
What are the traits you think you should show as a good younger/older sibling?
What kind of personality would you like your older/younger sibling to have and why?
What might surprise your sibling about you if they only know you as a celebrity?
The idol member will then have their partner’s identity revealed by their manager by playing the message from their audition as linked above (if their partner didn’t say their name, their manager will tell them who it is).
What do you think about your partner now that their identity has been revealed? From what you know of them, what are they like / what do you think they are like?
Following the conclusion of the in-car interview, they will be taken to the location of their first meeting: an apartment rented out by production and set up with mounted cameras where they’ll be spending twenty-four hours together to get to know each other. They’ll be aware that this is the setting and concept for the first day of filming beforehand.
The older “sibling” will arrive first and will be given time by themselves to get to know the apartment, which will include everything the pair might need, like food in the fridge, a video camera and Polaroid camera, board/card games, and pair-specific props like a guitar, a karaoke machine, cooking essentials, video games, etc. based on public knowledge of the interests of each member of the pair. Each idol will also be allowed to bring a single bag of their own full of anything they may need overnight like pajamas, toothbrush, snacks, bonding activities, etc. 
Examples of what the apartment might look like are here, here, and here.
The younger “sibling” will arrive after the older “sibling” has had about thirty to forty-five minutes in the apartment on their own.
In addition to everything else in the apartment, each pair will also have also have a “secret notebook” which will include questions and tasks for the pair to get to know each other including the following:
Have three meals meeting the following requirements:
Leave the apartment for one meal mutually agreed upon by both siblings.
For another meal, cook together using what’s supplied in the kitchen.
For another meal, order take out agreed upon by both siblings to be delivered to the apartment.
Take Polaroid photos together as proof of this memory.
Teach each other the point dances of one of your songs.
Use the projector set up in the living room to watch a reel of moments (stages, variety appearances, etc.) from each of your careers prepared by production and discuss your experiences as an idol.
Share your concerns with each other.
A note is included in the notebook including these missions and telling them they should work to achieve every mission by the time they part at the end of the twenty-four hours.
Outside of these missions, the “sibling” pairs will largely have free reign over what they discuss and what they do within the apartment with their twenty-four hours together, although everything should remain family-friendly and image-conscious and idols should not be too candid about any frustrations with their company, their group members, or their fans.
When/if the pair sleep, they’ll sleep in the same large bed like real siblings might do in their childhood.
At the conclusion of their first day together, they’ll do separate talking head interviews before leaving:
Was there anything that surprised you about your sibling during the time you spent together?
What was the most memorable part of the twenty-four hours you spent with your sibling?
Do you feel that you opened up to your sibling or is there still a barrier between you two?
What would you like to do with your sibling next time you meet?
The final number of submissions was twenty with even numbers of muses by gender, so all muses submitted were cast in the show, although the casting process would have been selective in-character. Pairing was semi-random as complete randomization was not possible while still keeping pairs realistic and making sure muns weren’t paired up more than once across multiple muse submissions!
Any questions can be directed to the main’s ask box!
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fmdtingarchive · 4 years
Setting: Dingo Music  Date: November 25th, 2020 Time: 9:37am Characters Involved: Guanting & @fmdjaeyeol​
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Guanting had to admit that he was happy that it was comeback season for Unity. Even though it hadn’t been that long since their last comeback, the gap between then and their most current one was filled with little to no schedules, which meant that Ting didn’t get a chance to see his group members nearly as much. With them not living together anymore, if they didn’t have schedules, Ting didn’t see them everyday. That was one of the biggest adjustments he had to make when he first moved out on his own - not being able to see his group members, the people he had grown used to seeing everyday, all day for the past several years. 
Comeback season meant they were forced to spend time together, which was always a good thing in Ting’s book. He loved spending time with his members, even if what they were doing was work related. “Yah, hyung,” Ting huffed, draping his larger frame against Jaeyeol’s back and resting his weight against him. “I’m hungry. Do you have any snacks before we have to start filming?” He would usually ask Samsoo, but their eldest group member was currently in the middle of getting his hair and makeup done.
