#flustered husk
charli-x-18 · 6 months
I’ve seen stuff of Husk flirting with Angel in Italian. But what if it was the other way around? Like, Angel learns Russian and flirts with Husk.
Imagine Husk flirting in Russian with Angel, thinking he can’t understand him. THEN, Angel fires back with more Russian pickup lines. Husk is both surprised, confused and aroused. Blushing madly like a lovesick teenager, tail wagging in excitement.
Angel does this on a daily basis (aka everyday)
Chef’s kiss 😚
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luclipse85art · 1 month
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Husk Flustering the Hell Outta Angel Dust, pages 18-22, final update
Since it was the final update, I thought I’d have some fun with the rendering! So that’s a wrap! Thank You All SO MUCH for all the love you’ve shown this silly comic, I appreciate the hell out of it! Technically the last update was the end of the comic, but after looking up drink names and seeing THIS. ONE. there was NO way I wasn’t drawing this!
Thank you for reading!
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duckslif3-art · 7 months
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I am being held hostage.
🕷️ 💕 🐈‍⬛
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katkitkat · 7 months
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Angel may be good at flirting but he definitely isn't when this guy comes his way with shit like this
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iarrelm · 7 months
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happy valentine’s day!!
these two have such a hold on me rn I’m obsessed with them. i’m gonna try and color this later but here’s a sketch for now!! I’ve also done a bunch of other sketches so i’ll definitely post more of them soon lmao
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algodon-candi · 2 months
Will there be Huskerdust in season 2? I hope so
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anabsoluteloserbaby · 6 months
More Huskerdust fanart because I can’t stop thinking about them!!!
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wolfoftheblackflames · 6 months
I had plenty of fun doing this fic, and once again I spoil you my misfits as I give you more. As I said before I plan to release the full thing on Ao3 so enjoy the parts as I create them.
The Devil and the Innocent: Pt.3
Vaggie watched as the blonde Devil came back over growling softly. “Come…” She ordered as Vaggie nodded.
“Why should I?” The smaller woman asked glaring.
“Do you want to stay in the dungeons? I'm offering you a chance for a room at least.” The Devil replied growling
“Fine..” With that Vaggie followed the Devil.
The two walked in silence but Vaggie couldn't help but noticed how well dressed the Devil looked, in a worn out red suit with ripped slacks that showed those powerful legs ending with red hooves, a flowing white and red cloak draped along those broad shoulders, and a neatly button up white shirt that was open slightly to allow some blonde fur to peek out. “You never told me your name…” Vaggie asked cautiously since she knew this beast could easily throw her around.
“It's a name forgotten by time but… If you must know it's Charlie.” The Devil replied looking sad. “Everything besides the west wing is available. This is your room.” Charlie opened a door to a rather cozy looking guest room. “Goodnight.” 
“Hey.” Vaggie replied as Charlie looked at her. “To answer your question. I'm Vagatha, or Vaggie for short.” She looked at Charlie who blinked. “Goodnight Charlie..” She vanished into the room, closing the door.
Charlie lingered there for a moment, her eyes falling to where Vaggie once stood. She soon turned to leave trying to ignore the guilt that rose up since she was forcing the brave woman to stay. “See it's already workin’ on the giant.” Angel smirked watching the princess look a little calmer somewhat.
“I wonder if this is the one who'll save her broken heart?” Alastor replied, looking a little annoyed. He didn't like the fact his blood thirsty mistress was turning soft again. 
“Well she fuckin better be, I can't stand being this stupid ass monkey!” Cherri growled, waving one of her symbols.
“Patience Misssy, we'll be normal soon enough.” Sir Pentious added but winced when he saw his crush turn away crossing her arms.
Husk sighed but couldn't help but wonder if what Alastor said was right. “First time she's let someone actually stay. Even if it's forced..” 
Inside the rather nice lavish room, Vaggie sighed sitting on the comfy bed. She wondered if Carmilla got home alright. Though those thoughts were interrupted by a soft dull pain. A knock came as Vaggie blinked heading over since it was something to distract her. “Hello?”
“Hello darling, my name is Rosie. I've come to see if you'd like some tea, and maybe some snacks?” The beautiful teapot spoke, causing Vaggie to back up.
“What the fuck..” The Latina uttered bumping into a red and purple master dresser.
“Oy watch the merchandise!” A shrill British accent popped out of it as Vaggie blinked, falling onto the bed.
“Velvette dear, try not to spook the guest.” Rosie scolded.
Velvette huffed as Rosie poured some tea into Niffty’s cup form. “Not another woman… Can't I just go clean instead?” 
“Not right now darling. Now be a good dear and listen to your mother.”  Rosie nudged her with her spout.
“Fine..” Niffty casually hopped over not spilling the tea mixed with sugar.
Vaggie blinked but she noticed the little cup waiting for her. “I'll admit you're kinda a pretty little cup..” She picked up Niffty who blinked at her. 
“I like to squish cockroaches with my body.” Niffty added making Vaggie wince a bit.
“That's nice…” She hesitantly drank the tea but blinked as it felt nice and warm. 
“Don't mind Niffty darling. I always give her a soap bath when she does that.” Rosie added.
“Well I ain't staying in this ugly bitch’s room.” Velvette casually hopped away making Rosie look annoyed.
“We'll get you a new less chatty dresser darling. Sorry for that one.” 
Vaggie sighed. “It's been a long night. Might I just sleep?” She groaned softly as Rosie nodded. “Of course darling. Though I couldn't help but notice you're holding your eyepatch.”
Niffty had already zipped out once put down happily running down the halls. “Just something from the past…” Vaggie muttered but blinked seeing a little table scamper in with a bottle on top.
“It's a small thing, dearie, but it'll help with the pain.” Rosie bowed and hopped off.
Vaggie just blinked as she took the small bottle into her hands with some odd clear liquid with herbs inside. “Um thanks..” She replied as the table followed Rosie out, leaving Vaggie alone. She couldn't wrap her head around this strange place, talking everyday objects, ruined old portraits that litter the halls, some which had depicted a family at some point, but claws had torn them up, and that monster, the Devil. Vaggie sighed softly and took some of the potion offered. It really did help with the phantom pain, much to her surprise. “I suppose it won't be so bad here..”
It had been only a day since Vaggie came to live at the castle, she didn't mind it but a part of her missed her routines with Carmilla, or the snarking banter of Odette and Clara. She sighed softly wandering around, the many demonic looking statues along the walls and halls gave her the creeps. “The West wing..” She looked over at it. It was the one place Charlie forbade entry too despite everywhere else being free roam. She later returned to her room once she was done exploring.
Charlie walked towards the guest room and knocked. “How are you liking it here..? I noticed you left your room earlier. Are my staff tending to you well enough?” She asked, still being growly. 
Vaggie blinked, surprised hearing the Devil, no Charlie being so attentive. She didn't feel like leaving the room, after all it's still a prison if not a neatly decorated one. It's what a murderer like her deserved. “Why is she…” Vaggie muttered sitting on the bed. “I don't understand this at all..”
“Hey blondie, invite her to dinner.” Angel nudged as Charlie gulped.
It came out more forceful than she wanted it to be. “You'll join me for dinner, it isn't a request..” She growled as it left feeling so awkward. “Shit shit shit!” She growled as she's sure it must've scared Vaggie.
“How about no?” The Latina replied.
“What?!” Charlie snapped growling.
“Try uh being lesss growly?” Sir Pentious asked.
Charlie looked at the little objects but grumbled. “She's being a little difficult, understandably so… But fine.” The Devil sighed and gulped. “Would you like to come down to dinner?” She tried not to sound growly but it came through regardless.
“Try adding a please.” Sir Pentious smiled.
“Please Vaggie?” Charlie added, still sounding growly but she started to fidget.
“I already said no.” Vaggie replied looking slightly annoyed.
“You can't exactly stay in there, you know?” Charlie growled, fighting back her demonic urge to rip the door off.
“A la mierda eres un terco.” (Fuck you're a stubborn one.) Veggie hissed softly. “I can and will, after all it is my room now right?” She snarled, adding some sass.
Charlie couldn't hold back the cursed beast from roaring out. “Fine then, go ahead and starve!” The Devil growled huffing before turning towards the others. “If she doesn't eat with me, she doesn't eat at all. Understand?” 
“Yesss…” Sir Pentious looked away as Charlie stormed off.
“Oh good the demon came out again.” Alastor grinned. 
“Not now radiohead.” Angel stated glaring. 
“How about you stay here and keep an eye on our guest?” Husk stated as Angel nodded.
Charlie went into the west wing and tried to hold back her anger. “Of course it had to fucking come out. This damn curse…” She growled but then went over to a small bowl resting on the table. “Show me Vaggie, please…” She spoke looking down into the water. It shimmered with soft magic and showed Charlie what she wanted.
Vaggie leaned on the windowsil looking out at the forest below. “Baap!” A friendly little goat plush waved at Vaggie.
“Baap baap!” Another came beside her.
“Look she fucking took my mentor hostage, and now I'm stuck here. I can't even see my family again because of this deal.” She growled looking away. “I don't want anything to do with an asshole like her.”
Charlie started to tear up slightly and lightly scratched the image in the water away. “I'm sorry… I guess I'm only going to be a monster to you huh…” She fought the urge to cry. “What can I do to make things okay… There's still hope, right?” She muttered, releasing some tears. “There has to be..”
Vaggie pinched her nosebridge. “What the hell are you playing at?” She couldn't figure the Devil out. But she then blinked, searching the leather bag she had on her for the book. “No fucking way…”. It had been a short children's story to keep the little ones from venturing into Hellfire forest, but now that she was here, it started to make sense. The Devil who looked so monstrous and spoke so viciously was indeed the princess who lost her heart to the prince.