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fmdjaewonarchive · 4 years
( 📲 → not my dad ) yo ( 📲 → not my dad ) happy birthday ( 📲 → not my dad ) do something fun with your life for one day or something
( 📲 → headache 2 ) thanks i guess ( 📲 → headache 2 ) do me a favor and don’t do anything stupid today ( 📲 → headache 2 ) consider it your present to me
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fmdtaeyongarchive · 4 years
👀 what would your ideal life look like five years from now? 👀 biggest regrets in life?
send me a “👀 + a question” and my muse has to answer honestly! - accepting!
👀 what would your ideal life look like five years from now?
“I’ll be almost thirty then... I’d like to spend the end of my twenties some place, or places, that really inspires me. A cottage in the English countryside or an apartment in Portland, it doesn’t matter to me where as long as it inspires me. It wouldn’t be where I’d settle down since I plan on making San Francisco my home base, but if I have the ability to travel, it’d be a shame not to do it. I’d be writing for others and maybe for myself too, but I wouldn’t be releasing my own music on a broad scale. My instinct is to say I’d have someone I love, the person I’ll spend the rest of my life with, by my side, but, I think it’d be better if I knew how to be happy alone by then.”
👀 biggest regrets in life?
“Everything comes back to becoming a trainee.”
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fmdeunjae · 4 years
2, 3, 8, 17, 30
2. what song would you want to sing to or play for someone you like?
Deep down, they want to say none. Eunjae is not one for this type of romantic gesture, as much as they can be romantic. But – they are supposed to keep up the fantasy, give the fans what they expect. “ Can I‌ say one of Decipher’s songs? ” The fan laughs, shaking her head, and Eunjae smiles. “‌ Then… Byul’s Peach? It’s a really nice song, really sweet. Or Adele’s version of Make You Feel My Love. That’s a very epic love song, isn’t it? ”
8. what soloist do you like the most recently?
They don’t have to think before replying. “‌ Byul. ” The fan laughs at how fast they reply and Eunjae can’t help laughing. “‌ I‌ know, but all of you know we’re friends and we’ve been friends from years, we don’t make that a secret, do we?‌ She’s just really talented and really good at what she does. I‌ can’t help admiring her not only as an artist but also a friend. I’m honestly as excited about her potentially releasing new music this year as you are. ”
17. what do you think of fans of the same gender as you?
“ I think fans are fans no matter what. ” Eunjae doesn’t dare saying that they are yet to meet a fan with the same gender as them. “ What makes someone a fan is the music, and music doesn’t care about gender. I’m a fan of plenty of male artists and that doesn’t stop me from being a fan, you know? So I’m just glad our music resonates with a broad audience, it’s all I could’ve asked for. ”
30.what is a hobby you’d like to pick up?
“‌ I have so many hobbies, I‌ don’t think I‌ have the time to pick up another one! I sew and I‌ paint already, isn’t that enough? I also play a lot of instruments, that’s another one. Maybe… if I‌ had the time I wish I‌ could learn how to be a better cook. I know it’s just following recipes but I‌ struggle even with that. Korean food is hard! ”
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fmdminsik · 4 years
6, 15, 17, 19, 29
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Which girl group do you like the most recently?
“WISH and 7ROPHY are two girl groups that have been on my radar lately. They both have two different sounds and styles, but I think both groups execute them perfectly. I’ve always been a fan of WISH, obviously because they’re under the same label as me. I didn’t really start getting in 7ROPHY until recently though. With so many active groups, it’s hard to keep track of everyone promoting, but at least I found out about them eventually, right?”
How should i ask out the person i like?
“Honesty’s the best policy. If you like someone and you want to try to impress them or prove to them that they should give you a chance, just take a shot. Or shoot your shot, as kids say these days. The worst that someone can do when you ask them out is say no. And if that’s not the worst they can do if you ask them out, then maybe you shouldn’t be liking them in the first place.” 
What do you think of fans of the same gender as you?
“I don’t really have a problem with them. In fact, I find it flattering. Having fanboys is kind of.. a confidence booster? I love my female fans with my whole heart, but there’s just something funny and endearing about hearing a deep voice shout out how much they love you and how handsome you are. It’s really cute. I respect and appreciate them a lot.” 
What is your happiness level these days on a scale from 0 to 100?
“On a scale from zero to one hundred? I would give myself a solid sixty. Maybe seventy on a good day. It’s not that I’m an unhappy person, there’s just a few aspects of my life that I’m unhappy with. Lack of creative control being just the tip of the iceberg. Overall though, I’m happy. I’m happy with how much my group and I have achieved during our career. I’m happy with the turnarounds I’ve made in my life. I just want something more.” 