“I see you're one who likes to read.” A voice piped in as Vaggie blinked, turning to the speaker. “And seems gears are turning in your head, eh?” She heard it say she couldn't believe her eyes. It was a white and red rubber duck with a slicked back hairstyle and white top hat.
“Uh… Who the fuck are you?” She blurted as the duck looked offended.
“Why I'm the cursed King of course! Lucifer Morningstar of the Pride Kingdom, at your service.” He politely bowed.
“As in the king who vanished, leaving his only child alone?” Vaggie looked angrily at the duck.
“It wasn't by choice, I swear! My lovely wife went missing seven years prior to all this, and I was held up in the East Wing of this place. Then some old crone enchantress decided to turn me into this, and my baby char-char into a monster!” Lucifer squeaked, flapping his plastic wings.
Vaggie looked skeptical. “So everything here is under a spell?” She asked not buying it.
“Yes! Oh please miss, save my little applepie, I'm powerless in this form and that stupid witch cursed me so all I can do is quack around Charlie and the others!” He took her hand into his own little wings. “She doesn't deserve to suffer anymore…”
Vaggie gave a soft look and gently picked up the duck. “Alright fine, but I'm shit at lying and even worse at comforting people.” She started and narrowed her eye. “So how the fuck can I help the princess?”
“Well you're literally all I got. So figure that out, and hurry. I don't think we have a lot of time left.” Lucifer stated “Now attend that dinner Maggie!”
“It's Vaggie..” The Latina replied looking unamused. She plopped Lucifer down and went to change behind the dressing screen. The ducky stayed put, being polite as he waited for his comrade.
Lucifer smiled sitting with the goat dolls. “These two are Razzle and Dazzle by the way. I also heard you denied going to dinner?”
“Yes? Because she was literally being an asshole.” Vaggie replied casually from behind the screen.
“Oh please go down and talk to my little sweet baby, she's just a lonely little girl with a broken heart.” Lucifer pleaded.
“Baaap!” Razzle added his voice pleading as well.
“Baap bap!” Dazzle sounded sadden.
Vaggie looked over at the clothes that had been laid out for her. She sighed softly. “Alright, quit sounding so pitiful, I'll go down and see her…” She groaned, putting on one of the many outfits.
(Thanks for reading this part my misfit ^^ Don't be afraid to leave a comment, I love feed back and such ^^)
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allastoredeer · 3 months
that art with luci in drag basically just alastor dancing with skinny mimzy lol and why would alastor suddenly be flustered if someone who's looking girly start to flirting/dancing with him? he has it all the time by the look of it! you want him flustered? take the lead away from him and change his outfit and here you go if canon anything to go by :)
Hmm i think the appeal people get out of making Alastor flustered to see Luci in a flapper dress is that Lucifer is wearing an outfit from his time-period, which he finds appealing and attractive, especially if there's not a lot of things in Hell that remind him of home. But if Lucifer is just in drag, I mean...yeah, I kind of agree with you, Anon. (Comparing drag Lucifer to skinny Mimzy reminds me of the Anon who compared minx Lucifer to Angel Dust in the bad wig, and fljsnglkjangljbgljkbg the snort I made 🤣 But also, yeah??? kind of???)
You know? What I want to see if flapper!Al dancing with flapper!Mimzy. Now THAT sounds adorable.
But yeah, I don't see how Lucifer just being in a dress and wearing make-up would fluster Alastor. I mean, Lucifer would look good, for sure, but idk...maybe? Sort of? But also, it doesn't make a lot of sense to my brain??? But also maybe??? But also no???
I don't know, I don't see how Lucifer looking more feminine would fluster Alastor. I don't see him finding it more attractive, not in the sense the Lucifer isn't attractive, but in the sense that him being looking feminine just...isn't a turn on for him. Like, yeah, he thinks Lucifer looks good, but he doesn't find any extra attraction in it. Lucifer is just in a dress now, and he makes it work👍time to hit the dance floor!
Maybe if there's more attraction involved between them? Like, seeing Lucifer in something new and different could be flustering and appealing? But even considering that, I just...can't see it. I can't see Alastor getting flustered by it. It's not computing.
I GUESS, maybe, considering how much of a distance Alastor keeps from men in the show and how much more comfortable he seems around women, Lucifer appearing more feminine could be appealing to him. But even then, I don't see Alastor being flustered by it so much as feeling more comfortable around Lucifer because of it. I feel like he naturally relaxes and feels more safe around women and femininity, and so would let his guard down more easily. He wouldn't be so on edge or keep his distance so much.
Now THAT I find appealing, actually. The more I think about Lucifer appearing feminine as a way of putting Alastor at ease, the more my brain is opening up to feminine Lucifer. Not with him losing ALL his masculine qualities, or turning into a delicate little waif, but him making an effort to present himself in a way that he knows Alastor feels more comfortable around, while also not permanently changing himself to fit that ALL the time (because that feels like a toxic thing to do).
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luclipse85art · 15 days
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Don’t mind them, they’re just making out in the corner
Fandom shipping drama on Twitter, I said Distraction Needed and here we are!
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gctchell · 5 months
@damnedrainbows said:
sent you another lol alastor: I have claimed the cat
husk: you're gonna regret that. we're gonna be like this before the event's over;
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cxdemistake · 7 months
And Husk might have some chocolate vodka for... well OK it's for everyone technically, but he has another bottle that's just for Angel.
Angel’s eyes widen as he sees the bottle, and he picks it up carefully with two of his hands, before looking back at Husk. A gentle, pleased smile crosses his face, and before he can lose his nerve, he leans over and pecks Husk on the cheek.
“Thanks, Husk… I… I mean it.”
He’d had a snarky comment ready like “be careful or people might start to think you like me!” but he can’t bring himself to say it. For one he’s too flustered, and for another he’s too happy that Husk thought about him.
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hellisharchive · 6 months
Hiii!!! I was wondering if you can do headcanons of what kinky/perv stuff that hazbin men (alastor, Lucifer, husk, Adam, val, etc) often do?
Plus I love your Adam fics!/headcanons
Have good day :3
・﹒・ perversions of the soul
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Warnings: 18+, sexual scenarios, sexual comments
Pairings: [Separate] Lucifer, Adam, Val, Vox, and Saint Peter [Yall know I couldn't NOT include him, right?]
Notes: Hi, thank you for requesting! Because I don't write for Husk or Alastor won't include them, but I'll include the others! It's purely because I don't know how to write them in this way! I hope that's ok! :D
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・He is a thighs man, he will stare at your thighs for hours if you let him. You've caught him so many times looking at your thighs and every time you lightly slap him on the shoulder because you know all he's thinking about is shoving his face in between them.
・He loves to whisper dirty nothings into your ear to make you flustered in public, he lives for your reactions and red face as you try to remain calm. Just seeing your reactions and you slowly growing horny is enough to make him hard alone.
・While that man can fuck good- he revels in giving oral sex to you whenever he can. He loves eating you out and sucking on you until you're cumming over and over again. He thinks you taste absolutely delicious and can't get enough of you. He's cum-drunk in all sense of the word.
・This man isn't as kinky as you would originally think- but still explores sexually occasionally. However, if you got boobs, he will never get enough of them, and will motorboat them even if Lute is around. If you got a dick, best be ready for random crotch feel-ups at any given moment. If you don't have either/or- he will grab and pinch your ass and even smack it until its red.
・He is big into you moaning, really big into it. It gets him off so easily, one little moan and he's at full mast. His main goal in bed is making you moan as loud as possible and when you do- well, expect to be getting a creampie.
・Loves fangirls/fanguys and if you love him in his band before even personally knowing him, one stop to being given a...private show. He lives to see you get excited for his band and looking down at you from his stage, gives him the biggest serotonin rush (and another kind of rush) that slowly builds up over the course of the night as he gets sweaty and out of breath.
・Let's be real- what kinks doesn't this man have? There's many to chose from, but if I had to pick one- you being weak and powerless under him is one of his favorites. Watching you be completely at his disposal for any reason is a big yes to him.
・Degredation is another one, oh boy, he loves making you feel like shit at any chance possible. He will tell you that you're a whore, a dirty slut, only good for being fucked by him and him alone.
・He is possesive to the upmost degree and always makes sure to leave his marks all over you so others know that you are his. He always makes sure to parade you around the tower with you by his side so everyone knows not to fuck with you- messing with you or trying to fuck you.
・Semi-public sex is his go-to when he needs a quickie, he loves fucking you in spaces where anyone can walk in and see you two going at it. He doesn't care who sees his body, he thinks it's hot as fuck and makes him even harder inside you if he hears someone walking by.
・Biggest perv imaginable. Will watch you fuck yourself silly with toys even if he's just a room away. He never stops watching you, and I mean never. He always has to keep a close eye on you to make sure you don't fuck anyone else like Val or some ramdon schmuck off the street.
・Just like Val- he is extremely possessive of what's his and makes it known. He doesn't display it publicly with you around as to not scare you off, but he makes sure every single person in the tower knows not to even touch you.
・He loves getting his dick sucked above everything else, he loves the feeling of your pretty little lips wrapped around his cock swallowing all his cum down your throat. He loves to see you cry as you try to fit it all down, enjoys wiping them away and telling you that you're doing a good job.
﹒Saint Peter﹒
・That man is as innocent as can be what kinks could be possibly have? Well, he has a dirty little secret- one day he discovered that he got hard seeing you with ice cream all over your mouth and imagined it was cum. Naughty I know! Ever since he has not been able to let that thought go and guiltily imagines you sucking on his...