29 - answered here
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fmdsamsooarchived · 4 years
❨ starter // @fmdjaeyeol​​ ❩
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It wasn’t Samsoo’s first time in Japan with the rest of Unity, but it had been a while since they had last been there. They hadn’t been to Japan since September of the previous year, which meant that Samsoo hadn’t brushed up on his Japanese speaking skills until rather recently. If Soo was anything, it was a perfectionist. He didn’t want to go out on stage and say something wrong, not only making a fool of himself but disrespecting their Japanese fans. He held his Japanese language dictionary in his hands, flipping through the page every few minutes or so, when he caught sight of a shadow moving in his peripheral. He picked his head up, his eyes locking on Jaeyeol. “Yah, Jaeyeol,” he called out to him, waving him over. “Want to brush up on your Japanese with me?” 
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yenafmd · 3 years
setting: some night club, mid september 2021 with: @fmdjaeyeol
with we ride promotions having come to an (unfruitful) end, yena’s free time had yet again increased significantly and having strayed away from the nightlife for the most part in an attempt to be on her best behavior for their promotional cycle, it really had been a long time since she last got her hands on some well-deserved alcohol. to make up for that, yena had made sure to hit up the clubs first think after promotions, dragging jaeyeol along in tow with her. if there was anyone she could trust that knew how to have a good time, it was them.
"more drinks? i think we could go for more drinks!” she called out to yeol over the music. the club was a high end one, the kind with a don’t ask don’t tell policy, filled with people that probably shouldn’t be there and who would keep their mouth shut for the sake of their own anonymity, exactly the kind of place two idols (one high profile, and one... well... not so high profile, who really cared about what calypso members did) would seek out. “what do you want? i’m paying! to celebrate... i don’t know! promotions ending! still not disbanding eventhough we flopped! literally any reason!”
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durifmdarchived · 4 years
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        while duri did enjoy the art gallery that jaeyeol and himself attended that morning (completely disregarding the part of the goat sculpture, something that he wanted to forgot), he was incredibly excited to go to the tedin water park. sure, maybe a man of his age shouldn’t be that excited about going to a water park; but, it’s very evident that the kid inside of duri was very, very much alive and living. which would explain why he was looking so forward to splashing around in water and doing some of the activities that the water park has. he had gotten changed, all ready to have some splish splash fun.
he comes out into the park, eyes looking around what had awaited the two of them. he giggled softly, mainly out of excitement. “jaeyeolie... what should we do first? ah, there’s so much to choose from!” he said, a giggle leaving his lips once more.
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famedbasearchive · 4 years
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Timeline: September 2020
On-Set Filming Dates: Varies by pair + September 29
Deadline: October 15, 11:59PM KST
Those involved in Secret Sibling this month may earn up to 8 points total for writing, by the end of October 15 KST:
Completions of the two interviews included in the in-character prompt. (1 point each, up to 2 points total)
One solo para of 400+ words based on filming for episodes 3 & 4. (2 points).
A threads of at least six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with their assigned Secret Sibling taking place during filming for episodes 3 & 4. (2 points).
A threads of at least six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with a muse other than their assigned Secret Sibling taking place during the joint pre-Chuseok gathering filming. (2 points)
These do not count toward monthly limits or toward normal schedule points. All posts for this task block should be tagged with #fmdsecret2.
There are not tasks available for muses outside of the main cast for this task block.
Before filming begins this month, the cast members are informed that the show has teamed up with the Korea Tourism Organization to sponsor the next two episodes of the show and each pair will be going to a city in one of the nine provinces of South Korea to spend a day on a “family trip” with an itinery completely created by the pair themselves. They are given at least a few days to research their assigned city if needed to find places they might want to visit before they are expected to make their itinerary. Assigned cities(/counties) and the dates the pairs will be visiting are as follows: 
Sep. 11: Knight’s Hyuk & Unity’s Ting - Jeonju (Jeollabuk Province)
Sep. 12: Alien’s San & Impulse’s Haechan - Suwon (Gyeonggi Province) 
Sep. 14: Lipstick’s Artemisia & Fuse’s Sooah - Danyang County (Chungcheongbuk Province)
Sep. 14: Knight’s Duri & Unity’s Jaeyeol - Cheonan (Chungcheongnam Province)
Sep. 18: Decipher’s Taejin & Knight’s Heesung - Gyeongju (Gyeongsangbuk Province)
Sep. 19: Lipstick’s Minnie & Lucid’s Suwei - Changwon (Gyeongsangnam Province)
Sep. 20: Lipstick’s Ruby & Lucid’s Hyoyeon - Seogwipo (Jeju Province)
Sep. 21: Fuse’s Minjung & Lucid’s Alice - Sokcho (Gangwon Province)
Sep. 21: Fuse’s Miyeon & WISH’s Rina - Yeosu (Jellanam Province)
(admin note: The date of filming should have been checked to work around all muses’ schedules with the consideration idols from the three companies do not attend music shows on Mondays, but if you notice any problems, please send in a message and the date will be fixed!) 