・He always offers you ice cream just to watch you smother it all over your mouth as you eat it and he always acts nervous around you because he oh so badly wants to make his dirty fantasies real. But he can't just avoid you! You always ask why he likes ice cream so much and he simply says that it just tastes good.
・He also would never admit that just you showing attention to him can get him riled up since almost every person that had crossed the gate never payed much attention to him. So when you showed interest in getting to know him and eventually dating him- he was down bad and it makes him act up a little.
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6esiree · 4 months
“Oh, so your fingers worked when they were inside of me last night, but today they can’t text me back?”
I saw this on Instagram and tried to imagine how my five fav Hazbin men would react if you texted them this. I whipped this up pretty quickly so sorry if it’s crap, LOL <3
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Alastor only has a phone so you can contact him whenever you need to, and he usually answers right away, the only exception being when he’s busy. But the one time he accidentally leaves you on read because he’s out with Rosie, getting sidetracked by an interesting revelation, you decide to hit him up with this and, oh, he’s visibly horrified, flustered even, when he finally reads it.
“Is something the matter, Alastor?” Rosie asks, putting her teacup down as she notices the look on his face. “Oh my! Are you…blushing?”
“Excuse me for just a second,” Alastor says as he stiffly stands up, pushing his seat in and turning away, furiously typing at his phone.
“I am with Rosie. We will talk about this when I get home, understood?”
“Ok, I’ll be waiting for u <3.”
“Kiss your legs goodbye, ma chérie, because you will be unable to walk for a while.”
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Whenever you go out, you like to text Lucifer to see how he’s doing. This man answers FAST as fuck, that is why the one time he doesn’t you hit him up with this, trying to get his attention. When he finally checks his phone his heart instantly drops—I mean, what is he supposed to feel? He’s a blushing mess as he recalls what you did last night, but he’s also panicking, so he decides to call you.
“Hey, honey! I’m so, so sorry, I was in the middle of something. My fingers work just fine, by the way, I can show you if you come back home—“
“Christ, Luci! I was just trying to get you to answer.”
“Pretty please?”
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Husk takes his sweet ass time responding to your texts, so the best way to reach him is to call him. However, it’s just one of those rare occasions where you can’t do that, hitting him up with this to try to get his attention. Husk has company at the bar, that’s why when he finally sees your text he immediately turns his back to everybody, cursing under his breath as he tries to adjust himself through his pants.
“Oh, babydoll. Just wait until you get home,” Husk texts you back, pissed off but also slightly amused, especially when you answer him.
“Haha, ok…whatever u say old man :P.”
“You’re lucky Angel can't mind his own fucking business, otherwise I’d have something to say about that.”
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Unless he’s busy with something or he’s pissed off with you, Vox will answer your texts right away. The one time he forgets to tell you he has a meeting, you hit him up with this after trying to reach him for a while. Vox steals a glance at his phone, his screen slightly glitching when he’s asked to put in his two cents about something because he’s flustered. As soon as the meeting is over with, though, he teleports to your room, utterly embarrassed.
“I was in a MEETING! What in the Hell were you thinking?”
“Hey, I didn’t know that, I swear!”
“Yeah, yeah, now come over here, sweetheart. Let me demonstrate how well my fingers work on you.”
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Adam is 50/50 when it comes to answering your texts. Sometimes he’ll answer quickly, and sometimes he won’t, which can be frustrating. When you hit him up with this, it’s one of those times that he’s taking hours to see your texts, even leaving you on read when he finally opens them because his memory is shit. Adam is out with Lute, his eyes bugging out of his head when he decides to check his phone. I mean, hey, what’s up with that?
“Sir? Where are you going?” Lute asks him, watching him spread his wings, but Adam doesn’t answer, leaving before she can notice his boner.
“Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you? You gave me a boner in public, you stupid—!”
“Well, start answering your texts then, Adam! And don't you dare finish that sentence, or no sex for a week.”
“I'm so sorry, baby. I love you so much and I will answer your texts right away from now on.”
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deadghosy · 7 months
I read the one from catnap, now I need dogday
Prompt: you are a resident in the hotel who helps with trust exercises and help around with Charlie.
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Let’s just say, you are a ball of sunshine everyone needs at times.
“Hi! Welcome to the hazbin hotel, I’m your assistant Dogday.” You say as your tail wags with you being slight jumpy and happy to greet the resident
I can see you walking around at day time rather than night as you are straight going to bed at night unlike catnap!reader
Your tail wags like a gah damn helicopter ready to fly! You always stand with a nice suit with Charlie.
I can see you wearing a suit with Charlie as Charlie thought about giving you one to fit you.
You would make friend ship bracelets with the residents, such as the crew as angel smiles at how you made a special one for him. You could tell Angel dust needed love as you made sure you showed him love of friendship!