Each pair is assigned one tourist spot in or near their assigned city/county that they must visit during their day trip to fulfill the sponsorship with the Korea Tourism Organization, but the rest of the day’s activities will be completely decided and agreed on by the pair themselves during a day of filming taking place before their trip (admin note: the exact date can be decided based on muse schedules) where they will meet in a room at the company building of the younger of the pair. They will be given an hour or two to film themselves planning out and agreeing on an itinerary together. They’re free to do as they please with the obvious limitations of all activities needing to be family friendly, image appropriate, within a reasonable budget, and reasonably able to be filmed. If they’d like to take a food tour of the city, they may do so. If they want to spend all day in the city’s animal shelters except for when they must visit their required location, they’re also welcome to do that. (admin note: A list of possible hot tourist spots in each city/county is linked above to help start out research into specific locations, but muses are also welcome to visit general locations that can be found in most every city like restaurants, shopping, movie theaters, etc. if that’s what they jointly prefer!) The required tourist spots to visit for each pair are as follows:
Knight’s Hyuk & Unity’s Ting - Jaman Mural Village (Jeonju)
Knight’s Woo & Alien’s San - Samsung Innovation Museum (Suwon)
Lipstick’s Artemisia & Fuse’s Sooah - Mancheonha Skywalk & Zipline (Danyang County)
Knight’s Duri & Unity’s Jaeyeol - Arario Art Gallery Cheonan (Cheonan)
Decipher’s Taejin & Knight’s Heesung - Gyeongju World Amusement Park (Gyeongju)
Lipstick’s Minnie & Lucid’s Suwei - Chandong Art Village (Changwon)
Lipstick’s Ruby & Lucid’s Hyoyeon - Seogwipo Daily Olle Market (Jeju)
Fuse’s Minjung & Lucid’s Alice - Seoraksan National Park (Sokcho)
Fuse’s Miyeon & WISH’s Rina - Yeosu Expo Ocean Park & Hanhwa Aqua Planet (Yeosu)
Before their planning meeting, each member of the pair will be pulled aside to film a talking head interview:
What kinds of places do you want to visit in the city/county you’ve been assigned?
Are you the type of person who prefers day trips around a city, or is a night in like last filming more comfortable for you?
If you could go anywhere in the world outside of Korea with your sibling, where would you want to go?
Following the planning meeting, at least a few days later, the pairs will go on their trip as they have planned (on the dates listed above). Each pair will have a camera crew and a few producers present during their trip. Production will have already cleared filming at any location they planned and any necessary tickets or equipment for activities planned will have already been bought.
At the conclusion of their day trip filming, they’ll do separate talking head interviews before leaving:
Did you learn anything new about your sibling today? If so, what did you learn? If not, what would you like to learn about them?
What was the most memorable part of the day you spent with your sibling?
Is there anything you didn’t get to do that you might want to come back and do with your sibling off-camera some time? Was there anything you did do that you’d want to come back and visit/do again some other time?
You’ll need to buy your sibling a gift before the next time you meet at the full cast dinner. What do you think you’ll get them?
On September 29, all nine pairs will come together for a joint day of filming at a large apartment rented out by management where they will have an early pre-Chuseok gathering. Anyone who has other group mates on the show is encouraged to introduce their group mates to their sibling, and, in general, everyone is encouraged to socialize and come together for what will be used as a heartwarming ending scene to the fourth episode. At the end of the dinner, the sibling pairs will exchange gifts with each other.
Any questions can be directed to the main’s ask box!
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