I can see you just being hugged everyday for being a good boy. Literally reader is just sitting there sweeping the floor, and out of no where husk grumbles hugging you and walks away as you blink confused.
You definitely thought he was drunk until you didn’t smell alcohol on him with your canine nose.
“Dogdayyyy!” Yells Charlie as she was trying to put up a banner that says “tell us about your day!” Immediately you came running with your tounge out excited on all fours as you stopped In front of her looking serious with a salute to your head
Charlie had to turn away from your face as she blushes flustered at your adorable eagerness to help. She’s actually happy to have an angel help her hotel actually.
“I don’t need a hug my dear fellow…” alastor says backing away with an irritated face still holding his smile. Your eyes glimmer with a sinister look as you immediately jumped at him grabbing him into your soft paws. “Gotcha!”
You are quite opposite from the other headcannon with catnap!reader as you have a sun ☀️pendent on your collar. It matches you, hell even Alastor said it as it taps it out of curiosity.
I headcannon your fur and basically dog day’s fur to smell like human..like literally nostalgia with a hint of vanilla to help with the relaxing feeling for the others.
Since you are basically the sun around the hotel, making everyone happy and comfortable. Ima just say, you definitely have a heater in your plushy body so if it’s winter time. You can keep everyone and even your friends warm!
You rumble in your throat like some kind of purr as you just lay down by the couch of the lounge room in the hotel as residents either pet you or lay beside you.
You do head tilts confused when someone is explaining something you never had heard of before. So you just try to learn from the person so it can be a conversation.
I headcannon dogday!reader to have slight or do have adhd as dogday!reader sways while trying to stay still or mess with their paws when bored. Like reader shakes her legs when sitting as they hum a tune to pass time
You have some fluffy ass orange fur as the fur on your head also looks like hair. So basically like angel dust and how his hair looks. But in your style of course!
And lastly, I can see reader literally chasing their tail like a dog and then stopping as they stand up to their full height. Embarrassingly coughing into their hand as they try to seem professional.
I headcannon Charlie to give you half the tasks as she can see you are working a “little bit” too hard. She only wants you to not overwork yourself. She sees you as a leader as well, but doesn’t want to put pressure on you.
When Lucifer met you, immediately he was petting you with a soft expression. Hell, he even made you a duck a few days later that had dog ears and a sun pendent on it. You smile and made a duck wallet for Lucifer.
Basically you and Lucifer had a gift and receiving friendship as Charlie was happy you and her father was getting along.
But when Lucifer started to live here…oh booyy!
I imagine you accidentally running around the hotel and literally Lucifer is trying to do a Lego duck set. And it crumbles due to you being 8ft….lucifer was pouting and glaring at you at the next hotel meeting. You just sweatdropped at his glare.
I image people thinking you and husk won’t get along as husk is a cat demon and you being a 8ft tall dog creature like plush…but really husk purrs around you as you stand there smiling like a derp. LIKE YOU WOULD BE AT HIS BAR AND HUSK HAS HIS EYES DILATED AT YOU!
I headcannon you call the crew by different names based off summer things….more like sunny thing.
For Charlie=sunshine, vaggie= my sun, Alastor=sunny, Lucifer= sunset, nifty=crazy shine, Pentious= my lovely sun, and finally husk= sunbeam
Now for Angel, you call him Angel…but the way you say it makes Angel smile as it felt like you actually made a nickname for him instead of his name. (Might sound dumb but it’s very cute imo🦆)
I headcannon Angel will grab a ball and toss it yelling “FETCH!” As you perked up immediately with your tongue out as you chase the ball. It was so cartoony as Lucifer, Charlie, and Angel record you being such a good boy. Angel snickers as he sends this through hellgram. (Instagram)
I imagine you and Lucifer hyper fixating on things as you rant about [favorite thing] as Lucifer smiles at how comfortable you are to share these things with him. Lucifer is glad to have a friend like you as you share your emotions out loud like him.
Niffty definitely grooms you as you watch a cartoon on the show. You like to exclaim your favorite part as nifty rewinds it as she grooms your orange fur to perfection.
Headcannon on how your fur smells like a fresh summer day with a hint of vanilla and nostalgia as the crew sleeps on your body while you snore softly. Like literally it’s a cute moment as you wrap your arms around your friend like family. It’s a nice catch to be honest.
I can Imagine a resident was messing with you as you had your head down sad with your tail tucked between your legs. And Alastor popped up beside you with a strained smile as he threatened the resident to leave the hotel or he will broadcast them for his next radio show.
Alastor brought you in his next broadcast as he talked about any subject as you just wag your tail happy to be by the radio demon
I can see the hazbin hotel crew being like “I only talked to that dog for a second, and I’ll kill myself before anyone hurts him.” As you just stand in the background chasing a demon butterfly.
I headcannon the crew being overprotective on your innocence because of how innocent and naive you are based on cuss words. Like angel dust made a comment on how you never cursed before and all you said was, “what’s a cuss word?” ALL HELL BROKE LOSE AS EVERYONE DEATH GLARED ANGEL DUST-
So now if someone curses they just cover your ears as you nibble on a sandwich husk slide over to you.
I imagine sir Pentious literally snuggling against your fur with a doe eyes expression as his egg boiz comment how soft and good you smell as you wag your tail and hug them all. Your love language is definitely all and above, but the most one is touch.
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wolfoftheblackflames · 6 months
Are you misfits ready for more?! Here you go, though one warning: Overload of Fluffy cuteness ahead.
The Devil and The Innocent: Pt.5
“Tch that's what I get for trusting a monster…” Vaggie growled softly, wincing since a claw had grazed her hand. “Ugh this red fog is really starting to piss me off.”
Her heart was racing, from both the adrenaline and fear. She forgot how powerful the Devil could be. Vaggie grunted shivering slightly in the sudden cold climate. “Should've snatched a jacket or something…”
“Ah fuck..” The Latina stared as shadows moved in the woods. Some even coming out as drooling monsters with razor sharp teeth. She growled softly and pulled out a hidden set of knives, Vaggie wasn't about to be some fucks dinner without a fight.
Though, when one of them jumped, it was slammed into the ground by a powerful smack. “Don't you touch her!” Vaggie couldn't believe who stood in front of her right now. It was the Devil.
“Huh?!” She blinked at being handed back her spear. “Um thanks..”
Charlie nodded as the two stood back to back glaring at the monsters of the red mist. Vaggie smirked a bit seeing the Devil easily biting a monster's neck and chucking the thing sky high. “Look out!” Charlie growled and stopped another only for Vaggie to come in and stab it in the chest.
“Not bad, good to see you putting that strength to good use!” She looked back at Charlie with a soft smirk.
The Devil blinked as her tail wagged slightly. “Above you!” She grabbed Vaggie and dashed forward skidding to a halt.
The figure stared at her with a creepy grin, its long drooling tongue licking the blood off its fingers. “What the fuck?”
Charlie snarled and took a deep breath. Flames erupted from her maw with glowing red lines appearing on her forearms as she blasted the hoarde. This, however, took a lot outta the Devil. “I'm sorry… I'm sorry I yelled at you..” She huffed softly, her fur feeling so warm against Vaggie's skin.
“Let's just go back for now. It's freezing…” Vaggie replied as the Devil nodded, carrying her back.
Once back home, the others lit up the fireplace as Charlie panted softly, slumping into a chair. “Damn you look like shit.” Husk stated, seeing the wound on her shoulder.
Charlie growled softly and started to lick the wound. “Hey don't do that.” Vaggie stated lightly touching her arm. “Come on let me have a look.”
The Devil snarled softly feeling a cloth dab the wounds. She bit back the urge to snap. “Thanks…”
Vaggie lightly stroked the Devil's wolfish neck with her free hand. “You're actually not so bad huh?” She smiled a little, wrapping the wound. “Why did you come out?”
“I-I felt horrible for what I did. And you're like the first friend I've had in a long time.. “ Charlie looked away, her tail slightly wagging from the gentle scratches to her neck.
“Friend huh, I suppose I can do that. Thanks for coming for me and saving my life… Charlie.” Vaggie gave her a small yet awkward hug.
“Y-you're welcome…” The Devil soften lightly patting her back with her large paw. Though her nose cause a scent of blood. “Are you hurt anywhere?”
“Just my hand but it'll be alright.” Vaggie waved it off nonchalantly.
“No, it's my fault isn't it?!” Charlie took that wounded hand into her own giant ones. “Damn it, I was trying so hard not to scratch you.” She innocently started to lick the wound like a puppy.
“Hey, it's not that bad, honestly!” Vaggie started to blush a bit at the attention. She lightly fought off the Devil, but was playful about it as Charlie whined cutely.
The two started to bond over the next couple of days, the crew pulled Charlie away playfully. “Come now darling!” Rosie grinned as the Devil blinked.
What greeted the giant was a warm soapy bath with the girls happily scrubbing her fur. “That's right, get this filth all nice and clean!” Niffty giggled ordering sponges to work their magic.
“Ha, you're gonna knock the socks off the little lady!’ Angel cooed with a grin.
“Wait what?” Charlie blinked, being a wet mess. She grumbled doing the whole shake once the soap was scrubbed out and she was free from the tub. “Hey wait!” She whined feeling a towel wipe her fur town making it puff out.
“Time for an outfit that'll make ya an irresistible fucker.” Cherri grinned, handing Charlie an outfit to change into.
“That's me..?” The Devil blinked seeing herself in a living mirror. It nodded at her as Charlie looked over herself. Her fur was neatly brushed back, with a small double ponytail in the back. She smiled a bit seeing the outfit, it was a rather nice white dress shirt that had frills on the front with black slacks. A coat hanger draped a beautiful elegant red and white cloak over her shoulders making her look more regal.
“Damn princess. You clean up nicely.” Husk gave a thumbs up.
“Heh I wasn't the royal tailor for nothin.” Angel looked proud of his work.
Sir Pentious wiggled happily, his rattle like tail shaking. “Ssssimply marvelousss my dear!”
Charlie couldn't help but blush a bit. “Is my gift ready?” She asked looking over to Razzle and Dazzle. The two nodded with a grin. “OK here we go..” She lightly pulled at the cute black bow tie.
Breakfast was weird but it made Vaggie laugh when Charlie tried to polish the bowl clean using her muzzle with the latter getting oatmeal on her face. Once cleaned up the two went outside to enjoy the weather now that Vaggie was in something more suited for it.
Charlie smiled softly seeing the gorgeous long sleeve red blouse, and long black skirt she sported alongside a grey shawl. She looked at her fondly as the Latina smiled holding a squirrel with a bird on her shoulder. Something warm flooded Charlie's heart as she couldn't help but feel happy around Vaggie. “Wanna try hon?” Vaggie smiled back and offered the Devil some bird seed. (Cue something that wasn't there before)
Delighted Charlie tried to befriend the birds but failed causing a soft pout. Only when Vaggie scattered some seeds from her big paws did the birds come flocking. “Hey!” She laughed having twelve birds perched on her giant frame causing Vaggie to snort.
“You look so ridiculous!” She continued to laugh as Charlie blinked with a soft smile coming to her lips. She could easily listen to that laugh forever.
Soon the two went inside as Charlie took Vaggie's hand. “Ok before we go any further, could you close your eye for me?” She spoke softly with a gentle gaze.
“Oh, why?” Vaggie tilted her head curiously.
“Please trust me, it's a surprise. You can open it when I give the word.” Charlie flashed her the cutest grin.
Vaggie smiled softly and chuckled. “Fine, I'll play along.” She closed her eyes and proceeded to be lead by Charlie. She could hear those hooves clopping against the stone floor until it hit something soft. “Hmm?”
“Wait right here, okay?” Charlie grinned and moved away. She went to pull open curtains with a gleefully spring to her steps. “Now open your pretty jade eye.”
Vaggie opened her eye and blinked looking around. Gold, white, and red decorated the place, but alongside with was a beautiful lavender and greyish-white furniture. “Whoa…”
The room was a beautiful gallery, plus library. Decorative weapons hung on the walls, a pair of desks sat perched in the middle with their chairs neatly tucked in, the carpet under it all was soft and velvety as were the curtains. “Do you like it?” Charlie asked nervously tapping her hoof.
“Wait this is… For me?” Vaggie looked stunned as Charlie nodded, grinning. She felt those giant paws come back to hold her own. “I don't know what to say…”
“I wanted you to have a place all your own here in the castle.” Charlie gently nuzzled her, she soon sat Vaggie down on a bench and grinned. “One more thing for you though.” Vaggie blinked watching Charlie howl. A piano scurried in and perched itself near the two. “I hope you like piano music.”
Vaggie blinked watching the Devil perch herself on a chair in front of the piano. She looked so graceful and elegant it caused a soft blush to form on the Latina’s face.
Music flooded the room, it's tune gentle yet filled with hope. “These halls felt so cold and lonely, never once the sun would shine.” Charlie started to sing, her voice echoing. “It's curtains closed, hidden to the world, all were blind.” Vaggie just watched her in awe. “I'm sorry our meeting wasn't exactly the best, my cursed form scaring the rest. But now look at us, we're smiling happy and free. It's all because I have you with me..”
The staff watched the two, Sir Pentious having the biggest watery eyes. “Our princesss iss back.” He sobbed quietly.
“You are what brighten these old stone halls, the sun started to shine brighter than before, it's filled with hope once more!” Charlie belted with a grin howling the next part as she played. The mix of the melodic piano plus that gorgeous howl, it made Vaggie’s heart start to race.
“Now the nights are no longer cold and lonely, the moon started to shine once again, I am myself once more, and the one I… Have… to.. thank is you…. My friend…” She finished with a soft sigh.
“Oh somethin’ is definitely there.” Angel grinned. “I've never heard the bitch so happy before.”
“Ewwww sappy shit. I hate this.” Niffty whined scurrying off to clean.
Rosie was grinning widely. “Our work here is done. Come darling, there's chores to do.”
Cherri shrugged but smirked a bit leaving with the others.
Alastor however, looked annoyed again, his antenna lowering. “My bloodthirsty demon is now a soft puppy. All my work for nothing…” He muttered bitterly before leaving.
(I couldn't resist writing an original song. I'm a damn poet and a sucker for cuteness! Thanks for reading!)
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